#ask pink ler
rockyracetrack · 1 year
Updated @ask-pink-ler refs!!
His toyhouse
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rocky-oc-mod · 1 year
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rocky-the-rockstar · 1 year
Pinks birthday is next Friday
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ajnoodlez · 2 years
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@ask-pink-ler and @hobo-ler :DD
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mortuaryonceler · 2 years
Hello Mort! So if im a very nice boy when I'm alive then do I get a discount on my funeral?
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littleesistler · 6 months
showing of my nails and tickling my squish mellow fluffy to help you relax, get tingles, age regress or get flustered 💅❤️
song: you are my sunshine - Christina Perri /D.F
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straycalamities · 1 year
[holds up tiny mic] sir how do you feel about Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original) :3
pink my boy my lad my darling... i have unfortunate news i ahvent watched that movie in ages and i forgor how it goes......
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spamsandsuch · 2 years
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rockyracetrack · 1 year
New Powder (Pirate au Pink) ref!
His toyhouse
Him and Valentine are also up on Artfight
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rocky-oc-mod · 1 year
Pink glow up???
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highdefhoetry · 10 months
jjk men getting tickled
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disclaimer: although this is pure fluff, the author is an adult & this is their kink. minors dni, do not reblog, do not like, do not follow.
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"Stop, please! I can't take it!"
Gojo isn’t used to physical affection, or the sensation of touch in general. Due to his constant application of his cursed technique as a defense mechanism, he often goes weeks or months without experiencing the touch of another. Because of this, it takes a while for him to let his guard down around you. When you finally build enough trust, he releases his cursed technique and lets you get close. That’s when you learn how ticklish he is.
While you’re cuddling, you notice the way he flinches when you wrap your hands around his waist, how much his body quivers when you brush your fingers across his bare skin. You really don’t even have to try and tickle him - he’s just that sensitive. Caressing his cheek, kissing his neck, stroking his chest and stomach. All parts of him give the best reactions. He can’t hold back his frantic giggles or stop himself from squirming around, especially when given light tickles. Those weaken him more than harder ones.
His laugh is airy and melodic, almost like a song. It’s absolutely precious and makes you wanna tickle him even more so you can keep listening to the sweet sound of his voice as it reaches higher octaves. His smile is bright and joyful, jarringly different from that cocky all-knowing smirk he usually wears. He flails around like crazy, rolls from side to side trying to escape, tries to beg you to stop but can't get the words out since he's laughing too hard. Pink blush dusts his cheeks, and seeing how embarrassed he looks when you're done makes you fall a little more in a love with him.
Mostly he hates being tickled, but part of him can’t help but enjoy the attention. He’ll pretend to be grumpy afterwards, but that can be remedied with a big hug and plenty of kisses.
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"Wait, nonono! Okay, okay, I give up!"
Geto is the king of “I’m not ticklish”. He swears it up and down, denies it when you ask, and goes out of his way to prove it by allowing you to try. He lets you discover this “fact” for yourself, smirking victoriously when you tickle his sides and underarms with no reactions. Even when you explore the rest of his body, testing out all of the usual spots, he remains unfazed. You start to feel discouraged when you look at his handsome face and see his pleasant, neutral expression has remained unchanged.
That is, unless you make a sneak attack. Later on, when he’s not paying attention, you creep up behind him and poke his sides, just to see what’ll happen. He lets out a shriek, yanks his arms down, but it’s too late. You’ve already seen the mask slip. You clamp your hands around his ribs, dig into them while he yells and tries to fight you off. That spot seems to be his worst.
His laughter is loud and booming, different from the one he makes when he’s cracking a joke or making fun. He starts begging almost instantly, tries to grab your hands to stop you, thrashes around in a desperate attempt to escape. When appeals to your mercy don't work, he starts making soft threats, says he’s gonna get you back good, but you can barely hear them through his spluttered laughter. When you finally stop, he pretends to be tuckered out, until you let your guard down. Then he pounces on you, pinning you down so he can give you a taste of your own medicine.
You pride yourself on what you've learned. It’s not that he isn’t ticklish. He’s just really good at hiding it!
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"Please, no more..."
Choso is the king of tickle fights, being a big brother and all. He almost always wins, being ridiculously strong and somewhat of a sadistic ler, plus he protects himself well enough that it’s almost impossible to get at his ticklish spots when you’re in the moment. If you’re patient enough, however, you can get him good when he lets his guard down. And when you do, the tables quickly turn.
His laughter is deep, yet quiet. He doesn’t laugh loudly or erupt into fits of giggles, being able to control his vocal reactions better than most people, so most of the time it comes out as a soft snicker. But when he’s tickled, he smiles wider than you’ve ever seen and tries hiding it by clamping a hand over his mouth. That makes it easier for you to tickle him more, giving you an opening to get his underarms. He’s really weak to tickles there. He wiggles around like a worm, tries rolling up into a ball, and buries his face in his hands. Getting tickled makes him feel shy. If you tease him about how bashful he gets, his face will turn red and he’ll laugh even more.
He’ll half-heartedly beg you to stop, but not enough for you to take it seriously. You can tell he enjoys it for the most part - if he really wanted you to stop, he could easily overpower you. You wouldn’t dare tease him about it, though - you knew what would happen if you did.
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Nanami is one of those people who truly isn’t that ticklish. Any attempts to tickle him are almost always met with a deep sigh and an annoyed grumble rather than laughs. He’s immune to pokes, prods, and surprise attacks, and his stony demeanor remains unchanged no matter where you touch him. You almost give up, until one day you start paying a bit more attention and realize how hard he’s trying to keep it together. Specifically when you lightly graze his sides or his lower back. 
You notice how hard he grits his teeth, how red his face gets, how tense his muscles become the more you tease and torment his waistline. The corners of his lips twitch up, yet he refuses to crack a smile. He’ll whisper to you in a stern voice, “Stop,” or warn you with a threatening “Enough”, but otherwise he’s pretty quiet. He controls his laughter pretty well, keeping up his stoic facade until you're finished.
When you finally let up, he acts irritated and complains about how your childishness always gets in the way of his work. But you can tell he’s a bit more relaxed, his shoulders less tense, his mood a bit lighter. Besides, if he really hated it so much, he would have simply put a stop to it. You’ll never get him to admit it, though!
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"Fuck you!! Gahh, knock it off!"
Toji is surprisingly ticklish, and he really fucking hates it. He’s also great at hiding his reactions for the most part, but only for so long. He stifles his laughter when you claw at his ribs or dig under his arms, but keep it up for long enough and he’ll eventually crack. It’ll start as a quiet, rough giggle, then get louder and louder until he’s laughing his head off. He melts in your hand when you lightly spider his stomach, which ends up being his worst spot.
His laugh is just as scary as he is. He cackles wildly, thrashes around like an animal caught in a trap, spews out profanities and every swear word in the book. He’ll threaten to kill you, to break your fingers, all while giggling uncontrollably and attempting to fight you off. He won’t beg, ever, but you’ll hear the growing panic in his laughter the longer you tickle him. He’ll genuinely do whatever it takes to get away, so you have to be careful not to get hit by one of his flailing limbs. 
Tickling him will have dire consequences. He’ll get you back immediately, pin you down so tightly that you can’t move a muscle, then he’ll tickle you mercilessly until he’s satisfied with his revenge. It’s totally worth it, though. Seeing a giant, strong man like him taken down with tickles is oddly satisfying. 
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"I don't recall telling you to stop."
Sukuna also isn’t particularly ticklish. He prides himself on having no weaknesses, being the strongest sorcerer in all of history. You didn’t dare instigate tickles with him; you didn’t have a death with, after all. You only touch him when he commands it.
However, he does seem to enjoy your light tickles from time to time, sometimes even demanding them. He loves when you run your nails up and down his back, purrs when you caress his neck and ears, lets out little content noises when you lightly stroke his chest. His “moods” are random and unpredictable; every now and then he’ll bark out an order for you out of the blue, demanding your soft touches. He doesn’t really laugh or giggle, but you do see goosebumps lining his skin whenever you give him this treatment. You love the way he sighs from your gentle touches; he just seems so relaxed. Not many people get to witness the soft side of Sukuna.
