#as always i am thinking but tonight i am really thinking about luke hughes
t1erradelfuego · 1 year
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puckinghischier · 5 months
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Luke Hughes x fem!reader
summary: luke gets hurt during a game
notes: y’all i think i struggle writing luke for some reason. i just never seem to really like what i write when i write for him. wtf am i doing wrong 😩
request: can you do a post on luke Hughes getting badly injured the game at umich and both older brothers are there and get worried over him and major fluff
i strayed away a bit from the michigan aspect because i don’t feel comfy writing about college hockey players, so i changed it up a bit. i hope you still enjoy!! 🫶🏼
There weren’t many times you regretted moving to Jersey, but right now was one of them. The constant traffic within the city wasn’t something that usually got under your skin, but today it was the absolute bane of your existence. Of course, you were in a hurry. A big one. You had approximately thirty minutes until puck drop, and you needed to get there before that puck hit that ice. No exceptions. You hadn’t told Luke what you were doing, so he probably already expected you to be there, wondering why you’re not in your usual seat for warm-ups.
As if he could hear your thoughts, your phone buzzed with a message from Luke, not being able to read what it said while trying to weave in and out of traffic.
“Quinn, can you see what Luke just sent. And then tell him I’m on my way. I don’t want him worrying that I’m not showing tonight,” you ask the Hughes brother currently in your passenger seat.
Quinn grabbed your phone from the cupholder, listening to you rattle off your passcode so he can open Luke’s message.
“He asked where you were, and if you were already there. Wanted to know why you weren’t in your seat for warm ups,” Quinn confirms your thoughts, looking to you for an answer.
“Tell him I’m just running late. Be there before puck drop. And tell him I love him and good luck.”
You hear the sound of Quinn typing your reply as you increase your speed, cursing the people who want to drive below the speed limit in the fast lane. This is what you get for trying to be a good girlfriend and surprise your boyfriend and his brother. You get stuck on the road with New Jersey’s worst drivers.
In your defense, you were supposed to already be safely at the arena in your seats, but Quinn’s airline had different plans. His flight being delayed by three hours gave you barely enough time to run and grab him from the airport and make it back to the Rock before the hockey game started. The only thing saving your ass right now is the fact that if you can just get there, you can go through the player entrance and avoid the crowds trying to get in at the last minute.
“If you don’t calm down and drive like a sane person, we’re never going to get there. We’ll be squashed on the side of the road,” Quinn scolds you, grasping what your dad always called the ‘oh shit’ handles.
“If I can just get around these idiots in front of me we’ll be fine. We’re almost at our exit, then I just have to pull around back and we’re in,” you tell him, once again pressing the gas pedal a little harder.
Quinn stays silent the rest of the drive, closing his eyes once you start speeding around the other cars on the freeway, finally getting to the right exit and rushing to the underground parking that the players always park in. You pull your car into the spot next to Jack’s, barely even turning the car off before you’re jumping out and sprinting to the entrance.
“C’mon, Quinn! I know you can move faster than that! We only have a few minutes! Move it!” You yell over your shoulder, Quinn barely having gotten out of the car.
“Remind me to never let you drive ever again,” is all he says as he catches up to you, looking a little greener than before.
The two of you make it inside the arena with no issues, sprinting to your seats just as the national anthem finishes, both teams sending their starting lines out on the ice.
You had managed to snag Quinn a seat next to you, asking the team’s manager for a favor to help surprise their rookie defenseman. With no hesitation, he handed you a ticket and a locker room pass for Quinn, knowing how homesick Luke had been lately. You had thanked him a million times, asking him to keep it a secret from both Jack and Luke, not wanting either one of them to know until the day of. He gave you his word, and was also the reason you were given access to the player parking for the night, not wanting Quinn to be ambushed by fans going through the regular entrance.
You felt your heart rate start to slow once you were both situated in your seats, glad that you had made it in time. Neither Jack nor Luke had looked over and noticed you yet. You wondered if they were going to clock Quinn before they took their stances on the ice.
Your question was soon answered as Jack looked back and saw you, waving and turning to get Luke’s attention before he did a double take, noticing the brunette sitting to you left. Quinn gave a small wave, flashing his younger brother a smile as you watched Jack’s eyes widen, mouth curving into beaming smile. Luke had turned back, looking in your direction, a relieved smile on his face once he noticed you were finally in your spot, eyes too focused on your figure to notice Quinn’s next to you. It wasn’t until he looked over at Jack and followed his gaze that he finally noticed his oldest brother in the crowd, a Devil’s hat on his head.
Luke’s eyes flicked over to you once again, mouthing ‘what the fuck?’ to you, your only response a shrug of the shoulders and a smirk on your face.
The two brothers quickly focused their attention to the officials on the ice, lowered into their stances, waiting for the puck to drop onto the ice.
“You know they’re going to compete now, right?” Quinn says as he elbows you to get your attention.
“Why would they compete? They’re literally playing for the same team. It doesn’t matter who scores as long as the team wins,” you respond, confused at Quinn’s words.
“It matters now. They do the same thing when mom or dad come to watch them. They want the praise. They want to be able to out perform the other so they can brag about it to me after the game,” Quinn clarifies.
“I don’t know about that. Jack’s been good about trying to set Luke up for success all year, I think they’ll surprise you.”
Quinn gives you a skeptical look, not believing your words, but lets it go otherwise; his attention quickly stolen by the sound of the puck hitting the ice, followed by clashing sticks and skates scraping against the frozen floor.
Much to your surprise, Quinn proved to be right. All throughout the first period, the two brothers fought to get the puck, sometimes even fighting against one another. You noticed the odd looks from their teammates, Nico even skating over to Jack during a tv timeout to ask him what was up, not having seen the pair act like this before. You kept throwing glares at Luke, trying to tell him to knock it off, that they’re playing for the same team, but he wouldn’t look at you for more than a few seconds at a time.
As the second period started, the competition between Jack and Luke had nearly ceased to exist. You assumed they got their asses chewed in the locker room during the intermission, noting how their coach seemed to watch them like a hawk. Once the brothers started actually playing together instead of against one another, the Devil’s were scoring goals left and right, putting up four goals before the end of the second period, one Luke’s and two being Jack’s.
With only three minutes left in the second period, Luke was attempting to get possession of the puck from behind the net, fighting two of the opposing players for the black piece of rubber. He lost control of the puck, and in a moment of frustration, pushed one of the enemy players in the back, wanting out of the sandwich they had put him in. The player he pushed fell forward onto the ice, drawing a penalty on Luke. The official had blown the whistle, stopping gameplay, when Luke looked over at him, frustrated at the call.
What Luke didn’t see was the player who had gotten the puck come skating up behind him at full speed, pushing Luke so hard his skates came out from under him, causing him to land on the ice on his back. He was angled just enough, though, that his body slid at high speed straight into the bottom of the wall a few feet away, head bouncing off the boards along the ice.
You were on your feet immediately, hands flying to the glass in front of you, begging for him to get up. Quinn jumped to his feet next to you, placing a hand on your shoulder, whether to comfort you or himself, you don’t know. Jack leaves his spot on the bench to skate over to his brother, falling to his knees on the ice, hovering above Luke.
Luke hadn’t moved yet. Not a foot twitch, a roll over in pain, or a thumbs up to let anyone know he’s okay. He’s laying lifeless on the ice, trainers calling his name, careful not to touch his head or neck. Your hand flies to cover your mouth, a sob making its way out of you when you noticed the stretcher being put on stand-by near the tunnel. Everything feels like it’s in slow motion, time stopped as Luke continues to lay, unmoving. Quinn tries to move you back from the glass, averting your attention from the scene in front of you, but your eyes are glued to Luke’s body.
You thought you imagined the twitch of his foot, thinking it was where the medics were tapping his leg, trying to coax him awake. When you finally see his body try to roll over, you let out the breath that you didn’t even know you were holding. Your relief was short-lived, however, when you hear the scream that makes its way out of Luke’s throat. You’re not sure which one hurt worse, him lying there not moving or the scream of agony that’s currently echoing through the arena.
Your knees start to give out, eyes blurring from the tears falling down your face. Quinn catches you as you slide down the glass, holding your sobbing figure in a crouched position.
“Quinn, gotta go. Gotta go, locker rooms,” you manage to say between sobs, trying to stand and make your way out of the stands.
“Okay, yeah, let’s go. Let’s get you out of here.”
The fans watch as Quinn guides you out of your seats and up the stairs. Most of them familiar with you, you and Luke not being super private with your relationship. A lot of them are still shouting obscenities at the player who went after Luke, demanding he be suspended. Some of them give you sad smiles as you pass, hoping your rookie is okay.
You finally reach the entrance to the training room, knowing this is where they’ll have taken him before they decide if he needs a hospital or not. You can hear them in there talking to him, unsure if you should enter yet or wait on someone to come out and get you. You stand at the doors, staring into space, when Quinn decides to speak up.
“He’s gonna be fine, Y/N. Probably a gnarly bruise, and likely a concussion, but it could’ve been worse. I know its scary, but I promise, he’s going to be okay. Might not even miss more than a game or two.”
All you can do is nod at the words, unable to do much else at the moment. You try to give a small smile, but you think it comes across as more of a grimace. You turn your head when you hear the door to the training room opens, revealing one of the team trainers.
“Oh, good, you’re already down here. He’s asking for you. Wants you to know he’s awake and okay. Nothing’s broken, just banged up and a mild concussion. Probably going to have him follow up with a doctor tomorrow, but for now he just needs rest. You can go ahead and go in. He won’t be playing the rest of the night,” the man in front of you finishes, stepping aside so you can walk through the open door.
You turn back to look at Quinn, seeing if he’s going to come with you.
“I’ll just give you two a minute first. Go ahead, I’ll be right behind you,” he tells you, wanting a minute to process his own emotions before seeing his baby brother.
You nod and turn to walk into the training room, following the trainer down a short hallway before turning the corner into a room with three different treatment tables, Luke’s long body taking up the farthest one. His head is laying back on a pillow, a large ice pack taped to his right shoulder. His gear is laying in a pile on the floor next to him, completely bare from the waist up. As you get closer, you can see the already purple skin forming in the exposed parts of his shoulder and upper arm. You gasp quietly at the bruised skin, causing Luke’s head to snap up at the sound.
