#ask loqi tummelt
holyguardian · 8 months
Ida did not know what had happened to this girl. Not fully, yet. But from her own research into scientific documents, it had been a hell few could imagine. Most of these documents were classified, though. Or outright didn't... exist.
It had awoken a cold wrath within Ida - though she would not let Aerith know. To have found this little mite at the train station in time was all that mattered. And giving her a better life now. When Aerith was ready to talk, she would listen. And do all it needed.
Combing gently through the long brunette curls, Ida braided Aerith's hair with the hum of a child's song on her lips.
"What pin do you want me to put into your hair, elskede?", she asked with smile, looking over the girl's shoulder into the mirror, "A butterfly? A star? A heart? A flower? Or a bow?"
- @housetummelt Ida
It had been a week of new-normal. That was what Ida had called it, and Aerith had for the most part hit the ground running. She had a dozen questions to fire off at any given moment, almost overstimulated by how different this world was.
Her lips had been sealed shut about her memories of the lab. Those were her mother's wishes... to not speak about Shinra, or Professor Hojo. They had to keep their heads down. Her first day in the Tummelt household had been a little awkward, where she took her mother's instructions too literally and had stared at her feet the entire morning.
"Uhhhhh." Aerith indecisively swayed her head this way then that, no doubt making the task of brushing out her curls all the more active. Her eyes met with Ida's in the mirror and a smile blossomed on her lips. She could see what adorned her blonde hair. "A bow." Then they could match.
"Why do the parks have pretend trees?" her first question of the morning. "Do I have to 'home school' again today?" The concept was still a foreign one, and she didn't like how stupid it made her feel. It wasn't like she had ever been taught properly. "Why can't I follow Reno to his school school?" Perhaps the question could be dodged artfully, given how quickly she chased it up with another. "What about Loqi? He doesn't school, he becomes a dinosaur."
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enokvirkow · 11 months
The state of Ariadne's room was wild. There were maps upon maps laid out and all manners of tomes and parchment stacked high, the chaos spread out on every available surface right down to the ends of her bed where her feet didn't reach.
They had been residing in the guest chambers of Loqi Tummelt's home, hosted graciously by his parents for weeks now. They didn't seem to mind at all because the longer the group remained, the longer they could work to convince their son to remain at the castle. This worked out in her favour — she had a lot of research to dig through, the resources available inside a royal library would not go to waste.
"I haven't been completely honest with you." Ariadne admitted, her hand gesturing for Enok to sit in perhaps the only chair that hadn't been taken over. She paused until he moved to it. "You thought I was researching something relating to my own parents, but that wasn't ever the case. I have been researching for you... Enok Virkow."
Enok had spent the past weeks a little more lonely than he had wished. Everyone in the group was busy with something. Loqi was taken in by meeting his parents again, being at home. Rose dug through the story of her father. Vergil helped her in that. And Ariadne was making her own research regarding her parents.
At least that had been what she had told him.
Enok had been excited that she apparently wanted to show him her progress. What had she found? She seemed so... tense. So happy and nervous. Had she finally done it? They could continue their travels and find the twins' parents! That would be amazing. Enok had seen how happy the reunion of the Tummelts had been. He wanted that for Ariadne and Vergil, too. To see them in their parents' arms.
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But his excited grin slowly faded when Ariadne opened up. She had not been researching about her own parents? But... why? What had been all that work for then?
Enok wanted to ask - but her answer came faster.
And it felt like she was pushing him into the sea.
Enok Virkow...?
There was a young girl kneeling in front of him, grinning. Bumping a finger into his chest. He was sitting on sand. 'Oi. It's just a scrapped knee. Virkows don't cry because of that - come on!"
How he walked alongside his mother. Looking up at her. There was sun falling through the green leaves above. He had to blink - and couldn't make out her face.
'There will be a lot of others from our family. All Virkows meeting up - it will be fun. They can't wait to meet you finally!'
There were memories. Memories he had thought had been dreams - from long ago. But now it was like Ariadne had dipped those in colour, when before they had been hazy and dull. That name had always been missing. It was what gave sense to these scenes.
Sitting there, in that room overflowing of maps and scriptures, books and papers, Enok felt as if the whole world had shrunk to this little place. His chest felt heavy. As if he was standing beside himself, when he looked at Ariadne, stared at her.
"Enok... Virkow...?", it was barely audible and he had to swallow hard after that. He could not say anything out loud. His throat strung shut. But his thoughts spilled over.
What? What have you found? Tell me everything... please.
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generalloqi-blog · 6 years
Songs I see Loqi Tummelt enjoying
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Picture our general repairing and building mechs or making a blueprint of a new mech in the garage listening to music. Top part of his armor off oil on his face and rolled up sleeves
Tv on the radio- Wolf like me
Garbage-not your kind of people
Tv on the radio-staring at the sun
Tv on the radio-young liars
Violent femmes- kiss off
Talking heads- psycho killer
Arcade fire- rebellion (lies)
Broken social scene-sweetest kill
Tv on the radio- dlz
Broken social scene-cause=time
Franz ferdinand- take me out
Midge urie- man who sold the world
Mike snow-black and blue
Garbage-only happy when it rains
Broken bells-high road
Secret machines- nowhere again
Phantogram- You're mine
Sound team-born to please
Pinback- Fortress
Manchestor orchestra- wolves at night
Black keys- tighten up
Black keys- howlin for you
Black keys- everlasting light
Phantogram-when I'm small
Jack white- love interruption
Dead weather- I can't hear you
The books-smells like content
Jason collete- nobody's fool
Spoon- everything hits at once
Surfer blood- I was wrong
Black angels-bad vibrations
Surferblood- say yes to me
Tv on the radio-Quarts
Spoon- the way we get by
Black rebel motorcycle club- love burns
Phantom planet-big brat
Hot chip- Over and over
St vincent- cruel
Crystal castle- not in love
Chromatics- kill for love
Japandroids- house that heaven built
Dead mans bones- pa pa power
Cold war kids- hang me up to dry
Warpaint- whiteout
Trapt-love hate relationship
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moonraccoon-exe · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Cor Leonis/Loqi Tummelt Summary:
Brigadier General Loqi Tummelt grew up hearing stories about the Lucian Marshal, the 'Immortal'. To him, Cor was never a real man: he was a legend, unbreakable, untouchable, indestructible.
