#as of rn she just exists in the game to be a stand-in for me as the player and that's kinda it
hiraganasakura · 1 year
Man I rly genuinely wish I could play CotC. The soundtrack is filled with absolute bangers amd the story seems genuinely interesting. But alas. It is a mobile gatcha game. And my brain cannot focus on mobile gatcha games to save my life even if the subject is my literal hyperfixation apparently? Like I've tried and it doesn't work lol
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81folklore · 10 months
heaven - OP81 - part 2
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pairings: oscar piastri x private!secret!reader (fc: gracie abrams)
summary: a very sweet softlaunch ends pretty quickly
authors notes: first of all a huge thank you to everyone who has liked, reblogged and taken the time to read my works it means so much to me and im so so grateful!! next, this is something i made at 1am so please bear with me😭. i am working on the lando and charles stories i PROMISE but i want them to be special and i currently have zero thoughts about where to take them so it might be a while🫣 also i almost finished this when tumblr DELETED IT?? i want to cry😁 ALSO i started this at like 1am and i cant be asked to do tweets rn so insta smau it is
part 1 part 3 masterlist
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liked by yourfriend2, user7 and 583 others
ahahah i love the beach and my friends
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yourfriend2: dont be fooled she called me crying after the fourth photo bcs she lost 5 games of uno in a row
yourusername: i called you in confidence and this is how you repay me??
user6: its fine we know how emotional uno can get😁
yourusername: ??
user7: im so single hahahahhaa (im dying inside)
user10: is it confirmed that this is oscar?
user9: im not being funny but oscar doesnt even follow her so i think yous are just reaching
user10: …they have the same dog??
yourfriend6: might aswell post his face at this point
yourusername: leave me aloneeee im having fun!!
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liked by clementnovalak, paularon_ and 93,357 others
second part of the season incoming 😁👊 (after a very competitive round of uno)
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user7: ready to see you up on the podium🧡
user10: uno you say?
user3: right could they be more obvious😭
yourusername: its race week babyyy
*liked by oscarpiastri*
user17: literally what is happening why are all of the grid softlaunching😭
user8: and why does it always end in the hardest of launches
yourusername and oscarpiastri added to their stories
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yourfriend2: 😭😭
yourusername: i am sick and tired i just want to POST him but softlaunches are so fun😔
yourfriend2: its really fun when everyone already knows?
yourusername: no but we are in too deep now☹️
user6: god you guys are insufferable
user23: i lied please dont im so single it hurts
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 6,572 others
the world through my eyes☀️
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oscarpiastri: i love you sososo much
oscarpiastri: my favorite person in the entire world
yourusername: ur literally my sunshine🫶
yourfriend1: god you make me SICK
yourusername: ..okay😁 oscarpiastri i love youuu🤭
landonorris: i hate people in love (you guys are very cute)
user10: THE NOTE OH
user7: he is her world oh my lord
user63: and the fact that hes her sunshine too😭😭
user63: literally crying myself to sleep
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 143,572 others
my happiness
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yourusername: teheehee thats me🤭
yourusername: i LOVE YOUUU
yourusername: i didnt know you took photos of me like this☹️
oscarpiastri: of course your my favorite🧡
yourusername: oh could you get any cuter🫠
yourfriend4: thought you should know yn is currently jumping up and down and giggling while looking at this
user8: god really saw me sad and said ‘heres the happiest and best couple, wallow more’
user1: i cant stand people in love (i want to cry and drown in my tears)
yourusername: oh my god im so obsessed with you
oscarpiastri: i loooove youuu
oscarpiastri added to their story
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yourusername: ahhhhh im so☹️
yourusername: osc☹️☹️ur literally the cutest thing to exist
yourusername: my boys🫶🫶
yoursusername: im so in love with you sunshine☀️
oscarpiastri: love you, thank you for showing me happiness🤍
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yeetskeetstreet · 1 year
Accusations and Words | Daemon x Reader
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S/N = son’s name
D/N = daughter’s name
if anyone wants me to make this a series, feel free to name the kids!
(Laena never married Daemon, their kids exist with an unnamed father, obvi no Rhaenyra & Daemon.)
This piece has no identifying features for reader other than a non-blonde hair colour, and is NOT of targaryen descent.
CONTENT WARNING: swearing, blood, child abuse, fighti- honestly, its game of thrones, lets be real here.
Y/N and Daemon burst into the hall, the doors flying open, (a knight behind said door was startled by their entrance).
Rhaenyra looked almost relieved as her uncle and his wife arrived after the handmaiden had been sent to fetch them. Luke was to her left, Jace in front of him, while Daemon and Y/N's son, of age ten, and daughter, of age seven stood to Rhaenyra's right. S/N held his sisters hand, as she hid behind him, her face buried into his back.
"S/N! D/N! What happened?" Y/N ran directly to her children, placing a hand on the side of her son's face, looking at his bruised eye and bloody nose. Her other hand briefly grabbed Rhaenyra's, squeezing it in thanks, for protecting her children.
Daemon, on the other hand, stood next to his wife, narrowed eyes aimed at Queen Alicent, taking in the sight of her enraged expression, and the Maester stitching up his beloved nephew.
D/N didn't move from behind her brother, while (S/N) looked at his mother, speaking to her quietly, "Aemond took Vhagar, he hit Rhaena and was going to kill Luke. He- He.." S/N looked down at his feet, "He called us bastards. Luke, Jace, Me and D/N. It was Jace's knife but I cut him I swear."
Y/N just nodded and sighed quietly, looking at her son before standing, S/N standing in between his mother and Rhaenyra.
Rhaenyra spoke calmly, "There was an incident involving the children. Jace and S/N... defended their siblings and Laena's daughters."
"Defended? Defended you say! My son has been maimed. Your sons are responsible. They were trying to kill him." Alicent almost squealed towards the family, Aemond refusing to turn to look at anyone, even his mother.
Y/N simply directed her daughter towards her father, who simply plucked the small child from the floor, tucking her head into his neck, holding her tightly.
Rhaenyra stood tall, "it was our son's who were attacked and forced to defend themselves. Vile insults were levied against them."
Y/N looked to Daemon who stood close to her right, it was an easy guess as to what these insults pertained too. Alicent had always whispered and questioned the legitimacy of both Rhaenyra and Y/N's children. While Rhaenyra's sons were clearly that of Ser Harwin Strong, (a fact Rhaenyra had been honest about to both Y/N and Daemon) they had all agreed to keep it a secret for the safety of her family.
Daemon was always angered by these rumours, his son carried her hair, both his children carried his pale complexion and his daughter had inherited his Targaryen locks. It was clear D/N was his child, a spitting image of Daemon with her mother's face. His son took Daemon's face, even his expressions the young boy had yet to learn to hide.
Viserys finally limped into the room, moving forward slowly away from the throne with his cane, "I will have the truth of what happened. Now."
The children in the room burst into words, Aemond yelling how he was attacked for no reason, Rhaena and Baela accusing the prince of stealing their mother's dragon, Luke and Jace backing the girl's claims, throwing out accusations of Aemond's attacks.
Y/N's children stayed silent, her daughter still clutching at her father, and her son had his eyes trained fiercely at the King, almost refusing to let his resolve crack under the pressure.
The adults in the room simply stood and watched, until Viserys called for silence. "Aemond. I will have the truth of what happened. Now."
Alicent quickly turned to her husband, "What else is there to hear? Your son has lost an eye!"
Viserys simply ignored his wife, "It was a regrettable accident."
"They meant to kill my son! Prince Lucerys and S/N brought a blade to the ambush."
Y/N was quick to add her piece, "Not only was Rhaenyra's integrity questioned, but mine as well. The Prince Aemond called our children bastards, Your Grace. To question the legitimacy of our children's lineage? That is the highest of treasons, Your Grace."
Viserys addressed his brother's wife, "Prince Aemond will be sharply questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders."
Alicent scoffed "Over an insult? Over training yard bluster?"
Viserys stepped towards his youngest son, "You tell me boy, where did you hear this lie?" The boy avoided eye contact with his father.
"Aemond. Look at me. Your king demands an answer. Who spoke these lies to you?"
Aemond hesitated for a second, his eyes raising to his mother, before is voice sounded out in the room, "It was Aegon."
Viserys flung his attention to his other son, and almost hissed out at the gob smacked Prince.
"And you, boy? Tell me the truth of it!" Viserys was quickly losing his patience.
Aegon simply looked at the floor "Everyone knows. Just look at them."
Viserys stepped back to his throne, addressing the room "This interminable infighting must cease. All of you. We are a family. Now make your apologies and show good will to one another."
Alicent held her chin high, her eyes watering, "Good will cannot make him whole again. There is a debt to be paid."
Y/N, Daemon and Rhaenyra watched the exchange between the two monarchs with baited breath, each hoping that Viserys would not backing down from his rage-fuelled wife.
Daemon handed his daughter to Corlys, who had left his grand-daughters with his wife. He could feel the tension in the room arise again, and was waiting for it to peak.
However, Alicent had already made up her mind, "If the king will not seek justice. The Queen will. Ser Criston, bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon and S/N Targaryen. They can choose which eyes to keep, a privledge they did not grant my son."
As Ser Criston took a step forward, Viserys was quick to halt to knights progress. Rhaenyra pushed her sons behind her, as Daemon stepped forward, slightly in front of his wife and son. Corlys was quick to grab the rest of the Targaryen children and muster them away from the commotion towards his wife.