“Hey, pretty girl,” he rasps out, voice raw from his screams earlier.
You stop on the side of the bed opposite to his injury, unable to say anything yet. Tears still streaming down your face, looking him over for any other signs of injury.
“Hey, no need to cry, angel. I’m okay, see. Just a little bruise. Nothing to be worried about. You should see the other guy,” he tries to joke, being told he left a dent in the wall where he hit.
You glare at him through your tears, unhappy with his weak attempt at joke.
“Okay, yeah, maybe not the time to joke just yet,” he brings the hand on his good arm up to rub the back of his neck, looking away from your tear-stained face.
“You were unconscious, Luke…you weren’t moving,” is all you managed, staring at his injured shoulder.
“I know, baby, I know. But I’m awake now, see?” he gestures towards his body with his good arm. “I’m just fine. Yapping ability unaffected,” he once again tries to bring a smile to your face, this time it almost works.
“God, Luke, if you could’ve heard the scream you let out,” you shudder at the memory. “It was the worst sound I’ve ever heard in my life. I thought my heart was going to rip in two right there on the spot. I don’t ever want to hear the sound again,” you finally look at his face, noting the small cut on his forehead, you assume from his helmet.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry you had to witness all of it. I can’t imagine how it must’ve looked,” his tone apologetic. “If the roles were reversed, I don’t think I would have been able to keep myself from trying to climb over the glass to get to you. But I promise, sweetheart, I’m fine. Told me as long as my head’s fine I should only have to miss two or three games to let the bruise run its course,” he grabs your hand, rubbing small circles with his thumb.
“It was just so scary, Luke,” you sniffle, closing your eyes for a brief moment. You finally start to calm down now that his hand is in yours.
“I know. But now you get to play doctor and take care of me for a few days. Kiss all my boo boo’s better,” Luke wiggles his eyebrows at you, finally earning that laugh he’s been trying to get out of you since you walked in.
“That was probably one of the ickiest things you’ve ever said to me,” you laugh with Luke, fake gagging for dramatic effect.
Luke opens his mouth to say something else, but the the doors to the training room open, cutting him off. The familiar sound of skates against the floor making their way towards the two of you. Jack turns the corner, a frantic look in his eyes until he lands on Luke, awake and sitting up.
“I’m going to kill you for scaring me like that,” Jack points a finger, glaring at his younger brother. “I mean, why the fuck did you hit him, Luke! What were you thinking? You know how these guys are, they’re begging for any excuse to fight! They don’t care if you’re a 20 something rookie, they’re gonna hit back, dumbass!” Jack yells at Luke, throwing his arms around in frustration.
Luke winces at the volume of Jack’s voice, his ears sensitive to loud noises right now. Before you can get the words out to tell Jack to be quieter, Quinn enters the room and does it for you.
“Jack, be quiet for fuck’s sake. He has a concussion; you yelling at him is only going to make it worse. Yell at him later.”
“Well, it was stupid, Q. What he did was stupid,” Jack says in a normal tone of voice, still angry.  
“Don’t act like you’ve never done anything stupid on the ice before. Just because you never get caught when you hit people doesn’t mean you don’t do it,” Quinn walks over to stand beside Jack at the end of the table.
“You good, Moose? Looked pretty nasty out there from where I was sitting. Scared us, man,” Quinn asks Luke, tapping him on the foot. You note the redness of Quinn’s eyes, knowing how much he cares for both of his brothers. The whole situation shook him up, too, you were just too worried about Luke to notice at the time.
“Yeah, m’alright. Head hurts. Shoulder feels like it’s been run over by the ‘boni, but other than that I got off pretty clean. Nothing’s broken. Have to miss two games at least, more if my head ain’t right,” Luke answers Quinn, moving his hand so he can thread his fingers through yours.
“Your head’s never been right, Moose,” Jack says, causing Luke to roll his eyes.
Quinn leans over to bump his shoulder into Jack’s, shaking his head, unimpressed with his joke.
“Wait,” Luke starts, causing everyone to look up at him. “Are we just not going to address the fact that Quinn randomly showed up to the game tonight?”
“Yeah, how did you get here. Shouldn’t you be in Vancouver right now?” Jack adds, looking over at his older brother suspiciously.
Quinn looks over to you, causing the other two Hughes to shift their gaze your way.
“Surprise?” you say as a question, not knowing what to do with all the eyes in the room on you.
“You did this?” You look over at Luke, nearly eye level with him, even though he’s laying on the table beside you.
“Well, I know you’ve been struggling with adjusting to life here lately, and you were feeling pretty homesick, so I figured it would be nice for you to have both of your brothers in Jersey for a night or two,” you shrug your shoulders, not seeing the big deal with your actions.
“Tried to get your parents here, too, but they couldn’t leave work right now. They sent their love and apologies, though. Promised me they’d be at a game as soon as they could,” you added, wishing you could’ve had all the Hughes here tonight.
“I….I don’t know what to say,” Luke looks at you, so much affection in his eyes it makes you squirm.
“Well, a thank you would be a nice start,” you joke.
“Thank you. I love you. So much. If I could lean over to kiss you right now I would,” Luke brings your hand up to his mouth, placing a kiss on the back of your hand clasped in his.
“Please, for the love of god, don’t make me witness anything else painful tonight,” Jack interrupts the moment, earning a slap to the back of the head from Quinn.
“Don’t you have a game to go finish, jackass?”
“Oh, shit, yeah,” Jack jumps, forgetting about the last period that’s about to start. “See you at home, Moose, Q. You, too, Y/N. Assume you’re staying over to help take care of the patient, yeah?” He nods his head towards the injured one in the room.
“Yeah, I’ll be there. Be safe, Jack. Good luck,” you wave as he turns to leave.
“I’ll go pull the car around, be back in a few to help you get this ole’ goon out of here,” Quinn announces before leaving you and Luke alone once more.
“So, you’re really going to stay over? Play nurse for me?” Luke asks, looking at you with puppy dog eyes, batting his eyelashes.
“Of course I’m staying over. I can’t trust Jack to make sure you’re not up and around doing something stupid when you’re supposed to be resting.”
“So, if you’re going to play nurse, does this mean we can stop on the way home and get you one of those sexy nurse outfits?” Luke asks, eyes hopeful.
“Maybe they should’ve just left you out there unconscious on the ice, you were less annoying that way,” you fire back, smiling at the laugh Luke let out, thanking your lucky stars your boy is okay.
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babydollmarauders · 11 months
jack hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which y/n goes on a date with Jack and thinks she made a complete fool of herself
notes: obviously inspired by Ballad of a Homeschooled Girl by Olivia Rodrigo, not proofread and written on extreme sleepiness. (3.6k words)
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third dates.
my mother always told me to have them in group settings.
she said the first date is to get to know each other; the second is to learn how he’d treat you in private; the third date is to learn how he’d treat you in front of his friends.
most guys seem to get intimidated when i ask about joining a hang out with his friends for the third date, but Jack was different. i had told Jack on our first about my rules.
first date in a public setting, but alone.
second date in private, his apartment or mine.
third date with a group of friends.
i hadn’t expected him to take it so well, nodding along as though even without context, it made sense. he didn’t ask for clarification, which was good because i had learned after my last relationship not to give any; lest they’ll act like a gentlemen in front of their friends until we start dating.
i honestly didn’t expect Jack to contact me again, fully awaiting the discovery that he’d ghosted me, possibly even blocked me to keep me from talking to him again. but then he texted me tonight.
“i know it’s last minute, but third date tonight? me and some guys from the team are going for drinks, would you wanna come?”
and now here i am, walking into a pretty secluded bar to meet Jack and about half a dozen other professional hockey players. to say i’m nervous would be a massive understatement.
i spent at least half an hour trying on various outfits, but nothing felt right. every article of clothing i tried on had something wrong with it; whether it be that it didn’t fit quite right, or it didn’t match the occasion, or i just deemed it didn’t look good on me, something was always wrong. so i finally settled on a nice sundress, despite the chilled air of the evening.
“y/n!” my head turns in search of the voice that called my name, locking eyes with Jack, where he sits at a high top table with five other guys. “i was starting to think you’d stood me up!”
my eyebrows furrow as i walk over to him, stopping at the end of the table. my stomach ties in knots at all of the eyes on me. i hate attention.
“why would i do that?” a few of the guys chuckle at my question, but i’m not sure i understand what’s so funny.
“i was joking.” Jack clarifies.
embarrassment washes over me and i can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, but Jack just smiles sweetly, rising to his feet and pulling out the chair beside him.
“oh, thank you.” i take a seat and he returns to his, his hand settling on my knee as one of the guys begin to speak.
“so, you’re y/n?” my eyes go wide, and i glance over at Jack but he’s looking over at the other guy. “i’m Luke.”
“nice to meet you, Luke.” i give the curly headed boy a tight smile, “so, you play with Jack?”
the boy grins, nodding his head, “i guess you could say that.”
everyone snickers, and i fear i’ve made a mistake of some sort. my blood runs cold; i hate feeling like i’m on the outside of some giant inside joke.
maybe this was a mistake.
Jack squeezes my knee, and i look over at him with subtly pleading eyes, silently begging for him to save me.
“Luke is my younger brother, but he does play on the team with me.” there it is. that’s where i messed up.
“oh, i’m sorry.” i’m not sure what i’m apologizing for, but it seems like the right thing to do. i glance back at Luke, “i knew Jack had mentioned your name before but, he’s mentioned so many names that at this point they all jumble together in my head.”
Luke just shakes his head, waving it off. “nah, don’t worry, it’s okay.”
after that, i decide it’s better to go quiet; only really speaking when spoken to. i can’t embarrass myself if i’m not saying anything.
“hey.” Jack’s voice is soft, and at first, i don’t even realize he’s talking to me, until i tear my eyes from who i now know as Dawson, who’s telling a story with wildly gesturing hands. “do you wanna go get a drink?”
he nods his head over towards the bar, and i nod, desperately in need of something to ease my nerves, “yes, please.”
Jack and i rise from our seats, his hand going to my lower back to stabilize me as i stumble. my cheeks go red, but i decide it’s better not to acknowledge my clumsiness.
