#asamis story will be done soon
leviiackrman · 4 days
I finished mha… I’m unwell
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sketchfanda · 1 year
Chestnut Stud Checklist
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For your tantalisation,especially you @pugsbone​ and @sweetescapeartist​ I give you a checklist of babes for future pending one shots in my ongoing chestnut stud fic.Many of these babes will also see action in my Moxxie fic and a similar harem one shot stud fic I should get around to doing for Kirishima soon as I finish the Mystique Maya story idea. Because they’re all genuinely nice guys who deserve some harem love ad for their stud potential to be a well known natural fact.
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I mean look at these handsome fellows,all gentlemen to boot. The following list features images which belong to their respective artists and consist of a checklist of women you will see down the line in one way,shape or form or another getting down and wild with any of these studs.
2B & 2P :individual and together it’s a natural fact gynoid babes love the krillman
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Peg Pete a Disney milf who needs and deserves a lot better
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Verosika and yes moxxie is also getting to tap this.
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Mai Shiranui. Fighter babes are a must,I’ve done Cammy and chunli and her turn is due
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mass effect:Samara space milf need I say more?
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overwatch:Emily & Tracer yeah Yiu think my uranus and Neptune post was controversial? Ooh I’m only just begun
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Zarya the height difference alone
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Miss Bellum,say hello to the aide and secretary of the mayor of satan city
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darkstalkers' Morrigan
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Samus Aaran
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Amazon (Dragon Crown)
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teen titans:Raven
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Pacifica tobizenko/sweetescapeartist specified the Fred Perry version but didn’t have a solo image ref
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human Applejack & Rainbowdash
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Zigzag because reminder furry babes exist in dragonball earth
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Darke Katt
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Last Airbender:Korra and Asami together and individually
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This checklist will be quite a feat to get through.
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hayleysayshay · 2 years
Future Me killed Mako?! Gosh I'm glad I got bored of that video halfway in. Alot of the other stuff he suggests is good, but it doesn't feel like *Korra* anymore, yknow?
Yeah, look, I can talk about the legend of korra every day. It’s a flawed mess and I appreciate that Hello Future Me clearly loves the show. I think that he’s very good in handling the villain arcs and tying them into a tighter thematic story. But I agree, with his focus on plot I think he misses some heart, so then it starts to feel less like Korra.
But I don’t think he has much interest in Mako and Bolin and he just didn’t know what to really do with them. For me, The Legend of Korra would have been better with *more* Mako and Bolin, not less. In his Book 2 fix, we somehow have less Mako, Bolin and Asami friendship than we do than the show proper, so what friendship is there? At least Mako and Bolin regularly intersect with the plot in book 2. I think my de-emphasising Mako and Bolin and Asami’s interactions, I think he misses creating more heart for the show, even if I generally like the groundwork he lays out for Korrasami.
The thing with Mako is that I think Bryke created a tragic backstory that explains why he is the way he is in Book 1 and then didn’t explore it. HFM tones down the backstory but not making them street rats and having their mother killed by an equalist. This is more thematically linked to the plot, but once the equalist plot is done, Mako is still left in the exact same position as Book 1, without clear dirextion. Also during his Book 1 fix he says something along the lines of ‘Mako was angsty with no good reason’ when no, Mako has a lot of reasons to be jaded in the show. It’s a case of someone who’s emotionally stunted due to growing up too soon.
What I think is more interesting to emphasise with Mako is:
His slightly warped paternalistic nature. He raised Bolin far too young, is overprotective. He has this same attitude with Korra and Asami to an extent— he tries to fix Korra who blows up at him (unreasonably but there’s a reason it didn’t work), and Asami appreciated the protective element but to me it doesn’t read like love.
There is a ruthless element to Mako’s character that is never really explored and links back to the overprotective aspect. I’d like to see Mako’s darker tendencies explored.
All this is more interesting than tying Mako lore to the Book 1 conflict and then just having him be some guy who is there. Say what you want about the love triangle, it does reveal aspects to Mako and Korra that aren’t just related to villains. By removing that, you are actually missing character interactions. It should be easy to give Mako more character considering what we get in canon but somehow Hello Future Me gives Mako less. He really is just some guy in his fix, and there is no indication that he means something to Korra at all. He doesn’t even mention Mako’s death hurting Korra in anyway, because they don’t seem to share any emotional moments together, as friends or lovers. So in the end Hello Future Me doesn’t fix anything to do with Mako, he even makes them worse (beyond book 1).
He probably could have just had his fix of the Legend of Korra have Bolin and Mako gone from it, or removed after season 1. It would have not changed a thing really.
Anyway that’s my issues with Hello Future Me’s Legend of Korra videos. I do think they’re interesting but the thing is I’ve watched the legend of korra like five or six times since 2017 and I’ve thought of my own rewrites. So at this point whilst I liked his discussion of the show I think by gutting the emotional relationship drama, even if it was weak, and replacing it with nothing, he’s made the show less appealing, even if his plot makes more sense (though kicking Korra out of Republic City post Book 1 sucks).
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Kainora Week, Day 3
This story is set in my Battlestar Galactica AU, several weeks after the Day 2 story. Pyramid is a sport in the BSG universe that I’m going to pretend has rules vaguely similar to pro-bending for the sake of storytelling. Content note for adult tobacco use typical of BSG (which might explain why the Twelve Colonies have FTL and sentient AI but no cure for cancer).
“Are you telling me no one here knows how to play pyramid?” asked Mako, agitation finally boiling over.
When word had gone round that the Quartermaster was organizing a pyramid tournament, it had seemed like the pilots would be a clear contender. Unfortunately, Korra was still stuck in sick bay with a busted knee from her downed airman adventure, and Mako was having a hard time coming up with a suitable replacement.
Jinora had been listening as Mako one-by-one propositioned the various pilots coming in and out of the rec room while she worked on a post-flight report. Normally she would have done it in the duty locker or ready room, but if Chief Sato had said she let the nuggets off Viper maintenance early, and if she’d heard one particular nugget mention he was going to the rec room, and if she’d happened to sit next to said particular nugget—well, that was between her and the gods, thank you very much.
Mako dropped into one of the battered plastic chairs and groaned. “I knew we’d never beat the knuckle-draggers, but I was hoping we’d be able to beat the cooks.”
“C’mon, Mako, I’m sure we’ll do fine,” Bolin attempted to console his teammate.
“Without a third player?”
“I’ll do it.”
Jinora’s head snapped to the voice by her side. “What?” said half the room.
“I played some street ball back in the day,” said Kai. “I remember…some of it.”
Mako took a deep breath. “Well, that’s better than nothing. Okay, sure. Welcome to the new-if-not-necessarily-improved Fire Ferrets, Lefty.”
Kai soon regretted the decision, spending basically all his off-duty waking hours (of which there were precious few) in one of the hangar bays serving as makeshift pyramid courts. He said as much before crashing into his rack after his third training session with Mako and Bolin.
“Your pain is my gain,” said Jinora quietly.
“What?” Kai mumbled through the pillow.
Okay, so maybe she had snuck down with Opal and watched them practice. And maybe she’d swapped CAPs with Fruitcake to avoid missing one of their practices. And if she had, so what?
As the tournament approached, she could drop the pretense, as more and more of the pilots made a point of watching (though it cost her an overnight double-CAP from Beaks). If there was one thing Colonial officers and enlistees alike enjoyed, it was gambling, and there were a lot of cubits flying around on tournament wagers. Everyone wanted to get the latest updates on the squad, and give what advice they could. Korra even wobbled down on her crutches and appointed herself Kai’s personal coach, critiquing his form and teaching him a lot of things he hadn’t known were fouls.
To call it a locker room was generous, really a tool closet that was mostly being used for long-term storage. Mako’s official policy on game day access was “wingmen and copilots only”, but Gonzo was nowhere to be seen so Opal was able to slip in as Bolin’s emotional support instead. Korra had made sure they stayed out of the way for final suit-up and prep.
“First match, you’re up against the snipes,” the self-appointed coach said from her spot the room’s only chair. She somehow made the hard black plastic feel like a throne. “That’s good, means Asami will be rooting for you this round. After that, all bets are off. Winner goes up against winner of the gunners-versus-cooks match.”
“Cross that bridge when we come to it,” said Mako. “Alright, everybody ready?”
Kai groaned. Nobody could blame him for being terrified. That didn’t seem to do anything for the terror.
“Nothing like going up against the Cylons,” said Jinora. “You’ll come out in one piece—probably.” She stole his cigarette, gave him a good-luck kiss, and steered him towards the door. “C’mon, time to show the crew what you’ve got.”
Major Shinobi was playing commentator, hyping up the crowd. Mako and Bolin headed out the instant he called their names, but Kai lingered just long enough for Jinora to give him a push.
And if she had opted for an underhand swat, and if she had aimed right for Kai’s behind, and if it had been perhaps a little harder than it needed to be—that was really no one else’s business, now was it?
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bitofthisandthat · 1 year
If you're still doing the send me a ship meme, Leosami?
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SEND ME A SHIP and i’ll tell you:
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who wakes up first in the morning: I'd say they BOTH begrudgingly wake up around the same time, but the one that actually gets out of bed first, is ASAMI.
who’s the first to fall asleep at night: They're both nightowls, so I'd say it depends on who had a harder day. But the other falls asleep soon after.
what they playfully tease each other over: They don't poke at each other's faults? They're in that "in total awe with everything you are" stage where the other can do no wrong. But...Leo knows she's an easy mark for most any razz or fake story, so he takes advantage of her trusting naïveté, and cackles when she falls for it. He also sends her the gross memes. Asami's teasing is more subtle, she makes side comments, double entendre, and tickle-pokes his side when he's being awful.
what they do when the other’s having a bad day: Asami will hole up with Leo and just let him cuddle against her and pour out whatever he needs to vent about if he's having a bad day, and he'll get lots of shell and shoulder rubs and endless sympathy. If she's having a bad day, he does everything he can think of to distract her with cute things or do dare-devil stuff with her alone...and of course, cuddles as well.
how they say ‘i’m sorry’ after arguments: Asami will flat out apologize, it's what she does. She'll want to kiss and make up, too. Leo makes some off-handed remark about it was a stupid fight, but rarely says the words: "I'm sorry." He'll immediately switch the subject and try and cheer her up somehow.
which one’s more ticklish: I know it seems Asami would be...but LEO. And she abuses this knowledge if he's being annoying or if they're messing around. ;] Watch out, blue-boy.
their favourite rainy day activities: During the "innocent" courtship phase, they'll lay around and read. His comics, her books, sometimes he's leaning on her, sometimes he's her pillow. They'll also lazily, half-watch movies together between cat naps, and have small make-out sessions.
how they surprise each other: They just SHOW UP wherever the other one is without texts/calls. She shows up randomly at the subway lair in full beauty queen mode, and drags him on impromptu dates ( escaping dad's fix-ups sometimes ). And once he knows where she lives, he will portal into her room ( respectively ) all the time to be with her. Sometimes to take HER away, sometimes to just hang out in private.
their most sickening shows of public affection: Stupid lovey-dovey nicknames for each other and baby talk--but it's done to annoy everyone on purpose as a joke. Leo's idea, but she follows his lead on that one. Other than that, they probably annoy everyone by the sheer volume of how much PDA goes on between them.
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uselessbard1031 · 2 years
Hello Bardies (and random people that stumbled upon this post)!
I owe you all an update and some writing.
Recently, I asked you all if you would watch me livestream to which I received an enthusiastic yes. So I built a pc! Yep, built, because I never do anything half assed (see: I broke my arm so bad I needed double surgery and almost a whole year of bedrest). However, because my life never ceases to be as mercurial as air, I recently received a job offer that would, among other things, require me to go live on a ship for six months. I accepted because, well, it’s sure to be an adventure! Though now that means I cannot stream as the pc I built to do so is not portable and my laptop is not streamable.
But fear not!
I’ll be back at shore soon enough and I’ll write while I’m out. 
When planning my first stream, I wrote a couple of oneshots (and wrote about half of four different chapters for three different stories I have going on) in hopes to do a countdown of sorts with an upload every day to stream. Now, however, since I could be whisked away by the coast guard for ‘how to not die at sea’ training any day now, I’ve decided to just post what I have done, finish what’s almost done, and then post that too.
First Up: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27339520/chapters/102823521
Featured this time is a Possesive! Asami X Reader and a Lin X Daughter! Reader from my requests file (Yes I still have a requests file, yes I’m aware that this file has requests from 2021 still -- what do you want from me? I’m an air sign.)
I hope this doesn’t disappoint you all, as I know I tend to be a bit flakey to begin with. I enjoy writing my stories for you as much as I enjoy riding motorcycles and jetting off to last minute sea jobs. But sometimes chapters can take a while, plans can change, and for that, I am sorry.
Thank you if you read this far and thank you for supporting me. I care for you all from the bottom of my heart.
‘Til next time,
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You Just Met Me {Zetaflash prompt}
A/N: Helloooo I’ve been on a Bart and Ed kick recently and they need more love so heres a prompt from my Ao3! Enjoy! It’s kinda trash cuz I wrote it at midnight but that’s the writing process
Ao3: Ivanna_panda13
Impulse was an odd creature to Eduardo from day one, remembering a 13-year-old in a spandex bodysuit rapidly drumming his hands against his lap. They waited impatiently in the Taos STARS alongside other teenagers' lab hallway. When Ed was settling into his new meta-human life by force, he didn't think Impulse would be around any longer because why would he? Impulse was a superhero who had other responsibilities than checking up on a stranger from a rescue mission. But the speedster would tag along with the Blue Beetle during every visit to Taos to check in on the four meta teens that stayed inside the STARS lab. Soon Impulse and Blue Beetle turned out to be a boy named Bart and Tye Longshadow's friend named Jaime, a surprise to Eduardo because heroes never told their secret identities even to friends. A friendship grew between Eduardo and Jaime, finally getting the chance to speak Spanish to someone that didn't have a Sr. in their name. Bart was a different story.
When he, Tye, Asami Koizumi, and Virgil Hawkins escaped from STARS, Eduardo didn't expect to see Bart yelling after them in the New Mexico desert.
"Ed! Eddie! Stop!"
"How the hell did they find us already?" asked Tye, scowling at Jaime in the air. Bart skid right into Eduardo, holding onto the boy's shoulders and planting his feet to stop them from falling onto the dirt. Eduardo forcefully pushed Bart away with a harsh glare.
"Did my dad call you to come after us?" spat Eduardo.
"No! It was Nightwing…" Bart answered with hesitation. Eduardo rolled his eyes, turning to walk again to have Bart appear right in front of him again. "Wait! Why did you guys escape? I thought everything was going great?"
"It's called lying, amigo. All my dad wants from the four of us is a new research paper to publish. I'm done being an experiment, and I'm done with this conversation," said Eduardo, pushing past Bart.
"Don't bother trying to stop us, Jaime. I'd rather be at home than that stupid lab," said Tye, watching his friend transform into regular clothes. Jaime sighed, placing his hands on Tye's shoulders to keep him somewhat grounded.
"Then lets go home,"
Eduardo came to a stop, slowly turning to stare dumbfoundedly at Bart's matter-of-fact attitude. Jaime and Tye looked at Bart as if he had grown another head, while Virgil was entirely on board with this idea. Asami didn't know what was happening, waiting for Jaime to translate the conversation. Eduardo stepped in front of Bart, wrinkles deep between his eyebrows, questioning the situation right now.
"If you guys don't want to be here because you feel like lab rats then let's go home," said Bart, smiling at the Argentinian.
