#as an adult without a family and without a partner... what do u do in that situation. Who can u call.
lala-blahblah · 1 month
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So maybe I'm the problem after all
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collectivecloseness · 7 months
(Nsfw) ok but do u have a hc at all on who’s better at going down on a lady, Steve Harrington or Eddie Munson?
Okay but I absolutely do for sure and I have thought this for the longest time.
(Cw: 18+)
Steve I think didn’t even know that was a thing at first, back in his king Steve days. He was all about missionary, or blowjobs, or other more common stuff he’d hear about, not that he was a selfish lover or anything. Sure he’d touch girls down there, of course he would, but the clit? Who knows where that is, he’d trust they’ll say/moan something if he finds it. Not to say he doesn’t learn though.
Absolutely not. As Steve becomes a better person, but also gains more experience, he hears about this for the first time and he wants the girls he’s with to feel happy and enjoy it and make sure they cum as well (not faking it which he’s trying to distinguish for sure now) but at least feeling safe and enjoying it. It is important to him that his partners are enjoying everything just as much as he is, even very early on before he’d learned more. As long as they’re happy, satisfied, and safe, Steve can end it happy as well.
But Steve’s knowledge comes in at a pretty normal time for a guy in Hawkins in the 80’s, and he’s definitely a lot a lot more willing to try it. Firstly asking a girl he trusts how to do it, then he found a book he could get without anyone recognising him, to read and keep hidden deep under his bed. As well as as time goes on, checking out some more tapes from the back adults only section of Family Video, so he can check what it’s ‘supposed’ to be like from other angles, not just when he’s looking up buried between thighs.
So at first, probably until he gets a long term partner who will work him though it, rather than a quick hookup, which they at least leave highly satisfied from and will tell other girls considering a date with the previous king of Hawkins High that it’s definitely worth a shot, at first Steve’s techniques are more just that; techniques. Things he’s read about and heard, like tongue here there diagonal short then fast, or the alphabet method, or following step by step something from his book that could be misconstrued as a ddr pattern or something.
Mostly Steve’s very focused on doing it right, and that is for the pleasure of his partners. But he does have to be taught by a girl he trusts where the clit exactly is at first, or more so, how to know if he’s touching it correctly. Shocked that it ranges from about 60-80% of sex without using the clitoris doesn’t end in orgasm for girls (although in Steve’s defence, that stat is much much lower with him, again, an unselfish lover even in the beginning, and also, he’s still Steve Harrington). He’s still a bit flustered trying to figure things out without being gentlemanly vague, but Steve really does care about your experience a lot.
And if you’re his partner, damn. Steve becomes such a good boy trying to ask you every single time he’s down there if what he’s doing is right, if you’re still okay, if he should change up, if he’s hurting you, if you finished, if you can handle round four - because holy shit girls can handle a lot more than even big boy Steve Harrington thought. He’s genuinely very considerate and sweet, caring a lot about your experience, and he will shut up and just get on with it and try and listen to your body, because he doesn’t want to stop if you’re feeling good; you go through some ideas with him, like thigh tapping signals.
But Steve will totter to you and ask you with his hand out if you two can go practice again, pretty please?
Steve may not have been the best student in high school, but he definitely wants to do some research in this field, and he is more than happy to perform some experiments. It’s called growing <3. He won’t ask you too much, and he won’t bother you with it, but he will come ask you in very sweet ways, like laying his head on your lap, or getting on his knees, or sucking into your neck just the same way he does your cunt. Or if you two are beginning to have sex, he’ll ask if you’d like him to do that first. And then he might want to do it afterwards as well. Especially if you would like to go for another round (Steve is not a one and done guy). Again, he’s learning all about the female body and experience so much :)
Steve is also... big. So it definitely does help, if he’s getting on his knees or tummy before you two make love <3. Although to be honest, not that you need it much anyway considering Steve gets you wet so easily. You remember Steve playing with your hair and whispering sweet nothings to you, before making out for a while, when you two decided to go to the bedroom. And when Steve undressed you, like a gentleman, and went to add more foreplay, and saw how soaked you were, he actually fucking laughed, like an adorable loving dork, and said out loud “Wow.” To be honest, it only helped you want him more.
Then again Steve eating you out after he’s cum in you slightly works against his breeding kink, although it’s not too much of an issue because Steve still throughly enjoys it. He also likes being able to be a little messy and dirty and free with you, and he also likes cleaning you up and helping you out once again, it works in so many ways to be honest. Not to mention the obvious, Steve likes going down on you, he wants to do it again, and also doing so after you two had made love was kinda hot. One time he had tears in his sweet brown eyes while licking out his cum, which took a minute to get to because Steve had fucked it deep in you, but when you promised he could fill you up again after he finished cleaning you up here, because he’d been so lovely today, you swear you saw his heart burst, just from the sparkles in his caramel eyes.
You’re definitely expanding Steve to lots of new intimate and interesting things to do with sex. Not that he was boring beforehand, but he didn’t want to risk going with something he wasn’t sure if he wasn’t good at, and he didn’t really get into another relationship until you, or really trust the other enough to be vulnerable and think within himself about his own explorations. He didn’t really think or get to physically explore about himself too much until you really. And you definitely helped him feel more open to do some introspection on himself, even at some surface level stuff to do with vulnerabilities and sex/love making things.
Steve does however figure this out very early days, probably with Nancy because he did love her, but it’s not something he really let himself indulge in or mind wonder about, until you. And that’s the fact he loves sucking on some boobies <3. Actually makes him feel incredibly calm and happy and like he can just shut down from being big protector Harrington, and just be Stevie in love and being taken care of, by taking care of.
Absolutely loves just settling his head down and softly holding you and mouthing around your boobs with the comfort of knowing that’s all he’s got to do right now, and it’s making you happy too. So to realise he can suck on something else of yours? That tastes of you even more, and makes you extremely happy too? Steve can bob those lovely cheeks around three different things and not accidentally overstimulate you, and really let his mind soften into loving and affectionate time with you, his love <333
Steve is a good guy and he is learning a lot. Happily doing so, he wants to be a good enough person for you, but also, hell yeah Steve Harrington is loving this too! Why don’t all guys like eating out their girlfriends?
Eddie is bouncing off all four walls if he doesn’t eat pussy soon.
Actually one of the first things he wants to do sexually. Yeah the first time he has sex he’s trying not to cream his pants but he’s also so desperate to please. But also to taste... to experience all that loveliness. The first time he does it it’s not only to please, but to try and prove he’s good, he likes them, to try and make himself good enough so they don’t leave, but he very quickly realises they all will. Well until you that is. Although Eddie Munson does go through a little bit of a slutty era before that - I mean, he was doomed by having that slutty, slutty waist.
After the first girl or two it’s mostly about pleasing his lovely lady acquaintances. But also a little bit of pride knowing their jock boy toys will never be as good as him, and those girls will know it, and never be able to feel the same with them after. He hopes it frees his good old friends, get them some real partners. And yeah, to give them one hell of a lifetime ride.
The all encompassing warmth and smell and taste and sounds and feel of you is something Eddie craves constantly. It’s like his safe place. That and it really helps with his oral fixation. And the man is obsessed. He will not be leaving you for hours. He’s biting all up your arm, big chomps over and over, beforehand, licking at you randomly, pretending he’s so sweet to kiss your cheek but actually poking it with the tip of his tongue. These aren’t even always precursors to Eddie’s meal of the day, he is just like that.
He wants to bury himself there and breathe you only. Why should Eddie care about o2 or whatever that bitches name is, they didn’t help him pass chemistry. The only chemistry Eddie cares about is between you and him... You push his face away in retaliation at that awful flirting. But Eddie is pouncing right back, laugh roaring, and biting down over your pelvis, which gets you to push him away again, this time with a laughing shriek. He’s just eager, he won’t bite where it hurts, but like, if you’re gonna be running your hands through his hair as you’re calling his name, he’s going to surprise lick your fingers occasionally. Or bite. Maybe suck on something a little. Your thighs and boobs are constantly getting apology smooches for Eddie being very bad and biting down on them.
He wants to live smothered in your love for him, the physical show all around him that you love him right now and are not leaving and he’s making you feel good in this moment, but also it’s you, encompassing him. Everything about you is safety and security and love for him. It’s another reason Eddie will absolutely bury his face in your boobies too </3
And when you finally let him indulge his oral fixation down there, three hours later - with breaks and water and checking in on you in between - his arms are wrapped around your thighs and he’s scooching forwards as you pull your legs, and therefore him, up the bed, with the biggest and ‘wettest’ pout on his face, begging you he just needs to be in there for a little more time. Please say you can go another round? He’s desperate. He’ll do anything baby, he just wants to worship you some more.
Eddie sometimes headbutts face first into your boobs and swears he will starve without tasting your pretty pussy. You’re more worried he’s going to fucking drown.