Of course, he’ll never confess how much he likes it. He won’t even say “tickle” or any variant, instead opting to dance around the word. It dawns on you much later why this is - it embarasses him. If anyone were to discover that the King of Curses enjoyed something so silly and cute, his ruthless persona would be destroyed. You know better than to spill his secrets, so you keep your mouth shut. But you can’t help but laugh to yourself every time he asks you for more.
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rocky-the-rockstar · 1 year
6 for Father, Cupid, and pink :3c
6. How easily can they be convinced to go against their morals
Father Evangeline: OHHHHHHHHHH boy. Well Evangeline's morals isn't just his own personal morals but also to live by the Bible and Catholic standards soooooo it depends. A majority of his ideals and morals you could not torture out of him. He'd rather die a good man. Now there are things in the bible or catholic standards that he simply doesn't agree with or cannot control, like gee idk, being queer. And while he tries to conceal things like that about himself he doesn't actually see them as wrong, but because of his environment and position he lives in constant guilt.
Pink: answered that here :3
Cupid: what morals? Anything Cupid would not do is almost certainly our of nothing but fear of his own preservation
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ticklishfiend · 6 months
The Gaang Gets Zuko (ATLA)
lee!zuko , ler!gaang :P
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A/N : im having sooo much fun with this show rn, esp having fun attacking zuko as much as possible LOL im going bonkers. there’s no clear story or plot in this one, just the gaang being silly and zuko getting to be silly with them :P
Summary : separate short stories of each member of the gaang tickling zuko (and one where Zuko actually gets one back, read to find out who hehe)
Word Count : 5139
hope u enjoy!! <3
It was strange how relaxed Zuko was starting to feel. The air seemed easier to breathe these days, despite everything he knew they were all about to go through. But that’s just it. Zuko knows he’s not alone. He has people, good people, behind him. Though he misses his Uncle greatly, it keeps Zuko motivated to know Iroh would be proud to see how far he’s come since they’d been separated.
Things are looking up, despite it all, and Zuko’s especially happy he gets to feel that in good company.
“So, like this, right?” Aang asked, getting into position for the new firebending move Zuko’s trying to teach him. 
“Um…not quite,” Zuko walked behind him, grabbing his shoulders to gently adjust his stance. “You want your shoulders back a little more, it’ll help your balance. And you should have your waist turned a bit to the side, like this…” Zuko gently gripped onto Aang’s sides, but was startled at how quickly Aang jumped away with a surprised laugh.
“Aaah–tickles, tickles!” Aang giggled, rubbing the sensation away with his arms.
Zuko frowned with his hands on his hips, “Seriously? I barely touched you.”
Katara snickered as she watched them train, bending water in the air lazily like a fidget. “Aang’s more sensitive than most. Remember that wound your sister gave him on his foot? Yeah, that took way, way longer than it should have. He wouldn’t stop squirming.”
“It’s not my fault your water’s so tickly!” Aang cringed at the memory. He took a deep breath before turning back to Zuko, getting into position. “Okay, I’m ready this time. You just surprised me.”
Zuko lifted an eyebrow before trying again, this time with less giggly results. Zuko wasn’t used to such silliness when it came to training, but it was endearing to see Aang was comfortable enough with him to act like that (even if it was slightly annoying).
They trained for another 15 or so minutes before Zuko called for a break, ready for his pre-lunch meditation. He leaned down to gather some of his scattered things into a bag, not noticing the figure creeping up behind him. Before he knew it, Zuko felt two hands give quick pinches to his hip. “AH-! Ggghaha-!” a strangled giggle fell out of him before he could stop it, squirming out of the grip and whipping his body around.
Aang stood behind him with a grin and hands raised in surrender, “Sorry, I had to get you back for earlier.”
Zuko scowled with a pink face, trying very hard to ignore Katara giggling behind Aang. “But I wasn’t even trying to tickle you earlier,” he groaned, turning back around but keeping his guard up. “It’s unfair catching me off guard like that.”
“Yeah, but you gotta admit, that sound you just made was pretty funny,” Aang snickered, sitting down next to Katara and stealing some of her water to fidget with as well. 
Zuko sighed, turning around to hide his warm face. “Whatever, I’m gonna meditate. Don’t bother me unless it’s for lunch,” he said before walking out of their view to his normal meditation spot.
Zuko was sat on his bed reading a book Uncle had given him forever ago. Being on the run meant he never really had time to just sit and read (and maybe it was partly his pride that wouldn’t allow him to do something he deemed so lazy), but honestly it wasn’t half bad. Sure, he could be training right now, but everyone else seemed content doing their own thing so maybe that was okay for him too. Uncle always said proper relaxation was an important tool for a warrior to learn.
His reading time, however, was cut short when he heard a knock at his doorway. Zuko looked up to see Sokka peeking his head around the corner.
“You need something?” Zuko asked, sitting his book down on the bed.
“Well, I–uh…” Sokka cleared his throat shuffling awkwardly in the doorway. “I was just wondering if you would, uh–help me out with something? It’s nothing major! You really don’t have to if you don’t wanna, I know you’ve got a lot on your plate with, y’know, training the Avatar and everything, but like, I mean, if you maybe had the time–”
“Sokka,” Zuko interrupted his ramblings, holding the book up for him to see. “I’m not exactly doing anything important right now. I can do you a favor if you need it.”
Sokka sighed, “Okay, that’s good to hear because I really need your help right now,” he shuffled into Zuko’s room defeatedly, plopping himself next to the prince and throwing his head in his hands. “I think I sorta suck at hand-to-hand combat.”
Zuko nearly laughed at that. “Are you serious? You guys managed to take out every team I threw at you, and you think you’re bad at combat?”
“Yeah, but that was when I had everybody with me! You know, benders?!” Sokka sighed, “I’m not a bender, so having them with me to fight is like, insanely helpful. But…what if I end up alone at the next battle? What if I lose my sword? I’ll be useless! I need to know how to fight with my fists at least a little before we go out there.”
All this did was confuse Zuko even more. “Your girlfriend is a Kyoshi Warrior. Why aren’t you asking her for help? She’s the only other non-bender on the team, it seems pretty obvious.”
Sokka blushed and turned his head away, “Well that’s…actually part of it,” he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, “She’s so good at combat. And she’s a great teacher, don’t get me wrong! Everything I know about fighting, it came from her. But…I feel so stupid. We spar all the time, but she’s the one teaching me the moves, she knows what strategy I’m gonna take! I kinda…I wanna impress her during our next spar. Maybe show her something she hasn’t seen me do before,” Sokka looked up at Zuko with an unsure face. “I thought maybe you could teach me a thing or two?”
Zuko just stared for a moment, thinking it over. Sokka had that puppy-dog look on his face he always gets when he’s trying to win someone over…unfortunately for Zuko, he’s really good at that face. 
Zuko sighed, rubbing a hand over his face before standing and making his way towards the door. “I can’t promise it’ll help you any. I’m better at fighting with my bending than just plain combat. You’re already in good hands with Suki.”
Sokka jumped up, following behind Zuko like a puppy. “I know, but I just wanna see if it helps,” he wrapped an arm around the back of Zuko’s neck as they walked, the boy in question not acknowledging the touch whatsoever. “Can’t hurt to try, right?”
Zuko peeked an eye towards Sokka. “Whatever.”
They found an open area to spar, somewhere away from everyone else so no one could spill the “secret” to Suki. Not like anyone actually cared, but Sokka insisted this was the best move to make. 
They fought for a while, Sokka showing off the moves he learned from Suki, and Zuko trying to teach him anything that popped into his head that Sokka might not already know. But…the spar wasn’t really turning out the way Zuko had envisioned before they started.
