#as you can see i'm a reblogger more than an OP
evansboyfriend · 13 hours
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there's just so much here and i can't find the original post and anyway i don't want to go off at OP so i'm making my own post:
FIRST THINGS FIRST, doctors and medical professional are sworn in by The Hippocratic Oath - this is from an article dated in 2001, and under normal circumstances I'd look for something more recent but for the sake of this post, since Evan Buckley was born in 1992, it'll suffice. (and i'm not going to sit here and examine the limitations and criticisms okay. you can read the article if you're interested.)
the point is no medical professional would approve of a procedure that puts an infant child through immense pain in order to harvest bone marrow and treat another child, no matter how sick that older child would be. i'm not sure why I even need to back up my claims for this because it's just a logical fact that no doctor would inflict pain of that level, even if the parents of said infant brought him to the doctor and said they want to put their child through this procedure. quite frankly, they'd have social services called because doctors are mandatory reporters.
which brings me to the second point: to think that the buckley parents would inflict pain of that level on their infant child is fucking bizarre, or that they would not tend to their fussy baby. there's literally nothing in canon to suggest that buck wasn't taken care of as a baby. even if his parents were emotionally absent and neglectful and let maddie step up to provide the comfort a child needs. i mean. it's a fucking reach.
so how is the procedure done? -> link from the NHS website which very plainly explains stem cells are harvested from the placenta and umbilical cord to treat cancers, immune deficiencies, and genetic disorders.
Baby bred to provide stem cells for sister (2000)
Placental blood as a source of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation into unrelated recipients (1996)
i can't find anything earlier than 1996 but quite frankly i don't think i have to. that's only 4 years before buck was born. i think it'll suffice.
tl;dr this is the dumbest take i have seen and i think a very quick 5-minute google search disproves OP's "headcanon" so i'm gonna go ahead and take that bet for 0 dollars. there's 0 % chance that happened.
y'all gotta stop coming up with scenarios that put buck through worse things that canon already has because it's giving woobification. because it's not bad enough that his first experience that pain = love was at 5 years old which is very transparently depicted in canon. what the fuck is wrong with y'all.
and i'm not even gonna touch upon the reblogger's tags about how buck is "predisposed" to "subbing" for.. this.. reason.. of all things... because i see bad BDSM takes every day on this godforsaken website anyway.
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itsabouttimex2 · 3 months
Hey, OP! I'm just a random anon, but I read your new post and I'd like to tell you something:
You don't need to apologize for having your own opinions and interpretations on a character and being able to analyze and critique them. It's inevitable that someone will feel unsatisfied with your thoughts on a specific character, but then again, it's your own opinion on them, it's your blog and you shouldn't bend and break for someone else's insatisfaction. As much as it is alright for them to not agree with your views on the characters, it's just as alright for you to maintain them — opinions are subjective, and even more so in fictional stories.
If someone sees it as "ridiculous" and thinks you're "hating a character" just for talking about very valid points about such character's personality (because, let's be honest, Macaque is one of the most egregious cases of mischaracterization on the LMK fandom and, by itself, for someone to claim that you "hate him" just by critiquing him as a character and analyzing his faults is an example of the exaggerated idealization towards his character as a whole), then that is their problem alone and they should learn to accept that not everyone will hold the same opinions as them. Not everyone will find that a character's redemption arc was well made or that it felt genuine enough to be considered a redemption in the first place, and that's perfectly okay! To embrace the many views and interpretations a character can have only enriches them; it does not subtract from them.
Lastly, I'm sorry for any errors or misspellings here (English is not my first language) and you don't even have to reply to this ask, but I just want you to know that you shouldn't feel bad for having an opinion that differs from the most well-known on the fandom and whatnot. I, for one, really like reading about the Season Five Prep posts along with your usual writings (the way you write the LMK characters is very on point and very enjoyable and comforting to read), and I'm certain that your other followers do so too.
