#as someone else said “they match each other's freak but at what cost”
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Daniel and Armand really DO match each other's freak because Daniel was stripping naked and Louis was stood there like 🤨 what kind of interview is this 🤨 meanwhile Daniel offered to get on his knees and Armand replied with 😶 then do it 😶
#as someone else said “they match each other's freak but at what cost”#and the answer is daniel's sanity#daniel molloy#armand#armand iwtv#armaniel#armandaniel#armandiel#armand x daniel#daniel x armand#too many ship names#i personally just use armaniel#iwtv#interview with the vampire#spoilers#2x05#2x05 spoilers
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A Chaos Menu is coming. Emphasis on Chaos.
Carmy's got non negotiables. The list includes: of the place, vibrant collaboration, no repeat ingredients, consolidation + speed, confidence + competence, in + out service, pursuit of excellence, details matter, know your shit, focus, something about perfect, somethings about tradition, something about boundaries, clean as you go, shirts perfectly pressed, and no surprises.

Carmy's focusing on details more than actual dynamics and Sydney's Bandana has got a big list of ingredients.
Carmy is truly going to be a whole new meaning to Chaos Menu, that is going to destroy everyone around them trying to keep up with them. Because as I said before, he still does not know how to do a chaos menu. He is so used to living in chaos, that menus are the only thing he knew how to control, but Syd wants chaos so he’s going to try to bring it. (and probably fail in the process)
Syd told him she didn’t want to be tweezing herbs on a dish she doesn’t care about, but if she’s constantly just making things for the sake of having something new, it's going to feel forced and uninspiring.
Syd and Carmy might be matching each others freaks, but everyone else didn’t sign up to be part of their psycho partnership. Richie will be tired of trying to keep up with their menu changes and expo mess. Tina is going to be so overwhelmed trying to manage all the cooks to keep up with a new menu every day. It’s also just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. In my experience most high level Michelin restaurant tend to stick to mostly the same menu for the entire season, because perfecting each dish takes time both in trial and error testing and in teaching the crew to able to make it perfect consistently.
Not to mention it’s EXPENSIVE to constantly have to source new ingredients. Which is what was going wrong with The Beef before Sydney stepped in, and she managed to create a great dish with ingredients they already had lying around that got them a good review. We know they’re going to be busy, if they don’t know how to keep operating costs down, they are going to drown the same way Carmy was drowning at the start.
Sydney believes in Carmy because she’s never gotten a star or retained one. But when she meets the Ever crew and sees how the keep up with their stars without tearing each other apart or destroying their lives or keeping insane and unmanageable standards and expectations, she will start to reconsider their partnership.
Especially if Carmy is the one getting all the praise, after the review incident where he didn't let her enjoy her moment. Sydney is going to draw a line at some point about what her non negotiables are, and if Carmy can’t meet them, she’s going to have to find someone or somewhere that will.
Non negotiables are typically things you set in relationships to create a healthy environment, but Carmy is using them to hold them against the entire staff. I think the only thriving aspect of The Bear that isn’t on fire half the time is going to be Ebra's sandwich window.
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*sing* it's been ~a while~
and i have been watching vm vs the nein a lot so let's talk about it. as always with me, this is a very long word vomit.
i said over on my mechanics post that the vm playbook requires urgency while the nein's playbook requires setup. here's what i mean. if the nein can make it to round 3-4 intact, that is if all of them are up, they are going to win. period. the nein simply have too many ways to steal turns from their enemies or to maximize their own effectiveness for things to go any other way.
if you want to see this in action even with a reduced roster, go watch the fire elemental fight in episode 129 and count the rounds. between caduceus' mass cure wounds and spirit guardians, caleb's slow, veth's sneak attacks, and jester's guiding bolts, the nein were able to scrape out a win thanks more to their bag of tricks than the damage output. veth only got sneak attack because of guiding bolt's secondary effects, slow kept veth safe from an opportunity attack and jester from a multi-attack, mass cure wounds gave caleb that round to cast slow, and the spirit guardians passively whittled down the enemies into KO range. the accumulated secondary effects were too much for the enemies to withstand and they fell hard. notice how everything built on one another here. that's what cockroach parties learn to do well. it was sloppier than a normal nein fight but they did it with a reduced roster AND with nearly all of their high level spell slots spent before the fight. yeah, they're fucking scary.
vm, however, is a whole different kind of scary. this team can put you down before you even know what's happening. it's harder to target the group's biggest damage dealers because you have a hulking barbarian and often an elemental up front locking down combatants. the dagger rogue can teleport and fly. oh, and give himself an extra action each round. the ranger and the gunslinger can stand back and just go to town. the freaking bear can maul you. the bard can make your life a living joke in your final moments. the cleric is a wildcard because the group is built to fight without her; if she's around, good luck because that's another round of attacks you have to take and an extra round vm can take. their DCs are ridiculous, as are their overall ACs.
but the thing to know about vm is that they have to put you down fast. they don't have the hit points for longer fights and they definitely don't have the utility for longer fights. their druid is offensively oriented, their cleric is often absent, and their bard is mostly support. he's often the only one running that bag of tricks. he can and will fuck up an opposing team given the chance and bolster his own, the problem is that he has almost no backup here. it's a giant hole that is begging to be exploited. it's an even bigger hole when that bard can only cast one spell per round.
so, going into the battle royale, the vm side had to down one member of the nein as fast as possible preferably in two rounds or fewer. it almost doesn't matter who, because if you down beau or fjord, that forces jester or fjord to spend their action or spell getting the downed member back up. if jester goes down, fjord has to do something about it. well, i say it almost doesn't matter but beau's deflect missiles makes her the worst target of the trio and yes, i'm including fjord's half-orc bounce back in that calculation. that gives you one round where the person healing isn't fucking up your team. vm's secondary objective was to monitor and control beau. her movement is nothing to compared to a hasted vax but her stunning strike is the most lethal weapon the nein brought into this fight. vm overall is not a melee group to begin with and their con saves are all garbage. vm has to find a way to keep her off their tails if they want a chance. we also know that vm's plan was to try to take out jester first so throw that objective into the mix as well.
all the nein have to do is survive the first couple rounds, monitor scanlan and pike, and get into position. that's basically it. the nein can absolutely withstand vax and percy's damage output for the first two rounds. pike and scanlan's damage output can be scary but pike in particular has to decide whether she wants to hold high level slots for healing. and she would need those higher level slots to get close to percy and vax's damage output. the nein know from experience that the support caster is where the real trouble will begin.
but before we kick things off, remember that matt specifically designed this battlefield to take turns away from the teams. the chests are an action to search and are located far out of the way in the field. the gem requires an action to activate, which basically means sacrificing your action for someone else's, and shifts between six designated points on the field. matt, who has a deep understanding of how both teams operate, decided to play on the nein's insecurities that they were at a severe item disadvantage and see if he could get them to bite. high risk, high reward. granted, this is me speculating but it does look like matt saw the fight very differently from the players and readjusted the field accordingly.
so we kick off and immediately scanlan proves why he is the top priority on the nein's list. he gets the gem, gets fjord prone on the ground, and comes within a hair's breadth of turning the fight into a five on two potential slaughter. travis brilliantly responds to these circumstances in the best of ways. see, fjord isn't the nein's utility magician for this fight; fjord's the bait. travis makes a very big spectacle of himself and fjord's predicament. and vm buys it hook, line, and sinker. ashley tries to continue with the original plan of gunning for jester only to discover that jester is who knows where.
vax, percy and scanlan? immediately take their shots at fjord. but fjord's on the ground which puts percy's awful misfire mechanic into reasonable play. so fjord gets lucky and doesn't take anywhere near the amount of damage he could have from percy. scanlan, after percy is removed from the field, decides he's better off trying to finish fjord but only hits a 3rd level thunder wave instead of a higher level one, which sam was probably saving for some counterspells or such. i don't think a higher level would have made that much of a difference but it is important to note.
more importantly, vax gets greedy. he got two good hits on fjord with his two actions, he could have left and hidden for the next turn. yes, vm has to down fjord as fast as possible. however that haste is going to be more effective over the long term if vax can keep it. but fjord's easy prey and he thinks vm can down him before jester can get over there to do anything about it. so he goes for the bonus action attack. pike eventually joins this mad dash scramble and like scanlan, she absolutely needed to throw something huge at fjord to get past his half-orc racial trait to have a prayer at downing him. but she did not because ashley seems to have been saving all her high levels for healing so fjord survives the round in honestly a very good position. vax can't target him from range with the cloud up, scanlan now has bigger problems than fjord with molly right up on him, and pike ran, taking damage and healing fjord in the process.
meanwhile, the nein's ladies are free to run and play the field as they see fit. jester has a big opening round flame strike. beau decides she can hold off on her round 2 blitz run to vm in favor of bringing molly onto the field. remember kids, never let a monk with 55ft of movement have the run of the place, it's bad for business. jester then makes a great play with her dispel magic at vax's haste. hashtag thanks, fjord. remember, kids, cockroach parties excel at taking turns and actions away from their opponents. in round 2 alone, the nein successfully remove percy from the field and remove vax's extra attack. that's both big damage dealers hobbled in one round. they also gave themselves an extra turn, adding molly onto the field. and oh boy, molly.
here we see the utility martial fighter molly could have been. sam's confused by the low damage that molly's doing his first round but the damage isn't really the point of the attacks. that brand of tethering is far more important, as are taliesin keeping an eye on which reactions will support the nein and molly's second attack wasting scanlan's reaction. counterspell is off the table for the back half of round 2-beginning of round 3, which is important if fjord wants to get the heck out of dodge.
in case it wasn't obvious earlier in the match that the nein are absolutely gunning for scanlan, round 3 begins with beau's blitz against scanlan. fjord's luck against the dominate person balances out with scanlan's save against the stun and beau missing one attack. here, vm starts to get distracted. they chose their focus fire target, fjord, but now do not, arguably cannot, follow through on it. we'll never know what could have happened had vm said to hell with beau and molly in our faces, we have to finish fjord.
vax tries to retaliate against beau but here's where the cockroach starts to come into play. molly blood curses vax, which saves beau a full sneak attack+ worth of damage. it also utterly wastes vax's turn. fjord manages to escape (and damage pike while he's at it) and regroup where it's safe. scanlan tries to dimension door but fails due to the brand. literally any other move scanlan could try on the pair of them had a better chance of success. instead, another vm turn is lost. taliesin recognizes the importance of getting beau advantage and supports her at the cost of two of his attacks missing, but not before scanlan is forced to cutting words one of them. another potential counterspell and cutting words lost. neither jester or pike contribute significantly to this round; the nein have done so much damage to pike in three rounds that she is forced to heal herself while jester chooses to dimension door herself to the gem and only a low damage roll lets it evade her.
beau takes molly's setup and gets the critical scanlan stun. he loses his full round. fjord takes the opportunity molly provided him to polymorph into a t-rex, bringing him fully back into the fight. vm is really going to have a time and a half trying to finish him now unless they can put up a big single damage attack. jester builds on beau's setup by casting flame strike, whose dex save scanlan automatically fails. he goes down. if you're the nein, this is exactly where you want pike focused, on her team and not on yours. she has access to most of the same spells that jester has and the more you pressure her to focus on her team, the better. it's not wasting her turn, precisely, but it is controlling what she can reasonably do with it.
now we come to percy versus beau. i don't want to diminish the insane good luck beau had to take only 26 points of damage from six shots because what matters here is that percy absolutely could not down beau. period. her hit points were too high and after she took almost nothing from the first two shots, it should have been clear that she was going to get her turn and she would absolutely attempt to stun and down pike and scanlan. i'm not going to monday morning quarterback this fight but i will point out that the more rolls travis has to make to maintain concentration, the greater the chance he fails and you get to hit fjord's actual hit point pool and trade fjord for scanlan. and if you can get him before he can get back into the fray, even better.
beau stuns the gnomes and drops scanlan again. her inner cockroach rears its head once more as she negates more than half the damage on vax's critical hit sneak attack. fjord-rex downs scanlan and grapples pike. the stun on pike here really helps negate that high AC of hers. after scanlan's death, it's a long slow death spiral. vax abandons the fight in the next critical round in favor of keeping the gem instead of targeting fjord. percy attacks beau once more instead of fjord due to fjord dangling pike over lava. he starts to focus on fjord only to get distracted by jester. pike goes down but vax gets caught by beau before he can get her back up. and so it goes with vm losing turn after turn after turn until finally the nein poof percy out of existence and bring molly back. a fitting end for the team who started their final boss fight with eight and came out nine.
bottom line here, the vm team played like they had way more time than they actually did. they had to commit to a target and see it dead as fast as possible. they had to control the battlefield quickly and keep it. they didn't so they couldn't. aside from building on damage dealt, they couldn't create advantages or opportunities for each other nearly as effectively as nein did. all of these factors meant that the nein did what they always do: grind their enemies under heel.
#critical role#cr meta#critical role spoilers#vm vs m9#vox machina vs mighty nein#d&d mechanics#vox machina#mighty nein#the mighty nein#cr spoilers#my meta#long post#don't let your opponents run circles around you kids#control the battlefield or the enemy will control you#teamwork makes the dream work
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The Lion of House Dimitrescu
Summary: During a meeting with Mother Miranda & the other lords, Alcina learns of a strange captive in her brother's care - he has the body of a human but humans don't have horns nor ears & tails that resemble lions. Just what is he and what is Alcina's interest in him?
Pairing: Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Male Lion Demon (Leo)
Leul meu - My Lion
Cereți și voi livra, Doamna mea - Ask and I shall deliver, My Lady
"I'm telling you, Mother Miranda - we have to get rid of him. He's costing me Lycans." The voice of that fool - Heisenberg - was the first thing Alcina heard as she made it to the Meeting Grounds and took her seat; all the other lords were present, as well as their matriarch/mother - Mother Miranda.
"What has he done now, Heisenberg?" Mother Miranda asked as she looked in Fourth Lord's direction.
"Just last night - that creature slaughter another 5 of my Lycans without even moving for where he stood; with a flick of his claw, he tore open their bellies like scissors through ribbons. I can't keep hold him - not like I'm really holding him, to begin with; he can easily break out of his bindings but he just choices not to because 'it's not worth his time.'." Heisenberg said as he leaned back into his chair with a tired exhale.
"Sounds like someone is giving you a run for your coin, Karl." Angie chuckled as she clapped from her position on Donna's Lap, Heisenberg snarled at the doll as he forced his hammer into his hand.
"Keep that damn doll quiet, Donna, or I'll turn it into a porcelain pile!" He growled.
"Meanie!" Angie squealed as she scooched closer to Donna.
"Silence!" Mother Miranda echoed out as she threw her hands up and her 6 wings fanned out - silencing the siblings. "Now - we shall discuss like adults what shall do about this creature; it's not something you would see every day and thus it will not be killed." Mother Miranda began before Karl interrupted her.
"With all due respect, Mother Miranda, it's not that we 'shouldn't' kill - it's that we 'can't' kill it. I sent a fuck-ton of metal through its chest before it fell, only to revive itself." Karl said as he looked at his mother.
"Mother Miranda - what is this 'creature' that you and Heisenberg keep referring to?" Alcina said as she took one long swing from her cigarette before resting the hand that held it on her armrest.
"Heisenberg has come in possession of a creature - it looked like a mortal man so he sent his lycans after it but it easy cut them all down. Once Heisenberg managed to capture it - it was revealed that this creature wasn't mortal at all; it possessed the ears and tail of a lion, as well as the fangs, claws, and power of one." Mother Miranda explained.
"And the horns - don't forget the fucking horns." Karl said as he exhaled again.
"If this creature is so strong - then how was Heisenberg able to capture it?" Alcina asked.
"The fucker allowed itself to get caught - when I asked it, it told me 'wasting my strength on your pathetic brood isn't worth it. I'll go with you and see just what you can offer me.' - then it followed me back to the factory and it stayed there...until it got bored or my lycans got ballsy and got their asses killed." Karl explained.
"Where is the creature now? At your deathtrap of a factory?" Alcina asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No - I brought the fucking monster here. Like I said - I'm not taking it back with me; I lost more than 25% of my lycans dealing with that fucking thing." Karl said with a hiss.
"Now that you are all caught up - we need to decide what we can do with the creature. Heisenberg refuses to house it any longer - which is understandable."
"Thank you, Mother Miranda." Karl took an exhale of relief.
"Donna has always backed out of housing the creature in fear of it breaking her dolls. That would leave Moreau and Alcina. Out of the two of them - I think would be best if Alcina housed the creature." Mother Miranda said.
"You would wish a beast to roam in my castle?" Alcina asked.
"As Heisenberg stated before - it is well behaved. It acts mortal but with far more strength and a few unseen abilities." Mother Miranda said.
"As much as I hate to admit it - the damn thing knows how to cook and damn good too. If it wasn't so damn destructive, I would have kept it for the food." Karl said.
"Is that so? Well - I was looking for a new cooking staff. If this is what you wish, Mother Miranda - I shall house the creature." Alcina said.
"Perfect. Heisenberg - collect the creature and bring it here." Miranda ordered as she pointed down the hall where the creature was being held. Heisenberg groaned as he rose from his seat and grabbed his hammer and disappeared down the hall.
Everyone waited and watched the hall until they heard a few things: the sounds of chains rattling, then the sound of Heisenberg yelling 'Get your fucking hands off me!'...then they watched as Heisenberg came flying out the shadows and crashed into the pue he was sitting on; laying there, groaning in pain.
All these were on the shadows and they widened as another figure came out of the shadows: He was built with muscles as if he was sculpted - his skin was like light bronze, riddled with scars and wounds that healed up over time - his eyes were dark blue, deeper than a raw sapphire - his hair was short, didn't even go past his hairline but it was free all over his head. True to Heisenberg's word: There were lion ears that matched his hair color perched atop his head, as well as a tail of the same color that swayed by his ankles; what's more on his hair line were two black goat-like horns where the tips pointed in the direction of the back of his head. And if that wasn't enough, he was tall.
By tall - they meant giant.
And by giant - they meant HE WAS THE SAME HEIGHT AS ALCINA!!!
The giant wasn't wearing a shirt or shoes but he was wearing dark grey baggy pants made of cloth that were tied around his waist with a cloth belt, tied at his side. His hands here bound before him as he glared down at the groaning Fourth Lord.
"I've warned you thrice, Heisenberg, and you didn't heed my warnings. I told you not to grab my tail to try to make me move at your desired pace." The stranger growled as his long lion swayed at his heels.
"That doesn't mean you throw me like trash, you damn freak!" Karl yelled as he pushed himself off the ground.
"If you didn't want to be treated like trash, then don't behave like trash." The man rolled his eyes as he looked at Miranda and the other lords - the massive man bowed his head with his eyes closed.
"Please do forgive me for destroying your stuff, Madam Miranda; but I refuse to act like an animal." The stranger said - respect dripping for each of his words.
"You...You are excused this first time but only this time - do not let it happen again." Miranda said as she collected her composer.
"Of course. I was informed you decided on my fate." the man said.
"Yes." Miranda began as she gestured her hand in Alcina's direction - making the First Lord stand. "This is Lady Alcina Dimitrescu - Lord of the Castle Dimitrescu. She will be your new keeper; I expect you to treat her with respect and listen to her words." Miranda said as Alcina walked up to the man who could stand up to her - literally.
"So - you are the one who has been giving that fool such a hard time. You're not exactly what I imagined." Alcina said as she waved her cigarette in his direction - he was not affected by the smoke.
"If you don't mind me asking - just what were you expecting, Lady Dimitrescu? I pray you weren't expecting a grotesque, uncontrollable monster." The man said with a raised eyebrow.
"In a way, Leul meu. But I am happy to announce you are better looking than I thought. I wonder what else you are capable of." Alcina said with a smile.
"Well." He smirked as he grabbed Alcina's other hand gently with his bound hands and brought them to his lips. "Cereți și voi livra, Doamna mea." He placed a gentle but burning kiss on Alcina's knuckles. The two of them smiled like cats who just devoured canaries as they looked into each others' eyes.
"What name do you go by?" Alcina asked with a purr.
"My name is Leo, My Lady." He purred back and kissed her knuckles again.
#resident evil 8#lady dimitrescu x reader#lady dimitrescu x oc#alcina dimitrescu#alcina dimitrescu x male oc
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summary: park jisung was supposed to be more than a passing cloud, than a fleeting moment.
pairing: reader + park jisung ft. childhood friend!mark genre: high school!au, angst, fluff, some comedy too cus dreamies are funny af word count: 7.7k warnings: language, mentions of nausea
author’s note: i’m super happy to announce that i hit my first follower milestone!! thank you to the 100+ precious people who decided to follow my horrid blog, i really appreciate each and everyone one of you and i hope you enjoy this story to celebrate!
this is a sequel to my story passing clouds so please check that out first before you read this.
Jisung felt sick to his stomach. Like the time Donghyuck had somehow managed to convince him, or more so, drag him against his will onto that horrid Viking ride that day they went to the theme park together. Jisung had clutched onto the bars for dear life, and he could’ve sworn that his stomach flipped-flopped inside out and back again, with his life flashing before his eyes, all while his friends laughed at his misery. But now, along with the deja vu in the form of nausea churning in his stomach; he felt as if his chest was being constricted from the unbearable weight of guilt that was consuming his body. The gloomy skies thundered outside, as if the heavens above were laughing at his misery. As if they were chanting a mantra, reminding him that he fucked up as his head replayed the words you had sobbed just mere moments ago. He should’ve known it was a bad idea then — yet only after facing the pit in his stomach and the echoes of your cries did he know how ditching you was in fact, an irreversible mistake that might’ve cost him more than just his friendship with you.
He clenched his fists, knuckles turning white from the iron-grip on his phone as his arms fell limply to his side. What had he done?
Jaemin spoke first, as the boys all quieted down from their gaming soon after witnessing the conversation. “What the hell did you do, Jisung?”
Jisung winced. Jaemin rarely swore around him, much less directly at him. He knew he fucked up, and his friends could see the defeat in his eyes. The tension in the air thickened as Jisung’s mouth parched, unable to find the right words that could give a single reasonable explanation as to why he chose to do what he did.
“I fucked up,” he croaked plainly, running his hand hurriedly through his hair. “I hurt (Y/N).”
Jaemin’s hand balled up as he narrowed his eyes. He cared for you a lot — all the boys did. They loved you like their own sister. Jaemin’s expression softened at the sight of the youngest’s agony but he remained stern. “What did you do, Jisung?”
“(Y/N) and I.. we were supposed to go to the movies together today. But I never showed up.” Jisung’s knees felt like giving out. “I didn’t think she would actually be that upset that I didn’t show up! I-I thought she would just call someone else to watch it with her, or something. I didn’t she would blow up at me...”
“How could you not expect her to blow up at you when you literally stood her up?” Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief. Jisung bit his lip in reluctance and the other boys frowned. Jisung was usually rational, and thought about his actions before he did anything. They didn’t understand what had led him to do this.
“Why did you flake on her?” Renjun asked quietly. Jisung averted his eyes, looking down at the floor. “I don’t know. I just felt like it.”
Donghyuck scoffed, “That’s such bullshit and you know it.”
Chenle’s frown deepened. Seeing his closest friend trying to deflect the truth was so unusual. He tried to piece it together, hitting the nail on the head with a simple question.
