#as u can see i am very lazy when it comes to coloring
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br3adtoasty · 11 months ago
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Getting back on da OC mood! The latest OC is so new this was my first time drawing her 😭
Template is courtesy of @/oya-oya-okay
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solaarbeeam · 8 months ago
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Y2K - mina ashido x black!reader
tw/cw:: n-word drops, cursing, mina is portrayed as a black woman so if you don’t like that, this ain’t the fic for u
A/N:: as a bisexual, I gotta pour one up for the bnha girlies and so here I am :)
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- You and Mina were the very first couple of the year in Class 1-A. The both of you clicked fast enough for it to happen, and the minute after internships, the both of you declared it official.
- Lazy days are a thing for the two of you, but as two esteemed members of the Bakusquad, getting Bakugou to leave the both of yall niggas alone to be lazy is nearly impossible.
- You tend to help out Mina with your homework, because last in the class rankings is highkey a problem. Mina, of course, whines about it but gives in eventually because who is she to deny the cute face you make when you’re upset?
- Nail dates are a must. Mina likes all different kinds of funky and fun colors on her nails and will always invite you to match, to which you will always say yes. You both share the same nail tech, who makes sure to make your nails cute but simple enough so you can use them during hero training.
- Being with Mina has inspired her to work harder, instead of just matching up with the stronger classmates. Seeing you accomplish new things with your quirk and hand to hand combat makes her want to work harder, not only for you, but for herself as well.
- On the topic of hero training, she’s absolutely rooting for you to win even if it may be impossible. You do the same for her, and once when she got the drop on Bakugou in a sparring match, you jumped for joy and got to praise immediately.
- “Awe yeah! I bet yall niggas ain’t know my girl could do that, huh?”
- The feelings are the same once you pulled off a move with Shinsou during the Class Joint Training.
- “How the hell is Class B gonna win when we got them pullin’ shit off like that?! Making them Class B niggas look stupid, I see you bae!!”
- Mina is truly the sweetest girlfriend.
She does wash days with you as well. Midoriya joins occasionally, as the three of you are the only ones in the class with hair in the group four category. Mina helps you with washing it, drying it, conditioning it well and making sure it's never dry.
"Gotta make sure my baby is done right, we'll both look cute!"
While UA is a uniform school, you do have your moments where Nedzu will be the spontaneous principal he is and calls days where students are allowed to dress down.
Now, obviously, these days come once in a blue moon so everybody gotta pop out with some of the best school-appropriate outfits possible, and when it's time to serve, the two of you will serve.
Matching outfits, coordinating colors, everything up to the accessories is matched and looks amazing. The both of you are always stars when it comes to things like this, and it often has a lot of people giving you compliments.
Even after graduating and becoming fully fledged pro-heroes, the outfit matching never stopped. In fact, without school rules, it increased. At all the hero galas the reporters would line up just to get the flick of the night from the two of you.
Whether it be through mountains high or rivers low, Mina loves you. She, and you, wouldn't have it any other way.
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© solaarbeeam 2024. reposting and plagiarism are not allowed.
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rosekasa · 2 years ago
Hello! I am a beginner artist and I love ur art!! Super pretty and the colors are very tasty. Do you have some tips? I'd love to see your art process!
HELLO ANON!! first of all i am very honoured that u would ask me this because 90% of the time i feel like i have no idea what i am doing and like im still a beginner artist myself DSDSJDF. i would love to share some stuff i learnt and some stuff about my process (regardless of how messy it is sdfhsj)
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(final piece)
here's an old example of my process i found! while the steps sometimes look different for other pieces, i feel like this is a good demonstration of how the basic structure looks.
1. the sketch - this is where i'm mainly figuring out how i want the piece to look. i was redrawing a screenshot for this piece so it looks a LOT neater than what a lot of my other sketches look like, for example, here's the process of me figuring out my recent drawing of haise:
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(final piece)
in the first two steps, i was mainly working with showing myself what the piece was going to be. the last one was where i used references/technical knowledge to try and show whoever will be looking at it what the piece was
2. cleaning up the sketch + base colours. these two usually occur simultaneously because i will get bored cleaning up the sketch midway through and want to start adding colour LMAO. on a more practical note, sometimes putting down the base colours and having a better idea of what the finished product will look like might make it easier to refine things.
a note: cleaning up for me doesn't mean doing lineart. it mostly means erasing any overly messy lines on the sketch and redrawing small parts to make it look tidier where needed. i often leave it 'messy' at this stage, too. like here:
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(final piece)
3. light/shadow. this is my FAVOURITE part because it's where the piece starts pulling together. the method i used in the current piece was putting a multiply layer over the colours folder and filling in where light would be obstructed. after that, i used a luminosity layer to put in some bright sunlight. marc brunet has a great way of explaining it by advising to pretend that the light is the camera and you're behind the lens. this is such a good way to block in average light/shadow values! sometimes this looks a bit crazy because everything is still so messy but that is why we have...
4. rendering. this is where i fit all the remaining pieces of the puzzle together. i'll refine the colours a bit more -- e.g. colouring in the eyes, -- and fiddle a bit with the shadows to add some more variation to the hues/value. this is where i think a lot about light and shadow theory and try and make it look more realistic. marco bucci saved my LIFE with his videos about ambient occlusion and ambient light (part 1 / part 2) -- essentially, what i keep in mind the most is that if a plane in shadow is facing the sky (or is open to any other form of light that isn't the direct light source) it will contain ambient light. it is SUCH a game changer when you add it to your pieces, trust me, even if youre lazy about it. if needed i'll pull up some references to make everything look good!
5. rendering... part 2? honestly this step kind of blends with the last one as i tend to do it simultaneously. i basically clean up all the messy lines from before by painting over them! with the majority of the colours i need put down, i can just eyedrop them and paint over anything that's needed. this also comes in with the light/shadow, where, if i need a more subtle hue for either/or, i will eyedrop it and brush it in.
some further notes:
i very rarely use references during the first stages of my sketch. i think it tends to look quite stiff and unnatural if i rely too hard on the. and i personally prefer the creative room when the idea is still being conceived. references come in when i can look at what i have down on the canvas and have a fairly decent idea of what i want, including pose, composition, etc. it's essentially a first draft to guide me to where i want to go with the piece. it's when i'm done with this that i bring out references, and even then, they don't necessarily have to be the exact pose -- i'll usually get a couple of pics which show what i need to double check and keep them up as a guide. by the end of the 'sketch', i usually have a basic construction of what i need to continue, even if it's messy.
i use very soft brushes when putting down colour because it allows for more hue variation. like i said, i enjoy eyedropping and brushing in colours afterwards, so this really helps!
layer modes are ur friend! i try not to rely on them too hard during rendering because i like the freedom of painting over but they're very useful when you're blocking in your initial colours
sometimes, when i feel like i want to try something new with my art, i'll keep pieces that inspire me up in front of me. i have two of sui ishida's art books and sometimes i'll just flick to a page that oils the Art Gears in my brain and keep it open while i draw. i don't necessarily reference it, but i like having it there so i can glance over every once in a while. i don't usually make a conscious choice where i'm like "ok i want to render skin the way he does" but it's more like. my brain knows what it likes in his art and it'll try and push that part of my art in a similar direction.
honestly the best advice i have is that art is very much based on vibes. everytime i've tried to think too much about it, to do things 'correctly', to rigidly stick to art theory, my art has not come out nicely. i think the technical parts of art are important to know and understand but i also think it's important to let your knowledge come through naturally when it is needed instead of pressuring yourself to do things 'right'. tbh you probably already know that but it's something i forget a lot so maybe it serves as a helpful reminder?? sedsfhsl
ANYWAY SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG! i hope i covered what you needed and if you need anything else/want me to expand on anything feel free to drop me another ask ! <3
make sure to look after yourself and trust yourself and ENJOY!!! art is about having fun!
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binart · 2 years ago
Hey, absolutely LOVE your art and I enjoy seeing your comics! Small question, how long does it take for you to make one page? And what is your process?
thank you!!!
THANK U!!!!!!!
it's a decidedly long-ish process and i'M KIND OF WONDERING HOW I MANAGED TO CHURN OUT TWO PER WEEK FOR A WHILE... (it was bad for my mental health i think is how). some artists can do like THREE OR EVEN FOUR PER WEEK!! but i am slow and so it takes me like 4-5 days to make one dfkjhgfdkjg
anyway first step is thumbnailing! that's when you make a tiny comic page and map out where you will have the panels, and what you want in them. also very good to figure out where your text bubbles will be at this stage.
NEXT!! transferring the thumbnail to a regular comic canvas! i like to thumbnail on paper with pencil because i eRASE STUFF A LOT (paneling is hard and i'm still learning), so i take a picture of it and then paste it onto the canvas >w>
NEXT!!! rough sketch phase. the picture quality tends to be jank as hell b/c i'm lazy & refuse to take more than one picture EVEN IF IT'S BLURRY, so i go over everything with a VERY QUICK SKETCH to lay out the same ideas. then I go in with a vector tool to make the panels!!
NEXT!!! Sometimes skipped depending on the page, is any 3D background work if I feel like i need it! which is usually always, because my perspective skills are uh. LACKING. (aND YES IT'LL TAKE LONGER TO LEARN PROPERLY IF I RELY ON 3D TOOLS BUT I DON'T CARE!! I JUST WANT TO TELL STORIES RIGHT NOW!)
this also involves MAKING the 3-d structure which i try to do if i know the scene i want to make is in a moderately complex looking area. it takes.......... so long............................ 3D modelling is hard....
NEXT!! Actual Sketch. This is me figuring out what the characters will look like Proper instead of throwing vague blobs on the page. i have to turn my brain on a higher setting for this part so it's usually a harder step for me. i also like to finish the background lineart by this stage.
NEXT!!! THE DREADED PEOPLE LINEART........ hardest stage. VERY BORING. lack the attention span for this to not be a horrific slog. HAVE TO HAVE SOME FORM OF ENTERTAINING NOISE ON OR ELSE CAN'T COMPLETE.
NEXT!! FLAT COLORS AND SHADOWS! self explanatory! i usually do the background first since it's cooler to watch characters come to life on an already completed BG.
NEXT!!!! Text stuff. Drawing out proper text bubbles, adding in text, changing the colors of the bubbles to match the characters.. this is also where i attempt to add SFX if there are any, and this is extremely difficult for me for whatever reason. STILL LEARNING LMAO.. i also blur stuff if i'm trying to show like... depth at this stage. like making one character blurry so you know they're closer to the "camera" so to speak
....................hm that's actually quite an involved & difficult process. i am only now realizing that
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calehenituse-brainrot · 3 years ago
I did just comment on it soooooo 👀 priest Cale smut? Only if you're okay with it
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im a christian girl who grew up in a very religious household. ofc im doing this.
i forgot abt cale's priest clothes so uh-- yeah u can tell i got lazy at the end lmao
should i have put blasphemy as a warning too? idk
warning : this was rushed lmao. yall fuck in here. nsfw. sex. pls wear protection and don't be reckless.
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You didn't really like the priest look on him.
"You look so..."
You stopped yourself from speaking, preferring to just keep quiet and not ruin the mood of your significant other.
The man himself, who was pinching a few strands of his white hair between his thumb and pointer finger looked up at you, having been inspecting the color of his hair for a moment.
"What?" He raised an eyebrow at you. You look displeased, something which happens very rarely when you're with him -- he makes sure of it. "Does this look unconvincing?"
Cale thought it was smart to go undercover as a priest, hence the white hair and blue eyes to make him look more appealing to the crowds. Apparently, you seem to think otherwise.
"Oh, no." You let out a laugh, almost condescending in tone as you shake your head. "Looks very convincing. Too convincing."
"Then what's the problem?" Cale questioned, facing you with a frown on his face. Is there something wrong? You rarely get like this.
"You just... look so holy," you muttered with a frown, coming up to him and cradling his handsome face with both of your hands. "Your face is still the same but I feel like I'm looking at someone entirely different."
Cale clicked his tongue, placing two of his hands on top of yours as if to reassure you. "I am still me."
"But you don't look like it. I miss the red hair and brown eyes already."
'It hasn't even been an hour,' Cale thought.
"You don't look like you can do what you did to me last night."
Cale nearly choked on his own spit. Why are you bringing last night up?
"You look like you'd faint when I mention the word 'sex'," you stated honestly.
"I am not a prude," Cale said. "Though there's nothing wrong with it in the first place."
Your hands fell down to his shoulders. "You're starting to talk like an actual priest."
'What kind of priest is walking around declaring they aren't a prude?' Cale thought, wanting to counter your words with that exact thought but he decided to say something else, "Then shall I show you?"
You raised an eyebrow when Cale's hands moved to your waist. "Show me what?"
Cale squeezed your waist before leaning in, pressing his lips to yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling his arms wrapping themselves around your waist, pressing you to him as he gave you a gentle kiss.
One of his hands slowly went down, palming your ass and giving it a slight squeeze and he bit down on your bottom lip. You let out a sigh as a response, letting Cale plunge his tongue inside your mouth, urgent and hurried as if he hadn't drunk for days and had finally found an oasis in a desert.
He feels your hands begin to run through his hair, tugging on them gently. Opening his blue eyes, Cale sees that your face was red and eyes were closed, letting his tongue twist yours and suck on them to the point you're clenching as his shirt and were on the verge of losing air from your lungs.
Cale held your chin in place and pressed his fingers into your cheeks, forcing your mouth to stay open and tongue out when he pulled away. He lets some of your mixed salivae fall on your lip and chin and made no move to wipe them away.
"You're horrible," you try to speak, having a bit of trouble because he was still gripping at your cheeks.
"Mhm, but hopefully that kiss wasn't," Cale responded, releasing you from his grasp and giving you a smile. And with that same smile, he told you, "Take off your clothes."
Your face reddens, wiping your lips and chin. "W-what?"
"Do you not want to hear what this priest has to say?" Cale asked you with an innocent face, placing a hand on his chest. "This lowly priest is just trying to help you be closer to your God."
You let out a condescending laugh. He says that knowing damn well you believe in none of those things.
"And I'd be closer to the god of my belief if I were to strip for you?"
Cale gave you a polite smile. "That's the message I was told to deliver to you, Miss."
If you had a god to believe in, it would be your own will. The will to seek friendship and love, and to indulge in your carnal desires.
"Fine," you replied, grinning at Cale who was smiling at you with that smile he always shows before going away and coming back with a lot of money.
Cale sat on the bed as he watched you begin to unbutton your shirt, smiling innocently as he watches you casually throw away the shirt aside. You took off the belt that held up your trousers, stepping out of them.
"Take those off, too, Miss," Cale called out when you were only left with your undergarments, which were only underwear and a strapless bra.
The innocent smile on his face did not hide the hot burning gaze he had on you when you take off the bra first and then peeled off your underwear.
"What now?" You asked him, covering up your chest and your private area.
"Please come closer," Cale asked you, reaching for the buttons on his robe around his waistline.
You approached him, watching him unbutton his robe around his hips and downwards, showing off the black trousers he had underneath. "Get on your knees."
You did as he said, placing your arms on his thighs and watching his hand work as they unzipped his pants and tug them down a bit along with his undergarment, his pale cock springing out, half-erect.
"You know what to do," Cale huffed with a red face, your fingers already wrapping themselves around the base of his cock.