A legend like Cor Leonis could not be defeated, everybody knew that.
Loqi was so sure about it that he can't understand when, one day, the Immortal is captured by his war companion, Caligo Ulldor.
Loqi sees how the great legend of The Immortal Cor Leonis seems to be about to end in a random, unimportant, dirty dungeon room, like a mortal, like a loser, and decides that's not the ending he wants for the legend he's been obsessed with all his life.
What do you mean I spent three days and 13k words on a oneshot when I could have answered asks or written for the huge multi-chaptered fics I still have waiting what do you mean
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blackwraithtea · 5 years
emoji meme: ardyn C2 or loqi tummelt D5 please?
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So I ended up doing both.
I think Ardyn’s spooked me out that much that I couldn’t help myself by the end of it.
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chocobostrinket · 5 years
49 for the micro story ask? = w= Loqi ~~~
Thanks for sending something!! :D :D :D
~If there was one thing that Loqi missed, it was the stars. 
He sat on the edge of a roof,feet dangling over the side as he looked up at the sky. A pointless venturethese days. There was nothing but the darkness now, an abyss made of ink andsmoke. Occasionally, like clouds, the darkness would thin, and you could get aglimpse of the sun. But the stars. The stars were too far away and too dim tobe seen when night fell. He was surprised by how strongly he did miss them. Buthe supposed it made sense. 
A soft sigh left him, and heclosed his eyes, trying to picture what constellation would be above him now.He reached through his memories and brought what he knew to the front of hismind. Ixion should be above him, here in Lestallum. Ramuhs guide he sent tothose who sought justice. Or was it to defend? He couldn’t rightly recall, buthe was certain that would be the dominant constellation at this time. 
If he was at home, it would bethe three lost messengers above him instead; Ifrits chosen who fell when hedid. Loqi had always thought that was such a sad story. Their loyalty beingrewarded with ruin. One he recalled was struck down by Leviathan, who’sconstellation was to the north of the three. Another struck down by Ixion, inRamuhs stead. He could never remember the third. But he knew he hadn’t likedtheir fate the most. 
He didn’t realize how far he’dlet himself slip into his thoughts until he heard movement beside him. Had hebeen on edge, he’d probably have been startled. Instead, his face was passiveas he opened his eyes and turned to look at who it was. Though he couldprobably guess. And if he had guessed, he would have been right. 
Next to him now sat Cor, whooffered him a wave in leu of a greeting. Loqi nodded back, and then returned tolooking at the sky. Though, there was no point. Habit he assumed though, tolook for familiar stars. Cor glanced upwards, as if trying to see what he wasstaring at, and then returned his gaze to Loqi.
“In Insomnia, did they teachyou how to find your way home with the stars?” He asked, genuinely curious,turning away from the sky to return Cor’s stare.
Cor shrugged, “It was optional,even back when I first joined. Maps and landmarks were mostly used tonavigate.” 
It wasn’t an answer, but Loqididn’t press. Instead he said, “Back in Niflheim they did, a requirement formost of the noble houses who’d been in power then.”
He looked down at the city as he spoke, brightly lit to ward offdemons, and saw the occasional hunter or kingsglaive scurrying around on thestreets.
“It used to be a point of pride, I think. To be able to say thatwe could find our way home with only the stars.” Loqi shrugged then, “I thoughtit to be an outdated practice, but I find myself glad that I learned.” 
Cor had been watching theground, his eyes occasionally catching on someone he knew, and said, “Hard tofind your way when they’re obscured.” 
A phrase double in meaning. Itamused Loqi enough that a smile pulled on the corner of his mouth. He had beenadrift lately and was well aware of it. As a former general, he hadn’t givenmuch thought to life outside of that. And as the years passed in the dark, hefound himself more and more confused about what he wanted to do. As a hunter,he had short-term goals to reach for, but when he wasn’t on missions he didn’treally have anything. His life was a blank space now, and if light returned,his time spent as a hunter wouldn’t be needed anymore. It made him uneasy. 
It was easier to think aboutthe stars instead. It was why he came up here, to get away from those thoughts.Cor knew well what he was thinking, having once been just as lost. Adistraction would be best for now, a temporary fix. When the light returned,he’d help him figure things out. If Loqi wanted, that was.
“So, what stars would be in thesky right now?” Cor asked, looking up into the dark. 
A small smile graced Loqi’smouth in full then, and he turned to look back into the sky. He beganexplaining the stars places, and how sometimes meaning could be found in thepatterns. 
“Or so they say,” he’d justify,and then recall some of the stories that went with the sky. As he spoke, hetraced the patterns he remembered. He also pointed out the western light, aconsistent star that you could always see. And right as he pointed at it, justby chance, the scourge cloud grew thin enough the he and Cor both caught afaint glimpse of it. 
That surprised him so much,that his arm drifted slowly back down to his side. It had only been a moment,so quick he could have imagined it. But he’d seen it, he was sure. Next to him,Cor had also seen it, and if he were a more emotional man, he’d have probablysmiled. Instead, he reached over and put a hand on Loqi’s shoulder, squeezingonce, and then got up from his spot. Perhaps it was a sign he’d find a path totravel. Eventually. 
“I should probably go backinside. Things to do and all.” He said before heading off.