Eddie will happily get smothered to death though if it means drinking everything up. One of the only times you saw Eddie frown in bed (or anywhere you two were fucking) was when you were sitting on his face, and kept pulling back because you were worried you would hurt him. Eddie was stubbornly telling you that he could take it, you were fine, and you were wrong; and you swear he was going to use your body as an unwilling weapon to kill himself, because he was pulling you back down on his face so determinedly, you weren’t sure you could move from his grip pulling you down if you even wanted - you definitely did not want. Not when it was Eddie fucking Munson whose face you were riding.
Another excellent point in his favour, Eddie is wild. Very passionate. Extremely intuitive and very well versed/knowledgable. So he’s a god at eating out.
Changes up nearly every single time because he knows how to go with the flow and read you so well. It’s not just experience or anything Eddie is very well tuned to what you like and don’t, and he can pick up on you easily. Eating out just comes so so naturally to him it’s insane. And the fact he just goes ballistic down on you, absolutely feral for you, makes things even more sensational. He’ll eat you out in every which way possible. Staring up at you with those big fucking dark brown eyes. Those pretty thick lips glistening and swollen.
And when looking into his deep doe eyes is what makes you finally cum over his tongue, Eddie is chuckling breathily in that sweet voice into your cunt, and you’re cumming harder. The noises he makes too, little hums he doesn’t even know he’s sounding, he’s just enjoying himself that much, the sloppy eager sounds as he laps and sucks and kisses and eats at you, and then the fucking moans and swears and whines and groans and whimpers, and all the sweet suave words he tells you each time. When they’re sounded while his mouth is around you, the vibrations make you go crazy, something Eddie absolutely knows.
One time he winked to you after his laugh into your crotch made your eyes roll into your skull, and when he sweetly batted his eyelashes into your sensitive nipped thighs, just to make you feel even more, he really got his hair knotted into, and tugged further into your ‘embrace’.
Eddie will use any part of his face, ride his nose, or he’ll nuzzle it, tickling your thighs or belly with his eyelashes, scraping his teeth down them, using his lips to kiss and suck and mouth and vibrate on you, not to mention whatever ungodly power was given to Eddie’s tongue. Holy fuck Eddie’s tongue must have been blessed or something. His whole face is rubbing against you, he’s utilising it all, and Eddie wants his face covered in your cum, to the point it’s streaming down his neck and dripping onto his chest tattoo <3
And he’ll leave sessions having not had you take care of him once, all he wanted to do was go down on you. Get that taste, and make you feel so good. It makes him feel good too, even if not in that way, it just really does. Sometimes eating you out for a while is really all Eddie wants. Either for as long as he can get, or even a quick session before one of you has to go. He once joked that even with his life, it was the only addiction he has. Although you swear you watch him go through withdrawal. You’d say kinda regularly actually, but you two are going at it enough it doesn’t get to be too much of a problem <3.
It surprised you a little when you first dated him, that sometimes Eddie would ask you if you two could do that, and then that’s all that’d happen, unless you initiated further. When Eddie said that that shouldn’t be surprising, goddamn he did make you fall for him even more. You tell him he has a blessed tongue in many ways, although Eddie is very aware of that.
Sometimes sure he’ll rub one or multiple out under you, or buck against his mattress as he does so. One time even using your leg, because you were stood at the bathroom sink and he just had to have a taste of you before he could sleep. Trust me, eating you out is well more than enough to get Eddie Munson off. Sometimes all Eddie is focused on is pussy and he’s absolutely enjoying himself extremely, being touched himself or not. After all, he is getting to do one of his favourite all time things with you.
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hyperch1ptune · 23 days
yk i’ve talked about spooky month on here before,,once I think showcasing my first gadgetini art of the year (or since 2022)
it’s actually the webseries that had me reminded of gatg from it having a duo I felt were similar 2 the main robo-twins
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These guys have been my favorite since 2020, and it wasn’t until the beginning of the year where I felt I was improving on both my art & writing skills where I’d interfere without feeling i’m mischaracterizing the 2
(I actually uploaded some of my recent SM thief stuff 2 tumblr one time,,,buut that was before I decided to restart & delete the 5 year old blog entirety)
(cuz my old stuff from them,,,additionally from 2021 & 2022 where I had a really bad “edgy” phase was NOT good i’ll say that)
most of the headcanons I have written for them are archived somewhere in my now fidget-focused rp account, but I can try & paraphrase most of what I have to present other than roleplay
Barton “Barry” Gómez (Fat Thief), and Eugene “Euan” Gómez (Thin Thief) are the duo thieves of the neighborhood; Barry being 32 and Eugene being 34. They’re both brothers, close ones at that. Even with the 2 year difference it’s always been as if they were the closest friends they could have.
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They both were the previous son’s of Richard, 20 years before Roy came along (more than likely in his 50’s now). Richard had another partner before Carmen, but they never got along as well as he hoped..he took it upon himself to take care of both of the boys whenever him & his old girlfriend partner. Barton doesn’t remember much of his mother besides playing with her whenever he was young; Euan only remembers her consistent fighting with Richard most of the time now.
The thieves are unaware of Richard’s new life, having both moving out for collage (and independency mostly) at that early adult age (18/20 respectively for the both of them) they’re both been they’re only source of family sense, being roomies for as long as they can remember with each house/area they move/hide into. The only thing that is known is that Richard’s been having a better life with his new wife..additionally with them not knowing it’s Carmen (more than likely they’ve tried robbing her before) AND not knowing that makes them related to some kid named “Roy” in some way.
It was Eugene who first got into the habit of thievery; with him thinking it would be good financial help for the 2 of them, and just liking the thrill in general. With Barry being the youngest, he ended up picking up that habit alongside him. With how long they’ve been doing it around the neighborhood, it was surprising to hear them both getting relatively popular under local news reports..only having full realization after someone deliberately order a heist for them to hit off. AKA: the RUMORED CULT hiring them to rummage through the attic of a house they’ve already failed stealing from. They already had good enough of a grip of how dangerous the group could be; given how they escaped jail in the first place with help from famous Bob Velseb; the reanimated cannibal that was ALIVE because of the cult (they didn’t have that great of a relationship with him in-and-out of the prison..) Barry was more unsure on the deal, not wanting to be wrapped deep under more garbage for the future. Eugene? They were paying good, he couldn’t let go of that offer (it would’ve payed off they’re apartment bills🎉🎉) Alongside the duo they were hired with the Candydealer, him acting more as some information giver-mentor hybrid for the two. Trying to keep them in order from fear or hesitation so they don’t “run out of luck”
Barton is a Gay man, & Euan is Bisexual as well btw 🫡🫡
thank u 4 ur time I just wanted 2 get on here & say i’ve loved these guys 4 so long & they mean so much 2 me and with the power of tumblr & how much words u can write on here I can announce that 2 everyone else
anyways here’s the full art dump I have w them ur welcome chat
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limomi · 1 month
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adults only, minors don't interact
we all know that Reo is at the very least ok/good in everything he does, so i'm just literally physically unable to stop thinking how he'd be singing this song for ya...
imagine how yall have sorta singing competition while studying in uni n Reo never gave a damn about it but
so u 2 r really close friends both in love with each other but still not dating cause each of you's afraid to confess. most likely u don't wanna be "one of all that ppl" confessed to him n get rejected n even he'd say yes, he'd definitely do that just not to make u sad? moroever, u 'know' his family won't ever accept u as his partner.
the same time Reo can't believe that you as perfect as you are to him can love someone like him, cause let's be honest, his self-esteem is so much lower than should be
so time goes by n u 2 fall more n more in love n it causes a lot of fights between u, u 2 just can't stand seeing each other being so nice n friendly to someone else, smiling to someone else, spend time enjoying someone's company but yall can't honestly explain what r the reasons of that 'weird' behavior so u fight even more. neither of u wanna lose this connection between u, but both of you are sure that it'll surely happen if either of you reveals the truth about ur feelings to the other
one day Mikage got way too overheated with jealousy, observing u going to lunch with some random guy n letting him to touch u when he helps u clean ur face cause u have sauce n crumbs allover it, when that guy has a nerve to hug u, to make u smile n laugh so sincerely
Reo confronts u, u immediately get defensive n angry with such tone he talks to u with, the fight is just dreadful, he says n screams a lot but nothing he actually should, the same do u
now u don't talk for weeks, even months n none of u can get over it, get over ur feelings but also fear to lose each other. so stupid n ironic of both of u to be that afraid of loosing each other n still doing everything what's leads to it
the day of singing competition Reo didn't even know about it, he just didn't care at all, but than some of his friends invited him cause one of contestants was the crush of this pure guy but he was to shy n embarrassed to go alone, so being nice person as he is, Reo agrees to keep his poor friend's company. n there he sees u with that guy he confronted u about.
