#asexual Gavin Reed
drp-bean · 4 months
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Pride flags? In my DBH? Yah, so here's my gaybo's with pride flags bc I luv them and I crave aro and acespec representation ㇏(>w<)ノ🩷
[Connor's flags are aroace and aro, Nines' is ace and Gav's is bi]
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lionshitscarrots · 2 years
Time to get a little meta here. This is an animated fanart I made for a fanfic I'm writing called Gavin's Snuggle Struggles. Gavin's Snuggle Struggles is a fanfic of another fanfiction, Nouna's Domestic Creatures, a Reed900 fanfic.
In the most recent Snuggle Struggles chapter, Gavin is bored AF, and has taken it upon himself to improve the dexterity of his toes by trying to pick up RK900's work portal. Because, why the fuck not?
…It's smooth and slippery, he has minimal success.
A few days ago, I cleared Flip-a-Clip's cache and recently updated the app, and now all the mini projects I've worked on crash shortly after opening, or just immediately cause a crash. This animation WIP is the only one I really care about and I'm thrilled that I'm able to export it. Lesson learned…lesson learned.
On another note, Flip-a-Clip has blend modes for it's layers now! That's what I used for the shading.
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alicetallula · 4 years
DEArtfest - July 2020 - Day 4 : #PROPOSAL - 03.07.2020
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It was a pleasure to participate to the the DEArtfest organized by @octopunkmedia, based on their movie, Detroit Evolution in the universe of DBH
Day 1 : REVERSE AU / Day 2 : #SHARINGABED / Day 3 : COLLEGE AU / Day 5 : WESTERN AU / Day 6 : #AMNESIA / Day 7 : TIME TRAVEL/LOOP – Reed900 / Day 7 : TIME TRAVEL/LOOP – Valerina  / Day 8 : #DANCING / Day 9 : MERMAID AU / Day 10 : #SICKFIC / Day 11 : ALL HUMAN AU + GENDERBEND / Day 12 : #5+1 / Day 13 : COFFEESHOP AU / Day 14 : #ENEMIESTOLOVERS / Day 15 : SOULMATES AU / Day 16 : NOIR/MAFIA AU / Day 17 : #VACATION / Day 18 : CROSSOVER / Day 19 : #BODYSWAP / Day 20 : VAMPIRE AU / Day 21 : #MUTUAL PINING / Day 22 : PACIFIC RIM AU / Day 23 : #FAKEDATING / Day 24 : ALTERNATE ENDING / Day 25 : #ROOMMATES / Day 26 : ROYALTY AU / Day 27 : #WHUMP / Day 28 : MONSTER AU / Day 29 : #STUCKINACLOSET / Day 30 : JANE AUSTEN AU / Day 31 : #TOUCHSTARVED
Day 4 : #PROPOSAL - 03.07.2020
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Here's what I thought of a cute proposal ! Hope y'all enjoy it ! And yes, a slytherind scarf and pansexual pin for Gavin and an ace pin for Nines
Done using ink pens, graphite pencils and an acrylic paint pen
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Patreon post / Twitter post
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ao3feed-gav900 · 3 months
Fragile Machines
https://ift.tt/CquPmRw by BreakfastBro When Markus teams up with the Detroit Police Department to activate a warehouse full of androids that haven't yet awoken to a post-peaceful revolutionized world, they are shocked to find that each and every android is brutalized. Except for one - a prototype RK900 Unit that Markus cannot seem to deviate. And it is dead-set on completing its mission - to hunt down and kill both the deviant leader and all deviants he encounters. Which is bad. Oh, and it only follows Gavin Reed's orders. Which is WORSE. Gavin is convinced his world will end when he gets a Rock-'em Sock-'em Robot as his newest partner but doesn't get the choice to say no - his orders are the only thing keeping it in check. That is - until it hopefully deviates on its own and gets off of his back (If that even is a possibility). But when a mysterious and unaccounted-for deviant starts toppling the fragile peace that Markus fought and [almost] died for, an emotionless deviant hunter might just be the one thing to maintain the balance between man and machine. That is - if it can get just TWO MINUTES away from his whining, cantankerous partner. Words: 5547, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Categories: Gen, M/M, Multi, Other, F/F Characters: Upgraded Connor | RK900, Gavin Reed, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Peaceful Markus (Detroit: Become Human) - Character, Aggressive Markus (Detroit: Become Human), Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Hank Anderson, Jeffrey Fowler, Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human), Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human), Josh (Detroit: Become Human), North (Detroit: Become Human), Elijah Kamski, Original Chloe | RT600 Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Markus/Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Elijah Kamski & Gavin Reed, Hank Anderson & Connor, Hank Anderson & Connor & Sumo, Josh & Markus & North & Simon (Detroit: Become Human), Leo Manfred & Markus, Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900, Tina Chen/Original Chloe | RT600 Additional Tags: Post-Peaceful Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), Canon Compliant, Simarkus, reed900, Hank and Connor are FATHER AND SON. THAT'S IT., Major Character Undeath, Screw you David Cage - I made them ALL GAY!, I now know why everyone hates tagging their works... This sucks., Detroit: Become Human - Freeform, DBH, D:Bh, Detroit Police Department (Detroit: Become Human), Post-Android Revolution (Detroit: Become Human), Post-Canon, Gavin Reed Being Less of an Asshole, Elijah Kamski & Gavin Reed are Siblings, Gavin Reed is Bad at Feelings, RK900 is a Machine, Upgraded Connor | RK900 is Called Nines, The names are subjected to change, I'm feeling festive - I dunno!, Video Game, Hank Anderson and Connor are Family, Hank is Connor's dad, Autistic Elijah Kamski, Neil Newbon deserves every award, Markus and Leo have reconciled, Carl Manfred & Markus Parent-Child Relationship, Carl Manfred is dead but not because of a heart attack at the beginning - because of something else., North and Markus used to be a thing, But they had absolutely NO chemistry, So now they are like siblings, My First AO3 Post, Everyone Is Gay, Gay, Asexual Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Asexual Connor, Good Elijah Kamski, CyberLife (Detroit: Become Human), Red Markus, Blue Markus, Red is aggressive, Blue is peaceful, Simon Dies at Stratford Tower (Detroit: Become Human), He dies but Markus has been working over the past year or so to fix him, This - I think - technically counts as a major character undeath, Major Character Injury X100, Lesbians, Bisexuality, Oh - and Tina and Chloe are a thing.
