#as their suffering roommate
I break into your apartment and I'm already talking about psych, you try to call the cops but find you have no signal. this is by design. you are going to listen to me talk about psych. stop screaming we haven't even played spot the pineapple yet
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Steve came home from work one day pissed as hell. His coworker had made three of his little ones cry, the service dog that was supposed to visit the long-term patients was cancelled last minute, Dustin texted him to cancel their weekly phone call because he and Suzie were fighting, Hopper had to postpone his monthly check-in because El caught a stomach bug at school, and Mrs. Ryans stopped him in the lobby to tell him that she's praying his "no good devil worshipping roommate" received the damnation he supposedly deserves.
So Steve burst into his home, fuming, face flushed red in his anger, and startled poor Eddie out of his armchair. "I called Mrs. Ryans a stupid old hag and I'm not apologizing!" He announced, practically throwing his shoes into their proper place. "She's stupid and I hope she breaks her other hip."
Eddie started his usual task of making brownies (he's a firm believer that chocolate can make anything better, and he knows that Steve's got an almost pavlovian response to the smell of brownies now) while Steve changes out of his scrubs and into something more comfortable. He'd completely bypassed his own closet, instead stealing one of Eddie's prized Iron Maiden tees to go with his threadbare pajama bottoms. Eddie opened his mouth to ask what had happened that day to make Steve so upset, but Steve didn't let him.
"Seriously, why does she hate you so much? You're like the sweetest person ever. So I told her to stop talking shit about you, and she was like, 'why should I,' so I told her that my baby sister would slap the wig off her bald little head if she kept being shitty to my boyfriend, and I might have actually given her a heart attack. Should we go check on her?" Eddie froze at Steve's admission; first of all, a baby sister?? But, more pressing, boyfriend. "Oh, my god, I might have killed our elderly neighbor. El wouldn't actually slap her! Wait, yes she would. She's still learning social norms and I don't think Hop told her that hitting old people is frowned on. I don't- does Hop know not to hit old people? Eddie, my dad might abuse the elderly."
"Stevie, honey, slow down," he finally settled on. Eddie bypassed their little dining table to sit Steve on the couch. "One thing at a time. Mrs. Ryans is not dead, we'd have heard all the munchkins singing by now."
"I'm not going to prison for shocking our neighbor to death, Eddie, I'd rather be melted into a giant flesh monster," Steve piped up. Eddie didn't have time to unpack whatever that meant, so he ignored it.
"You're talking about your sister like she's not used to humans."
"She's not, really. She was ex- she was, um, bad home life. Before we met. She's Hopper's daughter now, but before, her dad fucked her up. Like, doomsday, raise the children in isolation, fucked up." Steve was marginally calmer, but his anger gave way to nerves as everything he'd said caught up with him. "I called you my boyfriend."
"Good to know you've got beauty and brains, sweetheart," Eddie cooed at him, smacking an exaggerated kiss to his cheek. "Not every day I have such a cute guy screaming at old ladies for me."
"J-just the one old lady. You're not mad I called you my boyfriend?" Eddie paused there, giving Steve the flattest stare he could manage.
"Steve. I've been flirting with you for two years. Bruce has been trying to get me to propose to you for one of those two years."
"Bruce just had a baby, he should worry about-"
"Bruce tried to explain to you that we're dating and you called him a funny guy, honey. Congrats, you're the last to know."
"We're dating?" Steve shrieked, and Eddie couldn't help but laugh. Steve's face was so incredulous, like he really had no idea, and as sad as it was to see that, it was just too funny to Eddie that they'd been dating in almost every sense for more than a year before Steve seemed to be aware of it. "Are you telling me I could have kissed you this whole time?"
"Well, yeah, obviously. Stevie, you really didn't know? I thought it was obvious how much I love you, sweetheart."
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gordon-freeman-phd · 3 months
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and they both came away with incorrect assumptions about the other
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holysheithyall · 2 months
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i have nothing to post so im posting something a little older
greg gives him a flower he found on the side of the road and tony spends the entire night looking up that specific flower and its meaning(s)
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jollyhaunt · 1 year
they meet up in the breakroom and exchange information on dan and herbert
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theshadowrealmitself · 5 months
My favorite type of oc/scenario is:
Hero who’s like, universally beloved, even tho they aren’t the type of hero who usually is
They wear a dark hood, rarely speak, and if they do it’s obviously an altered voice, and they always do what’s right but in a gruff way, they’d like to be nicer, but unlike some of the other heroes who have super speed, life threatening situations just don’t give them enough time to be polite and sweet
So they know they’re respected, they’ve been at this job for awhile and they’re good at it, but they have no idea they’re beloved, even by the villains
Till the one time they go undercover as a villain
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Side note that the picture of college!Fidds and Ford ruined my life actually
That is all.
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evorathesylvurr · 14 days
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A meme I made/edited for my roommate
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ghostradiodylan · 3 months
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Me every time someone asks if The Quarry fandom is dead.
Is it less alive than it once was? I’m sure it is. The numbers on old posts and fanfics tell me that it must be (although obviously they’re cumulative). But I wasn’t here for that part, I’m a late adopter. All I know is the brainrot is going strong for me (ten-ish months on?) and a core group of others and if you want in on that literally all you have to do is click the tag and interact. Reblog a post with some commentary. Send an ask. Everyone I’ve talked to in the Quarry fandom has been nice as hell and so stoked to talk about this stuff!