Reo's mad n broken at the same time, he couldn't be sure if something's going on between u or not but he thought about the worst scenario possible n immediately got nauseous so he excused himself, saying he needed to go, n ended up spending most of the competition in the restroom, picturing u in the arms of that guy
'no thoughts, head empty' he run without any clear plans, irritated and defeated, to the concert hall, backstage area, and literally ordered to put a minus of this song next, he'd been listening to it on repeat for a long time, back when you gave it to him to listen to over a year ago.
ofc, they tried to turn him down, saying he wasn't on the list of contestants, but a few words were enough to make the organizers worry about their future well-being so they did what he wanted
Mikage ordered all the footlights to go out before he appeared on stage, n the hall was completely dark, at first no one could understand what was going on, but suddenly Reo's voice came on, filling the void with pain and love that was clearly audible in his singing, n u couldn't help but recognize that beloved voice, so tears began to roll down your cheeks in unstoppable rivers, even though u couldn't see him, you knew that was him.
song comes to the end, Reo screams 'see? I said that u have power over me' n that exact moment as he burst into tears he feels ur hand holding his one as u say with trembling voice 'let's go out of here, I don't wanna our first kiss be this public"
P.S. sorry but sometimes my brain just needs scenarios like in stupid romantic tv-shows for teens
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gvtted-ratz · 6 months
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Look Outside The Window
Jay Merrick/Skully x M!Reader
Last Edited: July 4, 2021 12:03 AM
TW: stalking, obsessive behavior
Requested: no
Notes: these used 2 be posted but i deleted them after some comments made me hate them. however, i found them again recently n may end up adding more. i also do not hate them anymore. tws will be in the notes before every chapter and some will be put in the additional tags. the character is also in the notes/summary before each chapter. (The 1st 4 r old n unedited)
You had needed an out. You needed to get away from home. Your parents did nothing but trap you there. You couldn’t make your own decisions or even buy anything with your own money without them talking you down or insulting you over it. They wanted you to live with them and go by their rules. They didn’t care about what you wanted in life and only saw you as their “little boy”. You weren’t a child anymore; you were a young adult. They were constantly trying to infantilize you and you hated it. You were a young adult and you needed to branch out, make mistakes, and move on. So that’s what you did. You left home after finding a house-sitting job.
The job would last a few months, which was odd to you. Why house sit for months on end? The owners didn’t tell you anything. You didn’t even call. You emailed them and they emailed you. Every interaction with the couple was through emails. Or at least, you think the person messaging you is in a relationship. It sounded that way. One part of the email said, “We’ll be leaving the house to you. My partner and I are going on vacation for a few months. You can watch and live in the house while there. Your pay will be sent to you in a check via mail. The groceries will be delivered to you once a week. May you watch it carefully.” The last part gave you a sense of foreboding, almost like you should be watching out for something out in the house deep in the woods.
When you had arrived at the house, you were pleasantly surprised to find it very tidy. Everything was spotless in the two-story home. It held four bedrooms and three bathrooms. There was a dining room, living room, family room, kitchen, foyer, dressing area, and a nook. Overall, a large house. Well, a large house for a simple couple. Perhaps the couple has quite a bit of money? Especially if they’re going on vacation for a few months and are paying you a large sum to simply watch the lonely house in the woods.
The first few days were fine. Nothing really happened other than the feeling of being watched. What creeped you out the most though was that you never heard any birds. It was always silent outside. Silent and still. There was barely any wind thanks to the dense forestry. Despite that, the feeling of being watched continued. Sometimes, though, you would hear gentle buzzing in your ears. It reminded you of bees but it sounded more like an old tape. Whenever you heard it, it seemed like static covered your eyesight. You could still see, but the static was like a film over your sight. Whenever you would look in the mirror, your eyes seemed to have a slight glaze over them. Of course, there wasn’t much you could do and no amount of searching the internet seemed to help.
By the second week, you were hearing birds. There was something… off about them. They didn’t sound lively. They sounded hollow. Almost like something was mimicking them. You would hear them next to whichever window you were closest to as well. It was like something was by the window, mimicking the birds only when you’re there. It didn’t happen all throughout the day either. It only happened when you weren’t doing something. If you were to turn off the television, ready to get started on a meal, the chirping and singing would start up. Because of how hollow and synthetic it sounded, shivers would run all over your body. It didn’t help that the static over your vision seemed to get slightly worse whenever it would happen; the buzzing in your ears also seemed to get louder. At night, however, there was no chirping or singing. The static seemed to have tripled at that point though and the buzzing was so loud that you could barely hear your heartbeat and breathing.
By the first month, you were looking outside constantly. The bird noises seemed to happen constantly by now and notes started to appear around your home. When you would try to sleep, the hollow tune of the birds would be there despite the fact that no birds were out. The buzzing was so loud that it was all you would hear. The static was so bad that it completely covered your sight; it was like looking at a static screen. The notes terrified you. There were never any footprints in the snow outside and you were the only one in the home. You believed, at first, that you were writing them. Maybe you had been half asleep and wrote them. But that changed when the notes didn’t match your handwriting and started to be… weird.
You look handsome today. One said. Do you like the birds? They don’t seem very lively though. Another read. I wish you would see me. You always know I’m there thanks to the static and buzzing. Maybe we’ll meet soon. More and more would come in. They were always placed where you’d see them. A window. The fridge. Even on the television. They were taped there, all signed with an S. One was even on your bedroom door. How did someone get in and out without leaving any footprints or any evidence behind? You didn’t know but it started to make you close every curtain and try to raise the volume of everything, trying so hard to drown out the unlively birds.
Today was just like the last few. The static over your vision makes it hard to see right with how thick it is. The buzzing in your ears is loud, but not loud enough to drown out the synthetic birds. You make breakfast for yourself, dressed in some simple sleepwear. The breakfast you make doesn’t take too long, just some scrambled eggs and toast with jam. You eat in silence; well, not entirely in silence thanks to the buzzing and birds. When you finish your breakfast, you wash the plate and other utensils you had used to make your meal. Once done, you decided to do some light stretching in the living room. There wasn’t much you could do in the home. Outside was too cold for you to explore the wilderness without sustaining frostbite.
All of the curtains were closed except for one. It was the closest to the television. You were going to close it before spotting the note taped on the box. You stare at the note before tearing it off the screen. It reads: Look Outside The Window . You pause, staring at the note. The buzzing slowly starts to get louder just as the static over your sight starts to worsen. The birds, however, stop chirping. There’s only the buzzing. Slowly, you look towards the window. Nothing. Nothing but still snow.
A small smile worms its way only your face, mocking. A small, forced chuckle leaves your lips before you turn around, ready to head back into the kitchen to make some tea to calm your beating heart. You freeze though when you see the figure standing in the doorway. The beige-orange coat covers most of their figure while the black-ish blue hood covers their face. They have on a pair of gloves, the same colour as their hood. Their pants are a simple pair of jeans while their shoes seem to be black combat boots. Seeing a figure in your home is terrifying, yes. It wouldn’t have been as scary if the figure didn’t have a mask on. The mask was an off-white-ish colour with black eyeholes, high black eyebrows, and a box shape for the mouth, somewhat resembling teeth.
You both stand there, no one moving. The buzzing is so loud now that you can barely hear your own heart and breathing. The static is so bad that you can barely see the figure clearly. “IT’s NiCe To FiNaLlY mEeT yOu, [Redacted],” They, or he, says. His voice sounded weird. It was like a mix of different pitches and he couldn’t decide which one was best and went with all of them. You didn’t think though, only acted. You quickly dropped the note and fled the living room. You could hear him following you as you ran for the back door. You slam into it, trying to unlock it. “YoU dOn’T wAnT tO gO oUtSiDe! It’S tOo CoLd FoR yOu. EsPeCiAlLy WiTh HoW yOu’Re DrEsSeD!” You don’t listen though, not even as he slowly approaches you. With a final turn of the knob, the door is flung open and you run out into the snow.
It’s cold and stings your feet. You run and run and run. You don’t once look back, too scared that he may be right there. You don’t hear him following you, but that’s due to the buzzing. It’s so loud now that it’s all you can hear. You’re basically running blind; the static is so thick that seeing your surroundings is almost impossible. You stumble around mostly, hands in front of you so you don’t run face-first into any trees.
You’re unsure of how long you have been running. All you know for sure is that you can’t see anything anymore, the buzzing is starting to give you a headache, you feel like you’re sweating buckets beside the fact that your legs, arms, fingers, and toes are going numb. It isn’t long before you collapse. You’re breathing heavily, panting in the snow. You can feel yourself shaking despite feeling so hot, so overheated. Your hair sticks to your forehead as you continue to sweat. You try to move, to drag yourself somewhere but your body refuses. You lay there, your eyes open despite them wanting to close. The static is still strong, just like the buzzing. They scream danger but your body refuses to listen.
