inbarfink · 1 year
Time for an Important Pokemon Poll!!
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crimsonrune · 1 year
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Gift - Starter Glitch (Popplio TF)
This week's TF comm closes out our accidental Water Pokemon Trilogy! I hope you've enjoyed the ride. Most Pokemon trainers start their journeys with their partner Pokemon, not becoming them! But according to this picture by the delightful @Icaron, I must be one of those (un)lucky few. Spurred by a suggestion by friend of the page @PhantomTFLover, they both helped me level up (or down?) into the form of everyone's favorite circus seal, Popplio. The flippers will take some getting used to, but so long as I'm not one of those starters that gets immediately boxed I'm looking forward to my evolutions along the way!
Posted using PostyBirb
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sergiroth-art · 1 year
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Just wanted to draw angry Aria, dunno.
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bonusdragons · 2 years
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December 26, 2022:
Royal Secondary, Coatl, Wasp.
Ambi of Ashiren’s clan!
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plesioths · 4 days
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Ashirene Sirena for patreon !
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WRITEBLR BATTLE ROYALE - Ophelia vs. Julyan Full Fight!
Hi, there! I am taking part in @your-absent-father's amazingly fun event, Writeblr Battle Royale, where I and other cool writeblrs choose our most powerful OCs and make them fight in an interdimensional arena. It's chaotic, it's badass, and more importantly, it is FUN (:<
Important: These events are not canon to our stories! They're just something very cool we as writers have decided to subject our characters to, for the sake of writing practice and Fun tm, though it is completely unrelated to our projects and the characters' actual experiences in the books.
Check out the rules and other amazing fight scenes at @writeblrbattleroyale!
In this fight, my young Sunscryer Mageborn, Julyan Ashiren, fights against Ophelia, a magical girl and shapeshifter (character from @the-arigen) in the event's arena.
“Welcome to the battle my dear audience. Welcome to the bloodshed. I am M, your humble game master. In front of me are our contenders. Their weapons are in front of them. The enemy is on their opposite. Their only way out is either killing their opponent or dying. These two are a very interesting duo. I just can’t wait for the show.”
It was hardly the first time Ophelia had ended up somewhere she didn’t want to be, but the massive headache was new… especially because she hadn’t actually needed to have a head, these past six months. A quick inventory of the area showed no signs of attacks from the young man on the opposite side. He was fairly tall, human-looking, with all of the typical limbs, a standard skin color, and normal-looking strawberry-blond hair tied into a long ponytail. The overcoat was interesting, but the rest of it– ruffled sleeves, black pants, leather boots– she’d already practiced. The most distinguishing feature seemed to be something like tattoos on his hands, red-gold lines that she’d need to see closer up.
On the other side, Julyan blinked open his eyes, feeling a little nauseous. He wasn’t at home and he knew for sure he didn’t portal to wherever this was willingly - which was bad, very bad. He looked around, trying to figure out where he was. An arena, by the looks of it, though it didn’t look like anywhere he’d been before in Agrannor.
There was a young woman standing across from him.
Ophelia carefully managed her gaze so she was just watching him, rather than staring, as she went down the list of her own form. Two arms, two legs, a head. Some of her skin had melted in the transition, returning to the molten silvery substance that had become so natural to her, but it was mostly hidden underneath the parts of her shifted to look and feel like clothing, which were still correctly assigned. She felt a small glimmer of pride at the best teleport-recovery she’d managed in weeks, patching up her form even as she spoke.
“Hello? Is… well, does anyone have a good idea of what’s going on?”
Julyan didn’t know her, so he quickly did a discreet once over, checking for weapons, or any sign that she could be working for the Secret Court. When he found neither, Julyan immediately felt a wave of relief, only then taking in the other details.
She was average height, around as tall as his little sister, with dark skin and long hair, though her eyes struck him as strange, a glowing silver hue, almost the same color as her attire.
Is she a mage too? Who is she? He thought to himself, but didn’t voice.
Julyan noticed that she seemed to be watching him, uncertain. Gently, he tried to make his posture more friendly and non-threatening. It wouldn’t do to unnecessarily provoke the anger of the person who was trapped in this arena with him.