"Hermano, Nightwing told us to convince these guys not to runaway," said Jaime.
"Which I get! He wants to make sure the meta genes aren't messing them up, but Edurado has a point. They've have been through a lot recently and need to breath,"
"And I wasn't even a runaway!" added Virgil.
Asami, Bart, Tye, and Virgil all looked at Jaime in an attempt to convince the teenager to let them leave, almost like little puppies except for Eduardo. Eduardo kept a glaring stare at Bart, crossing his arms across his chest. Jaime groaned, dragging a hand down his face.
"We can't just let guys go wherever. Asami isn't from America. Eduardo's house is back that way with someone he doesn't want to be around. And Virgil is all the way up north," said Jaime.
"Oh! Oh! I got it!" yelled Bart, jumping on the balls of his feet. "Sleepover at Jaime's!"
"What?! Why my house!?" exclaimed Jaime.
"Because it's the closet to us," Bart pointed out, facing Eduardo's glare with a smile, poking him between the brows to soften his wrinkles.
"I'm down visiting your folks, Jaim. They do love me," joked Tye, earning another glare from Jaime.
"Fine, whatever! It's getting late, and I know Nightwing is bound to send someone else after us,"
As Jaime dialed Nightwing and the three meta teens followed his path, Bart and Eduardo continued their staring contest with a smile and frown.
"What's your deal?" Eduardo finally cracked. Bart pouted at the question.
"Your deal? Why did you just agree to what I said? When you and Jaime's mission was to send us back to STARS?"
"So you're not happy to catch a break from all the science testing? I could just grab your hand and take you to your dad's," suggested Bart, slowly reaching for Eduardo.
"No!" Eduardo yelled out, stepping away from Bart, watching him giggle out into the cold air.
"I'm kidding! I wouldn't do that to you or Tye or Asami. Running away isn't the best answer but taking time away is a good one,"
"But why?" asked Eduardo again. Bart rolled his eyes, looping an arm around Eduardo as the two walked behind the four teenagers. Eduardo wanted to push Bart off of him as a first reaction, teleport even, but Bart was odd and trusting, something new for the two.
"Because you're cool and friends help each other in a time of need,"
"You just met me,"
"Yes, and I would die for you. Next question,"
A shade of pink spread throughout Eduardo's cheeks, ducking his head not to let anyone see. What a strange thing to say to a friend. What an odd thing to say to anyone new.
Bart was an odd creature to Eduardo. What Eduardo learned of Bart's past was even odder as the sleepover became somewhat of a sharing circle, the six teenagers getting to know one another even more.
Eduardo liked the odd creature. Remembering this night as the night, he made friends and possibly more with the odd creature.
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bumi + lin getting caught or how everyone found out about their relationship :-))))
Title: Discretion
Note: Here’s what I have for this particular Lin/Bumi II prompt. Hope you enjoy 😊
· Pairing: Lin/Bumi II
· One-shot, post-series AU
· Rating: Teen
Bumi was whistling as the hustle and bustle around Air Temple Island continued in preparation for Varrick’s wedding. Why they allowed the wedding and the party on the island, he had no idea.
He watched the tired teenagers who were hovering excitedly around the affianced. He supposed they all deserved some sort of merrymaking after what he had dubbed in his mind as the Kuvira Incident. It also was not a bad idea to have them use this time to work out their romantic entanglements, he thought as he eyed the various couples gravitating toward each other.
It also gave him a lovely excuse to meet up with his ownromantic entanglement.
The former military man faced the city pensively.
He frowned as the water lapped against the shore. The sun continued to shine brightly even as the buildings at the island across showed devastation, some still slightly smoldering days after the attack.
The Kuvira Incident did put things into perspective.
Well, that went dark quickly.
He blinked away grim thoughts and focused instead on the fairy lights being hung around the courtyard.
As he decided earlier, they all deserve some merrymaking.
“What are you doing skulking around?” Bumi asked the lady in green, who was looking down at a kebab that had seemed to have displeased her.
Lin Beifong scoffed. “I am not.” And continued to examine the mystery meat on the stick.
Bumi sauntered closer to her, standing at her side, joining her quiet observation of the party. “What on earth did that kebab do to you?” He waved his free hand to said meat on a stick; his other hand occupied with helping him take a swig of whatever fruity punch Varrick was serving.
She bit it furiously while rolling her eyes. “It’s a bit tasteless, if you must know.”
Bumi bit back a laugh and just hummed.
While she could eat instant noodles as well as any cadet living off rations, Lin did have her snobby side to food when it comes to social events thrown by the upper-class.
“Then again, Varrick is tasteless when it comes to most things.” Lin added, her scowl scaring off a Nuktuk-attired waiter who had the misfortune of glancing their way to offer more refreshments.
This time, Bumi let out a laugh, earning him a smirk from the metalbender.
“Well, that’s true. Let me join you in disparaging the libation too – not a single touch of alcohol in this drink.”
They stood there, at the fringe of the party crowd for a while – he sipping the vile drink, she chewing the tough meat.
“They allowed you to wear that?”
It took Bumi a moment to understand she meant his uniform. “I am a retired commander after all.” That and because he did not want to be dressed in formal wear that was almost identical to what his brother was wearing.
Lin swallowed her food. “Hmm, I've been thinking of that too…”
“Me in a military uniform?” Bumi waggled his eyebrows and received a smack on his arm. “You in my uniform?” Another smack.
“Retiring.” She said it so quietly he thought he must have misunderstood her.
He briefly wondered what could have made her arrive at a such a life-changing decision. Then again, if that meant that she would be closer to safety than danger…
“I don’t see why not?” He tossed back with a grin, noting the veiled concern on Lin’s face, worried about his reaction. “As long as it’s what you truly want.”
Lin’s posture relaxed after that.
They continued to sip and eat in silence.
They saw Rohan running at the other side of the court, weaving through the people who were starting to go to the dance floor. Huan was noticeably dragged by Ikki to dance (“Kid takes after her mother, doesn’t she?” Bumi murmured in jest, only to get an elbow to his side as Lin shook her head.).
As people went over to the dance floor, it would not be long before someone noticed the lady beside him. Chief of Police or not, she always did strike quite a figure. Without all the armor (literally and figuratively), it could be easily argued the Lin could be approachable.
He stood closer at her side. He twitched his pinky finger to touch hers.
Her eyes darted to him.
The mood of the party was happy and hopeful. He knew this feeling. He had seen this before. The sigh of relief and desperation for something good after a long hard military campaign.
His face remained cheerful and proceeded to talk about everything and nothing.
Lin’s expression softened. “Want to leave the party?” Her pinky finger hooked around his.
“Thought you’d never ask.”
As always, Lin was the only one who saw through him.
Propping himself up on his elbow, Bumi watched her sleep.
Lin had always been a light-sleeper. He got that – living with a constant threat hanging at their back or having a long career that required alertness and rapid reaction time does that to you. That was why it never ceased to amaze him that the metalbender manages to have long uninterrupted sleep whenever they were together.
Spirits knew how much she deserved to sleep in.
He had sighed in relief when Lin said she had lied last night. She had not just been thinking of retiring from the police force – she had already filed her retirement to both President Raiko and headquarters. And, in true efficient Beifong fashion, she had secured approval within days. He did not think she had fully recovered and taking a break (albeit a permanent one) was more than needed.
His eyes traced the dark eye bags and pale complexion. The rebuilding efforts and the ton of work post-Kuvira Incident took a toll on her.
Her skin, already marred with various scars and marks throughout the years, was much too pale. Each imperfection was linked with a story. Each story building up to who Lin was now today.
Her ankle had a small scar, almost invisible unless you knew where to look, from her childhood escapades.
There was the jagged scar, stitches very much apparent on her calf from her earlier days as a beat officer.
A smattering of bruises at her lower back was still present, souvenir from being tossed off the colossus.
Her shoulder, while exhibiting any outer trauma, was still healing from being dislocated from the same scrimmage with death.
There were more across her body, but the most recent ones were those that hit Bumi the hardest.
He was the one who found the Beifong sisters unconscious in the arm of the mecha giant.
He had been beyond terrified until found their respective pulses.
He feared it would have been too late for him, for them. Then Lin fluttered her eyes open, and, despite her shallow breaths, managed to croak out in a less than acerbic tone to help her down.
He mused now in the pale daylight that he ought to have done something then, said something then. He decided to rectify that now.
Before he could even reach over to wake her up in that delicious manner he was planning, several loud knocks beat at his door. He subconsciously tightened his grip around Lin’s waist.
“Bumi? Bumi!” Tenzin.
“We know you’re in there.” Su. “Open up!”
Bumi threw a worried glance at Lin, but she was still asleep and simply buried her face closer to his chest, ensconced under his fluffy comforter and buried under his equally soft pillows. He leaned back and closed his eyes, willing their unwanted siblings away.
Maybe if I pretended to be asleep, they would leave us alone…
Knock-knock-knock! A pause. Knock-knock-knock-knock-knock-knock!
He closed his eyes tighter.
“Wait a minute, maybe it’s unlocked anyway…”
What are they talking about?
Bumi found out soon enough when the sound of the door sliding open reached his ears.
“Bumi – I can’t find -!”
He sat up quickly, making sure Lin was comfortable and quite hidden from view.
His visitors stopped at the doorway, enough to trespass but not enough to take a full scan of the room.
“Ohhh, I’m – we’re – sorry –.” Tenzin stammered, quite apologetic for bursting in his brother’s room.
Su did not have the same misgivings. “Bumi has a lady friend!”
“He does?!” A new voice called out with shock.
Tenzin and Su, he can tolerate but having the kids over – Bumi decided he drew the line there.
Fight shock with shock.
He stood up quickly, unmindful of being seen in his birthday suit.
“Oh sweet Spirits Agni! Bumi! Cover yourself!”
“My eyesss!”
The Avatar and Bolin immediately shouted over gasps of shock.
Bumi stretched languidly, pretending that nothing was amiss. He will not be embarrassed. That was their problem, they were the ones who were invading his privacy.
To be fair, he had no issues about his nudity so it was not really a big issue. It was just that with Lin in his bed – well, the situation was a bit tricky. Fortunately, her face was still hidden under the comforter. He pulled it higher, never mind that part of her leg is still visible.
“To what do I owe this wake-up call?” Bumi scratched his beard, acting as though this was a normal occurrence. He did delight in making his brother uncomfortable. They became closer in the latter years. Old habits die hard though.
“Bumi, we apologize for barging in this morning.” Tenzin was looking over his shoulder. “But could you – at least -.” He waved at the general direction of the naked man.
Bumi took his sweet time going around the room to pull on some clean shorts.
Su took this opportunity to push out the kids out of the room, who he now saw included both pro-bending brothers, Asami, Opal, and the Avatar.
“Why is the entire cavalry here?” Bumi sauntered to the door, blocking everyone’s view of the room and angling his body to stand in the way of the bed. “What’s up?”
“It’s Lin.”
A beat.
“What about her?”
“She’s missing. I didn’t know when she went home last night.” Su wringed her hands in worry. “I called her house, no one answered. We went over and she wasn’t there.”
It annoyed Bumi how they were suddenly on Lin’s case when they barely said two words to her the night before. There was bound to be a hidden agenda to this sudden worry.
“Your sister is a grown woman and she's been taking care of herself without you lot for more than a decade now.
He scanned the faces around him.
Postures stiffened, Tenzin flinched, eyes avoided Bumi’s.
Yeah¸ that’s what I thought.
Su stomped lightly. “Regardless of that,” The woman was adamant and would not back down. “We intend to go to the station to report her missing, with or without your inputs.”
Mako looked downright uncomfortable, Bumi thought the boy genuinely cared for his mentor.
“Boy, anything you’d like to add, detective?” Bumi nodded at the firebender.
“We can’t file a missing person’s case unless the person has been missing for more than 24 hours.” Mako shifted his eyes.
“There you go. Drop the matter, Su. I’m sure Lin is fine.”
Su looked like she was about to argue and Tenzin was about to say something but Mako beat him to it.
Still not catching anyone’s eyes, Mako started. “And well, what if the Chief also had a lady friend like Bumi? Or a gentleman friend?”
Bumi almost snorted.
Gentleman friend, what?
The detective was looking ill now but props to the boy.
“Lin with a special friend is highly unlikely.” Lin’s sister said decidedly, waving off Mako’s theory.
Bumi snorted now. “Right, because you’d know, ain’t it right?”
“I don’t see why not?” Suyin frowned, crossing her arms.
Moments like this Bumi was reminded why Lin still held some form of dislike towards her sister.
Asami tried to mediate. “I don’t think Chief Beifong would appreciate her private life being discussed like this.”
Bumi knew he always liked the Sato girl, he nodded and added. “Please don’t do this to try to assuage your…guilt.”
As expected, there were reactions from Su and Tenzin.
“We are not -!”
“Nonetheless, Bumi, Lin is…” Tenzin’s words trailed off and color drained from his face as he continued to look over his brother’s shoulder.
Bumi knew the moment Tenzin realized who was in his bed. He quickly slid the door closed. He tried to meet his brother’s eye, but the man was resolutely looking away.
“Safe.” Tenzin managed to choke out. “Let’s go everyone, I’m sure Lin is very safe.”
Su turned on Tenzin, obviously shocked by his sudden change. “What are you talking about, Tenzin – we -.”
“If Bumi says Lin is okay, then she probably is.” Was the simple yet shifty response.
“But we need Lin to -!”
Opal elbowed her mother gently, asking her to drop the issue. It did not escape Bumi’s notice.
There was the hidden agenda – Su needs Lin for something.
The group scurried away as both Tenzin and Mako helped herding them away from the bedrooms.
Bumi figured it was too early to be dealing with anything.
He rejoined a sleeping Lin in bed, who in turn, burrowed into his side.
He will deal with the real world later. For now, he will enjoy this.
Ignoring Suyin who was still chattering about one thing or another (in all likelihood berating him for not supporting her call to search for her sister), Tenzin mulled over his earlier discovery.
Lin and Bumi are together.
Not just together but together – together.
He wringed with his hands as they walked to the dining hall.
How long have they been together?
He had thought that this knowledge would bother him – well, it did, he reconsidered, but not for the reasons he might have initially thought of.
It was bothering him the same way it would have bothered him to see any woman sleeping with his older brother.
He had reconciled with his siblings and the Beifongs in the recent years, but some things should have remained private between them.
Like Bumi’s sex life.
Like Lin’s sex life.
Like their sex life.
Oh, how he wished he gone back to the past few minutes when he was still blissfully unaware. Or he hoped he would have already forgotten the markings and scars on Lin’s legs in order to not have recognized her in his brother’s bed.
Ah well, Tenzin eyed Lin’s family, the Avatar, Bolin, Asami, and Mako walking beside him, here’s hoping they not find out soon.
He doubted greatly that Lin would enjoy her relationship being disclosed before she deemed it necessary.
He recalled Bumi’s stance earlier, how protective he was of an unknowing Lin.
End of the day, Tenzin just wanted both of them to find happiness. He had did them both wrong in their lifetime and was at a loss on how to rectify it. The airbender had been trying in the past years, but there was only so much he could do.
Too little, too late, he always thought.
Tenzin waved at the acolytes that were leaving the dining hall. Pema sat down beside him and smiled as she handed him the platter of food. He smiled back, thinking still how lucky he was to have her by his side.
And now, by some peculiar twist of fate, Bumi and Lin found each other.
