#ask salt and sugar
axeyrex · 10 days
What’s the mad dogs thoughts on the egg ?
The guys mostly kind of ignored it, it's just an egg after all. But, Mikey tried to draw a smiley face on it and almost got bit like Axel (Raph scolded Rex for a solid twenty minutes), Leo happily watched the chaos from a bean bag chair.
But Donnie..?
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Yeah, Rex is a sensitive little guy and he was already bit upset that Raph fussed at him. So, having his hopes up and then Donnie accidentally squashed them? Donnie backpedaled so fuckin' fast and even put the egg into an actual incubator and not just a light blanket to cheer Rex up.
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paper-lilypie · 5 months
Your Ball Pit is is one of my new favorite things. I especially love your Mike. He's so dad shaped even in his teens.
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pov your teenager dad from the 80s loves giving you shit
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art-of-the-sea · 7 months
Hello!! what are the other ancients dynamics with their respective beasts like? Are they also learning to get along or is that unique to SM and PV?
Hi, thank you so much for the ask!! Since we don't know much at all about the other Beasts, it's hard to determine what their relationships with the other Ancients would be like. However, there're some light predictions that can be made!
- Hollyberry cookie, holder of the Light of Passion, is likely trying to befriend Eternal Sugar cookie, but Eternal Sugar goads her into giving in to her indulgences such as berry juice, hoping to get Holly to turn to Sloth as well. After all, they both represent Happiness. Hollyberry honestly believes she can turn the other back, however, an admirable belief that Pure Vanilla picked up on when deciding how to treat Shadow Milk cookie.
- Mystic Flour cookie and Dark Cacao both respresent Volition- however, due to Mystic Flour's apathetic disposition, the two clash very often, and they're very against any change or compromise. Dark Cacao sees Mystic Flour's apathy as an inherent betrayal of the kingdom's subjects and refuses to listen.
- Burning Spice cookie and Golden Cheese would likely see eye to eye at first, both being super driven and representative of Change. However, Golden Cheese is driven to Abundance, desiring only the best for themselves and others, but Burning Spice only wants to destroy and raze. They would likely get into arguments often, only working together in desperation.
- White Lily has the most complicated and unpleasant lot of the bunch, unfortunately. She not only has to contain Silent Salt cookie, but she has also been reunited with her other Self steeped in destruction, Dark Enchantress cookie. Due to her multiple bad experiences with corrupted reflections of herself, she's the most resistant to any sort of idea of redemption for the Beasts than the other Ancients. Thankfully, she's also the least likely to be corrupted- Dark Enchantress is incapable of using the Light of Freedom, and Silent Salt has taken to, well... Silently brooding and ominously watching over things, for the most part. While all three fall under the overarching virtue of Change, she's the most resistant to a different mindset. White Lily is rather fearful of any corruption happening again, which is why she's also rather scared & resistant to Pure Vanilla's comparatively casual relationship with Shadow Milk cookie. Even seeing him simply humoring him terrifies her; she cares deeply about him and doesn't want him to be harmed by the other's lies, an understandable position considering everything.
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dollypopup · 1 year
listen, i need Colin and Portia to be lifelong enemies in the funniest way possible. Penelope thinks the feud started when he informed Portia very clearly that whether she understands it or not, he's marrying her daughter, die mad at about it (and how she's wrong about Penelope and how wonderful he finds her) but Portia's *been* had beef with this boy since he ruined her 'get Marina married off' plans in season 1. Colin and Portia see one another in a hallway and it's on SIGHT
"Colin, how good to see you finally looking presentable for once." "Portia, what a lovely headpiece, it hides your horns so well."
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ciaransworkshop · 6 months
(Ask for the 5 beasts)
Do you get jealous of birds for still having wings?
- feral possum anon
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I do... I still miss my other sets of wings. And my halo...
Yeah!! Its not fair how THEY get their pairs wings but WE can't!? I can't fly due to the witches ruining my flight abilities!! Also the fact that they still have their kin..
Hm... No. I don't care for any animal nor cookie except myself and my dear friends.
Psh! Yeah! I only have one wing left!! Who wouldn't be jealous?! It simply isn't fair!!
*Silent Salt left the conversation.*
☆ Yes , They do. They also hate how they aren't able to fly yet they can't due to most or all of their wings being removed or grave injuries on their wings.. its only eternal sugar that can fly. ☆ ((also if you cannot see, mystic flour has head wings.))