“Don’t you like her?”
Jisung’s heart twisted into knots. “What? O-Of course I do, she’s my friend.”
“No, of course you like her Jisung, we all do. I’m asking if you like her.”
A pause hung in the air as they all patiently waited for his answer (despite the obvious.)
“Y-Yeah. I do. I like her so much, guys. And I freaking messed up.” He confessed, choking up as tears prickled his eyes. “I was scared. We planned this last week while we were studying, and I thought she was joking about it being a movie date but she was actually serious and kept bringing it up.”
“That’s a good thing though, isn’t it? You could’ve made a move on her.” Donghyuck pointed out in slight disbelief.
“I know, but I got scared! I thought.. what if she didn’t like me back, and I was taking this the wrong way? I didn’t want to make the next step and embarrass myself when— if she rejected me. I knew it was childish of me to try and be cool and play it off, but… I don't know. I-I really just thought she could do better...” Jisung buried his head into his hands, his shame and insecurities washing over him. “Mark just came back into town too, and I always thought he was a better match for her than me.”
He sucked in his breath, lips quivering. “I.. I told myself that if I just chickened out then she would replace me with him or something. So it didn’t matter if I went or not.”
“(Y/N) would never do that and you know that! It’s so obvious she likes you back,” Chenle couldn’t help but grow frustrated at how unreasonable Jisung was being with the whole situation. How could he possibly even think like that?
Jaemin inhales deeply, shaking his head in disapproval. “If you really liked her back, then you would’ve thought about how your actions would have affected her and how she would’ve reacted.”
Jisung lifts his head up, eyes bloodshot as tears drip down his face. “Guys, I fucked up. I hurt her feelings and—” His breath hitched, “S-she told me that I could go play whatever games I wanted as long as they weren’t with her! I didn’t mean to make her feel like she was just someone I used to pass time or she was a game!”
“Jisung, of course she would think that way! You can’t just mess around with her feelings like that. You ditched her without even giving her a plausible reason or heads up, and you argued with her and said that we mattered more than she did, even though we’re all friends!” Jaemin huffed exasperatedly.
He pauses to catch his breath, almost sobbing at this point. “I don’t know how to fix this. What if she never forgives me?”
“I’m so disappointed in you, Jisung. How do you expect her to forgive you?” Jaemin suddenly stands up, throwing his hands up in frustration.
Everyone’s eyes widened at Jaemin’s irritated tone. He rarely ever scolded Jisung, always showering the younger boy in love and affection. He even treated him like his little brother. Jisung's mouth hung agape at Jaemin’s harsh words. He knew he deserved it, but it stung even more coming from Jaemin.
Jaemin scowled before turning his back and storming out of the room. Everyone froze, stunned.
Jeno was the first to react. “I’ll go talk to him,” he said before stepping outside of the room.
The rest of the boys turned to Jisung who was flopped on the floor, his usually tall stature curling into a tiny ball like a small child. Chenle sighed before getting up to rub Jisung’s back comfortingly.
“You made a big mistake,” Renjun says bluntly from his spot.
“But so does everyone. Everyone has their insecurities, Jisung. You’re still growing so you still have an opportunity to learn from them so you don’t make the same ones again. But it’s a fleeting opportunity so don’t take it for other’s kindness for granted. You owe her an apology, and if you’re sincere enough, she’ll at least hear you out. You know how (Y/N) is — she’s a very understanding person.”
Chenle and Donghyuck nod their head in agreement. “We’ve all made mistakes before. It’s a part of life.” Chenle adds.
Jisung weakly mumbles a thank you, wiping the tears from his swollen face. The boys all give him a pat on the back and a tight-lipped smile. As much as they agreed that what he did was wrong, he was still their brother. It was their job to be there for him, to support him and guide him along the path even if he made mistakes.
Jeno popped in from the doorway. “We’re going to go clean up for dinner. We’ll call you down when the food is ready.” The boys all begin to shuffle out, leaving Jisung alone with his thoughts.
He feels such agonizing frustration, but he knows that he has no one else to blame but himself. He was the sole reason you had been hurt. It was his fault, his actions, that caused you pain. At the sound of your sobs replaying through his head, he squeezes his eyes shut and clenches his hands so hard that his dull fingernails pierce the skin of his palms, leaving painful indents.
However, Jisung’s head snapped up as the door creaked open again. Jaemin's eyes softened as he took a seat next to Jisung.
“I’m sorry,“ Jisung mumbles, “I really hurt her even though I swear, I never meant to. You can be mad at me. I deserve it.”
Jaemin sighs before ruffling the younger’s head. “No, Jisung. I’m sorry for what I said.”
“I really care about both of you and I know you understand what you did was wrong. It really did hurt her, but she really likes you, you know. A lot more than you think.” Jaemin murmurs.
Jisung didn’t have the heart to tell Jaemin he didn’t actually know.
Although Jisung would always jokingly fight back against the older’s hugs when he would be the one initiating hugs and coddling him, this time, Jisung’s body relaxes as he lets the older boy wrap his arms around him.
“Thanks, Jaemin.” He sniffles. The older boy can only pull him in closer.
He had a lot of work to do. Jisung sighs, leaning back in his chair before scribbling “Mission: Make it up to (Y/N)” on a piece of scratch paper. He scrutinized the blank page before groaning and crumpling it up in frustration.
Jisung facepalms the table with an astounding thud, earning a yelp from across him. “What the heck, Park Jisung! Are you trying to get a concussion?” Donghyuck screeched. The chocolate milk from his bowl of Fruity Pebbles cereal sloshes onto the surface of the table and into his lap.
“Sorry!” Jisung mutters. His older brother glares at him while furiously wiping his lap with napkins. “I just can’t think of how to get (Y/N) to forgive me. I suck at all this romantic gesture crap.”
Donghyuck wails, “Doesn’t mean you can just freaking slam your head into the table! What did the table ever do to you? Also now my favorite sweat-shorts are stained.”
Renjun walks by the kitchen and rolls his eyes in disgust. “First of all, who the hell eats fruity cereal with chocolate milk— you heathen. You deserved it.”
Donghyuck flicks his middle finger at Renjun’s back as Chenle bursts out in his iconic dolphin laughter.
“Jisung, if you get a concussion in this kitchen or break the table with that empty skull of yours, Jaemin is going to break your skull. And you know (Y/N) the best, don’t you? Use your remaining brain cells,” Renjun tutted with a pointed look.
Jisung nods but whispers something about there being only one brain cell in this whole damn house under his breath.
“Yeah, I know— ‘cause it belongs to me.”
Everyone simultaneously rolled their eyes at Renjun.
Jeno sits in front of the TV, fervently smashing buttons. His eyes never break away from the screen yet he manages to pipe up. “Why don’t you start by figuring out a list of what she likes?”
Jisung’s ears perk up at the suggestion. “That’s a great idea Jeno!” However, his excitement quickly turns into a huff of exasperation. “But (Y/N) likes so many things… Anime, ice cream, watching me dance, fangirling over —”
“Me, of course!” Hyuck singsongs with a cocky smirk.
The crumpled ball of paper smacks him dead in the nose. “Ow!”
“Wait, I know!” Jisung shouts enthusiastically as an idea pops into his head. The boys all turn to look at him. “She loves the cake from the bakery down the street!”
“Ah, Neo Bakery? The one with cherry bombs and puzzle piece cookies?” Jaemin asks.
Jisung nods, flashing his smile for the first time in days. “Yeah! Can we go right now? Please?”
“I don’t see why not,” Jaemin grins. All the boys shrug in agreement, and begin grabbing their jackets and shoes. Even Jeno leaves his game to join. But before they knew it, Jisung had dashed out the door, his sneakers barely on. “Meet you there!” He called out.
They all share a look and collectively sigh.
“He’s so whipped.”
By the time they had caught up to Jisung, they had found him standing in front of the quaint shoppe pacing back and forth like a lost child. Chenle shoulder-bumps him, causing him to stop in his tracks. “What the heck are you doing?”
“I didn’t want to go inside alone… It looks kind of empty,” He says sheepishly.
“Oh my god, you big baby, just go in and—” Donghyuck froze as the door he had pulled causes him to lurch forward. He tries to open the door again, but to no avail. It hadn’t budged.
Jisung runs up to the window, squishing his face against the cold glass to peer intently inside. It was empty.
“Guys,” Jeno whistled. They whirl their head in his direction. Renjun holds up a paper with the words “CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE” emblazoned in bold letters across the page. “You have got to be kidding me,” Jisung bemoans, accidentally hitting his head against the glass window in the process. He winces and rubs his reddening forehead.
“Keep that up and you’re going to lose all your brain cells before you even get a chance to speak to (Y/N),” Chenle snorts. Jisung’s nose scrunches up at his best friends and he turns to face everyone else. “Now what am I going to do?” He whines.
“I mean, are there any other places that she’d like?” asked Renjun.
Jisung shakes his head. “No, just that place. She really likes their strawberry cream cake.”
Jaemin wrinkles his nose at the mention of strawberry before he exclaims, “Ah! I got it!” A mischievous glint appears in his eyes. “Jeno, don’t you have Doyoung’s number?” Jeno stares at him quizzically before letting out a sound of realization and nodding. He quickly gets out his phone and scrolls until he finds the right contact while everyone else’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “We’re going to go to the supermarket now, let’s go Jisungie.” Jaemin beams proudly.
“What are you talking about? The supermarket? For what?”
“I got it!” Jeno announces, grinning before shoving his phone into Jisung’s ginormous hands. Jisung fumbles with it for a bit, earning a glare from Jeno. He gives an apologetic grin before looking down to read the screen.
“Woah, what? How’d you get the recipe!?” He exclaimed. Jeno shrugs yet doesn’t bother to hide his eye-smile. “I’m friends with Doyoung. He works there part-time as one of the bakers and he owes me a favor.”
“Wait, are we going to the supermarket to buy all the ingredients?” Jisung parrots bewilderedly. Chenle rolls his eyes and smacks his best friend upside the head, “Yes, you idiot. Now can we go? I’m starving too.”
Jisung’s smile ear to ear as they all make their way down the street. He was so lucky to have them.
After a chaotic trip to the supermarket which had resulted in Renjun chasing down Hyuck in attempt to murder the cheeky boy for yet again trying to steal his order of pork cutlet “by accident,” and Chenle trying to find his favorite Chinese ramen in the wrong aisle for a good 20 minutes, they had managed to get back home in one piece without getting kicked out by the manager again. (Everyone had blamed it on Jisung for accidentally knocking over the entire tower of cans on one of the tables, but he thought it was a stupid idea to even display cans in such a fashion. It wasn’t like it was one of Renjun’s weird art competitions or whatever.)
With the help of Jaemin and Jeno who both surprisingly had not fallen into the chaos, they had successfully checked off their shopping list.
“Now, we should measure out the ingredients first and then add it in so it makes it a lot quicker and easier,” Jaemin chastises as he puts on his apron. He turned around only to be met with the sight of Jisung coughing in the midst of a cloud of dust, desperately trying to wipe the cake flour that he had accidentally spilled everywhere off his black shirt.
“Park Jisung, I banned you from the goddamn kitchen for a reason but please, for the sake of (Y/N), get it together!”
Jaemin facepalmed. This was going to be a long ass ride afternoon.
Cake was probably the most difficult thing Jisung has ever attempted to make in his life.“Why is this so hard? It’s just cake!” He stares at the gloppy mixture in front of him, lifting up the whisk only to be met with the sight of chunks of things he wasn’t even sure belonged in a cake.
First, it was the struggle with just simply washing strawberries. Jaemin had looked away for a single second and nearly went haywire when he saw what the younger boy was about to do.
Jisung had moved the strawberries into a bowl in the sink, running water and had just grabbed the container of green liquid when—
“Nooooooo! No!” screeched Jaemin. He smacked Jisung on the leg and scolded him with an incredulous look. “You don’t wash strawberries with dish soap, you idiot! Are you crazy!?”
Jisung shot him a puzzled look. “Wait, you don’t?”
With the self-restraint of every fiber in his body, Jaemin forced himself to not strangle the other boy.
Then it was this. Jaemin should’ve known it was a horrible idea to try and even think about letting Jisung do this alone, but the boy had begged about about how he needed to prove himself to you and he needed all the credit. He pinched the bridge of his nose and left to go drag someone else in to help.
Jisung was perpetually frozen in his spot, his jaw still hung open. His brain was short-circuiting at this point. If he had followed all the instructions, how did it end up like this?
“You both are idiots,” Renjun shook his head, glaring at Jaemin who had dragged him away in the middle of a Moomin marathon and Jisung who was still blinking confusedly at the whisk in his hand.
“Please, Injunnie,” Jaemin pleaded, pouting with his lips puckered out and puppy-dog eyes. “Do it for (Y/N) and Jisung! We’re all counting on you!“
“Agh, fine.” Renjun rolled his eyes before going through the recipe once again.
“Oi, Park Jisung! Snap out of it!”
“Huh, wha—?”
Renjun grabbed the whisk from him. He stares at the horrific mixture of what was definitely not cake batter and wrinkles his nose in disgust. “What the hell did you do?” He demands.
Jisung gives him a blank stare. Renjun examines the ingredients on the table and nearly faints.
“Jisung, this recipe says baking powder, not baking soda. And it says cake flour, you blockhead, not bread flour! Why do we even have bread flour!?”
“Actually, it’s because of Hyuck’s carb obsession,” Jaemin answers.
He immediately holds Renjun back from running off to fight the mentioned boy.
Jisung chortled, “Renjun, you’re the best!“
Renjun cuts him off by locking the taller boy in a loving chokehold and laughs. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Now help me would ya?”
After about five hours of continuous screaming and threats of burning down the kitchen or someone’s hair (which may or may not be all by the hands of Renjun), they managed to successfully bake the cake. Jisung collapses on the couch besides his friends, finally giving his strained muscles a break from the hardcore struggle of baking. “Who knew baking was this hard?” Donghyuck teases the tired trio on the couch. Chenle laughs in delight at their suffering, and they all shoot him a dirty look. While they rest, Jeno begins cleaning the mess in the kitchen. “It looks like a goddamn tornado flew in here,” He mutters.
“My poor kitchen,” Jaemin weeps. He turns his head to pinch Jisung’s cheeks, “Ahhhh, the things I do for you and true love, my precious Jisungie.”
Jisung groans and slaps his hand away. Donghyuck and Chenle begin helping Jeno clean the mess as well. Just as they finish, the timer for the oven goes off.
Jisung sighs before getting up. “I’ll get it.” In his exhausted daze, he opens the oven and reaches out for the hot pan before —
“Ow, fuck!” He swears, retracting his now throbbing hand. “Language!” Jaemin scolds from his seat. Chenle rushes over, inspecting his hand. “Dude, are you okay?”
Jisung winces at the pain and mumbles, “I forgot the mitt.”
Jeno walks over and chides, “Go run it under cool water.” Jaemin and Renjun turned their heads from the couch. “Are you okay, ‘Sung?” Jaemin asks worriedly. Jisung nods weakly in response.
“We have burn salve, and I’ll help you bandage it afterwards,” Jeno grabs the burn salve from the cabinet and gently applies the salve to Jisung’s hand, who flinches even with the light pressure. “Chenle, can you get the cake?“ Jeno asks.
“I got it,” he reassures, skillfully taking the cake out with a mitt and closing the oven.
“Thanks,” Jisung then frowns at the white bandage wrapped around his palm. Y/N is probably going to freak if she sees this, he thinks to himself.
Despite the pain from his throbbing hand, the boys worked together to finish decorating the cake and celebrated by enjoying some of it as well. Surprisingly despite their clumsiness, it had turned out almost identical to the one from the bakery and didn’t taste bad at all. Now all Jisung had to do was just wait until he saw you tomorrow.
As he laid there in bed that night, he felt the gaping hole in his chest that had been masked by his chaotic day. He was missing something in his life the past couple of days. A hole in the shape of you. He felt like kicking something suddenly. Like himself. How could be so foolish as to push you away because of his own insecurities? You didn’t deserve a fool like him. The lump in his throat grew.
He closed his eyes tightly that night and sent a silent prayer up into the sky before he slept. Please give me another chance to love her. To make her happy.
To say that Jisung was nervous, would be a great understatement. His entire livelihood depended on this. Well, maybe not livelihood but still. He didn’t know what he would do if you didn’t at least hear him out. He had trouble sleeping last night, his doubts and worries consuming him. The boys hadn’t questioned him this morning when they saw the bags under his eyes, yet still voiced their concerns only to be brushed off with a weak smile. This was what he deserved. And now he had to do what he must in order to earn your forgiveness. He had carefully wrapped the slice of strawberry cream cake in a box, with a red bow on top. He was never really one who was good at expressing his emotions through words, much less cheesy romantic gestures like this but he had practiced his apology at least a hundred times in front of his mirror the past few days. All he had to do now was just simply tell you it. Face to face.
His stomach churned as the memory of your cries and bitter words surfaced again. He shook his head in order to try and rid himself of those thoughts, which Chenle had noticed. He gave an encouraging pat to his friend’s back and murmured a soft “Hey, it’ll be okay.”
Jisung’s face twisted in slight anguish. “I don’t know, Lele…” He sighed. “I’m really scared. I really don’t know what I’d do if she doesn’t forgive me. I don’t even know if I really deserve another chance after what I did and said.”
“Jisung, she loves you a lot and you love her too. It would be foolish to say that you’d never hurt her but you need to prove that you won’t ever try and do it again. Just try your best and know that if she hears how sincere you are and see that you’re trying to learn from your mistakes, then you shouldn’t take that for granted ever again.” Chenle reassures.
Jisung smiles sadly before a look of determination replaces it. “Thanks, Chenle. It means a lot.”
Chenle smiles. “Any time, bro.”
By the time lunch rolled around, Jisung felt like a shit ton of bricks had hit him. Usually, he would’ve seen you in the morning but you were nowhere to be found. He hadn't seen you in the halls or anywhere else at all, and worry was eating him up. Where in the world were you?
He took a seat besides his friends who all shot him a look of concern. “What’s wrong now?” Donghyuck questions gently. He hated seeing his youngest brother down in the dumps and although it was supposed to be resolved today, Jisung only looked more worn out.
“I haven't seen her at all today. Do you think she’s purposefully avoiding me?” Jisung feels his heart breaking even more at the possibility that you hated him to the point where you wouldn’t even want to see his face. His head drops in remorse.
“I don’t know,” Hyuck begrudgingly admits, “But don’t you have class with her?”
“Just some. But she was absent today. Usually I see her between classes as well and I haven’t seen her at all. What if she’s sick or she’s skipping class just to avoid me?”
“I doubt (Y/N) would ever skip class just for that reason… but you should just wait until class,” Renjun suggests. Jisung nods in disappointment, his expression resembling one of a kicked puppy. The boys exchange a look of pity and they eat their lunch quietly.
They could only hope for the best.
Jisung mopes for the remainder of the day, feeling nothing but pure despair for his current situation. By the time the last class rolled around, he had basically given up on even seeing you today or even ever again for that matter. He stares at the dainty bag he prepared for you in deep regret before a familiar figure passes by him. (Y/N)?
His head snaps up so quickly he’s sure he almost gave himself whiplash.
It was you. You were here. You were here!
Relief washes throughout his body. His eyes followed you as you walked to your seat, yet he feels his body tense when you don’t even bother to glance back. You hadn’t spared him a single look since you had gotten to your desk but you could feel his stare burn holes into the back of your head. You didn’t actually know since you hadn’t looked at him since before this weekend but you had a gut feeling.
Still, you were stubborn and refused to turn around and give that jerk the satisfaction of attaining your precious attention.
It wasn’t fair of him to do that when he was the one who had hurt you. He was the one who had promised you his time, yet ended up treating you as if you were disposable — something he’d throw away once he had something better to do. You weren’t his priority.
You had basically spent all weekend curled up in your room sobbing into Mark’s arms. He had picked you up from the movie theater that fateful day and consoled you until the wee hours of night, patiently listening to you rant and bawl your heart out over a stupid, stupid boy. You felt so guilty since he had just come back into town and instead of spending time catching up, he had kept you company as you binge-watched sad movies to wallow in your heartbreak over a certain idiot by the name of Park Jisung.
(“I’m sorry Mark,” you blubbered as you cling onto his figure. He sighed as he rubbed your back soothingly, hoping to calm down your tears. You mumbled into his tear-stained shirt, “I didn’t expect you to come back and for this to happen. I ruined your weekend, didn’t I?”
“Well.. you might’ve,” He said, causing you to immediately sit and look at him with watery eyes and quivering lips. You opened your mouth to cry out even more but he stopped you. “Wait—I was kidding. Sort of but not really.. but it’s okay (Y/N)! I just don’t want you to see you cry anymore.” Through your watery eyes and sniffles, you managed to smack him weakly against his chest. He gave you a tight-lipped smile before softly pulling you into his embrace, tracing circles into your back as you melted into his arms and lulled yourself into a deep, painless slumber.
Mark slowly moved his head to look down at your forlorn figure, a peaceful expression upon your features despite the fresh tears still dripping down your face. He gently wiped the tears from your face with the pad of his thumb, his heartbeat thumping so loudly that he worried it would wake you. He felt like his heart was tearing in half — from how painfully heartbroken you were, and how ironically sad this situation was. “I’ll always be here by your side,” Mark whispers to the air, knowing you had already drifted into dreamland. His heart ached. After all, he knew you would never see him the same way you saw Jisung. And he had to live with that.)
You had spent the next few nights with Mark, ugly crying yourself to sleep in his arms until the tears ran out. Asking the skies how could he could just cut you out of his life just like that? Drop you with the lame excuse that his friends were first. Did he not feel any remorse for what he did?
Stupid jerk. He didn’t deserve any more of my goddamn time or attention. No more shedding any tears. No more self-pity, you thought to yourself. You didn’t need Park Jisung in your life. You didn’t need to waste your breath holding onto what your friendship once was, what your feelings once were. You were sure of it. You had tried to convince yourself so, anyways.
You wanted to burn every trace of Park Jisung from your life, yet Mark had persuaded you not to, quietly murmuring about how you would regret it more than Jisung would soon regret his actions. You found that hard to believe but after all he had done to stay by your side, you relented to his wishes.
The time had dragged on by agonizingly slowly. It felt like Jisung was stuck in time for what felt like a million damn years. His anxiousness increased as the class went on. You were actually here! He wondered why you hadn’t showed up for your earlier classes but he thanked the heavens that at least you were here now. Yet he couldn’t help but feel more on edge.
He swallowed thickly, tapping his pencil annoyingly and fidgeting in his seat. His eyes paid more attention to the ticking of the hands of the clock than the boring teacher droning on and on about today’s lesson.
Finally, the bell rings signaling the end of class. Jisung jumps out of his desk and grabs his backpack in one hand and the bag in another, dashing outside like his life depended on it. You catch a glimpse of his escaping figure, and scowl. Did he really not want to be in the same space as you? Was it that painful for him to have you to be in his life? You felt a lump grow in your throat. A part of you had naively hoped that maybe, just maybe he would confront you and apologize. Not that you’d forgive him, or anything but… You bite your lip. He really dashed out the door just like that. You swallow the tears threatening to spill and trudge out of the room with a grim shadow cast upon your face.
