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cultkinkcoven · 8 months ago
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More trans Lucifer because it drives the terfs crazzy
I love him so much aaa 💕
u can see more of my art on Instagram @thrashkink_art !!!
Hail Venus! ✴️
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israaverse · 8 months ago
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[CANAAN] Anat and two of her half-sisters, Shapash, the goddess of the sun, and Astarte, goddess of sexual love and fertility. All three have different mothers, and each inherit her beauty, but all possess the yellow-gold eyes and frightening power of their father, Bull El.
In my version El is very much a girldad and spoils his daughters so I wanted to draw the big 3 girls together. Asherah and El next mayhaps. Anat's design is Canaanite-Palestinian, Shapash is northern Palestine and Lebanon + Canaan, Astarte has a lot of Egyptian influence mixed with Canaanite.
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tsalmu · 2 years ago
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Divine Couple of Adad & Ishtar (Attar)? From the palace of Aramean King Kapara Aleppo, Syria c. 800 BCE Housed in Syria-Aleppo Museum
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bi-numi-aliyani · 3 months ago
Two myths from ancient Ugarit: Anat Binds the Dragon and Ashtart the Huntress
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An early eighth century BCE stamp seal discovered at Tel Hazor depicting a Hero-Deity slaying a seven-headed serpent. Source: Uehlinger, Christoph. “Mastering the Seven-Headed Serpent: A Stamp Seal from Hazor Provides a Missing Link Between Cuneiform and Biblical Mythology”. Near Eastern Archaeology 87:1 (March 1, 2024), pp. 14–19. https://doi.org/10.5167/uzh-258353.
Hey folks, these are my versions of some fragmentary myths from the ancient Ugaritic corpus. A lot of what I used to fill in the blanks is based on other Ugaritic literature and I'm sure those with a lot more experience than me reading them will notice pretty quickly.
The first text, KTU 1.83, has been subject to quite some discussion among scholars in the past. I present it here to feature 𒀭Maiden Anat's slaying of the monstrous serpent Lotan (cf. Biblical “Leviathan”) and the Sea-God 𒀭Yam's other cohorts as She recalls in Tablet 3 of Ba'al. I primarily used the “provisional” translation of this text provided in Religious Texts From Ugarit (2nd edition, 2002, pp. 368–69) by Nathaniel Wyatt with credit as well to Wayne T. Pitard's edition titled “The Binding of Yamm” (J. Near East. Stud. 57(4):261–80, Oct. 1998) and Simon B. Parker's translation as “The Binding of a Monster” in Ugaritic Narrative Poetry (1997, pp. 192–93).
Next is KTU 1.92, somewhat more coherently narrating a hunt of 𒀭Lady Ashtart and 𒀭Lord Ba'al's passion for Her. My interpretation of this text has some more draw from general Semitic mythology and symbolism. Wyatt (pp. 370–74) is again my main source with further reference to Baruch Margalit's interpretation of the obverse text (Part I) as “A [sic] Ugaritic Theophagy” (Aula Orientalis 7:67–80, 1989).
I hope you enjoy these take on ancient stories of the Goddesses and Gods of Canaan 💛
Anat Binds the Dragon
When Lotan the Shifting Serpent burst forth with one lip to Heaven and one lip to Earth,
it was unleashed by 𒀭Desire, Beloved of 𒀭El, the 𒀭Rogue, the Bullock of 𒀭El,
by 𒀭Fire, the Bitch of 𒀭El, 𒀭Flame, Daughter of 𒀭El,
they came out from the Arsa;
with its fangs it thrashed the Sea to foam,
with its forked tongue it kissed the Heavens,
with its split tail it thrashed the Sea to foam.
𒀭Anat snared the Dragon on high,
She bound it on the heights of Lebanon.
Towards the desert shall You be scattered, O 𒀭Yam!
To the multitudes shall You be crushed, O 𒀭Nahar!
You shall not see: You shall foam up!
𒀭Anat will destroy You, O 𒀭Yam, Beloved of 𒀭El,
slay You, O 𒀭Nahar, the Great God.
She snared the Dragon and vanquished it,
destroyed the Shifting Serpent, the Tyrant of Seven Heads;
She destroys 𒀭Desire, Beloved of 𒀭El,
annihilates the 𒀭Rogue, the Bullock of 𒀭El;
She destroys 𒀭Fire, the Bitch of 𒀭El,
slays 𒀭Flame, Daughter of 𒀭El;
𒀭Maiden Anat battles for the Silver,
She takes possession of the Gold.
