#asim: personal
insxmniaxx · 3 months
WARNING ⚠️: Spoilers for TWST Chapter 7!!
Scarabia duo rn:
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memes round 4
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sleepyorchidmonster · 1 month
Okay, but what if, after graduation, all the students band together and create a gigantic contract that states that, after their deaths, their respective UMs are to be given to Malleus, so he'll never be alone?
The contract's paper received protection from Vil's Fairest One of All, so it's basically indestructible (it can only be broken after Malleus himself dies).
Future Malleus tries to use everyone's magic at least once per day.
It's a Deal, Off With Your Head, Bind the Heart and Split Card are very useful for his daily activities as a ruler, he uses Oasis Maker to water his garden and help in times of drought, I See You is mostly used to keep prized possessions in check and Sleep Kiss has saved plenty of people.
The more destructive abilities like King's Roar are mostly used in times of peril (or when he wants to be petty and dramatic), and the same goes for Bet the Limit. Shock the Heart, Laugh With Me and Snake Whisper are very useful for intel gathering or pranks.
He uses Unleash the Beast whenever he visits a colder climate or just wants to change forms without turning into a dragon (he becomes a black wolf with green eyes, very fluffy). Doodle Suit is often used to make food taste terrible (he misses Lillia, even his atrocious cooking), while Fairest One of All protects all gargoyles frim erosion.
Far Cry Cradle is used to reminisce fond memories, and he likes to use Meet Me in a Dream to visit Ortho, who is still alive. He LOVES dashing around with Living Bolt.
He can't exactly use Gate to The Underworld, since it's hereditary and troublesome, so Idia gave him an indestructible tablet with a custom gargoyle game and a "Idia Mode" (the tablet makes annoying remarks, like "GG Folks" or "This RNG really is awful").
Malleus: As your King, I hereby declare that the Senate is to be immediately disbanded.
Senate: WHAT
Idia Tablet: LMAO. Sucks to suck!
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A sea otter for your viewing pleasure!
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saayatsumu · 9 months
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happy new year’s eve <3
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qwakque · 1 year
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maythearo · 1 year
Yahoo! Scarabia into the spider-verse concept! That was way too difficult to design, idk why I got stuck on it for so long. I wanna make a comic cover piece with these two soon. I'm in my atsv era.
And UHH apparently Earth 912 is already officially taken by marvel comics but. Let's pretend Earth (0) 912 is different, idk 💀 I just took Kalim and Jamil's birth dates for their universe numbers lol
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Anyone who might want to use these designs to make your own art, feel free to do so, no need to ask for permission! as long as there's credit somewhere kwndiwbfjebfj (I consider this the same I'm doing with the MH AU, I don't really own this universe idea or anything, just the designs and hcs I make up for it according to what I personally imagine of these AUs to be 👍👍)
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the-travelling-witch · 3 months
you guys see it too, right??
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magatronn · 5 months
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I should’ve added Rook, Sebek, and Leona as well ngl.
something that bothers me is how certain characters, not in just TWST but in any media really, often get dumbed down and constantly mischaracterized.
Kalim is not stupid or unintelligent. Naive perhaps? Yea. But he’s more aware than people realize.
Same for Floyd. Is he violent and has mood changes? 100%. But he’s more than that and he’s more than just being the crazy tweel.
Is Sebek loud and sometimes too much? Yea. But there’s layers and reasons for it, that and he’s just very passionate but why is he only downgraded to being some simp? Idk.🤷
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ctrlseacat · 2 years
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quick scribble of their reunion in book 6 .... i care them  
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crepus · 4 months
Azul, to kalim about Jamil: You are trying to fix him, I'm in his dm's convincing him to be worse, we are not the same
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vanilla-poisons · 4 months
PSA: im not trying to be rude I just hate my posts being misinterpreted
Usually I don’t do this but I want to make this very clear…Jamil isn’t forced to do Kalim’s headdress and makeup by hand. The point of my post was that he chooses to do it by hand and instead of with the magic we’ve seen him use for his hair. He doesn’t need to do Kalim’s makeup at all actually since Kalim says other servants would do this type of stuff for him usually. Jamil does these things because he either he feels pressure to take care of Kalim or he just fucking wants too. Which we’ve seen. Fun fact: He doesn’t actually need to cook for Kalim everyday we see in a vignette he chooses to cook for him everyday for emotional reasons. Yes technically it’s more safe and yes it’s not that simple.
But guys I’m going to hold your hands when I say this…it was a joke. I was joking. It’s like when I say Ace makes fun of Deuce and that’s gay. It’s not serious. I’m just making silly fluff like all ships do.
I’m sorry if this seems like an overreaction but I feel bad about people thinking I’m some dumbass who doesn’t care about the complexities of their relationship. I do. I just wanna be silly sometimes.
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greenapplebling · 10 months
I saw someone ask "how can Jamikali work as a couple?", no one asked me but I'm answering anyway lmao
I assume the person meant "work" as in "work as a healthy relationship" bc of how the question was phrased so:
It can't. At least not with how they are now
For them to work healthily they would need to grow independent from each other and for that Jamil would have to stop being so stubborn and be open to change. Yes, Jamil wants change but it's been shown it's s hard for him to accept and embrace change and that mostly steams from his unchanged opinion that Kalim isn't capable of changing and growing. Jamil thinks he's a lost cause so why change?
Nevermind that Kalim has been very open to change bc he wants to lessen Jamil's burden as much as he can (and he probably doesn't like feeling useless or not enough all the time), Jamil wouldn't let him
Honestly for Kalim to change and improve it would take a lot of time, perseverance and hardworking to grow independent in baby steps (talking from experience), which I think it's something Jamil would grow impatient of and wouldn't understand that Kalim can't improve at the same speed as he does (you can't expect a level 1 to be the same as a level 50 in a level 60 map, you know?)
So the only way I can see them working out is if Kalim can get Jamil his freedom and then they spent some years apart where they both grow and mature on their own and maybe, just maybe they might find their way back to each other again and start anew
Oh, and they would need to really work on their communication issues
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sleepyorchidmonster · 10 months
So, a thing that has always bugged me ever since I learned about TWST is its connection to Kingdom Hearts.
It was literally released MONTHS after Re:Mind, with a plot of a character crossing worlds, ink monsters similar to Heartless, and a Mickey in the mirror that makes everyone think of his KH version.
I just find it funny. Maybe they're waiting for TWST to end so it can show up in KH4?
Maybe we'll see NRC and its world fall into darkness in the end, only to meet a few familiar faces later on...
My main idea is Sora meeting at least the dorm leaders + Jamil and Ortho in Quadratum. They are all friends, but no one remembers NRC. Then, as part of the tutorial, Sora has to "regain his connection to the Disney Worlds" by befriending the teenagers based on their villains, be it by playing games with Idia or studying with Riddle. The final boss would be Grim, then, with an actual fight. Or we just buy tuna cans.
However, Sora accidentally gains a bunch of older siblings that come along when he leaves Quadratum (Sora is roughly the same age as the first years, so of course the dormheads would look out for him).
The gang then stays at Traverse Town, though they sometimes help out and even try becoming keyblade wielders.
Let's hope they don't meet the Great Seven, though.
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skyenish · 1 year
They’re such good friends 😊
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noornight · 1 year
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Smooches time. Sometimes kalim kisses jamil out of nowhere which always leaves jamil flustered 🐍☀️
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