#as you can see the adhd is adhd-ing
eureka-its-zico · 5 months
So Bethesda did an update to the Fallout 4 game, while I was in the middle of my play-through and completely fucked up my shit. It won’t even load. The devastation this has caused my already fragile wellbeing is ridiculous.
I went back to Baldur’s Gate for my bb Astarion and didn’t know if I should let him ascend or be my sweet cherry blossom child of sass again so I stopped playing that because I’m mf conflicted. (He said the sweetest most touching shit I’ve EVER experienced in a game while talking to my Durge character and I fucking melted OKAY?!?😩)
Was going to go back to Cyberpunk but immediately just wanted a nap because I can’t mentally handle Johnny’s rants today so I thought I’ll do Mass Effect instead.
And here I am with Dead Space open considering closing it to go open the Outlast Trials instead.
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Hello! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Now get ready for some Valentine’s Day incorrect quotes!
Dogday: *kisses Catnap*
Catnap: !
Dogday: ...Did you steal my chapstick?
Catnap: Did- did I what?
Dogday: My chapstick, Catnap. Did you steal it?
Bobby BearHug : Dogday, for the love of God, not this again.
Catnap: I- No, I didn't steal your chapstick. We use the same chapstick.
Dogday: No, there is absolutely no way we use the same chapstick, because it was only sold on one Etsy shop two years ago and they discontinued it, and I loved it so much that I bought the last of their stock, and I keep it in my freezer so it doesn't go bad. It's been discontinued for three years. No one uses the same chapstick for three years. So unless you've been eating a whole f--- ton of something that's flavored like chocolate and popcorn, you absolutely stole my f---ing chapstick.
Catnap: Chocolate and popcorn?
Bobby BearHug : Why do you think it got discontinued?
Kickinchicken : *sees Catnap and Dogday together*
Kickinchicken : They're cute. I would put them on a boat.
Bobby BearHug : You mean... you ship them?
*at 3am*
Kickinchicken : *runs into Dogday’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!
Dogday: *wakes up* Dude!
Kickinchicken : *cackles*
Catnap: *sits up from where they were sleeping behind Dogday* What the f---, Kickinchicken ?
Kickinchicken : *jaw drops* Wait WHAT-
(Don’t worry they had a sleepover, they did not do “it”, ya nasty.)
Catnap: Goodnight to the love of my life, Dogday, and f--- the rest of y'all.
(Congratulations! You've stumbled upon a secret message from me (the programmer of this generator): <img src="https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/039/484/cover7.jpg" width="100%" height="auto">
I look at you with my autistic eyes.) this is amazing. How did this happen?
Hoppy hopscotch : Hi.
Bobby BearHug : Hey, did you do what I said? Did you tell them?
Hoppy hopscotch : I did.
Bobby BearHug : And what did they say?
Hoppy hopscotch : “Thank you.”
Bobby BearHug : You’re totally welcome. What’d they say?
Hoppy hopscotch : They said, “Thank you.” I said “I love you” and Kickinchicken said, “Thank you.”
Catnap: Come on, Kickinchicken . Nobody actually believes that Dogday is in love with me.
Kickinchicken , to The Squad: Raise your hand if you think that Dogday is helplessly in love with Catnap.
*Everyone raises their hand*
Catnap: Dogday, put your hand down.
Dogday: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me?
Catnap: I don't know. When are you going to ask me to?
Bobby BearHug : And you just ran away?!
Dogday: I didn't expect them to flirt back!
Catnap, holding a rock: Dogday just gave this to me and said "I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock".
Hoppy hopscotch : If you don't marry them, I will.
Kickinchicken: Is there anyone here who’s actually straight?
Dogday: *raises hand*
Catnap: *puts their hand down*
Dogday: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds?
Catnap: Yes?
Dogday: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days.
Catnap: F---.
Dogday: It's gonna be a fun week!
Catnap: I'm going to Bobby BearHug 's house.
Dogday: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherf---er.
(Thank you for reading! Bye!<3)
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
Last Line Challenge
tagged by @starwarsanthropology (twice), @mereelskirata (twice), @varpusvaras, @sithfox, @merlyn-bane
@whiskygoldwings (twice), @rooksunday, @adhd-coyote, and @loverboy-havocboy (also twice)
ily all and i love all the tags i've been getting 😊 i've simply been busy with Event Fic that i can't share oops. but i am reverse-uno-tagging each and every one of you :3
in lieu of my actual most recent work... jango one-shot! in which daimyo boba gets a little disrespected and jango handles it in the manner he knows best
violence. it's violence. people die.
Jango stands up.
“I will not allow anyone,” he says, his toe spikes ching-ing faintly with each step he takes down the stone dias, “to disrespect Lord Fett.”
His voice is deceptively soft. If Boba didn’t know him so well, he might think it was a request, disguised as a demand. He can almost picture that same nearly-polite tone, asking please don’t do that again?
But he remembers that tone. He remembers being a boy, and watching his father walk toward a man, puzzled at his father’s neutral, almost submissive demeanour. He remembers wondering what could ever make legendary bounty hunter Jango Fett approach a threat – however subtle or minor – with anything but raw power.
And he remembers what happened next.
He shifts his weight forward, sitting almost on the edge of the throne, eyes fixed on his father’s form. In his peripheral vision, he can see Fennec, aware that something’s happening but confused as to what exactly it is.
“I think you should apologize,” Jango suggests.
“I said what I said,” the man repeats. “And what I said was-”
Jango’s fingers tighten around the man’s throat before any of them see him move, dragging him out of his seat and around in front of Jango like a dog flinging around a rat. The man manages to draw a blaster from somewhere, shooting at Jango and hitting him in the bottom of the chestplate. Jango lets go, a calculated movement, not borne out of pain or surprise. The methodical nature of the man’s release eludes him. He scrambles back, hopping up onto the table to try to get away, blaster leveled in a shaking hand.
Jango leaps forward, hand planting on the table, boot coming up to land beside it. The way he moves on all fours should look awkward and off-centered, especially since he stays low to avoid hitting the pendant lights, but there’s grace to it as he advances. Four blaster shots ping off Jango’s chestplate. None of them have any effect on him now.
Boba can see the very moment the man realizes that Jango let him go on purpose.