You began pumping him up and down, eyes looking up to him who was staring at you with glazed eyes and breath beginning to labor. You kept your eyes on his blue ones when you flattened your tongue on the underside of his cock, dragging your tongue upwards to the pink tip.
"F-fuck." Cale groaned, tucking your [h/c] hair behind your ear as you begin to swirl your tongue slowly around it before you wrapped your lips around it. You pushed your head to suck him all in, relaxing your throat and giving his cock a gentle suck with the inside of your mouth, stimulating him until he was hard inside your mouth.
"Mmmhnn." Cale's face reddens as he watches you, his breathing picking up and becoming harsher with every passing second. He feels the tip of your tongue brushing against a sensitive spot on the underside of his cock, forcing him to let out a string of curses that no one should be hearing from someone who looked like a priest.
Just as you begin to pull away, you were forced back by the hand that were on the back of your hair. You nearly choked when the tip hit the back of your throat and you forced yourself to hold the pain a bit before trying to relax.
"D-don't stop," Cale breathed out, his hand that was on the back of your head began pushing your head down to his cock and pulling you by the hair a little to show you what he wants you to do.
You began to move your head, eyes still on his as he watches his cock disappear every time you push down and appear again, covered in your spit. When you began to gently suck on him while doing so, Cale let out a groan.
"[Name], s-shit." He gasped when you release his cock from your mouth, gliding your tongue from the base of his cock all the way up towards the end as if you were tracing them for memory.
Once your tongue was on his tip, you wrapped your lips again around them and caress the tip with your tongue, giving it kitten licks and sometimes swirling your tongue around it. Your hand began pumping the lower part, using your own spit as lube to move easily.
Cale held on to your head, throwing his head back as he began to feel his balls begin to tense and swell. "You --fuck-- you're doing so good, [Name]."
When you placed your hand onto his balls and gave him a massage there too, Cale was almost embarrassed at how quickly he came and the loud moan he had let out. "Mhmnn, ahh..."
His cum spurted into your throat and you pull away, swallowing the fluid down harshly because your throat didn't even have the chance to relax.
Cale held you by your chin, forcing you to look at him. He sees some of his cum on your lips and chin, sticky and opaque. He wiped them away with his tongue, giving you a smirk. "Good girl."
"Get on the bed," he told you, taking off his robe laying it down on the edge of the bed.
You stood up, nearly crawling to get on the bed with knees trembling because you were kneeling this whole time. Cale stood up and stood facing you, watching you sit on the corner of the bed on top of the white robe.
"Now for the main event," he whispered in your ear, giving you a push by the shoulder, forcing you to lay down with your legs hanging by the bed.
Cale's breath was ragged as he held his cock with one hand, lining up the tip with your soaked cunt while the other one grabbed you by your calf, spreading your legs wide open. "Mhm? Did you get wet while sucking me off?"
"And you didn't even touch yourself?" Cale continued, pushing the head of his cock to your folds, rubbing them up and down, lathering his cock with your fluids. "Your God would be proud of you for resisting the temptation."
You pushed yourself to get up, your elbow holding you up, eyes glazed with lust and mischievousness. "Y-you think so, Sir?"
Cale gave you a smile that is too innocent for him to give when he was rubbing his cock along your folds. "Yes. We just need to do this and they'll be even more proud of you."
Cale's eyes watched as both of your hands slithered down to your crotch, fingers spreading open your cunt for him. "T-then, please put it in me, Sir."
Cale's face flushed red. God, how can you be like this for him? How lucky he was to be with you.
Cale leaned down, giving you a slow kiss as his narrow hips slid themselves between your thighs, pushing his cock into your slippery entrance. You let out a moan into his mouth, feeling every vein he has on his cock with your walls and the way he fills you up so completely.
He pulls away from the kiss, suppressing a moan against your neck as he began to move. He pushed himself up, his hands on either side of your head.
Now you can look up at him properly.
His usually stoic and pale face flushed red, his gaze that was usually nonchalant and stern were nowhere to be seen. Instead, his gaze on you was soft with heavy lids and a frown on his brows. You see the way his chest moves as he panted and how you can see his facade crumbles into a panting, aroused mess.
You ran a hand up and down his clothed chest and stomach, his hips slowing down and you closed your eyes. "God, don't stop--"
"F-fuck!" You let out a loud grunt when Cale slammed his cock into you, his pelvis meeting yours and making the area there stretch and sting.
"A-ack!" You scrambled to hold onto Cale's shoulders, stifling a shriek, unaware of his frown of dislike.
Cale slammed his hips again, his tip hitting a spot in you that had you to roll your eyes to the back of your head and screaming, "Oh my God!"
"S-shit," Cale grunted, feeling your gummy walls massaging his cock and sucking him in. He forced himself to slam into you again, his tip consistently hitting your G-spot.
"Oh, God!" You screamed out. You could feel the prominent veins on his dick as he moved in and out of you, his balls slapping against your folds every time he pound into you.
"Look at me," Cale whispered. "Look at me while I fuck you, [Name]."
Cale put an arm under your right knee and pulled it up, causing you to let out a melodious moan. "Oh, God, Cale!"
Cale grabbed for your other leg and pushed them up to your chest, leaving your cunt open and vulnerable to his cock. "Why are you calling another man's name?"
You couldn't hear him in the midst of him fucking you and the loud squelching of your cum but you managed to open your eyes a bit, looking up at Cale who was frowning at you.
He slammed his hips harshly. "Who are you calling for, [Name]?"
"Huh--what?" You try to make sense of what he was saying, but all you could think of was how delicious this new position felt.
"I'm fucking you right now and you're yelling for another man," he rasped, his hips moving against you in rapid thrusts, gaze flicking to where he was stuffing your cunt. "Scream my name, [Name]."
"C-Cale!" You did so easily when his hand came and rubbed your clit, the pad of his thumb pressing down on it and you came around his cock.
"O-oh, God!"
Instead of slowing down, Cale increased the intensity of his thrusts, rubbing your clit harshly. "Stop -- fuck -- screaming for him when -- hahh -- I'm fucking you."
It was only then that you realized what he was asking you. You didn't know Cale had this side of him -- possessive enough to not want you to yell out like that when he's with you.
"C-Cale--" you pants out, feeling your abdomen begin contracting again. This time, something felt different and you couldn't help but sob, "P-please! I'm gonna--"
"Fuck!" Cale moaned when you squirted -- your cum splashing against his shirt. You shudder and squeal as Cale continued rubbing your clit and moving his hips, his voice raspy as he praises you, "Good fucking girl, sweetheart--s-shit, I'm gonna--"
"D-do it inside! Fuck, please, Cale!" You sobbed, nails digging into his arms where you were reaching out for him, still trembling and crying from overstimulation.
Cale grounds his teeth together. "A-are you sure?"
You nod, breathless pleas falling from your lips when you finally feel Cale spurting his cum inside of you, groaning as his thrusts slowed down.
You let out a loud moan, feeling yourself become undone as well.
"Oh, Cale," you sobbed. Cale stilled inside you, hovering on top of you and hugging you close. "S-shit. I can't believe I just--"
"It's okay," you panted out. "I'll get the contraceptives after this."
"Okay." Cale began to pepper kisses all over your face, your forehead being the last one for him to kiss.
He pressed his lips there longer than with others and when he pulled back, he gave you a smile.
"Do you feel closer to your God yet?"
Your mouth opens and closes, unable to speak a word. Did he seriously just ask you that? With his dick still in you?
"You're a piece of shit."
Cale grinned. "I am trash."
You groaned out. "You're insufferable, priest-nim."
“And you’re a hard woman to please, Miss [Name].”
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ye-local-simp · 2 years ago
Hellooo~ I saw u doing matchups so I thought I'd participate in this event as well! At first I wanted to wait with my request because my birthday is actually on the 5th of March, but that's when the event ends- SO HERE I AM :D I'd like to have a romantic matchup with a twst boi pls. Btw, please excuse my awkward communication skills lol
Thank youuu in advance if u accept my request.
(General stuff)
My name is Yade/Jade (the way its written changes in literally every country- not me sobbing in confusion rn), I'm female, use she/her pronouns and 
 I am weird. 160cm tall, (i have no frickin idea what that is in feet- I am European lol I think it's 5'2 tho), my parents are from west asia (turkey) but I was born in Austria. (Btw, idk if dis is important but zodiac is pisces and mbti is infp/intp. Its weird)
I have a diamond shaped head with sharp facial features, my dark brown hair goes down to my neck but I always tie 'em up in a messy bun so that my shorter hair strands at the front can do their own thing xD Body type is hourglass and my clothing style is pretty casual held in pale/light colors.
-Very accepting, polite and respectful. I value these three traits a lot as they are the foundation of relationships in my opinion.
- Intelligent and wise, if I do say so myself. I have gone through quite a lot of stuff so I'd say I am more mature than others my age.
-My humor is broken af but my fam and friends tell me Im funny so I'll just go with that HAHA
- Calm and Resilient. Even tho my writing style is quite chaotic and seemes energetic I am NOTHING like that in rl. I'm pretty laid-back and calm. Not shy or timid. I just like to relax xD I am pretty resilient as well- not easy to break mentally or physically.
-I tend to get defensive extremely fast and without even realizing it. Sometimes I am ignorant, other times I am stubborn. (Lazy as well but we don't talk about that HAHA)
Gardening (Nature in general), reading, listening to music (very important- my earphones are my bebes) and designing/decorating. I am also very interested in languages. I can speak 6 rn and hope to speak a lot more in the future!
Ideal date/lover~
-Okay, so first of all- I am very inexperienced when it comes to romantic relationships. The only thing I am good at is rejecting ppl LOL
-Anyways- An ideal date for me would probably be something simple and not overly extravagant. A simple picnic, a library date or just staying at home cuddling together and watching some movies. If you couldn't already tell my love language is quality time so as long as I get to spend time with them I'm happy!
-Now onto the ideal lover
 the thing is, I don't really have a type. I don't care about appearance, the only thing I care about is that my partner is somebody who I can trust and feel comfortable with. Communication is also very important so maybe somebody who knows how to handle any kind of situation. I am a task-oriented person so my partner should be confident in what he does.
- Other then that I am just happy when I have somebody in my arms when I fall asleep <3
Sorry if this was too long.. i think i overdid it :,)) IM SORRY (OMG 600 WORDS- MY BAD)
You are matched with...
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-He will throw small teaparties for you two to enjoy, have walks around the garden and take you to see the hedgehogs
-Whatever it is , his dates with your are always unique and cute.
-Riddle believes that if you make a commitment, you should always stay true to it, including you relationship.
-He handles every situation even though most of the time he flies into rage for you.
-But at least, the work is done
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sssrha · 4 years ago
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transcription of slides under the cut:
[SLIDE 1] the vibes ao3’s top 9 mdzs ships give me (a really stupid thing i made on a lazy saturday)
[SLIDE 2] wangxian: the wholesome canon relationship (with a hint of spice)
ok maybe calling the union between a demonic cultivator and a secret sex fiend “wholesome” isnt exactly accurate
but that’s where the “hint of spice” comes in
other than that tho? i remember seeing a meme somewhere about wangxian and sangcheng and wangxian was described as “domestic gays with a house and a white picket fence and two kids” and honestly? yes 
not that they cant be freaky. id say their particular brand of freakiness is vaguely surrealist suburban horror. make of that what you will
[SLIDE 3] xicheng: either its “pair the spares” or just about trauma
their dynamic is 500% “karen/enabling husband” but like in a good way
objectively the best-dressed couple you will ever meet. like seriously why are you even trying? theyve got you beat
jc would own a flower shop and punch you in the face for saying a single bad thing about his flowers. lxc would own a tattoo parlor and hand you a lollipop and tell you how proud he is of you for not crying while he gave you a tattoo
they dont strike me as a “every evening we relax and watch the sunset” type of relationship B U T every other week they go stargazing with a detailed map of the night sky
[SLIDE 4] xiyao: either a) the angst of betraying/being betrayed or b) the angst of killing/being killed
high society gays. they would both unironically wear tuxedos to a mcdonalds. lxc would see it as a fun couples thing and jgy would do it to assert his dominance
i swear they would be among the smiliest of the major couples. only one of them would give you a happy smile
dont mess with them. no like dont mess with any of the couples but so far jgy is the first one who would make your life living hell and keep you around long enough to suffer the consequences
[SLIDE 5] sangcheng: being simultaneously over- and underestimated
i saw a meme about sangcheng and wangxian where sangcheng was described as something along the lines of “wine aunt and vodka uncle” and honestly? yes
they’re both human disasters. nhs would have various splotches of color on his clothes and you cant tell if it was intentional or if theyre actually stains. jc is very neat and organized but will have a mental breakdown at the slightest inconvenience
sometimes they just sit down across from each other and. cry. its how they bond
idk why it popped into my head but they’re both ace Because I Said So
[SLIDE 6] xuexiao: cute domesticity but also murder
i refuse to believe that xy is anything but unhinged in every universe. whether or not thats a good thing is up to you
xy could and would murder you in your sleep and not feel bad about it until xxc told him off. even then he might still decide it was worth it
xxc doesnt exactly know about The Murder Stuff(TM) but he knows some shit is off but he trusts xy enough to not comment on it
they would meet and hook up in a bar and mutually decide that they may as well stay together for the rest of their lives the next morning
[SLIDE 7] xuanli: the token straights (but also? theyre really cute???)
i did not expect them to be as cute as they were but here i am
anyway jyl has jzxuan wrapped around her little finger and shes just too nice to use that to her advantage
if jyl asked jzxuan for some chocolate jzxuan would just buy her the entire hershey company and forget to give her an actual chocolate bar and jyl is too sweet to actually say anything about it
they would definitely have like 20 children. theyd fucking love being parents. the moment having another child became dangerous theyd start adopting left and right. theyre rich they can afford it and their hearts are big enough for all their kids so why would they not?
[SLIDE 8] songxiao: childhood friends to lovers AND perfect power couple
i know they have more nuance than this but i cant help but think of them as The Perfect Couple(TM)
not shipping-wise!! i mean like. theyre both law-abiding citizens. their house looks like a model house. theyre dressed super neat and handsomely. they both know cpr and first aid and one of them is a lawyer and the other is an award winning writer. idk who is who but yk.
they are who people call to deal with problems instead of the police and they delight in that fact. that is what i mean by them being The Perfect Couple(TM)
[SLIDE 9] chengxian: disasters through and through
uhh i am going to be spending the entirety of this slide ignoring the fact that i personally consider them siblings
they would live in a dingy studio apartment in the heart of a city and theyd both never be home
theyre both super fucking rich but theyd never have any money on hand so dont be surprised if they just starve out on the street one day because theyre just that stupid
they collectively have the self esteem of rotting cabbage but theyre keeping themselves and each other alive purely out of spite and sheer force of will
[SLIDES 10] nielan: childhood friends to lovers AND himbo power couple
psst heres a secret: neither of them are actually himbos
H O W E V E R they both 500% pretend they are. they intentionally act as stupid as possible just for the fun of it
the best part is when they stop acting stupid when something important happens. crouching-moron-hidden-badass at its finest
also the older brother energy is overflowing. it does not matter who you are or how old you are. if you meet them then youre going to walk away with two new big brothers
[SLIDES 11] the end (unless i gather the willpower to make a part 2)
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sweetchup · 4 years ago
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Type: Pariston Hill x Reader
Prompts: Soulmate Au (Colorblind) + 7– Innocent/Corruption Kink
Author Note: OMG I am so so so sorry this took so long. I’m not sure what it was but my brain couldn’t write for Pariston. Like it was if the zodiacs took over and put it into a total shut down mode. It was insane. (ALSO Small warning, this is Pariston and, as expected, he’s an abusive dick)
(Valentine’s Day Masterlist)
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When you had first accepted the job of being randomly assigned someone’s secretary, you hadn’t expected to be assigned to the CEO of a high end tech company. You mean, who in the world would have known that by just calling a flyer on a street corner would have led to working with someone so prestigious.