You walk outside and begrudgingly scan the groups of students dispersing, searching for his face despite your internal protests. You couldn’t help it. However, by the time you reach the steps of the school, he’s nowhere to be found.
“You look like your cat just died.” You turn around to see Na Jaemin leaning against the brick wall with his signature sweet smile painted on his face. You pout and remember that he’s still Jisung’s friend. Your pout quickly turns into a scowl, and as if reading your mind — he kindly says, “I’m still your friend (Y/N). Nothing will ever change that.”
Your walls drop and he gently nudged your shoulder, cocking his head towards the doors so you both head out. “I hope Bongshik didn’t actually die, or else Jeno would be devastated,” Jaemin remarks. Your shoulders droop and you shake your head. As you walk with him, he takes a turn into the courtyard and you follow him despite the unfamiliar path.
“I know what happened between both of you,” he breathes airily. You wince at the mention of the fall-out. You hadn’t really wanted other people to know yet you guessed it was inevitable. “I know you probably hate him, but I know it’ll be okay. “
You remain quiet, unable to form a coherent sentence when your mind is constantly buzzing with thoughts of Jisung, bringing back the pain clawing inside your chest. You bite your lip. “How can you be so sure about that?” You mutter bitterly.
As you stare at the fallen cherry blossoms littered all across the pavement, you don’t realize that Jaemin had stopped. You freeze, and look up only to lock your gaze with the deep chocolate orbs of the one person you had been avoiding all day.
His eyes darted around your face searching for any telltale signs of how you felt — yet your face was only void of any emotions besides shock. Your jaw drops as you immediately turn to leave. “Wait, (Y/N), please! I’m sorry, please don’t leave— please! Just hear me out.”
You halt in your footsteps, cursing yourself for being foolish enough to even listen to him. Your heart betrayed your mind. You turned around and glared at Jaemin for even getting you in this situation — yet his eyes simply gazed with intent, almost lulling you towards Jisung again. He raises his eyebrows in anticipation and tilts his head towards the other boy. You sigh in resignation at his silent command and then turn around to fully face Jisung.
“What could you possibly say that would make me want to stay?”
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Jaemin says quietly before walking away. Your eyes widen as you realize that you would have to deal with this alone. You open your mouth to protest.
“Wait, (Y/N), please — I just need to tell you something and then you can decide whether or not I’m worth any more of your time,” Jisung interrupts, pleading with his entire soul.
Your eyes flicker to him.
He had never looked so broken.
“I thought I wasn’t worth any of your time,” You say quietly, remembering his harsh words from the other day.
Jisung’s expression drops yet he knows he can’t stay quiet anymore. “No, that’s not true,” He says firmly. “You’re worth all the time in the world.”
You can feel your heart beating out of your chest now, and wonder if he can hear it despite the mere steps that distance you away from one another.
Jisung’s nose scrunches up, and you want to laugh at his cute habit of wrinkling his nose in distaste whenever he’s disappointed that something doesn’t go his way, even despite the grave situation. He inhaled sharply before continuing. “I’m so so sorry for what I said the other day. It was the most hurtful thing I’ve ever said to anyone and I’m so disappointed in myself for hurting you. I never meant to.” He bites his lip and you stare at him. His hands fidget but remain behind his back.
“I-I like you, (Y/N). A lot. M-Maybe even love you but either way! It doesn’t excuse what I did. I shouldn’t have stood you up, but I was stupid, and foolish and the biggest idiot in the world because I was scared. When you first brought up going to the movies together, I was so happy. This is going to sound so damn cheesy and I hate cheesy, but my heart literally soared. I’m still surprised you didn’t notice how red I was,” He admitted.
You stared at him in shock. Park Jisung liked you. Even loved you. He loved you back.
“I didn’t shut up about it to the boys. But then I kept thinking. What if you didn’t mean it like an actual date and I was taking it the wrong way? I was honestly terrified. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship by making the next move even though everyone told me you felt the same way. I over thought it and then decided that I didn’t want to look like an idiot, so I had to be really chill about it in front of you, so I wouldn’t embarrass myself if you didn’t feel the same way. I didn’t want you to know how excited I was because I thought I would look desperate, or something.”
“I let my insecurities get the best of me and god, when I heard that Mark Lee was coming back, I literally felt like I had no chance. I mean, you’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever known and I mean it (Y/N). Y-You…,” He pauses and takes a breath, forcing himself to make eye contact with you. “You deserve the world and I really want to be the one to make you happy because it makes me so happy every time you laugh because of me tripping over air or you wake me up when I fall asleep during our study dates — I mean hangouts. And when I get to hold your hand and doodle all over your arms—” He rambles on. “I was dumb enough to take your time for granted and not consider your feelings. But I want to do better for you. I regret what I did and I want to turn back time to fix it, but I know I can’t so… I promise I won’t make this same mistake again.” His ears turn red and your heart can’t help but swell at his words, despite your mind’s screaming.
“But I didn’t think I was good enough or anything like Mark, who’s a lot funnier and older and smarter. I thought he would be better for you.” You want to open your mouth to protest but he continues.
“But I don’t want to be scared anymore! I don’t want to live life regretting what I did. You’re the most important person in my life (Y/N), and I know I hurt you a lot because I was scared to let you see all of me and tell you how I really felt, but I want to be better and learn from my mistakes. I don’t ever want to hurt you again and I can’t promise you I won’t, because I’m a big idiot who’s still growing, and I know I make a lot of mistakes... but I want to be your big idiot who will apologize and grow from them. I would do whatever it takes to make you happy as long as we’re happy together.”
You found yourself on a rollercoaster of emotions. You bite your lip, trying to hold back the growing smile and tears threatening to burst.
Taking your hesitation as a rejection, Jisung looks down dejectedly before revealing the bag in his hand. “H-Here,” he struggles to keep his voice from breaking, just like his heart, “I… wanted to buy you your favorite cake from Neo Bakery but it was closed so I tried to bake it myself… I know you don’t want anything to do with me anymore but please just take it. It’s for you.”
Your eyes widen as you also notice his bandaged hand and the way he winces when he grips the straps of the bag tighter. You put two and two together and take the bag. You set it delicately down on the ground before rushing to embrace him.
Jisung stumbles back a little but manages to catch his balance as you wrap your arms around him. “You stupid idiot,” you mumble into his shirt, tears welling up. “Look at how cliche this is. You know how much I hate cheesy cliches.”
Jisung stiffens before he relaxes his body to hug you back even tighter. “I can’t believe you burned yourself baking a cake for me. How dumb are you? And I can’t believe Jaemin let you in the kitchen in the first place.” You say incredulously.
He lets out a laugh at your response and strokes your hair gently. “I know,” he says softly as he closes his eyes and relishes in your warmth. You loosen your grip around his torso and step back to gaze up at him. “I can’t believe you at all. What you did really hurt me and I almost burned all your hoodies” Jisung’s eyes widened in horror at your statement. You snigger slightly. “But I didn’t. Thanks to Mark, by the way.”
“It’s okay to be insecure and have your doubts and I know we all make mistakes but please, don’t shut me out and leave me hanging like that next time. We’re friends and friends don’t do that to each other. I accept your apology — only because I know how hard you must’ve worked to bake the cake with your stupid noodle limbs and incompetent cooking skills.”
“Hey!” Jisung pouts at your words and you reach up to pinch his cheeks as you laugh. He melts at your touch and a gummy smile emerges. “But if you couldn’t tell, I really like you too. Maybe even love you,” You inhale at your own words and avert your eyes. “But if you want to make the next move then we have to work on conquering our fears… Together.” You admit earnestly, a look of determination in your eyes.
Jisung can’t help but grin even harder as his heartbeat skyrockets. Happiness overflows through every part of his body. “Thank God,” He says, pulling you in for another tight embrace. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”
You both revel in each other’s arms for a while longer as the breeze gently blows against your figure. You look up at him, with the sunset shining upon his skin. His sparkling eyes gaze intently into yours before he leans down a little and your breath hitches. He pauses for a moment before his lips brush hesitantly against yours, and although you don’t feel fireworks erupt or an intense rush of euphoria, you know that this felt just right. Your noses barely brush against each other’s and your eyes flutter shut, feeling his lashes tickle lightly against your skin. He’s so glad your eyes are closed so you don’t see his cheeks dusted with a rosy pink. You slot your lips against his more, the awkwardness fading away, and tip toe to wrap your arms around his neck as he pulls you in deeper.
He lets go first but smoothly slips his large hand into yours, fitting almost perfectly. His ears burn with embarrassment and you can feel yourself turn hot and blush fervently. Jisung scratches his neck trying to hide the fact that wow, for a kid who was considered shy — that really just happened.
“You’re not off the hook yet, Park Jisung! You still have a lot of groveling to do. Just because I love you doesn’t mean you’re forgiven, you big baby!” You announce to diffuse the awkwardness.
He smiles bashfully, “It’s okay. As long as I’m your big baby.” He leans down to grab the bag with his other hand and you blush even harder at the confidence brimming from his words. “Shall we go taste test my amazing cake?” He jokes.
You smack him and scoff, “There’s no damn way you were able to make this by yourself! Who helped you?”
He sticks his tongue out. “You’ll never figure it out.” You roll your eyes and laugh as you walk together, fingers still intertwined.
Maybe it was foolish of you to want to believe that Park Jisung wasn’t just simply a passing cloud or fleeting moment in your life. But you had hope. Hope that instead, he was the gentle breeze that tickled your nose and the warm sunshine that kissed your face on the warm summer days where you both had spent chasing each other until your lungs hurt. Or perhaps, his existence was embodied in the petals of the cherry blossom tree in the courtyard that bloomed every spring, carved with initials of young love that you had just ironically and cheesily enough, just experienced your first love underneath. You weren’t sure if Park Jisung’s existence was fleeting in itself or that the idea of forever actually existed, but you knew he himself was just there throughout every step of the way, and as much as the moments passed by and the memories faded, you could feel his love with the passing of every second.
And most importantly, you knew that Park Jisung still had your heart at the end of the day, and even if he dropped it, he would do everything in his power to put together the pieces even if it meant opening up a part of his heart that he had kept hidden away for so long and giving it to you. And at that moment, that was the only forever you needed.
author’s note: i sincerely hope you enjoyed this sequel hehe i worked really hard on this and it’s the longest story i’ve ever written! spoiler alert: there will be an epilogue/spin-off with mark in the making <33 please keep an eye out for that in the future hehe. special thanks to @neocitybynight @j-woosderland @gohyuck and @neostains for reading this beforehand!
taglist: @bumblebeenct @mjlkau @yongiefilms @neo-cultures @sugarsicheng @thenctaddict @soleilhyuck @ainabaina @heyy-sicheng @sunflowerhae
#neowritingsnet#kwritersworldnet#nct-writers#jisung scenarios#jisung x reader#park jisung scenarios#park jisung angst#park jisung#nct jisung#nct dream scenarios#nct dream angst#jisung angst#nct scenarios#nct angst#leyna writes#nct dream imagines#park jisung imagines
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Halloween Surprise
Intro: Hello, lovelies!! I’m sorry I’ve been kinda slacking on the stories, but I’ve been so freaking busy as of late. Anyways! I hope you enjoy this Halloween oneshot!! :)
Note: Y/N goes to a Halloween party with her best friend at the campus, things go from good to hairy as the night goes, but a blonde beauty saves the day, is there sparks?
Word Count: 1008
Okay, so how about an Annabeth Chase halloween one where yn is a demigod but doesn’t know and thinks a monster who is about to attack her is someone dressed up for trick or treating or a halloween party etc. Cue Annabeth who comes in to save the day, maybe knowing of a demigod who needed to be found and taken to camp. And afterwards when she kills the monster yn(who of course got a bit distracted by the pretty girl ;3) is all ‘oh my god you just killed someone’ to Annabeth XD @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
“Hurry up, Y/N!” Your friend, Sean, shouted from the door of your dorm, the two of you heading to a Halloween party at the school “Hold on! I’m finishing up here!” You called from the bathroom, finishing up the final touches of your Hiccup costume, you having worked super hard on it, going as far as using temporary hair dye to make your hair brown, the costume working out after you had lost your left leg when you were five to a disease you had, costing you your leg.
Coming out of the bathroom, Sean looked at you and grinned, him dressed up as Eret to keep your costumes matching “Looking good, lets go” he said, lightly punching your arm before heading out with you, you saying a quick goodbye to your roommate who was still getting ready before you slipped out with Sean.
“So, is you-know-who coming?” You asked Sean, nudging him slightly and catching the blush on his face, even under the paint “Maybe, I asked her, but she didn’t give a full answer” he said, giving a shrug as you looped arms with him “Well, I’ll be your date till then” you teased, the two of you always being each other’s ‘dates’ when it came to these things anyways “Woah” you said, heading inside the commons area of where the party was, looking around at the very well decorated place “They even have a haunted house!” Sean said, pointing to the back window which showed a haunted house set up.
Going around some, you saw all the people dressed up and dancing or getting snacks from the snack bar, along with face painting and some other fun little games “I need to not think that every school hosted party is going to be like middle school and high school” you chuckled, knowing you had debated on coming to this but Sean had convinced you otherwise “See? I told you it’d be cool” he said, slipping from your grip and gesturing to the snack table “Want anything?” He asked, looking at you “Punch, I’ll go find us somewhere to sit” you said, the two of you splitting ways.
Heading over to where the tables were, you froze when you locked eyes with a pair of shocking grey ones across the room, the two of you holding the gaze until she got distracted by the girl who was beside her, making you remember you were doing something, so you went back to heading towards the tables, trying to get those grey eyes that made you melt out of your head, but that was easier said than done.
As the night drew on, you didn’t see the girl again, not even out dancing when Sean drug you out before his lady friend showed up, you going to sit at the table since it was a slow song, you scrolling through your phone and looking up when someone stood in front of you, them looking exactly like a Scythian Dracanae “That’s an amazing costume! How’d you make it look so… Real” you said, astonished as to how life like it looked, you being a big Greek Mythology person, raising an eyebrow when they didn’t answer and when you looked at their face, you saw how it seemed furious “Uhm” you said, raising your hands up and barely dodging when it swung its weapon at you “Crap” you said before taking off running, running out the back door and into the haunted house.
The two of you seeming to be doing that Scooby Doo crap while you ran through random rooms in the house, ending up running into something solid, you holding your arms in front of your face to kind of shield yourself, thinking it was the person dressed as the Dracanae until you heard her voice “I’m not going to hurt you, I’m here to help” she said, helping you up and pulling you through the haunted house, you not fighting her since a pretty girl was saving you and you were too focused on her to think of much else.
Ending up in the room of mirrors, you caught a glimpse of the person, only for the girl to be one step ahead of them, her killing them right in front of your eyes and you watching as they turned to dust, you backing up when the girl approached you “Y-You just killed that person!” You accused, pointing to the pile of dust that was starting to disappear “That wasn’t a person, that was a monster… You’re a demigod” the girl said, taking your arms in her grip and having you look at her, you unable to help but get lost in her stormy grey eyes once more.
“I’m a what?” You asked softly, thinking this was all some big prank and you were going to wake up the next morning and all of this would just be a joke, but the girls eyes told you differently and you weren’t sure how to feel about it “You’re a demigod, your parent hasn’t claimed you yet, but I’m going to take you somewhere safe, okay?” She asked, looking at you and you just nodded, not able to think of much else to do and letting her lead you out of the haunted house and towards a car.
The girl stopped in front of the car and turned around “Oh, I’m Annabeth Chase by the way” she said, giving you a small smile and it was then that you noticed her costume… She had dressed up as Astrid, her blonde hair in a beautiful braid over her shoulder and her red outfit hugged her form well “I-“ you stuttered, clearing your throat after a moment “I’m Y/N Y/L/N” you said, smiling at her and earning one from her before she turned and opened the door for you “After you” she said, and you couldn’t help it when your heart rate spiked at the action, getting into the car and thinking that you had found the Astrid to your Hiccup.
Permanent Taglist: @rianncreates / @natasha-danvers / @youngandwildx7 / @hopingforbarnes
End Note: I hope you guys enjoyed!! If you’d like to be added to a Taglist, shoot me a DM or an Ask!! Have a good day/night!! :)
#annabeth chase x reader#annabeth chase x fem!reader#annabeth x reader#annabeth chase imagine#percy jackson and the olympians x reader#percy jackson and the olympians#Spoopy Time!
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Let Me In - Part 2
Prompt: “If I knock politely will you let me in? I’ll make it worth your while”
Pairing: Baekhyun x Reader
Word Count: 4,950
Warnings: Vampire AU, smut, blood, mentions of death, murder & torture.
A/N: Part 1 was in my Halloween drabbles from a long ass time ago. I continuously got requests for a second part so it finally came into being today. Let me know what you think, comments help me greatly given the large breaks between posting for me, they help me work out if I’m still any good at this writing business.
“S-so, a-are you g-gonna k-kill me?” You stutter out, your fear making it hard for you to get the words out.
He smirks and steps back, freeing you from the wall. Before you can even think about regaining some semblance of composure he kneels on the floor and sinks his fangs into the dead man’s neck. Your eyes widen as you stand frozen to the spot, unable to blink, run, anything. It takes all you have just to remember to breathe.
He drops the corpse back to the floor when he’s finished feeding, licking his blood-stained lips as he sets his eyes on you again. “I think you’ve bought yourself some time.” He steps closer to you, caging your body between his arms, your back pressed back against the wall. “Convince me to let you live, but your case had better be compelling since you wasted my time earlier.” His dark gaze feels like its searing lines into your flesh as you feel it travel from your eyes to your lips, throat, & chest before raking back up to your eyes. “You still haven’t let me in.” He smirks.
What was that stupid saying that you used to say to your friends? Mark me down as scared and horny. That’s pretty much where you were right now. Terrified for multiple reasons (vampires were real, one sent a madman to kill you then killed said madman in front of you and was maybe, probably, most definitely doing to kill you) but also horny. It was impossible to deny how attractive Baekhyun was, both before when you thought he was human and now as he pinned you to the wall. Your mind is racing, jumping between freaking out about your impending death and lewd comments about his lips, hands, hips. If it had the capacity to take on anything else it might also be disgusted with itself for allowing lust to creep in at a time like this.
Somewhere deep down in your psyche a thought sparks. Draw this out, stay alive as long as you possibly can. The longer you are alive, the closer you are to sunrise. Make it to sunrise and escape. It wasn’t much to go on but it was the best you could think of. There was no way that you would overpower him with strength. If you wanted to win here then you were going to need to be smart and bide your time. Use every advantage that you could and the sun was a powerful one. His ego might just be another.
“I want to know more about you.” He raises one brow in response.
You inhale, steeling your nerves as you say the words that will change your life forever. “In the bar before, we talked. I liked that, liked getting to know you -” the words were not untrue. The bar had been nice. You’d captured the attention of the man every person, men and women alike, desired but he had only had eyes for you. You had been sitting at the bar enjoying your Old Fashioned when Baekhyun had first approached you. At the time it was immensely flattering but in hindsight you were probably just easy prey. You were alone and no one else had been paying much attention to you. “- but now that I know that you’re well, not human, I feel like that was all lies. Tell me about you first. Then I’ll let you in.”
He shifts back and considers your words. “Why should I tell you anything at all? I could just compel you to let me in and use you until I’m bored of your body.” His tone betrays him. He might be impatient and used to getting what he wants but from the way his tone shifted when he said he could compel you, you could tell that doing so would ruin the fun for him.
So you played with fire, figuratively speaking of course. Standard negotiating probably wouldn’t work here because a) you were terrified and b) impatient vampire. You weren’t trying to get out of sleeping with him either. You were attracted to him even through your fear and there was no denying that you wanted him. All you were trying to gain was time. The closer it got to sunrise, the higher your chances of survival were.
So you tried to match his ego to unnerve him.“Where is the fun in that?” You shrug. “If all you want is a body to fuck, then why ask me to convince you to let me live? Surely it’s better for you with a willing participant.” You take a step forward, avoiding the dead body on the floor, and advance on Baekhyun as you continue to speak. “One that wants you, that begs for you, that needs you.” You lick your lips as you finish, your words affecting you more than you thought they would. “Why put it all of the effort at the bar when you could have simply locked eyes and told me what you wanted me to do? I think you enjoy the hunt so why spoil it now? What harm is there in telling me about yourself when I’m just going to die anyway?” You shrug.
Baekhyun takes a few steps back and looks at you, really looks at you. His eyes narrow as he takes you in and tries to work out your ploy. “Interesting tactic little one. Futile though.” He smirks and turns away from you, heading off towards your kitchen.
Left with the corpse just behind you, you decide to follow him rather than rush out the front door. Baekhyun has already proved that he is faster than you so you probably wouldn’t get very far and even if you got to a neighbour in time there is the very real possibility that they’d die and it would be your fault.
As you enter the kitchen you spot Baekhyun mixing drinks. He points at the two armchairs you have in your makeshift reading nook, a place that has brought you comfort over the years. If there was ever a place for you to fight for your life then this would be the one place that would bring you strength. You make your way over to one of the armchairs and sink into its comforting embrace while you wait for Baekhyun to finish making drinks.
“I’ll play your game for now little one but don’t push your luck.” He says as he carries two drinks over, handing you one once he is close enough. You notice that he’s made the same drink that you were having at the bar. “You’re not wrong, compelling a mark kind of ruins the vibe but if I have to do it, I will.”
“Asking me to tell you about myself is a bit vague given my lengthy existence so why don’t you try something more specific? I’ll let you ask as many questions as you want but there is a price for my answers.” He smirks.
“Name it.”
“Each time I answer you, you must remove an article of clothing. Once removed I’m free to touch the unclothed area. When you run out of clothing, your question time ceases and you submit yourself to me to have you as I please.”
You gulp as you try not to let on how appealing his price sounds. The logical part of your brain tries to yell over the burning lust that is taking over your senses about the dangers involved here but as far as you see it your options are die in pain or die in pleasure. Given the choice, you will avoid pain at almost any cost. He thinks he has you trapped, like a cat cornering a mouse but you aren’t so sure that you’ve been beaten yet. Not that he needs to know that.
“I accept your terms.” You say before taking a sip of your drink. The whiskey soothing any errant nerves.
You see Baekhyun’s eyes darken with desire as he sits opposite you, a smug look on his face now that he thinks he’s won. “I’ll give you a point for not forcing an unnecessary negotiation or rebuttal upon hearing my price.”
“You said not to waste your time. Your terms are not unsurprising and it did not seem like it was up for negotiation when you delivered it.”
“Smart woman.” He relaxed into the armchair, swirling his drink in one hand as the other beckoned for you to begin your questioning.
“How much of what you told me about yourself at the bar was true?”
“All of it.” He states bluntly, chuckling at the surprised look on your face. “I do work at a law firm in town with 8 others, it’s how we exist in human society. I don’t have traditional family as such anymore as I’ve long outlived them. I do prefer to go out at night for obvious reasons beyond my control and I find great beauty in the night.”
Baekhyun was right, he had told you the truth, just a very short version of it. Should that make you trust him any more? Probably not, but it did instil a small amount of something in you about him. He could have just lied about everything in order to lure you away but he chose the truth. In some weird way that counted for something.