Sokka was actually really good at this. Like, stupid good. Way better than he had given himself credit for just about an hour ago. He’d already pinned Zuko probably 5 times, and Zuko only got him down once. It was sorta embarrassing. Zuko kept reminding himself that the guy had been trained by a literal Kyoshi warrior, so it shouldn’t be that surprising.
Still, though. It did take a tiny blow to his ego that the guy asking him for training was practically kicking his butt right now.
“Woohoo! Down for the count again!” Sokka whooped from behind Zuko. The boy was pinned on his front, arms behind his back.
“I thought you wanted help,” Zuko wheezed, twisting his wrists in Sokka’s hold to no avail. “Now it feels like you just wanted bragging rights,” he mumbled.
Sokka didn’t say anything. Actually, he just kept looking down at Zuko with this look. His eyes a little wide, his lips sucked behind his teeth. 
You’re kidding. You’re kidding.
“Are you serious?!” Zuko yelled, starting to actually fight under Sokka’s hold now that he felt thoroughly pissed off. “Why would you lie about that?! You could’ve just asked for a spar!”
Sokka stammered, “Well, I was serious at first! I wasn’t lying! I really did want your help!” He paused, baring his teeth a little in guilt. “Buuuut…after we started sparring, I realized I was way better than I thought I was. I don’t know why, but I just kinda figured you’d be able to take me down with no trouble! You’re like, royally trained or something, right?”
Zuko frowned, “Yeah. I am,” he said. “In firebending.”
Sokka’s brows shot up. “Oh yeaaaah. Didn’t really think about that,” he chuckled nervously.
A beat passed in silence before both of them realized Sokka was still on top of him. Zuko twisted his wrists in Sokka’s hands, “Well? Are you gonna get off me?”
“I don’t really trust you not to turn me into bacon right now.”
Sokka laughed, “Y’know, it’s kinda funny if you think about it. Last year I used to run from you, and now I’ve got you literally pinned under me. I mean, really, it just writes itself!”
Zuko groaned, pressing his forehead to the floor. “You are…beyond annoying.”
“I’m just saying, if I had all this Kyoshi training last year, we might not even be here right now. Or maybe you’d have joined our group back then, after seeing how much of an asset to the team I am!” Sokka teased, pressing his body weight against Zuko’s arms so he could flex a muscle in Zuko’s eyeshot. 
Then, Sokka went quiet for a moment. Suspiciously quiet. Zuko was not a fan of his disadvantage right now. 
“Hey, who’s that fire nation girl that’s always hanging around your sister? You know, the one that can paralyze people?”
Zuko sighed, “That would be Ty Lee. Get off.”
“Yeah, Ty Lee! Man, it’d be so cool if she wasn’t the worst,” Sokka adjusted his grip a bit, like he was trying to get a better hold for something. What in the world is he planning?! “I bet I could learn a thing or two from that girl, strengthen up my fighting style a bit,” Sokka shrugged, “Eh, I bet I could be self taught. I just gotta find the right nerve…”
Before Zuko could even process what he was talking about, Sokka started poking up and down Zuko’s open sides, using one finger to poke one side, then the other, then back again. Over and over and over. 
“G-GaAH!” Zuko’s body jumped under the assault, squirming under his hold. “N-No, Sokka, let me–gohoho!” He giggled involuntarily, trying his best to hide his face in the floor while also trying to jerk away from Sokka’s ticklish hold.
“No, hold on, I think I’m getting the hang of this!” Sokka teased, poking up into Zuko’s ribs. Zuko couldn’t help the squeaky giggles falling from his lips, it was mortifying. He kicked his legs out behind Sokka like it would do anything, but with how good the boy had gotten at these warrior pins, Zuko didn’t stand a chance.
“S-stohohop! This is sohoho–ahaha so stuhupid!” Zuko cackled, writhing when he felt Sokka start pinching at his bony ribs. He could feel his face growing warmer by the second, horribly embarrassed by how easily Sokka can drag him into his playful little games.
“Okay, okay, just oneeee more thing,” Sokka said before bringing his hand up to flutter soft fingers against Zuko’s neck and ears. Crapcrapcrapcrap that really tickles. Zuko immediately fell into the most disgusting, high-pitched, girly-ish giggles he’s ever produced. It. Was. Terrible.
“Nohoho! Come ohohon! This is–ahaha this is so unfahahair!” Zuko whined, pulling against the hands holding him hostage. “This is assahahault!”
Sokka cackled at that, finally letting go of his very ticklish victim. He stood and backed away enough to let Zuko catch his breath, wiping a mirthful tear from his eye.
“You–pfff!! You’re so ticklish! Who woulda guessed that?!” Sokka laughed, practically doubled over in it. Zuko grumbled on the ground, sitting up and stretching his arms.
“And you are so childish,” he groveled, before launching at Sokka while he wasn’t paying attention. He grabbed around the boy’s waist and brought him to the ground with an ‘oof!’, the pair roughing it out for a moment before Zuko got the upper hand (Sokka was still laughing too much to put up a real fight). On the ground, Zuko had him trapped in a reverse bear hug, finding an opening near Sokka’s stomach to dig his own fingers in and make Sokka howl.
“Say you’re sorry!” Zuko grunted, trying to avoid a head butt from Sokka’s frantic squirming. “Say it!”
“AAAHH! AAAHAhahaha! I’m–! I’m ssssahahahah!” Sokka cackled, struggling to find the words with fingers digging incessantly into his stomach. Even in his wild state, Sokka could tell Zuko wasn’t very used to this, his tickling-style a little more rough than what he’s used to with the others. But luckily for Zuko, Sokka was a little too ticklish for it to actually affect anything.
“What? You can dish it but you can’t take it?!” Zuko fired back with his usual angry tone, though it was really hard to take seriously when he started pinching at Sokka’s side so viciously. 
“I cahaha–! It’s tooohohohoo–! AAAHH-!" Sokka's screaming laugh echoed through the temple, his head jerking back and forth. Zuko's fingers were getting tired, and this whole thing felt so stupid, but it was the principle of the thing! This is...how it works, right?
Zuko kept tickling despite not really knowing what he was doing, avoiding flailing limbs and a jerking head all the while. And right, right before he was about to just call it quits, he heard a cough from just outside his peripheral.
The pair froze, Zuko feeling his entire face grow warm in the matter of seconds. They both turned their heads slowly to see Suki standing there with her arms crossed, one eyebrow raised in question.
"You two having fun in here?" Suki asked through a smile, clearly on the verge of laughing. Zuko dropped Sokka like a sack of potatoes, standing up quickly with a finger pointed right at Sokka.
“He started this! He attacked me first, but–but I got out! And then he started laughing, and, I mean–it was so stupid! This is so stupid!” Zuko yelled in embarrassment, throwing his hands up to cover his whole face.
Suki giggled and walked over towards her boyfriend on the ground. “Aw, did the big mean firebender get you?” She teased a frowning (and blushing) Sokka. Suki held out her hand to him, “Come on, get up.”
Sokka took it with a scowl, refusing to make eye contact with Zuko. At least, until Sokka remembered how this whole thing started, his whole demeanor lighting up in an instant. “Oh you’ll never believe this. I beat Zuko. In a spar,” he whooped, looking over towards the firebending to find him scowling with his arms crossed. “Actually, it was like ten!”
“Six. It was just six,” Zuko squinted at Sokka in contempt.
“Okay, but six is still a lot compared to your one win,” Sokka boasted, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend.
Suki pulled herself out of his hold, “Uh, sure, but I think after what I saw, Zuko’s still the winner here,” she said, shooting an affirming smile Zuko’s way. 
Sokka dropped his jaw, “What?! But–But I beat him! Like, TONS of times?!” He exclaimed, “And I’m the one that started that! I tickled Zuko first, he totally went down!”
“When I was already pinned!” Zuko argued, angry he couldn’t make his blush fade any faster.
