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epic-arc · 24 days ago
What are your top 5 Death Battles? Also honorable mentions are allowed.
Hmm ok sure
5- Guts Vs Dimitrix
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4- All Might VS Might Guy
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3- Batman Vs Iron Man
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2- Mario Vs Sonic (2011 THE CANON ONE! for me)
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1- Shadow Vs Ryuko
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cruilty-ink · 1 year ago
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I come bearing amenities for our little AU competition. Good luck in the preliminaries ;)
- REBOOT: Second Chance AU Donnie
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Leo will happily take your uranium :)
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theecholegend · 8 months ago
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1. This adorable drawing of them alslajdkldnl
AAAAAAAAH THATS SO CUUUUUTE!!! He really used all his precious rupees and bought the best of the best for her 😭😭😭 I actually read a fic once where this is literally what happened!
YES! YOU GO JOJO! Jojo is a person of impeccable taste!
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ghost-bxrd · 1 year ago
Ok so I’ve seen your thoughts on Talia being a good mom to both Jason and Damian and generally being a better person vs when she’s morally gray and really only good to Damian, but how do you feel about Bruce being a bad dad? Like personally I don’t like him being abusive but unfortunately…canon does not disprove it 😕🫠. Like do you have hcs or prompts where he switches from one interpretation to the other? Genuinely curious bc my thoughts on him going between these two have me conflicted bc I don’t LIKE him being a bad father, specifically in regards to Jason, but it does kinda fuel some ‘Jason leaves the batfam to go find himself’ stories I’ve seen, but you could argue that Bruce doesn’t NEED to be terrible for that to happen. Idk maybe modern comics have poisoned my ability to ignore Bruce’s history of abusing his children in some way by cranking up that abuse to a solid 20/10 (I’m sure I don’t have to mention what I’m referencing lmao), but it just makes me think. So much would be nicer if he was just a flawed father, but that’s not what his character fully is y’know (this is why I brought up Talia, just realized I was rambling without making that clear lol)
Phew ok, I’ll try to answer this to the best of my abilities!
So keep in mind that these are my personal thoughts and I’m actually not that well versed in comic lore (the comics I’ve read can be counted on one hand sadly but I’m trying to get my hands on more ksksks), and majority of my knowledge comes from research and fanfic.
Okay back to the topic at hand!
Generally I write/read fanfic for some fluffy family feels (and angst) and the occasional romance, hence why I prefer to write Talia and Bruce as being good parents and likable characters in general. I enjoy reading about it, so I enjoy writing it that way.
In regards to Bruce and his canon actions… well, that’s a tough one to answer ngl.
On one hand he’s displayed as a loving adoptive father who absolutely adores is children, on the other hand he’s shown to be ruthless when they violate his no-kill rules (reference to the Batarang incident).
To me this kind of juxtaposition makes little sense, but I’m afraid there are quite a number of character inconsistencies in the franchise from what I’ve seen so…. I don’t know. It’s just such a 180 turnaround to the early concept of the Batman who considers everyone to be redeemable regardless of their crime. Why would that suddenly not apply to his child?
I don’t think I could ever stomach writing him as a genuinely bad father, most I could do to mix it up a little and have him struggle to reach an understanding with Jason regarding his rule over Crime Alley and dealing with his own inability to communicate properly.
Batman was always supposed to be a protector, the “good guy”, but he’s also human. A human with significant trauma that he’s never properly worked through which… can screw with your people skills significantly.
So that’s usually the way I try to look at it whenever I want to write a Bruce who isn’t the World’s Best Dad at the moment. He’s trying, he just doesn’t know how to show it in a way that others can understand, especially his kids. (Yes tho I take full liberty with the more heinous stuff Bruce pulls/pulled in the comics and discard them as if they’re expired candy >.<)
To sum it up, I’m afraid you won’t ever find a fic where either Talia and/or Bruce are genuinely, irredeemably bad. Simply because I personally don’t think that’s how people work in general and because… well, I’m soft and I need some soft parenting in there somewhere. Sorry dear 🥺
Phew ok I think I was rambling a bit here, but I hope that answers your question somewhat? But if you’d like I could totally cook up a prompt for you that deals with Jason and Bruce struggling to come to an understanding and making compromises to be a family again. Feel free to let me know or send another ask if you’d like to stay anonymous 💚💚💚💚
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kinsey3furry300 · 1 year ago
I have no ideas what animorph is but I already seen it mentioned on at least 5 different blog which have nothing to do with each other (you being the 5th) what the hell is it???
