#as the one musician I actively stan lol
facetsofthecloset · 10 months
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Sooooooooooo all my top artists were men this year and my top artist was the Mob Psycho soundtrack guy
Bc I had a depressive breakdown in March and was listening to ~Confession~ on loop while I cried by the river!! In public! Hooray
The top songs were on loop during walks while I was planning dramatic animatics lol
Except for #2 which was also on loop for depressive disassociation day! Man this spring was fucking rough for me
And then I started playing Stardew Valley and I’m cured now 🥰
(I mean. And I started therapy but y’know)
Hey why is pop my top genre when all my top songs and artists are either j-pop or anime soundtrack? Idk what metric determines that.
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2,611 sad, sad minutes lol
Ok no, I also listened to a lot of the more upbeat fight scene tracks and Reigen 1000% bit, AND some accompaniment for long animatic planning walks, but tbh those walks were also absolutely depression walks so…
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Also find it funny that my peak listening time for Goth Dad Music was January, but considering his new album dropped in December (I think time is an illusion) and I was streaming it on loop in my sleep to boost his numbers well yeah makes sense >_>
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Was fully expecting RWD to take top here but Todd and Lena are easier to have on in background I guess since I don’t have to pay attention to plot developments lol
And I did a full Stellar Firma relisten and am partly through a Magnus relisten so there’s that
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Shocking that I listen to music from where I live
But I’m genuinely surprised MAISONdes didn’t end up a top artist, I DEFINITELY listened to a ton of her stuff this year. I guess it was too spread around??
But also she’s super fun j-pop and I didn’t have it looping for hours on end while moping so >_>
In conclusion: depressed or not my music taste is otaku trash lol
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Oh talk about JM karma lmao
1. Dragged him for playing pool with Taemin, a smoker in 2016. Tae caught smoking and with cigarette box multiple times since 2019 and antis on his ass for that.
2. Spread JM is pushing himself onto Jk and Jkk doesn't have any bond. JK confirming they were awkward and didn't had a chill relationship. Said Jkk is one sided and JM is the one using FS to be popular. 2023, Tae using tkk agenda like his life and career depends on it.
3. Spread JM is a womanizer and even has a kid lmao, created a dating rumor for him in 2022 which was ignored by even JM stans. 2023 Tae embroiled in dating rumors that too with a woman they hate the most, pics and videos out, discussed in national news channels. Peace destroyed of all stans and their mommas. Don't be surprised if pregnancy announcement is next lmao.
4. Dragged him for having no work after hiatus announcement in 2022. New JM music every 2 month, signed with 2 lux brands in world, sang in Hollywood ost, continuing to make and break records in 2023. Tae no new music since hiatus, did a dishwashing show, signed with 2 fuckass brands that even his own stans got upset for.
5. Called his fans the most toxic, blamed JM for having lot of solo stans, spread his fans are good for nothing antis. 2023, Tae calling his stans boring and corny. Not spending a proper 5 minutes to interact with them that not missing his live became a luxury thing for them.
6. Wished JM will commit suicide when he had a low point in 2022, said he'll alienate himself from all activities. 2023, JM so happy and cheerful and confirmed he's perfectly alright now. While tkkrs haven't slept for days and is verge on mental breakdown. While their fav is acting like a coward and not defending the woman he supposedly love.
7. Dragged JM for his musical skills, saying he can't sing nor produce good music. Saying his album will most flopped among members who are musicians. 2023, FACE reigning charts. JM credited for writing all songs. Got an hot100 historic achievement that God knows when will repeat again. Lmao
I can go on lol
But whatever Tae stans spread about JM and is projecting onto him is literally coming back to them that they have to sacrifice their whole life to defend him LMFAO 🤣
JM karma is so fucking strong, that's what he gets for being an angel
You could have worded this better. Without the V bashing because I whole heartedly agree. These fucktards take every chance to shit on Jimin but as soon as Jimin solos start dishing it back they can't handle it?
I don't like Jimin solos. I don't like any solos at all. But it sure is fun to watch them make the v solos and tkkrs (who are one in the same) sweat. Honestly I am loving it. Sign me up for more.
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joker-daughter · 3 months
if u don’t mind sharing, which musicians did u stan ?? i’ve always found it hard to follow musicians/thier career closely idk i find the music industry is so much more unpredictable compared to the film industry, and that ur favs personal life affect their work a lot 🫣🫣
I used to stan Selena and Ariana (I was mutuals with Ariana even lol) but this was WAY back in the day (I’m talking almost 10 years ago), as a kid I was also a big fan of Big Time Rush so when I first started on twitter they started to slowly work on their own solo stuff so I was closely following the one members’ indie band called Heffron Drive, it was Kendall and his long time friend and guitarist Dustin, it was fun because the fandom was small but very active and the two guys were online a lot as well, constantly interacting with us and stuff, I was fan of others like Little Mix, Demi etc. but the ones prior were the ones I was following the closest…so yeah nothing too exciting lol
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queenseowon · 1 year
"Colors of Bang Yongguk Tour" Fan Account - Oakland, CA (230616)
It’s been 2 days since I saw Yongguk live and he’s truly been on my mind non-stop for the last 48 hours. :’) 
>>Personal “Origin” Story<< Since B.A.P debuted and were active during my high school and college years, unfortunately I never had the money (or time) to be able to attend any of their concerts. When I saw that Yongguk was going on tour, I didn’t know what to think -- I’ve been in and out of my “kpop phase” for the last 12 years, and the only group that I consistently stanned throughout that time was BTS. All of my friends are either newer kpop fans or strictly girl group fans so I knew I’d be going to this concert alone, but ultimately I knew it wouldn’t be a big deal as I’ve gone solo to many concerts in the past. I saw the (shockingly) low price of the ticket and the venue being so nostalgic (I partied a decent amount at The New Parish pre-COVID lol) so I bought my ticket happily in May. The excitement did nothing but grow overtime.
I’ve been thinking about how many BABYz used to write fan accounts during fan signings/concerts waaay back in the day (if you were on Tumblr during 2012-2014, you’ll know what I mean). I remember being a teenager discovering kpop for the first time, having B.A.P be the first group where I started stanning since debut, learned every member’s name, kept up with releases on the daily, had Yongguk become my first “ult bias” (before I even knew what that was) and “fan’d” my heart out every comeback on Tumblr. I wanted to write a fan account to remember this concert but also hopefully share it with other long-time BABYz who are feeling nostalgic!
