#ask cremisi
cremisiservant · 5 months
Are you and Rubedo fucking?
If you say no, I know you're lying.
Oh dear oh no! You've found our my terrible, blah blah blah, I'm a personal servant! Fucking is what I do dolly.
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croctus · 11 months
could lux cremisi ever black out his eyelids with makeup to make them more opaque?
he likely COULD but might not like the effect it has on his appearance- so it would be an occasional matter only for when the headaches are at their most unbearable
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nectar-cellar · 5 months
hello, i wanted to say that im a huge fan of you cc, and wanted to ask if you could send the package files for the niobe cremisi vampire eyebags, since theyre under a wix website
hi, thank you :)
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here's the direct SFS links:
n1 / n2 / n3
i use n1 the most on my sims.
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purplelordstudios · 9 months
How many OC's do ya got and what're their names? :)
(Sorry for the random ask lmao)
~ Celestina
*deep breath*
Marry Goldy
Bar tender
Aaaaaannnnnnnnnnndddddddddd that’s off the top of my head :]
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So the ending of Stone Ocean really got me thinking about my AU and now theres so much more that I want to add into it. Especially with however Diavolo and Rallen are going to track down Giorno.
So all of this MiH shit that I gotta think about has made my brain buzz nonstop for the past almost two days. My AU takes place in the Irene-verse, I planned it this way, it was intentional.
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[Image ID: screenshot taken from the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Fandom Wiki. Its a block of text of a response that was asking about how Pucci’s stand, Made in Heaven, actually worked. The third point reads, “So basically the first universe is the normal one, the second universe has knockoff Jolyne, Jotaro, and presumably other characters, and in the final universe the souls of the dead are returned, and Pucci is not reincarnated.” End Image ID]
My whole point with this is that, even though I didn’t fully understand MiH when creating this AU, now that the anime has explained it a bit more, I see that my interpretation of it is basically almost correct…with some bending of the rules simply for plot reasons. This then explains why in my AU that Bruno, Abbacchio, and Narancia exist and are alive. It also goes along with that whole concept of fate that those three will inevitably meet no matter what, including meeting Mista, Fugo, and Giorno. While under different circumstances, the six of them meet be caused thats what was destined to happen.
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[Image ID: a screenshot from this user’s twitter account, it reads, “Something that I love about JJBA and stands is the concept of fate. No matter how much someone tries to change it, they ultimately cannot change their own or someone elses fate because its what the universe has already planned for them. They can always try to buy themselves time, but in the end, fate will always win. No matter the person, no matter how powerful the stand it, fate always finds a way. Ex. Rolling Stones from pt 5 and then with MiH, although the universe is different, fate still played out similarly but with different situations.” End image ID]
Now how does this tie into Rallen and Diavolo?
Diavolo was always fated to find those arrows from the very beginning. He’s the reason why the Joestars and Dio manifested stands in the first place. He’s the cause for part 3 onwards. Of course, Diavolo isn’t aware of how selling those arrows to Enya could have eventually caused the universe to reset twice in a row, all he knew is that he needed only one of them. And that arrow, gave him a stand with the ability to see/travel through a short period of time to prepare himself/Doppio for their inevitable fate(ex. That fight with Risotto Nero).
During the final battle between Giorno and Diavolo, Dia uses Epitaph and sees what Giorno’s fate is supposed to be, Diavolo is absolutely certain of this win, theres nothing that should be able to change it, right? Wrong, because Giorno stabbed himself with the stand arrow and gained Gold Experience Requiem, a stand which exists outside of time itself, which is a huge problem for Diavolo because this means that although fate is technically correct, how can fate be accurate when one exists outside of the fabric of reality?
By using Requiem to his advantage, Giorno bent the rules and seemingly changed his fate. However, once again, fate always comes out on top, Giorno just merely bought himself time, just like he did with Bruno all the way back at San Giorgio(Bruno was already dead, he was just a walking and talking zombie at that point bc Diavolo already killed him). Giorno’s ultimate fate is to be killed by Diavolo, or in this case, Cremisi, the fusion of Rallen and Diavolo, because that was the original prediction of Epitaph all the way back in 2001. Giorno didn’t change his fate, he bought himself time. Diavolo’s fate was never to die infinite deaths until the end of time itself, Diavolo’s fate was to be victorious in the battle between him and Giorno and to remain the most powerful stand user in all of Italy and the entirety of the Mafia.