90s/early 00s young adult sci-fi book series of around 60 short books, published once a month, by K A Applegate.
The books were distributed cheeply by the Scholastic book fair, and could be found in most school libraries thought the Mid 00s.
The plot was 5 normal kids have to stop a secret alien invasion by turning into various animals, and the books were known for starting off with quirky humour and very rapidly decending into utter existential horror with body horror, possession horror, and the ptsd you'd get if you were actually a teen super hero and had to fight an actual war with real stakes aged 13-16, and the fear of never knowing who your real enemy might be. The series ended about a month before 9/11 with a disastrous final battle and a grim warning about how war never really fixes any of the underlying problems between rival nations or peoples, and just destroys good people, so... yeah, ooof.
Due to the content, beloved by horror fans, super hero fans, Sci fi fans, furries (the kids have the power to turn into animals for combat and it gets real weird real fast), and the queer and the trans community, so it turns up on a lot of unrelated blogs.
The audio books are still readily available and are pretty well done, and the cover art of the books was gloriously 90s.
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There was also a tv show we dont talk about.
The main cast were:
Jake: the leader. There is an evil alien slug living in his brother's head, and this causes issues for him.
Cassie: Jake's crush. The moral center of the books. Also her parents are veterinarians at a zoo, with is very fucking convenient if you need a ready sourse of animals to turn into.
Marco: Jake's best friend, the smart one. Also uses inappropriate humour to cope with trauma (relatable).
Rachel: Jake's cousin. Uses turning into a grizzly bear and committing extreme violence to cope with her trauma (relatable).
Tobias: perminantly turns into a bird to escape his trauma (most relatable) but then has to deal with extreme body and mental dismorphia as a result. Has a star-crossed lovers plot with Rachel. He is my favorite.
Ax: an alien teenager they just adopted and hide in the woods. Is also my favourite. He's a bright blue centar with stalk-eyes and a sythe tail, and he loves Cinabon and warcrimes. Due to his extreme alien mindset, he's been taken as a metaphor for Neurodivergance, but it's unclear if that was the author's original intent.
The books are awesome, and still available as e-books, comics and audio books I'd you want to check them out.
Here is a video essay that does a far better job of explaining:
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edwardxemmy · 3 months ago
Do you have any fanfiction accounts or written stories for Ed x Emmy?
Hello! So i do have fanfiction accounts where anyone can read any fanfictions I have going on as same for my FMA works. Fair warning they got very little works due to I've been so busy with everything going on (streaming and other personal incidents that happened. )
However I am currently working on a story for Ed and Emmy and how they actually met that's way better with two they used to met with my old works. Working on one that follows the plot for FMA 2003 with the Conqueror of shamballa plot as well. Plus another for the brotherhood plot as well. :)
I'll link you to the places where you can read the chapters at fully that they'll be 100% posted in once those stories and chapters come up. (Including any Alternate Universe stuff too.)
-> fanfiction.net
-> My Toyhouse Literature works
-> Archiveofmyown
-> DeviantArt
I'll announce them here and my main tumblr account, plus other places even my fma focused account on Insta when the new chapters come on in. :3 if you have any more questions lemme know!
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kalechipslives · 23 days ago
hi! i love your drawings a lot. do you sell prints?
oh thank you so kindly 😊 I'm afraid I don't. I suppose I'll have to look into it. Because I work in mspaint, I'm worried about the resolution in printing.
If anyone has any recommendations for printing, please tell me.
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abigailspinach · 28 days ago
For fic recs from Jedi: Fallen Order fandom: 🛳️ & 💯& 😊
🛳️ A fic that brought you aboard a new ship
Ok I'm not much of a shipper. I love gen fic and H/C the most in my fannish little heart. Give me slice of life and fluff and adventures and ooo how I swoon for heists. So like when it comes to ship, I will read almost anything just to see how the author plays with the flavors. I’m not picky. I like almost all of it.