And, if, they make each other happy and content, then, Tenzin decided then and there, he will support them in any way that he can.
“Bro, are you going to eat that last piece?”
Mako was shaken from his reverie. Bolin stabbed the food on his plate at his head shake.
“Are you alright, Mako?” Asami was always the sensitive and observant of the group.
The firebender tossed a look at the Avatar chatting with Bolin and Opal at the other side of the table. After making sure that they were preoccupied, he turned to Asami.
Asami raised her eyebrows at him. “Well?”
“I think I know where the chief is.” He could not help but dart a wary glance at the Beifongs. “But it’s not my place to say.” Mako quickly added.
Asami leaned back at her seat and looked at him quizzically. “How did you know where?”
Mako dropped his utensils on the plate and covered his face with his hands. He was not one of Lin’s proteges for nothing.
One of his strengths as a detective is his keen eye for detail.
And details did not evade him in that brief view of Bumi’s bedroom.
It was quite obvious to him that the strewn pieces of clothing belonged to someone he had seen in attendance in the wedding reception earlier.
And that someone is his commanding officer.
Said commanding officer made her presence known at the lunch table that noon, surprised at seeing everyone still on the island.
That Chief Beifong was not expecting that there were still other guests at the residential area of Air Temple Island was fairly obvious, as Bumi was walking beside her, whispering at her side with a smile.
The plan was, actually, for most of the guests to have already gone their own ways but that morning’s excursion to Republic City made everyone’s itinerary delayed and their breakfast turned into brunch.
She exchanged a look with Bumi who shrugged and tried to sit at one of the empty tables unnoticed.
Now, while Mako might have been blessed with a sense of discretion, the same cannot be expected of his brother.
This became much apparent when said brother had gaped and thoughtlessly exclaimed, “Lin! We’ve been looking for you all morning – at what corner of Air Temple Island did you sleep at? I doubt this is the walk of shame.”
This pronouncement drew the attention of everyone in the hall – attention at her (their) very late entry and at her clothes which were clearly too formal for the day.
No one dared speak up as the metalbender simply glared at the earthbender, not responding.
There was complete silence in the dining hall.
…until comprehension dawned on Suyin Beifong’s face.
Then all hell broke lose.
Note: That could have probably gone better but let me know what you think. Anon, hope that worked for you (feel free to leave a note/msg :) ) Hope everyone is doing good, at least.
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meeko-mar · 3 years
Can I just compare Bakudeku to Korrasami for just a moment
Not as in, their relationship, but in terms of fandom experience, perception and how it became Canon.
So, some years ago, LOK was on it's 4th and final season. So of course, shipping discourse was high. Who would Korra end up with? Would she end up single, be back with Mako?
Or....there was a big calling for the couple Korrasami, that is, Korra and her female friend Asami, to get together.
Now, up until the point of the finale, (and grant that I haven't watched in a while so I'm speaking in an overall sense and recalling my experience) Asami and Korra had been teaming up more and more. Korra had been really, badly, injured in the last season, leading to her isolating herself in the SWT for about 2 or 3 years to heal with Katara, and upon heading back to Empire City, she takes an abrupt turn to spend more time isolated and on a sort of spirit journey in the wild because she didn't feel ready to face her destiny and her friends and was suffering from PTSD. She later returns to EC, and to Asami, and they are close together for the season.
This all caught the attention of the Korrasami shippers who had, at the time, kind of only been casually shipping them because, hey, wouldn't it be nice? and they were slowly and steadily getting more crumbs, and the ship gathered momentum as the seasons progressed.
But lo and behold, everyone else was saying such things as:
"they're a female/female ship, it will never happen, even if you want it to" (even shippers of Korrasami were resigned to this because the precedent in youth animation in western cartoons at the time, was of course, not inclusive of same sex couplings).
We SAW the subtle development between the two and DARED to hope and dream that it might one day become canon, even though we thought it unlikely because of the trend towards heteronormativity. We saw their interactions and toiled over if they were trying to hint at something more between them.
"They're just friends. You're reading into it"
Because the "just friends" behavior of Korrasami in later seasons were:
-Asami being deeply supportive of Korra when she was injured (and for a time, disabled) Like, literally, getting on a knee, putting her hand into Korra's and saying "I'm here for you, for ANYTHING you need" kind of supportive, even offering to COME to the SWT with her. (Korra sacrificed her desire to have Asami close because she didn't want Asami to drop her duties as basically a CEO to tend to her)
-Korra receiving letters from all of her friends during her healing period, but ONLY responding, in a very beautiful letter, to Asami's.
-Korra honestly apologizing for being gone so long without writing more than one letter or sharing more of what was going on or where she went
-Asami complimenting Korra's new hair and Korra BLUSHING and looking SO charmed(and returning the compliment of how amazing Asami always looks) --there is no hetero explanation for this.
-being battle partners and constantly having each other's backs
-Asami protecting Korra from pursuing enemies while she's in the Spirit World(leaving her physical body vulnerable)
-other characters in their circles being literally like "What's going on with you two??"
-Culminating in the final episode after the final battle with Asami breaking down, confessing that she wouldn't know what she had done if she had lost Korra in that final battle(she'd even lost her father the same day) AND THEN Korra comforting her and suggesting that they, the two of them, alone, take a trip together, to get away from it all for a bit.
-It ends, when They literally walk into the spirit world portal holding hands and staring lovingly into each other's eyes as the camera pans from them into the spirit portal
Which, LET ME TELL YOU, watching this when it first premiered, for the first time, WAS AN ALMOST TRANSCENDENT EXPERIENCE. It was a soft scene, emotional, beautifully animated, and the MUSIC just hit you right in the heart. Like, they didn't even kiss to really hammer it in that THEY ARE IN LOVE, however, it was an EMOTIONAL PAYOFF and there was NO arguing that they were not a couple. Creators soon after confirmed, yes, they are both bisexual women, and they are in love.
And so, you could definitely say that Korrasami could have been interpreted as just "Very Good Friends" behavior, of "Gals being Pals", and many people DID argue that, and would later claim that there wasn't "enough build-up to the relationship". And part of the atmosphere in media back then(esp. Nickelodeon at the time) they really couldn't be blatant about it up until that ending. It was even a thing that Nickelodeon had been kind of shooting them in the foot for a while with switching around air times, and eventually taking it off air and putting it only available to view ON THEIR WEBSITE. There was a lot of fuckery with the studio at the time, and It wouldn't have been far off to think that they had issue with the idea of this series ending with two girls together romantically.
It just kind of makes me think of people telling BKDK, not only "They're m/m, it'll never happen in shonen manga" but ALSO anything from "they hate eachother" to "They are toxic because Bakugou bullied him(blatant disregard for any current development of Bakugou's character) and so it can never ever happen" to "Ok sure they're becoming friends again, but that doesn't mean they love each other or will by the end of the story"
When arguably, Korrasami was basically given the same dismissal.
And my dudes, it's only gonna get more intense from here.
Like, Bakugou and Izuku are friends now(again). There's no denying that. They would literally die for one another. Their relationship, and the emotions between the two of them in the coming arcs will only be compounded, with how the last arc left off and how Izuku SUDDENLY left and how Bakugou has so many unresolved feelings, and how, like Korra being the Avatar and having to save the world multiple times over(and the PTSD she got from it), Izuku is carrying a heavy burden that Bakugou is determine to help him see it through to the end without LOSING Izuku in the process. Their stories are so closely tied together and they are SET to return to each other, and it CANNOT end WITHOUT them being together, in some capacity, even if it is just platonic.
So...I wouldn't write BKDK off just yet. We're at the same spot right now that Korrasami shippers were when they were starting to seriously think that there was something canon about Korrasami.
So, Am I saying that I for sure, 100% believe that BKDK will become romantically canon? Not really; the hurdle of it being a Shonen-oriented manga being actively marketed for boys, is admittedly a huge hurdle to overcome, and I, as an American, cannot begin to understand all of the cultural barriers, or implications breaking any of those barriers would have to a Japanese audience or for Horikoshi/his career as a manga-ka.
I still don't know what Horikoshi is thinking when it comes to BKDK, he's obviously very private and all we can do is speculate on what he feels about it; there's still a possibility, however small, that he may actually be the biggest BKDK of us all, and "telling the story he wants to tell" may yet include BKDK becoming canon(that quote may also have nothing whatsoever to do with any romance, but we don't know)...But, much like I was at the point in the Korrasami tale, I'm still painfully aware of the precedent that remains in the way.
Like the Korrasami tale, though, I suppose there is that possibility that we will see something completely amazing and groundbreaking, and I will once again have that transcendent experience where an unlikely ship suddenly becomes reality. At this state in the Korrasami tale, I had NO IDEA that we were shipping the real, canon deal, and it honestly surprised me, being that I usually attach myself to something that never becomes canon, lol(*cough*Zutara).
We're in the thick of it now, we just gotta wait it out and see.
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komakitigerdrop · 3 years
Lingering Affections
A Tumblr Special
So this is a very short story that I will be posting on Tumblr, because I can't stop thinking about Yoh, so... yeah.
Tagging just so you know:
What: Installments will be an average of 1k words, so really short for my standards lol. Might be mildly canon divergent because I am not bothering with the details in this arc - it's been hard to navigate the translations going around. I believe there are gaps that will not be addressed in the manga (I might be proven wrong - it wouldn't be the first time heh) concerning Yoh's current situation with Fei and Tao as well as his past with Asami, and it is on those narrative gaps that I will focus.
Who: Mainly Yoh, interacting with Fei, Tao, Asami, Kirishima, maybe Mikhail. That one I haven't drafted yet.
When: it starts some time before Sakazaki is interrogated, and then catches up with the current arc's timeline (or a semblance of it) as the story develops.
Here we go!
1. Constellations
It was almost midnight when Yoh finished his second cigarette, his eyes still averted to a window on the third floor of the armory building in Baishe's headquarters. The lights were on, just like in at least eight other rooms, but he knew exactly whose silhouettes he would soon be looking at.
Like constellations, Liu Fei Long's presence in the gigantic compound could only be detected when one knew exactly where to look.
“Smoking is bad for you.”
The quiet, childish voice startled him, and he had to stifle a cough before turning around.
He pondered the warning for a while. He had seen and done things that would terrorize the average man, made enemies in every corner of the world, tortured and been tortured, killed far too many to have a remote chance to enjoy a peaceful afterlife - if there was really one, that is. Given his line of business, where each assignment might as well be his last, to live long enough to see his cigarettes turn his lungs to dust sounded far-fetched at best.
"I wouldn't be that lucky…" he responded, his voice no louder than a whisper.
The boy avoided his eyes, as usual. The animosity between them might have fizzled out while Yoh was recovering from his injuries, but now that things were going back to normal - whatever normal meant those days - Tao had grown increasingly distant, and kept their interactions as short as possible.
'Understandably so,' he thought. Unlike Fei Long, not everyone in that place would be so fast to forgive his betrayal years prior - let alone to welcome him back to the premises. In Tao's case, he suspected feelings other than resentment made him prone to a special kind of bitterness.
"When are you going back to Taiwan?" the boy asked.
Noticing that his eyes had shifted to the same window he had been looking at, Yoh let out a sigh, reaching for another cigarette.
"I don't know," he replied, the soft click of his Zippo cutting through the thick, cold silence between them. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"
"I'm not tired."
Before he had time to counter that sleep would come if you gave it a chance, the sound of windows being shut far above them made him turn his head, just in time to see, as he knew he would, the silhouette of a slender, long haired man, with another man behind him, already undressing.
Yoh's eyes quickly shifted to Tao's face, the corners of his mouth curling downwards as his eyes flashed with a mix of sadness and fury. And then, without a word, the boy simply turned on his heels and stomped back inside.
"Well, good night to you too," Yoh said quietly, reaching for the keys inside the pocket of his leather jacket.
After another long, tired sigh, he turned to look at the BMW he had been leaning on and checked his reflection on one of the car's windows, the tip of his fingers moving a longer strand of hair to cover one of his most recent scars, right above his left eyebrow.
With a cigarette dangling from his lips, he proceeded to check his phone and the endless list of tasks he had been assigned, finding the location and details of who he should be meeting in an hour or so.
The intelligence network Fei Long had created to find and capture Sakazaki, after all, started and ended with him, Yoh, putting his best skills to use so that they would get the information they needed - by whatever means necessary.
It was going to be another long, busy night.
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cherrychonk · 3 years
The Transfer part 10
(This was more of a filler chapter so bare with me okay? I had a block as big as my forehead and needed something to move forward with the story. Don't get me wrong, some y/nxLin shit in here too ;) )
You're sitting close to Zhu Li, the cameras are taking pictures as you get ready for the interview. The woman next to you, the president, looks to be for the people. She has a soft smile that fills you up with confidence, yet her firmness reminds you of Lin. The Chief, now standing a few feet behind you, arms behind her back watching the crowd. You meet her eyes briefly, looking for comfort when her iron expression softens and she gives you a nod.
You go back to looking at president Moon who is now getting ready to start the interview. She stretches her hand and you shake it gracefully.
“It's an honor to finally meet you officer Y/N, I've heard great things about you.” The woman spoke.
“The honor is all mine.” You respond with a smile.
“I've heard everything about your selfless act of risking your life to save a young girl from a burning building, to the simple deed of showing kindness to those around you.”
You smiled gently.
“When I heard what you've done, I knew I had to see you in person. Such altruistics actions of bravery and compassion should be recognized. Don't you agree?”
You sat straight in your chair. The cameras were pointing at you and you felt the temperature rise. “I was honoring my job and the lives at risk. I'm here to protect and serve the citizens of The Republic of Nations.”
Zhu Li seemed content with the response. “Yet you went above and beyond. I know what police work is about, and not a single manual I've ever read stated that you should go into a burning and nearly collapsing building to save a life.”
You nodded. “It's in my moral code to do anything and everything possible to preserve life, no matter the person. All life is precious and should be treated with respect and dignity.”
“I agree completely. Life is a wonderful thing, and I'm sure that girl and her family are more than happy that they get to spend many more years enjoying it.”
Zhu Li stared at your uniform for a few seconds before looking up at your eyes. “Would you mind rolling up your sleeves?” She asked politely.
You nodded and slowly rolled them to your shoulders. It was nerve racking. You didn't know what she was about to do, she could ostracize you in front of hundreds of people or worse. Yet you stayed calm and trusted her to be respectful, you also trusted Lin to have your back.
“One of the main things in the paper besides your bravery, was your skin. I've never seen a woman as heavily tattooed as you. It was quite the surprise to see an officer covered in ink.
“There's so many tattoos. Symbols, flowers, animals, words. So many things in your skin. Seeing it in the newspaper doesn't do it justice. It makes you pop out. Is that why you got them? If not, why would you do such a thing?”
You could see Lin move to your line of view from your peripheral. Knowing she was close by made you relax a little. You started telling the woman your views on tattoos, what they meant to you and to so many people. Why you had so many (Just for aesthetic reasons) and the stories behind a few. She asked more questions that you answer truthfully. The more time went on the more comfortable you felt talking to the President. To you and everyone’s surprise she raised her blouse and turned around to reveal a small flower tattoo on the back of her shoulder. Your jaw dropped and she started talking about how no one should be judged over things like that because it didn't mean anything about someone's character. You were still stunned as she turned to the camera crew and stated how she would fight to bring equality in the workplace and in the city. How she would stand against stigmas that hurt people and how she would be by the side of those who were unjustly judged for it. She walked towards you as you stood and shook her hand.
“I will fight for you and the people, you have my support.” The President said proudly.
