#as in. 'your heart has become you (feminine) he spilled it' and everyone was like what kind of grammar is that. that is NOT correct
feluka · 6 months
💕💕💕دوبت و حبيتها 💕💕💕
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creedslove · 1 year
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Javier Peña x f!reader
This came out after a delusional thought I had here and here 😳
Summary: Javi is a little carried away at a party and he's dancing, shocking everyone around him
Warnings: fluff, pure fluff, drunk!Javi being adorable, a love sick puppy 😭
A/N: idk besties, I know it's silly AF but my heart asked me to do it 😭
0.5k words ~ drabble
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"Dale a tu cuerpo alegría Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegría y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegría, Macarena
Hey Macarena, ay"
"How many has Javi had?!" Connie asked her husband with a frown on her face, not recognizing the usual grumpy, serious agent in front of her. Steve only scoffed and took another sip of his beer as he shrugged and wrapped his arms around his wife, so amused to watch a scene he thought he never would: Javier Peña dancing. 
Javi had many qualities that drew feminine attention, but dancing never seemed to be one of them, as he had never displayed his abilities before. Not even when he was out at bars in Colombia, or during parties at the embassy. Of course, this party was different after all, they weren't under unbearable stress for having to chase Pablo Escobar, worrying about their lives constantly. Javier wasn't the same bitter, broken man who needed to seek comfort in the arms of beautiful strangers. Instead, they were in Laredo, in a beautiful summer night, everyone was happy and celebrating, most of all Javier, who had drunk a few too many and danced without a care in the world, suit jacket long lost somewhere in the party, white shirt becoming see through with sweat and spilled drinks and tie loosened around his body. 
He was happy and for the first time in a long time, probably for the first time in his life, he felt carefree like he didn't have to look over his shoulder all the time, worrying about threats and all the horrible scenes that very often still tormented him, but this time he had other priorities, he had other people to worry about. 
When he spotted you amongst the people, he pulled you by the waist, eyeing you up and down and grinning at the sight he had of you. 
"Looking good, cariño" his smug face was enough for you to giggle, his red cheeks, sweat beads falling down his forehead making your heart melt. 
"You're looking good, Mr.Peña" you winked and placed both hands on his cheeks, squeezing them softly and leaning in for a peck, but got stopped by him 
"Sorry, you are gorgeous cariño, but I'm married now" he smirked and raised his left hand, showing you his golden band and caused you to roll your eyes "yeah? Is your wife pretty?" 
"Gorgeous!" He laughed and pulled you closer, nuzzling your neck and looking down at your beautiful, wedding dress "my wife is my queen, she saw right through the asshole I was and could see something good in me, she found love in me, she gave me a chance to live a life worth living, to have the chance to build a family with her and well, if I hadn't married her, I would propose to her right now" he said sweetly. 
Javi was exactly the kind of drunk you loved, he was affectionate, giggly and he danced. You leaned in, kissing your husband, your heart melting at how beautiful his words were. 
You were married to the man of your dreams and he loved you just as much. 
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Is it ok to have a yandere stopframe x reader headcanons?
Thanks for ordering!
Come again soon!
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• Okay, Let’s do this.
• I’m gonna make this platonic (Paternal) since Stopframe is gay and I mostly write feminine-leaning readers (Sorry if that’s a bother!)
• So as a yandere I’d say this man is Protective, Semi-obsessive and lucid.
• He’s protective in the way he’s aware about how shitty Moralton is. Bad things happen everyday and you getting hurt is just something he cannot bare.
• Semi-Obsessive in the way he just wants to get into your interests. If you like something he does too, If you dislike something he vehemently hates it. Stopframe just wants you to have a good opinion of him.
• And Lucid in the way he knows what he’s doing is wrong. He knows he shouldn’t have this obsession with you but to be honest, He doesn’t really care.
• So I see this going only one way for once.
• I’d say you’d just need to be attending the school he works at, Go to gym class and you know, Live a normal life.
• And for some reason, Stopframe takes a liking to you and suddenly you’re the teacher’s pet.
• Maybe it was because you excelled in gym class, Or it could be that you just sat out the entire time. Maybe neither, Either way he’s taken a liking to you.
• Stopframe pushes you to excel in class. He disguises it by acting as a concerned guardian but it’s really a guise just to spend more time with you.
• He’s an opportunist at heart. Stopframe js a smart guy and he’s aware you don’t have a good home life. That’s easy to guess though, What kid in Moralton ever has good parents?
• So the more time he spends guiding you the more he asks why you’re so tired, Why you seem hungry all the time. At first you brush it off as an excuse, You forgot to eat or just couldn’t get to sleep.
• But the more he asks and the worse your homelife gets. There comes a point where you just cant take it anymore and sjust spill out everything.
• Stopframe makes sure to comfort you while you’re crying. He’s soft spoken by nature and it comes in handy.
• He tells you everything will be fine. He says that you don’t need to worry since he’ll take care of everything. You agree, Too hysteric to really understand the weight of your compliance
• From that day forward things do get better for you at school. Kids who use to tease you suddenly avoid you like the plague, Stopframe often hands you a protein bar every class and makes sure you eat as well as going easier on you in class.
• You’re extremely grateful if not a little confused. But eventually it slips your mind as you start smiling more and trying hard in class.
• Stopframe himself is happy you’re doing better. He at heart is a selfish man, Egoism is his philosophy. But for once there’s an exception in you, Someone he cares about and starts to see as his own child.
• This becomes your daily routine. Sometimes when its raining you’ll eat your lunch in his classroom, Everyday he makes sure your doing alright
• It’s nice and it seems like your life is starting to get on the right track... But it doesnt last.
• One day you come into school with a black eye. You’re crying but you try your best to hide your feelings as you go on with your day
• If anyone asks you about your injury you simply tell them you ‘accidentally’ fell down the stairs.
• People take this in no problem. All until you get to gym class.
• Stopframe pulls you aside. He’s worried in an angry yet concerned kind of way.
• Out of everyone you trust him. So you tell him what happened and how it really wasn’t accidental. Your father had pushed you down the stairs while he was drunk.
• Stopframe is fucking fuming at this point. He doesn’t show it though as he tells you to sit out of class today to rest.
• Throughout the day you expect to be called into a teacher or counsellors office but it never comes
• It only does when you come home late from running around with Orel and the gang. Lights of red and blue and yellow caution tape plastered everywhere.
• Promptly you are told by an officer that your parents had been involved in a home robbery, Getting killed in the process as you see their bodies rolled out in stretchers.
• You’re devastated. They may of been horrid, Awful and useless parents but they were the only thing giving you a home. You don’t have any other family to speak of, Your completely alone.
• Thats until Stopframe comes in. He happened to be passing by, You don’t even need to tell him what happened as he already understands.
• Adoption papers signed. Stopframe is now your dad, Congrats.
• Stopframe himself is pretty alright as a platonic yandere.
• Generally he lets you go out of the house even though you need a tracker on it and you need to inform him of who you’re with at all times.
• Your friends need to be approved by him. If he doesn’t vibe with the vibe then they’re out.
• Stopframe makes sure your taken care of. He provides you with food, Clothing and lots of other things you ask for.
• The two of you like to watch sports games or share a beer. You know, Like the stereotypical southern dad.
• No romantic partners. No, None. He won’t let you. This isnt up for discussion.
• Nor will he let you get close to anyone else. You’re his kid not anyone elses
• Stopframe killed your parents. Straight up. Lets say if you ever find out its not going to be fun
• Yeah, They were abusive pieces of shit but the pictures you seen of the autopsy was horrifying. Their bodies had been mutilated to the point you thought it was spaghetti Marana on first sight.
• You try to run away from home you might actually have a chance
• But if you do end up getting caught its not ending well for you.
• Doors? Locked. Alone time? Gone. Legs? Broken.
• He loves and cares for you but he will not hesitate to break your legs if it means you cant escape.
• Suddenly you’re being homeschooled and the light of day is just a fools dream at this point
• Yep. Good luck with that!
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Omg can I pls request our lovely 3 demon slayer boys (aged up) along with tengen and rengoku reacting to their gf getting (semi long) acrylics pls! (Can be fluff or smut idc) thank you!
ANON!!!! ANON!!!!!!!! I FINISHED IT FOR YOU!!!!! IM SUPER SORRY IF THE FLOW IS OFF AND STORIES ARE KINDA CHOPPY IM REALLY TIRED AND TODAY HAS BEEN RIDICULOUS BUT I HOPE YOU SERIOUSLY ENJOY AND IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE ME TO WRITE FOR YOU ILL ABSOLUTELY DO IT FOR YOU!!! Once again I do apologize I realize this isn’t my best work but I seriously hope you enjoy it regardless. If you don’t like it I’m more than willing to cut my pinky off way of the house husband style🙏
Criticism/tips welcome!!!
Request are always open!!!
warnings: heavy smut, vulgar language, nsfw themes, characters are aged up in these scenarios
If anything mentioned above may cause harm to your mental health do not read.
Kamaboko Squad + Rengoku and Tengen reacting to Semi long Acrylic Nails:
Tanjiro Kamado:
When you first brought up the idea of getting acrylics, Tanjiro was excited!
Tanjiro supports you no matter what and if you want to get pretty nails he is all for it!
He will even ask to pay for them, he wants to show his love anyway he can. 
He secretly wants you to get his haori pattern on your nails at least once, he wants everyone that sees you to know you are his. But like in a sweet way. 
After you get your nails, he is in awe. You look so feminine! So beautiful!
He adores you anyways, but seeing you express yourself so confidently makes his heart swell with pride.
Regardless of color or pattern you get he will admire them and compliment you any chance he gets.
He thinks you look really badass when you wield your sword with your nails. 
His heart would absolutely STOP if your nails matched your breathing technique.
On the more intimate side of things, Tanjiro would be entranced by them in bed.
When he’s fucking you, he wants to feel them. He wants you to claw his back, his arms, his chest. He wants to feel and see just how good he’s pleasuring you. 
“Am I making you feel good, love?” Tanjiro asked while he thrusted into you, his movements full of love and care.
“Yes, yes it feels so good-please keep going.” You whispered in the shell of his ear. Tanjiro dropped himself on top of you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, so he could pound you even deeper. He quickened his pace, he just needed to hear you, to feel you digging in his back.
“Let me feel you, scratch me, dig your nails into my back.” Tanjiro said breathlessly, you did as he asked and raked your fingers up and down his back. Red trails ran from the tops of his shoulders down to hips, he shuddered under your touch. 
“Just like that-I’m so close.” Tanjiro begged as he kept up his rhythm as best as he could. You began to claw him harder, your strokes becoming slower as you lost your focus. You couldn’t help but lose yourself in the euphoria Tanjiro was putting you in. Before long the two of you came together, Tanjiro spilling his seed deep inside while you clenched him so tightly.
From then on your nails are an absolute turn on for him.
Will offer every time to pay for your nails and then as soon as the two of you get a moment alone he will want to try them out. 
10/10 supportive teddy bear that absolutely has a nail kink now. 
Inosuke Hashibira: 
Inosuke was very confused by your nails at first. 
“Did you get them to improve your fighting skills?” He’d ask.
You would gently explain to him that you got them because you like them. He doesn’t quite understand but hey as long as you’re happy, he’s happy.
He didn’t really get interested in them till one day he asked you to scratch a spot on his back he couldn’t reach. He was instantly hooked, it had been the most relieving itch of his life. 
Now whenever he has an itch you are obligated to do it for him, in fact he will constantly pester you to scratch his back and scalp. 
This sort of ritual between the two of you becomes a habit. When laying down together at night, Inosuke will press his back against you so you can scratch it for him. You later realized he wanted you to do it till he fell asleep, which you didn’t mind because it was cute seeing his needy side. 
One night you mistakenly thought he had fallen asleep, so you flipped over to find a comfortable position for yourself. That was until a very grumpy Inosuke turned and barked,
“Hey, I wasn’t asleep yet! Keep scratching!” 
On the outside you sighed and continued raking his back, but on the inside you were laughing hysterically. 
Besides their use, Inosuke thinks you look hot with your new nails. Especially when you’re mad or fighting a demon, you remind him of a wild animal. 
When things get hot and heavy, his interest towards your nails becomes more intense. 
He developed an infatuation with them and he constantly wants to see them wrapped around his dick. 
He just loves how your hands look, how dangerous they can be, but instead of hurting him they are pleasuring him to the best of your ability.
You sat on your knees in between his legs while you took Inosuke’s full length down your throat. Guttural moans and growls filled your ears as he continued to grind deep into your touch. Inosuke threw his head back and both his hands were intertwined in your hair, shoving your head down even further. One hand on his shaft that guided your lips up and down, while the other cupped his balls. This drove him wild, he could help but arch and thrust up into you. The more you slurped, the more he groaned. When his eyes weren’t rolling back into his head he would catch glimpses of you so eagerly sucking him. What finally pushed him over the edge was the way you looked up at him, your (e/c) eyes, your lips, your nails, they wrapped themselves so perfectly around his dick. It was too much and he spilled every last bit of his cum down your throat. 
9/10 only because you have to constantly scratch his back now, but he is overwhelmingly thrilled about them. 
Zenitsu Agatsuma:
One afternoon you mentioned to Zenitsu that you thought about getting your nails done, and of course Zenitsu was elated. That being said he worships the ground you walk on, so you knew that getting your nails done wouldn’t be a problem. 
Immediately after getting them done he has to see them. He holds your hands and inspects them smiling the whole time.
“They are so beautiful, (Y/n). Almost as beautiful as you.” He’d say while giving you a cheeky smirk. 
Thinks they are absolutely gorgeous and will always suggest colors or patterns he thinks would look good. But whatever design you pick out he will shower you in compliments about how you are so creative and brilliant.
He literally beams with pride every time you are around. 
If you suggested getting them done with a lightning design, this man will fall to his knees and propose to you again. He has absolutely done it before and absolutely does it again till you say yes. Even after you two are engaged he will still beg you to marry him. 
He already thinks you hung the moon, so when you are in battle and he sees you in all your glory, he will pass out from excitement and fear. 
He thinks your nails are a wonderful way to express yourself, especially in the demon slayer corps whenever has the same uniform. 
On the flip side to this, he is actually quite intimidated by your nails. He is already intimidated by you, but your amazing looks accompanied by your bold nails has him submissive. 
Especially in the bedroom. He is used to you taking control but now more than ever does he let you guide him. Something about your nails sparked something inside of him, you seemed now to demand authority and he intended to listen to your every command. 
“Do you like what I’m doing for you? Am I doing good?” Zenitsu would ask as he pounded into you. He loved the way you moaned and praised him, he craved it, he had to have your approval.
“Ah-you’re-you’re doing amazing baby, keep going for a little longer okay, baby?” You’d say in between gasps and moans, he pounded into you so passionately. He wanted to please you so desperately, if only you’d give him the honor of being able to be hopelessly dedicated to you for the rest of his life. 
Feeling both his and your climaxes approaching, you grabbed Zenitsu and threw him onto his back. You immediately straddled him, sunk yourself on to his length and began to ride him roughly. Zenitsu's eyes grew wide as he watched you bounce up and down on him, just the thought of you pleasuring yourself on him was enough to make him finish three times over. 
You watched his face flutter as you bobbed faster, then a truly filthy thought came to you.  You ran your hand up his chest and to his neck, you wrapped your fingers around his throat and began to squeeze. Almost instantly the two of you released simultaneously. 
Since that night, Zenitsu loves if you choke him, he loves it even more if he can feel your nails in the soft skin of his neck.
10/10 very much loves them and very much loves you.
Kyojuro Rengoku:
On your weekly date with Kyojuro, the two of you walked past a salon on the way home. You saw a young woman walk out with bright red acrylic nails and you fell in love with the look. When you both arrived home you mentioned it to him to which Kyojuro smiled widely and exclaimed,
“I think you would look amazing with them, darling!” 
Several days later you got your first set and went to Kyojuro. Much like Zenitsu, Kyojuro loves them! He would tell you that they are gorgeous and match your personality perfectly!
He begs you to get a set with flames on them, to which you agree. Kyojuro is over the moon about your nails and loves it even more when you coordinate your outfits to match them. He loves it even more when you play with his hair with them. As you run your fingers through his bright unruly hair he melts into your touch, you are always so gentle with him. So much so he blushes and shivers as you ruffle his mane. 
One evening though you stumbled upon a very interesting reaction from Kyojuro. Together the two of you laid in your shared futon, tired from a day full of training. You softly grazed your fingers across his back until his muscles quickly clenched. You nails had passed over the soft skin above his hips, and when you did it again you got the same reaction. As you went for a third pass Kyojuro gently grabbed your hand and pulled it around him.
“Darling, that tickles.” He said half asleep.
A devilish grin spread across your face. 
“Oh, I’m sorry baby…I didn’t realize this tickles!” You yelled before attacking his sides. 
Kyojuro’s eyes shot wide open and his muscles clenched. A terribly joyful smile spread across his face as he began to try and defend himself. Then his boisterous laughter erupted as held his arms tightly against his sides and brought his knees to his chest.
“No, stop it, (Y/n)! How dare you use my weakness against me! I won’t forget this!” Yelled Kyojuro as he still continued to howl in laughter. Soon you were caught up in your own laughter and failed to notice that he had escaped your grasp, and when you finally looked to find Kyojuro you saw him standing before you with his arms crossed; a mischievous grin of his own upon his lips. 
Seeing his expression you quickly wrapped yourself in the blankets from the bed and took off running out the room, you giggling the entire way. Kyojuro chased after you till he caught you, and when he did he tickled like you had tickled him. 
Soon the tickling turned into touching and kissing. Together on the floor the two of you sensual kisses one another as your hands wandered each other's bodies. You removed Kyojuro’s clothing and your hands traced the muscles on his chest and abdomen. Again Kyojuro’s muscles tensed but this time Kyojuro groaned in your mouth. Feeling your wandering fingers and the slight sharpness of your nails fueled his fire, he could feel his blood rushing faster the more you touched him.
He quickly picked you and ran to your shared room, once inside he threw you on to the bed.
As fast as he could, he entered inside you, both yours and his moans filled the room while your clothes were strewn about the room.
He delivered his ruthless thrust in between your legs while you laid on your back, one of his hands supporting his weight and the other holding yours flush against his chest.
“Yes that’s it, Darling, keep touching me, I need to feel you.” He grunted out as he continued to rut inside you. Following his request, you placed both your hands against his chest and squeezed his muscles. This rendered the most sinful of moans from Kyojuro.
12/10 Kyojuro is ticklish and you can utilize this for your agenda. Oh and yeah he loves your nails but still…you can threaten him with tickling.
Uzui Tengen:
Tengen was your inspiration for the nails originally. He always had his nails painted and he would paint yours whenever you wanted him too. So when you brought the idea to his attention, he wanted to get them done right away!
That was something he always loved about you, you were just as flashy as he was. You wore a dazzling haori, along with gorgeous gems that hung around your neck, wrist, and waist. Even more so you wore a similar makeup to him, which never failed to warm his heart. The nails were only your next step in your flamboyance journey!
After getting your first set, you went home and showed them to everyone. The girls and Tengen fawned over them! Seeing just how stylish you looked the girls wanted to get a set as well, Tengen couldn’t have been happier. 
The four of you fully exemplified the phrase ‘power couple’, especially you and Tengen. Considering you were both hashira in the demon slayer corps, people and the other slayers noticed you. You were a flashy, flamboyant couple who matched each other’s energy so well, and Tengen never missed a chance to show you off. 
