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mouseoho · 2 years ago
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priest outfit seoho im really into u
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minetteskvareninova · 2 years ago
Minette watches Medici, part 15 (Betrayal)
- This is probably going to be a short one, because I don’t have much to complain about this episode? Like, the whole thing is questionable from the historical perspective and has a lot of problems carried over from the previous episodes, but overall the buildup to the Pazzi plot kinda slaps? Who knows, maybe I’ll fill this one with compliments instead.
- First off, one thing I forgot to mention in the previous entry: the decision to tie Galeazzo’s murder to the Pazzi conspiracy. And I mean, those two things were related, in that they were both attempts to remove an autocratic ruler and reinstate the old semi-oligarchical order, but they weren’t literally perpetuated by the same people. With that said, as far as deviations from history go, this is one of the better ones, because it fits very well into the main plot. Like, if they are going to disregard the history completely, they might as well give us something this good.
- Look, I hate to say this, because she was a great gal and shit, but... They should’ve killed Simonetta sooner. I don’t hate some of the things they were trying to do with Giuliano here, like him being distracted by women, wine and general fucking around, untill he falls in love with a girl who inspires him to take his responsibilities more seriously even after she dies. But like... The whole thing was too little too late. Instead we spend most of Simonetta and Giuliano’s time together with their dumb courtship and even dumber drama with her husband and Sandro.
- Also, the whole “Sandro loves her as an object of artistic adoration, while Giuliano loves her as an actual person” would be a great angle to take if it wasn’t for the fact that a) again, too little too late; b) if Giuliano really loved or at least respected her as an actual person, he would’ve left her alone at the first “get lost” and none of this drama would happen. These two had no fucking chemistry, but honestly that’s to be expected, I’ve yet to see a tsundere girl x presumptuous fuckboy pairing that isn’t pure trash. This is the kind of couple that gives enemies to lovers trope a bad name.
- Another thing that was too little too late? The whole thing with Giuliano finding his place as the hard first of the bank, while Lorenzo is the brain and friendly face. I don’t love either of them as characters, but they have a solid dynamic this show refuses to play on for some reason.
- Also let me clown a little on the whitewashing of Sixtus IV., like, I get that The Borgias did the whole “morally ambiguous pope” thing sooner and better, but come the fuck on. Also was his cardinal nephew supposed to be part of the conspiracy, because IRL he very much was...
- Whitewashing of the Medici family is bearing some really nasty fruits here in the form of tragic flattening of the Pazzi conspiracy. Like, where are my liberatores vibes? The Caesar references?! Halooo??? THIS SHIT COULD’VE BEEN SO POIGNANT ASFJG...
- The flashback was... Eh? Contessina’s death had me rolling my eyes, which - you know you’ve fucked up when a best girl is literally dying and my reacting is a fucking eyeroll. At the same time, we finally got some glimpses of an alternate timeline where Francesco de’ Pazzi had a decent characterization. His pride, his penchant for violence, his contentious relationship with his uncle... This dude could’ve been so interesting with some better writing! As it is, my interest in him as a character lives off of scraps and his mighty cheekbones. Ugh.
- But, I cannot emphasize this enough, despite all of my minor complaints, this was a fucking great episode! The plot was well-thought out, fast paced, the chase at the beginning kicked ass, the twists and turns of the plot were exciting, yet made perfect sense, and Carlo, oh my poor sweet Carlo, my heart goes out to you... Also my girls Clarice and Mamma Lucrezia, god how I love them. Like, so much for my conviction that I’ll end this show without any new blorbos. It’s just that I am better at complaining than praising, sorry about that.
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etoilesdephan · 7 years ago
You're so kind and lovely and seeing you on my dash always makes me happy because you're always spreading positivity and kindness!!!! You never fail to make me smile :')
(Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can’t reply, I just have to read it and post it.)
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trcstfunded-a · 4 years ago
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@fourrarri​​ sent 🍒  :    how much does my muse value companionship?  do they constantly keep people around them,  or do they prefer to be alone often?  do they have or desire to have many friends?  do they see every meeting as an opportunity to make a new friend?  
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rafe’s  a  bit  of  a  mixed  bag  really,  he  truly  does  enjoy  his  own  time,  doing  his  own  thing  for  the  most  part,  but  sometimes  the  silence  is  a  little  unnerving  for  him  and  he  needs  people  there.  he’s  really  never  been  the  type  to  have  a  large  group  of  friends,  but  rather  a  couple  of  people  he  holds  close  and  trusts    (    and  would  do  anything  for    ).    that  being  said,  he’s  fairly  talented  at  putting  on  friendly  face  to  meet  people  in  the  business  world,  part  of  the  reason  he  doesn’t  trust  anyone  and  thinks  everyone  is  false  is  due  to  his  own  ability  to  fake  it.
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🍇  :    how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child,  or have they embraced adulthood?  
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big  oof  time.  rafe  won’t  openly  talk  to  anyone  about  his  childhood,  it  was  an  experience  he’d  rather  forget  completely  than  ever  revisit    (    close  friends  may  be  able  to  pry  certain  information  from  him,  but  the  conversation  leaves  him  feeling  completely  uncomfortable  and  vulnerable    ).  if  he  had  to  describe  it  personally  though,  he’d  simply  call  it  traumatic  and  move  on.  the  experiences  he  had  with  his  parents  and  he  had  as  a  child  really  did  shape  him,  in  both  negative  and  positive  ways.  obviously,  he’s  grown  up  with  various  issues  but  he’s  also  learnt  how  to  look  after  himself.  he  learned  how  to  be  ruthless  from  a  young  age  and  it  has  stuck  with  him/will  stick  with  him  forever.  due  to  feeling  like  he  had  to  protect  his  mother  from  herself,  rafe  grew  up  fairly  quickly    -    he  felt  it important  someone  in  the  house  had  their  witts  about  them,  but  this  really  just  lead  to  a long  rebellious  phase  later.  rafe  embraces  who  he  is  now,  he’d  never  want  to  go  back  to  those  days.