You smiled brightly. “Thank you.”
You and Lin were walking out of the building towards the parking lot. You had to take a few pictures with the paparazzi and answer a few questions but soon they were more focused on Zhu Li to pay attention to you. Once they left you alone you and Lin continued walking.
“Did you see that?! She has a tattoo!” You exclaimed in shock.
“I saw it, pretty unbelievable. Wouldn't have guessed it myself.” Lin responded walking alongside you.
“It makes you think how many other people have tattoos that we don't know of! I bet there's more than a handful of officers with tattoos! And doctors! And government officials!” You tell her animatedly.
She nodded. “The law is going to change now, they will see how good people don't look traditionally good but still are great people.”
“This is so exciting! How things are changing.” You said climbing into the patrol.
Lin nodded. “They usually change for the better. Asami and Korra really helped this nation become more accepting of people’s sexuality. So many couples can marry and have rights that they didn't have before. I remember when Kya and Amara had to go to the south to get married and the city only recognized it a few years ago.”
“Wow… Things do change for the better.” You said in awe.
“And now you're part of that big change. You should feel proud.” Lin said calmly.
“You know, If you hadn't allowed me to stay, I would've never saved that girl. That later made me show my tattoos, that now is making all these things happening. A series of fortunate events all thanks to you.” You smiled at her.
The chief just shrugged. “When did Amara say you could be back?”
“According to her, as soon as I can run a marathon without passing out.” You huffed.
“Well, if you keep going to physical therapy and do the things doctor Amara asks you to do, you'll be back to the old you in no time.” Lin says looking over at you momentarily.
“I hope so…”
“Y/N, if you need anything. You will call me directly and I’ll make sure you get any help you need. Your recovery is very important and your health is top priority right now. I understand that you might want to be in the station by the next few hours but healing takes time. Make sure to take as long as you need and don't rush it.”
You felt your heartbeat louder than usual at the Chief’s words of advice. How she prioritized your needs and well-being. You felt your face heat up and nodded eagerly.
“T-Thanks, I'll keep it in mind, Chief.”
It was an agonizing slow month, physical therapy was long yet everyday you got a little better. Better at walking up or down stairs without falling, better at walking and finally better at running. Sparring was still a huge no by all the doctors but that didn't mean you couldn't bend your element against Korra whenever you visited her and Asami. The heiress would take you to the race track and show you a good time with the cars. She even taught you to drive some and slowly you were racing alongside the CEO, not as fast but still having fun.
When you first met Naga you almost had a heart attack, she appeared out of nowhere scaring the heck out of you. She immediately took a liking to you and she even let you ride her around.
Other days you would visit temple island and carefully play with the kids, running around and playing hide and seek. You bonded with all of them and would stay for dinner most days. Team avatar would take you with them for little adventures around the city and you got to meet a few new people and the best noodle place was Narook Seaweed Noodlery. Even though there was still much to explore, your day was too energy draining to continue until sundown.
You finally managed to take Jia for some drinks and started bonding with her more. You noticed her attitude towards you changed, she was less flirtatious and more relaxed around you. She would check up on you every day, calling the apartment phone and making sure you had eaten. She reminded you of an officer back in Ba Sing Se that would always be next to you checking everything for you. You used to call him little brother, even though he was older, just because he was so childishly protective of you.
On the other hand, you barely saw the Chief. The only moments were in the temple at dinner time where Kya and her wife would come over and she would appear sometimes. You would tell her your progress and talk for a while before both of you parted ways at the docks. Sometimes you stayed over and sometimes Kya drove you home, but you always ended your day with a huge smile on your face and absolutely exhausted.
Today you were finally going back to work after being cleared by Doctor Amara and Master Kya. You were incredibly happy and grateful for their care, helping you fully recover from your injury. You were now on your way to the station, in your hands you carried three hot coffees on your cup tray and a bag of pastries. Pushing the doors open with your back, Jia quickly walked over to you with a smile.
“Y/N! You're back!” She beamed.
“I wanted to surprise you.” You laughed while handing her coffee and snacks.
“Well this is more than a pleasant surprise.” She smiled.
“Did I get here before the Chief?” You asked, walking over the elevator.
“Nope! She beat you this time, she's in her office. I'm sure she will be glad to see you here again.” Jia said, pressing the elevator button.
“We'll see, talk to you later!” You smiled at her.
The door closed and you were counting each floor until the loud ding signaled you were finally at your floor. You were always a sucker for being early and were pleased to find the bullpen mostly empty except for a couple of officers including Mako. The man looked surprised to see you before a wide smile spread across his face.
“Y/N! You're back. Welcome.” Mako said proudly.
“You thought you were getting rid of me that easily?” You fake being insulted before chuckling. “I'm a lot harder to kill than you think.”
You both walked towards the Chief’s office while he knocked on the door.
“Come in.” The Chief said in her usual strong voice.
“Can't wait to work with you again. Of course, as soon as the Chief un-grounds you.” He joked.
You stuck your tongue out and he laughed walking away.
“Good Luck!” He yelled over his shoulder.
You shook your head, slowly pushing the door open and carefully walking inside. The Chief looked up at you from her glasses and quickly her face softened.
“Welcome back, officer Y/N.”
You smiled at her as you looked around her newly redesigned office. The first thing you noticed was the small desk beside the Chief’s own and the similar chair on it. Then you saw Lin walking over to you carefully grabbing the bag and coffee tray.
“Good morning Chief. You really meant it when you said you would work side by side with me.” You smile.
“It seems the only way to keep you out of trouble is constant supervision.” Lin responded, setting the coffee down.
You sat at your new desk and tapped it around getting the feel of it.
“All your files were moved here so everything you left should be there. If something’s missing I'll ask Saikan where he put it.”
You opened a few drawers and pulled out the journal and your notepad. You could see the rest of the files and pull some out. “It seems everything’s here.”
Lin nodded and started doing her mountain of paperwork. You reached out and took a sip of your coffee as you started to read where you left off.
You were back.
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justanotherexlover · 4 years
Anonymous said:
Can you please make another chapter of "The Metal Clan" the first one is so good and I was so happy to see a Lin x reader!
Anonymous said:
when are you gonna update the metal clan?
The Metal Clan (2/3) (Lin Beifong x Reader)
Warnings: Angst, language
Word count: 2,900+
Notes: Apologies for the title formatting, I’m without a computer and Tumblr mobile sucks. I’ll fix it when I get a chance!
Tumblr media
You watched as Lin and Suyin went back and forth once Korra confronted Lin, and you felt like your head was spinning. You’d seen Lin upset before, but she seemed utterly impossible to reason with at this moment.
“You’re the one who tore our family apart,” Lin said, pointing a finger at her sister.
“Yeah, and you’ve done a bang-up job of keeping it that way!” Su shot back, looking every bit as fierce.
“Shut up!” You exclaimed, looking at both of them. Your wife looked shocked, and Suyin seemed slightly smug as you continued, your words aimed at your wife, “Let it go. For now, at least. We came here with a goal in mind.”
“Thank you,” Suyin asid politely, raising her eyebrows at her sister, then turning to Korra, “My daughter is thrilled to meet you.”
“Your niece--our niece--is the new Airbender,” You told Lin, sending her a look of warning to be nice.
“Terrific,” Lin said, not bothering to hide the sarcasm in her voice.
You glared at her, and Bolin leaned over to whisper to you, “Trouble in paradise?”
“Shut up Bolin,” You muttered.
You basically had to drag Lin out of the airship. Even though she’d been found out, she didn’t see the point in going around Zafou. You insisted, however, and she gave in eventually(although still grumbled about it).
“Those are my two youngest, Wei and Wing. They’re playing a game called power disc. They invented it all on their own,” Su said, her voice thick with pride for her twin sons.
A metal disk was being hit back and forth between the brothers, and hitting metal posts in the middle. You weren’t sure if you entirely understood the rules, but it looked like they were having fun.
They twins were both very talented benders, and you glanced at your wife to see if she noticed. Lin seemed so cold and apathetic, and it was beginning to bother you more and more with each passing moment. You knew bits and pieces of what had happened between her and her sister--how Su had left home at 16 after a fight, leaving their family essentially in pieces.
But what could she have done that would justify this behavior?
“I’m so proud of them,” Suyin said, her hands clasped together. She had a small smile on her face.
“You should be,” You spoke up, smiling at her. She placed one hand over her heart, looking bashful.
The team walked on, and you could hear Korra and Asami marveling over the metalwork of the mansion. It was a sight to behold, for sure.
You fell a little behind the group to stand next to Lin, and you looked at her, “You could at least pretend to care.”
She glanced at you, her face stiff, “Why would I do that?”
You let out a scoff. Lin had always been an opinionated woman, and you loved her for that, but you had never seen her so uncaring before. You wanted to ask her for an explanation, but knew that now wasn’t the time.
Your attention was soon taken by the sound of metal creaking and you searched for the source of the noise, your eyes landing on a man who was frowning at a statute he was attempting to bend.
“Huan, I want you to meet the Avatar and her friends,” Suyin said brightly, gesturing to the group, “And your Aunt Lin and her partner, your Aunt (y/n).”
It felt weird to be referred to as someone’s aunt, since before today you didn’t even know that Suyin had children. But a feeling of fondness spread through you, feeling fully embraced by Su.
“Nice to meet you,” Korra said.
“Hey,” Huan said, not looking away from his statue. He, like Lin, didn’t seem to care much about what was going on. You wondered if Lin had the introspection to see that Huan was similar to her, but again, she wasn’t even paying attention.
“Wow, that’s a really nice…” Bolin started, squinting at the statute. He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, and his answer sounded more like a question, “Banana?”
You snorted, and Huan turned around and angrily exclaimed, “It’s not a banana! I was inspired by Harmonic Convergence. It represents the dawning of a new age, obviously.”
Bolin seemed embarrassed, but was squinting at the statue in an attempt to see what Huan was talking about. You figured you should probably help him out.
“Each side is supposed to be the opposite ends of Harmonic Convergence, right? And the middle piece rises above both, which is the new age dawning,” You guessed, and he turned toward you, an eyebrow raised.
“Yeah,” Huan said, his voice never straying from its monotone state as he pursed his lips, “Finally someone with an artistic eye.”
You smiled at him, and noticed Suyin give you an appreciative smile as you moved closer to her as the group began walking again. Bolin was rambling on about understanding the artwork, and attempting to make a frame with his hands from which to view it. So much for your attempts at helping him out.
“Nice job,” Suyin said, smiling at you, “Huan is such a great artist, but to be honest I don’t understand his art until he explains it most of the time.”
You waved her off, flushing slightly, “It seemed obvious, I suppose.”
“Nonsense. You have the eye of an artist,” She praised you, and you noticed Lin’s shoulders set in the back of the group. She was obviously listening in on the conversation.
You began walking up the stairs with Lin, each step making a slight creaking noise, “I didn’t get to say it before, Zafou is absolutely beautiful. I’ve always wanted to visit, but… It’s more than I could’ve imagined.”
Now it was Su’s turn to blush, and she spread her arms in front of herself, “It’s my pride and joy, after my husband and children, of course… I wish you two would’ve visited sooner.
“Me too,” You said quietly, “It hasn’t been for lack of trying on my part.”
Su hummed, nodding in understanding, “I know how stubborn my sister can be. But at least you’re here now.”
Suyin was nothing like what Lin had described her as--your wife had said she was selfish and irresponsible, but the woman next to you seemed smart and kind. She’d changed a lot over the last 30 years it seemed, but Lin didn’t want to see that.
You arrived at the top of the stairs and followed Suyin as she walked up to a sweet looking girl and began speaking, “This is my daughter Opal.”
Upon hearing her name, the girl looked over and closed her book, her eyes instantly landing on Korra as she said, “Wow, Avatar Korra. I can’t believe you’re really here. You’re amazing.”
Opal had a soft voice and a delicate demeanor, and you were sure that she would do well as an Airbender.
“It’s great to meet you, Opal,” Korra said kindly.
“Opal? That’s a beautiful name,” Bolin said, holding out his hand. She smiled bashfully and pushed her hair behind her ear. You raised your eyebrow, watching the exchange carefully.
“Thanks,” She said.
“I’m Bolin,” He introduced himself, and she shook his hand.
“Opal,” She responded instantly. A blush took over her face, and you smiled as she rushed to recover, “But, uh, you already knew that.”
Lin walked over to you, and you hoped that Lin saw how sweet her niece was and would feel more sociable. But instead she said, “Great, we found the Airbender. Let’s take her back to the airship and get out of here.”
You rolled your eyes, giving her a scathing look. She ignored it easily.
“And the woman apparently trying to abduct you is your Aunt Lin, and her spouse (y/n),” Suyin explained to her daughter, slightly amused.
Opal looked between you and Lin, and a large smile come onto her face, “Really? I didn’t know Aunt Lin was married. I’ve always wanted to meet you!”
Lin’s face didn’t change, but you reached forward and took Opal’s hand, “It’s great to meet you, Opal. You seem like a nice girl.”
She blushed again, and said, “Thank you.” After shaking your hand, Opal turned her attention to Lin and said, “My mom’s told me so many stories about you.”
“I’m sure she has,” Lin said coldly, crossing her arms. Opal’s face fell, and you looked at her apologetically. Regardless of Lin’s feelings towards her sister, she had no right to speak to Opal that way.
Suyin, thankfully, moved past the tension with ease, “So I’ve set all of you up in the guest houses while Korra trains Opal.”
“Oh…” Korra started, sounding slightly unsure, “I’m sorry, but I was hoping that Opal could train with the rest of the airbenders at the Northern Air Temple.”
“That sounds amazing,” Opal said dreamily, clasping her hands together. She was such a sweet girl, and you found it funny considering that most Beifong women were known for being harsh.
“Nonsense,” Suyin said, and her daughter’s face fell as she continued, “This is where Opal’s home and family are. You can train her here.”
“I guess I could help her get started,” Korra said, shrugging.
You wanted to point out that Opal obviously wanted to train at the temple, but Lin was already speaking.
“Absolutely not. We’re leaving,” She said, leaving no room for argument.
“I have to agree with Lin,” You said, and Suyin seemed surprised as you added, “There are assassins after Korra, and even then… I think it would be nice for Opal to be around other airbenders.”
You wanted to stay in Zaofu, but even you could recognize that it would be safer to leave and keep moving.
“If you’re concerned about safety, don’t be. This is the safest city in the world,” Suyin said confidently. She then went on to invite you and everyone else to dinner, but your eyes were on Lin the whole time.
“Five kids, what a nightmare,” Lin said when Suyin introduced her oldest, and you kicked her shin under the table. She sent you a scathing look, but you ignored it and just rolled your eyes.
“No, no, my children are a blessing,” Suyin said graciously, bowing her head. You smiled at her.
“Yeah, mom used to say that too but she never meant it,” Lin shot back. You looked down at your plate, suddenly feeling very awkward and out of place.
You reached a hand forward to brush Lin’s hand, but she pulled away, crossing her arms. You tried to hide the hurt expression on your face, but Suyin noticed and sent you a sympathetic look.
Lin made a few more comments to her sister, but you largely ignored them, feeling overwhelmed with trying to reign in Lin’s attitude.
Most of the conversation was lost on you(you even ignored Varrick’s arrival, deciding that you had too much on your plate to deal with him), as you contemplated what could’ve happened between Lin and Suyin.
Suyin left home at 16, which would’ve made Lin not much older at just 22. But she was definitely an officer by then, so maybe it was some encounter there?