Jango’s momentum carries him forward easily. He straddles the man’s hips, hand planted on his chest even as the man brings the blaster up again, trying to adjust for their new closeness. Jango strikes quickly, hand wrapping around the top of the blaster and yanking it away in a sudden, harsh movement that snaps two of the man’s fingers almost effortlessly.
He screams, cradling his hand to his chest. Jango already has the end of the blaster’s barrel pressed against the man’s forehead as his left hand reaches to his belt. He draws the long, jagged Tusken knife that K'jevra had given him. The blade scrapes slowly against the metal of the scabbard, the harsh, grating sound an intimidation tactic that makes even Boba shiver slightly.
“I beg your pardon!” interjects the Zabrak who’d brought them all here, jumping up from his seat. “I cannot allow such treatment of my guards!”
“Beg, then,” Jango says, in that same voice, its softness a sign of danger now to everyone in the room. He raises the knife, holds it in the air, lights gleaming off the blade. “Beg Lord Fett for forgiveness.”
“Lord Fett, please. The man was a fool, but this is an unspeakable show of violence.”
“Not much of an apology,” Boba muses. He pauses, for a moment, eyeing the Zabrak for any signs of remorse and finding none. His gaze moves to the men on the table. Jango hasn’t looked away from his target’s face, even though the other man stares at Boba with fear. “I leave his fate to your mercy, Father.”
Their visitors’ eyes widen as they realize the relation.
The man on the table doesn’t have time to scream.
His death is almost incidental. Blood spatters across the tabletop as Jango pulls the knife out and rises to lunge at the nearest man in the same instant. Despite what he’d just seen, the guard was foolish enough to have drawn his blaster. Jango is on top of him before he has time to aim, and his shot goes wild, not that any of them see the blaster bolt leave a scorch mark on the wall.
All eyes are on Jango, as he and the guard tumble to the floor together. Boba knows the man’s dead by the time they hit the floor, arm falling lifelessly as Jango lands on top of him and rolls to the side. He comes up kneeling on one knee, knife held flat against his thigh, already aiming his blaster at the third guard. The guard hesitates, for a moment, and the fourth takes the moment to try to outdraw Jango.
Jango lets the bolt hit, then slowly turns his head to stare at the fourth guard. They freeze, clearly realizing their mistake, and begin to raise their hands, one in the air, one to the side to set the blaster on the table. Jango lets them disarm themself before throwing the knife, already turning away from metal cutting through flesh to use the small rocket mounted on his left vambrace on the last remaining guard as they start to fumble for their blaster.
The Zabrak stands frozen in shock and horror.
Boba rises, standing before the throne with his arms crossed over his chest.
“I thought you had at least one brain cell wandering around between those horns of yours. Get out, Varian, and get off this planet. If anyone ever sees you here again…” He lowers and softens his voice, matching Jango’s almost exactly. “I’m a simple man, like my father before me. Do you understand?”
Varian nods, backing away slowly, mute with terror. When he reaches the doorway, he turns and flees, the echoes of his footsteps quickly receding into quiet.
Jango stands up, takes a napkin from the table, and begins cleaning his knife.
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hp-hcs · 11 months
new slytherin boys x reader challenge i created for myself because the ghost of adhd future possessed me
ugh, so basically, i started writing part two of the doll, and had an oh so brilliant plan for a new x reader series i could work on
so i went to one of those wheel spinner websites and made three wheels, each with fifteen possible entries. the first is just the five slytherin boys (blaise, draco, enzo, mattheo, and theodore), each entered thrice:
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the second, was genre types and combinations:
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and the final one was created by me just shuffling my favorite spotify playlist and picking the first fifteen songs to come up:
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(why is my playlist narcing on my age. i don’t like feeling old)
i then spun each wheel once to create a unique combination, then removed those choices from the wheels until all of the options had been grouped together. which leaves me with the official list, in the order they were spun, as:
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my question for all of you (or whomever has read this far): are there any of these that you would like to see written? i know myself well enough to know that the probability of me writing all fifteen is laughable, at best. i’ll write two and then get bored.
i’ve oh so helpfully numbered them, if you feel like commenting, asking, or pm-ing me for a specific one.
note for any of the smut options: i can write for afab anatomy, but in that case, i will use they/them (or he/him, if requested) pronouns for the reader. i do not write for strictly she/her.
edit: #9 has been written here!
edit 2: #8 has been written here!
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doomspiral · 8 months
hey, i saw ur post about gil having literal brain damage, and i saw u said something about u hc-ing gil as experiencing psychosis. thats a hc i’ve got too! could u elaborate on that perhaps, i’d be interested to hear ur take😌 love ur call to alms fic btw, always excited to read when i see updates
I'm so glad you like my fic, Anon. Ch 9 is more than halfway done, I just got thwacked with essay due dates 😭🫂
I have so many HC's for Gil because I needed his canon behavior to make sense beyond "he's just like that," because knowing WHY informs me on how he would behave during anything I throw at him. So, I came to the conclusion that he's psychotic in some way! Knowing how it presents in myself as well as people I've known (homeless ppl, friends, lovers, family, enemies. Y'know, the works), I find it easy to explain not only his nervous tics but also his abrupt track switching and antisocial behaviors.
I wouldn't say Gilbert is schizophrenic. I make Natalija schizo-effective, but Gil is more handwavy. He's just got a lot of trauma and mental brittleness that can't be explained by a TBI or ADHD/Autism. There's just something distinctly unwell about him. One of the things I write in his POV are dissociative fits where he just daydreams about gore and violence when he's distressed (usually trapped somehow). On Hima's blog, Gil says his favorite director is Schnaas, and the calm smile on his face leads me to believe he's someone who can take comfort in controlled exposure to gore.
There's probably more, but there's some tidbits for you!
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a-nobody-here · 9 days
Is it too late for this already, now? eh...roll the cam.
[Film Slate Snaps.]
Hello from the wild side, amigo.
✒️M.H.15, India.
I'm Parker. No, not Peter Parker. Parker Grey. Or just Rae. Consider me timeless, mortal. I've a knack for complicated concepts, and stuff that will barely sustain in thought in someone else's case.
You can tell, from my account, there's a lot of 4th wall breaks going on. I'm the mod for a few roleplay accounts on here and since it was getting too complicated for me, I supposed I needed my space somewhere, someday.
Here's...well, a little bit of an overview. Come find me and we'll have a chill chat.
Roleplay Alternatives: @your-darling-gaze / @you-know-frankieeex :)
Blorbos: Tony Stark, Dean Winchester, Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield), Logan Howlett, Gojo Satoru, Hannibal Lecter and Thomas Shelby. (See a pattern?)
