#as well as commentary on mental health and idk man
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otomevibes · 11 days ago
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The cover of a manga that was far more emotional than it had any right to be
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plum-pudding-everywhere · 7 days ago
Hi!! I saw ur post asking for kmhn or komaeda/hinata hcs and I'd like to share the nagito I made up in my head after he marinated in there for like, almost 2 years now
I don't really know if you can call these headcanons bcuz its just an idea I made up in my little mind but whatvr here u go
Nagito is actually a little princess in my head. Like STOP😭😭💔💔 everytime someone draws him as a stinky ugly gremlin I find it funny yes but it upsets me on a PERSONAL level as if he's my own son I don't think I'm okay 😭😭😭😭 like... Please. He's just a little deranged princess. Try to convince me that man isn't Sonia's long lost twin brother who couldn't inherit the throne. It won't work. (I have a whole ahh theory abt that too lol,, but I think I forgot most of it)
Plus he literally looks the part. Like okay maybe his hair's a huge total mess but the rest? Oh how he is so pretty to me. Pale, fair skin, almost like snow. Tall, slender and lean frame, not to forget the small waist like bby girl who is that for 😟 I bet he has long, slender fingers but not in a creepy way, in a gracious way. Plus the man isn't even THAT skinny like for exemple that one official art thats literally in the game and they're all in swimsuits enjoying the beach and he's like, in the middle. Have you seen him? That man is FIT. The broad shoulders, the small waist, the toned legs. I'd say he has an updown triangle shape or idk how to name it but you got the vision right. AND HIS EYES OH HIS EYES. Those sharp yet soft eyes, and their color? A clear green mixed with grey in which you can see your reflection perfectly. It's like looking inside a clear river and there's some green at the bottom and the sky is grey so the water's not blue bcuz nagito's eyes aren't blue. And if his white hair's due to his disease(s), I think his lashes got white too for sure. Like wym your hair's white, your eyebrow's white, your body hair's white but not your lashes? Nah bby girl you're putting on some khol or something to hide it up bcuz you're insecure. And I like to think he gets a little insecure because his white eyebrows and lashes are hard to see cuz they blend in with the pale white skin so he does something for his lashes but not his eyebrows because his bangs hide them anyway lol. And man those lashes are LONG. Like we're talking gojo satoru typa eyelashes. They use the same serum trust🙏🙏 btw quick commentary on his nose. See I have two friends ; one thinks he'd have a perfectly straight, long thin nose and the other thinks he'd have a cute, small not button but like trumpet nose. Like idk how to call it but like a cute, small dolly nose (idk which side to choose😞😞)
Now the hair. So, It'll be short this time. He naturally has beautiful curly hair but never knew or learned to take care of it properly so he always brushes it out and it ends up looking like the mess it is. Poor baby boy dw I'll teach you 💔💔 btw he has a mullet
Okay now that we've gone over his physique lets go over his habits and mannerisms and stuff idk what to call it
He's a clean person FOR SUREEEEE its literally canon that he likes cleaning. The man's cottage is squeaky clean like he cannot bear a bit of dust in the corner of the wall its too much for him💔💔 he loves cleaning because it relaxes him and helps him forget for a bit like fr fr rn cleaning is actually relaxing?? Watching the place slowly get cleaner by your own hands is so satisfying, and I like to think it kinda helps for his mental health too? Like idk some sort of copying mechanism of the sort
He cooks too. He's a little messy little guy but when everything's going well he will cook you the most delicious meals ever like we're talking on wife level. That man would treat you so so well (I raised him). Btw he did some kusamochis for hajime once and the latter liked them so much but he was just like "they were good thank you nagito" deep down he wanted to hold him in his arms while crying bcuz noone did gestures like that for him before
Going back on the clean hc, I don't think he stinks or that his hair is crusty AT ALL💔💔💔 stop mocking my son okay
His hair smells like vanilla or almond shampoo and is super soft like clouds and he himself smells like,, idk how to describe it but a sweet, comforting scent. Typa scent your mother would wear and 6 years old you would be like "mommy you smell really good" and she sweetly smiles at you thanking you typa scent. I know this is very specific but thats how I see it.
Btw he's autistic 😙😙 I mean if it isn't canon already bcuz idk I've never actually played lol or watched any playthrough but all the scenes I've seen of him? Yeah he's neurodivergent for sure. He also loves puzzles like another user said, like, mind puzzles not the rubiks cubes typa ones. He loves riddles too and thinks they're amusing.
I've already talked abt this with my friend but like. If he'd be a parent, he'd be such a good one. He's the sweetest being at his core but he's just messy and clumsy and a little bit of an airhead okay? Poor guy like if he had a baby girl/baby boy the way he'd take care of it breaks my heart. He'd try his so very best to give that baby the childhood he was never able to get.
Oh yeah and post game komaeda learns to take BETTER care of himself bcuz the minimum to him consisted of showering and eating at least one time a day (this is very bad don't do this love yourselves and take care of yourselves there's always someone out there who loves you and seeks out for you trust<3) and he learns about skincare and LOVES IT!!! He's like gasp this is so fun and relaxing how come I haven't come across this earlier in my life. And he forces Hajime to put on those skincare masks thingie. He pretends he doesn't like them but he does. Lol
Oh and he's a fashionista. Hajime would pull up with a pair of shorts and a hoodie and next to him is standing a fashion model.
Btw Nagito may have had a dog in the past but I like to compare him to those gracious white cats full of fur with sharp green eyes that catwalk as if on a runway
OH AND he loves reading too obviously and he has reading glasses and stays up late reading and he ties up his hair too or else it gets annoying and gets on his face while my man is just trying to enjoy his 1000 pages long novel
Well I think thats about it! I'M SO SORRY FOR TYPING IN SO MUCH I UNDERSTAND IF YOU'RE NOT READING ALL THAT😭😭🙏🙏 I couldn't help but get passionate like this is not normal I know I'll prolly cringe at this in a few years 😞💔💔 tysm for reading if you do I'd love your opinion on my "hcs" bye!!!!!! Have a super amazing day you and the other tumblr users reading this you are loved and cherished never forget that❤️❤️
Thanks for taking the time to write this haha. I personally see him more as Just Some Guy, but I don't mind when people give him the princess treatment. I mean I'm not gonna complain whenever people draw him in pretty dresses. 😼
The theory of him being Sonia's lost relative is always fun. They kicked him out like a stray cause he's just too much of a disaster magnet.
Yeah, a lot of the fandom, including myself, usually portray him as pretty thin because of his illness, I think. If I remember, he's like 143 pounds? Which is not that underweight for his height (I could be wrong). But yeah, they made him pretty lean in canon.
I personally like giving him a long nose with a bit of a hook to it, hehe. I can't ever decide how he should look, I draw him differently every time.
And we love a Komaeda malewife moment, though I worry about the state of any kitchen he walks into. He might get lucky and make something nice, but your stove might be out of commission for a while to make up for that; same with his eyebrows. Singed OFF.
He might be a good dad, but he'd need to get a lot of therapy first cause he's definitely the type to project his ideas onto his kids, lol. He's the dad that makes you join every after-school extracurricular, and you better be in honor classes, too. He would definitely be pretty attentive, though, maybe a little obsessive. He's a gentle guy when he's not losing it, so if he's not feeling like the world is crashing down, then he'd do okay (I worry if he would feel like that constantly with something so vulnerable and fragile in his care. And something he loves so deeply! It would be really easy for a luck-related incident to happen, you know... :( ). He's putting bubble wrap on everything. His kid gets sick, and he's googling every illness known to man. He's gonna be like Freddie's mom from iCarly. Microchip and all. LOL
It would take a lot of work to get him to care for himself post canon. He would be super depressed. He's not gonna wake up all chill about his whole life crumbling around him; I like the idea that some of the girls force him to participate in their sleepovers and slap face masks to him while he scowls a bit but otherwise relents. (And probably Hinata, too, cause we know he always gets included as one of the gorls) We gotta exposure therapy our way into that one. Just force him to do it, and then he might enjoy it himself.
I think his thing with cleaning likely comes from an obsession about germs and getting sick. I don't think that necessarily extends to the way he dresses or presents himself because those things don't really affect it. He can be super hygienic and still look a little messy. I think he may be a bit particular about the things he wears (like favoring layering, or jackets, and edgy things), but I don't think he dresses to look good necessarily. He just has his own style, not really conforming to anything that looks conventionally attractive. Of course, it's Komaeda, so he still looks good, but you get the point heh. Anyway, I think he deserves to dress nice and not just out of convenience, so we can say that post-canon he gets some joy out of that. And yes, his hair gives off the look of someone who dry brushed their curls. Someone help him PLEASE.
Anyway, you should totally play the game or watch a playthrough. It's fun, especially with another person. Komaeda's great in his little cg moments, but I think his dialogue throughout the game is really important to his character, and fun! Some of my favorites are random things he just offhandedly mentions. That onion's got a lot of layers. He's the type of character you've gotta get the whole picture about lol.
Thank you for your kind message and for giving me some stuff to marinate on, lol. I hope your day goes well, too! 💕
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rosesradio · 7 months ago
i’m posting a thing that’s not fanfic for the first time, i guess it’s an original work. it’s just my commentary on things i guess, it reads like a black mirror episode lol
tw: thought inspection, suicide mention, bigotry mention
word count: 1.3k
All this trouble, you think. All this screen time on the news, covering up every other issue...
You wished their time would come to an end. That it would all come to an end.
Your phone vibrated in your pocket, and you took a look at the screen:
Hey, said the little notification from TIC. That wasn't very nice. You should demonstrate more empathy for others! 🙂
A cold chill ran down your spine as your fingers came up to lightly touch the back of your neck. There was a chip there, small and unassuming, like Doc Ock's in Spider-Man. Like that chip, you knew full well that it would not serve you.
Want a quieter TIC experience? Upgrade to TIC Plus starting at $14.99.
You remembered going on a forum, one of the last places that was not asking for your government ID, and looking through the discussions. Someone was discussing a hate group gathering in a nearby city; they'd been hurling racial slurs at children.
I don't get it, one of the forum members started, isn't the TIC giving you notifications to cut that shit out? Show more empathy or smth.
Idk, another member replied, his hand proudly raised in his profile picture. Got TIC plus, I'm not dealing with that shit. Freedom of speech.
It probably doesn't matter, a third forum member replied. They pay, they get to stay—that's the TIC way.