Julyan thought. No, he had no clue what had happened. One moment he was walking home, the other, he was here. He hadn’t even been using magic or anything of the sort. This was positively confusing to him, too. Of one thing, however, he was certain. He needed to find a way to go back home, his siblings needed him alive. So the quicker and smoother this situation came to an end, the better.
He cleared his throat, only a bit, as if to catch her attention.
“Um, hello,” Julyan called out. He found himself tempted to give a small wave, but ultimately decided against it. “To answer your question, I know as much as you do. I don’t really know what precisely is happening, nor do I know why.”
He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, looking around, then back at her. The young mage took a tentative step forward, not wanting to be too sudden.
“I believe we haven’t been properly introduced.” He began, trying to keep his voice at an even tone, even though he was about as anxious as he could get. “My name is Julyan Ashiren, so hi.” He does the small wave he’d held back earlier. “And, um, who might you be?”
She smiled in response. “You caught me in uniform, so you may call me Magical Girl Mirrorwoven or Ophelia.”
His confusion was interesting to her, both putting her worries about it being a planned assassination to rest and bringing a much wider conspiracy into play. That… she hesitated to think of the collection of shadows that was M as a person, but he definitely wasn’t a Nihilus… was almost certainly at fault, but his ability to teleport her here meant that a lot of other people were also at threat. The exact reasons were unclear, but the missing squad-sight in her vision meant that Casey and Elysia were probably not involved.
That’s good. I just wish I had some way… Ophelia thought, looking up towards M and then back at Julyan. “Do you have an escape method?”
Julyan hesitated. He hadn’t thought about that. Did he have an escape method? No. he did not, Julyan realized. He didn’t even know where he was, and he was starting to get the sneaking suspicion that he wasn’t even in Agrannor. Gods, he just wanted to go home.
But how?
Julyan looked up at the young woman - Ophelia, he reminded himself - and shook his head. “No, unfortunately, I don’t.” He followed her gaze, only now realizing that the person who’d announced this tournament was standing above them, watching, behind the parapets of the arena’s tallest wall. Julyan suppressed a shudder, but quickly turned his attention back to Ophelia.
“What do we do now?”
“According to him,” Ophelia said, trying to keep her voice steady for him, “we fight. Well, one of us dies, at least. Fighting is the usual way to achieve that, but hardly the only one.” His shudder at the announcer… is he a civilian?
That would make this much more complicated. She was supposed to save civilians, not kill them. But she also had no idea how long she’d be here, or whether the winner was going home at all. If they weren’t, and a civilian was put up against a Nihilus, her dying here would have achieved nothing. If she even could.
The thought occurred only at the end, and she almost winced. No fire in the arena, nor electricity or endless void nor ice nor acid… if he was a civilian, she’d need to ask whether he preferred to starve or for her to kill him.
Julyan winced. “Fight…?” He started, voice hesitant but not shaky, just slightly appalled. He’d heard the announcer quite well, but he was hoping there was another option.
“Is there not another way?” Julyan asked, half-hopeful, though he knew the answer. Not that he was afraid, though his opponent seemed like she could more than hold her own in a fight. Violence wasn’t something he wanted or liked, and he’d lived through his fair share already. He sighed, nervously wringing his hands together for a brief moment, before resigning himself to waiting for her inevitable response.
Ophelia grimaced in response. “If you had been placed here with someone else, perhaps we could wait until one of us starves. As it stands? I… can’t. An unfortunate consequence of this.” She waved her left arm through the air, momentarily loosening her control so the limb extended, losing its shape and color to the undifferentiated silver whip-shape before putting it back.
“I don’t have any particular way out, either. If I did, we would both be out of here as soon as I could manage.”
Starve… The word echoed through his mind like a bad omen. He was no stranger to the pain of hunger and starvation. When he heard the word, it sent a familiar jolt of terror down his spine.
Plus, he couldn’t die and leave his siblings alone - he promised he wouldn’t do that. He needed to come home, alive.
“I can’t do that.” He answered. “I won’t starve to death, I… I know how much hunger hurts, and I won’t do it again. Not if I can help it. I can’t let myself die in here. I have a family, my younger siblings. They need me. I can’t do this to them.”