Along with improving your look it seemed that your nails improved your fighting as well. Tengen knew this was from your recent boost in confidence, but he still told you it was the flashiness that was giving you strength.
When it came to the late evenings spent at his estate, the four of you spent your time together entangled with one another between the sheets. You were already a flashy lover; as Tengen had put it, but now you were ever more so. 
As you laid with your knees pressed into the soft fabric of your bed, Tengen slammed into you mercilessly. He loved hearing your whines and begs as he shoved himself as deep into you as he could go, he watched your body melt with pleasure as he fulfilled your every desire. You gripped the sheets as tightly as you could, he loves watching you struggle to find something to steady yourself on. 
“You like how I’m fucking your pussy, hm? Want me to go harder? Want me to go faster?” Tengen asked as he continued with his swift thrust. You could barely breathe, let alone speak. All of it was so amazing you couldn’t do anything but moan his name over and over.
“Uzui-oh fuck-Uzui!” You cried feeling yourself draw ever closer to your release.
“What do you want? Tell me and I’ll give you that and so much more-Fuck! You feel so good.” Tengen’s dirty words were filled with honey. You could feel him start to falter as he too became closer. 
“Harder, faster, please!” You managed to beg, and instantly Tengen’s hands gripped waist harshly. He changed his position to where he rested on knee, while the other stood beside your hips to help keep you steady. Just like that Tengen released his lust fueled strength upon you. He rammed into you while pulling your hips to meet him, he was completely buried inside. 
“That’s it, cum for me (Y/n), cum on my cock.” Just hearing his command made you fall into your blissful release. Your body clenched and squirted around his dock causing his eyes to roll back into his skull. His pace slowed and he pulled out of you, you still bent over as you recovered. 
Tengen maneuvered you and himself to where your head was now in between his legs. 
“It’s my turn now, baby. Show me how bad you want to please me.” Tengen said, a smirk plastered against his face. 
Knowing exactly what you wanted you took him in your mouth and began to quickly bob your head up. Sultry moans and groans fell from Tengen’s lips as he watched how diligently you sucked him. 
“That’s it, keep going.” He’d say he has guided your head down further. He loved watching you struggle and hearing you gag. 
Before long, Tengen met his own release and covered your mouth, face, and hands with his juices. Seeing you covered in his cum almost immediately made him hard again, and when you began to lick your fingers clean, he was ready for round two. 
6000/10 you are the flashiest couple of all time, the whole four of you look badass, respectfully. 
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rayofsunas · 4 years
s/o who dies.
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A/n: listennnn, I wasn't going to write something dark, but then I unregretfully decided to listen to edgy/dark audios and I was suddenly in the mood to write this so yeah lmao. also, guess what? I'm planning on making a discord server right after posting this! so, be on the lookout for that when I get it all sorted out. also, note for Scaramouche's that the reader inserts tend to lean more femininely versed (I hope that's okay), the only reasons why I do that is because one I simp and I'm female AND two since I am doing a mini-series for Scara, I've kind of based his imagines/fics around that universe (baby daddy universe). I haven't started his yet, but consider these part of that series' universe. anyways as always thank you for requesting anon and enjoy! <333
Summary: you die + how the boys cope afterward.
Parings: Albedo/Gn! Reader, Xiao/Gn! Reader, Scaramouche/Fem! Reader
Warnings: swearing, angst, death, poison, illness/cancer, murder, arson, obsessive behavior
Word count: 2.1k
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"You need to keep this on your head." Your lover said for the one-hundredth time, placing the cold cloth on your forehead once again after taking it off only seconds earlier.
"This is pointless," You said, no longer wanting to ignore nor hide behind the invisible thick curtains of the obvious death sentence approaching. "My body rejected the medicine the first twice doses, what's a third time going to do?" You asked, knowing Albedo wouldn't answer; your hope was to knock some sense into his thick skull. but he was too worried trying to ignore the obvious as you had previously been doing, not anymore though.
This was saddening to watch, both Albedo's unfolding and the girl who accidentally poisoned you, whimpering into Sucrose's shoulder. She was only a young girl, barely seventeen when she was chosen to work under Sucrose and your boyfriend. She was very good at Alchemy and luckily had a desire to practice the craft. But unfortunately, she hadn't paid much attention when it came to Surcrose's educational poison lesson and had unknowingly mixed up poisonous liquids and materials.
After tipping over some clutter in Albedo's office and knocking over a test tube laying unsealed on the counter, you had realized the contents spilled on your skin, bleaching into your pores. You had been tasked with bringing the famed alchemist and his assistant some vials and materials for the collection of a rare butterfly they had found. It was both telling and obvious that something was wrong when you never showed up with the required materials requested and it was already too late hours later when the chief Alchemist, his assistant, and Alchemist in training came bounding down the stairs of Albedo's home laboratory.
It didn't take long for the trio to realize something was wrong. Sucrose had found the vile on the floor, most of its contents spilled and in a little puddle, plus your state on a nearby lounge chair was obvious; slumped awkwardly, forehead visibly sweating, eyes closed, breathing raspily.
You accepted the first doses of the supposed nullifying medicine without hesitation, just wanting the numbing feeling to go away. But when it never kicked in you decided it would be best to save the medicine, because it wasn't working. Your time was coming.
"Since the medicine is taking immediate effect, you should try to get the contents out of your system," He said, reaching out for you. Badly you wanted to argue that the medicine wasn't working at all, but he wasn't listening and already has his lean arms wrapped around your middle, helping gently lift and guide you over to the sink.
You hear materials being shoved to the side and soon enough you had your head dangling over the sink, shaking hands gripping the metalled edge tightly. Soon enough, Albedo's hand was on your back rubbing up and down, hoping to comfort you, it wasn't working though. You could only think about your death, what the other side would look like. Could there even be heaven or hell, maybe a place in between, maybe nowhere...?
As soon as you felt the urge to vomit, you did, and despite it being utterly disgusting Albedo seemed to welcome it happily. He took this as something good, but it only worried you when you saw the reddish hues in the bile.
"I think they should leave." You muttered acknowledging Sucrose and Elizabeth, the taste of gooey, metal only becoming more apparent. The blonde agreed, nodding and muttering "Okay."
As Sucrose lead Elizabeth towards the stairs, the pair heard you say. "Goodbye Sucrose, Elizabeth." Which only seemed to make the young girl wail louder.
You sighed sadly once the silence was back. Just your thoughts of death, and Albedo's slowly crushing heart.
"You should probably leave soon as well. I don't want you to be here when I go." Albedo frowned at your statement, head shaking.
"Don't say things like that."
Of course, he'd say that. Why did he feel the need to ignore this when it would only come back to hurt him even more later on when you were gone?
"You're the smartest man I know and we both know where this is heading," You said, head feeling much heavier than before. It was getting closer to your time. "I'm going to die, and you can't do anything about it."
"I'm not leaving your side. We promised to stick together through everything, you can't ask me to leave."
"I guess... But promise me this."
"When I go, stop blaming Elizabeth. It was an accident..." You said sincerely. Albedo wanted to make a fuss about it, tell you he'd never been able to forgive her. But for you, he would try. If it was your list desire, your last wish, he'd make it come true. Though it would be difficult. Accidental or not, she was the reason you were leaving him here, alone.
"Okay, I'll try..." He said honestly.
"Thank you," You said, letting out a shaking breath you had been holding for a very long time. Now you felt much more peaceful. "And since I know you stubbornly won't leave," You started, finally turning away from the sink to look into his cerulean eyes. "At least hold my hand."
"Of course, love."
even a year after your death, no matter how hard he tried, there was still this nagging feeling every time he looked at Elizabeth
he wanted too badly forgive her, but he couldn't
she had, although accidental, taken the one person that meant so much to him and he'd never forgive
Albedo is gonna be distant towards everyone he knows and it's completely purposeful
he doesn't like the pitiful gazes that people send his way and he hates that all the captains stared at him at your funeral
obviously, some questioned if he was able to stay in the field
he hadn't taken any time off, even when Jean advised he was welcome and that it would be best
tbh, albedo's going to have a hard time for a while
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Why did it have to be you? Why not him? He'd feel much better knowing you could live another day, after all, he'd been living a very long time.
But no, the fallen Archons, Gods, Yaksha had chosen you to join them. He wished that weren't the case
Humans and their pathetic vessels... So weak, he thought. Allowing something like cancer to beat them.
No matter how harsh it sounded, he didn't despise you, no. It wasn't your fault. You didn't ask for this. He just knew that if you were a godly being this wouldn't have happened like this or at least not so soon; Xiao had known Gods that had terminal illnesses to live years. Why couldn't you be like them?
He hated watching you lie there in that bed, immobile, sickly, and tired, and all you could say was that everything was going to be alright, that he'd be alright.
But it wasn't. He wouldn't be okay without you. He would struggle daily, fall deeper into a hole. You were the light of his life, the only light in his life. And you were gone, just like that. Turning external scars into internal ones tattered all over his dying heart.
Xiao for the longest time has been by himself, so the people of Liyue know it'll be harder for him to overcome this, no matter what he says or does to prove otherwise
Zhongli in particular knows how hard this will be for his friend
his first and probably last love, dead, gone in the blink of an eye
he'll continue fighting all the monsters he crosses, becoming even more violent when he does so, trying his best to get rid of this stupid sickly feeling of heartbreak
but it won't go away, no matter what he does, no matter how absurd
he just wants the feeling to go away, he despises that feeling so much
if you have a secret place somewhere, like in the mountains, Zhongli often finds him there, wallowing in invisible self-pity
"You know they wouldn't want you to be like this." Zhongli would say, only trying to help
but it doesn't
it only enrages Xiao, even more, fuels him to push everyone out of his life again instead of letting them in like he'd done in your presence
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How dare you. How dare you leave him like this. Alone, nonetheless with a toddler to raise who kept crying for her mommy. He couldn't do this without you, he didn't know how to raise a child, speak to her with the gentle care that you did. That was your expertise but now he'd be doing it solo.
And never again would he entrust someone who he cares about, into ignorant, incompetent arms. Never again will he ever allow any member of the Fatui to watch after his daughter; no matter their rank or position. They had one job while he was away doing business in Liyue. Guard your home twenty-four seven, accompany you into Inazuma's port town should you need anything, watch after his daughter while she plays happily in the luscious Inazuma fields. And they couldn't do that. All he gave them was one simple task, watch and keep you and your daughter safe. Instead, they slacked off, probably drunk in some bar while you were being brutally attacked by murderous mercenaries, left to fend for you and your daughter, only to die protecting her and leave your home to be severely burned.
He knew those idiotic Fatui soldiers were incompetent the moment he stepped foot into the harbor and found that everyone seemed to quiet down. Especially the eerily silent soldiers flanked on each side to welcome him home; he was the highest-ranking soldier in the land of Inazuma after all. Not a single one bothered to step forward and tell him what was wrong, what they all criminally allowed happen. Scaramouche only realized what had happened when he was mere minutes away from arriving home, his daughter had come running from his widowed mother's arms, the sight of smoke rising in the air, from the direction of his home. You were nowhere to be seen.
It all happened so fast, in the blink of an eye. His daughter was clinging to his shirt and his mother only stared with tears of pity.
It didn't take long for the puzzle pieces to be put together and before he knew it, Scaramouche was standing in front of his home, part of it burnt to a crisp and black.
He didn't need to ask what happened, he didn't need to know where you were, because he already knew. What he didn't know was who exactly had done this. But he was going to find out, now.
Incompetent, selfish, bastards. They would all pay for this. The lazy piggish Fatui soldiers who he should've never trusted with such a simple task and the thieves who had murdered you. They all had it rightfully coming.
Scaramouche hates the world after he lost you
he hates it so much and can't understand how this had happened
he's not a good person, so he blames it on karma and those stupid idiots who couldn't protect you
ngl, he's not gonna be around much after your death... his mother would argue that he should be here to raise your daughter, because she's also in pain and doesn't understand that this isn't some game of hide and seek this time
instead, he's focused and driven by revenge
he doesn't listen to a word anybody says, he's much more dangerous than before, and he only trusts his judgment
anyone trying to get him to stop his mission, is someone who doesn't want to see him happy he thinks (though that's not true at all. they hate that he is obsessive over this) but he will personally put a stop to that
and he'll only return home to his daughter and mother when he finds who did this and they along with their bloodline is exterminated
while he's gone, the remainder of his family is relocated somewhere he knows they'll be safe, for example, even though he despises childe, he knows his mom and daughter will be safe with his family
sorry, but Scaramouche will hold this deep-rooted hatred and love for you after you die
yes, he still loves and misses you dearly, but he hates you for leaving him alone, hates that although it wasn't intentional and out of your control, that you were gone
no matter how hard you tried to fight, it was selfish of you to leave him like this
he's not going to stop until he believes whoever was behind this is dead
and in his case, he'll stop believing when he chooses, even if they are innocent/guilty, he'll keep going
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3.19.21, rayofsunas
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brattata · 3 years
Crossposted from my AO3 account, if it seems familiar. Mature content below, so minors please DNI!
Joseph's been putting a lot of work into your real estate business, and it's really starting to pay off. You wanted to congratulate him by christening his fancy new desk in his fancy new office, but things don't go according to your plan.
Joseph Joestar x AFAB reader (no female pronouns used, but reader wears feminine clothing)
CW: Semi-public sex, exhibitionism/voyeurism, creampie, Joseph says “cunt” one (1) time 
“It’s impressive,” you admit, leaning in for an almost-kiss.
Instead of closing the distance, Joseph grabs your hands and pulls you up from the couch excitedly, leading you over to the far wall. “You haven’t seen the best part yet,” he teases. “Watch this.”
He reaches up to press a subtly disguised switch, and it becomes apparent that the “wall” is actually a massive floor-to-ceiling window, slowly revealed from behind the dark wood paneling.
“Wow,” you whisper, pressing your hand to the cool glass. Beyond it is the Manhattan skyline, breathtaking from 15 stories up. The brightness of the city obscures most of the stars, but the thousands of twinkling lights and glowing windows are beautiful in their own way. There are people behind some of those windows, you think – working late, or maybe enjoying time with their families. Maybe taking in the view with the person they love most, the way you are now.
Joseph hums a kiss into your hair, wrapping his arms around you from behind. His comforting weight against your back and impish smile reflected in the glass make you feel so warm inside, your heart could burst.
Until one of his hands slips beneath your skirt.
“JoJo!” you gasp, grabbing his wrist. “What are you doing?”
“Oh come on, don’t be coy!” he laughs. “The champagne, the perfume…that skirt, with no nylons underneath.” His smirk is undeniably sexy, but that only makes you more annoyed. “You didn’t come here for a tour of the new office.”
“No, I wanted to celebrate with you!” You pause. “In your new chair, or maybe on top of your new desk. But not in front of a window, Joseph!”
“Why not?” he asks, almost sounding genuinely perplexed.
“Someone could see!”
“Who?” he laughs again. “It’s late. No one’s watching. Even if they were, they would be too far away to see our faces.” Now he’s trailing kisses down the back of your neck, shameless as ever in exploiting your weaknesses. “And besides, I think you like an audience.”
“I-JoJo, what-,” you splutter, scandalized and yet burning at his accusation.
“I noticed last summer at Grandma Erina’s,” he replies, letting his lips brush against your nape. “When Smokey walked in on us. You remember, right?”
How could you forget? Even now, the memory has your insides twisting with a complicated emotion you can’t quite place. Like embarrassment but sharper, hotter. Exciting.
“I’d never seen you make that face before. Not to mention the way you held onto me…and well, held onto me.” Joseph pauses from tormenting your neck to flash you a dirty little grin. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since.”
“O-oh, Joseph, I’m. I don’t know,” you trail off. Immediately his chin comes to rest on top of your head, one arm draped around your shoulders and the other curling soothingly around your waist.
“I’ll do whatever you want me to, baby,” he murmurs. “I only want to make you feel good.”
You take a moment, studying your feelings and Joseph’s gentle (but hopeful) expression. Then you unfasten your skirt.
Immediately Joseph lets go of you with a little whoop and a fist pump before tearing into his shirt and tie.
“God, you’re lucky you’re handsome,” you scold him good-naturedly, giggling a bit at his childishness. You kick the skirt away, opting to leave your kitten heels on. Next comes your blouse, which you unbutton slowly for Joseph’s benefit. His shirt is gone, along with his belt. He palms himself lazily over unbuttoned pants, watching your fingers work.
“Don’t forget heroic, a genius, and—“ his bragging is cut short by a low whistle as your bra is revealed, a delicate little number formed of translucent lace. Once you let the blouse fall he can fully appreciate the matching panties, cupping your ass nicely but leaving very little to the imagination. “Baby, you did come dressed to celebrate.”
When you reach back to undo the bra clasp Joseph stops you, lips back on your neck and hands rubbing your shoulders. Instead you tug the cups down until your breasts spill out, earning you a hissed “Niiice” before his hands quickly replace the lace. The contrast is delicious – warm, calloused flesh on one side, smooth and cool metal on the other. Both options have your nipples pebbling almost instantly, Joseph kneading your tits with reverence as if this is a rare treat rather than something he gets to do almost every day.
It is kind of a special occasion.
Before long his right hand drifts down your stomach, slipping deftly into your underwear. You’re so slick he can barely keep a finger on your clit, forcing a whine from you and a low groan from him. “Holy shit, you’re wet! The thought of putting on a show for some strangers gets you this worked up?”
“N-no, I’m excited for you, JoJo,” you coo, hips undulating along with his fingers. “It feels so good when you touch me.”
“Hmm, seems like I barely need to touch you at all,” he replies, back to his smug grin. With little warning he slips one finger inside you, then two, then three. There’s the tiniest sting, but you take them all easily. “See? You’re already ready for me.” It’s hard to argue when his strong, thick fingers are knuckle deep inside you and your pussy is still aching for more. “Since you want it so badly, guess it’s time to stop playing around and have some real fun.” The fingers are gone. “Bend over, baby.”
With a shaky sigh you do as you’re told, bracing your hands against the window and sliding your legs apart. You can’t resist wiggling your hips a little, asking for a playful swat from Joseph’s right hand. His left hand is suddenly gripping your ass, thumb spreading your lower lips open even wider and sweeping the gusset of your panties aside. You hear a zipper and rustling fabric, but instead of his cock, it’s a puff of warm air that caresses your pussy, followed by a firm stroke of his tongue.
“Oh, fuck!” you wail, leaning your forehead against the glass.
“Not until you beg for it, my love,” Joseph chuckles. “I can eat this sweet pussy all night! Make you come until you’re crying for my cock!”
“JoJo!” you moan, desperately. You want to ask what’s gotten into him, but he’s sucking hard on your clit and you can barely hold a thought. He’s always been vocal during sex, but his babbling is usually sweet, not this demanding or…filthy. You love your adorably enthusiastic Joseph, but this version is also thrilling, and it makes you wonder if you’re not the only one excited by imagining eyes on the other side of the window. He’s slurping your pussy so loudly you know it’s deliberate, groaning like you’re the most delicious thing he’s ever tasted.
And for another reason, you realize, when you look at your reflections and see him vigorously stroking his cock. It’s the sight that carries you over the edge: Joseph kneeling with his face buried between your legs, so turned on that he can’t help but touch himself. You come with a strangled squeal, and Joseph gives your clit an affectionate peck as if to say “good job.” He’s gripping the base of his cock so hard it looks painful.