The dig was subtle, though you had seen the comment live for a whole two minutes before a large This comment has been deleted by TIC for the safety of minors viewing text took its place.
Strangely enough, you never saw this kind of message for the hate speech on the forum. Perks of TIC plus, you supposed.
Swallowing, you ignored your own notification in favor of rummaging through your fridge for sliced meat and cheese. There was a nostalgia for the days in which you could afford more ingredients for your favorite foods, but—well, the stores didn't sell much of anything anymore. No one can afford anything, but you were lucky you could still make a good sandwich.
As for the TIC, you tried not to think about it when you could help it. Then again, you knew about the white bear experiment—the more you tried to push something out of your mind, the more it popped up.
Repetition helped. It drove you up the wall, but you found the TIC wouldn't harass you with more than one notification if you only thought one prompting thought repeatedly.
The TIC, or the Thought Impediment Center, was still new. It was all anyone could talk about for a year. There was excuse after excuse to explain its existence:
Our handy notifications reach out to tell you that you are not alone during a mental health crisis. Try BetterHelp and get matched with a five-star therapist today!
With this recording of data, we will be able to ensure criminals face charges during the planning period. Crime will go down in droves!
They were right about that. Everything went down in droves. Hollywood had to shut down because of the sheer amount of attention one studio got during their work on a heist movie.
When you thought about it, you were one of the lucky ones, getting one so late in the game. It came in layers—if you don't get one, you can't get food stamps. If you don't get one, you can't get medical care. As if those things weren’t hard enough to access already. College is what got you. You thought about dropping out, but you had to keep going—you couldn't just drop out and give up your dream job.
You didn't dream of work, of course. However, being a librarian seemed like a perfect fit for you.
After that interview last week, though...
You sighed, buttering up your bread and assembling your sandwich on the pan.
You had interviewed for a librarian assistant position last week, though you were rejected for two key reasons.
One was because you had a master's degree, and not your doctorate. Not to mention you only had five years of experience instead of seven. It made sense now that you thought about it—why would you be qualified for that position, with its thirty-two thousand dollar salary? No, you were much better off at the donut shop. It wasn't a bad place at all, though it wasn't where you wanted to remain forever.
The other reason you didn't get hired...
To be fair, the TIC-checking was new. How were you supposed to be prepared for it?
The lady at the interview, a kind, grandmotherly looking woman named Janine, voiced that she was also not a fan of the new TIC checking.
"The TIC in general is a bit of nonsense to me," she said. Her phone vibrated. "Sorry...I had to get one. Otherwise they were going to cut funding for the library, and..." her phone vibrated again, and she huffed. "I wouldn't feel quite so bad if they didn't take my family's chocolate chip cookie recipe. I'm sure you've heard of the Miller's chocolate chip cookie recipe by now?"
You had. You'd used the damn recipe, and the cookies were great. You shook your head for Janine’s sake. That seemed to help her feel better.
Ignoring the barrage of notifications, you had thought about how the TIC had come to the rescue of companies as they had lost money due to online censorship. People logged off social media sites, so they lost money in advertising. They had to have a revenue to make up for that.
It wasn’t just TIC Plus, or it’s advertising. It was the selling of data to third parties. That was nothing new, though this time, it was selling your thoughts. That was how Janine Miller’s family cookie recipe was sold to allrecipes.
At least it was just a cookie recipe. You had heard of Kaitlyn Johnson on the news, the twenty-one year old who had taken her own life after her pornographic thoughts had been sold to ChatGPT 7.2. They’d recreated them and sold the videos featuring her without her consent to sites across the internet.
That was why you had tried to suppress your thoughts as much as possible, though you knew that one day, you would slip up.
It didn’t matter, because as Janine Miller searched through the TIC-provided record of your thoughts over the past couple days, she found the exact sort of information she needed.
It was everything she couldn’t have in an employee. You thought about how much you loathed TIC, how much you loathed the job market and the housing market and the government and the advertising. The censorship, the restriction, the hate in the world. There was even a fleeting sexual fantasy or two, as you could no longer access smut without presenting your government ID. God forbid if you wanted to get off for the first time in weeks, right?
Your thoughts, restricted as they may be, held a fraction of the vitriol and imperfection of humanity you held in your heart.
With your thoughts laid out loud and clear, the only thing Janine Miller could do was look at you. Her gentle eyes were pitiful—perhaps a little disgusted, as if you were a writhing bug on the sidewalk.
She said sorry.
Eyes stinging, you nodded.
And you went home.
You’d cried for an hour or more, no longer caring if your four roommates could hear.
You wanted it all to end.
You had a migraine.
Your phone vibrated. Your mind rang as you heard that familiar feminine voice read your notification:
Suffering from headaches and migraines? Try Excedrin Migraine Pain relief! Guaranteed results in less than 30 minutes!
Swallowing, hands shaking where they rested against the countertop, you nodded.
Added to cart.
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wyllzel · 11 months ago
my very correct reviews of the bridgerton novels 😎
stars and spiciness (scale of 1-3) and tidbits below
please note that the following numbers are my opinion and largely exist relative to one another and to my limited understanding of the genre haha
The Duke and I (⭐ 3.5/5 +🔥): Ok I have very mixed feelings about this one haha 😞 The dub-con/non-con scene between the leads is framed as a mistake by the perpetrator (Daphne), which is good! But it's also not fully acknowledged or apologized for... which is bad... But at the same time, there's some really good things in this novel - the chemistry between the leads, Simon's persistent issues and Daphne realizing that she can't fix him overnight, Daphne recognizing her own privilege, the humor and comedic timing, Daphne's Weird Girlness...
The Viscount Who Loved Me (⭐ 4/5 +🔥🔥): Anthony as a character was very fascinating, and Kate's sororal relationship with Edwina was lovingly written! I also thought Quinn's approach to mental health as something unknowable & unpredictable was great (her descriptions of panic attacks were pretty spot-on too)
An Offer from a Gentleman (⭐ 2/5 +🔥🔥): 2 stars for Benedict chokeslamming the abusive stepmom, 0 stars for Benedict creating a toxic workplace environment 🤮
Romancing Mister Bridgerton (⭐ 4/5 +🔥): Penelope is a very interesting character, and the primary conflict being one of jealousy between the two leads was really interesting!? (ie. Colin is jealous of Penelope's success 👀)
To Sir Phillip, With Love (⭐ 5/5 +🔥🔥🔥): Really complex and I'm glad that a) Quinn allows her leads to make mistakes and b) Phillip was not insta-cured by marriage or A Woman's Healing Touch but instead had to do some self-reflection and come to conclusions on his own (with her help)
When He Was Wicked (⭐ 4.5/5 +🔥🔥🔥): 5 stars for Michael being pathetically in love, -0.5 stars for Michael being an active participant in English colonization 🫥 It's thematic, and his commentary sounded accurate to contemporary stuff I've read lmao, so I see the vision - but given that Quinn is a modern author, she should know better and it could've been handled better... The overall gothic/ghostly vibes were fascinating tho !
It's in His Kiss (⭐ 4/5 +🔥): Hyacinth is just like me fr, and Gareth was a nice change in pace from the Tall Dark And Handsome Brooding ML LOL Also the treasure hunt as a plot vehicle was fun!
sidenote but i just think it's so funny how phillip & michael each had a scene where they gave the FL an orgasm but didn't finish:
On the Way to the Wedding (⭐ 3.5/5 +🔥): Gregory is a goof and I appreciate his madly-in-love vibes, also he shot a man??!!?! A well-executed finale to such a vibrant series 👏
but to be clear, none of these books are perfect, and there are definitely tropes/moments that quinn likes playing to but that i find dicey (such as most, if not all, her male leads having "sexy" (?) anger issues lol... also she is not the best author if you're looking for a critique of english classism/imperialism lmao)
yet there are also a lot of really good and interesting things (mostly internal growth/conflict rather than external, haha) that she explores through the Bridgerton Regency Tropes Vehicle 👀
also i think it genuinely takes a hugely skillful author to write good humor / erotica, which quinn definitely excels at, so i will give her her flowers there 👍
AND it's interesting to read a modern american woman's interpretation of early 19th century upper-class english society 👀 there's some interesting things going on there w historicity and the non/necessity of accuracy 👀 and ofc american-english cultural relations haha
phillip got up and jerked off in the bathroom LOL
meanwhile michael, possibly horniest man alive, just took a cold shower lmaooo
idk why this is so funny to me
also phillip and michael get extra kudos for going down on their love interests (gareth might have as well, i can't remember, if he did then good for him too)
and i will end this post on that note lol
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words-have-meaning · 2 years ago
well, I was blocked from further commentary on that previous post, so let me say what I wanted to say here.
So some people seem to think I was referencing the Nashville shooting. If I had been referencing the Nashville shooter, you're right, that would have been... idk the words. It was so far from what I was thinking about that it didn't even occur to me that people would interpret it that way, and when someone replied talking about "deaths of children" I honestly had no idea what they were talking about.
For the record, I blame the Nashville shooting on lack of gun control and lack of access to mental health resources.
I was thinking of Chris Chan, who raped his elderly mother over and over and over. When he was arrested, people were like "well, no matter what she did, she deserves respect." So that man, that man, for him, people were like "well, even so, gotta respect the pronouns. SHE raped HER mother, people." Like, eww.
JK Rowling isn't my favorite person on the planet -- I don't like her books, and I hate the racist/antisemitic undertones to the stuff she makes -- but it just strikes me as bizarre that people give Chris Chan more respect than they give JK Rowling. Like, for Chris Chan, it's respect all the way down, but for a non-murderer/non-rapist, it's just like, "LET'S INSULT POOR PEOPLE AND IT'S TOTALLY OK." People's hatred for JK Rowling turns them into complete assholes. It's extraordinary. People who normally are super tolerant and accepting and kind and loving. They just turn into the nastiest, grossest people when JK Rowling comes up. She's like, an emotional punching bag for everyone's darkest thoughts. Moments like this really show that to me.
That's what I was talking about. If anyone cares.
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a-gal-with-taste · 3 years ago
"They Won't Let Me."
Unofficial Prequel/sequel to this and this. Idk, felt the urge to write some hurt/comfort with Jinx, and I had a quote-prompt that fit. Enjoy! ^^
Warnings: Background Silco X Reader, implied violence/canonical character deaths, grieving, panic attack, brief self-harm, mental health issues, hurt/comfort, growing mother/daughter relstionship, not-yet Mom!Reader but getting there, 78% of the way
The Last Drop is usually always shaking, from it's routine activities on the dance-floor below, the sound of fists cracking against skin in the office, or from the bedroom of the resident couple of the establishment. Something or other usually has the building creaking in one way or another.