Julyan took a step forward, a fatalistic look in his eyes, and shakily reached under his overcoat, hesitating for a moment as his slender fingers grasped the handle of his dagger, hidden by the worn-out clothes.
“You need to understand. I don’t have this choice.” He paused, looking her in the eye with genuine sorrow as he aimed the sharp weapon. “I’m so sorry.”
A dagger. He’s going to try to kill me with a dagger. Ophelia thought, sighing internally. He didn’t look like the type to believe her when she said it wasn’t going to be enough. He deserved something of a chance, but if he didn’t have any other weaponry it was going to be very awkward to explain.
“Neither of us does.” Ophelia said calmly, then ran towards him, keeping her human shape primarily but turning her arm into a blade almost as long as her body was tall, swinging down at him in a diagonal slash.
Julyan barely had time to block her blow, moving his dagger upwards to hold his guard up, and stumbling backwards. When she hit, it wasn’t that hard for him to stand his ground. This went on for a while, her longer reach not nearly enough to overcome his greater skill. Growing impatient, he weaved his way through her attacks with practiced ease, stepping sideways to parry a poorly-placed diagonal strike, before moving to slash at her side, opposite her guard. But there, instead of meeting blood and bone, his sword cut across a strange mixture underneath that looked like molten silver.
What is this? Taken aback, Julyan stared at it in confusion, forgetting to even step away from his opponent as he tried to figure out what the hell was happening. If my weapon doesn’t hit her or cause any harm, then I will have to figure out another plan. But how? Can I find a way out? No… His mind wandered on as he leveled his blade at her, urging her to keep her distance and not try anything, ready to continue fighting if she pressed an attack.
Ophelia stepped back with him, matching his distance. “Another consequence. You could stab me all you like, but it would hardly make a difference. To actually do any damage… I need to be denatured. Acid, radiation, molecular-level destruction. Fire. Without those? I can’t die.” She smiled at him, sadly. “Whether I would like to or not.”
Julyan took a hesitant step back, not lowering his sword as he listened to the harrowing information she’d just divulged. She couldn’t die from knife wounds, which made this even worse than it already was. Fire. The word echoed in his mind. She could be killed by fire. Julyan grimaced, managing to hold back the instinctive shake of his head. He had the power. There was fire - sunfire, to be precise - running through his very blood. It didn’t mean he liked to use it, or that he could guarantee his control over it. He hated using his fire to fight, the charred remains in the aftermath were always a sight he could never truly banish from his mind. Sunfire was an awful way to die.
But Julyan knew he didn’t really have a choice. Not if he wanted to win this, and get through alive. If this was what he had to do, so be it. He sighed, carefully sheathing the dagger. He hoped he wouldn’t accidentally melt it when the true fighting started. This dagger had been difficult to make.
“Fine. Godsdamn, fine.” He muttered, under his breath. Why is it always, every single damn time, the unpleasant route? Did I upset a random pantheon or something? No, no, that’s just my luck, isn’t it? At his side, the runic markings in his hands start to glow, bright and dangerous like molten gold. He took a deep breath, looking up to the sky as if willing himself to have patience, before fixing his stance. Julyan looks up at her. “Let’s just get this over with.”
His hands lighting up drew Ophelia’s attention for a second, and she made her decision. “If it’s any consolation, I’ve been holding back as much as you have.” Already away from melee as she was, she didn’t need to bother making distance… not that she would have had to, anyways. The human form was what required a constant effort to maintain.
So she just… let go.
Her entire body, head to toe and including the gown she was wearing, rippled in a wave of mirror-bright silver as she split in two, then again, then once more– each copy as large as the original had been, though hollow on the inside, and now a bright silver shadow more than a defined person. Then, they started running to surround Julyan, striking toward him in turns while he started back.
Julyan took a couple of stumbling steps backward, blinking rapidly as the person before him just… split. Into a dozen copies all around him. With a frown, he hesitantly regarded the silvery forms now moving toward him, disturbingly. He barely remembered that she was probably expecting an answer to what she’d just said.