I really do appreciate everyone’s support here. It means the world to me. I was terrified that I was just being childish over nothing, or that I was massively overreacting and shouldn’t have cared at all. I mean, it’s not like they were saying slurs or making calls to harass me into changing my opinion.
But it still hurt.
I spent two entire days articulating my thoughts and feelings on every villain listed so that I could just share them with the community.
And to have someone admit to just… skimming all that hard work because they disagreed with one of my very first points, and call one of my biggest criticisms “ridiculous”? To say that I didn’t sympathize with the show’s time constraints? To say that I cared more about my own feelings than those of the writers?
It hurt.
If you disagree with me, I encourage you to explicitly say so on my “Prep” posts, which were hosted on both Tumblr and Reddit so I could get as many opinions on those pieces as possible. I’ve enjoyed seeing why people enjoy Macaque’s character arc. I’ve had lovely, civil debates. Some people think “helping out” is enough of a redemption.
That’s fine! You can feel that way! It’s totally valid! It is one-hundred percent valid to disagree with me!
But I also started that tier list with an entire paragraph dedicated to my feelings on redemption, and what I personally thought a character had to do to be “redeemed”.
My finishing paragraph was italicized and bolded in full, so that it was impossible to miss. That entire paragraph was dedicated to validating and acknowledging the contrasting opinions I knew people would have- because I know my opinions are not the end-all, be-all of the fandom.
And if someone (self-admittedly) skimmed all of that and took it as me “hating Macaque” or “being unsympathetic towards the show”? and has their rebloggers openly saying they’ve “always had a problem with that piece of content” or calling me “salty”?
I’m not going to blame myself.
Again- thank you all. ❤️
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Hey sorry bout this but what's the etiquette for tagging and liking and reblogging (and what kind of reblogging to do)?
hi! don't worry about it - new social media sites are scary sometimes, haha, i still don't know how twitter works. but here's some etiquette as i understand it!
reblog whatever you want. i'm serious. i literally reblog or queue every single post i like that i see, but you don't have to do this. it's considered REALLY NORMAL to reblog a lot of stuff, though, or even to reblog the same thing more than once! if you like it, and you think maybe other people would want to see it, or just want to comment to the op... reblog it!
when it comes to likes, the thing to keep in mind is that most tumblr users keep their likes private, and liked posts don't show up on other people's dashes. therefore liking a post only helps the number of notes go up, which only helps its standing when searching through a tag - otherwise, it effectively "does nothing for the algorithm", as most tumblr users largely just look at their dash. i personally use likes either to indicate that it's a post i've reblogged before so i don't constantly reblog the same things over and over again and to like, indicate that i've seen posts that are like, personal or not really a rebloggable thing, but i want to be like "yes i agree" or "i see you" to, you know? however, everyone uses them differently - some people use them as bookmarks, for example, and some people use them for the traditional use of "i liked this, i just don't want to reblog it". the thing to keep in mind that a like is like, an indicator that you've seen something, and a reblog boosts it further! that informs the etiquette on which you want to do. ultimately, though, it's your decision how to use that tool.
tags are for organizational use. DO NOT CROSSTAG. that's the big etiquette to remember. only tag things on your original posts that are relevant to THAT POST. (this, for the record, includes: do not put the 'minecraft' tag on anything that's mcyt! those are separate fandoms and we don't want to flood the guys just trying to talk about the game.) if you crosstag and i notice it in the tags i do in fact immediately report you for spam and block you. beyond that, on original posts, it's really up to you how you tag, just remember that only the first... i think its five... are relevant to people trying to search for posts, so if you want higher discoverability save conversational tags for after those.
when it comes to reblogs, tags are both for organizing your own blog how you want (if you use them, i don't) and for like, comments that you want to make on a post, but do not add to the post. it is normal to leave conversational tags on reblogs, and to talk in the tags of posts about things that are not the main body of the posts. because the tags don't get reblogged with the post when someone reblogs it, it's sort of like whispering! you will get the hang of it by watching what other people do, if that makes you nervous. generally, just remember that OP can see your tags, and then chat however you want in them.
i hope this helps!