A handful trusted knights who were loyal to the two Targaryen's and their families had stepped closer to Rhaenyra and Y/N. The knights priority was the two women, Daemon's hand rested on the hilt of his sword. (Every man and his dog knew Daemon could handle himself if it came down to a fight.)
"Alicent. this matter is finished. Do you understand." Viserys addressed the room next, "And let it be known, anyone whos tongue dares to question the birth of my grandsons, nieces or nephews, should have it removed."
Rhaenyra stood tall, "Thank you, Father."
Daemon simply made eye contact with his brother, and nodded firmly silently thanking his brother for protecting his family. Viserys gave his brother a small nod in return.
Y/N turned to her husband, grabbing his hand off the hilt of his sword, holding eye contact as they began to communicate without words. Daemon sighed, nodding his head sadly squeezing his wife's hand.
Rhaenyra had turned around, her back to the rest of the room, and took a few steps to move closer to the children, still huddled together behind them.
Yelling made Rhaenyra stop in her tracks, turning in horror, "Y/N! Behind you!"
The next few seconds were chaos, one second, yelling from Viserys and Ser Harrold filled the room, "Alicent!" "Hold your approach". "Stay your hand, Cole!" "Stay with the King!" "Mother!" "Y/N! No!"
The next, Y/N was hold Alicent's forearms as she brandished the Kings valyrian steel knife towards her.
Y/N could see the knights surround her and the Queen, as well as he husband intercepting Criston Cole from moving closer to the two women.
Alicent looked at Y/N in horror, and almost whimpered out her words, "What have I done but what was expected of me?"
Y/N was almost sympathetic towards the women, "Alicent, You've gone too far."
"You take my son's eye, and to even that, you feel entitled."
"Exhausting, isn't it? Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness. But now - now they see you as they are."
Alicent cried out and pushed Y/N away, dragging the blade down Y/N's forearm. Blood pouring down her hand, gathering into a puddle on the floor.
Y/N gasped and pulled away, gripping her arm, she fell backwards, and was caught by Rhaenyra, a deathly gaze on her face, directed at Alicent. "Are you proud of yourself, 'Your Grace'?"
Daemon moved quickly over to his wife, his face showing no emotion, and attended to her arm, ripping fabric from her dress to wrap her arm tightly, trying to stop the blood that was still flowing down her hand.
The King was yelling at his wife in the background, who was swiftly removing her children to their chambers, the other bystanders in the room heeding the King's warnings, making their own exits and dispersing into the castle.
Y/N rested her head on her husbands shoulder, shaking slightly in his grasp. Daemon was whispering comforting words in her ear, trying to calm her down.
Rhaenyra had pulled her two oldest children close to her, watching as Daemon picked his daughter up, while Y/N held her son by his shoulders.
Y/N looked at her daughter in her husbands arms, Rhaena and Baela holding themselves close to Rhaenys, Jace and Luke who watched their mother with tears in their eyes.
She took a shaky breath, "We need to be careful, I always knew Alicent was trying to get us, but the events of tonight have finally revealed the lengths she will go too. Rhaenyra, I know his your father, Daemon, your brother, but we can no longer rely on Viserys to protect us any longer. Corlys, Rhaenys, I must apologise to you, your grand daughters don't deserve to be dragged into our mess."
The group was quiet as Y/N's words sunk in. Corlys ushered his wife and grandchildren from the room, Rhaenyra following behind after embracing Y/N closely.
S/N grabbed his mothers hand as the four walked back to their chambers, Y/N looking at a worried Daemon, "I know I wanted to stay in King's Landing, to be near our family, but maybe it would be safer for us and our children to go to Dragonstone. We should ask Rhaenyra to come with us."
Daemon barely reacted, looking up to look at his distressed wife. He pulled his daughter closer, and briefly looked at their son. "Let the children rest, we can speak to Rhaenyra first thing in the morning. For now, let us ignore the issues within the walls and be with our family."
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soureggs · 2 months
I want to say my opinion on the btd gomenne gomenne fan game , i basicly have no leg to stand on but this is just my view on it
Controversial opinion but
I DONT think anyone is wrong realy in this situation,both sides are vaild.
°its very muddy and ppl try to bring in topics i DONT understand????
*I think ppl often forget alot of the Loud minority of gatos fanbase has sorta parasocial relationship with her since at one point gato was very active in her fanbase offten answering questions on the spot and constantly liking fanart and leaving comments, something not alot of creator's do ( i know the creator of sally face interacts with their own fandom too!)
But bc gatos fanbase is so niche the small amount of ppl assum she approves of everylittle thing or knows about every protect/merch ect She doesn't , it apperse to me shes often the last one to hear the news. If even(?)
( somewhat un related but im using this as an example bc its recent) vvvvvvv
// Very recently a merch creator/ seller said that her version of ren was a. l%li-con and there was some ppl who assumed gato was okay with this. She wasn't lol- i mean gato said multiple times kids DONT even exist in the games plot, BUT because gatos so lenient and open to head canons /spins on her characters thoes ppl assume she approved it \\
Its also very hard when you make a character and then a person starts writing them using their own head canons or having alot of out of character moments
And a STRANGE AMOUNT of thoes ppl thinking its canon or cant get THAT version of your character out of their head/ fan art /wrighting untill eventually its a fanon
Even WHEN a fangame is a perfect (like said fangane) because one person dose it , some ppl with bad intention will use this as an excuse to make a upsetting fangame and wont REALY get in trouble.
Hell even ppl with good intention could do the same and completely miss interpret the characters yk??
Veteran btd fans saw this years ago -
But keep that in mind with Everthing i said above how it might be a reasonable personal rule to have in such a small fandom. Especially if she had bad passed experiences
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I think ppl misinterpret her words, not out of malice ! Im sure of it! , but (creating your own game based off my work) is much different than
(Creating a game using my characters and or plot or story)
I belive she ment ( you can make your own muderp%rn dating sim) like courten cowboys or lurking for love , lovers trophy , etc etc ! Maybe her wording was a misstranlation ? Or misinterpreted? , im on the spectrum so i have that problem too sometimes ! And Especially since gatos so flexible and vague its easy to missread /gen
To be Inspired by a work dosent mean to use the characters or plot, just like referencing when drawing ! Example, OFF and undertail was Earthbound inspired but they both dont use any characters ect OVER THE GARDEN WALL Was inspired by Dante's Inferno! But its not the same characters pulled out and used
I hope that helps/gen
I personaly believe stuff like that , what happened before and even in other fandom is why gato has that particular rule about not wrighting her characters at length. Not wanting to take the risk of someone miss using her characters again! /lh
I think its odd that ppl can Wright about sans undertail doing some weird ass shit and ppl dont scream about how toby fox approves of it . but they do for gato for some reason? ( if you could let me know why pls do ! )
" well ren was giving to gato so its not even hers"
That argument is silly to me, ren was giving as a gift, when you give a present to yourfriend is it yours anymore?? When a person buys an adoptable is it still the sellers?
Its not like gatos shy when saying she didnt creative ren, she was given him and modified him and still lets ppl know she didnt crate him .
Some of them use that as a talking point to say that said fangame creator is fine using that character in particularly as if hes free use, i DONT understand as someone who sells characters /designs(?)
( if you could explain i would appreciate it!)
The fangame devs are very talented the game seems fine from what i hurd! They did take creative liberties but its still very much gatos characters, I think they where respectable with them even in the contex of said game! . But i find it weird that the post says fanart for their fan game is appreciate ( at least in the English post i found prompting it) fan art of a fan game is confusing and i see how some ppl might mix the two up! Know?? like what would even be the tags? 'Sorrysorrybtd?' :0 So i can see how that could be another reason for the rule!
°I acknowledge and am so grateful that the artist. And devs worked so hard on the game and assets , im sure alot of ppl are as well! And im 100% sure it wasn't their intention to upset gato or anyone in that matter at all!
they are NoT obligated to apologize, maybe not make a second game out of respect(?) But thats their prerogative! They can do it , they wield the power yk?
And making dramatic posts about it as well - it just rubs me the wrong way. Especialy using this as a opportunity to disrespect gato and ONE of her only rules she has for this very odd ( positive) fanbase. its kinda a little silly in my opinion . NOT to mention harassing the other game devs - this might make them not want to make any other games at all in the future ! D:
Please know i dont mean anything in this post to be upseting or malicious in anyway, i honestly think no one this fangane drama had any bad intentions or would do anything to upset anyone on purpose! I know its very high tension. And i would be upset too if a fangame i worked SO hard on with characters i love was met with disapprove instead of praise. And this is to say -this could have ben done better on gatos part. Thos could've ben done in privet imp
BUT im not gato , im not the other devs. im not in the positions to say ' i would've done this' bc ive never ben in that position, ive never had to deal with anything like this. So i wouldnt know what ild do in that moment ! And i think alot of ppl also forget that with all devs involved
We are all vary passonat in this fandom. But please dont start burnning bridge's over this! :'3 this fandom is already so devided due to all of our strong personal opinions it dosent realy need to be a. ' pick your side ' thing i dont think..
I am relatively new to the fandom, so i DONT know much about the past dramas srounding it, so if yall have anything youll like to say or add or educate me on PLEASS let me know and i will retract any of thoes statements !