“Fuck me, JoJo,” you gasp. “Please, please fuck me.”
“Whatever you want, baby.”
You rest for a bit against the window while Joseph stands and adjusts his grip on your hips. Now there are two thumbs spreading you open completely, which you might protest as embarrassing if you weren’t turned on beyond all pretense. You suck in a breath when the head of his cock finally kisses your opening, only for him to stop before taking the plunge.
“Look at that. It’s show time after all.” Blearily, you lift your head to see a silhouette in one of the windows in the office building across from you. Whoever it is has dimmed their lights so you can’t see much other than a vague shape, but it’s easy to imagine a strange pair of eyes staring into yours as Joseph sinks deep with one thrust.
The sudden stretch and the arousal have you coming again, softly this time, an aftershock of the pleasure you got from Joseph’s tongue. He leans his weight against your ass and holds still, luxuriating in the way you ripple around him, like you want him even deeper. “Fuck, this is good! We should’ve done this sooner!”
“Yeah,” you agree dreamily, grinding back against Joseph while you wait for him to move. He pulls back and thrusts hard, making your palms squeak against the glass.
“Maybe-“ he grunts, “maybe we should try it again on Monday morning. I’ll brace you against the doorway of my office, just like this, and we can show everyone that sexy face you’re making. Show them how hard I make you come.”
“But I don’t want them to see,” you murmur back. “Those things, I only want to show them to you, JoJo.”
“S-shit,” he gasps. “Fuck, you’re so hot. So beautiful!” He has a hand around your breast again, lips, tongue, and teeth trailing across your neck and shoulders just the way you like. He presses his face next to yours and gently tilts your chin up, making you look out the window again. “It looks like our new friend agrees.”
Across from you, the silhouette’s arm is moving back and forth. You can’t really see what’s happening, but you know.
“You’re so sexy, you’ve got him jerking off in the middle of his office,” Joseph laughs breathily. He slips two fingers between your parted lips, stroking your tongue in time with his thrusts. “Who could blame him? Watching those gorgeous tits bouncing above that pretty lace. Imagining his cock is the one pounding out your hot little cunt.”
You stiffen up a bit at the vulgarity and Joseph kisses your temple, asking with his eyes if what he said was okay. “Yes, yes, fuck,” you moan around his fingers, bracing against the glass to shove yourself into his cock, demanding deeper, harder, more. Joseph tilts his head to kiss you hungrily. His wet fingers go straight to your clit where they rub and pinch until you’re whimpering into his mouth, near tears.
“He can’t even hear how wet you are,” Joseph continues. “So wet you’re dripping all over the nice new carpet.”
You laugh a little at that. “As if you’re not desperate to make an even bigger mess, JoJo,” you tease back, lips touching as you pant into each other’s mouths. “Will you clean me up, baby? After you make a mess of me?”
“Fuck yes,” Joseph groans. “I’ll do anything, anything!”
“Come for me. Come inside me. I need it so badly, JoJo.” Whether it’s a plea or a command, Joseph can’t help but obey. He presses his face between your shoulder blades and one lightly Hamon-charged fingertip to your clit, and you’re thrown off the cliff of a breathless, whiteout orgasm. It feels like every muscle in your body is clenching for Joseph’s cock. He’s scorching hot and huge inside you as he fills you up, and you wring him for every last drop. He slowly pulls out and helps you right yourself, turning your back to the window as he leans down for a kiss.
“That was amazing. I love you.” Before you can return the words he’s already sinking to his knees, nudging your legs apart so he can fit between them.
“Joseph, I’m tired,” you demur, stroking his sweaty bangs away from his forehead.
“But I still need to clean up,” he insists. When he grins at you like that, you can’t say no. “I’ll go slow, baby, I promise.”
He starts with your inner thighs, looking very pleased with himself when he gets a few giggles out of you from the ticklish sensation. When his mouth finally reaches your center it is slow and soothing. He’s not trying to force another orgasm from you – just enjoying you, caring for you, showing his love. You don’t come by the time he’s finished, but you don’t need to. You just want him to hold you, so he does.
When you reach the couch he plops down on it, keeping you cradled in his lap. He takes off both of your shoes and stretches out on his back (as much as he can), draping you across his front. He’s warm, and you can feel his heartbeat beneath your cheek, and even though you know you’re going to be ungodly sore tomorrow, right now everything feels perfect.
“Thank you,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to the center of his chest.
“Anytime, baby,” he chuckles warmly. He smiles up at you, looking happy but not as content as you feel.
“Is everything okay?” you ask, a little worried. “It was good for you, wasn't it? Not…weird?”
“Of course, it was great for me! Don’t look at me like that!” He reaches for your cheek, rubbing at the corner of your frown. “I was just, ah,” he clears his throat, adjusting your position so that you’re more beside him than on top of him. On the way down, your leg brushes what is unmistakably a semi-erection already straining against his briefs. “I was just thinking about what you said earlier, about ‘celebrating’ on my desk.”
“Absolutely not,” you groan, nuzzling against his shoulder, eyes already closed.
“Your next line is: ‘Maybe tomorrow, JoJo!’”
“Nice try.”
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moonbeambucky · 4 years
Hey Neighbor (Part 5)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 2276 Warnings: mentions of physical/verbal child abuse
Summary: You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right… that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
A/N: A huge thank you to my wonderful beta Sam @buckyofthemyscira​​​ Feedback is always appreciated!
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The subway doors opened letting people spill out before the anxious crowd pushed their way in. Some people rush to find the best spot, leaning against the railing of the wall or beside the door that leads to the other cars, others look for a seat or grab a pole to hold on to.
Everyone kept to themselves though there’s a knowing look between a few, in search of the source of the terrible odor that fills the car. Summer may almost be over but the use of deodorant should never, ever stop.
You couldn’t wait to be home, not only to save your nose from further inhaling the awful stench but because you needed to prepare your outfit for the following day. You put in to leave work a few hours early and unbeknownst to Maria it was so you could interview at Metro-General with Ms. Rodriguez.
You needed to make a good impression. The deadline for submitting your internship paperwork was quickly approaching and you really wanted to have everything settled.
When you were finally home you kicked off your shoes and swapped your blouse and skirt for a more comfortable pair of leggings and a loose tank top. Your closet was full of options and you pulled down a few hangers but you couldn’t think straight. Your stomach rumbled with hunger so you decided to make something to eat.
Opening the cabinet you found a value sized box of macaroni and cheese, something you had bought on those few occasions you made something at home for when Steve would come over and knowing his appetite, family sized meals were the most appropriate.
Water began to boil on the stove as you went back to the items hanging off the closet door knob. With food on the horizon you were able to decide on a white striped button down with slim navy trousers and beige heels. Some basic jewelry was set aside, nothing too flashy.
As you poured the macaroni into the boiling water you realized just how much food there was going to be but at least you would have leftovers. Chalky orange powder floated in the air as you mixed the “cheese” in with the cooked pasta, stirring around to ensure everything was properly coated.
Setting the food aside you opened your fridge to grab a drink, debating what would go best with mac and cheese before you heard a knock at your door. Steve was at the gym and even though you were overdue to see Wanda you didn’t think she would just drop in without notice.
Looking through the peephole your heart raced. Bucky.
Unlocking the door you pulled it open and smiled at your unexpected visitor. “Hey neighbor.”
He smiled, quickly taking in your casual appearance. Bucky didn’t know you very well but he did know that you were a busy woman and any chance you took to relax should be thoroughly enjoyed.
“Hey Y/N. Sorry to bother you but…” He brought his hand up with a snap, presenting the match to your missing sock. “I think this belongs to you. I hope it does at least, otherwise it would be weird that I stole a random sock,” he laughed.
You reached forward for the sock, immediately recognizing it as yours. Your face questioned how he found it and Bucky explained it must have been left in the washing machine.
“Aww thanks!”
“You’re welcome. Uhh, well, I’ll let you get back to your evening.”
Bucky took a step to walk towards his door before you called out to stop him. He turned around with surprise written on his face.
“So, I kinda made enough mac and cheese to feed a small army and if I’m being honest with myself I know I’ll wind up heating some up in the middle of the night and definitely regretting it.”
Bucky laughed at your admission which made you smile even wider.
“So what I’m trying to get at here is, are you hungry?”
Bucky hadn’t expected to hear that from you and upon further clarification he certainly didn’t expect you to be inviting him inside your apartment, but he happily did so, following behind you.
He stared at your apartment thinking somehow you had so much more space than he did even though the units were identical. He smiled at the delicate decor around your bedding, the feminine curtain framing your bed with soft lights shining through it. It made your bed seem inviting, like a soft cloud floating amongst the starry night sky.
You lead Bucky to your table, pushing books aside and piling stacks of paper on top of them.
“Your place is cute,” Bucky commented as his head continued to look around and observe things.
Two bowls were brought down as you scooped heaping amounts of the mac and cheese into them, placing one in front of Bucky and the other at the empty spot beside him.
“Uh, I’m not actually sure what drinks go with this,” you admitted, chuckling as you turned back to Bucky.
Opening the refrigerator again you called out what you had and Bucky accepted a beer and you snapped open a White Claw and took a sip. He eyed you suspiciously and smirked.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you joked.
Bucky ran his fork through the food, biting his lips to hold back an even bigger smile. “Like what?” he not-so-innocently asked.
“It’s the same look Steve gives me. I know they’re trendy but they’re actually really good!” you defended, taking a forkful of the still steaming macaroni.
“Is that your boyfriend?”
“Steve?! No, he’s just a really good friend.”
“Oh I just assumed since I know he’s here a lot.”
Your face twisted in confusion, worrying for a moment about the person you let into your apartment until Bucky eased your mind with the words you once told him, “thin walls.”
“Right.” You were partially relieved that your neighbor was not a creepy stalker, but you hoped you hadn’t heard all the times you were venting about him.
“Steve comes over to hang out and watch movies and stuff.”
“Oh, Netflix and chill? Do people still say that?” he wondered out loud.
“I don’t think they do,” you laughed. “Why, you jealous?”
You didn’t believe the words spoken had come out of your mouth. Where that brazen flirtation came from you don’t think you’ll ever know.
Bucky was just as caught off guard, swallowing his food at the same time unexpected nerves bubbled to the surface. “No…” he began.
“I’m just kidding. You don’t seem like the jealous type, especially with your, uh, frequent visitors.” Somehow things didn’t seem as awkward as the last time you brought the subject up.
“Yeah I’m not really a relationship guy,” he said confidently.
You found yourself explaining Steve’s situation with Lillian and how he needed a friend to take his mind off the pain. “I can’t blame him, having your trust broken like that is awful. He’s not ready to get back out there yet.”
Visible dark hair was speckled under his chin as Bucky tipped his head back to take a swig of the bottle. The bobbing of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed mesmerized your eyes, as did the single swipe of his tongue across his plump lips to lick away the excess liquid.
“What about you?” he asked.
“Me? I couldn’t tell you what a relationship was if it hit me in the face.”
Lazily you swirled the fork around your food. “I’ve been so busy with school the last few years and working full time on top of it. It’s rare that I meet someone new, let alone devote any time to them.”
You explained the history of your living situation to Bucky and the reason behind all those nights you’ve spent studying at The Grind House.
“That’s definitely stressful,” he let out a sigh. “So why social work?”
Sometimes people know what they want to be from a young age. If they really like animals they might become veterinarians or zoologists. Some people have a knack for science, some for teaching, others for law. Bucky has clearly loved music even before he realized he could make a career of it.
Things were always different for you. There was never a clear choice. You had hobbies but nothing ever stood out and even as you grew older and your interests changed there was still never a distinct path of where you wanted to take your life, not until everything you thought you knew about your best friend had been a lie.
You took a moment to collect yourself before opening up. Throughout your first year of middle school you were seated next to Pietro Maximoff, a friendly, quick witted class clown that made each day brighter.
Pietro’s twin Wanda was separated into a different class but you all shared the same lunch period and became friends. You were never allowed to go to the Maximoff’s house and you didn’t question it too much. You didn’t mind when Wanda hung out in your room after school but she was always in a rush to get home before dinner, before her father got home from work.
It wasn’t until high school that you learned about Django Maximoff and the violence he inflicted on his children. His drinking had always been out of control but he managed it until one day when he was driving and he nearly hit another car. Pietro was worried and questioned if his father was alright, his concerns were answered with a rough fist.
As his drinking increased so did the physical abuse which he enforced over anything. If Pietro ate too quickly Django smacked his head and told him to slow down. If Wanda ate too slow he would kick her shins with heavy boots under the table and tell her to not chew her food like a cow.
Their mother Marya sported bruises that matched her children as Django didn’t hold back with her either. He blamed her and the kids for all the problems they were having. If bills were too high it was because the kids watched too much TV. That problem was solved quickly one night when he threw Pietro into it.
He got the worst of the abuse, often protecting Wanda when he could, telling her to hide in a closet or under the bed as he took each whip of the belt and every spiteful word that spewed from Django’s evil tongue.
Marya wanted to leave Django but he threatened to kill the children in front of her if she tried, he told Wanda and Pietro the same thing and so the family were hostages in their own home, left to keep their painful truth a secret for as long as they could.
You hated the days of Pietro’s absence, selfishly missing the way your friend could always make you laugh when unbeknownst to you he was at home recovering from an injury that was too great to hide at school.
A drunken crash finally removed Django from their lives but the damage was done. Left with large debts and little money Marya struggled to keep a roof over their heads.
Sometimes people do the wrong thing for the right reasons. By the time you were in high school Pietro dropped out and got involved with some bad people. The gang he was with gave him the opportunity to help provide for his mother and Wanda but they protested. Marya was looking into moving somewhere else, declare bankruptcy and start over, start fresh but it was too late.
“Pietro died.” Your voice cracked as the pain of bringing up the memories flooded your heart. “There was a shooting with a rival gang. Piet didn’t even have a gun but he ran out in the middle of everything to protect some kid from the crossfire.”
Bucky noticed the tears that brimmed over your eyes. You took another sip from the can, hoping that as you tipped your head back the tears would retreat. You really didn’t want to cry and make things awkward.
With another deep inhale you continued, “Pietro was robbed of his childhood and nobody did anything to protect him. It always stuck with me, I think about the signs looking back. There should have been someone there to help them, to intervene when they were growing up maybe, just maybe this wouldn’t have happened.”
A tear managed to slip out but you wiped it away quickly. You didn’t have to say anymore, Bucky understood why. Every long day at work followed by a longer night of school, every minute you spent devoted to your studies, all of it was worth it to bring you closer to the promise you made yourself, helping the Pietro’s of the world that needed a hand to pull them from the darkness.
Dinner was finished shortly after and Bucky offered to help clean up but you declined. Bringing up the past made you long for a good, deep cry, one you didn’t really want to do in front of your new neighbor.
Bucky lingered at the door before leaving, acting on the thoughts he quickly processed in his mind. He leaned in to hug you, quickly because he wasn’t quite sure if you would be okay with that but firm enough to offer emotional support after you opened up to him. You nearly cried again as you felt his strong hold against you but thankfully you held out, letting the tears slip out after the door shut behind him. Bucky wasn’t so bad after all. 
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manikas-whims · 3 years
Troublesome New Girl
Sequel to A Place Good Enough
[Read on AO3]
Characters: Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Kaz Brekker
Summary: Inej has newly joined the Dregs. She goes to return Kaz's coat in the presence of many members. *cue the teasing & jokes*
Jesper meets Inej & evidences of Jesper's crush on Kaz (tiny bit of angst).
Kaz is his usual self & sets an example. A violent one :)
I just noticed this complete written fic has been sitting in my drafts for a month now. I'm so dumb 〒_〒
Hope you guys enjoy!
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The constant noise of banging against wood rouses Inej from her sleep. She looks around haphazardly only to find herself lying on a cot in an unknown room, her torso covered by a grey coat. Sun's rays blind her eyes momentarily as she turns her face, an open window staring back at her, not the daunting walls of the Menagerie. Memories of the previous night flood back and her shoulders deflate in relief. She takes a long breath to calm her rapidly beating heart. She doesn't need to endure Heleen's beatings or sell her body anymore. She is free of that life. Free.
“Oi new girl!” a voice calls, followed by more knocking at the wooden door to her small room. “Brekker told me to bring you some clothes. I’m leaving a pair out here.”
Right! Kaz Brekker had promised her better clothes. She leaves the comfort of the cot but by the time she unlocks the door to thank whoever was on the other end, the person is gone. She catches a short glimpse of a feminine figure with blond hair at the stairs and vows to thank her later. Picking up the clothes, she closes the door.
When Jesper had heard his fellow Dregs gossiping about Dirtyhands bringing back a girl with him late at night, he hadn’t given it much thought. He had ignored Anika when she had said that she was literally asked by Kaz himself to provide the said girl with some clothes. In fact, he had completely shooed away anyone who came up to fill his ears with rumors about this unknown Suli girl and the bastard of the barrel. So when a small, bronze-skinned girl bumps into him on the third floor of the Slat, he's stunned.
"Ohhh—", The girl waves her hands frantically, her pupils dilating in concern, "I'm sorry."
But Jesper doesn't bother with apologies for he's too busy appraising her. Now she does match the rumored descriptions and is even donning Anika's lame clothes. But what actually piques his interest is a neatly-folded coat in the deepest shade of grey held between her dainty hands. He doesn’t need to think long to guess who it belongs to. There’s only one person who doesn’t indulge in the colorful fashion sense of the barrel— Kaz “Dirtyhands” Brekker.
He feels his insides fuming. But no way is he going to act like an idiot and jump to conclusions. Just because here's a girl he’s never seen before and she happens to have a coat, doesn’t mean that every single narrative he's heard about this whole situation is true.
He narrows his eyes in what he assumes is his best look of suspicion as he towers over the girl. “Where did you get that?”
"Um", she looks down at the piece of clothing and mumbles in the most innocent tone, "Mr. Brekker lent it to me."
Mr. Brekker!? The hell kinda way is this to address a man you slept with? Or whatever the heck it is that Dirtyhands prefers to do with girls..
"Why?" he asks. From Jesper's experiences, the young lieutenant of the Dregs isn't big on kindness. "Why did he lend it you?"
The girl's brows narrow in thought. It seems she herself is unsure of the reason. Her left palm clutches her right forearm in apprehension. "I guess..because I wasn't in a very decent attire."
Alarms go off in Jesper's head again. What exactly happened between her and Kaz? His heart needs answers yet he knows that its none of his business so he suppresses the unease welling in his belly.
"Well Kaz is up there." He gestures in the direction of the attic. "I'm headed there right now so I can give it to him."
The girl frowns. "I can't let a stranger do that for me. Besides," she twirls a strand of her hair, her eyes alight with some indescribable emotion, "I must properly thank him myself."
Jesper is familiar with this look. It mirrors his own when he was still a newbie at the Dregs and wanted to prove himself, wanted to repay Kaz for saving his ass. And not just by helping him pluck stupid pigeons but also by adding extra sums of profits to his ledger. Jesper can empathize with her on this.
"He saved you too," The Zemeni asks carefully, "didn't he?"
She stares at him, gauging the understanding in his expression and simply nods.
He rubs the side of his neck awkwardly. "Well, wanna go up together?"
Her eyes widen and she involuntarily takes a few steps back. Distrust. Fear. He can empathize with this action as well. In the barrel, it'd be foolish to believe a complete stranger within few moments of the first encounter.