Even in the original universe, Rallen was going to end up meeting Diavolo, albeit under completely different circumstances. But thats only if Giorno didn’t buy himself those extra 21 extra years by throwing Diavolo into the infinite death loop.
And once again, due to fate, Bruno, Abbacchio, and Narancia will die…eventually. Maybe it’ll be under better circumstances? Maybe Giorno will be the one to kill them this time around instead of Diavolo?
I have so much more I want to talk about but I’m so tired and need sleep. (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ Feel free to send asks if you have any questions regarding my AU! I’d love to respond and give yall more information that I have on it.
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19, 2, 5 and 10 for kars
1, 2, 3, 4 (HERE WE GO) for Diavolo
11 for pucci
19: I enjoy fighting with blades. They are fluid in a sense, they do not impair movement and have the potential to be be more deadly than many other weapons.
2: Spider lilies.
5: I am quite fond of dogs and birds in general, especially eagles.
10: I do not have an opinion on holidays, not about the recent ones or those of my culture of origin.
1: Figs.
2: Love-lies-bleeding. I think it looks interesting.
3: I don't have a favorite tree.
4: ... I'm sure you can tell.
11: It is technically not quite an article of clothing, it's jewelry, but- my earrings are probably my favorite out of most of my possessions in general.
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windermeresimblr · 4 years
The Scotsman And The Mystery Of El Bosque Del Fauno: Chapter Five
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Before Alasdair had much time to react, to even do anything more than gasp, the lid of his coffin was opening and the strangest being he had seen--well, aside from the creature--was looking down at him. Tall, with blue hair and skin that looked more like a very colorful moth’s than the usual brownish or pinkish colors most people had, it regarded him with the same cool distance as a society matron sizing up the latest class of debutantes. 
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“Alasdair McCarrick?”
“Who are you? What happened to me?” He did not care to know how this being knew his name; it was not on the top of his list of concerns. (Perhaps it was fifth, somewhere behind what had happened to his clothing.)
“I am the Guardian of the Nexus. How are you feeling?”
Alasdair blinked. “I...feel a little dizzy. What happened to me? Why am I here?” It had to be bad, if this strange being wouldn’t tell him what had happened. Wasn’t that what they did when you’d been badly hurt, to keep you from becoming agitated and injuring yourself further? (He’d had to do that for the Cardinal of Donnafugata when he’d tripped on his robes and fallen down the stairs of one of his mother’s protector’s mansions, while they waited for the doctor and another priest, just in case, to arrive. There was a memory he didn’t care to think about. Blood on moire silk and marble tile was just as unpleasant as blood on the battlefield or on the deck of a sailing ship.)
“Yes. The reanimation process can be rather unpleasant.”
The being sighed. “You fell into the Nexus, and entered a state of suspended animation--a very deep sleep. It is a common reaction to the trauma of time travel. We had to revive you.”
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“Time travel. Are you insane, or am I in Hell after all?”
“This may be easier if I show you,” the being said. “Do you think you can walk?”
Alasdair swung his legs over the coffin’s edge. “Only one way to find out!” He wobbled a little on his feet, as if he’d been suddenly transported onto a ship and hadn’t gotten the chance to get his sea legs, but he’d be damned if he went back into that coffin. The floor was cool under his feet, like smooth metal. 
“Ye will give me summat to wear?” he asked, realizing that he didn’t exactly have anything on as the being politely looked away. 
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“Of course. Computer, replicate a candidate’s uniform, size--”
“Size? I’m six foot five in stocking feet.”
“Oh, of course. Scan subject Alasdair McCarrick’s proportions, please, and create a candidate’s uniform based on them.”
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A small automaton appeared from the wall and began sweeping about Alasdair, shining a light on him as it whirred and hummed. After a final burble, something that looked like a chest of drawers slid out of the wall, and there was a suit of clothes in it. 
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“When you’re ready, press this button, and join me in the hall,” the being said.
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I would like to thank @treason-and-plot for helping me figure out which way to go with the story when I was staring down the barrel of “oh shit THIS week is the posting week” and I was being dreadfully indecisive as usual. Now, onto the CC credits.
@danjaley‘s poses are essential--off the top of my head, I used the Amnesia, Greeting, Listening, and 3 Hazelnuts Miscellaneous poses.
@greenplumbboblover‘s OmniTool poses were used for the Servo scanning Alasdair. 
Kaleekalo made the pose I used for Alasdair being scanned. 
Lilit made the pose I used for the “sleeping” Servo.