Suki sucked her teeth, “Sokka, if you started this, that’s even worse,” she shrugged. “You cheated. Zuko’s clearly the winner here, he just finished what you started” Suki pat Sokka’s back, shooting Zuko an empathetic look. “Sorry my boyfriend’s so childish. If you ever want a real spar, you know where to find me.”
Zuko looked surprised, really expecting her to tease him like everybody else did. “Oh, uh…yeah, whatever. Sure.”
Suki smiled, taking Sokka by the shoulders and walking him off. Zuko could hear her scolding as they walked away, “Next time we spar, I’ll show you how a real warrior cheats.”
Zuko wasn’t really sure how to take that. In fact, he decided it was probably best to ignore whatever that meant. Instead, he just grabbed his bag and tried forgetting this whole embarrassing mess ever happened.
“Zuko, I’m so sorry! I’m so so so sorry, I never meant for this to happen!” Aang practically cried behind Zuko, his words muffled under the hands he used to cover his mouth in guilt. “If you never wanna train me again, I’d understand. I just…I’m so sorry. I’m so—”
“Aang, it’s fine. I already told you it’s fine,” Zuko sighed, propping his bare foot up on the stool of earth Toph made for him. “Believe me, I’ve been burned way worse than this.”
“But that’s different!” Aang cried, falling on his butt to hide his face in his knees. “I can’t believe I burned someone. Again.”
“You’re still learning. It happens,” Zuko winced when Katara took hold of his ankle to get a better look at the burn. “Trust me, I burned a few of my trainers when I was growing up too. It’s just part of firebending. Once you’ve mastered it, you won’t have to worry about it anymore.”
Aang lifted his head with a sniffle. “Yeah…I guess you’re right,” he sighed. “Still feel bad, though.”
“As long as it doesn’t affect your training going further, I really don’t care,” Zuko shrugged, leaning back against his hands.
“That’s a little rude, don’t you think?” said Katara, popping the cork from her water bottle.
“Not really. I don’t care. I’m fine, and Aang will be too,” Zuko said, before gasping as Katara let the healing water wash over his feet. He jerked his foot back off the stool, making Katara raise an eyebrow.
“Zuko?” She looked down at the empty stool. “Kinda need your foot for this.”
Aang lit up, the smile finally returned to his face when he realized with a giggle, “I forgot! Zuko’s ticklish!”
“I am not! It just surprised me!” Zuko argued, throwing his foot back on the stool with confidence (though the pout he sported said otherwise).
Katara snickered, holding her water up so Zuko could see. “Well it’s a good thing you aren’t ticklish then, cause Aang could barely sit still last time I did this to him.”
“Yeah, Toph nearly had to earthbend my hands to the ground to keep me from moving,” Aang nodded, clearly feeling more chipper than a moment ago. Zuko cringed at the thought, shaking his head to clear it from overthinking.
“That will not be necessary,” Zuko huffed. “Just get to it, I’ll be fine. We need to get back to training.”
Katara shrugged, bringing the water to his foot and starting the healing process. Zuko immediately gasped again, his foot nearly jerking off the stool. He caught himself this time, but no one in the room missed the flinch.
Well, except for Toph, but only out of technicality’s sake.
“Your hearts racing, Sparky,” Toph sang, never missing an opportunity to tease their resident grump.
“Shut up, Toph,” Zuko said through bared teeth, straining himself to keep from letting a giggle slip. He squirmed in his seat, toes clenching and unclenching involuntarily. If he can just get through this without cracking, there’ll be nothing for these weirdos to tease him about. He can do this.
“Y’know, you should probably breathe soon. Don’t want you dying on us while I’m healing you,” Katara said, looking up from her water at Zuko’s puffed cheeks and pink face. He’d been too focused to even realize he was holding his breath in the first place. Slowly, Zuko exhaled through his nose before flinching hard again at a more solid sensation in the center of his foot.
“Grrk–!” Zuko jumped, scowling at Katara who started snickering.
“Sorry, my finger slipped,” she grinned, making the other two start giggling at his expense. 
“It’s really okay if you need to laugh, Zuko,” said Aang. “There’s no way I could’ve held it in like you are.”
“I said I’m fine. It doesn’t even…” Zuko huffed, the water finding a particularly sensitive spot right at the worst time possible, making him growl through a giggle. He shut his eyes tight, “Juhust shut up.”
At first, his days in the air on Appa were something Zuko wasn’t sure he would ever get used to. He had to admit, it was definitely cool getting to ride a sky-bison thousands of feet in the air after he’d been told his whole life the species had gone extinct with the rest of the air-benders. There was some excitement to it the first couple rides he got to experience.
But after about the fifth time, it was really starting to get old.
“I thought I knew what boredom felt like when I was out camping with Uncle, but this is really something else,” Zuko groaned, throwing his head over the side of the saddle.
“Zukoooo, remember what I keep telling you about the positive attitude?” Aang reminded him from Appa’s head, steering the bison in what felt like the same direction for hours.
“No, he’s right. This is super boring,” Sokka whined, picking at Appa’s fur with a pout.
“Don’t you guys ever, I don’t know…play any games while you’re up here?” Zuko asked, feeling a little silly about it. Playing games was so childish, but it seemed to fit this group’s whole vibe pretty well. Couldn’t hurt to ask, right?
“Yeah we used to, until Toph took it too seriously one time and Katara banned fun,” Sokka shot a look at his sister, who scoffed at the mention.
“Um, I did not ban fun. I banned Pushies,” Katara corrected him with a squint.
“Ah, Pushies. The good ole days when having a laugh wasn’t forbidden by Her Highness,” said Toph, nearly making Katara blow a fuse.
Zuko hated to ask, but this was the most entertained he’d felt in the past two hours. With an incredulous look, he asked, “What’s Pushies?”
“It was the best,” Sokka sighed like he was daydreaming. “Toph and I would push each other back and forth until one of us got too scared and called quits.”
“Which I never did, by the way–”
“Uh, not true! You know you called quits that one time-”
“Because you nearly pushed me off Appa!”
“Not true AGAIN! You couldn’t see it, but you were totally fine-”
“Oh so because I’m blind it’s my fault they won’t let us play Pushies anymore?!”
“That’s not what I meant-!”
“GUYS!” Aang shouted, throwing a stern look over his shoulder towards the group. The pair went silent before both slouching back against the saddle. “No. Pushies.”
They both grumbled to themselves, but ultimately decided it wasn’t worth the fight. Zuko looked to the sky at their bickering, thankful his temper wasn’t like it used to be.
“Games other than Pushies exist, you know. We just have to make one up,” he suggested, sitting criss-crossed to face the group. 
“Did you play any games on that murder-ship you used to ride?” Katara asked with a tone, her mood clearly a bit dampened.
Zuko grimaced, “I was kinda too focused on capturing Aang for games back then.” Zuko sighed, throwing his head and arms back over the saddle to stare into the sky. “Forget it. Let’s just go back to sitting in silence.”
It seemed like the rest of the group agreed, because for the next few minutes that’s exactly what they did. The wind whistling in their ears was the only sound to focus on.
That is, until Zuko felt something tweak his side, making him squeak an awful sound. He whipped his head around to find everyone suspiciously not looking at him. Sokka picked at his fingers, Katara seemed a little too interested in the cloth of her dress, and Toph…well, she looked straight ahead, but that was to be expected.
Zuko fumed, “Who did that?”
Sokka looked up from his fingers, “Hm? Who did what?”
Oh, Zuko was so onto them. Pointing a finger at Sokka with a squint, “Don’t. Do it. Again.” He said sternly, before turning back around towards the sky. Zuko swore he could hear them snickering behind him, but hoped that would be the end of it.
Another minute went by with nothing, and for some reason Zuko really thought he evaded trouble with that intimidation move he pulled. Clearly he didn’t know this group well enough yet.
Another tweak to his side, this one closer to his ribs this time. Anything near his ribs always made him flinch hard, his elbow shooting down to cover the area with a giggly shout. Zuko growled when he faced them, “Seriously, who’s doing this?!” They all looked up at him like they were clueless. He’s gonna kill them. “Answer me!”