"Then," he smiles the smile that many have called charming and starts his ascend upstairs. He only looks back once to wink at her, hoping it'll quell her anxious mind a bit, "follow my lead?"
"I can do that." she mumbles, more to assure herself and takes the first step of many that will become the foundation to their sibling-like friendship.
When it comes to change, development and fresh ideas, Per Haskell always cowers and dismisses the topic. People like that will never achieve anything if they aren't willing to take risks. The restoration of that abandoned fifth harbour would already be in motion if Kaz hadn't chosen to waste another of his precious mornings trying to convince his boss that investing in it may prove fruitful to the Dregs. And so, after a pointless argument he had had earlier with the old man, he's decided to take matters into his own hands.
Huffing audibly, he continues explaining every member present in his room their respective job for the day. The boisterous throng huddled around him, begins dispersing all of a sudden. Curiously, Kaz looks up to find his faitful right-hand man Jesper Fahey walking in, a mischievous glint in his silver irises.
"We bumped into each other on our way up here." Jesper gestures behind him.
And it is then that Kaz notices her presence— Inej Ghafa, the strange Suli girl he had brought back from the West Stave. Oddly, he had felt her presence moments ago but had brushed it off as a mere byproduct of his rest-deprived mind playing tricks on him. Turns out his intuition hadn’t been wrong at all.
"Its that Suli girl."
"The one that Brekker took up to his bed?"
"Who would've thought Haskell's rabid dog had such exquisite tastes."
The one that Brekker took where? Haskell's rabid what? Kaz isn't sure which remark he finds more insulting towards his reputation. Although he does realise he has no one except himself to blame. He should'nt have let the girl follow him up to the attic last night. As usual, he'll have to cover this small err with fresh tales about himself that are even more gruesome than the previous ones. But for now he must find out why the new girl is here.
Anika’s clothes are baggy on her small frame— a deep green shirt so loosely-fitted that she has tied its ends into a double knot just above her belly-button whilst the fawn-colored trousers hang tastefully around her hips. He watches her long, silky hair sway behind her as she walks gracefully in his direction, determination glimmering in her dark brown irises. Shock briefly flits across his gaze but before he can even think of stopping her, she shoots out her hands in which he (dreadfully) recognizes, she’s holding his coat. He can feel all eyes in the room already settling on him. They collectively stare in a mix of shock, curiosity and..is this jealousy he's witnessing on a few faces?
"What do you think you're doing?" He grits out. He hears a muffled snickering which he's sure is Jesper's and wonders if the two somehow managed to become friends in the short span of their climb up the stairs. And that they both planned this prank together on their way.
However, Inej only furrows her brows, debunking his ridiculous theory. She seems to be wondering what she's done wrong as she answers confidently, "I forgot to return it last night."
More interested staring ensues. The new pen in his palm snaps.
Is this girl serious right now? It took him long, unrelenting years to rise to the position he's at. He's spilled his blood, sweat and tears to scatter the seeds of terror about him throughout the expanse of Ketterdam. Even people who come across him for the first time, visibly shiver and turn pale. So what part of their last conversation has given her this courage to approach him so casually? She seems to have forgotten the fact that he’s an infamous barrel thug, feared by merchers, stadwatch and gangsters alike. She isn’t supposed to saunter up to him and return his coat, making this whole exchange appear to be a scandalous affair to the curious bystanders. She isn't supposed to crumble Dirtyhands' hard-built reputation with just a few words!
"Stand aside, I'm busy." He mutters, because he truly has no idea how to get out of this predicament and hopes that his caustic tone will get the message across just like it does with everyone else.
To his utter dismay, Inej seems to be far more tactless than Jesper, who still hasn't stopped snickering. She tucks the coat back in her arms and bites her lip as if suppressing herself from saying something mean. Her eyes quietly regard his own, an unspoken understanding settling between them. She is aware that if she doesn't wish to be thrown back into the Menagerie, she must behave properly with him. And yet, her nostrils flare as she responds, "I just wanted to pay my gratitude-"
"You can pay your gratitude," Kaz hisses back, glaring up at her from his perched position, "with your services." And its only after uttering those words does he realise the ambiguous implications hinted in them. Jesper's shoulders are shaking uncontrollably now, his palms tightly clamped around his mouth to muffle his laugh.
"Slow down, Dirtyhands." comments someone from the back and the whole room bursts into a howl of laughter. Inej brings a palm to her lips, gasping in mortification.
Kaz massages his eyes. Dealing with these ruffians has already been a headache. Now this new girl just walks in and takes the cake. She's proving to be far more dangerous– scratch that– far more more troublesome than he had expected.
He lets them have their fun as he pulls out a knife from his coatsleeve and gets up. He ambles towards Dirix, his steps slow and deliberate. He's sure it was Rotty who'd made the joke but Dirix is standing closer and it doesn't really matter who said what. Dirtyhands just needs to set an example.
The young boy is suddenly looking very pale. Kaz grabs his right hand, the dominant one and digs the blade along the joints of his fingers. The knife easily tears through his skin and goes deeper into the muscle beneath. Dirix is now screaming whilst everyone else hold their breath. From his peripheral vision, he catches the horror on Inej's face and rolls his eyes. Surely she must've heard of his violent endeavors at the menagerie. She shouldn't have approached him in the first place if she's going to be so shocked everytime he spills someone's blood.
He roots out the knife before it can completely sever Dirix's limbs. "Get 'em patched up." The boy is already running out.
He walks back and tosses the knife to the desk, its loud clang making everyone flinch in fright. "Pipe down before I actually start chopping tongues."
The threat silences everyone.
"This is Inej Ghafa." He points at her and the girl cowers slightly. Not at all the abrupt attention on her, he notices, but from him. "She's to be a new spider."
This one simple statement seems to piece together everything for them. Though he has an inkling that his previous act of brutality also plays a major part. They nod and whisper amongst themselves. He almost scoffs. Of course its easier for them to believe that Kaz Brekker took up a girl to his room for information. Not some spicy dalliance.
"Now get to work." He orders and one by one they shuffle out of the room, Rotty nodding respectfully. He knows he was spared merely by luck.
Jesper is the last one. He winks at Inej before taking his leave. "See you around, new girl!"
And with all of them gone, Kaz turns to Inej. She inhales a breath in anticipation.
"Let's start your training."
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So hopefully that was as fun reading as it was for me writing :3
Coming parts will have Inej's training and ofc her picking her canon outfit.
SoC Masterlist
( divider by @firefly-graphics )
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
Hi! Hope you’re doing ok! May I request dorm leaders or vice dorm leaders with a s/o who crossdresses? Like their s/o is a female but is pretending to be a male? Thank you!
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A/N: I’ve been better, but I was a lot worse a few weeks ago so I guess I’m doing good! School is stressful ahaha. Thank you for asking~ This was such a fun request to write especially since I headcanon MC as female crossdressing as male. Also, I chose the vice prefects because I think they’re underrated. I apologize if these are too repetitive and if there are mistakes. I wrote these over the course of a week so my thoughts might incoherent rippu
Trey Clover:
Out of all the vice dorm leaders, he would fret over your little hobby/secret in the most discreet way possibly.
A girl in an all boys school seems dangerous so he understands your reason.
If Trey found out when you started dating, then of course he would be shocked, but he won’t avoid you or end the relationship then and there. Just give him time to process... wow you’re a girl... you fooled him there!
 Oh wait!! YOU’RE A GIRL–But, don't worry! He can keep a secret. 
He just has a hard time adjusting at first, messing up pronouns because you eventually wind down and get comfortable wearing more feminine clothes and dresses around him when no one’s looking. 
Ahhhh crap. You look cute. Trey  can’t control himself. He’s attracted to you whether you look like a guy or a girl. However, he’s still got standards. 
Trey has a more difficult time asking you about boundaries. Is it okay if he’s a little rough with you? Can he touch you? He doesn’t want to frighten you or cause discomfort. 
He’s ultra-protective of you now. It’s an all boys school! He has competition since you’re the only girl in the school and there are some really nasty punks here. 
The poor vice dorm leader worries about you on the daily, but you’re worth it. He knows that. 
If you ask him what “gender” he prefers, Trey would say “whatever you’re most comfortable with, darling”.
In truth, he fell for your personality. Whether you pose as a guy or not, he loves you the same.
Jade Leech:
What’s this? You’re actually a girl?
Color him surprised. He would’ve never guessed! 
He actually doesn’t believe you and asks for proof much to your embarrassment. If you take too long to give in, he might just initiate himself.
“Oya? My~ You are a girl. That chest is of ample size.”
He’s willing to take a slap for that. 
Jade grins menacingly, an expression you know all too well. He’s up to something.  
You would have to beg him not to spill the beans or to blackmail you on the daily. Oh he’s so cruel! You’re already burning red at this point. Crawling into a hole and rotting in it sounds wonderful right now. 
When you finally asked him seriously and directly, he chuckles and says: “Don’t you, worry, (y/n). I’ll keep you safe” which made your heart flutter.
“...on the condition that you dress as a girl at night and sleep with me~”
The fool told Azul
Why were you so surprised? You knew he wouldn’t let you off the hook that easy but his reason ( “I want to exploit your little secret all for myself” ) made you give in with an unbearable heat rising to your ears.
Jade would honestly have a field day with you though. Playing dress up is surprising fun. He sometimes sends you some clothes for the fun of it and so you two can discreetly match with your socks. 
And you’re so grateful. At least you think you are... You see, Jade says that he just likes playing dress up, but he’s actually picking out tight-fitting clothes with frills (sort of like Epel’s dress shirt) to enhance your femininity with matching as an excuse. But you don’t need to know that.
He seems to be enjoying it more than he should be. Not that you mind, it’s a small price to pay.
Jamil Viper:
Ah, a girl. No biggie.
That actually makes sense now that he thinks about it. You were thin as a twig and you sounded rather girly. Then again, Epel Felmier from Pomefiore also had those traits and Jamil knows for sure the Epel is a guy... 
Again, no biggie. Gender doesn’t matter anyway. 
He’s the most “chill” out of all the vice dorm leaders. Jamil has kept bigger secrets. He actually thinks this “hobby” is amusing.
 However, you sure fooled him. Does anyone else know? No? Not even Crowley.
Darn, now he feels special!
After regaining his composure, Jamil tells you to relax and honestly doesn’t treat you any differently afterwards. 
Scarabia’s vice prefect, if anything, is more cautious of you and your surroundings. Not to be presumptuous, but Night Raven College’s student body isn’t the most respectable bunch. What if someone harasses you? 
While you assure Jamil that, for the time that you were here, nobody has known about your true gender, let alone assault you, he still worries. 
He watches out for you in his own ways, like walking you to class whenever he can or give you his hoodie if it’s raining and there may be a chance the standard uniform dress shirt will become transparent. 
Rook Hunt:
Oh... Oh my... A girl.... A female.... Doe.... A female deer...
Why that’s just... TRÈS MAGNIFIQUE!
Oh how you remind him Viola from Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, truly a masterpiece. 
You are beautiful. Gorgeous. 
To pull off both genders in the same day with no makeup whatsoever is astonishing to him. With just a simple attire change, you have tricked the entire student body. 
You’re such a trickster, (y/n)~
Rook may seem happy, and he is as you are ten times more stunning than you were before, but his response is  well-crafted.
“I knew all along,” he says ,” I’ve been watching you, you know?”
Typical Rook. He’s been stalking you. 
If you dare to slap him, he defends himself by stating that he didn’t do anything perverted and that what he meant by that is he was just making a very educated guess. 
But now that you’ve confirmed it, it’s official. He’s going to be your knight in shining armor, your prince on a dashing white stallion. 
You’re going to be the power couple of this school. Those other boys shall be envious of your divine beauty as you are the only female on campus.
Wait until the whole world know about this! Oh what’s that? He can’t tell? 
Fufu~ no matter. More for him to hunt
Lilia Vanrouge:
You like cute things too?
Like Jade, Lilia wants to match [clothes] with you, but not in a clandestine way and most certainly not for his own personal gain. Unless you count wanting to look cute together as a personal gain.
He doesn’t react much to the crossdressing itself as he’s seen more surprising things in life. No offense, but crossdressing has been around since the Elizabethan era and it’s nothing new.
If you’re doing this to hide your gender rather than for the fun of it, then perhaps it’s a little interesting, but Lilia would keep an eye out for you since you’ve expressed any worries about being harmed.
He knows a little bit about martial arts and defense magic, no biggie.
Diasomnia’s vice dorm leader never questioned your gender before as he, too sometimes gets mistaken for a child girl so this was a pleasant surprise. 
Moreover, Lilia appreciates the androgynous look. He loves for people to keep guessing. It’s his way to mess with them without ever interacting with them personally. Well, he could mess with them personally, but why would he? That wouldn’t be as fun~ 
And now he has a partner in crime!! Hooray!!
You’re just so cute. You’re like him– too cute for everyone’s hearts!
He relishes in that fact and calls you over to go shopping with him.
Do you like lolita clothing by any chance? 
It’s okay if you’re not into dresses. Ahhh what about top hats? Eye patches? 
What’s your aesthetic? Cottagecore? Dark Academia? Nursecore?
“Lilia, it’s okay, really, I don’t need new clothes...”
“But you would look cute in this,” he pouts. 
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thebigqueer · 4 years
👉👈 if you wrote the whole I just delivered a baby feel my hands interaction from Will's perspective I would love you forever
okay, i specifically had to read this scene again and let me tell you, i high key cringed because i just remembered how kinda bad the ending of blood of olympus was alskjskfdkfsd
anyway, i hope you love me forever because i will definitely be granting your wish. thanks for the prompt, and i hope you like this! 
and, as always: i usually do minimal editing on these, so please don’t judge my writing too much alskjjlkdf
Will will admit, the morning has been quite an adventure in itself. 
It started when his cabin awoke with the cries of a distressed Clarisse, who slammed open the door of the Apollo cabin at exactly 3:43 AM and screamed at the top of her lungs, while also banging pots and pans, “THE BABY IS COMING! THE BABY IS COMING! William Andrew Solace, GET your ass over here!” 
In all his life, Will’s cured lots of sicknesses and injuries. But never has he had to take care of a woman giving birth. 
All in all, he thinks he did pretty well. Save for the almost-fainting part of the birth, he got the baby delivered perfectly healthy and relatively easily (although he’s sure Mellie would disagree), and Coach Hedge was there to even see it. 
After handing over the child, the exhausted son of Apollo, savoring the sweetness of the new family’s moment, smiles and excuses himself. He's sure he is going to pass out any moment from both tiredness and excitement, and he is ready to recount all of the past two and a half hours to Cecil and Lou Ellen. 
He steps out of the infirmary, surprised by how much lighter the sky has become. The sun rises, spreading its golden glow over the camp, and he has to shield his eyes from the brightness. Despite the beauty, though, there’s a dread that’s settled over the camp, a nervous electricity that has demigods buzzing left and right.
Demigods trudge to Half-Blood Hill, decorated with armor over their bodies. Will frowns, his own heart thudding faster. He can’t quite believe there’s another war about to happen, in just a little bit, after just barely surviving one last summer. 
With a jolt, Will remembers the lives lost, the people who’ve slipped from his grasp in the last battle. His face burns with the shame of losing them, of failing them. Why couldn’t I have done better? he scolds himself. 
With the prospective battle, he feels an even larger weight on his shoulders, the mass of stress crushing him. He feels as if he is Atlas, carrying the bulk of the universe on his body, doomed to serve this job for the rest of eternity.
The pressure of tears and anger presses against his throat, threatening to let loose. He swallows, trying to suppress it, but he can feel himself failing at doing so; his body shudders, his fists clench. He wants to drop to his knees and sob right here, right now. He’s so useless to everyone here. He’s failed so many people. How many will he fail today? 
A voice calls his name from the distance, and for a second, Will stops thinking about all the horrors he’s seen. He turns his head in the direction that he heard the voice, but he can’t seem to find it. He frowns. 
“Psst!” the voice calls again, and this time Will realizes it is clearly feminine. He swivels his head to the bushes in front of him, and almost screams when he sees eyes peering at him through the leaves.
For a second, he doesn’t recognize the faces that stare back at him. Only after he rubs his eyes does he realize that it’s Lou Ellen and Cecil. A shaky smile wavers on his lips. “Hey, guys. What are you doing?”
The two wrestle out of the bushes, shoving twigs aside. They rush over to the son of Apollo, excitement plastered over their faces. “Wanna help us scout the enemy?” Lou Ellen asks, her voice rising with enthusiasm. A mischievous sparkle twinkles in her eyes. “I’m practicing my Mist-controlling powers, and I think I’m getting pretty good.” 
Will looks at Cecil, who nods in encouragement. “Come on, dude. You’ve been in the infirmary all day. I’m sure delivering a baby is probably more exciting than us, but...” He shrugs, and a sadness envelops his face. “I guess we just don’t know how much longer we have. Don’t you wanna spend it together?”
Will’s heart clutches and his skin prickles with goosebumps. He looks at his two friends, people he’s known for so long. He realizes that Cecil’s right; they don’t know how much longer they have with each other. The realization hits Will right where it hurts. 
Taking a deep breath, he nods. “Alright, I could use a break. Let’s do it.”
Fifteen minutes later, Will, Cecil, and Lou Ellen are clad in black clothing, giggling in the bushes on the outskirts of camp. They watch the enemy wander around, setting up their equipment, shouting to one another. Peering at them, a spark of confusion consumes Will. They look like normal demigods; why are they warring, anyway? Who decided on this? Why can’t they just get along, share their similar stories? The entire thing is pretty pointless and sad, Will thinks, since they could have been friends. But instead, the two camps decided only on warring, setting their differences first and foremost. 
It’s a little disheartening, to say the least. Will knows that this is the nature of humankind, that people tend to only see differences. But they are demigods; aren’t they a little above humans? Shouldn’t they know better?
But even then, they still have humanity in them. And as ugly as humanity can be, it’s still humanity. This is what humans are like. People must learn to accept. Will only sighs at this thought.
As he mulls this thought over, Will, Cecil, and Lou Ellen skitter over to Thalia’s pine tree, hoping to get a better view of the Roman demigods. Their faces brighten under the rising sun, illuminating their faces. The warmth seeps through Will’s skin, sinking into his bones. He want to keep that warmth there, absorb the light. He’s afraid of the darkness that might come after the war. 
As they reach the tree, Will almost stops in astonishment. Because standing righ there, in a ridiculously bright Hawaiian T-shrit and black jeans, a Stygian sword at his side, stands Nico di Angelo. Will almost trips over himself. 
For a second, Will stumbles. What on earth is he doing here? Didn’t he leave camp? Didn’t he go rogue? Didn’t he leave Will here, in the very same place, on a morning much like this one, just a year ago? 
Cecil and Lou Ellen stop with him, confusion spilling over their features. “What’s wrong?” Cecil asks, nudging Will. “Dude, we’re in the light. Let’s go.” 
Will only shakes his head in response and hurries over to the son of Hades, a strange feeling sparking in his blood. Is it resentment? Is it relief? He’s not quite sure. All he knows is that he never thought he’d see Nico again, and especially not dressed like that.
When Will reaches him, the son of Hades doesn’t seem to notice he’s right there. His dark eyes are also focused on the Roman demigods, peering over them, oozing hatred.
“Nico?” Will whispers, his voice quiet in the morning. Lou Ellen and Cecil crouch by Will, peering over at him in surprise. 
Nico whirls suddenly, a look of fear in his eyes. He snaps his sword in their direction, just barely missing Will. The son of Apollo stumbles a bit, trying to jump past it. 
