#as much as it might mess with his future plans NOTHING would make me happier to see them all get a skill as a reward
pttucker · 11 months
[Story, 'Demon King of Salvation', is continuing with its storytelling.] I managed to endure only because of my Stories. They continued to whisper into my ears – they said that you're the 'Demon King of Salvation'. You must save people. Just like how they did to Metatron and Agares, Stories were whispering to me.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I know that Dokja has always been very Dokja about saving people whenever he could, especially his companions, but the way that this is phrased...
Is the fact that he became Demon King of Salvation actually making his whole "saving people at whatever cost" thing worse? Not to mention the fact that his only stigma is not only about saving people, but specifically about sacrificing himself to do it.
I know that stories in ORV give beings power (and can also give them weaknesses too) and Dokja himself has talked about how people can be taken over by their stories but I never thought that maybe the fact that his whole thing is saving people (by sacrificing himself) might have generated some kind of circle.
He saves people (by sacrificing himself) > gains a story/modifier/stigma related to saving people/sacrificing himself > that increases him wanting to save people/sacrifice himself > he saves people (by sacrificing himself) > that adds to his story of saving people/sacrificing himself > that increases him wanting...
Well, at least in regard to his companions. There have absolutely been times where Dokja has chosen himself over complete strangers or where he's chosen his companions over others. In fact, Heewon even says so in her fight with the Demon Kings:
The next one to pop up in her head was Kim Dokja. ⸢We should save him. But, if you do that, you'll die instead, Heewon-ssi.⸥ Kim Dokja might say the right things, but because he was worried about her life, he'd turn a blind eye to Kyle's plight.
Hmmm... so is Dokja being affected by his own story or is this just a natural reaction to him finally having friends & family that he cares about combined with the fact that even from the very beginning he's never thought much of himself?
Or both. Both is good bad.
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jaxxsoxxn · 5 months
That one scene from Hercules the Disney movie
Captain cold : I can’t believe you’re getting so walked up about some hero
Captain boomerang : this one is different. He’s honest and sweet. Captain cold : oh please 
Captain boomerang : he would never do anything to hurt me 
Captain cold : he’s the flash 
No, 'cause Boomer is probably so defensive about it. Cold would rather die than admit he cares, but he saw how Speedster can and will fuck you up, so whenever the two r just chilling around him, he gets full-on nitpicky.
Because of Flash's speed healing, I honestly doubt he has a lot of scars, especially from Digger, but the other way around? It's never anything too dangerous, usually a smaller cut that healed badly in the prison or something alike, but he has more than many scars from our fav Speedster. It's nothing that's too noticeable usually and his biggest harm was breaking his nose once or twice, which with how many times it was broken already makes it less than worth noting...
...for anyone, but Leonard Snart himself and his picky nature. Does he intend to make Flash feel bad with his snarky comments? Not exactly, but he's happy with it, even if they won't break up. Golden Glider absolutely adores it and tries her best to comfort Digger by saying "It's just in his big brother nature", but she's also not sure about what Flash wants from this relationship.
I wrote before that the JLA would need some time to understand that Digger is dating him without a second reason, but the Rouges? Some of them would eventually accept that Captain Boomerang and The Flash are dating just because they like each other and no-one is planning on changing their sides, even if Boomer is already on the grey-ish spectrum (tho most Rouges enjoy being on the grey-ish spectrum), some of them would never understand.
Trickster, for one, adores the fact that he can now hang out with the Flasher and just fool around! He's pretty fond of it and Boomer looks 100 times happier than before, so he's okay with it as long as it won't mess up anything.
Mirror Motherfucker- I mean, Master likes that he can annoy Barry more, but his fun is usually cut short because if there's one thing this man can do, it's running. The second Boomer is ready for their date or just happy to get somewhere else, he disappears. Him and Mirror boy ain't becoming besties any time soon, sadly. Lisa, who adores M&M(s), is a little sad because of it.
I feel like Captain Cold could warm up to the idea- (haha, get it?) but over all, he would not be a fan. You can see your totally-not-friend get his ass handed by a guy this many times before not trusting him with said totally-not-friend.
Weather Wizard would take a hot moment to warm up to the Speedster, but in the end, he'd be happy for the two (CC: Et tu, Mark?). He is the one and probably only Rouge that is willing to listen to Digger's rants about speedy. He's not trusting Barry per se, but he's not unhappy about the two together - even if there's no gain for him in it.
Golden Glider, a sour sweetheart she is, acts way more happily about it than she is - if she'll learn that Mark gets the juicy info from Digi, she's silently seething. Might be a little too much like her brother sometimes...
Heatwave, gods bless him, is slightly bitter about the fact that the Suicide Squad knows before them. Like, what do you mean people that kidnapped you know before us, your friend- he means, coworkers! He sulks a little, but as he's pretty happy for Digger, he is not as happy for Flash.
Also, a lil thing:
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(expect possible ColdWeather/Hail aka CC x WW in the closest future <3 bc i lov 'em
Also the chatfic will happen!! I'll post the link to it, bc this mf is going to be on ao3, sorry <3 ships expected: Boomerflash, HarleyIvy, Flag x Deadshot for fun, Mirror Master x Golden Glider possibly, ColdWeather/Hail probably
It will be a chiller, easy to read and write ff! More info later <3)
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Itachi Getting Married
Anon:  Helllooo!!! I was wonderin if u could write for omega itachi getting married. I'd really appreciate it :)
(Hello! Hello! This is the oldest request in my inbox, so I hope this ends up being worth the wait! Enjoy~ <3)
Warning: implied sexual activity
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General headcanons - Non-massacre AU:
Itachi has always known that he would get married someday.
After all, it was his duty as clan heir.
But he never expected to actually love his mate. He was required to angle for a politically/socially advantageous match and he had made his peace with that.
If he had to marry someone to keep peace between clans, he would. If he had to marry someone his parents chose for him to keep conflict in the family down, he would.
Itachi’s fatal flaw is that he doesn’t see his comfort/happiness as important.
And while he looked forward to his future children, his future spouse was a neutral event. It would happen, whether he wanted it to or not, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Best case scenario, he might have a new friend, or at least someone he respects, to live with him.
Worst case scenario, he ends up in a horrible marriage. He tried not to think too much about this option.
He never expected there to be any love between him and his future spouse.
Until he met you.
He found a person who actually loved him. An alpha who was as dedicated to a future family as he was. A partner who respected him more than he had ever hoped.
And Itachi fell hard and fast.
So, when you proposed, he felt like everything he had never dared to hope for was coming true.
You went to get his parents’ permission first (and the permission of the clan by proxy) and did the proposal in front of them. It wasn’t ideal, you knew Itachi would be happier with a private proposal, but you also knew that Itachi wouldn’t believe that he had their approval unless he saw it first-hand.
Itachi and his family are very traditional, so you weren’t mated before you got married, instead, you mated on your wedding night.
Itachi is very happy to let his family dictate the wedding. He doesn’t care as long as he’s married to you at the end of the day.
(But he does have preferences that you can extract from him, but getting Itachi’s true opinion, can be like pulling teeth.)
You had known Itachi since you were both 18, two years now. You had been courting him officially for a year and a half before you proposed.
As I mentioned, you proposed in front of Itachi’s parents, to make sure that he knew that you had gained their approval.
Sasuke was also there, after years of bribery, finally accepting of you and Itachi’s relationship. You met Sasuke when he had just graduated from the academy, and he was not impressed by this new person stealing his brother from him when he wanted Itachi to train him ☹
For Itachi, it was a normal family dinner.
He definitely noticed that you were behaving nervously, but he knew his family could be stiff, overly traditional and a little intimidating, so he figured that was the cause of your discomfort.
Sasuke was also staring at you suspiciously the whole evening, but to be honest, sometimes Sasuke was just like that, so Itachi thought nothing of it.
You kept a hand on his knee for the entire meal, only letting go of him when you announced that you had brought dessert for everyone and would be happy to serve it.
Itachi smiled his gorgeous smile at you, so pleased to see you making an effort with his family (or perhaps he was smiling about the desert, Itachi’s sweet tooth is legendary after all. It was difficult to tell.)
Nervously clenching your hands, you walked over to the fridge, pulling out the plate of dango you had hidden in there earlier. It was Itachi’s favourite, and if there was anything to convince him to say yes to your proposal, it was a demonstration of how much dango you were willing to buy for him.
‘Don’t mess this up,’ you said to yourself, gingerly sliding the plate of dango out of the fridge. It was an elaborate platter that had cost far too much. There were seven different dango flavours with an assortment of dips and dressings, arranged artfully with fruit and dried flowers to decorate the plate.
You walked to back to the table and presented the plate with a dramatic flourish to hide your nerves.
Itachi’s face lit up. Despite your nerves, his obvious excitement put a smile on your face. He really was perfect.
And that’s why you can’t mess this up.
“There’s anko, green tea, sesame,” you pointed at each flavour as you listed them. “Hanami and…er… some other ones…?”
Sasuke scoffed at your embarrassing failure to recall the flavours, causing a red flush to creep up your neck. You didn’t even know that there was this many dango flavours before yesterday! Thankfully, he didn’t say anything, perhaps due to the sharp look Itachi had shot at him.
“I made sure to get enough for everyone, but there’s something I’d like to ask for in return.”
You could see Itachi trying to catch your eye, probably to ask what an earth you were doing, but you purposefully avoided looking in his direction.
“The only thing I ask,” you continued, nervously. “Is for a minute of your time before we eat dessert.”
Mikoto smiled at you and nodded for you to go ahead with a gentle wave of her hand. Sasuke simply raised an eyebrow at you but didn’t interrupt.
“Great,” you laughed nervously. “Um, so, er, Itachi.”
Itachi straightened under your sudden attention. He looked immensely uncomfortable and confused, he was probably panicking about you doing something in front of his family that you would regret. He always played liaison between you and his family to avoid conflict and was probably not comfortable with you doing this. Unfortunately, he would never believe that you had his parents’ approval if you didn’t propose in front of them.
“I’ve known you for two years now, Itachi,” you started, finally looking at Itachi in the eye. “And it sounds horribly cheesy, but I think that I fall in love with you more every day.”
A barely audible gasp left Itachi. He was a genius, after all, he had probably figured out where this was going. He looked torn between panicked and elated, seeming to settle somewhere around shell-shocked.
“I’ve come to realise recently that, a life without that love, without your love, isn’t a life that I want.”
You can just about see tears gathering in Itachi’s waterline. It doesn’t look like he’s breathing at all.
With one final rush of bravery, you pulled out the diamond ring that had been weighing down your pocket for months and knelt down onto the dining room floor.
“Will you marry me?”
Itachi’s head whips around to face his parents, most likely preparing some serious damage control. But when he sees his mother’s gentle smile and his father’s subtle nod, he slowly moves his gaze back to you. You’ve never seen him look so shocked before. It was almost amusing enough to distract you from your nerves. Almost.
“I-,” Itachi swallowed hard. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Just say what you want to say, Itachi,” his mother replies, trying to encourage him.
His mother’s words seemed to break him out of his stupor and Itachi breathes out a single word.
You let out a delighted and relieved laugh, taking Itachi’s hand in yours and slipping the ring onto his finger, and even though his family were all watching you, you couldn’t help but pull him into an embrace.
“I love you so much,” you whispered to him. “I’ll read you my real proposal speech this evening.”
Itachi laughed into your shoulder. His laughter had a hysteric edge to it, his mind still clearly reeling at what you had just done.  
“Real speech?”
“You didn’t think I was going read my real proposal out in front of your parents, did you? No way. They still think we’re virgins and I didn’t want to spoil that illusion for them.”
Itachi quickly and efficiently jabbed you in the stomach and hit you with his infamous glare.
“Okay, I deserved that,” you winced, gingerly rubbing the sore spot.
Finally, you pulled away and moved to dish out the dango. And if Itachi got the biggest portion, well, no one mentioned it.
Itachi lets his clan take over the planning.
He doesn’t want to deal with the stress of having to combat his family at every turn and would much rather just let them do it. As long as you’re there with him, nothing else really matters.
But even when his clan leave the smaller decisions up to him, he’s hesitant to voice his opinions, wanting his alpha to make them as an apology for his family commandeering everything.
But if you pay attention to little signs and reactions that Itachi gives, you can figure out some of his wants and desires.
Overall, there isn’t much to say about the wedding planning, because Itachi doesn’t do much of it.
Things he wants (compromise available/no compromise allowed):
Sasuke as his groomsman and Shisui as his best man – Itachi doesn’t have many close friends or relatives. He has you, Sasuke, Shisui… er, he’d probably invite his old captain Kakashi and… well, you get the point. So, every person who is important to him needs to be by his side at his wedding, and who is more important than his best friend and little brother.
A traditional wedding – He isn’t actually that bothered by what type of wedding he has, but he knows his family and clan will insist on a traditional celebration and as I mentioned, he doesn’t want to fight. The elders will push the wedding to be held in the clan compound and Itachi would be told to wear a traditional Uchiha wedding garment.
A sweets cart – This is something that he won’t bring up, and therefore isn’t bolded, but it’s very easy to see his face light up when he sees this in a wedding catalogue. It’s a wooden cart with different jars of sweets with little scoops for people to help themselves to. Itachi loves sweet food, obviously, but he also thinks it would be something the children in the clan would adore. He kind of really wants one, but he won’t bring it up unless someone else does first.
An early wedding – He won’t fight you or his family about this, but ideally, he would like to get married in the morning, maybe around 8 or 9 AM. Itachi is definitely an early bird who prefers the ambience of the early morning which is part of the reason, but mainly he just wants the performative part of the wedding over and done with so he can start his honeymoon. He doesn’t find it appealing to spend all night pretending to tolerate the elders of his clan who will almost certainly spend their time berating him for his choice of partner and then telling him he needs to have as many children as possible because he’s a powerful ninja that will produce powerful children. He just doesn’t want to deal with it. Leaving at 6 PM with you to go on your honeymoon and finally, finally mate? That sounds much more fun.
To try and conceive on his honeymoon – Obviously, he’s not going to force anything if you aren’t ready, but he would really love to start trying to conceive straight away. He’s desperate to have his own children, firstly, but also, he knows this is his only ticket to retiring from being a ninja. He wants to retire so badly, and so if you’re both ready for children, he doesn’t want to wait.
 The wedding:
You don’t see Itachi for a day before the wedding, as is tradition. You see him for the first time that weekend when he’s walking down the hall towards you.
And as Fugaku walks Itachi down the aisle, you are completely breathless.
He looks stunning.
His hair had been intricately platted with flowers, some lose strands of hair left to frame his face.
He’s wearing a deep red, formal kimono just as you expected, but it looked so much more beautiful than you had imagined.
He looked like royalty.
The whole ceremony flew by, and before you knew it, it was time for you and Itachi to say goodbye and leave for your honeymoon.
Your honeymoon was to be had at a cabin held deep in the woods on the Uchiha compound. The rule was that married couples could not be disturbed for anything other than a life-or-death emergency, so you would be completely alone.
It might have been nice to go abroad, but the Uchiha clan didn’t want Itachi to be distracted by his honeymoon outside of Konoha where he might be attacked and his eyes stolen.
You both had already been by to drop off everything you would need for the week, including clothes, food, games and toiletries.
So, now, all that was left was for you two to get there yourself.
You and Itachi had decided to amble your way to the cabin, taking your time to enjoy each other’s company after a day of socialising with everyone but each other. Not to mention that neither of your outfits were particularly well designed for gallivanting through the forest. It would be rather embarrassing to have to end your self-imposed isolation to go to the hospital on day one, so walking slowly was probably a good idea.
You had been walking for about thirty minutes so the cabin should be… There! You were there!
“Wait!” you shot out a hand to stop Itachi from entering, startling him slightly. “Don’t go in yet.”
Itachi furrowed his brows, absently blowing a stray hair from his face that must have fallen down during the walk.
“I… want to carry you inside,” you admitted bashfully.
Itachi chuckled but stepped closer to let you do it. You beamed at him, pressing a kiss against his lips as a thank you. He looked a lot more tired than this morning; his hair was falling out of its elaborate placement and the makeup you were sure he was coerced into using was a little smudged.
He really was the most beautiful person you had ever met.
With his permission now gained, you placed an arm around his shoulders and another arm behind his knees, before gently lifting him off the ground. You nuzzled Itachi’s neck, enjoying his content scent and the way he sighed happily at your attention.
With your husband firmly in your grasp, you nudged open the front door with your foot and stepped safely over the threshold. You carried Itachi all the way to the bedroom and placed him down gently on the bed.
Itachi leant up to steal a kiss.
“Bringing me straight to the bedroom, you are incorrigible,” he teased, kicking off his shoes and making himself comfortable on the bed.
“I-I wasn’t, I didn’t mean that!” you sputtered, flushing under Itachi’s laughter. Silence fell over the room for a moment as the exhaustion from the day swept over you both.
“Would you mind helping me out of this kimono, please? I think it’s time for something a little more comfortable.”
It took a solid ten minutes to get Itachi out of his clothes and into some pyjamas. Ten minutes and a lot of swear words as every layer seemed to be hiding another one underneath.
“This wasn’t how I imagined undressing you on our wedding night, that felt a lot like pass the parcel but somehow more stressful.”
“Oh?” Itachi questioned, pulling you to sit down on the bed with him, finally free from the constraints of his wedding attire. “How did you imagine it?”
Rather than answer with words, you pressed wet kisses over Itachi’s neck, smirking against his skin as you felt his hand come up to grasp at your hair and a gentle moan escape from his lips.
This was definitely going to be the best part of the celebrations.
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slasherscream · 3 years
Hi I don’t know if you write for Thomas Hewitt or Vincent Sinclair but if you do you could you please make some headcanons about them and the other slashers like if they got into a fight with their s/o and how it would go, what it would be about, and how they would make up with their s/o please? It’s totally fine if you don’t want to. But if you do then thank you so much!
fighting with the slashers 
A/N: i do write for vincent (on a related note i also write for bo and maybe lester i haven’t tried him out yet)!
vincent sinclair 
You didn’t stay put when Vincent told you to and you got hurt. 
You hadn’t planned to leave. Until the sun started to go down and no one came back to the house to check up on you the way they so often do when there are visitors in town.