“No lies, you just never bothered to dig deeper at the time.” He purred, eyes roaming your body as he waited to see what you would remove.
You slipped out of your leather jacket and draped it over the back of your seat. Baekhyun groaned impatiently when he saw the long sleeves that remained covering your arms. Victory, it would seem, was not yet within his grasp. Begrudgingly he took another sip of his drink as you laughed internally at his reaction.
“Is your normal pattern to trick someone into letting you into their home then you kill them?”
“No. My clan and I have tried many things over the years. Let’s see. There was compelling which was just too easy and made our existence dull, posing as missionaries which weirdly enough worked better than it should have… not that I’ll ever let Suho know that. Next was outright frenzy where we razed a town, feasted and moved on - that was one of the early ones.” He grins as he reminisces. “Where was I, oh yes. We told people we were vampires - that one was particularly popular in the 2000’s, we’ve pretended to be injured or dead then attacked the person who was kind enough to try and help us, also too easy in my opinion but effective. You humans are gullible.” He chuckles. “We also tried to use blood banks but supplies could not sustain our hunger without detection, so then we tried setting up our own donor systems but that was a logistical nightmare and more red tape than you should ever have to deal with as an immortal. Roleplay was a fun one, biting is a real kink for so many people - who knew? - and now the current approach which is an amalgamation of past methods - seduction and pleasure followed by feeding.” He finishes his account of vampiric blood sourcing by licking his lips, his fangs hidden from your view.
If you hadn’t seen them plunged into the neck of the now deceased man in your entryway you could be fooled into thinking that the man sitting across from you was just that, a man. But you had seen them and you knew they were real. You also knew the telltale signs of an impatient man and Baekhyun was most definitely impatient.
For an immortal being who could remain as still at the night he was fidgeting and tapping his glass more than any vampire should. Whether it was hunger or something else causing it you didn’t know. The erratic movements were unsettling and causing your nerves to return. His gaze pierces yours as he waits.
You set your drink on the floor and stand, moving your arms behind you as you unzip your skirt, letting it fall to the floor, revealing a small amount of flesh at the top of your thighs, your garter belt and stockings covering most of the unveiled skin.
You hear him inhale, something he does not need to do. “You’re just going to leave it on the floor like that? Little one, it will crumple.” His voice is rough as he chides you.
You smirk and turn away from him before giving him what he wants. You step out of the skirt, bend at the hips and collect the discarded piece from the floor. You can feel his eyes on your ass as you bend forward, leaving little to the imagination. Only a small strip of fabric prevents him from your sex.
After you place your skirt on the back of the chair, on top of the jacket, you sit. Your brain doesn’t register the movement but before you can cross one leg over the other Baekhyun is there, kneeling between them, his hands on the uppermost part of your thighs where the skin is exposed.
“You,” He growls. “do not know the fire with which you are playing with.” You can see the tips of his fangs now. Your body betrays you as you feel heat and want rushing to your core and your eyes close. His fingers trace patterns into your thighs, ghosting near the edge of your panties and down your inner thighs which only builds your arousal.
“You’ll beg for me to fuck you before you’re fully undressed little one. Why deny yourself what we both know you desire?” He grazes his fangs along the column of your neck as your core clenches around nothing.
When you open your eyes he is back in his seat swirling his drink like he had never moved. The absence of his touch left you wanting. Your stubbornness is the only thing keeping you from rushing through your questions because Baekhyun is not wrong, you want him - badly. “Are you going to kill me?”
He cocks his head as he ponders your question. “Honestly haven’t made my mind up yet. Before this current bargain I was just going to fuck you and drain you, the only variable there being if I let you enjoy it or if I let you feel pain. Now… I’m not sure. You might be interesting enough to keep alive for now. It all depends really.”
Your fingers expertly undo the buttons of your blouse and you shrug out of its sleeves, leaving you clad only in your underwear and heels. “On what?” You ask. The lines of this little ruse are starting to blur for you. The original plan to keep Baekhyun talking in order to reach sunrise is fading, leaving only images on the vampire taking you every which way, giving you pleasure you could only dream of.
“On you little one.” Baekhyun’s voice comes from directly behind you. You feel his hands moving down your sides, one snaking between your legs and gripping your inner thigh and the other splayed over your stomach. You feel his fangs drag over your throat and you shudder. “You might just convince me.” You feel his presence disappear and know without turning around that he is no longer standing behind you. You can feel where his hands were on your body, the ghost of his touch remaining.
As you look around you can’t spot him anywhere. You know he’s still in the house because why would he leave now? You make your way to the various rooms in your home as you search for the vampire but he is nowhere. You start to feel frustration overtaking your lust as you call out. “Baekhyun! Where are you?”
His voice sounds from a room that you had already checked, your bedroom. “This game needs to continue in another room little one.” You make your way back upstairs to your room as he speaks again, his voice closer this time. “You are far too indecently clothed to be in a sitting room.”
As you enter the room you see him leaning against your bedpost, his eyes roaming your body. Your ears register the sound of him moving past you but your eyes do not. The door closes behind you and he appears to have not moved. The fear inside you spikes back up as you witness a modicum of his power. You’ve been toying with him when all along he could just snap you like a twig.the thought terrifies you but you try to push your fear down. It will not help you now.
You saunter towards the bed only for him to hold up a hand and stop you. “I believe you asked a question little one. You know the rules.” Left with only a few options you step out of your heels and continue towards the bed.
By your count you have three questions left before this little game ends and you plan to use them to ensure that whatever happens after doesn’t hurt you and might just lead to you keeping your life. You aren’t going to bother with asking more about his past. You are pretty sure you know enough, he’s been undead for quite some time but from looking at him you would guess that he was in his 20’s when he was turned. He can be cruel - you have not forgotten the madman he compelled earlier - he is determined, overconfident, smug, impatient and alluring and he has made you crazed with lust.
“How do you want me?” you ask sultrily as you reach the foot of your bed.
Out of the corner of your eye you see him remove his jacket and place it over the chair at your dresser. His shoes and socks are next, then he starts to unbutton his shirt as he moves behind you. You can feel him standing behind you but he does not touch you. He lets the anticipation build, he knows this game has almost reached its end, he is one step closer to getting what he wants from you.
“Naked and wanting.” He confesses. “Reveling in the pleasure I give you, begging for more.”
Your bra drops to the floor, making him groan. “And what will you do to me?” You ask, before he can say anything to alter your train of thought. Your mind is set on one path and one path only now. You want him. You want him to make you forget that you were ever afraid of him, that he ever posed a danger to you, that he is anything more than an incredibly attractive man with eyes only for you.
“Everything.” He whispers in your ear. His hands cup your breasts, fingers lightly pinching your nipples. “I’ll make you feel pleasure like you’ve never felt before. Make you beg for me to never stop fucking you, for me to bite you. And I will, once you beg for it.”
A moan escapes your throat, giving away just how aroused you are. Your hand brushes against his crotch as you move to undo your garter belt and you feel how hard he is for you. He stops your hand and completes the action for you, sliding the stockings down your legs and off your feet. He spins you and pushes you down onto the bed, removing the shirt from his shoulders and undoing his pants as he kneels at your feet.
“Why me?” you manage to say as you watch him undress, your eyes taking in the lean planes of his body. He wasn’t wearing underwear you muse as your eyes are drawn to his cock, hard and waiting to enter you. His eyes follow yours and he grins when he realises where their gaze has not wavered. Shuffling back of the bed far gracefully than he has any right to, he moves back into a standing position so that he can remove his pants.
Fully naked, he moves back to his position between your legs. “What’s the point of being immortal if you deny yourself the simple pleasures in life?” he responds as he kisses your ankle, before moving up your calf, to your thigh, hip, breast, neck before finally reaching your lips. “I find beauty in the night and I take what I want. Right now, that is you.”
His lips crash into yours in a kiss that is so desperate that you don’t register the ripping of your panties until you can feel him, all of him flush against your skin. His body doesn’t emit heat, rather it is cool to the touch but it isn’t a bad feeling. Rather it is refreshing in comparison to how hot you feel. His mouth works against yours, the lip ring providing a new sensation for the kiss.
When he breaks the kiss to allow you to breathe you see the dark fire in his eyes, his desire palpable. “You’re mine now little one. I told you your game was futile, that you would give in to me and here we are, your wet little cunt begging for my cock. Do you think you deserve pleasure after how long you made me wait?”
“Yes.” you breathe.
He looks amused. “Oh? And why is that?”
“I was scared of you. There was no desire to let you in before we talked more but now, now I want you even though I know part of the truth about you. You said it was better if the other person was willing, well, now I am.” You laid out the truth for him. You were no longer scared of him even though you knew he could still inflict the worst pain imaginable on you and kill you. What you felt now was desire so strong that nothing, not even fear of death, could break through.
He grinned, baring his fangs to you. “You, my dear, have proven to be far more interesting than I gave you credit for. There is one thing I didn’t tell you though, something that will make what is about to happen much more pleasurable for you. Vampires can direct the blood flow of any body that they are in contact with. You think you want me now? Wait until you feel as though you’re on fire, your skin burning with need as I taste you. You’ll beg me to drink your blood from wherever I please. And I will.”
You shuddered at his words. Desire pouring through you, making you feel as though you were drugged. “Kiss me.” The words left your mouth without any thought. Baekhyun leaned down and his lips closed over yours gently, seeing if you were going to try and get away from him. When he realised that you weren’t going anywhere he intensified the kiss, increasing the pressure and igniting your senses.
He ran his tongue along the seam of your lips until you opened your mouth, allowing your tongues to work against each other. You could feel his fangs grazing your lip but it did not scare you, rather it made you want more. His hands roamed your body as the two of you kissed, teasing your nipples and brushing near your core, never where you wanted the friction the most.
“Please” you moan.
“What do you want little one?” he teases.
“Touch me.” His hands grip your thighs, spreading your legs wide for him. You try to roll your hips, desperate for any sort of friction but you don’t achieve the contact you’re after. You whimper as the frustration builds. You want him to touch you so badly, you need your release and soon.
“Patience little one.” He chuckles. “As flattering as it is to see just how badly you want me, I want to savour this. His eyes drift down. “You look delectable.” He shifts his body down the bed so that his face is level with your dripping centre.
He slowly drags his fangs from your thigh, up your leg, and moves over your centre, to the other thigh. The sensation makes you whimper as you try to grind your hips, but he holds you down with his hands as you try to find some friction to help you along. “Please” You breathe.
Smirking he moves back to where you need him the most, flicking his tongue against your clit. Your mind goes blank at the sensation as he repeats the motion, deepening the pressure he’s applying until you moan loudly. If anything, it only serves to spur him on, attaching his lips to your clit as his tongue presses and swirls around it. Your hips would have been bucking into his face if he wasn’t holding you down.
He pauses for a moment to confess “You are fucking delectable, I could do this all night.” before resuming his feast. You bite your lip as he rolls his tongue against you, his fangs lightly grazing your clit and sending a whole new wave of pleasure flowing through you. You never expected his fangs to draw such a response from you but you felt yourself moan louder every time they grazed over your clit. You could feel his eyes watching you as he pleasured you, taking in every reaction and building his actions on that. Your arousal builds as he alternates the pace and pressure of his tongue, and increases the feel of his fangs against you.
“Fuck” you whimper. The sensations are building too quickly and you can feel your release approaching with haste when he detaches his mouth from you. You look down at him and he smirks at you before you can utter a complaint, not breaking eye contact as he pushes one then two fingers into your wet heat.
You can’t stop yourself from moaning his name as he starts to move his fingers back and forth in a steady rhythm. “You like that?” he growls as you clench around his fingers. “Little one, you are so wonderfully wet. Just for me. You love it don’t you? You love how my fingers feel, how my tongue feels and most of all you love how my fangs feel against your clit. Don’t you?” His pupils are so dark and blown out with lust as he lowers his skilled mouth back to your bundle of nerves.
The combined sensation of his long fingers, skilled tongue and sharp fangs become too much for you. He moans against you as he works, curling his fingers inside you and fluttering his tongue against your clit. You writhe on the bed as he increases his speed to a level that a mere human could never achieve and right before your orgasm hits, he sinks his fangs into you. The pleasure was so intense, so overwhelming that you sobbed his name as he helped you ride out your high. You were too far gone to realise that he was tasting you, really tasting you now that his fangs penetrated your flesh. You felt no pain, only white hot pleasure.
When he released you he looked up at you, mouth and fangs dripping with a mixture of your juices and blood. Your body still tingles with aftershocks of your orgasm and you feel like you’re on fire. You should be spent but you only want him more.
God you wanted to him to fuck you.
He flips you over, positioning you on your knees. He grunts as he enters you in one fluid motion. He meets no resistance given how ready you were for his cock. He grips your waist tightly as he sets a brutal pace, the only sounds in the room are of skin hitting skin and cries of pleasure.
“You fit my cock perfectly. Look at how much you want this, at how badly you want a vamp to fuck the life out of you.” He grunts in between thrusts.
“Baekhyun. Fuck” You moan when he hits your g spot.
You had never felt pleasure like this before. You’d had great sex before but this was on a level of its own. Baekhyun had had an unknown amount of time to perfect this act and hone his skills and he was not disappointing. He moved between a pace that felt more like what you were used to and then a pace faster than you could have ever imagined.
“This.” He growled, “Is how a vampire fucks you.” and lifted your body up so that it was flush with his, tilting your head so that your throat was exposed for him. He ran his tongue along your neck, making you moan deeply as you recalled the feeling of his fangs.
“You want it don’t you?” He asked as he pounded into you. “Want me to sink my fangs back into your flesh as I fuck you?” You couldn’t form words to respond to him, only moans of want and pleasure. He grazed his fangs along your neck and you writhed against the touch.
His fangs pierced the skin of your neck and the sensation barreled you over the edge. Everything was heightened and a feeling that you had never experienced before flooded your system. You felt full, alive, and like you were about to explode. You shuddered and cried out as your orgasm ripped through you harder than last time as Baekhyun chased his.
The last thing you saw before you blacked out were his eyes, now a deep red as he stared down at your form and smiled. “I think I’ll keep you.”
#exowritersnet#kloversnet#kwordsmiths#exo fic#exo drabble#baekhyun fic#baekhyun drabble#exo smut#exo scenario#exo imagine#baekhyun smut#baekhyun scenario#baekhyun imagine#baekhyun vampire#exo vampire au
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Love and Marriage - Chapter 13 (Mature, Minors DNI)
After a loss in the family uncovers a family secret, Jaleia and her husband Jesse are forced to balance one family crisis after another along with their budding careers and their plans to expand their family. Will the pressure to keep everyone else together ruin their own relationship? Can ruined relationships be fixed before it’s too late?
tw: implied smut
Chapter 13:
Jaleia's POV
I waited at the baggage claim for Jesse and Diana. Their flight was due any minute now and I couldn't wait to see them. I was actually sick of myself.
Jesse had told me last night that Imani and him had some sort of "encounter." We were definitely going to have to talk about it but for now, I put it out of my mind because I missed him and I just wanted to enjoy the moment. I also didn't buy five new lace lingerie outfits to not wear.
I walked around the area a couple times until I saw a crowd of people coming out the doors. Diana ran over to me, the brightest smile stretched across her face. I wrapped my arms around her.
"How was the trip? How was the flight?" I said.
"It was so much fun! I can't wait to tell you everything!" She said as she bounced up and down. She turned around and pointed to the conveyor belt.
"That's my bag!" She said before running off.
Jesse appeared a few seconds later. We looked a little uneasy. But seeing him in that black v-neck had me feeling some kind of way. Three weeks is a long time, okay?
I ran over to him, practically jumping onto him, but he moved quick to hold me.
"Hey J-" he started to say but I kissed him, pulling him even closer. We paused to take a breath and then let our mouths explore each other as his hands slid lower and lower on my body.
"Ewwww, Jesse! People are starting to stare." Diana said. She wheeled her bag over to where we were.
"Let them stare." He said. He kissed me three more short times before we decided to break apart.
"I got your bags, Jess." She said.
"Aww thanks, little sis." He said, taking the bags from her. She put earbuds in her ear.
"Well we have officially lost her." Jesse said, holding my hand.
"I'm afraid so. So besides the giant hoe shaped elephant in the room which we will be talking about later, how was your trip?" I said as we made our way through the airport to the car.
"That's one way to put it. It was great I missed L.A. You gotta come with me sometime. "
"You keep saying that yet I never get to go. Anyway I missed you sooo much that I bought something a little special something for we to wear and you to take off."
"Oh yeah?"
"Wait until we get home. I want you and me to go into that bedroom and not come out until the next morning. I want to be screaming, not just pleasured, not just content, not just really good, I want to be screaming your name. Can you do that?" I said in his ear.
"Damn Jay, I leave for three weeks and your turn into a freak? Hell yeah I can do that."
"Good." I said. Jesse reached over and tapped Di on the shoulder. She looked up and took out an earbud.
"I'm just saying I suggest you watch a movie in the basement or play some really loud music when we get home." He said.
"Why? She said, her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
"Oh no reason, just might be nice for tonight." He said.
"What the fuck did you just say?"
"I am so sorry Jay. I didn't mean it, I swear it just slipped out."
"You are about to slip off this earth! I can't believe you would say her name!"
We and Jesse were having a great night. We were on round two of the evening when Jesse called out Imani's name while we were doing it. I have never slapped anyone that fast before.
"I didn't mean to! I don't even know why I said it!"
"Are you trying to tell me something Jesse? What the hell was that? What the HELL was that?" I yelled at him. We were standing on the opposite sides of the bed and everytime he tried to get near me I picked something up to throw at him.
"I swear to God, Jaleia it was a mistake. It didn't mean it. I don't even know how it slipped out!"
"Damn right it was a mistake! Were you thinking of her while we having sex?"
"No, God no. Not at all I have no idea where that came from."
"I am so done with you I can't even look at you." I said.
"Come on, You love looking at this." He said, narrowly dodging the shoe I launched at his head.
"Okay not the time I get it." He said.
"You fucking Bastard."
"Okay, enough with name calling."
"All I wanted was to enjoy one night with my stupid husband and he calls me by his ex hoes name? You got me SO fucked up. Since it's clear neither of us will be having anymore sex tonight, let's talk about Imani. Let's talk about that." I said, grabbing my robe and tying it around my waist.
"Maybe we should wait until we're both a little more calm-"
"The calm ship sailed when your ship sailed into my harbor and called me by the wrong name. Let me tell you something Jesse. I am a doctor and I could kill you and make it look like accident. Sit down and Start talking." I said, sitting down facing him. He reached his arm out to me.
"Touch me and you will lose that arm. What happened between you and Imani?" He quickly moved his arm away from me and sat down.
"We were at the studio. We just finished and I stayed behind to work on another song. It was just Dre and me and Imani. Dre went to the bathroom. And then Imani-"
"Why didn't you leave? I told you not to be alone with her! Obviously I was right."
"Dre went to the bathroom, it was only supposed to be for a minute."
"But it wasn't, was it?"
"She pounced fast okay? She started dancing and kept trying get me to do stuff and then I walked away and sat on the couch. That's when she climbed into my lap. Eventually I got her off me and left. But that's all that happened."
"I still can't believe you would say her name!"
"Are you mad?"
"I'm not mad at you for what someone else did to you. If you didn't tell me I would've been pissed. Her, on the other hand, better not ever come near me or you again."
"I love you."
"Did you want to? Sleep with her." I looked him dead in the face. He squirmed a little and then looked up, not meeting my eyes
"Not really."
"What the hell does 'not really' mean?"
"To be honest, She's not ugly and I was sex deprived. But that's the only reason."
"You being horny? No other reason or feelings?"
"No. I have no feelings for her. Please don't be mad at me."
"I told you I'm not mad at you for something you didn't do. I pissed at what you just did."
Jesse put his arm on my shoulder. I slapped it off.
"Don't touch me. I'm still mad at you!"
"It was an accident!"
"I hope the couch is comfortable tonight."
I flipped another perfect pancake. Sunday mornings were so peaceful. Both Jesse and Diana were asleep so I quietly came downstairs to start breakfast without waking them up. I flipped the bacon the hickory smoke smell filled the kitchen. I went to the refrigerator and grabbed a carton of strawberries and started to cut them.
I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist.
"Get off." I said.
"Are you seriously still mad, Jay?"
"Yes, how would you like it if we making love and I called you another man's name?"
"I see how that could be problematic. Can you pass me a strawberry?" He said.
I purposefully threw it across the room.
"Can you please tell me what's really bothering you?" He said. He cut the stove burners off and used my waist to turn me around to face him. I looked at the floor.
"Do you have any idea how that made me feel? You calling her name. I mean I know I'm the one to zone out. But I wouldn't call someone else's name. Makes me wonder if you're actually in the moment with me-and you know that's hard enough for me, or if you're think about other people. Especially her? Do you regret not sleeping with her?"
Jesse got on his knees looking up at me from my waist.
"I'm so sorry. Trust me it will never happen again. It was an honest random fuck up, it has nothing to do with how I feel about you. You know that. I'm done with Imani, I don't want her, she's done, she's history, in the past and sealed up. I love you and only you."
"Are you sure? Because if you ever do that again I swear I will-"
Jesse quickly attached his lips to mine.
"I will never do that again. Never. I love you."
"Love your stupid ass too. I hop you didn't max out your card in Cali, cause this is soooooooo going to cost you."
"Oh God. What is this going to cost me?"
"My bracelet could use some matching friends. "
"Do you know how expensive that bracelet was?"
"I know how expensive it's friends are going to be."
"So if I do that, will you stop being mad at me?"
"I might even have sex with you." I said, standing on my toes to kiss the tip of his nose. He kissed the side of my neck.
"I don't get a second chance?"
"Oh, you will. Try not to moan another girl's name though, total mood killer."
"You know what?" Jesse said, picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder.
"Put me down!" I laughed. He started tickling my sides, and spinning me around, causing me to scream and laugh. Eventually he brought me to the living room and threw me down on the couch. He straddled me, his hands still attacking my sides. I tried to push his hands off but he grabbed them and held them down above my head with one hand.
"I'm not going to lie, that was extremely sexy. But if you don't stop, I'm going to piss myself. " I said.
"Oh, really?" He said smirking. "I'll let you go, for a price."
"What's that?" I said looking at him, trying to catch my breath.
"Should I leave the room?" Diana said, walking down the stairs. We both looked toward the stairs. Jesse kissed me and helped me up.
"No, we're not going to have sex since you're here now." He teased. She was quiet for a second and then said,
"Have you done it on the couch?"
"Who wants breakfast?" I said as I walked back to the kitchen. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
I looked in the fridge for something to eat. I found some chicken pasta that I had ordered a couple of days ago.
Jesse walked by me and said "I wouldn't eat that if I were you."
"I have a stomach of steel."
I did not have a stomach of steel. I threw up about two hours after eating that pasta. I was sitting on the floor of the bathroom after the second wave of vomit. I was trying to be quiet so Jesse wouldn't hear me and so that I didn't have to admit that he was right. At first he walked by the bathroom and then he backed up.
"I told you. I told you not to do it!" He said laughing.
"Shut up!" I tried to cross my arms but my stomach was killing me. Jesse walked in and started massaging my lower back.
"I'm sorry you didn't listen to me." He said.