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alchemiclee · 2 months
i've been told/keep seeing posts about people suddenly not liking when people add tags to their posts with their own thoughts/feelings/opnions/experiences, and even people that say not to tag with certain common organizational tags (like ships for example i see the most. some people use a ship name for organization purposes and not necessarily for shipping. for example i use "collei and her dads" for cyno, tighnari, collei art for my organization so I cam find them again and theres been a few artists screaming not to use ship tags and that could be seen as a ship tag. so what do i do? not organize your art into my tags and let it get lost and never seen again? not share your art at all? kinda silly but whatever, ill just ignore your art).
I personally think that's all a bit ridiculous....i don't know if that's a more recent thing (like with twitter people coming here suddenly and expecting to act like this is twitter) or if it happened in the years since I took a break from tumblr. but bAcK iN mY DaY we used tags as a little whisper to add our own thoughts without interrupting the main post. adding hard comments or replies was more seen as "too much/too loud" if it wasn't something directly meant for OP. tags were usually never meant for OP and were always for the reblogger and their followers. these days more and more people seem to think tags on their posts are all speaking to them directly or interrupting their post (not to say you can't speak to OP through tags, like i'll say nice things about their art in tags) but not everything in someone's tags on a post they reblog from you is for you! you can ignore it!!!
I know on twitter (where I went after leaving tumblr a while back) people use quote retweets to speak to the OP often. but not always. I sometimes would quote a tweet to add my own thoughts while using the quote as like a citation to credit OP for the idea. but I have a few times where the OP thought I was speaking to/about them and got very upset about it. one was a large account who quoted me back and got very nasty and sent their minions after me. quotes are louder than tumblr tags. so that's more understandable, and I was always very hesitant to do it, but I personally see indirect tweets about another post as extremely rude and posting screenshots of tweets on twitter is also rude.
I loved coming back here mainly for the tag system! I missed being able to share a post and also quietly add my thoughts. go on long rambles related to the main post without stealing their post completely or needing to make a whole new post. I know most old tumblr users get that and don't care, probably. I NEVER saw anyone complain about it in the past. only say how much they love it. it was just part of how this site worked for us. a culture thing we naturally created. so i'm assuming it's mostly new users who don't get this culture? it also doesn't help tumblr made it so you now see tags in your notes tab and not just comments added and replies. before, you would have to go to "someone reblogged your post" to see if they added tags because tumblr only showed comments. I personally LOVE when people add tags to my post with their thoughts and stories and whatnot. ai i'd go to every reblog I got to see if there's tags added. it's like an uncommitted interaction. they dont expect a reply, i don't expect a reply. they are isolated thoughts, but still related. it's still a form of interaction, without the pressure of being direct, and I feel seen/heard when they add them. (it means they're not a bot, auto reblogging my posts /hj) seeing tags on my posts i'm not just shouting into the void alone and someone sees me. me adding tags to a post is a gentle "you're not alone/I hear you/im a real person not a bot" from me. but it also could be me saying "your post inspired me! I want to write something too! but im being quiet about it so i dont take away from your post and your post gets all the credit" when I add my own little tag ramble.
so the fact that people are now suddenly being upset by people adding their own experiences and thoughts to tags is super disappointing and and frankly annoying. tags don't take away from your post and you can just ignore them! no one is forcing you to expand the tags in your notes and read them! hardly anyone will see them. most will only read your post and not people's tags! I know no one usually reads my tags because i've added secret messages to the end of my tags and no one ever responds to it lmao things like send a pic in my ask and i'll draw it for you.
yes I know "RESPECT PEOPLE BOUNDARIES" but it kind of disrespects my needs as well. theres a thin line between someone's boundaries being crosses and someone's needs not being met. but that's a whole debate i'm not willing to have so don't start it. (not that kind of boundary is easy to not cross. not bringing up arguments. but asking people to not use a main function of a website is kind of pushing it imo...) yeah I want to respect boundaries the best i can, but unless you say in the post "don't reblog and add your own tags" no one will know and you get upset when no one knows. and no, no one will read your profile/pinned post before reblogging. no one will go to the original post and read your tags. they will only reblog it right off their dash if they aren't seeing it directly from you in the tags/for you page. some people will reblog 100 posts a day. they won't go to every profile/original post before reblogging just to see if you have any special conditions and rules for your random one post out of hundreds they see a day. that's too much to expect, honestly, sorry to say!