The soft-boom that jerks you awake, late into the night, is definitely one you are still getting used to, but classed as 'another' as you groan with a closed mouth before working yourself up from bed.
"Nope, stay." Your aloft hand to still him is met with a frown from the alert man on the bed as your feet hit the hardwood. "Sil, stay. I got this, you catch some sleep," You murmured as you turned to give him an assuringly look. The infamous-eye covered in black, you watch the other narrow and an almost sarcastic drawl underbreath as you turn to the door, "Without you? Unlikely."
"Well, try." It's in affection, and he knows it, despite the little scoff he makes before you close the door, and head down to the girl you both took in three months ago.
Slipping through the dark office and then down the stairs, you're unsurprised to find a handful of your lackies still hanging around, though it's far too late... or well, early. You give a nod to the one, responsible underling whose sweeping glass, a raised brow to the handful snoring at the counter with bottles still in hand, and, of course, one still thinking the party is going on, and jamming out at one of the booths.
Your silent commentary of a raised brow and narrowed eyes gets him off the table, and you leave the bar to step down to the hidden door just behind the wall of booze and liqueurs. Knocking twice before carefully undoing the latch, and then unlocking the electrified hidden one, not looking to get sent into cardiac shock this early in the day.
You enter and are relieved to see there's no smoke or spilt blood, but anxiety and speed up your steps on your way down to the bed, where Jinx is close to ripping her hair from her scalp.
"Hey, hey, kiddo, it's just me..." You're quick to assure as the touch of hands on her makes her jerk and screech between clenched-teeth, but it's so weak and strained it sounds like a distressed mewl.
Wail or gasp, it hurts something in your chest either way, and you work to unlatch her fingers from her strained blue locks before gently pulling her arms down to her sides, and wrapping yourself around her.
You don't think you give good hugs. In Zaun, there's not exactly a way to compare and contrast, especially in your line of work, where distrust is set all the way to maximum at every given moment.
You sense you've done an decent job at comforting her, as she stills, then begins sobbing openly against your chest as you hold her. It's honestly terrible, and brings back far, far too many memories from a distant youth of desperate, terrified and angry children in the streets, but you hold onto her nonetheless. You hold her because you know she'll come apart if you don't. And, although a part of you still tries to dismiss it, you know you'll come apart too, should she lose herself like this.
The crying dissolves back to screams once, then twice. Her hands come up again to grapple with her hair, or curl into fists so tight there will be scars again on her palms come morning, but you simply hold her. Guiding hands from hair when needed, unfurling clawed fingers when necessary.
You feel a weak punch at that last one, but only tighten your hold a bit more in security, a melody soon filling the air as you hum, and slowly rock her.
It takes an eternity, but wailing returns to sobs, and sobs to sniffles, then, blessed silence.
Sliding a hand up to her hair, you smooth down the twists and yanked azures, before guiding her head to tilt back so she can look up at you. Powder-blue eyes gaze up at you, red-rimmed and leaking, and Jinx slowly works out as you paitently wait, "T-they... they won't let me... a-apologize."
"Okay." You don't need to ask who they are. You still remember the fire, and blood, with an almost mockingly cleansing downpour of rain to follow as you trekked from the ruins of the cannery. The rain didn't clear a damn thing away, let alone the haunting of fresh-ghosts. "S-so I..." A trembling swallow, before she jerked her chin towards the corner, where smoulder had gathered.
"... i-i tried to make it better. Show 'em I could've done it better. I c-could, I could-"
Sensing another fracture, you close the gap still in your relationship with a touch of your palm to her cheek, drawing her gaze from a shadow she's fixated on, and back to your paitent eyes. "Are you hurt?"
A blink of blue. "... Nuh-uh. I t-took cover."
You nod, and gently draw her back into your arms.
She doesn't fight at all this time, but you can practically hear her rapid blinking, darting gaze of confusion as you simply hold her, your voice making her jump slightly despite it's soft tone. "Jinx, you don't have anything to prove, not to anyone. Not to me, not to Silco, not to your family," You don't say the halfway-forbidden sister. You thought the fit would never stop, the last time you brought it up. "... no one needs you to prove anything, okay?"
"You're already amazing. Brilliant, talented, smart and powerful. Whatever you do is going to be great, but do not do things just to prove yourself. You've already done it, just by being Jinx. Being you."
It's ridiculously cheesy, you know, and a part of you is positive the phrase is copy-pasted on half a dozen of those stupidly-fluffy, used-Piltovian novels circulating the haggle-markets.
Still, if its the one phrase makes her immediately latch onto you and cling tight enough that air is knocked from you, you find that you'd gladly say it a million times over.
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marigoldwitch · 2 years ago
Is this an unpopular opinion?
Can we all agree that recording someone having a mental health crisis and antagonizing them while doing it is ridiculously inappropriate and unnecessary?
And before you come at me with the whole “Karen’s are using crocodile tears to get away with…” I get that, and I agree 100%. But I honestly believe a lot of y’all can’t tell the different between someone experiencing a mental health crisis and someone just acting entitled.
I saw a video of a woman having a mental breakdown at self checkout after a strange man touched her and tried to physically move her because she cut him in line. I know your first thought is “well she cut him in line” which is true but he’s an adult man, not a 5 year old, and he could have used his words instead of physical touching her. And in the video the woman apologizes and says “I didn’t realize you were in line and you touched me, that triggered me” and this man’s response was to further antagonize her while recording her. Talking about “you saw me” and “you’re a bitch” and blah blah blah. Which makes her act even more emotional and further triggers her. And then he tried to touch her again. He kept going at her instead of saying literally anything remotely appropriate like “I shouldn’t have touched you, that was inappropriate. But now that you know I was actually next in line I think you should wait til I’m finished to checkout.” Turns our the woman was a victim of a recent SA and having a strange man touch her randomly triggered an emotional response. And the only person in that video that’s trying to help is another woman telling the man to just go to another register, while he’s still going on and on and on about how “she cut in front of him” like their in grade school or something. The video ends before a resolution so idk what happened after she started crying and asking people to back up away from her and give her space.
Btw, I’ve had people cut in front of me tons of times at check out, I just do the normal adult thing and let it go. Sometimes I realize the person didn’t notice I was in line and sometimes it’s obvious they feel entitled and more important so they just cut me because they’re assholes. Neither situation is worth even more of my time wasted pressing the issue like a kid who got cut in line at lunch and it’s pizza day lol. I’m not that pressed.
I say all this because the internet has y’all forgetting how to act in public and forgetting that people actually do experience mental illness; that this display of mental illness makes people appear irrational and act out. When someone is experiencing a mental break they’re going to react to their surroundings, and if they’re surrounded by people antagonizing them they’re going to continue to act irrationally.
I don’t think recording is wrong. I actually think it’s helpful so that the authorities can better do their jobs to determine the best course of action/ treatment options for someone who is causing a scene. However I do not think it’s necessary to further feed into someone’s mental health crisis by continuing to press the issue to get a reaction out of them. Especially if that person is a complete stranger and you know absolutely nothing about their personal life.
And yes, we can tell when you’re recording and antagonizing with the intentions of getting a bigger reaction out of someone. A little crying from being triggered by a strange man touching you can turn into a full blown panic attack when 4-6 other people start shoving phones in your face and yelling at you. If you really think that person is a danger to themselves or you, call 911 and let them handle it. Stop pushing them over the edge for internet clout.
And if they’re a “Karen” the best way to handle them (in my experience) is to completely ignore them and act like they’re not there. And if they’re a Karen causing a problem, record them and just let them expose themselves. Don’t add commentary. Don’t antagonize them for a bigger reaction. Let them dig their own grave. Let their behavior speak for itself.
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bigdickevans · 2 years ago
i watched smile and wrote down my live reaction if anyone cares lol. long story short it was better than i thought it would be, the death/spooky effects were fun but it was kinda heavy handed with the mental health commentary
i went into this thinking it would be funny bad but. goddammit. ok i liked the opening.
the fucking back and forth shots of the main lady and the college girl’s faces, it set me up!!
then when it showed college girl had gotten up. idk man something about how empty and sterile the office is wigged me out even more.
and her cutting her neck was neato
at the title card now and alright goddamn it didn’t have to flash like that yeesh
oh also it sounds like this is just gonna be it follows but with suicide instead of sex
lord they’re trying to do mental health commentary. great.
ugh if i end up liking this movie i’m gonna be embarrassed
that cat’s dead. and nooo i don’t know that because i checked doesthedogdie.com
i was hoping the cat would smile lmao
i’ve decided this takes place in The Boys universe
sorry i got so distracted by a-train that i forgot to say that main lady seeing the dead girl in the dimly lit kitchen did freak me out.
we’re back to the mental health commentary.
why does the cat have such a big fucking bowl
Young cop(?) dude gives me the creeps.