“and i— where are you guys going?” Dawson cuts himself off, drawing attention to Jack and i’s retreating pair. “did i bore you, y/n?”
i stop in my tracks, freezing up as guilt takes over me.
“i- what? n-no! Jack-” i stumble over my words in a panic, attempting to reassure him, but apparently i didn’t help my case.
“see, Merc! poor y/n even finds your story stupid.” John laughs and i shake my head wildly.
“no! i found it interesting!” Nico snickers at my words, his hand coming up to cover his mouth.
“interesting. that’s one way of putting it.”
oh god, i made it worse.
“guys, leave her alone.” Jack speaks up, rolling his eyes at his friends before he turns back to me. “c’mon, ignore them, they’re just raggin’ on you.”
my brows thread together in confusion, but i nod nonetheless, allowing him to use his hand that still rests on my back to guide me over to the bar.
“i’m sorry about them.” he sighs as we reach the counter, waiting for a bartender. “they have a stupid sense of humor.”
“no! no, it’s fine!” i assure him.
it’s not them, it’s me.
i’ve never been great at picking up on social cues, perhaps due to my odd lifestyle as a child.
when the bartender reaches us, Jack orders another beer before looking over at me, “oh, can i just get an aperol spritz, please?”
Jack hands over his card and when he gets it back he turns to me.
“i gotta run to the bathroom, are you okay waiting for the drinks? i’ll be back in a second.” i nod and he takes off towards the restroom, leaving me alone.
“so, you like him?” apparently not alone for long.
i turn my head in surprise, only to find Luke standing beside me. he asks the bartender who arrives back with Jack and i’s drinks for another beer and the man nods.
“hmm? Jack?” Luke nods and i smile looking down into my glass. “yeah, i really like him.”
“see, i said so!” my face scrunched in confusion as i look back at him.
“you said so?” i question.
“yeah! Johnny was trying to say you must not like him because you aren’t being very flirty, but i told him- i said you obviously like him if you’re on a third date.”
i’ve never been great at that. and i haven’t needed to be, Jack is the one who approached me first, he’s the one who asked me out and he hasn’t given any indication that i have any reason to have to flirt to keep his attention.
Luke pays for his beer before retreating back to the table with a low “see you in a few.”
i’m quick to tear my phone out of my pocket, glancing over towards the restrooms for a moment to make sure my date isn’t coming back before making a quick google search.
this seems impossible.
“hey.” Jack reappears beside me and i hastily lock my phone, looking up at him as i go to slide it back into my pocket. but the combination of my fidgety hands, quick movements, and not paying attention to my surroundings doesn’t end well.
before i can even blink, my hand is knocking into my glass, the drink sliding off the bar top and onto the floor, shattering upon impact.
“oh my god!” i squeal, jumping back from the broken shards. i glance down at the mess before looking back up at Jack. “i am so sorry!”
i turn to the waitress who comes rushing towards us with a broom and towels, apologizing profusely and offering to clean it up myself.
“it’s no problem, happens all the time.” she tells me with a smile, but i still bury my face in my hands.
i’m making a fool of myself.
“can we get another aperol spritz?” i peek through my eyes at the sound of Jack’s voice, watching as he hands the bartender his card again.
“i am so sorry, Jack.” my voice is low and whimpered, my shoulders rising as though to protect myself. “i just wasted your money and made a huge mess.”
Jack smiles softly, shaking his head as he chuckles, “don’t worry about it. it’s seriously okay, y/n. accidents happen, don’t beat yourself up about it.”
i nod, but i truly feel horrible now.
this was a mistake. i should’ve just stayed home; watched a cheesy romance or read a true crime novel and gone to bed early.
the bartender hands me the new drink, and i thank him before Jack leads me back to the table.
“everything okay?” Timo questions as we return and Jack just nods as we settle back in our seats.
“yeah, just a little accident. it’s all good.” the guys chuckle but all turn back to their previous conversation, somehow now on the topic of the wildest things they did in school.
i stay silent, hoping and praying to any higher power that they don’t involve me in this conversation, but my luck runs out pretty quickly. although i’m not sure i’ve had any tonight in the first place.
“what about you, y/n?” Nico is the one to rope me in, “what’s the wildest thing you did in school?”
“i- uh-” i internally cringe, mentally preparing myself for their jokes, “i was homeschooled. so, i didn’t really get to do anything crazy like you guys.”
“ohh, you’re a homeschool kid.” Luke nods as if it makes sense.
“did you know that statistically speaking, homeschoolers are more likely to graduate than public schoolers?” John pipes up, and i shake my head.
“really?” Jack questions, his nose scrunched cutely in disbelief.
“no, i- uh, i didn’t know that.” John nods at my words.
“yeah, look it up!” he points to my phone, which never actually made it to my pocket after the broken glass fiasco and now resides face down on the table.
i pick it up and Jack and Dawson, who both reside on either respective side of me, lean in to see my phone screen, eager to find out whether their teammate is correct.
but when i unlock my phone, my eyes grow wide and i’m eagerly attempting to swipe out of the current window, but it’s as if the world is against me because this is the exact moment that my phone screen decides to freeze.
“does that say ‘how to flirt?’” Dawson chuckles and i bite my lip, giving up and slamming my phone face down onto my lap as the table bursts into laughter.
i’m blushing like a mad woman, squeezing my eyes shut as i bury my face into my hands for the second time that night.
“aww y/n, you really let John get to you, huh?” Luke teases, and i feel like i could cry of embarrassment.
everything i do is tragic.
suddenly my seat is moving, scooting further to my right, before an arm is spindling around my waist. i let my hands lower just slightly to peer up at Jack, who wears a happy grin, his cheeks tinged pink.
he glances down at me, smiling even wider when he sees that i’m already looking at him.
it’s like a cat’s got my tongue, too stunned by the overwhelming mortification of the situation to even get a word out to explain or defend myself.
but Jack doesn’t seem to mind, pulling me into his body until my head is against his collarbone as he changes the subject; bringing up a story about he and his older brother trying to free an infant Luke from his crib when they were younger.
i’m quiet as the group speaks, most of them speaking over each other, which in turn makes others get louder to try and be heard. my head aches and i need a break.
“i’m gonna go to the bathroom.” i whisper, freeing myself from Jack’s hold as he nods in understanding.
“okay. are you okay?” i give him a small smile, reassuring him that i’m fine before i leave.
my hands rest upon the bathroom sink, my eyes glaring into my reflection in the wonky bar mirror.
“get it together.” i try and tell myself, but it comes out in more of a whine.
why am i like this?
i run my hands through my hair, making sure it’s volumized, and heave out a sigh before i make my way back out of the restroom to join the table again.
on my way back, i can’t help but smile at the sight of Jack laughing with his friends.
he seems so carefree.
but i should’ve been watching where i was going, because halfway to the table, i’m tripping over someone’s heeled foot, landing on my knee on the hard ground.
“oh shit!” Jack’s voice echoes over the loudness of the music and bar-goers, and i can hear multiple chairs screech across the floor. “y/n, are you okay?”
oh god, i wanna curl up and die.
“yeah, i’m fine.” my voice is wavering and weak, so over making an idiot of myself tonight.
Jack appears in front of me, holding his hands out to help me up. his skin is soft as i slide my hands into his, allowing him to pull me up to my feet.
his friends stand behind him, a couple biting back laughs, but the others wide eyed in concern.
i let Jack guide me back to the table, and when i sit down, he’s kneeling in front of me, inspecting my knee for any immediate bruising or marks.
i sigh and he looks up at me, worry settled into his expression.
“that was a hell of a tumble.” Timo snickers, but he sobers up quickly as his eyes meet Jack’s, “you’re okay though, right?”
“physically? yes. mentally? questionable.” the table laughs, but i didn’t mean to joke, which only makes me press my lips together.
Jack finally deems my knee okay, settling back into his seat and letting his arm rest over the back of my chair.
“what were we talking about?” Jack asks, effectively diverting the attention away from my fall and back to the conversation from while i was gone.
“cheating.” John states, taking a sip from his beer.
i let out a little laugh, thinking he was just joking, but i sober up as i realize nobody else is.
“oh, you were serious.” i bite my lip as he nods.
“right!” Luke exclaims, “so people are saying he cheated on her?”
“yeah,” Dawson nods, and i’m a bit lost, “which i don’t understand, because all he did was hold hands with the other girl. we don’t know anything other than that. holding hands could have so many different meanings.”
i take a big gulp of my drink, listening intently as the guys debate cheating and what counts as cheating.
“i think, if one of you guys cheated on your girlfriend, i might ‘accidentally’ knock your teeth out on the ice.” Nico tells them, making the guys and i laugh. “i’m serious, you’d be bag skating until you physically drop from exhaustion.”
and like word vomit, before i can stop myself, i’m speaking, “my friend recently cheated on her boyfriend, and i can’t tell if i should tell him or let him find out on his own.”
their heads turn to me and i shrink in my seat as i realize what just escaped my lips.
“oh my god, i’m not supposed to be telling that to anyone.” my hand covers my mouth, and a few of the guys laugh at my actions.
“you should definitely tell him.” John shrugs, “he deserves to know.”
“i thought so too, but if i do tell him, does that make me a horrible friend?” the guys all start shouting different things along the same lines.
some telling me it doesn’t make me a bad friend, while others telling me that i shouldn’t be friends with her anymore anyways.
“has she done anything else?” Luke asks, and i scrunch my nose.
“cheating wise, no: just one drunken kiss with some guy.” i start. “but she told him she was sick to get out of meeting his parents.”
i clap my hand over my mouth again, shocked that these secrets are just tumbling out of me.
“fuck, i shouldn’t be telling you guys these things.”
the guys cackle and Dawson changes the subject, apparently just remembering a story of something that happened to him back home over the summer.
i remain quiet for the next fifteen or so minutes, just listening as the guys go back and forth, telling stories of their summers, until i feel Jack’s hand on my shoulder.
