#ask italy
finelinevogue · 2 months
something in the orange
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summary - you are harry’s ex and you happen to rekindle at his sisters wedding
word count - ~2k
pairing - ex-boyfriend!harry x reader
It wasn’t a complete surprise that your ex-boyfriend was at his sisters wedding, but nonetheless you were still shocked to see him.
You had been friends with Gemma, your exes sister, way before you were dating her brother, Harry, which is probably the main and only reason you had been invited to her wedding.
Gemma and her family were still very nice towards you, even though you broke their Harry’s heart.
Well for the most part.
You had been sat on a table at the back of the reception room for the evening meal, with a couple of distant friends of the groom. You had been trying to make small talk as best you could, but your little introverted heart could only try so hard.
“Are you staying in Italy after the wedding?” You asked a man called Gordon who was sat next to you, with his girlfriend.
He then went back to talking to his girlfriend.
You took a sip of your mocktail, glancing around the room to enjoy the happiness of others.
Gemma was happily chatting with Michal, her now husband, whilst Anne, Gemma’s mum, was arguing with one of the chefs that the cake had to be ready in ten minutes. It was quite funny to watch Anne get angry, considering she’s the loveliest person on the planet.
You noticed Harry, of course you did.
He hadn’t looked your way once, or if he had he’d been so discreet about it that he was making you feel invisible.
You didn’t blame him for keeping his distance, after all you had broken his heart. It was a surprise you had even been invited, but friends first and all that.
He looked good.
He looked better than good, he looked ridiculously pretty.
Harry was dressed in a black tuxedo with a bow tie that had now been untucked and was loosely hanging around his neck. He looked tanned and well. He looked happy, you thought.
You turned to a girl next to you and tried to start conversation with her.
“How are you enjoying the Amalfi Coast?” You smiled.
“It’s nice.” She smiled back before turning to speak to whoever was next you.
It wasn’t particularly nice having the people on your table kind of ignore you, but then again they didn’t know you and had no reason to get to know you.
You ate your meal in silence as you simple people watched.
It was nice seeing familiar faces, even if yours was one they’d rather not see.
Once you had finished, people had started to get up to go and dance on the little dance floor on the terrace. It was laden with fairy lights strung high above, along with an abundance of citronella candles that casted a warm orange glow over the area.
You watched as some couples slow danced. A little girl had a dance competition with her dad. Gemma and Michal busted whatever shapes they were doing.
“Have you finished, ma’am?” A waiter asked you, breaking you away from watching the evening continue without you.
“Oh yes. Thank you, it was really lovely.”
“Our pleasure.” They smiled at you, before cleaning up.
You fiddled with your fingers as you watched more and more people get up on the dance floor to enjoy their evening.
You pushed your chair back then, deciding to go to the toilet before you made the decision whether or not to join people out on the terrace.
The wedding location was gorgeous.
A beautiful historical hotel, overrun with flowers cascading down the stone walls, that was built into the cliffside along the Amalfi Coast.
It was no surprise that the wedding was here, considering Gemma and Harry called Southern Italy their second home. Harry had taken you to his house in Maiori multiple times when you had been together and you completely understood why he loved this area.
You missed going to that house. The crazy adventures you’d get up to.
You missed Harry.
You locked yourself in a cubicle before you could make yourself upset over it.
You’d just finished up when you heard some people walk in.
“Did you see Y/Ns here?” They said, but you couldn’t work out who they were - at least it wasn’t someone you recognised.
“Yeah. Wonder why.” You didn’t recognise the second persons voice either.
“Fucking ballsy if you ask me.” They both laughed. “If I’d cheated on my best-friends brother and still been invited to her wedding, I wouldn’t go.”
“Did Y/N cheat on Harry? I heard that she had a mental breakdown when he stopped buying stuff for her and stopped taking her on expensive holidays.”
You sat down on the toilet lid, not finding the courage to go out there and speak up for yourself.
“No. Pretty sure she cheated. Doesn’t surprise me though, she always was a little bit… different.”
“You mean, not model worthy?!” They both laughed again.
You carefully and silently ripped off some toilet paper before using it to dab the tears that were falling from your eyes and down your cheeks.
It was tough, trying to not take things to heart but you were a sensitive person. This didn’t make you a bad person, in fact it just meant that you carried extra love around with you.
It hurt when other people couldn’t see that when you tried to live with your heart on your sleeve as much as you could.
“God… Wonder why she came?”
“Probably to prove that she’s not the bitch everyone thinks she is.”
“Harry hasn’t even spoken to her.”
“Weren’t they together for like five years.”