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canisalbus · 10 months
why must Finns always tell people to try salmiakki? you guys sadistic or something?? visited over there some years ago and was given that stuff without explanation or warning and was told "just try it". and then the person laughed at my pain 😭 (and now I sometimes sadistically tell people to try it eheheh)
lmao love your blog tho, your art is very shaped and your dog men are very anguished and it speaks to me as a gay man from a very religious area (not religious myself, tho). also love reading your responses to asks, interesting stuff in there. anyway keep doing what you do! unless it's feeding salmiakki to unsuspecting foreigners, pls don't do that lmaooo
I guess it's just very funny to watch how people react to it! Salmiakki is extremely popular here and comes in many forms (my current toothpaste is salmiakki flavored, so are my d-vitamin supplements), yet it's absolutely inedible to many people who aren't used to it. They aren't offering it to people out of malice and I think in most cases you get a little warning beforehand, that it's a weird local food that might taste strong and unpleasant. I've known people who have moved here and gradually developed a liking for it. It goes well with milk chocolate and that mix might be a more palatable option if plain salmiakki doesn't appeal to you.
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theerurishipper · 11 months
Of course this is said from someone who has never seen the show. God forbid folks favorite character, is THE SECOND MAIN CHARACTER AND IN THE TITLE OF THE SHOW.
God forbid abuse survivors find Adrichat’s story relatable and react negatively to people who salt on him for, checks notes, being a rich white boy? Because being rich and white protects you from abuse lol okay
Someone go tell Kesha that the horrific abuse she endured for years doesn’t count because she’s rich and white.
Someone go tell Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes that they deserve their conservatorships because they’re too volitile and emotional and need someone else to control their entire lives. Also they’re rich and white so they should be thankful for their privilege.
Also as a fandom veteran, I’m also baffled that this anon says they’ve never seen fandom go this feral over a white boy so I guess the whole Superwholock thing doesn’t exist in this person’s universe. I’m getting war flashbacks…
I really hope this doesn't come off as rude, but I just have a small request for any anons in the future: if y'all want me to comment on someone else's post, please send it in a separate ask. I just don't want to post someone else's post and start an argument or something.
That being said, I do agree. My detailed thoughts under the cut.
"Adrien stans are white people who get unhinged over a white boy," say the Marinette stans and Marinette stan observers, not realizing that they espouse disgusting abuse apologism on a daily basis and victim blame a character who is a victim of abuse for being traumatized all because he made a few decisions that weren't about Marinette and her well-being alone.
This is ridiculous on so many levels. First the assumption that all Adrien stans are white people. Second, the assumption that we must be Adrien stans because he's a white boy and we don't care about POC characters as much as we do the white ones. Which is actually quite insulting to me.
Maybe these people should actually read what Adrien stans have to say. Maybe they should actually understand why we love Adrien so much. Maybe they should understand why we get so heated over him.
Know what? I'll tell you why. It's because Adrien is despite the writers' best efforts to undermine him an interesting and likeable character. He is a canonical abuse victim, and he struggles with his self-worth and his identity, which is a relatable story to many people. He's an entertaining and interesting character. He's the deuteragonist of the damn show. People are bound to love him. There's more to him than being a white boy and it's very insulting to imply that people obsess over him because he's white or because his fans are white.
And about how Adrien stans get "unhinged" about Adrien and not about other characters... we're literally Adrien stans. Which means Adrien is our favorite character. Naturally, we're going to talk more about him. This is basic common sense. I don't understand the problem here with liking Adrien more than other characters. Are we not allowed to have faves anymore?
And you know why Adrien stans get "unhinged" over him? Because the show treats him badly! Why shouldn't we get mad that a character whom we love is being treated poorly by the writers? Why can't we get heated about that? Marinette stans get heated about their fave being victimized by the narrative all the time, so why is it a crime if Adrien stans get upset if Adrien gets the same treatment? Adrien's story in the show ended with him being reduced to an object and a prop for his girlfriend so that she could side with his abuser and start controlling him instead. Why can't we get angry at that?
Marinette stans will talk about how both Adrien and Marinette are written badly but only Marinette gets criticized and how that's racist and shit, and will ignore the fact that our criticism has nothing to do with race and everything to do with Marinette siding with Gabriel to lie to an abuse victim, and how the show frames this as correct. We criticize Marinette because she's making an awful mistake and doing bad things! This is like, the worst strawman I have ever seen. At some point, it really feels like they are being willfully ignorant.