“hey, i’m heading home, do you want me to drop you off at your house?”
i eagerly accept his offer, happily willing to leave now and avoid paying for an uber during surge pricing. the both of us bid goodbye to his teammates and his brother, who says he’ll hitch a ride back to the apartment with Dawson, before we head out to his car.
i smile as he opens the car door for me, allowing me to climb in before he shuts the door again and jogs around the front of the car, slipping into the drivers side.
i don’t need to give him my address, our second date having been at my apartment, so i just clasp my hands tightly together in my lap, both of his on his steering wheel.
“i had fun tonight.” he tells me as we pull up to my apartment building.
“yeah, your friends are nice.”
not a complete lie. they are nice, i’m just not sure i got along with them, or more so, that they liked me.
“can i walk you up?” i accept his request and he exits the car, running around it to open my door before i get the chance to.
i mentally prepare myself on the silent elevator up to my apartment, readying myself to have him tell me that he doesn’t think we fit.
i was awkward tonight, breaking a glass, stumbling over my words, tripping, googling things that should be common knowledge, and telling secrets i had no business telling.
i couldn’t think of any worse ways to ruin a potential relationship.
when we reach my apartment, Jack stops me in front of my door, and before he gets the chance to belittle my dignity any further than i, myself, already have, i’m speaking up.
“i completely understand if you don’t wanna continue this.” i sigh, finding sudden interest in my shoes. “i made a complete fool of myself tonight.”
“why would you think i don’t wanna see you again?” he sounds hurt, his finger hooking under my chin and pulling my head up to look at him.
i chuckle lowly, “you can’t take me anywhere. every time i go out, it’s social suicide.”
“so you’re a bit clumsy and you need time to click with my friends and their humor, so what?” he shrugs, “i think you’re cute. and i’m incredibly honored that you wanted to flirt with me.”
i groan, my face flushing, and i tip my head back to look up at the ceiling.
“oh god, that was so embarrassing.” i whine.
“it was sweet.” Jack chuckles, pulling me into his chest. his arms wrap around me and i melt into his embrace, his chin resting on top of my head.
“i really like you, y/n. and tonight may not have gone the way you would’ve liked, and i can respect that, you’re allowed to feel that way, but i really liked it. i got a chance to figure out more about you and what you’re like, and it only solidified that i’d really like to keep getting to know you, see where this could lead.”
my head snaps up to look him in the eyes, “you would?”
he giggles at my actions, nodding his head. “yeah, i would.”
his head dips down and i suck in a breath as his lips near mine.
“can i kiss you?” he questions, and i nod.
“yes, please.”
his lips slot against mine, moving in sync and pulling me even closer to him if it’s possible. his hands slide up to cup the back of my neck, his tongue tracing my bottom lip and i part my lips to allow him entrance.
what starts slow and passionate, turns into something hot and heavy. i huff as he pulls away, my lips chasing after his and making him smile.
“do you wanna come inside?” i ask him, my voice low and sultry, and his eyes darken almost instantly.
he smirks, answering only by taking my keys from my hands and unlocking my door, leading me into my own apartment.
“ya know, i don’t think you needed that google search. you’re pretty good at luring me in all on your own.”
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laurenairay · 8 months
hopeless hearts just passing through - J. Hughes
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This my entry for @wyattjohnston’s low-key lovefest 2k24 prompt list challenge. I chose “stop making promises you aren’t going to keep” from the angst list and “you’re the only person I wanted to see tonight” from the fluff list.
Summary: Jack had messed up, again. Can he make it up to you this time, or is it too late?
Words: 2.9k
Warnings: light angst, Jack being a dumbass, some bad language, fluff
Title from: I was made for loving you, by Tori Kelly
Thursday 28th December
[7.00pm] You’ve reached Jack. I’m obviously not here right now so leave me a message after the beep.
[7.25pm] You’ve reached Jack. I’m obviously not here right now so leave me a message after the beep.
[8.00pm] You’ve reached Jack. I’m obviously not here right now so leave me a message after the beep.
“Hey Jack, guess you’ve forgotten our call. Again. By now you probably have other plans tonight? Just… please give me a call when you listen to this.”
Friday 29th December
Morning came without a phone call. You didn’t know whether you were surprised or not, if you were being honest – this wasn’t the first time he’d forgotten to call you while on the road like he promised he would. This time though it felt different. Maybe it was because the two of you had spent a wonderful happy Hannukah & Christmas together only days before that hurt you the most. Maybe it was just because you believed Jack when he promised. Either way, this time you couldn’t let it go – it was a matter of principle.
You made it through your entire morning routine, getting washed and dressed for work, eating breakfast, packing your lunch into your work bag, before your phone started to ring. Jack. You glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall, wincing as you slipped into your shoes and grabbed your hooded coat, bag and keys on the way out the door. You weren’t going to be late, not for him.
“I’m on my way to work, I really can’t talk right now.”
You answered bluntly, pinning your phone between your shoulder and your ear as you put on your coat the moment you stepped into the elevator.
“I am so sorry baby.”
“That’s really all you have to say?” you snapped, picking your work bag up off the floor now that you’d zipped up your coat.
“What else can I say?”
You were stunned for a moment, lips parting. The nerve of this guy.
“Oh I don’t know, how about what you’re actually sorry for?” you said, the sarcasm in your voice barely hiding your anger.
You heard him huff out a breath, perfectly in time with the elevator doors opening on the ground floor of your apartment building.
“I’m sorry I missed our call. I know I promised to call you but I just totally forgot. The guys were all excited about a mario kart tournament and I really wanted Luke to finally get in on the action!”
“Please don’t blame your brother for your mistakes.”
Jack inhaled sharply over the phone. You could almost picture his mouth opening and closing as he tried to think of something to say, just as he usually did in person, so you just waited for him to speak as you trudged down the street to your usual bus stop.
“I’m sorry. For blaming Luke and for upsetting you. It won’t happen again, baby, I promise.”
Yeah, okay. As if that was the first time he’d said that.
“Stop making promises you aren’t going to keep,” you said sharply.
Jack was silent for a moment or two.
“What do you mean?”
His voice sounded so small, so quiet, like he finalised realised the depth of how badly he’d screwed up. Good.
“You know what I mean, Jack. I’m not asking for the world – I know your team will always be priority. I’m just getting sick of never even crossing your mind at all. Even a text to say a mario kart tournament had started last minute would’ve been better than being fucking ghosted by my own boyfriend,” you groaned.
Thankfully there was no-one else at the bus stop to hear your cursing.
“Baby, please, I can do better. I will do better.”
He was clearly panicking, voice full of desperation with whatever he was reading from your own voice. But you just sighed, not really sure what to say because this wasn’t the first time so would it really be the last? Could you really believe him?
Before you could think of an answer to his pleading, your bus came into view as it turned the corner onto your road. Clearly this was a sign.
“I have to go, my bus is here,” you said softly.
“No baby, wait please, I-”
You ended the call without letting him finish, already feeling a headache coming on as the anger washed out of you. This was the last thing you needed after the heartache of last night – his panicked pleading. It wouldn’t help his case when he was so far away, not when you were this frustrated with him. The best thing for you to do, rather than tumbling into saying something you would regret, would be to give yourself some space, some breathing room.
Something that Jack clearly didn’t agree with as he immediately called your phone again.
Thankfully the bus pulled up right at that moment, so you felt justified in ignoring him, slipping your phone into your pocket as you flashed the driver your bus pass, focusing on finding a seat for your commute.
It was all you could do to keep your face neutral, trying to ignore the overwhelmed tears stinging at your eyes as your phone continued to buzz for most of your journey.
As you suspected, your morning at work was terrible. Not only did your mild headache turn into a fully formed one, but you were clearly giving off ‘leave me alone’ vibes because your colleagues steered clear, leaving you to stew in your emotions in peace. Not even a walk outside during your lunch break did any good – you still had a headache, the food you packed was so-so, and you had three emails to deal with that were really not your problem.
Didn’t people know that sending emails between Christmas and New Year was pointless?
“Hey, you’ve got a delivery.”
You jerked your head up from your computer to see your office receptionist standing next to you with a gigantic bouquet of flowers – white and pink roses, to be precise, around three dozen. What the hell?
“Uh, thanks,” you murmured, forcing a quick smile as she passed the bouquet over.
You tried desperately to ignore the whispers and stares around you as you spotted a card. Really you knew there was only one person who would send you flowers, but you still opened the small envelope with shaking hands anyway.
‘I’m sorry. Jack xx’
A simple message but it still made your heart ache.
That, and it made your lingering headache pound more. This was so typical Jack, wanting to do some sort of grand gesture which in technicality was very sweet but also so not what you needed right now. You didn’t need the reminder that things were shaky between you two. You didn’t need the stares and attention from your colleagues, all of them now knowing that something was wrong from your reaction. And you didn’t need to carry the bouquet home on the bus with you, the unresolved tension between you and Jack hanging over you like an axe.
Or, well, like a bouquet of 36 flowers, bigger than your head.
“Oh honey, what did he do?”
You winced at the pitying voice of your colleague, smiling sadly as you shook your head.
“I’d really rather not talk about it,” you said softly.
She nodded, smiling sadly back.
“Well if you change your mind, message me and we’ll go for coffee,” she said, voice quiet, trying to give you a modicum of privacy.
You just nodded, thanking her quietly in response, and she left with a squeeze of your shoulder. She meant well, you knew she did, and hopefully this interaction would stop anyone else (especially those who loved to stir drama) from approaching you too.
It was all you could do to put the flowers on the side of your desk, trying to ignore everything they represented. You had work to do – thinking about Jack right now was not going to do you any good.
When your phone buzzed a couple of hours later though, you still read the messages that Jack sent, one after another coming in.
From: Jack I got an email saying the flowers had been delivered. I chose white and pink roses to symbolise how much I love you and my loyalty and how sorry I am. I know that I messed up and I understand why you’re upset with me. But please give me a second chance?
He'd looked up flower symbolism. He specifically chose white and pink roses because of their meaning. What were you supposed to do with something so romantic when you were this frustrated with him?
With a sigh you pulled up the Devils schedule on your phone, confirming the date in your mind that he’d be back from his roadtrip. He was still in Ottawa today and then Boston tomorrow…but he would be back on New Year’s Eve. You could work with that.