“Alright.” He replied andclosed his eyes again as he heard Cor’s footsteps recede into the distance.
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iizuumi · 7 years
Hello >///
Of course you can \o/ Oh boy. Been a while since I drew Loqi lmao. 
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stephicness · 7 years
If you dont do banters anymore feel free to ignore this, but what do you think a party with Cor and Loqi would be like?
…I can think of a few things for the angry spouses two angry grumps. :DExcluding one particular grump though. vuv
If Cor and Loqi Were Party Members… (Banter)
Prompto: “You sure this is a good idea…?”
Noctis: “What is?”
Gladiolus: “Having the marshall and Peanut with us.”
Ignis: “It would be beneficial plan to have both during the task at hand.”
Prompto: “They’ve been glaring at each other for the past half hour.”
Ignis: “I never claimed that it was a good plan.”
Loqi: “Don’t think for a single moment that we have formed a treaty with one another, Leonis. I refuse to call you anything close to an ally.”
Cor: “I’m sorry, who are you?”
Loqi: “Excuse me?! I am Brigadier General Loqi Tummelt of House Tummelt-“
Noctis: “Herewe go again.”
Cor: “Thank the Astrals for ear-plugs.”
Loqi: “Well, well, well! If it isn’t Cor the Immortal!”
Cor: “Can you stop saying that everytime I leave the tent?”
Noctis: “Talk about a full party…”
Gladiolus: “We barely have room in the car anymore.”
Prompto: “Think on the bright side! At least Loqi can just sit on someone’s lap to make room!”
Loqi: “How dare you…!”
Cor: “I’m not volunteering for that.”
Cor: “So…Peanut.”
Loqi: “I loathe that nickname.”
Cor: “Has a nice ring to it though.”
Loqi: “I refuse to answer to it.”
Noctis: “So why do you hate Cor so much anyways…? There’s gotta be a reason behind it.”
Ignis: “Besides the marshal calling the general short?”
Loqi: “My duty to the empire is to apprehend the marshal. He is a high priority target, especially when he constantly thwarts the efforts of the empire with his antics.”
Gladiolus: “So you’re saying you want to arrest the marshal because he’s a criminal of the Nifs?”
Prompto: “Looks like someone’s got a rebellious phase~”
Cor: “Thirty years too late to have a rebellious phase, Prompto.”
Gladiolus: “Do Nifs even know how to have fun? Pretty sure all I ever see you do is work on that mech of yours.”
Loqi: “Why are you criticizing my definition of fun to begin with? Have you seen what Leonis does in his spare time?”
Noctis: “Now that you think about it… What do you do for fun, Cor?”
Cor: “You will never know.”
Cor: “Peanut! Go left!”
Loqi: “Don’t call me that or tell me what to do!”
Cor: “And yet, you go left anyways…”
Prompto: “You know, you two remind me of something… I can’t put my finger on it though.”
Cor: “Really now…”
Gladiolus: “Reminds me of a married couple or something.”
Loqi: “What a nightmarish thought.”
Cor: “Loqi probably doesn’t even cook that well anyways.”
Loqi: “I can cook just fine, thank you!”
Noctis: “Okay, now I can see the resemblance.”
Cor: “Hey, Peanut.”
Loqi: “What is it now?”
Cor: “…Pretty sure you just answered to Peanut just now.”
Ignis: “I’m quite sure he did as well.”
Loqi: “…I hate you. I hate all of you.”
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kanrakixystix · 6 years
Ooo, this sounds fun. Characters 7 & 14 and prompt 45. :D
Lol so I didn’t know what the hell to do with this, so it turned into a Corqi thing featuring Regis, LMAO! I had to stop myself from making it too long. 
Also tagging @agi92 and @birdsandivory
Loqi + Regis = “Do you trust me?”
Word count: 1099
Loqi should have known better, in all honestly. And he did.He did know better, and he chose to ignore the signs in favor of his own stupidpride. For just an inkling, he thought he had gotten lucky, that the guards thatwere normally stationed around the corner from the main hall just so happenedto no be there tonight when they had religiously been there for several nightsin a row. He thought that maybe there had been some misinformation, and theyhad switched up their routine for one reason or another. That would have beeneasy, though, and he should have known better. 
He had tiptoed in stealth to the elevators without beingseen and swiped the necessary keycard to get to his ultimate destination: the Marshal’soffice. The ride was painstakingly slow, and it gave Loqi more than ample timeto think about what could happen during their meeting. Would they fight, asthey often did? Would they forgo the talking and skip right to the fun parts? Adozen different scenarios presented themselves, and yet not once did theGeneral consider that the missing guards were a rouse.
As the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Loqi was metnot by the man he was there to actually see. No, because again, that would betoo easy. Hell, even if he had been met with a number Citadel lurkers, it wouldhave been better than the face that greeted him outside the elevator. Thoughthe had never met the man up close, he knew his face – everyone did. It was old,wrinkled beyond his years, and sternly looking him up and down as he leaned onhis cane. Loqi backed away on instinct and immediately met resistance in thewall behind him. There was nowhere to go but out, unless he wanted to stay inthe elevator, but that wouldn’t serve any purpose. Essentially, he was trapped.
“Ah, Brigadier General Tummelt. What brings you here thisglorious night?” King Regis Lucis Caelum asked, beaming at him. Loqi narrowedhis eyes as the old man stepped aside, expecting Loqi to leave. And really,what choice did he have but to comply? Slowly, he stepped out, not once takinghis off of the enemy king. Oh, was he in trouble in time. He had been socareless, so foolishly trusting and –
“Do you trust me?”