Haha sassy black coworker!! very funny and cool el oh el
ooooo i liked her passing the rooms and having to backtrack
bro is vibing stop snapping
im so sorry but this carl actor has a really silly voice
i feel like this boss also looks familiar
oh he was in designated survivor ok
actually i’ve been kinda constipated so maybe if i watch this on the toilet i’ll shit myself and finally be free
jesus this lady just can’t stop breaking glasses
none of this would’ve happened if you just KEPT YOUR HOUSE WELL LIT
wow what a cast
i sorta missed the whole bit where she listened to the recording and heard stuff, i was unclogging my toilet
main lady and blonde bitch are sisters?? wow that went straight over my head until now. i knew they had to be related in some way? but i kinda thought the husband and the main lady were siblings
dead cat moment
love that they felt the need to clarify it was her cat lmao
when the boy picked it up it looked like really bad cgi
yeah babe sometimes you just gotta yell it out
im sorry… mental health preachy message aside, are you telling me the fiance had to look up the fact that mental illness can be hereditary??
for some reason i feel like the main character’s spiral happened way too fast
but to be fair i guess she does have that trauma with her mom, so maybe even though she works in healthcare she’d still be more susceptible to this line of thinking?
the number of times they say “crazy” in this movie is getting ridiculous
love a good smashed in head, i appreciate they didn’t add a loud noise with it considering the amount of jumpscares in this fucking thing
thank god horrible events always happen to artists so we can have ooky spooky drawings
these “coincidences” are so obviously connected it’s ludicrous that literally nobody noticed until now
I mean cops being inept is nothing new i guess
main character is being? unbelievably unreasonable here?? yes, calling a mental health professional is what you’re SUPPOSED to do when someone around you starts acting like this
i thought one of the whole points of this smile demon thing was that it could look like anyone? they haven’t really been utilizing that as much as i assumed they would which is a bummer
loved that moment with the sister at the car
it is kinda neat that the death has to be super dramatic so it inflicts as much trauma as possible
but also couldn’t you just do something traumatic that doesn’t involve murder or suicide?
like pretend you murdered someone or killed yourself in a crazy violent way in front of someone so they believe it happened, orchestrate a big practical joke
the demon voice is goofy
putting a knife that big up your sleeve seems like an atrocious idea
it’s like in chainsaw man. the whole door thing with denji. i’m not elaborating bc i don’t wanna spoil anyone.
the mom is kinda hot
lol i like how slowly rose closed the door
ooooooo!!!! suddenly tall mom!!!
i’m a tad disappointed with the monster design :/
HELL YEAH you thought a house fire could kill a demon?? lmaoooo
rose the throat goat
hell yeah love a good person burning
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katsona-the-katsequel · 18 days ago
Ok, I'm back. Here is more about this:
Even though most Users are still alive, they left a trace of their ego/state of being in the CU. It's not the real nor current them, but a vestige of what they were during their first two(ish) years as a Persona User. They can't see them, only hear them. Idk if I explained myself, but that's the gist.
For those with Arcana from different Tarot, they get the voices of their standard equivalent. Or at least, the one who has the same number
Even if past User has more than one Arcana, they will appear in the heads of all those who share them
Katsuya doesn't know if its the stress or some status ailment but he keeps hearing a teenager doing live commentary of his life and making high-school level jokes
The Answer gets more fun when Aigis gets not only Minato's Persona and Wildcard, but his vestige as well. There's a metaphor for grief to be made here
Fuuka tried to help Yukiko improve in her cooking. You can guess how that one ended up. Maki decided to take over for the cake
Jin and Futaba are certainly having... a time. Sojiro is more worried about where Futaba learned to make a homemade bomb
If anything good came of this AU, is that Haru now has three moms
Jun did try to help Takaya, but it's hard to help someone who acts like you don't exist
Yosuke: Chat, what should we do?
Junpei: Make a stupid joke.
Yuka: Touch up your roots.
Yuri: ThrOw HIm INtO THE TV
Just because they're Reversed, doesn't mean the Masked Circle is excluded from the party. Arcana is Arcana
The other Lovers have long since locked Sasaki in a metal box
If Anna has to feel Kandori sighing or rolling his eyes in her head one more time, she'll wring the neck of the first person she sees
Yuka is all tough love towards her fellow Magicians, except for Morgana. She ADORES that kitty-cat
Gee, Naoto. How come the voices of the void let you have two cult leaders?
Shinjiro would very much love to hit the prissy rich boy in his head with a hammer, thank you very much. It was that or the "Live, Laugh, Love" woman with the literal kid
Elly is delighted to share her opinions with a goddess. Marie is not
Katsuya: It's nice to see such a responsible young man so interested in- WHAT ARE YOU DOING???
Brown: Told you he was a psychopath. Who else wears a sweater during a heatwave?
Adachi doesn't know if the ghost dog barking is a sign of his declining mental health or what
You know how we can torture Tatsuya more? Put Sudou in his head
The Lovers are having the best sleepovers-of-one ever. Nice to go from being lonely to having tons of female friends
Ann did have a bit of a meltdown when she realized THREE famous people were talking to her. The live commentary during her confrontations with Mika would be legendary
Vestige!Baofu didn't mean to get attached to the weird, gothic lolita, but here we are
Tbh the Fools have it the best. Everyone is super patient and provide advice that is actually helpful (if you can ignore the random whispers from Elizabeth)
That is, until Akira makes a theory on how the CU might work and suddenly Carl Motherfucking Jung goes "umm, actually 🤓☝🏻". Everyone in Akira's head screamed
AU where Persona Users can hear the voices of past Users who had the same Arcana as them. Might expand later
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elizabethrobertajones · 4 years ago
Hello there. I have a question (more like a thesis): What would have happened if Cas told the Truth anywhere between season 7 and 15? Do you think it would have had the same impact on Dean? Logically speaking Cas could have told him anytime.
Oh gosh, yes. I mean Dean’s reaction in season 15 is still the best it could have been really :P He was in the best place and most accepting of himself and he still had a BSOD for a moment and then Cas had to shove him away so he could go die... (Assuming you take the on screen boring presentation of what happened as canon and not throw in the reciprocation, tears, pull in for a kiss, etc that we know exists either in our hearts or on Jackles’ phone.)
I’ve been thinking about this and the parameters we’d have to apply if we were gonna get something like the show being self-healing back to its self as we know it but we were allowed a confession. Also the show has to be as punishing as ever. So these are my personal theses on each season... 
Season 7 the confession would have to be after Cas comes back, and everything in 7x17 that looked like Dean was jealous of Daphne and Meg textually was meant to be read that way in the set up for the confession. To make it the most painful obviously we still get Cas exactly as he was all through to the end of the season and he never really says anything too different but then right when they’re having the “cursed or not” discussion he’d bust out of nowhere that he supposes it is inevitable Dean would talk him into going on this dangerous mission to get Dick because obviously Cas loves him. And Dean, who is in a weirdly zen sort of place in the remaining minutes of season 7 after Bobby’s send off and final words that helped him go make up with Cas, is in a similarly season 15 oddly okay spot, mental health wise. At least. COMPARED TO ALL THE REST OF SEASON 7. But I still personally have always read it as a genuinely good place for him that could have endured much longer if not for *gestures everything that happened after stabbing Dick* and obviously making up with Cas was step one and a huge part of his process. 
(idk if you’ve noticed but 7x23 pretty much has no Sam and Dean interaction after Bobby’s send off, and their last good broments are really scarce; it feels sort of natural for abrupt calamity and no time for teary farewells in a season with a strong commentary on grief, which also hyperfocuses the attention on Dean n Cas there.)
So I think Dean would maybe be stunned but maybe quirk a sceptical smile like “He can’t mean it like that and anyway he’s currently coo-coo, this doesn’t mean anything hahaha oh Cas :)))” and then idk shake his head and move the story on and Cas just turns one longing look after him like “dammit that didn’t work out like planned” 
Anyway then the exact plot beats of 7x23 follow, exactly as seen on your screens, but we’re left going into season 8 and Carver era with Dean far far more messed up about Cas and it can force clarification in 8x02 in Purgatory where Cas is entirely adamant he meant what he meant and furious at Dean for being mad at him and Dean’s mad at Cas for all the season 8 reasons so they continue angsting at each other but Benny’s reaction shots are just 10x funnier. This is followed by Dean’s reciprocation of “I love you” instead of “I need you” in the crypt scene in 8x17 and from there honestly it’s been built up into canon in such a way that the emotional arc of the show has to go off the wheels and I can’t keep to the self-healing model to continue following the “real” plot and contain this much raw power.
Coincidentally, if the first confession is in season 8, it would be “what broke the connection” after a season 8 where nothing was different up until that point. Cas flaps off while Dean is still processing that the answer was “You. I love you.” and Dean is left yelling at the empty crypt like “What the hell, Cas?!” 
Then he’s as mad at him as he was in canon except instead of being borderline a really bad overreaction into his anger phase which we have to weather as miserable fans tethered to this ship who know sometimes Dean gets mad and yells at Cas for no reason, he’s reacting proportionately. It’s always seemed like 8x22 only makes sense if Dean is furious at Cas for confessing and fleeing except, obviously, in our “”real”” canon, it can only be like Cas confessed and Dean took it that way and also felt embarrassed how far he went with his own feelings only for Cas to run. 
This would make the bar scene with the cupids in 8x23 make a lot more sense too, and after they get the cupid bow Dean’s going to turn to Cas and give him a nervous smile, and then - Naomi flaps in like she does and distracts them away from reciprocation. 
I think this one could go long - maybe even season 13 Cas being dead and Dean being like “FUCK I never got a chance to work things out with him” and 13x06 onwards is where we get any actual work on the ship, because Carver era was so determined to be emotionally gruelling and unsatisfying and relentless from one issue to the next. And the confessions are so bound up specifically in the moments of miscommunication or failed attempts, cut off conversations etc that whether Destiel is canon or not, they’re never gonna get to talk it out under those conditions. Cas is only explicitly the grieving wife and jealous ex to Crowley’s smug take over of Dean’s affections rather than subtextually. 
The season 9 confession... I feel like we’d come perilously close to the Monkey Paw curse we once envisioned of Buckleming making it canon because they love jumping the gun on plot points and making them too obvious. So the end of 9x03, Cas is really blatantly angling to come in with a big “Hey I’m human can I live in the Bunker look at me I learned to do The Sex can we do it now” kind of vibe. All the enthusiasm he was giving to eating that burrito in the background while “Zeke” was trying to get him kicked out, but with lusting over Dean :P 
If we avoid that we can leap to Mr Bobo Berens and his first episode, and have this thing handled by a pro, as it’s already very much about Cas as a homeless queer man with a bad ex he still loves rolling into town where he’s just trying to make a new life and play straight - I mean human - for his own survival. I suspect the confrontation with Iphraim would make it really obvious that Cas didn’t just want to live as a human but had an eye for living as a human with Dean, and then he’d attempt a confession right before Dean would accidentally talk over, like, the L in “love” honestly, to tell him that sorry things do still stand that you can’t come back with me. Leaves Cas utterly devastated but Dean is none the wiser and he drives off and Cas pines piningly at the pine trees in his Gas n Sip. 
Again the end of season probably would force the real confession, since there’s a ready made moment in 9x22 where Hannah tries to force Cas to kill Dean and he gives it all up for one man. Cas can just lower that knife and be like, “No, I love him,” talking to his shoes and Hannah rather than meeting Dean’s eyes. Mark of Cain Dean is fuuuucked up at that point but we still get the moment where Dean carries Cas’s bag into the bunker and sits down with him and tries to care about his health and now also this confession. Sussing out what the heck is up with Cas, and maybe he looks like he’s playing it cool and is still so messed up but Cas is vulnerable, and finally Dean starts to reach across the library table for his hand, and it’s a moment where maybe things could have started to go better for them...... Cue Gadreel walking into the library, Dean going feral, blah blah demon!Dean, blah blah explicitly stated Drowley, blah blah muuuch healing and Cas giving Dean a wide berth for a lil while. Though, in this scenario, 10x22 is far worse but has the reverse crypt scene moment, so Dean can be more obviously unable to kill Cas because he loves him, and then he walks out, followed by season 11 and Cas being returned to them. Unfortunately. Yep. Another finger curls on the Monkey Paw... 11x03 by Buckleming would absolutely be where Destiel goes undeniably canon as it is their first real interactions post Mark of Cain. Our only consolation - directed by Jensen Ackles.