Best of friends (Mods and More): @the-loss-of-my-life , @yeahimdarcy , @ireallyliketacosokay , @soldier-bucky-barnes , @itzzkaylaaa <3
Languages Spoken: English, Hindi, French, Spanish, Latin ( a little ) and Korean :)
Disorders to look out for: Bipolarity, Anxiety, Maladaptive daydreaming (not always bad.), Neuro divergency, Mild Anorexia, Separation Anxiety, Anxious Attachment, Mild Daddy Issues (I don't bring them up.) and ADHD.
Likes: Relative to what situation I am in. (CATS.)
Hobbies: Singing, Writing, Science, Art, Meme-ing, Old Hollywood, Pop Culture, Comic reading, Music and Movies :]
Picture me so:
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•Asks, Posts, Mentions, Discussions about anything related to hate towards any section of society will not be tolerated. (Xenophobia, Racism, Transphobia, Homophobia etc.)
•If I am not on good terms with a mod, I will simply ignore any mentions and interactions relevant to them.
•Spread Luck and Only the best towards everyone and be nice. Hate will not be tolerated in any sense of it.
•Blog Mod is a minor; Although there will be both SWF and NSFW content. (Fanfiction, Fanart etc.)
•If it comes to notice that these rules are being violated, the said account will be Ignored, Reported and Blocked.
Love Always. Rae.
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freckliedan · 10 months
Hi!!! I just wanted to talk about how Dan and Phil as a brand is so relatable to neurodivergents in the way that they've been treated recently. So DnP built their careers off of being "weird" and "quirky" and socially awkward. That was Their Thing. Dan spoke for years about being violently bullied (quotes such as "being punched in the head by dickheads" stand out as a pre-BIG example of just how violent it got at times), Phil had the Why I Was a Weird Kid series, they both were frequently talked about as being "weird" and "awkward" by other YouTubers - they WERE the "weird" ones of the vlog group. The ones that awkward teens could relate to. Unfortunately, this got the attention of the #imsoquirky crowd who talks like they're experiencing all of these things while also being the same people who would mock me for my autism.
And that's the crowd now saying Dan is too old to be posting catboy photos or saying that the two of them "give the ick now, idk why." And I just can't help but notice how much I relate to that as an autistic and ADHD person. So many times over the years, I've made "friends" who were slightly into my interests, but then got weirded out by how hard I went into them. I think what we're seeing is the same thing happening to Dan and Phil. Drawing cat whiskers on your face to answer questions? Well that's "so cute and quirky"!! (/s). But actually playing as Catboys in JRPGs, dressing up in cat ears, making animal noises (which the two of them always did but ig this group overlooked), etc? Well that's "too far" and "so weird."
I think Dan especially got hit with this because he has more subscribers. When he talks about being bullied, most people can relate to that. But then when he goes and honks a horn in a game repeatedly (which tbh I've done before myself, very ADHD coded of him) or talks about hiding behind vending machines to avoid talking to people, that is suddenly "too annoying/weird" for some of the audience that got into him for his "relatably weird" content.
Sorry this is such a long ramble, but basically Dan and Phil have accidentally become the perfect examples of how kids with autism/ADHD/social pragmatic disorder/nvld/dyspraxia *insert other neurodivergencies that can cause atypical socialization* are treated. People might find your initial "quirkiness" relatable because everyone feels awkward or socially anxious at times, but it's when they see that you are Actually Just Like That and it's not to be #relatable that they turn on you and start saying that you're "too much" and "too weird."
Dan and Phil were the "weird" ones of the British vlog scene, and those of us who tuned into the younows or watched their older videos knew this, but someone who only subbed after watching a meme review or the two of them playing undertale might have assumed that they were the "right" kind of quirky/weird.
This is probably incoherent, but I hope you get what I mean.
this isn't incoherent! just such a well thought out ask i don't have anything to add. there's really specific ways i'm comfortable talking abour dnp + neurodivergence & neurodivergence in general so it's not something i've ever done super in depth posts abt!
i've actually gotten a few really lengthy asks like this over the last few weeks, so this is to you and to my other askers: i really appreciate that folks want to share their ideas with me but sometimes i genuinely don't have enough to contribute in response to add on to what's being said! and that makes it pretty impossible to answer asks like this.
so this is to everyone: feel free to @ me in the replies on your posts! (doing that leaves things cleaner than @ ing in the body of a post, which in my experience means folks are more likely to engage, if that's what you're looking for). especially loop me in about dnp + neurodivergene or dnp + gender!
this isn't a promise i'll rb or even see things, this website's functionality is shit, but like. it's actually way easier for me to see and support than if yall are sending me essay length anons, and this way i + others can find more people who share the same opinions as us! make ur own posts & ppl will follow u i prommy
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Hello! Thank you so much for feeding my addiction to this game, my fixations have been hyper-ing. Your writing has been living rent free in my head. If you're still doing match ups, can I get a match up for tokyo debunker?
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bi
Zodiac/MBTI: Gemini/INFP
Appearance: Super wavy hair, light brown/darker blond. Pale skin, hazel eyes, and I'm pretty tall! 5'9. 5'9 and a half on a good day.
Personality: I'm pretty quiet. I have inattentive ADHD and a good portion of my day is spent in my own imagination. I'm naturally forgetful and a little clumsy, and I tend to avoid crowds, but when someone else puts in the time to befriend me I don't treat it lightly. People pleasing is a big issue for me, but when I trust someone I turn into a completely different person. I enjoy making people laugh and being a very caring little shit. Like a sour-patch kid lol
Likes and Dislikes: I'm a big dating sim enjoyer, and I've recently started re-reading my favorite comic series from when I was a kid (shout out yj '98, you were the realest). I dislike open water, conflict, and rude people.
Hobbies: reading, writing, Casual elf/fantasy fashion, and whatever new little hobby the bees in my brain told me to start this week. (it's crochet as of now)
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchup!
In Tokyo Debunker, I match you with...
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You and Kaito are both daydreamers and you’ll definitely bond over this. Sometimes, you can sit together and let your minds wander while still enjoying each other’s company.
Since you’re more on the clumsy side, he’s taken to carrying Band-Aids and anomaly medicine around with him in case of emergencies. It’s come in handy a few times for him too since I can see him being a bit clumsy as well.