Loqi openly gawked. He felt himself blink, he thought, butno amount of adjusting his vision would make him see or understand things anyclearer. Regis stood, grinning unwavering, and old eyes kind as they seemed tohold their own smile. The General briefly wondered if he had fallen asleepwaiting for the right time to drop in on the Marshal, but the little voice inthe back of his mind and the panic that bubbled in the pit of his stomachassured him that he was not, in fact, dreaming.
Ever so eloquently, Loqi responded.
“Do you trust me?” Regis repeated, and Loqi opened andclosed his mouth like a fish gasping for air. How in the world was he supposedto respond to that?! Of course he didn’t! He was the enemy! He would end himand his little kingdom in the name of the Niflhiem Empire! Baffled, Loqistarted to shake his head.
“I must warn you, General, that if you fail to answercorrectly, you can kiss your chances to sneaking into the Citadel to see Corgoodbye, as you’ll have a permanent residence in our luxurious dungeon.” Regiseyed him, judging, calculating, and still managing to smile like he didn’t justthreaten him. What the hell kind of man was the Lucian king if he could takeaway the words of a normally boisterous general?
It was then that Loqi heard the footsteps clamoring down thehallway, and he had just enough time to realize the position he was in. If theyturned the corner to see Loqi, General of the Niflheim army, with their king,they would surely think ill of the situation. Once again Loqi’s hand wasforced.
Gritting his teeth with a scoff, he nodded. This waspathetic.
“Very good,” Regis cheered, though for looking, it felt morelike berating. “Now, you’ll want to take the hallway behind you and take yournext right, then the third left.” Scowling, Loqi narrowed his eyes.
“Why are you doing this?”
Regis chuckled, and as he did the footfalls drew closer.
“Let’s just say, I am indebted to the Marshal. Now, go.”
There were still things he wanted to ask the king, and as heretreated down the hall, Loqi realized he might never actually get the answers.Not unless he wanted to admit to Cor that he had been caught. Nope. Never in amillion years. He’d rather die. Without so much as a wave or glance over hisshoulder, he veered right, as instructed, then took the third left. Herecognized this hallway, but he had only ever seen it in passing, and stoppedin front of the only set of doors in the corridor.
Should he knock? He didn’t want to simply barge into a roomthat he didn’t know the layout of, or even what its purpose was. Luckily, hedidn’t have to wait for an answer.
“What are you doing here?” Cor’s voice came from behind him,and Loqi tried to pretend he didn’t nearly jump out of his skin. Stupid sneakyMarshal.
“I…thought I’d try a new route,” he lied, but Cor seemed tobuy it all the same. “How did you find me? This isn’t our usual spot.”
“I had a hunch,” Cor also lied, but Loqi didn’t question it.There seemed to be a great many things he would have to let slide, for now. “Anyreason you picked the ballroom?”
Loqi paled. Of all the places, he had to meet Cor outsidethe ballroom, a room stereotypically known in fairy tales of romance and secretrendezvous. This was completely embarrassing, and he had no escape from it, ahabit that was getting tired very quickly this evening. He had to think fast.
“To dance, you idiot. Why else would anyone go to aballroom?”
…smooth, Loqi.
Cor chuckled, and Loqi was loathe to admit that he wasrather fond of the sound, among other things, such as the way Cor licked hislips and cupped his chin, drawing him closer. Loqi quickly decided, as Corswiftly brushed their lips together, that maybe it wasn’t a bad excuse. Poorlyexecuted, but maybe not bad.
“Then let’s dance.”
Send me two numbers 1-15 and another number 1-195 and I’ll write you a drabble.
FFXV Fic Roulette Master Post
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blossattic · 6 years
How tall is Loqi Tummelt?
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darkpuck · 6 years
Tell us about Loqi's childhood!
Loqi is four years old, the second time someone tries to kill him. It’s a subtle attempt, like none of the others were or will be, but Loqi complains of the funny taste in his meal, and his mother Freya whisks him away from the table.
Loqi has a miserable night, throwing up while his mother strokes his hair, but survives.
His mother has a word with her father-in-law, and two weeks later, the newspapers print a dreadful story of a man caught selling Gralean children to Lucis. Freya smiles, kisses her son’s forehead, and tucks him into bed.
Loqi is eight years old when he first sees the Transformers cartoon, and is immediately hooked by the bright primary colours as well as the notion of vehicles that turn into robots. To his amused mother, he declares that one day he’s going to grow up to become a Transformer.
“People don’t turn into robots,” she tells the pouting child, “but they can pilot them.” And thus is the child introduced to Voltron.
Loqi is ten years old, the fourth time someone tries to kill him. While out hunting with his uncle Freyr, a shot rings out, and a bullet barely misses the boy. His uncle drives him into the snow, covering the boy’s smaller body with his own, but no more shots are fired.
He hurries Loqi to the Haven anyway. “An accident,” he assures the boy with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Probably someone poaching.”
When Loqi awakens in the morning, his uncle is on a cell phone, telling whoever is on the other end about finding a body mauled by falxfangs. No tags, no way of identifying the body. Such a pity.
Loqi is thirteen years old when Uncle Freyr gives him a cat of his very own for his birthday. The delighted boy promptly names his cat King Fluffytail, and bears the dignified kitten away to his room.
Freya gives her twin a look. “That cat is going to be bigger than he is,” she tells him.
Freyr grins back at her. “He does take after his father.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.”
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liberifatalis · 7 years
How the nilfeinghing boys (Ravus/Ardyn/Loqi) be in relationship with an chubby S/O? I'm super excited with that new imagine blog you headcanos are great!!
Okay, I just gotta say before I start with the headcanons—I have a thing for short, bratty fictional men. And Loqi is the epitome of that. But I can’t find any Loqi headcanons at all…WHY?? I have a feeling its because the tumblr tags are just absolute shit but if anyone has found anything with Loqi in it please share it with me. I am desperate.