Finally, he heard Toph giggle, clearly unaffected by his little hissy fit. “It was me. Both times, actually,” she grinned, throwing a leg over her knee. “What, you gonna do something about it?”
Zuko’s jaw locked forward, feeling like he was breathing smoke out of his nose. His hands clenched beside him, telling himself it would probably not be the “right thing” throwing this twelve year old over the side of Appa.
With a grumble, he fixed his face and looked up to the sun above him. “You people are crazy.” Zuko crossed his arms and slumped against the saddle, decidedly not turning away from Toph this time. Everyone got a chuckle out of that, even Aang.
“No, I think Toph’s the crazy one,” he chuckled, smiling over his shoulder. “The rest of us are pretty normal, right?”
Zuko deadpanned Aang’s way. “No.”
Toph crawled over beside Zuko, who nearly flinched at her presence. “Lighten up, Sparky! Remember what Aang said? Positive attitude?” She accentuated Aang’s words with more tweaks to Zuko’s side, these far more ticklish now that she doesn’t have to hide it. Zuko jumped with a giggly shout, trying hard to hide his side with his elbow, but that just made Toph reach around his back to get his other side.
“Gah-! N-Nohoho!” He complained, pushing at her hands and face. “Quihit!”
“Cmooon I’m bored! This is the most entertained I’ve been in hours!” Toph tickled into Zuko’s ribs as she talked, making him fall over on his side in giggles. He kept pushing at her with his hands, but his stupid body kept betraying him, his elbows shooting down to cover the area too much to really fight back.
“Toph-! Tohohoph!” Zuko squealed, everyone around laughing at his funny noises. These people are the worst. “Gahaha! Get her ohoff mehehe!” He cackled, feeling her fingers vibrate into his ribs and stomach at the same time. Zuko’s eyes were scrunched tight in mirth, feeling silly and stupid and ticklish.
“This is too good. You sound like a girl!” Toph laughed, poking into his side like a typewriter. Zuko couldn’t stop giggling, flipping over on his stomach to crawl away (though he didn’t have much room, cramped on this stupid saddle with the rest of these freaks). He opted for crawling as close to Katara as he could get, praying she’d take pity on him and make Toph stop embarrassing him already.
Katara chuckled, “Okay, I think he’s had enough,” grabbing for Toph’s wrist (her hand still trying to worm it’s way under Zuko’s armpit) Katara pulled Toph away from Zuko as he slumped close to her side panting.
“Aweee, what?! I was just getting started!” Toph whined, making another grabbing motion in Zuko’s general direction that had him flinching with a squeak.
“You heard her, quit it!” Zuko griped, trying to silently maneuver himself as far from Toph as possible without her hearing. It was like a game of cat and mouse, Toph listening for any subtle sound Zuko made for her to launch her free arm in his direction, making him zip out of her reach before she could grab him. 
“Cut it out, this is ridiculous!” Zuko complained, getting behind Sokka and gripping his shoulders like a human shield. “Ha! How ‘bout that, shortstack?!” 
“Hey! Don’t rope me into this–AHH! NO! NONONOHohohoho!!” Sokka fell over on his side in giggles the moment Katara let go of Toph’s arm, the shorter girl launching for his sides.
“This’ll do for now!” Toph cheered, digging into Sokka’s waist with her rough fingers and making him howl. “I’ll catch you eventually, Sparky! Just wait til I’m finished with him!” she grinned wickedly, Sokka losing his mind just below her.
“But you already—! Gah, forget it,” Zuko sighed, crawling silently over beside Katara to hopefully avoid getting involved in that mess again. “She’s ruthless.”
Katara giggled, shooting Zuko a smile, “You get used to it.”
Zuko caught himself smiling at dinner. It was weird, usually when he smiled, it felt like an intentional move. Smiling to convince someone he’s happy, or smiling to fake innocence. But tonight…he started smiling before he even realized he was doing it.
Aang was telling some silly story from over 100 years ago, something from his childhood before all this. It was a stupid story, something Zuko would’ve found himself scoffing at if he had heard it even just a few months ago.
But things are good now. He felt good. Happiness came easy to him, like breathing or pulling fire from his hands. Zuko never thought he’d get to feel this again after everything he’d gone through, but these weirdos just had a way with him.
Something about these people, his friends, was always able to make him smile. They were annoying. They’re loud. They’re way too touchy, and always in his personal space. Like now, with Toph curled against his side as she laughed along to Aang’s story.
And yet? Zuko’s come to be okay with that. He’s come to like it about them, as crazy as it sounds. 
The fire he sat in front of now didn’t have to be a threat. It was home.
A/N : i was all over the place writing this LMAO hope yall like it anyways cause it was fun to write!! pls consider reblogging if u enjoyed!! <3
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bimobuddy · 7 months
Just Eat You Up
SFW Hazbin Tickle Fic
Lee!Alastor, Ler!Rosie
Queerplatonic shipping
It's gonna sound OOC for Alastor, but I like to believe he's only this soft and vulnerable around Rosie ( platonic wife)
Summary: Alastor and Rosie find themselves up talking and sharing a moment, when Rosie accidentally gets a bit too close. Having all the patience in the world for her, Alastor endures.
When he wasn't staying at the Hotel, he stayed with Rosie. She didn't mind, quite the opposite actually, she loved it when Alastor was over. She even had a room for him next to hers.
While he was over this night, he leaned against the kitchen counter, a cup of tea in hand while he just smiled and watched his platonic partner pace around the room ranting.
"- and you know I love all my citizens, but Susan, ugh, I just don't understand what her deal is. It's like she gets enjoyment out of disagreeing with everyone in town. You get what I mean, right, Al?" She asked, finally leaning against the counter herself, grabbing her own cup. She frowned a little when she saw that it was empty, which prompted Alastor to give her his cup.
"Of course I do, like I said, she's an ornery old bitch." He said, adding a little more sass to his tone than usual, knowing it amused Rosie, earning a light laugh from her.
She meant to just playfully smack his arm but as he started to stand up more, her hand grazed his side instead, causing him to arch away. Absolutely delighted, Rosie set the cup of tea down. "Oh I forgot you were ticklish, Alastor!" She said.
Alastor turned to back away from her, his hands up in defense. "Now, darling, really there's no need to-" he stepped back quickly to narrowly avoid her hands, "R-Rosie, dear, wait a minute!" His ears shot straight up in alarm as he suddenly backed into the counter. "Why would I wait, Al, it's not often I hear a real genuine laugh from ya, it's always that rehearsed show-host laugh of yours." She said, pushing past his out stretched arms to lightly skitter up his sides.
With anyone else, he might have killed them, but this was Rosie. Clearly his only option was just to be patient and let it happen. Not that he was completely against it anyway.
Alastor felt her slip her hands under his jacket to scritch at his sides through his shirt. His grin widened as he used the counter to support himself, chuckles spilling out freely. "Roho- Rohohose, plehehease-" "Don't try to sweet talk out of this by using a nickname, Ally~" She grinned, pinching his lowest two ribs.
His cheeks flushed at the name as he loosely grabbed her wrists, giggling harder as her fingers danced up his ribcage. As Rosie gently dug into his underarms, Alastor's knees gave out and he sank to the floor, laughing.
Spotting rapid movement out of the corner if her eye, she noticed his tail was wagging. She grinned with a gasp. "Aw! Alastor, are you enjoying this, you sweet thing?" She asked, her hands finding their way up to his ears, gently scritching there. There was a soft crack of radio static before his laughs softened up into giggles. He shut his eyes to avoid answering. But Rosie knew better.
She started to softly scritch under his chin, making his cheeks flush a brighter shade of pink and his tail wag faster, something she knew only she was allowed to witness. He seemed to melt right there, eyes closed, grin softened into a smile, as he giggled quietly and leaned into the affectionate touch.