Loves reading comics, especially if they’ve got a good balance of action and romance. Kaito’s always looking for new things to read so please give him recommendations. He’ll always read them and make notes to tell you his favourite parts.
He’s not a huge fan of conflict either but he’ll do his best to “be a man” and stand up for you. Just be willing to comfort him afterwards since it usually never goes how he hopes.
Since you like making people laugh, Kaito is more than happy to be a bit more giggly than usual around you. He loves seeing you laugh as well so expect a lot of goofy moments.
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Character asks: Gene!
Thank you so much, Nikki!! 🥹❣️
First impression: I feel as if my first impression of Gene was just... very normal, haha. I was incredibly normal about my favorite guy at first (blasphemous, I know). But overtime, he grew on me so much. I remember the exact moment when he did, too. It was during the episode Best Burger, specifically the moment where he's running to get the black garlic to Bob. That was the moment I became 🥺 for Gene. Ever since then, he has become my favorite.
Impression now: I love him so flipping much. He has so much depth to him. He's so sweet, has so much love in his heart, and is a great musician. What more could you ask for in a character??
Favorite moment: Probably the moment I mentioned before when he was getting the Black Garlic to Bob. There was just something about the way he apologized to Bob that almost made me cry. I wanted to run up and hug him so bad and tell him he's not a screw-up and doing so well.
Idea for a story: I would love to write a story where he struggles with school, or just some other task because of undiagnosed ADHD. It makes him feel inadequate, but he's assured by everyone that he's doing the best he can and that he shouldn't be too hard on himself. Preferably by Bob.
Unpopular opinion: I don't know if this is exactly an unpopular opinion, but he is not annoying. At least not all of the time. Besides, he's an eleven-year-old boy, what did you expect?? He adds so much to the show that a lot of people don't even give him credit for. Saying he should be killed off is absolutely insane. He's so sweet, what did he ever do to these people on Reddit?? Okay, got a little off-track there, but still.
Favorite relationship: Not sure if this means romantic or platonic, but for platonic, it's definitely his father/son relationship with Bob. It's always so sweet to see, because Bob is so dang protective of Gene, in ways that aren't always obvious. I adore him putting Gene's needs over his own by taking Gene outside in The Laser-Inth. Or when they went trapeze-ing together in V For Valentine-Detta and he was there to calm Gene down when Gene was freaking out. Side note, Bob is actually great at helping Gene manage anxiety, it's so adorable to see.
Favorite headcanon: @drawthethingdoppelganger actually came up with this one!! She came up with this super adorable headcanon that Gene wrote a song about the mole on Bob's back, but it just shows how much he loves Bob❣️
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caorannn · 3 months
Intro post :3
This is an alt account, but I'm not telling the name of my main on here cause my parents might see it.
Some people will know what it is tho ;)
My name is Rowan. Or you can call me Ash, but that's my fursona's name.
I'm 18, my birthday is in January.
My besties are @shroomish-art and @saturnaous :)
Hobbies: I'm a furry, I love drawing, and writing (tho I never actually write), and I'm emo. In general I like creating things. And video games. My fav video games are Minecraft, Skyrim, Stardew Valley, and Sims 4.
My favourite character ever is Shota Aizawa. Please someone let me rant about him for hours I beg I beg 🙏
My favourite content creators, and the ones that inspired me to make content in the first place are Ranboo and Markiplier :)
DNI: zoophiles, pedophiles, TERFs, racists, sexists, anti-furries, pretty much any bigots.
I'm not on tumblr much, but I'm trying to be on here more often.
I'm fine with you dm-ing me, as long as you're not weird about it (no NSFW) :]
I'm a people pleaser, I have diagnosed social anxiety, regular anxiety, autism, depression, and maybe ADHD.
I like drawing self insert oc x character, and if you don't like that, oh well. boohoo.
Fav musicians are:
MCR, Hozier, Mother Mother, Thomas Sanders, All Time Low, Mitski, Chappell Roan, girl in red, The Living Tombstone, The Neighborhood, Adrianne Lenker, Melanie Martinez, dodie, boygenius, Fish in a Birdcage, Lady Gaga, Macklemore, Grimes, The Crane Wives, Paris Paloma, Måneskin, DJO, Hatsune Miku, Rammstein, Arctic Monkeys, Ayesha Erotica, Conan Gray, Marina and the Diamonds, Billie Eilish, grandson, CORPSE, The Front Bottoms, Steam Powered Giraffe, and more.
Fandoms: I know I put this in my bio, but here I'll go more in-depth.
Fav characters/ships:
Aizawa, Dabi, Shigaraki, Tokoyami. In that order.
Erasermic, KiriBaku, ShinKami
Sanders Sides: Virgil
Prinxiety, Logicality.
Good Omens: Crowley
Ineffable Husbands. Obviously.
DHMIS: Red Guy
Red x Duck, Warren x Shrignold
FNAF: William Afton
Why would I have ships for FNAF :|
Resident Evil:
Older Leon Kennedy, Heisenberg.
Leon x Chris, Ethan x Heisenberg (crack ship)
Zuko, Toph, Sokka
Toothless (obv)
Castiel, Lucifer
Destiel. duh.
Gravity Falls:
Stanford x me 🥰 /silly
If you have any more questions, just ask!
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violetsvisions77 · 2 months
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The Return
What has it been, like 15 years since I’ve last posted on Tumblr AND painted!?
I can’t say I know this platform that much anymore, and I’m due for a refresh (or crash course, all them veteran Tumblrers share your wisdom to fill me in if I’ve missed much).
Ngl. Writing this makes me feel old, I’m 34 by the way (since we’re doing introductions now?). I guess that is old in internet years. I know the zoomers think I’m a living relic, anyway.
Hey I survived Y2K, Ebola and really traumatically cruel 90’s Christian school teachers (IYKYK)
Where have I been these last 15 years?
Other than opening and then closing a business during the pandemic and nursing that wound, I think my last profile/posts (that no longer exist, hopefully) involved my broken engagement, that then turned into a bro-code breaking wet dream dating the best friend for 5 more years, that I’m still getting therapy for today. Love
Yeah. Love the whimsy of betrayal, lies and dudes manipulating naive hopeless romantic girls, who desperately needed confidence way more dick.