Niobe-Cremisi made the Saturenornian skin and eyes the Guardian of the Necus is sporting here. 
I found the link I used for @pooklet‘s hair colors: the Guardian of the Nexus is sporting Cannonball and Alasdair’s a natural Brisance. (Or Molotov? I can’t remember. One of them.) I really love how their hair colors look, so I’m happy to have approximations of them for TS3. 
The Servo is by Qahne and you can grab one here at Mod The Sims. They’re a real live Plumbbot! (I think the servos look more interesting, but I have a bit more zeerust-esque tastes.)
The bio-bed is by Severinka and can be grabbed here. 
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kon-igi · 5 years
Come si fa a capire se si è morti dopo che ti è caduto un cellulare in un occhio da 40cm? Ormai è più di 15 anni che non mi rivolgo a nessuna divinità. Ho letto su dei paper che questo ha degli effetti sulla percezione del dolore, fisico e affettivo. Ma il problema non è nemmeno questo. Mi stavo chiedendo, se sono morto, al gatto che continua a girarmi intorno per farsi dare da mangiare, che fine devo fargli fare?
Vedo che ho qualche ask rimasto in sospeso...
Intanto ti lascio un mio abstract sull’efficacia dell’imprecazione antalgica, poi per il discorso del gatto dipende dal suo colore.
Tutti i gatti possono percepire e visualizzare sia il Corpo Eterico che il Corpo Astrale distaccati da quello Fisico ma per sapere se sei disincarnato o sei solo in viaggio astrale basta guardare se dal settimo chakra Sahasrāra (si trova sulla sommità della testa) fuoriesce o meno un filamento madreperlaceo: in caso affermativo puoi rientrare nel tuo corpo (basta visualizzare il Loto Cremisi del Mūlādhāra) se invece il Cordone Argentato è sfilacciato o spezzato e il tuo gatto è nero -- quindi psicopompo -- leggerai la risposta a questo ask da disincarnato.
Se hai capito muovi la planchette sul ‘yes’ della tavoletta Ouija.
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romana73 · 6 years
Post written by ME. The animated gifs shown, however, AREN’T MINE and it DON’T BELONG TO ME IN ANY WAY. Sorry for my mistakes, but English isn’t my first language
HERE IS FIRST PART of this post:
“You’re wrong, Leia. You have that power too. In time you’ll learn to use it as I have. The Force is strong in my family. My father has it. I have it and…my sister has it. Yes. It’s you, Leia”
(Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, from “Star Wars Episode VI, Return of the Jedi” movie)
In this post we will get to talk about famous scandal stone, scene in which, in "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The Last Jedi" movie, floating in open space, Leia save herself using Force. Many are snapped, outraged, protesting Leia isn’t a Jedi and she hasn’t Force, so that scene should be redone and she die or be rescued by some errant knight (male, of course!) In fact, it would be enough to read quote reported to me at this post beginning, pronounced by LUKE SKYWALKER lived voice, in last chapter of original saga, CREATED AND DIRECTED BY GEORGE LUCAS, STAR WARS DAD, to blush and hide in some lost cave. In this post I'm going, however, in chronological order, so, before talking about Leia, I have to talk about ...