You are Ambrose’s second best kept secret. Alive because Vincent took one look at you and couldn’t bare to hurt you. And though Bo gripes about you he couldn’t tell Vincent no. Not when Bo saw the way Vincent held you behind him, head lowered but shoulders set, ready to actually fight him on something for once in their lives. 
So you’re kept in the house when there are people around. Other than not being able to leave it’s your only real rule. Vincent wants you to have no part in the more grisly aspects of the town and Bo and Lester honor his wish.
But the town is dead silent and no one has come to check on you. Most times Lester even comes to stay with you like some sort of babysitter. It used to irritate you, despite your fondness for the youngest brother. Now without him there your hands shake, and your eyes wander, and your ears burn as if pumping extra blood there will make you hear better. But there’s nothing to be heard. No screams. No cries. No Bo shouting. No guns going off. 
So you leave the house, searching for one of them. Instead you’re found by a survivor and held hostage in front of the twins. 
You all stand still for a long while, the victim not knowing what to do and the boys unable to move due to the knife digging into your neck, already drawing blood. 
Lester had been the one to save you, sneaking up behind your captor and stabbing them. You ran to Vincent on shaking legs and he gathered you into his arms, moving to take you back home. You could hear the screams of the man who’d almost killed you ringing through the streets behind you and shivered.
Vincent had cleaned your cut in silence and somehow had managed to barely touch you. Before you could blink he’d shut himself into his workshop and you were left alone until Bo came home and chewed you out.
You kept yourself busy cleaning and then prepared for bed, knowing it would be awhile before Vincent would come and join you. The sleep didn’t come easy as you were still shaken up, but eventually it came. 
You woke in the middle of the night to an empty bed and realized that if you didn’t go to get him Vincent wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight. 
You walk drowsily through Ambrose’s underbelly, the smoldering heat not doing you any favors, until you arrive at Vincent’s workshop where he’s hunched over his desk, unmoving. 
Not wanting to startle him you call his name quietly and you see his head tilt in acknowledgement but he doesn’t turn to look at you. 
Slowly you move until your front is resting against his back, even slower your arms encircle him and you kiss his shoulder, feeling guilty at the tension laying dormant in them. “I’m sorry, Vince. I was just worried about you so... so I left the house. I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry I didn’t listen. I won’t do it again.”
He turns and there’s a pause, and then he moves his hands, fluid but slow. They’re shaking despite how strong you know they are. He tells you how he can’t lose you. How he loves you. He asks you to promise him that next time you’ll listen and you do, and you mean it. 
It’s only then that he pulls you into his lap and holds you tightly. You think he’s crying behind his mask but you just hold him back equally as tight and whisper I’m sorry against his steady pulse. 
He doesn’t like the company you keep. 
He has a plan. He has a plan to take you away from this strange, uncaring world that doesn’t deserve you. That doesn’t love you or care about you. If he sticks to the plan everything will be so easy. 
But sometimes Pelle loves you too much to bite his tongue. 
He can see it clearly, your perfect future where he takes care of you, and his family takes care of you, and you let them do it, and you’re happier for it; but you don’t live in that perfect future, you live in the frigid, imperfect present.
Here you stay up late in the night to help a friend finish a term paper when last week they didn’t even call when you were sick. You gave a classmate your umbrella to borrow a month ago, and today you come back shaking from the rain because they never bothered to return it.
A thousand little kindnesses that the world outside the Hårga spit on. 
He knows that all these moments of careless apathy towards you will only strengthen the draw you’ll feel when you finally meet his family.
You have the heart of a Hårga and he knows that you’ll feel that connection.
Still, the way the outside world, the way your friends and family slight you at every turn, makes his blood run hot. He’s never felt anger like this before. It is all consuming and yet he must stomach it alone.
And so his tongue is careless sometimes. He asks in tones that he shouldn’t use with you “you’re going out with them again?” and “but didn’t they-?” and still he is angry. The words do not ease the feelings because they do not fix the problem. 
Pelle must lead you into the arms of his family and their way of life. He cannot push you. But he doesn’t know how not to take care of you. 
He wants to beat away the leeches and moths that cling to your light and whisk you away to home where the sun will warm you with its love.
Your fights are gentle, and so you might never refer to them as fights when people ask you if you ever argue with Pelle. 
There is no yelling, or balled fists, or the animal sensation of fight or flight. He leads you to sit down with him and holds your face in his hands. Unthinkingly you mimic the gesture and he smiles at you lovingly. One kiss and he tells you that he doesn’t like your friends. Another and he says that you deserve better, deserve the world. 
You try to get a word in edgewise, to deny the claims he makes, to tell him that they really do care about you, but the words are smothered by his soft lips. He kisses you until your brain goes somewhere loved and numb. He slips your coat off of your shoulders and pulls you close. He keeps you there until you forget that you had anywhere to be besides his arms. 
You and Pelle don’t fight. 
chucky and tiffany 
Tiffany is used to Chucky being a piece of shit. You are not.
Upside to fighting with Chucky is that Tiffany is immediately on your side, even if you’re in the wrong (I’m joking it’s always Chucky’s fault.)
Downside is that the whole house is now up in fucking chaos. 
chucky: tiff where are my fucking keys?
tiffany: in hell! why don’t you go and grab them?
You appreciate her fighting spirit but she’s really going in on y’all’s man. 
Which is not to say that Chucky doesn’t deserve it. Because he does deserve it, but you know from personal experience that being on Tiffany’s bad side is scary.
Why are you and Chucky fighting? Chucky is an insensitive asshole, and even the toughest skin isn’t bullet proof. 
The aftermath of whatever Chucky did is a lot of sullen silence from you; the sounds of a knife chopping a little too loudly in the kitchen from Tiff; and loud bits of huffing and puffing from Chucky as he stomps around the house. 
At first he thinks he can just wait out your anger until you start missing him. It used to work with Tiffany all the time!
But this relationship involves three people. You’re not so quick to get desperately lonely, especially if Tiffany isn’t the partner you’re fighting with. Do you miss Chucky? Sure. Do you miss him enough to let him be an asshole just to get some cuddle time in on the couch? As if! Tiffany is the better cuddler anyway. 
The man child is going to have to say sorry and mean it. 
Of course this means that your relationship is going be sans-Chucky for at least a week.
Tiffany reaches the breaking point before Chucky does. Obviously more in-tune with your feelings she can tell how much the fight is getting to you and no one messes with her sweetheart! Not even Chucky.
You’re going to hear her delicately clearing her throat, look up from your phone, and find Tiffany holding Chucky at fucking knife point. 
tiffany: do you have anything to say, chucky?
chucky, trying to decide if he’ll let tiffany kill him just to prove a point: ....
tiffany: i’ll start with your dick-
chucky: i’m sorry! are you fucking hAPPY?!
You’re gonna be like no!!! I do not accept the apology you gave me under extreme duress! At which point you turn over in bed and pull the covers over your head.
You’ll hear rapid-fire whispering and then the bed dips behind you. A knee presses into your back, and kisses are pressed carelessly to where your head should be beneath the covers. Then, finally, the quietest “I didn’t mean it, doll.” as he pulls the blanket back in order to look at your face. 
You’re stopped dead by the softness on his face. By the softness he let’s you see, even if it’s only for a moment. It might not be the words I’m sorry but it sounds like them. It sounds like an I miss you, as well.
When you drop your phone and throw your arms around his neck, touching him for the first time in a week, Chucky sighs in relief. 
Not ten seconds passes before Tiffany has thrown herself over the both of you, suffocating you in her loving embrace. Just like that, balance is restored in the Lee Ray-Valentine household. For now. 
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n ranboo, tommy tubbo and jack - just come home
this is an extra part to the great adventures series
summary: part three to the happier imagine (the great adventures of y/n and ranboo) this is where the group reunites
content warning: angst to fluff, small mention of creepy fan,swearing
please read what’s written in bold
this is an “alternative ending” around 16-18 years into the future this doesn’t mean this is actually how the series is going to end im writing it now and including it as part of series as their friendship is already established i can confirm y/n and the group are going to have a happy ending when the series eventually comes to an end this also does not mean the series is anywhere near the end i plan on continuing the series as vlogs come out, i feel the need to confirm this now love between y/n and the others (especially ranboo) in this imagine is completely platonic
so turns out moving house didn’t stop the creepy fan from contacting you neither did blocking every account they made as they began contacting your mods, your business email, they even started spamming ranboos dms, mods and business email and now you had the stress of Tommy trying to contact you. at this point neither you nor ranboo knew what to do, you were both convinced it was a troll trying to scare you both with jokes but the joke wasn’t funny. it never was, to say the least, it was horrifying. you stood with ranboo who was now changing the locks just to keep you safe, it was clear the fan didn’t know your new address as rather than sending you your address (as though you had suddenly forgotten where you lived) like last time it was just random messages trying to psych you both out. your phone buzzed again making ranboo jump you dreaded looking at the notification but you did it anyway
Tommy: y/n I’m serious please can we talk..tubbo and jack aren’t the same without you. I miss you
“anything important y/n?”
“no nothing to worry about”
“you’ve not been acting like yourself since the last stream are you sure you’re okay you know It's not your fault don’t blame yourself for whatever’s upsetting you I’m here for you I love you”
“I know boo I know, i love you too”
later that night you had to quickly end your stream despite to fact you had only been streaming 30 minutes as ranboo was arguing with someone the only reason you knew it was serious was because he was shouting back at the person, you had never heard him so angry and you’ve been friends with him for at least 16 years.
“okay chat that’s gonna be the stream for today…I forgot I have something to do I’m not going to raid anyone on here however tech is live on youtube for the first time in ages so I do recommend you go and check out what he’s doing good morning or good night I’ll see you soon”
as soon as you ended the stream you made your way to the room ranboo was in that's when you overheard tubbo arguing with ranboo
“oh good for you ranboo you're getting everything you want I mean you and y/n moved on easily the two of you bought a new house you both look happy and don't get me started on your career's taking off”
“goodbye tubbo”
ranboo left the call and opened the door
“oh boo”
you instantly pulled him into a hug, it was an extremely stressful time for the pair of you and you understood how painful it is arguing with someone who was once your best friend. every night the memory of Tommy blaming you for things that were out of your control and jack telling you to get out of the car haunted you however nothing compared to the way tubbo looked at you when you finally got home that night. he looked at you as though he never cared about the friendship the pair of you shared. of course, you never told ranboo about it keeping you up at night but he wasn’t stupid he knows you were still hurting even if it had been years since the fallouts happened
“why..why are they trying to get in contact again I was starting to feel like myself again”
“I don’t know…come lie with me on the couch for a while we can talk about anything you want”
the pair of you laid on the couch talking about what was going on and reasons why it was happening. ranboo decided he’d forgive the others if they contact him again however you were not as forgiving as they hurt you and your friend. eventually, his crying came to an end and he fell asleep holding onto you. you were falling asleep yourself until your phone buzzed.
Tommy: look y/n why don’t we all meet again, just come home
y/n: I am home I moved into a lovely house with ranboo and I sold the ‘home’ you’re talking about, now please stop contacting me tom I don’t want in my life anymore not only did you hurt me but you also hurt ranboo
Tommy: fine talk to tubbo
y/n: don’t add him...
*tubbo has been added to the group*
tubbo: hi y/n
y/n: you have 5 minutes to explain why you made ranboo cry.
tubbo: I don’t know what you mean
y/n: do you think you’re funny because oh boy do I have news for you.
Tommy: please just meet us one last time you can even bring ranboo
y/n: I was bringing ranboo anyway
tubbo: can I bring jack
Tommy: yes, see you where we always used to meet
y/n: ight see you Saturday
tubbo: see you Saturday I love you
y/n: please don’t say you love me tubbo. if you did we wouldn’t be in this situation.
you spent the rest of the night messing with ranboos hair you ended up accidentally waking him up however he pretended to be asleep before you could notice he was no longer asleep as he didn’t want this moment to end. however, you did occasionally hear him laugh quietly to himself
“Are you awake or am I hearing things”
he decided there was no point in lying as you were already questioning if he was awake and he was struggling to hold back his laughter so responded by tapping your waist signalling to you he was awake
“great..bad news we have to meet Tommy jack and tubbo on Saturday”
you watched as he quickly opened his eyes looking at you as though you had told him the best news ever
“heh?! actually? are you actually being serious right now”
“Unfortunately I am”
noticing you were unhappy about it he pulled you closer to him and spent the rest of the night explaining why it won’t be as bad as you’re expecting it to be and how it might actually be a good thing after all. a couple of hours later you fell asleep feeling a lot more comfortable with what was happening on Saturday ranboo fell asleep not long after, proud of his achievement. the days flew by, it was finally Saturday and you had mixed feelings about it, on one hand, you were somewhat excited about meeting them but on the other hand, you weren’t sure you were ready for them to enter your life again.
“I'm ill sorry ranboo you’ll have to go on your own”
“wowww real mature making me go all on my own…I thought we were best friends”
“I know you’re joking but I’d feel bad making you go alone give me five minutes and then I’ll be ready to go”
ranboo decided to throw one of his hoodies at you so you had something to wear that made you feel safe as he understood how overwhelming it’ll be to meet them again, five minutes later you got into the passenger's seat next to ranboo
“not feeling like driving hey”
“I will purposely drive around in circles to avoid meeting them”
“heh…are you okay are you actually okay seeing them, I don’t mind letting you stay home”
“I'm fine boo honestly now let’s go”
once you made it and began walking to meet them ranboo grabbed your hand. the only reason he ended up letting go was to talk to the others since Tommy pulled you into a tight hug not wanting to let you go the moment he saw the pair of you
“y/n I’m so sorry”
“I'm sorry too..”
Tommy spent a good few minutes frantically apologising to you for what happened and how he didn’t mean any of it. he was halfway through his speech about how he’s learned from his mistakes when tubbo spoke up.
“Tommy doesn’t keep y/n to yourself”
“sorry tubso”
you looked at tubbo not knowing what to say, it was evident that the pair of you were still hurt, he reached into his pocket grabbing a rock he found on the beach the other day
“here I found it the other day it reminded me of you”
“thank you I love it”
ranboo stood behind you wrapping an arm around you as he noticed you were starting to get upset. tubbo couldn’t believe how much you and ranboo had changed over the past years and it hurt him how close the pair of you had grown and the promise rings you and ranboo were currently wearing left him questioning whether that could have been him if he didn’t leave you both when it was clear you both needed him. jack spoke up next.
“hey, y/n..”
“nice to see you’re still bald manifold”
“Nice to see you haven’t changed. I’m sorry for what happened it hurt to see you go I was kind of hoping that you'd stay”
“oh jack it’s okay you were just trying to lighten up the situation I'm sorry I was so harsh”
a few months later the five of you were slowly but surely mending your friendship you all knew it would be difficult and take a long time to get back to how it was in the past but it would all be worth it
around a year since you met up again the five of you were closer than ever you were all streaming together again, constantly filming vlogs as a group. safe to say the wait was worth it, however, you and ranboo always wearing the promise rings you got for each still hurt tubbo
@milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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Dream SMP Recap (May 22/2021) - Pursuit of Peace
Quackity goes searching for new recruits to join him in Las Nevadas.
Foolish wonders if his way of life is really working towards peace, or if he needs a change.
Ranboo builds up the stronghold room for his Enderwalk experiments.
Quackity rides a white horse and overlooks the construction site where the plans for Las Nevadas have been laid out. There is a montage that shows Quackity in New L’manburg, then hunting down Techno in the Final Control Room. 
Techno strikes him down and Quackity wakes up at Spawn with a bloody scar over one eye.
There is a rapid timelapse showing the buildings of Las Nevadas getting built one by one. Slot machine sound effects play in the background, then Quackity’s voice:
“Let’s start this hit list. Who’s on the hit list? Dream and Technoblade. If we go after Dream first, we’ll have government, and then Techno will go after us. So let’s just -- let’s just attack the problem from the goddamn root.”
Another rapid-cut montage of Quackity walking down the path to the prison, then a full view of Pandora’s Vault...
- Quackity is in the cell with Dream, telling him he’ll show him which weapon he’ll use to torture him this time. He puts an axe up on the wall. While Quackity is talking, Dream suddenly runs up to try and take the axe. Quackity hits him back and grabs it
- Dream cowers in the corner of the cell, pleading, while Quackity shouts at him
Quackity: “You do that again, and it’s over for you. Don’t fucking ever do that again. You understand?”
Dream: “Yes.”
Quackity: “Don’t ever reach for any of my fucking weapons ever again. Okay?”
Dream: “Yes, sir.”
- Quackity says these visits have gotten tiresome, and he’s busy. The Netherite barrier wall is put up between them and the lava. Dream tells him he doesn’t have to visit anymore.
Quackity: “No, I do, I do. This is what you don’t understand, Dream. This is what you don’t understand, okay? I do, I do have to come, every single day, so I can remind you, every bad shit you’ve ever done to me, to any other person on the server -- I have to come every day to remind you, otherwise I think you’ll end up forgetting, and I don’t think I want you to forget.”
Dream: “Forget -- I won’t forget -- I promise you I won’t forget!”
- Quackity asks him when was the last time he saw Technoblade. Dream says it was a little bit before he was put in the prison.
- Quackity asks what their relationship is like, and Dream describes Techno as one of his only allies. Quackity throws Dream a book and quill and tells him to get writing: a note to Technoblade to get him to visit the prison
- If he writes the note and doesn’t ask any questions, then he’ll give Dream a week’s break from the torture. Dream thinks he’s lying and refuses to write the note
- Dream suggests Sapnap instead and Quackity snaps. 
Quackity: “If you don’t do that shit, then we’re gonna have issues, alright? You know what? I’m kinda sick and tired of these fucking visits now that I think about it. I’m actually sick and tired! I don’t like ‘em anymore! They’re boring, they really don’t serve any much more purpose, I don’t like ‘em anymore Dream. So this is what we’re gonna do. You either write that goddamn note, or I will kill you. I am not joking, I will fucking kill you, I don’t care anymore, I don’t --”
“What is it, the book? Are you threatening me with the fucking revival book, Dream? Guess what, Dream? I don’t CARE anymore about the book! I don’t give a crap about the fucking book anymore! You understand me? I don’t give a shit! I’ve lost interest in that thing! At this point, the only reason I come and torture you so much, every single day, is merely as a reminder, because at the end of the day, no matter how many times I fucking torture you, that will never amount the amount of fucking evil you’ve done to this entire server and everyone in it--”
Dream: “It’s -- it’s ‘cause you LIKE IT! You LIKE torturing me!”