6 years and 3 months, you thought to yourself.
Best 6 years and 3 months of your life.
“Something like that.”
“Poor Harry.”
“Yeah. Must’ve been rough for him.”
“Means he is single though.”
“Wonder whether he’s ready to mingle.” They both laughed again, before leaving the toilets discussing their plan to make Harry see them.
You finished dabbing your eyes free of tears, breathing out a heavy breath before standing up and heading to the sinks to freshen up.
You patted your cheeks with water to cool you down and looked at yourself in the mirror with a smile.
You are okay. You thought to yourself. You know what they said isn’t true. You are a good person.
Once you’d collected yourself, you left the bathroom.
If you headed right you would find yourself back in the main room heading towards the terrace, but it you went left it would lead you to some stone steps carved into the cliff wall that lead down to a private beach.
Of course you headed left.
The night sky was burning a deep orange from where the sun was setting. You couldn’t wait for the stars. Stargazing had always been yours and Harry’s favourite pastime - it grounded you whilst simultaneously reminding you how grateful that you’d found each other in all of this.
The stairs were easy to walk down, even in wedge sandals.
It took you a good fifteen minutes to climb down, but the second your toes felt the cooling sand you knew it had been worth it. Would it be worth the climb back up? Hmm…
You crossed the beach, smiling when you realised you were the only one down here in this small alcove of a beach.
The waves moved in slowly, making that euphoric crashing sound as they folded over and onto the sand.
The water was turning a darker blue under the setting sun, but you knew in the daytime it would be a crystal clear blue - perfect for swimming or snorkelling.
You sat on the beach, toeing off your sandals and resting them beside you.
You pulled your knees up to your chin, hugging your arms around your legs as you sat and watched the waves crash again and again. There was something so therapeutic about it.
As you watched on you couldn’t help but think back to the conversation those girls were having in the toilet.
You didn’t realise what people thought about you being your back. It stung to think people were thinking such horrible things.
The moment your eyes started watering again you knew that what they’d been saying about you hadn’t really registered until now - in the quiet on your own. It hadn’t fully clicked that everyone now perceived you as this horrible, bitch of a woman that broke the heart of a man who is loved by millions.
You sniffled, looking up at the sky to hold back the onrush of any more tears.
“Holy fucking….” You scrambled from where you were sitting and jumped up to find Harry standing beside you, “Harry… My…”
You put your hand over your heart, having been scared shitless from him unintentionally creeping up on you.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you jump.”
You then realised he was still holding out his handkerchief for you - the one you thought had been pretend from his suit pocket.
“It’s okay, thank you.” You took this handkerchief and wiped under your eyes with it, dabbing your nose too. “I didn’t realise you were down here, sorry. I’ll leave.”
You bent down to pick up your shoes, but were stopped when Harry gently bent his wrist around yours.
“Please don’t.”
You felt like you had stopped breathing.
Harry’s soft touch against your skin nearly made your heart cave inside your chest. You felt like time had stopped, but you wouldn’t care if you only ever got to see Harry in this moment, in this frame, for ever and ever.
The way the setting sun casted a golden hew against his skin made him prettier than anyone Michelangelo could sculpt. His eyes were just as green and perfect as always, if only with a little extra sadness spreading at the corners.
And those lips.
Well you only wished they were still yours to kiss.
“I don’t…” You started, not moving your hand away from his. “You don’t want me here.” You whispered, tucking your head down.
You missed the way he shook his head softly, furrowing his eyebrows with frustration.
Harry stepped closer to you, making you apprehensively look up again. He was so pretty.
“Stop what?”
“Stop thinking I don’t want you around. Stop thinking that I never want to see you again. Stop believing that you have done something wrong. Stop thinking that you aren’t still the most important person in my life.” Harry’s eyes were now tearing up.
You shook your head, pulling your hand from his carefully.
“I.. I can’t.. sorry.”
You were about to run across the beach, away from Harry when his call stopped you.
“Y/N, no.”
Your feet froze and you turned around slowly to see him standing in place, ever so slightly shaking his head.
“Just no.” He said.
“I… I don’t understand.” You said.
“The last time you ran away, I let you.” Harry said, as you tried to refrain from thinking back to the last time it had been like this.
“I know.”
“Well, I’m not about to make that mistake again.”
Your eyebrows furrowed at that, bottom lip pouting which Harry always used to tease you about.
You stood still, your breath catching when he started moving towards you. You couldn’t move. You were frozen to the spot, like some force of nature wasn’t allowing you to move.
“The last time I let you walk out of my life was the biggest mistake I ever made. I should’ve tried harder - I should’ve begged you to stay, God knows I wanted you to.”