"Shut up!" He laughed.
"Do you want something to drink?" He asked.
"Maybe some ginger ale and water please.' I said. Jesse got up, kissed the top of my head and started walking out the room when the doorbell rang.
"Jay I'll be right back." He said walking to the door.
"My baby!" I heard Aiesha say. Oh great, another random visit from Aiesha.
"Hey mom, HEY DIANA, come down. How ya doing mom?"
"I missed you guys so much. I have so much to tell you, Jesse."
"Okay you wanna sit in the living room, I'll be right back."
He came back to me with the soda and water.
"We have a visitor. " he said.
"I heard. If you wanna close the door so that it doesn't smell like vomit go ahead."
"Nah, it's fine. Let me know if you need anything, I'll check on you."
"Go ahead." Another wave hit me and I hurled myself over the toilet.
"We can go to the hospital."
"No, I'm fine. It'll pass. My fault for being stupid, hungry, and lazy."
"Okay, but if you don't feel better you're going." He said, kissing my forehead.
"So there's an offical date set for the start of your dad's trial. They will start in about three months. The prosecution wants him on as many charges as they can and want to put him away for as long as possible." Aiesha said.
I had finished, for now, my temporary bout of mild food poisoning, and I was sitting on the floor in between Jesse's legs, sitting literally anywhere else made me nauseous. Jesse was sitting on the couch, apparently his mom had a ton of news for him, that she waited until he was back for Cali to tell him. After her usual twenty insults she finally started talking.
"Also, I could be closing on the house in the next few weeks, there is a couple that is really interested in it and they are considering putting in an offer. So if that goes through, then I'll be able to really take time and find the house I want."
"Congrats, mom! I hope it goes through. But once it gets sold where are you going to stay?" Jesse said.
"Well, Mel's sister lives in the same neighborhood and Mel was coming up for a visit, so I'll be with them. But it shouldn't be for long because I put in an offer on a house and guess what?"
"Really that's great! What?" Jesse said.
"It's right around the corner from here!" She said with a huge smile on her face. I turned and faced Jesse with the fakest smile I could muster.
"Can you believe that Jess? She found the perfect house just around the corner from us. She'd only be five minutes away." I said, trying to keep my face pleasant.
"I know I heard, that's so great mom! Just around the corner, wow! Great!" He said. I could tell he wasn't that happy about it by the look he gave me.
"And Di wouldn't have to change schools because our towns share a school district. I can come over ALL the time. I might even have time to teach Jaleia some class." She said. I let that insult fly over my head.
"Oh my Gosh, she'll be here all the time Jess, isn't that going to be great?" I said, squeezing Jesse's hand.
"Super." He said.
"Don't get too excited. I still need them to accept my offer."
"Oh we would hate to Jinx it."
"Why do you have so many damn post its everwhere? Your house looks like a damn clown house."
"It's how I remember some of the stuff I have to do. Or how Jesse reminds me."
"I forgot you were one of those scattered brained people." She said her face turning up into an unpleasant expression. She was the type of person to say that ADHD wasn't a real thing or was a "white people" thing just because she didn't like me. But for anyone else it was a legitimate problem.
"Mom. You know-" Jesse started but I interrupted him. I wasn't going to have this conversation with her again, she knew what she was doing and I refused to waste time entertaining it. I had enough of a hard time dealing with having it, and an even harder time with people dealing with it. It wasn't something that most people knew about me. And I intentionally did that. And she knows that's a sore spot with me which is why I won't give her the satisfaction of upsetting me.
"Jesse your mom already knows and we've already had the discussion about her lack of sensitivity. So I won't discuss it again."
I felt my stomach bubble and decided to take my leave now before it got too much. I tapped Jesse's leg before I went to the upstairs bathroom this time. After emptying my digestive tract again and brushing my teeth I started to come downstairs. I stopped when I heard Jesse's voice sounding slightly angry.
"I told you mom, you have to stop. Nobody wants to deal with you criticizing them all the time."
"Well you know how I feel about her, I'm telling you, you settled with her. She is such a downgrade. And she's crazy, I mean she calls it ADHD, but come on? The girl is not wrapped tight. "
"I try to be patient with you, but you're not going to keep talking about her like that. Enough is enough. Stop it. I'm so sick of it."
"Fine, I'll try to keep my opinions to myself. I'm sorry to upset you but I'm your mother. It's my job to tell you the truth. You don't have to like it."
"Look when she comes down you need to apologize. She doesn't deserve that. "
I heard her sigh. "Whatever."
I continued my walk downstairs. Jesse had this crazy idea after the first time I met his mom that eventually she would grow to like me. But in actuality, she just hated me more with every day. He tried to keep the peace, and he always tried to get us to get along but as I've told him, it is never going to work.
"Mom." Jesse said. Aiesha sighed and gave me the most indifferent expression on her face and said.
"I apologize."
"Okay." I said. Jesse gave me a look to which I non verbally responded "What?"
His mom got up and went downstairs to the basement to talk to Diana.
"Jay." Jesse said.
"What?" I said.
"At least she apologized."
"If that's what you want to call it. I should not have eaten that pasta." I said as my stomach suddenly started bubbling again.
"I told you! You have to throw up again?" He said laughing.
"Worse, other end." I said running to the bathroom.
I sat on the toliet seat and put the timer on my phone. I tried not to obsess too much about getting pregnant and I tried to wait a little longer before taking the test but it was three days since I missed my period and I couldn't wait any longer.
My timer went off. I grabbed the stick and took a deep breath, and looked.
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꠵ look at me : chapter four ꠵
パニック 。

"How in the hell did we manage to get in this situation?"
Iwaizumi's and Matsukawa's shared thoughts explained the worst possible situation they would be in : they lost Oikawa and Hanamaki.
"Damn, this is bad." Iwaizumi reached for his phone, dialing Oikawa's number for the seventeenth time. Of course, just like the other sixteen times, there was no answer : the call just went straight to voicemail. "He put his goddamn phone on silent, what the hell was he thinking?"
Matsukawa rubbed Iwaizumi's back, supporting his teammate. "I'm sure they're fine. Maybe they went to get food or something." He checked his own phone to see if Hanamaki had read his texts, but his results were the same as Iwaizumi's. "I got no answer from Makki. He probably turned his phone off as well."
Iwaizumi grabbed his own hair, practically tearing it out of his scalp. "Crap, they're really starting to worry the living shit out of me." Matsukawa snorted a little bit, taking Iwaizumi's hands in his own to force him to stop making himself go bald.
"Look, you need to calm down. If they were in actual danger, the last thing they need is you not thinking straight." Matsukawa flicked Iwaizumi's forehead. "So, just take a deep breath. Breathe with me. In for four, hold for four, and out for four." Iwaizumi matched his breathing with Matsukawa's, and after a couple minutes his mini panic-attack had gone down, and the veins that were popping out of his forehead earlier weren't visible anymore. Muttering a small thanks, he checked his phone again just to see if Oikawa had texted. It was the same as earlier; no answer.
"Hey!" Hanamaki's bright voice rang through both boys' ears. They turned to greet the huge smile plastered on the boy's face. "Sorry about leaving you guys, I got you some food!"
Matsukawa and Iwaizumi both let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. "About time," Matsukawa muttered, opening his arms to give Hanamaki a little hug. "Was 'boutta call the cops on your dumb ass."
Hanamaki scoffed, shoving two paper bags into his friend's arms. "Well, screw you. I even got yours and Iwa's favorite too."
Iwaizumi peaked over Matsukawa's shoulder as the latter opened the crinkled bag. Inside were two foil-wrapped packages, the smell emitting from the wrapping suggesting Hanamaki had bought some food. Iwaizumi reached inside and pulled out one of the packages, opening the foil just a little bit to reveal Matsukawa's favorite food, cheese-filled hamburg steak.
Matsukawa gasped, taking the food from Iwaizumi's hand and looking at it like it was his lifeline. "Makki, you are a literal angel. God bless. I love you." He took a bite out of the steak, closing his eyes and smiling. "No homo though." He added on in between bites, finishing the meat in under fifteen seconds.
He gave the other bag to Iwaizumi, which held little plastic containers with some agedashi tofu. He inhaled the food's scent, wrinkling his nose a little bit at the sudden waft. It smelled normal, but it wasn't like the tofu Oikawa and his okāsan⭒ used to make. Even though Toorū was a brat about making food for Iwaizumi sometimes, he still managed to cook something up that tasted absolutely fantastic. It kind of scared him.
Iwaizumi pulled out the container, popping the lid open and stabbing a toothpick into one of the tofu pieces, popping it into his mouth. "So, where's Crappykawa?"
Hanamaki shrugged. "Dunno. I think he chickened out." An unamused expression made its way onto Makki's face. "He's probably still pissed about Karasuno beating us, that he didn't want to watch them go against Shiratorizawa."
Matsukawa and Iwaizumi both glanced at each other as Hanamaki stalked off, hands in his pockets and everything. "Sometimes, I really wonder what goes on inside his head."
"Honestly." Matsukawa replied, as they both speed-walked to keep up with Hanamaki. "I've been meaning to ask you, how's 'Kawa doing?"
Iwaizumi stiffened a little at the mention of his friend. A thousand things flew through his head. Should he tell him? Would Oikawa get mad? How would Matsukawa take it? Would he call the cops? Would he believe him? Would he tell Makki?
"You know, if you don't want to answer, you don't have to. Just don't glare at me, you're giving me chills." Iwaizumi snapped back to reality at Matsukawa's words, realizing he was glaring daggers at his friend. He mumbled an 'oh, gomen'nasai ⭒ ,' feeling relieved when Mattsun waved it off like it was nothing. "If it's personal, I get it. I'd be pretty 'pressed too, if I was in his situation."
"Hm? What do you mean?"
Matsukawa sighed, looking up towards the cloudy sky. "Well, Oikawa is an amazing captain, and setter. He tried for three years to make it to Nationals at Seijoh, worked his knee into a brace, and his chances were all swiped out from underneath him." Iwaizumi noticed his fist clenched a little bit, but decided not to mention it. "You know, I don't blame him for hating Kageyama. He was just born gifted, while Oikawa worked his ass off to get to where he is right now."
Iwaizumi nodded, remembering Oikawa's semi-hatred for the first-year Karasuno setter. "But, even so, that doesn't explain why he tried hitting him. You remember that, right?"
"Seriously?" Matsukawa turned his head to stare into Iwaizumi's olive-colored eyes. "I mean, sure, but he was having a panic-attack, if the things you told me and Makki were true."
"A panic-attack?" Iwaizumi looked at Matsukawa in shock. "Shittykawa? Having a panic-attack?"
Hanamaki slowed his pace so that he was walking alongside Iwaizumi and Matsukawa. "Yeah. From what you told us, he was breathing really fast and his pupils were small," he pointed to his own eyes while saying this part. "And he was sweating a lot more than he should have been, since he didn't practice all that much yet. Seeing Kageyama probably triggered his flight or fight response, and made him freak out even more."
Iwaizumi's eyebrows furrowed as the facts dawned on him. It all made sense now, why Oikawa had distanced himself so much more from Kageyama than he did before the incident. He'd avoid him at all costs, making sure he never came too close in contact with his underclassman : probably in fear of coming close to hitting him again. What if Kageyama triggered another panic-attack, and Iwaizumi wasn't there to stop him from doing something he'd regret?
Hanamaki looked at Iwaizumi's expression, clapping him on the back. "Oikawa's come a long way since then. That was what, three years ago?" He intertwined his fingers, flipping his hands and holding his palms to the sky. "He's doing a lot better now, and I'm really proud of him." He flashed a bright smile at them, which nearly blinded Iwaizumi and Matsukawa.
"Aw, man. I should've brought sunglasses." Matsukawa muttered, rubbing his eyes. Hanamaki laughed, slinging his arms around the latter's and Iwaizumi's shoulders.
"Let's just find some seats. Maybe we'll find Oikawa!"
⊱─ ‧̥̥͙⋅. ♔ .⋅‧̥̥͙ ─ ⊰
Iwaizumi muttered incoherent curse words as he climbed the fourth set of stairs, looking for Oikawa on the right side of the stadium now. "I know he's here. Why the hell is he so hard to find?" He, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa had split up, deciding that it would be easier that way to find the setter quicker and easier if he even decided to watch the match. Iwaizumi was about to give up when he noticed the familiar chestnut-brown tufts of hair that peeked over one of the chairs in the stadium. There he is, Iwaizumi thought, walking up behind his friend.
"Ah. So you're here too."
Oikawa stiffened, turning around abruptly at Iwaizumi's voice, probably expecting his childhood best-friend to yell at him. Fortunately for him, he didn't get that reaction, and he relaxed his shoulders a bit, but was obviously still a little tense. "I thought you said you didn't want to come, since it'll piss you off no matter who won," Iwaizumi said, as he hopped over the back of the chairs to stand next to his friend.
Oikawa smiled slyly, taking his arms off his knees and leaning back into the chair he sat in. "No matter who wins, I'm going to be able to see the faces of whoever loses."
"Man. You really are a piece of crap." Iwaizumi glanced at Oikawa, who's face now held his "oh so famous" setter pout. It really confused the latter how every setter he saw seemed to make that same face whenever something pissed them off. It was kind of freaky. Pushing his thoughts aside, he sat down just one seat from Oikawa, knowing that he would want a little bit of personal space while dealing with all the crazy emotions going on inside his head.
Oikawa leaned forward in his seat a little bit, his eyes dead set on the so-called "Chibi-Chan." Iwaizumi could've have sworn he saw stars in his eyes, like Oikawa was just taken aback by every move the middle blocker made. Hell, maybe even every breath he took. Iwaizumi watched as the orange-haired ball of energy scored a point, yelling out in triumph. Oikawa seemed to smile with his eyes a little bit, his complexion brightening by the second. It was obvious what team he was mentally rooting for, even if he didn't say so himself.
Oikawa turned to Iwaizumi, probably to say some snotty remark about Ushiwaka, before noticing the latter was staring at him already. Chocolate-colored eyes met olive-colored ones, a blush rising on the setter's face. Oikawa quickly turned his head, his ears noticeably flushed.
Fuck. He's cute.
⊱ ─ ‧̥̥͙⋅. ♔ .⋅‧̥̥͙ ─ ⊰
⭒ dictionary !! ⭒
¶-12 : okāsan, お母さん : an honorific form of address; used to call someone else's mother.
¶-18 : gomen'nasai, ごめんなさい : i'm sorry
** some of the dialogue in this chapter is paraphrased or taken from the actual scene in [ haikyu!! ] . this was not with the intention to pass it off as my own original work : it was only put there to fit the timeline and script of the anime/manga. all rights reserved to haruichi furudate. **
chapter 5 !
#oikawa tooru#iwaizumi hajime#hanamaki takahiro#matsukawa issei#hinata shouyou#hinata shoyo#ushijima wakatoshi
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The Hourglass and The Oracle

A NOS4A2 Review By: Allyssa J. Watkins
A spiraling staircase A bold fuchsia beauty Lights flicker in your eyes As our energies collide And, Darling, you're starting to get to me......
I'm not your Darling, John Buy a girl a drink first Before you thirst For what you can't get your hands on Throwing my head back with a laugh You're going to fall And it's going to be too fast Who said I was yours to catch? Ask me again And I'll ask you to dance
May I have a moment of your time? I don't need to be a Strong Creative, Dear To tease your mind A turn of the hourglass A trick of the sublime You're like sand through my hands Sifting too fast to touch And it's not enough...... You're the exceptional exception When I say we're hard to love.
Sparks fly Drawing you in I'll make you believe in magic again Fate's siren song calls to the Hourglass Man I guess it's my turn To show you my hand But be forewarned, My Gentleman Friend There's no telling what happens When you open the door to the static You might not want the answer Once you have it Shaking the bag Rolling the Dice A cigarette burn is a more than fair price To watch time drain from the Hourglass' eyes Clutching the hurt As your knife catches my eye Shattering your glass Scattering your sand Close your eyes, You Hopeless Flirt This is me, skipping dessert I gotta say you put up one hell of a fight Say goodnight, John You've run out of time
CHECK. FREAKING. MATE!!!!! Ladies and Gentlemen, the MATCH has been called, and the Hourglass didn't stand a chance against the Woman of the Hour, Our Dauntless Oracle, and very own, Miss Margaret Leigh!!! My GOD, Maggie seized her time to shine in a dazzling foray of sultry seduction, and deadly spectacle, and while it may have been The Hourglass' last bow, it was the iridescent ORACLE who stole the show, and she alone deserves our standing ovation!!! I LOVED this episode, beginning to end, the intrigue, the sleek deception, the intense human drama, all beautifully intertwined in this beguiling game within a game, a chess match of like-minded Creative prowess!!! Brava, Miss Leigh, and bravissimo, NOS4A2, for spoiling us yet again!!! "The Hourglass," is a violin overture of vulnerable human moments, and intellectual powerplays, reaching the fever pitch of the most ghastly, scream-bloody-murder cliff hangar of the entire series.
Where last week Charlie was the blunt force trauma, the pounding hammer, smashing everyone and everything in his path to Wayne, Maggie is the stealth strike, the seductively wielded scalpel, removing Charlie's secret weapon with lethal precision, after he proves to be the more immediate threat to her best friend, now that Charlie's absconded with her son. She's a force to be reckoned with, a fuchsia femme fatale, as lovely as she is deadly, the perfect rosé of coy and coquettish as she flirts with time and death itself. It was her finest hour, hands down, and I LOVED that NOS4A2 gave her the spotlight, and that she literally KILLED, leaving us begging for more.
Stop me if you've heard this one before. Two Strong Creatives walk into a bar........ Like an ingenue reminiscent of Old Hollywood, with every lilac strand of her rebellious florescence pinned in place, Maggie descends the long, spiral staircase, sending the lights to flicker, and drawing the eye of an instantly intrigued, Mr. Hourglass. I must say, The Hourglass Man's smooth, and tenacious pursuit of our Maggie, was a FANTASTIC blindsight, a surprise I never saw coming!!! Where I expected a smouldering duel to the death as soon as their eyes met, knives flying, I found myself drawn instead, irresistibly into the tantalizing tango between the two of them. Their witty repartee was both sparkling, and sharp-edged, as John advanced, and Maggie countered, playing hard to get, while secretly drawing him in. It's thrilling to watch, marveling at these seemingly unlikely lovers, and yet, with each move and countermove, I could see how much they thought alike, both crafty intellectuals, who knew how to play the game, and how to win.
"We're hard to love. People fall for us because of our abilities, but they always come to fear the very thing that drew them in. They tell us to tone it down, betray our gifts, like declawing a cat. It's cruel."
This is my favourite line in the entire episode, it struck me straight to the heart, tears in my eyes, overwhelmed by its tragic beauty and excruciating truth. It's also the one time that Maggie's smoky-eyed seductive veil slips, and she lets herself feel something very real. In that moment, as fleeting as it is, there are no sides, no waiting plots, or poised vendettas. There are two Strong Creatives, two kindred supernatural beings with very human feelings. Victims of their own gifts, with universal wants, and desires. Powers greater than their wildest dreams, but at what cost? In this moment, Maggie cares about John, connects with him, because she feels these words burn emblazoned, even hotter than the cigarette he's about to press into her arm.
Two Strong Creatives walk into a bar....... and only one comes out alive. These two take, "Get a room," to a whole new level!!! "I'm not going to hurt you, unless you want me to........." John says smoothly, before pressing a lit cigarette into Maggie's arm, telling her to harness the pain, let it consume her, until it's all she knows, and then whispers his question like a sweet nothing in her ear, nuzzling her close. John, with all of his scheming predilections and parlor tricks has found a way to cheat the Strong Creative check when it comes due. In event of seizures, or memory loss, you can hurt yourself...... or hurt someone else. I had always secretly suspected this proviso, I even wrote it into my own NOS4A2 Series, that my character's compassion gets punished by unknowingly hurting someone else, every time she uses her gift, but seeing John's shocking demonstration, breathing in with explicit pleasure as he burns her, watching Maggie's big brown eyes spark, both excited, and relieved that she can hurt herself and still use her powers, was an absolute ordeal. I have a feeling Maggie just discovered a dangerous new addiction........
Speaking of ordeals........ John shatters a glass table, ready to kill the messenger, when he doesn't get the answer that he wants, the fates formally denying his request for immortality. And it is here, in the midst of his ruffled, heartbroken, rage, that the events deviated dramatically from my own predictions. I thought Charlie had promised him immortality in exchange for killing Vic McQueen, and that Maggie had unwittingly unmasked this betrayal, proving Charlie had lied, offering the Creative Holy Grail that he intended to keep for himself. Immortality, apparently a non-transferrable work benefit. With our slighted Hourglass primed for revenge, and his particular fascination for Maggie, I thought for sure she'd be able to turn him against Charlie, brandish the Hourglass against his new business partner, rallying him to Vic's cause, and more or less, have him join Team McQueen to take Manx down once and for all.
I was wrong...... So, so wrong. I don't think any of us saw what was coming....... "It's rare I get such a hands on opportunity," John rasps, once he finds his stolen knife in Maggie's bag, teasing seduction climaxing into a crime of passion, as the two of them scrapple and scrape for the hourglass. "Sweetheart, give up. You're not getting out of here alive." Maggie gets choked, hurled over the shattered glass table, but you can't keep a good girl down, and The Hourglass is no Charlie Manx. "I tried to warn you, John, my tiles are never wrong." Maggie thrusts a shard of glass up into the Hourglass Man's heart, and with an anguished, hopeless cry he watches her stomp his knife into the ground, coming down on it hard, leaving nothing but shattered glass, and scattered sand. WOW........ I am speechless. I have to admit, I did not expect Charlie's new player and point man to be vanquished this early in the game, as awestruck as I am by this new fearless facet of Maggie's unique brilliance. She was elegant, badass, and beautiful, and I'm so glad he's dead, but I don't know....... I felt like his death was his third and final disappointment. Sorry John, we'll always have Parnassus.
Oh my God, if Maggie was this episode's Oscar Winner for Best Actress, Linda Freaking McQueen WINS for Best Supporting Actress!!!! She's the other sassy heroine of "The Hourglass," mouthing off to FBI agents like nobody's business, and it is SENSATIONAL!!!! "What does FBI stand for, huh? Failed. Bad. Incompetent? We're Americans!!! My husband works for the postal service, I go to CHURCH!!! Do better!!!" You TELL 'EM Linda!!! She's a delight in every scene she's in, standing up to the suits, and telling them what's what!!! She's had it with these big, fancy, feds not protecting her daughter, and she ain't afraid to get vocal about it. Aaaaaah and the whole conversation with her and Chris was AMAZING!!! There is something so fascinating about two hard knock realists, two complete skeptics talking about the possibility of the Supernatural.
"There's a difference between special, Chris, and magic. Our daughter ain't magic."
"How would you know?"
"Because I wiped her snotty nose, for Christ's sake!!! What kind of mother misses something like that?"
"The kind that's too busy hiding bruises and paying bills to look up."