Quackity: “You know what? You know what? I might, I might. I don’t give a shit, I don’t care what it is, what the reason is, if you don’t write that goddamn note -- I’m going to kill you, Dream. I am going to kill you.”
- Dream says Sam wouldn’t let Quackity kill him, but Quackity points out that Sam is beyond the lava wall, and he can deal with Sam later if need be. Dream shouts that he wouldn’t.
- Quackity starts swinging the axe around, then starts stabbing Dream while Dream begs for him to stop. Dream agrees to write it. 
Quackity tells him what to write: 
“Dear Technoblade...”
Chapter One.
There’s a village at night. It’s raining. 
Easy job.
Foolish is there.
No innocents.
Big reward.
Easy money.
He draws his bow.
Peaceful heist.
He shoots the arrow into the village.
The village is ablaze and full of lava, people are screaming. Foolish rides off on a horse.
- A bell rings. It’s Las Nevadas, and Quackity coughs, eating, while Sam comes through the door and sits down in front of him. Quackity asks where Sam found the villager running the restaurant. Sam says he just showed up, and Quackity scolds him for hiring someone random
- Quackity hands him a book with potential roles for candidates, people to join Las Nevadas. Sam says he thought he was going to hire George, Sapnap and Karl. They both pause before Sam says he was kidding
- Quackity asks Sam to tell him about Foolish. Sam has read that Foolish isn’t a good person. Quackity scoffs, but Sam says the two of them haven’t done anything inherently bad, and everything they do is just for justice
Quackity: (laughing) “Yeah, ‘justice.’”
- Foolish used to kill a lot of people. A job gone wrong written about in old history texts. Quackity still thinks he’d be a great option. 
- In the future, who’s going to protect them? Sam knows what happened with Quackity and Techno, and they need some force in their team. Sam is still skeptical
- Quackity greets Foolish at the summer home entrance, asking how he’s holding up after the Banquet, the places he’s affiliated with
- Foolish is done with contract work for Kinoko Kingdom. Quackity asks him if he’d like to join Las Nevadas. Foolish is honored, but he’s happy at his summer home. As Quackity presses him on it, Foolish keeps insisting
Quackity: “I know who you are, if that makes a little more sense...I’ve done my research, Foolish, I have my connections. I know what type of person you are, if you get what I mean...”
- Foolish tells him this peaceful life has worked
Foolish: “I believed peace could be found through the sword, you know? Fighting. That doesn’t work, okay. That just leads to fear, to power, to hatred, resentment, all of that, okay, it’s a mess. The only thing I did was accelerate war, okay? That doesn’t work. So I pushed back, I ran from it all, and this is good! I’m in a much happier place!”
- Quackity then says he wants to buy Foolish’s summer home from him...for one diamond. Foolish is taken aback as Quackity explains that for all the work Foolish has put into this, it’s just a build. 
No one stays here, they just admire and leave it. It is an empty shell that’s beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, it’s decaying, something that will disappear in time with no one to remember it...much like Foolish himself.
Quackity: “On the inside, everybody knows you’re...just a builder. And I was hoping, at some point, you would realize this...after I let you die at the Red Banquet.”
- Foolish is shocked. Quackity was behind those walls and he could have saved Foolish, but instead he watched him die. Foolish draws his trident, and Quackity asks if he would really take a life
Quackity: “I did it for you. I let you die because I wanted a better version of you.”
- He wanted Foolish to realize that this life as a builder would get him hurt, and he needs to go back to his old ways: feared, not a nobody
Foolish: “You threw away my life for some kind of fucking sales pitch!”
“Power...power...damn you, Qua -- what makes you think you’re any better, huh?! How’s that worked out for anyone else that’s been here? Dream? Wilbur? Schlatt? How’d that go, huh? What makes you any better, different, than them?”
- Quackity doesn’t need a sales pitch, his country is already big and other people would take the offer. 
The reason he came to Foolish is because Quackity sees himself in Foolish: someone who once saw peace and betterment of people as the way to live. It brought him nothing but suffering, and Foolish has potential
The offer still stands.
Chapter Two.
An old-fashioned documentary plays about: the Slime! 
Slimes are morphing elements that can morph into just about anything, even blocks. Is Dwane “The Rock” Johnson slime?
- Quackity glides down onto the roof of the restaurant in a ninja outfit and elytra, setting up redstone and TNT in the floor. There’s a bit of slime on the wall and he’s disgusted, running out. This is why he wants to kill the owner of this place
- He mines into the wall only for Charlie Slimecicle to pop out. Quackity knocks him out 
- When Charlie wakes up, he’s stuck in a hole and Quackity is interrogating him, asking who he is. Charlie says he is a definitely “goobless guy” who has many bones.
Charle: “Dap me up!”
- As Charlie describes what happened, it becomes clear that Charlie has overheard all sorts of passing conversations and knows a lot. He knows too much, and Quackity has to kill him
- Quackity asks what else he knows. Charlie gets distracted by the snow, which Quackity teaches him is called “coke”
- Charlie saw Foolish, the purple guy, he knows of a green guy, a red-shirt blond guy, a dead-but-not-anymore-guy. Quackity asks about the dead guy, who Charlie describes as “sooty”
- Quackity realizes that Charlie is an accidental spy and tells Charlie this is just a friendly greeting, he can give Charlie a home. He coughs again and tells Charlie that a spy is a friend, and Charlie will be his spy as the two walk off together
Chapter Three.
A purple-tinged POV of a person walking down the path through the Community House as Quackity and Sam talk in the background.
It’s been so long, he might be dead in the woods somewhere, but Quackity insists that Purpled is perfect for their country. Sam doesn’t think he would ever join, doesn’t think he would ever affiliate with anyone.
What about a job? 
The UFO is destroyed.
If Quackity offers him a one-time job, Purpled would take it. Once he has Purpled’s attention, Quackity can do something to reel him in to join the country.
Rowing to the skull base...
Sam says Purpled’s UFO is still there, but abandoned. He moved out along time ago. Quackity has a plan...
- Quackity and Sam are talking by Eret’s Museum. Sam is in charge of keeping an eye out for Purpled. Sam protests -- he’s the Warden and Quackity is breaking and entering, and he’s not supposed to break the law. 
- Quackity has a stack of TNT. He climbs up the UFO and starts placing TNT everywhere inside
- Purpled logs on right in front of him and immediately starts attacking, but stops when Quackity threatens to light the TNT, explaining that this was the best way to get in contact with him
- Quackity tells him about how messed up the server is, that the Egg is still an issue, and he needs Purpled’s help. 
- Purpled is in the middle of a mercenary job already, but Quackity will pay Purpled well. He has a new project getting him wealth, a prosperous country. To prove it, Quackity takes him there...
The Red Banquet happens. A fight breaks out, and they get the Eggpire to retreat.
- Quackity stands on top of the flower shop. He meets Purpled, dressed in his suit, and thanks him for his help with the Egg
- Purpled stops him to ask for his money. Quackity takes him up to the roof and shows him to a chest with the money in it. Purpled approves
- Quackity has something else for Purpled: he goes downstairs and flicks a lever, and Purpled’s UFO explodes
Quackity: “Purpled, your legacy is gone, and I’ve taken it from you. That’s the last piece of evidence that you were ever here, Purpled. That’s it. And you die a long with it. You die along with it -- YOU DIE ALONG WITH IT, PURPLED!”
- Purpled runs at Quackity, attacking him. Quackity stops him, saying he did it for him. Purpled has two choices: he can take Quackity’s life and run away with the money, and he disappears forever. Or, he could join Quackity.
- Quackity tells Purpled he has potential, why waste it away? If Purpled joins him, he can buy a whole fleet of UFOs to replace the one
- Quackity promises Purpled a plot of land in Las Nevadas
Quackity: “Take the gamble, Purpled...take the gamble, and you can change everything.”
- Silently, Purpled turns and walks away
Chapter Four.
- Fundy walks to his new house in the forest and goes to sleep. When he wakes up, he opens the door to find it’s a mesa biome. He’s upset and goes back inside, reassuring himself. When he opens the door again, he’s met with Quackity standing there
- Quackity invites him to a walk, saying Fundy was a hard person to find, but he found him
- Fundy asks what this place is, but Quackity says he should know it better than anyone. As they approach, the mesa is populated by bits and pieces of L’manburg. The wooden stilts of New L’manburg, fragments of the black walls, the Camarvan. Quackity reminisces with him
- Fundy isn’t sure that the drug equipment is necessarily “good memories,” but Quackity tells him no, everything is good memories
- As Quackity leads him towards an oversized, deteriorated version of Eret’s tower, he reminds Fundy of how L’manburg was blown up
- Quackity steps into the shadows
Quackity: “You know what, Fundy? Those memories don’t matter. None of that matters, Fundy. All these structures, all these things we built together...it’s here now, but it’s really gone, and none of it matters, nor will it ever matter...Fundy, if you think about it...you don’t matter. Along with all these structures and everything in ‘em, you’re gonna fade away just like it.”
- If Fundy doesn’t change things, he won’t matter, but Quackity has plans and he doesn’t have to fade away if he just joins Quackity
- Quackity gives him ten seconds to decide. He starts counting down...
- Fundy runs towards him into the darkness as Quackity reaches one and he wakes up suddenly in his bed
- He goes to his door and opens it. Outside is the regular spruce forest, and Quackity is there to greet him.
It’s the day Wilbur got a tour from Tommy. Wilbur walks over to his resurrection shrine and finds the “PROJECT NEVADAS” book, reading it.
Las Nevadas. Wilbur, revived, comes walking down the road. 
He comes face to face with Quackity.
- Foolish stands on top of his temple, wondering...was Quackity right? Is he wasting his time here, accomplishing nothing? He isn’t really doing anything to work towards peace
- He stands in the beacon light. Can Quackity do better than everyone else that’s tried before him? Quackity wasn’t all wrong in what he said
- At the Banquet, when he did try to help, he wasn’t strong enough. He can’t even control his own area -- people just walk in and he can’t stop them. Does he need to try something else?
- Maybe there’s a balance between both ends of the spectrum. It wouldn’t hurt to go look, try something different
- He starts making the journey through the Nether, then past Spawn until he reaches Las Nevadas. Just to visit and look around
- Can he really trust someone who let him die?
- Foolish spots Quackity across the road and goes to speak with him. The casino is still going through some repairs, as they found some flaws with the “math” and want to make sure everything is fair
- Foolish asks what Quackity wants from him. Quackity tells him it’s up to him what he wants to do, and it wouldn’t be fair of Quackity to tell Foolish that until Foolish accepts the invitation
- Quackity tours Foolish around the place, showing off the various buildings, like a restaurant and an area for weddings. Quackity sleeps in the Needle. There’s also a strip club also undergoing repairs and a massive Eiffel Tower
- They swim in the pool and Quackity asks Foolish to tell him a bit more about himself. Foolish says he worked for Kinoko Kingdom and Snowchester, and Quackity wants him to elaborate a bit on Kinoko
- Quackity tells Foolish that Las Nevadas is “its own, independent nation” and that you can’t depend on anyone. Quackity wants to depend on only himself. 
- Foolish asks about the people who might not like that it’s a nation. Quackity says he just doesn’t have a plan and he’ll deal with it when the time comes
- Quackity tells Foolish he’s welcome to bring others. Foolish notes that Quackity said he doesn’t like to “dwell,” and by coming here maybe Foolish can stop dwelling on the past as well
- Quackity tells Foolish that Foolish chooses who he wants to be. The last thing he wants with Foolish is bad blood
Quackity: “I take care of those who take care of me...why do you think I have no one around?”
- Foolish tells him he’ll have an answer tomorrow. Quackity gives him temporary tokens for the casino and says goodbye to go and sleep. Foolish thinks to himself in Las Nevadas
- That’s when Foolish spots Fundy on the road and the stream abruptly ends
- Ranboo is in his basement. He wants to move the lab equipment to the table area
- He has an experiment log book that he won’t show chat
- Ranboo reads the letter Foolish left for him about the littering at his summer home
- He has a plan for what experiments he wants to do. He’s changed his opinion on the Enderwalk, as it allows him to hear chat in the first place. He doesn’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing
- Ranboo reaches the stronghold portal room and starts lining the walls with iron blocks. He thinks that after today, he might be able to remember everything
- He creates a glass water tank in the corner and some brewing stands, as well as a lever-activated dispenser with arrows
- Ranboo hit a wall with the experiments and he wonders if this strange table might be the key to breaking through
- He realized something frightening:
Ranboo: “The Enderwalk isn’t a different version of me, it’s not a different me, it’s still...me. But, from what I gathered...it’s me with...all of my memories. Every. Single. One. And I realized that...so...I mean, who knows what could’ve happened? There could’ve been an entire other story that I’m not aware of.”
- Ranboo wonders if he wants to keep living in blissful ignorance or know everything that’s happened
- He opens the log: 
[In Ender]
Purpose of experimentation:
To understand
To learn
To remember
To remember is one of the purposes. There are 43 pages, and one of them had the solution.
If it gets rid of it completely, he could lose all of what he didn’t know from before. It could either be good or unknown.
- He tells chat he tricked them. They weren’t just random experiments -- he was going to solve it, and he thought he needed chat with him. 
He didn’t need a splash potion. He would use the arrow and go into the water tank, and that would be the solution.
- Ranboo goes back and blocks up the hall, deciding to only use it as a last resort if something happens.
Only if something happens.
He “welp” claps to end stream.
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weebwrites · 3 years
What It Takes (Meizou x Reader) (Ximen x Reader)
Fandom: Meteor Garden / Boys Over Flowers Warnings: Unrequited love, Love Triangle, Happy Ending, Sad Ending Words: 2k217 Requested By: No One Synopsis: Meizou can’t help but wonder what it will take for his fiancé to love him instead.
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Note to Self- Don’t fall In Love First
Mei Zou had been ecstatic when he first heard of the arranged business merger between his family and the Y/L/N group. Since the moment his mother brought the idea to him, he was shaking with excitement. He had always been worries of his parents plan for his future- maybe that’s why he tried to have as much fun as possible in his youth.
Mei Zou told no one about the engagement plans, but, of course, Y/n noticed. She called him out the first time she saw him since he was told the news. It never stopped shocking him; she was the most observant person Mei Zou had ever met. 
The group of five were lounging in the bridge room, and the second Y/n looked up from her music composition book she asked Meizou what made him so excited. He was quick to re-gain his composure and call it a secret- saying she’ll find out soon enough. 
The other three people in the club room looked over at the both of them. Ah Si rolled his eyes, making some remark of how freaky it was- that she knew them so well. 
Ximen walked over to her and put his hand gingerly on Y/n’s head, “I think it’s cute how her gaming strategy bleeds into her personality.” He moved his hand to her jaw so they were looking at each other, sharing a smile. 
Lei nodded, “It’s nice to have someone you can have a silent conversation with.”
Meizou kept his eyes on the pair in front of him, his hands balling at his sides, morphing into pale chords of muscles as he clenched the chair’s fabric. Y/n had looked back at her book, making progress on the song she was composing. 
He watched as her hair fell from behind her ears, obscuring his view of the girl. He noticed the signs of her becoming increasing frustrated. Just as he was about to move over, Y/n had called out to Lei. 
“I’m trying to convert my song from guitar to piano, but I’m not sure how to compensate for the fret change during the bridge. What chord do you think will work here?” She made eye-contact with the soft boy.
Before looking at where she was referring to, Hua Ze Lei gently brushed the hair from her face before answering her question. 
If only we were together already, Mei Zou thought, then I could stop them from looking at her like that. It was hard on the boy to see Y/n interact with other guys on a daily basis. He’s loved her since they were children, but he had no clue what the future held. So, for now, he bit his tongue. It would be so much easier if she loved me already. 
Note To Self- Don’t wait too long
He was many things- an artist, a bridge player, a loyal friend, a play boy, a hopeless romantic, the list goes on- but Mei Zou is not an idiot. 
He recognized the signs- falling in love was most visible from the outside. It started small, he would walk beside her in the halls. Then he would be the first to her classes, then he started to drive her home, until he’d take her out before reaching her house. It had started small, the love between an angel and a broken man. 
Meizou wasn’t an idiot. He knew Ximen was cautious with love, to the point of thinking he might never get married. It was a shock when he realized his friend was actually in love.
When Meizou first noticed his friend’s lingering glances and moment longer hands on her waist, he cornered him in the hallway. He had pushed Ximen against the lockers, grabbing his collar. Meizou scolded him, warned him that Y/n wasn’t like the girls he toys with, she’s more than them. He warned him about messing with their Y/n, the only female member of F5; Meizou gently reminded him that it wasn’t just himself Ximen would have to worry about, Ah Si and Lei cherished their princess, and they’d do anything to protect her.
Ximen shoved his friend off of him, aggressively declaring his love for her. “I love her, Meizou,” he whispered after. “I can’t stop- it’s like she’s the only thing in my life- every girl I see is just a person who isn’t her, every breath I take is one I wish was with her; she’s in every thought I have and my hand feels empty without hers’ in it. I don’t know how but I love her. I love her.”
To say he was shocked would be an understatement. Meizou guided Ximen back to their club room to keep away from peering eyes. They sat and drank the scotch the room was stocked with. Even as Ah Si came and went, Ximen hadn’t said a word since the hallway. Nothing fell from his lips since he whispered his love for their bestfriend. Meizou had never seen Ximen so vulnerable before, so delicate; if he told his friend about the engagement plans Meizou feared he would shatter like a porcelain heart, so he waited.
Note To Self- Decide Your Priorities Early On
Having the plans be a secret wasn’t difficult. Meizou wasn’t told anything since the reveal, so it’s not like he was keeping anything other than that from hs friends. No, having it be a secret wasn’t what was difficult- but keeping it a secret was the most painful experience ever. 
Meizou watched their love story from the side lines- seeing the stages of their relationship was like watching acts of a play in a theater he couldn’t leave. He was the understudy of a lead who never got sick. Still, Meizou waited. He waited for Ximen to mess up, to freak out. It was messed up- something he never thought he would stoop low enough to do- yet every time Y/n gushed about her plans Meizou silently prayed his friend wouldn’t show up.