Or maybe Lin was upset that her sister didn’t want to become an officer? Or did Toph favor Suyin? You didn’t know much about Lin’s mother and had never met her, but nothing you knew from Lin was positive.
Your mind was reeling with possibilities and it was starting to make you feel on edge. It was made worse when the sound of a chair being thrown back caught you off guard, and you jumped.
“All right, enough!” Lin yelled, throwing up her arms, “I’m trying to keep the Avatar safe and you’re harboring a criminal?”
Your eyes widened at your wife’s outburst, and you thought about intervening but decided not yet.
“Ease up, Lin,” Suyin said, “Sure, Varrick’s made a few mistakes in his past, but that doesn’t mean he should pay for it the rest of his life. My chef was a pirate but now he’s a culinary master. People change.”
“You haven’t!” Lin yelled, pointing at her sister. She looked like she wanted to say more but you interrupted her.
“That’s enough,” You said, your voice level. Your hands were in fists at your sides, and you felt utterly humiliated. Lin turned to look at you, and you held her gaze steadily.
She growled and stomped off, slamming the door shut behind her.
“I’m sorry,” You said, feeling your lip begin to tremble. You needed to get out of here, now, and take some time to think. You stood up and followed your wife’s path, ignoring the calls to come back.
After a little while wandering through Huan’s statue garden, you decided to return to your room. You’d managed to mostly calm yourself, but you were beginning to wonder if maybe there was a lot more to the story than you thought.
You knocked hesitantly, then opened the door to the guest room you two were sharing.
Lin was sitting in a chair reading a newspaper, wearing just her pants and typical white tank top.
You walked forward and put a hand on her arm and gently said, “Look, we won’t be here for more than a few days… Even then, I want to be here. I wish you did too.”
Lin looked at you, her eyes narrowed. If you were anyone else then you would’ve likely been intimidated, but after being with her for so long you could read her like a book.
“Doesn’t what I want matter?” She asked, her tone venomous. You reeled back, holding a hand in front of yourself defensively.
“Of course it does!” You exclaimed defensively, and she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, sure, that’s why you keep sucking up to my sister,” She muttered, turning away from you.
“I…” You trailed off, your mind beginning to cloud with anger, “I am not! I’m trying to get my wife’s family to like me, so what? It’s normal!”
“But they aren’t my family!” She responded, looking fierce, “You are! I made that decision a long time ago.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but closed it again. What she said was touching, and it made you hesitate to argue with her any longer.
“Lin…” You trailed off, looking at her. It seemed like she hadn’t meant to reveal that so readily, but she was holding her head high. You raised a hand to her face, caressing her scarred cheek softly, “I just want you to talk to me. Explain why you feel like this.”
She looked at you with narrowed eyes, but still leaned into your touch, obviously finding comfort in it. Lin seemed to be thinking of the right words when someone knocked on the door.
“Who is it?” Lin asked loudly, and you pulled away, looking at the door as it opened.
“Hey, it’s me” Korra said, peeking her head in. She glanced at your wife, then you, and you shook your head, trying to tell her that it wasn’t a good time. Your warning went ignored as she continued, “I brought someone who wants to talk to you.”
Korra opened the door wider to reveal Opal, who you offered a soft smile too. She seemed nervous.
“You wanna talk, then talk,” Lin said, sitting back and crossing her arms. You stood next to her, one hand on her shoulder.
Opal stepped forward and took a breath, then began speaking as if she’d practiced, “I’m sorry being here is hard for you.”
She walked forward, and you stepped back, watching the situation carefully as Opal kept going, “When you showed up, I was so excited to get to know you. I’d heard so many grea things about you from mom and Grandma Toph. So… I guess I was kind of sad that you didn’t want to get to know me… Believe me, I know my family can be a little crazy and overwhelming sometimes, but I would love it so much if you and (y/n) would be a part of it.”
Opal casted you a glanced towards the end, her hands clasped together. She sounded so sincere and sweet. You wanted to hug her, but decided to wait to see what Lin said.
“Get out,” Lin said quietly.
“I’m sorry, did I say something wrong?” Opal asked, her voice quaking.
“Get out!” Lin yelled. Opal’s eye filled with tears and you reached forward to try to comfort her, but she turned and ran out of the room crying. Korra followed her.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You asked, stepping forward to glare at your wife, “Opal is your niece, and a sweet girl who didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Maybe you should reconsider whose side you’re on!” Lin yelled back, and you threw your hands up in exasperation.
“There are no sides, Lin!” You yelled, finally fully losing your cool. You pointed a finger at your wife, “You’ve been nothing but rude since we got here, and I would stand by your side if I knew why! But you’re so closed off that I can’t seem to understand you.”
Lin turned away, brushing you off. You scoffed, feeling your rage pushing you forward.
“You know what? Fine. You wanna be alone, then be alone. I’m leaving,” You said, turning on your heel and walking out the door. You didn’t know where you were gonna go, but you were sure that Su could find space for you somewhere.
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boasamishipper · 3 years
tagged by @itsthecamouflage - thanks, jack!
what's your all-time favorite ship?
changes all the time, but my top five are bolin/asami from legend of korra, finn/rey from star wars, iceman/maverick from top gun, goose/carole from top gun, and sam/dani from ted lasso.
how many works do you have on ao3?
as of today, 63.
what's your total ao3 word count?
what are your top five fics by kudos?
Moving In Slow Motion (Top Gun (1986)) (216 kudos)
Warped Stars (Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015), Star Wars Sequel Trilogy) (214 kudos)
when i see your face (Top Gun (1986), Top Gun: Maverick (2020)) (200 kudos)
When I See Your Light Shine (Ted Lasso (TV)) (178 kudos) - co-conceptualized with @brainrot-time
baby, baby, i'd get down on my knees for you (Top Gun (1986)) (174 kudos) - co-written with @academicgangster
do you reply to comments, why or why not?
yep! sometimes i go more in depth with my replies, but i always try and say thank you for commenting.
fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars (ch4).
fic you've written with the happiest ending?
uhhh i mean usually All of my fics have happy endings but i guess in terms of like everything being resolved, there's a raging fire in my heart tonight.
do you write crossovers?
(gestures vaguely in the direction of my top gun mcu fix-it fic and my top gun captain marvel au series) but not usually, i prefer to stick in canon.
have you ever received hate on a fic?
yeah, but it was all from reylos who took it as a personal affront that i shipped finnrey. no skin off my nose.
do you write smut? if so what kind?
i do, but i'm not very good - though i have definitely improved over the last couple years. i've had more practice at writing m/m smut, but i've written some f/m smut as well (for finnrey and goose/carole, some of which may even see the light of day at some point). practice makes perfect!
have you ever had a fic stolen?
thankfully, no.
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
baby, baby with @academicgangster. i also wrote some kainora with @thethiefandtheairbender and @kuno-chan back in the day, but we never finished the fics.
what’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Made of Stardust - my last fic in my Star Wars sequel trilogy fix it series - and Moon, Take Thy Flight. inspiration for those two has faded for the most part, but hopefully it'll come back soon!
what are your writing strengths?
dialogue, pacing, characterization, terrible puns (which apparently are my calling card at this point).
what are your writing weaknesses?
description, smut, action scenes. i am also Terrible at starting fics but once i get started i am On A Roll.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i'm fine with it - i'm guilty of having done that many a time myself - but not too often or it takes away from the story you're trying to tell.
what was the first fandom you wrote for?
legend of korra, which is how i met @kuno-chan @thethiefandtheairbender and @spiritypowers. kainora krew 5evr.
what's your favorite fic you've written?
this feels like having to choose between favorite children. i'll do top three: there's a raging fire in my heart tonight, When I See Your Light Shine, and Lead Me On (To The Other Side).
tagging @academicgangster @naturallyoccurringminotaur @icemankazansky @heynattyice and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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Naughty Neko V1 ‘Sadism & Acknowledgment’ The Intro... Before you read just know that I have no experience whatsoever. meaning that there will be a lot mistakes. there is no structure because it was on a whim and I wanted to know that if you guys like it I will continue. so please enjoy and if you would like a continuation leave a comment. I apologize as well for the bad photo editing lol and format.. ;/ I will shut up now.. so please enjoy let me know what you think lol bye....!!  Naughty Neko V1 ‘Sadism & Acknowledgment’ The Intro...
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Akihito stood in abundance draped over the railing before him admonishing the night sky heavy in a trade of thought that seemed to betray him and the beautiful night sky prevalent to most.  he took in another heavy sigh which turned into smoke all around him .
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 he seemed to be like this for some time as the smoke slowly began to fade and the night became more apparent as the sky scrapers shone back at the night sky in acknowledgment as did the houses by the lights that shone in them to protect themselves from what would be apocalyptical darkness. it was past 10 o’clock now, not that he would have noticed, his face still etched into a hard line. Just what could be bothering him to this extent exactly? it looks like we were just about to find out relatively soon as a suddenly loud shriek of annoyance etched out of his throat followed by the a reclusive fist swung into the air. That Damned Asami !!! This was said quite loudly as he himself was startled by the sound of his voice reverberating off into the open air clearly making enough noise to garner the attention of the residents living below, with one flipping their curtains in acknowledgment of the unfamiliar sound and a band of crows left fleeing into the sky above. Akihito flinched backing up into a dark reclusive corner with his hand over his mouth. Shit! he exclaimed. I’m meant to be working! what if I was seen? my cover would have been broken and it would of been all that damn Asami’s fault he said this louder than expected again and silenced himself once again before he muttered under his breath why has it come to this?. if it wasn’t for that old man I would have safely been in his arms wrapped up in his embrace tonight let alone a warm bed with food and beverage too. His Stomach growled in acknowledgment but Akihito shook his head in disgust trying to shoo away the thought he had just had like it was a bad dream. No! I can’t Hell I wont! why would that even be an option? besides I am a man after all I will not be another mans play thing. he smiled then for a moment then imagining an angry and sullen Asami awaiting his arrival after returning from his own expenditures in the underworld. only to be disappointed by Akihito’s absence made clear by the lack of lights and food usually displayed on the table. much to Asami’s displeasure he noted, he could almost envision the fine  hard lines that would have stained the handsome man’s face in annoyance at this turn of events. 
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Akihito produced a wry crooked smile and cackled like a low budget villain at the thought hah! he exclaimed and it’s just what he deserves he beckoned from behind the wall.  Crap I’ve done it again he exclaimed with sheer annoyance at his own stupidity. He grabbed a tuff full of  his hair then in frustration from his lack of professionalism and yanked again when he had realized that it was well over 12am with nothing to show for it. and just how can you be a successful editor like this ? he said as he walked back into the open space before him, shadowing the neighboring flats below. we need this story! well he had the rest of the night to prove himself worthy with no place to go and nothing to eat he had to produce something that much was true. he steadied himself up against the railings as he tuned his camera angle to his liking awaiting the story that would unfold before him. And not before long the enemy would make his appearance revealing the perpetrator and his victim vividly all for the naked eye to see. And Just like that a stray of curtains came undone revealing the people behind them. one standing whilst the other was bent over on all fours body fully erect and placed against the cold glass interior of a en-suite bedroom window no less. the perpetrator lashing down on his subject with immense force as his subject silently gasped for air fogging the glass all around as his cock stood to attention. 
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This was getting interesting indeed. This will be a piece of cake he thought.
I believe we have ourselves a story Akihito exclaimed a sigh of relief and sympathy forming at the mouth as he watched the spectacle before him. 
If only Akihito knew what was in store for him in the hours to come. Things were going to get a lot more complicated than they had seemed.
To Be Continued... (Whenever Lol) 
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greyfongschemmenti · 4 years
In These Arms | Chapter 15: The Red Lotus 
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CW: Blood and violent fighting
Lin looks over the injured men and women resting while you and Su check on the officers. Kuvira helps Tonraq down and walks him over to the injured as you bring over medical supplies. “Your arm is pretty beat up” you comment as you hand Kuvira the bandages “It could’ve been worse”. “Hold on, Kuvira you got him?” you look over at her and she nods as you excuse yourself to help bandage another officer’s ankle.
“You look pretty beat up, y/n” Iris voices out nearby as you turn your back away from her and focus on the ankle “Nothing I haven’t dealt with before. I’m fine” you mutter as you hear a shrieking noise and turn toward the sound. What the fuck is that god awful noise . Su stands up and points to the sky and your eyes follow her glance “Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!” Lin turns around and looks up “Caw! Caw!” a baby bison rapidly descends down to the ground “Caw! Caw!”
The bison lands and skids along the grass, exhausted. Bolin is thrown off from the crash landing. The poor calf whines and Asami gets off as well. The four adults, you included, run up to the group and you grab hold of Asami “You good?” you ask as you check her over, and she nods.
Mako and Lin help Tenzin disembark from the calf's back while Su helps Bolin up as the kid airbender starts to talk “Hey, everybody. There's something I gotta tell you.”
Lin cuts him off and looks at the teens “How did you guys make it out of that temple alive?”
“It was all Bolin. I thought we were done for. Then out of nowhere, he lavabends!” Mako looks over at Tonraq then at Bolin
“Well would you look at that!” you smirk as Su rests a hand on Bolin's shoulder “I knew you had the potential for something big. You just had to believe in yourself.” Bolin smiles widely at Su,
“You're right. Being moments from death was a pretty good motivator too. Of course, we never would have made it back without Kai.”
Kai smiles “Glad I could help. So anyway-“
“--Did Zaheer get away with Korra?” Tenzin interrupts and you notice Kai frowning, you purse your lips but continue on listening to the conversation.
“I'm afraid so.” Lin laments and Su remarks as everyone turns to her “Apparently, he can fly now.
The crew and Tenzin, Asami, and Bolin raise their eyebrows with surprise “What?”
“Are you sure?”
Lin looks over at Tenzin “I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't seen it for myself.”
“I thought the ability to fly was impossible or just some story.” you look at Tenzin,
“I've heard the legends about Guru Laghima's ability to fly. But I never imagined they were true.” Tenzin looks down, worried about Zaheer’s new ability.
“So what's our next move?” Tonraq asks around the group and no one says anything, unsure on how to proceed.
Kai gets off his bison and walks up to the adults “I have an idea.”
Lin sharply talks to Kai “Not right now, kid! We need to figure out where Zaheer took Korra.”
“--And find the airbenders.” Tenzin adds to which Kai is not amused.
You slightly lean over at Kai and whisper “if you want them to listen you gotta say it with your chest, kid” Kai looks at you and nods then irritably yells out “That's what I've been trying to tell you! I know where the airbenders are, and I bet it's where Korra is too!”
Mako looks at Kai and frowns “Well, why didn't you say something?”
Kai frowns and gives a frustrated sigh.
“I mean you guys never gave him a chance. Kept talking over the poor boy” you purse your lips as everyone glares at you and you fold your arms shrugging.
“Where are they? How did you find them?” Kai turns his attention to Tenzin as the baby bison walks up to Kai “After I got blasted out of the sky, I woke up on the side of the mountain where this little fellow found me.” Kai rests a hand on the calf's head and the baby bison whinnies and Kai kneels down to stroke its snout “I tried to sneak back into the temple to see if I could rescue everyone, and that's when I saw the airship leaving. I followed it to some caves a few miles from here. That giant lady met up with some people who took the airbenders into the caves.”
“Was it Ghazan and Ming- Hua?” Lin asked, listening to the young airbender.
“No, there were four more of them. Didn't look familiar.” He stands up and looks at her,
“Must be more Red Lotus members than we thought.” Mako looks over at the group then down to the ground.
