#also not implying anon is judging anyone either! really just wanted to take the opportunty to make sure everyone knows i dont either!
jingyismom ยท 3 years
I'm truly not trying to start discourse make you feel bad personally, I just wanted to check if you're alright with chengxian? One of the jc-lwj-wwx parallel posts you rebloggged was tagged by the op as chengxian and that makes me uncomfortable with interacting with it, but I haven't seen any of that on your blog and I really like it here, so I'm wanting to clarify for myself if I'm better off unfollowing on grounds of incompatible vibes (i.e. even if I didn't view them as siblings I wouldn't like them as a ship but I've heard the relationship is less familial in the novel and more typically martial sibling like so idk but yeah anyway. Hope you're having a nice day and this doesn't come across as offensive)
Oh! Well, anon, I'm gonna take a two-pronged approach here just to be clear for your needs and mine ๐Ÿ˜…
Firstly, I don't personally ship chengxian! I just really really love parallels and meta involving the three of those characters (and lxc too, they all mirror each other in super interesting ways). I'm all for curating our own experiences, so I will say that if you don't want to see romantic chengxian you ARE more than likely safe on this blog. This is because, while probably boring to many, I only ship wangxian with each other in my little monkey brain/heart. I am pretty set in stone and vanilla when it comes to my main ships in general (don't @ me abt the fact that I'm a smut writer U KNOW it's relatively vanilla ๐Ÿ˜‚).
Secondly, I am wholeheartedly "alright" with chengxian!!! Anything anybody wants to ship and however they want to ship it is a-ok, regardless of if I personally like it/want to see it/am squicked by it or not. I am not judging anyone for anything their brain finds enjoyable, as long as it is not causing harm, which to be clear, internet shipping of fictional characters cannot do as long as it is all tagged correctly in good faith etc.
It's highly possible I will reblog lots of things that were maybe intended to be posts suggesting ships I don't like/read/whatever, but if I don't see the post that way myself I won't clock it or care! If I like it and get something from it then I'm gonna be reblogging it without knowledge of or regard for op's intentions. Not sure if that's in bad taste or something these days but I am simply not checking op's tags for fandom stuff unless I happen to see them directly.
Also, just to tack on, I want to assure everyone that unfollowing/blocking people on the internet is a 100% great tool for any reason you might want to use it. Unfollow me if you need to!! Unfollow anyone!!! Make your internet experience as calm and happy for your soul as you can, it's one of the few areas of life in which we have that ability, so definitely take advantage of it!!
(Choosing not to address the fact that martial siblings are not actual siblings because it does seem that anon gets it, and it seems irrelevant here, and MANY people with far better knowledge of the culture of martial siblings have tackled the subject. If anybody asks for links I can try to dig some up, but I think search engines would also yield results?)
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