He prayed Ximen would forget, he prayed Ximen would make a mistake- just once. He wished he would say the wrong thing- offend her by accident; he prayed on every lucky star that Ximen would hurt her- just once.
Yet with every ill-intended wish it was like their love grew stronger. Ximen had given up his go-to dating plans the moment Y/n agreed to go out with him. Long gone were the roses and strawberry scented cards, no more was the heart on the side of the building. Y/n wasn’t like that. 
Instead they would go to a second hand book store and find a book that had been lived in- one with dog-eared pages and cracked spines. With their books in hand they would to go a cafe, they’d order two drinks (A hot tea of differing flavors and a Spiced Chai Latte) and a piece of cake. Occasionally looking up to smile at their partners, they lived through the books. Smudged highlights of their favorite quotes, smushed rants in the margins when the plot got heated, tears softening the pages which hurt their hearts; the two poured their souls into the pages, and then they gave part of themselves to the other. 
They’d go their separate ways and read the books their partners had chosen for them, laughing when they read a funny note the other had left, calling in tears when everything goes wrong, they annotated the novels. The books would be swapped back and forth, each time read from a new perspective until each page was filled with reminders of love, silly rants, or just mementos of their time together. The book became more ink and highlighter than paper, and it’s meaning had transformed. This was what they were as a couple, something that never seemed to be breakable. Something endless.
Ah Si was spectacle at first, hesitant to expose Y/n to his playboy turned romantic friend. He had always thought Y/n would end up with Lei- but he gave Ximen a chance, and he waited. He waited for Y/n to show up at his door step in tears, he waited to kill Ximen for making her cry. He waited and he waited and the day never came. 
Instead, Y/n cried over how sweet he was. Instead she told him how well he treated her, how Ximen made her feel so special. She called Ah Si late at night not heartbroken, but reduced to giggles and squeals after a perfect date. Never came the day Ah Si would comfort a heartbroken Y/n, and he had never been happier for her. 
Lei was the first to know of Y/n’s long-lasting crush on his friend. He was surprised- back when she told him at the age of twelve. But since then he expected the calls of how he was perfect, how he’d never see her as a girl. He knew Y/n’s feelings inside out, and he was worried when she told him that Ximen had taken her out on a date. He waited for Ximen to get bored, for Y/n’s perfection to not be enough for him. Lei watched silently as the pair spent every second together, watched with careful eyes as they fell hard. 
After his worries for her well being subsided, Lei waited for Y/n to fade from his life. As it was, Y/n called him every day and texted him throughout it. He waited for the calls to stop, for her texts to become once a day with simple meanings. He waited patiently to be along on the rooftop with only the memories of his bestfriend to keep him company. He waited and waited and waited, staring at the phone or the rooftop entrance. Days, weeks, a month, two, yet the phone always rang, and the door always opened. Lei realized Y/n wouldn’t be abandoning his relationship with her for someone else. Maybe it was because he chose love and abandoned his friends when he did- maybe that's why he tried to prepare himself for Y/n’s departure from his life- waiting for her to disappear. But the day never came, and Lei stopped waiting.
Ximen was terrified every day. He was anxious as he drove to her house, wondering when he would freak out. He was scared when he looked down and saw Y/n holding onto his arm, wondering when he would push her off. He clenched his hand tight as he watched her dance through the streets of Shanghi, wondering when he would ruin his one shot at happiness. 
Every date his heart was beating out of his chest, every stolen glance felt like the last. Every smile thrown his way was a wakeup call- every time her voice reached his ears it cut through the fog of self doubt and misery which swallowed him whole- she was his savior. His angel that managed to save him every time, the only life raft on the sinking boat; she was the only good thing left in the world that fought to bruise his ego and tie him to a hundred pound weight of misery. She was the softest blanket, she was the best alarm. She was everything. His hand unclenched. He calmed down.
Meizou should have known this would happen. He decided then, seeing her beautiful smile, that her happiness is all that mattered. 
Note To Self- Sometimes Things Don’t Work Out, Sometimes That’s Okay
When Meizhou told his parents he wouldn’t go through with the wedding they were furious. When he broke down in tears they had no clue what to do with themselves. 
“She’s in love with someone else,”
They comforted him as best as absentee parents could, patting his head awkwardly with empty words. They offered to go through with it anyway, have her fall in love with him after they’re married.
Meizhou refused- he didn’t want to. 
Instead, Meizhou stood at the altar, watching as Y/n approached. She was beautiful. Her dress dragged behind her and her eyes watered with tears- she was gorgeous. 
Lei and Daoming Si stood across the isle, beside Y/n as she took her rightful spot. She stared into the eyes of her beloved and, for once, it wasn’t jealousy that prickled under his skin. It was sorrow- deep and painful morning for the death of his future. His beloved would never be his, his beloved was someone else. He cried.
Y/n had never felt better. Her mother had been apprehensive about giving her consent, saying she hadn’t expected Ximen to be the one she fell in love with. Y/n wasn’t sure what she meant, but her mom dressed her to the nines and did her makeup personally. 
And now here she was, standing in front of the man she’d gladly spend every moment of her life with.
“How did I get so lucky,” she whispered, as Lei handed her Ximens ring and Meizhou handed him the other.
“No love-” Ximens eyes swirled with love and adoration, “how did I get so lucky?”
The room erupted into cheers, applause, the occasional scream or encouragement as they kissed. The world faded around them and the only thing that mattered was each other.
Meizhou waved them off as they climbed into the limo towards their honeymoon. 
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petri808 · 3 years
😳 Ya’ll really love angst huh? Lol okay, sure let’s see what I can come up with. 😊 “You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!” + “I’m pregnant” + “Im too sober for this”
Lucy’s knees weakened and sent her crumbling to the bathroom floor. Why was this happening to her?! She’d just finished college and was about to start her paid internship with a local newspaper. ‘What am I gonna do?’ Lucy gripped to the stick in her hand as the tears trickled down her face. This could derail her future before it even started— all because of one slip-up. How was she going to tell Natsu… Not knowing who else to talk to, Lucy turned to her best friend Levy McGarden. She texted the woman and drove over to her friends apartment in dread.
“Oh, Lu…” Levy hugged her friend tightly before pulling her into the small apartment. She sat Lucy down on the couch, then made them both some tea. “How you feeling?” Levy asked as she handed the cup over.
“How do you think I’m feeling?!” Lucy groaned. “I feel like I’m in a nightmare.”
“Are you sure the results are correct? You know those home pregnancy tests can be wrong.”
“I don’t know, I mean I followed the instructions and it didn’t give an error sign.” Lucy pulled the stick from her pocket. “See?” She showed it to her friend. “Two lines.”
“Oh— yeah, looks like it,” Levy agreed.
Lucy pocketed the test once again and hung her head. Both hands cradled the warm cup, just holding it without a desire to drink from it. “Just thinking about this is making me sick. Maybe I can just pretend it’s not true.”
“Lu, that’s ridiculous. I’m pretty sure the growing bump on your stomach will make that difficult.”
“Ugh! I know!” Lucy shrieked. “Lie to me or something… Levy, I-I don’t think I can deal with this!”
“Well, you have to. And how am I supposed to lie about this?!”
“I don’t know, tell me this is a dream. Just a bad dream that I’m gonna wake up from. The test was wrong, something! Maybe it’s just a fiction story I’m working on cause I just don’t wanna think about it right now.”
“I’m sorry, but you can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did! Lucy you have to face reality.”
“What am I gonna do Levy? I can’t be having a baby!���
“Well first things first, you need to tell Natsu— I’m assuming it’s Natsu.”
“Of course, it’s Natsu! I haven’t slept with anyone else.”
“Well you need to tell him. He deserves to know.”
“I know…”
“Natsu’s a stand up guy, I know he’s going to do the right thing.”
Lucy sighed, “that’s not what I worry about. I mean having kids is something that’s crossed my mind… just not anytime soon. We’re not even married yet. Ugh! I’m such an idiot.”
“Sometimes these things happen.” Levy placed her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Can’t go back to the past, so now all you can do is figure out the now. Do you have any idea when it happened?”
“My guess is my graduation party, cause that was the last time we had sex. I barely even remember it cause I was so drunk,” Lucy whimpered, then started to sob. “We’re usually careful but… yeah, it had to be that.”
“Come here,” Levy pulled her friend into a hug. “You’re gonna be okay. Whatever happens, you’re gonna be okay.”
The women spent a couple more hours chatting, flipping between random topics, but often coming back to this one. Lucy struggled to even wrap her mind around the reality that this is real. That she was going to have a child, when she was barely an adult herself and all the factors involved only compounded her dilemma. Her new job isn’t going to afford a child. Natsu had a decent job, but even combined it would be a struggle. They’d have to find a place together, a two bedroom house or apartment. What about the medical expenses, and the baby supplies— babies are expensive! Where was the money going to come from?
When Lucy noticed the time and realized Natsu would be coming home from work within the hour, she thanked her friend for the support and bid her goodbye. Even though she had calmed down a little, she wasn’t ready, didn’t know what or how she was going to break the news to him. So, after arriving home, Lucy tried to distract herself by cooking dinner. It didn’t really work, but at least a meal was made. Her life until now had been going well in that she had a boyfriend who treated her right, supported her while she finished her degree, even pushed her to follow her dreams of writing. And now that her degree was finished, Lucy was on her way after landing the paid internship. If she passed the internship, they would offer her a permanent position at the newspaper.
But now all of that felt like it was slipping through her fingers. All her hard work for nothing because juggling a small child and going to work… Maternity leave is not paid, so they’ll have to rely on just one income for a time, then daycare is quite expensive. Sure, there are programs that she could apply for to help or family, but that’s not the point— the point is, they are sorely not ready to become parents.
“I’m home!” Natsu called out as he entered the apartment. “Something smells good!”
“Welcome home, Natsu.” Lucy called out from the kitchen. “It’s almost done.”
Natsu detected a change in his girlfriend’s tone. Usually when he gets home, she’s in a happier mood— but not today. He threw his keys onto the kitchen island and walked up, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Everything okay?”
Whatever words she’d planned to say were thrown out the window as tears pooled instantly in Lucy’s eyes. “Natsu, it’s…”the words stumbled out, “um… I-I’m pregnant.”
“P-Preg…nant?!” Natsu took a step back in shock, his trembling hand moving to cover his mouth. “Oh, wow— I’m too sober for this,” he mumbled.
“Pregnant,” she repeated as the sobs broke free. “And alcohol is what got us into this mess!” Lucy snapped and sobbed louder.
“Oh, h-hey now, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” Natsu pulled her into his arms. “Don’t cry baby, please don’t cry, I hate seeing you cry.”
“Natsu, I’m pregnant, did you hear me?! Pregnant! I can’t be pregnant!”
“Shh… I hear you,” he gently coaxed Lucy to the couch and had her sit down, then sat beside her, cradling her close. “True, it’s not the best time… but we can make it work.”
“You don’t understand, I’m not ready, Natsu. I don’t think I could handle it…” all the reasons refreshing in her mind. “I have no experience with with kids. What if we screw up? It’s just…” Lucy sighed. “I think… I’m too overwhelmed right now.”
“Okay, well— they make those things now, the, um, end pregnancy stuff.”
“I don’t know…”
“Lucy, I’ll support whatever decision you make.”
“You say that now, but later you’ll probably resent me for… kil— doing that,” she mumbled.
“I don’t know that so neither can you. All I do know is that yes it might hurt— but you’re the important thing right now, and if you say you’re not ready, then I have to accept it. Kids are never easy, I doubt all the preparation in the world can really make a difference. But Lucy,” he took her hand and held it to his chest. “As long as I’ve known you, whatever you choose to do you’re great at it.”
“Really?” She looked up with hope filling her eyes for the first time all day.
Natsu smiled. “And who better to start a family with?” He cupped her cheeks and kissed her. “Then a smart, sassy, beautiful woman like you.”
Lucy’s eyes flooded with tears. “You really think we can make it work?”
He nodded. “As long as it’s something we really want, then yeah.”
After a momentary pause, Lucy let out a long stabilizing exhale. “Okay. I’ll call my doctor and make an appointment tomorrow to check.”
“Really? Y-You sure? Because I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying to coax you into this.”
“No, I-I’m pretty— sure. Things sometimes happen for a reason, right? Maybe it’s meant to be.”
Natsu pulled her in for another longer kiss. “Guess I better hurry up and marry you then,” he chuckled.
She snorted a laugh. “I guess so mister!”
He pulled her close again, hugging her to his chest. “I love you so much baby.”
“Mmm, I love you too.”
“My own baby momma,” he teased.
Lucy slapped his chest with a giggling shriek. “Don’t you dare call me that!”
“Oh,” he grinned, “I’m totally getting t-shirts made.”
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stylesann · 3 years
Stark’s retirement plan
Steve Rogers x fem!reader
Summary: Steve looks for his happy ending.
Warnings: none?
A/N: idk what this is… I just felt excited about writing and apparently the only thing I’m able to do is twist Steve’s ending 145 times because I did not enjoy cannon version hihi, and welll this is the results tho it might be really bad i still wanted to post lol, bear in mind english is not my first language so there could have some mistakes anddd to finish, any comments are appreciated 💕 💕 -> written and posted 16/06/21 ->I do not own any marvel characters or anything really
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“You're a good man, Sam. This one's on me, though” Steve answered his friend and directed himself to Bucky. “Don't do anything stupid 'till I get back.”
“How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you” they both chuckle and hug. Bucky knows something is up with Steve, he knows him and he sees all the signs that something is making him nervous, unsettled. “Gonna miss you, Buddy.”
“It's gonna be okay, Buck” Steve assures his friend. Truth is, he is not sure it will. Steve’s been anxious, every since he saw her that day he couldn’t help but feel his heart ache. All he wanted was to go straight to her and hug her and never let go. He knows he has a decision to make, an important one in fact, but he can’t help but wonder the consequences that the deepest desires of his heart would cause in the timeline, and that itself makes him pray everything will work out as planned for once in his life. Steve goes over to the Quantum portal and activates the time-travel suit.
“How long is this gonna take?” Sam asks.
“For him? As long as he needs. For us? Five seconds… Ready, Cap? Alright. We'll meet you back here, okay?”
“I’ll see you in a minute” Steve tells his friends before he disappears on the platform.
“Steve, answer the coms! Are you seeing this??” Steve hears the voice screaming at his past version while you’re all fighting the Wakanda Battle. It’s you. God, he has missed you so much during the past 5 years. He almost cries knowing what is to happen in the near future to you. He can’t let it happen again.
Steve knows his past version is too far from where you where fighting many aliens all by yourself. He knows that what you where referring is a few alien ships arriving from the sky, and normally he would go directly to you but Thanos is about to show up in Wakanda and take all of his attention. Back then, he couldn’t have reached you on time to stop that alien from stabbing you seconds before half the universe is turned to dust. But now, damn him if he wouldn’t be there to take you out of the battle alive.
Steve knows he had to act quickly so that everyone would assume you just got dusted too. When people were to show up in 5 years and you didn’t… well he would worry about that later.
The soldier sees the aliens trapping you in the middle of them and they start to close the circle, leaving you with less and less space to defend yourself from their attacks. You were losing. He could see your movements slower and you were clearly tired. Your breath was heavy and you had injuries on your arms and torso. Steve decides now is a time as good as any to get you out of here. He steps out of his hiding place and runs to you.
With Steve there you both manage to get the aliens down. You seemed to be ready to thank him when the atmosphere changes. What was before a chaotic battle noise, now was silence. That was it, Thanos had snapped his fingers, and Steves time gap to act was getting smaller. He grabbed your hand and dragged you to where he was waiting before. The confusion was evident in your face but he didn’t have the luxury to explain it to you in the moment, so he just asks you to trust him and you both wait until it’s safe to leave without people seeing you or him.
Steve could hear the raindrops outside while he prepared a tea for you. He looked out of the kitchen window and spoted you sitting in a small couch that you both decided to put on the front porch of your house. You were wearing his big sweatshirt and had a blanket covering your legs, the perfect description of cozy if someone ever asks Steve.
The weather was chilly but Steve couldn’t feel any happier. He had you, he finally had you in his arms after spending so long without hearing your voice or feeling your touch. He spent 5 years missing your presence, your quirks and your habits. He felt so empty, like a man out of time again. He was out of time with you, except that now he wasn’t.
As soon as you both had been able to leave Wakanda without being caught, he told you what had happened. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t realised his face seemed more tired and older than hours ago, when you had last seen his past self. To you it was obvious when you looked at him, at his eyes that carried the weight of the world, that he was there for a reason. It was clear to you that you wouldn’t had made it out alive if he hadn’t interfered with the aliens and so you understood beforehand what he would tell you, but Steve still had to explain everything else, and he did.
The soldier cried a lot when he told you what life without you was like and it broke you heart to see such a strong man in such a fragile state. Steve then mentioned Stark’s plan of retirement, of moving out of town and starting a family maybe, and he said he wanted that with you, which you agreed.
And now you both lived in a simple house in front of a small lake, that had a lot of trees around which provided the most beautiful sight wether it is a sunny or a rainy day. The house was far away from the avengers compound, you both pretty much spend 5 years secluded without seeing your friends in order to not mess too much with the timeline. But there was one change that couldn’t be avoided and you as much as Steve knew that he would have to reveal in a couple of months, when the avengers were supposed to bring everyone back from the dust.
“How is my two favourite people in the world?” Steve chants from the door. He hands you the tea and hugs your side while you accommodate to his body.
“We’re good, the baby is sleeping I guess, he just stopped moving” you chuckle lightly as your hand goes to your belly to caress you 8 month bump. You feel Steve’s hand on your bump and you see him sporting the biggest grin.
“You sleeping there J?” He lowers his head and whispers to the baby, receiving no kicks back.
“Yeah, definitely sleeping. Probably tired from the party that he threw this morning on my belly. I swear I couldn’t sleep 3 hours straight” you yawn tiredly.
“One more month and he’ll be here with us, honey” you cuddle closer to him as you drink your tea. One more month and your baby James will be here. Just one more month and you both are gonna be the happiest ever.
“And returning in, five, four, three, two, one–“ Bruce activates the Quantum platform, but nothing happens.
“Where is he?” Sam asks nervously, wondering if something went wrong.
“I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp. He should be here.”
“Well, get him back.”
“I'm trying.”
“Get him the hell back!”
“I said, I'm trying!