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hjparisian · 10 months
bad idea right?- harry j potter x reader
p: ex! harry j potter x fem!reader w: modern au (phones exist at hogwarts dont question how), everyone is friends, small mentions of drinking and smoking, slight sexual implications (no smut) summary: (y/n) and harry have been broken up for a while now. while at a party (y/n) gets a message from harry asking her to come over. its a bad idea, right? a/n: based on the song by olivia rodrigo, which has been living in my head rent free and brought my first idea in weeks. currently trying to get through a few requests and ylm part II and seeing what'll happen from there. also im on pinterest and tik tok so come find me (has nothing posted on either lol)
There was nothing like a good old party after the Quidditch games. This game was between Hufflepuff and Slytherin, the latter being victorious, which meant the Slytherins would be hosting the party. All the houses were invited.
(Y/N) sat on the couch with Hermione, Pansy, Daphne, and Cho, a drink in her hand. She had tuned out what the girls were chatting about, observing the surroundings of the party. From the people dancing, couples making out, people taking shots and smoking, and Ron doing a keg stand with Blaise and Theo, Draco laughing at them from the side.
(Y/N)'s thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of her phone, which had also caught the attention of her friends. She picked it up to see who it was. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately to her, it was her ex-boyfriend. Harry.
5 missed calls
feeling a bit bored rn
no ones at the dorm right now
come over?
"Who is it?" Cho asked.
"Oh erm, no one important," (Y/N) said.
"Well your phone was buzzing for a good minute until you finally picked up so it has to be someone important," Daphne chimed.
"Really it's no one," (Y/N) tried telling them.
At that moment, Pansy took (Y/N)'s phone out her hand and looked at it.
"Yeah no one important, unless it's your ex Harry fucking Potter wanting to see you tonight!" Pansy said. The girls gasped.
"Harry?" Hermione asked. "Harry's texting you? But you guys haven't spoken in a couple of months."
"Yeah, I know," (Y/N) said.
"How come Harry isn't here anyways? Doesn't he usually go to parties with Ron?" Daphne asked.
"Said he didn't feel like it," Hermione told her.
"Well, are you gonna do it?" asked Pansy.
"Do what?" (Y/N) asked.
"You know, see him?"
Cho chimed in. "Oh (Y/N), I don't think that would be a good idea."
"Yeah, that would be a bad idea, he is your ex after all," said Daphne.
"I never said whether I was going to or not!" (Y/N) exclaimed. "And if I were why would it matter? I know he's my ex but can't two people reconnect?"
"Well, they could," Hermione started saying. "But a lot of the times it doesn't work out."
"Besides," Pansy starts. "There's a bunch of other men out there waiting to have a chance with you. Men hotter than Potter."
(Y/N) didn't know whether to agree or disagree with Pansy. Well sure, there's other men out that there that could be more attractive than Harry, but there's just something about him that draws her to him.
"Okay, okay! I only see Harry as a friend anyways. Also we're at a Slytherin party right now and I'd much rather be getting drunk with you guys than continue this." (Y/N) told them.
Her words rang in her head as she took a shot that Pansy brought her. Does she really only see Harry as a friend? Or is that a lie?
The temptation to see Harry was only getting stronger with each drink she took. It wouldn't be a horrible idea to visit Harry right? They probably wouldn't do anything anyways so what's the harm?
While the girls weren't paying attention, she texted Harry back, telling him she would be over in a little bit. It didn't take long for Harry to get back to her.
cool, see you soon then
(Y/N) waited until the girls were done with another round of drinks, hoping to be unsuspecting with her need to leave.
"I think I'm going to head to bed, I'm feeling a little bit tired," she said.
"Already?" Pansy asked. "Come on we're having fun!"
"Pansy, leave the girl be. It is starting to get a little late anyways," Daphne said to her fellow Slytherin.
"Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?" Hermione asked her, being one of the more sober people of the group.
"No! No I'll be alright. I'll see you guys tomorrow though alright?" (Y/N) said as she wave goodbye to her friends.
Once she exited the Slytherin common room, she quietly made her way towards the Gryffindor common room. Curse Harry for being a Gryffindor and making her walk so far, but it'll be worth it, at least that's what she's thinking.
(Y/N) finally made it to the entrance of the common room without any setbacks. The Fat Lady had woken up from the sound of her footsteps.
"Quid Agis," (Y/N) said, having remembered the password from when she visited Hermione earlier in the week.
The portrait opened and (Y/N) walked in. The common room was empty, most likely due to the party as well as it being late in the night. She made her way to Harry's dorm, memorized where it was due to the countless times she's gone over.
The girl knocked on the door before going to grab the door knob, but the door had opened before she could. In front of her stood her ex-boyfriend in sweats and a black shirt, contrasting her party dress she wore tonight.
"Hey," Harry said to (Y/N) when she walked in, closing the door behind her.
"Hi," (Y/N) shyly said. It was a bit awkward being in Harry's dorm, considering the last time she was there was a few months ago, before their break up.
Harry guided (Y/N) to his bed, the two sitting at the edge. She could feel Harry's eyes taking her in. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't doing the same just before.
"So you came from the party I assume?" Harry asked.
(Y/N) nodded.
"How was it?"
"Good. You know how Slytherin parties are." The girl said. "Exciting. A lot of drinks."
"Do your friends know you're here?" Harry asks her.
"No." (Y/N) felt a hand touching her thigh.
"Where do they think you're at?" Harry asks her. "They think I'm in bed right now." She said. But she never specified whose bed.
A faint hum of acknowledgement came from Harry as he began rubbing her thigh, his hand slowly getting higher and higher.
"You know, I've missed you a lot (Y/N)."
(Y/N) could feel her heart racing at Harry's sudden confession. "Really? I've sorta missed you too." She didn't know if it was the alcohol talking that made her say that or what, but something made her want to see where this was going.
A small smirk appeared on Harry's face before he brought the girl to his lap. His eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips.
"How about I show you how much I've missed you?"
This definitely was not going to be a bad idea, right?
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blackstarchanx3new · 10 months
FSR Rambles 11 big brain moments
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Immediately going from Gannon's rant we wake up...SOMEWHERE.
That iconic triforce symbol glows on Shadow Link's hand.
Uh oh.
Ganondorf rants to himself smth he says during the Twilight Princess manga.
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Hello Ganondorf! :D
Alright let's dissect the shit Ganondorf says real quick.
Panel 1: He's talking about Link, obviously. Who unlike Ganondorf and Zelda (Sometimes...Twilight Princess Zelda outright calls OOT Zelda herself/her so...) doesn't/never seems to remember their endless reincarnation....Which I have some THOUGHTS ON WHY but we might get to that when it's more relevant. Just keep it in your back pocket that Link never remembers "His" previous adventures.
Ganondorf's the same Ganondorf from OOT in Akira's manga series, we dunno how much FSR Zelda currently knows about her endless reincarnation because she has the soul of Hylia in her,
Panel 2: Shadow Link has never seen Ganondorf in his human form. That's established with his lines of confusion. He clearly RECONIZES him either through his presence or voice though.
Panel 3: Ganondorf ignores Shadow's question to keep rambling.
"I even thought...Two can play the split ourselves in pieces game..."
He's clearly referencing the FIRST time a Link used the four sword, as there's a previous hero of the Four Sword mentioned at the start of the FS Manga. (That's my interpretation since there's two different four swords games, SOME people think he meant the Minish Cap Link but...I disagree strongly with that shit ngl and I think the ONLY reason that idea exists is because we never got a manga for the first Four Swords game but the SEQUEL for whatever reason...? As minish cap Link was a child when he went on his journey and looked NOTHING like the OOT style adult hero we saw in the "Flashback/story" scene in FS. I'm like 99% sure it was referencing the hero from the FIRST Four Swords game because the four swords manga we HAVE is based on Four Swords Adventures from what I can tell?)
Either way, in FSR he's refencing THAT Link as the reason why he...split himself in pieces.
"This game of ours gets boring after awhile...We have to make new rules...invite new players, mix things up..."
So, this is why he used Vaati. Vaati was the "New player"
Technically an old player brought directly into the Triforce gang's bullshit as Vaati used to be a solo villain from what I understand removed from Gannon.
Shadow Link could ALSO be a part of these "New players" he's talking about.
Either way Gannon's view on the endless cycle has seemingly shifted to a "Game". A game he wants to win, obviously.
If you want a reason why he'd try taking this outlook: Dude's coping hard, he keeps losing. Looking at it like a childish game makes him retain SOME sanity he's shed after getting his ass kicked so many times. As he clearly shed a LOT of his humanity to become the pig form in the OG manga without ANY PROMTING Usually that's like, a second phase of the fight Something's different about Ganon in FSA compared to usual.
Panel 4:
Ganon muses he didn't think "A part of him" would play "Their" side.
He's obviously talking about Shadow Link at this point aiding Zelda and Link. But the dread of what Gannon's saying hasn't truly set in yet.
Panel 5:
So in Twilight Princess, Spoilers Gannon just like, straight kills himself when he feels he's losing. Man is a massive piss baby.
He does something similar here. "CAN'T KEEP ME IN A SWORD IF I END MYSELF HAHAHAHA" - Gannon.
But...There's still a part of Gannon around...As he passes the Triforce of power (Something he admits he cannot stand in Twilight Princess, if nothing else BECAUSE it ties him to Zelda and Link who have Wisdom and Courage respectively.)
So while not outright CONFORMING FSR Link and FSR Zelda HAVE the Triforce, it's heavily implied they do. Zelda at least, had it on her hand earlier in the comic. (With an outdated design of her haha but it still counts here. Haven't been any major ret cons as of rn in FSR and I'd mention any if they do come up hah)
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Ganon not so subtly references the conversation Vio and Shadow had about the Triforce where Shadow admitted he wanted it to make his wishes come true.