As more time passes, you feel yourself slowly going numb, your eyes fluttering every now and then, trying to close. The static slowly starts to fade away until it’s back to the normal, barely there, state. The buzzing fades into a gentle hum, it barely being able to be heard. You can hear how heavy your breaths are and see the pure white of the snow. One of your hands is in front of you, pale and slowly turning blue. Frostbite will, or already has, set in. Were you going to die out here? Here, all alone. Nothing to your name. No one looking for you besides your parents. Who would find your body? Or would the masked man hide your body away, letting it decay somewhere?
You can hear the crunch of the snow and gentle humming coming your way. It seems the man has come for you. His pace is slow, not at all rushed. Soon enough, he walks into your field of vision. He crouches down, sitting on the balls of his feet. His gloved hand is brought up before it comes through your hair. “LoOk At YoU. A sHiVeRiNg, HaNdSoMe MeSs. As MuCh As I lIkE hOw YoU lOoK rIgHt NoW, bEiNg VuLnErAbLe AnD aLl, YoU’rE tUrNiNg BlUe,” As soon as those words leave his mouth, he scoops you up in his arms, holding you close to him tightly. “DoN’t WoRrY. I’lL tAkE gOoD cArE oF yOu. I lOvE yOu ToO mUcH nOt To. YoU’lL bE sAfElY tUcKeD aWaY iN tHaT hOuSe, WiTh Me By YoUr SiDe To KeEp YoU cOmPaNy. NoW dOeSn’T tHaT sOuNd NiCe?”
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justallihere · 5 months
Alli this chapter was such a nice surprise !!
Violet is a sarcastic queen "we can hold hands" she says to Liam as if the only person she wants to hold hands with is not her husband. Liam and Violet are very special to me and the way you write them is very unique. He's so protective of her but she's also very strict on her boundaries in the friendship which I love for her.
Oh so the panflet did make its rounds in this fic. Devera u sneaky bitch I know what u are (a traitor). This is a perfect opportunity to reveal some truths but because our Violet is indeed the queen of a whole ass country I doubt she's gonna do that, there's just too much at stake, but I do wish she had done something in canon. I wonder if she's gonna talk to Devera here? If she even suspects it was her?
“Be logical, riders,” Markham said as he collected the last of the leaflets. “When has Navarre ever sent a riot of only Blue dragons? I expect better from you all. More critical thinking. It will be imperative once you’re out of Basgiath and on the battlefield.” oh this is pure gold the way propaganda is discussed here is just so good. i love these conflicts.
Jack is back ?? creating chaos for sure. maybe trying to murder violet? omg imagine violet being able to see that he's a venin way earlier bc she's sees the sage way too often in her dreams and when she sees jack she goes "umm that's weird, that's suspicious" Also I've always thought Baide was sus for keeping it hidden i hope the damn dragon dies. maybe tairn can actually kill a dragon this time.
Oh Xaden is just so miserable my poor baby "I know you're awake" ohhhh u wanna talk to her so bad. Violet acknowledging they have a routine is very special to me and an improvement. As much as it hurt me them sleeping in separate beds it's very much needed bc they need to TALK I'm just waiting for the chapter in which they will fight so bad they both break and then they'll make up.
their conversations in the dark !! they need each other so badly, the weight of ruling is heavy and while xaden may try to play it off he doesn't handle it well either.
“Yes and no. Eventually you get used to it. You stop feeling the weight. You do the best you can with what you have, and you make so many horrible choices that it’s all you know, and you have to make yourself stop second-guessing. It’ll drive you mad if you don’t.” Sir what u need is therapy.
Violet talking about her dying before seeing her future and Xaden saying she'll live and then Violet calling him a liar … THATS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT !! and followed by her calling Aretia home and Xaden having a mini breakdown over it ? oh he's very screwed indeed but she isn't much better. i wonder when will she realize its him that's home and not Aretia the place.
also xaden suffering the consequences (violet putting herself in danger for the good of Tyrrendor) of his own actions?? we love to see it but also omg the angst !! he's just like "pls sit down don't do anything dangerous"
"We’re married. We’re supposed to be a team." she knew she had him with that, the only thing he wants more than for her to live its for them to be a team. the cant live without u line is very on brand for violet denial sorrengail to misinterpret love that !!
love the bodhi and violet crumbs !! they're family they need to interact more i also think they'd be a formidable pair against xaden just to annoy him lmao. but for now bodhi will rat her out to xaden !! he's part of the "violet and xaden should talk like rational adults" club. also they're so married bickering so so married they're disgusting actually. (him not missing the opportunity to call her beautiful, sir you are not that sneaky i see u)
xaden agreeing to go with violet on her suicide mission is very supportive partner coded gottalove that !! cant wait to see him go ballistic when shes tortured.
once again you've delivered such a good chapter thank u so much <3
My favorite thing about Violet is that she’s kind of a bitch because so am I and we deserve that representation. She loves Liam so very much but my girl likes her space
Violet and Devera talk soon-ish. I love Devera so much, I need more of her
Xaden and Violet are in their married couple era for SURE, there’s more communication from them in the coming chapters and it’s gonna hurt and it’s gonna be so good I can’t wait
“what u need is therapy” that’s what Garrick and Bodhi are for 😭😭
Listen like it’s so important to me that they follow through on the things they agreed to. They talked and they decided no more secrets and they would do everything together from now on and they took that shit SERIOUSLY!! It’s part of their married dynamic, I love them
Thank you so much for reading 🩷🩷🩷
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my cousin’s kid is in his first year of middle school (age 13) and he was telling me how a kid called his gay friend a fag. also at another point during an assembly about gender diversity a large amount of students chanted “fuck the gays” for over a minute…. he goes to school in an extremely blue area, i mean blue enough for there to be an assembly for the middle schoolers on what pronouns are and that you should refer to someone with whatever pronouns they want without questioning them or telling them they’re wrong. so idk how i feel or what i take away from this. i told him i think most of those kids don’t actually feel that way; they just thought chanting like that was a way to get attention and that’s what they wanted.
i know he’s getting bullied for being skinny and short and autistic (though they don’t know he’s autistic they just bully him for the traits) and he told his mom he needs to quit horse back riding bc the kids bully him for it. as much hell as i went through in my school years im very glad i didn’t undergo that. his younger sister seems to be doing much better socially and have a lot more friends but again she isn’t in middle school yet.
i hope my cousin has told him i’m gay. i don’t think she has bc she’s socially conscious and probably understands what outing is and doesn’t want to do it. i kind of wish id mentioned im gay when he was telling me and his friend about the shit at school. i just didn’t know how to say it without making a big deal out of it , and i know queerness isn’t a big deal to him since he mentioned having a gay friend so casually.
even though im in my 20s i feel way too young to be bringing a significant other/partner to a family gathering. i am the youngest of the cousins on my dads side so even though my cousins’ kids are now the babies in the family, i still feel like a baby in the family. like my job is childcare at family events, not hanging around the adults. it would be nice to bring a girl and get it over with though. esp if i know the p cousins will be there - i know their piece of shit cop bio father (and possibly the step dad + mom) has made them homophobic, so i want the girls especially to meet a gay person in real life and realize that we’re okay and normal. (this is the cousins who the eldest had an internship with PRAGER U recently, but he seems to respect his father for some reason so idfk).
the current girl would be a good candidate since she’s smart and accomplished as fuck but i don’t trust the r cousins to not be fatphobic.
i am worried the 13-year-olds close friend might be a tad bit religiously homophobic 
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diarygirls · 2 years
do u have any suggestions on how to . meet people? ive never been approached by anyone/never even gone on a date but im 22 and so lonely and scared of dating apps:(( any suggestions on how i can Put Myself Out There
<3 sending love & a sympathetic ear because i was in a similar situation myself in my early 20s and it felt so lonely even though from talking to others i know it’s actually not so unusual. sometimes i feel like the prevalence of dating apps has made dating this activity that’s entirely separate from the rest of your life / your social circle and it’s actually reduced the amount of casual dating we do in early adulthood. hmm anyway some suggestions:
for making friends in general: in my experience the easiest way to make friends is to pick an interest or activity + regularly show up where people do it. work or university are two obvious examples but there’s also rec sports leagues, online meetup groups for hobbies, trivia or open mic nights at local bars, bouldering/climbing gym or another specialized sports studio, martial arts studio, group art class, knitting circles, book clubs, volunteering … all good ways to expand your social circle + also valuable in themselves! it can feel intimidating to do things solo but people are pretty receptive to chatting especially if they’re also by themselves or maybe just 2 or 3 people. additionally bumble has a BFF mode that’s specifically for platonic connections & i have a very wonderful friend who i met from there so it might be worth a try.
and all of these ^^ situations (except bumble BFF) are good ways to meet people to date too! the only thing is for some reason in my experience, you rarely meet people to date when that’s your only goal from the interaction. like, i’ve been in social situations (outside of like bars/clubs where it’s the norm) where you can just tell that someone is only looking at new people as potential romantic interests or hookups and it just puts more pressure on every interaction. so like get out and do things and meet people, allow yourself to be open to them, if they’re cute + available feel free to flirt but don’t discount the interaction if it doesn’t turn romantic yknow?