Orphan, thief, fighter, ambiguous and HAN SOLO’s first love, from which she’s separated as a young girl. Three years later, Qi'ra and Han find themselves in Alba Cremisi base, a criminal organization for which Beckett, Han's accomplice thief, is working. Han discovers Qi'ra is pupil and woman of DRYDEN VOS, organization boss, from which she was saved and trained. In end, Qi'ra will KILL DRYDEN in order to SAVE HAN, but then she LEFT HAN, also if SHE LOVE HIM, to JOIN DARTH MAUL, SITH at service of Emperor Palpatine:
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Thief, Tobias Beckett’s wife, strong, disillusioned, rude, actually she’s really in love with Tobias, till she will sacrifice herself:
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Daughter of Galen Erso, a scientist forced by Empire to create deadly Death Star. Jyn is forced by her father to flee away, just before Imperials take him. Jyn grew up with extremist rebel Saw Gerrera. When she becomes adult, Jyn is imprisoned by imperial, but she’s freed from Resistance who enlist her for a mission: to prevent Death Star from completing. At cost of her life, Jyn will steal weapon's plans, which shows weak point of Death Star, managing to get them to have the Princess LEIA ORGANA, REBEL ALLIANCE LEADER, so Rebels can destroy weapon:
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"Star Wars. Episode IV. A New Hope","Star Wars. Episode V. Empire Strikes In Back","Star Wars. Episode VI. The Return of the Jedi":
Daughter of jedi ANAKIN SKYWALKER and PADME' AMIDALA, senator and FOUNDER REBEL ALLIANCE. LUKE SKYWALKER’S SISTER TWIN, adopted daughter of BAIL ORGANA, Prince of Alderaan and Senator and Queen Breha Antilles. HAN SOLO’s wife and MOTHER of BEN SOLO, then became KYLO REN. Senator, RESISTANCE’S LEADER AND GENERAL, excellent fighter, especially with blaster, Leia is one who will put wheel of fate in motion, hiding in droid R2D2, plans stolen by Jyn Erso about Death Star and a help message for Jedi OBI - WAN KENOBI
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Captured and tortured by LORD VADER, she will amaze him for her HIGH MENTAL RESISTANCE: "Her resistance to the mind probe is considerable. Can be extract from any information” (Darth Vader about Leia Organa, from the movie "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope") Leia will only surrender when Vader and Governor Tarkin destroy Alderaan, her home planet, in front her eyes
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Leia will be freed by Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Obi - Wan Kenobi. Three years later, Leia is one of REBELE ALLIANCE’S COMMANDERS and participates to evacuation on Hoth planet. ‘Cause of Lando Calrissian’s betrayal, she, Han and Chewbecca, will be CAPTURED and IMPRISONED by Darth Vader, who will torture and freeze Han into the carbonite. Successfully escaping with Lando and Chewbacca, later, Leia receives LUKE’S MENTAL CALL, to whom Darth Vader has cut a hand and runs to save him: "Ben... Ben, please! Ben. Leia! Hear me! Leia!" "Luke... we’ve got to go back" "What?" "I know where Luke is" (Luke, Leia and Lando, from "Star Wars Episode V. Empire Strikes Again" movie)
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Six months later, disguised as a bounty hunter, Leia manages to enter Jabba The Hutt’s den, where Han is still frozen in carbonite. Leia manages to free Han from freezing. Unfortunately, their escape is discovered and Jabba closes Han in cell, keeping Leia as his slave. Luke and Rebel Alliance are coming to couple rescue. During battle, LEIA KILLS JABBA THE HUTT, throttling him using chain with which she was tied:
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Later, before his death, Master Yoda reveals to Luke EXIST ANOTHER SKYWALKER: "Pass on what you have learned, Luke... there is...another...Sky...Sky...walker." (Master Yoda to Luke Skywalker, from the movie "Star Wars Episode VI, Return of the Jedi") Intrigued, Luke asks for explanations to Obi - Wan Kenobi ghost, who reveals truth to him: Leia is his TWIN SISTER. She’s THE OTHER SKYWALKER Yoda was talking about:
“The other he spoke of is your twin sister”
“But I have no sister”
”Mm. To protect you both from the Emperor, you were hidden from your father when you were born. The Emperor knew, as I did. If Anakin were to have any offspring, they would be a threat to him. That is the reason why your sister remains safely anonymous”
“Leia. Leia’s my sister”
“Your insight serves you well. Bury your feelings deep down, Luke. They do you credit, but they could be made to serve the Emperor.”
