#ask me about schuyler
lenoraah · 1 year
𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘵𝘰𝘯
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pairing - oscar piastri x theater kid!reader
summary - Oscar and reader have been best friends since the beginning of time, when reader gets hurt, some feelings finally get revealed
a/n - needed something to fill in the gaps (also includes Hamilton quote, that’s the theater kid part) also when i say kid i really mean like adult and in Broadway
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
“Stop moving,”
“Stop telling me what to do.”
Oscar scowls as he tugs on Y/n arm, trying to keep her on the couch. She narrows her eyes at him and obeys, crossing her arms with a pout on her face.
“Don’t you have places to be?” She raises an eyebrow at him and he shakes his head, reaching over to readjusting the pillow resting under Y/n swollen ankle.
“No I don’t, I’m here with you.”
Y/n playfully rolls her eyes, knowing well enough that he had so many other things he could do than be here with her supervising her icing her ankle.
“You don’t have to be here. Why are you even here?” Y/n mumbles with her head down. She couldn’t help then think about how Oscar probably had a girlfriend to get back to.
“Because I want to be here,”
“You don’t have to,”
“Well then because you broke your ankle during the Schuyler Sister number.”
“Yeah and you don’t have-”
“I want to because I love you. It’s that a good enough answer for you because-“
“You what?”
Oscar’s eyes immediately widen and his face flushes a bright red. He freezes up and Y/n’s lips part slightly.
“I-I love you,” She hesitates and Oscar tilts his head to the side, a small smile forming on his lips.
“You do?” He asks shyly and she nods.
“I do,”
“Since when?”
Y/n reaches out and takes his hand in her. “Since we were kids,”
Oscar pauses for a moment before smiling and squeezing her hand. The two lean in and look into each other’s eyes.
His brown irises to her y/e/c ones. The smile at each other once and break out into quiet laughter before pulling in for a kiss.
”You sure this is something you want?” She mumbles, leaning against each other’s foreheads
“I’m not throwing away my shot.” He murmurs back.
“Did you really just quote the musical in which I have broke my ankle in?”
“Yes, yes I did.”
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fullofobsessions · 3 months
It annoys me when people say Hamilton doesn't have enough feminism in it and that the women in it aren't "strong enough".
Are you kidding me?
All four main women in the musical represent a different type of feminism.
Angelica Schuyler represents the rebellious type of feminism; she's the one that blatantly resists oppression and refuses to be ruled by men's opinions.
She stood up to Aaron Burr, thus creating her own revolution against prejudice and sexism.
She shows that sometimes, to be strong is to stand up for yourself.
Elizabeth Schuyler represents the supporting type of feminism; she's the one that listens to other people, always giving them a shoulder to cry on in their hardest times.
She comforted Alexander when he was worried she'd leave him because of his lack of money, saying that she doesn't need more than just him being alive.
She shows that sometimes, to be strong is to show kindness to those who need it.
Peggy Schuyler represents the quiet type of feminism; she's the one that follows rules and listens to her father without asking questions, nudging her sisters to go back home (which she does to keep the three of them safe), but is also helping her sisters out whenever she can.
She kept Laurens out of the way at the winter ball so Eliza could have her chance at finding love with Alexander.
She shows us that sometimes, to be strong is to help the people you care about, even if they don't always know or appreciate it.
Maria Reynolds represents the misunderstood type of feminism; she's the one who is being constantly hurt and torn down by a man, but is still begging to be saved by another man, and then being victim-blamed for it.
She silently endured abuse to keep her daughter, who is not mentioned in he musical, safe.
She shows that sometimes, to be strong is to know when to be weak.
Hamilton is full of feminism, not to mention the fact that the musical ends with Elizabeth Schuyler being the reason people still know about Alexander Hamilton and his legacy, more than 200 years after his death.
All thanks to a woman.
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pippin-katz · 3 months
Monty's Redemption
I realized why I want Monty to return for season 2 (if we get it). Obviously, love Joshua Colley; fantastic actor that I actually recognized from a Broadway miscast performance from way back in 2016. He played Eliza along with two other little boys and performed The Schuyler Sisters. Tangent: For those who did not already know this, you should absolutely watch it here. He was so good that I remembered him constantly whenever Hamilton was brought up. It happened enough that I went and followed him a few years later. It was a crazy while watching him, cause he felt familiar, but I didn't why, then I saw his name in the credits, and I was like, "Isn't that the name of the kid who played Eliza in that miscast? I'm pretty sure that's his name, let me check." Boom! It was him, and I immediately rewatched the miscast, and it was so crazy because his face has not changed at all! Like, obviously it's matured, but it's the same fucking face. Some people look completely different when they grow up, and some people literally look the same. (I'm one of these people. My face has not changed since I was a fucking toddler. Couple that with my short height and you have a childhood of bullying then an early adulthood of being mistaken for a child. RIP 🥲) Joshua's face is literally the same, it was so crazy lmfao
But other than loving the actor, I really want Monty to come back! I think it would be adorable if he turned back into a human, and joined the squad. He and Edwin would be an adorable QPR, and Edwin could teach him about being a human, since he probably only knows the bare minimum Esther told him so he could be in disguise. I actually wrote an essay about this a little while ago that I might rewrite.
But it is more than just wanting him back for the cuteness and fun of having him around. My urge for him to return feels too strong, too pinpointed, and I couldn't figure out why for a while.
Surprise, surprise! I figured it out!
It has to do with redemption! Charles literally says it when he pushes the backpack to him when he couldn't reach it.
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Here's the thing, obviously I'd like him to come back to get a full redemption arc, but I figured out why I'm so set on him getting one. It's specifically Edwin.
There's something Edwin says about Monty that rubs me the wrong way. It's during the conversation he has with Niko on the roof. He says, "He was a good liar, for a crow." It always made my skin prickle, just a little bit.
It's because calling Monty a "liar" feels like an unfair label. Did he lie? Yes, absolutely. But he also didn't.
Everything Monty tells Edwin behind the butcher shop is true. The only lie is the reason he wasn't free to make his own decisions before. It wasn't a coma, but he was still trapped and "in the dark" metaphorically speaking. Even what he says about feeling braver is true.
He's essentially Esther's property; she can do with him what she likes. She quite literally rips him apart and puts him back together, making him a human against his will. Monty says, "I never asked to be human. With all these... feelings."
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She forces a massive change in his entire being, mind, and life. Imagine how jarring it would be to suddenly not have wings that you were born with? To have no tail, beak, or claws? To be something completely other than you?
It was simpler for Monty when he was a crow. He was probably scared all the time, and just did as he was told. But once he becomes human, if you pay attention, you can see immediately that Monty does not actually like Esther that much, nor enjoys having to help her. He speaks his mind, and backtalks her, a couple times.
"That little slither bug is the size of a bus. It could afford to miss a few meals." - Ep05 When he says this, he says it with actual disdain in his voice. He's not just being sarcastic about it. Monty's voice and expression when he says it could miss meals looks like he genuinely doesn't like it.
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"Well, I mean, you stood bleeding on the shore so Lilith would come out of the ocean and grant you eternal life. She never said you had to stay young and beautiful." - Ep05 Given how much she believes Lilith tricked her, and how much she cares about being young and beautiful, this was an incredibly ballsy thing for Monty to say.
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"You didn't tell me that mushroom thing was gonna completely eradicate them. Or how gruesome it would be. Or how to-" - Ep06 Monty is genuinely distraught over this, and saying she didn't tell him implies his actions would have been different if he'd known. How so? We'll never know, but it's possible he would've tried to sabotage or refuse to help her. "Tried" being a key word here because it's clear that she had little-to-no care for Monty at all. He obeys her, but gets revealed by the Cat King, and she rips him up for it. There's really no way he could've survived if he'd tried to refuse/stop her.