oh also tell your friends you want to start dating! you might not want to date your close friends but they probably know someone who knows someone who you’d like to date. i’ve even been on a blind date that a friend set up for me and while it didn’t go anywhere it was still nice + less nerve-wracking than app dates because we at least had a common interest and a single shared connection. tbh in my experience NO ONE will support your dating adventures as much as your friends who have been happily partnered and in love for years, because they want everyone else to be in love, and they need the gossip.
finally ik you said you’re scared of dating apps but they’re not all bad! i think dating apps can be a good option for adults not in a university setting esp if you just want to meet a lot of people with low stakes. i think a lot of people (myself included) considering meeting someone on an app as less “real” than a cute meeting irl but the reality is a lot of single people you meet irl will also be on apps. i had a thing w this guy from an app and we ran into each a year later at a party and realized we had mutual friends and it was this nice realization like oh we would’ve met anyway. and i know a lot of people who are in relationships that started on apps! do what you’re comfy with of course but they’re always an option.
and of course goes without saying that there is so much love and romance to be had in life without a partner, that you can find so much joy and care and growth through friends family passions etc, that timelines are not real and that all experiences will come in time but you’ve probably heard that a lot, i know i did and do. but saying it again in case u need to hear it 🤍
hope some of these ideas resonate w u - ik it’s been a couple months since you asked so maybe it’ll just help someone else in a similar situation. good luck! <3
finally i know you said scared of dating apps but they’re actually not all bad and i think for adults who aren’t in university it’s a great way to just kind of dip your foot in the dating pool. plus i think a lot of us (me included) tend to romanticize irl meetings when the reality is a lot of people you’d meet in a cute way irl will also be on dating apps, i had a thing w someone from an app and a year later we ran into each other at a party and realized we had mutual friends and it was a nice reminder like ok well we would’ve met anyway, just on a later timeline. i know lots of people who are in relationships that started on them too. dating apps are also real life!!!
maybe some these ideas will resonate with you, ik it’s been a couple months since you sent it so maybe it’ll just help someone else in a similar situation. good luck out there 💗
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canonicallyanxious · 2 years
Some quick and dirty gay chicken thoughts before I go into work:
I am loving the discussion of class issues so far, the nuance of the conversation and Wen's relative privilege (different levels of privilege though, esp with the focus on Heart's family home as a setting this ep), the way this presents a perpetually present undercurrent of conflict and realism that really sets the tone of the show and its themes well, I'm super looking forward to seeing how that thread develops!
Love the relationship developing bw Wen and Li Ming, I think it's so sweet that Li Ming can find someone who can listen to him without judgment and basically act as a calm mentor figure (did cringe when Wen tried to relate to his situation with his experience changing majors but I think you're supposed to, again that undercurrent of socioeconomic inequality is always present in the relationships of these characters) when he has such a contentious relationship with the other adult figures in his life, and you know I'm always a hoe for an older queer mentor/younger queer mentee relationship, even if so far the queerness doesn't explicitly factor into this particular relationship I do very much think that subtext is still there esp with the implications of how out of place Li Ming feels as a queer teenager versus how assured Wen is with his sexuality
As well I like that having this relationship develop gives Jim more reason to trust and like Wen - idk I just think Jim sees how sweet Wen is to his cat and his nephew and the things that are important to his life and how he seems to understand how they're important to Jim and like there's no way he's immune to that u know
Don't have much intelligent to say about Heart and Li Ming's relationship I just think it's very sweet and refreshing to have this relatively uncomplicated young love blooming in the face of all the drama brewing up, and Fourth and Gemini are totally nailing that tone of first love so far! My one nitpick about the storyline is I wish they had subtitles for Heart's signing esp now that Li Ming is sort of able to pick up what he means better now - I know you can kind of sus out meanings through Li Ming's responses but I just think it's a bit of a baffling choice not to make a storyline focusing on deafness more accessible
Jim's tragic backstory of his ex partner cheating on him is a very interesting choice in light of I still have no fuckin clue what is happening with Wen and Alan. I'm scared of this storyline and already have my reservations honestly lol but I will wait and see before passing judgment bc I've been really into the writing of the rest of the show so far (also the actual flashback really had me in my feelings... Uncle Jim you deserve all the happiness in the world.......)
(like it's weird that both Wen's father and close friend seem super nonchalant about him obviously having chemistry with this man when they also know about his relationship with Alan right. It's weird that Wen's dad who he has a close relationship with doesn't seem to know if Wen and Alan still together or not but also had that very foreboding line about needing to be unattached when you come together with a new lover. Whatever the fuck is going on there.)
I will never not find it funny that Jim is really out here like "okay this is strictly sex, purely physical, we won't kiss on the mouth or even learn each other's names and there will be absolutely no strings attached" and then still somehow managed to have the most tender one night stand sex I have ever seen. Like Uncle Jim idk what purely physical no feelings or strings attached sex looks like to you but somehow I have the feeling that reverently caressing your lips over every inch of another man's body while tenderly clasping his hand long into the night isn't it
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ahundredtimesover · 5 months
Chapter 11 was such a roller coaster ride I loved it!
Mr.Ri☹️☹️ after hearing him explain his backstory as well and how he feels infinitely indebted to the family, but also lost someone who he truly loved?? I know he’s just a supporting character, but I can’t hope to wish that we get to see a win for him in the end as well🥲 I can’t imagine spending basically your whole life dedicated to one family without having the chance to even have your own or experience who you are without them. I’m hoping JK and Hobi picked up on this while he explained the story of oc to JK and they use their great executive power to give Mr. Ri a vacation or even an end to his “debt” because he doesn’t deserve to live working till the very end💔 and I hope he finds someone, whether a friend or partner that makes life more enjoyable for him because🥲
Sorry I’m very soft Mr. Ri right now🤭
I loved seeing their relationship grow and I was right w my theory (that their relationship wouldn’t happen while she was his assistant) but I’m sad this miscommunication happened, but I know it’s better for them. I’d rather they wait till they have their own problems sorted out before trying to start a relationship where they end up resenting each other (especially reader, if she stayed for JK). I think JK has a lot that needs to be done emotionally, especially with his family dynamics before he could pursue a relationship (not saying everything needs to be fixed before that), but he obviously has issues that could “mess up” their relationship and I’d hate to see that cause a problem between them
And it’s so crazy how I was so excited for when we’d finally get some🥵🥵 but all I could do is feel sad because yes, what jk asked of her was selfish(I know he didn’t realize at the time), I couldn’t help but feel for how lonely he truly is. He has all these people around him ofc, but even in the beginning w his first uncomfortableness with getting a new assistant, it takes a lot for him to trust someone and I think him realizing that he might “lose” someone he just let in really scared him
I still think he asked at the wrong time! I know he didn’t realize her relationship w his family at the time, but I don’t think he had malicious intent with his plea, he just bared his heart and was trying to get everything off his chest WAY TOO early!
But reader🥲, I’m so happy she’s leaving! (Bad terms w jk, but I have faith he’ll grow up and find her when the time is right) she’s finally going to be doing something for herself and hearing how she’s basically lived her life thinking she HAD to repay the jeons for their kindness and just became a secretary for her adult life… nothing wrong with a secretary but you can tell she has dreams and aspirations, but the strong need to repay them back overtook that. I hope she uses this newfound freedom to explore her options and really choose something she’s happy in, she deserves that more than anyone, I’m so happy for her I can’t even explain it☺️
Jk and reader also have such noticeable holes in them (ofc I know this because I’m able to read their inner thoughts), but I hope they get filled🥲, yes a romantic connection is one of them, but it goes deeper than that. They both have traumas and issues they don’t talk about and I hope they are able to grow as people and with each other (in the future) because they’ve shown so much compassion towards others.
Sorry for rambling so much, but I really love the world building Mimi, I think there’s some other point I might be forgetting but thanks for sharing this story with us, it’s true one of my favs
ANON IM SORRY THIS IS SO LATE. 😩😩 Pls forgive me, especially given the thoughtfulness of this message. I appreciate u so much thank you thank you for sharing all this! 💕
Ok so first - yes, Mr. Ri is such a special character. I wanted to write someone who has this kind of backstory, bc I know it happens that people commit themselves to a company and a family like this. I wouldn't say he's "doomed" to live this way, although I envision him to be with them all his life, looking after the family bc he's a very trusted man. He technically has a 24/7 job, but it doesn't mean it's all he does. It may not be stated but CEO Jeon gives Mr Ri lots of time-off, he's paid well, he travels, etc. It's just that he chooses this, bc it's all he's known and he'd rather fulfil his purpose this way than anywhere else.