>>Going solo to the concert<< As (somewhat) expected, I met some amazing people in line as well as inside the venue who were also attending the concert solo! For me, I love hearing about how others got into stanning a certain musician or group as well as their favorite(s) song(s). As someone who didn’t grow up with other “kpop friends”, it felt so surreal to think that there were others like me 10+ years ago fully enjoying the same music, and having that musician tie everyone together now one decade later. Sometimes I get anxious in crowds and especially with strangers, but I did not feel that way for even a minute before, during, and after the concert. Maybe it’s a mix of the Bay Area/California and long-time BABY vibes. (Also fun sidenote: some people and I were comparing our tattoos in line and we said “Okay now it’s time for Yongguk to do a tattoo tour. Show the chest piece pls” -- So when Yongguk came out in that button-up shirt with only two buttons buttoned and his chest tattoo on full display… I need y’all to know we manifested that for everyone’s benefit. 😩🫡)
>>REACTION TO THE CONCERT & SONGS<< I’m not sure how long people were lined up for, but I arrived around 5PM (doors opened at 6PM and the concert started at 7PM) and I ended up standing to the right of the stage (Yongguk’s left) in the second/third-ish row right next to the speakers with an amazing up close view the entire night. (In hindsight, I should have remembered to bring my ear plugs because I’m not as young as I used to be and should probably take better care of my eardrums and hearing lol). Also, as I mentioned before, I knew the venue relatively well so I knew to go to the side closer to the stage rather than standing several rows back in the middle even if it meant having not as wide of a view of the stage. The person next to me and I were super excited because our angle meant we were going to be able to see the minute Yongguk appeared from off stage and onto the stage. 
Although normally I do not listen to the setlist of artists before their concerts, I hadn’t listened to Yongguk consistently in years so I did look up the setlist and made my own Spotify playlist to get myself hyped up and ready to sing along. As soon as Yongguk came out, I feel like I metaphorically blacked out for the first couple songs (GMT, Up, Race) because I did not remember those performances until I watched others’ fancams. I think I came to my senses during “Rain on Me” because that is THE twerk anthem. The sex appeal and confidence from him from the start of the concert (and especially during “Rain on Me”) was no joke. I feel like my jaw was probably embarrassingly dropped wide open for all of the first songs. There’s also something feral that awakes inside me everytime he says “you never fucking know” and the chorus of “UFO” starts then his voice DROPS a register as he starts rapping and hearing that live??? I was transported to another dimension.
When he started singing “Hikikomori” then went into “I Remember” I think it was then I realized he was doing this tour for us -- for the fans and the BABYz who have been here the whole time (or at least a very long time). As I’m writing this now and reflecting, everything he said during his ments/talks was him just continuously thanking us, telling us how much he loves us, and saying how it’s been “such a long time”. I literally could choke up thinking about it right now how he’s waited just as long as we have.
Yongguk asked the audience to put their phones down so he could make eye contact with every person. And like someone said, “when Bang Yongguk tells you to do something, you do it no questions asked.” Then he started singing “Screwed Up” while literally looking at every corner of the venue, balcony, floor, sidestage -- literally my delulu mind was convinced he was staring and flirting with me too. I lost the “IDGAF if this man notices me” war right then and there. (I have yet to find a fancam of “Screwed Up”, which is fair because he told us to put our phones down, but if anyone has a video of him literally making flirty eyes to the entire audience, PLEASE send it to me.) 
Right after “Screwed Up”, he goes into “Green” and at the end said something similar to “I wrote Green so I could sing it with all of my fans one day, so thank you for singing along with me.” and I just about sobbed. 
By “Ride or Die” and “YA” he is fully body rolling everywhere on stage, flirting with every single person in the audience, and everyone is losing their minds (including me).
Also at some point during the show he started sending so many air kisses to everyone. He also would be (seemingly) speechless in between sets and just repeated “wow… woah…” and kept showing his gummy smile 😭 The cheers were so loud inside the venue sometimes my ears were ringing just from the crowd singing and screaming so I wonder if he was in awe or wasn’t expecting that? (Even though he deserves all the love!)
Then at some point the crowd started chanting “take it off” (meaning his shirt that was truly barely hanging onto him) and he gets SHY and kept asking “Why?” -- I just don’t understand how someone can go from biting his shirt, flirting with the entire audience, body rolling nonstop on stage, to a completely genuine “I’m so shy” cute smiley lil baby. He was so cute I could barely process him going from rapping his lungs out to “uwu vibes” in the matter of seconds and the only single thought my single braincell had was “so cute so cute so cute”. Yongguk is truly the duality of mankind. (He did eventually give one more ab flash [in addition to his “tattoo sticker” promo shirt lifting] so you can find that photo floating around on social media.)
He threw water (from bottles he drank out of) into the crowd twice during “OFF” and “YAMAKAZI” and I have never been happier to be blessed with holy water. I think “OFF” is my favorite hype song in recent years so I absolutely loved hearing that live -- despite it being toward the second half of the show, his energy never stopped and the crowd’s energy also kept getting more and more hyped.
Towards the end Yongguk said, “Although tonight is the last U.S. stop for the tour, it’s not a goodbye. I promise to come back… I’ve said this all tour, but as much as you all love me, please also love yourself.” Before starting “Orange Drive”, Yongguk dedicated the song to his fans and his grandfather in heaven. Then during the encore, alongside the usual “Xie Xie” and “See You Later” he also sang “Ride or Die” one more time and did a lot of fanservice. 
His marketing worked because all the merch was soldout after the show, but I was able to snag the "tattoo sticker" sheet just like he suggested :') -- I am lowkey glad I was unable to get a meet & greet ticket because I feel like I was already internally combusting at the thought of having to meet him and take a selfie after the concert, so if it actually happened I probably would've externally exploded.
ALSO -- This man’s stamina is no joke though because he really kept going for a full 1.5 hours and jumping around on stage with minimal “ments/talking” in between songs. If this hadn’t been the last stop on his tour, I would have definitely considered attending another stop. If I had known how amazing of a performer he was and how great the energy would be to hear everything live (from him and the crowd), I would’ve balled out and gone to the LA stop the day before.
>>FUTURE?<< Yongguk promised he would release another album in the future and go on tour once again. Though none of us know when that will be, I know I will wait with anticipation for this experience to happen again (and again if he and/or other B.A.P members decide to tour). The combined elements of a small venue, love from BABYz and Yongguk, and seeing someone I feel like grew up alongside me is something that I won’t ever have the right words to describe, but can only feel. Thank you for taking the time to read my reflections and ramblings~
If you want to be mutuals, I’m on twitter @ queenseowon <3
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maddy011901 · 2 years
hi 🍂🩷🌙🧣
(previously known as omfgdany)
sims 4 gallary id: maddy011901
💌 a list of things you might see on my blog (this is a fandom blog, first and foremost)
sims 4 posting (builds, cas, challenges, legacy, etc...)