“… I had hoped it wouldn’t um, come to this, because Gods I hate doing what I am about to do, so much”. Julyan stammered, a tired bored bitterness to his voice, trying to piece together a coherent answer after what he’d just witnessed. He winced internally. Oh, this is about to be one of those days that just hurt like hell. As the weirdly-formed weapons made of… whatever she was, shot closer, he closed his eyes for a moment and brought his arms protectively over his face as a wall of fire surrounded him, sweeping into a growing spiral of sunfire that boxed out the offending weaponry.
No longer bothering with the facade of normality, Ophelia’s duplicates distended their legs and bodies to take impossible steps, arms shifting mid-swing to strike from strange angles in-between the whirling fire. Not that it seemed to be helping much. Even the ones that got through, managing to make contact with his body, had their edges burned away by the heat rippling across his skin.
Julyan stood his ground as his opponent attacked, burning away any of the weapons she threw his way, careful to keep the perimeter of fire wide enough to defang the sharpest of them, but restricted just enough that he would not lose control. Still, some of her strangely-shaped weapons managed to get through the barrage of fire around him, and though they were, luckily, dull and blunt by the time they reached him, it still hurt. Like getting pelted with rocks.
Wincing, Julyan stepped away from the incoming attacks, though they were rather relentless and he found himself growing distracted with each hit, his control over the flames becoming slightly more fickle.
Screw this, He thought, after barely stepping away from another rather painful hit. Julyan focused on the copies of her that surrounded him insistently, annoyance growing as they continuously tried to get through to him.
Taking a deep breath, Julyan focused solely on the sunfire he was casting, strengthening his control. The spiral glows brighter, almost blinding, as he wills the flames to burn hotter, and the spiral to widen, engulfing the copies closest to him.
They’re going to keep coming at him, he knows. Careful not to lose any of the protective spirals around him, he starts shooting out more calculated, careful attacks - like long arrows of fire reaching out to the copies farther from him, finally doing a true attack of his own.
While his attacks had proved useful, it had taken Julyan a while until he was able to burn hot enough so that the copies couldn’t hit him at all, and at this point, everything was starting to ache a bit - though he didn’t know whether it was from overusing his powers, or from the weapons’ prior attacks. Likely both.
Sidestepping a lucky strike from one of the shadows, he shot a bolt of sunfire towards one of the larger copies’ head, which had been floating above, behind the others, observing more than participating. The head split in a moment, allowing it to sail through harmlessly.
Ophelia whistled, and the myriad duplicates of herself shot a part of themselves at their closest neighbors, bringing their thoughts, memories, and adaptation back into the whole. Not even a chance, that way, and he might notice. Collating the experiences of her other selves had her shift a much larger spear to shoot out from her stomach, aimed at the right side of his chest, then moved towards him again, modifying herself into a low cross between a cheetah-like lower four legs and a hollow, human upper body for the extra legs and maneuverability.
As Ophelia dodged his attack, Julyan watched as his opponent’s copies came together, morphing and twisting into one once again. Narrowing his eyes, his breath hitched as he saw it turn into a spear - which shot towards him at remarkable speed, aimed at the side of his chest.
With not much time to think, Julyan pulled at the flames in the spiral around him, quickly shifting them all towards his front, and blasting a large wall of fire between him and the incoming spear. It was insistent, and terribly strong, and Julyan could see that it would get through his fire sooner than later. He forced it to burn stronger, as hot as he could muster without losing control, as his mind raced to find a solution.
Come on! Okay, what was that spell, what was it - Oh, yes, right, holding runes. Now, if I remember this correctly…
Keeping one of his hands pushed forward, holding up the burning wall of fire in front of him, he freed his other hand to draw the runic signs in the air, the glowing red runes appearing and quickly, agonizingly rearranging in front of him. Remembering the correct words in ancient magespeak took a couple of tries, as his mind had started to get fuzzy, the intense heat he’d surrounded himself with beginning to take its toll in the form of confusion.
But he got it right, and the runes moved to surround the spear, which was insistently pushing though the wall of fire before him. They latched onto the silvery material, holding it in place right in the middle of the burning flames, and just a few centimeters away from him.
After a couple of seconds, the weapon started to burn away, disintegrating into nothing in the searing heat. The smell was vaguely sweet, and though it did not make him as nauseous as it might have otherwise, it wasn’t exactly pleasant.