As for your theory, correct! I never planned on OC and JK being romantically involved while OC is employed. That just means more drama and yes, miscommunication and lots of insecurities and fears. They have their burdens to carry and deal with, but we'll know of their respective thought processes on how they make sense of that baggage and how to move forward. I like that you touched on JK's family dynamic bc that's an important part of the aftermath. 😊
Echoing what you said about JK being truly lonely. He feels a lot of discomfort sharing parts of him to others; we saw that at the beginning. And now he's losing her, and that's such a big loss for him bc he doesn't do this, he doesn't open up and allow himself to feel. But it's the same with OC. They have so much going on internally and emotionally and it's about figuring how to deal with them and if they think they should do it on their own (again) or not. We do want to see them happy and it'll come! 😉
Pls, never say sorry. I enjoyed reading this. I hope you enjoy the rest of the story! Sending you love, anon! 🫶🏼🫶🏼 Sorry again for replying so late.
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achilleslyre · 1 year
🅱️lease tell us more about jobie paulinho and carlito im very interested 🥺🥺🥺
EEEEHEHEE :3333 okie okieee… u don’t know the can of worms u just opened……. this is gonna be long ajshsjsh i’m gonna put everything under the cut
an overarching simple intro into what’s going on in my ocs world (so that some things i say about paulinho carlito and jobie make sense) is that it’s about this group of young adults that go to a specialized university together— jobie doesn’t actually attend the university, but she does live relatively near and she did go to high school with the rest of the main/side characters (plus she doesn’t lose any importance by not being there ☝️☝️ the whole crew would have been screwed without her ajhsjshsjs). i’d go into detail about the uni and high school but hehe maybe i will another timee :pp so this isn’t such a hugee info dump. to simplify though so you can get a rough idea, kids from around the world are given the option to take a “test” of sorts in order to see if they’ll be accepted into the high school. IF they are accepted into the high school then once they graduate they are hand selected by the uni funder to attend his university (i plan on changing his name ajhsjsjjs so for now i’m just calling him the funder). so that’s your quick background information hehee
paulinho and carlito are twin brothers! they’re around 23-24 when the story takes place :pp (they age throughout so when they’re introduced they’re 23 but the story goes thru their birthdays). they’re afro indigenous and they live in brazil. their dad is black and was born and raised in brazil, and their mom is also afro indigenous— she’s taíno and was born in cuba, but moved to brazil at a young age. paulinho is cishet (srry 😔😔) and carlito is gay + trans. they also have 4 other siblings apart from each other— their older sister (24-25) clara, their adopted younger sibling (15-16) salome, their youngest sister (10-11) márcia, and their younger brother (5-6) murilo.
paulinho is studying chemistry (i *think* specifically biochem but i have to do some more research into that to make sure… i was not into science so i don’t know enough about the specifics… but off my basic knowledge of it i’m p sure he’s going for a biochem major). he’s not in a relationship by choice, he’s not aspec but he kinda just would rather to get through school first before finding someone he actually cares enough for to be in a relationship. so he doesn’t get into anything serious while at uni. the story ends within roughly a yearish from introduction, but i kinda know how they all live thru the rest of their lives anywayss and tbh.. i don’t particularly see him getting into a long term relationship. he definitely doesn’t get married but i feel like most of his partners are just flings or last a handful of months. i see him living with his parents for quite a while tbh— i think he moves out in his 30s but moves back in with them once they’re really old and need some help with keeping up the house n daily activities :’) paulinho is a very family-oriented guy, he loves his parents and loves his siblings. they’re the most important thing to him c: the whole story kinda kickstarts as a way to protect his sister clara, if that situation never happened the whole story would have just been pablo and mawiyah ajsjhssj. but uhh yea, paulinho has aspd (given to him, not born with), when he’s not in school he works two jobs at a grocery store and a restaurant, he’s heavily into boxing— both watching and practicing— and likes to do matches with his dad!
carlito is studying graphic design and fine arts/illustration. he’s autistic and gets into a relationship with another autist throughout the storyy :p “spoilers” ig lol. his main special interest is apples lol— the different types and history and how each type came to be ect ect. he’s also suuuuper into musicals as well— i don’t listen to many but based off vibes i think west side story and newsies would be a fave of his. altho this may change if i ever decide to listen to them hehe. he has a part time job on a boat as a fisherman with some other guys, he doesn’t dislike nor love it but he definitely prefers it over anything retail. he rlly likes video games and movies in general, and he spends a lot if time with his mom c: they are very very close. she’s who he typically likes to watch stuff with, and he enjoys learning recipes from her and just following her around/helping her with daily activities. he definitely moves out once he’s done w uni, he looves his fam as well but it’s a very busy household so it’s v overstimulating for him.
annnnnd best for last is some jobieee info :3c she’s 23-24 as well and she’s bi+cis (she has a gf charlie who goes to uni w the others. they met in high school). she’s inuk (specifically inuinnait) and lives in a house with her mother, grandmother and her best friend barrys family! her father passed away young and her brother has been missing for several years, so that’s why it’s just her mom/grandma. as i mentioned she doesn’t attend the uni with paulinho+others, she doesn’t end up going to uni at all. she did attend high school with them and had been focusing on history before she decided not to attend uni. she was in a really bad car crash in high school and has a permanent limp bc of it (so when you see me making jokes about jobies driving that’s why T.T), she works as a carpenter (altho this mayyy be subject to change— it’s the idea i’ve had for her the longest tho). she’s also very much into crotchet (and knitting but she crotchets more) and she sells some of her work :p she like’s to bead with her mom but she doesn’t sell her stuff, she normally makes for herself or gifts them to those she cares about (her mom sells though!). she’s super community based and she also goes fishing and hunting with barry a lot (and his older sister sometimes) to be able to get stuff for her fam and some of the other families around her—specially for the elders. she’s a very busy person but she rlly enjoys anime and she watches stuff with her best friend elio (she’s a two best friend kinda gal) whenever she cannn :DD oh and between her fam and barry they have 5 dogs 😳😳
i’ll stop there cause otherwise i could go on about jobie forever and ever T.T i mean the others too but jobie is my fave so i think about her the most hehe. srry this is kinda vague/random and not story based— i just really do hope to someday publish a graphic novel about them so i don’t want to give away much of the story 😳😳 uhhhh this was so long but if you enjoyed reading about them n stuff i’m gonna be self indulgent and link my oc moodboards and spotify playlist. don’t feel like u have to look/listen tho lol i’ll never know ajshjshs
my moodboards are right here, it’ll take you to the whole board but there’s specific sections for each of them (so if u want to look at it u can pick out the ones you wanna see hehe)
and here’s paulinhos playlist, here’s carlitos, and here’s jobies. the songs added all remind me of them plus each song is from a genre/artist they like :D carlitos is the least finished of these three but i’ll get around to adding more stuff to his in the future lol.
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
Hello! Saw your last post and got me thinking: What do you think Vace and Lin would be like as parents? I imagine that fatherhood wouldn't come to him as easily, but I think he would earnestly try to be better than both his parents 😁
oh yeah absolutely i think post therapy vace is a better dad than his family (low bar) and i think in therapy he has like the self awareness? to try and push past that
actually therapy vace is very fun in general bc like. i think one of vace's qualities regardless of therapy is how he pushes himself to be The Best it's just like a reframing of what The Best is u kno. there's a reason his cards are vace's confidence u kno. and that confidence is in some ways genuinely earned like!!! he IS the best soldier on the helio!!! like!!!! he has all those awards and he's very smart and like. it makes sense!!!
but then he goes to therapy and he starts like. reframing some of his stuff re:being Good and like what it means to be not just Good At Things but a Good Person and like. thats so much more difficult for him u kno in ways that other stuff wouldnt necessarily be. esp bc a lot of the stuff involved is like, him moving to be more vulnerable and show weakness and forgive ppl and those are not things he's good at naturally which is like. just very fun wwww
the reason i bring this up re:his parenting: i dont think he'd want to be a parent until he's really dealt with a lot of the worst of his shit. he mentions this in his 100 right: he's aware his whole thing comes from his dad who he has an IMMESNELY complicated rship w/. (i say this bc like. in his 50 he mentions hating his dad right. and yet he still has a picture of him u kno. lmfao. god) i dont think he'd ever want to subject his kids to what he went thru. i think he's aware of what he's done and how much worse he could've been u kno. the monster under the bed is who he is without sol
and even then it still takes work u kno. this comes up in the endcards abt how on his worst days he's still just like he was and how it takes times to break past that and find someone to meet him halfway. i have him meet lin when he's like early 30's bc i really do think it takes him a Long Fucking Time to hit a point like that. a lot of relationships. u kno. takes Work. takes time.