The son of Hades’ eyes focus, clearing up as he stares at the three demigods. His face betrays a series of emotions: first confusion, then shock, and finally irritation. He opens his mouth to speak, but Will snaps first. Gesturing to the sword, he hisses, “Put that down! What are you doing here?”
Nico blinks, surprise written over his face. Then he shakes his head and frowns at Will. “Me?” he asks, eyebrows furrowing. “What are you doing here? Getting yourselves killed?”
Will’s blood boils with Nico’s tone. Their first time meeting in over a year, and that’s how he’s going to talk to Will? The son of Apollo scowls. “Hey, we’re scouting the enemy.” Spreading his palms, he assures, “We took precautions.”
A dark eyebrow rises on Nico’s face, a look of doubt painting his face. “You dressed in black with the sun coming up. You painted your face but didn’t cover that mop of blond hair. You might as well be waving a yellow flag.” He rolls his eyes. 
Will’s face feels warm, the heat of humiliation coursing through his nerves. “Lou Ellen wrapped some Mist around us, too.” 
The two looked over at the girl, whose eyes were widened in surprise. Suddenly put on spot, her own face turns as red as Will’s. She greets Nico and tells him that the demigod next to her is Cecil, a son of Hermes. 
A moment of hesitation burns between the four demigods, waiting for the next move. Nico’s eyes switch over the three of them, deciding what to do, testing how great they are. Will puffs out his chest, a look of determination in his eyes. You know me, he wants to say. Don’t play this way. 
Finally, Nico kneels and asks about Coach Hedge and his arrival at camp, whether he got here safely. Despite his irritation earlier, Will allows a smile to come over his face at the mention of the satyr. Lou Ellen giggles, and Will nudges her, though a bout of elation envelops him, too. He smiles at Nico, assuring him that the satyr is fine. 
Nico asks about the child, a look of momentary excitement passing over his face. The smile on Will’s face widens despite himself, elated to talk about the new baby. “He’s fine, too,” Will promises. “A very cute little satyr boy.” His skin crawls again, but this time with the memory of the birth. He’d never seen such terrifying yet beautiful scenes in his life. A shudder echoes through him. “But I delivered it,” informs the son of Apollo, grimacing. “Have you ever delivered a baby?”
Nico frowns, a look of confusion and disgust rolling over his face. “Um, no.” 
Will shrugs and tells him that he just needed the fresh air; the mission with Lou Ellen and Cecil would help him. A grin takes over his face again as he announces, “My hands are still shaking.” He holds out his palms and blinks at them. “See?”
Without thinking, Will takes Nico’s hand. In hindsight, he probably should have considered how Nico would react, and how strange this interaction might be after not seeing each other in months, but he isn’t quite thinking. With the baby’s birth, the potential battle, and with Nico’s sudden appearance, can anyone blame him for feeling frenzied and dazed, with having practically no brain functionality at such an early time in the morning? 
A buzz echoes through Will’s palms, electrifying his nerves. His bones resonate, hum, emanate energy. He isn’t sure why this is happening; it’s as if being with Nico again, feeling his fingers in his, he’s unlocked something. For a second, Will sees and feels and hears nothing but the son of Hades. But then, just a split second later, he feels it: a cold, empty darkness, seeping from Nico’s hands. Will’s not sure anyone can quite feel darkness, so this is quite the strange interaction for him. He feels void, alone, as if no one is around. He almost pulls away when Nico does it first. 
“Whatever,” he grumbles. “We don’t have time for chitchat. The Romans are attacking at dawn, and I’ve got to-” 
Will frowns, but what else did he expect? Of course Nico’s going to want to move straight ahead. A buzz of annoyance echoes in him. He doesn’t like that he’s talking to them as if they don’t understand the seriousness of the situation. Before Nico can continue, he snaps back, explaining that they know what’s going on. He raises an eyebrow at Nico. “But if you’re planning to shadow-travel to that command tent, forget it.” 
A look of rage passes over Nico, darkness roiling in his irises. “Excuse me?” he growls, eyes glaring. Will feels that he’s pushed too far, too much, but he stands his ground. Nico just got back to camp; he’s not going to risk his life just for this. 
Will holds his chin high. With a look of determination, and as much bravery as he can master in front of the son of Hades, he informs him that Coach Hedge was very descriptive in his warnings of Nico and his shadow-travelling. “You can’t try that again.”
Nico’s jaw clamps hard, anger pouring in bouts. He watches Will daringly, as if saying, Watch me. “I just did try it again, Solace. I’m fine.” 
Will almost scoffs. If that darkness he felt just moments ago was any indication, the son of Hades is not fine. Rage boils over in Will’s body; why can’t he just understand that maybe there are people here who actually care that he doesn’t risk himself again? Why is he always the one to put himself in danger? 
And yet, he feels a connection to Nico. He knows what it’s like to want to push yourself to the extreme, especially if it means that you save the ones you love. And for this reason, he finds himself even more irritated in Nico. If they’re so alike, then Will finds him just as equally annoying as he finds himself. 
He rambles to Nico about how he can feel the darkness oozing from him, the risk he’d be making if he makes that jump one more time. As he does, he watches the son of Hades raise his eyebrow, not surprised, as if he knows what this jump could mean. With a jolt, Will realizes that maybe that’s what Nico wants - to not exist anymore. Red hot tears push against his throat, but he grounds himself. “You are not shadow-traveling. Doctor’s orders.” 
Nico opens his mouth and starts streaming excuses about the Romans, but Will won’t have it. He’s not losing Nico after only just now seeing him again. The son of Apollo assures Nico that they’ll take care of them, that it’ll be fine. Lou Ellen even has the Mist to control; they don’t need Nico risking his life. 
Nico looks as though he wants to argue, say something, but he chooses wisely to keep his lips sealed. Instead, he stares at Will, dark eyes bearing into blue ones. There’s a depth to them, Will realizes. It’s as if he’s seen terrible, dark things. He looks shattered; broken; cracked. Will’s body relaxes with pity, with remorse, but he stands his ground. 
Will’s been begging the gods for Nico to come back for months. He left with barely an explanation, leaving Will at the summit of Half-Blood Hill so many months ago, wallowing in his confusion. He won’t let Nico escape his grasp again, not when he’s only now returned. 
A fiery hot tension stretches between the boys as they stare each other down. Will knows Cecil and Lou Ellen are watching them, surprised. The boys hold each other in this strange staring competition, trying to get the other to relent. 
But Will’s stubborn, just like Nico is. There will only be one winner in this battle. 
Will won’t let Nico slip away again.
Nico sighs in exasperation, throwing his hands up. “Whatever,” he grumbles, and a wave of white hot elation washes over Will. Relief consumes him. He won’t be shadow-traveling, Will thinks, relaxation taking over his body. 
Nico continues glaring at Will, but the son of Apollo doesn’t even care. Nico juts his chin forward, and dark wisps of hair fall into his eyes, fluttering over the dark brown irises. “You’ll follow my lead.” 
Will smiles, relishing the win of the silent argument. He spreads his hands in a placating gesture. “Fine. Just don’t ask me to deliver any more satyr babies, and we’ll get along great.”
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
It Was Fun Till It Lasted
Duncan Shepherd x F1 Pilot Female! Reader
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
I have been a bit silent the latest weeks, but I just got hit by the inspiration train as of lately (even more after all the F1 glory we have been getting) and I just thought about a small drabble, about Duncan in the race car universe.
Not as a driver, but more like a sponsor.
This is very PWP, even for my sentimental ass, so I do hope that you’ll like it, even though it isn’t the most perfect thing ever (just to warn you).
Also I just wanted to give @guiltyfiend a big shoutout because she has been a constant source of inspiration for me with various fics (‘Quid Pro Quo’ has been the main reason why for the existence of this drabble) so do check out her lovely fics!
I am also personally, maybe (since I don’t feel apprecciated in the other fandoms I am in) of making a few comebacks in this fandom, if any of you would like iit obviously!
So, please, if you want more, don’t forget to leave some kind of feedback I truly apprecciate it from the bottom of my heart and it’ll truly make my heart beat stronger and my fingers write faster!
Don’t ever ever forget to support your beloved writers with feedback, if you liked what they wrote!
Have a nice reading!
SUMMARY: Galas can be annoying things, but when an handsome fellow accidentally drenches you in champagne there are many ways your night might change.
WORDS: 5,4 K
WARNINGS: Mention of Sexism, Misogyny, Harassment On The Workplace, Inaccurate Portrayal of The F1 World, Inaccurate Way Of Cleaning Champagne From Clothes, Sex, Slight Dirty Talk, Mirror Sex, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Sex Between Strangers.
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You sipped slowly from the flute of champagne you had managed to steal, meanwhile your boss wasn’t looking, since you had been instructed to avoid getting yourself drunk till you got the trophy in your hand, to avoid replacing the ‘drunk Kimi meme’ in the F1 world.
But it was difficult for you, an introvert, to feel at ease in a room full of different people.
A few of them were gladly ignoring you, but more were looking at you like you were some kind of freak in a costume, which was probably the best description for being one pilot of the only all-female team existing in F1.
You had grown up with the myths of Ayrton Senna and Niki Lauda, thanks to your grandfather and his the passion for fast cars and elegant ones, raising you as some kind of substitute to him, who had never been able to race, having had various problematics with his own health.
An heartattack at seventy had taken him away, just as you signed your first contract with the F2.
You had been partnered with a male pilot, and although the car wasn’t the fastest, you had managed to become much better than your partner, eventually getting yourself fired because females, in a place like F1, couldn’t raise to fame, throwing you in a depression that had brought you almost on the verge…
… but then your newest F1 stable had brought you back, giving you a car that wasn’t definitely one of the best you could have gotten but it had gotten you through a nice first season, and you had actually arrived at the sixth position in the constructors’ championship, alongside your partner…
… who, right now, didn’t look less bothered than you, at this fancy party.
But Abigail could definitely hold the curious gazes better than you.
You might have needed something more than champagne to get through a night like this.
You had begged your stable director to just bring Abigail, the social butterfly out of the two of you, but he had just insisted that ‘having two beauties on his arm would have done him and the stable more good than just one’.
And aside from the blatantly sexist part of the comment, you knew he was right.
Sponsors had been rushing to you this season because the media had focused much attention on the importance of new female figures in races, but now that the novelty was rushing off a few had decided to let you go, so you had to grab a few new ones, convincing them through either the use of your talk and your feminine charm.
‘… I had almost thought that he’d ask us to sleep with the sponsors to get them to stay’ had commented Abigail, as you both set yourself up for the night, the elegant rented dresses waiting for you on the comfortable bed of the expensive suite of the hotel ‘… it was this close to becoming an episode of ‘Law & Order: SVU’.
And now Abigail was being her usual chatty with a few sponsors fawning around her, as you tried to down the flute of champagne almost as if it was a full bottle of vodka, something that you honestly missed and stared at the expensive drink in the glass.
If only your glare could turn it in something that would give you more liquid courage.
A few of the rookies had been tried to talk with you and you had been extremely happy to have someone approach you, but soon the chat had diffused itself and all the drivers had been called back by their own director, and you had found yourself alone, again, and with annoying stares upon you.
Many of the pilots from the other stables had tried to get you in bed with them, and you knew that there were various bets going on about getting you or Abigail to finally relent your ‘haughty pretenses’, not to talk about the fact that the entire media platform and magazines had been set up on you and Abigail, waiting for any false step of yours.
You had been dubbed ‘the sole chance for feminism to raise’ and everyone was waiting for you to fall.
To prove that F1 wasn’t female territory.
So, you had been rigorously swearing off any coupling with the other drivers.
The fact that you found it already quite difficult to combine your training and the various galas you had to attend with an healthy social life, certainly did help with the whole ‘chastity promise’ thing.
And you never regretted such a choice during the race season.
The ‘no sex’ rule helped you during the competition, keeping your mind in the game, but now that the driving season was ended and you were finally enjoying your well-deserved holiday, you couldn’t help but hate thoroughly the situation you had landed yourself in, only able to rely on your hand and a few interesting toys.
But otherwise, utterly frustrated.
And yet unable to come up with a solution on such a short notice.
Dicks didn’t grow up on trees, these days.
You just bumped in them, apparently.
Because, as you were halfway through having your second drink of the night, counting on the fact that the director of your stable was halfway through a successful talk with some well-dressed older gentlemen, hence making him quite busy already and unable to check up on you, you clashed against a wall.
A wall of muscles, at a second glance.
A breathing wall of muscles, at third glance.
But you were far more interested by the fact that the bump-in had just made you spill your entire drink on your Givenchy rented dress, the one that costed more than your apartment rent, something that made a loud ‘shit’ leave your mouth and making the ‘wall of muscles’ raise his head towards you, as he noticed the stain.
And then, when you noticed that ‘wall of musclea’ had a pretty face and an even prettier body, a softer ‘shit’ left your mouth.
What a way to make an impression.
“Oh Gosh, I am sorry!” American accent, no British accent.
That was probably where Mother Nature had drawn in blessing him with all the ‘fucking handsome man’ gifts.
His handsome face was elegantly touched up by high cheekbones and feature that had something of roguish matched with elegant traits and darker colors, making him stand out as someone who wasn’t definitely a pilot or a journalist.
Which was ideal for you.
Such an refined face was matched with an elegant tailored body, the suit definitely made for him and him solely, knowing perfectly how to highlight each and every trait of a body that was obtained through attentive work, a careful one that was meant to impose itself or pump his muscles with no aim, but to give him a lean appearance of power.
That definitely worked with you.
“… oh” brain to Earth, brain to Earth, (Y/N), say something intelligent ‘… it was an accident’.
Tell that to the lady that will want the dress back.
But for now, that wasn’t your main concern.
Which was the handsome man in front of you.
But you couldn’t just hump him right there, not only because you were pretty sure that it would have been described as ‘sexual harassment’, but all the spotlight was set up on you, hence all the cameras were focused on every little small mistake you could have done, intensifying them in a way that didn’t happen with men.
You had to be perfect, but even more than that.
You had to be the male everyone thought you were, although you lacked of the attributes.
So, flirting was considered a hellish sin.
“Gosh, I am… extremely sorry” he repeated again, as his eyes shared a quick glance with yours, and you just nodded your head as if you had to confirm to him that you had heard him clearly the first time, before ducking to the restroom, hoping to be able to scrub away the stain, at least to avoid its yellowish color on the stark white of your dress.
But before you could start raising the dress off your legs, where the stain was more evident, you were followed inside by the man, and before you could utter any protest, he caught the ones in your eyes.
“I swear I am not a creeper” he raised his hands as if to reinforce this “… I just… you shouldn’t scrub on silk, it’ll just ruin the fabric, just ran the water and then wait for it to dry, some alcohol and a bit of bleach might also help, the stain will come out, with a single wash… I swear”.
You had a million questions for the stranger, unsure if you shouldn’t have already screamed at him for having entered the ladies restroom, but you just assumed that he was the first handsome guy ever to come with a cute personality.
And good domestic knowledge.
That was meant to always do something to a lady.
“… thank you” you settled on uttering, comforted by the fact that the guy turned around to leave you some privacy, but you couldn’t just let go such an opportunity, even more when you were in some kind of secluded area, and he didn’t look like the type that had a secret go-pro camera under his clothes.
Some girl that you had once met in a bathroom at one of the races had turned out to have one, as she egged on commenting some shit over Abigail.
Unluckily for her, Abigail was in the other stall and she had flushed in the noisiest way the water, before appearing with some kind of triumphant aura around her.
“… can you please stay?” ‘people will probably doubt you on your “abilities” if you come out after five minutes’ you almost wanted to utter, as a test to know if he looked just like a sex god or he fucking was, although with the way his cheeks blushed of a light red, you simply bit down on your tongue “… just to help me get the stain off, properly… you seem to know much more than me about it”.
“Things happen in college” he commented, as if it was an explanation.
What kind of parties had he been in college?
You just remembered the rush to grabbing the cheapest and most efficient alcohol.
He reached out as kindly as he could to start on the farthest part of your dress, where it wasn’t straight up skin tight, gently dabbing it with a piece of paper you had handed him, the fabric destroying itself on the dress, but the stain became a bit less prominent.
Enough to pass as some kind of enrichment the stylist had done on the dress at the last minute.
You hoped you could make the lady that had rented it to you buy this shit off too.
Because you either managed to get the stain out or get yourself a sponsor for the new year, or you’d have had to probably start living on the road, with only a few shining trophies for losers, such as the one you were supposed to grab tonight, for ‘best promising team’.
As if there was some kind of competition, between your small team and various established ones…
“… what are you doing at such a party?” you knew that conversation during this kind of thing would have gotten it to seem less sexual than it truly was, and although you were as good at small talk as you were at handling a crowd, you did your best to sound as relaxed as you could be.
But your question still sounded like one out of a police interrogation.
“Friend of a friend” it was more like meaning ‘none of your business’ but kinder, and you couldn’t deny his own right to privacy “… by the way, I do think that I should give you my name… in case you want someone to curse for the dress, I am Duncan”.
“I am (Y/N)” you were glad when no light of recognition shone in his eyes, just as his hand lightly grabbed the back of your upper thigh, to make the dress adhere perfectly to your skin and dab the stain more properly, a light shiver at the touch made you understand how truly touch-starved you had been “… and you look as out of place as me in this fucking gown”.
“Don’t tell anybody, but…” and he lightly leaned in closer to you, enough that you could feel the strong but comforting perfume of his cologne, something that smelt extremely male and yet, you couldn’t detect a trace of toxic masculinity in it “… I have never seen a single race of F1 in my life”.
Just what you needed.
“… oh tell me about it” you played coy, as his hands raised up from your legs skillfully avoided your ass, instead choosing to grip on the outer part of your hip, handling you with care but a sureness that made you want to relent the whole ‘male image’ you had created around you.
What would you have given for a night in which you didn’t have to be the one in control, constantly checking every detail!
“… neither a fan of the whole race panorama?” he asked, as his eyes trained themselves on your stomach, barely covered by the white of the dress, showing him a bit of skin behind it, exactly as the absence of your panties, a crazed decision of Abigail, who had thrown away your seamless granny pants.
‘They might be protective when we race, but these are shit’.
You knew you shouldn’t have lied to him about not belonging in the racing setting, but you just wanted to have one night in which you weren’t the prodigy, the promise, ‘the sole chance for freedom to raise’.
You just wanted to be (Y/N).
“Definitely not”.
“Brought here by a boyfriend?” now he was scanning his own ground, and he had a small break from his cleaning duties, as you caught a glimpse of that damned profile, the kind of thing you saw on expensive old coins.
He was definitely some kind of emperor in his own right.
“Nope” you mumbled, before you gave him back his own same coin “… just brought here by a friend of a friend”.
He smirked at his words being spit back at him and you smiled almost foolishly.
You even let out a soft giggle.
How fucking long had it been since you had giggled?
And done it because you honestly wanted.
And not because you were forced in front of journalists or potential sponsors.
His hands were now on the side of your chest, against the slight hill of your bra (you could have forsaken panties, but you needed that support), his hands lightly tracing the ridge of the silicone part where the bra stood attached to your skin, sweaty due to the fact that you had been wearing the whole thing for five hours, before of the event.
“… and you had an idiot spill a drink over it, in the span of an hour” the words were meant for self-deprecation, but the smile that accompanied him was utterly confident.
Had you had panties, they would have definitely hit the ground soundly in that moment.