“Harry, please don’t say things you don’t mean…”
“What don’t you get, Y/N/N?” Harry stopped short of you, confused about how you couldn’t quite grasp what he was trying to tell you.
“You don’t want me to stay.”
“You don’t need me to stay.”
“No, H, listen to me.” You confidently took a step forwards towards him, still leaving a good enough space between you. “I can’t put you through another breakup like that again.. I… I don’t even think either of us have properly gotten over the last one. I meant what I said and did last time and I still mean it now.”
“Well fuck that. You don’t get to say things like that.”
“No. Fuck!” Harry shouted, combing a hand through his hair like he did when he was stressed. “Do you understand how much you hurt me?”
You weren’t expecting him to ask you that, so you took a tiny step back in shock. You bravely answered, “Yes.”
“And do you know why?” His eyes were watering now.
“So tell me.”
“Just.. humour me and tell me.”
“You were hurt because I broke up with you. You were hurt because I gave up on over six years. You were hurt because I was cruel.”
Your voice was shaky but you stood strong, not wanting to guilt trip Harry into feeling sorry for you.
“No.” He replied. “No. I was hurt because the woman I love, the woman I was only weeks away from getting down on one knee for, broke up with me because she decided she wasn’t worth me loving. Not that she didn’t love me anymore, no, but because she felt unworthy of my love.”
Your eyes started free flowing with tears then as you stood and listened to him speak. Everything he was saying was true but it didn’t make it any more comfortable to hear back.
“I was hurt because I thought we could talk about things like that before the progressed into something we could never come back from. I was hurt because you chose to listen to all the sick and twisted voiced in your head, rather than the one voice that actually mattered; mine. I was hurt because you didn’t communicate. I had to find out from my sister that you were being abused online by, not only my fans, but close girl friends of mine over their jealousy. And I had to find out from my mum that yours had passed away a few weeks before you broke up with me.”
You let out a sob then, everything crashing around in your mind. Too many thoughts and too little left of you to put them all back together.
“Y/N, love, I was hurt because I was there for you when you didn’t believe I could be.”
“I’m sorry.” You sobbed out before your knees gave way and you dropped onto the beach beneath you, crying your what was left of your heart out.
Everything from your breakup, to the hate and losing your mum, the grief had all been collecting inside of your head and it was only now that you felt safe enough to let it all go.
You caved in on yourself, cupping your hands over your face.
It only took a couple of seconds for Harry to collapse onto the floor beside you, scooping your body up in his arms so he could pull you close into his chest. Your chest heaved as you cried, and you could only just hear Harry calming you down with a few ‘sshh’ and the occasional kiss to your forehead.
You kept repeating ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again, not really knowing who you were apologising to.
Harry? Your mum? Yourself?
“Sshh. You’re okay. I’ve got you. You’re safe.” Harry kept repeating in between your apologies.
You let Harry hold you for what felt like hours, but was actually only five minutes, before you had calmed yourself down and you could breathe again.
You emerged from Harry’s hold and gave him a weak smile.
“Probably look like a right state after crying.” You laughed at yourself.
Harry cupped your cheek with his hand and softly ran his thumb there. “Still as pretty as the day I met you.”
“H, you met me when we were less than a year old. You don’t remember that.” You stifled a laugh.
“I don’t remember much, but I remember you.”
You dipped your head with a blush as he said that, his words still having that charming effect on you.
Harry dropped his hand from your cheek, but you were quick to hold it again with yours. You threaded your fingers through his and gave a tight squeeze. He squeezed back.
“I am really sorry, Harry.”
“I know.”
“I have a lot to be sorry for and I’ll find the strength to write you a list of them all one day.” You promised.
“Maybe we can write them together? Perhaps in a couples therapy?”
Your head shot up to meet his at the hearing of the word ‘couples’.
“You want…”
“I want you to be mine again. I may be selfish but screw it, I’m taking this chance to ask you whether, with the right help maybe, we could become us again?”
“Are you sure?” You moved closer to him, knees touching knees.
Here on this little beach, tucked away from the crowds of the party and the rest of the world you felt everything was right again. Almost like a haze had been lifted and you could see clearer now more than even what you wanted - who you wanted.
“Trust me.”
“I do. I promise, I do.”
“Maybe it’ll take some time, but I promise to be there for you, always, and take care of you like I promised your mum all those years ago.”
“You’ve always taken care of me, H. My mum would be proud of you.”
“Like she’s proud of you, too.”
“Don’t make me cry again.” You whispered, eyes locked on his so you could focus on something else other than the tears that wanted to spill.