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catsandemily · 2 months
so there was this fanfic...
Okay I'm actually going insane, but I have returned to the gavin/rk900 fandom and I wanted to read this fanfic, so I hopped on the ao3.
I can't find it.
The fanfic goes like this - it has pretty heavy sub/dom undertones and a errr ugh choking kink.... the scene I remember the best is that rk900 makes reed beg in the bathroom and does stuff with his boot.
I also remember that it was surprisingly slowburn - rk900 was kinda asexual and only interacted sexually himself in the last chapters. Also their relationship culmination happened at the end and reed had a broken jaw? I dont remember why but yeah, that happened.
PLEASEPLEASE if you remember something help this poor lad find the gem.
I even looked at my account's history from SIX years ago, and I have a bad feeling that it could have been removed around 2018.
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angelic-writer · 14 days
Here's the sexualities for my OCs.
Mimicry Project
Mavis Mallard - Straight
Carter Rodriguez - Straight
Tyler Lecher - Bisexual
Gavin Ozpin - Gay
Charlotte Mallard - Lesbian
Lucille Bertram - Pansexual
Julia Markwood - Straight
Nikki Donovan - Bisexual
Julius Rodriguez - Gay
Micah Davies - Gay
Cyrus Anderson - Transgender (FtM), Asexual
Sean Merkle - AroAce
Tim Matthews - Bisexual
Keith Boseman - Straight
Aaron Collins - Straight
Elijah Reed - Gay
Arthur Halewood - Gay
Cain Adams - Asexual
Abel Adams - Demisexual
Nicholas Donovan - Gay
Isaac Wilson - Pansexual
Noah Wilkins - Pansexual
Jeremy Reeves - Bisexual
Moses Clarkson - Bisexual
Matthew Lewis - Gay
Luke Lewis (Luke Morrison before marriage) - Gay
Crystal Valley High
Sonia Walker - Questioning
Carly Jackson - Bisexual
Sophie Patterson - Lesbian
Katherine Howard - Lesbian
Victoria Anderson - Pansexual
Oliver Garfield - Straight
Zoey - Lesbian
Sherry - Lesbian
Amy - Lesbian
Erika - Lesbian
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ao3feed-rk1700 · 2 years
The virus Within
by SorenTree
"Look-" his throat became dry, his words shriveling up with it as a warm mouth closed around his neck, teeth scraping across the metal brace around his throat. Twisting away Connor could hear how sharp the canines are, dragging white lines along the black.
Connor is tasked to take down the Android killer. A notorious being that had been lurking the streets of Detroit post-revolution and taking down any android who dared walk out late at night. The case is near dry, no leads until a slip-up leads them to a warehouse. Now it being a true slip up or trap is unknown as a pesky virus changes everything. He may be able to reign in this one, except, is there truly only one Android killer?
Words: 2680, Chapters: 1/15, Language: English
Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, M/M, Multi
Characters: Upgraded Connor | RK900, Connor (Detroit: Become Human), CyberLife Tower Connor | RK800-60, Hank Anderson, Gavin Reed
Relationships: Connor/Upgraded Connor | RK900, Connor/CyberLife Tower Connor | RK800-60
Additional Tags: Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Nonconsensual Elements, Omega Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Alpha Upgraded Connor | RK900, Top Upgraded Connor | RK900, Possessive Upgraded Connor | RK900, Obsessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Asexuality Spectrum, Lots of talk about sex but no sex happens, Pre-Poly, RK1700 - Freeform, Upgraded Connor | RK900 Is Bad at Feelings, Machine Upgraded Connor | RK900, Deviant Upgraded Connor | RK900
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41677101
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heathenkweer · 3 months
the hardest part of living || chapter ten || Hysteria
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human Wordcount: 4,486 Characters/Relationship(s): Hank Anderson & Connor, Original Characters, Connor/Original Female Character ADDITIONAL TAGS: Hank Anderson & Connor Parent-Child Relationship, Or: Connor learns that Hank can also be a MENACE, Post-Peaceful Android Revolution, Asexual characters, no betas we die like connor Summary: Connor learns how to live. He might just teach Hank a thing or two along the way as well.