Rosie found it incredibly endearing. She added her second hand, scratching both sides under his jaw, watching as his ear started to flick and he relaxed even further. She took a moment to just watch him like this for a moment more, before she suddenly reached down and slipped her hands under his shirt to scribble at his bare tummy.
Alastor's eyes snapped open as he was almost startled out of this calming and affectionate state. He tossed his head back and laughed, trying to simultaneously curl up and move away, resulting in him sort of just falling over onto his side, then curling up on the floor.
"Hahahahahaha! Rohohosie plehehehease!"
"Look at youuu~! Such a widely feared and respected demon curled up into a little tiny ball in my kitchen! I got you, Alastor~! Got you got you got you~!" She teased, spidering around his tummy, adding a soft scritch with each 'got you.'
Alastor was flustered beyond belief, his ears pinned back as he laughed and gently tried to grab her hands. She suddenly grinned the most evil smile he's seen on his cannibal friend in a while. "Alastor, you should see how cute you are right now.. I could just eat you up." She lifted his shirt just a little bit and leaned down to blow a raspberry into his tummy.
"HAHAHAHAHA! ROHOHOSE!" He cackled, his legs kicking at the floor while he clenched his hands into fists to keep himself from pushing her away. Before he could ask again, Rosie had stopped, letting her friend to just lay there and catch his breath.
Once he sat up, he pointed a finger at her. "Evil, rude, cruel, and-" She just leaned in and kissed the top of his head, silencing him. "And don't you forget it." She replied getting up. She offered her hands, and helped him up as well, fixing his bowtie for him.
"Goodness, you're a mess, Al. Such a squirmer." she teased, even reaching up to fix his hair, which he allowed, finding it to be nice and affectionate. "I wouldn't be such a mess if someone hadn't just assaulted me." He said with a light chuckle.
Rosie ignored his response with a wave of her hand. "Oh you're fiiine." He tilted his head. "Maybe I should get you back then, if it's no big deal." He teased, with a gentle squeeze to her waist.
She jumped and grabbed his wrist. "I'd like to see you try."
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minnielvrr · 12 days
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No Escape~
Lee: Han Lers: Minho, Seungmin Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: my all time fav pic of Hannie🥰 i sincerely apologize for this in advance🥺😭might redo this completely later😖(sorry i'm really burnt out rn🥲)
Tags: @itzsana-kiddingmenow, @lajanaa, @bbybumblelee, @hearted-anon, @lunalattae, @reginald-stay09, @jungwon-is-the-one
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When Han had announced that he was going to check out the new fried chicken place a few streets over, both Minho and Seungmin had asked to join.
Now, sandwiched between the two, Han shifted in his seat, glancing nervously at them.
The restaurant was a quaint looking place, with chairs and little tables set up under the stars. And despite being fairly new, it was packed and bustling with people.
Han smiled. He liked places like this. It was spacious and comfortable and the quiet murmur of voices soothed his mind.
Their table on the other hand, had a duo who loved playing up their divorced couple act, having exchanged snarky remarks and jabs all the way to the shop. Then they’d gone eerily quiet.
He broke the silence with a tentative question, “So, um… what do you guys wanna get?”
Why had he thought this was a good idea? The two seemed to love toying with Han, annoying him with their near constant bickering.
But as much as he rolled his eyes and huffed at their antics, a part of him loved being showered with their attention, no matter how embarrassing it got.
This particular evening however, the two kept breaking character to exchange furtive looks, only to burst into giggles just moments later. Hannie figured they’d finally lost it, chuckling at the manic duo.
Eventually, the trio placed their orders, sitting around in silence for their food to arrive.
The thing is, it was BUSY. The whole place was packed. That meant that it would likely take longer for their food to arrive.
It also meant that Han would have to endure whatever this was, until then. “Nice night, huh?” Han attempted; his voice hopeful yet uncertain.
When neither responded, he slouched back in his chair, letting out a hollow laugh as his efforts fell flat.
Their little bubble burst when the quokka suddenly jerked up, swatting wildly at his back.
While Han was busy swatting at the new threat, Seungmin glanced at Minho, a slow smirk working its way onto his face when their eyes met. Time to set their plan in motion.
“Ugh! Stupid mosquitoes!” Hannie grumbled, twisting in his seat as he tried—and failed—to reach the itchy spots on his back. His skin throbbed with every missed scratch, only making it worse.
“Looks like someone needs a hand… should we help out?” Seungmin asked, already reaching his hand out.
Hannie’s struggles were cut short when two hands were placed on his back from either side. Minho and Seungmin’s fingers scratched the itchy areas to blissful perfection.
“Mmm thank you,” Han said gratefully, letting out a pleased sigh as he leaned forwards to let the two work their magic.
Unfortunately for him, he didn’t notice the twin smirks that were exchanged between the two menaces. Apparently, their little rivalry had been nothing but a farce.
Hands grabbed onto Han’s wrists, pulling them so that they were crossed over his middle, each of his hands held in the firm grasp of Minho and Seungmin.
Their fingers that had been gently scratching at his back now curled into claws that raked over Hannie’s lower sides and ribs.
Poor Hannie didn’t get a second to brace himself before the tingly sensations overtook his senses.
What started as harsh exhales quickly turned into helpless giggles, and the longer they continued, the more Hannie crumbled.
He shoved at their hands, but it was two against one and his sensitivity certainly wasn’t doing him any favors.
Stifled giggles left his lips in strings as Hannie shifting around awkwardly in his seat to avoid the hands that seemed stuck to his body. His face was scrunched up in the most adorable fashion, a smile already budding on his pink lips.
“I can’t believe how ticklish you are~” Minho teased, as if wrecking Han wasn’t a daily routine for him at this point. The kitten’s lips quirked up at the side and eyes squinted in amusement when Hannie glared at him.
“StahaHAHAp actihhing suHUHUprised! You lihihiterally wreHEHE—wrecked mehehe yehesterday!!”
“Oh, you’re actually being pretty quiet hm…let’s see how long you can keep it up.” Seungmin’s curious if slightly evil words had Minho cackling in childish joy.
With embarrassment bubbling in his belly, Hannie bowed his head low, trying to gain some semblance of control in hiding his expression from the world.
“Come on, let’s see that pretty smile~” Minho taunted, his fingers diving into the ace’s sides with renewed vigor.
Han squealed, instinctively jerking away—right into Seungmin's waiting arms. The two menaces were enjoying this way too much!
“ Nohohohoho! PlehEHEase hyuhung! Seuhuhungmhin-ah nahahaha! Nohohot hehehere!! Ihihit’s ehembarrahassing!”
No matter which way he turned, there was no escape. Laughter bubbled uncontrollably from Hannie’s lips, his face flushing with a mix of shyness and helpless joy.
But as much as he enjoyed their teasing, one thing was certain—hereally needed to get them back for this!
“Keep your arms here,” Minho instructed, moving Hannie’s hands so that he was leaning forward with his elbows resting on the table. Seungmin moved their glasses of water far enough away in case their target decided to get too squirmy.
Han laced his fingers together tightly and gulped nervously. His eyes flitted over the nearby tables before squeezing shut, praying they wouldn’t hear him over the background noise.
This new position left a lot of vulnerable areas completely exposed to the two. “Nohohoho you’re gonna tihickle mee!!” He complained, bringing his arms down to protect his sides when Minho’s hands ghosted over his belly.
“We’re going to tickle you either way. But if you move your arms again, this is gonna get ten times worse.” The threat lingered in the air and the ace felt a chill run down his spine.
Once his hands were returned to their position, the duo sprang into action. Their fingers immediately targeted Hannie’s legs; squeezing, scribbling, and pinching at the sensitive skin.
“Fahahahack, oho mY GAhahad! Please noHOT thesHEHere!!” Han ducked his head again, wobbly lips pressed tightly together but there was no use.
Then, Minho decided to be mean, slipping his hand lower and digging his fingers into either side of Hannie’s thighs, just above his knee.