BUT THE POINT OF THIS.... to answer your actual q..........
i do actually think vace is a pretty good dad in these circumstances! i think he's protective and caring and i think in context w/rship with lin especially where he's got a partner that's good at reframing issues from "you versus me" to "you and me against the problem" it helps him get in that mindset with kids as well u kno.
i think tho in some ways he's better w/them when they're little GLKHSDLKGH i think he might be a bit overprotective when theyre older. i am shy talkign abt lin but im even shyer talking abt the fankids i made for them but i DO think its immensely funny for him to have his daughter hit adolescence and be like. ok im not calling u daddy anymore. and not bc she's embarrassed abt being a daddys girl or antying she just needs him to realize shes practically an ADULT NOW (vace meanwhile is there like. you are Not an adult jesus christ)
ok thats the serious analysis now here is my stuff thats for Me (sparkle emojis) ive talked abt this with alm before and in some ways i think vace is the parent the kids rely on for most every day stuff bc i do think he spoils his kids a little u kno. daughter shows up asking for a snack and he Prepares something for her meanwhile lin is like (gets smth preprepared from the fridge or tells her to wait for mealtime) takes them shopping teaches them to tie their shoes all that kind of stuff u kno
lin meanwhile is like...... practical wwww ive talked abt this in other places but he has difficulty with people sometimes bc of his augment. he's not great at comforting tbh! i think if the kids are upset adn htey want hugs abt it they go to vace. lin tho i think is the parent they turn towards for more serious stuff? bc vace despite everything still is very emotional while lin is very Not that u kno. so they can be like. uh. papa. ive fucked up. and lin is like (guy whose response to literally Everyhting is How Do We Fix This) How Do We F
in some ways as well i think the kids and lin grow closer as they get older. not to say i think they necessarily grow Away from vace but the way you interact w/small kids versus when u interact w/older ones means i think vace would do better w/the really younger ones while there'd be a bit of disconnect btwn them and lin until they're older u kno. lin is bad at mirroring and coddling and part of the thing abt his rship w/vace is it does help him get better at dealing w/other ppl w/strong emotions, part of that also relies on vace understnading that lin is trying u kno. and that's not a capacity kids really have at such young ages?
overall tho. i do think they are pretty good parents wwwww vace does hover too much but lin i think helps him dial it back wwww and lin struggles more at first but he gets there. their kids i think grow up well! and that's what matters!
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squadrah · 2 years
Can you explain the relationship between Risotto and Ghia and Prosciutto in the Babysitter fic? I feel like it's toxic, and Risotto is sorta smothering/helicoptering Ghiaccio, but at the same time they all have some oddly wholesome love with each other which makes their dynamics sorta confusing :3 thank u btw
Of course!
First, here's the fic in question!
I'll explain as best as I can, but your feelings are all correct, and they feel so confusing because their situation is very complicated.
When we first came up with this AU and made up the different families, their constellations and dynamics came about very naturally, but I feel that the underlying principle all along was "the daycare becomes a catalyst for many lives to change for the better" regardless of what the character's starting point was, coupled with the general idea that all these different adults handled the phenomenon of kids with Stands as best they could, but "best" doesn't necessarily mean "well".
For the Nero family in particular, this means several things. Our starting point was that similarly to canon, Risotto has problems expressing his emotions, so he often comes across as distant and emotionally unavailable, which is already an issue when it comes to fatherhood, but when you combine that with the type of partner we had given him - someone without an ounce of maternal instinct who constantly needs change of scene and society on top of that -, it leaves Risotto quite alone and to his own faulty devices. This combination of one parent being too absent and the other being too distant naturally produced a dysfunctional relationship with Prosciutto, who retains from canon his good heart and his sense of right, so he can feel that things are done poorly, but he is also too resentful of how he had been abandoned and handled to address it in any other way than being spiteful and distancing himself. Risotto does love him and he is doing his best, but he has done a LOT of damage and has not yet found the means of addressing it in the face of a child who now actively resists him. He knows where he erred, but he does not know how to make amends to Prosciutto personally, so when he and Désireé had a second child on a whim, Risotto was aware that his own past conduct was wrong, and therefore he decided to do the complete opposite to Ghiaccio, and just stuck to his little ice baby like glue. This in turn infuriated Prosciutto, who was never subject to as much parental affection and attention as Ghiaccio is, and can also see that Risotto has gone from being barely a father to downright smothering the little gremlin, and Prosciutto has been dealing with the consequences of this treatment on top of his own million issues that, like his Stand, he can just barely contain. Prosciutto has a lot of natural affection, and again his sense of doing right leads him to care too much, so he does love Ghiaccio deep down, and cares enough for his father at least to keep trying to correct him in his own angry way. His own nature has basically forced him into the role of a pseudo-parent to his tiny brother, and he does live up to that role in spite of how much he hurts and how much that hurt comes across as him being a complete asshole to everybody. Meanwhile, Ghiaccio loves both the way all little children embrace the people around them wholeheartedly, but he can't help having tantrums when his fratellone is mean to him or when his papa is not letting him frolick...
(Dare I even say that Désireé Nero also loves all of them dearly, but is just completely oblivious to the pain she has been causing? She calls her husband every day to chatter at him and has been taking Prosciutto on seasonal vacations ever since he was deemed "safe" to be around, and sends her family gifts in the mail often... but nobody has been able to tell her that they would more appreciate it if she was actually home with them for most of every year. Tragic.)
So that's the dynamic! They are all in different degrees of pain, but as with every other character, when I get that far, they should start experiencing the healing powers of the daycare and everything it entails. Going to daycare has already done something for Ghiaccio, who used to not be allowed near people because his panic attacks were dangerous, and now goes willingly to be around little kids his age and a fairly sensible caretaker (Abbacchio has his own backstory that will explain how he is doing as well as he does), so despite Risotto's own largely unspoken anxieties about change and Prosciutto's morose resistance, an avalanche is coming their way whether they are ready or not. In the end they will also heal a great deal, I really do just need to get there.
Thank you for the question and I hope the fic has been treating you well! :D <3
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meanwhileinstasiville · 9 months
They needed back in the dust collecting records corner of quiet; a couple old italian ladies who couldn't find what they were looking for, and later at 3:36 right under 3:37, a library director.
Who had previously been ok with someone easily moved, sitting back there.
I wrote this from the front of the Carnegie, sort of curious about how to go about *fifteen straight years of this shit*
(Way back when, someone parked a truck with a basketball hoop erected in the back, in front of Henrys laundromat in the wee hours of the morning blaring loud music all the while; that's called "play ball" I think they were gang saying back in the 00s. When I had a job to do and *nothing to do with them then as now*)
As I was sitting down out here, there's the yellow cooper waiting next to the fly shop, a chorus of "everybody's looking for something" blaring down east main (courtesy of cartels and kart els). Sequences that get you nowhere with a word salad of gang activity subject to to wide interpretation.
There's security lee "what are you planning on doing for the holidays" behind the reference desk, on the way out the front door to sit here. Where there's a lot going on.
I don't want anything to do with "lee" of palm in sign fame or really, any of the other ones; what *was* a courtesy desk next to a "courtesy collection" had Anna Strahm esque kid sitting at it, at the base of the stair. As a person *well aquatinted with bullshit from people who can kill me or others on a whim* all of this stuff is boilerplate. But *we're in year fifteen now* of every single day.
There's the gangs, some grown up into adult jobs while still carrying "Alive" gang associations. And the cartels; "Japanese toilets are really missing out on Mexican food" "we're white" "we'll make your life impossible" etc, and that last one long committed to before shop n kart had stopped being U-market. Can't make you white nor do I want anything to do with you. Coopers roll by next to cemeteries? Fun. And then what?
These are people who wore doc martens with razor bladed heads while listening to icp in the suburbs. All grown up. The backbone of theatrical experiences around town.
*waits for sequence of yellow and or english conoting vehicles to drive by*
(Because you can do anything you want except entice people to hang out with you)
What I'm hearing, isn't "why I shouldn't go somewhere or can't do something or what people say I look like (a Mexican "that's what they 'meaning white people' tell us!" favorite tested out on me) dispair, be discouraged whatever (Eric's son got a street person named evylin a job at ashland library, who hovers often in that section where I sit)...
I hear why I should kill someone because it's the only language they understand; Mexicans who don't mind going back to prison, and grown up skinheads who now don hair with their teardrop tattoos and/or camp with army gear. That's the thing.
And Khyron Horman, who was my uncle Ken's partner (something of a CSI as I was told hush hush, family member to family member kind of thing), was as much a partner to Ken as my aunt. Who's son coincidentally was named Aaron, not unlike one of Eric's kids. I think this, and that's it's important because "I'm really gettin into stuff now that I might not come back from" Arin was heard to say without context. And a long time ago though I don't remember when; in the 00s. Ken had *two partners* and *one was a detective*.
I'm not going to say Horman and the bike path killing are the same, but it smells the same way; Big Lebowski smell.
*more shop n kart regulars roll up*
*a dad hugs his kid with a red Honda driving by in the background* ah, technology.