“… it could have been worse” you mumbled, just as your eyes twinkled with secret meaning.
‘You could have been a complete twat or old enough to be my grandpa’
“… you couldn’t have known how to get out champagne stains” you joked, settling up on a more PG-13 comment, unsure of what to do, since it had been quite some time since you had last flirted, and although his hand told you a story, you weren’t exactly sure if he had gotten all the clues of the game.
He laughed so brilliantly that also a light blush joined your soft giggle.
“Gosh, that would have been awful” his tone was joking, but his eyes were onto you, as they searched some kind of confirm in yours, and you just had to lean in to sign the deal, leaning down to kiss him.
You had never been one for one-night-stands and neither for quick fucks in a restroom, but with the way he lightly gripped you, making sure to position you on top of the elegant porcelain sink, careful to avoid the water: it wouldn’t have been neither.
And you were completely swept away.
He definitely passed the ‘kiss’ test.
His hand went through your hair perfectly, but careful of the small updo you had done, his fingertips lightly scraping the baby hair on your upper neck, in a way that kept you grounded, just as his lips lightly bit onto your upper lips, leaving you wanting for more, just as he backed away with a cunning smirk.
One that spoke of that technique never failing.
And before he could perform again that cocky enchantment, you kissed him.
Releasing on him entire months of sexual frustration.
And you had to say that you surprised him, enough that you were worried that your suddenness would have scared him, but he just needed to regain the control, before his hand without any care went to mess up your updo, in a way that instead of grounding and relaxing you, made you tense up, just as his hand splayed your knees wide onto the sink to have him come up between them.
And after the passionate kiss you had been sharing, you found yourself quickly locked, with one that gripped you by the hair against the cold mirror and another one splayed on your knee
The fabric of your silk dress lightly caressed the skin of your inner thigh, right as his elegant and expensive pants did the same with your core, making you feel that you shouldn’t have seriously worried about the ‘five minutes thing’, or at least you hoped.
But the package seemed fucking good.
“… so, would you like to have a bit more of help?” the way he pronounced the word ‘help’ sounded downright sinful and how could a girl deny him, as your own hands moved to gently tap on his sharp cheeks, the scratchiness of a cleanly shaved beard making you feel like this was all real.
“Just don’t get my dress dirty” it was a whisper, but your eyes played with the dominance you wanted to relent to him, and he just looked intrigued.
“Then spread your legs properly, little one” and as if under a spell they opened properly and let him adjust himself against them as his hands lightly raised up to collect the dress away from your legs, stopping right up on your hips and leaving a bit of dress to cover you, as if he had to leave you some modesty “… good girl”.
You purred at that, leaning in the light petting of his grip having become less pronounced as a grip and more a caress.
“…  I saw you out there in the crowd and I wanted to buy you a drink, because you looked at unease as me, I thought that you could use that” he commented as his face lightly moved down to the crook of your neck, his nose making a teasing trail down your profile, just as his beard lightly scratched your skin, making it redden simply for his lips, before he covered it of purplish bruises “… I thought I had done the worst thing ever since with pouring a drink over you”.
“… couldn’t stay mad when you fucking looked like a sex god” you muttered unable to deny the truth, your body arching right against his as his hands, gently dragged he strap of your dress down your shoulders, revealing the awful skin-like bra, but he just seemed focused on your collarbones, his hand working slowly to ease the bra away from you, eventually dropping it onto the small tissues box over both of your heads, so it wouldn’t get on the ground.
An attentive gesture, exactly as the way he gripped tightly your breast, making sure that your nipples were lightly caressed by his thumb, right as he bit down on the softer flesh of your neck.
“I am glad that my good looks were of some use” he joked, and gently looked up at you “… and let me tell you, I have a tongue that will make you forget all about my clumsiness”.
“I do think that I deserve an apology” you muttered, as your eyes met again, your lashes cornering perfectly your hazy eyes, breathy and soft “… a vocal apology”.
And he simply smirked down at you, falling on his knees with a sound thud, as you pushed yourself further down the sink you were on, till you felt the painful dig of the faucet in your back, enough to make you moan in protest, but soon the look of wonder on his face as he unveiled the secret underneath your dress was definitely a relief against the uncomfortable position.
“… didn’t know that you were one of those girls that go without panties” he pushed a knee up on you to spread you further to him, as he took in the proper masterpiece that had been revealed to him down there, and his kisses moved up on your inner thigh “… look like the pretty girl turned out to be a bad bad girl, no wonder I am about to fuck you like a fucking bitch in heat in a restroom”.
And you blushed at the profane words.
But it was just more endearing for you as he pushed himself to properly settle against the nest between your legs, already oozing soft milk and sweet honey, his lips lightly pushing against your own, as he dragged the same beard you had felt on your cheeks against your cunt, the sensation making you hiss, right as again your lips came to soothe your ache.
The plumpness of his lips made you unable to stop yourself from moaning out loud, your eyes closing just as he delivered a slap to your thigh, a silent warning to keep your eyes trained on him and you did, as his lips sucked your softest piece in his mouth.
His tongue was instead a blessing inside of you and this time you were the one delving a bit of pain to him, as you grabbed strongly his hair, some kind of relief to keep you grounded as your body became like a cloud, weighted down just by the tension in your whole muscles.
“Fuck, you do know how to have fun” he mumbled tightly, as he released your cunt, something that made you protest loudly “… when was the last time somebody fucked you this good, (Y/N)”.
And before you could properly reply, his finger slipped inside you, making you hiss out at the feeling of being full, so unlike the stretch of your own fingers, so slight that now you needed a minute to calm yourself from everything, as you waited to answer his reply.
And he gave you a moment to breath, before his finger lightly probed further, reaching inside with a wayward gesture that made you choke up on your own words, as your back arched against the mirror and the hand that wasn’t in his hair gripped so tightly the sink that you were sure you had left an acrylic nail there.
“… a long time for sure” he smirked so devilishly that it broke you thoroughly.
And then his tongue matched his finger and before you knew it your floating was interrupted by your skyrocketing to the ground in a pleasurable trail that brought you back to all the earthly pleasure you could ask for, leaving you numb and tensed, your eyes rolling back as you lost sight of what was going on with you.
And then as you regained, your legs were slack over Duncan’s sides, his lips teasing again the skin of your neck, but no intention to punish you with any pain or tease you, instead there was a desperate soothing in his gestures, as you slowly came back to reality.
Fuck, you honestly should do this more.
Sadly, half of the guys that wanted a hook-up wouldn’t have ever done anything like what Duncan just did with you.
And would probably last five minutes, indeed.
“… was that enough of an apology?” he asked as soon as he saw that you had regained some semblance of calmness.
“Definitely yes” not that you could reply with much more.
Your fingers spoke louder as they went to his belt, undoing it with a bit of problem since you were slightly trembling, but he tried his best to let you do it, but before you could lower the pants, he gently grabbed your hands, something soft in his eyes, as he made you look up at him.
“We don’t have to do this…”.
“Oh, c’mon…” you mumbled, but his question was sincere and you couldn’t help but blush lightly “… I am pretty sure I want to do this”.
He mumbled softly, as he grabbed something from his back pocket, as you lightly lowered pants and boxers in one move,
And you weren’t disappointed,
He was definitely a big guy.
Larger than longer, with a light curve that made you painfully ache for having him inside of you, already half-hard, and your hand gently moved up and down on him, in a gentle foreplay that was completely uninterested about the knocking on the door, eventually dissipating in curses.
“… gotta be quiet baby” he commented, as he pushed his wallet on the side of the sink, getting a condom out of it, something for which you were thankful, because although you were on birth control, he was a complete stranger to you, and although the thrill of it just made it all just more daring, you would have preferred avoiding anything that might have given you an awful month “… I don’t know if you will, since I’ll make you feel fucking good”.
You just smirked at him, with a smile that told him ‘I can take it, sweetheart’.
And he just silenced it with pushing himself inside of you.
The penetration gave you an unpleasant stretch, and you needed a minute, as your whole body shifted against him, completely pushing himself in your arms, and to his credit he didn’t do much more than steady you, as he gave you the time to adjust yourself on him, till your whole body relaxed but your own insides.
Gripping him tighter.
Goading him closer and deeper.
And he gently set up a slow rhythm, making you feel each inch of him, till you were hypnotized with the way his hips moved against you, his upper body lightly stroking your clit, as wetness oozed down him, lubing him up, as he took up more speed and you found your back pushed against the mirror with such intensity that you were sure it would have been broken soon.
But you couldn’t give a fuck.
He gently pushed you in another position turning you around, so that you could face the mirror, meanwhile he took you from behind, the angle being deeper and the slight curve of his cock hitting the perfect spot.
And the fact that you could see yourself being fucked by him was only a bonus.
The way his face became so deformed by pleasure gave it all some kind of dreamish state, as the pleasure intensified desperately and you were there just on the right spot, but not enough stimulation was there for you, till he brought a finger in your mouth, and you sucked him inside, looking at the wanton expression on your face, before you closed your eyes.
And pleasure overtook you.
It didn’t take him too much time for him to finish alongside you, as his hand lightly went in your hair again, pushing as a way to grip on reality for a last time and your muscles spasmed around you, desperately and tightly in a way that almost made you wonder how it would have felt to have his seed on you.
And not in a plastic wrapper.
But for now that was all you could do.
Your legs trembled but he steadied you, something that definitely gave him more credit than you thought, expecting him to simply tug himself back in and disappear, maybe stand a bit next to you, to wash himself, but to his credit he gently  handled you better, till you were again seated against the sink, the facet now digging painfully in you.
But you were definitely sore in more pleasurable places.
He gently got you back in your dress, adjusting your bra on your sweaty skin, too sensitive for the powerful orgasms you had felt, his silken touch making goosebumps appear on your skin, as your nipples lightly peaked and he couldn’t stop himself from gently sucking one after the other in his mouth, as you moaned almost as a protest.
“Don’t start something you won’t finish” you warned him, as his eyes twinkled with teasing happiness.
“… I would… but I do think that people need this restroom” and he was right, since you felt somebody halfway through calling the security and you shouted out calmly a soft ‘sorry, I just stained my dress and I am trying to get the stain away’ “… but if you want, I can… leave you my number, for more fun…”.
Which you were tempted to take, honestly.
He was handsome, he had a good dick game and he was definitely respectful of boundaries.
But you knew these things always got too complex for you.
First of all because had you given him your number, you would have to admit the truth and secondly as much as you were free right now a partner that was repeated a few more times was dangerous, because feelings might be developed.
“… I…” but how could you let down a guy like this.
“… you aren’t the type” a sad smile appeared on the man’s face, no hard feelings for sure, but definitely uncomfortable at your rejection and you couldn’t help but simply nod “… got it, well it was fun till it lasted”.
And to his merit he didn’t do anything that might have been rough against you, choosing to instead smile politely as he cleaned himself a bit, before he exited with one last look at you, as if to check if you had changed your mind, but you simply stood painfully uncomfortable off the sink as you dabbed a bit more the stain.
“… thank you for the suggestion and…” ‘…the fucking amazing sex’.
“You are welcome”.
And with that he disappeared from the restroom, as you thought he’d disappear from your life.
The only trace of him was the faint stain on your dress and the slight blush on your cheeks as you joined Abigail again.
‘… somebody got lucky’ she simply muttered, as she twirled her glass, another one in your hands, as your eyes searched for Duncan, he joined a few of the investors, but your eyes diverted immediately from that sight, worried the connection might be seen and questioned ‘… at least one of us got laid tonight’.
You simply elbowed her, as you smiled lovingly at the sponsors.
But you definitely felt rebirthed after the restroom session.
Maybe you were wrong about not seeing him again.
Not that you hadn’t to wait much to meet him again.
That morning you had been asked to take part at a reunion of the stable, alongside a few sponsors that you had found at the latest event, it was a way to get them to know the ‘talents’ they’d fund, and as you expected old and older people to approach you, you were surprised to find Duncan standing there.
Hadn’t he been a complete stranger to the F1 platform?
And as your grew nervous and more nervous, your stable director came up to you and Abigail, slinging an arm over you both as he moved to get you and present you to him, making you blush as much as he did, but he was extremely professional.
You couldn’t, when you discovered he was your newest sponsor.
‘Girls let me introduce to you both our latest sponsor’ your boss commented softly ‘Duncan Shepherd’.
And he was Duncan fucking Shepherd.
The heir to the Shepherd foundation.
What the fuck had you done?
Duncan Shepherd (I don’t really have a taglist anymore, so if you are interested on being there for Michael do let me know, and I’ll add you, if I ever think about writing something for him again!):
@blakewaterxx​, @melodylangdon, @avocodys​, @ahsbitch​, @littlegirlsdontplaynice​, @accio-rogers​
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tt205 · 4 years
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Summary: Your somewhat boyish behavior always bothered many , especially now whole of Gusu Lan Clan was pissed with you . Sharing feelings with Lan Xichen is something that brought you quite close this days . Will love be enough to cover up all of your 'flaws' ?
Requested? : YES by rozesdanze and I'm apologizing again for this late upload .
WARNINGS: minor cursing, low self esteem , slight bullying nothing that may trigger you too much .
Words count : 3.440
You always were a free spirited person , not caring much about what everyone gotta say and just minding your own business while offering a helping hand where it was needed .
It was your nature , something you couldn't change.
Sometimes people told you to be more "feminine " or "act like a girl of your age " your somewhat boyish behavior bothering them .
You didn't mind it at all .
You grew up with only male friends except for Jiang Yanli and that's why you have adopted this 'strange for a girl ' behavior .
Everything was fine until you entered The Gusu Lan Clan Sect's area in the Cloud Recesses.
Your not so much disciplined ways of living bothered Lan Qiren and the rest of the ladies , that were supposed to be studying there and not gossip around .
It firstly started as comments now and then " dress like a girl " " style your hair like a girl " " why are you not wearing your hairpins ?" And such .
You brushed off the first couple of weeks but when the whole student community started making fun of you , you couldn't take it any more .
Your pride was indeed hurt .
If Wei Wuxian wasn't there you would have left this hell of a place and return back in Yumeng Clan, your hometown.
He was supportive as always , reassuring you that everything was fine with you and that you didn't have to change yourself in order to be accepted by others .
Your own self is what makes you unique.
If someone doesn't likes your real self then they dont deserve being with you .
You passed through the hallways trying to get in class when a group of so-good-for-nothing girls blocked your way .
A short girl two years older than you spoke first with this high pitched voice that make you want to slap her straight in the face "oh y/n I pity you so much .. how will you be able to find a good match in the future with such a poor manner set ? Tsts" she chuckled making your eyes go wide at her rudeness.
"I'm sure I will have more possibilities to find one than you .. I may not have the good manners you are claiming to have yourself but at least i am not rude with people i know nothing about " you answer her back bowing your head and trying to move through them .
"Move !" You ordered one of her side chicks Ling the stupid one .
" Oh my goodness.. this is not a way a lady should talk to another y/n " another one of her bitches talked.
You glared at her trying to push Ling to the side.
" why are you even talking to her Feng ? She cant even walk in a proper way yet not even get dressed up as a lady of her status she is a waste of time .. better let her become a puppet of her stupid friend the Yiling Patriarch-- "
"If you ever curse on Wei Wuxian in front of me I ll make sure to shut your mouth with my fist ! He is not making puppets to your information he is just controlling the Yin iron with skills you wish you could have ! Now move out of my sight !" You tell them totally pissed of .. you grab your sword case trying to put some sense in them but they dont seem to mind
" Stupid bitch no one will ever love you in this way ! Every one will pity your for being an unmarried pathetic bitch! In the end even your own family will abandon you - oh I forgot you've got none! " She curses at you and you feel like something is twisted to your core .
2 thing are what you hate the most 1. having people pitying you or telling you that they do and 2. People talking about your family .
That's it , before giving it a second thought you uncover your cased sword harshly .
You move it to your untied hair grabbing a fistful of them before moving the blade on them.
" 1st of all you are not even in the place to think about my family lowly peasant! Do you think that no one in here knows about your relationship with an already married man? " you ask her and she widens her eyes .
"secondly this is for you ! I'm a woman of my status and none my hair , clothing or manners can prove it otherwise! At least I'm not someone's slut!" You close your eyes before moving the blade in one sift motion and cutting half of your hair's length shortening it to shoulder's length.
"Now fuck off and don't dare to look at my direction again emptyheaded bitch!" You scream at her throwing all the hair on her face before making your way back to your room .
3 hours have passed since the incident and no one has reached for you yet .
"Good" you thought, because reconsidering your action you've broken more that 6 of Gusu lan clan's rules and show disrespect to your rank status by cutting your hair .
Before realizing it you heard someone knocking on your door "shit" you cursed in your brain , moving to the doorframe and opening the door only to come face to face with the Clan-leader-to-be Lan Xichen.
You bowed your head , forcing a smile on as you rubbed your hands together to sooth your embarrassment, way too shy to look your 'crush' to the eyes .
"Greeetings Zewu Jun " you said moving aside and making room for him to enter .
"Lan Qiren asked me to bring you to him" he said the smile that always hugged his features non apparent anymore.
"Your uncle?" You asked wishing to get a 'no' as an answer..
"Unfortunately yes !" He said looking down the floor .
After putting on your cloaks , you both made your way out of your room and moved to Lan Qiren's residence.
After a really long chat with him you were free to go NOT REALLY .
He asked Xichen to take you himself to the library in order to make 1.500 copies of the latest book he bought this year.
You sighed again in the thought of the pain your arm will have after finishing this task , only to earn one of Xichen's concerned glances .
As soon as seating down to your used by many times spot , you grabbed the pen and deeped it into the new-cut ink .
5 hours passed since you first started copying books and despite having nothing actually to do xichen seemed rather occupied.
You gave him a questionable look as you leaned your head in your hands looking to his place .
"You knew that this was going to put you in trouble y/n , why doing such a thing just to prove them wrong?" You raised your head upon hearing this words leaving Xichen's mouth , not formality in them , just casual talking.
" they have been getting on my nerves for more than 2 months I couldn't bear it -" you tried to explain yourself but he interrupted you
" You could have just come to me right from the beginning!" He looked pissed and you sifted in you seat shivering from the tone in his voice .
This man surely had some nerve in him, being more than a head taller than you was something that from the very start make it clear that you could better not get in any trouble with him .
Seeing his genuine and kind nature made you loose down your walls , allowing your heart to form feelings for him and now you are here unable to form a single word without stuttering in between.
" Y/n ? Cant you see it ?" He asked and you gave him a confused face in defense .
"What do you mean-?"
" I - i do care about you y/n , watching the others making your life a living hell including my uncle drives me crazy ! I tried so many times to show you how i feel about you just to give you a shelter, a safe place but you are not getting it " he sighed to himself clearly frustrated.
He removed a strand of hair out of his face looking to your not so calm face that was by now painted in a really deep shade of read .
Being the lil tease he secretly is , he wanted to get you even more freaked out by little .
He looked into your eyes with this calm face of his while saying " I love you y/n " and then returning to his desk and grabbing back his pen .
" I love you too " you said loud enough to even have the bunnies hear too outside , the silence inside the room making an echo to your voice .
In quick realization you moved your palm to your mouth clapping it fast and shutting down the curses about your stupidity that were ready to spill out .
" What ?" He asked in a teasing tone lifting his body higher and then sitting up completely moving to your place until he was studying right in front of you hovering some heads above you and then repeating then same question calmly.
This drove you crazy .