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Speaking of genuine feelings, Monty did actually like them. Yes, "them" plural. He says, "-gonna completely eradicate them." Monty could've said "him", referring to Edwin since he's the one he's in love with, but he doesn't. He's upset about both of them being destroyed. Earlier when Esther gives him the napkin of fungus, he asks her what she's going to do with Crystal. If Edwin was the only one he cared about, he wouldn't have bothered to ask.
He's not supposed to care at all! If he was still a crow, he couldn't have asked. He'd just go do it. He's her familiar; he pretty much has to. Based on Monty's emotional responses, and the fact that he helps Charles at the end, it seems like he has free will. And you can say, "Why didn't he refuse sooner if he really cared?" and at the end of the day, that doesn't matter. She would have killed him regardless of what point in her plot he betrayed her. He doesn't want to die! That's a very reasonable response to the situation.
The affection Monty has for Edwin is completely real, and develops quickly. After their first meeting, they're swapping books, and Monty seems to have actually read it. Saying it was beautiful is a generic compliment, but how would he know it was funny?
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He was genuinely looking forward to seeing Edwin, and disappointed that the plans were canceled.
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Esther even says, "Monty, ew. You're not besotted with that little brat, are you?" Funny how he actually never responds to that question here, but immediately shuts the notion down after Edwin rejects him.
And it's when Edwin tells him sincerely that he is his friend that Monty makes the decision to try and get him out of the forest.
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I said in my other essay and earlier in this one that betraying Esther is a death sentence. There's no way she wouldn't find out if he helped them escape, but he was going to try anyway.
Monty may have lied about his identity as Esther's crow, but he didn't lie about the rest of who he is. That is why Edwin referring to him as a "liar", plain and simple, feels wrong. Monty deserves the chance to talk to Edwin, to actually explain himself, not under the threat of the Forest Elemental destroying Edwin, and without the Cat King's jeering. Honestly, I think he only ran because of the way Edwin called him a crow as though that on its own was disgusting or insulting rather than the real problem which is him being Esther's crow. I don't think Edwin would've actually cared about Monty originally being a crow, especially given the fact that the Cat King literally switches back and forth between human and cat. He's a human now (in that moment).
The way Edwin calls him a "liar" makes me feel like he didn't believe Monty when he said that he wasn't pretending, that it started off as that, but that it had changed into real feelings for him. It feels wrong for Edwin not to know/acknowledge that, especially if Charles tells him about the help he provided against Esther.
That it is what I want most if Monty is brought back.
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littlesunshine1223 · 4 months
I would like to order Hamilton (Smut)
Something like John Laurens x fem.reader in a modern au and they are a couple and live together but their relationship is too complicated because John is too jealous and the reader is someone with a lot of friends and they have too many arguments.
In one of those discussions they stop talking and ignore each other, then the reader goes to a party with the Schuyler sisters and dresses up looking very sexy just to bother John.
The reader returns late at night and a little drunk and they start to discuss why he believes that she was unfaithful to him and she just to bother says that it is true (although it is a lie).She complains to him out of jealousy but he just doesn't want her to leave him for someone better.
I don't know how to explain, but do they reconcile?
Sorry, I'm embarrassed 🥹😅
Cruel Jealousy
John Laurens X FEM!Reader (modern au)
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(TW: smut, swearing, jealous sex, slight mention of alcohol, etc)
“I can’t believe you! All you ever do is piss me off! Did you really think I wouldn’t notice the way you were hanging all over my friends?!” John yelled at you.
You rolled your eyes at him. It was another fight, the same argument over every little thing you did when he was around.
“Do Not roll your eyes at me Y/N! You’re half drunk and it’s nearly 2 in the morning. Also that dress you’re fucking wearing is way too revealing, some random guy could’ve coped a feel at any point!” John once again exclaimed upon your non-listening ears.
Your mind felt fuzzy from the couple glasses of wine you’d drank at the party as you chatted with the Schuyler sisters. John continued to rant about how what you’re wearing is revealing and how you were supposedly flirting with his friends. But he didn’t know what really happened, as you were walking over to get another drink you accidentally slipped over the bottom of your dress and Hamilton caught you before you hit the ground. In John’s eyes he saw you hanging all over Alexander, he didn’t know the full story and wasn’t letting you explain what actually happened.
You snapped back to reality when you heard him exclaim that he thinks you were cheating on him with his friends. “What made you think that I’d ever cheat on you?!” You asked him in disbelief. He looked at you with his eyes brimmed in tears, “You’ve ignored me for the past two days, you wear clothes that practically show off everything, and all you do is hang all over everyone you come close to like they’re a damn playground! So just tell me, tell me the truth…have you been seeing someone else?!”
You thought for a moment before answering. Your drunken thoughts only fueled the flames of the argument when you told him that you had slept with his three best friends.
He looked at you in disbelief for a moment but once he snapped out of his gaze he heard you complaining how none of his best friends didn’t take you back to their houses after the party. You saying this made something inside John’s mind snap as he was pushed over the edge. He walked towards you angrily, grabbing you roughly and pinning you to the wall. His lips found yours hungrily. The kiss slowly became a makeout session until he pulled away. “You’re lying right through your fucking teeth.” He purred into your ear seductively.
His hands slipped from your hips to your thighs, one hand slipping between your legs. His fingers and palm rubbed you through your pants which made you moan for him from the friction. “You like that baby? You like pissing me off just so I’m rough with you? Bet you want me to fuck you like a whore. If you wanted me to touch you so bad then get on your knees and suck me off. Clearly you wanted a dick down your throat since you were flirting up my friends.” He smirked as you slipped down to your knees. You unzipped his pants and tugged them down along with his boxers to reveal his nod fully hard erection.
You licked some pre that was oozing from his shaft which made him let out a shaky breath. “Stop teasing me and just suck it properly.” He warns in an irritated tone but seconds later you take him into your mouth properly and suck as hard as you can, causing him to let out a gasp which faded into a moan. The more you bobbed your head and ran your tongue over his sensitive skin the more he tugged at your hair and thrusted his hips into your mouth.
“Damn baby, feel so fucking good.” He whined as his hips kept bucking into your mouth. His sounds of pleasure kept getting more desperate and slightly higher in tone as you continued to suck him off. After a few moments passed he came down your throat with a broken moan. “Baby, go back to the bedroom and strip. I’ll be in there in a minute.” He whispered into your ear seductively. You do as he says and walk back to your shared bet room. You strip your clothes off and lay spread out on the bed, legs open and hands behind your head.
John walks in after a few moments and immediately positions himself between your legs. He tossed his clothes off and grabbed the lube from the nightstand before lubing up his still erect cock and pushing it deep inside you. Both of you let out sounds of pleasure but you had to admit that the stretch from his girth stung a little bit. He noticed your whimpers nearly immediately and kisses you deeply. “It’s alright y/n, I’ll wait till you’re ready for me to move.” He continues to kiss all over your face until you tell him you’re ready. The seconds you tell him that he starts thrusting slow and deep, not wanting to overdo it too soon.
A couple moments pass and his thrusts get rougher and you swear you feel him in your stomach from how deep he is. Your moans and sounds of pleasure only fuel his thrusts and make him throw his head back with a groan of your name as he pounds you oh so harder. “Hell, maybe if I get you pregnant then you’ll stop whoring around with my friends. You’ll look good all stuffed and swollen because of me.” He rambled as his mind got fuzzier and fuzzier from how hard you’re squeezing his aching hardness inside you.
The pleasure was becoming too much as you got closer and closer to your climax. You felt his hands grabbing at your own, after getting a hold on your hands he holds them and ruts into you deeper and harder. “C-Close!~ Jo-John!~” you moan before hitting your peak and cumming around his cock when it was balls deep inside you. John throws his head back with a moan before he pulls out with a wet pop noise and cums on your chest with a whimper as his eyes rolled back for a second or two.