The ace couldn’t possibly muffle his sounds when his knees and thighs were getting attacked like this. “PleheHEHEASE!! Seuhuhungmin-ah nohohoh-AH Mihihnho hyuHUHUng SHI- ahahahahaha!!”
The kitten’s voice took on a teasing lilt as he leaned closer, “Don’t hide your face, I wanna see you~”
Placing a finger under Hannie’s chin he lifted the younger’s face. And the sight that met his eyes was beautiful.
Hannie’s heart shaped smile stretched across his lips, his eyes were slitted from how hard he was laughing and his hair was a mess from when he was desperately shaking his head to cope with the ticklish onslaught.
Not to mention the dark blush that coated his chubby cheeks, neck and ears. He looked so utterly ruffled like this.
“Gods Hannie… you look so pretty right now,” Minho breathed out in wonder, his hands momentarily pausing it’s attack and focusing every sense on his other half.
Seungmin just sighed and shook his head at the two. His hands still working diligently on reducing Hannie to a sweet, giggly puddle.
Minho quickly snapped out of his revere, hands picking up the pace and making Hannie screech from the suddenness of it all.
“Fahahahahack! I cahan’t, I chahahan’t plehease mehehercy!!” He begged through hysterics.
At one point, Seungmin had to pause his ministrations to pick up a glass that got knocked over when Han’s knee hit the table.
“Ihihi hahahahate youhu so muhuhuch! Youhuhu twoho suhuck!!” Hannie’s giggled out complaints had no bite to it, just a mountain of mortification.
Minho was dying laughing at the quokka, his fingers now wiggling at the ace’s bare waist under his clothes. “Does it tickle more when I do it like this Hannie?” He taunted, knowing damn well what the answer was.
As Han writhed in his seat, failing miserably to stifle his giggles, he noticed some concerned and confused stares from nearby tables and humiliation crept up his body. He wished they were somewhere—anywhere—else.
He whined softly between peals of laughter, a heated blush painting his face crimson. The poor boy tapped their hands, desperately hoping they’d stop.
“QuihiHIHit it!! PeHEHEople are loohoohooking ahat mehehEHE!” His voice dissolved into hiccupy giggles, arms trembling on the table as he giggled and squirmed.
Seungmin laughed at the pained expression on his face, sinking his fingers into the softness of Hannie’s belly and loving the way it made the ace jump in his seat.
Han was just way too cute when he was tickled. His reactions being both amusing and adorable.
“Nahahahahaha! Plehease! Ihihit’s sohoho bahad!!”
The way his sweet voice shook with mirth and a shy blush bled into his skin had the two menaces melting. The sight was far too enticing to resist.
However, the duo snatched their hands back as it they had been burned, flushing with embarrassment when a waiter hurried to check in on the noise. Seungmin apologized on Hannie’s behalf with a Cheshire grin on his face.
Minho's ears were bright red and Seungmin was giggling crazily and cute Hannie had his face in his hands, fake crying into them.
The flustered ace pulled the hood of his jacket low over his face to avoid looking at the waiter as he set their food.
The man raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment, simply setting down their food. Hannie’s face turned even redder as he mumbled a quiet (and giggly) 'Thank you,' wishing the ground would swallow him whole.
It was far too embarrassing at that point. But of course, just this wasn’t enough to sate the two demons besides him.
The rest of their meal passed in quietly, the trio eagerly digging into the food and finishing it in record time. The wobbled walk home was also uneventful… up until they got to the doorway that is.
Hearing the consipiratory whispers already starting, Han bolted the moment he stepped through the door, feet thudding noisily on the hardwood floors.
But a hand caught his shoulder, spinning him around and pinning him to the wall near his bedroom door.
“Going somewhere Sungie?” Seungmin's voice carried an evil lilt to it. Minho joined them with a scarf, swiftly twirling to a stop besides the pair.
Han giggled at his hyungs antics, one hand pawing at the front of Lino's sweater beseechingly. The older cocked a brow at him, challenging the quokka to try to talk his way out of this.
“Puppy, hold him down,” Minho instructed, flexing the plain black fabric he was holding. Seungmin dragged Hannie inside his room and pinned him down on his bed.
“You ready Sungie? Hyung has something extra special planned for you~”
Hannie whined as they tied his hands up and Minho couldn’t help but squeal internally at how cute Hannie looked. It made the ace giggle nervously, hands trembling in their restraints.
“Agh you’re. Just. SO. Cute!” Each word brought with it a squeeze to the ace’s sides, the kitten leaning down and nuzzling Hannie’s clothed tummy with his face.
Their words were gentle, but their touch was mean and Han was weak to their cruel methods.
“Ahahaha nOHOHoho thahat tihIHICkles!!” Poor Hannie felt like he was going crazy, being extra sensitive from their previous ministrations.
Seungmin's fingers followed the curve of Hannie's torso, scribbling over his ribs, down his waist until they rested over the quokka's hips.
Then Minho dived in, raking all 5 nails over the younger's soles, from the balls of his feet to his heels.
He was unimaginably sensitive like this, reacting to every touch with a loud squeal and more squirming. Pleas spilled freely from Hannie’s lips and the two cooed at him.
The older spent extra time on his arches, exploring every little sound he could wring out for Hannie as the younger's screamed and squealed and pleaded.
Then Seungmin's hands came to life at his hips, and that was the last straw for Hannie. Minho placed his hands on Hannie's thighs and squeezed.
They massaged the spot thoroughly while holding it down and Han howled with laughter at the suddenness of it all.
He sealed his lips, his face growing darker and darker red as he laughed loudly. His happy sounds echoed through their dorms.
Minho leaned down, shaking his fluffy hair over Hannie’s abs. The strands caught and dragged on the toned muscles. Hannie squealed—a high-pitched, breathless sound that had Minho grinning triumphantly.
He was almost in tears as the featherlight touches appeared to tickle him even worse than the usual rough tickles that Minho subjected him to.
Minho kept a firm grip on the younger’s hips, holding them down as he alternated between sweeping his hair over the younger’s belly and blowing raspberries at random and reveling in the way it brought out the squeakiest laughter he’d ever heard from the younger.
The change and unexpectedness of his techniques had Hannie in hysterics much faster than usual (and also because the two had wreaked havoc on the poor boy not too long ago).
Seungmin, unfortunately, didn’t have as much experience targeting Han as Lino did, his usual targets being Jeongin, Changbin or Hyunjin. But thinking about it made an idea surface in his mind.
He dragged his fingers up form where they’d been poking and scribbling at the ace’s slender waist, until it was resting over the sides of Hannie’s chest.
It was Changbin’s worst spot and the puppy knew from experience that it also had Channie squealing the loudest he’d ever managed to have the leader.
Offhandedly, he wondered if it was a bad spot for all buff people and this thought had him lifting his head up to stare at Minho.
He’d been getting pretty bulky as of late… which made Seungmin wonder if it’d also work on the kitten. He decided to file that though away for later, his focus returning to his current victim.
Now that the idea had occurred to him, he wouldn’t be able to rest until he’d tested his hypothesis.
The lee tensed, tilting his head up to watch as Seungmin’s expression went from curious to an almost smug smirk.
The quokka didn’t get any warning before the puppy, pressed two fingers into the spot on either side.
“AHH FUCK! SeuhuhuHUHUngmihin!! ahahaHAHA! nohot there, PLEHEHEASE!!”
Han shrieked, arching his back desperately, only to come crashing back down when it pushed his exposed tummy right into Minho’s eager lips.
He then tried twisting side to side, his body writhing where it lay on the soft mattress but he couldn’t escape the sensation.
‘I knew that’d work!’ Seungmin muttered smugly, grinning in satisfaction. Perhaps his theory would be proven right. Perhaps all buff people had a common Achilles heel.
He would certainly have a lot of fun toying with that idea later.
