#as someone who ALSO infodumps as a love language their attitude about it is so infuriating
queenerdloser · 9 months
i think every time i watch criminal minds i get more and more angry about the way the team treats reid's infodumping. like. you literally hired him to infodump. you regularly treat him like he's an extension of google. and then you roll your eyes or act like he's being soooo annoying and boring when he just! does his job! and then do the same thing to him when he's infodumping about stuff he actually likes too!!! undermine him in front of other police forces when you act like him sharing information is so terrible and annoying. fucking stop it! let him talk! and i'm talking mostly to jj bc despite the fact she's supposed to be so close to reid she literally does this to him almost every time he opens his mouth and it's fucking annoying!!!!!!!
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farolitosp · 8 months
Infodumping about Momo and Fuuko (Dandadan / Undead Unluck). Best female shonen leads in the current SJ
As a battle shonen fan it was very frustrating seeing the female characters done dirty or not being the main lead of their stories (because who are we kidding, even FMA with their awesome female characters they're secondary ones). The last manga I read with it was The Promised Neverland, but that's not a typical "battle shonen" and has more fantasy elements. I mean battle, fighting with fists and power scales.
So I started two Shonen jump mangas that has all the things I were looking for!
But! The first chapters are as bad as they say. The girls get sexualized and harassed like every other manga out there.
My surprise was that this only last less than 10 chapters. After that, it's a different kind of story. It's like the first bait to make readers interested in the female cast with boobs and underwear (I know this might be not everyone, but how else it justifies having these sexual situations at the first episodes and then abandon the idea?)
These stories, overall all the things in the beginning, are not only fully respectful with the girls but also they make the best character out of them. I Have a theory that the authors put these sexual situations in the first chapters by orders and not because they want to, they really are committed to make them awesome.
And by that I mean:
- Fuuko and Momo act like real girls.
Momo is a normal teenager with a bad reputation and that makes her take her badass attitude towards anyone that wants to be her friend, but deep down she's a very kind and good person. If she were a stereotype she would be the "tomboy who doesn't know how to be femenine" and guess what? SHES VERY FEMENINE, she only isn't a submissive girl. She's brave and doesn't behave, but she's capable of love and making friends. Like the extrovert that likes to befriend the introverts. Momo doesn't need to separate her femenine side with her battle side, even Okarun has to do some exercise to reach her power level.
Momo also loooves to tease Okarun and she's the funniest character of the manga.
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Fuuko, on the other hand, has very low self esteem because of her powers (that's why she acts like an stereotype of shy girl that gets harassed). She's shy, scared about everything and apparently hates physical contact. But that's the thing, before her Unluck powers she was a very touchy person, her love language is hugging and kissing her loved ones. She's traumatized after killing her parents with her Unluck. But after meeting someone who doesn't die with that she actually starts to touch EVERYONE she likes. She has the courage deep inside her, and only needed a small acclimation and knowing her abilities to start to flourish, making her the one that's in control of her body.
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- "Girls vs girls? Not in my story"
These are fighting mangas. And with a lot of female characters I was afraid that they were the lady in distress or fighting other villain girls (like bnha, for example). My surprise is that they fight not only male villains, but some male villains are actually scared of them and respect them. It's so liberating when authors are not afraid of making the girls punching and receiving punches and bleed.
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- They're the real main characters
It may seems, in shonen, once they start with two mc the "real" mc is the man, at the end of the story. In both cases of Dandadan and Undead Unluck it's quite the opposite. While Dandadan still maintains Okarun and Momo at the same level the story is present through Momo's life, we don't know almost anything about Okarun. And in Undead Unluck case Andy and Fuuko start as a couple, but when they get separated Fuuko shines by herself. She even has her own arc right now while Andy is missing, and oh boy she delivers excellent!
We can see both stories without the male mc, but not without their female leads
- They're not the only girls in the story
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- The straight romance is kinda peak actually
Who wouldn't know that in order to make a m/f shonen ship is to making good female characters that actually enjoy being with the male character? And the romance it's not only something by the side, it's almost essential to the manga itself. They make you want to see more romance and interactions between the two.
- Respect and admiration
Both, Momo and Fuuko, receive respect of all the other characters. And mainly, they're admired by the male mc and love interest. Okarun and Andy don't joke about it, they genuinely adore them and wants to be like them.
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Anyway if you're looking for some good female lead Shonen manga, while still being epic and entertaining, give both stories a chance!
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bastard-asexual · 3 years
Hello! Thank you for the information, then I would like to please ask for a toh matchup
I’m bi, they/them, entj, libra & my love language is gifts. Age group - teens, mid to late? My ideal s/o is someone driven, I'm ambitious and such people motivate me. As a partner I like to gently tease my s/o and fluster them from time to time. My overachiever s/o also says I'm good at comforting others. I like complimenting ppl a lot. My s/o doesn't have to be nice, I’d just like them to match my ambition & passion. Like pls infodump about your hyperfixation. And sbd who isn't all that into comforting others, I just don't enjoy it. I genuinely don't care for morality. As for me, I’m: careful, vain, empathetic, protective, opinionated, understanding, a bad texter. I can be cold sometimes, my brain thinks that if I'm mean first I won't get rejected so that's fun. I like history podcasts (know nothing abt it but I like hearing people just passionately dump all their info abt the middle ages on me), cryptid stuff and taking care of children. I’m in a band, act, paint, sew and love cooking for my friends
Thanks so much, I match you with:
-Hunter is clearly a very driven and ambitious person, his work for the emperors coven shows that.