He lays on the bed next to you, both of you panting. “Did you mean what you said?” You turn your head to face him. “Did I mean what?” “Did you mean what you said about getting me pregnant just to make sure everyone knows I’m yours?” Johns face went red at the question but after he over came his embarrassment he kissed you and nodded. “I hate when other people look at you like they’re just waiting to pounce. I just…I don’t want you getting hurt. I love you too much to just stand around while you tease some other random person.” He explains to you. You couldn’t help but kiss him deeply on the lips while snuggling closer. “Here babe, I’ll go get a rag to clean us up then-” he offered but you cut him off. “Who said we were done?” A smirk formed on his face before he kissed you deeper than ever and pinned you down to the bed.
It was going to be a long night…
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aanoia · 1 year
Pretty in the Moonlight
Thomas Jefferson x reader
Summary; just missing your boyfriend and him missing you
Warnings; broken glass, cheesy Thomas
Words; idkk
I wrote this forever ago
Requests are welcome and encouraged!
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y’know ur rly pretty, we should go out sometime
r u high again
highly in love with u
u do the cutest things
like what
I smiled at my phone as I sat on my couch. I stared at what my boyfriend of almost a year said to me, happiness blooming in my heart. My phone dinged as another message came through.
Sick Boi 🤒🤧
are you texting him rn
like currently
thomas, r u texting thomas rn
dude he’s smiling at his phone mad hard rn
stop, my heart
i’m not kidding he’s smiling so much
I shut my phone off and squealed, kicking my legs into the air. Fast footsteps came down the hall to reveal the youngest Schuyler sister.
“What is it? What happened?” She asked quickly.
“Come here,” I motioned her over as her sister came behind her. Peggy sat next to me whereas Angelica and Eliza stood behind the couch, peering over our shoulders.
I opened my phone to show them the texts. Big smiles grew on their faces as they read Thomas’ texts, and then Peggy started squealing when she read James’.
“Oh my god, y/n, Jeffersons in love with you,” Angelica commented with a big smile.
“By the looks of it the feeling is reciprocated as well,” Eliza teased and I smiled, hiding my red face in my sweater paws.
Thomas’ sweater. I remember when he purposely ordered it a size too big for him (for my bigger girls who think they won’t fit into his sweatshirt, don’t sweat it, he needs bigger sizes for his big muscles and he likes his sweatshirts big on him as well, don’t worry about that my loves, body positivity) so it’d be baggy on me.
“Omg, you should go see him!” Peggy said excitedly, “When was the last time you left the dorm? You’ve been so busy studying, you haven’t had time to see him. He’s probably so emo about it,” She said quickly and I laughed.
“Okay, I’ll go see him,” I stood from the couch as the sisters dispersed and walked to my room. I put on a pair of sweatpants over my shorts because it was cold outside, and just slipped my slides over my socks. The combo might look horrible but it’s so comfortable.
I stepped out of the door, immediately shivering at the cold night air as I closed it. I could see my breath in the air as I looked at the moon and the stars, slightly smiling at the sight before my eyes. I truly am grateful it’s a sight I get the privilege to see anytime when the clouds aren’t out and concealing its beauty. The leaves on the trees sang as the wind passed through them, every once in a while a leaf would fall, signaling that winter was coming soon.
As I neared Thomas’ dorm room I heard voices inside, the dumbest thing the school’s done was put Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton in the same dorm room. I went up to the door and decided to silently walk in instead of knocking. The boys were arguing in the living room area of the dorm as James was trying not to have a coughing fit on the couch and Aaron was sitting at the island holding his head in his hands. John was nowhere to be found so I assumed he was next door with Laf and Hercules.
I silently walked over to the fridge, waving to Aaron who immediately noticed I was there. I grabbed a glass from the drying mat and quietly pulled the milk from the fridge, I barely paid attention to the fight that was happening as I poured my milk. I turned around and walked towards the island but tripped over something, in an attempt to not step on whatever I tripped on, I dropped the glass of milk. The glass shattered against the ground, successfully catching the attention of everyone in the room.
I gave them a sheepish smile, “Hi?”
“Darlin’, when did you get here?” Thomas asked, frozen in place.
“Like, two minutes ago. Now, where is the broom?”
Aaron pointed to the corner where the trash can was and I nodded as a silent thank you. Before I got the broom, I bent down and picked up the culprit for the tripping. John’s turtle.
“Here, I’ll put him in his enclosure,” Aaron offered and I smiled at him, handing the turtle over to him.
I went to get the broom, but Thomas ran and beat me there.
“Let me get that for you.” He said and I rolled my eyes, grabbing onto the broom, but he didn’t let go.
“Thomas, I made the mess.”
“It’s my dorm, and I’m stronger than you. I win."
I rolled my eyes again and defiantly let go. I began searching for a rag to clean the milk up with as he swept up the glass. Alexander threw something at me and I smiled at the rag in my hands.
“Thanks, dickhead.”
“Anytime, asshole."
After Thomas swept the glass I quickly wiped up the milk. Once I put the rag in the sink arms immediately wrapped around my waist.
“Hello, baby." I said quietly with a smile.
“I missed you.” He whispered in my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
“I’ve missed you too, my love.”
“I wanna go on a walk with you,” He mumbled.
“Okay, let’s go.” I gently unwrapped his arms from my waist and he reluctantly left my side to slip his shoes on.
Once he put them on he opened the door and gestured for me to exit. I did and he followed after me, quietly closing the door so as to not wake anyone. He held my cold hand, warming it up as we walked.
We walked in silence until we sat on a bench, looking up at the moon.
It was quiet until his voice cut through the air.
“Has anyone ever told you that your eyes sparkle in the moonlight?”
I looked at him beside me and smiled, “No, no one has ever told me that. And that's really cheesy.”
He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear (if you have long enough hair for that), “Shame on them. You’re so beautiful in the moonlight. And I love cheese so that's okay.”
“As are you, Thomas, and yes, cheese is delicious.” I responded as his face neared mine.
Our lips met in a soft kiss, his hand touched my cheek. My heart’s rhythm synced with his and our lips moved together perfectly, his thumb gently caressed my cheek, and my arm wrapped around the back of his neck. We pulled back for air, our foreheads resting against each other.
“I love you so much, mon amour.” He whispered.
“I love you too.” I whispered back with a smile.
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umi-teardrop · 4 months
(Based on the conservation I had with Zayn aka @ask-chubby-hamilton while asking them about the lore)
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-1, 2, 3, 4! Counting every day, I been stuck in here… can someone help me get away? 5, 6, 7, 8! Time is just a hoax in a musically world of characters and historical jokes
Zayn - Creator/Anons:
-You must think that your dreaming
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-Just tell me what your scheming
Evil Anon:
-You look like you’ve seen a ghost
-But your lucky to have such amazing anons like us
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-I’m scared to lose myself here
-But there is nothing to fear
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-I can’t take it anymore! Is that an exit door?
Everyone( @ouioui-lafayettes-askblog , @ask-thomas-jefferson-1 , @ask-james-madison-stuff , @ask-general-washington , @ask-john-laruens , @askh3rculesmu11igan , @ask-aaron-burr1 , @ask-theodosia-blog , @mreynolds-ask-blog , @jreynolds-ask-blog-1 , @ask-susan-reynolds , @e-schuyler-ask-blog , @angelicashuylersaskblog , @peggy-schuylers-ask-blog , @samuel-seaburys-askblog , @that-876girl474 , @martha-manning-laurens-ask-blog , @ask-deborah-sampson ):
-Just your imagination! The exit Is your fixation door after door you find that it is just a chaotic hallucination! You try to find a way out… But your stuck here day after day inside a chaotic hallucinations
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-A, L, E, X! I don’t know my past tell me if I’m real or I’m just a fake E, N, D, E, R!
The writing on the wall! The vowels and the consonants say save us all
@ask-thomas-jefferson-1 :
-You must think that you’re dreaming!