Though it was a mere instant until it was completely burned away, Julyan could feel his fire twist toward strangeness, slipping away from his control like sand through an hourglass. When the last sliver of the weapon dissipated into the air, he took a stumbling step forward, trying to steady himself.
A sudden surge of his own sunfire washed over him, and Julyan winced, closing his hands into fists, closer to him, tightly gritting his teeth as he willed himself to control it. Across from him, on the other side of the arena, Julyan saw his opponent changing form once again, turning into a vague centaur-like shape, with long slender legs, though it still looked more like a shadow than anything else. There was something off about it that Julyan couldn’t help but feel unsettled about.
She charged toward him, just as fast as any of her prior attacks. Shaking away the fire-induced haze from his head, Julyan braced himself for what was to come.
“You’re really quite good at this,” Ophelia said, forming the words with part of her even as she searched for a way through the fire. In a lot of ways, the fight was already decided. She didn’t have much of anything that could get through without sacrificing a part of herself to do it, and anything that did would need to be the sort of brutal that she hadn’t used against anything but the toughest Nihilus, let alone a person. A quick strike down the center was almost immediately followed from his left side as she dropped the moving form, surrounding him in a ring.
As his opponent’s ever-shifting form surrounded him, Julyan was careful enough not to let his fire waver, nor cool down, as she began actively striking him from multiple directions, though he kept the flames smaller, and therefore more manageable. He tilts his head slightly at her compliment.
“Well, I have to be.” He answered, dodging another one of her piercing strikes. None were quite strong enough to get through his fiery defense, but he wasn’t about to take any chances, even if the fire was becoming a bit too much to handle.
“There are weaknesses, of course, but so difficult for me to exploit.” She stabbed out from three different places, two that he would be able to see and one at the small of his back.
His vision swam a little as he spun around, but he saw the two different spear-like shapes breaking away from the ring to shoot towards his chest. Pushing forward a smaller wall of fire to hold them both away simultaneously, he failed to notice the third one coming up behind him until a sharp pain scraped the small of his back. He cried out, briefly.
Shit! I shouldn’t have dropped the spiral, shouldn’t have. A surge of sunfire promptly surrounded him from all sides, burning away the weapon that had managed to strike him. He felt warm blood trickle down his back before it too sizzled to a stain, but thankfully the wound felt like it was on the smaller side. He had just gotten very lucky.
I’m going to die here, Ophelia realized. Well. Hardly the first time.
The fire, now surrounding him from all sides, was pushing the point where it would be impossible to maintain his control over it, and the heat was starting to become far too much to handle, at least while conscious. Knowing he was running out of time, Julyan decided to put an end to this fight. He sighed, looking at the ring around him, hoping that she could understand him.
“Are you not…” Julyan paused, as if reconsidering his question, before continuing, voice hesitant. “… afraid to die? Do you not feel pain?”
Ophelia felt the question more intensely than any of the burns had managed. It wasn’t that they hadn’t hurt, but that was the sort of pain she was accustomed to. She pulled all of her material– now noticeably diminished by the flames, though not yet at the point where she couldn’t mimic colors effectively– back into the facsimile of humanity she tried to maintain.
“Pain? All of it. Every time, from each and every one of the copies as they become part of me again.” It was true enough, though somewhat ignoring the actual reality that each and every one of those copies was her, experiencing the pain for the first time when they were burned and again when they recombined with her main body. She stopped for a moment, taking a breath she didn’t need to steady herself.
“But fear? Fear is an old flame. We don’t speak much anymore, and always of old times.” She stared at Julyan for a moment. “We all know how this is going to go.”
Julyan watched, eyes narrowed, as Ophelia once again morphed back into a human form, standing right in front of him once again and calmly answered his question.
For a moment, he found himself wishing she hadn’t turned back to her human shape. Knowing what he would have to do only made it that much more difficult to accept. But he knew it was, probably, for the best.
As Ophelia explained that she did feel pain, though fear was a distant reality, he frowned slightly. Julyan could not imagine what that must be like - to not be afraid anymore, be it of death and oh, so much worse. It sounded like both a blessing and a curse wrapped into one. He really didn’t know how to feel about it, especially in the scenario they found themselves in.