(Or: Connor tries to find a new mission in life and decides fixing Hank’s loneliness might be it. He doesn’t realize he might be trying to fix his own, too.) CONTENT WARNING for mention of a suicide attempt and animal death. (Sumo is fine.)
Connor and Libby glanced at each other, then at the door. It was too late for visitors to just show up unannounced. It made Connor uneasy.  “I’ll be right back,” Connor said, standing and going over to the door.  He opened it to see Gavin Reed’s smug, shit-eating grin, and two other police officers behind him. Gavin gave off the air of someone who had finally gotten his greatest wish and was savoring every moment of it. “Hello again, tin can,” Gavin said. “You’re coming to the station with me.” 
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moonlight-breeze-44 · 9 months
Dear Gifter...
Hello, friends! As the year draws to a close, it's that time again for me to enlist in a whole host of Secret Santas to bring everyone some December cheer and hopefully put a lot of smiles on a lot of faces :)
A few of the gift exchanges I've participated in for years are changing their formats for signups this year, so I'm adjusting with them! I decided that, in order to make it easier for my various gifters to know what I like, I'd create this 'Dear Gifter' post to link to them!
So, if you have me for a Secret Santa exchange this year, this next part's for you <3
I've listed some general likes/dislikes, as well as fandom-specific likes/dislikes for the major fandoms I participate in gift exchanges for! If you'd like a list of specific likes for a fandom not mentioned below, just shoot me an ask on anon and I'll post one :)
General Likes:
Angst, hurt/comfort, mental health issues, self-harm, abuse, trauma, nightmares, autistic characters, asexual characters, poly relationships, QPRS, crackfics, college AUs, high school AUs, soulmate AUs, coming out fics, getting together/first kiss, non-sexual BDSM, BDSM AUs, Christmas fics, rarepairs, unrequited love, paranormal AUs
General Dislikes:
Alcohol (**TRIGGER**), smut/NSFW, sickfics, bugs, vomit, extremely detailed gore, physical whump/torture, mafia AUs, royalty AUs
For Shadowhunters:
Likes: Alec Lightwood centric, Autistic Alec, Asexual Alec, any fics that deal with Alec's self-harm, pre-canon fics, Lightwood sibling feels, parabatai feels, worldbuilding (ESPECIALLY in regards to the Fae Realm), HOTI Alec, trans Magnus, Malec, Jalec, Malace, Jimon, Lysabelle, immortal Malec, different first meeting, sub Alec, Dom Magnus, switch Jace, sub Jace, Dom Simon
Dislikes: S3 plotline NOT including the wedding, Inquisitor Alec, good parents Maryse and Robert Lightwood, bad parabatai Jace Lightwood, Clizzy, Luke/Maryse, Dom Alec, reverse AUs
For Leverage:
Likes: Eliot Spencer centric, pre-canon fics, Eliot/Damien Moreau, any fics that explore a fucked up/abusive relationship between Eliot and Damien Moreau, Autistic Eliot, Autistic Parker, ADHD Hardison, trans Eliot, asexual Parker, the OT3, Eliot/Quinn, Nate & Eliot as father/son or master/slave, cooking, botany/gardening, character study, post-canon fics, Leverage team as family, Dom Parker, sub Eliot, switch Hardison
Dislikes: Romantic Eliot/Nate, total AUs (i.e., not within the Leverage universe, such as college AUs), MCD, angst with no happy ending, Dom Eliot, sub Parker, unrequited love
For Detroit: Become Human:
Likes: Reed900, Gavin Reed centric, RK900 centric, Markus centric, reverse AUs, Hank & Connor as father/son, Jericho polycule, Simarkus, romantic Hankcon, Detroit: Evolution/Detroit Reawakening universe, slice of life, case fics, any fics set during the Android Revolution, asexual Nines, agender/non-binary Nines, non-binary Gavin, trans Gavin, Gavin Reed backstory/character study, aromantic Kara, detective/cop AUs, sub Gavin, Dom Nines
Dislikes: Fics that portray Gavin Reed in a bad light, POV Connor, POV Kara, total AUs (i.e. not within the realm of the DBH universe) EXCEPT detective AUs, Dom Gavin, sub Nines
For Criminal Minds:
Likes: Emily Prentiss centric, Jemily, Morcia, Morreid, BAU as family, case fics, Reid's drug use, Emily Prentiss with a self-harm habit, cottagecore/farm life/small town AUs, Autistic Hotch, Autistic Reid, ADHD Emily Prentiss, AuDHD Penelope Garcia, asexual Reid, JJ backstory/character study, infidelity (specifically JJ cheating on Will), pre-canon fics, Momily, kid fics, seasons 3-7
Dislikes: Breakups (except JJ/Will), MCD (angst with no happy ending is totally fine as long as there's no MCD!), events past Season 13
Thank you for reading! Remember, if the information you're looking for isn't here, please don't hesitate to shoot me an ask and I'll be happy to add it :) I hope everyone has a great winter and happy holidays if you celebrate! <3
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blakeylikestowrite · 3 years
Ace² (reed900 oneshot)
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human Pairing(s): reed900 Word count: 1271 Summary: Gavin and Nines' relationship is fairly new and they both struggle to tell the other something about themselves. Unbeknownst to them, that something is actually the same thing. Genre(s): Light Angst, Fluff
To everyone's surprise the android that was assigned as Gavin Reed's work partner and said detective had not only become friends. No, they also had fallen in love. To say that everyone was shocked to find out that they had started dating was an understatement. No one saw it coming. Not even in their wildest dreams could they have imagined Gavin and Nines in a relationship.