Season 10 confession, hm. Poor Cas. He has the option of 10x03, of confessing and then immediately apologising and walking off to handle stuff with Hannah (thanks Buckleming!) or the Burger Date, where Dean may be slightly less stunned stupid but still likely to laugh it off and not believe it. There’s not much heavy tension between them most of the season so it’s possible that the only time Cas would really get is to confess in 10x22 while telling Dean that he would have to watch him murder the world, and that would suck because I love you. At which point the story dictates that Dean beats Cas to paste so it’s a very bad look. Season 10 destiel confession is the worst. 
Season 11 may be better because Cas has options to be jealous of Crowley and Dean’s connection to Amara multiple times and then Casifer happens and that can really play up things in a season where a confession is coming. 
I think the Beer Run in 11x23 might be the only viable place, where Dean grabs Cas and takes him out for that drive for last drinks before the end of the world. Cas gets the “you’re our brother” thing and just lays into Dean with the certainty of someone who knows this is it - now or nothing - with “You know that’s crap, Dean. You wait until the end of the world and you can’t even say it. Well I can; I love you.” 
Cue awkward tension, well-placed interrupting Moose, and then the world very much not ending so that when Dean n Cas hug and kiss in front of Mary in 12x01. Well. There’s even more explaining to do to her. Since we’ve made it to Dabb era, I believe any confessions from this point onwards can just slot into the show as we got it from there since it’s entirely compatible to start season 12 assuming Dean n Cas are literally married and never be contradicted by the text in their behaviour. But since we’ve had canon Destiel since whenever, obviously the final episodes are good instead of. That.
Season 12... Going to have to go with the first sniff of true canon coming in Lily Sunder with just a few lines leaning even further in the Cas’s Angel Family Are Homophobic Assholes metaphor, leaving Cas’s relationship with Dean even more live wire exposed. Followed by The Mixtape Scene where Cas is going to confess to Dean and get him startled up out of his seat, accidentally knocking the mixtape to the floor and for a moment it’s like, did he throw it is he mad? but then he’s smooching Cas, fade to black, return to scheduled programming but the whole line about Cas stealing the Colt from under Dean’s pillow makes fuckin sense, as well as the fall out argument and how mad Dean was at Cas followed by how devastated he was at Cas’s death. This just means Dabb era continues as planned except we get a kiss in 13x06 under that big glowy cross, and some more smooching here and there when things are good from then on. 
Season 13... Hm. Cas has to do the confessing and I don’t think he’d throw that at Dean on return from death so unlike if Dean was the one who was being made to confess obviously the aforementioned glowy cross scene obviously would be it for him... Cas could keep that bottled up much longer, especially as he has so much to do with Jack this season. It’s entirely possible we go through the whole season and then Cas lobs it at Dean as a final card when he’s making his Michael decision and we actually see the scene that we didn’t get, where Cas has to watch Dean getting possessed. Except Dean is like, tearful and furious like why would you tell me that now, and anyway i’m doing this for you as well dumbass but fuck you but also how dare you anyway I need to be an archangel now and save our - your - son, bye. Cue Cas sitting there not just in total horror at what happened but also kicking himself for fucking up the moment :P I guess this way at least we can have that moment where Dean is un-Michaeled and tells Cas he’s going to shower and finger guns at him, and now we can have Cas wordlessly and furiously follow him. 
Season 14, we get Cas at Rocky’s bar confessing to Dean while figment!Pamela cheers the whole thing on. If there was EVER a time to use the power of love to snap Dean out of it, Cas upsetting his cosy routine with “this isn’t real, I’M NOT HERE IN YOUR FANTASY” is absolutely the time to pull a reverse crypt scene which has such low stakes in terms of neither of them needing to punch each other when Michael is an external aggressor.
My ONLY issue with this is that Sam has to witness the whole thing and we would get reaction shots and I am a weak mortal who will start cackling at them when I’m supposed to be having the transcendent moment of canon and the whole thing would be ruined just because of the way Jared gurns when doing reactions to dean n cas interacting. Wow thanks. Thanks a lot. 
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ravenkinnie · 4 years ago
Do you have any good oneshot comics or graphic novels (these can be multiple parts) my birthday is soon and im looking for ideas lol
first im gonna do non-dc or marvel stuff cause it's not as commonly recommended lmao
*my lesbian experience of loneliness - it's sooo heartfelt and good but it talks about sex, growing up, mental health etc so tw for dark themes: depression, sex work, nudity, self harm, eating disorder but i think if you're a young adult thats such a good comics to read
*30 days of night - it's a well written crazy well drawn zombie comics so tw for gore
*infidel - it's basically a horror story about a muslim woman who lives in a haunted building but the twist is that the supernatural being is feeding off xenophobia, racism etc - its definitely heavy on social commentary so it might not be someones thing but i really like it
*babyteeth - THIS ONES SO FUN it's basically a story about a woman giving birth to antichrist but the fun twist is that she doesn't die or anything she just navigates being a young mom of an antichrist lmao
*kim reaper - this is just cute and gay tbh it's basically about a college student who works part time as the grim reaper with a wlw romance
*v for vendetta - yeah this is written by alan moore and im forever haunted by knowing one of my favorite comics and movies exist because of a man i hate with burning passion 😀🔫
*monster portraits - sofia samatar is one of my favorite writers and I think her writing won't be for everyone so I recommend reading something of hers before buying but if you like her it's soooo worth it
*the low low woods - dc has a shockingly good run with horror comics ngl I wish they did more, this ones crazy good and once you read it you'll want to re-read it immediately shhshsh
for comics, if you're spending money i think art should be as important as writing tbh so:
*arkham asylum: a serious house on serious earth - i recommended it before but the art is the main experience with it, thats why i think it's worth the money
*batman: haunted knight, the long halloween and its sequel dark victory - tbh it's the kind of dark og batman story that i think dc should go back to doing it's just such a classic batman and robin story with amazing art
*harleen - i really like stjepan sejics work tbh but i can't recommend it often bc he either goes into fantasy (which is not my thing) or nsfw work (which idk if i should recommend people dhhshs) but harleen is good and it's beautifully drawn
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rethesun · 4 years ago
Idk it's my first and probably last tumblr post, "reading into things 2.0?"
Click this link if you would like to share the original post that prompted this. Please go like it too! I read this link yesterday, and it clarified things I thought I understood well enough already. You'll need to read the source first for my commentary to make sense. Thank you for reading.
Question: Did harry ever say that he was unlabelled?
@genuineconspiracy answered:
As far as I know, the word "unlabelled...." 
Harry's quote from GQ in 2013: "Bisexual? Me? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I'm not." 
Now fast forward to a 2014 One Direction interview when Harry casually made a few pointed comments. In a separate interview on the same day, Niall scoffed at the suggestion that his next date could be a man, Harry bumped him on the knee and quipped: "Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it."
"The "unlabelled" thing comes from the time...why queer artists should be asked to subject themselves to that treatment."
1. I do not speak for everyone in the LGBTQ+ community: This section discusses why I'm not pressuring myself to label my sexuality for now/maybe forever or decide to come out as unlabeled. Whether with any intention or not, Harry has softened barriers for some things to feel less taboo/daunting. Most of us do not want to subject ourselves to different treatment, especially if it's negative. Not all of us have the privilege to do so either.
2. I agree it is not justifiable, and he's right to question them. Being open to everyone isn't easy. Now imagine yourself no less human than right now, but add millions of eyes on you. It's insensitive to assume about someone when they could be doing their best/what is comfortable—please let's stop invalidating what we don't understand.
"the line "It's not a case of: I'm not telling you cos I don't want to tell you."....his first opening band, the queer girl group MUNA...it's that he can't talk about it." 
Maybe. I agree; the quotes from the opening band MUNA are telling. There is so much that is telling. Check this out? Harry said he shows how he feels about many things with his actions, more than he verbalizes. The other side of this is Harry has also said he likes that there is a sense of mystery about his life now, and he keeps as much as he can/wants(?) private. I don't blame him whether that's the sole reason or not; it's valid.
"The reporters asking...know that's a possibility for him...by setting up barriers for queer people to clear - like a formal coming out." 
I entirely agree.
"I believe the last comment Harry gave about his sexuality in the Guardian interview makes it pretty clear what he meant: 
Harry: You respect that someone's gonna ask. And you hope that they respect they might not get an answer. "
"He's telling us that he's not commenting on his identity...He doesn't seem to care what other people think."
He really doesn’t. I don’t perceive Harry as insulted by any genders or sexualities. He’s unbothered comfortable and accepting and I think it would be great if more people felt that way. Some people still live through a prejudice lens and use different labels as insults when they shouldn’t be at all. 
"We all know that no one except Harry knows the reality, so we're all just doing the best with what we do know."
As far as labeling goes, I understand where others are coming from, and at the same time still implore we respect what is shared and what we currently know. I'm cis, so I'm not the most equipped to address this. Generally, no one should change pronouns of someone unless said person puts out a message for everyone or directly tells you. To clarify, even though other pronouns are not disrespectful by themselves, assuming Harry would want us to change his, is. So we should all keep using he/him unless told otherwise. The same is to be said about sexuality. However, words like gay queer and no known label are always acceptable because those are umbrella terms for the lgbtq+ community.
My conclusion on the above and what I learned: I also respect that people have different opinions on things in this fandom, and we won't all arrive to the same conclusions, and that's okay. It is best not to assume things if we do not fully know, and finally, if you do respect people enough to ask them, be prepared not to receive an answer or the one you prefer to hear.
More: Queer people are under no obligation to announce or owe the world an explanation and are still just as valid if they don't make their identities loud. It does not sit right with me to speak for people, so I do not think it is disrespectful to understand the topic more. Now I know how to explain better if I am ever defending him or myself honestly. (separate circumstances)
What Harry does not share or does share is his right. Someone's mental/physical health and happiness should matter more than what we may think is true. I am grateful for the things Harry has done, inspiring the world and making it better. I believe sexuality and gender are fluid, and so as I would for anyone, I support Harry without boxing him in, and that extends to career or personal things—unless he chooses to. 