@e-schuyler-ask-blog :
-it’ll be okay believe me!
@askh3rculesmu11igan :
-You look like you’ve seen a ghost
@ask-thomas-jefferson-1 :
Your lucky to have what’s left of your sanity
@ask-james-madison-stuff :
-and some might call it tragic…
@ask-aaron-burr1 :
-when the fandom lost its magic…
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-I can't take it anymore
Is that an exit door?
Just your imagination
The exit is your fixation
Door after door, you'll find that it's just a chaotic hallucination
You try to find a way out
But you're stuck here day after day
Inside a chaotic hallucination
@ask-chubby-hamilton :
-Is it an amalgamation of my own fixation?
Door after door, I find that it is just a chaotic hallucination
I’m done trying for a way out
I'm stuck here day after day
Inside this choatic hallucination
-Just your imagination
The exit is your fixation
Door after door, you'll find that it is just a chaotic hallucination
You try to find a way out
But you're stuck here day after day
Inside a chaotic hallucination
Chaotic hallucination (oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
[original song by OR3O from YouTube]
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queenpiranhadon · 1 year
So, so, SO
Y'all know and love the musical Hamilton, right? Well I do. And idk if this theory is *entirely* original, so my apologies if it isn't. BUT:
Angelica and Elizabeth Schuyler, both have iconic songs which highlight their feelings for our controversial bastard orphan Alexander. Eliza uses the phrase "Helpless" throughout the song frequently (it's also the name lol), and Angelica uses "Satisfied" (ALSO the name of the song).
BUT, stay with me, the two eldest Schuyler sisters aren't the only ones who uses these phrases.
In Say No to This, Maria Reynolds says "I'm helpless", almost like a nod to Eliza's song.
Whereas in Meet me Inside, John Laurens says "I'm satisfied" after his duel with Charles Lee. Now, while this may be a coincidence, as it's fitting that it rhymes with "shot him in the side" (referring to Lee's current condition), it's still something to consider.
My thought is this:
The characters in Hamilton that quote or say the word 'Helpless' in their respective songs, are those who openly showed affection and expressed their love to Alexander Hamilton. Those being Eliza Hamilton, his wife, and Maria Reynolds, the one whom he had a "torrid affair" with, as that became public later on.
But, the characters who had used the term 'Satisfied' were the ones who never broadcasted their love, only really admired him from afar or never spoke about their relationship. And who were those, you may ask? None other than John Laurens, Hamilton's close friend who many shippers are speculating an affair between the two, as well as Angelica Schuyler, who talked about her repressed feelings in her spotlight song.
Reblog if you love Hamilton ;)
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Any tips on how to write a historical fiction? Like working out the historical placement, economy and the political state of the country, the situation of royalty etc. Love your blog!
Historical Fiction vs Other Historical Subgenres
I wonder if you're meaning to ask about writing "historical fantasy" or "alternate history" rather than historical fiction. Here's why...
Historical fiction is set in a real place, in a real, recognizable time in our history. For example, Melissa de la Cruz's Alex & Eliza follows the lives and marriage of Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler, real U.S. historical figures who were featured in the recently popular musical, Hamilton. If you want to write historical fiction, fleshing out your setting's economy, political state, situation of royalty, etc. is a matter of researching your setting in that particular time. My post Researching an Historical Topic has some pointers that should help with that kind of research.
Historical fantasy can be one of two things: typically, historical fantasy refers to stories set in a real place and time in our history, but with the incorporation of fantastical elements, such as in Marie Lu's The Kingdom of Back which is set in 18th-century Europe and follows Mozart's older sister, who gets involved with a stranger from a magical realm who promises to make her musical dreams come true. Historical fantasy can also be set in a fictional place that heavily resembles a real historical time and place and incorporates magic, but since the emphasis is as much on the historical feel of the story as on the fantastical elements, it's historical fantasy rather than just fantasy. Here, too, fleshing out your setting will come down to doing research, then making your own decisions about how to plausibly differentiate your imaginary setting. You may find it easier to do this after you've fleshed out your plot and understand the needs of your story.
Alternate history imagines a historical place and time in our world but with a major difference, like what if the Titanic sailed through a time portal into 1970s New York. Or, what life in 1920s Los Angeles would have been like if the U.S. had lost the Revolutionary War and the king and queen had come to visit some of their American Dukes and Duchesses. Fleshing out an alternate history setting will require research of the real time and location as well as some educated brainstorming about how things would be different.
Fantasy stories are sometimes set in settings or worlds loosely or somewhat heavily based on our own. In Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse, Ravka is loosely based on early 1800s Russia, and in George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, Westeros is loosely based on early-medieval Britain. However, because the emphasis is more on the fantastical elements than the historical similarities, these stories are straight up fantasy rather than historical fantasy. Much as with the other examples, here fleshing out your setting requires research of your inspiration setting as well as brainstorming to determine what you want to change.
Let me know if you have questions about whichever specific one you want to write!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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pub-lius · 7 months
Hey, so recently I saw a post about the misogyny of hamilton, so I wanted to ask you if it was true. Not the part of misogyny (because in that time it was normal, I guess), but rather how much was? (does make sense?), did it affect the relationship with eliza or with her daughters?
Thankyu!!! (Muak)
hm okay so im not completely sure what you mean but i am going to do my darndest
So, in the time period which Hamilton was alive, which is the latter half of the 18th century, there definitely was a profound attitude of misogyny, but it was very different from what we know today. Most of our idea of sexism comes from the religious revivals of the 20th century (and people who know me know how i feel about the godforsaken 20th century when it comes to history). This is yk your typical idea of a housewife being at home, taking on the burdens of homemaking and child rearing and basically keeping everything together at home while the husband worked a stressful 9 to 5 and didn't do shit at home and weaponized incompetence and implicit biases and yadayada
This was not the case in the 18th century! 18th century gender roles are very different from what we're used to, and even more different than what the Victorians and Edwardians considered the norm. This is especially visible in Hamilton's relationship with women, so I'm quite excited to talk about this.
Firstly, I want to talk about the joker to my batman: Ron Chernow. A major theory he supports in his biography of Hamilton is the two sided nature of Hamilton's perception of women. He says that there is a clear distinction between two "types" of women in Hamilton's wife-- the good, Christian mistress of the house and the stupid, mentally unstable skank. These are his terms. I want to hit him in the head with a brick.
"Together, the two eldest [Schuyler] sisters formed a composite portrait of Hamilton's ideal woman, each appealing to a different facet of his personality. Eliza reflected Hamilton's earnest sense of purpose, determination, and moral rectitude, while Angelica exhibited his worldly side- the wit, charm, and vivacity that so delighted people in social intercourse." -Ron Chernow, Alexander Hamilton, page 133
Yeah, this is horseshit. It gets worse when he compares Elizabeth Hamilton and Maria Reynolds on page 367, but I'm not going to get started because I won't stop. And this isn't about him anyway.
Instead, I want to talk about WHY this is horseshit. First of all, even Alexander "thinks with the wrong head" Hamilton didn't have this fucked up mindset, because it is heavily based in 20th century evangelicalism that didn't even exist in Hamilton's world.
Yes, obviously there was religious attitudes that condemned certain actions from women, but this was not as intense as in later periods. In the 18th century, an upperclass woman, such as Elizabeth Hamilton, would be responsible for maintaining the household, but this meant being in charge of the servants rather than doing the work herself. The work she did do would be maintaining the finances and the family's reputation.
Reputation was everything in the 18th century, and this especially applied to women. Not only did they have to maintain their own reputations, but they had to raise their children to have the skills necessary to do the same, and often had to fill in for their husbands in this department if they held public office. It's very difficult to maintain your reputation if you're beating people with walking sticks in the Continental Congress.