Linda's emphatic disbelief is so perfect, and I just love the way she says that, "Our daughter ain't magic!" I also love how Chris is starting to believe in Vic, and it's that burgeoning faith in his daughter's abilities that makes Linda start to wonder if maybe her daughter could be magic. Chris owning up to his past mistakes, and blaming himself, for his wife's oversight, was such a bittersweet moment too, wanting so badly to let her off the hook. He's changed, they both have, and I couldn't be more proud. Another beautifully human moment that I really loved was between her and Vic, and here we finally find out why the McQueen women can't be close to each other. "I never felt that you needed me." It's a rare, deeply insightful look into Linda's heart, a vulnerable truth, and I feel like I know them both even better through it. Linda needs to be needed, she needs to have somebody to take care of, somebody that relies on her, and with a drunk, philandering husband who sought comfort elsewhere, and a fiercely independent daughter, Linda had no one. She felt listless, without purpose, and thus drowned her sorrows with a tipped back bottle.
The scene with Vic and Lou cuddling in his hospital bed also strikes a chord in this veritable symphony of human emotion, and with every new episode, I ship Team McCarmody even harder!!! Lou with a stint in his heart, and Vic with a concussion, and injured spleen, have this impossibly sweet moment, in the midst of the aftermath and ever-present horror of the abduction of their son. I love how they anchor each other, try to calm each other down, and still manage to make each other laugh.
"Han Solo ain't half the mechanic as Lou Carmody."
"Did you- Did you just refer to yourself in the third person...... and rate yourself....... ABOVE Han Solo?"
Vic's laugh in that moment is so pure, and a much needed relief, as she holds onto the love, the teddy bear of a man, that Charlie couldn't take from her, and in that moment, she decides to focus on what she has left, even while fighting for what she has lost. I'm reminded of a quote from my other favourite show, HEROES. "We're human first, and heroes second."
Charlie may take a back seat this episode, but he is still a coaxing, debonair presence with a teasing linger, and not without another clever trick up his sleeve. "There is no need to hide your cellular telephone from me, My Boy," He coos as Wayne fumbles to sneak a call to his Mom. I was SHOCKED when Charlie urged Young Bats to do just that, call his mother. "What kind of MONSTER do you take me for?" He asks silkily, feigning indignance, and with bated breath, we wait as the phone rings, and rings, and rings...... No way in HELL is Vic not taking that call, and yet, Young Master Wayne hangs his wildly curly head, defeated, as the call goes unanswered. "She's a real heartbreaker, your mother...... isn't she? Never there for you, no matter how good you are. It's not personal, Wayne. In the end Vic McQueen cares only for herself and no one else," Charlie chortles, and he knows it's working....... bit by bit, he means to turn his new favourite charge, against his own mother, convince him of her neglect and indifference. My theory? Charlie can block calls using his creative power, which would explain how he's avoided capture, and the FBI's modern trappings for so long. You sneaky, sneaky boy!!!
OH HELLO CRAIG!!!! Yes, you read that right...... CRAIG, Wayne's father who burned to death in the Wraith, like a ghastly apparition appears to his son, with singed skin, and glazed over eyes. At first I thought this was Charlie manipulating Wayne, showing what his mother did to his father, and how he wasn't ever going to be safe with her, but to my own astonishment, Charlie could not see him!!! Craig encourages Wayne, tells him Charlie's lying, gives him hope, and insists she's coming for him. I thought that was a spectacular, wide-eyed SHOCK that came out of thin air, and I couldn't help but think about how Cassie appeared to her daughter in this same way........ Hmmm can children, if they are Strong Creatives themselves, see the parents they have lost at the hands of Charlie Manx? Curiouser and curiouser........
My breath caught, everything going numb, when that bloody tooth fell out in Wayne's tiny hand. I LOVE that little boy with all my heart and soul, and I'm sorry, Charlie, but I do NOT want him to become a vampire!!! Wayne starts to change in other ways too, playing with a butterfly, as his usual cheerful self, adorably naming him Sunny, before killing it, ripping it into shreds, his sweet little face devoid of any emotion. WHAT!? I had chills like crazy, and I felt heartsick. I don't know though, did anybody else think that butterfly looked strange, almost not quite real? The way the Wraith rolled down the window to let it in...... It makes me wonder if this didn't just happen in Wayne's mind.
I did notice though, how long it took for the Wraith to siphon off Wayne's youth to heal the nasty gash on Charlie's cheek. Even Charlie starts to worry, checking the mirror again and again, only to find it slightly healed, and it's not until the near end of the episode that he looks one more time, nails resting on the side of his head, sighing into his hand with relief, when he sees his once again flawless visage staring back. It's like Wayne is fighting the car, slowing down its effects, because no child has gone this long without turning!!! All exciting further proof that Wayne HAS to be a Strong Creative!!! I also love how Charlie continues to be the perfect, doting father figure, ever so careful and patient with Wayne, and I just melted, with a besotted sigh when he asked him if he had to use the water closet!" That was precious!!! Also, my new FAVOURITE thing ever, is Charlie click-clacking his long, gorgeous nails along the Wraith's windows as he walks past it!!! Dear GOD, Handsome, WHAT are you doing to me!?
THAT ending though........ I'm crying....... I SOBBED, I'm so not okay. What the freaking HELL.........!?!? Just as we're all having cozy Charlie and Wayne feelings, fawning over them both, that DAMNED BASTARD Bing Partridge comes out of NOWHERE surprising our dashing vampire, shoving the gas hose in his face, and he goes down HARD!!!! Once he's disabled the Wraith, he abducts Charlie, and leaves Wayne behind. It's blood-curdling to watch....... knowing what horrors Bing has already committed, and what dark intention he holds for his once upon a time hero, now that Charlie's left him to die. I'm freaking scared. I was hyperventilating, and full of murderous fury even hours after the episode had ended. The wait for next week is going to hit a lot different, after that cruel cliff-hanger, and I can only hope Charlie can dangle Christmasland in an effort to thwart Bing's fat, homicidal hand. Bing Partridge, you hateful Son of a BITCH, if you disturb so much as one strand of Charlie's beautiful raven hair, I'm gonna KILL you SO DEAD!!! Time's run out for the Hourglass, will another of Vic's foes meet the same fate? Bing Partridge must DIE!!! Somebody......... SAVE CHARLIE MANX!!!!!
#nos4a2 review#charlie manx#maggie leigh#vic mcqueen#linda mcqueen#wayne mcqueen#bing partridge#save charlie#the hourglass
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I’m just trying to reply to this through out the day so it’s all times lol (and then of course when I was going to send this it’s sadly didnt)
Thanks for linking the post, I think you brought up quite a few good points!!!
Honestly I thought you meant that both Julie and Flynn had matching jumpers however this works so much better. (Also yes Luke and Reggie would get this just because they can)
Just in case you don’t know what among us is when I go on my tangent here is the basics but basically there are 10 players in total and either 1, 2 or three are imposter (I’m choosing two here) whoever isn’t imposter just tries to complete tasks and figure out who the imposter is without dying
Box stuff
1. Yes, honestly the only time Luke’s room is clean is due to Alex because he is the mom friend. (And or Reggie because it could be that when Reggie is stressed he cleans but that also works for Alex)
Also that’s what I was thinking, Emily and Mitch just gave up. Definitely when he passed they just couldn’t change anything in his room because it was the one comfort that they had. That even though Luke isn’t here anymore, his room that he lived in was still there and sometimes they could pretend that he’s still there
3. They always bring him recipes to try out because Alex has magic with cooking and even if he has no clue what is going on it usually always taste good. (May not look good but it does taste good) Also love the detail of Reggie just forgetting about the recipes, he just has so much that he forgets some.
Board games and Jam stuff
1. Yes, they all have that one game that they can’t do. Monopoly is banned just because they are way too competitive and Alex has thrown drumsticks at Luke before.
I love the detail of the boys just guessing wrong just to annoy Bobby, they totally would too. In Cluedo, Reggie always thinks that it’s Alex, every single time.
(Among us tangent, really wish I can blame this on chaotic energy but no.
So Alex is pink, because
Luke is the colour white
Reggie is lime
Julie is red
Willie is cyan
And Flynn is purple
Alex and Willie are on the same team immediately (they just follow each other and keep each other safe) and Alex is a good imposter however Luke will only call him out for no reason at all when he is an imposter one time that they play together.
To give more reasoning they probably play together two times in total with 10 games each I don’t know, but the second time around Luke is salty and somehow knows when Alex is imposter even when he doesn’t seem suspicious at all.
Julie and Willie are the best imposter duo, alongside Alex and Luke. Reggie is not a good imposter and the first to die in the game is usually Julie (or Luke).
Wait yes, Alex can’t do life.
Oh Julie gets so mad at him however secretly she’s amused (Alex and Reggie are just having the time of their lives because they can tease both Luke and Julie also Flynn will definitely tease Julie as well)
Alex being the bank dealer is everything, and Reggie just forcing Luke to pay him is everything. (Not sure if this is a game rule but I’ve played a few times were you can give someone a building that has the cost/whatever you owe, so maybe they do that)
Honestly monopoly was banned before hand with Bobby but one day Julie brought it up and they just couldn’t tell her (Luke flipped a table... a table)
Also randomly Flynn and Willie are there just for chaos reasoning.
2. Yes lol
Number stuff
2. Alex and Willie just chilling and then Reggie ruining everything is perfect. (Also Willie is crying laughing during this whole thing, even more so when the hoodie rips and Alex just looks hurt and shocked at the same time towards Reggie)
So I watched the first episode, and I was mistaken. Maybe Arther changes as the show goes on but this is not how I thought the story went 😂
I was like, they changed the story but it still had to have the idea of Merlin helping Arther out with getting the sword out of the stone and in the shows there is a witch. I can’t tell if it’s because they are adding details to the story or if I just don’t know it. But yes just like with Merlin calling Arthur an idiot, my lord is total Alex energy. Definitely could see him doing that is real life at some point. Yes, Luke does still die from the hotdog
5. Same here!! Also the ones that you’ve mentioned I think I have read as well, have to love that for us (also the fact that everyone agree not to ship Alex with Julie and just have them be supportive wingpeople)
6. I love that for us. Also I love the sign idea, (Bobby somehow makes a sign to tell Willie that Alex is okay) it mostly comes because Alex is so distracted by Willie and the hair flip to notice that Willie is asking if he is alright or not. Wait I was still thinking about waterparks, moving to what you were actually talking about. I’m just keeping that in because
But yes, Bobby gets a sign from the boys and everything is better. (The sign is, don’t steal the songs, big no). Also I love how you say that they still go back to Julie but they make a quick pit stop
8. Yes, also their strengths complimented each other’s so without them there Bobby feels lost. So many props towards Reggie, I have no clue what is happening with that game at all times.
10. Aww happy Reggie with technology (also the fact that he doesn’t have to develop photos anymore makes him want to cry happy tears) ‘you don’t understand Julie, green photos. I’m not joking green photos, you don’t know my pain’
I know exactly what you are talking about, can’t remember the name at all though.
Reggie is just upset, but Alex and Bobby are rolling they find it that funny. Also Luke says something along the lines of, ‘it looked fine, I don’t see you blaming Alex and Bobby. This is not fair 🥺’
Wait yes, they always get recipes from bakeries. Also if a food is expensive/they don’t have enough for it but they want to try it sometime they (Reggie) will try to get a recipe just for Alex to make it.
Aw, Alex giving Bobby his own little box so that he always has something to eat.
11. And little did they know that Reggie actually met the Queen
13. Same here lol, but I’m not very good at sketching. However you should definitely do them if you want to! I’m in full support.
14. Yes exactly
16. Precisely, if it was anyone else Alex could say no however sue to the fact that it’s Luke and Reggie, he can’t
17. Oh my goodness you made my idea better. (Honestly I can’t type so I have no clue how I worded it) however I had meant that Reggie asks Caleb for baby pictures of Willie but your idea works so much better. (Also Willie isn’t really that creeped by the fact that Reggie has his baby pictures just accepts it)
Wait, I love that you said Caleb doesn’t question it. As if people ask Caleb for baby pictures all the time, or at least it’s normal (maybe normal Reggie behavior 🤷♀️)
But a Caleb scrapbook I love that idea. Also yes, Reggie just has baby pictures of everyone. Some random stranger that he saw once, yes, his great aunts ex husbands son’s daughter yes (oh my goodness what is that sentence). But basically everyone, even the queen
Yes, just them as babies in hot dog suits. Reggie also has a hat on for I don’t know why reasons. (Imagine if there’s a baby Willie with some kind of hot dog themed thing though)
19. Yes, Luke also smashes snow on peoples heads as well. And Alex is usually the one who stuffs it down the persons back (it is what Willie does as well, and they always have an alliance)
20. Exactly, Owen is such a great actor (also mentioning Booboo Stewart for same reasons)
And Owen does play Alex so perfectly, like Kenny could not have chosen a better actor for Alex even if he tried.
Honestly if the boys had hated Willie I would cry, A because no Willie and Alex and B that’s exactly what they are like and although it’s everything if no point A then sad. I mean, Caleb played Willie just as much as he played the boys. (I just want Caleb to be the good guy because but he does stuff like this whyyy)
Luke isn’t happy that Julie is mad at him however he’s happy that he was able to connect with Flynn
Anything that gets us Unsaid Emily is worth it in my books
21. Honestly I have no clue it’s just been something that I’ve been thinking about. Honestly both of those theories works so well and I feel like it will be so hilarious if Alex freaks over breaking in entering however he’s legitimately done something worse. Also yes, Emily and Mitch talking to Alex to make sure they are both alright is adorable
That would be hilarious, just send this to him one day 😂 😂
24. Yes, also just it either means Flynn and Carrie moments or Flynn singing which are both needed.
Yes only for one song, she can only manage one band and she doesn’t want to be a part of it (in that way). Yes it is a sad song with just them.
25. Imagine Alex and Carrie having a conversation and their banter just being everything
Yes and Luke is like the cool uncle who you go too when you want someone casual but I’m not going to call you out just yet to your father kind of person
26. Wait, yes that’s how all arguments used to get settled in the 90s and if Luke was in the wrong then he would usually write music (I’m basic apparently I can’t think of something else)
Same, especially if we get another hair flip from Willie.
28. This works perfectly! That’s exactly what happened and then ‘now or never’ came to be
32. I didn’t even think of the shop assistant giving him stickers I was just thinking of some random fan discovering Alex at 3 AM however I love that so much more.
Yes, he definitely would take extreme care of it and keep it in its pristine condition
35. Legitimately Ray just has so many kids, imagine if he tried to adopt Reggie, Luke, and Alex though that would be funny. And emotional at the same time
For the purpose of them looking amazing we are just going to disregard the fact that they can’t be seen on photo (maybe it’s a special camera that Willie has from the club i don’t know) (hmm or maybe if a ghost takes the picture then other ghosts can be seen?)
Yes I love that as well, the orb does look good for some reason lol
37. Who doesn’t live for heart eyes Alex (& Willie in my opinion). Yes, and these are not casual rules that you can break there’s legitimately a list and everything. Also Reggie isn’t allowed to wash it after shrinking it and changing the colour one time
39. Yes the dream father daughter team. They are so close (also just want to mention Ray in general not only with Julie but with Carlos as well, because you can tell that’s he trying so hard and is doing so well)
The categories are so funny also I love how we just have this so organized now
I’m sorry this took me so long to answer! I kept telling myself I would then getting sidetracked and now I’ve decided one o’clock in the morning is the best time to start writing this. Bare with me, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot of mistakes here 😂😭
1. Wait I didn’t think about that but I love it so much! Whenever the guys hang out at Luke’s before he runs away, Alex will walk into his room, tut at him or mutter something under his breath, and tidy while still managing to have a conversation with the guys - occasionally he’ll interrupt his own sentence to tell Luke off for the state of his room, like, “Oh yeah, I heard about that, it was — Luke, I swear if you don’t start picking up your dirty socks I’m going to shove them down your throat while you sleep — really cool actually, did you hear about...”. Also he has been known to just drag the vacuum cleaner in because he knows where Emily keeps it and he’ll hoover over the guys’ conversation.
And I can totally see Reggie stress cleaning? Bc usually he’s stressed or upset because of his parents fighting, right? So it must seem to him that everything is very disorderly and out of place, so to make himself feel better he spends hours putting things in the right place so everything is nice and tidy. It’s just an added bonus that the place gets cleaner. Also if the studio was messy the day before and suddenly clean when the band arrives in the morning then they know Reggie had a tough night.
Oh god that hurts. That hurts so freaking much. Just particularly the “pretending he is still there” part - I’m now imagining Emily or Mitch going up to Luke’s room alone, slowly sitting down on the bed or at the desk because they don’t even want to disturb the dust that has settled there. And they’ll look around the room and they’ll remember their son and all the things he used to do - write music, play games, hang out with his friends (who they remember and miss as well), and yes, argue with his parents. And they talk to him, sometimes in the way Ray and Julie do to Rose, as if Luke can hear them and is listening, but sometimes it’s as if he’s stood right in front of them. Tears in her eyes, Emily will whisper “How did your band rehearsal go?” because although it’s too late to start caring and to be okay with it, it comforts her to pretend it means something. She’ll imagine Luke’s reply, hear his voice tell her they made a killer new song, and she’ll smile as she replies, “That’s lovely. Well done, Luke. I’m so proud of you.”
3. Omg hang on I love that, like Alex being amazing at cooking but also completely clueless. He mutters to himself, “What the fuck does ‘fold in the flour’ mean?” then take a wild guess and somehow it tastes great. But like you said, it doesn’t exactly look very appetising.
1. Abwjskdlw Alex throwing drumsticks at Luke like a javelin or a dart or something, and Luke is frantically trying to dodge them but Alex has a seemingly endless supply of drumsticks, he just keeps pulling them out of nowhere and they’ve been there for half an hour of non-stop drumstick throwing and avoiding before he finally runs out.
YES and Reggie is totally serious about it too. Alex sneezes and Reggie is immediately like “that’s a tell!!! You sneezed last round too!!! I’m onto you, Mercer, I know it was you.” And Alex almost readies his drumsticks to throw at Reggie as well.
Oh this. This is glorious. I love this entire thing omg.
The detail of Luke saying Alex was imposter when he wasn’t sus just because he was annoyed is brilliant and would 100% happen. Also Julie-and-Willie and Alex-and-Luke being the best imposter duos is everything. Willie won’t kill Alex no matter what, but Julie is ruthless and Luke is usually first on her list.
Also I want to add what accessories they like because that’s fun! Although I haven’t played in months and can’t remember all of them, but this is what immediately springs to mind.
Luke - toilet paper hat
Julie - flower pot hat
Willie - top hat
Alex - the adorable little leaf thing
Reggie - pumpkin head hat thing
Flynn - no accessory, but she does have a tiny version of her character trailing behind her, you know the ones I mean right? She has a tiny child Among Us player with her at all times idk
Oh god, Monopoly is so much more hectic when Willie and Flynn join in. Willie somehow manages to collect so much money that he may as well just be the banker (definitely nothing to do with Alex being biased and “accidentally” slipping him a little extra cash). Flynn gets the best cards (that’s a thing in monopoly right? There’s a stack of cards in the middle you can choose from? Idk) and they basically win her the game. Luke gets angry, that’s when he flips the table again and Julie locks monopoly away forever
Same with Uno. Reggie doesn’t speak to Luke for a week after the first and only time they play Uno.
2. I love that, like Willie trying to be a supportive boyfriend as Alex watches his hoodie get torn to pieces but just not being able to contain his laughter, practically lying in Alex’s lap because he’s laughing so much. It only gets worse as Alex cradles his ripped hoodie in his hands like it’s a dead animal or something. Like Willie is trying to be nice but the whole situation is freaking ridiculous and it doesn’t work.
Ahahaha I’m so glad you watched it! It does change a bit as the story goes on, I’m sure you’ll like it (I’d always be willing to hear your thoughts on it if you keep watching as well, if you want!!)
And like right??? Alex has complete and utter Merlin energy like “No, there must be another Arthur because this one’s an idiot” may as well be Alex saying “No, there must be another Sunset Curve because these ones are idiots”
6. Lmfao Alex just totally stops functioning after the hair flip and Bobby has to step in, love that. He very calmly takes over the situation, or has a sign, or just like freaking slaps the back of Alex’s head to bring him back to reality.
Right??? They just very quickly say “hey Bobby it’s us don’t steal our music” and then appear in the garage. Kinda tempted to write it now actually
8. Okay, seeing as it’s half one, I don’t want to go off on a whole tangent about “their strengths compliment each other” but I will definitely do this when I’m more awake because it’s a goddamn goldmine
10. Yesss 🥺🥺 like at first he would be a little sad that he didn’t get the experience of getting them developed but then when he remembered how annoying it was he’d be so happy. And omg can you imagine he reaction to how instant it is?? And how high definition?? My boy would stay there staring at these photos for hours on end, wide-eyed, mouth open, awestruck
Oh I love that! Reggie claims it’s so that Alex can enjoy himself and cook something new, which it partly is, but mainly it’s because Reggie just wants more food
11. I now wanna say that Reggie has met a ton of celebrities but nobody believes him because it’s Reggie (and he literally said how adults never believed him as a kid). He’s met the queen, the band Queen, Billy Joel (just because I watched a Billy Joel concert tonight - side note, Luke absolutely adores Billy Joel and listens to him constantly), whoever the president was when the guys were alive, and plenty more
17. Omg lmfao that makes sense 😂😂😂 but yeah like now I love the idea of him having Caleb’s baby photos too, I’m not going back on it. Caleb just has them ready to hand over the next time they all see each other (idk if I already mentioned that?) and he does a big evil speech but hands Reggie the photos halfway through, still talking, and Reggie just smiles and tucks them away into his pocket
“Or at least normal Reggie behaviour” I love how that implies that even though they’ve only really met twice Caleb already knows exactly what Reggie’s like and not only accepts it but is willing to encourage it, showing that he probably thinks it quite sweet (because let’s face it, we all think Reggie is sweet, and Caleb may be evil but he’s not stupid)
Reggie having the queen’s baby photos omg I’m dead 😂😂 that time they met he asked her and like Caleb she didn’t question it, just handed over these probably priceless photos and they end up in some ghost’s scrapbook
Omg yes all of them in hotdog suits plus baby Willie with hotdog socks! Or eating a hotdog! Or with a hotdog stuffed toy! The possibilities are endless
19. YES definitely. Also, Willie and Alex’s alliance only lasts until one of them has the perfect opportunity to shove snow down the other’s back just to watch them squirm, then it’s every ghost for himself
20. You are SO right, Owen and Booboo are literally amazing, we really won with this whole cast.
And thank you so much for saying Caleb played Willie as much as he did the guys!!!! I’ve seen so much stuff recently about Willie hate and like no?? You’re right, Willie was as much a victim as the others. Also I am so in love with the idea of Good Caleb! I just want him to adopt Alex, that’s literally it. Maybe instead of Caleb being defeated by the end of the show, he has seen the error of his ways and has turned nice, now only using evil against people who upset Alex and Willie, pretty please, Kenny make this happen???