“Sam...” Bucky calls, he’s looking at a man sitting in a log. They both walk closer to see Steve, a few years older, wearing normal clothes but caring a round bag with him.
Sams the first one to approach. “So did something go wrong, or did something go right? You look older, no offence”
“Well, after I put the stones back, I thought, maybe I'll try some of that life Tony was telling me to get.” Steve answers, he knew the past few months made an impact in his appearance, considering the baby wouldn’t let you or him sleep for too long. It’s almost laughable that the great Captain America was taken down by his baby son.
“And how'd that work out for you?”
“It is beautiful. And that’s why I can’t have this anymore” Steve hands the shield to Sam. “You’re the best man for the job, and I know you’ll make it proud… How does it feel?”
“Like it belongs to someone else.”
“It doesn’t.”
“You wanna tell me about her?” He asks seeing a wedding ring on his friends finger, and Steve smiles getting up to go back to you and your son.
“Eventually, but for now, I don't think I will.”
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personasintro · 4 years
one day | ksj drabble
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𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀; you and your boyfriend are spending your holiday in malta, but you've no idea that during your stay he realizes something very important – until he tells you and you couldn't be happier
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: fluff, smut, established relationship
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: fingering, unprotected sex, strong language, teasing, dom!seokjin but he's kinda sub when oc teases him, oral sex [male receiving]
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 4.7k
a/n: commissioned by @moonerva​ who's been incredibly patient with me, so thank you luv again!! also, this drabble is a part of the one I've written before, but can be read alone! (you can read it here!)
𝗺.𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 | ☕️
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Warm air spreads across your cheeks while you walk through the night streets in Malta. Hands locked with your boyfriend, you admire the architecture and just enjoy your time spent together. It's a nice change from your daily lives, although you love what the two of you have back home.
Moving together proved to be the best decision you – as a couple – have made. Your first shared apartment isn't huge, definitely not the right home for the rest of your lives, but it's home for now. Surprisingly, Seokjin is very neat with his stuff, making sure there's no mess that you could possibly complain about. And no matter how many times his firm, but incredibly nice mother had told you, it's pain in the ass to live with him, you know you've made the right decision. Obviously, she was teasing most of the time, making sure Jin hears her whenever she talks behind his back.
“Mooom, stop. Do you want her to break up with me?” You remember him whining from the kitchen, preparing the dinner for the two most amazing women in his life.
Mrs. Kim just waved him off with a laugh, telling him you're not going anywhere.
And she was right. You're not and you're still very in love with her son. There's nothing that could change that, not even him acting like a child throwing a tantrum whenever he plays one of the games on a computer, getting angry over him loosing. Just the single memory is enough to make you smile, glancing at your boyfriend who looks at the baroque church you're passing by.
“You want to take a picture here?” he asks, pulling out his phone to take another set of pictures of none other, than you.
He already has hundreds of your photos, posing in front of monuments or just you completely oblivious that he's taking a picture. He loves those photos, they catch your natural beauty – and he loves whenever you catch him in the act, scolding him for doing that in the first place.
The same thing happened just an hour ago, when you were sitting in one of the local restaurants. You were enjoying your dessert when from the corner of your eyes, you could see your boyfriend stealing a few snaps of you. He cackled when the cream dripped down your chin, but he didn't stop and still teased you by taking pictures. It was funny, the locals and tourists nearby probably thought the two of you are crazy.
“We took so many already,” you laugh, admiring the building nevertheless. “Look! There's a fountain!” you exclaim, pointing ahead of you while you rush there, leaving your boyfriend standing in the middle of street with dumbfounded look.
He chuckles, thanking for your red dress that makes it easier to find you. They're just basic summer dress, with flowery pattern but it's you that make them gorgeous. You're gorgeous. Quickly following you, the last thing he needs is to loose you, he rushes towards you. He doesn't see you for a moment, his heart picking up the pace when all he sees are tourists and locals filling the street. He can't begin to imagine that something might happen to you. His eyes dance across the street, panic raising within his entire body and he's ready to yell your name, not caring he's in the middle of street full of people. Luckily, when a group of tourists leave, his eyes find you immediately. You're sitting on the edge of the fountain, fingers dipping in the clear and turquoise water. A breath of relief leaves his mouth and he allows himself to relax, although he fully relaxes as soon as he's by your side. He grabs your shoulder, sighing once again as he closes his eyes.
“You scared me,” he tells you, “I couldn't see you.”
And you want to tease him, turning around to take a glance at him but the grin disappears as soon as you see his face. He looks so scared and when he sits beside you, you notice his shaky hands that you quickly grab.
“I'm sorry, I thought you're right behind me.” you apologize, bringing his hand to your mouth as you give them a kiss.
“It's okay.” he smiles, knowing deep down he just panicked a little bit too much.
He lost you out of sight for a whole minute, and you're not a little child that needs his protection. But he can't imagine something bad could happen to you, just the thought of it makes him want to throw up. You're everything to him. He wants to be there for you, anytime you need him. He wants to protect you, cherish and love you for the rest of his life. He can't imagine feeling about someone like he does about you. Sure, he had couple of girlfriends but they were never that serious and then you came. When he least expected it, you came into his life and brought light into it.
When you look at him through your thick lashes, the little and decent make-up that makes you look much more youthful and natural, his heart blooms with even more love.
“No, it was stupid of me to do that. We're in a foreign country full of strangers. I'm sorry.” you insist, shaking your head to prove your point as he smiles at you.
He reaches towards your face, grabbing your cheeks as he stares lovingly into your eyes. Opening his mouth, he's about to say those three words that you love to hear, and always bring the brightest smile onto your face full of love and adoration. However, he's interrupted by the round of applause coming nearby that steals both of your attentions.
There is a woman, her hands covering her mouth as she's crying while the man is on her knee, holding a shiny ring. She nods, yelling a confident 'yes' before she pulls him off the ground and hugs him. Everyone starts cheering and even you, in the distance, can't resist and start to applaud for them. The bright smile that is caused by you being happy for some strangers decors your face and Seokjin joins you, applauding too. Although, his eyes are set on you.
“Oh my god, did you see that? That was so cute!” you beam, turning around to look at your boyfriend who acts like he hasn't been staring at you for awhile.
He smiles, nodding. “Yeah, it was lovely to be a part of such experience.” he admits, seeing you glancing at the couple that takes a few pictures with the woman's new ring before they walk away.
“Woah, that was so romantic.”
“Is that how you'd like our engagement to be?” he asks, head tilting in curiosity while he watches you.
Your cheek flush as you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. “I don't know, I'd like anything to be honest. I'm not picky.”
“Well, you can be more detailed. You know, for the future.” he wiggles his brows, causing you to laugh at him before it dies down and you stare at him.
“Are you planning to propose, Kim Seokjin?” you tease, eyes sparkling with amusement and adoration.
To be honest, the thought about marriage crossed your mind a few times. It's something you both want and talked about at the beginning of your relationship. But now that you've took another step in your relationship, that being you two living together, a marriage is the next big step. Although, it doesn't have to be so soon and the last thing you want, is for Seokjin to feel pressured. Whenever is the time right, you know it'll be amazing and one of the most special memories.
“No,” he deadpans, eyeing widening when he sees the horrific look on your face. “I mean--not now!” he quickly explains himself, causing you to giggle over his stressed expression.
“I was just joking, Jin,” you giggle, standing up. Dipping your fingers into the water, you lightly splash his face to get him out of his zoned state. “Now come on, I believe you promised me something after we get back to the hotel.” you smirk, remembering his promise.
His eyes darken as he stands up abruptly, clutching your hand in his as he leads you back to the hotel. You can't help but giggle at his determination, teasing him about it, considering he had you this morning and the night before. He laughs with you, but stays silent.
Little do you know that his mind is filled with other scenarios, not of him making love to you, but him bending a knee with a shiny ring in his hands, asking you the most important question that would change your lives.
What would you like?
Would you want it to be in a public?
Or would you prefer it to happen privately?
Would you even say yes?
Are you ready for marriage?
Even he knows that it might be too soon, but it's not too soon to be thinking about it and start planning it. He decided long time ago that you're the only one for him, he doesn't want anyone else. You'll be the mother of his kids, you're going to carry his surname and make him proud. Fuck, the thought makes him happy and he can't wait for it to happen. But you're both too young, and although you love each other deeply, you're taking it slow and naturally. There's no point in rushing, not when he knows you're the one and you feel the same way.
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The hotel room that you've booked for a week looks messy. The sheets on your bed are completely rumpled, there are Seokjin's and your dirty clothes all over the floor. Despite of you being a neat person, and so is Jin, but you left your room like this, not bothering to clean up a little bit. The two of you were too excited to look around, knowing you'll spend your whole day outside anyway. The only time you spend there is when you're sleeping or your boyfriend is pounding you into the already messy mattress. God, you hope there are no traces of your morning and night adventures.
It's more about your dignity than anything else, when you're about to do the same thing like every evening. However, this time you don't let your boyfriend leading you towards the bed and having that power over you.
“Oh come on, princess.” he scoffs lightly, once you push his shoulders and make him sit down. He plops onto the soft mattress with ease, looking up at you with a mere shocked gaze.
Caressing his broad shoulders, you take your time to feel him through the fabric. Jin's shocked expression doesn't go unnoticed by you, but you ignore it and let him stare at you with a hidden interest. He's usually the one who takes the first step, guides you while you're in the position of enjoying his touch and let him do the whole work. It sounds selfish, but it's really not. One of Jin's pleasures is to see you enjoying yourself with his touch. He loves the fact that he's the one who makes you squirm, moan and whine for him.
He spreads his legs, allowing you to stand between them as his hands are automatically grabbing your hips. He almost groans at the thinness of your dress, silently admiring how it fits you and your figure, even though they're completely loose and don't show your true curves, you're still breathtaking. Even the slightest tan you've managed to get in three days of your stay. He lets his eyes wander around your little details, like the diamond necklace you've been wearing ever since he gave it to you on your first anniversary. It's a simple necklace, a little heart sparkled with tiny diamonds. The other necklace – the shorter one – has a little 'S' on it. It symbolizes him and his name. You bought it for yourself, wanting to have him close to you even if he's not by your side. He didn't buy it, he's not so narcissistic. It's cheesy and so cringe, according to your own words, but it settles a calm feeling whenever you're stressed and Jin isn't there. You've never felt so attached to anyone, and it scares you. Just he thought of him not being in your life freaks you out. You wouldn't be able to live through your break-up, if that ever happens. Fuck, you hope not.
Jin remembers the exact moment when he saw the necklace around your neck. He was surprised, but couldn't help that stupid and wide grin from appearing on his face. When you told him why you bought it and even laugh it off, he just couldn't stop staring at you before he showered you with hundreds of kisses.
“What do you want, Jin?” you ask slowly, hands still caressing those wide shoulders while he scoffs again.
“Is that even a question?” he asks, causing you to raise a brow at him. He sighs, but still answers. “You, obviously.”
“You had me. This morning and yesterday, actually. And the days before too.” you point out, not looking into his eyes but you know they're solely set upon you.
He's probably frowning, wondering where the hell is this going to? He doesn't like that, he wants to rip those dress off you. “What are you doing, princess?” he asks cautiously, voice low and raspy.
“What do you think I'm doing?” you ask, feigning an innocence while you bat your eyelashes knowing it'll drive him insane.
It does, his eyes darken and he clenches his jaw. Giving him a little smirk, you drop onto your knees knowing he'll be distracted from what he was about to say. And you're right, he shuts his mouth and stares at you through hooded eyes, while your palms spread over his knees. You give them a few strokes, staring at him while acting all innocent when deep inside, you're smirking and laughing devilishly.
“Princess,” he says, and it sounds like a whine but he controls his voice and gulps instead. “Touch me.”
Well, you're surprised by how quick it took for him to say it out loud. Jin never faked or held back his need for you, but you still thought the male pride would stand in the way.
And how could you resist those soft but dark brown orbs full of want and love?
Unzipping his pants, he helps you to take them off, not fully though. They pool at his ankles, along with his black boxers. His hardening length almost slaps you and you flinch back, not expecting him to take his boxers too. Raising a scandalous brow at him, he gives you an innocent shrug and smile which makes you giggle. Taking his length into your hands, you squeeze the soft and velvety skin, admiring that part of him. Well, it's not like you see it for the time but it's still worth the attention.
And from the corner of your eyes, you notice him smirking cockily at the salivating look you give him. Spitting into your hand, he curses at the sight before you start stroking him. His hips jerk and with a head thrown back, you're the one who smirks this time. He groans, wanting you to fasten up your pace but you don't. He must be thinking you're not getting the message, and that's why he looks at you and is met with your little smirk.
“Faster, princess. C'mon.” he says, jerking his hips again to prove his point but you just shrug.
“Why? I like it this way.” you tell him innocently, almost bursting in laughter at the sight of his narrowed eyes and clenched jaw.
“Y/N,” he warns you, his breath hitching when your thumb brushes against the mushroom head. He realizes him being sassy won't get him anywhere, and you'll just tease him even more. He sees the darkened and amused glint in your orbs, and although it's something fresh and he hasn't seen it for a long time, he knows you're in one of those moods. “Please, princess.” he whines and he gets the reaction he wanted.
You listen, obviously happy with his reaction as you quicken up your pace. Your saliva is used as a lube, making it easier to pump him. He moans when you set up a stable pace, jerking him off while he gets fully hard.
“Put it in your mouth now,” he breathes out, “Please.” he adds, causing you to chuckle.
For a moment, he's scared you'll make him beg for it, although you've never been that type. God knows what's going on inside your pretty head, he thinks.
Scooting closer to between his hands, you kiss the tip of his length making him groan. Your soft and plush lips have that kind of effect on him, even though he's the one with a perfect set of lips that any woman could ever dream of. Sucking at the tip, he almost goes feral when you take him into your mouth. Going further, you let his cock go deeper while you take all of him. It's not easy and you almost choke around him, but holding your breath helps a lot and just the thought of how you make him feel is enough to continue. You drool all over his hard length, getting his balls soaked with your saliva as you hold yourself there. He moans, not having the heart to jerk his hips upwards even though that's exactly what the horny side of him tells him to do. He can't, and holds himself back as much as he can before you move up. You let his cock head stay inside your mouth, breathing through you nose before you take him again. This time, you start blowing him while humming around his throbbing cock. Your heart signs with pride when an evident groan slips out of his mouth and gets longer with each move you make. He pets your hair, groaning louder when you lick the underside of his cock.
“Oh, fuck. Princess,” he whines, hips jerking when you suck on the head again and hum in response.
Jin's mind is filled with the need to get a release, not thinking that there's a whole night ahead of you and if he cums now, it'll take time to get himself hard again. He could take that time to truly take care of you, to taste you and he knows your little moans would be all he needed to get his cock hard again.
But none of this is on his mind, all he can do is grabbing you by your head while he clutches your beautiful sleek hair in his grasp. He's getting there, with each moan getting a bit louder, you know he's about to cum down your throat. And you'd like that, but you have other plans. Just as he's forcing your face down onto his cock, you pull away. He nearly screams, his release being snatched from him in seconds.
Cheeks red and chest heaving, he narrows his eyes in confusion. He watches you wiping your mouth, detaching that line of saliva that connected your mouth and his cock, before he opens his mouth.
“What the hell,” he murmurs, shoulders dropping in disappointment at your sudden decision. “Y/N.” he breathes out, not hiding the disappointment in his voice either.
“I don't know what you're talking about.” you hum, eyes averting between his hard cock and face.
He grunts, reaching towards you as he gets you onto your feet effortlessly. You squeak in surprise, but your stomach jumps with excitement, especially when you hear him growl.
“You know I don't like being teased,” he says through clenched teeth, making sure you stare deeply into his eyes. “Whatever this little stunt was, you're done.”
Your heat pulsates at his words, clenching around nothing. Thank God he can't see your clenched thighs together, even though something tells you he probably knows. He always said you're easy to read, that's how good he knows you. There's not a person who knows you like Jin. Not even your parents, family or friends.
“But you like it, huh?” he chuckles lowly, tilting his head to the side. “You like when I get like this. When I talk to you like this.”
Nibbling on your bottom lip, you can't control the heat that spreads over your cheeks and all over your body that trembles with excitement in Jin's hands. He stands up, chest bumping against yours as he hovers over you. It's just for a second and it happens fast before you're sent to bed. Back bumping against the mattress, you stare at your boyfriend that has the same lustful look, like he hasn't had you every day. He can't get enough of you.
Eyes trailing down, he notices your dress being hiked up and exposing your thighs. “Take off your dress.” he barks an order, yet his voice stays light but authoritative at the same time.
Slowly sitting up, your eyes don't leave his face and you make sure it stays that way for the whole time you're slowly taking them off. Purposely, your movements are slow and you really take the time to get the soft and red fabric off your body.
“Don't test me, princess.” he warns you, narrowing those brown eyes at you in silent warning.”Underwear too.” he adds, mouth salivating at the sight of a similar shade of red bra and matching lacy panties.
And you do listen, trying to appear calm and slow when your heart keeps hammering inside your chest like it's about to jump out. When you're fully exposed to his hungry eyes, he hums in approval before he stands up. You almost let out a whine, fearing he's going to be the one to tease you right now or worse, he'll leave you high and dry. But it all dies down when he fully takes off his jeans and boxers which stayed pooled around his ankles. His button up is going next, falling carelessly onto the floor before he stands in front of you in his natural naked state. Licking your lips, you let your eyes wander to his still hard cock, waiting for attention. The angry red color of his head almost matches to your underwear that's laying on the floor with Jin's clothes.
He hovers over you, connecting your mouths as he tastes himself on you. He groans, hand dipping between your legs. Jin's thumb gently rubs your clit, humming again at the feeling of your wetness that spreads all over his fingers.
“Hm, maybe I should just stick my cock inside of you for all that teasing,” he tells you lowly, but still lets his fingers slide into your cunt. You gasp at the sudden penetration, walls automatically clenching around his two fingers.
Too good. It's too good.
“For that all teasing from you, I just might.” he chuckles, enjoying your squirming and breathless form. You make him feel powerful, he loves that.