When it came to lower and middle class women, their jobs weren't different in that they carried an equally important role in the family. They would be doing household chores just as well as their husband, and these weren't easy chores that made women "feeble". They very often took a lot of physical strength and endurance, and it wasn't considered unladylike for women to do "men's" chores while their husbands were away. This isn't to say that women in later eras didn't do the same, but it wasn't as publicly frowned upon.
Hamilton had a very unique perspective as he was witness to both sides of this coin. His mother, a single, working class mother would be juggling both the man and woman's role. I think it was really this background that allowed him to have a much more informed perspective on womanhood. He was one of the few men in this period that I've seen write from the perspective of a woman, specifically a grieving mother.
"For the sweet babe, my doting heart Did all a mother's fondness feel; Careful to act each tender part And guard from every threatening evil. But what alas! availed my care? The unrelenting hand of death, Regardless of a parent's prayer Has stopped my lovely infant's breath-" -Papers of Alexander Hamilton, volume 1, page 43.
Chernow attributes this to Hamilton's deeply empathetic nature, which is fair, however I think it also shows that he was able to understand a woman's experience specifically.
I say this because Hamilton does tell us a little bit about exactly what was expected of women in the time during Elizabeth's first pregnancy in a letter that is usually used to call him a sexist, but I think it's a little more complex than that. Here's the excerpt:
"You shall engage shortly to present me with a boy. You will ask me if a girl will not answer the purpose. By no means. I fear, with all the mothers charms, she may inherit the caprices of her father and then she will enslave, tantalize and plague one half [the] sex, out of pure regard to which I protest against a daughter. So far from extenuating your offence this would be an aggravation of it." -Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, October 12, 1781
In this letter, Hamilton isn't telling Elizabeth that he wants a boy to inherit his fortune, to carry on his name, or the other reasons that were given by his contemporaries for preferring sons over daughters. He specifically states that his reasons are his fear that his traits will be passed onto his children, and that if its a daughter, she will be more discriminated against than his son because of her sex. Essentially, it was easier to be a gay son in the 18th century than a thot daughter. In that question, Hamilton would choose gay son because he knew that men were generally less criticized than women.
So, I'm not saying Hamilton wasn't sexist, because, by definition, he was. He was taught that women were fundamentally different than men, but he didn't look down on women for that, because that simply wasn't normal. You wouldn't be a gentleman if you looked down on a woman for being physically and psychologically different from a man, you'd be an asshole. While their interpretations of these differences don't align with what modern medicine has determined, they weren't the same as in the later eras in American history. Women were, most certainly, oppressed because of these perceived differences, but it was a different system of oppression than what typically defines our idea of sexism.
It's hard to say if it affected Hamilton's relationship with his wife and daughters, as there isn't any real written proof, but I imagine Hamilton's attitude specifically towards women did make their relationship different than other fathers, daughters, husbands, and wives of the time. We do know that Hamilton was a very hands on father who dedicated a lot of time and care towards his children, and he did not treat his daughters any differently than his sons. He put the same amount of energy into their education, though they weren't educated in the same thing, and he seemed to be equally close with all his children.
Hamilton and women is a very interesting topic, and it gets more complicated when it comes to Rachel Faucette and Maria Reynolds and those parallels, but that is a topic for another time. Good thing its women's history month! Hope this helped :)
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creation-key · 1 year
Drunken Calls
Part 2
Synopsis: accidentally confessing while laughing
Warnings: drinking mentioned, barely any cussing, mostly pure fluff/ maybe angst?
a/n: I don’t have any original ideas, that i want share 😏, so i have stolen this prompt from @mangocherri , thank you love for the inspo! And if I completely butchered it and you want me to take this down, I so will, don’t even worry about it. enjoy, we’ll at least try to 🥸
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It’s Saturday night? morning? you don’t even know at this point anymore. Your best friend Sierra took you out that night to celebrate your doctorate’s degree in Psychology.
You’re not much of a party girl on your own, but when with the right people, you never want to sleep. And that is exactly what you’re experiencing in the present, only now, you’re sipping on some fruit drink, the taste of alcohol no longer prevalent because of how much you’ve consumed that night already.
You’ve all gathered at your house for the after party, you called it, which was really your smart sober part of your brain, long gone now, trying to keep everyone from driving home. With the night still young , it’s 2 am, you’re talking up a storm, just really spilling the beans on every secret you’ve ever had, including your crush on your sister’s boyfriend.
Everyone having already sobered up and drinking water gasp, granted it’s only 4 people, including yourself, but the gasp sounded otherworldly to your intoxicated brain.
Not fully understanding what you had just admitted to, you yawn saying you’re gonna “hit the hay,” you wink, for literally no reason at all, and stumble your way to your bedroom, tripping over air at least 27 million times.
You reach your room and plop down on your bed face down, completely ready to just fall asleep like that until your phone, which you had forgotten about, starts to ring loudly. You groan, begrudgingly getting up to answer it.
“hEllor?” You slur out, reaching for a bottle of water half drunken on your night stand, in hopes of quenching your thirst.
“Hey, y/n, wait are you drunk?” The unknown person says.
“No, this is Patrick,” You laugh, dying at your joke, slapping your knee for extra effect. You set the phone face up on your bed, pressing the speaker button.
“Well I guess that answers that, there’s no way sober you would such an awful joke.” The person on the other line giggles.
“Heyy, watch it mister whoever you are. I can and will kick your ass. You know I know karate?”
“Oh really?” Mystery man asks.
“Yep, my best friend Harry taught me once. Do you know Harry?”
“Yeah, I’d say I know him pretty well, he’s kind of a goof isn’t he?” The man questions.
You laugh out loud at that, responding in between laughter.
“Yeah he’s a goof, but that’s why i love him. He’s unapologetically himself no matter the situation. You know sometimes I think I relate to the Schuyler sisters more than I’d like to.” The man on the other line takes in a sharp breath, before moving around asking shakily,
“why is that?”
“Because sometimes I wish I had been satisfied and never introduced him to my little sister, oh well, at least i still have him in life. Maybe I’ll meet a rich man like Angelica and move across the sea only seeing them on major holidays and vacations! Yeahhh, that’d be ideal.” You sigh at the end, it quickly turning into a yawn, after hearing no noise coming for the other end you assume the man has gone to sleep, so you bid your goodbyes, hanging up the phone and going to sleep.
The Next Morning~
You wake up in the morning with a sticky taped your head- it reads
“Hey girl, we all left as soon as Harry arrived, don’t worry we called ubers just in case. Had fun last night, also about that little secret, it’s safe with us little miss doctor, Love you and can’t wait to do this again!”
You laugh, throwing the sticky note on your bedside table, sitting up straight only to be hit with a ton of bricks to your mental. Memories from the night before come flooding back as well as the mention of Harry being in your house, recalled from the sticky note. Getting up, warily, you make your way to the shower and get ready for the day, you put on pajamas.
Hoping that you’d taken long enough in the bathroom for Harry to have left, you make your way downstairs, only to be met with a nervous smiling Harry eating pancakes and fruit at your table.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” He asked with a worried look.
You look back at him embarrassed, but answer
“oh, i’m okay, just a little tired, and my head’s hurting, but i already took some medicine.”
“Do you, um- do you remember anything from last night?” He looks down at his plate.
You know with your own plate sitting across from him at the table.
“Uh yeah, all of it actually, in fact, this is so funny really, just as I was about to go to sleep some guy, i think, called me, but i never read his contact name so i had no clue who it was, plus the alcohol kind of distorted their voice so i couldn’t tell, anyways, I had a whole conversation with him.” You laugh as you recall the memory, giggling a little at end at yourself for being so silly as a drunk.
“What did you guys talk about?” Harry asked, his eyes now glued to the sink faucet.
“Oh nothing much, talked about karate and just spilled my deepest darkest secrets to him. Are you okay?” You look at him worried.
“Um, yeah. Why do you ask?” Him still not looking at you.