To: Jack The flowers are beautiful. Thank you. I am still upset with you, but I will hear you out. If you want to talk, come to mine on NYE. I have no plans.
The two of you hadn’t discussed any parties or plans at all for New Year’s Eve, even though you had assumed Jack would’ve dragged you somewhere in the end. But this was better. You needed time alone with him because there was no way you could face him for the first time after all this while surrounded by other people. Putting the ball in his court was the only way to keep your sanity at this point.
With another sigh you put your phone down, raking a hand through your hair as your eyes lingered on the colourful blooms on your desk. They really were beautiful.
You weren’t surprised when it took mere minutes before your phone buzzed again.
From: Jack I’ll be there. I promise.
Saturday 30th December
To: Jack Sorry about the loss. You’ll get the Bruins next time.
From: Jack Thanks ❤️
Sunday 31st December
You hadn’t spoken to Jack since texting him after yesterday’s defeat. Mostly because you knew he was travelling, but also because you knew that him coming over to yours tonight was when you really needed to speak.
For some reason you were a little nervous. You didn’t know what it was really that had you furiously cleaning your apartment, but those fizzing bubbles ran all through your body the whole day. It didn’t help that you had no idea what time Jack would come over. Assuming he was still coming over, that was. No, he had promised, and he knew how you felt about promises. At least you hoped he had learned his lesson on how you felt because you weren’t sure of how much more you could take.
Tonight had to be your deciding factor on protecting your heart, you knew that much.
When you’d scrubbed and rearranged and hoovered all that you could, you showered and dressed up in a comfortable black velvet tea dress, curled your hair and put on a little make-up before putting some wine in the fridge to chill. It was New Year’s Eve after all, and you knew that if Jack didn’t turn up by 9pm, your friends had insisted that you go over to theirs to celebrate the new year together. It felt good to know that you had a safety net because if Jack didn’t show tonight? You were done. And you knew you’d need the support of your friends to get you through.
You really hoped he showed up.
When it got to 6pm, you put some soft music on, hoping to drown out the silence of your apartment, feeling like an idiot for just sitting around waiting for him. What if he didn’t show up? What if he let you down again? What if this was the end of your relationship? What if…
The buzzer for your apartment crashed through your swirling thoughts and you quickly jumped to your feet, cheeks heating with how ridiculous you felt.
“Hey, it’s me. Can you let me up?”
Jack. He came.
You didn’t answer, just pressed the button to let him in, trying to keep yourself calm as you paced to and forth while you waited for him to take the elevator up to your apartment. In all reality it didn’t take long, but after the last few days it felt like a lifetime.
You huffed out a laugh at your awkward greetings, stepping aside to let him in.
“Thanks, uh, for inviting me over,” Jack said, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Wasn’t sure what time you would come. Or what you were doing tonight,” you murmured, shutting the door behind him.
Jack groaned, walking further into your apartment, you following silently. “I should’ve texted. Fuck, I should’ve told you exactly what time I was coming over, but I got so caught up trying to find the right thing to wear and dropping Luke off early at Nico’s and…”
Oh bless his heart. He was going straight into it then.
His rant trailed off as you pressed a finger to his lips, responding to your amused smile with a shy one of his own.
“You look great, Jack – you always do,” you said simply, dropping your hand back to your side, “But I actually meant if you had other plans around this like parties you were going to go to.”
Jack immediately shook his head, face more serious than you’d ever seen it.
“You’re the only person I wanted to see tonight,” he said firmly.
Oh fuck. Your breath hitched in your throat at his words, Jack taking the chance to hold both of your hands.
“I messed up. I know I messed up. I haven’t been treating you with the respect you deserve and missing even one call with you without letting you know why is unacceptable…”
Wow. This was far more than you had ever expected from him, and your heart ached with the emotion he was putting into his thoughts. Maybe he’d rehearsed this with Luke, maybe he was winging it, but you could tell in his eyes that he meant every word. He was right – you hadn’t been respected like you deserve. Could he really turn himself around though?
“…I really am sorry, baby. I love you so much and I can’t bear the thought of losing you. Please, will you forgive me?”
The confidence in his voice wavered a little, voice cracking with the emotion of his words, and you felt a pang radiate through your chest. You’d never seen him look so vulnerable before. Maybe you needed to see it.
As you formed your thoughts, you kept your hands in his, squeezing to let him know you were processing so he didn’t panic or shut down. That was the last thing you wanted or needed. This was a lot, and it was important that you said what you really meant.
“I’ll admit, I wasn’t expecting to dive straight into this.”
Jack winced slightly, lips parting, but you shook your head. No, it was your turn now.
“You really hurt me, Jack. I appreciate that you understand that, but it still doesn’t change the fact that I was hurt. I don’t ask for much and you couldn’t even give me the bare minimum,” you started.
The whimper that escaped from his throat just about broke your heart, but you barrelled on.
“I deserve more. I deserve better. I deserve respect, you’re right. I just…I really hope you’re the one that can give that to me,” you said softly.
As your words sunk in, a hopeful smile quickly spread across his face.
“I get a second chance?” he grinned, making you huff out a laugh.
“Yeah, Jack, you do. But you won’t get a third. I don’t like feeling like I don’t matter and you can’t do that again,” you said, hoping he understood how serious you were.
Jack nodded, squeezing your hands.
“I won’t let you down, baby. I almost lost you once by being a careless asshole, I won’t lose you again,” he said, smiling.
Oh how that smile gave you butterflies.
“I love you,” he said again.
It didn’t matter how long you’d been together or how many times he said it – hearing those words fall from his lips made your heart race every single time.
“I love you too,” you said, finally smiling back.
Jack whooped, throwing his head back in celebration, making you burst out in laughter, even more so as he dropped your hands to wrap his arms around your waist, picking you up to spin around in a circle. Ridiculous, ridiculous man.
“I love you, I love you, I love you.”
You just clutched at his shoulders as he murmured the words over and over again in your ear, hoping that this time, his words would be true.
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starry-hughes · 10 months
wrapping presents (jack hughes)
day 12 of star’s ficmas
jack hughes x reader
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Jack was pretty insistent on the fact that he didn’t need an assistant. But everyone else thought he did. He was immature, constantly forgetting about meetings, if someone else wasn’t grocery shopping for him, he would be eating leftover meals from the nutrition team every day. He didn’t know what temperature to preheat the oven to for chicken.
Luke didn’t mind your presence. He knew you helped Jack more than anything, plus you kept the pantry stocked with his favorite fruit snacks. Jack appreciated you more than anything. You picked up his drycleaning, made sure he was where he needed to be, and sometimes, you would wait up for him after hard games to help him put icy hot on his shoulder.
You were his life saver.
Jack had wanted to thank you for all your hardwork. You had been his assistant since his rookie year. You stuck by him through injuries and his small hissy fits he would throw when the team was in a bad area of the season. He had thanked you previously, big extravaganza gifts, bonuses for the holiday and offering to buy you plane tickets to go wherever you desired. At the beginning, he didn’t want to admit that he needed someone like you, but now he didn’t know what to do without you. This year, though, he couldn’t think of something to get you, until he saw the present in a bookstore. He wasn’t typically found in bookstores but the gift caught his eye in the window.
You entered his apartment with bags of Christmas gifts and wrapping paper. Jack was sitting on the couch with Luke. “Got all the gifts you needed,” you smiled at the man who was technically your boss. Jack sighed happily, “Oh what would I do without you.”
You grinned, carrying the gifts to his room to wrap. “You’d probably perish.”
Luke waited until the door of Jack’s bedroom closed, signaling that you were in his bedroom, wrapping gifts. You knew Jack’s bedroom well, hell you’d slept in his bed before. It wasn’t on purpose of course, but when the team had all gotten sick and you two were quarantined together, you had really gotten to know him by talking for hours in his bedroom, which resulted in you falling asleep on his bed. “Did you get (Y/N) a gift?”
“Yeah dude of course. I always get her one.”
Jack jumped up from the couch, carrying over a box. It wasn’t wrapped, just a plain white box he was planning to stick a bow on and call it a day. It was a custom, leather bound journal with flowers pressed on the cover. “It made me think of her.”
“So when are you going to tell her you’re in love with her?” Jack hit his brother, a signal for Luke to shut up.
You neatly wrapped all the gifts before packing them in a suitcase for Jack to take to Michigan for the holiday break. You loved your job and did it with a smile on your face. Sure, Jack sometimes drove you crazy but you really liked him. Maybe even loved. You chalked up your feelings to the fact that you spent a majority of your time with him. A proximity crush. You’d never fall for him if you didn’t spend so much time with him.
“Picking up dinner boys, be back soon,” you said as you got your coat on. “Oh actually, just dinner for you and Jacky, I’m going over to Dawson’s,” Luke said. Jack’s eyebrows furrowed together, “I didn’t think you were going there.” The brothers shared a look. Luke was telling him with his eyes that it was time to make a move. “Well I am, you and (Y/N) enjoy dinner together,” Luke gritted.
“Jack, I’ll be back with dinner I guess,” you said confused before leaving. “What the hell dude?” Jack whipped his head toward Luke. “Just tell her you love her! Tonight! Stop beating around the bush!”
You got home with food and Jack wasn’t in the living room. “Jack?” you called out. You heard a muttered “damn it” from his bedroom and you walked to his room. He had tape stuck to his fingers and horrible cut wrapping paper and a plain white box on the floor of his bedroom. “What are you doing? I thought I wrapped all the gifts?”
“This one is special,” Jack huffed out. He was raising the white flag, surrendering to the wrapping paper. You left the paper bag of food on his dresser and joined him on the floor of his bedroom. “You should measure the wrapping paper and make sure it covers the whole box, like this, before cutting,” you explained softly. He pulled himself closer to you, he could hear your heartbeat picking up.
“Then, you should tape one side down to the box, then the other side, and finally the edges you tuck in to make triangles and then fold,” you narrated as he handed you pieces of tape. “Must be a special present if you wanted to wrap it yourself,” you looked at him. His lips were inches away.
“Yeah, something like that,” he mumbled. You could have sworn he was moving in to kiss you before you snapped out of your trance. “Do you want to add a bow to the box?” you cleared your throat and looked back at the neatly wrapped present. “Oh,” Jack was snapped back to reality, “I guess?”