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Which just, with current context really puts into perspective that little desire of his.
Also, it's even FUNNIER that he says he wants to touch the Triforce...While being all over Vio. Who has a piece of the Triforce of courage.
Yes that was intentional and yes I was laughing my absolute ass off while drawing/writing those scenes...I was shaking that I couldn't mention that for so long lmfaooooooo.
He's a part of Gannon. Of course he wants the Triforce.
Shadow still looks like he's comprehending shit. I mean this is a LOT to take in. All this time he assumed he was NOTHING but Link's shadow. But NOW we know he's not only Link's Shadow, but a part of Gannon as well.
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Ganon congrats our little man.
He gets to wield the title of the Demon King AND the Triforce of power! :D HOW LUCKY...HE GOT TWO THINGS HE WANTED! :D
Oh...Shadow isn't a fan of that. Especially at Gannon's prospect that he should destroy Link.
Lines that are hilarious with this new context go brr:
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Haha- Well he IS A KING-
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Vio just look to your left.
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"I've done infinitely worse in past lives pal-"
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Literally this entire scene has new meaning with how VISERIALLY ANGRY he is at the prospect they just gotta do what they have to because "it's what we're supposed to do".
Shadow Link's behavior in general in current day in FSR is just, makes much more sense with the context he KNOWS he's a part of Gannon.
His desperate urge to be nice, seemingly TOO NICE?
Well, he's trying to reject the idea he has to destroy the heroes and wants to be helpful and good.
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Translation: "I don't have to be Gannon if you don't have to be Link"
Also smth you'll notice in the Gannon talks to Shadow pages: Shadow's eyes are red the whole time just like when was talking to Vaati.
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Shadow's ending state in FS was a form of torture and you can't convince me otherwise.
He's in misery.
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Fucked up thing to note: Shadow link feels he deserves to suffer.
We're not given his full thoughts on WHY but we can either assume because of his actions in the FSA manga OR because he's Gannon.
That's just sad.
Link's catatonic like usual.
Shadow likens Link's state to a corpse that's rotting which is, disturbing.
Unlike Gannon, he isn't getting any pleasure watching the Hero rot away mentally.
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Oof. Yeah. What good's the Triforce of power when you can't use it to save someone?
You'll notice Shadow defaults to waving to get people's attention. What else can he do?
Link notices and touches him.
Which again: We know from Shadow's brief breakdown in the temple this isn't something he did a lot.
We can venture to guess from these pages, Link was usually just, not there mentally a lot of the time to notice Shadow Link and he wasn't filling the gaps because Shadow couldn't talk, because Link went mute after awhile.
Either way Shadow cherishes the times where Link acknowledges him.
If you go back and read the pages where Shadow's talking about his time with Link the main thing he talks about is how LONELY he felt.
He doesn't actually talk about Link's behavior in a negative way per say...Mostly that HE was lonely.
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Like from the wording he isn't exactly BASHING Link for ignoring him, just expressing how it made him feel in the moment.
And from here we can see Shadow understands just how poorly Link was doing.
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He wants to hug him-
Shadow wants to be comforted and to comfort but can't do or get either.
Poor dude is suffering.
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Shadow dissects his feelings.
Vio's promise struck a cord with this dude for a lot of reasons, partially because Gannon as we know from Twilight Princess REALLY wanted Zelda to join him/another Triforce user to join him cobbled with Shadow Link himself loneliness and inability to trust his teammates led to Vio's promise of ruling the world basically made him explode with joy lol.
Gannon's literally always playing this "Game" alone. Shadow Link is lonely from his own experiences and from Gannon's. He actually doesn't MIND the idea they're all gonna be spending eternity together forever, he just doesn't wanna be locked in fighting them lmfao.
Art notes: Shadow's eyes look like Gannondorf's eyes in page 207 the "I want to be close to you Link" panel.
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Zelda and Vio/Link have had a positive affect on Shadow Link as a person, so instead of 100% hating them like Gannondorf does he has a mixed bag of emotions towards them.
Another art note:
Page 208 Shadow's eyes look like the Malice eyeballs from BOTW/TOTK
Shadow Link interprets his own feelings as him wanting to be close to Zelda and Link/Vio due to his own loneliness. He's the new demon king and he doesn't want to further their fated connection through hatred alone.
Shadow's further thoughts on being Ganon and the affects it has on his behavior going forward are for sure going to be present so if something wasn't brought up here/expanded upon, it probs will later.
Something to note is Shadow's KNOWN he's a from of Gannon for 7 years and HASN'T Told any of the gang yet...Which is interesting.
Not like he could SAY that before and they've still only been separated for a day but still.
More art notes: The way they're structured in 208, is in the shape of the Triforce. Shadow on "Top" representing the Triforce of power, Zelda to the left representing wisdom and Link to the right representing courage.
It is interesting to note how Vio and Link are interchangeable in Shadow's mind at least in this instance...
From his further thoughts in 209 it's implied he's SPECICICALLY talking about Vio, but Link is still pictured...So Hm.
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So it bares repeating Vio booked it to Shadow Link the second he saw him because of their unfinished business hah.
Further idea:
Shadow doesn't purely means "Vio's here" as the "dream" he's talking about.
He has a physical body again after 7 years. He's not a prisoner to his own mind anymore and has the ability to affect the world around him.
He was completely stripped of agency and ironically enough "Power" for 7 years.
Like Vio, someone he loves being there is nice too but I don't wanna understate how important Shadow's relationship to Link himself is either.
As in the series so far Shadow's blatantly done the things he stated he wishes he could have done for Link in the pages previous TO Vio because, he has the ability to now.
Basically: We don't need to shoot down Shadow's 7 year long relationship with Link just to bolster Vio and Shadow's.
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Stalker lmfao.
So it's interesting to note he CRIED from Shadow's memories.
Weird moment for Dark Link. It's odd he even cried at all. He has an actual personality outside of just batting people's anxieties and fears back at them after all.
He himself seems rather calm but if you notice, his chest eyeball looks deeply emotional over it.
Question to ask: Is he crying from joy or sadness? Or some third thing?
Did he even realize he was crying? He didn't wipe his tears away.
You'll note, instead of just purely calling Shadow "the traitor" as he did earlier, he switches to calling him his title + traitor lmfao. "Treacherous demon king" he changes his language to be more accurate to his new information about Shadow Link.
Another thing: Dark Link isn't INTERACTING with Shadow Link here like he did with Vio. How he approached it was purely as a spectator.
He's not mentally fucking with Shadow here.
Which shows an odd sense of, genuine interest about Shadow's past that didn't exist earlier with Vio when he purely only said things to make Vio break down.
HE was watching those flashbacks with us and soaking in the information. He has a better understanding of Vio AND Shadow because he can see from BOTH their perspectives as you noticed...and Vaati's.
But that cute little fact isn't important rn.
And with all that word vomiting we will pick up again another time.
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slafkovskys · 7 months
“you could have told me that he had a boyfriend,” josh mumbles, holding his head in his hands as she smirks. as soon as jake (josh learns after she had very awkwardly introduced them) left the house, he had to take a seat because he could not believe what he had done, what she had just made him do.
“you could’ve asked before you just assumed that we were fucking,” she rolls her eyes. “his boyfriend is the president of the frat and he is my best friend, so yeah, i go to parties every now and again. not that it’s really any of your business.”
“you don’t have the right to come to my house after doing what you did and announce that you’re my boyfriend because you’re not. you made that so very clear time and time again,” she shakes her head, pulling her phone out of the pocket of her sweatpants. he has to watch as her cheeks start to burn and a chuckle escaped her lips.
“what’s so funny?” josh asks with wide eyes. she shrugs him off and he looks somewhat offended as she shuts off her phone and sets it face down on the top of the sofa, right beside his shoulder, “y/n-”
“just a guy that asked me to go out to dinner tomorrow. no big deal.”
“no big deal?” he scoffs, “you- you’re seeing somebody else? like, actually?”
“yeah. like i said, i’ve moved on with my life. is that such a problem for you?” she raises an eyebrow, gauging his reaction to the information, “it is, isn’t it?”
he looks at her like it was the most obvious thing in the world when he says, “and if it is?”
“josh, we aren’t together. i mean, when we’re together we’re together. but when you’re in ottawa and i’m in minnesota, we’re both single. like, was there a miscommunication or something?” she watches as his eyes shift to the floor and that’s when she rounds the corner, standing right in front of him, “no, josh. you flew out here in the middle of the season for a reason. what was that reason?”
“you know what that reason is,” his voice is quiet and she shakes her head.
“i can’t read minds and you want to shut down every single time that i bring it up, so no, i don’t know the reason. no more games, no more bullshit-”
“i love you, okay?” the words fall out so easily, “yeah, seeing you with someone else, talking about going out with someone else pisses me off because you’re supposed to be mine. what i said during the summer, i meant that shit.”
“you meant that shit,” she mumbles as she runs a hand over her face, “okay, josh, i’ll bite. how do you expect it to work? i’m in minnesota, you’re in ottawa. not to mention i’m still in college and one of luke’s friends.”
“god, you are so stubborn,” he chuckles and her eyes narrow, “planes exist. you know how a hockey schedule works, sweetheart. i’ll have stretches where i’m home for more than two days. i’ll buy your tickets, maybe even splurge on first class-”
she scoffs, “what a gentleman.”