but this is tumblr. maybe it's better for people to accept the culture/etiquette here and let it happen without complaining, or realize this isn't the place for them! because it doesn't meet their needs and boundaries! and that's ok! it doesn't have to be your place. you don't need to stay here if you don't like how it works! asking an entire website to "respect your boundaries" by not participating in a basic or essential function of the website is a little ridiculous to be fair....
no i'm not saying your boundaries don't deserve to be respected. i'm saying this probably isn't the place to have those boundaries in the first place. because there's am established way this site functions that works in counter to your wanted boundaries, so it just doesn't fit your needs. and like I said that's ok! you don't need to stay here if it upsets you that much! it's better if you find a social media where people can't share your posts. like a simple blog site that doesn't have a share function! or like Instagram? people cant share those posts. (sorry, I dont know much about social media) if you really want people to stop adding tags that bad, either turn off reblogs completely, or ask staff to add a notification option to turn off seeing added tags on reblogs! (if you're veeerry lucky, and not a trans woman, they might listen to you)
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homosociallyyours · 2 months
Something that mildly annoyed me behind the cut. Not fandom related but also I'm very carefully avoiding tags bc i don't want the op of the post to see this so. Bloop.
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So like as far as I can tell, TC performed in 1986, 5 years before the expulsion of a trans woman (Nancy Burkholder) brought on protests within the festival and facilitated the start of camp trans. AFAIK she never attended or performed again-- I think if she had it would've been mentioned somewhere --but if she did it wasn't in the 2000s for sure.
Is it valid to be pissed about it? I mean, go for it! You get to decide your personal limits about what's ok or not from celebrities and artists and anyone, really. But it strikes me as really ahistorical and purity culture minded. There are plenty of people who performed multiple times over the years and more than a handful who not only performed but offered vocal support for the anti-trans ideology of the fest.
If a trans woman-- especially a non-white trans woman --feels hurt and betrayed, that's totally real and allowed! But a 22 year old white trans woman specifically calling out TC for this just. Gives me the ick? So i blocked her and didn't rb the post and I'm having my little moment over here bc I just find that urge to seek out everything someone has ever done and, disregarding their words or actions in recent memory, to hold them to the fire for their past.
It's my age and history showing for sure. Anywayyyyyy.
This isn't a rebloggable post and while I'm pretty sure it'll pass right under the radar of anyone I prefer it not to be screenshotted or spread in other ways.
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justanotherfoolhere · 3 years
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I posted 664 times in 2021
8 posts created (1%)
656 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 82.0 posts.
(Don't click 'read more' unless you're in for a real long ride)
I added 61 tags in 2021
#bnha - 14 posts
#not mine - 9 posts
#one piece - 8 posts
#undertale - 6 posts
#kakairu - 6 posts
#funny - 4 posts
#tag game - 4 posts
#ace attorney - 4 posts
#craig of the creek - 3 posts
#naruto - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#and they believe suportive means 'predicting worse case scenarios so kakashi will be ready for them'
My Top Posts in 2021
Shanks x Buggy generic high school AU!
What do you do when you really wanna make a comic to your rare pair, but you're no artist?
Well, there are lots of possibilities. Mine was to use a manga creator game to make a really generic story. Yey!
It's kinda long, so keep going under the cut if you wanna!
Contains: childhood friends, idiots to lovers, mutual pining (hinted), Alvida being so done, Alvida the best wingwoman ever, generic but lovely stuff.
1. Buggy's in denial about his feelings for his childhood friend. Alvida's not having any of it.
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6 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 15:15:21 GMT
Hey! I wrote something for the Iruka Week 2021! @iruka-week
Day 1 - Scars.