Wait yeah that’s a really good point. Again, it’s a looooong tangent and it’s ten to two so I won’t write it now, but Luke and Flynn being friends (and competing over who loves Julie more) is something I desperately need
21. Yes lmao like Alex when he was alive would sometimes graffiti with the boys or set fire to stuff for fun (because they’re teenage boys and that’s what teenage boys do right? Idk that’s what the ones I know do) but as a ghost when he’s invisible he’s just very unsure about going into a closed museum
24. Yesss I need this so muchhh you’re so right
25. Alex and Carrie friendship is god tier.
Small tangent but y’know what else is great? Carrie and Nick being best friends instead of dating. They would get on so well without the pressure of a relationship (once Carrie becomes a little nicer and Nick stops being possessed)
Exactly that’s totally what Luke is
26. Another Willie hair flip PLEASE I would die. Just, Alex short-circuiting around Willie is the best thing ever. And it’s got me wondering what other little things Willie does that basically break Alex: stretching when he’s wearing a crop top so Alex can see his stomach and the smallest bit of his chest; okay but swimmer Willie?? Willie was on his school’s swim team and still swims sometimes and for whatever reason Alex’s loses it; twirling his hair around his finger (bonus points: twirling Alex’s hair around his finger while they’re cuddling)
32. I just love the idea of literally anyone giving them stickers. Reggie’s just out and about in a forest in the middle of nowhere one day (even he doesn’t really know what he’s doing there) and somehow someone finds him and hands him their fanart
35. Omg I didn’t think about how emotional it would be but then you had to go and say this and now all I can think about is each of the boys getting the family they deserve after so long and being loved and cared for unconditionally even though they’re dead and Ray would call them his angels (because he kinda did in ep 7) and oh god it’s too much I love it
Ooooh yes I like that, it’s a good way around the issue 😂 ghost takes photo, ghost can be seen. Perfect
37. Pffffft lmao YES. Reggie just wasn’t really certain on how the washing machine worked because it was at Luke’s house not his and they had a different model and he forgot not to mix colours and it all went badly wrong. Also Luke is banned from wearing them without supervision because once he accidentally set fire to one and now it’s elbow has a burnt patch on it
39. Now you’ve mentioned that I want Ray and Trevor to be friends again! They were probably buddies until Julie and Carrie fell out, I’d love to see them reconnect
Personally my favourite thing of this whole experience is how “Alex and jigsaws” turned into “Reggie has the queen’s baby photos”
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Anything But Mine (d.s.) - Chapter Twenty-Eight
A/N is this the moment we’ve all been waiting for?
Saturday, August 8th, 2020
It wasn’t a relaxing morning for Florence, Grayson, or Emilio as the long awaited appointment was approaching quickly at 11am. By 10:30, there were all sat in the waiting room chairs in the hospital, the week old baby sleeping in Florence’s arms as she stared at the wall in front of them. She felt that if she moved she might throw up from the sickening anxiousness that was bubbling up in her stomach. Nine long months would come down to this one appointment and it seemed as if that was the only thing on any of the three young adults’ minds. With one sentence the entire course of their lives could be altered.
Florence tried to focus on getting through one minute at a time, what her brother always told her when they were struggling through their parents’ toxic rules and ways of discipline. She let her mind focus on the lunch that would be waiting for them at the boys’ house, Callum and the Clifford’s and Clementine there to support her and love her no matter what the results said. She had to stop her mind from whirling as she felt a lump in her throat and couldn’t tell if it was tears or her breakfast.
“You okay?” Emilio asked her quietly from her left.
Florence simply nodded, not taking her eyes off the poster that was tacked to the wall.
Emilio and Grayson caught each other’s gaze past the girl and exchanged nervous glances before looking to the floor.
It was five minutes past eleven when the doctor finally called them in. The extra five minutes were almost torturous for the anxious group of three and they almost ran into the office after the doctor. They took their seats in the three chairs at the front of the desk, the older doctor placing himself behind the desk and opened up a beige file folder.
“How is everyone this morning?” the doctor smiled, folding his hands together on top of the papers.
“Fine.” the group mumbled.
“Has baby been doing okay this week?” the doctor asked.
“She’s good.” Florence forced a polite smile.
“I bet we all want to get down to business so let’s get started.” the doctor sat back and scanned the paper in front of him. “Alright. So we did a cheek swab for the DNA test a week ago, on July 30th. Sent it to the lab, they did their analyzing. They found something a little unusual, however.”
Florence instinctively held Penelope tighter in her arms, her mind thinking over any possible sickness the doctor could be talking about.
“Nothing bad.” he assured them once he saw all three of their worried expressions. “You two gentlemen and the baby are perfectly healthy.”
The room let out a quiet sigh of relief.
The doctor took a breath before continuing, “But when it came to matching the DNA to one of you, neither were a match.”
Silence fell over the group.
“What do you mean?” Florence chuckled humourlessly.
“Neither of you are the father of this child.” the doctor clarified.
Emilio and Grayson looked at each other with their mouths open and eyes wide with shock. They both looked to Florence who was sat between them.
Her laughter surprised them, “No. That’s not possible. Funny, though.”
“Unfortunately, I’m not kidding.” the doctor said, not breaking his serious expression.
“I...I don’t understand.” Florence’s smile faltered. “There’s no other option.”
“Are you positive there is no other possible father?” the doctor asked.
Grayson’s pure hurt expression absolutely ached Florence’s heart and she avoided looking at him at all cost, even if she didn’t know what the hell the doctor was talking about.
“The only other guy was my ex but that doesn’t add up. That was like...” Florence paused as she added the months in her head, “fourteen months ago.”
“Are you sure they got the right samples? Did they get mixed up with someone else?” Grayson asked, his voice soft and wavering with emotion.
“We triple checked. We don’t take these situations lightly.” the doctor assured them.
Florence’s eyebrows were furrowed with confusion, staring down at the sleeping newborn in her arms, wondering where she went wrong in life to get herself into this situation. Grayson continued asking questions and clarification with the poor doctor who had repeated himself too many times.
“I understand you’re confused and upset but we have done all we could at this point. If you think of someone else feel free to bring them in for a test and we’ll be more than happy to look into it for you.” the doctor’s expression towards Florence seemed a little judgemental and she kept her stare down to avoid crying under his intimidating presence.
Emilio was staying silent and had his eyes on Florence’s confused and emotional face, as if silently begging her to make the connection. He was the only one in the room who narrowed it down and knew the truth. Although it hurt to know he wasn’t the father, despite how much everyone told him that the baby looked like him, he was worried about what was going to happen next. It was all a huge mess and it was just made exceptionally messier.
Back in the car, Emilio was holding on almost too tightly to the steering wheel, driving towards the boys’ house for lunch. Grayson was leaning against the window, his hand pressed to his forehead through the frustrated exhaustion, biting on his bottom lip anxiously and to keep from crying. Neither boy pitched into Florence’s emotional rant from the backseat, the girl going on about what a waste of time that doctor was and how they didn’t know what they were talking about.
“$200 to be told nothing.” she scoffed, opening the door and stepping out of the car once Emilio parked in the driveway of the old Victorian. She walked around the other side of the car and took out the baby carrier, the baby still fast asleep. Emilio and Grayson exchanged silent glances as they waited for her to go inside. “And the way he looked at me? Could he be any more judgmental? He’s the one who’s wrong!”
Florence stomped up the front steps and opened the front door.
“Absolutely ridiculous. If he’s so freaking smart and knows everyone who I’ve been with then maybe he should enlighten me.” Florence grumbled as she waked into the house.
Everyone was sitting around the main floor and all looked their way when the stressed out group arrived, Grayson and Emilio staying absolutely silent. Florence’s obvious frazzled state kept the house quiet, everyone looking at her for the long awaited results.
“I wish I could have a fucking drink right now.” Florence broke the silence, kicking off her shoes and walked over to place sleeping Penelope in her carrier on the coffee table in the living room.
“What happened?” Callum asked from the couch, Clementine sat on his lap.
“Literally nothing.” Florence threw her hands out. “Like, literally. Nothing.”
“What do you mean, ‘nothing’?” Jonah asked slowly.
“Just that this idiot doctor has the audacity to tell me that neither of these two are the father?” Florence tossed her hand in the direction of Grayson and Emilio who had now joined the group in the living room, “And wants me to go find who it is? Like okay let me just call Matt even though I haven’t gone within five feet of him in over a year.”
The silence that filled the house was deafening. Emilio looked to Corbyn first who sat next to Callum, the blank expression on the boy’s face and the tense silence being the only answer Corbyn needed. His grey eyes widened, and he looked to Daniel who was sat on the floor in front of the window, the boy’s face a sickening white as he stared up at them. Corbyn could only pray that Daniel wouldn’t faint. That would make the whole situation even more complicated.
It felt like the whole room was staring at Daniel, and they were, except for Grayson and Callum and Florence who were oblivious to the situation at hand.
“What did he say then? They can’t just leave it like that.” Callum frowned.
“I have to figure it out myself and then bring in ‘whoever I think it is’ to be tested as well. Like are you kidding?” Florence set her hands on her hips. “I did already!”
“Why don’t we leave it for now and have some lunch?” Jonah suggested.
Everyone moved to the dining room to grab a slice of pizza from the freshly ordered box, leaving the baby sleeping nearby. Jack had to basically keep Daniel standing, the frazzled boy in a state of shock. He was sat in a chair and Jack placed a full plate in front of him but it went untouched. Daniel leaned his elbows on the table and held his face in his hands.
“I’m not even hungry.” Florence mumbled, mirroring Daniel’s position from down the table. Emilio, Corbyn, and Jonah stood in the kitchen, watching the two friends and their similar states of distress.
“We should tell Grayson.” Corbyn whispered.
Grayson was sat across the table from Florence, picking haphazardly at his slice of pizza, obvious tears welling in his eyes and he refused to even look at the girl across from him.
“Yeah.” Emilio agreed.
“Daniel has to tell her himself though.” Jonah added.
“We all know he won’t.” Corbyn sighed before picking up his plate and seating himself beside Grayson.
“This is all fucked.” Jonah breathed, running a hand through his hair before joining the group at the table.
Lunch had barely began when the front door opened and Cayleigh came in with a big smile and an all-too-cheerful-for-the-situation, “Hi!”
“You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Florence mumbled, unable to hide her eye roll. Callum chuckled from beside her, it being his first time meeting Daniel’s allusive girlfriend. Cayleigh walked around the table and tilted Daniel’s chin up to press a kiss to his pouted lips.
“I missed you.” she smiled widely.
A shaky, “Me too.” was all Daniel could reply with.
Cayleigh helped herself to some pizza and sat herself on Daniel’s lap, pressing kisses to his cheek before she started eating. Florence grumbled unpleasantries under her breath as she took a bite of her lunch. Callum chuckled and set his hand on his annoyed sister’s leg, catching Aidan’s eye from Florence’s other side. They looked away.
“So how was everyone’s day?” Cayleigh asked through a mouthful of pizza.
Everyone responded with some sort of half energetic responses, no one wanting to be in that situation at all. Clementine was staring at her from Jack’s lap across from them, her blue eyes peaking up over the edge of the table. She watched them silently as Jack ran his hand tiredly over her hair, twirling the blonde strands through his fingers as he took a drink from his glass. Silence fell over the room again. Cayleigh leaned her head against Daniel’s, her arm around her shoulders.
“Excuse me.” Daniel mumbled, gently leading her off his lap so he could get up.
“You okay?” Jack asked as Daniel walked past them.
“Don’t feel well.” Daniel said, taking the stairs two at a time. Cayleigh followed after him.
The silence fell again. A soft cry broke the tension, or arguably made it worse, and Florence got up to tend to the waking baby.
Corbyn eyed her, watching as she sat down on the couch and draped the blanket over herself to feed the baby. With her occupied, he turned back to the table.
“We all need to talk.” he said quietly.
“About what?” Callum asked.
Corbyn sighed and glanced at Aidan who shrugged.
“About Daniel and Florence.”
“What about them?” Callum spoke slowly, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“After Corbyn’s birthday celebration at the club they were drunk and hooked up.” Jonah whispered.
“What?” Grayson’s head snapped up.
“They don’t remember it. Well, Florence doesn’t.” Emilio said.
“You knew?” Grayson gaped.
“We didn’t think it mattered.” Corbyn shrugged. “Apparently it does now.”
“That’s why Daniel is freaking out.” Callum realized.
“Ok well let’s tell Florence.” Grayson said.
“No.” the boys said quickly.
“Why not? It’ll blow over eventually.” Grayson said, his heart beating hard in his chest.
“It’s not our information to share. Daniel will tell her when he’s ready.” Jack said.
“And what if he doesn’t?” Callum added. “Is she supposed to raise her child alone and not knowing?”
“Well it’s not like Daniel’s going to breakup with Cayleigh just because this happened.” Jonah pointed out. “It is possible that nothing will change if he tells her or not.”
“God...what the fuck.” Grayson rubbed his temples with two fingers.
“So we have to keep this a secret? I have to keep this from my twin sister for possibly the rest of my life?” Callum asked.
“Yep. Welcome to the last eight and a half months of our lives.” Zach threw a thumbs up in his direction.
“Daniel better do the right thing.” Callum grumbled just as Florence walked back over to the table, sighing tiredly as she sat down again, the unfazed baby tucked in her arms.
#daniel seavey#daniel seavey fanfic#wdw#why dont we#why dont we fanfic#jonah marais#jack avery#zach herron#corbyn besson#emilio martinez#martinez twins#martinator#limelight#college!wdw#daniel seavey imagines#why dont we imagines#writing#anything but mine#wdw fanfic#wdw imagines
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Another ghost AU
Okay the premise for this one is sort of a what if they figured out Nina was the chosen one and performed the ritual, but its also an AU.
KT, Eddie and Willow move into a boarding house for the prestigious Ankh school. They notice there are a lot of awards and items in the school dedicated to a group of students.
It turns out that on the 7th of July, around 50 years ago, these 7 students were discovered dead. The cause was believed to be poisoning as the students were all from the same house and the two surviving students admitted to having skipped meals at the house that day. The house mother was arrested and sentenced for murder, despite rumours that she was innocent.
The truth of the tale is different:
An ancient Egyptian artefact was believed to have power beyond scientific knowledge, and, once assembled, was said to grant immortality. However, nature must maintain a balance, and for every life extended, another has to be cut short.
Despite all their research, the Secret Society were not aware of these consequences, or most likely were at some level but chose to ignore it. So, when the ritual took place and life was transferred, they had what they wanted, but at a cost.
The Immortals:
Victor Rodenmaar. Location unknown. Has been off the grid for 25 years after vanishing one night in the middle of the school year
Daphne Andrews. Still a teacher at Ankh. Taught many student's parents and has said she will retire next year for the past 20 years
Eric Sweet. Eddie's father, and a man he's always admired and looked up to. He's not what he seems, and is a lot older than Eddie believed.
Mercer, father to one of the lost students. Has realised immortality is not all it's cracked up to be. Having lost his wife 10 years ago, he lives a lonely life and regrets ever joining the society and offering up his daughter.
Jason Winkler. Joined due to degenerative illness, hoping this would be a cure. It was, and he lives a mostly happy life, when he can forget what part he played in the tragedy.
Doctor Delia. Now the CEO of the local hospital, she's experimented with her immortality, to see if there is a way to transfer part of her life to a patient. It took a lot of work, but 11 years ago, she finally had some success. 14 year old Sophia was fatally injured in a car crash, and Dr Delia used her blood in a transfusion, saving the girl.
Rufus Zeno is the final immortal. It was supposed to be Roebuck, but Rufus broke in and threatened the Chosen One, unless he got what he wanted. Wanting to save the girl, and being the only one who hadn't drunk from the cup, Roebuck sacrificed his chance.
(Had he known the girl would die anyway, it might have been different)
Rufus is out there, somewhere, and he's dangerous.
Back to the story:
(Idk what the plot really is but here goes)
The trio (Eddie, KT and Willow) discover the students used to live in Anubis House.
One night, they're playing truth or dare with their housemates: Stella, Marco, Anna, Raf and Peter. KT is dared to go down into the cellar, where she finds a secret panel. Behind it, she finds 7 balancing scales, an intricately decorated cup, and an empty bottle.
The scales have discs with names written on them. The names match those of the 7 students who died. However, the discs are only on one side of the scales, suggesting there were 7 more previously. KT takes the bottle to prove she went into the basement, and something compels her to take the discs as well, which she shows to Willow once they're back in their room.
They let Eddie know about it the next morning and the 3 begin to wonder if the students' deaths were really as they seemed.
Eddie is walking up the stairs when he trips on a loose floorboard. Annoyed, he goes to try and put it back into place when something catches his eye. It's a metal disc, tarnished with age. He cleans it up and sees the word Zeno printed on it.
He tells KT and Willow, and KT realises it must be from the scales she found. Something doesn't feel right, so they decide to investigate.
Eddie jokingly suggests they hold a seance, and despite Willows warnings, they do.
It doesn't seem to work.
The next day, Willow discovers an intruder in the house, someone who looks very similar to photos in the school...
Willow is unnerved but curious, so she says hey to them. They turn around, apparently spooked that someone can see them, and vanish.
Willow tells the others, who initially disbelieve her, but soon they come to meet the former residents of their boarding house.
The ghosts were obviously affected by their own deaths, and the fact that they're ghosts, but it's been 50 years now, so they're getting over it. They generally try to stay out of the students' ways, as they learnt that people generally freak out at the sight of ghosts.
They appeared as ghosts the same moment their lives transferred to the immortals, but were extremely weak and found it hard to keep themselves together. They were unable to dissipate completely though, something was keeping them there. They had to watch as Trudy was arrested; as their house was put out of action till an increase in students forced them to open it again 15 years later; as Victor still wandered the halls; as all the students came and grew and left while they were trapped in the house.
Unable to die, but unable to live.
Slowly, they began to gain more power, and for the past 10 years they've been able to hold a corporeal form for lengthening times, meaning they can actually do things and go places. They're capable of leaving the house for short distances and periods of time, though if they're out for too long they fade away and reappear back in the house with a killer headache.
They think (hope) this means the immortals are weakening, but it could just be they're getting used to the whole being dead thing.
Their lives were tied to the balancing scales and the person on the opposite side, so they each have some connection to an immortal
This means they get fleeting impressions/feelings from their immortal, which strengthens with their proximity.
Connected Immortal and Ghost:
Rodenmaar - Nina
Sweet - Fabian
Andrews - Amber
Delia - Alfie
Roebuck/Zeno - Jerome
Mercer - Joy
Winkler - Patricia
Amber gets the most impressions because Ms Andrews still teaches at the school
Nina and Jerome receive hardly any because both Zeno and Rodenmaar are unknowns
However, recently they've started getting fleeting emotions and visuals that aren't their own. The two missing immortals are becoming active and they're heading for the house.
The ghosts can't do much on their own so Eddie, KT and Willow have to be prepared to discover what these two immortals want and put a stop to it.
Eddie finds out that his dad was once Eric Sweet (he chose a different name after leaving the school, to distance himself), the former headmaster of the school and is horrified by the part he played in all this. A confrontation goes down.
There's a bit where they track down Mick and Mara, now in their 60s, and bring them back to Anubis House to reunite with their former housemates. It would be a really emotional scene because while most of them weren't close, you can't live in close quarters with people for a long time, without forming a bond. And when it ended so abruptly with no goodbyes...well.
They also track down the other immortals and bring them to the house to face their ghosts (literally). Ms Andrews regrets it immensely; Delia has no (some) regrets, but argues she's able to save many more lives this way, Jason is in denial.
Don't imagine immortal!Mercer finally seeing his daughter again, only she's a ghost and he caused her death. He's full of apologies, but they're all based around how he missed her, not how he cut her life short.
There would be a lot of regret and grief all round, and anger on the ghosts' part.
While Trudy probably wouldn't be alive after all this time, the trio and the ghosts want the immortals to clear her name.
Zeno and Rodenmaar arrive at the house. They're both searching for an ancient artefact hidden in the house.
(Is it the mask? Is it the Book of Isis? Robert Frobisher Smythe? Who knows? Not me.)
They also want to try and end the other because, why not. Grudges can last forever.
The trio also meet Sophia at some point, who is undergoing weird transitions as a result of the blood transfusion. Her body is fighting it while also trying to embrace it, and it causes her to randomly absorb life/energy from plants or other people. She can also transfer energy to other beings, but this causes her to collapse. She also still looks 14 when she should be in her 20s by now. The trio befriend her and try to figure out a cure.
While their existences are tainted with regret and bitterness, the ghosts still make their own fun. Sometimes they'll pull pranks on unsuspecting students, or just sit in the back of the class room to listen to the lessons like they're students again. They know for a fact Ms Andrews hasn't changed her curriculum in 50 years and can now recite her lessons by heart. They also like to play games in the house like tag or hide and seek, and they will admit its more fun when you can phase through walls.
When they reveal themselves to the trio, they enjoy tormenting them, but also help them with their games nights, charading the answers behind the other 5s backs. Everyone's had near misses with the 5, but somehow they remain oblivious to the SEVEN GHOSTS living in their house. But then again everyone else is oblivous to the fact the 5 are on some Arthurian quest.
I don't know how this story would end, but the best outcome is that they fight Zeno and Rodenmaar, and some truth comes out that Rodenmaar has discovered a way to reverse what was done and needs an artefact from the tunnels to conduct the ritual. Zeno, meanwhile has discovered another ritual that would give him the power from the other immortals to essentially make himself a god.
Naturally, both are trying to stop the other from achieving their goals.
Initially, KT, Eddie, Willow and the ghosts (and Sophia) attempt to stop both parties, but when they discover Victor's plan they work to take down Zeno. Once he's subdued (taken down by Sophia draining his energy), they summon the other 5 immortals.
Some of them take some convincing, but others are all too ready to give up this immortal life. They get time to tie off loose ends. Ms. Andrews hands in her resignation, Delia entrusts someone (Sophia?) with her work, Mercer has a long talk with his daughter, Eric has an even longer talk with his son. Victor spends his time in Anubis House, telling the kids his story and apologising for taking so long to fix his mistake.
Eventually, the ritual takes place, and the next day sees 7 new students enrolled who look uncannily like the students in the pictures.
(It takes them a while to adjust to the fact they can't walk through walls anymore)
#then KT's grandfather gives her a key and they're off on another adventure#house of anubis#long post#hoa#kt rush#eddie miller#willow jenks#i know this was my longest au but it somehow ended up longer#ghost au 2: electric boogaloo#this would be an epic 100k fic but alas i dont have the energy nor skill to do that so take the plotline instead#honestly though this would make a great buzzfeed unsolved episode#also im so sorry about the anglicised versions of de vijf but i think thats what they would have been called if there was an english remake#ive put the keep reading thing on this so many times but tumblr keeps removing it so sorry if you have to scroll#hoa au
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“Do you think this is what freedom feels like?” Betty questions him, running a hand up and down his back, eliciting goosebumps on the warm skin.
Jughead stirs a little under her touch. “Well, we made it through another entire day without having to save the world.”
“Or ourselves,” she adds.
“Or ourselves.” He presses a soft kiss in the smooth space between her breasts. “I guess it counts as being free.”
A bitter laugh passes through her lips.
Being free. Are they? She can’t tell.
When she looks out the window, she meets eyes with the city that never sleeps. She feels exhausted. Tiny. Judged by this concrete jungle and those big bright lights. Mocked by countless faces carrying countless stories but not giving a damn about her own.
Their own.
“I don’t know, Jug. Don’t you ever feel like we’re still... enslaved, somehow? To the past, I mean.” Her voice falters. “Or to another town that’s already playing tricks on us. »
Several answers scramble on the tip of his tongue. He sums up. “We come from Riverdale, Betts.”