-he would like the fact that your love language is gifts as it lets him be affectionate with you in a way you can always keep near you
-Hunter would tease you back whenever you tried to fluster him, and pretend like it wasn't a big deal (it was a big deal.. he's silently imploding)
-Hunter would LOVE that you're able to comfort others, your entire existence is comforting to him. he definitely will need some comfort so.. be prepared
-compliments are one of hunter's favorite things, they make him feel really confident
-he'd support you in whatever you would support and match your ambitions, almost in a competitive way
-your personality would really compliment his, as you have a lot of similarities and your differences work well together
- he could totally understand your attitude if you're mean twards him, he's not easily affected by that sort of thing
-he would probably infodump about wild magic to you so.. kinda middle-ages?
-he thinks that your band is so cool, he would love to hear you play/sing (whatever u do)
-he would love to learn how to paint/sew/act/cook with you, his skills in those things would be very lacking, but he would try his best
hope you liked this. so sorry if it's bad, seeya!
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missmorosis · 4 years
heyy I was wandering if I could have a valentine's day event for atla 👉👈
I go by she/her and I like all genders :)
I'm infp and my love language is words of affirmation.
In a partner I think I look for someone I feel safe to be myself around. Someone that I know is not gonna judge me and is loyal. I like the kind of people that can ground me to reality since I'm often a little out of touch with reality and miss out on the fun things but also understand when I need personal space. I'd also like someone who can make me laugh but can I also have serious conversations with :)
I am a head-in-the-clouds type of person. I'm usually very cheerful and bubbly, my friends call my 'sunshine' and 'morning child of the sun' because of my cheerful attitude but I'm not a morning person at all. I appreciate the little things like how green the trees look today and how the clouds look so nice and floofy. I get distracted by butterflies lol. I believe in a lot of conspiracy theories and things such as ghosts and cryptids and fairies. I'm terrible with human interaction but if I feel that I can be myself around you I will pour the depths of my soul to you. It goes from 0-100 in a minute. We go from I didn't know you yesterday to feeling like we've been friends for the past 5 years. I'm awkward and clumsy and I'll most likely infodump on you about things I like whether that be a king who died centuries ago or anything related to the disney parks (I've never been but I have a library of knowledge of things you can do and places to stay and eat etc including their history) I have an entire range of different topics I keep knowledge of in my brain.
My hobbies are singing, acting, I'm learning the guitar, and archery :D I also really love chess but no one plays with me :(
3 things I do on the daily are listen and sing show tunes (that's one, it happens at the same time), read, and consume chocolate in some shape or form whether that be chocolate milk or a cookie I must have some type of chocolate or I'll die.
I'll talk to you now :) how are you? I'm doing great :) What did you have for breakfast? I had some chocolate milk (hehe) and a fruit salad :) Did you drink any water today? You should. Go drink some now. Yeyy!!! Well, I hope you have a good day and sorry if this is too big, I tend to rant a lot heh 👉👈 anyway byeeee 💕💕✨✨😁😁
i’m doing okay! i had two chocolate-covered biscuits today 😌 THEY WERE GREATTT!! i didnt drink too much water today, i’ll drink some right now!!
here’s your matchup...
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let’s be real, he needs someone like you in his life HAHSFDK- he’s totally in touch w/ reality YK THAT BEACH SCENE WHERE HE REMINDS EVERYONE THAT THEY SHOULD BE TRAINING INSTEAD OF HAVING FUN
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how he asked you out
-> The two of you were in Zuko’s bedroom, lounging around together and casually chatting. He was on his chair, while you were sitting on his bed.
“You’ve never been to the Disney parks?” he casually asked, and you shook your head. “Huh, thought you have, with all the info about them you’re always bursting out with.” You laughed, and he gave a small smile.
“I wish I’ve been,” you said, sighing as you plopped back onto his bed. The sheets smelled like him, which made you happy.
“Well, I have something for you,” he said, his face reflecting mischief. You quirked an eyebrow at him, and he went back into his closet. He came back with an envelope in his hands, and you eagerly hopped to stand next to him. 
You grabbed the envelope, and opened it hesitantly. Inside it were two tickets to Disneyland.
“Shut up, shut up!” you yelled, your eyes beaming. His face showed an equal amount of happiness, and you pulled him into a hug. “Thank you! So much!”
“No problem,” he said, laughing. “These tickets are for Valentine’s Day, if you wanna go with me? Or you can totally give the other ticket to someone els-” You scoffed, and he stopped talking.
“Of course I want to go with you, I can’t wait!” He smiled, and you pulled him into another hug.
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how you spent the day together
-> “You ready?” Zuko’s voice asked, standing outside your door. 
“Yup!” you said, dragging out your suitcase. You had two day’s worth of clothes and food, and you were ready to spend the day at Disneyland.
“Alright then,” he smiled as he grabbed your hand.
The flight to California was relatively chill; the two of you kept exchanging glances and bursting out into laughter at random moments. You and Zuko also talked the entire flight, joking around and chatting with one another. The other passengers definitely did not like it, but it made your heart swell.
Once you got there, you raced to every single ride you possibly could, grabbing Zuko’s arm and dragging him around. He laughed as you burst out with fun facts about everything you saw, and you smiled.
The night arrived faster than it should have; it seemed like the entire day went by in five minutes. Zuko looked at you with a large grin on his face.
“Did you have fun?” His eyes seemed to sparkle in the night, and your heart skipped a beat.
“Definitely,” you said, giving him a kiss on the lips.
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if you ever go, THE DOLE WHIP THEY HAVE IS BOMB AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!! the rides there are super fun too omg~ they have both rollercoasters and small, relaxing rides, if high-speed isn’t your thing :)) peter pan & the small world ride are small and slow, but UGH IT’S STILL AMAZING CUZ OF ALL THE SET DESIGN AND EVERYTHING AKLSDFLJSDF
they also have great shows and cast!! 
idk idk when i was younger i was always scared of those big dolls
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but other than that LMAOOO- everything’s great hehe
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