So trolling through my bookmarks for some interesting reads for JFO shippy stuff. LOL the first two that came to mind were threesomes.
Must rec a WIP "Adjoin" by Exponential Disaster. I adore this modern day setting Cal/Merrin/Trilla story. It's so fun to think like... how would Cal text and would he be menace? Yes! What would their coffee drinks be? BD stands for best dog! The gang goes to IKEA and it is the best thing ever. I am into these three weirdos falling in love with each and I can't wait for Cal's backstory transposed to modern day in chapter five.
Ikea excerpt: BLAHAJ shoutout!!!
"Next, they moved quickly through the section of children’s furniture, until Cal tried to spend a considerable amount of time pleading with Merrin for a giant stuffed shark.
“C’mon Mer, look at this thing!” he said, shaking it in front of her face as if he thought that would help his case.
“You may have that in your bed, or you may have me,” she countered. Cal pouted, Trilla tried not to laugh, and Merrin was visibly satisfied with the conclusion. She watched him sadly return the shark to its bin.
“Someday,” he whispered to the stuffed animal, still utterly and effortlessly ridiculous.
Merrin pulled Trilla aside. “I’m not cruel, he’s getting one for his birthday.”
OK this was great cause like woo rare pair and also fun alien biology aphrodisiacal sexy times. "Like Wine and Flatcakes" - by Krispys-can and lothcatthree. It's star wars. Get weird with alien biology. Woooooo https://archiveofourown.org/works/55280926
And "This is a Gift (it comes with a price) by Sauntering_Down cause let's explore Ace Cal (maybe Demi Cal). Does he know? Nope! This speaks to me on so many levels. BEST FIC IS BEST! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49420045/chapters/124717306
💯 A fic that makes you think #writergoals
Can I just rec like all Sauntering Down? Cause the humor and the dreamy hallucinations and the sick fic and the feelings and emotional healing and sadfophsdghgpgpuagpasdbsudfjapsdufaspdufhsadfu sadfsa fasdfuhsdfus it's all so good? Like to I rec flotsam? cause Greez teasing Cal is the best.
"this part I do alone" by breakfast tea like legit gave me spooky vibes. Ghosts!!!
😊 A fic that made you smile on a bad day
-"I feel like I'm borrowing all my time" bereft of frogs. time travel!!! cere and greez being the best team.
Atlanta Archmage - Grow - Cal and Kata talking about the force and all the feelings in their complicated relationship
Clone group chat (featuring smal Cal and Obi wan being cousins but there is confusing oif Obi Wan had a teenage love child https://archiveofourown.org/works/52694944)
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aeris-blue · 2 months ago
Have some confetti!!! 🎊 🎉 🎊 🎉 🎊 🎉 🎊 🎉 🎊 🎉 🎊 🎉 🎊 🎉
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D’awwww! Thank you Iggy!!!!
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evax3 · 2 years ago
Hello there! I’m at a loss right now and was hoping you may know something. I was going to read Forget the World by Wolfmaid and found that they deleted their AO3 account and I’m devastated and hoping someone knows something! BTW I love your work!
Oh, anon, thanks for the kind words and sadly I have no clue what's going on...
It seems they deleted all their fics but I can only speculate about the reason for this. In any case, it is a great loss. I love all their stories. Especially Brave & Gentle I've read countless times. So if anyone in this fandom stays in contact with Wolfmaid, please tell them how much they're loved and how much they're missed!! ❤️
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erisenyo · 1 year ago
9, 13, 16, 25 🫡 godspeed
9. worst part of canon
The Great Divide lol? Jk, I generally like canon a lot, actually! I think it is such an amazing framework to play around in. But I do wish they had grounded the Southern and Northern Water Tribes in research/real-life cultural roots to the same degree as they did for the other nations. From what I've seen from circumpolar fans, it seems like it's more of a stereotypical and surface-level referencing vs the attention to detail given to the Fire and Earth and Air cultures. I wish canon had built that out more fully and deeply (or at least, built the North out if there was a theme being threaded around cultural loss due to the impacts of war).