“So was that a yes? Do you want to try again?”
“Ask me properly.” You leaned closer.
“Y/N L/N.” He said with a smirk.
“Will you be my girlfriend… again?”
You burst out laughing over that, dropping your head onto his shoulder to hide your blushing face from his.
You smiled to yourself before answering.
“Yes,” You kissed his neck before sitting back up again, “Yes, yes, yes.”
And with the smile on Harry’s face as you gave him your answer you knew that you would be alright this time.
There was just something in the orange of that burning Italian sunset that told you, you and Harry were far from done. In fact, you’d only just started.
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makiswirl · 3 months
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happy father's day here's these jotaro things i've drawn semi-recently
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putellas14 · 2 years
when did we move to dm´s? i didnt get that memo. started my job and i LOVE it!! #slay
We didn’t! Please. There’s too many messages in my DMs. I don’t want to accidentally miss your messages. Continue in my asks.
So happy to hear the job is going well!! That’s awesome news.
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miikoissant · 4 months
Hetalia official anime art in the older seasons is like a nightmare I would never wake up no matter how hard I try
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What if the new Hetalia season is called 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂talia: pronoun power, starring the Axis Powers that is now renamed as "Agender beam" and the Allied Powers that is now "Homosquad". America calls himself instead of "the hero", but "the bitch", France then calls himself "The mommy". They live together in Wokearth, with pronoun badges. /ref /s
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renonv · 17 days
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Tee hee I’ve been super busy w no time for blorbos 😣 but I do have this nonsensical art that came after I drew the second installment of the furry saga..
these are Antonio’s meeting “notes” after he overhears Feli and Roma talk abt fursonas and starts drawing his own furry shit. Bro be exploring styles
The second one was draw as half joke to get a reaction out of Romano and also because he was over drawing animals (and he’s gay)
Romano had two minor notes on that second doodle
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aanthonyvb · 1 year
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More poto Italy inspired stuff
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cicerenella · 9 months
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diplomatic relations
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cowboy-robooty · 11 months
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i think italy peeks his eyes open and comes face to face with the bluest wide eyed stare fucking ever
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ask2ps · 3 months
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this guy's got issues. unfortunately, i love him
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faaun · 5 months
last night i got home kind of tipsy and very much in tears and my mother told me the force you exert to keep someone in your life is proportional to the force with which they will leave your life. if you have to fight tooth and claw to keep them, their leaving will be just as hard, just as harsh, and just as definite.
#she said it like a law. its just momentum.#also she told me to get a therapist and start archery ASAP bc i need to get it together#and also she said even granting that this person u were in love w was So Special . as in hot motorcycle-riding iranian masc lesbian in ldn#they arent the only one on earth and that once i start my proper adult life outside of studies etc etc i will probably no longer live in th#UK. she said most non straight iranians u would like have left the country anyway . where do you think they went? theyre out there#and also she asked me to imagine how many hot gay iranians there may be in italy or amsterdam or smth and i was like ok points 😭 maybe#ur right. anyway i was having a feeling of dread bc crying into the arms of ur strict asian mother while buzzed usually results in#death chaos destruction etc in the next few days but actually i think maybe she has genuinely changed as a person and the fear is#unwarranted#anyway i need to eat breakfast and study w the date person i met yesterday#they are so nice ??? genuinely so so sweet i dont feel attracted to them at all omg i genuinely think i have a thing for hot evil ppl 😭#but we could b besties . theyre a lot more romantic than the ex situationship person too like generally . ugh they should be perfect but#alas it appears i am shallow as fuck or potentially a lesbian actually#OH THEY MIGHT ALSO BE POTENTIALLY A LESBIAN BTW#i think i just tend to not date cis ppl entirely by accident#....feel free to rb if u want btw sorry for the rant
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ask-2p-hetaliaaa · 3 months
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Not 2p once again, but hey. Where else am I supposed to put my Hetalia art
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finelinevogue · 4 months
to new beginnings
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summary - you and harry are drunk on the streets of rome
word count - ~1k
pairing - husband!harry x reader
“It’s literally this way.”
“No it isn’t.”
You tugged on Harry’s hand, attempting to make him follow you down a road - that looked like an alley - that you were sure would lead you to the main square.
Harry was insistent you were going the wrong way, but who could actually tell when you were both as drunk as each other.
Harry stood still as he watched you were drunk eyes and a soft smile, as you tried to tug him your way.
“Come on! I know what I’m doing.”
“No you don’t. You’re sloshed!” Harry laughed, watching you spin around in circles for whatever reason.