If I’m quiet for a day or two it’s not because the brainrot has passed. Some days it’s because I was up at 4 AM writing my silly gay stories. Yesterday it was because I played with the TQ counselors in The Sims for like ten hours (why is it so hard to make The Sims look like specific people?!). I have A Problem. You can make it your problem too. (Please I need the enrichment.)
We also have a very welcoming and active Discord server if that’s your thing. I actually didn’t think it was my thing but it turns out it’s very much my thing and now I basically live there and I miss the custom emojis when I talk to people anywhere else :3 https://discord.gg/eHSwHvpj
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thebirdandhersong · 8 days
romantically, this girl is on sabbatical. literally can't take any more emotional damage this year lol I've run out of any capacity for nonsense :-) if anyone is interested, they'd have to be willing to wait, because -- and I cannot emphasize this enough -- my heart is so exhausted. SO exhausted.
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formulaheart · 4 months
modern enjolras who is a piano prodigy on the dl and modern combeferre who goes in his study and bangs on his drums for hours on end when he gets stuck on a project
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soppymilkgin · 4 months
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a shockingly good frame of gin-san in silver soul and a good quote too... feels like finding an oasis in the desert (unbearable misery of watching silver soul arc)
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deathflare · 2 years
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i took some suggestions from twitter hehe. i love drawing random npcs
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tomfrogisblue · 10 months
Every fictional romance is improved by the inclusion of that one friend in the background who rolls their eyes whenever they so much as look at each other.
I wanna thank Q!Tubbo for his sacrifice.
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askbensolo · 4 months
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Weird? He’s psychotic! Tell me why he practically started crying when the BB unit rolled underneath my coffee table too fast and accidentally beheaded itself. The head’s a magnet! It’s designed to come off.
But you’re right, he does seem like a nice dude…it just seems like he’s nicer to the droid than anyone else.
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Well, okay, hoity-toity. Like I have time to grind my own beans every morning. You probably hate my Corellian press too, huh? Sure, there’s little grits at the bottom of my mug, but I don’t care. I like the raw, earthy experience. Coarse, rough and invigorating.
Anyway, Armitage works at…Spacebucks. So I don’t know why he’s such a caf snob.
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Wha… Who’s Hux? Oh wait, you must mean Armitage. Armitage…“Arkanis”. Riiiiiight.
Well, he thinks I’m “Ben Quadinaros” now, so I won’t ask if he doesn’t. Though I wish I’d had the foresight to realize I might spend the next year pretending to somehow have Toong ancestry.
…Wait. Are you guys voting on my future roommate…based on…how funny it would be??
Is my suffering amusing to you???
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spacey-llama · 4 months
I've seen that you also have some hc for the MLJ crew, sooooo... Can I hear some of them:)? Or any JD4 coach too, I love the JD4 coaches a little more than the other JD lol
Also, thank you for eating my hcs<3 I'll cook more in the future^^
HECK YEAH YOU CAN! Now, I LOVE all the MLJ crew... but I basically just have headcanons for C3/Mickey. It's definitely not because I'm working on a fic with him and Mister Overload. Haha. Aha. Ha. I can only hope I have enough motivation to let it leave WIP jail.
Headcanons under the cut!
So! I think him and Mister Overload were childhood friends that drifted apart after Mister Overload moved away. I always thought of his civilian name as Wesley... Wes for short. He's got thick glasses when he's not in uniform! Anyway, they reunite when they're adults and THAT'S when they start dating. ;)
I think Mickey lives in this teeny tiny awful apartment in Dancity with Should I Stay Or Should I Go from JD2! I named him Hendrix, by the way. Hendrix is a typical, anarchist, stick-it-to-the-man punk. They're roommates! And friends! They always intended to start a band together, but it just never worked out. Hendrix wanted to make more abrasive punk music with political messages and actual meaning, and Mickey wanted to make stuff about hot girls (and boys).
Why, yes, he IS bisexual!
Oh, and, while Mickey is passionate about music, he's not the best at writing it. Good singer, of course, just not a good songwriter. Hendrix is a good songwriter, but Mickey doesn't want to sing songs about anarchy. So.
Mickey is very involved in the local Dancity music scene! Like, he knows of almost any local band you can think of and more. So, if anyone's ever wanting to see a good, small concert, he's a great resource.
Also, Mick's favorite kind of soda is cherry! He likes cherry flavored candy as well!
Bonus Maybel headcanon that probably makes more sense in my head: The version of Maybel that you see in Call Me Maybe is literally lines of code. She's not a real person. She is a part of that phone. Does she know that? No.
Now, she is based on actual, real life Maybel (as seen in the vs with Beauty And A Beat and... oh gee looks like she never appeared in another map). So, Maybel is a real person, she just also happens to have a virtual version of herself. Did she create Virtual Maybel? Did someone else create Virtual Maybel? Who knows! I'm still figuring that out ;)
I also think Virtual Maybel has access to the Virtualscape! I could go crazy about my interpretation of the Virtualscape, but that would be too long.
I don't know! I'm still kind of letting that headcanon cook a little. Gonna explore it in another fic... sometime...
But, yeah, that's me tossing a lot of random little hcs I have out there! Hope you enjoyed them! Also, YES PLEASE COOK MORE HEADCANONS! I may have said this before, but one of my favorite things in the Just Dance fandom is when people grab a character with no lore or name and they're like "This one is mine now" and make a whole story and personality for them!!!! Because that's also MY favorite thing to do with Just Dance characters!!!!
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