It almost sounded too good to be true!

.And, you wished you hadn’t jinxed yourself in that moment. The CEO of that high end tech company actually turned out to be only 21, having inherited the company from his father. He was not only a spoiled brat and a player but, my god, was he lazy. You were sure that if you hadn’t spent hours on the phone discussing ideas with his father and done all the paperwork for him, that the company would be in ruins before someone could say “We’re broke!”.
Though, no matter how hard you worked your ass off these past couple months, nothing could prepare you for this moment.
“Dear god someone help me
You and his father had told him many times over this week. On February 14 at noon, you have an important meeting with the Hunter Association. You can’t miss it.
But, of course, that lazy ass was running late. By 45 minutes to be exact.
“Miss (y/n), is Mr Avoli going to be showing up any time soon? It isn’t like him to be late.”

 And it surely didn’t help that you were standing in the meeting room, waiting for him with the Hunters Association's very own Zodiacs.
Shamefully, you turn to the doglike woman who had introduced herself as ‘Cheadle’ earlier and give an apologetic bow, “I-I deeply apologize. You see Mr Avoli's son, Hunter Avoli, recently took over the company. I reminded him constantly this past week about the meeting but I’m afraid he may have forgotten...”
“Oh that guy.” You hear the monkey zodiac ‘Saiyu’ spit out in disgust, “He is almost as bad as that dirt bag, Ging.”
“It’s not a problem Miss (y/n). I’ve met Hunter many times before so I’ve seen first hand how unprofessional he acts. This is clearly not your fault.” Cheadle reassures, giving you enough confidence to lift your head up from bowing to look at her as some of the Zodiacs complain in the background.
As you stare at the grayish colored woman, you can’t help but wonder what color she was wearing. Due to you still not having found your soulmate, you can only see the color of your soulmate’s eye color. Which, in your case, was brown. A chocolate brown to be exact.
And, usually dogs were brownish in color so you kind of wondered what color Miss Chealde chose instea—
“We are still waiting on the chairman and two other zodiacs so why don’t you take the chance to try and give Hunter a call.” Mizaistom, the ox zodiac, suggests suddenly.  
“O-oh of course. Thank you very much Miss Cheadle, Mr Mizaistom. I’ll be very quick— Eep!”
Oh god why me?
Just as you made your way to the door to exit the room, someone on the other side had already swung it open. Making you, in pure surprise and shock, take a step backwards. Though, just like how your day is going so far, Luck truly didn’t seem to be on your side as you end up tripping on your own two feet and begin to fall backwards.
You expected to land hard on the cold tile floor in front of everyone, extremely embarrassing really, but instead you don’t. You still hit something firm and hard but
 it was different. Actually, now that you think about it, you felt higher up than you were before

“Ah, Ging this is why I said you shouldn’t barge into rooms so suddenly! You scared our poor guest!” A voice suddenly calls out from behind you, his breath slightly tickling the shell of your ear. Quickly, in surprise, you whip your head around to—

As your eyes lock with the male’s chocolate brown ones the room suddenly bursts into a flurry of color. Blues, reds, greens, maybe yellows? You honestly didn’t know the proper names for all the colors you were seeing for the first time. However, in all this chaos, you happened to know two things.
One, That you had just met your soulmate and Two,...

 it was none other than the Vice Chairman himself, Pariston Hill.
“Oh my! How unexpected!” Pariston chuckles out, causing what seems to be sparkles to pop out around him, “I never thought our guest here today would end up being my soulmate. Not at all!”
“I—“ “Shut up Rat!”
You freeze as something suddenly comes flying past your head. What the fuck...
“You have a soulmate? Not a Chance! Not a Chance! Not a Chance!”
“Quit joking.”
“I doubt the King Of Kickbacks would have an ordinary soulmate.”
It was as if a bomb had erupted in the room, everyone was in pure disbelief at what Pariston had just said, Suggested, he even had (Well everyone except Ging, of course). Hell, some of them haven’t even found their own soulmates yet. So, why did the heartless ass Rat get to have one?!
“I assure you, I’m speaking the truth. Why would I lie about something like this?”
We can think of many reasons

” You suddenly speak out, slightly flinching as everyone’s attention turns to you, “He is telling the truth
 I saw colors other than brown for the first time when we locked eyes.”
“See!” Pariston says happily, pulling you affectionately closer to him in his hold. As you are flustered by the act from the handsome man, he takes the chance to walk to what you believe is in the direction of an empty seat. However, you soon realize that wasn’t what he was intending as he walked right by it and leaves through the other door located in the room.
“Hey Rat!! Where do you think you are GOING!?!” The tigerlike man screeches out, storming through the door you two just left as well.
“Well, I’m going to spend time with my soulmate of course.” Pariston exclaims, his smile not even flinching as bloodlust from the other zodiacs creeps out from the room.
“As if I—“ Suddenly, a loud chuckle behind you rings out, cutting Kanzai off.
“C-Chairman Netero!” You squeak out in surprise at the older man. Oh god, what a disaster. As someone trying to make a deal to him, this looks bad. So bad.
“My, what a twist!” The Chairman rings out, stroking his beard as he thinks as he walks past you two. “Hmm
 You and (y/n) can be excused from today’s meeting, Pariston.”
“B-But, Chairman!” Kanzai rebuts. Soon shutting up however as the chairman grabs onto the collar of his jersey.
“It only makes sense to give them alone time, Kanzai. We will just call Mr Aloisi for the meeting instead of having (y/n) give it to us.” Netero explains, giving you a small wink as he drags Kanzai as if he was some kitty cat back into the meeting room.
What a strange group

As you sit there stunned at everything that has happened so far, you don’t realize Pariston has already begun walking again. It takes you a while to realize as well, precisely the loud sound of the door of his private office being closed. He must have walked pretty fast

“A-ah. Umm you can put me down now.” You mumble out to the
 Blonde man (unable to tell if that was the correct color).
“Hmm. What was that?” Pariston asks, as if he didn’t quite hear you from before.
“Oh. I was wondering if you could put me down.” You tell him again. Shit, the way you said that came out bad. “I-I mean I’m really appreciative of you saving me but you are likely getting tired of holding me and I can walk on my own.”
You expected at that exclamation that Pariston would instantly put you down to the floor, but instead he walks over to his deck and places you down in front of that. Odd, but you don’t question the sparkly man.
Speaking of odd, as you looked around the room, you realized it was really cold in here. Much colder than the conference room and hallway. God, what a bad day to wear a skirt but no tights. Especially those insulated ones you recently bought.
“Are you Cold?” Pariston suddenly voices up, causing you to turn behind you to look at him. He still hadn’t moved from his spot right behind you.
“A-ah yes I am. I don’t want to be a bother but could you possibly turn it down a couple of notches?” You ask, taking a step back a little to give a little bit of space between you two.
“I’m afraid I can’t. My thermostat broke this morning.” Pariston exclaims, his smile turning into a bit of a frown. However, that didn’t last long as he soon had a full blown out smile again. “But, I do have my jacket that I wore to work this morning. It should be
 Ah! There it is! Right on the seat of my chair if you want to grab it.”
“Oh.. thank you.” You give Pariston a small smile before leaning over the desk to grab the brown coat.
You couldn’t wrap your head around it but for some odd reason you didn’t feel fully comfortable around him. Which was even weirder because you didn’t understand what was causing it. Shouldn’t you naturally feel comfortable around your soulmate?
Perhaps, you just needed to get to know him better. That’s likely it. Your just nervous since he was supposed to be your clien—
“Ah!” You let out a yelp as you feel pressure and sharp pain in your lower regions. At first, you thought it was perhaps a weird cramp or something like that. However, once you fully grasped what you were feeling, you realized you were just trying to make yourself believe that.
“Oh whoops! Tight. Tight. That must have hurt.” Pariston chuckles out, rocking his hips back and forth as his eyes watched his cock disappear and reappear out of your hole. Harshly letting go of the strap of your panties that he had pulled aside to watch as an ever so slight bit of blood comes out in your slick. Delighted to see such results.
“P-Pariston. Please be gentle.” You gasp out, turning yourself by your waist to place a hand on the man’s chest. Ever so slightly fisting the fabric of his suit when he suddenly gave a really hard thrust. “Let’s slow down
 too soon
“How come? I thought you said you were grateful to me right?” Pariston teased out, pulling your hand off his suit as well as pushing your front down against the desk. Making it so you were trapped underneath him.
“I-I am but—“ “Shh
 I’m only taking my reward!”
However, even with your constant pleas for him to be slower, gentler, Pariston continued his actions. Watching you grow more and more wet as that uncomfortable burning sensation suddenly turned into pure ecstasy.
It was perfect

Pressed down against the desk, unable to move as you were essentially being taken advantage of by him. Your very own soulmate.
It was embarrassing, agonizing and traumatizing.
Surely, you hated him. You despised him.
Having waited long enough, Pariston decided to finally pull out and flip you over so he could see you and the results of his hard work. “Now, Now my dear. It’s not so—“
Pariston feels himself blink a couple of times.
 So, you were one of those types huh?
It was if you were some humanized version of a golden retriever. Your eyes that were supposed filled with terror or hatred were still as sparkly and innocent before you began. You were loyal to him to a fault and he honestly doubted you could bring it in your heart to even hate him.
It was annoying but it wasn’t that big of a problem. He could always break you in other ways.
However, that’s not exactly what was troubling him right now.
Fluttering? Or, Bubbles?
Whatever it was, he didn’t understand why he was feeling this sort of way. Especially seeing you look at him like that. With that love filled look

” You mumble out, your voice slightly slurred. “Are you okay? Are you done?”
Are you okay?
Those three words ring in Pariston’s head. Eventually, causing him to break his composure and let out a light laugh.
“Aw. Did I leave you high and dry? Here I’ll fix that.” Pariston calls out. A slight shiver going up his spine as he hears you let out a small moan as he slips back into your dripping cunt.
You know what, he didn’t care how strange you were making him feeling.
Whether you looked at him with loved dazed eyes

Or cried out how much you hated him with those kissable lips of yours.
Either way, he would enjoy every bit of playing with you. You had the rest of your miserable lives to try it out after all.
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teeztheflag · 4 years ago
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I n n e r e r  D À m o n (inner demon)
⋆ pairing: demon!seong hwa x reader (poly!ateez)
⋆ genre: demon au, suggestive, crack, smut
⋆ warnings: strong language, smut, dom, scary
⋆ words: 3,100
⋆    „It is cold and already dark outside. You should have dinner with us and then sleep here.“
„Guys? Are you there?“ You stood in the door step of the grand mansion tingling the keys in your hands.
ïżœïżœïżœ(y/n)?“ Seong Hwa came out of the kitchen eying you friendly with a tea in his hand.
„Oh, you’re here. Where are the others?“
Closing the door behind you and getting rid of your shoes the latter gave you a peck on your cheek with a slight grin.
You nodded at him and followed into the kitchen.
Days were getting colder now and your nose immediately picked up the smell of the dish the demon was cooking.
You crouched down in front of the oven to take a peak at what was cooking deliciously inside it.
You glanced up seeing Seong Hwa already prepared a cup for you. You took it from him with a smile thanking the boy.
„You don’t even want to ask why I am here?“
„No, I am always happy when you come. Don’t need to know the reason.“
You roll your eyes at his cheeky comment and sip from the hot cup.
„Mh, well, I will tell you nonetheless. I originally wanted to ask if some of you wanted to join me pick out a dress for the fall ball.“
„Oh, I would like to help you but I promised the guys that dinner would be ready when they arrive...“
„No problem. I am just too lazy to go by myself. Mind if I join you a little bit?“
„Absolutely not! But for now we have to wait about half an hour so I was really just going to chill on the couch.“
Soon you found yourself cuddled on the couch and you just couldn’t warm up so Seong Hwa decided to take you into his arms.
You didn’t complain because he was really warm and it was hard to not fall asleep in his arms. From behind you could feel his breath tingling the small hairs of your neck and additionally he just started to massage your shoulders.
It was all too good if there wouldn’t be this bulge pressing into your back that would make you go crazy.
Seong Hwa leans down and kisses your ear which earns him a slight whine from you.
„Why aren’t you sleeping?“
„I-isn’t it obvious?“
You can hear a low chuckle coming from him realizing what you mean. Oops, he couldn’t hold that back.
„I am sorry. We could make something about it by the way...“
You were glad the demon couldn’t see your face because it turned red like a strawberry. Of course Seong Hwa listened to your heart beat that just seemed to increase in speed.
„I don’t think that would be a good idea...“
Seong Hwa sits up and turns your face to him so you’re eye to eye.
„Why not?“
„I don’t k-know...“ Why are you stuttering?
„You don’t find me attractive?“
Was he dumb? Did he look into a mirror from time to time? Right now his hair looked softer than ever and his eyes were as dark as the night. Only you knew if you looked deeper into the dark orbs you could see a galaxy hiding inside it that entrapped you entirely if you looked too long.
His lips looked very inviting while he tried to read your mind.
„You just zoned out.“
„Oh, yes. Maybe I should go.“
You took Seong Hwa‘s hands from your face and tried to stand up. The demon stopped you and pulled you down with him again.
„It is cold and already dark outside. You should have dinner with us and then sleep here.“
He frowned at you tightening his grip around your wrists that layed above you.
„Or yes?“ A smile emerged on his face and he stood up.
„Dinner should be ready. Will you help me?“
„Of course...“
Well, that wasn’t scary at all.
You help to decorate the table with Seong Hwa and run to the door when you hear the others finally arriving back home.
First boy you see is Hong Joong and you couldn’t hold yourself back to run into his arms and kiss his neck. The boy himself is a little bit confused to find you waiting at their home but quickly engulfs you in his arms, too.
San whistles while taking off his shoes eyeing the scene. „If this isn’t a nice surprise I don’t know.“
Hong Joong takes in your scent humming peacefully into your ear. „What are you doing here, baby?“
You lean back and smile at him lovingly.
„Seong Hwa didn’t let me go.“
Woo Young turns suspicious at this and screams at the older one. „Hyung!“
„Mh, Hwa seems to be a little bit out of it.“
Yun Ho takes his brother and inspects him.
„What is it?“
„You seem off, hyung. Thirsty... Well, only a few weeks until the ghosts are coming back to earth. You should calm down and don’t have too much contact with (y/n).“
Jong Ho erupts into laughter. „I would’ve never expected Seong Hwa to be affected!“
„Stop laughing, Jong Ho. This could happen to all of us.“ Hong Joong says while he guides you into the dining part of the living room.
„I am totally fine.“ Seong Hwa blinks a few times and sits down.
„Of course you are.“ Min Gi rolls with his eyes leaving you totally confused. What was going on with Seong Hwa?
„What is with him?“
„When the night of Halloween is around we - “
„Stop! She doesn’t need to know that.“
You eyed them suspiciously. Hong Joong could be such a noob.
You decided to ask one of them later again.