(Luke Skywalker and Obi - Wan Kenobi, from "Star Wars Episode VI, Return of the Jedi” movie)
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Meanwhile, led by Leia, Han and Luke, a rebels contingent on Endor to deactivate a shield prevents their fleet from attacking Death Star. In a moment of tranquility, Luke reveals to Leia that Darth Vader is their father, they are twins and SHE HAVE THE FORCE: "[...] And that's not all. It will not be easy for you to listen to it, but you must do it: if I do not survive, only you can save the Covenant " "Luke do not talk like that: you have absolutely exceptional powers that I do not have at all" "You're wrong, Leila: you have those powers too. Over time, you too will learn how to use them. Force flows in my family. In my father... in me...and in... my sister also... yes... it's you, Leila" "I know. It's as if... If I had always known " (Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, from the movie "Star Wars Episode VI, Return of the Jedi")
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From that moment, Leia uses the Force to instinct. Looking inside her, Leia manages to PERCEIVE Luke is alive: “I'm sure Luke wasn't on that thing when it blew”
“He wasn't. I can feel it” (Han Solo and Leia Organa, from "Star Wars Episode VI, Return of the Jedi" movie)
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Given all this, it seems to me supported by TESTS AND EVIDENTS, SUPPLIED BY OLD SAGA, Leia HAS FORCE and it’s UNDERSTANDING, over time, Luke has taught Leia to use it. At this point, Rian Johnson and J.J. Abrams SHOULDN’T RECTIFY and CORRECT NOTHING to "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The latest Jedi" movie, ‘cause Leia has every right to use Force and call Luke through that:
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Special Mention for MON MOTHMA: Human woman, senator of Galactic Senate and Imperial Senate, LEADER of Alliance for the Restoration of the Republic and first CANCELLER of New Republic. Faithful friend of Padme Amidala, Mothma was a POLITICAL MENTOR of Princess/General LEIA ORGANA. Always Mothma instructs JYN ERSO to find information about Death Star:
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maxciliegie · 3 years
Fiore di montagna
"Oh e il mare il mare qualche volta cremisi come il fuoco e gli splendidi tramonti e i fichi nei giardini dell'Alameda sì e tutte quelle stradine curiose e le case rosa e azzurre e gialle e i roseti e i gelsomini e i geranii e i cactus e Gibilterra da ragazza dov'ero un Fior di montagna sì quando mi misi la rosa nei capelli come facevano le ragazze andaluse o ne porterò una rossa sì e come mi baciò sotto il muro moresco e io pensavo be’ lui ne vale un altro e poi gli chiesi con gli occhi di chiedere ancora sì allora mi chiese se io volevo sì dire di sì mio fior di montagna e per prima cosa gli misi le braccia intorno sì e me lo tirai addosso in modo che mi potesse sentire il petto tutto profumato sì e il suo cuore batteva come impazzito e sì dissi sì voglio sì"
James Joyce da Monologo di Molly Bloom, Ulisse
Flower of the Mountain
"O and the sea the sea crimson sometimes like fire and the glorious sunsets and the figtrees in the Alameda gardens yes and all the queer little streets and pink and blue and yellow houses and the rosegardens and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a girl where I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes"
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cremisiservant · 5 months
Cremisi! Darling it's so good to see you after so long! I missed you so much!
Oh ruby I wasn't gone for that long was? My poor dear!
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croctus · 2 months
doing my best to keep this short sorry!
these are for ZERO + NAEL + CREMISI:
1 👕 , 16 📦, 7 🍽️, 17 🌤️, 17 🤝, 19 💓, 18 🎲
SAFHJ dang this is gonna be a long one. buckle up
👕 1 What is your character’s favorite physical trait they possess?
Zero: he takes a degree of pride in his nimble hands and sharp eyes- but is far less satisfied with appearance than function.
Nael: he actually takes a great deal of pride in his hair, and takes good care of it. except when hes at his worst, one can expect his hair to be neat and shiny.
Cremisi: there's not much he's particularly happy about at all.
📦 16 Is your character willing to ask for things?
Zero: yes, all the time, often in dramatic fashion with weapons in hand LMAO.
Nael: rarely- only if he has no other way to acquire what he needs.
Cremisi: within reason- but he will always want to give back in exchange.
🍽️ 7 Is there food that has made your character sick?
Zero: he's revolted by the smell of meat/blood and thus went vegan as soon as he was able. it wasnt that it smelled /bad/ to him, however.
Nael: he eats a lot of street food, so probably just something improperly cooked here and there.
Cremisi: anything but blood :(
🌤️ Is your character good with plants?
Zero: decent enough. he had to figure it out in order to survive in the desert as a kid, and only knows enough to keep things alive. he probably doesn't even know the names for the plants he keeps.
Nael: not really, he's too impatient and too prone to neglecting anything outside his routine. plus, plants are expensive enough in fort flotsam for it to feel like a tremendous failing to let one wither.
Cremisi: he used to be, but can't seem to keep anything alive after becoming a vampire. the irony is not lost on him.
🤝 How well does your character work with others?
Zero: surprisingly great- he thrives in a group setting and is energized by it- thus the henchmen.
Nael: not well. he's just not social to begin with, and will usually opt to silently observe when in a group. he doesn't like being told what to do.
Cremisi: as well as he has to be- he's polite, but terse with others and never particularly relaxed in a group.
💓 Are there scents your character dislikes?
Zero: cinnamon- mostly as its the smell shared by mutants
Nael: he's sort of annoyed by fancy perfumes
Cremisi: blood and/or sugar
🎲 What is a topic your character wouldn’t want to talk about?