With the heat of his own fire starting to make him feel rather feverish and borderline drowsy, Julyan just wanted it over with. The less he had to think about what he was going to - what he had to do - the quicker this would be finished. Still, nothing about this felt right.
At all.
Ophelia struck, throwing all of her remaining mass into two real attacks and half a dozen hollow fragments meant only to draw his attention, and Julyan let go. All his fire now flowed freely in every direction, dancing around him taller than any of the flames he’d purposefully cast before, as the waves of fire washed over the arena and engulfed his opponent completely. Julyan closed his eyes, growing dizzy as the world around him became a muffled roar of impossible glare.
He wasn’t sure exactly how much time had passed when he blinked his eyes open again. It stung to open his now-dry eyes, and it took some time for his sight to painstakingly adjust to the lack of heat. His ears were ringing, and his skin was so hot he may as well have rolled on a lava field. He didn’t like that at all.
Puffs of smoke rose from his shoulders, and though his fire-resistant clothes were still intact, Julyan could smell the singed fabric, which had worn out at the edges and ripped at some small seams.
Overall, the attire still fared better than most of his clothes back home.
For a moment, he dreaded the sight he thought would greet him once he looked up at the arena, but his opponent was nowhere in sight. It was just him, standing in an empty concrete arena whose stone walls had been charred black.
Completely alone.
I won. I really won… Julyan thought. He felt a wave of relief wash over him, but at the same time, there was a terrified feeling building up in his chest. He was one step closer to going home, to keeping his promise to stay alive. But he’d also just killed someone.
Not knowing what to think, or what to do, plus feeling like he was dunked into boiling water for an hour, Julyan just sat down on the floor of the arena, trying to take up as little space as possible.
And waited. He wasn’t sure he was ready for whatever came next, but he knew that at least his powers were - for better or for worse. That was something the world never seemed to let him forget.
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roboticoperatingbud · 2 years
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ko-fi sketch for Ashirene!
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vanilahnurul · 2 years
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Bubble(netflix) x Pokemon . This Inteleon is Gou's , not Zenia's.  
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theundeadeel · 3 years
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Wanting to finish this up before anything else, based on the polls. I've been watching POTC: Stranger's Tide a lot, mainly for the Mermaids (I've also been listening to the soundtrack as well).
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sunglasses-kitaro · 5 years
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altirnate · 4 years
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Alola Evolved!
Only a quick one because I'm not really in the mood today New Sun and Moon trailer revealed some neat shit. Like Decidueye is a GHOST TYPE WHAAAAI LOVE ME SOME OWLS
Published: Oct 27, 2016
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pokeaniepisodes · 5 years
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She hooked Kyogre just to love Kyogre 💙(Sun & Moon episode 120)
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sergiroth-art · 2 years
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I thought I actually posted this. I guess not.
It's not really my favourite piece, but I'm posting it here because why not.
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ydotome · 5 years
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Suiren (Lana) and Ashirene (Primarina)
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OC Name Meaning Tag Game:
I was tagged by the wonderful @lola-theshowgrl for this one!
Rules: give us your characters' names and definitions and vote whether or not they fit the meaning.
When I choose the names for my character cast, I usually try to consider the sonority of it, but also the names that would fit the time period, how it fits the character's personality, and the vibe of the world the story takes place. Most of the times I do search for character names with a certain meaning in mind, while some rarer times I do not.
Julyan - (A variation of the name Julian) The name Julian basically means Jove's son, but it is linked to the meaning of youthful, dedicated, and devoted, but also the word shiny/bright.
9/10 It's pretty perfect for the character of Julyan Ashiren. He's a very dedicated and devoted person throughout pretty much his entire life, especially when it comes to family. After his parents died, he raised his sister and later on their adoptive brother to the best of his ability, even though he was barely an adult himself. Plus, he has a very lively personality among those he trusts, so the "youthful" description of his name is rather accurate too.
Raelen - (A variation of the name Raelyn) The name Raelyn means, in general term: beam of light, divine light, embrace and it also can mean ewe of the lake (due to the names it is derived from).