After a hot bath you tiptoed over to the boy’s room you know who couldn’t resist your charm. You slowly opened the door and peaked inside to see where he was. A gasp left you seeing San‘s... bottom. You clasped your palm over your mouth to not let any further sounds leave you.
Of course San could sense someone standing at his door. What he didn’t guess that it would be you who was watching him without a second thought.
He turned around to see who was intruding him after his shower and he nearly doubled over to see you there.
„Perverted kitten.“ His shocked gaze quickly changed into a mischievous one and while fastening the towel around his torso entirely he emerged your form.
You closed the door behind you and turned around to see the demon standing directly in front you noses touching slightly. You take a step back only to hit the door with your back.
„You don’t even know how long I‘ve been waiting for this day. The (y/l/n) (y/n) finally in my room, only the two of us. I am so glad you finally realized how you cannot live without m - “
„San, no, just stop! I am not here for that!“
San pouts at that. To be honest he also thought this could only be too good to be true. Nevertheless he was a little bit sad.
„You’re missing a lot, dear.“
„I am sure of that.“
„So what do you want?“ The boy turns around to get some perfume continuing with his night routine.
„I wanted to ask you something.“
San put away the perfume turning around to face you again and starts to smile.
„Little minx. I won’t tell you anything. Hong Joong can be scary when he’s angry.“
„But San, I need to know. Seong Hwa never behaved this way before and I am just worried about him.“
The boy crouches down in front of you and takes your hands into his own.
„(y/n), you don’t need to worry. Everything’s under control. The only thing you can do is tell us immediately when he behaves strange again.“
„Please, San. What do I do when all of you are behaving this because of Halloween? Then no one can help me so I should be able to safe myself!“
San thinks a few seconds before standing up again and taking a seat next to you on his bed.
„Maybe you’re right... but don’t tell anyone that you know.“
You nod eagerly at the black haired.
„Ehm, so, for us demons the 31st of October is always a very special day. Not only that, the whole month is spiritual. We have something that you could call our inner... demons? They’re more animalistic and especially with the one we adore they can get pretty out of hand.“
„So you’re telling me that the things Seong Hwa did earlier wasn’t really him?“
„No, no! It was him but more like his deepest desires came to the surface. He wasn’t really in control. Sometimes when our inner demon takes control we cannot clearly remember what happened in during that time.“
„Oh, but, he wouldn’t hurt me, right?“
„Of course not! We would never hurt you. I mean our demons are all very different but U don’t think anyone of them would harm you in any way.“
„If you say so I believe you. Then thanks San!“ You giggle and kiss him on his cheek as a reward before leaving his room to get into bed on your own.
San watches you leaving him with a frown on his face. He really hopes none of their demons would accidentally hurt you.
After your night routine you snuggle into your bed and start to watch a few videos on your phone before turning off the light. Sleep doesn’t come easily to you because of the thoughts about their ‚inner demons‘ keeping you awake.
Luckily Hong Joong’s room was next to you and if something happened he would hopefully awake by it. Turning around you faced the moon that lightened the room a little bit and after a few minutes watching it your eyes closed.
You felt something touching your bare legs and in between thinking it was still a dream you became fully aware of that you should open your eyes immediately.
You shrieked up and could’ve peed yourself at the dark silhouette over your body. You wanted to scream and trash around but instead nothing came out of your mouth and like an instinct your tried to punch the intruder who easily caught your fist in the air.
Leaning forward you also realized still dizzy from the sleep that it was Seong Hwa who smirked at you mischievously.
„Tsk, not bad.“
Oh god. His tone sounded way darker than usual and you could also see his orbs colored in a crimson you’ve never seen before. You gulped and tried to get your hand back from him but he moved it down so it was placed up above your head into the cushions.
This also caused you to lay down in the process and the demon to linger above you.
„S-Seong Hwa?“ Your voice sounded hoarse and barely louder than a whisper but the demon could understand you perfectly.
And he frowned.
With a swift move he grabbed for your other wirst and pinned it above you, too. He leaned down and went for your neck to take a good smell of your scent.
„I am not Seong Hwa, my love. My name is... Hwa Seong and we weren’t introduced yet.“
He gave you a big gummy smile and you shuddered at the strong grip he had on your wrists that slowly turned numb.
„You, you you are Seong Hwa‘s inner demon!“
„I am. The whole day I fought to finally meet you officially. Seong Hwa‘s always such a drag for not letting me out to fulfill his desires.“
„His d-desires?“
Seong Hwa‘s or wait? Hwa Seong‘s eyes turned into crescents and you could see little fangs adorning his teeth at how happily he smiled at you.
Suddenly he starts to place an opened mouthed kiss on your collarbone to which you cannot hold yourself back to shamelessly react with a whine and a move of your hips upwards.
Hwa Seong looks at you again with pride and let’s go of your wrist to place his hand under your chin.
„Tell me, my love. Secretly you want us, right? You always act so innocent but I know what you want.“
E-excuse me? You don’t like how this develops right now.
„Pff, I want nothing.“
His grip on your chin tightens which turns into a slight pleasant pain and your body feels like you just rode a roller coaster.
„I will ask you again and if you lie to me one more time it will have consequences.“ Hwa Seong says through gritted teeth and you really don’t know how far the demon would go so you calm yourself down and slowly nod at him.
„Do you find me hot?“
You nod again.
He smirks arrogantly and leans back so he’s in a sitting position on your body. You wonder what he is about to do and immediately look away when he takes off his shirt to reveal his upper body.
He tosses the shirt away and watches you with a smug look.
„No need to be shy. Look at me.“
There was no doubt he was utterly nice looking but still you were just too shy to check someone’s body out when he was right in front you. More like on you...
He takes your trembling hands and guides them up to his stomach. His skin feels hot and you wonder it it’s because of his demon form right now.
„You like that?“
You just cannot hold yourself back and snap at him. „Are we done here? I want to get back to sleep!“
Hwa Seong looks at you confused and starts to laugh out really loud at your reaction.
After a few seconds he calms down and looks at you without saying a word. You slowly become restless and want to get out of the situation.
Of course you were also a girl with needs and stuff and he was so hot and practically screamed jump on me and ride me the whole night but - and that’s really important for you - Hwa Seong intimidated you like shit and you wouldn’t want to do something Seong Hwa wouldn’t want because in the end it was still his body, too.
„You’re funny, (y/n). I can see why we have chosen you.“
Suddenly his aura turns darker and he seems to become more angry.
„But you have to behave my love. I have to teach you a lesson naughty girl. You know what I will do to you now?“
„What?“ You are scared as hell because you still didn’t know how to function with Hwa Seong and maybe your words weren’t very wise to begin with.
He leans down so your noses are touching and he breathes out before catching his breath. He seems - excited?
„I will fuck you into the mattress so hard you won’t be able to walk for a week.“
Dafuq this guy. He really just said that, right?
„But - “
„No buts! Apparently I will have to make you shut up, too... But before that how many orgasms are you able to take? Because I will give you way more for punishment.“
„H-hwa Seong, please don’t - “
Ok, your body definitely says yes and also your mind but you know you should stop him. You really should... but his hands are everywhere and your eyes are already closed when you feel his hand grabbing one of your boobs with a tight grip which earns him a moan and arch of your back for him.
The demon groans out very happy with your reaction but the pleasure stops instantly when he’s pulled back from you by Jong Ho and Min Gi.
„You idiots! Let go of me!“ Hwa Seong is struggling with the boys holding him down and Hong Joong and Yeo Sang run to you looking up your body for any marks or signs of mistreatment.
„Are you ok?“ Hong Joong holds your face with his hands looking very concerned.
„I - I am...“ Yeo Sang takes one of your hands and sees the marks on your wrists his eyes turning into a dangerous color.
„You’re not.“
„It is okay, I swear! He just pinned me down but it’s nothing.“
„It’s not nothing, baby. I am sorry I didn’t hear you sooner...“ Hong Joong‘s face is filled with regret and you still in a bliss move to take him into your arms seeking for his warmth and safety.
„How cute.“
„Shut up, Hwa Seong! Let Seong Hwa come back...“
„Why are you angry with me? She’s also in need of some satisfaction and you all cannot see it because you’re treating her like a porcelain stature.“
„You talk some shit. Just fuck off!“
Woo Young crouches down in front of the demon and grins. „I know it’s not really healthy but I will give Seong Hwa the serum to hold you back for a long time if you don’t go away this instant.“
Hwa Seong rolls with his eyes and if looks could kill Woo Young would be dead.
„Okay, okay. My love, I will come back and make my words come true - just so you know...“ He winks at you and suddenly collapses into Min Gi‘s lap.
Yeo Sang turns to you with a confused gaze. „What does he mean with that?“
Thankfully it was still quite dark in the room so they couldn’t see your blush.
Don’t think about. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about or he will read your mind anyways.
„It’s okay, you don’t have to answer and I won’t read it.“ Yeo Sang smiles at you leaving - of course - the others confused like always because Yeo Sang‘s voice was only in your head.
„It would be better you would sleep with someone for the rest of the night. Preferred not Seong Hwa of course.“
„Me!“ Yun Ho walks over to your bed and lifts you up like you weighed nothing. Before the others could protest he already was out of the door and on his way to his own bedroom.
„Don’t worry, (y/n). I will take care of you.“
He smiles at you lovingly and you grin back at him.
„I know. Good night Yun Ho!“
After a few seconds Yun Ho snuggles up from behind and puts his arm around your waist.
„You’re lucky I am not like Hwa Seong. Ho Yun would never hurt our precious baby.“
Your eyes open wide and you gulp.
Please no!
â†ș back to navi
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ncssian · 4 years ago
just another graceless night
merry christmas 🎄here's my secret snowflake gift for the lovely sayo @sayosdreams. if u didn't guess it already, surprise! i hope u like it <3
a/n: this is part of my series of crescent city aus found in my masterlist, and is sort of a continuation to family therapy. you don’t need to have read family therapy to understand this fic, but it helps!
summary: it's nesta's birthday, and her loved ones have special plans for her (that may or may not go awry). featuring nessian and nesta/lucien friendship.
The ring caught the late morning light as Cassian twisted it over and over in his hands: a gold band studded with two pearls and an oval pink diamond at the center.
It was nothing like the female he wanted to give it to, and yet it was perfect for her. Because Nesta Archeron, despite all her walls and best efforts, was inside as warm as daylight. Or at least she was to Cassian.
The familiar beep of the security system sounded as someone unlocked the apartment door, and Cassian stood up quickly from the kitchen barstool. By the time the Archeron sisters entered, the ring was shoved deep in his pocket.
He affected a huge smile, though it may have been tinged with a hint of panic. “Back already?”
“Did you miss me too much?” Nesta padded over to the open-plan kitchen and dropped a paper bag of leftovers on the island next to Cassian. “I brought you macarons.”
He murmured his thanks into a soft greeting kiss.
Feyre and Elain remained in the living room, setting gift bags onto the coffee table. “We should probably get going,” Elain smiled and clapped her hands. “If only I could see more of my own sister on her birthday, but I suppose fancy breakfast and gifts will have to do.”
Nesta scowled at her younger sisters. “I told you both you could come with me tonight. I don’t care if you’re around my friends, really.”
Feyre made a face. “No, thanks. Not that your friends scare me or anything, but I have a hot date this evening.” She flushed at the idea of her boyfriend and Elain held back an eye roll. “I don’t,” Elain stated, “but I’m taking the night to myself. Don’t worry about us, go get wrecked tonight.”
“If you insist.” Nesta moved in for a goodbye hug, something Cassian knew she still had to force herself to initiate with her family. A chorus of happy birthdays and goodbyes went around, and then the sisters were pulling apart. Cassian watched contently from the threshold between the kitchen and living room, and straightened up once Feyre and Elain were gone and Nesta was turning back to him.
She pulled slowly at one of the small ties on the neckline of her blouse, letting it come undone. “So,” she said slowly. “It’s my birthday.”
Cassian was well-aware. He’d woken up an hour early this morning to show Nesta, slowly and thoroughly, just how glad he was that she’d been born. He wasn’t so lazy that he considered orgasms birthday presents, though, so he raised his brows at Nesta starting to undress in their living room.
“You want a repeat of this morning already? If I’m being honest, I thought there would be more variety on your birthday agenda.”
Nesta’s smile dropped at the same time her shirt dropped to the ground. “Don’t delude yourself, angel. I’m getting ready to change into my sweats so we can marathon Fangs and Bangs all day.” To prove her point, her jeans fell to the ground next, and she kicked them away before spinning around to head for their bedroom.
Cassian picked her clothes up and followed after her. “Wear whatever you want, sweetheart, but put a pin in that marathon plan.”
Nesta glanced at him with a frown. “Why?”
She didn’t actually think that Cassian hadn’t planned anything for her, did she? He huffed a laugh and chucked her clothes into a hamper. “I’m not going to be seeing you all night, which means,” he flicked her nose, “I have to give you my present now.”
Getting put on patrol duties the same night of Nesta’s birthday was not ideal, but if anything, it ensured that Cassian couldn’t chicken out of his plan at the last minute. The ring sat heavy in his pocket, and he would give it to her this afternoon no matter what.
Nesta glared at him, but it was halfhearted. “I told you not to get me anything,” she said. “There’s nothing I want today except spending time with you.”
“We are spending time together,” he promised. “Just not here.”
“Then where?”
Their destination was beyond the borders of the city, too far for Cassian to fly them. Their motorcycle ended up rumbling to a stop some hours later at the edges of a great sunflower field.
Nesta pulled off her helmet and stared in rare wonder. Yellow and green stalks spread out in every direction, touching the horizon and going on.
She turned to Cassian, a softness in her eyes that only he ever got to see. “I’ve never seen this place before.”
“Because you haven’t wandered more than twenty miles outside of the city in years,” he ribbed.
He led her to a clear space among the flowers that was laid down with a checkered picnic blanket and spread of food. Nesta glanced at Cassian, questioning.
“This field is private property,” he explained, “but I called in a favor ahead of time.”
Over a year of dating Cassian had taught Nesta how to be more familiar with sweet gestures and moments of vulnerability, but she still lacked the words to properly respond to this.
“It's very— thank you.” She cleared her throat.
Cassian only grinned and flicked her nose, a careless gesture that told her he understood how she was feeling without her having to say it.
Their lunch date was warm and full of light, two feelings that Nesta had been a foreigner to before meeting Cassian. She’d used to think she would never be fit for soft or pretty things, but here, eating strawberries in a sundress, she felt this was as pretty as life was ever going to get.
Not long after eating, Cassian’s hand found the back of Nesta’s calf, dragging up her bare leg and pulling until she was on her back, his hulking body stretched over her. Gasping for breath between laughter, Nesta succumbed to a barrage of kisses that soon moved lower, until her giggles turned into light moans.
“I love you, you know,” he whispered from between her legs.
A bright blue sky dotted with a few wispy clouds was her view while Cassian tortured her with his mouth, and her last thought before her eyes slipped shut and she slipped into release was How perfect.
In a shimmery dress layered with swaying fringe, Nesta picked through the dancing bodies of Vanir and mortals alike to get to the private area off to the back of The Seven Devils club.
Nesta had made the mistake of falling asleep in Cassian’s arms after their afternoon delight, and had woken up to the sky turning ablaze with the colors of the sunset and her phone buzzing insistently.
“What are you doing,” Amren demanded when she answered. “It takes you two hours to get ready and you’re an hour away from home. Did you forget we had plans tonight?”