You added the bow before handing it to Jack. “I’m sure she’ll love it.”
Jack’s eyes almost pop out of his head. “How do you know it’s for a girl?”
“Because Jack, I’ve only ever seen you put this much effort into presents or items if it’s for a girl you really like.”
Jack could have laughed, it was so ironic. You were right and you had no idea how right you were.
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estapa-edwards · 4 months
hughes sister who plays for the rnagers and falls in love with matt especially as she sees hwo sweet he is off the ice and hate how the media makes him look like an ass. matt who quickly falls for her, he stays with her when he gets called up to the rangers
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paring: Matt Rempe x reader
word count: 2k
requested? yes
warnings: use of y/n.
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
Y/N Hughes had always been the odd one out in her family. Her brothers, Jack, Quinn, and Luke, were all renowned hockey players, carving their names in the NHL history books. Y/N, on the other hand, was also a hockey player, but she was making waves in her own right as one of the few women in the sport to play in the NHL, proudly representing the New York Rangers.
Her journey hadn’t been easy, facing skepticism and doubt at every turn. But Y/N had her brothers' unwavering support and her own determination to prove the doubters wrong. And so, she had become a formidable presence on the ice, known for her agility and sharp instincts.
Yet, even in the bustling world of professional hockey, fate had a way of introducing unexpected twists.
Her latest task was scouting new talent, and that’s how she found herself at a Hartford Wolf Pack game, keeping an eye on Matt Rempe.
Matt was known for his size and physicality, a giant on the ice with a reputation to match. The media often painted him as the enforcer, someone who used his fists more than his skills. But as Y/N watched him play, she saw something different. His movements were calculated, his plays strategic. He had a grace that belied his imposing figure.
After the game, Y/N decided to introduce herself. She found Matt in the locker room, his tall frame hunched over as he unlaced his skates. She took a deep breath and approached him.
“Hey, Matt. Great game out there,” she said with a warm smile.
Matt looked up, slightly surprised. “Y/N Hughes, what are you doing here?”
“I wanted to come down and check out your game. You were impressive.”
He shook her hand, his grip firm but not overwhelming. “Nice to meet you. I didn’t know you were with the Rangers now. How are Quinn, Jack, and Luke?”
“They're doing great. Busy with their own seasons,” Y/N said. “But let's talk about you. I’ve been watching your progress and I think you’ve got a lot more to offer than what the media shows.”
Matt’s smile widened slightly, a mixture of surprise and gratitude. “Thanks. It’s frustrating sometimes, being seen only as the enforcer.”
“I can imagine,” Y/N said. “But from what I saw tonight, you’re a lot more than that. You’ve got some serious skills out there.”
“Appreciate that, really,” Matt replied. “It’s nice to hear.”
--- --- --- 
Y/N and Matt kept in touch after that initial meeting. They talked about everything: hockey, life, their families. Y/N found herself looking forward to their conversations, intrigued by the man behind the tough exterior. Matt, too, found himself drawn to Y/N’s intelligence and kindness.
One evening, after a particularly grueling game, Matt invited Y/N out for coffee. They sat in a cozy corner of a small café, the warmth and aroma of freshly brewed coffee surrounding them. The bustling noise of the city outside was a stark contrast to the intimate bubble they had created.
“I hate how the media portrays you,” Y/N admitted, stirring her coffee absentmindedly. “They make you out to be this brute, but you’re so much more than that.”
Matt sighed, leaning back in his chair, his eyes focused on the steam rising from his cup. “It’s frustrating, but I try not to let it get to me. I know who I am, and the people who matter know too.”
Y/N looked at him, her eyes reflecting empathy and understanding. “It’s just unfair. They don’t see the person I see. The one who’s thoughtful and strategic on the ice, and kind off it.”
Matt's gaze softened as he looked at her. “You really see all that?”
“I do,” Y/N said, her voice firm but gentle. “You’re an amazing player and an even more amazing person.”
Matt reached across the table, taking her hand in his. The touch was warm, grounding. “And I think you’re pretty amazing too, Y/N. You’ve accomplished so much, breaking barriers and proving everyone wrong.”
A soft blush crept up Y/N’s cheeks. “It hasn’t been easy, but it’s worth it. And having people like you who believe in me makes it all the better.”
Matt smiled, his thumb gently brushing over her knuckles. “You make it sound so simple, but I know it’s not. You’re strong, Y/N. Stronger than most people I know.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the connection between them growing stronger with each passing second. The café around them buzzed with life, but it felt like they were the only two people in the world.
“What’s your favorite part of playing in the NHL?” Matt asked, breaking the silence.
Y/N thought for a moment, her eyes distant. “Honestly, it’s the feeling of belonging. Growing up, I always felt like I had to prove myself, even to my own family. But now, when I step on the ice, I know I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. It’s empowering.”
Matt nodded, understanding completely. “I get that. For me, it’s the camaraderie. The team becomes your family. And even though the media focuses on the rough side of the game, there’s so much more to it. The friendships, the trust, the mutual respect.”
Y/N smiled, squeezing his hand. “That’s what I love about you, Matt. You see the bigger picture. You’re not just a player; you’re a teammate, a friend.”
Matt felt his heart swell with emotion. “And you’re not just a player either, Y/N. You’re a trailblazer, an inspiration. I’m really glad we met.”
“Me too,” Y/N replied softly, her eyes locking with his. “I feel like I can be myself around you. No pretense, no expectations. Just me.”
“And I wouldn’t want it any other way,” Matt said, his voice barely above a whisper.
--- --- --- 
As their friendship blossomed, so did Matt’s career. He was called up to the Rangers, a momentous occasion that he wanted to share with Y/N. They celebrated together at a small bistro near Madison Square Garden, the excitement of the news still buzzing in the air.
“I knew you had it in you,” Y/N said, hugging him tightly. Her eyes sparkled with pride and genuine happiness for him.
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” Matt replied, his voice filled with emotion. He held her a moment longer, feeling the warmth and sincerity of her support.
They settled into a booth, ordering their favorite dishes and a bottle of celebratory champagne. As they waited for their food, they talked about the journey that had brought them to this point.
“It feels surreal,” Matt admitted, toying with his fork. “Just a few months ago, I was grinding it out with the Wolf Pack, and now I’m here, in New York, with the Rangers.”
“You deserve it, Matt. You’ve worked so hard,” Y/N said, her eyes fixed on his. “And you’re going to do great things here. I just know it.”
Matt looked at her, his heart swelling with gratitude. “You’ve always believed in me, Y/N. Even when I doubted myself, you were there, cheering me on.”
“That’s what friends are for,” Y/N said, her smile soft and warm. “And besides, you’ve always been there for me too.”
The night continued with laughter and stories, both of them reveling in the moment. As the evening drew to a close, Matt walked Y/N back to her apartment. The city lights cast a soft glow over them, the hum of traffic a comforting backdrop.
“Thanks for tonight, Y/N. It meant a lot to me,” Matt said as they reached her door.
“It was my pleasure,” Y/N replied, giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek. “Get some rest, Matt. You’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
--- --- --- 
In the following weeks, Matt adjusted to life with the Rangers. The pace was faster, the competition fiercer, but he thrived under the pressure. And through it all, Y/N was there, her unwavering support a constant source of strength for him.
Their friendship deepened, the line between friends and something more blurring with each passing day. They spent more time together, exploring the city, sharing meals, and confiding in each other about their hopes and fears.
One evening, after a particularly tough game, Matt found himself at Y/N’s apartment. She had insisted he come over, offering her company and a home-cooked meal as a remedy for his rough day.
“You really didn’t have to do all this,” Matt said, looking at the spread of food on the table.
“I wanted to,” Y/N replied, handing him a plate. “You’ve had a long day. You deserve a break.”
As they ate, they talked about the game, the highs and lows, and their dreams for the future. The conversation flowed easily, their connection deepening with each shared word.
After dinner, they moved to the couch, a comfortable silence settling between them. Y/N turned on the TV, flipping through channels until she found a movie they both liked.
“Thanks for being here, Y/N. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” Matt said, his voice soft in the dim light of the living room.
Y/N looked at him, her heart swelling with affection. “You’d do just fine, Matt. But I’m glad I can be here for you.”
They sat together, side by side, the movie playing in the background. Slowly, almost tentatively, Matt reached out and took Y/N’s hand in his. She glanced at him, a soft smile playing on her lips, and gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
--- --- --- 
As the months passed, the bond between Y/N and Matt grew stronger. They supported each other through the highs and lows, finding strength in their friendship. But it was clear to both of them that their feelings had evolved into something deeper.
One evening, after a particularly exciting game, Matt invited Y/N out to celebrate. They went to the same café where they had shared their first coffee date, reminiscing about their journey.
“I’ve been thinking,” Matt began, his heart pounding. “We’ve been through so much together, and I feel like...”
“Like what?” Y/N prompted gently, her eyes locked onto his.
“Like I’ve fallen for you, Y/N,” Matt said, his voice barely above a whisper. “You’re not just my best friend. You’re the person I want to be with.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening with surprise and joy. “I’ve fallen for you too, Matt. I’ve been afraid to admit it, but I can’t imagine my life without you.”
Matt reached across the table, taking her hand in his. “Then let’s be together. Not just as friends, but as something more.”
As Matt's words hung in the air, charged with emotion and vulnerability, Y/N felt her heart swell with joy and anticipation. She had hoped for this moment, dreamed of it even, but to hear Matt express his feelings so openly stirred something deep within her.
With tears of happiness glistening in her eyes, Y/N leaned forward, closing the distance between them. Matt's hand tightened around hers as their lips met in a tender, heartfelt kiss. It was a moment of pure connection, a silent promise of the love that had blossomed between them.
The world around them seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in the sweetness of the kiss. There was no need for words, no need for explanations. In that moment, everything they needed to say was conveyed through the gentle press of lips, the warmth of their embrace.
As they pulled away, their breaths mingling in the quiet space between them, Y/N felt a sense of peace settle over her. She looked into Matt's eyes, seeing the reflection of her own feelings mirrored back at her.
"I love you, Matt," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity and affection.
"I love you too, Y/N," Matt replied, his voice soft but unwavering. "Always."