“i was raised right,” he confirms, finally pushing himself to stand. his hands find their way to her hips and she looks at him with raised eyebrows, “i don’t care that you’re twenty years old or that you’re luke’s friend. quinn’s my friend, luke’s more of an acquaintance. now, if that’s all that’s stopping you…”
her eyes flutter closed as his lips press to the side of her neck. she lets her self melt into his body as she brings her hand to the back of his neck, letting a whisper of his name leave her lips.
“don’t tell me that you don’t think about us. don’t let what we had during summer die out,” it’s a mumbled plea that she hears loud and clear, “give me a shot, y/n, and i’ll make it worth your while.”
she pulls away, wrapping her arms around his neck. she stares for a moment, trying to decipher any hint of a lie that he would have told, but there isn’t one. his eyes are pleading, desperate, and she huffs, “i would hate for you to have wasted your money on a flight.”
he squeezes her hips as his face lights up, “so, is that a yes?”
“depends on how well you wine me and dine me before you leave.”
he chuckles because they both knew that was the closest thing to a yes she would ever give him.
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rontra · 2 months
i know yr abt the girlfailure teachers rn but do u perchance have any more thots on that rhea and edelgard comic from a bit ago where Edie said she needed a healer and woke up rhea??
are you ready for a long ass post? because this is a VERY! LONG! POST!
tl;dr yes i have a fair amount of thots, and theyre all serial-numbers-filed-off chop-and-screw-it final fantasy fourteen thots. i will recap that first, and then the AU itself (final warning for Long Post)
enjoy (or avert thine eyes. it's up to you)
oh, yeah! so that au (tagged "SETR" because they can't resist an unreadable acronym tag*) began with mostly just riffing on the Scholar job quests from final fantasy 14 before veering off in order to separate from "being in ff14" (<- i simply don't feel like keeping up with all that) (<- he's just now getting to stormblood). so it's pretty much a crossover where one half of the cross had its serial numbers filed off HAHA
so obviously people who are familiar with ff14 SCH lore have a head start on this one, but let's see…from the top, let's TL;DR the stuff from the game proper:
in ff14, Scholar is a type of healer you can play. lorewise, the original scholars belonged to an ancient civilization that fell centuries before the game begins, so their art is completely extinct and lost. but back in the day, their like, marine city-state nation was at Big Magic War with a couple others (bigger nations with stronger/more plentiful mages). their smaller nation's sorcerers, too precious and few in number to risk putting on the front lines, took up dual duty to serve as both healers and tacticians/commanders. to that end, they learned to form pacts with faeries; relying on these familiars to act as their co-healers, the casters were able to give more of their focus to Studying The Art Of War (and were given the new title of Scholar for their big brain tactical caster schemes)
however, this nation and their brilliant military tacticians were wiped out by calamities (the Big Mage War they were involved in ended in huge colossal devastating floods and stuff) and their arts lay forgotten……until centuries later as [PLAYER CHARACTER] gets involved…. because of course you do <3 that's not really important though
what IS important is that at the tail end of this civilization's existence, they also had to juggle a Fucked Up Arcane Plague that one of their enemies strategically infected them with. the plague ("green death", or simply the "sickness from the sea") transformed the people into monsters and more or less demolished the standing army. the mutant plague was contained by quarantining the infected behind magical wards, but attempts to find an actual cure were unsuccessful. tormented by their prolonged isolation and the outside world's rejection of them, the plague's victims gradually became consumed with resentment, eventually depriving them of all reason. after the calamitous floods, the sealed temple--protected by its warding spells--has remained intact, but lays submerged. its transformed population has been trapped inside, alive, for centuries. yikes!
(gameplay wise, what this means is basically you have a fairy pet from the bygone era who automatically casts a basic healing spell called Embrace whenever you or anyone in your party is missing HP (<- in easy content she can sometimes do your job by herself which is very funny) and also, there's a dungeon full of monsters you feel kinda bad about killing)
the main important materials here for us are the "ancient civilization" aspect, the familiar/caster bond, and the simultaneous war/plague problem . <- list of ingredients to add some 3H sauce on
*here's the connecting tissue that got us from A (ffxiv) to B (fe3h)
my funny NPC retainer in the game is an au'ra woman named au'rhea (here is a pic of her). she does my banking and sells wares for me. beautiful dragon woman
while dicking around with glamourer i accidentally disguised my character as au'rhea. it was rly funny to see her running around doing stuff for once (because retainer NPCs normally Just Stand There)
i (scholar main) started glamouring my fairy to look like au'rhea so i could drag her with me on adventures (she does not get paid for this extra work)
scholar fairies can't be glamoured in this way so i had to use the ingame petglamour function to change mine into a carbuncle first. i chose topaz carbuncle because yellow is cool
somehow in the intersection between everything that's going on with my game at this point, the log window begins referring to this entity as "Topaz Au'rhea"
the groupchat starts making jokes about topaz au'rhea and scholar edelgard (apropos basically nothing). because it would be funny for rhea to run around getting super busy and stressed about keeping edie's health up while edie is aggroing every enemy on the map or whatever. you get it
Scholar Edelgard + Topaz Rhea. "SETR". incomprehensible? absolutely
so with all of that context out of the way,
this story is not set in the normal fodlan setting, so it's unclear what everyone's up to / what the current societal climate (and international relationships) of each country is (<- this would probably be ironed out if the AU was more fleshed out than it is)
adrestia and hresvelg's shared history is also a bit different, namely due to incredibly heavy losses suffered during the war of heroes. after barely surviving the war with a devastating pyrrhic victory, the newborn adrestian empire was probably uh not powerful enough to rise up and control all of fódlan lmao
without the support of either seiros OR any big Ws to pick them back up, they're probably still a smaller country (and . maybe not really an "empire" since…idk if they have the means to take and control several territories unless they 1) made a Huge Recovery since then and 2) nobody else on the continent minded that sudden expansion enough to corral them back into their pen HSBHFDF)
^im spitballing here, obviously this would also get ironed out more thoughtfully if i did more work. but that's kind of the vibe it has atm. like idk how big they would be without any strong Ws, without seiros, and without the church
it would also be an AU where there is no empire-church war to fuss around with (due to the absence of. well. the church of seiros--at least in its canon form) and rhea is not a figure in anyone's lives at all, so edie's list of priorities is much different
however because she is still an edelgard and it's important to her swag, her predicted life span is incredibly short due to an Evil Blood Curse(TM) woven in her childhood by the ancient enemies of her family (the nefarious slitherers…)
her condition is unheard of and utterly arcane to adrestia's mages and healers, and attempts to reverse its effects have been futile
after finishing up whatever other shit she had going on in this AU (<-???) (again, would be fleshed out if i had more than 1 post in the SETR tag lol), with no big wars or anything on her docket, she's already free to pursue leads on how to remedy her situation and possibly brighten her prognosis
in a handful of surviving archives private to the hresvelg family, wilhelm I wrote about the old pre-"adrestia" hresvelg territory, the war of heroes, and the allies that shored up the first army's faltering strength
he also made notes about their enemy's tactics, which included sending Curséd Plagues Most Foul, a tactic that all but demolished the pre-adrestian forces
it's not much but it's the best lead anyone's got at this point
wilhelm occasionally referenced his contemporaries' progress in combating these arcane plagues
this and the war combined take up more than 100% of their resources. they are working at a noticeable deficit, war is going rapidly downhill, and wilhelm's notes become more fragmented as the situation becomes increasingly unsustainable and dire
around this time, he also writes about mages forming pacts with "[word untranslatable to modern fódlan languages]" (but edie uses context clues to figure out it's some kind of magic familiar or something) to aid them, primarily in healing
while much of his text is either obliquely phrased or just straight up faded by time, he does pass down a swaggy amulet to his descendants, which is now in edie's possession (the "crest of seiros", if you can believe it)
edie starts investigating, referencing the texts for Important Places To Search For More Clues. starting with a place wilhelm wrote about very often: the last standing stronghold of the first hresvelg army and their allies
the red canyon.