“Shit— wait, how do you know where I am?” Nesta said as she began grabbing for things and starting to pack, Cassian watching in alarm.
“I know where everyone is,” the mercenary said. “Get your ass back to Crescent City now.”
“Wait— we’re leaving?” Cassian had said after Nesta hung up the phone. Nesta kept packing their picnic basket, trying to hurry before it got dark.
“Thank you so much for today, angel,” she paused to say to him. Grabbing his face with both hands, she put her gratefulness into a sweet kiss and hoped it would be enough. “But we need to go. Now.”
Cassian’s hand drifted to his pocket. He looked conflicted, angry, even, but he only nodded and led Nesta back to their motorcycle.
Once they were about to part ways hours later, Cassian for his job and Nesta for her party, she’d apologized to him once more.
“It's nothing,” he assured as he smoothed down her stray baby hairs. “I just thought we'd get more time together.” He leaned in to kiss her cheek with a smile. “But we already have lots of that, don't we?”
Now, at the black velvet rope tying off the reserved area, Emerie caught sight of Nesta and greeted her with a hoot. Nesta grinned.
“Over here, birthday girl.” A drink was shoved into Nesta’s hand as Emerie led her to the circle of couches where their friends awaited.
The usual group was there: Amren, Varian, Nuan, and some Aux guys she’d gotten to know while working for her firm. But a new face made her smile drop.
“Lucien,” Nesta said stiffly. She plopped down next to him on the couch, but pointedly ignored his mocking grin.
Elain had stayed home alone tonight just so Lucien and Nesta would have the chance to spend time on their own. Nesta still wasn't sure if she appreciated the gesture or not.
They had agreed, although reluctantly, that they would try to rekindle whatever they’d had in their teenage years. Lucien hadn’t participated in one of Nesta’s birthdays as anything other than Elain’s plus one in ages, and now
 Nesta snorted to herself. It was like she was eighteen again.
“What’s so funny?” Lucien asked.
“Your face.”
A crumpled straw wrapper bounced off Lucien’s head before he could reach over and pinch Nesta. “No one's tackling anyone into the cake tonight, or else it's over for the both of you,” Amren warned. Her threats were mild, but both Nesta and Lucien knew enough about what Amren did for a living to shut up and go back to ignoring each other.
Music pounded, and while her friends chatted excitedly about meeting up after so long, Nesta eyed her drink in consideration. There was no amount of alcohol in the world that would ever get her to play nice with Lucien Vanserra, but maybe a few drinks wouldn't hurt.
She took a deep swig.
Nesta and Lucien drunkenly stumbled out of the club, giggling while holding each other up.
“We should call a cab,” Nesta said.
“No— let's walk!” Lucien gasped. “It’s so nice out tonight.”
“Yes, yes,” Nesta nodded adamantly. “Good idea, you're so smart, Lucien.”
It was far past two in the morning, and the rest of Nesta's group had scattered like roaches over the course of the night. Many of them had left her with a big smacking kiss on her cheek and a final birthday wish; Amren had dragged Varian into a dark corner some while ago and hadn't been seen since.
Her pile of presents, most of the gifts being either wildly inappropriate or outright hilarious, had been whisked away with the help of fae magic back to her and Cassian’s apartment. She only hoped Cassian didn't return home before her and find them.
Nesta had forgotten how much fun partying with Lucien was like. They hadn't danced— or drank— together like that in years. And the huge stuffed dolphin he’d gifted her hadn't hurt. She hadn’t slept with one of those babies since she moved out of her childhood home, but he had remembered her favorite animal anyway.
Now, she leaned her head against his arm as they set off in a random direction, trying not to topple over in her high heels.
They made it only a couple of blocks before Nesta decided that fresh air was not as nice as Lucien had promised. With every breeze, a discomforting nausea grew, and the longer she walked, the more aware she was of the sharp pressure on her bladder.
“Lucien,” she finally whined, “I have to pee.”
“Hold it until we get home.”
Nesta blinked and for the first time, looked around at their surroundings. How many blocks had they walked again?
The buildings had become worn down and older, and neon lights flickered over dim alleyways. The trees that usually lined every sidewalk curb had virtually disappeared. Even while seeing double, Nesta knew something was off. “Luc,” she said slowly, “where are we?”
” Brown eyes squinted up at the decaying buildings. He was drunk out of his mind. “We’re close to the Old Square, I swear.”
But Nesta recognized this area, even if she had no clue where they were exactly. “This isn’t the Old Square.” Her grip tightened on Lucien’s arm. “We’re in the Meat Market, Lucien.”
They were both quiet for a moment. Then Lucien said, “Oops.”
Oops was an understatement. They were on the other fucking side of town— the bad side of town. The shadows in the alleys had suddenly elongated, becoming darker as if they were hiding nefarious activities. The buildings seemed to stretch and curve, and it took Nesta a heartracing moment to realize that was just what alcohol did to her vision. There were no monstrous creatures, at least not this far out on the edges of the Meat Market. The crime-ridden district wasn't anything a straightminded Nesta would have ever feared, but in her current state—
“Ohh, now I’m really gonna be sick,” she muttered.
“I thought you had to pee?”
“I need to do both.” Gagging on bile, Nesta sprinted to the nearest bush to empty out the contents of her stomach. She just barely missed her dress and shoes with her aim, but she was no amateur. At least her hair had stayed in its ponytail.
“Gross,” Lucien mumbled from somewhere behind her.
Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Nesta closed her eyes as her insides clenched once more. When she could breathe clearly again, she rasped, “Don't look.” She started wriggling her panties down her legs. In any other state, she would have felt bad for the lone bush, but now she was just grateful that this road was seemingly deserted.
Inebriated Lucien seemed to handle urine better than vomit, because he only crossed his arms and stood guard by Nesta while she did her business, as if he could protect her in case anyone walked by (he could not, but she thought it was sweet of him to try).
When she finished, Nesta was disappointed to find that she had not sobered up in the slightest. Clarity danced right on the edges of her grasp, but she was too exhausted to reach for it. Also, her feet were killing her.
Swaying, Lucien tugged on her hand and began pulling her along. “C’mon, we’ll call a ride home and find somewhere to wait.”
“Mm, good idea.”
Lucien pulled his phone out, and Nesta paused in the middle of the road to unstrap her shoes and kick them off. Gravel bit into her bare feet, and she shivered while Lucien sloppily tapped at his phone. She hadn't noticed the cold so much while she was still having fun, but suddenly it was freezing.
After a painfully long moment of silence, Lucien finally said, “Uhh
 my phone’s dead.”
Nesta hissed, but was too tired to curse him. She wrangled her own phone out of her purse, hopping back and forth on her toes. The gravel almost hurt more than her shoes, and she was pretty sure the roads were littered with glass.
Turning her phone on, she made it all the way to Cassian’s contact info when she noticed the lack of bars on the corner of her screen. She clicked on his number anyway, hoping she could reach her boyfriend through whatever obstacles technology threw at her.
Of course, the call didn't go through. An animalistic noise escaped through her gritted teeth.
Lucien jumped in fright, his gaze still hazy and out of it. “What was that?”
“The sound I make when there's no fucking signal and we're both fucking lost.”
“Wha—? Gimme that.” Lucien sloppily swiped for her phone and missed, his hand passing through the air two feet in front of Nesta. Nesta ignored him and kept tapping at her phone, starting to walk in a random direction. “There has to be a signal somewhere,” she laughed somewhat high-pitched. “You can't have organized crime without a strong mobile network, right?”
After a few minutes, however, it became clear that whatever reception the drug lords and gang members were using, Nesta couldn't get it.
Hopelessness and bone deep exhaustion setting in, she started weeping, her shoulders shaking.
“Nooo,” Lucien slurred, trying to pull her up from where she crouched on the ground, her hands over her face. “Don't cry, Nesta, ’s’your birthday.”
“It’s not my birthday anymore,” Nesta sobbed. “It's the day after and we’re lost and we’re this close to getting mugged by a gang of vampires. And it's all because you have terrible ideas.” She cried harder.
“You’ve gotta get up.” Lucien tugged at her again, letting out a whiny grunt when she didn't move. “Why are you so heavy?”
Nesta wasn't moving because he was not, in fact, pulling at her very hard. Lucien was incredibly dizzy, though, and he wanted nothing but to be back home with Elain while he regained his senses.
As he was about to give up, a great boom sounded, and a dark hulking figure dropped down onto the street before them.
“AHH, A HUGE BIRD!” Lucien shrieked and stumbled backward into Nesta.
Another winged shadow dropped from the sky, landing beside the first.
Nesta blinked, finally looking up, only to shove Lucien off herself and drunkenly run forward. She hurled herself into the arms of the first figure. “Cassian!” she cried with relief.
“Are you okay?” Her boyfriend's voice was urgent. “How’d you get all the way out here?”
“We got lost,” she wept deliriously.
“Soso lost,” Lucien slurred from behind her.
Off to the side, she heard the familiar eternally-exhausted sigh of Azriel, second-in-command of the 33rd Imperial Legion. “I’ll take that one home,” his deep voice muttered. He gestured with his chin to Lucien.
He moved to hold the fae male upright, but Lucien smacked Azriel’s arms away. “Get your ’ands off me, Ihaveagirlfriend.”
Cassian bundled Nesta up in his arms and swept her off her aching feet. “Can you handle flying, or are you gonna be sick?”
” Her head was still throbbing and spinning, but her stomach had already been emptied out into those bushes. “I’m okay,” she lied. “Take me home, Cass.”
He still looked concerned, but was about to shoot into the sky when Nesta gasped, “Wait, my shoes!”
In the background, Lucien was now poking at the toned bicep of the arm keeping him upright. “Woah there, big guy,” he said. “You single or somethin’?”
“You just said you have a girlfriend.”
“Well, we're lookin’ foraboyfriend.”
Before Azriel could respond, Cassian gritted his teeth and called for him.
“Get her shoes,” Cassian gestured. Without letting go of Lucien, Azriel bent to pick up Nesta's heels and turned and walked the both of them back to where Cassian and Nesta waited.
Nesta gratefully accepted her heels and rested them on her stomach, so her hand was free to reach out and rest on Lucien’s face. It was more of a light slap, but the affection was there. “’m so glad we did this,” she said, sleep and liquor weaved through her words.
“So am I,” Lucien mumbled tiredly. He leaned in with a kiss aimed for her forehead, which ended up glancing off the side of her nose. “See you.”
“Bye-bye,” she said quietly, and then Lucien and Azriel were off in the opposite direction, and Cassian and Nesta were in the air.
Back in the warmth of their apartment, Cassian helped Nesta stumble toward the bedroom, pulling her away from the living area before she could collapse onto the couch and not get up again.
Herding Nesta onto the bed, Cassian got to work on shimmying her minidress down her body. “You’ve had quite the night,” he noted as he pulled off her dress and reached to unhook her pushup bra. “Good birthday?”
“Would’ve been even better with you,” Nesta said sweetly. His heart caught at the sleepy smile she gave him, and he cursed the ring weighing down his pocket for the hundredth time that day. He would have to wait for the right moment— again.
Nesta started babbling drunkenly about how fun her night had been, and then how terrible it had become, and how much more she liked Lucien now, even if he did have terrible ideas, before eventually circling back around to the topic of presents. “I can’t wait to show you what I got.” She tried winking at him, but in her state, it was just a very slow blink.
Cassian had indeed spied a red scrap of lace sticking out of a gift bag on his way through the living room, but lingerie was the last concern on his mind right now. “I’m glad you had fun with Lucien,” he said honestly as he eased Nesta into one of his T-shirts.
“Will you get me his gift?” she yawned. “It’s the soft
” she struggled for the word, “big fishy. Go get it, Cass.”
Chuckling lowly, Cassian dutifully searched the living room until he spotted a freakishly life-sized stuffed dolphin. When he returned to their bedroom with it in tow, Nesta was dead asleep.
Carefully, he tucked the plush dolphin next to her head before covering her with a throw blanket.
Yes, Cassian had ended up being the only person who hadn't given Nesta a present— not her real present, anyway. But perhaps it was for the best, he thought as he sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her sore feet into his lap. Nothing about the woman in front of him was worth rushing, and as long as she was happy tonight, tomorrow, and all the days after

Well, what more could Cassian want for?
taglist: @ladywitchling @sjm-things @thewayshedreamed @drielecarla @sensitiveillyrian @superspiritfestival @aliveahaahahafuck @cupcakey00 @sayosdreams @rainbowcheetah512 @claralady @thebluemartini @nessiantho @missing-merlin @duskandstarlight @lucy617 @sleeping-and-books @everything-that-i-love @cassianscool
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yandererubix · 4 years ago
Yandere ABC’S
featuring keith and yan pico :D
 Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Believe it or not, all this boy would do is just snuggle, or maybe watch a movie. You bet your ass it can and will get very intense, and it makes them both thankful of the lack of neighbors.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Jesus christ, Pico went through enough trauma to not be affected by blood anymore. He would blast that fucker through the head quicker then you can hide, yet if its with his friends he’ll be a bit more hesitant, choosing instead to have a little ‘talk’ with them. He would kill them if he felt he had to, though. edit: poor gf would definitely be the first to die
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He might try and dehumanize Keith a tiny bit, if not just to make sure he doesn’t escape. He does it all in a teasing manner, of course, because why on earth would he try to hurt him? At least, that’s the excuse he uses every time.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
That’s a big yes, and sometimes not even knowing. Probably mainly for punishments, say Keith tried to escape? There’s no way he’d take that without some form of lecturing.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
About average, enough to feel ‘safe’ around him but not everything, such as the shooting. Keith’s aware of the incident because news exists, but he doesn’t know what really happened that day, like most.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Oh, he’d take the challenge heads on, ‘teasing’ back with a dangerous glint in his eye. However, if he wasn’t in the mood, he would definitely tie him down, or simply hold Keith closer, tighter. He doesn’t want to break him, after all.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
You can bet your right arm it is. More often then not he gets a thrill from playing their little game of cat and mouse, and its even more rewarding when he finally catches/
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
When his darling tries to strike back when he’s vulnerable. etc. after sex, sleeping, things like that. There would probably be the tiniest bit of blood drawn, often ending with a sobbing Keith ‘snuggling’ up with him.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He hasn’t really thought about that. He’s content with how things are now, so, go figure.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Is this even a question? For coping he’d probably go on a weed massacre or beat the shit out of whoever held Keith’s attention, until said person is nothing but a bloody piece of rotting meat.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Can get very affectionate, which could be quite dangerous varying on the levels. Otherwise, he’s just Keith’s usual flirty boyfriend.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Okay, lets be honest. After a while of waiting he would just pin him to the wall then drag him away to the ✹cold hard future✹ℱ
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else? For sure. Around his darling, he’s flirtatious and very hands-on, but in public he’s quite cold to anyone who so much acknowledges him. Around him friends, although similar, he does genuinely try. God knows what for.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Sexual, dehumanizing, or neglect. There is no in-between. Sorry, Keith.    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
As mentioned in many other letters, he can be quite patronizing and take away quite a few rights. (name-calling, sometimes he won’t clean up the cuts after punishment if he’s really angry, so on.)
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Impatient most of the time, but that’s neither of their faults, its just in Pico’s nature. He does make an effort most of the time, but no judging if he snaps.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Let’s be honest, he would just shoot himself and they’d be together again. Next one, please.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
First question, a very small percent of the time. He’s definitely delusional, so even though he’s painfully aware of everything, it’s fine. Their together now.  Keith’s only pretending to hate him and call him all those horrible things because he’s too shy to admit he loves him back, right?