And about how Adrien stans treat other characters, riddle me this. Who has a proper tag dedicated to bashing them on AO3? Who was the character who was salted on so much when Syren aired? Who was the character being raked over the coals when Chameleon aired? Who was the character who was salted on in Season 4 for breaking a damn fucking chimney? Who was the character whose struggles in Season 4 were overlooked by Marinette stans who criticized him for "being entitled to Ladybug?" Who was the character who was relentlessly salted on whenever he did anything that didn't completely attend to Marinette's needs? Who is the character who was labelled a "sexual harasser?" Who is the character on whom these "fans" rain down their victim blaming and abuse apologia? Who is the character who has the longest history of being salted and bashed by the Marinette stans?
And I will laugh at the audacity of Marinette stans to argue in favor of POC characters and blame Adrien stans for "obsessing over a white boy while not giving the same treatment to characters of color" while their legacy includes salting Alya for not being Marinette's perfect emotional support BFF. Who has their own salt tag apart from Adrien on AO3? Alya does. It's laughable to me that Marinette stans harp on about how Adrien stans prefer the white boy over the POC characters when they spent the better part of the last few years bashing Alya and even devolved into outright racism against her. To say nothing of how they treated Kagami after Frozer dropped.
And these people accuse Adrien stans of showing preferential treatment to white characters? Marinette stans have no leg to stand on when it comes to calling out other people's treatment of POC characters. And I'm not saying that the anon or OP of the post are racist or that they personally contributed to this. But if they are going to make sweeping statements about Adrien stans accusing all of us of going unhinged over a white boy and treating POC characters unfairly, they should maybe take a look inwards at their own community.
Marinette stans have spent years bashing every other character for the smallest perceived slight. Marinette stans created a whole new genre of Miraculous fanfiction dedicated to propping up Marinette like their personal goddess and punishing other characters for not being her devoted slaves. Marinette stans have contributed greatly to the racism in this fandom. Look at all this and tell me: who really seems unhinged here?
So yeah. Ice cold take imo. Also, obligatory disclaimer: Not all Marinette stans are like this! Most of them are nice and sweet, but there are also plenty of bad apples who have been responsible for a lot of toxicity in this fandom.
Thank you for your ask!
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chattieb · 11 days
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My ROTTMNT OC's! These two live with the turtles, each for their own reason, and I wanted to do an ask for these goobers since I thought I'd be fun.
No NSFW stuff, Axel is fourteen and Rex is thirteen, they are children (However you can ask things like their sexualities)
Nothing weird or T-cest related
You CAN ask backstory stuff as I wanted to do these asks to explore their characters!
You can also ask the boys (aka the main for turtles) questions about the goobers.
Things To Know
Axel was raised by Big Mama
Rex was made by Draxum
Axel is super attached to Raph and looks up to him like a big brother
Rex on the other hand clings to Donnie like a koala
Axel can speak, but speaking strains Rex's vocal cords so he normally communicates in chirps or other noises. Because of this Axel or others translate for him :D
Axel is missing half of his gills (Not shown in the pic above) and uses a water tank to breathe on land
Rex is more animalistic than the other turtles with more animal features, for example, he has webbed hands and feet!
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artzychic27 · 1 year
In one of your Marinette salt posts, you mentioned that Ladybug criticised Nath and Marc’s comic for not making her perfect and her sycophants attacked their houses? And in the favouritism AU, the comic is strongly pro-Chat? I was wondering -
1) what is the comic actually like in that AU? The storyline, characters etc.
2) How much worse would favouritism!Ladybug’s reaction be to Chat being the centre of their admiration instead of her?
1. Rather than paint Chat Noir in a bad light like Ladybug is doing, it highlights all of the best moments people don’t see- Like comforting children after Akumas, patrolling the neighborhoods that get robbed during Akuma attacks, and at one point, almost cataclysming an abusive dad. (Anyone remember that Superman comic?) It gives some insight into Chat Noir’s thoughts- nothing personal- just how he feels like he’s second rate to Ladybug and is always in her shadow when they’re meant to be equals. There are mostly original characters, original Akumas, and Chat Noir finds a small group of his supporters who actually see the good he’s doing. He visits them during nightly patrols, and they point out Ladybug’s toxic behavior while assuring him that he is a good hero. They eventually become his found family, because in the comic, Chat Noir’s dad is a dick… So, not too far off from canon
2. Oh, she’d be a nightmare. She thrives off of admiration, and without it, she’s just gonna be a pain in the butt. Letting Chat Noir handle akumas out of spite and then showing up at the last second to do her Miracle Cure and act like the hero. She’s not even doing herself any favors by berating dealumatized people for “losing control of their emotions.” She intentionally puts Chat Noir in harms way and then blames him for being so reckless
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axeyrex · 11 days
Heya!! It’s nice to meet you both, could I offer you an egg in this trying time ? 🥚
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Rex adopted the egg and is currently trying to hatch it. Also Axel got to close to the egg, Rex did not like that... And bit 'em.