Title: Tracing stories.
Pairing: Iruka/Kakashi
Wordcount: 1422
Tags: domestic fluff, really light angst, trans iruka (mentioned), scars.
Summary:  Scars are stories embedded on skin. On a too hot night, Kakashi finds himself tracing Iruka's stories.
Read on ao3 if you want to.
Every ninja had a scar. Multiple scars, really. It’s an occupational hazard, a reminder to be more careful in the future and a sign you survived to try again. Most ninjas displayed them with pride, exaggerating the stories and adding their own dramatic flair; some preferred to conceal them and were more discreet and reserved; others just ignored them and moved on with their lives. Rarely someone was ashamed of a scar, it was a victory mark, a reminder you’re alive rather then you’ve failed.
Kakashi thought about all of it while his fingers lazily traced Iruka’s back, caressing the scar tissue there. It was a huge one, left by Mizuki’s shuriken back when Naruto was just a kid. Iruka had told him this story, a mix of pain and grief for seeing his childhood friend so consumed by hatred, and pride for being able to protect the student he saw as his own, for standing up for Naruto when no one else would and seeing Naruto protect him in return.
Iruka wasn’t one to exaggerate stories, so when he said how impressive it was, eyes shining and a smile on his face, Kakashi believed him. If there was a kid stubborn enough to conjure a bunch of clones with barely no practice out of pure rage and protectiveness, it was Naruto.
“Can’t sleep?” Iruka asked, voice low, and stirred to face Kakashi on their bed.
“Too hot,” Kakashi mumbled. Iruka made an agreeing noise. They were both striped to their boxers and it was still too hot, “Did I wake you up?”
“No, I also can’t sleep,” he smiled. Kakashi’s hand, now that Iruka’s back was turned, decided to trace the scars on his chest instead, “something on your mind?” Iruka got his hand to place a small kiss on his knuckles before letting it resume the scar tracing.
“Ow, that was so cheesy,” Iruka shoved him playfully, a grin betraying his true thoughts, “please tell me you didn’t get it from Icha Icha.”
“I’ll let you know Icha Icha is full of great lines!” He play-shoved Iruka back, “You’d know if you gave it a try, sensei.”
“Let’s agree to disagree then,” It wasn’t the first time they talked about it, and wouldn’t be the last. The outcome was always the same.
They fell on a comfortable silence.
Kakashi’s attention went back to Iruka’s scars, his fingers idly tracing them one by one.
The twin lines on his chest, under the pectorals, faded and neat, surgical. Top surgery. Iruka told him all about the pre-op nervousness and the how the first post-op week sucked. Then how good it was, to make his body more his own. Iruka also traced these scars from time to time.
His hand adventured a bit lower, tracing the faint scars on his ribs and soft belly. A couple shurikens he didn’t dodge in time, some accidents on kunai practice, faint marks of cuts that barely managed to scar. Kakashi cherished those small stories as much as he did the big ones.
Iruka chuckled when his finger fluttered over a particularly ticklish spot, but he didn’t say anything. Kakashi kept going down, sitting on the bed to have access to Iruka’s legs. He was mesmerized, like it wasn’t a hellishly hot night, like he wasn’t tired, like the only thing that mattered was keeping on tracing Iruka’s scars, Iruka’s stories.
“What are you doing?” Iruka’s voice was somewhat amused. He tilted his neck to get a better look at Kakashi, but didn’t move otherwise.
“I love you,” Kakashi said, barely above a whisper and so sincere.
There was a bigger scar on Iruka’s right thigh, one made by a deeper cut. A kunai. One of the many kunais Mizuki threw at Naruto. The one that hit Iruka when he pushed Naruto away and suffered the attack on his place.
Kakashi loathed how many marks Mizuki left on Iruka’s body.
“Love you too,” Iruka let his head drop back on the pillow, “but what are you doing?”
“Just… Thinking,” he shrugged, fingers going to Iruka’s ankle, “about how lucky I am to have you,” and for you telling me all these stories. Letting me know all of you.