Off-topic, but here is a vague message as an extended ending to this post because I wrote it back in June 2021 when Harry was acting for the film My Policeman: As of late, it hurts more than usual that Harry is constantly being suffocated by crowds of people who want something from him, mainly because I know that he'd give them everything if he could. We can do better, can't we? So let's work on understanding one another. Practice extending more kindness and respect, whether it's family, friends, a colleague, social media anon, stranger/celebrity. We can all agree on one thing: Harry deserves the best this world has and to be treated as well as he treats all of us.
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rockets-capris · 5 years ago
Some black youtubers I like you can support
So I’m not a very big blog. Obviously. But I figured what little influence I have I can use to direct people in this time to some underrated black creators I like since I spend all my time watching YouTube and feel free to add as always. Also this was originally supposed to be in order of sub count but that didn’t work out at all.
1. Jarvis Johnson.
Probably one of the most popular creators on this list with over 1 million subscribers but extremely funny and if you haven’t heard of him and you like comedic Cody Ko-esque commentary videos, go give him a sub. He’s reacted to many of the same channels Danny Gonzalez and Drew Gooden have such as Troom Troom and 5 Minute Crafts. He’s also a software engineer which is pretty badass.
2. Lana Summer.
Does mainly fashion and hair related videos but is very chill and easy to listen to. Sometimes I like to put on her videos while I’m doing things even though I 100% have straight hair and she does mostly curly hair tutorials. But she’s covered a large umbrella of beauty topics in her videos and if you’re the least bit feminine it’s highly possible she’s covered at least one topic that’ll be useful to you. She’s very pretty (lowkey crushing on her) and lovely and I enjoy her channel a lot.
3. The Curly Guy.
A highly underrated channel that does content similar to Lana’s but for guys! He’s a guy with long, curly hair and talks about how to take care of it. I am always here for nontoxic male positivity and getting more guys involved in taking care of their appearance. It’s very sweet to watch. He’s also reviewed bad hair products which we all like to watch bad reviews of things on YouTube, right, and once pierced his ears at home. So. Idk about you but that sounds great to me.
4. Jolie K.
We’ve got some black queer representation in here! She’s a queer woman who makes videos about queer women. She hasn’t uploaded in a minute but I think she’s still worth supporting. She’s done some cool story times about being gay as well as some beauty stuff.
5. Honest.
Honest is a drama channel run by a black guy who talks about drama between music artists and sometimes youtubers. He’s not only a black person in the drama side of YouTube but he’s a black man in the drama side of YouTube two demographics that feel excluded from that world. If you do like drama videos like Teaspill, it’s cool to support a POC in that world. I can’t say I agree with everything he says but that’s drama channels for you.
6. Ranting Minority.
This guy’s super new and super underrated! He makes spicy political content, is extremely eloquent and chill, which makes him good to listen to, and is a leftist. If you can’t stop watching left-tubers like I can’t, I would totally recommend this guy. He makes videos on racial and societal issues from a liberal and anti conservative perspective. He has less than a thousand subscribers, so I’d highly advise giving him a sub.
7. MacDoesIt
So this guy is also one of the more popular on here. Basically if you watch any LGBTQ+ content on YouTube at all he pops up. He’s like the Strange Æons of the mlm community in that respect. He’s super funny, does reaction videos, does some very comedic red carpet fashion reviews, just if you haven’t subbed to MacDoesIt, what are you doing?
8. Kat Blaque.
Kat Blaque has been under fire for certain opinions before, but all in all she’s a good leftist, political youtuber who is also a black trans woman. She does videos on LGBT+ issues, racial issues, lots of other things, and is a smart, beautiful lady. Basically you can’t be a political youtuber without being controversial so, decide for yourself if you wanna support her, I personally do. Also I am not a trans woman but I know trans women who have said she helped them figure out certain things, so that’s good.
9. Rickey Thompson
A black gay comedian who does story times and random funny videos. I also think he’s an ex viner. I’m only a comedic fan of this one but I do know he’s very handsome and I came from his LGBT+ story times. Just someone you might wanna check out. He’s kind of like Mac in some ways just like. Much chiller.
10. WiseJae
I love how this is a mix of semi popular youtubers and super obscure youtubers I like for very specific reasons. WiseJae is a very small youtuber with a little over a thousand subs last time I checked but she does videos about jobcorps and trade school and has recently started making videos about college. So basically. A cool guide for how to get your life started if you’re a young, low income adult or late teen. She’s also got a very pretty accent, soothing voice and . . . is just so fucking beautiful . . . so. So gorgeous. So like. If you’re like. 18. And you’ve been thinking about a place like jobcorps but don’t know how to start. I would say her channel would be the first place I’d go for information.
11. NotYourMommasHistory
I actually love historical fashion. And this black woman named Cheyney is a historical reenactor with a focus on African and African-American history, and often overlooked part of history and fashion history in general. She’s done stuff like historical head wraps and similar as well as talked about serious issues like sexual harassment. Most recently she did a video on white people misrepresenting Martin Luther King Jr. Basically if you like channels like Rachel Maksy, Bernadette Banner, or our meme mom Karolina Żebrowska, you’ll probably like her. Or maybe you’re just curious about African history. That’s cool too.
12. Rebranding Autism.
Black autistic rep! Jen is a black autistic woman who talks about autism, the struggles she’s faced and she was literally sent to the notoriously abusive Judge Rotenberg center and talked about the atrocities committed there. She’s amazing and has also made vlogs about her life, made advice videos on mental health that are relatable for many people not just people with autism specifically, tho certainly those too. She also makes music.
13. Tater Tatiana
Small youtuber who is in the anti Onision community. She reviewed Onision’s shitty books. She writes, does drama videos and does beauty videos as well. She read Onision fanfiction on her channel, Lilee Jean tried to take down her channel and she bounced back. I highly recommend the channel, I love Tatiana and I’ve loved watching her channel grow these last few years.
So, that’s my list, will definitely add more later, I hope this didn’t come off as pandering or me thinking black people are charity cases, which they aren’t, this is simply me, a white girl, trying to share some black creators I enjoy instead of just spouting my opinions on tumblr, since I come from a privileged place.
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flying-elliska · 4 years ago
man I love reading your posts on mental health, probably bc it's an interest of mine (might wanna be a therapist? idk) but also bc I love your thought process and commentary. but this latest one hits hard as an aroace person, also trans/nb but that's separate I guess. like I'm sure the more I look into this field the more I'll see queer identities getting shit on. ugh. but I love hearing your thoughts and I hope you're doing well!
Thank you! That's why I do write about it I guess, not just to get my thoughts in order but maybe so people can either relate or learn more.
If you do become a therapist I really support you !!! We need more therapists that are lgbtqia+ themselves, generally queer friendly, and politically aware ! The field was so heteronormative for so long and used as an instrument of social control (this is basically Foucault's History of Madness in a nutshell) and it still is but I also really believe that things are changing and there is a lot of good work to be done in that area.
And I get it haha I also find this stuff fascinating from an intellectual perspective.
I am ok, I hope you too 💕💕💕
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starbuck · 5 years ago
Terror Notes: “Go For Broke”
well… I guess I’m really doing this! Some proper, bullet-pointed notes for each episode of The Terror, starting with ep 1: Go For Broke!
I wrote these out last night (and edited them this morning to make them readable - you’re welcome!) so I hope that y’all enjoy my thoughts and assorted nonsense! I tried to save my comments for points I actually wanted to make because I feel like they bring something to the table but I still ended up writing A Lot lol
I love that Crozier couldn’t even be bothered to be present in welcoming Sir John and Fitzjames onto Terror, making Little and Hodgson do it by themselves. One could argue that he had important captain-y things to be doing at that time or something but I’m not 100% sure that wasn’t the case. 
idk if it’s just the angle, but I paused the episode just as the shot of the officer’s mess is coming in from above and Hodgson’s hands make me so uncomfortable. They look so bone-y and weird. (Just what you came here for, I know. Hand commentary.)
Cannot tell you how uncomfortable it is, after many rewatches, to listen to Fitzjames recounting in a casual, lighthearted manner 1) shooting people 2) people catching fire (and burning to death), and 3) their burning flesh smelling “like roast duck” (so, like something edible) and it’s even more uncomfortable to have the closeup be on Hodgson’s face as he laughs at the ‘roast duck’ comparison.
On a lighter note: I love that Fitzjames felt the need to remind everyone what size cherries are by illustrating it with his fingers. In case they forgot, I guess? As someone who occasionally speaks unnecessarily with my hands, big mood tbh.
I LOVE it when Fitzjames gives Little that affirmative tap on the arm after he compares Fitzjames’s injury to Lord Nelson’s. My friend Eli and I refer to it as The Fitzjames Arm Tap. I would like a Fitzjames Arm Tap, pretty please.
God, Sir John loudly setting his hands on the table to try to dispel the tension from the ‘birdshit island’ debacle as he attempts to change the subject is so funny. I’m gonna stop just pointing out things I find funny soon, I swear, but I just cannot handle this scene.
Between Hodgson looking horrifically embarrassed by Crozier’s outburst at Fitzjames and Little looking nervous when Crozier shoots him a look as Sir John says that there’s no reason to be concerned about the ice, it really does seem that they were having to ‘manage’ him even back in ep 1 when his alcoholism wasn’t completely out of hand.
Personal sidenote about this: My Pop-pop is often rude to workers in stores and restaurants (he doesn’t drink thank goodness but he has Alzheimer’s coming on which has worsened his temper) so I very much understand the feeling of being on-edge that an outburst is going to occur and trying to deal with the fallout when it does. Just going by my own experience, I can imagine Little apologizing to Fitzjames for Crozier’s rudeness as soon as they were out of Crozier’s earshot (not that anything Little could say would heal the deep psychological wound that Crozier created but hey, it’s something).
The way that Sir John brushes aside Dr. MacDonald’s and Crozier’s concerns about moving Young when he’s in such bad shape never fails to upset me but also ~foreshadowing for hauling the ill on boats oooohhh~
I said I was done pointing out random things that amuse me but the speed and agility with which Des Voeux pops out of the hatch and onto the deck after Orren falls into the water is just so funny. I could watch that two second clip on repeat all day. Might gif it so I actually can.