Gavin was sitting at his desk and Nines was standing next to him. He was lost in thought, worrying about something. It had been a week since Nines had confessed his love to him and he had admitted that he felt the same about the android. Throughout that week they had shared sweet kisses or walked around holding hands or even cuddled in bed when Nines stayed over at Gavin's place. Gavin didn't mind that at all. He loved it.
But he couldn't help but worry that soon Nines would want... more. More than cuddles and kisses. More than Gavin could give him. He was terrified of Nines' reaction. He knew it was unlikely that Nines would leave him just because of his asexuality but his head kept playing out worst case scenarios and that certainly wasn't making starting the conversation any easier.
"Gavin, are you alright? You haven't touched your coffee at all.", Nines asked.
Gavin shook his head slightly as though he was trying to shake off the thoughts that were plaguing him. He looked up at Nines and was met with a worried gaze.
With a sigh, he replied: "Yeah. Sorry. Got a little lost in my thoughts, that's all.".
Nines didn't seem convinced but decided not to push Gavin to talk about something he clearly didn't want to discuss right now.
"Let's look through some of our evidence, shall we?", Nines suggested and placed his hand on Gavin's shoulder. Gavin nodded and turned his attention to their evidence - but not before taking a sip from his coffee.
They didn't make a lot of progress in their case that day. Not only was Gavin still very out of it but Nines' thoughts were secretly occupied by a similar worry as Gavin's. Gavin's assumption that Nines would want to do anything beyond innocent kissing and cuddling with him couldn't have been more wrong. Nines, too, was asexual.
For the longest time he had assumed that it had to do with him being an android and not being built to feel sexual attraction or have sex. But he also wasn't built to fall in love. He wasn't built to feel at all. Being a deviant had made that possible.
One day, he had found out that other deviants did feel sexual attraction, no matter their original purpose. That it was just him that didn't.
Figuring that out had initially left him in deep distress. Was there something wrong with him? Why did everyone else feel like that but not him? He even at one point started doubting that he was actually deviant. Looking back, that was an absurd conclusion to come to but in that moment, he was so convinced that there must be something wrong with him that it almost made sense.
After searching the internet for answers to the endless questions in his head, he finally found the term asexual. He found forums filled with other deviants who felt little or no sexual attraction. Knowing he wasn't the only one, that other people were like him - androids and humans alike - gave him comfort. Though he never even considered telling anyone about this until now.
Now it felt like he had to tell Gavin, in case sex was something he wanted as part of their relationship. He really wasn't looking forward to telling him.
Once Gavin's and Nines' shift was over, they made their way to Gavin's car. Gavin sat in the driver's seat and Nines sat in the passenger seat. Nines had been staying over at Gavin's apartment more frequently over the past week and today wasn't any different. On their way home, there was an almost awkward silence in the car.
"There's something I want to discuss with you.", Nines broke the silence. Gavin became visibly tense. His grip around the steering wheel tightened.
"Can it wait until we're home?", Gavin asked, "Please?".
Gavin looked at Nines for a split second before turning his attention back to the road. It was long enough for Nines to notice his sad expression. His LED turned yellow as he looked at his boyfriend quizzically.
"Alright.", Nines agreed and Gavin relaxed a little.
Gavin was scared. Scared of what Nines wanted to talk about. Scared that Nines wanted to ask if they could 'take the next step'. He was terrified of having to tell him that they won't ever. That conversation had gone wrong one too many times in his life.
From the moment they got out of the car until they went inside Gavin's apartment, Gavin became more and more tense again. Nines sat down on the couch and signaled Gavin to sit down next to him which he did. Nines took Gavin's hand into his and started caressing the back of his hand in an attempt to calm him down. He wasn't sure why Gavin seemed so nervous but that didn't stop him from trying to help. It did calm him down just a bit.