13. worst blorboficiation
I feel like awkward turtleduck Zuko is the easy answer here...so I'm going to say Katara. I really like her, for her anger and her heart and her sense of justice and her sense of care and her dorkiness and hunger to learn. It feels like a lot of times she's boiled down to 'group mom' with no other layers, or to a girl boss/girl power fantasy that doesn't actually engage with her trauma and responses to it, or her ssensse of justice. She's a really great, complex, human character and I hate to see her filed down to just the one facet that lets her slot into the background of someone else's story.
(Which is maybe like the opposite of blorboification, to be put into the background lol? De-blorbified haha?)
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I see a lot of headcanons/characterizations of Zuko as incredibly anxious, frequently to the point of paralysis and distress and needing rescue, and it's one of those things that feels totally divorced from his actual canon characterization to me. He is all action in canon. He throws himself at every problem face-first and he'll figure it out on the way. He has a big emotionally painful revelation that he was raised with lies and he goes to yell at his dad and point swords at him about it. He has an identity crisis so he does some vigilante stuff. A more experienced, older firebender gets in his face so he challenges him to a duel--three times.
He is not paralyzed by anxiety. He is a perpetual motion machine. He broods, he doesn't ruminate, and there is a difference.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Oh man lol. Ignoring all the purity wank stuff (which. what a big thing to ignore.), how about when we complain about how other shippers are rude and mischaracterize us and come at the Zukkas, when we don't come for them. Which just goes to show how uniquely terrible and rude and awful and wicked and ignorant and mean those other shippers are, and how they don't know anything about canon either, and also their ship is stupid and racist and phobic and--
But don't worry, we don't come at other shippers.
(For the choose violence ask game!)
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epic-arc · 10 months ago
A boxer au.
I got this idea from watching a trailer for the game "big boy boxing."
In this au jaune runs away from home and is adopted by his great aunt Salem. Soon with her help he begins training to become the world champion of boxing in all 4 kingdoms.
As jaunes boxing style is the grimm style a fighting style his aunt taught him.
Well I've never been very interested in boxing but this is a pretty interesting au idea. You did a great job with that.
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cruilty-ink · 1 year ago
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MUAHHAHAHAHA *runs away*
( art not 100% mine )
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Run faster.
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not-poignant · 1 year ago
I apologize if you have been asked this before, but do you know the ending to your stories? I've been wanting to start writing my own books, but I've been struggling to plan them. I heard people say that it's good to know how the story ends first before writing, and I was wondering if you do that as well? Or if you can give any more tips/things you do to prepare for writing? Thank you!!
(also i've been trying to catch up on underline the black, and i'm loving it so far! thank you for all that you do)
Hi anon!
I do generally know the endings to my stories. I might not know the exact details, but if I'm writing a romance, I know the two main characters have to be together and happy or hopefully looking forward to their ever after.
And that makes things pretty simple because that's often what I'm writing. Sometimes knowing your genre - i.e. if you're writing a romance - can help. Because it gives your ending to you: It must be a HEA (happily ever after) or HFN (hopefully for now) for it to qualify as a romance.
And if you do know your genre, you can research the formulas of other books within that genre to get an idea of endings you personally find interesting or appealing.
However if you're wanting to plan stories, I'm the wrong person to ask, because I don't like planning. I do like worldbuilding, and researching, but I don't like to plot anything.
It might be good to get an idea of the kind of writer you are first, and the best way to do that is to practice! Look for writing prompts and writing exercises, try planning a short work and writing it, or see if you have more fun just starting writing something with nothing more than an interesting character, or work on a skeleton plot.
Tbh my preparation for writing varies from 'literally none at all - I sit down and just start' to...spending a lot of time researching what horses ate in Victorian times. Every story requires a slightly different path, which is kind of normal with writing I think. Or normal for me!
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scullys-scalpel · 1 year ago
Get to know you ask game! Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
Thank you for the tag @randomfoggytiger and @into-the-merry-wood
Last song I listened to: C.O.T.A - The Cult
Currently reading: nothing to list at the moment
Currently watching: True Detective series, I started off with the new episodes then went back to season 1 (which was amazing) I skipped season 2 bc I heard it's not (but I probably will go back to watch it) almost done with season 3 (which was filmed where I live 😃) and it's been very good so far.
Currently obsessed: wanting to move to Green Bay, WI 🤣
I tag anyone who wants to join in 😊
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