Oh… welcome to my tumblr 🥴😉
You’ll see a lot of rage-induced, ADHD fueled ramblings here with lots of other colorful sprinklings catapulted into the mix (y’know, kinda how the name Technicolor Ramblings implies). Not colorful how you think tho. Literally I’m an indigenous hairdresser and artist: Tater-baters and red hat brigaders leave wake (in fact take that lil Mayflower ass back on that sailing the ocean blue bullshit outta here and hope the killer whales getchu along the way too)
Anyway. Where were we?
Oh yeah, my hummingbird painting. Because like, that’s here so let’s talk about that instead of your daily dose of post-pandemic rantings and landback diatribes…
Right, so, this painting that’s not finished yet. It’s a Walela (Hummingbird in Cherokee. Yes I’m Tsalagi). The flowers all have meaning I’ll speak of later, but in short my life, more or less, has been saved by birds. My body has tried to kill me so many times, but picking up the simple hobby (should be something we all do, btw) of feeding birds and nectar-feeders has honestly saved my life and refocused my depresso messo of a fucked up mind.
My ancestors reminded me that I was here to be a steward. I have gifts. Feeding the birds and punishing the squirrels with spicy bird feed when they knock my cardinals off the feeder was my path in life (fr can we talk about what antagonistic little bitches squirrels can be?) Just joking… I’m indigenous, I love all animals and those lil fuckers do make me chuckle from time to time…
Lmao, okay okay, back to my sad sap story-turned influencer Tedtalk blog:
(Fr tho) I almost forgot myself, but the birds reminded me. I’m compassionate, I’m vibrant, I’m a work of art. I’m also crazy- like legit can’t keep my train of thought worth of shit, whatever the hell that means… (for laymen’s terms; I’m a bird brain)… but I’m me. An air sign, and an observer of nature, an indigenous woman who hails from descendants of Anitsiskwa (bird clan). Birds show me who I am. Weird little shits, but beautiful and so very valuable to our ecosystem. Each have their unique call(ing), colors, and purpose in this world.
And to be real, we waste so much of our own air chasing ideas of ourselves that’s based off others. We spoil so much of our own magic when we don’t love ourselves enough to foster the gifts we were given, that is MEANT to be shared
Magic. Yeah, Harry ain’t the only wizard here.
We each have our own rizz, y’all.
Mine is to feel, create and share, like many artists. That’s why it’s a blessing I can paint this Walela after a 15 year art hiatus. It’s my gift to share from the magic I contain.
Our experiences are meant to be the wisdom we learn from.
Our experiences were meant to heal.
And the experiences we foster into gifts of wisdom and art, are how we heal ourselves and others. It’s all tied together.
I feel like I haven’t always been good at that, using my experiences and turning into gifts to share. But with enough conviction, life is about second and third chances. So… with limited resources from our broken bird brain, we’re off into the races, my friends. I’m here to find, foster and share my colorful, weird and flighty magic again.
So without further ado as the Tumblr curtains open once again: I hope, if you done did the stumbler upon my Tumblr, you enjoy my own personal magic ✨
(It’s batshit crazy)
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edwinspaynes · 1 year
do you reckon matthew has adhd?
(i've seen some people really endorse it but also I feel like we're terrible at telling hyperactivity from hypomania, myself included, and it's possible that the old adhd stereotype isn't the best indicator)
this may or may not be me researching cyclothymia for myself too btw ;) and as a fellow adhder I also wish for all of the siderants in this post to be unapologetic <3 <3
Thank you for this. I do consider myself to have a PhD in Matthew Fairchild, so I'm excited to have a go here. Siderants incoming.
I don't want to get too deep into my own mental health issues on here, LOL. But I feel like it's almost impossible for me to talk about Matthew without being open about my own lens and viewpoint.
I need to preface this by stating that I relate VERY STRONGLY to Matthew in a ton of different ways, but one of the main ones is through a lens of mental health. We have similar symptoms and I definitely believe him to have a similar issue to myself. I am bipolar, have ADHD, and have PTSD. So this is where I am coming from; this is my background.
Matthew and PTSD
Let's just all agree right off the bat that Matthew has PTSD after the events of CLS. I don't think the word's used solely because it's 1903 and it doesn't exist. I'm pretty sure Cassie has said he has PTSD before directly. But also it's referred to in the books as "a shadow hanging over him" and a "hard edge." Everyone notes that his behavior changes after his mother's miscarriage. I'm not going to delve too much into this because it's literally canon and anyone with media literacy knows it.
Bipolar Matthew
I have very little doubt that Matthew is bipolar. He exhibits regular symptoms of depression and anxiety even as early as NBS and CLS. He also was completely out of control in several cases, and we see it most starkly when he blows up a wing of the Academy. If you read CLS, he seems completely unable to control his temper and detaches himself from the action as well, stating that in the interval between Alastair @ing him and his leaving school "a wing of the school blew up" rather than "he blew up a wing of the school". He also seemed incredibly giddy as talked with Will and then with Alastair as he told him he put all his things in the South Wing.
We see bipolar-esque impulsive behaviors in TLH, though TLH Matthew is definitely somewhat muted because of his alcoholism.
There is no arguing that Matthew suffers from depression in TLH, which manifests as addiction and also as what seems to be exhaustion. He falls asleep anywhere. Cassie herself has said that Matthew is depressed as well.
But, I also note that he has manic tendencies. He runs off to Paris with Cordelia extremely impulsively with almost 0 thought to the consequences. He jumps through the portal to Hell after James in a completely split-second decision. Thomas notes that Matthew has, for the longest time, believed that consequences were something that happened to other people rather than to himself and his friends. All of these things are consistent with bipolar disorder.
He also does something common to those both with BPD* and bipolar disorder called "splitting." Splitting happens when the person views others as either all good (Cordelia, James) or the literal scum of the earth with 0 gray area (Alastair, Grace). When shown gray area, he is jarred.
*I have also seen BPD peeps headcanon Matthew as borderline. When they talk about it, I can see an argument for it, but I do not personally think that Matthew has the shaky relationship insecurities that partly define BPD. He hates himself, but seems secure in the fact that others currently love him (even if he worries that they will not if they know of his Great Sin). I do not think he meets the BPD diagnostic criteria. But I am not a psychologist and am also biased as I am bipolar and want my fave character to be my Bipolar Buddy, lol.
ADHD Matthew
Getting to your question, does Matthew have ADHD?
This is actually the one that I'm least certain of.