His hand goes down, stroking his cock while you spread your legs for him. He holds a question in his eyes, but your whining and spread legs that he knows so well, give him an answer. When Jin finally lines himself up and thrusts into you, you're left speechless and able to move, until he's fully inside of you. He kisses you, rough and fast, before he starts rocking his hips into yours. But even that doesn't last that long, until he quickens up his pace and starts to pounding you. You shouldn't be so surprised, after all that teasing, you had to see it coming.
His name echoes in the room, you voice is like a sweet melody to his ears, along your moans and gasps of air that you let out every time he hits your g-spot with his thick cock. He feels your cunt clenching in approaching orgasm, while his eyes stay fixed on yours. Jin's grunting, pounding into you in harsh and quick thrusts. Your eyes close, rolling back when you see yourself cumming.
“Open your eyes,” he demands, his hand wrapping around your neck when you listen to him and open your eyes. He squeezes your neck softly, your eyes betraying you again as they roll back, chasing that long-wanted orgasm.
“I love you.” he grunts, slowly squeezing your neck again while you finally let go. Your cunt throbs, clenching uncontrollably around Jin's cock while he still keeps fucking you.
He's chasing his own orgasm, following you two minutes after as he cums with a deep groan, spilling himself into you. His cock throbs, twitching while he's painting your inner walls white with his seed. He rolls his hips into yours a few times, repeating; “I love you, I love you, I love you.” all over again.
“I love you.” you tell him, once he finally stops and drops his body onto yours. He's still careful not to crush you to death, his hands holding himself slightly while his hand is no longer around your neck.
“I'll marry you one day. And you're gonna love it.” he says, voice muffled and breath hitting your shoulder as he keeps his head buried between your shoulder and the dirty sheets.
If they weren't coated with yours and Seokjin's fluids, you'd feel much more disgusted. Surprisingly, you don't mind it that much. Let's wait until the two of you go to sleep.
His words make you smile, your heart flattering at his honest and soft words.
“I know I'll. No matter what you'll do and how you'll do it, I know I'm gonna love it.” you smile, feeling him do the same against your skin.
He pecks your shoulder, slowly lifting himself up as he slips out of you. His cum is already dripping down your ass, staining the sheets even more but you don't move. All you can focus is Jin's eyes staring into yours, a hidden meaning inside of them but all you can see is love. A pure love that makes your heart ache happily. You've never felt this kind of love.
“That's my promise. One day, I'll marry you and make you officially mine.” he promises, causing you to giggle.
“I'm already yours, you dummie.”
He gasps, faking a petulance. “But you'll have my surname and I get to call you my wife. And then, I'll make you nice and pregnant with my babies.”
You're not going to lie, his words have a huge effect on you and you know he's talking about future, but you already can't wait for it when the time comes. You're both still young to that kind of commitment, and you'd like to wait a little longer. But whatever the future holds for the two of you, you'll welcome it as long as it's by Jin's side.
“Look at you, here talking about babies.” you giggle, caressing your hands over his chest.
“If they get to be beautiful and smart like you, I want the whole army of them.” he says, your laughter echoing around the walls that sounds so blissfully to him.
A natural and soft smile spreads on his lips as he kisses you. Your lips mold together, creating a perfect rhythm that makes butterflies erupt inside your stomach.
“One day, maybe not the whole army but...” you trail off, making him laugh as he leans his forehead against yours.
“One day.” he says, eyes glinting with happiness and love.
Your own eyes mimic his – what are you supposed to do other than to nod and agree with a huge smile.
“One day.”
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
AU where the Nie clan has dragon blood in their lineage, and usually it just manifests as bad temper and a generally martial inclination. Except, once in a rare while, generations apart, an actual dragon will be born among them... (aka nobody really expected that NHS was the latest Nie dragon).
The Nie sect’s ancestors were butchers; that lowly heritage is well known and widely celebrated, much to the not-entirely-concealed disdain of some of the more refined, gentlemanly sects. Butchers at home and butchers at war – everyone knows that.
What’s rather less well known is that the third sect leader, colloquially known among his descendants as ‘that idiot’, rather heroically saved an imperial princess in battle and then – and this was why he was that idiot – married her. She was a proper princess, too, the true-born daughter of the emperor; other sects might see that as a good thing, since for all that cultivation sects saw themselves as being above petty things like the politics of the common folk, a princess was still a princess.
The Nie did not.
The reason for this was quite simple. What does a cultivation style that already incorporates an increased chance of death through anger most assuredly does not need?
The blood of the eight-clawed dragon, that’s what.
Arrogant, explosive, unruly –
It was a mess.
The sixth sect leader came up with the saber halls to honor his father and grandfather – most especially his grandfather, who’d had a bad tendency towards slit-pupiled eyes when he’d been especially enraged, and whose saber had absorbed every ounce of his ferocity – and the next few generations made a point of finding especially meek daughters or sons for their children to marry, and that was that; everyone hoped that that idiot’s mistake could be diluted out of existence.
It was, for the most part. 
But every few generations, imperial blood ran true, and not only in terms of majesty or arrogance, and then the entire sect had to close its doors to the outside world and pretend with all their might that no, of course there wasn’t a rampaging beast of an especially draconic variety raging behind the extremely sturdy walls of the Unclean Realm, what nonsense that would be.
Still, if Lao Nie had to wager on one of his children being a dragon, he probably would have put money on it being his firstborn: already far too tall for his age, a brilliant prodigy with his saber, and a temper that rivaled some of the older members of the clan.
Certainly not Huaisang.
The only time that child hadn’t been a disappointment was when he was a baby: he’d been remarkably lazy even back then, sleeping more hours of the day than he didn’t even past infancy, and what had been a relief to his nursemaids quickly turned to annoyance by everyone else. It was commonly believed that such a weak and unlively child was likely to grow up to be slow-witted and dull, and, worse, the doctors confirmed his muscle tone was underdeveloped; even with a great deal of practice, he would likely always be a bit behind those his own age.
As he grew older, his penchant of sleeping twenty hours out of every day got even more noticeable, and the family largely lost interest.
Well, most of them. His older brother, who’d quietly taken on the responsibility for caring for Huaisang when no one else in the family had had the time or, truthfully, the interest in the disappointing son of an especially fortunate (unfortunate?) family maid-turned-concubine, indulged him far too much, even carrying him from place to place.
“You’re not a mule, Mingjue,” Lao Nie scolded one day, reinforcing the lesson through swipes of the flat of his saber. “Have some dignity! If Huaisang wants to go places, he can damn well walk there himself!”
Nie Mingjue bowed his head, obedient and filial in every way except for the fact that he didn’t listen; if anything, it got even worse from that point on, the boy barely being seen anywhere without a napping toddler as an accoutrement.
“Did you hear what I said?” Lao Nie roared at him.
“I’m not a mule,” Nie Mingjue recited. “If he wants to go places, he can walk there himself.”
“If you heard me and persisted regardless, you’re undisciplined,” Lao Nie said, arms crossed.
“I accept whatever punishment is appropriate,” Nie Mingjue said, and that was most irritating of all: why would his otherwise perfect eldest son insisted on being beaten once a week when all he had to do was leave that useless lump behind in his rooms, where he’d be happier anyway? It wasn’t as though Nie Huaisang even wanted to be outside: sometimes it seemed he’d only learned to talk in order to complain about how uncomfortable he was, how hot, how sweaty – and he even had the gall to keep complaining even after his older brother fetched a fan for him, like a loyal dog.
Discipline was paramount in the Nie sect; to be undisciplined is to risk being monstrous, and with their cultivation style they could not tolerate such a thing. That was why their punishments were so strict, even if the rules were relatively sparse - more principle than rule, really. But on the other hand, their family had always been the sort that would rather break than bend: if Nie Mingjue wanted to pay for his willfulness by accepting punishments, he was entitled to do so.
Still – there was punishment, and there was wanton cruelty; at some point, one of the men in the punishment hall abandoned the former for the latter. He was a popular man, the son of another sect’s diplomat that had married a close cousin of the main family and stayed in Qinghe; for some reason he’d developed an intense dislike of Nie Mingjue – a dislike which was mutual, and likely to cause trouble in the future when Nie MIngjue became Sect Leader, but which currently put Nie MIngjue in a very bad position given the man’s status as his elder.
Lao Nie only learned about the whole matter much later, and when he did he was so spitting mad he grabbed his saber and would have spitted the man on it, cousin or no cousin, if he hadn’t been held back; but at the time he had no idea, busy as he was defending the borders of his lands against troubles caused by that ever-smiling bastard Wen Ruohan.
When he did hear about it, though, he was infuriated: his son and heir had been beaten three times the usual amount, a compilation of a thousand little offenses that could only technically be termed breaches of discipline, forced to complete several dozen of their most demanding exercises, and then made to kneel outside on the hottest day of the year; to no one’s surprise, he had eventually collapsed rather than yield and beg for mercy, his skin cracking and lips starting to bleed as his consciousness left him.
He was after all a Nie. 
Who knows how far that bastard might have gone, his eyes fixed on a prize he would never inherit with his outsider’s surname, if Nie Huaisang hadn’t been there, tucked away curled up underneath a shady tree and made to watch despite Nie Mingjue’s request that he be sent back to his rooms.
Those who were near enough to see – and Lao Nie had plans to punish the whole lot of them for not having interfered: what was the point of a clan motto that prioritized justice and suppression of evil no matter what the consequences if they would allow it to happen in their own damn home? – said that it didn’t happen at once, that there was a pause when Nie Mingjue’s body hit the ground; perhaps it was only that Nie Huaisang was slow to realized what was happening.
Perhaps it just took a while for the change to happen.
Either way, everyone agreed on what happened next: the unfurling of a serpentine body twice the length of a fully grown man, although only about as wide around as a goat, a red-eyed glare that was backed with teeth and claw, and a roar of challenge at anyone who even thought about pulling Nie Mingjue’s body away from the center of those coils.
Apparently Nie Huaisang had needed all that sleep because he was still growing. Who would have known?
It was the youngest full transformation they’d ever had in their clan by far. The boy hadn’t even reached the age of three!
“If he’s stopped sweating, he has heatstroke,” Lao Nie told his apparently not useless younger son, having been urgently summoned to the training field. “He needs to be taken inside at once; you’re only making things worse.”
Nie Huaisang bared his teeth at him, and Lao Nie bared his teeth right back.
He might not be a dragon, but his son’s blood had come from somewhere.
“I am your father,” he snarled. “You will listen to me and obey. You hear me? You will get off of him this instant. If he doesn’t get water soon, he will die.”
Lao Nie will never know if it was the demand for filial piety or the threat to Nie Mingjue’s life that got Nie Huaisang to comply – he suspected the latter – but Nie Huaisang gave in and backed off, allowing the clan’s medics to rush over and take Nie Mingjue away.
Lao Nie looked at the dragon, thinking to himself that the vastness of the underground caverns beneath the Unclean Realm weren’t for nothing: if this was what a two-year-old dragon looked like, he’d be a full-fledged calamity when full grown.
His saber itched in his palm at the thought, but he ignored it. The embarrassing yao-derived portion of their bloodline aside, the Nie sect set itself against evil, and Nie Huaisang was lazy, not evil.
“This is going to be trouble,” he finally said. “It can’t be allowed to get out.”
You can’t go out, he meant, but maybe Nie Huaisang in all his laziness wouldn’t mind being restricted to the Unclean Realm. Maybe, if they were lucky, they could teach him to like paintings and books instead, since he could never be allowed out to join a proper battlefield.
He’d be locked at home forever, unless the Sect Leader decided otherwise - and that meant Lao Nie would be the one responsible for it.
Ancestor or not, damn that idiot. 
In the end, Nie Huaisang didn’t respond to him at all, merely took to the air – flying must be inherent, since he didn’t seem especially bothered by what should be something brand new – and headed inwards, aiming towards…
His brother’s bedroom.
Not really a surprise, that.
A bit of a surprise that he could find it so quickly, though, from such an unfamiliar angle…
Lao Nie’s eye twitched.
If his stubborn older son had known about this, he was going to wish he’d died of heatstroke.
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suganovakawa · 4 years
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PAIRINGS : tooru oikawa x fem! reader , slight hajime iwaizumi x fem! reader
GENRE : angst , romance
WARNINGS : cursing , car accident , recovery from amnesia
SYNOPSIS : tooru doesn’t understand how special you are to him until he comes close to losing you forever . as he struggles to comes to grips with his feelings and balance it with his future , you still have to recover from your own injuries , but without your memories to assist you .
he knows what could happen if you remember. he’ll do anything to prevent that.
word count : 1.6k
saudade masterlist .
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( 𝐧 . ) a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant , or that has been loved and then lost ; “ the love that remains ”
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⠀whatever iwaizumi was thinking, he certainly had no logic. honestly, he probably would've been better off just not telling you a thing about oikawa. after all, he should've known from the start it's in human nature to want to push past restrictions forced upon them. and as much as it pained him, he knew he had messed up bad, his anger getting the best of his common sense and regretting it a day later.
⠀he knew you were curious about your boyfriend.
⠀rather, the boyfriend you didn't even know you had.
⠀from the very beginning, hajime could see it in your eyes - the natural attraction your body held as you and oikawa first exchanged short glances towards each other in class. volleyball had taught him to be quite the observer, and you made no effort in being subtle. unfortunately for iwa, oikawa noticed your innocent curiosity as well.
⠀he was afraid to ask you more about what you remember. it was different from the first day you had woken up from your coma, you were completely out of it so your muddled brain couldn't have remembered nor recollected much. now that you were spending regular time at school, just like normal, your memories might have just resurfaced sporadically. as far as hajime knew, you remembered everything, just pretending like you're still suffering from memory loss.
⠀but he knew you weren't like that. you wouldn't do that to him.
⠀you two weren't best friends before the accident, basically just friendly acquaintances who shared the same pain in trying to make the aoba johsai volleyball captain learn how to stop and take a damn breather. you had made it quite obvious in the past that you were an admirer of oikawa's, much to hajime's dismay - but he suppressed such feelings, in fear he'd be seen as too selfish.
⠀and he paid the price by seeing you happy in oikawa's arms.
⠀maybe iwaizumi was biased, but tooru really was more on the shitty side when it came to being a boyfriend. he had asked his peer countless times why he had accepted your feelings when he knew he didn't have time for a relationship; and every single time, hajime would get the exact same answer:
⠀"she made me happy at the winter tournaments, i'm only returning the sentiments."
⠀does causing your car accident count as making you happy?
⠀seeing how determined tooru was to get close to you again, pissed hajime off. what was there to be pissed off about, though? if this was a game, iwaizumi was winning. oikawa lost everything, from his reputation to his girlfriend. hajime was on his way to making you happier than tooru ever could. there was no competition here - he had this hook, line, and sinker.
⠀at least, he should have it in the sinker.
⠀a part of him knew, deep down, he was always default to second place. even without your memories, you still had your conscience, that internal voice in the back of your head that still held its senses. and if your conscience was stupid enough to adore oikawa even after everything he's done to you, how could the ace possibly fight against it? you could've died. and it would've been oikawa's harsh words as the true perpetrator.
⠀he wanted to prove a point to himself, you, and oikawa. that he was worth it. that you shouldn't have to waste your time with a scumbag who took your adoration and admiration for granted. the entire team knew that tooru wasn't the type to put anything over volleyball, and he displayed that when it came to your guys' relationship. while the captain was deserving of any praise he received that was volleyball related, hajime knew that it was unfair for you to be neglected because he spends so much time and energy on it.
⠀"hajime? are you listening to me?"
⠀he turned his head towards you, your words shaking him out of his daze. he blinked a couple of times and sat up, turning his head so his attention was fully on you. "sorry, y/n. a bit tired today. what do you need?"
⠀"huh? i don't need anything." you shook your head. "i was telling you that makki and mattsun were inviting me to go out with them today, just out to eat so they can also fill me in on random things, and to talk a little more. i said yes because they seem nice enough, and you seem to trust them, so i didn't have a reason to say no. i just wanted to tell you because i'm not going to be walking home, so you don't need to take me today."
⠀hajime's heart dropped to the abyss in his stomach.
⠀you were going to what?
⠀he knew exactly what those two were planning on telling you, and he was not having any of it. panic bubbled and almost erupted out in the open, but he saved himself with a deep breath and a plastic smile, nodding his head slowly. "right, i trust them... yeah. you have fun with that." you appeared happy with what he said, giving him a quick hug before walking off. he waited for you to turn the corner before walking off on his own, his jaw clenched and his destination set.
⠀"iwaizumi, where's - " hanamaki was grabbed by the tie as the brunet glared at his former teammate, his eyes anything but nice. "what are you doing? let me go. i'm supposed to be meeting - "
⠀"i know what you're fucking doing," he spat, his grip around makki's uniform only tightening. "this isn't just some random meeting. y/n asked you for this meet up, didn't she? she wants to know stuff, and figured you two would willingly comply." he laughed, more of a mocking volume. "and what do you know, she was right."
⠀"iwaizumi, let me go." the male with pink hued hair snapped more sternly the second time around; hajime hesitated for a few moments before reluctantly releasing his grip on his fellow third year, who pressed his lips together as he fixed his uniform hastily. "you got us," he muttered, his eyes finding iwa's. "she came to us during lunch and kept asking us. you were already on your way back to the table so we simply told her we'd tell her after school. that's all."
⠀"that's all, my fucking ass." pointing an index finger in takahiro's face, hajime shook his head. "you better not tell her about oikawa. she's much better off without that piece of shit in her life."
⠀"but she has a right to know."
⠀iwaizumi's face paled, taking a step back as makki crossed his arms. holy shit, he was serious. he and makki were going to tell you everything. "she's a big girl, iwaizumi. she wants to remember her life before the car accident. i can't imagine what she's going through, having her memories blacked out like that. i know if i was her, i'd want to know every single detail." makki's eyes narrowed. "including the memories that could hurt me."
⠀hajime's hands clenched into fists as he shook his head again in protest, sticking his foot out to prevent the other from walking forward. "over my dead body will i let you do that. the last thing she needs is a reminder of the nightmare he put her through. you won't tell her a fucking word about it."
⠀"or are you just scared you'll lose her to oikawa again?"
⠀just that question was a punch to the stomach as hanamaki observed iwaizumi's reaction. a corner of his lips protruded upwards as he stared at the other male in the hallway, the truth so horribly obvious. "doesn't take an idiot to see how set you are in making y/n fall for you. using her amnesia to your advantage to brainwash her into forgetting oikawa and becoming her new boyfriend... i was on your side at first, iwa. now? you're being just as shitty as he is."