hex haywire 🖤❗️
redacted audio (gavin is my favorite)
aesthetic posts
yuurivoice (alphonse, by beloved)
hermitcraft (season 9 is defiantly my fave lol but 7 and 8 will always hold special places in my heart)
traffic life series (scar, my beloved &lt;;3)
the last of us (ellie is my ride or die)
genshin impact (only got into it bc of venti, he's my baby)
anime (my current top 5: banana fish, fruits basket, psycho-pass, black butler, & )
other mcyt (it is still mostly tubbo)
one direction (I'm not a larrie anymore but my faves are harry & louis)
taylor swift (die hard swiftie since debut ~ top five albums in no peticular order: evermore, speaknow, ttpd, reputation & folklore)
high fantasy books (idk how to read /j)
fnaf (I've been a fan since around fnaf 2! freddy is my fave)
stim boards
barbie movies
bratz dolls (I've had a fixation on them since i was a kid)
obey me (I'm in love with asmodeus and beelzebub)
music & musicians (i'm not particularly picky about music so expect all kinds of stuff)
the scream movies (HUGE fan of the 1st 4...i feel realty neutral about 5 and 6)
sanrio (i like cute, sweet things)
pokemon (i like fairy and grass types but my favorite pokemon is Ditto lol)
birds (one of my special interests from when I was a kid that has recently resurfaced lol)
game of thrones & house of the dragon (i have complicated feelings)
good omens
the narnia movies (idk how to feel about the remakes but i am hopeful!)
resident evil games (i like the stage plays too!)
the mcu (loki stan, bucky stan, wanda stan, peter stan)
other roleplay asmr (this is something very personal to me so i don't really talk about it lol)
2000s and 2010s "nostalgia"
dragon ball (the og anime, my bf introduced me to it and I fell in love)
anime tiddies
fanart (i love reblogging fanart)
fanfic (i write & reblog fanfic!)
🐰 about me 🌷
i don't really retire from fandoms (unless i have a negative experience) so i blog about an endless number of fandoms
all pronouns means i am comfortable with any and/or all pronouns being used for me!! (i think i'm agender?)
Dany is not my real name, i started going by it online in 2019/2020 :) my real name is Maddy, idc which i am called ~ i have also gone by the names Kitty, Raye, & Bambi online
my favorite color is #f3859f
my special interest is a fantasy world i created when i was a little kid and i am currently writing a fantasy book series based on it
I'm a capricorn
I am in a relationship <3
my favorite characters are almost always "the blonde one" (they're at least "blonde coded")
my favorite number is 19
i'm a tumblr veteran (my first ever tumblr account was made in 2013/2014)
I've been writing fanfiction since i was 10 (i was writing it before i even knew it was a thing lol) my first fanfic was a walking dead fanfic i also made edit tv/movie trailers for lol
age regressor but I don't really post about it online
I am active on other social media (Instagram, tiktok, Twitter, reddit, pinterest, etc...)
My blog speaks for itself for the most part. I'm a chronic reblogger
i've been writing as a hobby since childhood, including original fiction/fantasy works and fanfic and poetry
🎀 other info 🧸
i was diagnosed with "level 1 autism" in 2020 but i think i am actually more like level 2 tbh
i use my queue for reblogs (most of the time) so i don't clog up feeds and stuff :)
if you feel the need to block me, for whatever reason, that is okay
if you appear to be a bot (no pfp, no posts/reblogs, no bio, no recent activity, etc) i WILL block you
my asks are closed because they make me anxious
i don't have a dni list because if i dont want you to interact with me i will just block you
i am not comfortable sharing much about my personal life. that being said might reblog/like/follow things related to myself or my personal life
i am queer (for now I'm going with agender bisexual, but that is subject to change)
i frequently use tone indicators
💘 tags 💭
tags stayed the same post name change lol
dany rambles - exactly what it sounds like, just rambles
dany's diary - personal posts (this is a more recent tag, older posts won't have it)
dany vents - vent posts (i also tags these as "vent" and "vent post")
dany writes - posts about my writing but not my wips/fics/etc themselves
dany's q - posts from my queue
simming with dany (sims 4 posting lol)
💬 socials 🍓
tiktok (shitposting&theonlyglimpsyougetintomypersonalife)
twitter (taylorswiftstanaccount)
pinterest (fandomfaves&myaesthetic)
spotify (music!!!)
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vyachki · 1 year
i will admit i haven't listened to bjork's discography in full. i tried when i was like 15, and it just didn't click for some reason. i just didn't feel that energy, that spark, that qualitas occulta that a lot of female artists have.
i watched a music video where she was bald, shaking her head and turning into some kind of digitalized bear every few seconds & that was pretty much it for me 😭 like WHAT ARE YOU DOING. you are TOO GROWN to be doing this CAN YOU GET A GRIP.
usually, when i listen to an album, it either instantly clicks for me or clicks after disliking it on my first listen and listening it months or years later. but bjork... she's too pragmatic imo. i'm not feeling the energy. i'm not feeling the EMOTION.
i like both pop and alt, but i do lean slightly more towards catchy bubblegum pop and new wave, so maybe bjork is too alt for me and i just can't get used to it idk. it's probably because i grew up listening to late 2000s/early 2010s pop on the radio (the very basic, yet fun "hot n cold by katy perry"-type music).
and i only really started disliking gaga a few years ago.
chromatica PISSED ME OFF. genuinely one of the WORST albums of all time imo. stupid love being the turd on top a steaming pile of feces of an album. when she started selling jockstraps, condoms and lube i was officially done. like girl... have some class...
and, yes, melanie is such a bad artist omg. her music is so bland and personalityless lmfao. the only songs i like by her are pacify her and mrs. potato head & that's me being generous. her stans need to stop getting brave, especially because she's literally a rapist. and the crybaby persona was just weird, not clever.
Okay so I feel like we're on the same wavelength about a lot of things after all...
As a Björk stan, I feel people often fail to see past her eccentricity & bizarreness especially to casual listeners, but if you take the time to explore her discography, I'm certain you'll find some gems in there. She is just a very true musician through & through—she's produced most of her albums, she herself arranges all her songs for her tours now, she's invented multiple instruments & methods of composition, she's very active behind the scenes of what she writes, esp with musical production, programming, & visuals too.
Björk's collab & friendship with Arca was very notable though (esp after Arca's collabs with Kanye West, FKA twigs, & Kelela previously... which were all ICONICCC) but I do think Arca's music is far more confusing/non-palatable than Björk's... I can't get into her solo work.
Yeah the late 2000s/early 2010s had the BEST pop music of all time. Katy Perry, Rihanna, Cascada, Britney, Gaga, Ke$ha, Carly Rae Jepsen, pop Nicki Minaj etc!!! Nobody does it like that anymore. I had just started going to clubs then & I didn't realise it would be the best time of my life. I kinda see that type of pop being rehashed into what "hyperpop" is now, even though Spotify allegedly invented that term to market it (according to Caroline Polachek). Plus the prevalence of nightcore/CupcaKke remixes of older pop songs on Tiktok.
These younger elusive "hyperpop"/SoundCloud artists like Ayesha Erotica, Slayyyter, & That Kid, and even modern pop writers like Charli XCX & Tove Lo are trying to bring that hype back... maybe it's working, maybe it's not.