Is this a good time to point out that there’s also a scene in Moby-Dick where someone falls from high up on a mast and drowns? It’s in a chapter all about bad omens experienced by the crew of the Pequod and The Terror definitely has some similar vibes going on with the sun dogs displayed in the establishing shot of Erebus in that scene and David Young, a “warning of things to come,” on his way over.
The second(?) time I watched the part where Young tells Stanley that he didn’t think anything of getting headaches since he’s always gotten them, I had this thought pass through my head that was like “oh god, I had chronic migraines for years so I’d never have known if I had lead poisoning either!” but then I realized that this probably was not a relevant concern I should have.
Not sure I have any deep commentary on this but as Gore informs Sir John and Fitzjames about the blocked propeller, he’s standing in the same spot, in the same room as Goodsir will stand next episode to tell them about his death.
Also regarding this scene, I love how Gore waits for Fitzjames to give him the go-ahead to leave before actually going. I know that Fitzjames is his superior officer too but, since Sir John already dismissed him, it seems like waiting for Fitzjames’s approval isn’t really necessary, yet a nice thing to do. Perhaps this is a legitimate formality, but something similar happens later in this episode in the command meeting when Crozier asks Gore how many sun dogs he’s seen; he looks to Fitzjames and waits for his nod before answering Crozier. He doesn’t look to Sir John, he looks to Fitzjames. I know that we know essentially nothing about Gore but like.. underrated ship???? Just saying…
Ten nights ago, I was unable to get to sleep for at least an hour because I started thinking about David Young’s saying “I want to go to my grave as I am” and, of course, that ultimately doesn’t happen for him but also, this, like all things about him, is a “warning of things to come.” I’m pretty sure that no one else was properly buried until, arguably, Fitzjames and ironically, that was explicitly not what he wanted done with his body (and, since his grave was later looted by Hickey, similar to the way that Young’s autopsy ultimately achieved nothing, it didn’t really matter anyway).
I know that this happened exactly ten days ago because I forced myself to wake up and write it down in my notes app, lest I forget, which only prolonged my sleeplessness. I suffer for my analysis. 
Ah yesssss Tozer’s lesbian haircut. We love it! Why does my hair not look like that when I take a hat off? I’d like to file a complaint.
Was just thinking the other day about how Hartnell being the one to notice that there was something up with the ice in ep 1 is followed up on with Blanky complimenting Hartnell’s ability to read the ice to Crozier in ep 7. I wonder if Blanky ever gave him like. ice-reading lessons after becoming aware of his interest and natural talent at it in ep 1? That makes me happy to think about.
The two people who we’re shown awoken by Young’s screaming are Sgt. Bryant and Morfin and like. Do I even have to explain why that’s an Oof?
The way that Goodsir hesitates before knocking on Stanley’s door and Stanley irritatedly closing his book before answering the knock in an exasperated voice would be comedic in any other context. If I’m being honest, it still makes me laugh. As does Stanley’s “As if that weren’t plain.”
I’ve pointed this out before but mmmmm... that shot of Stanley in profile with the open candle flame in the background… the foreshadowing in this ep is thicker than the smoke at… Oh alright, I’ll stop. 
God, the autopsy/dive scene…. Collins being lowered down and entering the water paralleled with Goodsir’s initial cutting into Young’s corpse, the breaking up of the ice paralleled with the cutting of the bone-saw. But most significant to me is the parallel of what is seen/not seen and the long-term effect that this has. Collins sees Orren’s corpse (and then presumably never tells anyone about it), reinforcing his guilt over Orren’s death, the beginning of his mental health decline. Goodsir doesn’t see the cause of Young’s death in his autopsy and this not knowing about the lead poisoning until it’s too late to do anything about it is the cause of many of Goodsir’s later problems as well. And, to finish it all off, both the autopsy and Collins’ dive were ultimately for nothing (considering a spinning propeller is useless when your ships are frozen in). 
Crozier and Blanky’s simultaneous face journeys as Sir John rambles on about how there’s nothing to worry about and they’ll find the passage any day now are truly legendary.
I wrote some pretty extensive tags on this already but man… Crozier’s comment about how not all of Sir John’s men returned from one of his previous arctic expeditions is just so nasty and awful. Like, yes, Sir John is wrong to undersell the danger they’re in and Crozier is advocating for the correct position here, but that was completely uncalled for and horrible to say, particularly in a command meeting, in front of so many people. And Sir John looks legitimately upset by it too. He gets over it quickly, at least on the outside, but I still feel really bad for him (and I NEVER feel bad for Sir John so this is weird for me).
“But of course we will not be abandoning Erebus, or Terror…” Let’s check back in six episodes and see how that’s going! 
Crozier slamming his fist on the table to prove he’s not being melodramatic reminds me of this one post (that I sadly can’t find rn) about Jesus Christ Superstar that’s like “‘CUT OUT THE DRAMATICS’ Judas hollered dramatically.” It’s such an Overall Mood.
I don’t have a developed commentary on this at the moment but it’s an interesting reverse-parallel that Sir John had no concern for Young’s well-being when he was alive, ignoring Crozier’s concerns about moving him from ship-to-ship when he was in such poor health, yet now that he’s dead, Sir John is the one to recommend that Young be buried which Crozier is surprised by, and seems to feel is unnecessary.
There’s been so much amazing commentary already made about Young’s burial scene so I’ll skip it except to say that Hickey’s irritated sigh when he hears footsteps coming towards the grave is SO funny. That’s exactly how I feel when I know that someone is about to tell me something that will annoy me.
Goodsir was really getting into the emotion of Sir John’s “eulogy”/motivational speech before he remembered the promise he made about Young’s ring. Also, what triggered his memory was Sir John saying “We shall earn our loved one’s cheers and embraces,” so no doubt a reminder of the traumatic “Your loved ones will be there in Heaven to welcome you! :)” “I never knew my mother or father” exchange (or maybe just a reminder of the fact that he was supposed to get Young’s ring to his sister but just let me scrape a little humor out of this. God knows I need it).
The shot of Bryant praying in his hammock the night before they get completely frozen-in is honestly deeply upsetting to me. Especially considering he’s a marine so he Did Not Ask To Be Here, yet there he’ll die.
According to Melville, ship’s compasses occasionally spun round-and-round when a ship was caught in a severe storm and this was an incredibly upsetting thing to behold because of how disorienting it was. So, considering that, Fitzjames keeps his composure pretty well but he clearly has some reservations about how things are going and Sir John has no comforting-sounding remark about ‘Magnetic North’ to offer him now.
The bit where Sir John “sees” Crozier, on Terror, turn away from him with a half-smirk on his face is interesting because there’s no way he could have possibly seen Crozier’s expression at that distance and I’m doubtful that he’d even have been able to make out the identity of anyone he might have been able to see on Terror’s deck. So really, it speaks mostly to Sir John’s mental state; his seeing their getting frozen in as a loss against Crozier and imagining that Crozier would see it as a victory for himself.
Ugh the final shot is making me think about @catilinas’s post comparing a shot of the two ships stuck in to the shot of the ink drops from ep 3 and I am LOSING IT but I was losing it anyway because it’s 2AM now and my entire body feels like gelatin. 
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years ago
15x07 Commentary
Bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
@smol-and-grumpy​ (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Giulia: Yas eileen
Zee: This thing with the bullet I still don’t completely get
Kat: So happy she’s back
Kat: It’s not a real bullet
Giulia: Us
Nat : do they always have to have a flashback tho
Zee: Future corpses
Kat: But it’s explained a bit more this episode
Nat : Tag yourself
Giulia: I know the blonde one
Giulia: I’m the brunette
Zee: I’m the brunette
Kat: Brunette for sure
Nat : I'm a mix
Kat: Nah babe you’re the blonde
Zee: I’ve only been the blonde once
Zee: Amazing
Nat : What
Nat : I didn't hear a car
Kat: At least the blonde didn’t get murdered
Zee: Bitch wipe the spit
Nat : Yet
Giulia: Oh no clean your lips yuck
Kat: Too much throw up sound
Nat : Ridiculous. You would still hear it
Giulia: Well ok wow
Giulia: I jumped not gonna lie
Nat : Ew What is that
Zee: Was that a werewolf ?
Giulia: The wendigo feels
Nat : snorts
Kat: Red shirt of sex
Giulia: Oh look wallowing in depression again
Nat : Ah Deano
Zee: Weak
Kat: Yum
Kat: No surprise there
Zee: What’s that sound of his lips?
Nat : "Yeah"
Zee: Mostly
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Zee: Real bacon
Nat : Real bacon?
Nat : lol
E: We might've gotten just a little carried away with the margaritas last night.
Giulia: WOW
Kat: Fucking adorable
Kat: So domestic
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S: You're turning down bacon?
D: Mm, yes, yeah, I'm actually... I'm gonna head out.
Kat: Get out
Giulia: DEAN’s weird
Zee: I’m good Dean motto
Nat : "I'm good" I'M GOOD, GOOOOOOOOD
D: It means I got to... I got to get out of here, okay? I just... I got to...I'm gonna take a drive, clear my head.
S: Eileen and I have stuff to do.
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Giulia: Lol
Giulia: I BET U DO
Zee: Look at that face
Kat: Aw someone’s feeling like a third wheel
Zee: Aaagggggghhh
Giulia: MY GOD
Kat: The dimples
D: Um, okay, but if, uh, things go your way, just make sure you put the sock on the door so I know.
Nat : sock on the door
Zee: Sock on the door
Kat: The wink melts
Giulia: not only on the door
Nat : well that would be highly uncomfortable
Giulia: Oh shush you know what im talking about
Nat : What's with the hair
Zee: Can he shut his face ?
Giulia: The accent lol
Giulia: He weird
Nat : Jensen's jealous that the sheriff can have an accent and he doesn't
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Zee: Do you all talk like that Kat ?
Kat: Excuse you. I do not speak like that.
Giulia: Snort
Kat: Dean is not impressed
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Zee: Can we focus on the scruff for just a sec?
Giulia: And the crazy hair
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Kat: The blue steel
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Giulia: You’ve got the look
Zee: Is he hitting on him?
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Giulia: IS IT TIME
Zee: Swayze’s???