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
do with this question what you will. its 10:40pm, people, give me a break.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He’d obviously feel bad, but try not to let it show. Keith won’t acknowledge his presence? Fine. Then he won’t be in his presence for lets say, five days? The problem is, both of them are stubborn as a mule, and that just might be the reason K dies one day.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
gun gun gun gun gun gun gun gun gun gun gun
also the fact he can get reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllly jealous. All of the goddamn time.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
im 👏pa 👏tient 👏 also, the jealousy. If Keith suddenly pays super extra affectionate randomly back, it might soften up restrictions.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
how many times have i wrote about the blood tho
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Very far lengths, mental wise. Such as killing someone Keith was talking to while he was talking to them, just as a teensy reminder of his love.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
As mentioned this boy is pretty impatient, so I imaging some time after week three he would finally snap. He was just so excited from finally being able to duel him like that, don’t scold him!
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
He might accidentally, depending on how strong K’s will is. Pico obviously doesn’t want him to become despondent, he loves him too much, and besides, it’s so much fun for them both when they play their little games of tag or hide and seek.
uurrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhn its now 10:50pm, enjoy i guess and expect more, gremlins.
(sorry if any mistakes, too lazy and tired to care. adios!  ✌
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delicourse · 4 years ago
Hi!!!!! I'm so sorry for the sheer amount of spam you just received from me scrolling through your blog akfjakdnka your art is so beautiful!!!! Im trying to figure out what I love about it so much but I can't adfkkhdsdsajkgh the linework, shading, and colour are all so amazing ahhhhhhh I am trying to improve my art, and I was wondering how long you have been working on your art style??? Do you have any advice on how to figure out how to draw anatomy I'm really struggling with it skfjskakdka also for your shading, how do you do the ombre???? I hope you have an awesome day!!!!!!!! Font forget to drink some water!!!!!!!!!!
thank you so much!!
when it comes to my art style its super super hard to tell! ive been drawing people since 2014, but ultimately i was still learning basics there. styles tend to imho just be mistakes, personal laziness/disinterest and the things u Really Care Abt put together in a way that still looks pleasing! so that tends to just pop up naturally with time! its not until 2018/2019 that i actually Tried to change my style bc it ended up going in a direction i personally really didnt like, but there are still parts of the things i did there (mainly the base for my coloring process) that i still do today. so its super hard to tell! styles are ever-changing and mine change whenever i get into a new piece of media lol
anatomy is really one of those things where the only answer tend to be the textbook “study” thing with the anatomy drawing charts but other than that? croquis helped me a lot!! there are plenty of websites made for that since its hard to do in person now. i also feel like watching other artists draw really helps trying to figure out their thought process and solutions to problems and see how they “simplify” anatomy. i gotta admit that im not the most accurate and realistic with my anatomy though, i mainly focus on vibes and making sure there is movement in my art and im willing to bend and simplify in order to achieve that. im very much a style over substance kind of person lol. as long as it feels dynamic and flowy it checks out for me shdhhd
and for coloring; lock the layer, large soft brush! sometimes u can even just do a gradient. ill post some images soon
anyway have a nice day!! and ill make sure to drink some just 4 u
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chocolatte-and-despair · 4 years ago
heya! I was wondering if I could get a dsmp match? I'm a pansexual non-binary and usually go with she/they and also an aries! I really like languages and singing even if my voice isn't that great and like arts in general, especially writing and drawing and also like mythology a lot! I'm taking some time before studying but want to be a pilot or psychologist, maybe even both! I have brown eyes and dyed long hair thay constantly changes colors, a little chubby and have a really pale skin and my aesthetic usually goes from grunge/alt to kidcore
personality wise my anxiety influence me a lot and makes me present myself as shy, but am actually pretty open and loud, I would consider myself caring and protective and, due to past experiences, consider helping others my duty and put myself in second place and end up being kind of a pushover, even then I'm kinda lazy and isolate myself a little and get emotional easily, end up crying of anger or sadness even when I tried to hold it back a lot of times, because of that usually end up trying to avoid conflicts unless it gets serious, then I would get mad and say things I'll regret later.
hope I'm not bothering u! sending asks makes me kinda nervous, have a nice day and take care! :D
After thinking for a little bit, I decided to give you ... Nihachu/Nikki! I think that you two would get along well, seeing as she is pretty shy and you are shy so the two of them would be pretty understanding of one another!
A . How would they show their love and affection? How intense would it get? - Nikki would be pretty shy when it comes to affection, though she tries to spoil you with things, and sometimes, she gets a little bit daring and would try to hug or even kiss you.
B. What type of future are they planning with their lover? - Nikki really wants to move away from all of the drama, and go live somewhere far away, in a different kingdom, and start a bakery with you.
C. What is the scariest moment with them? - Nikki has shown many times that she can hurt people when she wants, because of that, she has hurt people when she thinks they are getting too close to you.
D. How do they usually act with their lover? - Nikki is very sweet with you. She adores cooking and baking with you. She also loves singing for you whenever she can.
E. How would they court their lover before? - Nikki probably approached you to befriend you, without having any romantic intentions at the beginning, but as time went on, she absolutely fell in love with you.
F. What's their favorite memory/thing in the relationship? - The first time that she started to fall in love with you was when you two were cooking some cupcakes. She still thinks of that as her best memory.
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clvmtines · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
welcome aboard, clementine martinez, student #2. we are excited to set sail with you !  has anyone told you that you look like alexa demie? according to our records, you hail from florida, usa, prefer she / her pronouns, are a cis woman, and are here to study creative writing. we also see you received a spot on the ss university because of your online lottery win — we won’t tell anyone. during your first few weeks here, other students said you were + charming, + free-spirited, but also - restive. it sounds like you spend most of your time at the billiards room. upon checking your luggage, we noticed you packed a casino chip carried around for luck from home. hopefully your roommates don’t steal it!
hi friends! i’m very excited to be here. i’m jay (est, she/her) n i used to play astrid nyland a few months ago if anyone remembers bt i had to leave for personal reasons. i’m so glad to be back now that i hve life sorted and some free time for summer break <3 read on for some details abt this new muse of mine, clementine. 
01. biography !
so ! clementine was born in florida. & yes, her real name is clementine. her mom thot it was the cutest name idea ever. clementine mostly goes by clem. she comes from the town [redacted] in florida bcoz i am too lazy to look up a specific town <3 but alas ! it was swampy and humid and she lived in a trailer park. 
her parents got knocked up at nineteen. clem was born nine months after a particularly wild 1999 fourth of july. her birthday is march 26th and she’s an aries. 
(TW: addiction, child injury) clem’s dad was a gambling addict and petty criminal—he wld steal credit cards n whatnot. he wld gamble away diaper money n it would cause constant fighting until her dad finally left. her mom took this very hard n began drinking a bit too often, leaving clem to to make cereal for dinner n fend for herself. once clem tried to make hot dogs on the stove and spilled boiling water on herself. got a p bad burn on her arm/shoulder and still has a big scar.
the soundtrack of her childhood was cicadas buzzing and stray dogs barking. the sizzle and pop of natty light cans. turning up her ipod to max volume to drown out the sounds of her mother fighting with her new boyfriend.
throughout her upbringing, clem’s dad was always in and out of the picture. he’d blow into town when he hit it big. he’d take her on these little “adventures” like staying in a motel 6 n renting movies at block buster n ordering good pizza nt the dominos shit she ate with her mom lol. ofc he was charging it all to someone’s stolen credit card. he’d always promise to, like, take clem away. n clem was a daddy’s girl so she believed him. the last time it happened was her h.s. graduation. her mom didn’t show ( "overslept” after a bender ) but her dad did and surprised her n said everything wld be different. bt then he bailed on their plans for the next day n when she called his cell, the number was disconnected. tht was the defining “i’m done” moment. clem promised to never be disappointed by her father again.
(TW: racism) her mother has mexican ancestry and clem’s always been called her twin. but clem was raised in a predominately white area and honestly ?? it was really hard without her even realizing it. she’s still unpacking a lot of things today abt her youth that jst weren’t okay bt she thought were normal. like microaggressions, stereotypes, being fetishized by boys in high school. gross shit.
as a kid, clem was rumored to be really poor bc she wore tattered clothes n got free lunch at school. once she invited a friend to her house & the next day they told everyone it’s in a trailer park. that reputation—the “trailer park girl”—was really hard to shake. and clem got almost desperate to shake it. she was endlessly trying to set her old self on fire and emerge from the ashes like a phoenix.
eventually clem became more “popular”. in school she was, like, a straight b student. very average although super creative and quick-thinking. she always had street smarts. problem solving skills. independence. more of, like, practical intelligence as opposed to book smarts because academia bores her tbh. she was like why am i reading these overrated boring books by dead white men or learning abt polynomials when i know nothing abt how to pay a mortage or do taxes. like...she saw the american education system as bullshit and put in modest effort because she didn’t believe it deserved her sweat and tears. 
however, she entered the online lottery for the seas program on a whim and got in. so she’s studying creative writing now.
02. personality !
first thing you shld know abt clem is that she’s a compulsive liar essentially—she tells various stories to make her life seem better than what it was. to one person, she’s an heiress to a real estate company and grew up wealthy. to the next she was raised by nomadic hippies. some of her lies are small fibs while others are grandiose tales. she rarely talks about her actual upbringing. she hates talking abt her family or the v real trauma of growing up in a household where both parents struggled w/ addiction; the uncertainty, the broken promises, the fact that she had to grow up so soon and deal w/ so much. it wasn’t fair, and if she thinks about it too much, she feels this anger. anger at the universe. anger at her circumstances. she doesn’t know where to put this anger. she doesn’t know how to shrink it. so she avoids it.
despite her rough upbringing, though, clem is actually really sweet and kind. she’s adventurous, fun-loving, free-spirited, and bold. 
bt ! she can also be closed-off, competitive and restive. 
she’s seemingly tight with everyone? like she’s jst that girl who can get along with anyone tbh. 
in her spare time you can catch her tanning by the pool, hanging at the bar, playing pool ( which she learned from her dad ), and socializing. she’ll never say no to hanging out with people. 
she learned a lot from her little “adventures” with her dad, who was very good at conning others and often involved her in his dumb little scams. clem is suuuper good at pulling the ‘im baby đŸ„ș’ card to get what she wants.
she can be a little selfish, because she grew up looking out for herself. 
stubborn and dogmatic as hell !!!
she doesn’t do too many relationships but when she does fall, i imagine she falls hard and fast. she refuses to be made a fool of, tho. when she gets vulnerable she flashes back to being a kid, waiting all day for her dad to show up only to have him bail on her. again. she hates that feeling. so if she, like, senses a shift in someone’s energy she’ll b like, “i’ll break up with u before u can do it to me” and the person wasn’t even tryna dump her lmao.
has a lot of sex. too much ?? sex?? mayb. but she’s v sex positive.
her personal style is v late 90s. hair clips, big scrunchies, neon, fur trim, crop and tube tops, hoop earrings, chokers, patterns, platform shoes, biodegradable glitter cuz it’s good fr the earth *winks*. clothes from o-mighty.......actually jst google o mighty, pull up the images and That is clem. she dresses like a bratz doll. she’s dedicated to the aesthetic.
03. headcanons !
her item brought from home is a hot pink poker chip from a casino. her dad gave it to her. he said it reminded him of her because of the color; he got it during one of his winning streaks and said it was lucky. she has a complicated relationship w/ her dad n doesn’t even speak to him anymore, bt she will never go anywhere without it.
she’s a smol bean—only 5â€Č4
an astrology girl and she reads palms ! she absolutely makes astrology tik toks that people only watch because she’s hot. her flirting technique is to ask you to read your palm.
she doesn’t typically drink to get drunk. but she does love a good sugary cocktail. to her, a drink is like an accessory. a blue fishbowl by the pool, a jack and coke as she stands around a bar. usually she'll nurse the same beverage for a while. if you see her wasted it usually means she’s going thru it emotionally lol. the one thing she does do is drugs tho 
pretty much listens to exclusively female artists.
a bit of an activist. environmentalism, feminism and the like, she’s v outspoken. vegan for ethical reasons (TW: drugs) bt still does cocaine. she wears shirts with ‘my pussy my choice’ bedazzled on the front.
loves to rollerblade ! back home she didn’t have a car so she’d bike or rollerblade. now she still has her blades and she’ll use them when the ship docks. 
03. wanted connections !
Friends, bffs, ride or dies, friends who are like siblings to her, maybe a friend with an unrequited crush on either side ??
an ex she dumped/cheated on/otherwise self sabotaged their relationship because she was afraid of vulnerability.
an ex friend who realized she lies a lot abt herself n felt betrayed. OH ! ESP if they opened up to her on many occasions abt intimate, personal stuff. imagine the betrayal they felt when they found that everything they thought they knew abt clem is a lie.
someone who she actually opens up to. a confidant. or, maybe, like, a stranger she drunkenly spilled her soul to and now she avoids them like the plague.
a rival. clem can be competitive.
her drug dealer 
someone she knows she shouldn’t hook up with and
 does it anyways. like a friend’s ex or smthing. spicy <3
i welcome anything !
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physicalturian · 4 years ago
Did a full 180° - AFAB!Reader X Bokuto Koutarou
Summary : Bokuto has a day off, but when you're off on campus, you get a textfrom him an understand he feels lonelyso you return at the apartment to cheer him up. Cheering up happens, and a whole change of mood too [No pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone +18] [AFAB!Reader]
Reader on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27535102
Warnings: smut; protected sex; slight daddy kink; hair pulling; clawing; penis in vagina sex.
When I woke up this morning, I had the pleasure to have my sleeping boyfriend next to me. It was one of his rare days off, one of the rare times he did not have to wake up at an unbelievably early time. It also meant one of those rare times I had the chance to snuggle up closer to his warmth before having to drag myself out of bed to get on campus. For a moment, I considered not going to that study group in the morning, that way I could spend more time with the beautiful man that was sprawled on my bed, but I knew it was the only way I’d force myself to study. Thus, it was with a lot of reticence that I left the bedroom, giving one last glance at his peaceful sleeping form before closing the door delicately behind myself as I got cleaned and changed in the bathroom.
 On my way to campus, I walked by a bakery to get a few pastries to eat on the way, taking a few for Koutarou once he wakes up. He sure had an appetite, so pastries may not be enough, knowing him we’d probably order in too. Fortunately, the group meeting was not supposed to last long, probably 4 hours at max, which meant I’d probably come back before Bokuto would wake up. My overexcited brain was already thinking of going back home and lazying around with him, simply enjoying one another’s company and sharing what was on our mind the moment it crossed it. Argh, focus. Focus, you’ll have the rest of the day to think of him, touch him, and be with him. Study mode, on. Head not empty, smart thoughts. I scolded myself as I stepped inside the large hall that was filled with tables and chairs, a lot of them empty since it was the morning; Sweeping my eyes across the room, I saw my friends at the table, coffee cup in hand and tired faces falling to the ground.