Chromatica had a FEW bangers, but everyone was so starved & desperate after being in lockdown for like 3 months (by May 2020) that they hyped it up wayyyyy more than what it was worth at face value. These artists are getting very bold with their merch lmao. As for Melanie... the whole baby aesthetic she adopted was way too borderline pedophilic imo... it didn't translate how she expected it to. How tf is she as famous as she is lol
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kendallroydefender · 2 years
hey just saw ur post about matty purely bc ive been trying to find people discussing it, it feels like no one is talking about it other than twitter!!!! im a fan of the band but this is so disgusting, and wholly disappointing. it’s the epitome of performative activism that really doesnt send any sort of message. i don’t understand why it was needed at all, context or no context. although i do know matty himself doesnt appear to be bigoted (because ultimately who knows) he’s being let off too loosely. and he’ll definitely just write off the thought of giving any apology because hes “done explaining his views” but like hes a grown man who is in the public eye it’s silly to think you dont have to explain yourself sometimes. hes on stage for an hour at a time, does he really think people are gonna get what hes trying to say without any sort of dialogue during the show? all he says is “i didnt think id have to play this song in 2023.” ok? didnt think id see someone doing a salute in 2023 either, but here we are 🤢 major L this time. he should put this money into a PR team lol
EXACTLY! You described it so good! And everyone is saying the people who criticize him just don’t get him. Like I know what he wanted to say but it was executed extremely bad and tone deaf. And there are jewish people saying it’s not okay and fans are talking over them??? There is a reason doing the salute is ILLEGAL in some countries you will literally get arrested if you do it in germany and the police won’t care if you did it for "art“ or "satire“ it’s just not a thing you can do. And if he would have worn a swastika or said the n-word the context wouldn’t matter and this is the same case here. The instagram and twitter stans are saying we just hate him and stuff like no we don’t I still like the band but actions have consequences and calling someone out is needed sometimes.
The whole "I will not explain myself“ bit he does is kind of annoying too like sir you are a pop musician and not the new jack kerouac please be humble.
Also truee he is so bad at pr and his manager is actually bad too like how he handled the whole thing about the photographer abusing fans was so unprofessional.
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Repost: Ask on BTS Paving the Way
Anonymous: Hey bpp. You talked a little bit about the 'BTS paved the way' discourse on your pinned post but I'm curious to see - read? lol - more on your thoughts about it. If youve talked about it before, can you pls link? Since you might not want to discuss/rehash this at all lol. I got curious because this discourse seems neverending and i just watched a yt video essay abt it. Imo, both sides of the spectrum - army and kpop stans -seems to be missing each other's points. Like, i think a lot of kpop stans havent paid attention to what bts have contributed to kpop and theyve dismissed armys arguments entirely and i think a lot of armys havent been into kpop and kpop history to definitively say the stuff I've seen them saying. A lot of the arguments and statements are very inflammatory too and while I agree with what armys are saying, the language they use isnt going to make kpop stans listen - i mean, the ones who arent blinded by their hate for bts/army anyway lol like a lot of kpop stans think when army say bts paved the way/bts popularized kpop, they always think army mean popularized it in the west. When we have receipts of them doing spectacularly globally, especially in places like india where they seem to have exploded since dynamite. Theyve also broken a lot of records in japan, where kpop is already popular but still seem to have a lot of trouble penetrating mainstream bec theyre very insular. They also think that we mean 'first to xxx', which isnt really what we mean at all. And a lot of army seem to dismiss what older kpop groups have achieved too and just like to prop up bts while putting down other groups and dismissing what theyve achieved for the genre. I just think since a lot of armys are in kpop only for bts -same tbh - we tend to be ignorant of the genre as a whole, which isnt good bec we're always arguing x member is the best in the industry or even bts is carrying the industry on their backs, which dismisses a lot of great artists that are doing great work like solo artists like taemin. Like, I'm an army and I'm not a "stan" of any other kpop artists but the whole argument just makes me v v uncomfortable. I guess i still haven't adjusted to stan culture since i've never been a fan of any artists like i am of bts - to the point of joining the fandom and really immersing myself in it - so the intensity of it is still jarring to me. I know it happens with big western fandoms like taylor swifts too but i think i'm still old school when it comes to being a fan of a musician, you listen to the music, rave about it to friends and buy/stream the music and go about your day.
Hi Anon,
Anon, I sympathize completely and not to harp on you here, but my first instinct reading this was “who cares?” - this is generally how I feel about this topic whenever I see it, so not knocking you specifically here. And I’d just like to remind everyone there’s an active, senseless, and deadly war raging right now in Ukraine. Please donate and/or pray for Ukraine if you’re able to.
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(And then there’s the leader of Stray Kids who is probably a bigger ARMY than me at this point)
This is not me dismissing the gripes of stans of 1st and 2nd generation groups (the usual suspects), this is me saying that what I’ve seen of this discourse is huge swarths of people engaging in an elaborate exercise in collectively missing the point. And yes I’m also referring to those splitting hairs over the semantics of what it means to pave a road. (Heaven help us). And you already allude to this in your ask, anon.
The phrase: 방법을 만들다 which is what a lot of Koreans have used to describe 'paving the way’, is colloquially used to mean 'chart a course’ or someone showing how something can be done.
If this were a normal conversation with normal people and not k-pop stans, it would be enough to point out that yes, BTS was not the first k-pop group to step foot outside Korea or in the US, but BTS is the one group that has gone farther than any k-pop group has before i.e. created the new path. It’s really that simple. BTS has become a household name globally without doing a single show at Coachella nor having any of the mediaplay seen for other groups that attempted to fully break into the US market. The fact that Korea’s military enlistment laws (which before BTS were enshrined as basically unchangeable) have been modified at least partly on their behalf (and for the benefit of any idol who meets the criteria) and that BTS is the first k-pop group to receive a Grammy nomination, has created a new tier, the highest one yet, of what is possible for k-pop artists.
BTS is the biggest group in the world. They rival Coldplay according to Coldplay. Before BTS, the reality is that this ambition was not even within the realm of possibility for much of k-pop. Even with BTS breaking the records and gaining the influence they have, k-pop is still considered to be niche in some circles, though there is undeniably more visibility and investment brought to the genre since BTS started snagging headlines. Some people still hope BTS will go the way of Psy and BoA who were a fad on the Western landscape for a minute then essentially faded into obscurity. But so far, that’s not what has happened, and everyone is paying attention to see what BTS is doing right, that perhaps other groups can emulate.
BTS won’t be the biggest group in the world forever, but the chances that the next biggest group is a k-pop group, is significantly higher now because of BTS.
La fin.
It’s true some ARMYs can be downright disgusting with how they throw around BTS’s accomplishments and sometimes ignore, dismiss, downplay, or just straight up shit on older groups who made the first moves into Western spheres, whenever this topic comes up.