Kat: Roadhouse nod
Zee: Look at that strut
Giulia: Nice
Nat : Fun that there's only one parking spot left right in front
Giulia: I wanna go in a dump like that
Nat : Lots of Woo girls
Giulia: Hand it over
Nat : Get in line
Giulia: Lol i like her. Will she die
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Giulia: Oh well now she will
Zee: Nice
Nat : Ow
Kat: Damn girl
Giulia: Cute. They cute
Kat: Dean friggin Winchester
Zee: Is this ep filled with his close ups?
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Giulia: So cute
Nat : HE owns this joint?
Zee: I’m happy
Nat : Will this be the place where Dean will always end up tho. Because his friend owns the joint
Zee: Look at that couple
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Giulia: SO CUTE
Giulia: the stares
Giulia: Cute
Giulia: Why don t we do something fun
Zee: Do something fun
S: Yeah. Um... ideas?
E: I mean, a few.
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Zee: Go girl
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Giulia: NO. COME ON
Zee: Seriously ???
Kat: It’s not okay
Nat : Ah
Giulia: my bb has done nothing wrong in his entire existence,ever, shut yo mouths
Nat : Snort
S: So we've been looking for signs of Chuck and Lilith
C:  Lilith?
S: Yeah, uh, she's back.
Giulia: U should have read your messages cas
Nat : Hey, nobody can say that they've been cock blocked by an aNgEL oF tHe LorD
Zee: I think that Sam’s virginity might have grown back man
C: So there may be some of you inside Chuck.
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Giulia: Ew
Zee: Ew
Nat : Is that sexual
Giulia: Family business beers lol
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Kat: I think you’re right
L: I always liked that crusty son of a bitch.
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Giulia: Awe dad. Crusty sob lol
Kat: Oh.
Kat: No
Giulia: Ah well praises from dad Winchester
Zee: His crinkles are distracting me
Giulia: And his smirk
Kat: Aren’t they great
Giulia: ...ah that stare
Zee: So that’s how you felt last ep? @Giulia
Giulia: Yes. U get it now
Zee: He needs to shut up
Giulia: Awe dean. And now some zoom
Nat : Dean, you don't wanna do that
Zee: That head nod hurt my soul
S: Cass, are you sure about this?
C: No, but I am sure I can't heal the wound. Maybe I can probe it.
Giulia: Yes probe cas
Zee: Probe
Kat: Ew lol
Giulia: Im ready
Giulia: Same
Zee: This is gonna sting
Nat : This is gonna sting
Nat : snorts
Giulia: Sam are you ok
Nat : a little
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Giulia: Awe
Giulia: Oh wow
Giulia: Nice cas
Nat : AH
Zee: Amazing
Nat : Well he's not ok now is he
Kat: Poor Sammy
Giulia: Awe that cheek rub
Zee: Sam knocked out again
D: This is Dean's other-other-other-other phone. Leave a message.
Zee: Other other other
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Giulia: AH how does it feels now cas
C: Dean, I need you to call me back. Sam is hurt, and I..
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Nat : How many phones does he has
Zee: Jaggers
Giulia: Look at that tuff of hair
Nat : Ew
Giulia: Slutty
Kat: Everything about him is slutty
Zee: Can’t spell it
Zee: Love it tho
Nat : Split up Triplets?
Zee: He’s gonna get some me thinks
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Giulia: What a dumb stare
Kat: Ah I miss blushy Dean
Giulia: Oh him again
Nat : Who dat
Giulia: Sam winchester is hurt
Giulia: What else is new
Giulia: The one with gabe grace
Nat : A collecter
Kat: You think so huh
C: Let me rephrase. If you don't help me tonight,
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Zee: Cas is serious
Kat: A return of badass Cas finally
Giulia: Lol yellow fever
Nat : Cas has zero patience
Giulia: Same
Zee: We’ve been knew
Giulia: U have even less
Nat : No but I just don't think that he'll get any this season cuz it won't do anything to the plot
Nat : Plot of dying guest stars
D: Trust me, uh, bigger doesn't always equal better.  
Giulia: what she said
D: Besides, who's gonna look out after the little guy? God certainly isn't.
Giulia: Damn brother that’s rough
Zee: Rough decade
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Zee: No shit
Giulia: He has no idea
Kat: Ugh that smile
Nat : Dean has doubts. I hate that
Giulia: aw look that is future dean if he’s going on like that
Giulia: GIMME
L: Remember that old song your dad used to play us before we'd go out on a Hunt?
D: Oh, no.
All of us: Oh, yeah.
Zee: YAS
Giulia: come on BOI
Kat: I had to look the song up
Giulia: YEAH what song
Kat: I didn’t know it 😂
Kat: Dukes was a clue
Giulia: idk her
Giulia: still don’t know her
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Giulia: YEEEEP
Giulia: FUCK OFF
Kat: Exactly
Giulia: flips table
Nat : Better than Karaoke Demon Dean
Giulia: don’t let him hear you
Giulia: YAAAS
Zee: Wait in line
Zee: He’s so happy I’m scared
Giulia: AWE 20sec of happiness
Kat: NO
Nat : Ah
Kat: Damn I’m soaked again
Giulia: Me
Zee: Thank god don’t need my ovaries anymore
Kat: He sounds so Texan this ep
Zee: Oh fuck yeah
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Kat: Them bowlegs
Nat : What a concidence
Zee: Not the ghostbusters
Nat : I like Sergei. He's got attitude
Giulia: I hate him
C: Okay, that's enough. You're here for a reason.
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Giulia: Cas needs to tie his fucking tie because he slutty af
Zee: He’s following the mood of the ep
Kat: Poor Eileen so worried
Zee: Dying?
spn fandom: what else is new
Giulia: Not even surprised
Giulia: Of course he is
Nat : What else is new
Giulia: She loved jesus and america too
Giulia: So I’m a bad girl
Zee: It was a good car
Nat : lol it's the tom petty song
Giulia: me in the morning
Zee: You love Jesus and America in the morning ?
Kat: Love that song
Giulia: Am I too young for that shit?
Nat : Freeeeee Faaaaallin
Giulia: No, that whiskey in the coffee. Pay attention
Zee: Yeah. Like you paid attention last week
Giulia: Well I was on the important stuff
Kat: Okay children
Giulia: Look at my confused bb
Kat: Sergei is so dramatic
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Giulia: Nice shit
Zee: The legs
Giulia: Shot
Zee: Also correct
Nat : HE knows that the junkyard is NOT a runway right?
Giulia: Don t think he does
Kat: Everywhere is a runway for him
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Giulia: That haircut is bad ok
Kat: I saw it coming a mile away
Nat : He ded
Zee: Wait for it
Nat : Like I said, plot of dying guest stars
Giulia: They need to stop with these jumpscares
Giulia: SERGEI
Zee: Fucker
Nat : They need to find Amara. Think Amara is sick of her brother herself. she'd probably help them without even wanting anything in return
Kat: Don’t worry Cas takes care of him
Giulia: good
Giulia: Nice Eileen
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Giulia: The key to death. Psh fuck off
Kat: The key to death. That’s going to come into play I bet
Giulia: So dramatic
Zee: Cas still confused. And angry
Giulia: Look at that face
Nat : Sergei is so fucking extra
Zee: Suck it Sergei
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Kat: He called Bobby
Giulia: Oh the other bobby. Forgot about him
Nat : They should get the key and open the door to the empty. Bring Jack back. And death. Ah why am I babbling
Kat: It’s what you do
Giulia: Snort
Nat : The eye squint
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Kat: It doesn’t open the empty though I don’t think lol
Giulia: Wtf is in there
Kat: Aw Dean tied down. My fave
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Nat : What is that thing 
Nat : What she said
Giulia: But also
Zee: Shut up
Giulia: Will dean have to kill his fwriend
Kat: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Giulia: Nice
Zee: He will huh?
Giulia: It won’t be a great addition to his mental health
Nat : Have you been watching the same show
Kat: All his friends die
Giulia: All their friends die
Kat: Well Eileen’s back lol
Kat: I know but my heart can’t take it
Nat : Every one who comes on the show die
Zee: Shush
Zee: Can blood really go up the tube?
Giulia: If there is vacuum yeah
Nat : I don't think they care
Giulia: The monster needs to suck
Nat : It doesn't suck
Giulia: He stupid
Zee: Oh stop please
Kat: Come on Dean get out
Giulia: What she doesn’t say
Kat: Nice
Nat : The monster will get out
Nat : what he said
Zee: And kill lee
Awe look at Dean’s repulsion towards his friend
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Giulia: Nah dean will kill lee. Because this is supernatural
Zee: Daddy’s home
Nat : Surprise
Kat: The head
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Giulia: Is that the sound of water 2
Kat: Ew
Zee: God bless Texas
Nat : Why does Lee do that for again? I missed it
Zee: His happiness
Kat: Money health
Nat : Feeding people to a monster makes him happy
Kat: Because fuck everyone else
Giulia: Ah saw it
Giulia: Oh yeah dean?
Kat: The monster gives him things for keeping it fed
Nat : Ah Nat : Dean distracts me
Kat: He yummy
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Zee: I kill monsters
Giulia: Awe dean . Well you become the hero or the monster you hunt i guess
Zee: Welcome to my world
Giulia: Ouch
Zee: Impaled
Giulia: That should hurt so much more
Nat : Ah, that's the cue he was talking about that didn't break at first and he had to "walk off the pain" Kat: What
Giulia: ?
He told it once at a con I think? They had a fight with a cue and the cue didn't break like twice or three times and his back was blue
Giulia: Awe bb dean
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Kat: Aw his murder face. Now sad face
Giulia: CAS
Giulia: awe look at them
Giulia: Oh
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Nat : Awkward
Zee: That bed is too small
Kat: No, he’s just huge
Kat: What she said
Zee: What she said
Giulia: Everything is too small concerning to sam
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Nat : Preview?
Kat: Ya go watch
Nat : Adam snorts
Kat: Basically tells them to suck it lol
Giulia: you let me rot in hell. Well he ain t wrong
Nat : Can u blame him
Kat: From his view, they must
Zee: They left him there for ages
ee: I’m happy with this ep. Need to change panties but I’m happy
Zee: You can leave this out
Kat: No leave it in lol
sam and Eileen cute gif
Giulia: They kill me
Giulia: Ok but if that’s sam endgame i’m so good with that. My bb deserve it
Giulia: Hope it doesn’t end in smoke
Giulia: snort
Giulia: That was mean
Kat: Wow Giuls
Giulia: Ok but look at it from chuck’s eyes
Giulia: PLOT
Giulia: lol
15x08 coming soon
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