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liesmyth · 2 years ago
asfjg, prev anon: imagine being sarpedon & having a major crush on god...however, you reconcile yourself to the fact that god, being god, probably isn't interested in anyone at all. And Then, his hot saint friends show up, bang him, and leave immediately. then, they don't talk to him for the next 20 years. perhaps worst of all, you now know that god fucks...just not you.
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He went toe to toe with the Saint of Joy! This man has a PERSONAL grudge.
Though I also like the idea that the Cohort don't think much of the Lyctors in general (except G1deon). But anyway. This is personal. This is his You Belong With Me moment. She's cheer captain (a Saint) and I'm on the bleachers (a mere mortal). Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find!!! that what you're looking for has been here the whole time!!!
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lucky-numberme · 2 years ago
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[Image description: a banner by user gideonisms that reads in vibrant, antiquated text on a crunchy night sky background: "This post is about John Gaius, King Undying, Shitty Prince of Death, Necroslut Prime from the locked tomb series by tamsyn muir." On the right, there is an illustrated skull with a crown. On the left, a skeleton reclines in a lascivious pose. End ID]
But cows watch sunsets, man. Cows have best friends and complex social relationships. Did you know cows recognize one another? Cows exhibit mourning behavior for other cows.
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bakajinko · 4 years ago
JAJAJAJA ITS MY FAVORITE CHILD'S BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Reiko!! You deserve all the happiness in the world! Dont forget that your Wholesome mom loves you 😌💕💓💓💕💖
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asfjgs thank you so much rei!!! 😭😭 i love you too!! 💕💕
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whoareurl · 4 years ago
on a similar note, actors who have the whole “the show must go on” thing drilled into their heads so they don’t pull out and they’re just dying at the side of stage between scenes. maybe there’s a scout in the audience? or their crush is coming to this specific performance? WHO KNOWS
can’t stop crying over the concept of a musician performing even tho they’re sick or having bad allergies....the fans that love them most can tell they’re not at 100%. They sound more nasally than usual and getting breathless so easily. Maybe even having to turn away from the mic to sneeze. Yet they still perform. I’m losing my mind
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infiniteshawn · 6 years ago
Okay why does he remind me of a bigger zedd asfjg
what the fuck omg no
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junkhei · 4 years ago
ja haha ich war bisschen geschockt als ich die punkte nacheinander gelesen habe asfjg nähe augsburg und du?
dein ask hat mich auch geschockt, allein schon weil es hier kaum deutsche gibt lasjdf als ob.. komme aus der nähe von kempten, also gar nicht so weit weg.....
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doyeon-ie · 8 years ago
I love u
come here and lemme give you a hug you’re so cute asjdkjgka
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pinevalley · 5 years ago
ciircusbrats​ :: genius
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‘ unethical magic does not exist.   magic is just a tool and therefore it is neither good nor evil.   the concept of ethics itself is a societal product and can’t even be applied to every given situation.   there,  i said it. ’
“So.” Cassie’s jumping on this one. “You’re saying that if I use magic as a tool to do something cool and people yell at me because it’s ‘unethical’ and ‘morally repugnant’ and ‘destructive,’ they’re just being close-minded and boring, and I’m totally okay.”
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love-ya-tommo-row · 5 years ago
I made it to round 2 and EVEN WITH a randomizer I’m already being forced between Happily and Strong als;kjdf;alsdkjf;asfjg
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jojoingjoseph · 5 years ago
WHAT is he doing? There is a broom he can demonstrate on nearby. He somewhat looks away as he decides to hold the hand up. Then, that line isn’t as stupid as he expected. It may be the best he’s heard. 
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“WELL, it wasn’t that stupid…I’ll admit. But if they see me teeth, see through that mask and see the inhuman being I am, what then?”
Right on cue, the predicted glance away only paved the way for Joseph’s smirk to broaden. Giggling to himself, he’d let go of the other male’s hand and fold his arms across his chest, head tilted at an angle once the question hit his eardrums.
★ “ I won’t lie to you that it’s gonna be hard in that aspect, Big Guy. ” For a being that lived more lifetimes than any human, it held merits in hilarity for such an ancient soul to be seeking dating advice. Not an iota of laughter would find it’s way from his lungs however, taking the question seriously as it were. “ Take myself for example, it’s obvious I do have the hots for ya but you’re also like a cobra I’m wary of because you can kill me. I know this, at times it’s like something I can’t exactly turn off despite spending a lotta time drinking your brews and I’ve no doubt women; people, will take notice of that sooner or later. Despite that, I got to know you and through that I can say you feel dangerous but you’re not exactly gonna do that.. least I hope not. ”
★ “ However, I’m still here, aren’t I? Who’s to say a daring woman won’t like that about you? They’d have to pretty crazy really but who doesn’t like a woman who can buck up? I mean sheesh, that’s gotta be one of the most sexiest things, am I right~? ”
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