But a part of me understands them. When BTS won the TSA award in 2017, it felt like hell to be on Twitter and I wasn’t even an ARMY at that point. I did a search through my old screenshots and found more than 15 k-pop fandoms spent weeks shitting non-stop on BTS and ARMYs about how useless it was to win at the BBMAs. It was a non-stop barrage of racism, xenophobia, misogyny, all the -isms you can think of related to POC musicians. Though of course BTS was not the first group to go to the US, all of a sudden, k-pop stans were convinced BTS had 'sold out’, abandoned their heritage and were pandering to 'white colonizers’ (sound familiar?). I started calling myself an ARMY the next year (2018) and as I’ve said already, I was reporting things almost constantly. It was hell.
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You’re right this discourse seems never-ending because it is never-ending. Remember you’re dealing with k-pop stans who will argue with you that water isn’t wet if it means something positive for their group and some ARMYs are just as bad. Whenever I see people arguing about what paved the way I just mute that whole conversation. I sympathize with you feeling uncomfortable about this topic. I’d like to suggest doing what I currently do which is to not waste a single moment of a single day worrying about something that’s already obvious and settled. This particular discourse is the perfect example of a time sink imo, because really, who cares?
Originally posted: March 18th, 2022 1:35pm
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johns-prince · 3 years
Hey love! I hope you’ve been doing well! I have some thoughts about some stuff I’ve noticed recently, so I hope you don’t mind listening to a bit of a ramble.
Basically, I was listening to Here Today and being emotional, as you do, and I thought to myself “Y’know, why don’t we give John’s old demos a go as well. Wouldn’t hurt to cry a bit more while listening to Now And Then.” However, as soon as I went to their links that I had saved so I could access them easily, Youtube gave me a notice saying they were taken down due to a copyright claim from Yoko. Now, I know copyright is obviously a thing that will happen since she’s basically in control of the Lennon empire, but I found it a bit odd that they were specific recordings, at least from what I noticed.
The Now And Then recording that I was familiar with was removed, and the only ones that I can see that are still up and older than about a month (which are the age of ones I think people have reuploaded after the others were taken down) are either clips from documentaries or edited versions that people pass as “Beatles versions” of the song. The other that I noticed being recently removed was the third demo of Real Life. Both have extreme hints towards Paul in them, Now And Then basically being wholeheartedly about Paul and that Real Life demo in particular having certain lines that seem to point to Paul (at least in my opinion).
I may be reading WAY too far into all of it and if I’m completely wrong then that’s fine by me (at least that would mean the only reason would be copyright), but after the whole thing about her replacing Paul’s introduction to John’s book with her own recently AND knowing the lengths she has gone in order to keep her and John’s “love” alive in the eyes of the public, I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t at least a bit more going on beyond the basic copyright claims in terms of some of these recordings. You’d think with a company that large, they’d have taken those videos down due to copyright pretty soon after they were posted, but they let them stay up for a fairly long while and were only taken down because Yoko herself decided to do so. I don’t really know honestly, just speaking my mind I guess.
I don’t mind rambling, all I ever do is ramble. Thank you for enjoying my rambling lol
Because I’mma ‘bout to ramble here myself—
So, let’s address some things that have been going on with the John Lennon Estate as of late, and the... Eight other companies that were linked to Yoko Ono (and apparently shared with The Beatles) because I think it’s important in maybe getting to the bottom of why the Hell this is happening now, and why so many demos, and even certain videos like the one with John filming and saying, “Paul, my dear one,” was even hit with copyright and taken down.
The companies that are in charge of John’s music rights are: 
Lensolo, Lincoln publishing, and Apple Corps. I think Apple Corps. is the only one shared between Yoko Ono and The Beatles?  
I’m not sure when she exactly did this, but from these two articles published in November, 2020 [x] [x] it must have been last year Yoko Ono apparently handed over business interests (The John Lennon Estate) over to Sean Lennon. 
So, Yoko has been managing the Estate, and the other companies, since John’s unfortunate death in 1980. Last year is when she apparently handed over management control to Sean:
“The musician has also joined the board at Lensolo which manages the music rights of some of his father’s solo output, The Mirror reported.  
Here comes the son: Sean Lennon, 45, has been appointed a director at eight companies linked to the family and the Beatles, including Apple Corp.” [x]
“Now Sean, 45, has been appointed a director at eight companies linked to the family and The Beatles according to The Mirror, including the multimedia Apple Corps.
Apple Corps had reported assets of $36million last year, and Sean is also believed to be taking over at Lensolo, managing John's solo material, Maclen, which publishes John's work in the US, and Subafilms, a music film company.” [x]
You then have Stans like this claiming Yoko isn’t in charge of The Lennon Estate, so we should just stop being spiteful and blaming her for what’s going on with these copyright strikes and removal of these videos/recordings— which by first glance at any of these articles you might be inclined to be like, “Huh I guess you’re right,”
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“A spokesman sad: ‘Yoko continues to oversee John’s estate but has drafted in Sean as a director to assist where necessary.’” [x] [x] [x]
So... She still oversees The John Lennon Estate, even though she supposedly is retiring... Simply making Sean the director to assist when necessary. Basically, “UK paper The Mirror now reports Ono has handed most of her duties over to son Sean Ono Lennon.” and “ While Ono has not commented on his new roles he has been actively following the passing of what would have been his father’s 80th birthday on October 9.” 
She’s incorporating Sean into business matters, but it appears she is still overseeing everything and still in charge. 
Then you have this;
“Despite it being 40 years after the death of John Lennon, the singer's estate is still raking it in, much to the delight of Yoko Ono.
Last year, he was named the seventh top earning dead celebrity by Forbes, with an annual income of $14million.
The 50th anniversary of iconic album Abbey Road boosted sales and streams of The Beatles catalog, proving a healthy stream of income to the estate.
The Lennon estate also owns memorabilia. his art and a number of properties.
The income might be more if not for the legal wrangling over the ownership of The Beatles catalog, which was once owned by Michael Jackson and then by Sony.
Yoko has kept a steady hand on John's finances, amassing a reported $700million fortune off the back of his estate.
As a key shareholder in Apple Corps, she profited from his music sales and other ventures which featured The Beatles, such as Rock Band.
She also owns multimillion-dollar properties in Manhattan and hundreds of acres in Delaware County.
But in recent years, she has sold off a number of them, selling a West Village penthouse for $12million in 2013, and an Upper West Side building for $10million in 2017.
According to Companies House in the UK, Yoko was registered as a director in a number of companies including Apple Corps, Maclen, which publishes Lennon's songs in the US, Lensolo for his solo work, and Subafilms.
Yoko has also made money off her own artwork, which has sold for up to $50,000.” [x]
Make of all that what you will. 
What do we know? We know that Sean is now somewhat working behind the scenes of the John Lennon Estate, so this could be his doing since these copyright strikes and removal of demos and certain videos had just started happening this year— but as we’ve learned, we don’t even know the full extent of control/management Sean actually has, and if he even has the position to be calling the shots and making important, noticeable decisions. 