He didn’t say the last part aloud, but it must have been written all over his face, if Iruka’s blushing cheeks are any evidence.
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19 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 16:23:16 GMT
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Inspired by the amazing fanfic Uncharted Waters (chapter 5 if you’re curious, it’s Shanks x Buggy!). Buggy, Mohji and Cabaji are 19-ish and Richie is some months old. That’s my way to thank the writer! (Really, they rock!)
Bonus, a knitting Cabaji:
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26 notes • Posted 2021-01-02 21:39:52 GMT
I managed to write something for the KakaIru Valentine’s Week 2021!
Me: I want to write something. Maybe a double drable or a ficlet. Shouldn’t take more than an hour.
Also me: spends the whole day writing a 3k words one-shot. Ooops.
Title: Soulmates (I know, very original)
Rating: T (could be gen)
Pairing: Kakashi/Iruka
Wordcount: 3283
Tags: Kakairu Valentines Week 2021, Fluff, Light Angst, Soulmates, First Dates, Friends to Lovers
You can read on ao3 too!
            Soulmarks appeared around six or seven years old.  But it was not as exciting as one could imagine: as much as the tropes of 'first words they say to you', 'a cool mark where they first touch you' or even 'matching marks' or 'their favorite thing tattooed on your skin' were popular in books and films, the reality was far less thrilling.
               Words appeared on your forearm, but not the first ones they would say to you. No. The words that appeared were the ones they would say the moment they realized they loved you. It didn't even have to be words they say to you. You could very well never get to hear the words yourself, if whoever your soulmate is realized it when by themselves.
               All in all, soulmarks weren't that important. They were not reliable and, even if they were, they just made sense when your soulmate already loved you. Not that helping at all. Sure, children loved seeing the words and tracing their little fingers over them, and teachers took advantage of that to teach them proper spelling, reading, writing and calligraphy. Nothing made a kid work harder at writing something right than copying the words on their forearms over and over again.
               Adults, on the other hand, mostly ignored them. Sure, some helpless romantics (cough, cough, Gai, cough) still clung to them like a lifeline, but most people just kept going about their lives and never seeking them out.  Let life that its course and everything.
               Kakashi avoided his like the plague.
               It hadn't always been like this. As a child, he liked to daydream about his soulmate as much as his peers. Things got different when his father died though. Grief settling in, chilling his bones and washing away his childlike hopes. Things only got worse when his team died, when he saw Obito be crushed and failed on his only promise, failed to keep Rin safe. Then their sensei died too and he was alone.
               He didn't deserve love. He didn't deserve a soulmate.
               And a bitter and irrational part of him reminded him that everyone who loved him died. He'd be doing his soulmate a favor if he never met them.
               People thought Kakashi was being stubborn or proud when he refused to go to the hospital after a dire mission. He wasn't. Well, not totally.
               When he was a kid, the words on his forearm sounded odd yet funny.
               Of course he'd try to shrug off a stab wound, the idiot.
               Like, him? Getting stabbed then just walking away? Sure, little Kakashi knew first hand how a ninja's life could be rough, but the idea was so foreign and ridiculous. He'd never ignore something so drastic!
               Also, it sounded like a funny thing to say when you love someone. Didn't sound affectionate at all.
               He was glad for it when he grew up. Maybe his soulmate wouldn't be burdened with loving him (sure they would like Kakashi a bit, but maybe not love him). And maybe Kakashi wouldn't even be present to hear it, since the sentence wasn't adressing him.
               Still, he didn't want to take any chances. So, since Kakashi can remember, he stitches up his own stab wounds. Avoiding getting stabbed also helped, but it was near impossible in fights with shurikens, kunais and the ocasional sword.
               He figured whoever his soulmate was, they must work at a hospital or be a medical nin. So he avoided both. Seemed like the best course of action.
               It was just another day. A common, boring day. Kakashi was waiting in line to hand in his mission form (he was still scribbling some things on it as he waited) and could barely wait to be done with it, so he could drop dead on bed. The last mission was a nasty one and he had barely washed the blood off his face before coming here.