“I couldn't fight them all on my own. So I came back here, hoping you guys would show up.” Kai looks at the group “Smart thinking” you gave him a nod then turn your head to Lin
“We need to get to those caves.” Lin remarks and you look over in the direction Kai had mentioned seeing the other airbenders being held,
Kai shrugs “How? I don't think we can all fit on my bison.”
You, Tenzin, Mako, and Lin look at Kai as a shadow passes by overhead and you all look up as a grunt from an air bison is heard. You recognize Oogi circling the sky and Tenzin calls for him “Oogi!”
Oogi lands on the ground in front of his owner and takes a step forward.
Tenzin rests a hand on Oogi's head, and the bison grunts again “I'm glad to see you too, old friend.” He rubs his hand affectionately over Oogi's fur.
“Well no better time than the present. Let’s go there now,” you suggest, and everyone agrees. You earth launch yourself and Asami onto the saddle first. Lin and Su climb in after as you help Tenzin sit down as the rest of the crew get in while Asami holds the reins atop of Oogi’s head. Bolin climbs up Oogi's tail into the saddle - Mako is on the ground looking up at the saddle.
Kuvira walks up to the bison and speaks to Su “I want to come with you.”
Su shakes her head “No, Kuvira. Stay with the injured. We'll be back for you once we have the Avatar.”
Kuvira nods and walks away. Kai climbs on to his baby bison and the calf purrs. Mako walks over to Kai and they exchange some words.
You stay upfront near Asami and Tenzin “You got the reins, ‘Sami?”
“Yeah, I’ve flown Oogi before remember”
“Uh…right. I forgot” you rub your forehead as you move to the back of the saddle and Mako climbs up. Soon Kai takes off with Asami tailing behind him and flies in the direction he last saw the airbenders.
You lean back against the saddle as you fix up your metal forearm sleeves, bending out the dents.
“How are you holding up?” Lin whispers to you and you look down at the chest plate and bend out the dent at your side “I’m good, I just want to get korra and the airbenders out safe” you grit your teeth as you fix the plate trying not to focus on the bruises underneath before leaning back against the saddle.
“I hope Opal is okay” Su looks out towards the view of the mountain ridges
“Since they have Korra now, she and the rest of the airbenders should be fine. They got who they wanted.” You look over at Su before looking away.
Kai comes up beside the saddle “The place where I saw them taking the airbenders is around here.”
“That's gotta be where they took Korra.”
He points to a mountain where there are five airbender statues carved into the side. The statue in the middle is the biggest.
“That's it! Down there, Lefty.”
Lefty moos and flies down. Oogi follows soon after and the two bison land in front of an opening in the mountain. You grab onto the saddle and hop down, you look up and watch Lin slide down Oogi’s tail. Tonraq and Bolin support Tenzin as he gets down from the saddle. Tenzin groans in pain as he holds onto Oogi for support. Su walks towards him.
You start toward the opening and look up at the largest statue as Asami walks up beside you “I don’t know what Zaheer is planning against Korra but…”
“We’re going to stop him and get Korra back, y/n” Asami looks at you and you nod at her “That thing charged up?” you look at the glove and Asami powers it up with blue electric waves sparking out, “Always” Asami sports a determined look.
“Ready?” Su looks at the both of you and receives a nod, the group starts running into the opening of the secret Red Lotus hideout.
As Su and Lin make quick work of digging into the cave the voice of a Red Lotus guard comes from behind the last piece of earth “Hey! What do you think you're doing?” there’s a muffled noise as Lin and Su send a chunk of rock from the side, knocking the guard out cold when he collides against the wall. “Saving them” you glare at the guard in a defensive stance as another one runs forward before looking to the side at your group of intruders. The guard bends the two slabs of rock behind him towards them. Su bends up a protective wall of earth and the projectiles collide with it, making the top half crumble. You and Asami leap over the remains of the wall and she ducks as the guard sends another slab at her while you check for any guards more coming. Asami reaches up to grab the guard's arm and proceeds to electrocute his back as she brings him down to the floor. “All clear” you state walking back and the rescue team relaxes when the guard falls unconscious and Su looks to the side locating her daughter “Mom!” Opal is happy to see her mom as Su runs to her daughter and rests her hands on Opal’s shoulders “Oh, honey, I’m so glad you’re safe” she embraces her daughter.
Bolin runs up and roughly shoves Su away, hugging Opal as well “Me too”.
Su sits up and glares at Bolin as Asami starts unlocking people’s cuffs. You eyes find and rush over to check up on an unconscious Kya and Bumi, reviewing Kya’s injuries as Lin helps to support Bumi. Broken bones, bad bruises, overall badly injured…shit, they both look like they fell from a high place. “Kya…” you call out to her softly trying to wake her up as you lift her head a bit, putting your hand on the back of her neck “y/n?” she weakly responds as she opens her eyes “Hey, you guys found us.. Took you long enough” she smiles weakly coughs turning her head towards you. “Yeah…we’re here. Can you walk?”  
“My leg…” she says weakly
“It’s okay….don’t worry. We got you now” You look around and grab a bender “Hey what’s your name?”
“Hi, Otaku, can you help me support Kya?” another female airbender offers her aid as well and you help them support Kya before checking up on Bumi. Asami unlocks the remaining cuff on Jinora’s wrist and the girl rubs them when it's off. Asami walks away, revealing Kai in the background. Jinora runs to Kai “You’re alive!” she throws her arms around Kai “I can’t believe it!”
you turn your attention back to Kya and notice her leg looks more messed up then you thought whispering to the two airbenders to not let Kya put too much weight on that leg. You greet the kids and Opal before helping Lin support Bumi “I see you had a lot of fun, Commander”,
“Ha! I’ve had better, Captain” he coughs weakly trying to laugh, but his face can’t hide the pain and tiredness.
“Hey Commander, stay with us” you shake him softly.
“We have to get these two out of here now.” Lin cast a glance to Bumi “They don’t look so good”
Bumi coughs weakly “What are you talking about?” he punches his arm in the air “I feel great” he coughs weakly again.
Tonraq addresses the rest of the team “You guys get everyone out of here. I'll search for Korra.”
Mako and Bolin step forward “We're going with you.”
“Me too” you step up as Lin gives you a look as you notice Jinora step forward “You don't have to search for her. I know exactly where she's being held.” The four of you turn to listen as she explains “we’ll run and talk. I’ll bring Jinora back once we’re almost to Korra’s location. You can wait for us here” you look at Pema before taking off with the small team. Once Mako, Bolin, and Tonraq get close to Korra you grab Jinora “come on, let’s get you back.” you look at Jinora “but, I can help!” she protests as you rest your hand on her shoulder, “I know, but you need to take care of the airbenders. Your dad...he’s injured so I need you, Meelo, and Ikki to lead them out to safety.” she looks at Korra’s direction then back to you and nods “Okay, I can return on my own. You join them” she looks at you with determination, “you sure? I can escort you back”
Jinora shakes her head “there’s no time. Save Korra, y/n!” she yells as she scooters back to the others.
The four of you run up to an opening at the side of the cave and see Korra yell out a battle cry as she breathes fire out of her mouth. “What have they done to her?” you look on with concern at the scene. You’ve never seen Korra like this while in the Avatar state. Tonraq calls out to his daughter “Korra!” She ignores him and sends out streams of fire toward Zaheer and he dodges, flying up into a hole in the ceiling. Korra propels herself from the ground by blasting fire from the soles of her feet and chases after him. “We have to help her!” Bolin quickly steps in front of the water tribe chief “Look out!” he bends a protective wall of earth as rock collides against it. You look over and see Ghazan then kick up some rocks and punch them at him. “You help Korra. We got this” Mako looks at Tonraq who nods and starts running after Korra and Zaheer.
Mako punches fire and dodges a small piece of ice that flies over his shoulder. You roll over to the side and send a wave of rocks at the waterbender. Ming-Hua avoids the fire and earth and jumps up, swinging the crystals on the ceiling with her water arms. Mako chases after the armless waterbender as you assess the situation with Bolin. Bolin bends a rock at Ghazan who punches it into dust. Bolin sends over another boulder again and Ghazan raises a wall of earth to protect himself. He then bends the wall to Bolin who cuts it clean in half. As he does so, Ghazan charges and tackles Bolin by the waist, causing them to roll along the ground. Bolin throws the older lavabender off and when Ghazan lands, he quickly sends two slabs of rock towards Bolin. The teen dodges the first one and punches the second one into dust.
An ice shard comes within an inch of hitting your face and you look back at Ming-Hua who has a smug grin on her face, “Oops”. Your eyes narrow and you grit your teeth as she tries attacking you again and you jump up to avoid it. At the same time you bend a chunk of earth with you and send it at her. Ming-Hua uses a water-whip to cut through the slab. You land on the ground and send two boulders at her - she dodges and sends a tendril at you turning the tip into an ice shard. You quickly jump to the side as she attacks and Mako sends a flame over to melt the ice. Looking over at Mako, the waterbender uses that quick second wrap her water arm around your neck gripping tightly as she pulls you up from the ground. “Let me go, you bitch!” you spat out as you bend a dagger out and try cutting the water while Mako fights her trying to break the hold she has on you. “Sure” she smirks and throws you across the cave - you hit the ground rolling then fall into a crevice below, landing face first in some water. You push yourself up groaning as you blink your eyes trying to adjust your vision to the darkness, your clothes drenched. Standing up you sense it’s an underground cave filled with water, the only way back is up through the crevice.
The splash catches Ming-Hua’s attention and she swings herself away with her water arms and Mako runs after her, shooting fire as he chases the waterbender. Ming-Hua starts bobbing and weaving behind a small pillar of rock as she intercepts the flames and they evaporate. She scurries backwards and trips, falling and rolling onto a small ledge below. She sits up as Mako stands at the top in a bending position. He has Ming-Hua backed up against a wall.
“You have no water. It's over.”
“Not yet.” she gives him an evil smirk
You look up and hear Ming-Hua and Mako’s voices and your eyes widen. If she comes down here we’re fucked. You bend a protective wall to hide behind as you hear someone jump down into the crevice followed by a fire shot. Mako lands down and you call out to him “Mako” he turns and you look around in the dark against each other's back. He bends a stream of fire from his hands to illuminate the area. “She’s here somewhere” you whisper as you try to use what little sight you have despite the fire. Sensing danger behind him, Mako turns around, you sense him leave your back and you turn in his direction and see Ming-Hua above the water with multiple water appendages on each arm.
“Now it's over!” she screams launching at the both of you.
She swings forward, Mako immediately extinguishes his fire and the both of you run to avoid the attack. Ming-Hua has encased the lower half of her body in water and she continuously whips her numerous water arms at the both of you. “Get out of the water!” Mako orders as he starts running toward the various stalactites and stalagmites. You run towards a wall before having to backflip to avoid a tendril, then jump on a pillar. The firebender rolls backwards behind another pillar and dashes off to the side. You shoot your cable to the ceiling and hang, pulling yourself up until your palms touch the ceiling. You bend the earth to encase around your arms as you hang on. Mako starts climbing and supporting his weight in between two columns of earth. Everything is happening so fast but the next string of events seemed to happen in slow motion. Mako begins to shoot lightning at the water with one arm. Ming-Hua makes a last ditch attempt to stop Mako and sends tendrils at him with a sharp ice shard. You look up at your arm before bending the earth off and scaling down and get in front of Mako. Kicking the ice off two of them before you feel a piercing sensation entering the left side of your abdomen. Your hand starts to go to the spot, but the entire cavern lights up and you cover your eyes instead. Ming-Hua screams from the electrocution and soon everything goes still, you let go of the cable and jump down to the water, recoiling your cable. Mako joins you as the both of you look shocked at what’s left of the scorched Ming-Hua.
“Let’s go” you mutter as you tilt your head over to the crevice opening and launch the both of you up to the surface.
You jog over toward Bolin but feel a dull pain and trip down, Mako kneels down to help you up “y/n”.
“Go, I’m fine. Help Bolin,” you groan as you look up and see Ghazan bend up a chunk of earth gets knocked back by fire hitting the rock and he is thrown backwards. Mako gets in a bending stance and he runs at the other man, propelling himself off the ground with firebending and passes over Ghazan's head to join his brother. You push yourself up and head over to the brothers once the pain passes. Ghazan bends up a chunk of earth but Mako quickly cuts it with fire. Mako lands on the ground as the three of you send a barrage of earth and fire to the lavabender. Ghazan bends up a small chunk of earth but is soon overpowered by the constant attacks. Bolin sends a rock hurtling at him and it makes contact as Ghazan stumbles backwards. He stands up as you three flank him from a distance.
“There’s three of us and one of you” you yell as you bring your fists up to your face,
“Give up, Ghazan! You can't win!” Bolin yells down at the lavabender.
“I'm never going back to prison. If I'm going down today, you're coming with me!” He turns around to face the group then punches the ground beneath him. The cavern shakes as rocks fall and the ground quakes underneath you, you look at the boys and the floor gives out from under you. You reach out to them as you fall and Bolin manages to grab your hand. Ghazan smirks and reaches for your leg, the burning sensation spreading from where the palm of his hand holds on. You yell out in pain as you try to kick him in the face while Mako sends lightning at him causing him to let go. They both pull you up while dodging the rocks falling from the ceiling. Ghazan shoves his hands down and lava drips down in an attempt to collapse the floor underneath him. Rocks start to fall down from above, “Hang on!” Bolin yells and you ground yourself as Bolin bends a platform of earth and slides the three of you up a slope of flash cooled lava. Reaching safety, you notice a Red Lotus motif on the wall breaking up and disintegrating. The area continues to collapse. Once it’s safe you three glance at each other before turning away and running off.
Joining the rest of the team you’re forced to shield your eyes from the wind. You try to look for a reason for the sudden wind and see  Jinora and the airbenders controlling a massive tornado with Jinora in the eye of the twister as she moves her arms around in a circle before she pushes her hands forward. As the twister moves, you feel a sharp pain in your abdomen. You place your hand there feeling dizzy “Boys…” you weakly call out getting their attention before falling on your knees. “y/n!” Bolin looks at you and notices your face looking pale as Mako notices you holding on to your abdomen. “She’s hurt” Mako helps you up as Bolin puts your arm around his shoulder “Stay awake, y/n” Mako looks at you as you try to keep your eyes open while they walk you toward the group. They set you down gently besides Bumi and Kya as Asami rushes over “Y/n! What happened?!” Asami yells as watches you go in and out of consciousness. Lin turns around at the sudden noise behind her and sees you, her eyes widen and a pit forms her stomach.
“I don’t know. We were running out of the cave when y/n collapsed” Mako stammers out as Lin kneels beside you “Where’s Ghazan and Ming-hua?” she barks out while she sits by your side and Asami puts your head on her lap as the brothers stand over you.
“Taken down”
You feel woozy like if your blood pressure is dropping as you blink trying to focus on Lin as she calls out to you, “y/n, focus, talk to me”.
You slowly blink then slowly turn your head over to her and give her a small smile “Hi” you whisper then try to sit up but Asami keeps you down “You’re hurt” her eyes watered. You look confused at first then realize the pain hitting again, wincing, “My abdomen..” you untuck your tunic and lift the drenched clothing up to reveal the stab wound. “I guess that chest plate didn’t really help, Chief” you let out a weak laugh then cough out in pain.