It appears, by the research I’ve put in and what I could find about this, that it would be Yoko who’s still in charge. Meaning, she’d be the main one behind greenlighting these copyright strikes/claims and getting the demos and certain videos removed/taken down.
I think you’re right in your thoughts, and being suspicious of the reasoning behind these copyright strikes and removals, especially when we start looking at which one’s are being hit. Why now has the Estate started copyright claiming all these demos and getting them removed? Even versions of this bloody video had been struck down as copyright, and removed— which I think is extremely suspicious, and just... unnecessary? Petty? Stupid??
We can’t say with 100% certainty of why The Lennon Estate is doing this now, why Yoko (and now Sean, to an unknown extent) has decided to start copyright claiming and striking down certain demos, and even videos/clips that involve John (we just love how easy it is to claim copyright on Youtube)— but it’s suspicious, and doesn’t help improve one’s perspective and impression of the John Lennon Estate, Yoko Ono, or Sean Lennon. 
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bisexualhobi · 4 years
(Im not a company stan big hit can suck my ass)
1. Txt is not an aspect of bts? They are another group with a completely different identity. They are talented enough to match bts thats why armys love them and stan them. You are insulting them (and other groups) by saying that they are just another money making machine for bighit as a replacement for bangtan??
2. Idols hate bts lol everyone knows they do. They are from the biggest most prestigious companys yet they are huge flops compared to bts and that alone is enough for them to hate bts.. ik u are not asian but its a huge thing in asia, like if u work in a rich/huge company or are from a rich family u are so much superior to everyone else and then if someone without a strong background becomes more successful than them, the rich ones automatically hate them (if this sounds like the plot of a kdrama its because. Well. Kdramas are asian dramas and are based on real life)
3. Liking bts doesnt make one superior but liking continuously problematic groups does make one inferior and this is the main reason of twt fanwars because 90% of twt armys come from non western cultures and are deeply affected on so many levels by all the shit these groups and companys pull out every single month 👁👄👁 (dont say its just companys fault lol you know that nct member said lets not talk about this topic and its not just one example) ps: dont pull out the bts rapline were also problematic card bc they apologised for it and havent done it again
ok i’m gonna address point by point what you mentioned here. btw i’m assuming you’re different from the last anon i answered regarding “bts isn’t kpop” but if you are the same anon sorry for repeating stuff
1. i didn’t say txt is an “aspect” of bts. i mentioned them because what they are is the second bg big hit has created from scratch and the immediate successors of bts, a company that, until txt, had NOTHING but bts going for them. and even though txt is already becoming successful, the fact is that, just eyeballing it, bts brings in about 90 to 95% of big hit’s total revenue. big hit has a challenge regarding what they will do to cement themselves as a company beyond bts, and txt is the first step in that direction. when i say cash cow i mean a secondary source of income. my intention was not to disrespect txt at all, which i made clear in that textpost!! i don’t even stan txt and i’ve kept saying that they were far better than bts on the end of the year performances!!! i said, and i quote “txt ate them up because txt is a new group (that has a lot of passion and are hardworking ofc, this isn’t attacking them personally)” 
just a little caveat though, an idol group is always a money making machine for a company... like. it’s important to me that you know that. like, i hope you know that big hit isn’t looking to make groups saying “oh boy, i hope they flop! i hope they’re happy doing what they like and i will never care about the utilities :)” idol companies are literally some of the most money hungry industries because they often operate at a loss. don’t for a second think that bts and txt and any group is more than an asset for the company, whose sole purpose is to make money.
2. idols hate bts?? listen, in the entertainment industry there’s always gonna be drama and backstabbing, so i’m sure there’s animosity between many groups, i’m not naive enough to say that no one hates bts, the same way i’m sure there are plenty of idols who hate exo, who hate red velvet, who hate x or y. but the way you say this is such a delusional, paranoid way to put it. afaik, the last celeb/musician to trash talk bts publicly was befree or whatever tf his name was, that asshole rapper who mocked namjoon and yoongi and called them sellouts for joining an idol group. and that guy is a fucking failure! i think he even went to jail, didn’t he? so please, tell me who these other idols hating bts are, and where are the receipts so i can blacklist them. 
“huge flops” lmao good way to put all the other groups’ efforts down. stop thinking bts’ accomplishments are your own. they’re not. you have no idea the amount of effort each idol group, small or big, puts in just to be able to debut, so stop disrespecting THEM by calling them all flops. i know i’m not korean, i’m not asian, but i have korean friends and according to them all these groups who are supposedly “flops” are doing well in korea. just because they don’t have international success doesn’t mean they’re not commercially acclaimed in their own country. not everyone is out to get bts, i promise you. do you know who’s out to get bts? their akgaes. their sasaengs, and their antis, all those people online who send jimin death threats, who break into their property, who take pictures of their families. THOSE people hate bts and do more harm to them than an idol who says they didn’t like their new album or who said they don’t dance well. like please let go of the victim complex for one minute.
3. one part of stan culture i fucking despise with my whole being is fanwars using cultural appropriation and racism as “gotcha” cards. this is a clear example of this. first you say it’s inferior to like groups who have participated in ca. alright. i will give you that. the you turn and say bts hasn’t done that and that groups such an nct who have done it recently are to blame personally, it’s not just the company’s mismanagement. okay! so by your logic, being a bts stan is superior because even though they HAVE done problematic things, they apologized. it’s really transparent how you pick and choose what is an acceptable apology and what isn’t based on your personal feelings about the group in question.
i just need to know if you are black or if you are muslim or from a minority that has been hurt by cultural appropriation, if you are then you will know that when an idol group apologizes for doing such things, it is no one’s place but their own to decide whether to accept that apology or not. i am not black, or asian, i am a latin woman who can’t tell you whether it’s okay for bts to do the things they have done. you are contradicting yourself by saying other groups who’ve done cultural appropriation are worse, and then turn around and say to me “dont pull out the bts rapline were also problematic card bc they apologised for it and havent done it again” because guess what? not everyone has forgiven bts either! they have said the n word! they have done native american culture appropriation as recently as december 2020 and neither them nor big hit apologized for that! yoongi releasing the mixtape with that jim jones sample in it was NEVER addressed by him. it was a company statement. so who are you to say that the people still hurt by yoongi’s actions, whether intentional or not, can’t talk about it and be mad at them? IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY. 
i am not here to pass moral judgement, that’s why i don’t bring up ca in arguments. it is not my place to say whether what nct did with the muslim aesthetic should be forgiven, the same way it’s not my place to tell people who like nct that they are “worse” for liking them. people who reduce their stanning to how many “woke points” you get based on the artists you like clearly don’t care about activism in real life, they just care about it online for fanwars. to feel better about themselves for liking “unproblematic kings” and well i have news for you, NO CELEBRITY IS UNPROBLEMATIC. bts has learned from their mistakes, but they will continue to make mistakes every once in a while, case in point, the jim jones thing and the native american teepees appropriation. 