“Because you haven’t made eye contact with me since I walked in, and even then, it was only for a moment. What’s going on?” He looks up you and then back down at the floor, as if pondering what to say next.
“I love you too. I always have, honestly if I’m being completely transparent, I think that’s why I started dating your sister, I mean you guys are just so similar but so different in your own ways, but I just couldn’t learn to love the differences in her. And I know that sounds bad, but I cant ignore what i’ve been yearning to hear from you from the moment we met and not tell you how i’m feeling.” He takes a breath at the end.
You stare at him, trying to comprehend his words, trying to understand where he could have gotten this from, and the only thing that comes to mind is-
“It was you… you were on the phone last night. Weren’t you?” He nods. You stand up, almost knocking your chair over before backing up into a corner.
“y/n we can go somewhere, just us, a date. It doesn’t have to be weird love promise. I already talked to your sister, she under-“
You interrupt him-
“Harry i can’t do that to my sister. If you love me like you say you do, you know that i can’t and will not. I was fine with being in love with you in secret. And you told her? Why would you do that, you were both so happy. Always smiling. I can’t, please. Leave.” He starts shaking his head getting up to approach you.
“Harry leave before I lose it. I can’t do this right now, or ever. Please.” He opens and closes his mouth, defeated he leaves.
You fall to the ground, cupping your face to hold back your sobs from being heard from outside your door, where you sure Harry is waiting for you to let him back in. But you can’t-
you won’t.
thoughts on a part 2, i enjoyed writing the angst hehe
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bbinkus11 · 9 months
Okay, @hotcheetohatredwastaken, listen up.
I got your fic!!!!!!!
I know this isn’t what you wanted right now, but I’ll have a chapter for each of the boys. So there will be ten chapters, all centric for the different boys in Hamilton. This one was to get everything straight, to get roles situated, etc.
I hope you like it! 👇
Ganondorf: Director
——— Links
Legend: Alexander Hamilton
Hyrule: Aaron Burr
Twilight: Hercules Mulligan
Sky: John Laurens
Wild: Lafayette
Four: Samuel Seabury/Charles Lee
Time: Phillip Schuyler
Wind: Young Phillip Hamilton/Ensemble
Warriors: George Washington
——— Zeldas
Fable: Peggy Schuyler
Dawn: Ensemble/Background singer
Dusk: Angelica Schuyler
Sun: Eliza Schuyler
Flora: Prop and Stage crew/likes telling people what to do
Dot: Ensemble/Background Singer/stage and prop crew
Lullaby: Down in the pit (ocarina)
Tetra: that one lady that stops the bullet at the near end so Hamilton can recap/ramble/ensemble
Artemis: Down in the pit playing music (violin)
(I apologize for the lack of roles the Zelda’s get, there aren’t many female roles in Hamilton and I don’t have many choices) :(
“Legend, this is a rehearsal, not the actual show. Get your coat on and let’s go.” Hyrule poked Legend before leaving, rolling his eyes playfully.
“‘Rulie, I’m pretty sure Hamilton wouldn’t like it either if his hair looked like a mess in a ballroom.” He shot back, not being rude, but in a sarcastic way.
“I’m gonna have to agree with Legend this time.” Warriors added to their short conversation, poking his hair under his hat.
“No one asked you, Warriors. You’re basically bald!” Wild said as he walked in, still using his French accent.
“Okay everyone, get your stuff and go! Artemis won’t stop playing the same song over and over again. She overthinks too much, I swear…” Flora trailed off at the last part. Otherwise shouting the first part. Everyone practically terrified of Flora and her consequences (and the clipboard she hit everybody with), everyone quickly shuffled out of backstage and into their spots for ‘Helpless’.
Sun’s perspective was… confusing. Lining up her lines with the music, spinning, dancing, and remember to add vibrato! Her thoughts invaded her constantly when she sang, it drove her crazy. “-and my heart went boom-“ The sound affect was spot on, now just keep going to the left, grab Dusk and drag her along with me…
Legend’s perspective was slightly less confusing, coming in slightly after the song starts and walking over to the stairs on the left side, being aware of his surroundings and making sure everything goes smoothly and planned. He stands on the stairs for a bit and oh Dusk is coming, look intrigued, meet Sun and go from there.
The background dancers' skirts spun and the music led them. The piano was on beat with their steps, changing with the notes and turning with the lyrics. Waiting for entrances was the worst part, but the dances were enjoyable and the singing had to be done with ease.
After the long rehearsal, the actors and actresses all met backstage.
“Anyone want to come to the Diner down the street with me and Flora?” Wild simply asked, tugging his boots off to put his blue Crocs on.
“Hell yeah!”
“No Wind, your grandma told me to get you home by nine. Also, it’s way too late for someone your age to go and get caffeine, you know…” Sky kindly objected. He was busy getting his keys, phone, wallet and all of his stuff in check before he left with Sun and Wind. He always manages to forget his things, apparently.
“I’ll go! Dot will too. I will be late though because I have to drop off my violin at home so it doesn’t go out of tune again, in this cold.” Artemis shouts from across the room.
“Me and Wars will go. Maybe Four will if you bug him enough.” Twilight adds. Shaking his muddy boots, he somehow got a kick on one of the wooden posts backstage. Dot was immediately on him, scolding him about not knowing how hard it is to get those up. “Sorry! Sorry!” Was all he could say before being pushed out of the backstage door.
“Welp, guess we’re going that way. Anyone else?” Wild sighed.
“Not me, I'm old and tired.” Time says, walking out the door.
“I’m going home.” Dawn and Dusk almost say in unison.
“I’m gonna go to my friends house, tell Legend to yell at me if anything happens.” Fable says in between several taps of her phone.
“Hyrule and I are coming. Give me a second, the zipper on my bag broke again.” Legend says, his back to Wild.
Wild looks around, observing Lullaby, Four, and Tetra are already nowhere to be seen. He waited a second, before feeling a breath on his neck.
“Geez, what, Flora? I told you we’re leaving in a minute.”
“Give. Me. Your. Mic.”
“Ohhh, haha, totally didn’t forget about that. It happens, you know? Yeah, haha, I’ll get that for you…” Wild nervously laughed as he dug through his duffel bag, his face growing redder and redder in realization that he couldn’t find it. Flora is going to kill him, do doubt. He continued shoving through piles of who knows what, and almost melted when he felt the thin metal line that felt suspiciously like his mic. He handed her the microphone, still melting.
“Lose this again, and you’ll lose your head.” Flora threatens, before turning her back and stomping to the door that leads to the light and sound booth.
Legend and Hyrule were ready by then. Twilight had been kicked outside. Artemis was going to be late. Warriors was probably still in the mirror. Flora was gonna be out in a minute. Perfect! Let’s go eat dinner with a bunch of music and history geeks.
“Still, I don’t get why you think half notes are better than quarter notes. The shorter the better. It’s what I used to say to Four, heh.” Dot says, closing her laptop to shove an entire handful of fries into her mouth.
“Because! They're half notes! What more needs to be said!” Legend argued from across the table.
“Legend, if you yell one more time, I swear I’m gonna call Fable to come and pick your petty ass up.” Hyrule mumbles so only Legend can hear. They had been arguing about half notes against quarter notes for the last fifteen minutes. And honestly, whole notes are superior, depending on the key signature.
“Okay,” Flora sighed, finally finding a space of silence, “all jokes aside, how do we think it’s going so far?”
“I’m lovin it. My rap part is better than all a’ y’all’s. I basically get to say ‘your mom’ in a history musical. It’s great.” Twilight says, leaning back in the restaurant booth chair.
“I like finding something to do with my voices.” Wild claims. “I can do a French accent, British accent, American accent, Elmo, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, Twilight, Russia-“
“Hey! What is tha’ supposed to mean?” Twilight interrupted, throwing his hands up. Wild just stared for a good three seconds, then continued. “King Julian from Madagascar, Cookie Monster, The dad from—“
“Okay, that’s enough. Anyone else?”