Zero: his mutations
Nael: his dad
Cremisi: vampirism
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nectar-cellar · 1 year
Hey, i don't know if you accept WCIFs (If you don't, please ignore my ask), but i really liked Dante's eyebags and dark eyeshadow, could you share where you found them?
heyyyy i actually converted his forehead wrinkle and eyebag makeup from TS4 cc, which i'll be posting soon :3
my go-to for dark undereye shadow has been niobe-cremisi vampire eye socket N1 for all my other male sims
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purplelordstudios · 5 months
Random lore fact or whatever
Arancia was originally supposed to be a girl, but because rubedo and odious fought over the controls and rubedo wanted a guy for his servant, he came out as man with Cremisi, but Arancia still got the feminine features and at one point after his clownification he gets a reduction to his chest since he didn’t feel like he needed it.
And before you ask, I will time the motivation to draw this man with his scars eventually… maybe…Hopefully
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«You build it, we break it.
You sign and we erase it.
You feel it, we fake it.»
General info - - - ★
Mun intro: Chione // minor // it/he/🌺 I will reply to asks with drawings occasionally.
Current muses & text/tag keys:
Dio Brando || holy diver - - - 🩸
Kars || perfect nothing - - - 🦅
Yoshikage Kira || lucky shadow - - - 🐱
Diavolo || re cremisi - - - 👿 (with the annex Doppio || court of the crimson king - - - ☎)
Enrico Pucci || domine quo vadis? - - - 🐍
Funny Valentine will be eventually added when I finish reading Steel Ball Run.
Context: all the villains have found themselves sharing a house. How/why are they here?
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ghostgirlvii-art · 7 years
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Finally kicked my butt to make her a good reference sheet, including the AUs. The basic stay the same in every universe, except for her personality, of course.
Nickname for each AUs; Underfell: Cremisi (crimson in Italian) Underswap: Lilas (lee-la) (lilac in French) Swapfell/Fellswap: Cinza (grey in portuguese) Azul actually means blue in both Spanish and Portuguese. See my pattern here? All related to colors!
Apperance: Her father was a ghost and her mother a skeleton, which oddly maked her as an hybrid. But nothing can explain why her body seems to have a human looks-a-like limb. She's one head smaller than Papyrus. Ability: Floating, Normal bone attack (some floating bones can appear) me) Personality: Azul might look cold or distant at the first sight, but she's full of kindness and devotion. Being her friend means a lot to her, very protective toward them. She's a self-sacrifice person who's not scare to be hurt (or die) for her family/friends. Forgive, but not forget and can hold a grudge for long. Azul is also very observant. Love kids Pacifist Route: She will appear time to time to guide, give advice on some ennemies you might encounter. Neutral Route: Azul will still be here, but will less helping you. Genocide Route: Still here, but she won't say anything, only looking at your action. She will also fight you four times at different moments, but only to make you waste your time, until you eventually kill her on the fourth round. Before dying she will give you one 'advice'/warning. Telling you that for all you have done, all your sins, you will meet him and you gonna have a bad time. (If it's a second genocide route, she will point out that this conversation feels like a deja vu) Reset: She doesn't know anything about it, but she will feel like "an odd deja vu"
Underfell; Azul is much more cold, selfish and unemotional toward others feelings. When she was young, other monsters made fun of her weird limbs, which is why the grew up hating this part of herself. She hide it the best she can and even hurt herself to prove how sekleton she is. Such behavior came wit the consquence that she can't heal herself at full HP, staying at 550 instead of 600. It's also why she decided to be rude with everyone, a way to protect herself from the pain the others gave her. She hates kids, she finds them annoying.  If Frisk/player ask about her 'humans' limbs she will be harsh with them. Azul intend to swear a lot. Her bone attack is also shattered/broken for some reason, probably related to her scar. Frisk/player while trying to befriend her, will help her to come at peace with herself.
Underswap; More childish and a little naive, she intend to not approach strangers. Frisk/player will scare her on their first encounter. She's easily flustered by any compliments/flirt. Often use her turtleneck to hide when she's just too shy. Love kids.
Swapfell/Fellswap (these AUs are different, I think, but this version will work for both); Mostly fighting for fun, she never say no to one. Easily pissed off. Is actually a hothead, but know when it's time to stay calm and listen. The scar on her skull come from a fight she had, this is why her HP still full and isn't as big as the Underfell one. The only AU where she likes/hates them. Depending on the behavior of the kids. If the child is calm and respectful, no problem. If they cry for nothing and act like little pest, she will be mean to them.
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