the ruins there are thousands of years old and entirely forgotten by time. but one stubborn emperor (or whatever her title would be) is determined to search every inch of Old Fódlan for Curse Clues
deep in the lost ruins of zanado is a warded sanctum, still protected by an ancient spell. according to wilhelm the first, this was the very last and most hidden warded zone in the red canyon, erected in absolute secrecy just before their forces left the canyon for the final battle at the tailtean plains
the warded zone was left behind to protect the victims of the plague and keep the curse quarantined while the few remaining mages continued working on a remedy
despite the ward still being active, it has grown quite weak and allows edelgard to pass through (likely due to her blood connection to big wilhelm)
exploring deep into the warded zone, she finds it pristinely safe but utterly untouched for god knows how long. eerily quiet, preserved in time but abandoned by it…
at the heart of the warding spell is its caster, who edelgard initially mistakes for a human mage but quickly realized is the "familiar" wilhelm wrote about. she is Not in fact a funny heehoo imp of some kind, but in fact, a tall as fuck , Whole Ass Woman
(the untranslatable word in wilhelm's writing on the topic was obviously nabatean, a proper noun, the long-forgotten name of a people who once lived alongside humanity but were wiped out)
(the nabateans, few in number but possessing astonishing magicks, invited the battered army to take shelter in what remained of the nabateans' home in zanado. wanting to help beat the agarthans back, they offered to join their own power with humans in "pacts"--special contracts between a human mage and a nabatean caster that was beneficial for both partners and allowed them to work in great synergy)
(the pact magic, innovated by the nabateans, greatly enhances the human mage's capabilities, and imparts a certain degree of mutual mind-to-mind awareness of their partner, which the two can use to strategically coordinate their movements. although very few were left alive at this stage of the war, the nabateans were extremely powerful and could flex into any role on the battlefield--but they were also greatly prized in the sick bays and quarantine zones for their potent healing magic)
(the tactical advantage of pairing a war mage and a nabatean caster is credited by wilhelm as the key to many victories that would otherwise have been crushing defeats. also, the remaining nabateans had a vested interest in allying up to beat the agarthans down, as this was their ancient enemy who recently laid waste to the red canyon and decimated most of their population--and was about to conquer humanity as dessert)
wilhelm, the leader of the hresvelg army, formed a pact with the leader of the nabateans . the two of them combined were a force to be reckoned with (excelling in both tactics and raw force, but also defensive maneuvers), but due to how thinly stretched their manpower and resources were, the two commanders were forced to part ways at the very end. one commander was to depart with their army and finish the war, and the other was entrusted with staying back to defend zanado and keep their most vulnerable people safe
for thousands of years, rhea has been casting the same spell, maintaining the final barrier around the sanctum. the plan was for wilhelm and his (hopefully victorious) army to return here, but that uh, did not happen, due to him and his forces being annihilated in the massive effort it took to bring the war to an end
and it did end. only barely. wilhelm's descendants and whoever was left of their supporters founded adrestia proper and continued the hresvelg line into the future, but big wilhelm was absolutely dead and never came back and neither did anyone else sorry
edelgard knows that this woman is one of the healers who were working directly on the Curse Problems back in ancient times, and is hoping she will know a solution to the "wretched curse is killing me" problem
the crest of seiros edie carries breaks the centuries-long casting trance and wakes rhea up
the first words out of her mouth are, in essence, WILHELM THANK FUCK YOU'RE BACK, DID WE DO IT? DID WE WIN?
(edelgard voice) erm about that
she basically has to explain to rhea that the last thing she remembers before beginning her Long Watch was, in fact, thousands of years ago, and that wilhelm and everybody else she knew is dead (on top of all the nabateans and allies rhea already knew were dead ofc). the world did manage to survive the war thanks to their efforts, but that's like, the one positive note in all this, lol
rhea understandably distraught and more than a little bit overwhelmed
also quite at a loss for what to do, being a magic guy from an era that in its entirety doesn't exist anymore (and hasn't existed for a very long time)
for all she or edie knows, she might be the very last of her kind (since all records are lost, wilhelm's notes obviously stop kind of abruptly, and no one's heard anything in the millennia since then)
obviously the amount of time that has passed means the people she was holding the ward for are also long gone. she's pretty devastated about that too as they're going through the sanctum and quarantined zone
edelgard trying to tactfully rummage around for clues for her own problem while the big lady spirals
i straight up feel like one of those plants that evolved for a type of bee that doesn't exist anymore
however rhea sadly must return the favor when edelgard is like. so you guys had this curse problem. and you were a very prominent commander/healer at the time. it so happens that i have curse problem. what is the solution to curse problem. i need it badly
and rhea is forced to be like . well we very much did not solve curse problem in my time. sorry. i don't know it. i don't have the solution. we didn't find it in time before our whole shit collapsed
so it's really bad news all around
but because edelgard is wilhelm's blood descendant and has used the crest of seiros (which marks the pact between wilhelm('s blood) and the nabatean rhea), they are pact-partners now, Just Like Old Fódlan Used To Make
rhea can't crack Terminal Blood Curse right now, but she does have a lot of knowledge about it and its course/symptoms (and she can confirm edelgard's problem as being The Very Same Indeed)
she feels pretty strongly about finishing her work, and is suddenly edelgard's funny pact partner, and third of all has Nowhere Else To Go And Everything She Knew Is Gone--so she says she'll help lmao
edelgard is more or less used to not finding concrete answers to her curse problem at this point given the difficulty level of this investigation. so she p much just moves on to the next lead on her checklist. gotta keep it moving if she's gonna crack this thing in time
road trip!
rhea basically provides her with palliative care while they look for ways to break the curse. she does feel noticeably better with a more specialized healer (<- kind of an understatement) and it is buying her more time to work with which is good
strangers separated by millennia of history but slowly bonding!
maybe on the way they'll also root out the bitches who put the curse on her to begin with
if you are out there slithering in the dark. you better not be
edelgard is a big axe guy. she does not do healing magic. she is basically face-tanking everything and rhea is so busy casting heals and shields she barely has time to do any DPS of her own
im sure they run into other characters n stuff on their funny road trip too but that all is the basic concept
(rhea voice) i'll Embrace but christ alive
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mako-neexu · 3 months
i feel sickkkk i listened to the song so many times i lost track literally crying rn the way Beyond the Gray Sky talks about such simple peaceful and happy times- of the present and the past and then not even half of the song later, it smoothly delves into "goodbyes"
(i think the full hasnt been released internationally yet but i am so. sick and unwell whenever i hear it. what is this? hassan of the cutting onions stop hiding???)
i am just so sad....like the first half talks about eating together at the rooftop and laughing alongside eahc other just gives off the vibe that its all so fun. its all so sweet and amazing to be with you, whom i love. this current moment where we are beneath that blue sky. i and you who exist right at this extremely rare moment where we are together. and with you, i have that strength to head towards tomorrow. like.... this is the "normal life" that fujimaru ritsuka yearns for and is experiencing "in this moment"
ghhh 😭the second phase + 2nd chorus absolutely turned me to dust and tears...
because there are two ways to interpret that one. (for me, at least)
this refers to guda, who has been submerged countless times in those depths of despair but that "unchanging feeling" for their wish is what drives them to stand back up again and again and now, as their Avengers escort them onto that train towards the future, they plead and ask, they look at their very first Avenger with tears at the edges of their eyes and ask, "Please tell me that this journey will still continue." as that was the very last line of the song.
the second half could also be interpreted as a love letter, a farewell of the Avengers- of dantes' POV towards guda because he's said it time and time again!!! that his accomplice is a star and therefore is light -> and before i inevitably lose my "light", i must teach them the meaning of revenge. but that star will never be swallowed up by the darkness, shall never be tempted as the "feelings and thoughts" towards their heartfelt "wish" will remain forever unchanged. So "tell me that this journey will still continue (towards that which you yearn for)." As you, my star, my destiny, my accomplice must reach for that tomorrow you long for. You on this brilliant path must walk forward. And us, your Avengers, shall push your back one last time.
heart hurts i have too many feelings.... i have to go back to interpreation #1 because im still unwell if its a guda POV.....because-
"I know. I know full well there is no such thing as eternity. these times wont last forever but if you're guiding me to board this train towards the future," they bite their lower lip as they tighten their hold on Dantes's gloved hand, as they shakily grip at the steel rail of the train's entrance door and hot tears cascade down their cheeks, they ask, with their voice cracking as they look back at him and their Avengers, these people that they love, pushing their back forward with a happy goodbye because they also loved them in return, and were doing this because they cared about guda so much, they ask with a plea, "At least tell me that this journey will continue."
("Because if this continues, then I'll see you again. I'll be able to see you again for as long as this continues... I'll be able to meet you one way or another- as this is not a final farewell. So please reassure me... that it will continue.")
("But I know there is no such thing as 'forever', but despite that, I still want to hope. I'll wait and hope for as long as I have to just to meet you and see you again. Just tell me, please tell me-")
arghhhhh still, this entire chapter also reminded us of that inevitable final "farewell" on FGO like....there are definitely times i hated this game but i loved it just as much..........
also, the way momoka (singer for this song) sings "even i know there's no such thing as eternity" (to these happy times/joyful memories of being together) just............................ im just so sad.....😭....... the way she conveyed it with such pain with that feeling of "of course- of course, i know that-! but even so. please. please, even so-" in her tone.........like guda's/the avengers' or dantes' feelings are just killing me i can feel myself really die inside from sadness 😭
and the feeling of the song as i mentioned previously is uplifting yet so sad... both the chorus give that feeling of "moving forward" with light and bright steps and it feels happy in the first one but in the last chorus, it felt like a "graduation song" and the overall song's feelings give it a vibe of "wishing 'you' good luck, filled with hope".....
and in the full CM: dantes speaks his famed line of "Attendre et Esperer", an answer to the song which becomes a song where "the Avengers give you one final push"
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jmeldog · 7 months
Yonah / Deep Cover spoilsrs
A fuckton of disjointed Milgram thoughts ft. random thoughts about John
More ramblings about meta stuff and how Kotoko’s being set up.
Because like. She really is?? The way her VD played out, it really feels like they didn’t set up for a universe where she’s forgiven. Es denied their working together, yelled at her for attacking the others, and pushed her away.
Although, this could also be Milgram staff seeing the vibes of fandom and knowing we immediately didn’t approve of her attacking everyone. It’s not like it’s a hard opinion to find, or even assume.
Meaning at all times, Es is being influenced by us.
Idk. I think it’s important to think about her as a cog of the story and character written by people wanting to tell a satisfying story with real-time ARG elements. It’s not that hard for them to have an “end” in mind for her, and push us towards that end by what they reveal about her when and what they have her do.
(*This isn’t complaining “omg the game is rigged against my fav,” or anything. I’m just really interested in how Milgram functions as a story. I also have a bunch of meta theories about the “functions” of the invisible walls and prisoner bindings, I just don’t have enough time to collect my thoughts on them.