"I'm sure you are aware that a lot of couples tend to...", Nines grimaced before continueing to speak, "Have sex at one point in their relationship.". He glanced at Gavin whose eyes were glued to the floor.
"And... We are a couple. I-", Nines began talking again.
Gavin's eyes widened and he quickly interrupted his boyfriend: "Please don't say it.".
"Say what? Do you know what I was going to say?", Nines asked. He furrowed his brows in confusion.
"Yes and I don't wanna hear it.", Gavin replied.
"Gavin. Are you sure we are talking about the same thing?", Nines sounded even more confused than he had looked a moment ago.
"Yes. What else could you be talking about? Nines, I-", Gavin sighed, "I don't want to have sex with you. I'm sorry.". He didn't dare look at the android in fear of how he would react.
Nines stared at him, dumbfounded, for a few seconds. "Gavin, that's great! I don't want to have sex with you either!", he exclaimed. Gavin's head jerked to his left, where Nines was sitting with a wide smile on his face. Now it was Gavin's turn to look surprised.
"What?", Gavin asked. Did he hear that correctly?
"I am asexual.", Nines explained. Those three words left Gavin looking utterly flabbergasted. He stayed silent for a moment. Eventually, he spoke: "You're- You're asexual, too?". Nines nodded.
"I really misunderstood the situation...", he muttered, more to himself than to Nines.
Gavin looked at his boyfriend's smiling face and impulsively pulled him into a tight hug. "I was so fucking scared you wouldn't accept me but you're ace too.", Gavin admitted with a laugh.
"I was a little worried that you wouldn't accept me, as well.", Nines admitted. His lips curled into a smile.
"You're such a dumbass, why would I ever not accept you?", Gavin mumbled.
"Likewise, dumbass.", Nines teased.
Snark personified pulled away from the hug he had initiated, only to gently pull Nines closer by his collar. "Shut it, tin can.", he murmured and their lips met for a sweet chaste kiss.
"I love you.", 'tin can' whispered.
"I love you, too.", Gavin replied with a shy smile. He kissed him again. One of many more kisses the couple shared that evening.
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fandom-necromancer · 3 years
404 attraction not found
Had an idea in the shower. Had to write it. Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
‘Oh man, I’m not into men usually, but I’d definitely be gay for that one’, Chris laughed, admiring the person on the screen of the superhero movie they were watching currently. It was Friday evening: movie night. ‘God, he’s so hot, imagine his ass out of uniform!’ Gavin lifted his brows, studying the character and still not really seeing what Chris meant. The man looked over to them and laughed. ‘Come on, can’t be the only one!’ ‘Sorry, I’ve got the hots for the villain once again. She’s just too powerful not to love.’ ‘And you?’, Chris asked and nudged Gavin with his elbow. ‘Hmm? Yeah, same. Dude’s hot’, he answered. ‘Now keep it in your pants, haven’t seen this one yet! Wanna know what happens next.’ ‘Alright’, Chris chuckled and leaned back. Gavin did see how Tina side-eyed him knowingly, but chose to ignore it, hoping she wouldn’t address the topic in a misguided attempt to help.
They continued watching the movie, eating snacks and talking about anything that came to their mind. Tina got increasingly clingy the more she had drunken and as it had long become dark outside, Gavin decided to leave, driving her home. He thanked Chris and waved him goodbye at the door of his car. Their drive was silent until they stopped at a red light. ‘I’m sorry Gavin’, Tina lulled touching his elbow gently. ‘Maybe if you told him-‘ ‘Tina, it doesn’t bother me, okay?’, Gavin told her, maybe a bit too harsh. ‘And I’m really not in the mood to explain it yet again and hear all the same phrases over and over again. I can’t even complain or get mad about them, they are well meant. Phck. I will just continue to say what I’m supposed to say and it’s done with. Path of least resistance, as always. The reward really doesn’t justify the effort, okay?’ ‘Alright!’, Tina nodded, giving him a shaky thumbs-up. ‘My lips are sealed.’ ‘Thank you.’ ‘And what’s with Nines?’
Gavin frowned and looked over at her. ‘What’s with Nines?’ ‘You two. Anything going on?’ ‘How many times do I have to tell you? We are friends, Tina.’ ‘Are you sure?’ She smiled at him. ‘I’d say the tin-can has the hots for you.’ Gavin groaned. ‘Come on. Who the hell would want me? And hell, even if it were like that, I’ll deal with it if it happens someday, okay?’ ‘You don’t want to do anything about it? Are you interested?’ ‘Tina. I barely know the guy. I mean, sure, we spend a lot of time together. But that’s it. It’s difficult. I’m can’t know it like you seeing the girl of your dreams and drooling over how hot her thighs or something. I like him, I enjoy spending time with him. I could imagine living with him. That’s all.’ ‘Booooring.’ ‘Tina, I’m not existing to entertain you.’ ‘Still you do most of the days.’ ‘Then maybe you have a shitty sense of humour.’