⠀"don't you fucking compare me to him. i'm not like him, and i will never treat her like shit."
⠀"maybe not like shit, but she's certainly more like a prize than an actual person in your eyes."
⠀takahiro watched the frustration boil to hajime's face, taking a deep breath and walking around him before he could be stopped again. "if you excuse me, you made me late. i'm sure y/n will - " he grunted as a sharp pain grabbed hold of his wrist, his eyes widening slightly as hajime seethed at him, jaw clenched and face glowing angrily.
⠀"i said, you're not telling her anything."
⠀"who's going to stop me?"
⠀iwaizumi's smile was anything but pleasant as he pointing towards the school entrance. "mattsun and y/n are waiting for us, right? we shouldn't leave them waiting for too long."
⠀makki's breath hitched in his throat at the realization and cursed to himself quietly, shaking his head as he had no choice but to pull hajime along with him. "your logic is fucked up. y/n is nothing but a trophy for you to show off."
⠀"y/n means more to me than what you could ever hope to understand. keep walking, bastard."
⠀"hajime? what are you doing here?" your face revealed genuine surprise as he had appeared right beside hanamaki, releasing his iron grip on his wrist before exiting aoba johsai. "i thought you were walking home?"
⠀he could see the silent exchange of glances going on between the other two, and he could tell by matsukawa's quiet but exasperated sigh that he understood what was going on. iwaizumi pretended to not notice, however, as he moved to stand next to you. he saw the confusion flickering within your irises, how they were averted towards the ground instead of looking at him. if only he could tell you how important you were to him and why he was acting this way for your own good, maybe you'd understand his side better.
⠀"i figured since i was hungry, i'd join you guys. after all, we all trust each other enough to discuss anything, right?"
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a / n : second post today! promised it would come out soon 🥳 ALSO, THANK YOU SM FOR 900 FOLLOWERS !!! it truly means the world to me that you all decide to stick around my profile, i promise i’ll do the best i can to provide content worthy of your attention 🥺❤️
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ttorystory · 3 years
Mare of Easttown 1x05 Fix it Fic
tv show: Mare of Easttown
pairing: Colin Zabel x Mare Sheehan
spoilers: ep 5 - Illusions
summary: No one except the bad motherf*cker gets killed because we live in a happier world where killing Evan Peter's adorable character is illegal. We can hurt him a lil' bit though. Because we like to suffer-- or at least I do. I'm so sorry. But it's for the bOnDinG reasons, you know.
warnings: shooting, blood, swearing, Colin's cute smile
word count: 1,086
A/N: OH MY GOD, IT'S HAPPENING. I've written my first ever fanfic in English. So it's like, elementary school level of English for which I apologize in advance. BUT I strongly encourage you to let me know about any and every one of my mistakes so I can fix them right away! It'll get better in the next chapters, I promise (I hope). Yes, I do plan a few more chapters. I mean, this is really just a short one, because I wanted to write an ending that episode should have had. But I wanna see Mare visiting Colin in hospital. I wanna see their second date. I wanna see Colin having the future he deserves.
Okay, so that would be all from me for now. If you decide to comment, whether in a positive or a negative way, I will be very grateful. Thank you and enjoy the fic.
She turns her head towards the quiet call and glances over the table. In a pile of unwashed mugs and other garbage, there is an ashtray full of cigarette butts, and a half-empty pack.
This place is stinking from the very start and her suspicion is growing with every passing second.
“Zabel,” she whispers, reaching to her belt and reminding him there is nothing there, as she is officially still suspended. “No gun.”
It is a signal that it is he who has to be prepared if anything goes down with the odd guy. Her gaze follows the direction he’d gone, awaiting the music to stop. But her colleague quietly addresses her again.
His hand outstretched, he is handing her his gun. Mare hesitates for a second, but there isn’t much time to discuss the topic, so she just takes it and hides it under her jacket quickly.
Besides, Mare knows it is a good move. She trusts Zabel and she knows he is capable, but he doesn’t have that much experience. God knows if he ever actually used the gun out in the field before. In some situations, it’s either you or the other man, and if you wanna survive you have to act quickly. And this situation? She has a bad fucking feeling about it.
Her intuition is proven right when only minutes later the bastard, Mr. Potts, shoots Zabel. He would have killed him on the spot if she didn’t shoot the man at the exact same time, diverting the bullet.
After a few endless minutes of shooting and fighting, Potts finally drops dead. Mare sinks down to her knees, panting. Those poor girls are screaming upstairs but she knows they can wait a little longer, now there is nothing to cause them any more harm. There is a person though who needs more acute help.
Her colleague is half lying on the floor, half leaning on a cupboard, squeezing his left shoulder and shaking. Mare hurries to him, taking her jacket off so she can cover him partially.
“Zabel, it’s over. Help's on the way, okay?”
She takes off her shirt as well and tries to tie it around his shoulder somehow so that the wound would stop bleeding. Zabel groans in pain but holds still.
“You’re hurt,” he says softly, panting.
Mare gives her bleeding wrist a quick look. The adrenaline running in her veins caused her to forget the injury. There is probably some small wound on her face as well, but it is nothing compared to the risk Zabel is exposed to at the moment.
“Yeah, well, you’re more hurt. Keep the pressure here,” she says, pressing his palm onto the coverage of the wound. The bleeding seems bad, but the bullet didn't hit any important organ. The police and ambulance will be here in no time. He should be fine. He has to be.
“I knew why-- why I was giving you-- the gun,” Zabel continues through the pain, his eyes looking and their hands pressed on his shoulder.
“Well, there’s gonna be a shitload of paperwork about this mess,” she smirks gloomily. Two officers - one of them off duty - injured, one dead weirdo, two missing girls being held in the attic. Mare brushes some hair away from her face, checking if there is blood on her fingers. This might be the first time she is kinda glad she is suspended.
“Mare, you-- you saved--”
Even though trying to say something, Zabel’s head starts falling to a side as his eyes are slowly about to close. Mare grabs him by the chin immediately.
“Hey, hey, eyes up! Stay with me, Zabel! The ambulance is here in a minute!” she orders, the tone of her voice urgent, while still holding his chin and trying to keep his gaze focused on her face.
A smile appears on the young man’s face.
“‘course I wanna stay with you… Mare.”
She has to stop herself from rolling her eyes in disbelief. “You’re being smooth now?”
That adorable, boy-like smile of his. Giving it to her even while basically fighting the loss of consciousness. What a dumbo. Her lips curl into a faint smile, too.
Glancing away, Mare realizes that girls who had been silent for a while are making hell of a noise again. And she knows why right away - there are police and ambulance sirens roaring nearby, approaching them finally.
Mare moves herself closer to the door so she can kick it more open. Swiftly she returns back to her colleague, whose head and hand are falling, obviously tired, again.
“They’re here, Zabel. You gotta hold on,” she urges him, one hand pressed on his wound, the other slapping his face slightly. She can hear several vehicles stopping outside of the house.
“Look at me, Zabel. Zabel! Colin!”
He mumbles something right just as the police officers and paramedics burst inside and the room around Mare starts to fill up.
Someone helps her to her feet, other people are taking care of Colin. She hears names and ranks, she tells them theirs, and then they are taking her outside, but she has one more important thing to say.
“There’re girls... they’re locked upstairs!” she shouts to the officers, turning backward partially. “Katie! Katie Bailey and…”
“That’s okay, ma’am, they’ll look into it,” a paramedic assures her, as he is guiding her to the ambulance. Mare sees Colin lying on the medical stretches, being taken to the vehicle alongside her.
“You okay?” she asks when he is next to her, even though he is lying with an oxygen mask over his face and eyes barely opened. She looks at the other paramedic. “Will he be fine?”
“I believe so, yes.”
“Don’t you fucking dare dying, Zabel!” she says warningly. She thinks she hears him murmur an answer and it calms her down a bit. He just can’t die. He won’t.
She sits where the paramedic tells her to and she lets him treat injuries, not listening to what he is saying to her.
People around her should stop fucking dying.
“Maybe you should lie down?” the man suggests.
“I’m fine.”
He’ll be fine as well. He has to be. They’ll take care of his shoulder and he’ll get through it.
She spots an officer coming up to her. She knows her, it’s Sergeant Diane Gibbson from this district.
Fuck, she’ll even go on another date with him if he asks.
Sergeant nods in greeting.
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kkusuka · 4 years
Third year songs <3
this is most of the thrid years- not all 
from my spotify liked playlist <3
comes with a side of slight character analysis 
These are my interpretations of HQ characters and these songs!!
Time-skip spoilers!! (very slight) 
Daichi Sawamura
 Waiting for Superman- Daughtry
She's waiting for Superman
To lift her up
And take her anywhere
Show her love
And climbing through the air
Save her now
Before it's too late tonight
She's waiting for Superman
Daichi seems like he makes a  lot of promises, that he just can’t physically keep. He just has so many things going on that he just can’t pay attention to all of them at once. This leads to far too many forgotten dates and even more broken promises. You know its not his fault and he does too, he just can’t leave anyone hanging. 
Koushi Sugawara
 Island- Florida Georgia Line
We might as well be on an island
Like we're the last two on this Earth
Like we're frozen here in time
Like it's empty here tonight
I feel like suga likes to put himself back into happier times. And that he tries to hold into happy moments as they are happening. He says he is a man of the moment, but when he feels down, he tries to put himself back into the more joyous times. 
Asahi Azumane 
You say- Lauren Daigle 
You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing
You say I am strong when I think I am weak
And you say I am held when I am falling short
And when I don't belong, oh You say I am Yours
And I believe (I)
Oh, I believe (I)
What You say of me (I)
I believe
Asahi is clearly very attached to how people perceive him. So when people shower him with compliments, he attaches onto them. He likes what makes him comfortable and he wants to stay comfortable for as long as he can. Words are important to him, so when he hears something bad it can ruin him for a while. He really does believe what the people he loves say to him. 
Kiyoko Shimizu
 Mothers daughter- Miley Cyrus 
Oh my gosh, she got the power
Oh, look at her, she got the power
So, so, so
Must be something in the water
Or that I'm my mother's daughter
The power this woman carries. She’s built her confidence and she’s not letting anyone ruin it for her. I truly believe that her friends all become more confident because she wants everyone around her to feel confident too. Since she doesn't speak all that much she lets her body language do most of the expression. 
Tetsurō Kuroo
 High school sweethearts- Melanie Martinez 
Could you hold me through the night?
Put your lips all over my mine
Salty face when I start cryin'
Could you be my first time?
Eat me up like apple pie
Kuroo definitely takes trust very seriously. I feel he’s also really scared of someone breaking this trust, so he does form it with a lot of people. That saying if he does, he wants it to last forever.
 (...Step twoThis is a waste if you can't walk me down the finish line…) 
He truly believes in the people he surrounds himself with. 
Nobuyuki Kai 
Kill the Lights- Set it Off
Now I am cutting ties clean off
And I can breathe at last
So we all stand enthralled by this bland curtain call
And the truth we pursue as we all, we all beg you to
 Kai seems like he wasn't really that invested in volleyball, so having all these passionate people around him was a shock.  But he really got into third year, and he wants people to feel that passion too. In the back of his mind he feels bad for not feeling it like the rest of the team, but since looking in the past means nothing now, he tries to move on. 
Morisuke Yaku
 Mama- Mcr
And when we go don't blame us, yeah
We'll let the fires just bathe us, yeah
You made us oh so famous;
We'll never let you go
And when you go don't return to me my love
I mean, he is part of the mom squad. But it's ever so slightly more deep. I’m gonna say it's momma-bird syndrome. He doesn't want people to move on without him, seeing people achieve their dreams is great but he doesn't want you to do it if that means loving him. 
Tōru Oikawa
Prom Queen- Beach Bunny
Maybe I should try harder
You should lower your expectations
I'm no quick-curl barbie
I was never cut out for prom queen
I feel like oikawa is constantly feeling like he has to catch up to everyone around him. At some point in Argentina he came to the conclusion that he was good enough and didn't need to rise to anyone's standards of him, but when he got picked for the national team everything came back. He still has all of those feelings from high-school. Never making it to nationals, feeling like he failed his team. 
Issei Matsukawa
Bubblegum Bitch- Marina and the diamonds 
Got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll
Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all
Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored
I'm the girl you'd die for
I feel like to earn Mattsun’s trust, he would put you through some ridiculous trial of sorts. I also feel that he is very comfortable with who he is, and he takes no shit about it. But that comes with the fact that he rarely takes fault in things, and that sparks arguments. He’ll use your love for him against you, he’ll be as cold as he can muster, until YOU take fault. 
Takahiro Hanamaki
 OUT THE ROOF- Chase Atlantic 
Yeah, we stay lit
We fuck bitches, pop on pillies, that is it, yeah
Holy moly, holy shit, yeah
Me and all my people are heaven sent, yeah, yup
9this is a strait vibe for Makki) 
I feel like Makki drowns his problems out with meaningless activities. Like smoking or one-night stands. He’d rather drown out his problems then have them in his  face. Or when he’s forced to face them, he’ll deflect until he has nothing else to deflect. Because when you’re high there nothing to worry about! Why stress about meaningless problems when he can be having fun!  
Hajime Iwaizumi
 Endlessly- The Cab
Yeah, your friends may think I'm crazy
Cause they can only see
I'm not perfect, but I swear, I'm perfect for you.
And there's no guarantee
That this will be easy.
It's not a miracle you need, believe me.
Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me
But I will love you endlessly.
Iwa knows that he can't be there for you all the time. Physically he tries his best, mentally he can help when he can. But you both know that you're perfect for one another. He just can't help but listen to the people around him sometimes. You deserve the world, but he doesn't know if he can give that to you. 
Kōtarō Bokuto 
Prima Donna- Andrew Lloyd Webber 
Can you bow out when they're shouting your name?
Think of how they all adore you
We’ve all seen how Bokuto gets what he’s praised for literally anything remotely impressive. So that makes him a cannon prima donna! but that also means the lows and really bad mood swings. This song just fits him so well it’s scary.  
Wakatoshi Ushijim
 More- Usher 
If you really want more, scream it out louder,
If you on the floor, bring out the fire,
And light it up, take it up higher,
Gotta push it to the limit, give it more.
This seems kinda obvious, but Ushijima never gives up. Ever since he was a kid, he set a goal for himself and he went beyond what he even set out for. And that comes with a lot of work and training for every new level of volleyball. He’s just going to get better and better until he retires, or is forced to retire. 
Eita Semi
 strawberries and cigarettes- troye sivan
Long nights, daydreams
Sugar and smoke rings, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
Headlights, on me
Racing to 60, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like
Blue eyes, black jeans
Lighters and candy, I've been a fool
But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
I feel like semi always thinks about how Shirabu replaced him on the starting line-up. But he’s mostly gotten over it, but certain things bring him back into that stage of his life. Then the cycle starts all over again. He constantly looks back on the game against Karasuno and thinks about wat would have happened if he was the setter instead. 
Reon Ōhira
 Remember when- Chris Wallace 
So can we push push push rewind,
Go go back in time,
When we were kids sneaking bottles of wine,
Take take take me back, I wanna go back,
Back to what we had! Do you remember when we started this mess,
My heart was beating out of my chest!,
Remember when we stole your dad's car,
Reon gives me the vibe that his days at Shiratorizawa were some of the best of his life. How can they not be? He made the greatest friends of his life there. And I also feel like he looks back on them a bit more than he wants to admit.
Satori Tendō
 This Side of Paradise- Coyote theory
Are you lonely?
Passion is crashing as we speak
You seem so lonely
You're the ground my feet won't reach
So if you're lonely
Darling you're glowing
If you're lonely come be lonely with me.
I get the vibe that Tendou attaches himself to whatever makes him feel wanted/safe. (ex. volleyball) he knows it isn't healthy, but he can't help it. This does lead to him completely distancing himself from you over and over because he thinks you’ll leave him. 
Hayato Yamagata- House of gold- Twenty one Pilots 
I will make you
Queen of everything you see
I'll put you on the map
I'll cure you of disease (Ooh)
And since we know that dreams are dead
And life turns plans up on their head
I will plan to be a bum
So I just might become someone
Even though we don't see a lot of him, I get the feeling he treats people really well. Like he cherishes people a lot more than some of them deserve. As you can see this leads to some unfair relationships and toxic people. He just wants to hold on until a good person comes along. 
Suguru Daishō
Mr Loverman - Ricky Montgomery 
I'm Mr. Loverman
And I miss my lover, man
I'm Mr. Loverman
Oh, and I miss my lover
I feel like this was way too obvious, but it really is his song. It’s literally cannon, every lyric in this song is what happened with Mika. but in the end he got her back and made his promise  to be a better loverman <3. 
Kazuma Numai
 Nonstop- Drake 
Future took the business and ran it for me
I let Ollie take the owl, told him brand it for me
I get two million a pop and that's standard for me
Like I went blind dog, you gotta hand it to me
He looks and acts like a guy who listens to drake. He just seems like a guy who won't stop or give up even when things take a turn. He’ll just keep fighting until nothing’s left. 
Kōji Hiroo
 At the Wheel- Colorblind 
I need something to wake me up
It's never strong enough
I'm just getting colder and starting over
Going numb is just the way I run from
All my problems when I can't solve them
Need to break away
Escape the way I'm feeling
Hate to be fake, but I'm just dealing
This one doesn't really have a true reason, i really just felt like this was his song.  Sorry just the vibe. 
Shinsuke Kita
 Oh Ms Believer- twenty one pilots 
Oh, Ms. Believer, my pretty sleeper
Your twisted mind is like snow on the road
Your shaking shoulders prove that it's colder
Inside your head than the winter of dead
I will tell you I love you
But the muffs on your ears will cater your fears
My nose and feet are running as we start
To travel through snow
Together we go
I feel like kita is unintentionally cold towards the world, like he wants to open up but can't figure out how. But in turn if you can get him to feel “warmer” (get closer to him) he’ll share everything with you, almost oversharing. Just because he can't help it, he’s kept it all in for so long. Sometimes he just needs someone to hold him and make HIM feel better, because he does it for everyone. If you can manage all of this i feel like he’ll keep you with him forever. 