I also have to apologise because you’ve waited so long for this, and I don’t have that many headcanons regarding this. I also didn’t stay that faithful to your request, mainly because I believe that the three men you mentioned wouldn’t act any differently with a chubbier S/O. So I decided to do how they’d act/react if the chubbier S/O was insecure at times. (I also left out Ardyn, because I’m not confident enough to write for him. I just…can’t get into his head at all).
Anyway, here are the headcanons! Sorry you’ve waited for like…years. I’ll stop my rambling for now. Thank you for sending in a request ♥ 
SFW and semi-NSFW under the cut!
If he gets the feeling that you’re insecure over your appearance, the boy will be dramatic.
“Why would I be with you if I didn’t absolutely adore everything about you? The Brigadier General doesn’t settle.”
And no, that fancy accent doesn’t disappear. He always talks with it no matter the situation. You have no idea if he’s putting it on or not, but honestly, it’s kind of hot—in a weird, posh kind of way.
He’s insecure about his height (he’ll never outright say that, though) so he can relate to you, and empathise with how you’re feeling. He gets it. He can tell what everyone’s thinking of him when they see him for the first time—always wondering how the hell this short kid ever achieved such a high rank. After a while, he’s learnt that even though it still annoys him to this day, it doesn’t really matter what people think of appearances.
And also, his body isn’t the most…ideal, either. He’s in-shape, of course, he has to be—he’s the Brigadier General of the Niflheim army—but it’s not at all like some of the other men in the army, who are pretty buff. There’s not that much definition, and his thighs are kinda pudgy (thicc, Loqi, it’s called THICC).
He really does care about how you feel though, and he wants you to feel like a damn queen. You’re dating the Loqi Tummelt, after all, and you deserve to feel fucking beautiful.
Will compliment you more often, especially the places he knows you’re insecure about the most. Sometimes it’s subtle, other times its very straightforward.
Excluding all of the dramatics, and brattiness that is Loqi, he’s actually quite a sweet boy a lot of the time. Always a bit shy around you and he has the goofiest and sweetest smile that he can’t hide whenever you look at him for more than ten seconds long.
That sweetness and shyness makes an appearance in the bedroom, too. He’s into body worship. Will kiss absolutely every inch of skin on your body and tell you how fucking amazing you look and feel. But that’s mostly during foreplay. He ain’t that gentle and cute during the actual intercourse.
Just the way Loqi looks at you, though, is enough to silence all doubts and insecurities. There’s something in his stare that makes butterflies form at the pit of your stomach. He has those cute big ol’ puppy eyes whenever he sees you.
Absolutely in shock the day he finds you scrutinising yourself in the mirror
“You’re talking nonsense. How is somebody like you insecure? Am I doing something wrong, my dear? Have I not shown you enough love?”
Don’t worry, it might sound a bit condescending, but he truly means what he says. He thinks that he’s directly responsible for how you see yourself and doesn’t really understand that sometimes, people just feel insecure, there’s really no reason behind it.
Once you reassure him that yes, he’s shown you more than enough love, he’ll calm down. But he’ll still want to make you feel good about yourself. It depends on how long you’ve been in a relationship for, but the longer you’ve been together, the more touchy-feely he’ll be.
If he senses you’re feeling a bit down, he won’t hesitate to caress your cheek with his hand, or come up from behind you and snake his arms around your waist.
Lots and lots of hushed words of praise and affection. Will always compliment you—his most used word is “ravishing”.
An absolute gentleman, always—and a bit of a poet—so expect him to use a lot of symbolism, metaphors, analogies, etc. Expect to feel like a walking masterpiece whenever he takes the time out of his day to compliment and appreciate you, because you will.
Like Loqi, he can relate to feeling a bit insecure about yourself, since he’s lost his arm and has it replaced with a magitek prosthetic arm. It gets to him sometimes, especially because he’s so cautious around you whenever you’re close to his magitek prosthetic.
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generalloqi-blog · 7 years
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dizzymoogle · 2 years
Hello! You've got probably the best collection of FFXV stuff I've ever seen! So I figured if anyone might know where to find some specific pieces of concept art it would be you. On the wiki's concept page there's a couple Niflheim pages (like one with Ravus, one with the Emperor, one that's Loqi and Caligo) and since I've been trying to replicate some of their outfits I've been desperately trying to find that specific source book. No such luck... so I've set aside my considerable social anxiety to ask someone I've come to consider as FFXV's biggest fan ^^ If you've happened to see the ones I'm talking about I'd really appreciate any help finding them!
(Also I really have to say I love all the love for Prompto! He's the best boy and after playing his dlc I've been unable to say no to any of his photo/rest requests bc I love him :') I always loved his outwardly cheerful and relatable attitude but the dlc cemented him as a favorite for me)
I went to take a look at the concept art on the Wiki page, are you by chance referring to these pages?
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If so these pages are in the book "The Art of Final Fantasy"
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It came with this:
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You can find the book for sale by itself possibly on Goods Republic, or on the Japanese version of Mercari. (you would have to use a proxy service like Buyee to purchase it that way though)
As for their outfits, I have pics of them here:
I don't know if that's what you're looking for but I have taken pics of their models in game.
Prompto is a very special character to me, and his DLC is still to this day one of my favorites. I can't say no to him as well when he asks for photo ops etc in game lol I'm always glad to see when he's grown on people :D
And thank you for the kind words!
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bonjovian · 2 years
Never Let Me Go: Chapter Twenty-Six
Masterlist Chapter Twenty-Five Chapter Twenty-Seven
Word Count: 2,083 Tag List: @oddballspamicorn @arrthurpendragon @seankayser
The group continues on, even after losing Prompto. Their destination is Tenebrae, home to the Nox Fleuret family, and it may just provide a much-needed moment of peace for Gaia and the others...