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What was everyone’s life like before you tried destroying the world? We know SM cookie being some scholar but what about everyone else?
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So, Meringue cookie, what was your reaction to finding out that the ancients weren't the first to have the soul jam and tell me how was meeting shadow milk cookie what do you think of him?
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Everyone says I'm lucky, because since I'm the first and only user of my Soul Jam, there's no Beast Cookie predecessor to manipulate me, but that just makes me worry...is it because I'm destined to be that same villain? Am I really to become the "White Beast" the St. Pastry Order prophesized all that time ago? As for the leader of them all, I wish I had all the words to describe what Shadow Milk Cookie was like, but there was just so much going on about that guy, too much to explain right away.
(Once again, can't say a lot due to spoilers, but trust me, Meri is taken for a RIDE.)
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fluffshi-wxffle · 7 months
I think the other Beasts can imitate the light of the Ancients' soul jams. They are half of them after all
//That is true! It's just a little thing to think about since Shadow Milk's whole thing is deceit so it could be a him exclusive thing.
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blonde-and-cat-suc · 8 months
Do you ship Adora with anybody? I personally ship her with Scorpia and Lonnie (Lonnie more so I think)
Yes! I'm a huge, huge, huge Adorpia shipper actually! Alternatively, my runnerups are Glimmadora, Adonnie (or whatever the Adora/Lonnie name is, I have no idea), and most recently I've been playing with this idea of Adora and Mermista of all fucking people, but that's a story for another post.
Anyway, yeah, a lot of my old writing is mostly me Trojan-horsing Adorpia into the narrative lol. I was (am) absolutely crazy about them. Back in the day, I would have dreams about them like... not even in sleep could I escape shipping them. (SPOP dreams didn't/don't come to me often but when they did/do you best believe I remember them in overwhelming detail).
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basiltonpitch · 1 year
DYING at jaren’s “blue dinner plate eyeballs” 💀 s4 is getting a lot of (well deserved) criticism on here, but what’s something you think the season knocked out of the park? i’m trying to promote positivity ☺️
am i wrong tho that man has the BIGGEST brightest blue eyes i've ever seen and god does he know how to emote with them
as for what i think season 4 did well - a lot, actually! i do think a good bit of the criticism i've seen is well deserved too, but overall i had an absolutely delightful time watching it, and i'm going to start my first rewatch today. a lot of what i see people talking about is the love triangle + endgame which, well, obviously i'm thrilled about that! but i don't see nearly enough talk about devi's relationship with nalini this season, and i loved how that was portrayed. devi being okay with nalini dating again - even going out of her way to try and reconcile with margot so her mom can have this shot at love?? obsessed. i love plotting devi and i love plotting devi even more when she's using her skills for good.
i think the standout nalini/devi moment for me though is in 4x10 - when devi screams "you can't help me! you're not even here! you're not even real!" at mohan and then nalini immediately walks in. something something - mohan isn't there to be what she needs, but nalini is. despite everything they've been through, despite the loss and hurt and fights, nalini has been there. even when it was hard. even when she was struggling to figure out what to do what was right for their family, for devi, for herself. nalini is there. and i am stuck on these lines: "i don't know how to pack." "well, let's just do it together then." and "i can't do anything without you." "yes, you can. you just don't have to do it right now." the whole scene had me bawling my eyes out - and i'm rewatching it rn to get the lines accurate and yeah, no, still fucking crying. just - yeah, nalini isn't always going to be there for devi, especially when they're on opposite coasts. but she's here now. she's here, and she can help. they can do it together.
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Hey, I figured I'd tell you about a traditional Hoennian treat I don't think gets talked about outside of the region!
We have a LOT of Tropius, and they love to share their fruit with people! so a common summer tradition is to invite a few to a big gathering, ask them for their fruit, and then wrap that fruit in foil and kind of let it sit in some glowing embers for a bit, until it gets mushy.
Then we like to put toppings on it! some people like marshmallow fluff, oran berries are pretty popular, but as for me? Always been a chocolate syrup kind of person!
Although, I once got to put frozen snowver berries on it and that was DIVINE.
All in all, it's not fancy, but it's very much nostalgic comfort food.
I hope this helps!
Mmm, it's been so long since I've had this! I was fortunate enough to travel in the summer and got to attend one of these gatherings, and oh my arc they are AMAZING!
I actually had mine more savory, despite my love for sweets! I sprinkled a little chili powder on it and ate it with some grilled Magikarp, and it was a wonderful dinner.
Snover berries sound delightful, I'll have to get my hands on some!
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