" How can a person be so calm in a situation like that ? " you screamed out loud mostly to yourself before reaching in front you and pinching the skin of his lower thigh .
You looked up to his face as he let out a high peached scream of pain "Lan Xichen you are driving me insane!"
You pinched him again with both hands now only to have him beg to be left in peace "Please y/n don't do this ! " he half laughed half screamed for the poor skin of his legs before reaching down and grabbing both your wrists once you didn't stop after his begs.
You squirmed in his grip before he moved both wrists to his lips , kissing the skin there and putting them back down the surface of your desk .
Your mouth was hanging open , such a big skin contact all of sudden leaving you shooked.
" I have done 14 copies of the book you are copying.. I'm taking a break for now but I'm returning back in 15 minutes straight! You continue your work little girl " he said before blinking his eye to you and moving out of the library .
"Excuse me ?! " you screamed as loud as you could looking both to your wrists and his distant form .
"This man is gonna drive me crazy sooner than I thought " you told yourself before returning to your work .
It's been 4 days since you started dealing with your punishment and you already have 276 copies ready to go but way more many on the way .
Today is a special day for Gusu lan Clan and it's students so it's the perfect opportunity for you to take a break tonight.
Gusu Lan Clan's biggest has come and you are now getting ready to attention the lantern festival with Wei Wuxian been apart for so many days making you miss him to death .
A sudden knock on the door made you jump on your spot .
Waiting for Wuxian you opened without asking for the person outside.
To your huge surprise there was not Wei Wuxian but Lan Xichen .
" I'm allowed to go in the festival today ! I asked your uncle this morning! You cannot keep me here- " you rushed to say to afraid of loosing your only chance out .
" I'm here to take you out myself so that you can return to the library straight after the ceremony finishes , my uncle has no intention searching for you so he sent me to make sure that there will be no way for you to sneak out " he said calmly giving you a teasing smile .
You looked around searching for Wei Wuxian but there you found him next to Lan Wangji holding a paper lantern together.
You giggled at the view of Wuxian's flashed cheeks when his hand touched Wangji's accidentally.
The moment when all of the lighting lanterns had to fly to the sky arrived so you moved to catch the one in front of you but regretted it at the sight of Xichen doing the same .
You felt shy at your silly mistake don't understanding that the lantern wasn't for you but for him and you bowed in discomfort cursing to yourself for making you look even more stupid to him .. your fucking crush .
" I think this is for the both of us y/n " he told you taking your hands in his making you catch some part of the paper .
" Every one can make a wish as their lantern will make their way up ! I'm sure that each and every wish of yours will be fulfilled in the near future and luck will always saw a good face to you and your loved ones ! This year was one of educational progress, health and wisdom. I hope that all of you will follow the path we Gusu Lan Clan taught you about , a path of righteousness, fairness and virtue. Now I'll count up to 5 so all of you will have to prepare your lanterns! " Lan Qiren announced making you look around for some fire to put in the light .
"One" he started
"Two" the lantern was ready to go so you thought about making a wish
" I wish y/n would give me a chance to prove my sincere feelings for her while living and following the path of the good , avoiding the sinful road and having zero regrets. " the man next to you whispered mostly to himself with closed eyes as he hold onto your lantern tightly.
Your eyes blinked twice the having the man you wish to call yours one day admitting his feelings again .
" I wish I'll become a woman of my status so I can let myself be loved by the man I love without minding if I'll ruin his reputation with my inappropriate image " you whispered to both to him and to yourself, admitting how you really felt with this complicated situation .
You didn't want to change yourself, no not at all, but you just hopped the time could change you into what you could call ideal woman , wife , without feeling much pain in the progress.
It was true , him loving you would ruin his and the Gusu Lan Clan's reputation .
The future Clan Leader having feelings for a punk?
A girl with no manners?
Without a family and depending only on Yumeng Sect and her uncle ?
Sometimes you wished you were different, somewhat like your cousin Yanli but no , in the end you wouldn't be you , you would be someone fake .
You would be someone even more miserable.
You are clearly confused by now .
Shall I change and become what the world around me wants to or be myself and let them talk shit without minding a bit ?
The 1st one is the easy way , but the 2nd one is what will make you struggle but be you at the very last .
"Three " Lan Qiren spoke as you tried to regain your composure and focus .
"Four " all of the disciplines lifted their lanterns up readying them once more .
"Y/n would you like to be the person I call home from now on ?" Xichen asked you .
"I can't-"
" Yes you can ! If there is love in between everything can be worked out !" He cut you
" Is there any love from your side y/n ?" He asked you and you didn't want a second more to know the answer
"Yes there is "
" See ? There is no reason you can't let me love you , call you mine , make you the person I want to return after the storm . I want to be the person you need , you love , I want to be your everything, would you allow me to do that ? "
" Don't you mind I'm who I am ? "
"Five! Let them go and fly high " Lan Qiren called and you did as you were told
"No , I don't . I love you for who you really are y/n not for who I want you to be " Xichen said making you look down the floor to afraid to be loved but at the same time loose who you really love .
"I really like you , no I can say that I love you , everything you do . And all I want is to protect and take you home with me .
Will you come and live in Gusu with me ?
I wanna be with you forever and even though it's really early to say would you like to marry me one day ?
I'm sure that even though you are not my uncle's favorite person out there he will accept the fact that we want to be together.
We can call your uncle to come and set a marriage for us in the years to follow .
I will give you as much time as you feel like taking but I want to make my feelings clear to you from the very beginning.
Would you like to marry me and be the next Gusu Lan Clan's Leader wife ? " he asked always to rushed as his cheeks took a red color painting his pale skin .
"Yes I would love to ! Even if i could marry every man on earth you would be my one and only choice in every lifetime and every dimension I could live , I would choose you again"
You answer him with a little smile in the end as both of you hugged gaining glares from all the people around you .
" Does this mean that we are official?" He asked
"I guess so " you told his hiding you face in his strong torso .
" FELLOW HUMANS IM GETTING MARRIED TO MY BELOVED Y/N I WISH YOU ALL CAN MAKE IT TO OUR MARRIAGE IN THE NEAR FUTURE !" He screamed making you punch him lightly in his lower abdomen as he fake screamed in pain .
" That means that we will be siblings by law y/n?" Wuxian asked while jumping his way to your derection happily
" What do you mean A-Xian?" You asked confused .
" We are getting married too brother !" Lan Wangji said as both yours and Xichen's jaw dropped open .
" Congratulations!" Both of you screamed out loud as you went hugging them .
The four of you hugged while jumping together but then there he came Jiang Cheng.
" That means I'm the only single bird rn? Thanks guys thanks!" He said while glaring at you four .
" No you are not sweetheart!" Nie Huaisang appeared giving Cheng a misiviews smile before hiding his now flashed cheeks behind his fan .
" BOLD OF YOU TO ASSUME THAT I'M THAT DESPERATE! I BETTER BE PUNCHED IN THE FACE BY WEN QING AGAIN RATHER THAN DATING YOU ! " Jiang Cheng screamed in Huiesung's face before storming away in order to search for his short tempered other half Wen Qing .
" There we go again " Wuxian said
" Yes there we go again " you added and the four of you started laughing until tears formed in your eyes and too little oxygen was making it's way into your lungs.
This is the best feeling.
Be with people that you love and love you ,
Without loosing faith in you ,
Without wanting to make you someone else ,
Without wanting to control you
People that love you unconditionally.
Please follow & like for more content!
Stay happy & healthy ♡
Be yourself + love yourself.
Hope you enjoyed reading
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zackcollins · 4 years
autograph || jacob markstrom
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Author’s Note: I was listening to music while I was taking a shower earlier. I got random inspiration from one of the songs that came on. I was honestly debating with myself whether or not to write it today. I wasn’t exactly in the best writing mood and wasn’t sure that end result would be good. I ultimately decided to write it (as you can tell). I decided that it was best to write it while the idea was still fresh in my mind. I hope I still did a well enough job while not being at 100% performance capabilities today. GIF credit goes to keeklee!!
Warnings: Alcohol consumption and mentions of being drunk. Nothing is overtly graphic or described in great detail. I tried to keep it on the tamer side just to be safe. If you need to avoid that, I understand and stay safe out there!!
Translation: There is one Swedish statement in this fic. It translates to “My darling.”
Word Count: 1.5k+
Inspiration: Autograph by Dallas Smith
Additional: The reader is feminine this time! Since I wanted a little more representation in my fics, I made the reader bisexual. She is mentioned to have had a girlfriend in the past. As for Markstrom’s response to finding out that information I’ll say one thing: I saw my fucking opportunity and I took it. I hope both of those things are okay and I hope you enjoy this!!
Jacob had been your best friend for years. You met when you were catering to one of the Canucks various events. He had spilled some of his wine on you when Henrik had bumped into him while rushing to grab the last of the Swedish meatballs before Edler could. He had apologized profusely and even offered to pay for the dry cleaning of your outfit. That’s where your friendship began.
 All these years later, your friendship was going strong as ever. He was currently over at your apartment, sitting on your couch and drinking a beer. You were in your kitchen, chopping some onions and carrots to add to the soup you were preparing for dinner. Just as you added the chopped vegetables to the pot, you noticed Jacob walk over to the island and take a seat at one of the barstools.
 “You know,” he paused, taking a drink from his beer bottle. “I bet you were the homecoming queen in high school.”
 “What makes you think that?” You walked over to the sink, pumped some soap onto your hands, lathered them together, and turned the tap on. You put one of your fingers under the stream of water to test the temperature. Satisfied that it was acceptable, you placed both hands under and started rinsing them.
 “You’re gorgeous,” Jacob chuckled. You heard him place the beer bottle on the island briefly before he picked it back up and took another drink. “You’re the girl everyone from a small town like yours would dream about. I bet every boy was lined up in whatever old blue jean fashion you guys wore to be your boyfriend.”
 Turning the sink off and grabbing a paper towel, you dried your hands off before turning to face Jacob. You leaned back against the counter and crossed your arms over your chest.
 “I was the homecoming queen,” you said, smiling.
 “Who was the homecoming king?” Jacob asked, taking another sip of his beer.
 “My girlfriend at the time. Her name was Amanda.” 
 Jacob smiled and raised his beer in salute. “Cheers. I’ll drink to that, bro.” As proof of his statement, he put the bottle to his lips and drank whatever was left inside of it. Making a satisfying sound he wiped his lips with the back of his hand when he was done drinking.
 “You know,” Jacob started, pointing the bottle toward you. “I’d change your autograph.”
 Raising a questioning eyebrow, you frowned. “What do you mean?”
 “I’d put my name on you,” Jacob replied. When you continued to look confused, he sighed and placed the beer bottle on the island. “I want to put a big ring on your left hand. I want everyone to know that I’m the lucky one that has Heaven’s girl on my arm.”
 Bringing your hand up to your face, you covered it. You felt a soft heat rising along your cheeks and the tips of your ears. You spread your fingers and looked at Jacob through the slats. He was smiling fondly and his eyes were showing signs of love and one too many beers.
 “I want to take you to the edge of town and get on one knee,” Jacob continued, using his hand to move toward the direction of town he was speaking about. “I really want to change your autograph, (Y/N).” He chuckled, running a hand through his hair.
 You brought your hand away from your face and smiled weakly at Jacob. The thing about this was you had been having more than platonic feelings for Jacob for a couple of years; you wanted to be his girlfriend more than anything. Hearing him say he wanted to marry you was making you feel things to you that you didn’t know you could feel. Your stomach was tied in all kinds of nervous knots; your heart rate was rivalling that of a jet going Mach 10; your face was burning with the passion of a volcanic eruption. You felt so strongly about this that you wanted to rush across the kitchen and kiss Jacob as passionately as you could.
 “Jacob,” you started, voice strained from your nerves. “You’re a little drunk. You don’t mean any of this.” 
 He chuckled and shook his head. “Of course I mean this! You’re a star in my world. I want you on the hood of my car,” he motioned out the window, presumably in the direction of the parking garage, “so you can blow me kisses like they do in the movies.”
 Sighing, you walked across the kitchen to sit on the barstool beside Jacob. He lit up and leaned his head onto your shoulder. You wrapped your arm around his shoulders and squeezed him closer before placing a kiss to the top of his head.
 “You should really let me change your autograph,” Jacob said, voice faltering a little. “I want to propose to you at sunset at the ocean on the edge of town. I want to give you a big ring that you customize to make it uniquely yours.”
 Swallowing thickly, you rubbed along Jacob’s upper arm. Jacob hummed and nuzzled in closer to you. He sighed at that moment, voice soundly slightly wet. You lifted his head with your other hand. Looking into his eyes, you noticed that he was crying. Sitting him straight up, you took both thumbs and wiped the tears away. Jacob grabbed your wrists and rubbed along the pulse points soothingly. You shivered and leaned into the touch.
 “I want everyone to know that you’re mine,” he said, bringing one of your wrists to his lips and kissing it gently. When he felt you shiver again, he smiled and brought the other wrist to his lips and kissed it. You shivered a third time and leaned into the sensation. “I want to skip dating and just go straight to marriage. The team says we act like a married couple as it is.”
 You felt your heartbeat hammering in your ears. Jacob’s team had become a second family to you in the years you had been friends with him. All the players that had come and gone were like the siblings you never had growing up. They meant the world to you--almost as much as Jacob did. If they said you and Jacob acted like a married couple there was no question that it was the truth.
 “We should talk about this when you haven’t had 4 beers,” you said. Your mouth felt dry as the words left your mouth. Every part of you hadn’t wanted to say what you had said but you knew it had to be done. You knew this conversation was one that needed to happen when Jacob was sober enough to understand the ramifications of what he was asking for.
 Tears fell silently down Jacob’s face as he looked at you with a blank expression. Despite that, he nodded. “Yeah, yeah. You’re right.” He grabbed your cheeks and gently soothed his thumbs across them. You shivered for what felt like the thirtieth time and leaned into the sensation. “Just know my opinion won’t change when I’m sober.” He leaned in and planted his lips against yours.
 You sat there, frozen for a moment. Jacob tensed against you and started to pull away. You quickly brought your hands up to cover his hands. You pressed firmly, holding him in place. Jacob relaxed and leaned back into the kiss. At that moment, you started moving your mouth fluidly with his, trying to keep up with his languid pace. It was a pace that you weren’t used to for kissing. You were used to vigorous, passionate kisses. This was languid and soft. You reminded yourself that Jacob had consumed 4 beers and that had probably slowed down his motor functions enough to affect his kissing abilities. 
 When you pulled apart, Jacob was panting slightly and had some hair stuck to his forehead. You took one of your fingers and brushed it aside. Jacob hummed and leaned into the touch. You smiled softly and kissed his forehead. Jacob chuckled and kissed the tip of your nose.
 “Mrs. (Y/N) Markstrom,” he said, grabbing both of your hands and interlacing your fingers. “Has a nice ring to it, right?”
 A soft feeling rushed through your veins. It did have a nice ring to it. You bounced the name around in your head a few times while Jacob looked at you expectantly. The longer it bounced around up there, the better it was starting to sound. You swallowed thickly and nodded at Jacob. Jacob grinned and took one of his hands away from yours to reach into his pocket. A moment later, he placed a jewellery box on the table.
 “I’m going to go sleep off the alcohol,” he said, motioning toward the guest bedroom. “You look that over and we’ll talk in the morning when I’m sober.” With that, Jacob leaned over and pressed a kiss to your temple before he slipped off the barstool and walked to the guest bedroom.
 You were left sitting there, staring at the box. You hesitated a moment before you opened it. The necklace inside made your heart and stomach swoop simultaneously. It had a simple heart charm with two distinct words engraved on it:
 Min Älskling
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deviatedwinter · 4 years
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(Josh Washington x Reader)
Come back
Request: A Josh x Reader angst where reader breaks up with Josh after the prank (requested by @frostca11, I didn't know which prank so I did Josh's!)
Word count: 1.7k
Authors's note: Aight just so y'all know: I feel sympathy for Josh and I know that in his mind he thought he was in the right, but for the sake of the angst, reader is going to be against Josh's actions and not understand his reasonings.
All you could remember was your assailant's terrifying grip. The obsidian eyes of the clown stared into your own as an oxygen mask was brought up to your mouth. The cold gas burned at your nostrils before your eyelids gained weight and your vision faded, his grip appearing to soften as he laid you on the cold floor.
"I'm sorry.." You could faintly hear before you drifted off.
Now, you were in a dark room, the only light coming from a hanging lightbulb on the ceiling, the only sound being a moth that buzzed as it collided with the warm glass.
Your mind was groggy as you accustomed to your surroundings. A thick layer of dust rested on everything in the room except for you.
Where were you?
You had to be in the lodge. There were no signs of any melted snow on your body, so you couldn't have been taken outside.
You gazed down at your body as it sat in a wooden chair, your ankles free from restraint while your hands weren't.
You wiggled your wrists, but the nylon restraining them wouldn't budge.
Oh God, where did the maniac go? What was he gonna do to you?
Fear set in. You unconsciously let out a whimper as you began to struggle.
Then, you heard voices.
"What was that?" A feminine voice asked, it laced with concern.
It was Sam.
"I don't know, where did it come from?" Answered a male.
"Sam! Mike!" You cried, your wrists starting to itch from the restricting fabric.
You heard footsteps before their two faces met yours in the doorway.
Quickly, Sam knelt behind you to undo your binds while Mike stayed in the doorway on lookout.
"This guy..he.." You began, still in a daze.
"We know, we're gonna get out of here. Are you alright?" Sam asked, looking you over.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank God you found me." You replied, slowly standing.
"Where's Josh?"
A silence set over the room, a brief glance being shared between Sam and Mike that you almost didn't notice.
"The psycho..he got to him." Sam explained, knowing she couldn't stomach a lie to her friend.
You felt like the world turned upside down and gravity was shut off, your body flying into the darkness of space. The darkness consuming you like you were drowning. Your heart hurt, and tears broke the surface of your eyes before spilling over like a splintered dam.
"Hey, stay with us, come on." You heard Mike's voice, it snapping you from your pained daze. His hands were on your shoulders as Sam looked at you with a sad look as well.
You only nodded, your eyes still having a far away look to them as your mind raced.
If only you had stayed with him, you could have protected him.
You could have saved him.
But no, after the seance, you were dead set on being alone. The thought of communicating with Hannah's spirit took a toll on you. You needed to think, and so did Josh as Chris and Ashley explored the library.
Meekly, you followed Sam and Mike as they snuck down a grimy corridor. You tried not to think about the amount of dust you were inhaling as the particles danced in front of your face.
Then, you heard crying. It was muffled, but there.
"Is that.. crying?" Mike questioned before hesitantly opening a large metal door.
The sight that was brought to your eyes caused your breath to catch in your throat.
Ashley and Chris were tied to chairs, a gun in Chris's hand as he sobbed, a pair of rotating sawblades slowly descending upon them.
Coming in for the kill.
The three of you rushed over, a mix of yells coming from all of you.
Then, a figure stepped in from the shadows, his mask sickeningly familiar.
The sawblades slowly stopped moving, the dwindling whir of them leaving the room in silence.
The silence was interrupted when Chris pointed the gun at the masked man, firing it several times.
But there was no blood. The man didn't even flinch.
"Ah, Chris, Chris, Chris. You've heard of blanks before, right?" 
Your blood ran cold as the maniac reached up to take his mask off.
But nothing could prepare you for who lied under it. 
The small smile, the glint in his eyes.
Josh. Your Josh.