I managed to fall asleep for a moment, despite all the stress. Of course, the nap didn't last long, as I was awoken by a roar. Groaning as I forced myself off the bed, I glanced at the window.
Noctis had summoned Leviathan, most likely to help him get rid of the daemons he mentioned earlier. I then noticed our surroundings. It felt like something straight out of a fantasy novel. Tenebrae, I realized. Ravus was right, it was beautiful.
Unlike the usual plains or even Altissia's islands, Tenebrae seemed to be quite mountainous. It was absolutely breathtaking. I smiled and put a hand over my necklace for a moment. If we could just defeat the empire quickly, then maybe I could live here with Ravus, I thought.
This could at least be a brief distraction from all the stress. The train slowed as we approached the station and I walked out to the others. Noctis had managed to get back into the train and I hugged him. 
"Gaia, what are you doing?" Noctis asked with a chuckle. 
"At least you're okay," I laughed awkwardly as I pulled away. "At this point, I have to just celebrate the little things." 
Once the train came to a stop, we gathered our things and stepped out into our new surroundings. A familiar woman walked over to us. Aranea. 
"Well, look who's here," she greeted us in her usual snarky but friendly tone. 
Noctis hissed softly, "Guess we've got you to thank for this mess?" 
I crossed my arms, looking around. I was trying to see if anyone else was there with her. 
Aranea put a hand on her hip. "More to it than meets the eye," she responded casually. She then looked over to Ignis and gasped softly. "What did you do to your eyes?" Her casual tone was quickly replaced with concern. 
"Oh," Ignis stammered for a bit, "Just a flesh wound." 
"Can you see?" She asked as she turned to walk away, motioning for us to follow. 
"I'm afraid not," Ignis said quietly. 
Aranea frowned slightly and looked him over again. "Wow," she mumbled. "That sucks. It's a cruel world." 
"The world's cruel alright," I laughed sadly as we followed her. 
She stopped before a bridge, turning back to face us again. "Wasn't there one more of you guys?" She asked after a moment. I looked at Noctis and Gladio, unsure of what to say.
"Yeah," Noctis responded. "There was." 
"We lost track of him," Gladio added somberly.  
"Is he dead?" Aranea asked. 
"I don't know," Noctis mumbled. 
I sighed, looking down at the ground, "He better not be." 
Aranea turned to continue walking. "Then quit mopin' and keep hopin'. In the meantime, handle what's at hand," she responded. She sounded blunt, but it was just what we needed. 
"So if it's not you we thank," Gladio began. 
"Thank the daemons, pawns of the imperial army," Aranea responded. Ahead of us, on the other side of the bridge, sat a few imperial dropships. 
"The army that you fight for," Gladio interjected. I sighed, hoping to the Six that he wasn't going to start another fight. 
"Fought for," Aranea corrected. "My men and I are in the search and rescue business now." 
I looked over at one of the Magitek Armors that sat near one of the dropships. "Hey, this is Loqi Tummelt's, right? He's helping out, too?" I asked. 
"What about it?" A voice asked nearby. There he was—Loqi Tummelt, the young, now former commander of the imperial army. "Even I can admit things aren't looking good," he crossed his arms. 
"Loqi," Aranea warned with a slight chuckle. She then turned to face me. "Gaia, there's someone here waiting for you. Thought I should let you know." 
"Oh?" I asked before gasping as I felt someone hug me from behind. 
"I see you stopped here after all," Ravus chuckled as he let go after a moment. 
I turned and hugged him back, burying my face in his shoulder. "Oh my gods, I'm so happy you're okay!" I yelled. Tears stung my eyes 
Aranea laughed quietly, shaking her head. "Well, look at you two lovebirds," she teased. 
Ignis chuckled softly before speaking to her. "You mentioned being part of the relief effort. We have a favor to ask," he began. 
"Ask away," Aranea responded. 
"In light of what you've told us, we can't allow the other passengers to continue on," Ignis answered. 
"Sure, leave 'em to me," Aranea answered. "But who's gonna drive the train?" 
Gladio spoke up, "Now that you mention it, yeah. You know anyone?" 
"I do," Aranea smiled. "In fact, I know two." 
I looked over at the others. "Hey, come get me when you guys figure all this train stuff out. I need to talk to Ravus about something," I said with a small smile. 
"Alright," Noctis nodded. "You go do that." 
"If you need to call it a night, I can offer to let you stay in the manor," Ravus offered. "It would be much more comfortable than a train car." 
I looked over at the others. Gladio seemed suspicious as always when it came to Ravus, along with Noctis. Ignis seemed to ponder the idea for a moment. "That would be something we need to discuss, but thank you for the offer," Ignis smiled slightly. 
"Let's go somewhere more private," I whispered to Ravus. He nodded and we walked to an area where we were out of earshot of the others. 
"Is something wrong, love?" He asked, his normally stern look replaced with concern. 
I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. "It's been rough since we last saw each other," I laughed awkwardly. "Prompto's gone and we don't know where he is, and there's something else." 
Ravus pulled me into another hug and I rested my head against his chest. "Whatever it is, if you don't wish to tell me, I completely understand."  
"No, that's not it, I want to tell you," I stammered. "I... I think I'm pregnant. That one time in Altissia." 
He stayed quiet, and my heart began to race. I've really done it now, I scolded myself. 
"Gaia," he chuckled softly. "I'm speechless." 
"Speechless?" I asked. "Can you... clarify what you mean?" 
"You felt nervous to tell me that. It's alright," he reassured. "If anything, it makes me a little happy. If you wish, I can see if I can get my hands on a test for you." 
"Do you have some just laying around?" I laughed. 
"No, but I am certain I can find some. I know it is getting late, and I'm hesitant to let you leave so soon," he responded. His tone was soft, something it seemed like only I was lucky enough to hear. "If you can convince your friends to stay overnight, we can get confirmation." 