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mrmeatys · 3 years
4, 11, 15, 27 and 30 for molly!
( 11 is answered already! <3 )
4. what’s your favorite number?
"Hmm... I guess 4 and 8 since I imagine those colors are purple and purple is my favorite color!"
15. do you like celebrities. who do you stan.
"Purely for entertainment and aesthetics including drama but sometimes musicians are cool! THose are the only kind of celebrity I've met and not had bad or just lame experiences with. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of musicians who are pathetic assholes, I've just been lucky to meet okay ones too."
"I meet celebrities sometimes at work and it's usually cringey how entitled or sold out they are LOL. Also I'm grown so I don't 'stan' anybody. I've turned polished 8 pack reality stars away because they want to treat me like an amenity and not a person."
27. what’s your favorite criminal offense?
Anytime money or helpful resources are stolen from the rich or the government you can bet your ass I'm on their side. Battery can be fun if they deserve it!"
30. what’s your favorite location on alternia. somewhere you’d recommend to a friend.
"Unironically the club I work at- especially the special room they have for me. It's like a luxury hotel room except it's my office. Even though its my job I love being there even when I'm not actively working! It's the BEST place to host slumber parties at. My office is soundproof so it doesn't even matter if the club is loud and open!"
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niallynwa · 4 years
I really don’t get some of these comments instagram.)com/p/CGSrBYwDtU6/?igshid=1uobuxozn7c7v I feel like this could possibly be some of what Niall saw? This account he comments on a lot. Almost no one pays people when they’re not actively making money in some way themselves. Yes it’s technically money from fans that will pay the crew, but I’m good with that??? We are always the ones paying them lol
I wish i understand why charity has caused such a big issue. this goes out for any fundraising any rich person has endorsed?? why are they asking fans to pay or donate when they’re rich and can do it?? where’s the outrage there??
i don’t think he paid them 100% of their wages from his tour. but i don’t think he didn’t pay them anything. i think he paid SOMETHING just simply based on things he’s said and how aware he is. but whether he gave $100 or $20,000, money runs out and they need a stream of income, hence getting other jobs, and hence why now he’s doing this. 
the reactions are genuinely so bizarre to me. on one hand you’ve got people complaining about the $20 price tag that doesn’t go into his pocket, it goes into theirs, and how the conversation rate isn’t fair (don’t get me started on this, it’s so ???). you’ve also got people complaining about what they want to believe he didn’t do. 
can someone actually come to be with hard proof on how these musicians and crew members get paid?? who pays them their wages?? cause i don’t think it’s the artist, in this case Niall?? he’s fronting the cost of putting this show together. his band and crew are praising him for it and are happy he’s doing it. he’s also raising awareness and calling out the governments’ incompetence. no one is holding a gun to  your head telling you to buy it. but if it doesn’t hurt you financially to do so, why not do a good deed?? 
i think he definitely saw what h*rries were saying on twitter cause it was BAD and all the niall stans were fighting them. if charity work makes you so angry, and if a bumble screenshot is your hard proof, you don’t get to have a say ❤️
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ha-larry-us · 4 years
tagged by @softboylwt, thaaaaaaank yooou! 
Nickname: Jas/Jazzy
Real name: Jasmin
Zodiac: Leo Sun
Favorite musicians or bands: Okay there’s a lot obvs. but one direction/solo direction, state champs, as it is, grayscale, keshi, mayday parade,with confidence,  nothing nowhere, the nbhd, and so many more lol 
Favorite sports team: :/ i dont stan sports lol 
Other blogs: none, here u get a lil bit of everything that i like but a lot of 1d 
Do I get asks: almost never <- send me some pls!
How many blogs do I follow: 231 but only so many of those are active 
Tumblr crushes: i don’t interact with anyone enough for one :|
Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 8 
What am I wearing: shorts and a t shirt
Dream vacation: i really wanna go to London now that i’ve gone to Mexico and loved it 
Dream car: fuck Elon Musk but I want a white model s Tesla 
Favorite food: enchiladas 
Drink of choice: lemonade 
Instruments: none :(
Languages: English and Spanish
Celebrity crushes: ... suddenly i dont know anyone
Random fact: except for UAN, i bought physical copies of the one direction yearbook edition albums the day they were released 
Tagging: @lt1lesbian, @statementlou , @homosociallyyours, @h-isforhome , @valarrie, @prettygfharry and anyone else who wants to do this! 
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sebaekberry · 4 years
tag game 🌿
Rules are: answer the questions given by the tagger. write 11 questions of your own. tag 11 people.
thanks @cottonhyun for tagging me. I loved your questions, so creative!! might steal some of them for my questions too. I didn’t tag 11 people but if you want to do this, go nuts. tag me in it, too and I’ll happily read it. and if you don’t want to do it, no worries. 
your questions:
1. Least favourite fruit
huh I don't think anyone has ever asked me this?? it took some thought ngl. I like almost all fruits, I'm not at all picky. ok maybe except for green grapes. they leave a chalky after-taste. 
2. How would you achieve your own ultimate goal in life?
maybe this sounds sappy, but my ultimate goal in life is just to be happy. I've been spending a lot of time lately just figuring out what I want my life to be and how to achieve it and I keep coming up blank. but I've realised that I kept planning for ten and twenty years into the future instead of living in the present and focusing on what makes me happy right now where I'm at. and I think it's important to keep in mind that the future will happen whether you want it to or not so try to make the most of it in the moment. uh rant over, my bad
3. Describe the perfect day
oof it's missing the homies hours rn, big time. I want to be outside, having chill picnics with friends, playing games, and going swimming. or even just the little things, like going to my favourite reading spots, biking through the city, going to the movies, to the shops, to the museums !! if I could do any of those things freely, I'd be super happy.
4. Still or carbonated water?
oh still water for sure. carbonated water is like static in your mouth, don’t come at me 
5. Best childhood memory?
is it weird that I don't actually have one? like it's not that I had a bad childhood, not at all. I just...feel so disconnected from my childhood. I know there were things I enjoyed like swimming, picking wild strawberries, greek mythology, painting and climbing, etc but there is no one specific memory that I can think of.
6. If someone is visiting your country for the first time, what kind of activities / sightseeing would you recommend them? 
restaurants!! I live in stockholm and we have such a wide selection of food places, literally every type of cuisine you could imagine. a stroll through Gamla Stan is nice any time of year, maybe stop for some ice-cream, waffles or afternoon tea, a quick look inside the sci-fi bookstore there is always nice. there are waterways everywhere so I really recommend a walk somewhere along the water. stockholm is pretty small compared to other cities, so maybe bike around as many places as you can? part of our public transport is also by boat. museums and outside exhibits! bergianska trädgården. so many amazing cafés to get cozy in. late evenings on rooftop bars. the only con here is that everything closes pretty early. so if you’re touristing, keep check of the opening hours 
7. What’s your favourite song from the year you were born?
ok imma be honest and say I had to look up what songs were released in 1997 and bro..all the legendary songs: barbie girl, bitter sweet symphony, I’ll be missing you, candle in the wind, TORN. I mean the nineties isn’t even my favourite decade of music but damn...the bops. men in black came out in 1997, ain’t that iconic? and the spice girls wow “slam it to the left, if you’re havin’ a good time, shake it to the right, if ya know that you feel fine” indEED. don’t think I even can pick a favourite but everybody by backstreet boys is real contender, huh? 