 I chuckled lowly to myself while making my way towards them, a wide smile on my face. “Why, hello morning people. Looking fine I see! Ready for some brain time?” their response was to grunt and dramatically let their head fall on their papers, the heaviest sigh leaving their lips. Actually, three of them were like that, the fourth one however was smiling tiredly as he greeted me with weak voice. The one on my left grabbed my arm to stop me from rummaging through my bag and looked at me in pure astonishment. “You’re too energetic in the morning, it’s gross. Next time we’ll study at 9pm- because, you see, those are the peak hours. It’s the best time to study, fresh air, leftover foods, and you can drink alcohol-“ “Alright, but you can eat right now too, you know, nothing’s stopping you. Also, I don’t think alcohol helps with focusing mate.” I said playfully, making my friend roll her eyes as she slumped on her arm in one last desperate move to get some sleep.
 Nudging the sleepy people awake once more, I tried to motivated them to study, and the only way I could do that was to say that there will be a break in an hour or so. Which happened after a while, it was a bit slow at first to get everyone’s brain started, but once it was active, and the caffeine had kicked in, they were ready to go.
 During the second break, it was around 11.15 am, I received a message from Bokuto asking me where I was. Surprised to see him awake to early, I thought his body was used to his routine and didn’t pay it any mind when I answered that I was studying on campus. His answer was, ‘Oh, ok. U coming back soon?’ there weren’t any emojis, any hearts. And that, worried me, greatly. I knew how he was; I knew he had ups and downs depending on the time, and maybe I was reading too much into it but there was definitely something off with him. So, I excused myself from my friends, telling them I needed to make a quick phone call.
Pressing his contact on my screen, I waited a few seconds before hearing him pick up and clear his throat before speaking. “Babe? Why are you calling, do you miss me already?” I knew, from the forced cheeriness that he was feeling bad. I did not know why, but I knew he wasn’t feeling 100% today. “Kou, what’s wrong? Please, be straight with me?” I didn’t want to push him, but I wanted him to be honest. Since he hadn’t replied right away, I walked further away where there wasn’t any hubbub and whispered into the phone. “Babe please answer me
” I heard him let out a shaky breath, then heard a shuffle on the other end of the line before his soft voice came through. “I’m just- lonely. I woke up and you weren’t there- and I feel really bad right now, and-“ he sniffled, using a tissue, to wipe his tears probably, “When are you coming back? I can wait for you, I’m sorry for-“ “I’m leaving right now, I’ll tell them there was an emergency. I’m not letting you be alone in that state, Koutarou.”
 He hummed in agreement, but did not say much more. Since he did not hang up, I assumed he wanted to stay on the phone a little bit longer, so I stayed, but still walked back to the table with my friends. With my phone still in hand and pressed on my ear, I gave them a nervous smile, “Hey guys, there’s been an emergency, I have to leave right now. Could we continue this later this week? I just, I really have to go, it’s super important.” “It’s ok, it’s all good. We’ll uh, do something in the meantime, but yeah sure we’ll reschedule that shit, no worry. You go take care of your man.” My friend then winked at me, and I was surprised they understood right away. Appreciative of their understanding, I gave them a curt nod and packed my stuff before rushing outside, and throwing my bag over my shoulder. “Are you still there Kou?” There was a muffled sound of something moving, then a thud, followed by a groan. I think I even heard a metallic noise, like a rattling but I did not know what I was.
 “Yeah, thank you babe
 I love you, you know that, right? I just really miss you right now
” he mumbled. And while he mumbled, I could hear the way his throat was strained, his feeling getting caught in it as he spoke without much energy. I smiled and hummed softly, telling him that I loved him too, and that I also missed him tons. When he heard that, he breathed out a soft ‘Yeah?’ and I think I heard the faintest smile as he said so. And I proceeded to rant on all the things I loved about him, of course, I did not have time to list everything that I had reached our shared flat and was unlocking the door to the apartment. “I’m home, where are you babe?” I asked gently as I dropped my stuff on the counter and opened the door to the bedroom, only to be greeted by our drawn curtains and undone bed, no one in it.
 From the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow move in the room and realized it was the door to the closet. I quickly understood and hung up, rushing to the spot and opening it wide, finally seeing my partner sitting in the corner of the closer, his knees close to his chest with his arms wrapped around it. He hadn’t even gotten dressed; he was just in his boxer. And even though he was well-built, he looked so small like that; Looking down at him, I smiled before sitting down with him, my hands on his knees as I asked him to move his arms, which he did. “Is it a down day?” I asked, knowing full well the answer. He nodded. “Okay,” brushing his hair back, I brought him in a short tender kiss then pulled back, his face still sad. “Can you move back to the bed? I’ll join you in thirty seconds, okay?” Raising the corner of his lips into a small smile, he nodded as he pulled us up.
 I rushed to the windows and opened the curtains wide. Staying in the dark never helped with feeling down, so even though he complained about the light I let the light come through. Turning back towards him I took of my shoes and slid in bed with him, throwing the blanket over us as I did so. “Hello handsome.” I whispered right in front of his face, the blanket covering us over our heads made the situation a lot more intimate and it felt so nice. “Hey pretty face,” he replied, his smile a bit wider than before which was quite a relief. I grinned back and brought him in another kiss, that he returned desperately before we both pulled away and I kissed his cheeks, his forehead, his chin, his lips again, before asking him to turn around.
 Bokuto was a large man, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be a little spoon. Everyone needed to be hugged, to felt love and safe, and at this very moment he needed it so bad. So, I wrapped my arm over his shoulders and my leg over his hips before pulling him as close as I could to me. And just like that, he felt relieved, the tension in his body left as he brought a hand to his face. A bit unsure of what was happening, I placed a kiss on the back of his shoulder and tried to peak at his face. “Everything good, Kou?” I ask, barely over a whisper.
 I felt him shake a bit, then, after a few minutes, felt the rumble of his chest as he spoke, “I’m- yeah- I just- I’m actually so relieved right now. I don’t know- I don’t know why I was feeling so depressed- but now that you’re here it’s like
 it’s awesome you know?” I did know, I understood how he felt. But it looked like he needed to explain it in more depth. Shuffling in my hold, he turned around, but grabbed my arm to put it back on his side, and brought my leg high on his thigh. His eyes widened for a second, then his cheeks flushed a darker color. “Fuck you’re actually so fucking gorgeous- but I was saying- it’s like- uh, when you were gone, there was this, this weight in my chest, and really hated it. I wanted you, I wanted to hug you- so when you did, it really lifted that weight off my chest, like literally.” I nodded, and rubbed his back once he finished.
 “I’m glad I could help, but for safety measures I think I should probably stick with you the whole day.” His face lit up, like fairy lights. It was the most adorable sight, so genuine and sincere it made my heart go crazy. Bringing his face closer to my chest, I heard him sigh in content as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I tightened my embrace around him, knowing he liked his hugs a bit tight, it comforted him. “Babe?” his speech was a bit muffled from being spoken against my shirt, but I had heard him, so I hummed inquiringly. “Are you mad that I interrupted your study sess’?” I huffed a laugh at his question, how thoughtful could he be even when feeling down?
 I shook my head, but quickly spoke when I realized he couldn’t see me. “Not at all, and also I don’t mind that you’re feeling down- and I’m okay with not doing anything today- and I love you and you can take all the time you need today, we can stay all day in bed. As long as you’re here, I’m happy.” Every time I was done with one thing, he was ready to ask another question, his insecurity-filled mind playing tricks on him. But I was ready to reassure him, he needed it, and I was giving it. He had to know he hadn’t done anything wrong. It took him a few seconds to take in what I had said, then he suddenly pulled back, his hands planted on the mattress as he was kneeling, sitting on his heels. The blanket that was covering us was now almost entirely off of me, since his whole body was like a pole for our own little tent.
 The sudden change of attitude surprised me, but I was going with the flow; He was smiling and that’s all that mattered to me really. “We can do plenty in bed babe.” He grinned before pulling the blanket off of us and crawling on the bed and between my legs. I felt a shiver ran down my spine from the sudden loss of warmth but couldn’t help the grin that made its way on my face. “Are you serious, Kou?” I breathed out, not believing how fast he was at changing the atmosphere around us. He leaned in and started bringing his hands slowly from my knees to my waist where he held the hem of my shirt and lifted it gently, looking at me in the eyes. As he lowered himself, he kissed my stomach once, “Very serious, you can’t blame me babe, have you seen how hot you are?” he asked dramatically as he kept leaving kisses on my exposed skin. I gasped at the sudden feeling of his tongue on my skin and gripped his hair to stop him, already feeling hot all over. “Kou, I was going to make this day all about you-“ Interrupting me, his face was suddenly looming over mine, a wide smile on it. “Making me feel good is about me, right?”
 Rolling my eyes, I felt my cheeks heat up at what he was insinuating, so I huffed a laugh and nodded, “Yeah I guess so, sure.” Happy, he crashed his lips on mine and kissed me once more, it was needy, I could feel how much he wanted this through only his kiss. Both of us were smiling “Good, good, because you feeling good makes me happy too- and I’m about to make you feel real good,” he put an emphasis on the real, as he pulled me closer and rolled his hips against mine. Smiling broadly, he asked me to wait a moment, and left the bed a second to come back with his hair pulled back by a hard headband. “I didn’t have time to style my hair after my shower this morning- do I look good?” While it was formulated like a question, he knew he looked good, and he knew I found him attractive. But I played along.
 “Bokuto Koutarou, do you realize that you’re a piece of art?” His cheeks flushed pink and his eyes were twinkling with pure joy; Leaning back on top of me, placing his hands on each side of my face after he spread my legs to settle between them. “Yeah? Go ahead, keep talking babe,” he whispers as he began kissing my neck gently at first, his tongue darting out to leave a trail of saliva on my skin before biting it just hard enough to get a reaction out of me. I cocked my head to the side to give him a better access, and let my hands wander over his back, “You’re- fuck you’re uh, good- you’re a great player and-“ I heard him laugh against my skin before leaning back, smirking. “That’s it? Babe I thought you liked me for my personality,” he pouted dramatically before chuckling and teasingly asking me what was wrong.
 I could only scoff before meeting his gaze, “I can’t focus for shit, my mind is just blank because all I can think about is your touch, your hands all over my body and your tongue-“ “You’re right babe, I should use my tongue more! Alright, here, how about you undress for me, then you come sit on my face?” I stared at him wide eyes for a few seconds, then managed to utter, “I didn’t say that at all, but I’m definitely not against it you want to, like I’m very much okay with that if you’d like to do that-“ I said quickly as I rolled out of bed to remove all items of clothing I was wearing, while doing that my boyfriend was looking at me intently; His tongue licking his lips while observing me, “I love your enthusiasm babe, you’re so good to me.” I felt my whole body heat up at his words, he had a way to make me feel comfortable no matter the circumstances. And seeing the way his eyes were roaming my body like it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, sent a butterfly in my stomach.
 When I dropped my last piece of clothing on the floor, I looked up at him with an excited smile, “Are you sure-“ I barely had time to speak that he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed, asking me to sit on his lap first. When I did, he took in the sight, his eyes wide in awe. “I’ll never get enough of you,” giving me a once over, he cursed under his breath, “Shit you’re so hot babe. The things you do to me!” he said quickly before leaning over and slowly planting kisses from my navel to my chest, his teeth barely scraped my neck before he grabbed my chin between his index and thumb and kissed me fervidly. I could feel his smile as we kissed, and hopefully he could feel mine, it was a bit messy, but oh was it filled with so much love. His hands were gripping my thighs tightly and without a warning he spread them wide before pulling me against his crotch. I laughed and had to hold onto his shoulders as he let himself fall down on the pillows.
 When the kiss was broken, we were breathless, our lips slightly swollen and I could feel my cheekbones hurting from all the smiling, which wasn’t bad. “Alright babe, come on, sit on my face, because there are other lips I’d like to kiss-“ “Koutarou oh my god-“ hitting his shoulder without any force, I then leaned in while holding his face and kissed him one more tender time before chuckling nervously. “Hit the back of my leg if you want me to get off of you, okay?” as I rose, my hands on the headboard, he made a noise and told me to stop, I sat back on his chest, and saw his smirking face. “It has to be something I wouldn’t do babe, and I don’t think I could stop myself from spanking you, you know? Have you seen how good looking you are? I want to make you make all kind of sounds, and I’m sure you’d make the prettiest one if I spanked you while fucking you with my tongue, you know?”
 My laugh got caught in my throat and I made a stupid strain noise as I looked down at his ecstatic expression. “I- you are entirely right, I definitely want to feel my favorite spiker’s hand hitting me hard.” Exhaling a long breath through his nose, he grinned mischievously before muttering he’d hit the headboard if he needed to stop, then he pulled me up to his face without further warning. I yelped as his strong hands gripped my ass, and rested my knees on each side of his face. I barely had time to put my hands on the headboard that his tongue darted out of his mouth and I felt the strong muscle brush against my core. A mute gasp left my mouth and I looked down at his face, he was starting slow, his eyes observing each of my reaction before speeding up. With that followed more sinful sounds; With each stroke of his tongue, my breath was getting heavier. He was smiling against my skin, I felt it. I also felt a jolt of electricity ran through my body when he moved one of his hand from my backside to use his thumb to play with my sensitive nub.
 I couldn’t help the loud “Fuck” that escaped my lips, and it made him chuckle, the vibration of his laugh sending even more pleasure coursing through my being. I couldn’t control myself and pressed on his face for more, I even took hold of his messy hair, my free hand still gripping the headboard like my life depended on it. The sounds coming from his work were even more sloppy, it was embarrassing and yet it turned me on; When I looked down at his face once more, he had a determined and teasing look on his face, when our eyes met, the strokes of his tongue started going faster and so did his circling on my clit. All I could muster between my strangled moans and panting, was the repetition of his name, “Kou, fuck, fuck, Kou”, it only fueled his pride.
 When I tried to roll my hips, he held me in place first before spanking my ass as strong as he could from the angle he was in. Clearly, it wasn’t as powerful as he would usually do it, but it felt just as good. I moaned loudly in response, and gripped his hair tighter before muttering an apology and moving my hand back to the headboard. Without ever stopping he grabbed my hand again and moved it to his hair once more, I understood he did not mind, so I resumed my action.
 At some point, when I said I was getting close, he stopped circling my clit and I groaned at the lack of stimulation but he quickly replaced his finger by his mouth and started sucking it. He kept switching between licking, giving long strokes of his tongue, then sucking my nub. After some time, the knot in my stomach had reached its peak and I let out a throaty moan when I finally came.
 My knees felt weak, and my entire body was burning but fuck did it feel good. I shuffled off of him to sit on his lap once more, and he sat up soon after, with the most gorgeous smile painted on his lips. I could see his skin glistening from my juice, and it made my face heat up even more. From his reaction, I think he understood, that’s why he used the back of his hand to wipe his mouth. “See, that’s how I like to start the day- fuck breakfast when I can eat you out, you know?” “For fuck sake, Kou- you’re- okay, you know what? I’ll ignore that sentence, because I don’t know how to reply to that.” I laughed before pushing him down. His eyes widened, and so did his smile, before he continued, “You can tell me how good I made you feel, and you’d love for me to fuck you.” I rolled my eyes and hummed at his words, mumbling that I could do that, yes.