And, you know, an awkward "social anxiety case hovers to get attention" at the library, has gotten old, but like the guy who's stalked me around town who seems to live in the vicinity of hargadine (because he used to hover right inside the door whenever I showed up), I feel like it has something to do with shop n kart.
A place I thought I had made a very clear point of not wanting anything to do with. Associates of slaughter's office now repurpose, back office; friends of friends.
*Ashland is getting pretty fucking seedy for all these "so here's how it works discussions" packed like theater and on wheels.
And I seem to attract this shit wherever I go, so the courtesy thing is to stay solitary; that doesn't seem to be enough because *someone seems to think* there's a way where I contribute something to discussions (again with snk associated people) by getting alternately sought out and harassed depending on the circumstances. (The "circus" yeah you're right, autocorrect).
People don't seem to think it's ok for someone to go around town *without knowing* it's infested with gang members former (in houses) and present down to school age kids, seeming also to be open secrets run by nazis.
(Meaning they're lost "in the bureaucracy" and paid but forgotten; having gotten "in" on name or something nazi pedigree. A height a color a complexion. All fine things Medford would have *absolutely no trouble believing about this place* given historical rivalry)
And I'm not mad about it and people *have been trying to kill me* since I was little, variously exploiting me and being stacked against each other like a house of cards.
A dad I swore was a serial killer; a "sword" raised couch surfing by italians and hailing from "hilt"
A mom who married Latino back when it was close to impossible for them to exist here, and she from a prominent family. A divorce after "seven months" *definitely* pissing off founding anchor families around here Hispanic Latino whatever. She had restraining orders; he was a sheriff.
And those to things alone and taken together are easily enough to merit all the times I've almost been killed. Even by my best friend, according to the state at the time.
*more yellow stuff* (something to do with the month? You're Chinese and think a lama is here needing a challenge session?)
I've been followed the wrong way by truck up a one way street, in the dark of night and while on foot.
I've had gang activity converge in public spaces and on all or most sides *to depth* at intersections.
Clearly this is worth a lot to someone.
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manicatsinamerica · 1 year
How u know u were ace/aro?
Oh boy hello like a month later! Ok, let’s see.
It was a lengthy process for me, though shorter than many. I spent a long time as a kid/teen/young adult being told and shown that I’d need a romantic and sexual partner or parters to feel like a whole, happy person with a whole/happy life. So, I kept waiting to feel that way about someone, but the closest affection I ever felt was close friendship. Moreover, my libido developed completely divorced from any desire for partnership, and I have never found myself Wanting anybody—beyond fake, hypothetical people (or sometimes not…#monsterfuckers). I’ve had a couple of sexual experiences, never full penetrative sex of any kind, but even that was enough to tell me that just…nope. I can push through when I’m drunk, but it’s really not something I enjoy doing. Even kissing is very ew and mouth. Though reading about it all is fine for some reason? Sexuality and desire are weird. But honestly, I don’t think anyone necessarily needs to have sex to figure out if it’s not something they want.
I spent a long time thinking I just hadn’t met the right person, or that I needed to force myself to feel that way, or even that there was something disordered about me for failing to want those kind of connections/experiences. And sometimes I did feel loneliness, but it was more a loneliness born from feeling like there was a level of human experience and intimacy I just couldn’t reach. Romantic love is described as so transcendent and transformative—I felt left out and adrift, for not feeling that capacity.
But…the older I get, the more I come to accept the parts of myself that used to shame me, the more happy and complete I feel. All without any kind of romantic or sexual relationships. I have seen plenty of friends and family in romantic relationships—monogamous, polyamorous, polymonogamous, sexual, romantic, successful, happy, toxic, codependent, distance, married, with and without kids. It doesn’t seem to me that romance and sex are what determines a person’s happiness. So why couldn’t that be the same for me?
I started identifying as Ace in college, when I learned it was a thing. I decided I was Aro a few years back, when I realized that intimacy does not require romance. I love being myself more than I ever have, and I don’t want romantic love or sexual desire to make me any happier. If I’m being honest with myself, the whole experience sounds like a kind of a pain in the ass. Flirting is still fun, as are toys and erotica, but anything else just ain’t my cup of tea. I have family—blood and chosen—whom I love, and friends I adore. That’s all the human connection I’ve really ever wanted for myself.
So yeah…that got awfully self reflective, but was nice to think through! Thanks for the ask, anon. I hope you see this and it helps you. :)
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cat3ch1sm · 3 years
can you make headcanons for when adult trio find out that their s/o or a fem!reader is pregnant?
(Got inspired with the same request as that user for Light and others)
🌱| y'all r adorable for what absolutely
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pov: u find out you're pregnant! how does the adult trio react?
chrollo lucilfer
· when u find out you're beyond excited, knowing how fond chrollo is of children and how much he's expressed wanting a child of his own.
· so you march into the room, where chrollo is sitting reading a book, and announce that you have something to tell him.
· what u really want is to sit down and have a heart-to-heart conversation, then tell him. but apparently chrollo chose today to obsess over his book, and he doesn't really acknowledge you except with a mumbled "hm?"
· "chrollo, will you at least look up? i have something to tell you, and i really think you want to hear it."
· "yes, darling, i'm listening," is his reply while he's still obviously not really paying attention.
· you stand there impatiently waiting for him to look at you- and when he doesn't, you just blurt it out and start to leave the room in a huff.
· "well, i was going to say that i'm pregnant, but if your book is so important-"
· "you're what?"
· well, now you've got his attention.
· "oh, darling, that's wonderful- why didn't you tell me sooner?"
· there's no way you can be mad at chrollo after you see the way his face is glowing with happiness and pride. he immediately sets his book down and slowly walks over to you with an expression of disbelieving joy.
· "you're serious?"
· "yes, chrollo, i am."
· the second you say this, he's instantly all over you, showering you with hugs and kisses and words of affirmation. he's 200 percent ready to spoil you and give you whatever you want to make this pregnancy as easy as possible for you- he ain't no ging freecss
· probably will pick you up and swing you around until you have to remind him that there is a baby in here
· he may not be able to take time off from his job- but he'll sure as hell try. he'll have his subordinates do everything they possibly can so he won't have to come in
· may or may not force you into hiding bc hisoka
· is super smiley for the rest of the night and can't stop looking at you. chrollo will probably be super touchy and affectionate for the whole rest of the pregnancy
· absolutely does not tell anyone he knows about your pregnancy. nobody at all. if someone were to somehow find out he'd kill them without a second thought- he won't have his baby or his partner endangered. if someone has something to settle with him, he'll make sure it's only him that deals with it.
illumi zoldyck
· "and you're sure?"
· "yes, Illumi, i'm sure."
· "oh."
· he just kinda stares at you vacantly for a few seconds before getting up and warily placing a hand on your belly.
· his reaction is pretty tame. he doesn't seem to be excited nor displeased
· but tbh he's sort of thrilled that he was able to impregnate you, the act itself makes him feel as if you truly belong to him now. his child is inside you- nobody possesses you but him.
· illumi really doesn't know much about taking care of you during the actual term. so he'll probably end up recruiting some family
· of course, that means kikyo, who is probably more excited than both of you combined
· he will probably behave a lot more possessively, and will not allow you to go with him on more dangerous missions. illumi will not have any harm come to his child
· unfortunately, he fully intends to put his child through the same things he went through in his journey to become who he is now
hisoka morow
· you're actually kinda scared to tell him because well... he's hisoka. his behavior is too unpredictable for you to guess how exactly he'll react, so you're worried he'll be unhappy.
· but there's no getting out of it after he notices the unusually pensive look on your face as you sit beside him on the sofa, his arm around your waist
· "darling, you're awfully quiet tonight- why so serious?"
· not really knowing how else to do so, you just spit it out.
· "i'm pregnant, hisoka."
· there's a flicker of shock across his face, and he blinks hard a few times. "wh- what?"
· "you heard me."
· he just kind of freezes, a strange look on his face- but you're a little caught off guard once the off-put look in his eyes darkens into one of lust
· "my dear, what did i tell you? i've said before i'd fill you up with my children one day- don't look so shocked."
· stg this hoe can't take shit seriously without getting horny
· as you gape at him, appalled, hisoka just chuckles in amusement and pulls you in closer, his nails digging into your waist.
· "oh, i can see you now, my little bunny- all spread out on the bed for me, your pathetic face flushed and sweating and your pretty little cunt dripping with my seed. i'd already seen this coming~"
· "however, if you do keep it, i certainly won't be settling down to raise a child. do what you wish with the baby, but count on your tiny little body overflowing with my cum again, dear."
· hisoka is dead serious when he says he won't be sticking around to raise a baby. he doesn't need a partner with a burden like a child- but he'll definitely impregnate people regardless bc he's toxic asf
· tbh hisoka hates kids except for gon *cue that nasty ass heavens arena scene*
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