Tina laughed and sat up. ‘Alright, you win, okay? Just know that if you want a relationship you deserve it.’ ‘Yeah, the hell I deserve it!’, Gavin sighed exasperated, gripping the steering wheel tighter. But who’s the poor phcker that deserves this, he added as an afterthought.
‘Hey, Gavin?’ The Detective looked up from his terminal to Nines who was standing next to him placing a coffee on his table. ‘Yeah?’ ‘Are you free on Monday?’ Gavin frowned. ‘Yeah, I should be, why?’ ‘I’d like to invite you out. I discovered a really nice restaurant that serves android food. Thought we could try it out?’ Gavin shrugged, already back to his report. ‘Yeah, sure. Would love to.’ He missed the way Nines beamed at that answer. It might have given him the push to realise Monday was the 14th February. Valentine’s day.
He only realised that the Sunday before as he contemplated what to wear. He immediately called Tina: ‘T, red alert! Tomorrow is Valentine’s day.’ ‘Yeah, I know. What’s up?’ ‘Well, Nines invited me to a restaurant tomorrow.’ ‘Oh, that’s nice! I’m happy for you!’ ‘Yeah, well I’m not!’, Gavin returned. ‘Is that a date?’ ‘Maybe? Could be. What did he tell you?’ ‘He just said it was a fancy restaurant that sells android food he wanted to try out.’ Tina sighed. ‘I don’t know then. Could very well be a date. With the day and all.’ ‘God, what if he’s interested?’, Gavin asked. ‘Tina, I will ruin it. The guy will hate me.’ ‘Why should he?’ ‘Because I will have to tell him I’m basically not interested!’ ‘But you are right?’, Tina dug deeper. ‘Yeah, but until I’ve explained him in what way I’m interested, he will already be disappointed!’ ‘Gavin’, his friend spoke up, reminding him to keep calm. ‘You are overthinking. Nines is pretty direct. Maybe this isn’t a date at all. And if it is, you have no way of predicting his reaction. All I know is that Nines is a very patient being. You should go.’ ‘Of course I will go, Tina. Phck, just know that after this is over, I will need a new partner.’
The restaurant really looked nice from where Gavin was sitting in his car. It had a modern feeling but lots of dark wood had been used inside that made it comfy and bordering to a touch dowdy. He could see the android sitting at a table at the far corner by the windows and he was sure he had already recognised his car. Gavin shouldn’t stay inside for long, but he couldn’t really bring himself to exit either. ‘It’s just you two meeting at a restaurant Gavin. You had been to the movies already. You had met to watch the boats pass on the river, for phcks sake! This is just another one of those things you do together. Don’t think too much!’ He pushed himself up and exited the car, locking it and pulling his clothes in order. Then he walked over, entered and quickly made his way over to Nines’ table.
‘Hello Gavin!’, the android greeted him. ‘Nice to see you.’ ‘Hi’, Gavin answered, sitting down. ‘Yeah, you too.’ ‘You look nice.’ Gavin swallowed and looked at the android. He didn’t wear a suit, but a nice white shirt with a blue tie. He was thankful he had picked something more presentable than his usual attire: A blue short-sleeved shirt and light blue jeans. ‘Err… you too.’ Damn, he was repeating himself.
‘I’m really interested in how this android food works’, Nines changed topics then, handing Gavin a menu. ‘I know it’s all a combination of Thirium and compounds we can break down in our filtering systems. But Connor loves it, he told me it actually has taste, even if it’s mostly messing with our analysing programs to achieve that.’ Gavin nodded. ‘Yeah, sounds cool. I mean, eating is nice, I guess.’ ‘I don’t know if I will like it, to be honest’, Nines shrugged. ‘I mean, we don’t need to eat and to a large part it’s just complications to clean afterwards. But You can share a meal with someone and I guess that’s the whole appeal for human android couples.’
Gavin didn’t want to look at Nines as he said that and instead let his eyes wander over the other people in the restaurant. A large – if not all of them – were indeed human android couples spending Valentine’s day together. Laughing at each other’s jokes, eating and toasting to the other. It made Gavin even more uncomfortable though. A fact that Nines picked up on immediately, of course. But before he could speak up, a waiter came up to them and saved Gavin from the conversation. Both of them ordered and waited until the waiter had disappeared. Gavin had hoped the android had forgotten, but instead Nines spoke up: ‘You are nervous.’ ‘Yeah, no shit, tin-can. Well, not nervous, but…‘ ‘But?’