“Shit…” Lin looks and immediately applies direct pressure on the wound “When did this happen?” she looks at the brothers but you speak “10 minutes?…” you wince at the pressure “Mung-hua...she was coming at Mako. I intervened, wasn’t fast enough” you grimace as you cough.
“You’re losing a lot of blood” Lin’s voice full of worry as she looks at the wound and you look down to see it for the first time “Put it back in then” you quip as you try to breathe and go to laugh but the pain gets worse and you wince. Lin looks at you in disbelief at how you’re trying to crack a joke at a time like this. “This isn’t the time for your wisecracks” she snaps at you and you put your hand over the one she has over your wound, “It's good to find humor in dark moments sometimes.” you smirk as you look up at the sky  “How did you not feel this?” Asami asks you - when you don’t answer she looks up and notices you starting to close your eyes. Asami looks at Lin and tells her something but you don’t quite hear.
You were starting to feel a weird need to close your eyes and go to sleep. A temptation to just close your eyes and let go. But your mind and heart rushes to Lin - you’d never want to leave her, not when you just got her. You open your eyes up more as you fight hard to stay awake.
“y/n, stay with me” Lin calls out and you didn’t seem to hear, she thinks your hearing is starting to fade  “What?” you blink trying to focus. Asami repeats the question “Adrenaline.” you try to talk but you start to feel weak and tired and you wince, looking over at Asami who has tears in her eyes, “I’ll be okay, ‘Sami” you whisper as you tuck some hair behind her ear then look at Lin, “Lin… I’m sorry”
Lin shakes her head “You’re fine. You’re strong and you’ll pull through. You’re not quitting on me”.
Your eyes well up but you refuse to give in to the tears “I’m not quitting”
Turning your head over to Mako “Mako, how much for you to pry Chief’s hand off of me”
“I’m not doing that. You’re going to be okay, y/n. There’s no exit wound so it’s probably not that deep”
Kya regains consciousness and looks out at the scene beside her and musters enough energy to scoot over beside Lin assessing the situation “I can probably bend the water out of their clothes and use it to stop the bleeding” she speaks weakly as she looks at you then Lin. You shake your head “No, save your energy for Korra” you look at Kya and she gives you pleading eyes, “You’re the one who needs help right now, y/n”.
“Hey...I’m fine it’s just a scratch. All in a day’s work..” you smile weakly looking at the two older women as Kya rolls her eyes “You sound just as bad as Lin” she smirks back as she starts bending the water out of your clothes. Lin scoffs as she applies more pressure on the wound to prevent you bleeding out in the meantime. You bite your lip, fighting back a groan “I thought you were fine” Lin quips and you curl your lips up as Kya gives Lin a nod to move her hand. She brings your hand down with her and doesn’t let go. While Kya starts to heal you “I was until you did that, chief” you laugh but cough out in pain again then notice Korra coming to the surface. “Look - Zaheer!” you mutter as Lin looks over then looks at you conflicted. “Go, Kya’s got me. I’m feeling better. Take the bastard down, Chief” you urge her, and she looks at you with concern “I got her too, Lin” Asami looks at her and she nods heading to the scene. Korra slams Zaheer into the earth and she’s laid out on the ground as well. Lin and Su encase Zaheer in a rock pyramid pulling him upright.
Feeling concerned about your injury you exhale “I’m fine right?” you look over at Kya and she just nods not looking at you or Asami “Yeah, you’re fine. You’re going to be okay. I stopped the bleeding. It cut through a piece of your liver, but it’s fine. That’s the best I can do for right now.”
“You truly are quite the master healer” you smirk as you sigh in relief “Don’t spend all your energy. Korra might need you” you grab Asami’s hand and try to sit up as Kya nods “You can’t fight, one hit and that wound opens back up. You’re not completely healed.”
“Thanks for saving me yet again” you smile as you hold on the wound while Asami helps you back to your feet but you feel weak and Kya step in and help as well. “No need” she takes your hand and you both support each other with Asami’s help. Asami notices Korra, whose eyes are open in the Avatar state. Tonraq picks her up in his arms and your eyes soften at the weakened Korra. Asami looks worried for Korra and you nudge her to get close to Korra, “Go” you whisper to her and Asami “I can’t leave you”
“It’s okay, Kya and I got each other” you whisper back and Asami relents and slowly walks towards the scene.
“Korra, sweetheart” he looks down at his daughter, resting a hand on her face “It’s me, your Dad. Please hang on” Korra looks over at Tonraq and reaches out to touch him but her hand drops and she falls unconscious. Your throat tightens as you watch the scene in front of you, your eyes tearing up. Tonraq laces his fingers with hers and tears form in his eyes. A deep chuckle is heard and everyone looks over at Zaheer who has started laughing like a mad man. You glare at Zaheer and ball your fists bending a dagger out of your sleeve and try to walk towards him but Kya stops you shaking her head. “The bastard hurt Korra” you try to reason with Kya as she stumbles a bit. She looks at you as you fight back the angry tears forming in your eyes “Don’t stoop to his level. You are not a killer, y/n. He’ll be dealt with. ” she reasons back in a hushed tone as you support her. Kya’s eyes also show great concern with the young avatar she’s seen grow and helped raise.
“What are you laughing about?” Lin casts a dirty look at him as he turns his head to look at the Chief “You’re too late!” he smiles full of glee “The poison’s been in her system too long. The Red Lotus has won.”
Poison….Zaheer poisoned Korra.
Jinora walks up toward the Beifong sisters “You can save her. The poison is metallic” both sisters look at one another surprised by the revelation and Su quickly runs towards Korra. She drops to her knees at Korra’s side and her hands rest on her forehead and shoulder and she concentrates on the metallic poison in Korra’s body. Su starts to bend pulling movements from Korra’s legs and goes up her body. The sound of liquid can be heard and everyone around watches with a mix of worry and hope that Su can save Korra in time. She keeps pulling the poison up Korra’s body until she moves her hand above Korra’s head and the teenager opens her eyes. The metallic liquid is pulled out of her mouth and Korra coughs. Su bends the poison to the ground and it falls down in blobs. Korra opens her eyes and comes out of the Avatar State turning to look at her dad.
“Dad? You’re... alive” she says weakly as she gives a small smile. Tonraq, relieved his daughter has woken up hugs her tightly “I’m here for you. I’m never going to let you go”. You smile fondly in the background until Zaheer starts yelling “No!” he starts to become unhinged “You don’t understand. The revolution has already begun. Chaos is the natural order of all--”
You watch as Bolin takes his shoe off and balls up his sock and shoves it into Zaheer’s mouth causing his voice to become muffled. You look at Bolin smiling in amusement and a bit of disgust that Zaheer now has a used sock in his mouth. Lin and Opal on the other hand look purely disgusted by the action.
Bolin looks proud and smirks pointing over at Zaheer “You see what I did there? I put a sock in it.”
You bring your hand up and pinch your nose “literally” kind of embarrassed by the boy.
“Classic Bolin” Opal looks at Zaheer as she dryly responds to her boyfriend.
“I do what I do” he smiles as he puts his shoe back on.
You cough covering your mouth as you wince as your stomach flexes, Lin looks at you then walks over to Tonraq putting a hand on his shoulder “We should move Korra somewhere safer.”
Lin and Su helped the injured climb up onto Oogi’s saddle, Tonraq holding onto Korra, Bumi and Kya supporting each other, Asami sitting between you and Korra as she watched the both of you. The Beifong sisters made room for you to lay down with your head on Opal’s lap, Su let Lin take a spot next to you Lin didn’t think about the gesture but took it. You were going in and out of consciousness “one of the officers is a healer, y/n will be okay” Su assured Opal but it was meant to be more for Lin, “You have to stay awake y/n” Opal cupped your cheek and your eyes fluttered open and you give her a soft smile “I’m trying honey”. Kai led the group back to Laghima’s peak to meet up with Kuvira and the rest of the Zaofu guards. Once the injured are set onto cots in the bunk rooms, the pilot set a course to Republic City. Bolin and Opal help you to one of the beds and Opal calls her mom for help to bend off the chest plate. “Hey y/n?” Bolin hesitantly speaks and you look over at him “yeah Bo?” you say weakly and look at the younger brother as he tries to formulate his words. “Thanks….for saving my brother”. You inhale deeply as you feel your throat tighten a bit but give him a nod “anything for you boys. Mako would’ve done fine without me. I was reckless.” you give him a small smirk
“I’m sure Mako will be equally appreciative as I am, just hang in there, okay?” Bolin spoke with such gentleness with a slight concern and you give him a nod “I’m not going anywhere. Who else is going to make sure you kids don’t end up in trouble” you smile as you grit your teeth as a sharp pain hits your side. Opal rushes out the room and calls for the healer, Koda, to evaluate your injuries. Closing your eyes once you feel the relief from the healing session, but wince a bit but once the new bandages are placed. Koda excuses herself and you thank her. Looking up to see Su is now with Opal giving them a soft smile, “Hi…” you notice Opal tearing up and you nod her over opening your arms. She walks up and hugs you and you rub her back. “I’m okay, Opal. barely a scratch” you whisper as Opal lets out a disbelief laugh “That’s more than a scratch. I saw the wound just now”.
“Eh looks worse then it is. The worst is over” you chuckle a bit as you groan a bit at the sudden discomfort causing Opal to pull back. You assure her it wasn’t her as she sits back as Su steps forward, “How are you feeling?” Su takes a seat beside you as she rests a hand on top of yours as Opal scoots back.
“The adrenaline definitely wore off so I’m starting to feel it all.” you smile then frown a bit “It happened so fast. I felt something, but didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t until we made it outside that the pain came rushing in.”
“You’ll be back on your feet soon” Su looks at you smiling softly as Opal holds your hand. You look around then at the two of them “Wait where is everyone? Kya and Bumi? How’s Korra?”. They exchange a glance before Su speaks “Koda is healing them as best as she can at least until we arrive in Republic city. Korra...she took a great toll. She’s completely worn out. Tonraq and Asami are with her.”
You nod as you sigh looking up at the ceiling “I’m surprised she lasted that long with that poison in her body” you look back down before you hesitantly ask “Where’s Chief? How’s Lin?”
Su raises her eyebrow but answers your question “She’s fine just minor scuffs and bruises from the fight with P’li. She, Mako and Bolin are guarding Zaheer. “
You nod in understanding “Good, that guy deserves to rot in prison for what he’s done” you sneered as you turned your head looking upset. Su takes a couple of moments to gather her thoughts before she speaks and your ears perk up “I...we want to thank you...it was reckless but for you to step in front of Lin like that...” you interrupt Su,
“--I told you I would protect your family.” you don’t look at her as you look away.
“You’re part of our family too, y/n” Opal cuts in and rests her hand on top of yours and Su’s. Su agrees with her daughter - “We might not be blood, but you have a family with us. We all love and care for you, y/n.” Su gently smiles and you tear up nodding “Thank you”. The three of you share a smile before Su taps your hand gently.
“We’ll let you rest” Su and Opal stand up and you nod as they head out the room.
Lin made sure everyone in the bunk was asleep or busy before she walked over, but noticed someone seated beside you. She was going to walk away, but her eyes narrowed, noticing the Zaofu guard armor and stepped in. Iris had taken a step closer to you, asleep, contemplating whether or not to take your hand taking a seat on a nearby chair. Lin stepped further in once she notice Iris placing her palm on your sleeping face. Lin balled her fists feeling tired of this pathetic woman, she slowly stomped her way over composing herself, "If my memory serves me correctly... y/n stated that you have no reason to touch them"
Iris let go of your hand and stood up at attention "Chief Beifong, I-"
"I don't need to hear your reasons. Get out." Lin sneered as her eyes narrowed at the graying firebender who's eyes had widened by the demand "I just wanted to check up on y/n..." Iris's voice slightly pleading with the Chief of Police.
"The last thing Captain y/n needs is stress and from the last interaction I witnessed. That's all you are, a stressor. I won't say it again." Lin's voice lowers as she stands over Iris and watches as Iris looks back at you before backing down "I'm not going to stop" Iris looks at Lin, testing the Chief looking her in the eyes ``What is that supposed to mean?" Iris keeps her eyes on the Chief but says nothing and walks out of the room. Lin looked back at you and took a seat beside your cot.
She watched you sleep, taking in the wounds on your body. She wondered why you didn’t take your metal sleeves off as she softly brushed her hand down your arms and bent the sleeves off you herself. She set them beside you and even though the healer on the team checked you she wanted to see herself. She was careful to check on you noticing the bruises on your arms, your left arm in a sling with bandages on your left shoulder, side, then found bruising around your neck, probably from Ming-Hua. Lin traced her fingers on your hand before intertwining your hand with hers. She watched as your chest rising and falling with every breath with your left arm laid on your middle. She didn’t want to wake you, but she had to check up on you. Lin looked around and saw everyone was still asleep then scooted closer towards you and sighed. She didn’t understand the emotions she was feeling. She has dealt with officers getting stabbed while on the job, herself included. But having to see you being walked out and then the wound bleeding and your face getting pale. She did get worried. Lin shook those thoughts away, you’re sitting right next to her. She’s safe and alive, you’re touching her, holding her hand. Lin leans over towards you and moves a couple of loose strands of hair out of your face. Lin is tough but when it comes to her emotions and putting those to words, she has no experience. Despite the lack of confidence, she tries to formulate her emotions, settling to tell you while you’re asleep, she whispers “I look at you and my heart is open to the future. For years, I didn’t think I’d be open to the possibility of a relationship like this again. You fill the cracks and crevices others have created and take away the years of loneliness I’ve felt”. Lin looks over you for a couple more minutes until sleep starts to overcome her and she dozes off on the chair, not letting go of your hand.
You must’ve dropped off to sleep after talking to Su and Opal from the pain relief medication, because suddenly  you’re waking up to something squeezing your hand. You open your eyes and turn your head and see a sleeping Lin sitting beside you. Her fingers slowly trace over yours so as to lull herself to sleep. Your eyes soften as you rub Lin’s hand and pull her hand softly to your lips kissing it gently “Lin?” you whisper to her. Lin doesn’t budge so you let go and put your hand on the cot to push yourself up and wince a bit. You moving about causes Lin to stir and wake up “y/n, what are you doing?” she sits up quickly and helps you but you dismiss her attempts and lay back down and blink, focusing in the dark room. “How long have I been out?” you look around as Lin rubs her eyes “A couple of hours”
“C’mere” you pull Lin to you and she looks around to make sure everyone is still asleep before she climbs into the cot beside you.
“First you jump in front of me and almost get blown up by that third eyed freak then you get yourself stabbed” Lin huffs but wraps her arms around you and holds you tight, her voice muffled by the nape of your neck. You put your arms around her "Take my heroics actions minimize them why don't you" you quip before you tuck some of her hair behind her ear “I couldn’t let her get to you or let Mako get hurt. I did the same thing you would’ve done.” you softly speak to her not to waken up anyone as you hold onto her just as tight. “It’s different when it’s you getting hurt...” she breathes out into your neck as you tighten your hold on her. Your eyes widen and you stiffen up a bit then run your free hand down her back “I’m sorry, but you understand better than anyone on the why.” you whisper back giving her neck a light peck.
She pulls back and reaches her hand up to cup your cheek. “Doesn’t help your case.”
“It’s just a scratch” you try to sound convincing as you kiss the palm of her hand, she rolls her eyes. “Just a scratch, my ass”,
You smirk letting out a soft chuckle as you run your hand down to grab her ass “I could do that” Lin grabs your hand and stops you, giving you a glare.
“I’m alive, Beifong” you offer her a smile and kiss her palm again.