“I’m basically on the 1$ bill.”
“That has nothing to do with the musical itself, Warriors.”
“Yeah but still.”
“Please stop talking.”
An irritated sigh came from Flora. You would probably need to hypnotize them to get them to stay focused.
“I get to shoot Legend at the end!”
“Hyrule! You can't say that out in public!”
At least it was somewhat related to the musical.
Thank you for reading!! I know it’s short, but the others will be much longer (in a good way). I wrote this from trauma of how aggressive the people in charge of the microphones can be, like, they take it seriously.
Chapter two! 👉
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Hi, this is the OG anon that had mentioned Jordan Fisher as Dally a couple of weeks ago when I asked you what other Bway stars you’d like to see in the roles when the main cast leaves…
Hello other anon that would also like to see Jordan as Dally! (Listen I think he’d absolutely kill Little Brother!)
Ya I could also see Jordan as Two-bit, but not really as Johnny like you told me. I just see Johnny as a more smaller, scrawny kid (no offense to Sky 💀)
I was thinking a bit more about other young Bway actors for the roles and…
Joshua Colley…as either Ponyboy or Soda (but I see him more as Soda) Dove Cameron…as Cherry (I know she isn’t a broadway actor yet, but she’s done lots of stage productions)
I also thought about Eva Noblezada as Cherry, but I think she’s too advanced for that role lol, she’d outshine everyone else 😂 
ok can we start the petition to get josh colley casted in more things????? i LOVE this!!! i used to watch his schuyler sisters performance from miscast at least 7 times a day in 2016 LOL i was obsessed with that video
i also think lilla crawford would be a wonderful cherry!! i saw her as annie in 2012 and she was phenomenal and she was only 11 then!!!!!
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devorafetos · 25 days
cast us and our fandom friends in hamilton like as the characters iykwim?
like who is most like who or gives the vibes ykyk
had to think this a lot that's why it took me so much to answer
So I think I have the Hamilton vibe. Like completely insane traumatized writer with a coffee addiction? that's me. also he's incredibly easy to write, personally, so that's kind of an indicator of similarity, at least I think so
Ash called King George, so alright he's him, but if he wasn't I would've put Anon as KG and Ash as Lafayette or Laurens because of the unhinged energy. If I wasn't Hamilton already I would've considered him for it, bc I also based some of my modern one-shot dialogues with ham on real conversations I've had with ash
Vanessa... before I start singing The Club, I'm gonna say she's Jefferson, the sassy version. Flawless. Could kill you, bold, but also wears fucking floor length fuchsia gowns and 100% listens to nessa barrett. Also like bffr Vanessa would have a goat which kills little boys and a mockingbird called Dick
Baby bee is Lafayette/Laurens, the one ash isn't. Why, same unhinged energy, probably braids their hair for fun, has a deadly spider as a pet (bbb has one but Lafayette and laurens didn't, Lafayette had an alligator he then regifted to John Quincy Adams bc he was like what the fuck do I do with is, and giving a spare alligator to the president is something I can totally see them doing)
Lylli (you probably don't know her as much, but she's an angel) gives like some heather McNamara energy and I think the character in Hamilton who is most similar to heather McNamara is Madison. Wrong side, but is a fucking cinnamon roll. Could kill you if necessary and has the kind of madness to do something stupid like buy prostitutes on accident (Madison) or eat someone as a joke (lilli) /j
Summer's mulligan. Underrated as fuck, iconic, the kind of friend who asks about you and then traumadumps once a month and you're like "how the fuck are you alive." Like that energy. Also mulligan was the only one of the hamilsquad to not cheat on his wife and I firmly believe summer would be the same.
Anon. Oh, anon. With K. George not being available, I'll probably have to assign him to Washington. But like the middle-of-the-war-historical-washington, not the one who had slaves. Like he'd totally adopt his aide-de-camps and tell someone "come here but be slow bc you're so fat if you run you're gonna turn the fucking boat around." /joke
And about the Schuyler sisters? well, who else than you, Bea, Ari and Veil? I'm not sure which would be each, tho, so let me explain myself.
Ari couldn't be Eliza, they don't have the same hopeless romantic energy you and Veil do have. So now she'd be either Angelica or Peggy. Angelica, as we know, is smart, a feminist, and also the middle point between super-romantic Eliza and probably-aroace Peggy. I think Ari is Angelica.
Bea, you're Eliza, kind of influenced by the fact she's your pfp, but also because she was artistic (she liked drawing), a good musician (she played the piano), a cinnamon roll, but she could also be a menace when she wanted to. Like, when she fucking dragged Monroe. Iconic.
Which leaves us with Veil as Peggy. And no, she's not "and Peggy," I've been reading (common sense by Thomas Paine) Hamilton and Peggy! by L. M. Elliott and let me tell you Peggy was not only a cinnamon roll like Eliza but she was also a feminist, smart and quick-witted girl as Angelica. She combines the best characteristics of the two in her own style. She was not as naive as Eliza or as impulsive as Angelica but she kept her own head up high
I'm behind on my writing schedule (I'm not, actually) but I want to write so I'm gonna cut it here and if I should do more people from our friendgroup tell me
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littlesunshine1223 · 7 months
Hello, I would like to know if you can do something from Hamilton specifically with John Laurens, I don't know if it can be something like an arranged marriage and they don't take it very well at first,but After time they fall in love
Arranged Marriage
(John Laurens x GN!Reader)
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You had just got back to your house after walking the town with the Schuyler sisters but when you entered your house you saw your parents sitting down at the table with a man sitting across from them. “Ah, there they are now. Please Y/N come sit with us.” Your mother called happily with a big smile on her face. As you walk closer to the table you see a man that you had gotten into an argument like 20 minutes ago. You scoff as he looks at you with a disgusted look and an eye roll.
You sit down at the table as Laurens’ father kept talking to your parents but that’s when something caught your attention, the word marriage. Both you and John look at each other with widened eyes as your parents keep encouraging the idea. “Pardon my language for a moment but, WHAT THE FUCK?!” John exclaims outraged while jumping up from his seat to stand.
His father grabs him by the hair and tugs him back down to sit in the chair. “John sit back down, you and Y/N don’t get a say in this! We are the adults here and we’re doing what’s better for you!” John’s father stated loudly which caused the room to go completely silent. You got up from the table and before your mother could stop you, you were already out the door and back outside.
A few minutes after you had left you watched as John stormed out of your house and didn’t look back even as his father was screaming at him. John keeps walking until he sees you and groans in annoyance, “What do you want now?! The whole marriage thing was your idea wasn’t it?!” He accused which soon lead to another argument.
Eventually the two of you stop fighting and make it to town where you once again meet up with Mulligan, Lafayette, and Hamilton who were enjoying their down time at the docks. Mulligan looks at the two of you while he balances on the wooden post of the dock, being shoved into the water seconds later by Lafayette who was laughing hysterically. Hamilton looked up from his writing and placed his hand over his mouth to try to stifle his outburst of laughter.
“Laurens, what’s the matter? You seem pissed off.” Hamilton asked in a partially concerned tone after calming down a little. “My dad is trying to make me marry Y/N. And he got mad that both of us said fuck no.” Laurens explained which made Lafayette look over and crack a smile that was until Mulligan lifted himself up from the water and tugged on Lafayette’s hand, successfully pulling him into the water with him.
“If you both truly can’t stand one another then why not prove that to both of your parents? If all you do is argue then they’d have to listen at some point.” Hamilton suggests but Lauren’s just rolled his eyes, “I’d rather lick the bottom of that boat then marry that dull minded creature.”
Screams and swears in French distracted everyone from the conversation. Turning your attention to the scene unfolding with Mulligan and Lafayette. Both men were soaking wet from the water and now wrestling around trying to push each other back in the water.