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nycbaby21 · 1 year
date crashing w/ Quinn
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prompt: Jack and Luke crash your and Quinn's date
word count: 1.901
“Hey you guys are on your own tonight for dinner,” Quinn says grabbing water from the fridge and then walking into the living room joining his brothers. “What are you talking about,” Luke asks pausing their game as Jack protest,” hey I was winning you ass.” Luke laughs as he jokes,” Yeah sure you were Jacky.” Quinn shakes his head at his younger brothers taking a sip of his drink. “Quinny is taking me out for a date night,” I smile rounding the corner and plopping down on the couch throwing my legs in my boyfriend’s lap. He subconsciously moves his hands to begin rubbing them up and down. I smile at the small gesture and lean up and kiss his cheek. “Gross stop, What did he talk about pda in shared living spaces?” I roll my eyes at Jack’s joke tossing the pillow behind me at him.
“You promised us you were making that pasta thing tonight from TikTok remember Y/n,” Luke whined turning to face me and giving his best attempt at puppy eyes. I reach over and pinch his cheek,” I’m sure Jack will feed you Lukey.” The younger boy gasps and puts a hand over his heart,” I thought you loved me.” I laugh at his dramatics, which must be a Hughes-shared trait because Quinn can be the same way. “Luke you are nineteen years either eat what Jack cooks or do it yourself,” Quinn rolls his eyes. “Great so either starve or get food poisoning from Gordan Ramsey over here,” he huffs sinking into the couch. He kind of looks like a toddler who has just been told they couldn't have ice cream after dinner. “I do love you guys,” I say looking between the two boys,” that’s why I already made the pasta and put it in the fridge. Just reheat it later. You big babies think you can do that?” 
“Our children are going to be absolute brats you know that right,” Quinn squeezes my leg getting my attention. I lightly smack his chest saying,” They will not be.” He laughs,” As much as you spoil these two, I can’t even imagine how you will spoil our actual children.” I roll my eyes at him and smile slightly. Even as a little joke, Quinn thought about us having kids one day. “Unpause the game,” I say ignoring Quinn who is poking my calves. The four of us hang out for a couple more hours until it’s time for us to get ready. 
As I am getting out of the shower I hear voices in the hallway. I ignore them because I have learned with this group of guys that it’s best to mind your own business. I quickly throw on one of Quinn’s shirts and shorts starting to do my makeup. “I know it does kinda suck,” I hear Jack say. “I mean I know they want time together, I really do but I just miss them so much during the year mom,” he continues on with a big sigh. My lip immediately pokes out into a pout and he has my full attention now. “I know you do baby. You just have to understand they love you guys but every once in a while they want a night to themselves,” Ellen tries to help her son understand. “Yeah, I know. It’s just it would be different if it was Luke. I see him all the time, but I miss them. I miss Y/n just as much as I miss him. Maybe a little more because she cooks better than him,” he laughs and I hear Ellen join in. After a little, they end the phone call and I hear Jack make his way down the hallway.
“Hey J could you come here for a second,” I call out already thinking of the reward I am going to have to give Quinn for what I am about to do. The brunette boy tumbles in and jumps onto the bed. “Wait is it safe to be on here,” he asks raising his eyebrows suggestively. I laugh and throw one of my makeup brushes at him. “You’re good J,” I say locking eyes with him in the mirror. “So what are you guys doing tonight,” he asks twirling the brush around in his fingers. “Top Golf. Quinn is tired of being chirped for losing games, so he said we needed practice,” he looks at me as I speak. “Yeah, he always loses because he is such a boyfriend and partners with you. I mean this in the nicest way possible but you suck Y/n,” his eyes crinkle as he laughs at bullying me. I laugh and shake my head at him.
“I was thinking maybe you and Lukey could come and keep me company? Between the two of us, Quinn gets a little intense when he is trying to teach me things. Like, remember my first winter in with the family and him trying to teach me to skate,” I shudder at the memory. “Do I remember him making you cry or do I remember dad handing him his ass while mom taught you to skate,” he smiles at the memory. “See you know what I’m talking about.” We lock eyes again in the mirror and I see his soften. “Y/n we are fine really. I know you and Quinny haven’t had any alone time since last month when Cole, Trev, and I went to those races,” he sits up and comes to lean up against the dresser next to where I am sitting on the floor doing makeup handing me my brush back.
“I know you guys would be fine. As much as I baby you, I know the two of you are fully capable adults,” I do a quick swipe of lipgloss and close it. Turning and looking up at him,” You don’t have to obviously but I don’t know I kinda miss you guys while we are back in Vancouver. I even have a little countdown til you all play each other. The devils, ducks, kings, and habs.” His eyes light up at that and he jumps up to a standing position. “You sure Q won’t mind,” he asks excitedly. “Don’t worry I handle Quinny. Go tell Luke and you guys get ready. I can talk him into you guys crashing but not if he has to wait on you,” I say rushing the boy out. He gives me a fast nod and leans down to give my head a quick kiss. “Thank you. Love you,” he rushes out of the door yelling for Luke on his way out. 
I walk down the stairs to find the youngest two brothers sitting on the couch. They looked like two kids waiting for their parents to load up the car for a Disney trip or something. “You look really pretty Y/n,” Luke smiles up at me. “Why thank you. I think you look very handsome. You both do,” I reach over the couch and give each of their shoulders a small squeeze. Before we could say anything else Quinn walks back in from outside. “Okay, I have the car warming up for you. Ready to head out,” he asks walking over and giving my forehead a chaste kiss. I nod and stand on my tiptoes to give his nose a small peck. He turns to his brothers waiting for a pda comment. They both just give him a smile and he throws his head back groaning. “Y/n are you serious,” he asks finally looking at me. “C’mon Q they miss you and want to spend time with us. You always complain during the season about how much you miss them so why can’t they tag along,” my words make a small blush rise to his cheeks. “Aw does Quinny miss us while he's all alone up in big Vancouver,” Luke jokes standing and walking over to us leaning against the back of the couch.
“Do you wanna come or not,” Quinn threatens the younger defensemen. Luke quickly throws his hands up in a mock surrender. Jack walks towards the door and looks at Luke,” Shotgun.” The two boys rush off outside and to the car. I could hear cursing and assumed one of them had fallen. I turn to Quinn and give him the sweetest face I could. “They do know there is no way you aren’t riding in front with me right,” he asks wrapping his arms around my body. I laugh and I nuzzle myself into his chest. “I know you wanted tonight to just be us, but you should have heard Jack on the phone with Mama Ellen. Q he was breaking my heart,” I say into his chest. “You know what? I hope our bratty kids get your big heart,” he smiles down at me. I pinch his side,” Stop calling our kids brats Quintin.” His laughs vibrate my whole body and he mumbles a quick sorry. “You look amazing by the way,” he dips down to give my lips a sweet kiss. “About time you said something. Was thinking Luke was gonna be the only gentlemen tonight,” I joke unwrapping myself from him and walking to the door.
As the night went on the four of us had a blast. The brothers having another friendly competition while I sit back and smile snapping a couple pictures and sending them to Ellen. “Can you guys please hurry up? I’m cold and want to get a hot chocolate,” I say gaining their attention. Luke quickly sheds his jacket and gives it to me while Jack goes to the concession stand grabbing me a drink. Luke goes to take his shot when Quinn comes over and sits down beside me. “I’m glad that you invited them. As much of a pain in the ass they are I really do miss them,” he says into my neck pressing his cold nose against my skin. I let out a small squeal and tried to push him off. This only makes him grab me and nuzzle in deeper. After my hot chocolate and Jack winning, we decided to head back to the lakehouse. Some of the other guys were getting in tomorrow so we had to get their rooms ready.
Not even ten minutes into our drive home, the two New Jersey Devils players were passed out and cuddled up in the back seat. I only turn back around when Quinn places his hand on my knee. “Thank you for today. You were a very good sport Q,” I smile lacing our fingers together. “As annoying as it is sharing you with them,” he starts and quickly glances at the two sleeping beauties,” but it’s the best gift to see how easily you fit in with them and how much they all love you,” he raises my hand to his lips. I let out a small giggle because his facial hair tickled the back of my hand. “Well if that is the best gift I don’t have to worry about how I was going to reward you for letting them come,” I say squeezing his hand. “Okay now let’s not be hasty Y/n. I think I was so good I deserve a reward, don’t you,” he asks giving me a look. I roll my eyes at him smiling and give him a nod. He sped up a little trying to get back as fast as possible.
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paladin--strait · 2 months
soulmates part 2
luke hughes x reader
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part 1 here! series masterlist here!
tw!!: some language, mentions of sex, verbal arguements, use of y/n, reader can be depicted as any body shape/size. this story moves kinda fast, since I want it to only be a couple of parts long.
warning: this is a complete work of fiction. I am no way saying or implying that these people act the way the do in the story. as always, this is really cringey as I'm still figuring out my writing style! I am open to any sort of constructive criticism! thank you for reading and enjoy!
y/n's pov;
the chatter of the lake house game room was loud, just as expected considering the amount of players and their partners that are packed into the smaller room. I was nestled in the corner with a drink tucked in my hand, watching jamie and trevor play a 'friendly' game of pool.
the boys bicker and laugh while they play, joking around with their friends. but the rumble of my hungry stomach is enough to bring me out of my trance of watching the game. I walk to jack, and ask if I can get something to eat, to which he says yes before I make my way to the kitchen.
the kitchen is packed full of yummy foods that can either be cooked and prepared or can just be enjoyed the way they are. I eventually settle on some chips and dip for my small meal, enough to fill me up but enough to leave space for me to eat dinner later.
I soon hear the sound of footsteps traveling down the hall that leads to the kitchen and it catches my attention, pulling me away from my food to see who it is.
its kaitlyn.
and if looks could kill I would be dead right now.
her arms cross against her chest as she stands with purpose. "I don't appreciate you flirting with my boyfriend." she says, slowly. even though her voice is soft, with the tone and the way she says her statement, I know she means business. "I see the way that you look at him and talk to him. he's not interested in you so I hope you can get that through your fat skull quick enough to know not to mess with me." she states, slowly getting louder and closer to me before she laughs and pokes her finger into my forehead.