I’m not looking up direct quotes or facts cuz I’m lazy rn so some things may be wrong, but eh my points still stand I think
Walls theory is that they’re mental blocks on the the prisoner’s mind based on if they want to hurt Es or not. Kazui described himself as “feeling weak” after he restrained Es. Though I don’t think it’s necessarily based on Es’ perception of it, cuz it sounded like they didn’t see Kotoko’s T1 punch coming until her fist was already caught. John isn’t a prisoner, so his mind’s not limited by this. Also apart of this theory is that someone couldn’t throw something at Es, cuz the “mental blocks” would make them drop it with no force. They can’t intentionally hurt Es.
Restraints theory is on how it’s kinda crazy John got restrained during the T2 interrogation. Mikoto somehow didn’t notice the restraints until into the VD. Which is insane? How did those get on him?? When did those get on him? He seemed surprised by them. When John fronts, he doesn’t make any surprised comments, but is aware of them and is aware of the fact they exist to protect Es. He doesnt mention who did it. Obviously Es couldn’t put the restraints on John themselves, cuz
Es just showed up in the room
John would’ve beat their little baby face in
But it’s weird that Es is also not surprised by them. Idk. It’s just a really weird situation to me. I guess there’s other influences actively acting in the prison.
Also kinda funny how John just apparently has no protective rights as a non-Milgram prisoner. Kotoko can attack him. The universe can restrain him. Sorry little bozo.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 1 day
CHP.4 Daily Life (spoilers):
--- Start of Chapter:
Rat-Hoe what are you doing here bbg?
"This isn't your first-" <- erm what...? First kg?! Are they all survivors?! Was Rantaro the only one who had his memory kept???
(Rat-Hoe = Rantaro btw)
--- Exploration!
TSUMUGI MAKING ME A SMOOGIE (<- Smoothie/cocktail/mocktail)
Yes Tsumugi I will cosplay with you pookie.
She's my favourite surviving character, she better live to chapter 5-
Himiko is standing infront of Tenkos dojo...
"I should just leave her alone" *KIYOTAKA FLASHBACKS* please don't :,)
--- FTES:
Even if you're plan Tsumugi, I love you so very much :3
You know what? I have energy, Im doing 100 situps with them!!! Crunches actually, I'm not THAT fit...
I gave up at 50 what the fuck Maki how are you so fast. I'll do my next 50 next training ig lol.
--- Kaito comes at the perfect time:
Maki (to Shuichi): "Did you... like Kaede?"
Kaito 5 seconds later: "Hey, were you guys making out while I was gone :D"
Okay I feel like crying that was so hard. But if I do it every time they train I'll become fitter and it'll get easier... I hope.
I need some Mtn.Dew-
--- Incest doesn't exist... PLEASE DON'T DO THIS RN-
--- Himiko Interaction P1:
Danganronpa try not to kill off characters getting development impossible challenge.
Himiko watch your back bb you might be next, they can't let you live. Danganronpa hates giving characters development.
Wait, Shuichi should invite Himiko to train with Maki and Kaito! Oh that'd be so cute I love Himiko, my views on her have changed since last chapter.
--- Himiko Interactions P2:
Himiko training time! She's so cute, I'm so glad that she's becoming a better person.
*Danganronpa taking notes for Hiyoko and Ishimaru.*
Gonta is such a sweetheart, I love him.
Awe bb I love you Himiko.
"Hey, Tenko... can you see Himiko from wherever you are?" Oh my god I actually started crying y'all. Im bawling.
"You've reached her Tenko..." I'm crying. Oh my god I'm crying. Oh my god I'm crying.
--- Being so cool w/ NCR:
So yk how in Korekiyos execution, we have the ending, which is this scene with Korekiyo's sister and Monokuma:
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He was happy to see her because he was a ghost, as was she, then she betrayed him and threw salt on him. This means Korekiyo is no longer a ghost, yes?
But if he became a ghost, ghosts do exist! So this means thaaaattttttt...
Tenko, Angie, Rantaro, Kaede, Ryoma, and Kirumi are all also ghosts, either haunting the academy or flying off into space or at their favourite places (as seen in the image above, a temple possibly in Korekiyos village) but Tenkos favourite place was with Himiko. So she's a ghost watching over Himiko.
Guys take notes, this is Ghost AU type shit.
That's quite comforting knowing that the ghosts are there, Kaede playing her song on the piano when Shuichi walks in.
Also: Himiko in Angies lab for her FTEs is just... awh :,)
Tsumugi... are you... referencing somebody here...?
"But... the worst ones (*cosplayers*) just use the characters as stepping stones."
"Stepping stones?"
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--- Smooth going Kaito:
"What blood type do you like?"
Oh, Kaito, I actually eat blood like the pirhanas that ate Ryoma, yeah, 100%, and I also enjoy the pink type, specifically at the thickness of ranch dressing, so that when I attack my victims of the blood gets on my clothes my fit looks aesthetic when splattered with blood. Any other questions you have for me man? No?
--- Idk what to title this:
Kokichi scary sprite ahh oh no :(
And then her death cutscene came on and he just laughed and said "fuckin' moron" IN HER ACCENT HELPPP OH MY GODDDD BAHAHA
That's all bye lol I'm tired :3
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LISTEN TO ME RIGHT! NOW! I'm gonna say something WACK but the vibes are perfect with Neverafter rn in a very specific way that I very much love
One of my favorite kinds of horror and general feeling and vibe comes from how video games exist as a medium. Invisible walls, characters clipping through the ground, "You cannot go any further" and you just have to accept it and turn around and follow the story offered to you, even if you'd like to explore beyond the mountain, deep down.
Playing Disco Elysium on the switch sometimes results in a glitch when talking to someone that involves them walking away. They leave and you're stuck there, the dialogue not continuing. You try to pull up the in-game menu, you try to equip something, you try to smoke or drink, you try anything, even go to the Switch menu and come back- but nothing happens. Time doesn't pass in the game but the characters are still animated, breathing. What a horrible thing to think about, if it were real. Being stuck, feeling the cold air as time stays still and *something* was meant to happen but it didn't.
That EXACT vibe of horror happened in the last episode of Neverafter!!! I've been a huge fan of all the body horror and existential horror so far- but this was something else. So particularly video-game-y. When Brennan was describing the big bad wolf, saying he's got big teeth to eat Red with, and he just, stays. Neutral expression. Like in the Sims 2 when your sim's face just. Stops animating. And Red is there shivering. Stuck here. You would expect her to try to leave but she's stuck in a glitch. Something is supposed to happen. You're Harry Dubois and you can't leave this interaction even if the other character has fully left the screen. Red is standing there unable to leave and she can FEEL the world happening around her, she's still animated, she's still rendered. But something's gone wrong in the coding and the dialogue somehow stopped working. What I usually do when my game glicthes is just to restart it. Break it, somehow. Break the flow of the story. So that's what Red does.
It's even there with the description of Cinderella's book!! Parts of the sky that you can't see. Faces missing. Textures missing. Invisible wall, missing voice lines. GUYS I FREAKING LOVED IT! I don't think it was intentional but both those parts just reminded me of the weird, impossible tactile feeling of imagining being inside a video game. Endless landscapes that you can't reach, voicelines that don't follow up. Gaining experience from killing an innocent person. Your character rocking up to a serious cutscene with an extremely stupid outfit on. Being able to pause time to replenish your health. Repeating character models. Cheats. The horror of your body not fitting the constraints of your universe and clipping through. Switching catalogues and switching games. You're still yourself, right? Even if you're in another game, another story. Your brain can hop from Skyrim to Smash to Spiritfarer - just imagine ACTUALLY doing that. Our Neverafter heroes are letting us know what it's like I LOVE IT
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grasslandgirl · 1 year
11, 19, 23 for fic writer asks please :D
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
uhhh kind of ? not really. i don't usually listen to music while i write, more often than not it distracts me lmao but when i DO listen to music while writing it tends to be one of two things: either 1) a chill vibes playlist off spotify of songs i don't really know playing really quietly so i dont get distracted thinking about/singing along to the song inside of my head instead of actually writing OR 2) a playlist specifically curated for the vibes/aesthetic/etc of the fic im working on, also played really quietly lmao !!
only a handful of my wips/fics get playlists of their own- it tends to only be for fics i'm really invested in/spend a lot of time working on/have a really specific musical vibe i can attribute lots of songs to, and even then i really only write to music like. 10% of the time i'm writing, the rest of the time it has to be quiet or i just. can't think and can't write and will end up doom scrolling on tumblr instead of working skjfbnksjbnskjn
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
teehee :))
Gorgug and Fabian were leaned together standing under a huge tree, heads tilted and hips pressed close.
For the hundredth time that night, Adaine's heart caught inside her chest. It was such an... innocent kind of intimacy. One she was an unwanting voyeur into. Adaine hovered in the doorway, unable to step further into the garden and disrupt their moment, and incapable of turning or looking away.