Eventually you and the four ended up at a pub where all of them got absolutely wasted. About an hour later is when John blacked out against you with his head on your shoulder. His three friends began poking fun at the two of you and making suggestive hand gestures while wiggling their eye brows. You huff as the three continue but the comments get more in detail and R-Rated. You sigh and help John up before wishing the three goodnight then walking out of the bar.
The day of the wedding
You stood at the alter as the preacher gave the two of you permission to kiss each other. John crossed his arms and reluctantly kissed you. It was a simple peck on the lips but it satisfied the two sides of the families and bystanders.
That night after the wedding party when both of you were about to fall asleep in bed he wrapped his arms around you and held you lovingly, it surprised you at first but after a deep breath you relaxed into his touch. “Let’s try to make this work, I-I think I’m starting to be more open to this idea.” He mumbled to you before leaning over you and kissing you properly unlike he had before. With couple exchanges of the words “I love you” you both fell asleep in each others arms.
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d0not-disturb · 1 year
MY HERMIT-HAMILTON AU!! (Empires included 😉)
-Hamilton: Mumbo Jumbo (my fav💋)
-Eliza: Grian
-Angelica: Martyn 🤑
-Peggy: Jimmy
-Aaron Burr: Docm
-John Laurens: Scar
-Lafayette: Iskall
-Hercules Mulligan: Impulse
-King George: King Ren, Obvi 😒
-Samuel Seabury: Bdubs
-Philip Hamilton: Grumbot 😉 (he got shot in the face)
-Tomas Jefferson: Geminitay
-James Madison: Pearlescentmoon
-George Washington: Xisuma
-Charles Lee: Zedaph (Take FAT L blud)
-Maria Reynolds: Also Jimmy. he needed more screen time tbh
-James Reynolds: Tango
-George Eacker: Etho (Grumbot killer 💋)
-John Addams: Cleo
-The ONLY reason I chose Mumbo for Hamilton is because Mumbo can’t spell and he ‘writes like he’s running out of time’ Also see how pathetic Hamilton was in the play? Wet cat vibes. Mumbo = wet cat. Mumbo = Hamilton.
-Helpless. Grian. Season 6. Eliza. Yeah it’s Grumbo themed. Because they have kid who got shot the stars align people!,! 👏👏👏 BTW Grian setting things ON FIRE MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. my fav arson boy. Tired of Mumbos silly shit. Same bro 😞 ALSO MUMBO SENT GRIAN LETTERS THRU MESSAGING SYSTEM GRIAN CALL HIMSELF CLINGY GIRLFRIEND. HMMMM WONDER WHAT THAT REMINDS ME OF. ELIZA. BEING HELPLESS. OMG. YAY GAYS.
-*sigh* Martyn DID marry Mumbo but not here. Lose for the Martyn Mumbo shippers. Like the one left. MARTYN GIVES OFF STRONG ANGELICA VIBES. Peggy is Jimmy. Jimmy is Peggy. YOU KNOW WHY. STARS ALIGN PEOPLE 👏👏👏👏👏👏 Also Jimmy grew a pair and stole his siblings man. Bravo Jimmy!
-Docm being Aaron Burr just fits okay? When Mumbo first came to Hermitcraft he found support in Doc. And Doc done SHOT the guy same here bruv. I would too if my wet cat main character supported Gem. SPEAKING OF WHICH-
-Gem, just Tomas Jefferson. MAYBE I WANT A PEARL AND GEM TEAM UP MAYBE NOT. WHO CARES ABOUT GENDER ITS A SCAM MADE UP BY BATHROOM COMPANIES TO SELL MORE BATHROOMS. Hmmmmmm Xisuma as Washington because I am a true believer of Mumbo thinks of him as a Dad core. Dadsuma. RIGHT HAND MAN 🏃‍♀️
-Uhhh Grumbot is literally Philip. Literally 🔥 They both love their Dads and do they’re last names Proud, they both got shot, THEY BOTH ARE PIANO KIDS! Hmmmm Biblically accurate my friend 🌚
-King George as King Ren just fits. HERE IS WHY!!! 1. they both fruity ass kings. 2. They have Fruity little guy who love and support them. 3. KING REN ARCH AND REBELLION. but then you’ll b like. Why Grian Eliza not Hamilton? Uhhhh because I SAID so. Also because who would be Schuyler sisters? (Don’t answer)
-Hmmmmm Scar as John Lauren’s make me happy…..Redscape hints people👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
-Urm I will NOT throw away my shot ☝️🤓 And make character designs and fake screenshots of these so expect THAT. send in asks for questions blah blah blah. And if I get something wrong, just tell me pls 😭
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william-laurens · 6 months
intro :)
Hello, friends!! I’m William Laurens!
And yes, I am related to John Laurens!! He’s my older cousin and everyday I strive to be just like him!! But currently, I am a small writer, just trying to keep up my good writing skills.
//okii hello :) it’s @half-eaten-baguetteee I decided that I wanted to join the chaos squad so here i am ig-
About me!!:
age: 22
i ship John and his “friend” Alexander :D
birthday: April 1st
funny(at least tries to be)
crazy at times
nervous wreck
I dislike bigots, incest and ped0ph!les
My best friend is @c-hendrixx
anyways, I hope you enjoy my blog!! have a wonderful day :)
//info about joining the infamous chaos squad under the cut!!
✨Wanna be apart of the roleplay? Now you can!✨
Taken characters: Alexander 📒(Already here lol) Highschool ver (@ask-chubby-hamilton-hs-au)
Lafayette ⚔️ (@ouioui-lafayettes-askblog), Highschool ver (@highschool-lafayettes-askblog)
Thomas 🔉 (@ask-thomas-jefferson-1) , Highschool ver (@ask-highschool-thomas-jefferson)
James Madison🔇 (@ask-james-madison-stuff), Highschool ver (@ask-highschool-james-madison)
Washington 🪖 (@ask-general-washington)
John 🪦 (@ask-john-laruens), Highschool ver (@ask-hs-john-laurens)
Hercules 💪( @askh3rculesmu11igan), Highschool ver (@ask-highschool-h3rcul3s-mu11igan)
Aaron Burr 📚 (@ask-aaron-burr1)
Theodosia jr 🎀 (@ask-theodosia-blog)
Maria ❤️‍🔥 (@mreynolds-ask-blog), Highschool ver (@mreynolds-hs-ask-blog)
James R. 🖕 (@jreynolds-ask-blog-1), Highschool/ College ver (@jreynolds-college-ask-blog)
Susan Reynolds 🌼 (@ask-susan-reynolds)
Eliza 🩵(@e-schuyler-ask-blog )
Angelica 🩷(@angelicashuylersaskblog)
Peggy 💛 (@peggy-schuylers-ask-blog)
Samuel 📜(@samuel-seaburys-askblog), Highschool ver (@ask-highschool-samuel-seabury)
Phillip and Eacker💖 (@that-876girl474)
Martha Manning-Laurens 🌹(@martha-manning-laurens-ask-blog)
Deborah Sampson 🤭 @ask-deborah-sampson
Open characters: literally everyone else that's not listed already
(also ocs are TOTALLY RECOMMENDED, i love seeing peoples ocs ☺️)
OCS: Caroline Jefferson 🌸, Arthur Hamilton 📕, Josephine Payne 💥(@umi-teardrop)
William Laurens ⭐ (@william-laurens/@half-eaten-baguetteee),
Clementine Schuyler 🌻 (@ask-clementine-schuyler)
1. Don't be rude unless it's a part of the character
2. Please be friendly
3. Please turn on anonymous asks :3 (That's the point of an ask blog. To be asked stuff :])
4. Be respectful ( be respectful of race, gender etc. or else)
✨Thats all, but there may be more rules to come✨
Also, some characters have no lore/ Backstory, so if you want, you can make them a Backstory!
have fun everyone!!! <333
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