Gavin sighed and looked at the android, who was returning his stare completely neutral. ‘Nines, what is this? You invited me out to a fancy restaurant on Valentine’s day. It could be you just wanted to try the food, but I’m afraid there’s more to it.’ Nines pulled a grimace, blushing. ‘There’s no fooling you, is there?’ He added a smile afterwards, but Gavin’s face fell. ‘I wanted to wait until after dinner, but of course, we can discuss it now too.’ Gavin rubbed his face in frustration. ‘Phck.’ ‘Gavin? Everything alright?’ The man looked up, then blew his cheeks. ‘Yeah.’ He dropped his hands. ‘Yes, please, what did you wanted to tell me?’ ‘I really enjoy your company’, Nines begun. ‘I actually don’t want to miss any day we were together. You are a fascinating human being and I admire your way of thinking. Your humour is… cute in its own way. I just wanted to tell you that…’ The android huffed. ‘Well, I guess I’ve beaten around the bush for long enough. I love you, Gavin.’
There it was. Gavin’s dream and at the same time worst nightmare. He wanted to be happy about it, but if he was being honest with himself, he couldn’t quite feel anything but despair. ‘Phck’, he sighed. ‘Excuse me?’ ‘Nines, I… Thank you’, Gavin began. ‘I really appreciate it, but… I don’t feel like you do.’ The android swallowed. ‘Oh. Oh, err… that’s okay, it’s totally fine, I’m sorry I said anything. I-‘ ‘Nines, stop. I’m bad at this. I do love you. Romantically. I just can’t love you the same way you love me.’ Nines cocked his head inquisitively. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Does the word asexual say you something?’, Gavin whispered, feeling self-conscious about telling Nines something so personal in a space so public. ‘I’m- It’s basically not feeling sexual attraction towards someone.’ He looked up at Nines, afraid to see his disappointment. But the android was just sitting there, listening. ‘I can’t… I know someone’s beautiful, okay? Like this restaurant is nice, you look amazing, something like that. But there’s no sexy-sensor, basically. I’m not going around the city, seeing people and think I’d tap that, you understand?’
Nines nodded thoughtfully. ‘I think so. So there’s no particular feature of a person’s body you find attractive?’ ‘No’, Gavin nodded. ‘I mean, with time something could develop, but at first glance? Nah.’ ‘I’m sorry if this is intruding now’, the android began. ‘But you do have one-night stands every now and then, have you not?’ Gavin sighed. There it was. ‘Yeah, I have. Because sex is great. It feels nice and some days you simply feel the urge. But none of the persons I hooked up with I found particularly hot. They were just… people.’ ‘So you do like sex.’ ‘Yes, for phck’s sake!’
His call had startled the waiter coming over with their food, but Gavin just leaned back embarrassed, as the plates were put down and they mumbled their thanks to the waiter. ‘You had this conversation before, right?’, Nines spoke up gently as soon as the man had left them. Gavin just sighed and nodded. ‘Yeah. I’m not out to many, mostly because explaining something like that to others can be complicated. And it isn’t really worth the effort.’ ‘Then I thank you for telling me. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I’m just fascinated. I thought it was an universal experience.’ He took up his fork and looked at the blue food on his plate, testing consistency. ‘Does this… Does this change anything in regard to what I told you?’ Gavin looked up from his plate. ‘What? I mean I should rather ask if that changes something for you, to be honest.’ The android shook his head. ‘No. I still love you. I mean I… To be honest I would really like to… spend the night with you? But if you don’t want that that’s… okay.’
The human sighed. ‘Okay, just to make it clear: I consider sex to be a gesture towards my partner. Like watching a movie with them I don’t know but they enjoy. It feels good and knowing your partner feels it too is… it’s nice, okay. I’m not abstinent, I just don’t find anyone attractive. That’s it.’ Nines smiled then. ‘Well it doesn’t change anything for me then. I still love you and would like to… deepen our relationship if you feel the same.’ ‘I… I would very much like that too’, Gavin smiled, unable to keep eye-contact with the android. ‘If you accept me despite what I’m missing.’ ‘You’re not-‘ ‘I am’, Gavin interrupted. ‘But it’s not a disadvantage. But I am missing something others have and that’s okay and I want to know you accept that.’ Nines blinked surprised. ‘Yes. Yes, I accept that.’
Gavin’s shoulders untensed and he finally took his first bite from the plate. The food was indeed amazing. ‘Then I’m sorry I made your date so awkward’, he chuckled. ‘Please, could you repeat what you’ve said?’ ‘What part? ‘The “I love you” part.’ Nines straightened his back and nodded. ‘I enjoy your company. You are fascinating and funny and intelligent. I wanted to tell you for a long time now. I love you, Gavin.’ Gavin smiled and took Nines’ hand in his. ‘I love you too.’
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julientel · 2 years
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time to dress up a little
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ober-affen-geil · 3 years
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Woah, woah, woah, lemme get this straight. So you think that I put up with a year of your shit. A year of that fucking Ken-doll face smirking at me every day. And then put up with you almost dying...just so that I could get laid?
Gavin Reed and Nines from Detroit Evolution for Ace Week 2021
Brief image description below.
All gifs are of Gavin Reed and the android “Nines” from the fan movie “Detroit Evolution” based on the “Detroit Become Human” game. Both are wearing casual street clothing, Reed in a grey long sleeve T and Nines in a black button-up. Nines is taller than Reed by several inches. Reed has visible five-o-clock shadow on his jaw and dark circles under his eyes. They are outside on a balcony at sunset with a cityscape behind them.