Gorgug murmured something, his mouth moving as he frowned slightly, eyes cast down at their feet, but Adaine was too far away to hear the words. She didn't know if she'd even want to know what sweet nothings Gorgug was whispering to Fabian if she was close enough to truly eavesdrop. Fabian shook his head, shifting slightly away, and Gorgug's frown deepened into something nearly heartbroken and- and-
Of course they loved each other. They were the best men Adaine knew.She'd loved them- both of them, independently and together- for nearly as long as she could remember. Even before she knew what the feeling was, Adaine could remember the sparking fire lit beneath her ribs whenever Fabian grinned at her, or when Gorgug swept her up in his arms. There was no better person for each of them than the other- and whether or not they knew it yet, Adaine could see the realization hanging thickly in the air between them. They'd figure it out eventually, coming together with the clash of joy she'd always loved about the two of them, and Adaine would be left; a third wheel with a plastic smile. Torn between her happiness on behalf of her best friends, and the heartbreak she could never tell them about.
23. How do you choose where to end a chapter (if you have multi-chapter works)?
uhhhhhghrfivskjnsfb this is one of the banes of my writer existence if im terribly honest i always have a terrible time figuring out when/how to end scenes and end fics skjfnbnsf
the only big multichap fic i've got going rn is noble pining, and mostly i decide to end the chapters in that fic by. vibes. also word counts. i try to keep the length of all the chaps in NP in a similar word count range so like. that helps me figure out a little how and where to end my chaps ksfjvnkjsfb but other than that. it's a vibe game. and also demaanding that my friends tell me whether or not the endings of my fics make sense ksfjnskfbsnb <3
send me numbers from this fic writer's ask list !!!!
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sharktholomew · 1 year
Tell me about ur oc.now/nf
Waugh ok.
Their full name is Ilya Mikhailovich Nikolaev.
He's russian (very obvious because of it's name).
She is absolutely cringefail but that adds to her charm <3
She only has one story about her and of course it's angst cause he makes me abnormal like that.
It uses any pronouns (including neopronouns).
Xey are 6'5"
It is 28 years old.
They hardly have any braincells most of the time, she's just going with the flow lmao. Very silly.
She is my only oc that has an alternate universe. Which only exists to ship her with another oc since him and the other one exist in 2 separate stories.
He eats shredded cheese right out of the bag.
They have a cat named Callie (which is a calico cat).
The scars on her face is from a fight with xyr cousin.
She needs sound in the background in order to work on things, but if it's too much sound she can't function.
It has autism, adhd, ppd, bpd, and dyscalculia.
It also suffers from chronic pain.
She likes to bite things lmao
His natural hair color is brown.
She is very good at comforting people but not great with her own emotions.
He's always getting distracted in stores. She'll stand in an aisle just staring at random stuff she doesn't even need. Though he is good about not buying things he doesn't need.
Her special interests are knives, horror, and video games.
She is genderqueer (born male) + asexual panromantic
He often has to put alarms on his phone in order to remind her to do things or else she'll forget.
She likes to see how many things she can get done before the microwave goes off.
It loves minecraft. She always has "keepInventory" on and she's ok at fighting. Xey like building and mining much more than fighting.
His birthday is May 2nd.
My voice claim for her is Crazy Russian Dad.
It had a partner for 2 years (22 to 24 years old) but they broke up cause it wasn't going very well.
Here's a bingo I did for them (notice how I selected let them be happy and will kill anyone who hurts them despite being the one inflicting the pain on them lmao).
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Here's art of her that I posted a bit ago lmao
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And of course she'll get more info about him as time goes on but this is just about what I got for it rn.
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pdaliceliveblogs · 1 year
asks pt 3 (last for now)
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Yeah, Mike pointed that out to me on discord at the time, I just forgot to bring it up on the blog... jaysus. Love these disasters.
(my point still stands that at least they’re not her own feathers haha)
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No yeah I’ve been thinking about that too! Either it was in the Owl House, which means it’s in the Bonesborough Precinct warehouse (uh, or they saved it when they got François, but we didn’t see them do so) or Hooty swallowed it... so really, it’s up to if Hooty remembers he has it/that they took it. Hooty’s very good at forgetting about important things, but he’s also good at suddenly remembering them....
(it, uh, may be relevant to the fic I’m kinda sorta writing rn)
(I should get that done before the next ep comes out, it’s just speculation on what’s been happening on the Isles during the time period of Thanks to Them)
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He really is an excellent manipulator... until he runs up against someone who realizes that’s his game and is willing to play it too. One of the things I really enjoy, thinking back on his presence throughout the show, is how much of what we saw him say was just... lying. Here we all were, trying to piece together what he wanted to ‘purify’ magic for, why he wanted to bring the Titan to the human realm like in that vision, what the Big Plans were that he had for Hunter... and even when we figured he had ulterior motives, there’s this kinda “play by the rules” assumption that made us figure that he was just misrepresenting the things he was showing us, rather than making them up out of whole cloth. (The ‘plans’ for Hunter were to sacrifice him, etc) But no, yeah, ‘purification’ was just a buzzword to help get everyone sealed, he never meant to bring the Titan to the Human Realm and it just made a dramatic show for the Coven Heads, there were never any plans for Hunter besides being the next Grimwalker assistant. He doesn’t play by the rules. He’s not a noble demon, even to the viewer.
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I actually touched on this in my fic We Sing It Anyway! Terra definitely knows, though I had her a bit more subtle about it. This is shortly after the previous Golden Guard’s death, and Hunter-- who hasn’t appeared yet, nobody knows he exists-- is too young to take on the mantle, leading to a few years without a Golden Guard and Lilith heading the EC under her own name.
“He really did kick it,” Ulrich said, and Darius’s eye twitched.
“I’m not surprised,” Terra said, leaning back in her chair. “He was getting reckless. I’m surprised he made it this long— there were two before him, since I’ve been a Head Witch. Can’t imagine who’ll replace him; there are no obvious candidates.”
“I heard it’ll be Clawthorne,” Aconia put in. “Good head on her shoulders, that one. Would have scouted her within my own coven, had she not joined the Emperor’s.”
“That little tiger lily doesn’t really fit the profile“, Terra said, eyes twinkling. “Besides, she’s not even the strongest Clawthorne. Did you never meet her sister?”
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Whoops, thanks for the tip! It’s fixed now.
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Neat, I know a couple people who are really enjoying it! That said, if I’m gonna blog anything other than Owl House, it’s gonna be Princess Tutu, which I do really want to get back to! I was really enjoying it as a show, I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to get the ~activation energy~ to blog it. Getting back to Tutu properly is one of my intentions for this new year, though!
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itlivesproject · 1 year
here is the abel simp anon ILW FINALE thought dump (part 2! covers from when we play as devon until as we play as rowan)
2 months later? damn
….the memorial? oh dear grab the tissues
connor is back and i am just as in love with him as ever
“Besides, you know how great a couple she and Abel make. I'm sure they're both doing great together.” i think i actually just squeaked
and janie :(
loha… she deserved so much better :(
and finally, jessica, the start of it all (whose cg remains to be one of the best things i’ve ever seen in my life)
lincoln giving ratty matty’s money to a nonprofit for DA, that’s our guy!!!!!
i think lincoln aquino is a beautiful name! much better than the ties to the mcquoid name, i’m happy for him<3
amalia and jocelyn being besties? impeccable friendship
and amalia’s school record are fixed ??? THAT’S MY GIRL!!! SHE’S GONNA BE THE BEST LAWYER THIS WORLD HAS EVER SEEN
harper and tom being the cutest for 1 minute straight
omg devon and harper having a handshake?? besties confirmed
someone pay for connor’s therapy PLEASE he will need bucket-loads of it at this point
“you know you can stay here for as long as you need” CONNOR AND NOAH ARE BEST FRIENDS CANONICALLY BECAUSE I SAY SO
noah’s mother hate club ‼️
sunny and luis deserve every happiness this world has to offer
ava thinking that being possessed was cool is so on brand😭
“Also, you need therapy.” dan keepin things real
the green siblings have my whole heart
CONNOR DIRTY THIRTY???????????? this is truly the best possible ending.
new music track????
“I love you when you're teasing me, I love you when we fight. love you when you're covered in blood or monster guts.” “Connor tells you these words every morning when you wake up, and every night when he goes to bed, but somehow, it always manages to feel like it's the first time he's said them.” he is the only man to ever exist. (alongside abel of course)
also connor, strong disagree with the chocolate in the fridge thing
“Come on, sweetheart. Marry me?” WELL HOW THE HELL DO I SAY NO TO THAT???
i am grinning like a FOOL
“Your heart lifts to your throat as you examine the ring. It's so detailed, so personal. Leaves, like the forest around you, the forest you fell in love in. Your initials carved into the bottom. A diamond like you've always wanted.” i think i just died and went to heaven. HE IS THE CUTEST MAN EVER STOP IT
AND HE MADE IT HIMSELF? why don’t men like him actually exist.
i am now sat back down but i will stand back up if i need to. that is a threat.
“It's a house. With a yard for a dog, and enough rooms for guests and offices, and an address that doesn't confuse delivery drivers. It looks happy. And it's ours, if you want it.” the only reason i am not crying rn is because i am positively overwhelmed
i could literally quote all of his dialogue because it is all so incredible but i’m going to stop because this is long enough as it is😭
“God, you're so put together and capable. It's hot.” devon keeping it real
“Sweetheart, I love you, but all my lines work on you.” i said i would stop quoting connor and i lied, i just love him so much
“It’s no wonder there are deep grooves in the paint” YOU DIDN’T
for the one and only connor dirty thirty…. you guys nailed it (😏) also fun fact, if you remember getting as ask right at the very start of the project asking if connor green was in it and if we could bang him… that was me😳
“He wraps his arms around you, and it feels like coming home” ok it’s like you’re TRYING to get me to tear up now
(continued in part 3!)
-abel simp anon🤍
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