 Slowly caressing his chest, I traveled his upper body at an agonizing pace. My hands roamed from his stomach, to his shoulders, to his hands that I moved to my waist for him to grip. “You make me feel so good, all the time Kou.” I whispered before placing a kiss on his chest, then looking up at him again, “And I love you, so much.” I kissed his neck. “And you’re such a great boyfriend.” And kissed his lips softly, his was reacting so strongly to each of my words. Every time he would tighten his hands on my waist, grounding against me with a needy moan. “And you’re so fucking pretty, and I want you to fuck me.” I finally said, right next to his ear. He was always responsive to soft words, while the man loved to fuck, he also loved to make love, he could be rough, but also so gentle. But when the compliments were returned to him, he turned into a puddle before coming back stronger.
 “Fuck babe, fuck- get me the condom, I so want to fuck you right now.” I could feel his erected member under my crotch as I got off of him to grab a condom from the drawer along some lube and handed them to him. Hurriedly, he sat up and opened the condom package with his teeth, I gave him a warning look but he gave me a thumbs up. “I didn’t break it, promise, I’m excited.” He said with a piece of the package between his teeth. He then scrambled to take his boxers off and roll the condom onto his cock, discarding the package on he ground as he laid back down.
 With his pretty grin, he patted his thighs and said “Come to daddy,” I rolled my eyes but did as he asked, grabbing the bottle of lube as I did so. Spurting some of the liquid on my hand, I then wrapped it around his cock to spread the lube all over. “So, I have to call you daddy, uh?” I said seductively while looking him in the eyes, his mouth was wide open while staring at me then he closed it, his eyes darkening. “Shit it’s actually hot babe, I was kidding but it’s actually hot-“ he seemed confused but still looked so hot, I continued what I was doing, squeezing his cock a bit tighter while doing so. When I thought it was enough, I spread some lube where Bokuto’s lips had previously been then moved higher on his lap to slowly lower myself onto his cock.
 I took my time to not rush things and get use to his size, but even like that it felt good. Perhaps was it because I could hear his praises as I lowered myself slowly, his soft voice telling me I was doing so good, that I was almost done and I was taking him so well. His hands were roaming my body like he had never touched it before, and was complimenting each part of my body while kissing them when he could. Once I felt comfortable enough, I rolled my hips a few times, earning moans from my boyfriend. “Fuck babe, can I be rough today? I really want to fuck you good, but like if you don’t, it’s alright I’m good with that too but-“ “Yes, yes, you can be rough, I would really like that too
 Daddy.” It felt weird to call him that, but it seemed to spark something in him as he gripped me tightly and turned me over so that I was the one laying on my back, with him on top.
 “Just this time, you can moan that- and my name too, actually scream my name because I’m about to make you feel so good, I want everyone to know, alright babe?” It was said with such an innocent look, but his eyes were saying otherwise. He had lust in them, he had that strong look that send jolts to my core. He looked so hot like that, I only nodded in response but he shook his head, smirking. “Words babe, I want to hear you pretty voice,” he thrusted one time inside me, making me moan, then he stopped. “Here, let daddy hear more of that pretty voice.” I covered my eyes in embarrassment at the new addition, I didn’t want to get used to him saying that but the more he said it the more it suited him. “Alright, I won’t hold back.” He hummed in satisfaction and added, while slowly rolling his hips slowly, “That’s it, you’re so good to me.” Leaning over, he brushed his hand over my cheek and kissed me tenderly before starting thrusting.
 At first his thrusts were slow, we were both getting used to it slowly but he quickened the pace soon after; Our lips would desperately try to meet, to feel even closer that we already were, we would moan in the kiss, panting as we broke apart. I wanted to close my eyes and get lost in the pleasure but I also really wanted to see the expression on his face, the focus, the bliss on his face. He was simply gorgeous. I loved seeing his lips part as he’d let out a moan, each of them louder than the previous as he was getting closer.
 Grabbing the hard headband on his head, I tossed it aside and brought his face even closer than it already was, kissing him lustfully as my hands gripped his locks firmly. He groaned into the kiss, then grabbed one of my legs to place it above his shoulder to have a deeper access. I cried out his name at the change of angle, and moved one of my hand to my clit for more stimulation. Breaking the kiss once more, Bokuto was breathing heavily against my lips as he brushed his nose against mine, “I’m close, I’m so fucking close, are you close babe?” Huffing a laugh, as much as I could with my heavy breathing, I kissed him softy, our tongue battling for dominance until we pulled apart and I smiled. “Try harder pretty boy-“ the second those words left my mouth he started pounding inside me even harder.
 He abandoned my lips and sank lower on my body, kissing and sucking at each and every innocent spot a skin he laid his eyes on, attacking it. He was ravenous, his tongue traveling all over my body. When I clawed at his back, he suddenly bit me hard which sent me closer to the edge. “Do that again and I’m gone babe- fuck! No, actually, yeah, do it again, harder.” He breathed out, strained as he kept fucking me without ever stopping, I was getting closer too with his ministrations, feeling my whole body heat up more and more as the pressure in my lower stomach built up. Both moaning, I nodded, or tried, and followed his instruction, clawing his back in pleasure which made him lose it as he cried out my name in pure bliss, finally finding release. I whined his name when he stopped, his body sweating and holding me close, still inside me, “Kou you can’t do that to me, fuck please- don’t stop.” I panted, extending my arm to lift his head up and look him in the eyes.
 Grinning, he leaned towards the bedside table and grabbed something I couldn’t see from my spot, “I wasn’t planning on it,” he managed to breathed out, then suddenly resumed his thrusting, making me gasp in pleasure before arching my back to feel him more. My working hand was brought to a stop when my boyfriend grabbed it and placed it on his shoulder, “Let me,” he said in a low tone, then I heard the familiar muffled sound of my vibrator. I was about to tell him I was good without it, when he placed it right against my sensitive nub, and close to his cock too. “Oh fuck, fuck, Kou- it’s- god fuck,” I was gripping his shoulders with all my strength, arching my back to meet his thrusts and the toy, the bubble inside my lower stomach was growing, and growing at a fast pace. I think Bokuto was also close again from the non-stop moaning, and gentle words escaping his lips as he said this felt so good and that I was being so good to him.
 After a few minutes, I reached my peak and felt all the pressure in my body, leave as I moaned my lover’s name one more time before letting myself got limp in the mattress. I let him ride off his orgasm, which he reached quickly with the added vibration on his cock. After a moment, he moaned loudly and dropped the vibrator next to me before slumping on my other side, his chest rising and falling fast, trying to catch his breath. “You never told me that thing felt so good, we should definitely use it more often.” He managed to say, as he sat back down and took off the condom, tying it closed. “Why do you think I have it? Oh wait-“ Chuckling, I turned to the side and leaned on my hand as I watched my man throw the used condom and disappear from the room before coming back with a wet washcloth. “What?” He asked curiously as he kneeled on the mattress to clean my sore body.
 Looking at him with a grin, I sat up, wrapping the blanket around my shoulders. “Are we going to talk about the thing?” I’m sure I had a stupid smile on my face when I asked that, and it only confused him more. “Wait, what thing?” he asked quickly, pausing his washing. “The daddy thing.” I whispered playfully, elating nervous laugh from my boyfriend. His cheeks were already gaining color from the efforts, and now it was flushing in embarrassment. “Hey- that- I don’t know, ok? It sounded nice! I mean, I don’t want it to be a full-time thing, but like, if it happens again
” he shrugged, “I’d definitely be turned on, definitely, yes.” I hummed in understanding before grabbing the cloth from his hand and finishing cleaning myself before dropping it on the floor.
 “It was surprising for sure, but
” Smiling gently at him, I wrapped my hands behind his neck and pulled him down on me, throwing the blanket over both of us. “But it wasn’t too weird, I liked it.” I admitted, earning a surprised face from Bokuto who asked me if it was really ok, and I nodded. He sighed in relief before wrapping his arms around my waist, snuggling against my stomach. His hair was tickling my skin every time he’d move but I didn’t mind, if anything I was slowly falling asleep. “We should try new things,” he kissed my stomach softly then looked up at me smirking, “Because there’s a ton of thing I wanna do to you- oh and I can’t wait to show off what you did to me!” he then tried to peek at his back, where crimson red marks were displayed. At first, I felt bad to have done that, but seeing how satisfied he was with them being there, it only made me laugh.
 “Yeah, I will probably have to try to hide what you did to me, did you think I was ice cream or something?” I mumbled, looking down at the hickeys he had left all over my body. He laughed and started kissing all of them, muttering a sorry at each of them before finally looking up at me with a proud smile. “I mean
 I haven’t had breakfast yet, so maybe I should eat more of you
” When he started lowering his face down between my legs once more, I gripped his biceps and pulled him up. “No, nope. Maybe later, but right now, we get out of bed, and we really eat. We gotta keep you in shape, star player.” I said softly before pulling the blankets off of us; However, I couldn’t leave the bed with how tight my boyfriend was holding me.
 Looking at him with a raised brow, I said his name in a warning tone. He only grumbled my name back, still holding me. “Please, can we just stay like that a bit longer, babe? I am so comfortable right now- and I really want to enjoy this moment with you because we hardly have times like because-“ I interrupted him with a stupid smile, “Alright, okay. But it’s just because you’re making valid points there, not because you’re stupidly cute like that.”
 With a beautiful grin painted on his face, he looked up at me once more, “Yeah? You think I’m cute?” I rolled my eyes and let my head fall back on the pillow, humming in agreement. “Yes, I think you’re cute. And very hot, and the way you use your hands-“ “Baaabe, I thought it was going to be sweet!” “Well excuse me, but right now all I can think about is your hands on my ass, so, it’s your fault really.” I shrugged, running my hand through his hair absent-mindedly.
 Snorting he gently brushed his hands on my back and spoke up, “Well, I love
 your laugh, your smile
 your voice, and you always make me happy! Whenever I see you, I just want to hold you close and never let you go.” I laughed nervously at his words and covered my face with a pillow in embarrassment, telling him to stop talking. Suddenly, the pillow the was covering my face was taken away and I was left staring at two golden orbs and one bright beautiful smile. “What is it?” I asked, confused. His only response was to kiss my nose, telling me I looked cute, before scurrying off the bed, “Let’s go eat, I wanna do stuff with you today! Come on, let’s go.”
 He helped me up my feet by holding my hands, and then handed me one of his shirts to wear. “And what are the plans for today?” I inquired, he shrugged in response, telling me he just wanted to spend our time together wisely. Then he looked back at me while putting on his boxer, “And maybe
” He approached me, placing his hands on my hips as I put on my pants, “Maybe we’ll continue where we left off,” he then slapped my ass hard, I gasped and turned around giving him a reprimanding look. “You don’t get to be hot right now, so you move your ass to the kitchen because I brought pastries.” He pouted and held my face gently in his hands, looking at me with pleading eyes, “Did you get the ones I like with the cream inside?”
 Huffing a laugh, I nodded; “Awesome! Alright, then let’s go! I’m actually starved- it’s funny to say you eat pussy, because it actually doesn’t really satiate much, you know?” I pushed him out of the room, my hands on his back, as I laughed loudly at his words. “Yeah, same for dicks you know, you suck dicks but they don’t taste that great.” I continued on the topic, making him laugh too. He then proceeded to talk about buying fruity condom, maybe that’d taste good.
 Dating Bokuto Koutarou was a roller coaster, there were ups and downs all the time, but I was there for him. Liking it a lot when he’d go down for sure.
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hereformcdonaldshonestly · 4 years ago
Hi, may I have a romantic mha matchup, please? dear lord i hope i haven't sent u this yet lol
Fleur | bisexual | girl | INTP
Appearance: I'm 164cm(~5'4) tall, slim&athletic, and I usually give off the 'cute good girl' vibe, so ppl are shocked when they hear me cursing a lot lol. Long brown hair with bangs, my deer eyes have the same color - I wear eyeglasses. My clothing style is very girly, mostly wearing skirts and dresses(sometimes elegant, sometimes rather cute outfits). There's a tiny, barely visible scar above my right eyebrow, I've opened our car's door on my head lmao.
Personality: I have a confusingly dual, hard-to-like personality. First impression is either a stoic resting bitch face bitch or the awkward, cute and polite girl.
I'm faking myself and good at keeping my emotions under control, I'm really adaptable(sometimes full-stoic, other times talkative). I HATE showing weaknesses, I'm hiding them from even people I love, I simply can't stand emotional vulnerability. Making me talk about my issues, problems? Nearly impossible.
My way of thinking is quite realistic and highly critical, I have opinions about everything, I get passionate while sharing them, deep conversations are keeping me alive. Sometimes I'm event told that I'm wise? Kind of.
I'm the CLUMSIEST person, and kinda awkward too, cringe situations always find me. Quite easily get jumped/pranked. My humour is colorful: TEASING, dark, morbid, absurd, trollish. Sometimes I can come off phlegmatic, rude.
I'm generally a kind, polite, caring and patient person tho. I take loyalty quite seriously, but I don't get attached easily. I have a kind of unapproachable, 'emotions ew' vibes, but I have a softie side who adores cuddling and giving love, affection to people - it's kind of a selfish coping mechanism for me at the same time, bc the feeling being needed is incredibly comforting for me. Also, I can be just a dumb idiot and loosen up with my little gang if I'm in the mood. Once my close friend told me that I'm an unpredictable person. I need a lot of alone time&space.
I'm also vain, snobbish, pro procastrinator, lazy and selfish just to mention some negative traits. I have massive self-hatred spirals, thinking I am a burden, unworthy for love on my bad days. Slight imposter syndrome I guess.
My love language is words of affirmation&quality time, and when I have to express it, I'm best with acts of service. I'm not so romantic, valentines day and similar stuff just gonna make me roll my eyes.
Hobbies/Likes: classical literature, theatre, politics, hiking, sightseeing, travelling,  mysteries, reading about disappearances(crimes, like Sodder siblings, Tara Calico etc.), trying out new things, yoga, running, horse riding, table tennis, listening to music, cats, thunderstorms, rainy days, cider, tequila, going out and drinking with friends, smoking sometimes, family time, psychology, sexual psychology, reading trash/funny FB comments, massaging others, deep converstaions, surrealism, anything indie
For you I chose:
Momo Yaoyorozu!
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I feel like she would help balance you out, at first I thought about Katsuki Bakugou but then I decided that probably wouldn't work out the best. She would balance it out, trying to get you to talk about anything that's bothering you, but she isn't forcing you!
Why They Love You
Momo loves your soft side, she loves that you can feel comfortable around her. She also loves how wise you are! She feels like she can ask you anything and you'll be there to answer. Momo always respects your space and always is aware of what is going on, just so she doesn't make you stressed on accident.
Date Headcanons
As a date idea, Momo suggested a murder mystery tour! Where basically you walk downtown with a group and a tour guide, picking up clues and trying to solve the mystery! Turns out it was like one big walking version of Clue!
You guys went out for date night! You both agreed that you would go without a plan and see where it takes you, after an hour of walking, driving, and just talking, and that's you see the glowing sign for poem reading! You guys went in and sat down with some drinks, watching people read poems, sing, and talk about different topics. You guys had a great time together!
General Headcanons
Momo always asks about what you're reading that week. She always wants to learn more about the literature you like so she can read it as well! She knows how much you love classical literature so she starts suggesting different writers and even tried to buy you different books that she thought you would like!
Whenever it comes to a romantic holiday, she knows how you aren't a huge fan of them. She'll maybe surprise you with flowers or dinner, but she'll still treat it as a normal day. She surprisingly is the same way, not really understanding why it was a big deal. Unless you want to go and do something for it, she is completely okay with staying home and watching documentaries!
Songs That Remind Me of You Both
Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier
Yellow by Coldplay
I hope you have a great day!
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