“NahaHAHAha whyhy mehehe?!” Hannie whined through his giggles. “Because,” Minho started, pinching Han’s full cheeks, "you’re so cute when you’re like this~ You have this extra special tickle laugh and unfortunately for you, I’m addicted to it”
It was relieving for Minho to see his baby smile and laugh again. It had hurt him and the others too when Hannie had been feeling down. There was a time when he’d barely smiled and it honestly scared Minho.
He was left wondering if Hannie would ever smile as brightly as he had before. But now, looking closely at the way the ace’s cheeks stained red, his beautiful heart shaped smile spread so wide across his face, he felt that tight ache in his chest unravel.
Their Hannie was back and even happier than before. And both Minho and Seungmin were determined to keep him that way.
So, with a smirk, Seungmin began scratching at Hannie’s collarbones with his nails, Minho simultaneously raking his nails over Hannie’s lower belly and loving the way the poor boy let out an ear-splitting scream and dissolved into bubbly laughter.
The ace was kicking his legs as if he was swimming, his heels digging into the mattress as his body shook with desperate cackles.
“Getting some practice in for the Olympics huh Sungie?” Seungmin mocked, snickering when Han tried to glare at him. Minho burst out laughing, Hannie blushing at their mean teasing.
He didn’t have any time to think of something smart when the kitten massaged his thumb into Hannie’s v-line.
“MIHIHINHO HYUHUNG!” His whole body twisted to the side and Seungmin grinned.
“Oh, did you want me to get you here? Is that why you’re so desperately presenting it to me?” He teased cruelly, giggling when Hannie shook his head frantically, too consumed by his laughs to think of a reply.
“Shuhuhut uhup!! Fuck Minnie pleheheheheHEHEASE!! Ihi cahahahn’t! Ihihit’s SOHOHO BAHAHAHD!!”
Han pulled his knees up, hitting Minho's back with his legs over and over again. "Ow! That hurts Han-ah!" The kitten complained, grabbing firmly onto Hannie's feet when his legs came back up again.
"So impatient, aren't you? If you wanted my attention here that badly you could've just said so! No need for the violence." Hannie was speechless at their sheer audacity.
The way they spun it around and made it seem as if Hannie was the one desperately begging to be wrecked when in reality they had just wanted to mess with him.
But all thoughts of retaliation were driven from his mind the moment those nimble fingers touched his bare sole.
It was as though electric shocks were running through his legs, his body jolted and shook as Hannie's laughter cut out in seconds and then came back, much much louder than before.
The sound was deafening, howls and screeches mixing in with his cackles.
By the time they stopped and released the blushing boy, Hannie was panting hard, one arm thrown over his face as he gasped for breath. His body still jolted whenever Seungmin or Minho’s hands even came close.
The puppy held the black scarf in his hand, going silent when he realized how stretched it was. It was now about twice the size it had been when they’d tied Jisung with it.
“Wow Sungie, you really did a number on this one huh?” Hannie’s face flushed when he saw the fabric, stuttering as he tried to protest.
“Yah! You can’t blame me for this! It’s Lino’s fault! I—” Two pokes to his side shut him up quick.
“Is that how I told you to address me?” Minho’s voice was playfully sharp, and Hannie sighed in defeat. “Sorry hyungie.”
“Ooh I can’t wait to tell Bokkie how you ruined his favorite scarf! He’ll be SO mad!! Maybe…maybe he might need to punish you for it~”
Minho was already plotting to tell Felix, and perhaps he could persuade the angel to wreck Hannie as punishment.
Seungmin grinned at the thought. He’d love to explore more of Hannie’s vulnerable spots!
But before they could get carried away, Hannie, who had been plotting his revenge all along, intervened. “You two,” he panted, still red-faced and teary-eyed. “Get ready for payback.”
The determined glint in his eyes made both Minho and Seungmin hesitate. They knew that look—it was only a matter of time before the ace hunted them down and made them regret every poke and prod. And boy, was he going to enjoy it.
He managed to catch the puppy first, dragging him down and looming over him as Minnie kicked and squirmed. “What’s the matter pup? Can’t take what you dish out?”
Minho hurried to find a hiding place when he heard Seungmin howl with laughter behind him. These happy sounds went on for the better part of the next hour…
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ticklishprincey · 3 months
Heyy! I have only just seen ur account but I thought it was so cute! Is there anyway u can write a tkl fic with Lee!ford pretty pretty please? You don’t have too and if you do just take ur time and don’t rush 💗💗
✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Oh my Zeus you are so sweet thank you I just organized it!!! Yes of course I can for you my lovely anon! (I've actually been looking for a reason to write for Gravity Falls hehe) ◦•●◉✿ Warnings: Tickling, hurt/comfort (lmk if there's any more) ◦•●◉✿ Pairings: Ler!Stan & Lee!Ford ✿◉●•◦𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢, 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚢𝚜◦•●◉✿ Ford was in his lab, as usual. Staring down at his work, listening to the incessant ticking of the clock as seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hours. Tick. Tick. Tick. He looked down at his hands. A million memories were flashing through his head. Tick. Tick. Tick. They had called him a monster, a deformity, a mistake. Tick. Tick. Tick. And of course they wouldn't now. He was a renowned scientist. Tick. Tick. Tick. Then why did it still hurt? The ticking of the clock was replaced by a knocking - Knocking was generous, actually, it was more like banging. "FORD! COME OUT AND SHOW ME YOU'RE ALIVE!" A sigh of relief escapes Ford's parted lips. "It's just Stan-" He thought. He pushed his work to the side, standing and crossing the lab to the door. His brother, Stan, stood there staring back at him. Was that... concern that he saw? Deep lines etched in his brother's face, eyebrows creased with worry, dark circles made themselves known under his eyes from lack of sleep. "Oh thank god- Are you okay? You've been cooped up in here for days." Days? Had it really been that long? "I- Days?" "Yes, days, Sixer. What's up with you?" Ford shoved his hands in his pockets - A nervous habit he picked up as a teenager. If he didn't show his deformity people couldn't point it out. Unfortunately, Stan knew this habit well and picked up on it almost immediately. "You thinking about the hand thing again?" He asked softly. Ford nodded, beginning to brush it off until Stan wrapped his arms around the scientist. His breath caught in his throat at the sudden affection from his brother, it wasn't often that he got a good word, let alone a hug. "Your hands are great. You're great. Any asshole that says otherwise can take a long walk off a short pier. Got me?" Ford chuckled and nodded. Stan grinned, leading his twin over to the small couch in the corner of the lab. He sat and patted the spot next to him, where Ford took his seat as well. Stan took one of his brother's hands, along with a pen from his pocket. "S-Stan nononono-" Ford's pleas were cut short by a loud squeak as his brother dragged the tip of the pen down the palm of his hand. Stan grinned in satisfaction. "Oh come on, Sixer, you love this and you know it." He couldn't exactly deny that claim, his body language betrayed him in that field. Instead of pulling his hand away, he kept it in his brother's grasp, opting to use his free hand to cover his face and attempt to save at least some dignity. "Shuhut uhuhup!" "You know that isn't possible." Stand continued to draw on his brother's palm, random shapes and words along the sensitive skin, pointing out the different fingers as he drew on them individually. "I like this one, and this one, this one's my favorite-" he chuckled as he drew on Ford's middle finger, "And this one's good too, and this one, aaaand I like this one too." "Stahahan this isn't fahahair!" "Oh come on, it's not my fault your hands are ticklish. What kind of sibling would I be if I didn't take advantage of it?" "Fuhuck off!" "Oooooo, didn't know you had such a potty mouth." "Stahahahap!" The tickling immediately stopped at the request. Ford grinned up at his brother a light pink hue dusting his cheeks and ears. Stand grinned back, getting up and heading towards the door. "Dinner's ready whenever you're hungry." After he left, Ford looked down at what had been written on his hand. "I love you more than my hat" Ford smiled fondly, making a mental note to pause his experiments for a bit. He didn't want to wash it off. ✿◉●•◦𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚍◦•●◉✿ ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. Again, thank you so so so much for your request as well as the kind words, I appreciate all of you guys so so sooooo much!
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