Gif 1 focus on Nines over Reed’s shoulder as Reed turns to look at him, inquisitive. Nines is open and earnest as he says “I want to be close to you but...”. His words are written across the bottom in yellow text.
Gif 2 focus on Nines over Reed’s shoulder. Nines, still earnest, says “I can’t be everything that you need.” His words are written across the bottom in yellow text.
Gif 3 focus on Reed over Nines’ shoulder. He looks confused and slightly concerned, saying “Everything?” in response. His words are written in white text along the bottom.
Gif 4 focus on Nines over Reed’s shoulder. He is clearly somewhat upset and angry, delivering his words with sharp precision under furrowed brows and looking off to the side to avoid Reed’s eyes. He says “We’ve discussed this before. When you mentioned my ‘interest’ in Ada.” and swallows hard when he finishes speaking. His words are written across the bottom in yellow text.
Gif 5 profile of Reed and Nines. Reed seems incredulous and is leaning forward slightly with one arm on the railing, intent on getting his sentiment across to Nines. Nines is also resting his arm on the railing, looking at Reed with frustrated doubt. Reed says “Nines. I don’t care!” His words are written in white text along the bottom.
Gif 6 profile of Reed and Nines. Nines seems to be listening with more belief to what Reed is saying, Reed still seems to be in slight disbelief over the subject, and is earnest in his delivery. He says “I don’t need...any of that.” His words are written in white text along the bottom.
Gif 7 focus on Reed over Nines’ shoulder. Reed looks away from Nines slightly as he becomes introspective, but he is no less earnest. He says “Ever since I met you...” His words are written in white text along the bottom.
Gif 8 focus on Reed over Nines’ shoulder. Reed looks back up at Nines as he reaches his conclusion, shaking his head slightly and furrowing his brow in seriousness and simplicity. He says “Things have just been better.” His words are written in white text along the bottom.
Gif 9 focus on Reed over Nines’ shoulder. Nines’ face is not fully visible, but he is clearly worried and needing to get his point across. Reed is looking attentively at him. Nines says “I just want to be complete for you.” His words are written across the bottom in yellow text.
Gif 10 profile of Reed and Nines. Nines is opening his mouth to continue speaking, shaking his head slightly and still clearly trying to deny Reed’s point. Reed is looking directly at Nines and interrupts him matter-of-factly with “You have been a whole person since the day you woke up.” His words are written in white text along the bottom.
End image description.
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ao3feed-gav900 · 4 days
Wont You Stay With Me My Darling? (When The War Starts In My Heart)
https://ift.tt/om9MPn5 by ThatOneNerdThere A few months into leaving the police department, Nines and Gavin have found themselves settling into their new lives filled with domesticity and peace. Gavin picked up a job helping shelter kids and Nines worked at a local flower shop. They thought that leaving the DPD meant being safe forever, but as it turns out the universe had it out for the two of them once more. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This is based heavily off of Detroit: Absolution, so if you haven't read that script then some of the elements in this story might not make a lot of sense. Title from Curses by The Crane Wives Words: 1048, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Upgraded Connor | RK900, Gavin Reed, Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human), Chris Miller (Detroit: Become Human), Simone Miller (Detroit: Absolution), Valerie Morales-Chen Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Tina Chen & Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed & Simone Miller Additional Tags: Temporary Amnesia, Memory Loss, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Upgraded Connor | RK900 is Called Nines, Octopunk Media's Detroit: Absolution Fan Film, CyberLife (Detroit: Become Human), Tina Chen & Gavin Reed Friendship, Good Friend Tina Chen, Arguing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mentioned Chris Miller - Freeform, Mentioned Valerie Morales-Chen, Gavin Reed Needs a Hug, and gets a lot of them, Machine Upgraded Connor | RK900, Post-Detroit: Absolution, Octopunk Media's Detroit: Evolution Fan Film, Asexual Upgraded Connor | RK900
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I’m finding it hard to find people so I’m just going to make a post.
If you’re active in the Detroit: Become Human fandom (and/or the Detroit: Evolution one as well!), and write/read/ship Reed900, would you please interact with this post?
I’m trying to find people because I’m getting back into the fandom and have fallen hard for this ship again.
Edit: I'm no longer active in the fandom. If you come across this post, please just keep scrolling.
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corvidiss · 3 years
When you accidentally spend multiple hours writing, editing and manipulating a fake tabloid newspaper front page for that random "small" AU you made...
It's bloody fun though - honestly writing annoying newspaper articles about the characters I love is oddly therapeutic? Like, Everything I'm Writing Is Blatantly Wrong and I know it. And my readers know it because they (presumably) read the previous chapters. Idk man it's just so damn fun.
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Anyway yeah there it is. Hope it looks alright. Transcript in the actual chapter.
...Should I do more of these...?
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