“I’m not sloshed… I’M IN LOVE.” You shouted to the universe, and also the unfortunate old couple that just happened to be walking past at the same time.
Before you could apologise, the old man spoke; “I remember when we were like that, Carla.”
You smiled warmly, looking from them to Harry. Harry was already smiling towards you, that spark still in his eyes for you even after 5 years together.
5 years together but only 2 days of being married.
Marriage was pretty happy so far.
“We still are.” The old woman smiled at her husband as they passed by.
You continued to walk off then, walking down the road you wanted to go down.
It was a very small and quaint alley, lots of balconies with hanging green baskets and drying clothes. You looked up at them as you passed by, your trainers padding along on the cobbled floor as you walked.
As you were in your own little world, you didn’t hear Harry sneak up on you until his arms were around your waist and lifting you up in the air to spin you around.
“Harry!” You laughed, your jaw hurting from smiling so much.
“Will you ever learn to listen to me?” He bit playfully onto your exposed shoulder, where the thin strap of your dress lay.
“Is that how marriage works? You being in charge?”
He safely set you on the ground and you brushed your dress-skirt down, before twirling around and throwing your arms around his neck.
“What?” He asked, smiling down at your happy face.
“I’m in charge.” You tried to say seriously, but you were too drunk to be in complete control of your face.
“Okay.” Harry gave in, kissing your forehead.
“No, I am. I really am.”
“I know.”
“That means I can control you to do loads of things for me.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?” Harry asked, even though he was ready to say yes to everything.
“Umm, buy me flowers every day.”
He kissed you then, “Done.”
“Okay,” You blushed, “Hmm. Come on beach walks with me every weekend - no matter how far from the coast we are.”
He kissed you again then, “Yup.”
“Uhh what about…”
Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. “Yes, yes, yes. Yes to anything and everything. Boss me around all day everyday, I don’t care as long as you’re happy, my love.”
“I am. Very happy.”
You leaned up to kiss him properly then, showing him just how much you love him. You scrunched the small hair on the back of his neck and pulled him closer, moving in tandem with each other like you’d known each other a lifetime not only five years.
You pulled away first but quickly moved to kiss his jaw and leading down his neck, kissing and nipping at the skin to give him a hickey.
“Babe… No!” Harry laughed, knowing how much you loved giving him hickeys but never somewhere everyone could see.
“Nooooo.” You whined as he pulled your head away from his neck.
“Baby, you’re drunk and I’m drunk but I know we’re going to be mad at each other if you give me a public hickey. So be good and stop.”
You scrunched your face up in pretend anger.
“You’re annoying.” You kiss him on the lips once more.
“So are you.”
“That’s not very nice.” You feigned shock.
“Aww, are you sad?”
“Don’t taunt me.” You rolled your eyes.
“Lemme kiss you to make up for it.” Harry leaned in to kiss you but you shoved your hand on his face and pushed him away before he could.
You laughed as he pretended to be hurt by your action, but you ran off down the road before he could say or do anything.
He shook his head with a smile as he watched you go, nearly tripping over a cobble stone even in your flat shoes.
“Y/N/N, be careful.”
You stood at the end of the alley watching Harry still standing there with a fond smile.
“C’mon! I hear music.” You urged him.
So he came.
He wandered over to you casually, feeling like he had all the time in the world to spend with you. Every moment of his was now yours and he couldn’t be happier to share them all with you. You. He sometimes couldn’t believe he’d managed to end up with you.
You held out a hand for him and he took it, slinking his fingers through yours.
You hummed in delight and the both of you walked in silence, off towards the vibrant music of the city to dance the night to new beginnings.
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blorbocedes · 1 year
https://x.com/judesrivers/status/1709714260706697326?s=46&t=w9R_LaqCkagB6MZHT49ddA the way he always lights up when he talks abt the things he did with nico and says those were the best times in his life 😔
Italy is definitely a core memory for lewis. brocedes used to have pizza eating competitions during karting -- which, curiously enough is featured in lewis' children's book autobiography
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lewis has always reiterated karting was the best time of his career, and the most he'd ever laughed. and here's the corroborations of having pizzas and ice cream gelatos and core friendship
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eyepatchoflove · 2 months
lestat being both french and italian explains everything, because there is actually nothing wrong with him, he's just like that.
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ask2pame · 6 months
whats wrong with luciano's neck?
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renonv · 3 days
Not sure if this has been suggested before, or you have already done this, but hear me out. Little Shop of Horrors AU-
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ANON I DONT NEED TO HEAR YOU OUT for you have awakened the ancient demons of the little shop of horrors au I’ve been rotating in the back of my head ever since I first saw the movie
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