               Sure, he could procrastinate it, as he ever did, but now he had five old mission reports still blank and an increasingly annoyed Iruka who chewed him out for it. So he decided to drop the habit and actually hand in this one as soon as possible.
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69 notes • Posted 2021-02-09 23:32:15 GMT
LoV's Bedtime Stories!
Inspired by this post by @mha-quotes-and-such.
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125 notes • Posted 2021-05-27 01:42:45 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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jingyismom · 3 years
I'm truly not trying to start discourse make you feel bad personally, I just wanted to check if you're alright with chengxian? One of the jc-lwj-wwx parallel posts you rebloggged was tagged by the op as chengxian and that makes me uncomfortable with interacting with it, but I haven't seen any of that on your blog and I really like it here, so I'm wanting to clarify for myself if I'm better off unfollowing on grounds of incompatible vibes (i.e. even if I didn't view them as siblings I wouldn't like them as a ship but I've heard the relationship is less familial in the novel and more typically martial sibling like so idk but yeah anyway. Hope you're having a nice day and this doesn't come across as offensive)
Oh! Well, anon, I'm gonna take a two-pronged approach here just to be clear for your needs and mine 😅
Firstly, I don't personally ship chengxian! I just really really love parallels and meta involving the three of those characters (and lxc too, they all mirror each other in super interesting ways). I'm all for curating our own experiences, so I will say that if you don't want to see romantic chengxian you ARE more than likely safe on this blog. This is because, while probably boring to many, I only ship wangxian with each other in my little monkey brain/heart. I am pretty set in stone and vanilla when it comes to my main ships in general (don't @ me abt the fact that I'm a smut writer U KNOW it's relatively vanilla 😂).
Secondly, I am wholeheartedly "alright" with chengxian!!! Anything anybody wants to ship and however they want to ship it is a-ok, regardless of if I personally like it/want to see it/am squicked by it or not. I am not judging anyone for anything their brain finds enjoyable, as long as it is not causing harm, which to be clear, internet shipping of fictional characters cannot do as long as it is all tagged correctly in good faith etc.
It's highly possible I will reblog lots of things that were maybe intended to be posts suggesting ships I don't like/read/whatever, but if I don't see the post that way myself I won't clock it or care! If I like it and get something from it then I'm gonna be reblogging it without knowledge of or regard for op's intentions. Not sure if that's in bad taste or something these days but I am simply not checking op's tags for fandom stuff unless I happen to see them directly.
Also, just to tack on, I want to assure everyone that unfollowing/blocking people on the internet is a 100% great tool for any reason you might want to use it. Unfollow me if you need to!! Unfollow anyone!!! Make your internet experience as calm and happy for your soul as you can, it's one of the few areas of life in which we have that ability, so definitely take advantage of it!!
(Choosing not to address the fact that martial siblings are not actual siblings because it does seem that anon gets it, and it seems irrelevant here, and MANY people with far better knowledge of the culture of martial siblings have tackled the subject. If anybody asks for links I can try to dig some up, but I think search engines would also yield results?)
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janiedean · 7 years
Am I remembering right that you like Kant? Anyways, I just ran into someone on my dash reblogging a post that said "Immanuel Kant was a racist and white supremacist" amongst other things and I immediately thought of you/your reaction to that. Then I looked at who the OP was and IT WAS FUCKING MEDIEVALPOC, I nearly pissed myself from laughing so hard. Anyways, I'm gonna inform the reblogger about medievalpoc being a fraud and based on the response either unfollow them or not.
oh good lord I’ve seen that post too ESPECIALLY from medieval poc let’s just put it here in hopes ppl see it
now kids buckle up aunt janie will explain you why it’s a dumb notion and why it does not matter
now, immanuel kant was born in the year of the lord 1724 and died in the year of the lord 1804 in a small town named konigsberg, which back then was in germany and today is named kalingrad and is in FUCKING RUSSIA:
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I can assure you that finding someone not white in konigsberg in the year of the lord 1724 would have been extremely complicated.
now, the farthest immanuel kant went from konigsberg in his entire life was twenty kilometers.