She remains silent, so he follows her gaze. He stares at the city, just like she does, and finds that the city has a peculiar way to stare back. “New York can’t play tricks on us.”
He wants to believe this. They both want to believe this. They both want to believe that they finally broke the shackles. That they can start over. That they’re free.
But freedom is still a blurry, foreign concept for them, and if they are - free, that is - it will take time to get used to it.
It feels suspicious to walk down the streets without being recognized. Not that they were famous or something back in their hometown... anyways. It feels strange to be a stranger.
It also feels suspicious for them to have their own little apartment in Brooklyn. Way too good to be true. They know that they’re alone, still they keep glancing towards the door from time to time to make sure someone (Alice Cooper?) is not about to pierce their little bubble and catch them kissing their way down each other’s body.
It will take time before they stop checking on the trees as they’re traipsing around Central Park, for fear that one is going to start walking then chase after them while making a weird growling noise. It will take time before they stop worrying about the kids playing cards under the kiosk - they can’t help but make sure there’s no chalices or deadly tattoos involved.
It will take time before they bake brownies or go bowling just like she sang to him when they wished they could be seventeen.
Every building they walk in, they wonder if it could be a propriety of Hiram Lodge. He could already own New York, fuck if they know.
Every football game, song contest or boxing match remind them of a friend who used to always put his life at risks for the sake of nothing.
They should check up on Arch and Vee more often.
Betty doesn’t tell Jughead that, basically every night, she has nightmares involving a hooded man who used to be her father. That when she jolts awake, her ears buzz with the sound of a gunshot. But she doesn’t have to tell him, because when she tries to go back to sleep, he holds her a little tighter, and she knows that he knows.
Jughead doesn’t tell Betty that he’s freaking out over the fact that he might never be able to build a family - in a having kids kind of way - without fear of screwing all up because what kind of parents burry then dig up bodies on a regular basis? (They don’t do that anymore. Still. They’re not having kids right away. Still.) But he doesn’t have to tell her, because when they bump into a toddler at the grocery store, she squeezes his hand a little tighter, and he knows that she knows.
They’re not carefree enough to lose sight of each other more than a few hours. What if she’s being brainwashed? What if he’s being stabbed by some revengeful gang members?
It will take time to trust people again.
Sometimes when they shower, they both stare down in disbelief, expecting to see blood run down the drain. His. Hers. Someone else’s.
But there is no blood anymore.
No battle scars. No wicked games.
It’s over. They ran away.
Nobody said it would be easy to move on after all they’ve been through. But nobody said it would be that hard, either.
Betty recalls what Jughead said earlier. They made it through entire days. Right. They made it through entire weeks, even. Through an entire month. Indeed. But at what cost?
“Do you think we’ll be able to fix this?” She half-whispers as she threads her fingers through his dark locks.
They both know that by this, she means us. And by fix this, she means heal. Get better.
Will they ever get better?
Jughead lets a puff of air tumble on his girlfriend’s neck. He would like to give her the reassurance of a yes, but it doesn’t sound honest. It feels like his answer can’t be yes, and it can’t be no either.
They’re not the same persons as they were before Jason Blossom’s murder. They’ll never be these persons again. They have scars and stitches. But that doesn’t mean they won’t heal.
Eventually, he tilts his head up to look her in the eye. And that’s it. One look. One look at her, and he realizes. There’s only one answer to give.
“I love you.”
The words hang in the air between them like this is the reason for everything. The reason why there’s still hope. The reason why their past can’t steal the freedom they’re born to find. The reason why they’ll never get lost, even in a city as big as the universe, as long as they walk around each other’s souls.
The reason why they survive.
Betty’s heart swells pleasantly. “I love you too.”
That doesn’t mean yes. That doesn’t mean no. She understands.
That simply means that they have each other, no matter what.
To back up his argument, Jughead kisses her. She kisses back. Again. Again. And it doesn’t take long before they lose themselves into the safety of each other.
Just as he starts to wander down her neck, Betty breathes out a quiet moan and shoots a quick glance towards the window. “Wait, wait. Before—don’t you think we should—”
He silences her with a gentle bite on her collarbone. “Nah. Let’s be free, baby.”
She intended to chuckle, but the sound leaving her mouth turns out to be more like a gasp.
Screw it.
Life may still want to test their limits. See how wrecked they’ve become.
New York will probably always be a monstrous stranger to them. But it’s fine, because at the end of the day they’re together, tangled in each other’s arms, and the sheets somehow smell like home.
It will take time, to learn what freedom is.
But they have time, now.
(Lesson one - freedom is to make love with the window wide open.)
#heyooo#im still a frenchie with too much inspo and not enough english voc to put it down#but i hope its not too bad#im tryinggg#lo writes#bughead fanfiction#betty cooper#jughead jones#bughead#riverdale#my writing
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For the Love of Dogs - Chris Evans x You
Summary: You’re spending time at your local dog park with your rescue dog when you run into a certain Captain
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 1946
Warnings: None, fluffy, slight language
A/N: Beta by @whiskey-cokenfanfic, thank you! 😘
@mycapt-ohcapt sent me a prompt of my doggy meeting Dodger a little while ago when I was hitting the wall with ideas. Inspiration hit me, so I changed it up slightly, and wrote this for you to celebrate your day today. Happy birthday darling! ❤️😘
It was yours and Frankie’s first trip to your local dog park. It had always been a dream of yours to have a dog of you own, so when you visited a pet event show and clapped your eyes on the beautiful brindle Greyhound, your dream came true. You had spent a lot of time over the last few months researching the breed and speaking with experts, so you knew a Greyhound would fit perfectly into your busy life. As soon as you looked into Frankie’s chocolate brown eyes, you instantly fell in love and quickly signed the adoption papers before he was snapped up by someone else. That was 4 days ago.
Walking through the gate on a beautiful Spring morning, you made sure it was securely closed before removing Frankie’s leash. You had the park to yourselves, so you enjoyed a leisurely game of fetch with the tennis ball you brought with you. After a while, Frankie decided he was more interested in sniffing out all the plants and bushes which lined the paths around the large park. Taking this opportunity, you sat down on a bench nearby, pulled out your phone, and caught up with the world.
Preoccupied by the group chat with your girls, you didn’t hear the gate open as another eager hound entered the park with his owner. Just as you started to type out a response to one of your friends dating disasters, a brown and white dog jumped up into your lap, placing his paws on your thighs as he excitedly pushed his wet nose into your face, licking you with a wagging tail.
The loud voice, of what you assumed was your new furry friends owner, echoed through the park. Looking up, you could see a dark haired, bearded, tall man, stride quickly towards you scolding at his dog, “Dodger! C’mon boy, get down!”
Giggling at the affection, you awkwardly secured your cell in your pocket and moved a hand towards his nose so he could give you a good sniff.
“Hello mister, well aren’t you an adorable boy.”
Now that both your hands were free, you ran your fingers through the soft, long fur of Dodgers neck, tickling him behind his ears.
“Awww yes you are! Who's a good boy, huh? Who’s a good boy?!” Your usually soft, quiet voice increased in pitch as you cooed over the pooch, showering him with love.
The man soon approached you and interrupted your petting with a deep chuckle. His arms were crossed, a broad smile on his face, “Shall I leave you guys to it, or..?” The amused, teasing tone in his voice didn’t go amiss.
Feeling embarrassed, you tucked a lock of hair behind your ear and apologised to the man with a small smile.
Dodger was still in your lap, so his owner grabbed his collar and pulled him off you. That’s when you realised your light wash denim jeans now sported mud shaped paw prints, and your pale pink cami was covered in dark patches, thanks to the slobber caused by the ginger hound.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry!” The attractive man turned towards his dog, giving him the side eye, ”he’s normally got much better manners than this!”
Shrugging your shoulders, you waved off his apology. “It’s fine, honestly.”
Not quite forgiving Dodger just yet, he glanced back at your ruined clothes, and proceeded to tell the poor mutt off.
While the handsome man was giving his dog a lecture on how to be polite, you looked him over. His dark hair was soft and fluffy, easily styled with a natural look. His eyes were covered by a dark pair of sunglasses, and a neatly trimmed beard covered the bottom half of his face, while his pink, plump lips looked juicy enough to bite. He was wearing a dark pair of jeans, coupled with an unzipped navy blue bomber jacket, meaning you had a perfect view of the white cotton tee he was wearing underneath, which did little to cover his impressive chest. You could see a dark shadow over his clavicle area, and wondered if he was hiding some ink. Before you could ogle some more, Frankie wandered over to see what all the commotion was.
“And who is this curious fella?”
Looking down at your brindle beauty, you replied, “This is Frankie. He’s only been with me for a few days, but he just fitted right in, haven’t ya bud?”
“Well it’s lovely to meet you both, I’m Chris, and as you probably figured with my not so manly screaming, this dumbo is Dodger,” he showed Frankie his right fist in greeting, while petting his head with his left hand.
Chuckling at his humour, you also introduced yourself, as your two fur babies sniffed at each others butts, getting themselves acquainted with one another. Suddenly, Dodger gave a quick bark before he threw his front legs down flat against the ground with his butt up high in the air. His tail was wagging rapidly in excitement and he pounced towards Frankie wanting to play. You and Chris laughed as you watched them run off across the park.
Taking a seat on the bench, Chris turned towards you, “So you recently adopted Frankie?”
“Yes, he’s my gentle giant. I’ve always wanted my own Greyhound, especially an ex racer. They’re such laid back dogs, and a professional couch potatoes!” Sharing a laugh, you continued. “Growing up, we always had a dog in the family home but when I flew the nest, and rented my own apartment, pets weren’t allowed in the building. For the last few years I’ve been saving up for a deposit and eventually, with a little help from my grandpa, I managed to afford my own house.”
You glanced Chris’s way, “It’s been a long wait, but I could finally have the Greyhound I’d always wished for. He fits into my lifestyle perfectly.”
Chris sent you a genuine smile, “Well I’m glad he found you. Too many dogs are left waiting for homes, and I’m happy he found a perfect one with you.”
Heat filled your cheeks with a rosy pink blush, instantly feeling shy, “Thank you.” Turning in your seat towards him slightly, you asked, “What about Dodger? Was he a rescue?”
“Yeah, he’s been with me a few years now. I met him while I was working in an animal shelter. As soon as I saw him, I knew he didn’t belong there . I mean look at him, he’s just so full of life.” He gazed out across the dog park, a tender look on his face.
A comfortable silence filled the air, you followed his eyes and beamed as your fur babies made friends, sniffing at all the blossoming flowers. All of a sudden, Frankie leaped forward into a full gallop, sprinting off around the park. Not wanting to miss out on the fun, Dodger quickly gave chase trying to outrun him, but failed. Frankie’s long legs, flexible spine and muscular build was no match for the energetic pup, but it was certainly amusing watching the two of them.
Chris thought so too. His hysterical laughter filled your ears as he got very animated, leaning back and slapping a hand across his chest. Tears brimmed his eyes, so he pulled off his sunglasses to wipe his eyes. Your breath hitched in your throat when you realised who he was.
It was only yesterday you watched Marvel's latest blockbuster, Endgame, and now you were sat on a bench, in a random dog park in Massachusetts, with one of the biggest and most talked about stars of the moment. Your girls would not believe this.
Trying to keep your composure, you asked if he was okay while you tried to not freak out.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just so good to see Dodge happy and making friends.” Chris watched on with a fond smile, like a proud father, a tinge of regret in his voice.
Finding the courage to speak up, you sassed, “Does he not have many friends then?”
“Oh haha, very funny. He has plenty of friends thank you very much!”, he playfully pointed a finger towards you, while shaking his head.
Wrinkling your nose, you sarcastically said, “Sure..”
Chris jokingly rolled his eyes as he ran his left hand through his hair. “We’ve been across the Country for most of the year so he hasn’t really had chance to get to know the locals, ya know?” He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees as he continued, “Sometimes my work is pretty full on and I don’t spend long enough in one place for him to enjoy the doggy life with a playmate. It’s gotta be hard on him, makes me feel guilty, y’know?”
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to explain yourself to me...Captain.”
Chris quickly looked up at you with wide eyes, a shocked expression etched across his face. You snickered at him, overjoyed at your quip.
“So, I guess the cats outta the bag then?” he silently chuckled.
Nodding your head, you confirmed his suspicions with a wink, “Uh huh. Nice disguise though.”
He snorted a small thanks before the dogs made their way back over towards you both on the bench. They were both exhausted from their run with their tongues hanging out of the side of their mouths, panting excessively.
“Well it looks like he’s found a fellow sidekick now.” You noted while giggling at the sight of the two of them.
Chris joined in with your laughter, before he made a suggestion, “I’ve got the rest of the summer off, so we’ll be spending a lot more time in this park. Maybe you and Frankie would like to join us sometime? Y’know, so they can bond.”
Stunned at his proposition you were speechless, staring at him with your mouth open, unsure if you heard him correctly.
“So, what do you say?”
Still in a daze, you tried to utter out a confident response, “Oh, um, ye-yeah.”
Chris looked delighted, happy you agreed to his proposal. He turned towards you with a sheepish smile, “Look, I am really sorry about ruining your clothes. Please let me cover the dry cleaning costs, it’s the least I can do.”
Waving a dismissive hand his way, you replied, “Please, it’s not a problem. These things happen. It’s nothing a quick wash at home won’t fix.”
Not accepting your forgiveness that easily, Chris pressed on, “At least let me buy you a coffee?”
You looked down at your watch noticing the time, “Oh thank you for the offer, but I’m not sure. It’s getting late and I haven’t had lunch yet.”
Seeing the hesitation in your eyes, he persevered, “Go on, you know you want to, I’ll even buy you a cookie.” He nudged your side with his elbow playfully, “Plus these dogs need a drink, just look at them!”
Not playing fair, he jested, “Surely you don’t want to upset Frankie by leaving when he and Dodge have just become best friends!”
“Best friends? Really?!” You stifled a laugh and looked between the two dogs. They sure did look happy. “Wow, you’re persistent aren’t you?!” His smug smile answered your question.
Just as you were mulling over his coffee invitation, that bastard had to pull out the big guns didn’t he? He raised his right eyebrow, giving you the puppy dog eyes.
Feeling defeated, you sighed waving a hand towards him, “God, how can I say no to that face!”
Chris’s boisterous howl echoed through the park, as he stood up, holding a hand out towards you, “C’mon, let's go grab that coffee.”

Thank you all for reading! Please reblog and comment, it’s very important to all writers on here. Please send me a message if you would like to added/removed to the tag list.
Tag List: @mycapt-ohcapt @princess-evans-addict @gigglegirl77 @coffeebooksandfandom @the-sunshine-in-the-dark @loricameback @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @whiskey-cokenfanfic @winters-buck @anavengerstale @jbug491 @thinkxlovexloud @patzammit
#chris evans#chris evans fanfiction#chris evans fan fiction#chris evans fanfic#chris evans fan fic#chris evans imagine#chris evans oneshot#chris evans one shot#chris evans drabble#chris evans x you#chris evans x reader#chris evans rpf#dodger evans#marvel#writing#dog#greyhound#love#mrs-captain-evans writes#22/05/2019
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Fall For Me: Chapter Three
The Landing
Sometimes when you fall, you need somebody’s help to get back on your feet.
“Jaune!” Ren’s shout rolled out like a thunderclap and her partner half lunged forward. Oscar was beside him, waving his arms in a frantic approximation of semaphore, and wailing at the distant figure. Nora could hear the sudden cold desperation in both of their voices. “Don’t you freaking dare! Don’t you even-”
There was only one way this was going. And she was not having it.
She was already running as the distant figure drew his blade. Her boots slammed into the stone and each footfall was a statement. Each thump a furious scream at what stupid excuse for fate was trying to pull a fast one right now.
Her hands curled tighter inside her gloves and around the handle of her trusty hammer, and she gritted her teeth. She couldn’t be sure, couldn’t be quite certain of the faint prickle of something against her skin. It traced the faded patterns of magically scarred flesh along her palms and arms, from where she had that lightning bolt had struck her so long ago and awoken her Semblance.
It hadn’t been working so far, but now would be a very good time for it to start.
There was fire above her, a deafening crack of out flung crystal shards, and she looked up, then down, and up and down again, as her mind whirled with frantic aeronautic calculation. Jaune’s out flung figure arched backwards from the detonation, hurled out over the yawning gap.
Nora’s boots cleared the edge of the chasm in a headlong launch, and one parting explosive grenade for any extra bit of momentum..
She clicked the trigger of Magnhild and electricity arched up its handle, and there was a definite shiver at her clenched fingers now, and the raw insanity of it all howled in her ears. But she had been matching collisions trajectories enough times by now. From a dozen types of airship, shield launching, and variations on malfunctioning flight, and this time had at least started from somewhere stationary.
The weightless moment stretched out, momentum and gravity vying for dreadful favour. The forces snatched at the gossamer threads of Aura and lift that danced across her, drawn out from her Semblance by sheer determination, if nothing else. The world seemed to be holding its breath. Filled with all the shades of what could go so utterly and completely wrong.
Come on. Come on.
Then she hit the plunging knight square in his stomach, wrapping her outflung arms as tightly as she dared around the other plummeting shape, and the impact jolted a hard-shock through her. Tendrils of too bright memory jolted right along with her, taking her back to Jaune doing this for her all the way back in Argus. She felt her Semblance shiver, Aura given strength failing under the sudden increase in weight.
But the accelerated deflection had been enough, and a moment later there was another rib slamming joly as they crashed into the tiled top of one of the broken slabs jutting from the opposite canyon wall.
Nora clung down hard, wedging her ringing head against Jaune in a vague attempt to hold on with her neck as well. And she had another horrible moment of sliding scrapping weightlessness.
But then her rock torn fingertips scoured the wall to a standstill, splintering dusty fragments trailing around her grasp, and she rammed the tips of her boots into the rock below.
“Oh good lords,” she gasped. The razor thin air scraped her throat and for a good few moments she concentrated just on breathing, half deaf from her own heart beat, and stared dumbly at the stone an inch from her nose. She could feel the faint rise and fall of Jaune’s chest beneath her, feel small twitches in his cheek next to hers.
Finally she managed to pull herself together enough to lean back slightly, raising up so that she could look at him, and not run the risk of dislodging either of them from their precarious shelf.
He was staring. Not at her, even with her filling up what had to be his entire field of vision. Jaune stared through her somehow, his sapphire gaze stretched wide. She shifted slightly and tried to find her voice.
“That was really dumb,” she said quietly, and she wasn’t entirely sure which one of them she meant. Jaune shivered. His fingers twitched, scratching down against the rock as he blinked a few times, and then the stare settled back onto her a little more securely.
He looked battered. His armor was laced with hairline cracks in a few places, gold inlay dulled and fracturing. Wild blonde hair was singed at the tips, and his exposed skin was peppered with small cuts. Crocea Mors was clutched in a death grip, and she didn’t think he was even aware that he still had it. But he was alive.
Another blink, and his lips moved like a question, although no sound came out. Nora shrugged. She should say something. Anything. That was what she was best at.
“Well, I could have managed not to catch you with my freaking face,” she muttered. Jaune kept staring at her, looking dazed. Nora adjusted her grip again, and tried to put a bit more reassurance into her tones.
“I’m right here, no worries fearless leader. Freaking hope that Weiss gets a move on with her summon, but we’re okay. Kind of.” She craned up, trying to see anything useful past the edge of the crevasse, but all she could make out was the murky red of the sky.
The noxious sludge bubbled helpfully barely a few feet below them. Nora thanked any gods that might be listening that they were remaining stationary. Even if stationary wasn’t getting them any closer to help. Jaune opened his mouth again, hesitated, and finally managed to speak.
“I was… falling again. I thought it… I was..” his voice caught, halting in his throat and he half turned away, expressions chasing each other across his features too fast to be clear. Nora bit her lip, hoping like hell she hadn’t hit him harder in the head than she had thought.
But he seemed focused enough now, just shocked. No, not exactly shocked, that didn’t quite go far enough…
A memory stirred, rising past the grim slick of recent horrors, and Jaune’s earlier words echoed back across her mind. When after far too long, after months or years of carrying it with him, they’d finally gotten him to tell them about what had happened at the Fall.
“I remember falling, and light. And then everything I never knew I cared about was gone.”
“I’m right here,” she repeated, more firmly this time, and now all the other meanings welled up either side of those words and Jaune’s fingers curled a little tighter against her arm. She held his gaze, blue on blue, and this time he didn’t look away.
“If you fall again,” she said quietly, into the strange little private moment that seemed to have formed. “We’ll catch you. Ren, me, Ruby, all of us. And if that’s not enough, and if we do lose someone, and you lose yourself. Then we’ll just find you and show you who you are, all over again, just like before. A hundred million bajillion times..”
There was precious little room on the ledge as it was, but Nora shifted as much as she was able to make space as Jaune’s chest shook with tears and a faint glimmer of reassurance sparked in his eyes. He drew her into a bone crushing hug, and she managed a small smile as he shook. The knight drew her somehow tighter to him, as if he was making sure she was there, that he could trust his vision.
“I promise,” she murmured, and was just trying to find a light hearted continuation of the sentence when soft sobs reached her ears. She froze, and then leaned into it as well as she could while staying awkwardly braced against the crumbling stone.
Jaune was battered and shivering with close-brush mortality, but there was understanding in the moment. He had finally allowed himself to cry. It wasn’t new, not entirely, but now that it had been stated, her promise seemed to brand itself into the air around them.
We’ve got you. All of you, right now. We’ve got you, and you’ve got us. And you’re not getting rid of us that easily. We’ve got your back, everything that you are. And if you need us to, we’ll find you.
Even if you’ve lost yourself.
“You okay?” she asked as they finally separated. There was a faux casual tone to her voice, and Nora nearly winced at how plastered on it sounded. Jaune looked down and blinked, still dazed, as a frown traced onto his features.
“...no,” he admitted. Jaune looked at her, almost confused for a moment. He glanced past her to where she could hear the faint crystalline sounds of Weiss’s summons, and then he let out a long shuddering breath. “I’m not okay. But… I could be. I think.”
He glanced back at Nora as he spoke and, like a curtain lifting, the focus was suddenly back in his face. Not perfect, not even very well pulled together just now, but that old hardlight edge was there again. Jaune looked more like… Jaune, and less like he was about to pull another stupidly heroic stunt at the cost of himself.
Nora’s grin was a beacon. “I think we can work with that,” she said brightly. Jaune managed a wobbly smile as he met her gaze. Yeah. They could definitely work with that. If they made it out of this alive, and in even close to one piece.
Her Aura had shattered completely on impact with his armor, and even Jaune’s plentiful supply of the stuff was struggling against the malevolent forces in the to heal even the smallest wounds that he had.
And all of that was ignoring whether Ren would kill her first for this latest stunt.
But Jaune was looking more solid than she’d seen him be in months, maybe years. He was holding himself together with scotch tape and luck, but she could work with that.
Duct tape and lots of pancakes hadn’t failed her yet.
#rwby#jaune arc#nora valkyrie#lie ren#oscar pine#weiss schnee#ruby rose#mine#my writing#fall for me#chapter 3
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