Ashtart the Huntress
Scribal note: Of Thabil.
Part I. The Hunt of Ashtart
 𒀭Ashtart went out on a hunt,
 She headed into the wild grazeland.
 She polished the tip of Her Spear,
 the Stars and the Crescent of the Moon favored Her bounty.
 And lo! The hills began to shake,
 the abysmal waters boiled up,
 as a herd of antelope dashed off to the Marsh,
 the swamp where buffalo graze.
 She unsheathed Her Spear.
 𒀭Ashtart sat and hid in the Marsh,
 at Her right She placed Her Dog Crusher,
 at Her left Boomer.
 She lifted up Her Eyes and looked:
 a drowsing Hind She espied,
 a Bull eating in the pond She saw!
 Her Spear She grasped in Her Hand,
 Her Lance in Her Right Hand.
 She hurled the Spear at the Bull;
 She felled 𒀭Ba'al, Servant of 𒀭El.
 As She went home She thought:
 She would feed Him to 𒀭El the Bull, Her Father,
 She would feed Him to the Sons of 𒀭Ashirat for dinner.
 She would feed Him to 𒀭Yarikh's indomitable gullet,
 She would serve the dinner to 𒀭Kothar-wa-Khasis, 𒀭Heyan the Ambidextrous.
 Thereafter, when 𒀭Ashtart arrived at Her House,
 She set away Her Implements of the Hunt.
Part II. Ba'al and Ashtart
 𒀭Ashtart asked after the Guardian of the Vineyard
 for She sought 𒀭El the Bull, Her Father, Master of the Vineyard.
 She stood about the vines clad in a Veil of Linen,
 donning an Aegis of Cypress, Lady 𒀭Ashtart,
 the Kilt She wore catching the Splendor of the Male Stars,
 Her Sash the Magnificence of the Female Stars.
 Once the Maiden had changed,
 𒀭Ba'al longed after Her;
 the Valiant One wondered of Her Beauty!
 𒀭Ba'al the Victorious desired to know Her by heart.
 He was glad to see Lady 𒀭Ashtart, but She was frightened by the Son of 𒀭Dagan.
 He heard Her cry peal across the Valley and the Coast,
 past the Two Surs, beyond Sidon and Gebal,
 echoing off Caphtor and Keilah,
 Sapon and Nanaya brought low, Lalu and Inbubu brought high,
 She lifted up Her Voice to the Guardian of the Vineyard,
𒀭Ba'al-Hadad called out:
 “Seventy-seven times You have caught My Eye,
 “eighty-eight pierced My Heart!”
But the Guardian answered Him:
  “The City is guarded against Your Flesh.
 “Do not return to the Court of the Sons of 𒀭El!”
 Thereafter, 𒀭Ba'al went up to Sapon, His Holy Stronghold,
 crushed the Heart of 𒀭Ba'al-Zebul for want of comfort of the living.
 But lo! His Eyes lit up, He beheld His Lady with vessels of wine,
 𒀭Ashtart the Heifer made feast with the Rider on the Clouds,
 a supper of honeycomb and wine and all kinds of fish;
 She opened the City Gates for 𒀭Ba'al the Victorious,
 Standard raised in triumph for the Rider on the Clouds.
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wanderingskemetic · 1 month ago
🐎Subtle Astarte Worship👑
Greatly inspired by @khaire-traveler's wonderful subtle worship series, which can be found here.
Learn self-defence, weapons included or not
Work on becoming more comfortable with the idea of conflict; it is only natural that we sometimes disagree with people
Learn about and uphold Ma'at
Make a playlist or listen to songs that remind you of her or you think she'd like
Make a collage/moodboard/pinterest board/similar collection of photos and images you associate with her, especially if some of the images are your own
Wear a piece of jewelry or other clothing item that reminds you of her
Light a candle or incense that reminds you of her (safely)
Carry a picture of her in your wallet, pocket, phone case, etc. or as a phone or computer wallpaper
Have horse, horns, chariot, lion, or dove imagry
Do something hard or challenging, especially if you've been putting it off, or it needs to get done
Make a list of your personal strengths and things you're proud of
Exercise a little, even if it's just stretching
Play combat-based video games
Allow yourself to express your anger and frustration; sit with and feel your feelings
Carry a protective charm
Get more comfortable with the idea that we don't get along with everyone; it's ok if someone doesn't like you
Learn how to ride a horse
Go stargazing
Support humanitarian organizations especially those that help parents or children
Show support for any parents or pregnant people in your life, especially new ones; help out when/if you can
Be kind to children; play with them if offered
Donate children and baby supplies to homeless shelters
Help out or mentor others, especially children
Picking up trash at a beach, lake, or river
Fall asleep/meditate to ocean sounds
Stand in water; ground yourself around bodies of water; meditate standing in or near them
Meditate at night; try to relax at night; sit in darkness silently for a bit
Get a telescope; use it to observe the stars
Get involved with your government (vote, go to local meetings, protest, write/call a leader, etc.)