Ren Ōmimi
 Armor- Landon Austin
I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you
Don't know what to say when you made me the enemy
After the war is won
There's always the next one
I'm not bullet proof when it comes to you
I feel like not a lot of people approach ren because of how intimidating he looks. This has made him weary when people are really enthused to first meet him, because he thinks it’s a joke. After getting over that hurdle i feel like he just isn't an open person so it’ll take a long time to even get to a point where he trusts you. Hence the other wars after the first. 
Aran Ojiro-
 Never really over- Katy perry
Two years, and just like that, my head still takes me back
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
Oh, we were such a mess, but wasn't it the best?
Thought it was done, but I guess it's never really over
Just because it's over doesn't mean it's really over
And if I think it over, maybe you'll be coming over again
And I'll have to get over you all over again
After all of these years, I really don't think Aran has truly gotten over losing at nationals in third year. And now on the national team he sees Hinata and Kageyama all the time and it takes him back. It makes him re-feel all the emotions he felt after the game. It hurt him to know that he gave his everything and still lost.  Like when he’s in bed he puts himself back into that self loathing phase of his life. 
Michinari Akagi
Try Hard - 5sos
It's obvious she’s so out of reach
And I'm finding it hard 'cause
She makes me feel, makes me feel
Like I try, like I try, like I'm trying too hard
'Cause I'm not being me
And it’s getting me down that
She makes me think, makes me think
That I try, that I try, that I'm trying too hard again
Akagi gives off boy best friend vibes.  But like to EVERYONE, so the person he liked just thought he was making fun of them and he didn't like them back. And i feel like that kinda traumatized him a bit, so when he got a new s/o he tried really really hard to make them special, but the same thing happened. 
i may do some with the second and first years, idk this took so long :)
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gaymershigh · 4 years
Hello! I saw your askbox and open and read your rules and you are right, it's not often I see Male×Male reader inserts in the TWST fandom. So, I'd thought I'd request some to help the cause! If I may, can I request some headcannons of dorm leaders of TWST×Male!Reader who is in their dorm and has been noticeably stressed in their schoolwork and one night is seen super stressed out and the dorm leader's fellow students pull the reader aside and hand the reader over to the dorm leader because the reader refuse to listen to anyone else?
Of course you may! Tbh, this is such a nice request, I enjoy doing multiple characters, but it's so difficult for me to write for Azul and Vil in this hc for some reason??
REMINDER: Don't overwork yourself just because you don't think it's enough! The fact that you're trying is already amazing! Please remember to take care of your health because you matter! 💜
Triggers: None!
Dorm Leaders dealing with a stressed Male!Reader
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Ever since Riddle got a text from Trey and its about his boyfriend doing his schoolwork on ungodly hours he was worried, very worried.
He wants to come to you and make a 2 hour speech about how you shouldn't overwork yourself but he barely has anytime as well, he's a very busy man as well.
So he decided to order your friends, Ace and Deuce to tell you to not overwork yourself. Hell, he even prepared a script for them.
Of course, it didn't work. It was so obvious it was from a script because Deuce sounds so robotic and Ace kept correcting Deuce. Your stubbornness makes it even more awkward and worse.
He ordered Trey and Cater this time, with a whole new script too.
They did a good job and all, but it also failed because your ass is so stubborn and Cater is pretty impatient and kept using his phone.
This only made you stressed out even more because these mofos probably dont understand how you feel.
Deuce's dense ass noticed this and told Ace about it. And that's how Ace got a big brain idea.
You were screaming, usually, the ADeuce duo usually stays at your dorm to chill while you do your work and NOT drag you to their dorm.
They shoved you to Riddle's room and what you're not expecting was your boyfriend showing a very worried face.
He immediately hugged you tightly before you could say a word. He cupped your face and caressed your cheek.
“My sweetheart, please don't overwork yourself, it's unhealthy for you. From now on, only work yourself for 2 hours max. Come now, let's drink some tea together.”
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He knows that something's up when you haven't been hanging out with him for a while.
He misses his herbivore so much, he misses cuddling his boyfriend but he's too prideful to admit.
When he found out you've been doing your schoolwork 24/7 by Ruggie, his response is indecisive but on the inside he's bothered.
Since he's too lazy to move on his very comfortable position, he threatened ordered his dorm members to convince you to stop overstressing yourself.
Knowing Savanaclaw, of course they failed, there was no hope to begin with. It was a disaster. They tried but they're way too intimidating for you to even listen to their words. Thank god Ruggie was there to bail them out so it wasn't too awkward.
This made Leona very moody. Not only he cannot snuggle with you, his plan failed and he now forces himself to sleep alone in pain. Boohoo.
Ruggie can't stand this man's temper tantrums so he just snatched you away from your dorm and toss you to a sleeping Leona.
The lazy lion woke up immediately when he recognized your scent. Since he's still sleepy however, he just pulled you to his bed and hugged you close with his tail wrapped on your leg
“Hmph, you chose your schoolwork over me and had the audacity to not meet up for the entire week? You're not going anywhere this time, especially with you in my arms.”
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He won't blame you to be honest. He overworks himself too and ignore your warnings multiple times. However, that doesn't mean he's not going to do anything about it.
He at least has time to spend with you but you didn't. Of course that made the octopus upset and he's not gonna five up when it comes to you.
He stalks you everytime he gets the chance. Your stressed expression really displeases him. He wants to do something about this so bad but he doesn't want to disturb his already stressed boyfriend.
Jade caught on to Azul's bizarre behavior and he cam up with an idea to surprise both of you.
“Kidnapping shrimpy? Ok!” of course Floyd would say yes, it's Floyd.
You're screaming in distress and confusion. Just a second ago you were messaging your temples because you couldn't mesmerize what Mr. Trein taught you and now you're getting kidnapped by the Leech twins, what a surprise. An unwelcome one at that.
Azul was shocked when he hears your cries as the twins dropped you off his room, still tied in ropes and leaving like nothing happened.
Azul untied you, explaining theories as to why they would do such things, but when he does got the right answer, he blushed in embarrassment. He caused this.
He placed a soft kiss and holds your hand gently.
“I apologize for causing a huge ruckus. It's just I missed you when you barely replied to my calls and texts and you kept working and that made me worried sick! I'm sorry that I sound selfish but.. Could you stay here a bit longer, please?”
Oh dear. How could you say no to that?
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Ok first of all how could you even ignore him? He always keep coming to you and basically screaming at you.
Your stress may could have took the you over and may accidentally snapped at him for being too noisy.
This made him sad and left the room. BUT HEY AT LEAST YOU GOT SOME PEACE AND QUIET AM I RIGHT?
But if you think that's gonna make him upset??? You're his wonderful boyfriend! His treasure! No matter what, just seeing thinking of you makes him happy again.
This didn't last as you kept ignoring his daily chat with you and his messages and calls. This wasn't okay.
This genuinely made him stressed as well, he probably doesn't even exist to you anymore. Despite it just being 2 days if felt like forever since you talk to him or even looking at him with a smile.
Kalim wanted to spend fun times with his boyfriend like always. Not just sit there and look at him groaning at the worksheet every now and then.
He missed you so much. Even though he sees you, it just doesn't feel the same.
He got less happier as the days go by, everyone got worried sick. Even Jamil felt disturbed about it, usually he would be living the life when Kalim's quiet.
Everything's the usual today. Kalim visiting you and he's quiet again. You of course felt bad but you really need to pass this test.
But out of nowhere, you kept getting text messages from Jamil screaming to you about talking to Kalim and how pathetic he looks when sad.
When you turned around, your heart shattered to pieces. There it is, a sad Kalim in tears, curling himself on your bed to at least have your scent on him.
You stopped what you're doing and hop on tour bed and press his face against the crook of your neck, muttering sorry.
“Ahhh! I miss you so much,habibi!(my love) please don't overwork yourself and ignore me! I love you so much and seeing you date your homework then dating me hurts me! Please dont leave me! I'll be the best boyfriend ever!”
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Who do you think you are, to ignore your lover's calling just for a paper of misery? How foolish.
Vil understood that your future is important to you, but do you really need to worry when you're dating the Vil Schoenheit? The beautiful, rich man who spoils you every single day?
Not only that, stress causes wrinkles and you're also ruining your sleep schedule?! Unacceptable.
He kept ranting to you about how greasy your hair and how big the bags under your eyes are.
To the point you have to lock your door to refrain him for entering and rant. You're already stressing out and there's literally no way you're going to hear about your dramatic boyfriend moan about your appearance.
He kept calling and texting you and you also ignore that. If anything you gave good morning texts or either leave him on read.
And he's not tolerating that.
His job was easier to handle than the others. He can just ask Rook to kidnap you and he would oblige and do so in an instant.
And he just did that.
Unlike the others, you know exactly what's going to happen when Rook is violently dragging you to Pomefiore. He's going to put you in Vil's room, listen to him rant for a few hours and do beauty things or whatever.
Well, have of that did happen when Rook closed Vil's door. He did rant but what your not expecting was him being very gentle and sweet.
“I knew it, you got increasingly worse. Oh well, I will refix this mess later. But for now, you should rest right beside me. No leaving no matter the circumstances, you understand, potato?”
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I mean, of course you're gonna ignore him, he's just a gross, weeby loser. There's no way he can impact your life positively in any single way. If anything, he probably causes trouble to his you anyway.
He doesn't really wanna stop you, he really cherishes you and your choices even if they're not good and losing someone like you is probably gonna take years to move on to.
Poor Ortho, he needs to hear his brother rant about his boyfriend not being able to see nor play games with because he's busy working himself.
But this made Ortho worry. Not only id his brother is sad but you're risking your health to do schoowork! That's no good.
This made you confused. Ortho kept muttering about your health status to himself everytime you pass by the hallways.
And everyday, your stress levels increase and your health is deteriorating.
He needs to make you rest at all cost but he knows your stubborn. So he has to do one thing that makes your knees weak.
His very own special puppy eyes.
Ortho innocently dragged you to Idia without either of you guy's knowledge.
When Idia finds out, he immediately apologized for the inconvenience he caused and you might have to be the one to comfort him.
“I'M SERIOUSLY SO SORRY! I just really wanted to play games with you and hangout with you like usual.. Eh? You will?? REALLY!?”
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At first, the fae didn't even realise you are stressing despite showing a few signals.
Until you start ignoring him. Then you got a pouty Malleus. (aw)
He doesn't understand why you're struggling with Mr. Divus' homework, it seems so easy to him, why is it so hard for you?
That made you upset and he still doesn't know why.
He never had a boyfriend like you before so of course he's not gonna understand gen z struggles. Spare him please.
Lilia gave him some tips, only for it to be tricks and make you more upset. snide mf
Seeing a sad Malleus made Sebek upset, then mad.
He asked Lilia what's wrong with his young master.
And when he found out you're replacing him with your schoolwork and then for some reason 'stressing' about it??
How rude!
Sebek kept nagging at you to stop working and pay attention to your damn boyfriend but you couldn't care less about Sebek and his shenanigans.
You only start sweating when he suddenly yanked your arm and dragged you to Diasomnia.
And what you see is a pouty Malleus playing with his little game.
When you sat next to him, he immediately wrapped you in his arms.
“My darling, I plead for you not to pressure yourself in something that only destroys you even more. What progress you have done is enough for today but as of now, you need rest. Release all your negativity away, love.”
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This is literally my second work but I already feel like a failure.
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One Look Forward
Melizabethweek Day 1: Flight/Freedom
“For someone who only found out they could fly three days ago, you’re a natural.”
Elizabeth pivoted higher, and the warm Goddess magic trickled through her nervous system, a power that turned the endless sky into her dominion. Her white-feathered wings beat against the force of gravity with ease. She was one with the light and the breeze. When she reached Meliodas’ side, who had been drifting a few dozen yards overhead, she beamed at him.
“In my defense, I do have memories of my first life,” she said. “So it wouldn’t be fair to say that I have no experience.”
Meliodas grinned. “I know. You used to beat me in a race more times than I can remember. But in my defense, I only have two wings instead of four.”
“And still, this never stopped you from inviting me to another challenge.”
“You know me, I’ll never get tired of chasing after you.”
They both laughed. A midair twirl and a somersault later, they interlaced their fingers, and Elizabeth’s heart raced with unparalleled joy, as though it wanted to outrun the winds themselves. Just as she and Meliodas had cast off the shackles of gravity, so too had she left her worries behind. Here, above the clouds, at an altitude where not even the flocks of barnacle geese or the daring goshawk dared to venture, the New Holy War had shrunken to a small scar on the world below them.
Unless she dared a glimpse at the ground. Several miles below, the hills of northern Britannia tasted their first afternoon of freedom.
The battles with the Demon King and Cath Palug had taken place only a day ago. For some people of Britannia, the wounds the forces of darkness and chaos had inflicted would never heal. Grey Demons had consumed hundreds of souls, each one a victim of a war they didn’t understand, and their red brethren had burnt uncounted villages down to the foundation stones. From the terracotta roofs of Sistana to the once lush lilac gardens of Belforet, everywhere across Britannia the New Holy War had claimed its toll.
Little more than a crater remained of Camelot. Thanks in no small part to the attack force of the Seven Deadly Sins.
“What’s with that gloomy face, Elizabeth?” Meliodas asked.
Elizabeth tore herself out of the cluster of her worries. “Don’t worry about me. I was just lost in thought, that’s all.”
“I know you better than that. Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
Elizabeth took time to answer. Her eyes darted across the landscape below them. Between the patches of differing greens and the sparkling rivers woven through the hills nestled Liones capital. Her home.
Their home.
The tall fortifications and the bravery of the kingdom’s Holy Knights hadn’t sufficed in protecting the city. The Demon King’s subjects had broken through the human defenses, and with terrifying ease. Construction sites would disfigure the market alley and the northern quarters for many months to come. The graveyard would see countless more tombstones. Escanor was only one of them.
“It’s just that…” Elizabeth began, struggling to find the right words. “A lot as changed during the New Holy War. And I don’t know if everything changed for the better.”
Meliodas tensed, and the purple Demon magic pulsated across his obsidian wings. “Yeah. It’s a lot to take in.” He placed a hand on her cheek; this touch she cherished more than anything else in this world. “But you know I wouldn’t change one thing. Thanks to this mess of a war, I can be with the woman I love. And I finally fulfilled my promise to you and got rid of your curse. Is it selfish of me if I wanna celebrate that?”
“Not at all! I feel the same. Nevertheless, I can’t help feeling responsible for all the people who are less fortunate.”
Meliodas’ smile showered Elizabeth with so much affection that she almost forgot to keep herself suspended midair with a flap of her wings.
“You’ll never change,” he said. “Always putting others before yourself. Always the hero others can only wish to be. You really are amazing.”
Heat rushed to Elizabeth’s cheeks. “You’re making fun of me…”
“Never. Don’t you know I only escaped Purgatory and drove out my father because of you? Without your kindness and your encouragement, the Demon King would have razed Britannia by now. Guess I need to step up my game to keep up with you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I gave old Bartra’s offer some thought. And I think I wanna accept.”
Elizabeth blinked, and for a moment she thought the squalls might have messed with her ears. “But you said you never wanted a crown! Even three thousand years ago, on the steps of the Heaven’s Theater, you swore that nothing could convince you otherwise.”
Meliodas gave her a half smile. “You remember that?”
“I will never forget! The time we spent there is among the most treasured hours of all my 107 lives.”
Elizabeth averted her eyes. It wasn’t like her to talk with such harsh fervor. Or at least, as the third princess of Liones, she would have never dared to say these things. Her past lives lent her a strength she had been missing before she had embarked on her journey to find the Seven Deadly Sins. How long ago the day seemed since she had stumbled into Meliodas’ tavern. And yet, the past year only amounted to the blink of an eye in the three thousand years they had lost and searched and found one another.
“So why,” Elizabeth continued more quietly, “why have you changed your mind all of a sudden? I wouldn’t want you to abandon your own plans for the future… just for me.”
Meliodas snickered. “You’re too worked up about this. It’s simple: I wanna spent the rest of our days with you, and since you’d never abandon those people down there, I’m not gonna do either. Besides, if anyone can mold me into a good king, it’ll be you, Elizabeth.”
Elizabeth looked at Meliodas, the face of the man she had loved in life and death, through heaven and hell, in times of peace and war. And what she found in his emerald eyes was genuine; a genuine belief in her.
She reciprocated his smile, and without minding the tears veiling her eyes, she threw her arms around his neck. He stroked her hair. They bathed in the familiar warmth of the other, a feeling of security and belonging that only needed one word to describe: home.
Locked in a tight embrace, they pirouetted downward, interwoven like two parts of a porcelain music box who had finally found each other.
“We’re gonna rebuild Liones,” Meliodas whispered into Elizabeth’s hair. “And when we’re done, the kingdom will be in such amazing shape that King and Arthur and all the other uptight royals will pale with jealousy. Can’t wait to see their faces.”
Elizabeth smiled. “Then it’s a promise?”
“It’s a promise.” Meliodas pulled back a little and grinned. “I sure love picking the hardest challenges to turn into a vow, huh?”
“As long as we are together, I believe there is no obstacle we couldn’t overcome. After such long a time, Britannia is free of the fires of war. We have to make sure this freedom lasts. And nothing would make me happier than to stand beside you and protect this peace. On one condition.”
“That being?”
Elizabeth tightened her grip around his shoulders. She felt the Demon magic course through the veins in his back, a power equal parts deadly and comforting.
Familiar. Like home.
“Let’s travel across Britannia before you accept the duty as king of Liones,” Elizabeth said. “It’s been so long since we could fly together like this. I want to maintain this feeling for a little while longer.”
Meliodas grinned. “I don’t think we’re gonna do much flying. You’re just going to stop and offer a helping hand to every poor soul we come across, aren’t you? Kay, then I’m in. In fact, I can’t imagine anything I’d rather do, Elizabeth.”
The tears welled up again. “I’m so glad to be with you.”
“Me too. Although Bartra probably won’t be too thrilled with the plan. I better write my testament before admitting to him that I plan to take his daughter and drag her all across Britannia for the next couple months.”
Elizabeth chuckled and swiped an escaped tear from her cheek. “After all the battles we fought, I believe we can even take on the wrath of my father.”
Hand in hand, Meliodas and Elizabeth drifted across the sky above Liones. They would return to the ground and face responsibility soon enough. But this first afternoon of freedom deserved to be savored for a little while longer.
A small, selfish while amidst the clouds.
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