I nodded. "Thank you, Ravus. I just don't know what to do. What if it comes back positive?" 
"Then we talk about what we want to do," he rubbed my back, trying to calm me down. "The choice is yours, but I am willing to raise our child."
I smiled slightly. "Yeah, hopefully the world doesn't crash and burn around us and we can actually do that," I laughed.
He kissed my forehead with a soft chuckle. "I'll see about getting a test for you, then," he said softly. "This is exciting. Maybe the gods are finally letting us be happy."
I kissed him with a smile. "Maybe," I sighed happily. "Your excitement is quite contagious, you know. I just hope it all works out."
"I know it will. Don't worry. Now let's get back to your friends." Ravus gently grabbed my hand. We walked back to Ignis and Gladio, Noctis joining us soon after.
"What did you talk to him about?" Gladio asked, raising an eyebrow.
I shrugged. "Am I not allowed to talk to my boyfriend? We were just happy to see each other again." 
"We discussed your offer, Ravus," Ignis spoke, changing the subject. "Aranea's men, Biggs and Wedge, are going to fix up the train, so we will be here for a while. If it's still an option, we'll stay overnight at Fenestala manor." 
Ravus smiled slightly. "Alright, follow me." 
He led us to a massive mansion. This was his home, I realized. "Whoa," I whispered. "Prompto would be taking so many pictures if he was here."
Noctis smiled slightly as he looked up at the manor. "It's been so long since I was here," he chuckled.
"I thought it was the least I could do after what happened," Ravus responded. "Noctis, if you wish to stay in Lunafreya's room, feel free." 
Noctis nodded and walked inside. Gladio and Ignis followed shortly after, which just left Ravus and me. "Hey, thank you for letting us stay. I don't know if Noctis or Gladio will say that," I chuckled. 
"It's the least I could do," he responded with a smile. "Come on, let's head inside. I'm certain one of the servants can find us a test for you." 
"Yeah," I nodded. We walked inside and he led me to his room. I sat down on the bed, taking in the beautiful view from the window. 
He sat down next to me for a moment, kissing my cheek. "I'll be back in a moment, love," he said softly. "Feel free to look around and explore. After all, if everything goes to plan, I would love to have you live here with me."
I blushed slightly at the idea. The thought of living in a castle with Ravus was exciting. "Thank you again," I smiled.
He stood up and nodded, walking out of the room after a moment. I sighed and flopped back onto the bed. I'll explore later, for now, I just want to relax.
There was a knock on the door and I sighed. "Come in," I called, not wanting to get up.
Someone who I could only guess to be one of Ravus's servants opened the door. "You must be Miss Gaia?" The servant asked. She smiled at me with a small bow.
"Yeah, that's me. You don't need to be so formal," I laughed, sitting up. 
"Lord Ravus told me to bring this to you," She responded, setting a small box next to me on the bed. "He talks about you a lot, you know. After Lady Lunafreya's death, you're the only person who makes him happy." 
I nodded, grabbing the box and looking it over. As I suspected, it was a pregnancy test. "Thank you," I smiled. "You can... go back to whatever you were doing." I laughed awkwardly. 
The woman laughed softly and left. I sighed and looked at the box again, before taking out the test. I had a vague idea of how they worked. Glancing at the box one more time, I stood up and walked to the bathroom. Why am I so nervous about this? 
I followed the instructions and waited, pacing back and forth. After what felt like forever, but was most likely only minutes... the test was positive. 
The test was positive.
I quietly left the bathroom, finding Ravus waiting outside. He seemed just as nervous as I was. "Well?" He asked quietly. I showed him the test with a sheepish smile. Before I could speak, he pulled me into a tight hug. 
"Ravus," I laughed. "You're pinning my arms down." 
"I'm just happy," He chuckled, letting me go and putting his hands on my shoulders. "Whatever you wish to do, I will support your decision."
I nodded. "I'm a bit nervous about this," I began, looking around to make sure that no one else was around. I didn't want anyone to hear this conversation. "I'm not really sure I'm ready to be a mother. But we deserve to be happy, after all we've lost. I just wish it was a better time." 
"We'll figure something out," he reassured, kissing me. "Don't worry. Everything will work out." 
I nodded, kissing him back. "I'm not going to tell the others yet," I mumbled against his lips. "I'll probably tell them once we're done with everything in Gralea." 
"That's a good idea," Ravus smiled slightly "We don't need Noctis and the others worrying even more." He pulled me into another embrace. 
I rested my head on his shoulder, sighing happily. While I wasn't too confident about this new situation, I had to admit it was exciting. We could finally have a life together, as spontaneous as it was. 
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zeroth-writes · 4 years
Final Fantasy XV Masterlist
💌 = Requested
💥 = Headcanon
💦 = NSFW
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All Dressed Up 💌 💥
↳ Since you're willing to try headcanons how about the chocobros from XV seeing their crush all dressed up for once? They're definitely more shy about it too because they're not used to looking nice and acting proper
Cute And Worried 💌 💥
↳Can I request headcanons from the FFXV main guys, Noctis, Prompto, Ignis, and Gladio where their crush is being followed or surrounded by baby animals like chocobos, kitties, ducklings, rats whatever you feel like. It's so cute and their crush is having the time of their life but also super worried like where did they come from is it safe, will the mother come and attack??