Take charge/leadership roles in parts of your life
Learn about plants and animals, especially those that are native to your area or the areas she was worshiped
Learning how to safely forage for food, such as picking berries or mushrooms
Stand up for what you believe in; attend protests or activism events (be safe, please)
Learn to take pride in yourself; be your own role model
Learning about and practicing healthy conflict resolution skills
Educate yourself on your rights (legally); keep up to date on new bills and laws
Take care of your body physically to the best of your ability (shower, eat well, get a good amount of sleep, etc.)
Take your medications, if any; take medications as needed
Take care of a sick loved one or someone who is having a hard time
Learn about/research health conditions that you or your loved ones have; get a better understanding of these things
Clean anything you regularly interact with
Look into healthy coping skills for any anxiety, depression, trauma, etc. - anything that can improve your mental/emotional well-being
Learn about your healthcare options and medical rights (HIPPA in the US)
Donate blood
Set boundaries for yourself; I'll only give this much support to that person, I won't stay on my phone for hours before bed, I won't engage with this media that always upsets me, etc.
Although I am coming to this from a kemetic perspective, I have tried my best to research her so that this list is reflective of the many different places she was worshiped in and should hopefully be useful for those who worship her outside a kemetic context.
I may add more to this list in the future. Suggestions are always appreciated.
Link to the Kemetic Subtle Worship Masterpost
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noctilionoidea · 5 months ago
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Kinda meh Ashtart I worked on and off on during school. For the most part I wasn’t able to reference my design for her but I did get it close. I don’t like how the coloured pencil looks here though. Eh
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elizabeth-halime · 2 years ago
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The book of Jeremiah, written around 628 BC, refers to Asherah when it mentions the "Queen of Heaven" in chapters 7:18 "the children gathered the wood, and the parents kindled the fire, and the women prepared the dough, to make cakes to the Queen of Heaven, and offer libations to other gods, to provoke me to anger" and 44:22 "So that the LORD could no longer bear the evil of your deeds/, the abominations that you committed Therefore your land became a wilderness, a terror and a curse, without inhabitants, as it is today." (could also be about Astarte or Ishtar)
The mother of the 70 or 77 gods (also 80 or more), possibly the Shekinah, creator of the gods and represented royalty
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doctorchapatinphd · 7 months ago
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lostpeace · 2 years ago
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Astarte and Shaushka.
Astarte or Ashtart is an Ugaritic goddess cognate with Ishtar. She was a deity of rulership and justice and a major character in the Baal Cycle.
Shaushka is a Hurrian goddess of love and war equated with Ishtar. She is the sister of the head god Teshub and is sometimes described with both male and female characteristics.
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hasmashdoneanythingwrong · 1 year ago
Oh boy this next Servant’s three vibe checks! Unlike the Valkyries they aren’t a hive mind, and unlike the Nobunagas they actually are different enough to need their own vibe checks!
Check 1:
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fangirl39 · 2 years ago
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I kinda wonder what it would have been like if that HAD happened. I mean, Ashtart is the way she is because she believed she was the evil half of the goddess. So I can't help but wonder what things would have been like if she had slept until her evil half awakened her. Also considering she never knew she was the good half until Ritsuka told her she would probably mostly be a blank slate, having been asleep since Goddess Ishtar was split apart, and they became 2 "human" babies.
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gethoce · 6 months ago
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Another doodle adventure with @quanblovk 🔥🔥🔥
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Manhwa: Ashtarte
Characters: Ashtarte Firenze & Abelion Elforman
Chapter: 95
And that is the last post from Ashtarte, ya'll!
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tsalmu · 2 years ago
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Qetesh flanked by Min and Resheph Provenance Unknown, Egypt c. 1300 BCE? Source: The Many Faces of the Goddess by Izak Cornelius, 2008 "Qedeshet" Goddess, Anat? Ashtart? Previously thought to depict Asherah / Ashirat but this is nowadays considered unfounded.
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dyinggirldied · 4 months ago
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Artificial human
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kira-craxkships · 5 months ago
Ek hou baie van heirdie meisie's. (I like these girls alot)
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