I repeat: this guy has NEVER gone farther than 20 kms from konigsberg. which means that he never, like, met many people who were from outside his city if they didn’t travel. therefore, the likeliness that kant ever met someone nonwhite in his life wasn’t really that high. actually, it was akin to zero.
now, has kant written racist shit? he has, let’s get it out of the way. where? in a book named ANTHROPOLOGY.
now, premise: I have TWO fucking degrees on kant and I’d like to think I know what I’m talking about, AND I read the anthropology thrice for reasons and I also read the critics. now: kant’s famous and studied and central in western thought for three things: CRITIC OF PURE REASON, CRITIC OF PRACTICAL REASON, CRITIC OF JUDGMENT, THE ENLIGHTENMENT ESSAY. PERIOD. THAT’S IT. EVERYTHING ELSE IS RELATIVELY IMPORTANT BUT THOSE WERE THE WORKS WHO MADE HIM FAMOUS AND WHICH REVOLUTIONIZED EUROPEAN/WESTERN THOUGHT/THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, NOT ANYTHING FUCKING ELSE HE WROTE. EVERYTHING ELSE HE WROTE AFTER THAT WAS ADDING TO THE SYSTEM. and the critics are all about intellectual shit, and how our brains and our morality and our sense of aesthetic works, not about racial theory. there isn’t anything in the critics aka HIS INFLUENCING WORKS that has anything to do with white supremacism, since like all of that is about extremely complicated specular philosophy/logic/analytics, not about RACIAL THEORY.
now, what happens in the anthropology: you can guess what it’s about from the title. there’s a section where he discusses ‘types’ of people where categories of individuals are nailed by a fairly questionable system of either nationality or skin color, ie there’s germans and italians and french people and black people and so on, but like... it was 19th century questionable classification, he didn’t come up with it and he wasn’t the first nor the last. but anyway... every type described is basically a mass of stereotypes obviously lifted from anthropology books of the time (which is basically obvious since it’s not like kant had traveled to france or italy or spain and saw A SIZABLE PART OF THE POPULATION WITH HIS OWN EYES), and in the german section there’s still a bunch of less bad stereotypes but like I’m fairly sure there was a part where he said germans were honest but lacked imagination or shit like that - anyway, it was a bunch of crap about ALL categories, both white and black, which was COPIED FROM MANUALS OF THE TIME PRETTY MUCH BECAUSE HE HAD NO IDEA OF THE REAL THING, and calling him white supremacist when he hadn’t ever met a black person nor racism was a problem to him since he didn’t live in a society where he was likely to meet someone who wasn’t white or german/prussian and where the constructions that permit something such as white supremacism did not exist is... like... completely idiotic. I don’t call aristotle a misogyny supremacist because he thought women were incubators for men (or so he wrote) because he lived in a society where women were put at the side, men had all the power and he wasn’t brought up to know otherwise - now, if he hadn’t been a misogynist more power to him, but like in athens women didn’t vote and didn’t even spend most of their time with men and they were excluded from politics and male actors played female roles in theater and so on, I’m not surprised and since the reasons aristotle is important are OTHERS and not the fact that he hated women that is not fucking relevant when it comes to studying him, because his contribution to western culture was NOT that.
same, kant might have been a racist by our standards bc he didn’t and couldn’t know better, or at most he didn’t show himself to be better than society in that instance (and he also thought women were too stupid for philosophy except ONE so XDD), but since when you study kant you DON’T touch that which is, in fact, fucking irrelevant when it comes to the reasons why anyone should need to study kant, going like I DON’T WANT TO READ KANT BECAUSE HE WAS A RACIST is completely fucking idiotic and making him pass as someone who actually INFLUENCED OTHERS TO BE RACISTS is even more asinine because no one gave that much of a fuck about the anthropology.
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