8. Are you happy right now?
hoo boy, ain't that a loaded question...uhh not really? I mean there's a lot to be said about the issues currently surrounding us that are fucking miserable to think about as well as the future impacts but we're not gonna unpack all of that now...ahem. but as for myself, it's not that I'm unhappy with where I am, it just feels like I'm at a standstill. like am I on the right path, is it leading me where I want to go, should I pick another one? actually, this could get real ranty so imma just stop right here lol.
9. Who is your role model?
I don't really have one role model above others, but more of a list of people who I admire (family, friends, musicians, writers, artists and craftsmen), whose qualities all combined inspire me to better myself.
10. Ice cream or ice lollies?
I...would die for ice-cream. sweden and our ice-cream selection, a solid 9/10. it would be 10/10 but there are so few brands that sell mint chocolate. yes I am bitter about it
11. An item you value the most?
about two years ago, I made my own journal out of some fabric, sewed in all the pages and everything myself, and I think that’s probably the most valuable thing I own. I've only filled 15 or so pages in it but I plan on using it for a long time and maybe passing it on to someone else some day.
okayyyy this got way longer than I intended it to, uh sorry lol. if you read all of that, I am half grateful and half apologetic. dunno who I should tag tbh, I haven’t done tag games on here for ages, and usually not on this blog, but I’ll steal some people from my activity feed and tag: @younglingyoda, @bunny-jungkook, @zhangzjs, @fluffyhunnie, @chaichanyeol, @vroomvroombaek 💞💞
my questions: 
1. if you could be in any other place, where would you go? 
2. drop your skincare routine
3. describe your aesthetic, use images if you want!  
4. what’s your favourite song from the year you were born? 
5. sour or sweet candy? 
6. tell me your favourite story, myth or fairytale
7. what is your favourite sound? 
8. a quote, lyric, or piece of advice that sits with you? 
9. pick two scoops of ice-cream: chocolate brownie, salted caramel, vanilla, mango swirl, strawberry cheesecake, mint chocolate, salty licorice, pistacchio
10. what motivates you, what keeps you going? 
11. if you could live in any fictional universe, which would it be?
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redrocx · 5 years
Get to know me
I was tagged by @saekkos, thank you luv 😚
Nickname: Tanny or Lis
Real name: Lisa
Zodiac: Pisces
Favorite musicians or bands: the GazettE, Rammstein, Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, Linkin Park, Five Finger Death Punch, Poets of the Fall, Jonathan Young
Favorite sports team: I'm not into sports too much, I only pay attention to FC Bayern München and German National Team 笑
Other blogs: have none, I cram everything into this one lol
Do I get asks: rarely, sadly. I love getting asks, but I had to deactivate anons bc all I got was hate and harassment so... and I know most people are too shy to send asks without anon and haters are too cowardly to
How many blogs do I follow: 263
Tumblr crushes: uhm I'm not sure I have any. But if we're talking favorite content creators then @saekkos / @gazettodaily, @takashima-hikari and @arsuf probably 😚
Lucky numbers: don't think I have any
What am I wearing: *coughs* my pajamas lol
Dream vacation: Japan and Australia
Dream car: lmao u mean car I absolutely love but could never afford? Lamborghini and Ford Mustang
Favorite food: Ramen, Pizza, Lasagna
Drink of choice: tea & water as non-alcoholic beverages, Radler, red wine and Jägermeister for alcoholic ones
Instruments: I have zero talents lol and zero skills
Languages: German (native), English, bits of French & Japanese, forgot almost all my Italian (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Celebrity Crushes: Aoi, Ruki, Till Lindemann, Richard Kruspe, Henry Cavill, used to crush mega hard on Tom Hiddleston & Sebastian Stan, Natalie Dormer and I know I'm forgetting a bunch lol
Apart from that I got quite a bunch of fictional character crushes too lol but there's no category for that sadly lol
Random fact: ehhh idk what to write here I had to wear a cast for the first half year after I was born bc I was born with hip dysplasia and my mom still has the cast somewhere
Tags of people who I’d like to see play along: @nadak99 @talisdiaryoflife @shamelessliberty @serene-faerie @asetruth21 @risusensei and oh man I haven't been on tumblr in ages, idk who's still active lol
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kirishwima · 5 years
I was tagged by @now-this-is-wtf a.k.a Group Momma <3
Rules - answer 21 questions & tag people I would like to get to know better ✨
Nickname - Soph, Little Bug (idk why lmao)
Name - Sophia
Zodiac - Cancer
Favourite musicians/groups - Fall out Boy woop
Favourite sports team - im really not interested in sports lmao,,i do like figure skating tho
Other blogs - A ton! I have an aesthetic blog im p active on @th-alassa, a vent blog (private), a blog about the Arcana @devorass, a Stucky blog @stucxys, but this is my main one
Do I get asks? - Yes, and i love receiving them, thank you for interacting with me <3
How many blogs do I follow? - around 300? or less lmao
Tumblr crushes? oof! I love my babies @bi-colored, @vintage-vinyl, and i adore certain artists and writers who im too shy to tag, but they’re m00kie, kkumuri, and lots more, i’ll rec them in another post if anyone wants to know 
Lucky numbers? mmm. 2? 
What am I wearing? Skinny black jeans, a borrowed pink tee, and flamingo slippers lmao
Dream vacation? There’s two! I’d love to travel all across Italy (my dream is to eventually move there), and to travel around Japan for a few months!
Dream 🚗? I blame my best friend, but I dream of getting a Fiat 500, mint colored once i settle in one country lol 
Drink of choice? Diet Coke or fanta, alcoholic -Lately I’ve been drinking more wine than water so, lol. I love any sort of Riesling really lol, or generally any dry to semi-dry white wines
Instruments - I don’t play any, but i do love listening to piano instrumentals!
Languages - I speak fluent Greek and English, speak a decent amount of Czech, and a tiny bit of Italian and Japanese 
Celebrity crushes? - Sebastian Stan my dudes...i love he he’s an amazing actor
Random facts? - ummm...i’m not sure? I’m a medical student in my 5th year, I think I’d like to do psychiatry as a specialty, I have a black cat and a chubby chihuahua I adore, mmm, I have an intolerance towards any kind of fatty dairy (full fat milk, creams e.t.c) and red wine/any sweet alcoholic drinks, idk lol
I tag: @vintage-vinyl, @bi-colored, @error-404-gender-not-found, @fullmetalhearts, @cmajalis, @wipengineer
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