He certainly does exhibit several ADHD-like traits. He's very externally boisterous and jubilant. He clearly hyperfixates on aesthetics and Oscar Wilde, talking about them in nearly every situation even when it's unrelated. (I find this funny because his Oscar Wilde obsession mirrors my TSC obsession. He's got a green carnation; I've got a clockwork angel pendant. It's amazing).
He also definitely shows difficulty focusing on tasks. However, it's impossible to say that this is a result of ADHD because of his addiction. Alcohol also causes people to have short attention spans and a bad memory, so this isn't saying much. The same goes for his poor physical coordination.
We would need to go solely from his time at school to figure this out. The only issue here is that it's challenging to separate Matthew's NBS behaviours from the fact that he was actively trying to get expelled. Did he really struggle to focus or did he just pretend to so he could piss off his teachers? Was he performing poorly because his needs were unmet or because he was purposely trying to be terrible? There's no telling, and I honestly suspect the latter.
So, I have no idea!
I personally think that Matthew may have ADHD solely because bipolar and PTSD exascerbate ADHD symptoms. All three of them exascerbate each other, actually. But I'm not too committed to this.
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miintsprigz · 2 years
Ohio RTC live-blogging
I watched the Saturday stream, and I documented my thoughts because hyperfixation goes brrrr
there was a lot of ableism in the chat (I do discuss what it entails below so you’ve been warned) so I was distracted at the end of the stream
-Karnak’s frantic tone during the accident + freeze frame moment, very cool
-them holding up the prizes
-Constance’s mumbled “sorry”
-post-possession Noel and Mischa stuff is so good (the o.e face and shoulder shake)
-I don’t like Ricky’s disability being stolen again, but I do like the fact that they’re happy that he’s happy, seems to be “bro”ing it up with Mischa a bit, I do love that
-JANE! (OVERANALYZES LIKE CRAZY) The way she tips her head a lot like it doesn’t fit her body comfortably. She sounds so timid…awww, honey…she moves a bit like her body is off-balance from the new head, I love the details
-I see evidence of platonic (at least) spacedolls already. Ricky waved at Jane!!!
-even in the “ocean’s life” segment Jane’s movements are just a BIT off. I think it’s cool when the Jane is taller in the cast, makes me think of a Barbie/pos
Poor gal seems real uncomfy in those lenses tho, can’t blame her
-all of the cast looks like they’re having the time of their life
-Mischa’s mannerisms are already cracking me up
-I am appreciating Noel very much in this production tbh, very sharp-tongued and excellent emoting in the face
-Jane’s delivery of That One Line (I hear it gives you an—)
-despite the small theatre and tech limits because of that, they really do well getting the point across with the props
-gosh props to Noel that change takes too long even in the main show, but he works it
-ngl I’m in love with this Ricky
-these dances are so fun!
-not a ton of Nischa in here with the end of the lament but—
-Constance’s “w h y” after the F word joke
-B O N S O I R
-them adding improv in ESGAL is a bit silly, but oh, RuPaul ref. That blindsided me lol
-they seem to be sort of un-possessed in TSIA, and Mischa seems a bit more friendly in this production so I think that fits decently
-I love how they try to make it like he can’t remember his rap—or can he actually not remember? Either way they played it off like it was on purpose and I appreciate that
-interesting how Jane’s a stand-in for Talia, cuz she could be anyone, she’s a blank body sorta
-I love the dances so so much, how they seem to be fencing Mischa in, and HE SINGS SO WELL, they did their best with the projector and got it across
-NOEL AND MISCHA HUG? NOEL AND MISCHA HUG!!!! AWWWWW IM CRYIN they seem so genuine about that whole part! person I’ve tagged said they noticed Mischa is audibly crying for quite a bit, poor dear
-again, Mischa encourages Ricky, I appreciate this! They see the Ricky and Mischa friendship supremacy!!!
-Mischa and Jane acting like generally strange parents and tHE FAKE ACTION SCENES which I genuinely think should have been in the original
-the implication that zolar daydreams came from food poisoning, this poor lad, I know it’s not exclusive to this version but dang
-this Ricky is just very captivating, I think this is a part that takes a lot of…uhhh, chutzpah, to play
-(sees Jane being a very passionate kitty) … (adds to spacedolls evidence folder)
-hehe I love that Mischa is Count Dogula
-also that black hole sound frequency reference made me so happy (“68 octaves below the middle C”)
-this Mischa has ADHD imo and I live for it
-AW JANE HAS SUCH A TINY MEMORY BOX. …big enough for a head. Cruel.
-they really worked with what they had for the background on Jane’s song. The way she blends into the scenery fits. That’s what she’s been doing this whole show. Also her trying so hard to grab her memory box and it’s always out of reach ;A;
-HER VOICE IS EXCELLENT this is impressing me in a bigger way than I thought it would
-the shadows moving!!! the way she can kind of recall knowing them, but not enough to know their faces or names
-the circling with the lights does make me think she’s falling, and the fact that she’s holding an umbrella…and sounds like she’s crying at the end…she’s so alone dude, I care her
-that last note was like a final scream
-Noel and Jane interaction!!! something I never see!!! I love it!
-Ricky is so gentle with Jane ;-;
-(chat is ableist about someone either ticcing, stimming, or having a meltdown in the audience and distracts me)
-Sugarcloud was excellent sorry I was too busy being full of rage
-Piano go breaking noises
-“you will soar to great heights” o u c h
Do I have criticism? Uhhh well it wasn’t perfect but hey, from what I saw they didn’t have a ton to work with (nobody’s fault there) and they used their resources well.
I also constantly have to remind myself of the fact that this show has a cast of at most eight people acting, and it makes sense that it’s difficult to remember all of your lines, and the fact that everybody has a solo song!!!
I dream of some day playing an alto Jane, although I doubt it will ever happen, but I’m not sure I’m talented enough to do with this cast attempted
Also frick the people in chat who were being jerks about that audience member. git gud, Ricky would hate you you’re breaking the one rule
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whathappenstotheheart · 4 months
35, 17 and 7 from those fun "weird writer" asks 🥳
I've been pondering how to answer #17 for so long that's it's become tomorrow, twice. Anyway, here we are:
7. What is your deepest joy about writing?
I think for me it's a pretty even split between two things:
Realizing a vision. Getting that scene to move just like I imagined. Getting that dialogue to flow just like it does in my head. Getting that one line to be just as pretty or poignant as the feeling behind it.