Falling On Top Of Crush 💌 💥
↳Chocobro headcanons for falling on top of their crush or getting stuck with them in a tight space
Sing Along 💌 💥
↳Hcs for the chocobros when they drive solo with their crush and their crush starts singing along to the radio
Driving 💌 💥
↳ How would the Chocobros react to their S/O driving style (sorta like a maniac with speeding and cussing at other drivers and all that good stuff)
Sleeping 💌 💥
↳ May I request some headcanons of how the chocobros sleep (😴) with their s/o please?❤  
Medication  💌 💥
↳ Hi , I love your Chocobos head cannons and I hope you are still doing request and if so could headcannons with the boys + Ravus finding out that there S/O is on medication for stuff like depression
Cor Leonis
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Dating 💌 💥 💦
↳I don’t know if you still take requests but if you do could I request Cor Leonis x male reader relationship and nsfw headcannon.
Gladiolus Amicitia
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Admiration And Hugs  💌
↳ Can u write Fluff separate scenarios of a cheerful and sweet reader who is a fan of gladio, ignis, and prompto and spots them and introduces herself as a fan and how much they admire them and asks for a hug and can u state their reactions and the type of hug they give?
Ignis Scientia
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Moments Like This 
↳The last thing Ignis said to you was “I promise I’ll see you soon”. That was 7 years ago. Now he sits in Hammerhead thinking back to all the things he misses about you.
Flustered 💌
↳ Can I request an Ignis scenario where his crush sees him with his hair  down for the first time and becomes a flustered mess. And in his head  he’s just like, if that was all it took to get them to look like that, I  would have done it a long time ago.
Help Me Sleep 
↳ One night you have trouble sleeping so Ignis helps you out.
Admiration And Hugs 💌
↳ Can u write Fluff separate scenarios of a cheerful and sweet reader who is a fan of gladio, ignis, and prompto and spots them and introduces herself as a fan and how much they admire them and asks for a hug and can u state their reactions and the type of hug they give?
I Know What You Want 💦
↳ Ignis gives you the surprise and night of your life on your birthday.  
Cheering Up 💌
↳ Scenario/One shot of Ignis x Reader? Angst with fluff? Maybe reader is having a bad day and Ignis makes it up to them with his time?
Loqi Tummelt
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Dating 💌 💥
↳ Can you do some loqi tummelt headcanons and scenarios please? There’s barely anything out there for him
Assassins Festival 💌     
↳ Can you do some something to do with the assassin's creed festival?
Noctis Lucis Caelum
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Nothing’s Free 💌
↳ Noctic request please where the reader is stuck on a level in a game and he helps them. They’re thankful and he’s like, i didn’t do it for free. Reader doesn’t have anything to offer so he takes a kiss as payment
Mute!Reader 💌 💥
↳ Could you write a cute dating headcanon for Noctis x Mute! Reader?
She’s The One 💌
↳ In the noctis there is an urgent need for a male inheritance to protect the security of his empire.He organizes a bridal show and discovers a girl he absolutely wants. But she wants to work there and not marry him, but he insists.
Yandere!  💌 💥
↳ Could I ask again for a yandere noctis x reader.
Having A Child Together 💌 💥
↳ I would have liked to read how noctis x reader become parents, how does he react and how does he deal with the baby.
Having A Child Together 💌
↳ Thank you for writing Noctis x Reader to be parents.could you write it as a little story
Dating 💌 💥
↳ if you don’t mind, could you do a request with dating headcanons or habits for noctis and a gender neutral S/O? <3
Stay Away 💌
↳ Hello 😊, can I get a ffxv jealous noct x reader? seeing how he’s kind of reserved in his personality sometimes even with his friends, what would it take for him to confess to his crush if he saw someone hitting on them? Would his friends give him advice or push him in the right direction, or even set up cute situations for him to be in? & Can i get a Noctis x reader angst where his s/o’s best friend doesn’t care that he’s the prince and warns Noctis to stay away from them because they have known them longer, and has a crush on them aswell? Sometimes even deliberately tries to sabotage their relationship.
Junior Monster Hunter 💌 
↳ Can I get ffxv noctis x reader where the reader asks him to look after their little cousin around the age of 7 for the day, the kid is very rambunctious and likes to blow things up for science and also to fight demons. Can I get noct’s interaction with them. Since he’s not that good with social skills and with small kids in general and has to balance that with fighting monsters?
Frustrating Feelings 💌 
↳ I would love to request a Noctis x reader where both of them fought non stop and the chocobros kept making jokes about the tension between female reader and noctis being a little NSFW and needed to fix it!
Healing Red 💌 
↳ i have a request bout noct where the reader is a white magician, however her powers turn red n strong when shes angry or sad (like scarlet witch), that happens sumtimes and then, when noct is in great danger, she cant control it and unleashes a massive amount of power and saves him, the rest is up to u :)
Prompto Argentum
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Admiration And Hugs  💌
↳ Can u write Fluff separate scenarios of a cheerful and sweet reader who is a fan of gladio, ignis, and prompto and spots them and introduces herself as a fan and how much they admire them and asks for a hug and can u state their reactions and the type of hug they give?
Ravus Nox Fleuret
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I’ll Still Love You
↳ After the incident where Ravus lost his arm he stopped being around you. So one night you confront him.
↳ After waking up alone Ravus finds you upset, So he makes you feel better.  
I Won’t Let You Go 💌
↳ “Will you stop being an idiot?” & “I won’t let you go!”
Lifelong Promise 💌
↳ “Why can’t you understand the burdens I am under?” ,“This doesn’t change you in my eyes, nor does it define who you are…” & “I am bound to this fate…”
I Know What You Want 💦
↳ Ignis gives you the surprise and night of your life on your birthday.  
Dating 💌 💥 💦
↳ May I request for some sfw and nsfw dating headcanons/scenarios for Ravus? This guy needs more love.
Date Night 💌
↳ Hi! can I request some happy Ravus moments? maybe a date in Altissia, it seems like a romantic spots and because BOATS.
Medication  💌 💥
↳ Hi , I love your Chocobos head cannons and I hope you are still doing request and if so could headcannons with the boys + Ravus finding out that there S/O is on medication for stuff like depression
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