"Josh?!" you cried, confusion gripping you. Was everyone pranking you? Why would Sam tell you he was dead? What was going on?
"See, did you feel humiliated, scared? Like my sisters did one year ago? It's not fun being pranked now is it?" He wasn't talking to you, but rather the group standing in front of him.
"What the hell is happening?! Because as far as I know, I've been knocked out for the past hour." You snapped, feeling like everything was hitting you at once.
"Your boyfriend dressed up as a killer and has been terrorizing us all night!" Ashley cried from her seat as she trembled.
Your gaze met Josh's, his mouth slightly agape as he was met with your hurt expression.
"Babe..I didn't hurt anyone..I made sure you were just asleep, nothing more." He said, his tone sounding like a child who was just scolded.
"Josh that's still-"
You were cut off by Mike, his voice filled with rage.
"You're fucking lying, Jessica is dead!" 
The room stood still, a breathe catching in your throat. 
"What?" Josh whimpered.
"She's dead! You're gonna fucking pay you-!"
He was cut off as you intercepted him, your hand grabbing his wrist before the gun in his hand could touch Josh.
"Mike! Let's think clearly for a second!"
He was seething, his dirt covered face portraying a scowl.
"You were in on this, huh?! You a fucking murderer too?!"
He shoved you aside before grabbing a hold of Josh, Chris joining him as they restrained him.
"Babe! I didn't do anything wrong! Tell them that! I did not hurt Jessica!" Josh yelled as the two men pulled him out of the room.
Your gaze was locked into the ground, your frame trembling as a hand rested on your forearm. Sam gave you a sympathetic look before backing off to check on Ashley, who was distraught as well.
You shakily ran out of the room, finding a set of stairs before making your way outside. From there, you followed the sets of footprints to an outbuilding beyond the lodge.
"Mike, she didn't do anything, don't hurt her!" Was the first thing that met your ears. Josh, his voice was desperate as he pleaded.
The snow crunching under your feet alerted the three, causing you to become uneasy as they turned to look at you.
"I'm not gonna hurt her you asshat." Mike huffed at Josh before facing your distraught expression.
"Can I please just talk to him? For a minute?" You asked, your eyes pleading more than your words.
Chris and Mike exchanged a look before shrugging and stepping out, Chris speaking as he passed you.
"Good luck. He's totally out of it."
And with that, they were out of sight.
You shakily stood in front of your boyfriend, his wide eyes softening at your presence.
"I didn't kill anyone.."
You gulped, wanting to believe him. Why hadn't you known this was going to happen? What had you missed?
After his sisters went missing he went to therapy. He stayed at an institution for a while. Meanwhile, you responded to every call, every text. You visited as much as you could, and you held him as he sobbed into your shoulder. Was there more you could've done?
"Josh... if that's true, a lot could've still gone wrong! What if the sawblades killed Ash and Chris?? What if you gave me too much gas when you grabbed me?"
His head tilted, his jaw clenching.
"I made sure it wouldn't! Why don't you believe me?!" He yelled, his eyes filling with anger and hurt.
"Josh, you dressed up as a clown and chased me like you were going to kill me! I can't trust you right now, even if I want to!" You cried, not believing what you were hearing. You wanted so desperately to wake up and this be a dream.
"They turned you against me! You're just like Mike and the others huh? Go and sleep with Mikey boy if you don't trust me!" He yelled, his outburst ending in random mumbles as he shook his head, his shoulders slouched.
"Josh.." Tears pricked your eyes "What you did turned me against you. You need help.."
"Shut up! I should've known you were like them! You can't take a joke either! You're a fake! A phony!"
His words felt like stabs in your chest, tear spilling over onto your cold cheeks.
"Josh, you're a good person, but until you get help, we need to be apart. I can't be with you when you're like this, when you think torturing your friends is right!" You tried your best to steady your wavering voice, trying your best to stay strong.
"You never loved me! If you did, you'd understand! Go! Leave me alone! Let those assholes beat me up if that's what, what you want!" He panted, his mouth forming more mumbles as he rocked back in forth in his restraints.
"No Josh, That's not-"
You couldn't hide the sob that escaped your throat as you backed up into the cold outdoors. You turned your back on him as you ran towards the lodge, the bitter wind not hurting your skin as much as his words hurt your heart.
He's not himself. We'll take him to get help and he'll be alright. He needs to take his meds, it'll be alright.
Josh gazed down at his blue overalls as he rocked back and forth in his stool, tears slowly running down his cheeks. A shrill shriek sounded in the distance, and he wasn't sure if it originated from his mind or not.
"Please..please come back. I'm sorry. I didn't..I didn't mean it..I love you.."
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fictaetion · 4 years
Min Yoongi Imagine
Part 1
Saudade: Saudade is a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one cares for and/or loves.
28 October 2020
Hello it's me Min Yoongi. I am still getting used to this. Writing about myself and talking about my everyday life to you. Not that it constitutes much, just basic things like eating, playing video games, working on music and playing with Holly. Oh have i told you yet i have a dog named Holly.
I was resentful about this at first knowing that I hadn't told Y/n about this. But further as I continued it I felt good. This way it is so  much better rather than meeting outside everyday.
Imagine getting caught by paparazzi, oh my I can't even imagine how much of a scandal it would be. Now that we have landed on the topic of paparazzi I somewhere think it's because of them that I have started to become anxious about going outside. 
I remember when I talked to you during our first meeting I have never felt so relieved talking to someone except Y/n. By the way, I am planning on telling her soon.
 I really can't hide it anymore. Is it wrong to do this while she is gone. What will she think of me? 
Okay this is good, i feel this is all I wanted to talk about today. Bye, hope to see you soon.
To, Kang Soowon
Looking over at the digital clock sitting on the desk, which displayed 6:00 pm indicating it was already evening. The shimmering orange hues shone in the apartment acting as a proof. 
Hitting the send button he relaxed back into his chair and stared up at the ceiling. The entire house was peaceful with just a few sounds from the cars passing by and Holly's barks. 
He had grown accustomed to these sounds for over a week now. These were the only things that made him feel he was not completely alone. His prominent source of chitter chatter and chaos had been out for a  week now. 
She had gone on a trek with bangtan as the only representative for the couple. On the other hand all the members had accompanied their wives or girlfriends. The youngest one Jungkook had also brought his daughter along with them for this trip. 
Funny how the maknae was the first one to be a father out of all of them. Even the eldest was married and had a stable married life now and following his footsteps were his younger brothers. 
Soon Taehyung was also going to propose to his long time girlfriend. Now the only one left was Yoongi. Yes he was dating you but that's it. There were no advances in the relationship yet. 
You both knew you loved each other dearly and had also confessed to each other previously. Not in a very romantic manner of course, it took place when Y/n presented Yoongi a plate of spaghetti which she made all by herself from scratch. 
Even though it was not the very best in regards to taste , he admired his girlfriend’s hard work and the love she had put into it. Her eyes focused on his face just to get a nod of approval from Yoongi. 
It wasn’t bad considering it was her first time making it. He looked up to give an appreciating remark to Y/n when her face lightly covered with flour came into his sight. 
Oh how cute she looked. But she was so eager to get feedback from him that she did not realize that he was staring at her face with a slight smile. 
“It’s good, really good!” Yoongi said, taking another bite out of the spaghetti and picking one bite for her to taste.
A frown formed on her face as soon it landed in her mouth. 
She started to mutter how bad and bland it tasted and asked Yoongi how he even managed to chomp down the whole plate, literally taking the last bite. “Why do you even bother eating this let alone finish the whole thing,why?” 
“Because I love you” Y/n’s constant emphasis of why and how seemed to have done its work subconsciously on Yoongi’s mind. When the reality of what had been spilled clicked both of them, their heads instantly turned to each other to take a glance at their partners faces. 
Both of them were trying to find any hints of cringe or “oh it came out by accident” kind of look on their face. But all they could decipher the stunned and honest looks they had.
”You love me Yoongi?” she asked him just to make sure that those words were not just tongue slips. This is the time Yoongi says it, say those words out loud to her, the words that you had been practicing secretly in the bathroom for weeks and even when working. 
Partly also because of Seokjin’s proposal video which he had decided to keep as an inspiration when it would be his time to do it. But alas! look at the situation where they were in both in their pyjamas in their not so clean house a complete 180 degree of his hyungs proposal. 
Not over candle light dinner but the dining table in his kitchen. Well now it's done and there is no turning back. His girlfriend’s voice broke his chain of thoughts when she presented the same question to her. 
Smiling he looked up at her, still a bit nervous but just wanted to get it out. “ Yes I do, I love you alot and I mean it, even if it's not the best place and situation to confess this but it's a fact” he looked up at her face to see what she had to say. 
Will she accept his feelings and reciprocate or will it just get overlooked?. “It's okay if… if you don't like me back I-'' before he could continue saying anything further her tiny palms were covering his face, thumb stroking his cheekbone.
Her face expresses a broad range of emotions whether it be happiness, excitement, but the most prominent one adoration and respect for her lover.” 
I love you too Yoongi, I love you too” with this a stream of tears flowed from her eyes. Yoongi was overjoyed and over the moon knowing that both of them were in the same place and mindset in their relationship. 
From now on it was just moving forward and not looking back. Both of them scooted close to each looking forward to kiss each other but before yoongi could even do anything Y/n turned her face around and yoongi’s lips landed on her cheek making her release a huge laughter which erupted and echoed throughout the room. 
“Yaah Y/n you better get back here and give me my kiss”Yoongi said with puckered lips. “Holly your appa finally said it he confessed to me” you said looking towards the dog you had been holding in your hand. 
He started to bark, wagging his tail at you, definitely not understanding the words you said but felt the emotions you radiated through your facial expressions. Yoongi felt his heart at ease, pulse lowering down and a surge of easiness rising in him, this is all he wanted and now finally he has what he had dreamt of, a stable life, a loving partner right in front of his eyes. 
“Psst Y/n” he called her trying to make eye contact. She stopped whatever she was busy with and looked at him and a tint covered her cheeks with a confident smile on her lips hearing the words “I love you” falling silently, inaudible but you could make out what he was saying.
You winked at him and muttered those same words ”I love you too”. 
The doorbell at their apartment rang making yoongi fall back into reality. He quickly understood it must have been the delivery guy which came with his lunch. 
He quickly took in the order and paid him his money. Yoongi had been ordering from the same restaurant you had been to. He even insisted for the same delivery guy knowing very well that he might get triggered if he saw anybody else. 
He was in the most vulnerable stage of his health right now. Knew he had to do everything in a wise manner or else the situation would completely turn 180 degree. 
He placed down the parcel on his table and started eating his food. He was in the middle of glancing through his media when a picture of you and all the boys popped up on his phone. There were a bunch of people standing around you guys, probably their fans and everyone was smiling at the camera. 
His eyes were only focused on you looking at your smile and your jacket clad figure, but besides you a guy who was intently gazing at you and smiling just by looking at you unlike others who were looking at the camera. 
Yoongi wasted no time to search for his profile and understood that it was your guys tour guide. He couldn't help the insecurity which was building up in his mind. 
He always knew you had an outgoing personality and would befriend everyone around you and yoongi on the other hand was a completely opposite person. Would only talk to the group of few people he trusted and never intended to know any other people the only exclusion for work related meetings. 
It's always a distraction to have too many people in your life he would say and firmly believed it too. The question of would you leave him for somebody else or would  you find someone much better than him would constantly go through his mind and now with his condition it increased even more. Suddenly he received a call which broke his chain of thoughts. 
The screen displayed the callers id: Kang Soowon. He instantly smiled looking at the call and picked up in hopes of clearing his mind by talking to her. It felt good to have someone around to talk to.
Few minutes had passed of him still talking on the phone, afew whispers and faint laughs could be heard from him. “Yes, even though I think I should let this all go, I could become a better person and have a better life I guess, thank you so much for helping me realize that Miss Soowon."
Hope I see you soon at the same place. Good night” he placed his phone down on the counter and was about to get up when a feminine voice came from behind him”Yoongi?” he instantaneously turned around to look at the source of a very familiar voice.
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moominquartz · 5 years
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rating: G fandom: Steven Universe prompt: Secret Relationship word count: 1.4k requester: @krisseycrystal
Sharing an Ube Roll After Hours
In the Spacetries Bakery, past closing time, Lars and the Cool Kids have a heart-to-heart. 
The ship in this fic is Lars/Jenny/Buck/SC, and it was so much fun! I haven’t written a poly ship in a long time. I hope y’all like it! It takes place pre-Little Graduation.
[Read on AO3]
“I… I can’t believe it.” 
Lars struggles to wrap his head around the idea as he stares at the three of them. Sitting in his bakery after hours, the doors are locked and the lights are dimmed. The original trio sits at one of the only booths in the joint, all splitting an ube roll, while Lars leans against the counter by his empty display.
“Seriously. All of you?”
“Sure.” Jenny says it like it means absolutely nothing at all. Like it’s the easiest thing in the world to admit. “I like Buck and Sour Cream, and they both like me and they like each other. So why should we have to pick and choose?”
Lars’s brain is broken. “B-but… That’s so easy.” And it’s so hard? Why can’t he comprehend this?
“’Sides,” Buck says around another bite of subtle sweetness, “it’s pretty fun to go on a date with more than one person.”
Is it? Lars has never done that before. The only person he’s ever dated was Sadie, and… 
“How come I never knew? How long have you guys been...?”
“A few years now,” Jenny answers with a grin. 
“You never knew because we didn’t want you to know,” Sour Cream adds, which is honest if nothing else. “It was nothin’ personal. Most people don’t know, and that’s how we like it.”
“Less people being nosy,” Buck agrees.
“I tell my daddy that I’m gonna get an apartment with my two ‘besties,’ and he’s all about it.” Jenny laughs. “But if I told him I was dating two bi guys, he’d probably flip a lid.”
“H-he would…?” Lars’s voice is more nervous than he should be.
“Over the two guys thing,” Sour Cream clarifies.
Buck nods. “Not because he’s biphobic or anything.”
“That’d be super lame.”
“Yeah. Biphobia is for chumps.”
Lars wants to beg them to slow down, but at the same time, he’s realizing that… this actually makes a lot of sense.
How many times has he seen them walk down the boardwalk, arm-in-arm? How many times has he seen them on the beach, curled up a little too close; had hands linked in what looked like a prayer and broken up too quickly as he came near? How often has he felt like a ‘fourth wheel,’ on the outside looking in? 
He’d always chalked the latter up to his own intense social anxiety, but maybe there’d been more to it. Maybe he’d felt like that because there’d been evidence for it right in front of him, and he just hadn’t known this kind of thing was possible.
“I’m… really happy for you guys.” They all turn to look at him, blinking in surprise, and Lars feels… surprisingly heartfelt. He laughs, the sound less nervous, softer. “I’m real honored you’re opening up about this to me. I promise I won’t spill the beans to anyone.”
Jenny sighs. “Oh, honey.” 
Lars blinks.
“We’re not giving you all the back story because we think you’re a super chill friend.” Buck pauses. “Although, you are a super chill friend.”
“We’re asking you, dude.” Sour Cream shifts so he’s no longer got an arm wrapped around Buck. He picks up the fork, breaks off a piece of ube roll, and extends it to him. “Make our trio a quartet.”
“Everybody knows you need four wheels on a car,” Buck says with a solemn nod, like that’s some wise proverb everyone’s grandma says.
“Four pieces to a band; vocalist, guitar, keyboard, drums.” Jenny hums in agreement.
“W-wait, wait, wait!” Now he desperately needs them to pump the metaphorical brakes on this conversation! He’s waving his hands wildly, face burning — which shouldn’t be possible because he’s undead, and yet! Apparently dying doesn’t absolve you from the mortifying ordeal of having your embarrassments broadcast to the entire world! “What are you guys talking about? Me?”
“Is… that a no?” Sour Cream asks, crestfallen, fork setting back against the plate.
“It—it—” It’s … not a no? That revelation slaps him in the face. Hasn’t he always been envious of what they’ve had? And here they are, inviting him into it. So what’s his hang up? 
“It’s… It’s a why me?” The question comes across as somehow both self-deprecating and disrespectful to them, but he can’t wrap his mind around it. “You guys were looking for a fourth, and you picked me?”
“Well, sure!” Though she says it with cheer in her voice, there’s a look on Jenny’s face that Lars has seen too often and knows too well. She’s reading him, and she’s concerned. “You’ve practically been one of us for like, two years now. And you’re a real sweet guy, Lars. You’re like a pineapple.”
“Prickly on the outside and soft on the inside, huh?” Lars sighs.
“Actually.” Buck speaking up surprises him; he even removes his sunglasses, which almost never happens. “I think you’ve become softer over the years, man. You’ve got a lot more emotional intelligence than you did as a teen and you’ve become more genuine, too. We all have. And it’s really shining through in you.”
Sour Cream smiles. “I’m bad at words, but you’re pretty hot, too.”
“I…” His voice fails him suddenly, and his eyes start misting, and it’s not because of the ‘hot’ thing.
It’s partly because of the ‘hot’ thing.
“Y-you guys would… seriously want me around?” His voice breaks, and it’s pretty pathetic. “All of you?” 
“Of course,” Jenny says with all the sincerity in the world. She pats the empty seat next to her, raising an eyebrow, an open invitation.
Lars has never thought of himself as lovable.
He’s made mistakes. More than anyone else ever has, probably. His social anxiety led to him a landslide of them: purposefully throwing school so he wasn’t seen as ‘nerdy;’ overemphasizing his own masculinity to the point of toxicity, because heaven forbid someone see him as even slightly feminine; mistreating Ronaldo, who used to be his best friend; and then he repeated that mistake, over and over and over. With Steven, it was like water off a duck’s back; that boy didn’t care what anyone thought of him, and he had enough in him to love every person in the entire universe.
But Sadie… Sadie hadn’t been like that. She hadn’t deserved it — more so than anyone else. She’d been kind, and caring, and sensitive. And Lars had needed someone like that, someone willing to pry him open and listen to him when he needed it, someone to trust him enough to let him do the same. But she wasn’t ‘cool,’ and he couldn’t be allowed to be seen with her like that, and so he did things like pretend he hated her when she wasn’t around and like he didn’t want to be with her when she was, and then he still expected her to be there for him and—
He blinks and realizes he’s crying.
Sour Cream has a hand on his shoulder, concern on his face, and Lars doesn’t even remember the three of them standing up, but suddenly they’re there, and then Buck pulls him in for a tight hug. Then Jenny joins, and the three of them are surrounding him, holding him, enfolding him in all the warmth and love he never thought he’d ever earn.
And slowly, through the tears, Lars gives a soft laugh, arms wrapping around them in turn. “Hey, uh… if you’ll have me… then. Yes.”
Jenny squeals, leaning in to plant a solid kiss on his cheek. The motion is dizzying, something he’s seen Shep and Sadie do dozens of times and felt the green monster burning in his chest — not for Sadie, but for what they had. 
“You guys… wanna head back to my place?” Lars asks, cheeks heating up, even though this is no different than anything else he’s ever asked of them. “There’s… this new horror flick on Webflicks, if you guys are up for it.”
“Sweet. I love sampling that stuff.”
“Sure thing, babe, I’ve been meaning to see that one.”
“Buck is pleased.”
Buck takes Lars’s hand as they all separate, and it’s the smallest thing, but Lars feels his spirits lift, heart beating as fast as it can, to do the same things they always do in a new, exciting context.
Lars is pleased, too.
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