8/10 Rather accurate as well. In the series, Raelen is also Mageborn with connections to the fire sources - though not nearly as much as Julyan - and her role in the coming war is literally tied to the meaning of dawn. She is also a very bright and energetic person, so I would say that the name fits the bill!
Vallerius - A Roman/Latin name that means: strength, power and health. The name "Vall", which is his nickname in the series, is also associated with the meaning of valiant, and brave.
7/10 It works. Vallerius does have a very brave personality, especially when it comes to saving others and protecting those he cares about, and he does have an obsession with always seeming unmoved by things that bother him (being strong for the sake of others).
Ansell - A variation of the name Ansel, and deriving from the Old German name Anselm, this name literally means protector, helm, "with divine protection".
10/10 It's one of the few names that I deliberately chose for its meaning. In TLW Ansell serves as Princess Ellinor's knight and bodyguard, being her protector at all times, despite the princess being a trained assassin. He is also her closest friend and most trusted confidant throughout the books. Not only this, but Ansell has a very selfless and noble nature, being willing to sacrifice his well-being if it means others will be safe and protected, something that worries his friends a lot.
Jamie - This name means "he who supplants", supplanter, the one who replaces. It's also, in real life, a short form of the name James, but this isn't the case for this character, as Jamie is his given name.
6/10 I mean, it fits, but it's not that amazingly connected to his story, it just sounds right for the character. He does "take his older brother's place" (replace) as the one who protected them both after Zephyr was cursed, but that's it. In TLW Jamie would never purposefully replace/take the place of someone else unless it was for their own good or if they asked him to.
Nadinne - A French name that is a variation of Nadya, but also commonly used in Arabic, that means hope and messenger.
9/10 Fits Nadinne's character pretty well honestly. Everything about her personality is centered around having hope for a better future and believing that there is still good in the world. Also, she happens to be a link between one of the character groups and the rebellion, which is befitting of her name's meaning of "messenger". And, after she falls in love with Morwan, she makes it her life's mission to make the jaded warrior learn that there is still hope for her future, she just has to just to follow it.
Sybil - This is a name that means prophetess and oracle, as well as to a sense of mystery and alluring.
7/10 As a bard whose lyrics often speak against the current status quo, the meaning of alluring, but also of oracle/prophetess is quite fitting, even though she does not possess such gifts. She also happens to be best friends with one of the last living Fae in the world, which does add to the mysterious sense of her name.
Peregrine - This is such a perfect name for this character. It literally means traveler, foreigner, or wanderer.
10/10 When the story starts, Peregrine has been wandering the continent for the past recent years of his life, hoping to find a way to redeem himself for his dreadful mistake. Also, even before he was put in this situation, he was a very restless teenager, filled with a sense of wanderlust, as if his mind could never quite be tamed in one place.
Trystan - A variation of Tristan. This name means sorrowful, sad or melancholy. It is also associated with the legends of King Arthur, as Tristan was the name of one of his knights.
7/10 It fits, surprisingly. In TLW, Trystan is a knight, a Mageborn knight who takes his duty very seriously. I mostly chose his name due to its association with the legendary knight, for that reason. But in TLW, Trystan does go through more than his fair share of tragedy and sorrowful situations, which did cause him to despair/lose hope more than once, especially when he is captured and tortured by the Morosyn Empire. He also knows that, should he sacrifice himself, such is his duty to the Order, and that he shouldn't hope for rescue (he is wrong, because his brother and their friends would go to hell and back to save him). He's not depressive, just unhealthily fatalistic.
Yuna - This name means superiority; gentleness; kindness; desire. It also means dream, illusion, and visions. This name has mostly Asian origins.
5/10 I MEAN... Yuna is a mystical character, especially coming from a line of sorcerers and runic weapon smiths, but that girl is FAR from gentle and subtle. She is very blunt and to the point, so the name fits partially, but not nearly quite as the others.
And the list goes on, but these are the ones I researched today (:
Tagging (gently with no pressure): @tabswrites, @writernopal, @rickie-the-storyteller, @clairelsonao3, @elshells, and @cabbojage
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smilingperformer · 5 years
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I need HQ version of this asap I love it my Suiren feels have been fullfilled for now AH!
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