Reader impact. Someone reading my words and feeling them deeply. Someone seeing themselves or their emotions or experiences reflected in my writing. Or for fic, someone seeing something they love or resonate with in a character in how I render them.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
This is a tricky one! I feel like I should talk about fic (since this is a fandom blog primarily, though I should make a sideblog for my original stuff soon) and honestly I have so many fic WIPs that are roughly at the same stage of production that I'm not sure which to pick.
Plus, with fic I tend to be so focused around whatever details (canon or headcanon) that draws me to a character or dynamic that not much gets left out, because if I can't fit it in the main fic I will write a fluff snippet or something with it. Also, most of my long-form fic are pre-production or very early days, so it's hard to say what might have been left out.
So instead, since my Beverly/Deanna fic is the only long-form one that actually has chapters up on AO3, let me regale you with some random Beverly Crusher headcanons that will probably end up in the fic eventually, but have not yet:
Beverly is bi/pan. The end of the Host says nothing about her sexuality and everything about the mindfuck of your lover suddenly dying and being told this new person is them, and I will die on that hill.
Beverly has ADHD and/or whatever neurospiciness I have (jury is still out on that. In fact, jury has not yet been assembled). Like, seriously. The impulse control that makes you fly into a literal sun to prove a point. The teenage experience of saying something and not realizing you'd hurt someone's feelings. Just her vibe is the vibe of someone who is making a real effort not to move more. Do I project onto her? Yes! Am I still right? Also yes.
Beverly has very specific comfort foods and whenever she moves, she always spends a period of time wrangling the replicator into making them right. Am I still projecting because I'd probably do that? Yes.
Beverly speaks some Portuguese. Why? Because I like to make chars bilingual whenever I can, and also I speak some Portuguese so there you are.
Relatedly, I have a sorta lore-headcanon that some subset of people would struggle with listening to music through the universal translator because of the disconnect between the relative mismatch between the length of the music for a given line and the length of the (translated) lyrics (which would be more obvious with some language pairs that others, obviously). I imagine like a lot of things, some people's brains would be able to compensate for and ignore this mismatch better than others. For some reason, I hc Bev as one of those people who always switch the UT off for music because it makes her brain itch otherwise.
Beverly will always love Jack but struggles with accepting that not all her feelings for him are as noble. And reasonably so, because uuuh... he sounds like kind of a crummy spouse. Like, between canon and inference from the infrequency of promotions in Trek broadly, there's a good chance he fucked off into space while Wes was still an infant. Maybe even before he was born. And iirc the way the years work out, there's a chance Bev was still in med school while basically single mom-ing a newborn. I side-eye that man, I tell you.
I really should stop there especially since I am not actually answering the question XDD.
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
Hmmm, tricky. Probably the idea that adverbs should be avoided. Love me some adverbs! Same for the passive voice. Well-used passives can be so impactful!
Oh also (though I haven't seen this one as much) the idea that you shouldn't use a buncha different verbs as speech tags! Yes, they can definitely be overused but used well, you can pry "murmurs", "sighs", "grumbles" etc. from my cold, dead hands.
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royalrudberg · 1 year
My thoughts on RWRB, in no particular order because my brain doesn't work like that:
These are my opinions/thoughts after the first watch through (of course I'm gonna re-watch several times) but don't be mad at me please I'm sensitive
Things I loved
I spent the first full hour smiling and laughing. It put the Com in Romcom. And then the lake scene plunged me into a pit of despair, but in a good way.
Alex was Alex and Henry and was Henry. Like Nick and Taylor really got their characters and did them so much justice and the chemistry was chemistry-ing
Miguel! He was fun and flirty. I wasn't expecting him at all but I think his addition really worked for two reasons: it saved Alex time in figuring out his sexuality so we get ahead into him + Henry, and it gave an explanation for the leaking of the emails without being as politically charged as in the book, because some people, especially if they're not American, don't care about that part as much
Amy is so fucking funny
Zahra is even more funny
Casting! Pez was perfect! Philip was amazing! Papa Diaz delivered the dad vibes for sure. I wish Bea had more screen time. Shaan was good (and very handsome) And don't get me started on UMA FUCKING THERMAN!!
I know we'd have preferred to have both June and Nora but I think that for the purpose she served to the plot just Nora was fine. Movie!Nora was a combination of book!Nora and June. It worked.
Henry pretending to look for a book when Amy comes into the red room absolutely killeddddd me
Ellen talking about getting Alex on Truvada. Real AF.
Henry doing karaoke!
"I thought Alexander Gabriel Claremont-Diaz was a mouthful." "He is."
"Shut up stop talking" and "You're late", followed by him trying to close the door
The texting/messaging and emails. They included enough for you to get the idea and to show the passage of time and they did in a cool way that didn't take too much of the screen time. Also Henry being "in the room" when they're on the phone was so cute!
Alex being nervous and awkward about having sex with Henry was perfect! It felt very real
Henry going to fidget with his ring,realizing Alex is wearing it, and that little smile at each other. Fucking beautiful
Alex reading OLS
I wanted Henry singing God save the King
We didn't get to see Catherine? But at least she didn't get Juned.
No powerpoint??? Even though Ellen giving him the talk was plenty funny.
Fucking eyelashes! Miguel mentioned them, but I don't think Herny did? Why notttt??
Random but I would have rather had the conversation in the tack room than the whole polo mantage. We get it, he's hot.
Leo?!? I knew June wasn't there but his parents still being together was so random to me? Not necessarily bad just random.
I really wanted to see Alex standing in the rain...also the dialog there kinda threw me off? Like I know it was heartfelt and emotional or whatever but the "and I'll bother you no longer" part didn't feel like that version of Alex. Kinda took me out of the moment.
Maybe I just wanted more Stephen Fry, but that resolution was a little too easy/cheesy
Idk if it was my ADHD or Taylor's pronunciation but I had to turn on the subtitles because I kept not understanding him?
Did they have to change Henry's name? Like bc of the actual royal family?
Can the presidents spouse still have a seat in Congress? Is that allowed?
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Full-on disclaimer for anyone who's never seen the disclaimers on my Star Wars fics - I never saw ROTS (I've tried, I've fucking tried, but retaining knowledge of TPM and AOTC to understand ROTS is impossible when my mind just wanders the fuck away during every attempt at a marathon PT watch), I only saw a handful of TCW episodes to study Satine and Mandalore, I never saw Rebels, I haven't seen TOTJ, and my non-OT/ST/Mandoverse/Andorverse/Kenobi/TBOBF/Solo knowledge comes from getting lost in the Wookeepedia, fandom osmosis, and several years playing SW Galaxy of Heroes.