“Not for long” she says gruffly as your mouth gapes open
“Lin Beifong, you wouldn’t...that’s murder” your eyes widen,
“I would and I can get away with it too” she quips back as she shuts your mouth, causing you to smile more. You kiss her forehead as she runs her hand across the small of your back as you do the same to her. “Ah yes I forgot you’re Chief of Police Beifong” you chuckle before softening a bit, and change the subject “How’s Korra?”
“She’s asleep. Tonraq is staying with her and so is Asami. Kya gave Korra a bit of a healing session but it wasn’t much success due to her condition.”
“Is Tenzin going to call Katara to come to Republic City? You should ask Asami to offer an airship to get her. She’ll get there faster” you suggest as she nods “Asami offered, but Katara wouldn’t be able to handle the trip…”
Your brows furrow “Then maybe you should take Korra to the south pole”
“Republic City is on the way, the injured will be healed there. Then considering how the recovery goes there we’ll call for Katara.” Lin explained as you sit up a bit to adjust yourself, the motion causing you to wince.
“Good” you adjust a bit as Lin pushes back but you pull her closer “What about Zaheer?”
“Mako, Bolin, and some of the Zaofu guards are guarding him. Uncle Zuko and Raiko are making preparations to make a prison impossible for him to escape.”
You let out a breath and nod. Lin looks around and starts to get up, you grab her wrist “Lin...”. Lin gives you a look, “I need to...”
“--I know...don’t let him out of your sights.” you kiss the back of her hand before she sits up leaning over you and give each other a slow kiss cupping her cheek  ending it with one, two, three kisses before she gets out of the cot and heads out the room. Not before giving you another glance as you settle back down on the cot closing your eyes.
You couldn’t help but feel guilty that because of your encouragement, Korra sacrificed herself - you feel somewhat responsible. You take a deep breath as you look up at the metal frame of the bunk above you and think of how lucky it is that everyone made it out somewhat alive.
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cheetahsprints · 4 years
All good things now come from you
Summary: Wu visits Mako. 
What have I done to fall so hard for you? 
The first time is a total surprise. Mako flops out of bed, kicking away the tangled sheet as he grunts with frustration. Many nights he experiences nightmares, and he reaches for another body. He doesn’t know who he expects to be there or why. But there’s no one there. It’s just him in his lonesome apartment. 
He’s grown tired of Korra and Asami trying to include him in things out of pity. Of course, there’s offers to hang out separately, but in his patheticness he still feels awkward being alone with either of them. He’s also grown tired of Bolin’s attempts to set him up. Nothing seems to click, and he can’t help comparing them to… to… he doesn’t know who, except he does, and it hurts. It’s not Korra or Asami, he’s not quite that bad. Any lingering feelings have turned platonic.
He gets ready for the day, opens the door, and he’s there. Mako abruptly remembers that he doesn’t have work today. Now, he’s not sure whether that’s a positive.
Mako intones, “What are you doing here.”
He’s supposed to be on some kind of tour with his… music career. Mako likes many of Wu’s traits that he’d never admit, but his singing leaves a lot to be desired. Nonetheless, something about Wu’s alluring voice attempting to hold a note always makes his heart jump into his throat.
“Is that any way to talk to your old friend?” Wu spreads his arms. Mako is surprised he doesn’t go in for a hug. Perhaps, he’s learned some boundaries.
“Old employer, you mean.”  Mako is semi-aware that he’s trying too hard to distance himself. He tried and tried to drop hints about his feelings, and he’s lost hope that Wu will ever see him that way, that he even could.
“Aw come on, after all we’ve been through?” Wu frowns. “I thought I meant a little more to you.”
Mako raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms. “Did you want something or did you just come by to say hello?”
“I thought we could just… talk. I don’t know. I’m bored.”
So, Mako lets him inside. Wu looks around a bit, then shuffles over by a wall where he stands there staring at Mako. He offers, “Are you going to… sit down?”
“No, I’m good.”
“Um… okay.”
They talk. Hours fly by that Mako scarcely notices at first. He has plenty of input in the beginning, but eventually he lays on the bed. He places his hands behind his head, closes his eyes and just listens to his voice, his unexpected insights. Wu speaks of his travels, with plenty of humorous stories. 
He vanishes as suddenly as he came. Mako must have fallen asleep, because when he opens his eyes Wu is gone with no sign that he was there.
You are my everything… My head, my heart, my mind, my wing
It takes the second time to hear the edge in Wu’s voice, his deliberate leaning on the light-hearted. Whenever the serious side of his stories seems like it will thicken, he changes course.
This time, he has visited Mako at work. Mako has some backed up paperwork to take care of. A few pages in, he’s slacking and trying to play Pai Sho with himself; it’s not going well. He’s not a keen player to begin with, never as interested in it as Bolin. A hand reaches out and moves a piece. Mako looks up, and there’s Wu.
Mako actually hasn’t noticed the station is empty except for him until this moment. 
“Wu… it’s been a few weeks hasn’t it? How are you?”
Wu waves a hand. “Oh you know. Seeing things, meeting people. Did I tell you that time I ran into the swamp chasing that -”
“Right. If you like the swamp so much, maybe you should live there.”
Wu stares at him. His gaze is searching, but Mako is uncertain what he’s looking for. 
“Do you want to play?”
“Oh I’m terrible!”
“Well, I’m so great either…”
Wu reaches up to run his fingers through his own hair. He pauses and drops his hand. “I guess we can be terrible… together…”
There’s a twitch of a smile, and Mako realizes his smiles haven’t reached his eyes, not even the last time he saw him.
The past, the present, tomorrow too... 
The third time, part of Mako is expecting it. He’s at a spa after all, in a steam room. It was Asami’s suggestion, and it was just going to be them hanging out. Then, somehow everyone else got wind of it and showed up. And by everyone, he means: Korra, Bolin, Opal, Wing and Wei, Tu, Jinora, Kai, even Lin. Not every single person he knows fairly well, but it might as well have been. 
He managed to ditch them all at one point. He got a little… overwhelmed when they started talking about Kuvira. He definitely did not start sweating and run out of there like a chickendeer with its head cut off. 
Mako’s eyes snap open when he feels a brief and slightly damp sensation on his forehead. Wu grins at him, but his eyes are unfocused. It’s unsettling.
“Did you just… kiss me?”
“Haha sure… oh buddy, the heat must be getting to ya.”
Mako glares at him. He knows what he felt, and there’s no other explanation. He decides not to press the issue. Then, his eyes wander to Wu’s bare torso and his throat tightens. Wu lowers himself to sit beside him. It’s close but not so close as to be brushing against each other. Mako squints. It seems deliberate. Does Wu know about his feelings? Is he grossed out or just trying to spare him the rejection? Mako’s head gets kind of spinny.
This time is mostly silent. Mako - to his own surprise - is the one who tries to start conversation. Wu seems lost in thought though, and his responses are too monosyllabic to work into more. Occasionally, Wu catches Mako’s eye when Mako glances at him. Every time, Mako looks down at his own lap, cheeks heated and not from the steam. 
I’ll spend my final day with you
The fourth time, Mako is so shocked it angers him.
It’s a bust gone wrong. He’s tied up, definitely not expecting any visitors. That sonorous voice calls to him, “Heyy Mako. Looks like you’re all tied up, am I interrupting?”
Mako’s face aches where he was punched, one of his eyes is swollen shut, and he’s pretty sure a few ribs are cracked, if not broken. Somehow, he manages to glare at Wu. Then, he panics.
“What are you doing here?!”  Mako squirms, but it’s no good. “Get out of here!”
“Nah, I’m good. Can’t stay long though, but I got you a present.” Wu tosses him a knife. There are jewels in the hilt. “Nothing extravagant, but I think you can take it from here? The guard was asleep… they hired a kid, poor thing. He looks to be about… twelve? Maybe you should I dunno, adopt him or something.”
Mako stares at the knife. This has to be one messed up dream resulting from head trauma. “I - I feel too young to be a… a dad to a pre-teen and… I don’t think I’d make a good one.”
“Nonsense! You have just the kind of experience to relate to the kid. Big brother then?”
Because that went so well with Kai, though that was more Bolin’s mission than his. “He’d probably just see me as condescending.”
Wu shrugs. “Well, see you later Mako. I - I hope I can see you again soon.”
He walks out. Not long after, Mako escapes by managing to cut the ropes with his limited range of movement. It helps that the obviously expensive dagger, though probably meant to be decorative, is incredibly sharp. He hoists the kid over his shoulder kicking and screaming, then leaves it up to Lin to sort out. He has too many of his own issues. 
Later, when he’s giving his statement, he’s at a loss explaining his escape. 
He decides to loosely suggest that the kid helped him out. He’s adopted to a nice family within the week, and Mako sends him an encouraging letter with Bolin’s assistance with the wording. He doesn’t tell a single soul about seeing Wu.
I hope you feel the way I do, I hope you give yourself up too
The fifth time, he gets the immediate sense something is very wrong, and he’s been blind this whole time. He’s walking through the spirit wilds of Republic City, just to clear his head. Wu stumbles out from a tangle of vines. He’s disheveled, a complete wreck. His eyes are wild.
“Mako… Mako…”
“Wu?” For the first time, Mako reaches out to him as though to cradle him.
His hands pass right through him. Mako gasps, his eyes widening. “What - how -”
Wu gives him a pleading look and whispers, “You have to save me Mako… please… if I mean even a quarter to you what you - what you mean to me.”
“Save you…? What do you mean? From what? Are you projecting your spirit or something? Since when can you -”
Wu puts his hand up. “Enough questions. I’ve officially run out of time, Mako. I - I love -”
Then, he fades, just as Mako chokes, “You -”
 Mako can’t breathe. He sprints to the station and barges in on Lin.
“Mako? What do you think you’re -”
Mako slams his palms flat on the desk. “It’s Wu!”
Minutes feel like hours. Korra isn’t able to sense him, claiming to Mako’s horror that it means his life force is weak. Eventually, they’ve gathered everyone who has remotely associated with Wu in the last few months. His location is tracked to somewhere in the swamp… which ended up being the result of Mako’s gut feeling based on circumstantial evidence.
The evidence being that Wu somehow brought up the swamp in every conversation. Something that he only vaguely recollects after thinking about it really hard. 
Mako finds him first, of course. He’s laying in a muddy ditch, as disheveled as when his spirit most recently appeared. There are scrapes on every inch of skin he can see, and an especially deep wound somewhere in the abdomen. He’s wrapped in glowing vines that may or may not be keeping him on the cusp of life. The blood is difficult to see amongst the mud and vines, but Mako can smell it. He rushes to Wu and kneels down. He gently scoops him up, even though he knows he shouldn’t move him.
It’s probably too late. The vines retreat.
“Wu, please. Please don’t leave me. You were wrong okay? I care about you so, so much.” Mako finally releases his stranglehold on his deepest emotions, and the tears flow. “You need to pull through this, you need to fight so I can - so I can - tell you that I-”
He can’t say the words, not like this, not when he can’t even hear them.
Soon, the others appear. Korra and Kya quickly rush to his side and take over. He stays close. His vision blurring. Someone pulls him away, rambling something. Someone else puts a blanket around his shoulders. Someone says, “It’ll be alright.”
Mako can see the doubt in their eyes.
Mako and Wu are carted in different directions. It feels wrong, to be pulled away from him. However, he doesn’t think he can take it if the worst scenario is true. 
How could he miss it? 
Mako is numb and quiet as hours or maybe days pass. It’s discovered that Wu met someone claiming to be a scouting agent. Apparently, he had worked with Varrick and Bolin at one point, and that was all that was needed for Wu to trust him.
Mako should’ve never left his side.
It went very south. Wu was innocent in everything, but of course he somehow ended up in the crossfire of a scandal involving spirit vines, former Kuvira followers, and big, big debts. He was nothing but a puppet for some fiend to hide behind.
“I’m in love with him,” Mako says out loud, just so the universe at least can hear it. Of course, he’s overhead by several people. He distantly registers he’s in the air temple. He doesn’t know when that happened. 
“...You’re kidding,” Bolin remarks, staring. 
“You didn’t know?”
“Dude… I thought you were straight. Everyone knew Wu was into you, but we thought it was an epically tragic case of unreciprocated affection!”
“There’s nothing epic about that,” Mako grumpily mutters. He’d thought himself in that position once, and Bolin is making it sound like fun mover material.
When he explains how he guessed Wu’s location, Lin of all people says, “He was about as obvious as you were with how you felt. That is, too subtle… by the spirits, how could you two be such idiots?”
“I know right? They’re made for each other,”  Asami says. 
“He didn’t know.”
“Probably not, Mako.”
Mako slaps his forehead. “I’m such a moron.”
No one responds to that, but they don’t refute it either. He doesn’t blame them.
I’m damned to feel the way I do
Mako is going to visit Wu. It feels strange the other way around. He carefully crosses the threshold, flowers clutched in his hand. It feels weird, but it also didn’t feel right not to bring anything. This is it, after all; an end and a beginning.
“When I saw you, hurt and lifeless… there are just so many things I wish I had said,” Mako murmurs. “Despite the time I’ve had to think about, I still don’t know what words to choose. I couldn’t even say it to your face, but this is catharsis, I suppose.”
He goes on, “I’m sure you know, when we first met I thought you were one of the most obnoxious people on the planet. Okay, maybe you didn’t know - or if you did, you hid it well. Somewhere along the line I started to see… what a truly amazing and strong person you are.”
“You really impressed me with how you had grown,” Mako continues. His chest aches. He’s not sure what he’s doing. He takes a few steps closer and drops to his knees. “I can’t imagine a world without you in it. I couldn’t even bring myself to tell you goodbye. Every stupid little thing you would do became so endearing, it made me so - so stupid. A stupid fool in l-”
He still can’t get the word out, not when addressing Wu without him being there. Silence falls as Mako loses the strength to talk. He wipes at his dampened cheek feebly with his sleeve. 
“What happened to my big tough guy? Not that there’s an -” A pause and a weak cough. “Anything wrong with being touchy-feely. Good for you.”
Mako drops the flowers, and he rushes so fast to stand that his knee rams into the metal bed frame. He winces, then he looks at Wu, and his minor pain evaporates. Wu’s eyes are half-lidded, his knuckles pale where he’s clutching the sheet. He’s clearly struggling to stay awake. However, he gives Mako a lopsided smile, his beautiful eyes twinkling. 
“It’s a  good thing you don’t have to, huh? Be in a world without me that is,” Wu mutters.
Mako reaches to brush his hair to the side. 
“Sure scared me though. You should rest.”
“I’m just excited you’ve come to see me,” Wu admits. “Stay with me?”
Without hesitation, Mako squeezes himself onto the cot. “Of course. I’m here. I love you.”
Wu grins wide enough that it doesn’t really look comfortable. “Mako I -”
Wu breaks away to cough again. “I love you too, big guy.”
“I wonder, do you remember visiting me?” Mako murmurs, “Do you remember coming to me when you were unconscious? How did you do that?”
“Whaaat? I’m not exactly Mr. Spiritual Guru. How would I do that?” Wu adds, “Also, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Huh. Maybe I had cracked and hallucinated it.”
“Or, or, your spirit was the one reaching out and pulling me to you! Because we’re deeply connected.”
“Pfft. It was probably the spirit vines.”
“Yeah... probably.”
Wu cracks a yawn, and his eyelids droop. Mako kisses him on the forehead. His lip has a bad split, so this will do. Wu snuggles into him, and Mako knows the meaning of true peace.
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