The point is, I have half-baked knowledge and I am trying really hard and I can see the little kernels of interest and intrigue and "A ha! that's a Star Wars!" and my concluding thought for the 3rd episode of Ahsoka is, "FUCK YEAH, SPACE WHALES!!!"
Can someone just.... please explain the fuck to me what Dave is doing here with Ahsoka and Sabine? I don't know if it's the "Sabine thinks the best way to honor and also find Ezra is to become like him" or the whole "everyone has the Force Actually but you need talent, training, and some other fucking thing that sounds exactly like all the times I've been scolded for not trying hard enough thanks to my ADHD brain so that's fucking cool" bit. I don't know if it's that interview press tour thingy where Daisy told Domhnall that even Hux has the Force! Everyone has the Force! The Force is in all of us! We can all become the Jedi! I don't know if it's George's original idea that everyone can use the Force but not everyone does that eventually got changed to "a certain number of midichlorians in your blood gets you into the Jedi Temple". Or is it the whole "the Force is female" campaign? Is it Disney saying, "You can be a Jedi, too!" Are we Spider-man-ing the Jedi? Is that's what's going on? What the fuck is going on? Someone please tell me how we got from "the Force is in all living things and some people are able to sense and use the Force" to "the Force is in all living things and also everyone is capable of sensing and using the Force with the right amount of discipline and training and desire/'can do' attitude" because it feels like I'm being lied to. I'm being fucking bamboozled about what I know about Star Wars.
I don't even know what to say about the spacesuit. Just a lot of hysterical laughter maybe. Cool idea and I bet the concept designs were real fun but still. Hysterical laughter.
Slap some green hair on a kiddo and call him half-Twi'lek. OKAY THEN. Brilliant character design y'all got going. I guess you'd rather invest in the Volume than practical FX and makeup and shit?????
You know that feeling where you have all these thoughts and feelings and WORDS at the tip of your tongue but you lack the vocabulary or the fucking memory to hold that vocabulary and use it well? That's what I'm experiencing after watching Hera argue poorly with Mon and the Senators (they just formed the band and it's not going well, or so they say). This characterizing of bureaucracy, politicians, government is useless, clunky, stubborn, foolish, naive, soft, obstinate for no reason other than to hinder the rogueish hero, is such a tired, cheap trope. Haven't we learned enough from American copaganda shows? Haven't we learned from watching our hero cops and detectives bending and breaking rules to catch the bad guys while the Internal Affairs people are antagonists, rule-abiding busybodies who don't see that they're only getting in the way of our intrepid heroes catching the real bad guys?! Politics is messy and it is complicated and it is hard and it does have people who did sit on the sidelines during the war but to villainize them just because they didn't fight in the war, they didn't lose friends and family and Kanan, they won't give our general what she wants? Or do these senators already have history in the GFFA that I would've already known if I already watched some other TV shows or read the 'pedia religiously?
I thought the first 2 seasons of the Mando Show explored the post-OT galaxy pretty well. I liked how Din and Greef called the New Republic "a joke" and insinuated that they were unreliable and can't be counted upon to protect little Outer Rim worlds like Nevarro from Imperial remnants. It gave the impression of a baby Republic that is trying hard but struggling and their patrols are stretched so thin because of Mon's decision to demilitarize the Republic, and that's why they're such a non-presence out here in the Outer Rim. That's why Carson went out of his way to recruit Cara. She's been out here, she's done shit, she knows shit, she knows the lay of the land, she can be the eyes and ears that Carson and the New Republic can't be. You can build so fucking much out of these little interactions and conversations... but Dave & Jon chose to make things easy for themselves by characterizing the New Republic as incompetent, feckless, nonsensible, cruel, decadent, apathetic, uncaring, utterly useless to our very active rogueish heroes. They fast-tracked the New Republic's downfall to make it so much easier to prop up our heroes, and for what? To remind us that in the end it all doesn't fucking matter because Starkiller Base blows it all up anyway?
At least, at least, make it look like our heroes fucking tried to rebuild the galaxy after the Empire fell. At least make the New Republic fumbling and earnest but ultimately weighed down by so many voices demanding that they be prioritized in the rebuilding. Mon's government inherited a really fucking bad situation but at least have them reach halfway to something that she and Leia can be proud of before the infighting started and political factions started ripping down all that hard-fought and hard-won progress. Talk about the fucking whiplash from the despair and hope of Andor to whatever the fuck Mandalorian Season 3 showed us and whatever the fuck Ahsoka is continuing to show us.
I get that having a droid sidekick is the Cool Star Wars Thing To Do, but should Huyang really be treated as a sidekick and an expodumper? He really fucking should have gone to Ossus with Luke but nah, leave that fucking loser to his own business ignoring Ahsoka and Hera trying to stop a new war that nobody believes is actually going to happen. I mean, if you really think about it, did Hera really sell anything to these senators? It seems to me that all they see is a general who has only known war and will only ever see war around every corner, in every nook and cranny, under every bed. Of course they're going to be fucking skeptical and of course they're going to question her request for even more resources to find Ezra and maybe stop Thrawn, and the fucking answer, Hera Syndulla, is to not question if these people ever fought in the Rebellion and shame them for the sacrifices they did not make. This is such fucking cheapsass writing and it really sucks all the fun out of the episode.
Speaking of fun, how about them space whales! Bring them back, Felony. I want space whales and I want space cats. Give me purrgils and lothcats all day, every day.
I can't stop thinking about Disney's decision to give Ahsoka a primetime slot. I can't stop thinking about why that show got a primetime slot and not any of the other ones. Is it the numbers? Are they trying to catch a particular kind of crowd? What are the numbers, Disney? Why won't you show us the numbers? Where the fuck are the numbers, Disney? What are you afraid of? What are you hiding? What won't you tell your writers and your actors, Disney? What aren't you saying?
Anyway, space whales rule and I got other goddamn shit to do like keep writing my own ideas on a post-OT galaxy through fic.
P.S. The way Ray just fucking oozes charisma even if he was only there for like 2 minutes. And Diana remains fantastic. I love her brand of villainy even if I'm still baffled by her being a human Witch. What the fuck.
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