I stifle back a laugh before I push her finger off of my forehead. oh how I wish she could see that look on her face right now.
her face is red, boiling with anger and jealousy while she breathes huffs of hot and boozy smelling air in my face. I soon can't find the strength to hold back my laugh any longer, and the cackle that escapes my throat is like no other laugh that I've heard leave confines my mouth.
if its even possible, her face turns a deeper red the more I laugh. I can physically see her body twitching and trembling with fury while I'm attempting to calm my laughing fit.
"oh sweetheart, I'm honored that you think I'm fake enough for jack. it seems to be his type considering all the girls he's been with all look like you. plastic."
I'll apologize to jack for that one later.
"listen here you dumb fuck! I could beat the shit out of your fat ass. don't even test me." she yells, not aware of the growing crowd of people behind her, including all of the hughes brothers. "I've been with more guys than you can even think of! and most of them are celebrities. nobody seems to mind that I supposedly look like plastic because I get more dick than a pornstar does anyways! why do you think I'm here? I've hooked up with soccer players, football players, volleyball players, basketball players, and now I'm about to hook up with a hockey player and I will not let you get in my way!" she yells, the grip she has on her brand new iphone getting harder.
"I don't think y/n be the one getting in your way of getting into jack's pants tonight." quinn yells out and kaitlyn freezes, her eyes going wide as she slowly turns to look behind her, seeing that she has attracted everyone in the house. and they all saw her little outburst of jealousy.
"seems the only one stopping you from that is yourself. it looks like you were to busy only thinking about yourself that you can't even pay attention to your surroundings. I bet that you wouldn't even know it if a snake bit you just then." I say with a chuckle. "I also hope that you know that i don't care anything about fucking with jack. I barely know the guy and he's not even my type. but I hope you can think over your life choices in your ride home, bitch."
I barely have time to think over what I'm doing before I 'accidentally' spill a cup of lemonade all over her phone and expensive clothes, causing her to drop it. "oh no...oops!" I say with a smile. her mouth drops open, while she bends down to pick up the phone to see that the screen is completely cracked, sticky from the lemonade, and it won't even turn on. "I guess you can't call an uber. looks like you''ll have to walk home..." I shrug, refilling my cup and looking her while she screams her lungs out at me before running to the door. "make sure you grab your STDs on the way out!" I yell out at her, smiling.
jack came over and thanked me for saving him from in his words, 'such a crazy bitch' and quinn came over to cheer me on for winning my little fight.
"there's the y/n I know!" quinn says, hugging me tight and shaking me.
I laugh and pat him on the shoulder after he pulls away fro. the hug. "thanks for chiming in, quinnifer. I was getting a little worried since I didn't really know what to say." I say with a lighthearted laugh.
we chat a little more about it then decide to let that be in the past and continue to enjoy the rest of our night at the lake house.
people end up leaving to go to their own hotels or air bnb's for bed and the people staying here slowly navigate to their rooms. eventually leaving me and luke in the game room. "wanna go outside and sit on the dock, luke?" I ask with a sigh. it's been awkward between us since we met and I wish that would go stop.
"sure. we can go out on the boat if you want?" he says, and I agree while he walks over the key and coat rack. "you can wear my devils jacket so you don't have to dig through your suitcase to find yours. I usually get it a size or two larger than usual so it's not tight. I don't like tight jackets." he explains while he hands me the jacket. I look at it in my hands and see the devils emblem with his name and number on the chest area. I smile and I feel my face heat up slightly so I look away, trying to hide my blush.
luke and I slip on our jackets as we walk outside onto the dock and closer to the boat. he jumps in and then holds out his hand to help me get in. I thank him and take a seat on one of the built in benches while luke drives the boat out into the lake. "you should come out here with the guys and I sometime. sometimes we bring the jetski's and we just mess around a lot. but other times we just sit and talk. it's a lot of fun." he says, stopping the boat and coming to sit beside me.
"I bet. quinn has already begged me to come out here with you guys tomorrow and I think if I don't come he'll probably kill me." I say with a laugh. "but it sounds like fun so I'll most likely come with you guys." luke laughs along with me and we sit in scilence for a few minutes. just looking around at the stars and the beautifully lit docks from other people's lake houses.
"hey y/n, I'm sorry about earlier. when you came onto the dock to introduce yourself to me? I was really nervous. I'm gonna be honest with you, you're the prettiest girl I've ever met and I was worried that I would fall for you and I was scared about that since I thought you were quinn's girl. he's my brother and if I fell for you while you two were together I don't know what I would do or what quinn would say about it. until he told me that y'all weren't a thing and that he thought we would be perfect together...sorry for being so rude and awkward." luke says, looking up at the stars before looking back down at my wide eyes.
"luke, quinn and I aren't a thing. we never have and never will be. I've always seen quinn as an older brother type of friend. when I met him, I was scared and alone in a club that my friend left me at while she went to hook up with some guy. this man that was way older than me was hitting on me and he wouldn't leave me alone until quinn and brock came up and scared the guy off. he found out I was new to the area and kinda took me under his wing. he's always talked about you and jack so much and I was super excited to meet you guys. he told me not to tell you this when I met you but since it seems he told you the same thing, I guess I'll just say it. but he said that he can see us becoming the perfect couple and that he really wanted for me to meet you so 'he can be right'. those were his words by the way." I explain to luke, watching his eyes go wide. "quinn moved me out of my apartment that I lived in with my ex best friend, moved me into his apartment with him, and got me a job in media with the canucks. he really helped me out and the more time we spent with each other, the more we became best friends. "
luke nods and then asks me some questions about how life was living with quinn and whether if he was a good roommate or not.
"luke. let's get back to what we both said earlier. we both said that quinn told us we would be perfect together, right? I hope you don't think that I just came down here so I could meet you and become your girlfriend and become famous and all that. that wasn't my goal and I hope you don't feel that way because that isn't what I meant for it to seem like." I spit out, rushing my words because I really don't want him to feel that way.
sure, I wanted to meet the person who is my supposed 'soulmate'. but I also wanted to spend time with my best friend and meet all of his friends and family. my fingers twitch and my leg bounces while I wait for his response.
"I didn't think of it that way at all." he responds. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "I just thought you came down here to be with quinn and to meet us. and don't worry about it, I didn't think about you like that at all." he pats my shoulder and laughs.
"okay good." I say with a laugh and look up to look at the stars, "the sky is so clear. it's like you can see every star in the galaxy out here. it's so beautiful"
luke chuckles, "yeah, I agree. the view is beautiful." I turn to look at him while he talks and I realize that he's been looking at me the whole time.
I can feel the heat creeping up my cheeks but I pull the jacket tighter around me to keep my body warm. my eyes widen when I feel luke's arms reach around my waist and pull me into his chest.
"we can go back to the house soon. I just want to stay out here with you for a bit longer." he mutters into my hair, and I wrap my arms around his waist too, getting more comfortable.
I hum and close my eyes, the feeling of sleep overtaking me.
I wake up to luke saying my name and shaking my shoulders. I sit up and stretch, opening my eyes and its bright, the sun hitting my face.
"y/n, we fell asleep on the boat! we need to get back to the house now before quinn kills me." luke yells, turning the keys and starting the boat, driving back to house while I fall in and out of sleep in the seat.
when we get back, luke gets off of the boat and helps me out.
"luke warren hughes! I can't believe you!" quinn yells out, speed walking towards us, his little posse behind him. luke and I's eyes go wide and we look at each other with fear. "I can't believe you two fell asleep on the boat. I called both of you and your phones went off on the couch. what if you ran out of gas last night? how would we have found y'all?" quinn goes on and on about how dangerous it was but luke and I don't listen.
luke gives me a mischievous look and I smile back while giving him a nod. he grabs my hand and runs with me straight past quinn and the rest of the people who followed him and back into the house, running straight for the front door and out to luke's car. we laugh and jump in, taking off down the driveway while quinn is yelling at luke behind us.
"well since he didn't kill me then, he'll definitely kill me later." luke's laughter fills the car and soon mine does too. "so, where are we going? breakfast?" he says, looking over at me, but still keeping his eyes on the road.
"yeah, breakfast sounds great. where though?" I ask. we talk about it and soon settle on a local cafe. one that doesn't get a lot if attention so luke wouldn't be bothered while eating his breakfast.
"I'm scared for you when we go home." I laugh, "you would think that since he wants us to date so bad that he would be okay with us spending time with each other."
luke agrees and we continue chatting while we eat. we talk about what he and jack do in their free time, and what quinn and I do in our free time. I ask him about what type of drills they do during practice and whether or not they skate suicides when they mess up and I ask him lots of other stuff too.
our conversation is going really well and I'm getting to know luke really well. but its all cut short when I make eye contact with a new customer who just walked through the door. its quinn. and he's pissed.
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starsandhughes · 2 years
Bloody Faces, Bloody Hearts
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request: “I would love to see trevor zegras prompt 30 if you want to write it”
prompt 30: “you’re hurt just let me help you”
parings: trevor zegras x reader, luke hughes x platonic!reader
warnings: injuries, crying, underage drinking, kinda describing a panic attack, pain medication mention, angst to fluff, fighting, arguing
word count: 2.3k (i love writing angst) UNEDITED
(A/N i didn’t specify the team or other player bc i didn’t wanna slander anyone)
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Your ever so lovely boyfriend, Trevor, was getting into a lot of fights as of late. But in the span of 5 days, he managed to not only have a physical fight on the ice, but also got into a huge argumentative fight with you.
You were sitting on the couch at Trevor and Jamie’s place trying to collect yourself. You and Trevor got into a screaming match over him going out and coming home late almost every day for two weeks and not making any time to spend with you. You didn’t care about practices, or him going on long roadies, hell you even came with on short ones when you could get out of work. Hockey isn’t, and never will be, the problem. The problem is that you went three days without seeing him other than when he got into bed next to you.
“I think I should go home.”
“What?” Trevor asked. “You are home, what do you mean ‘I think I should go home’?”
“I mean I think I should go home to Michigan for a few days. See my mom, maybe stop by UMich to see Luke. I think we need some time apart to cool down and you need to get your priorities straight.”
He had some words to say about that, but you weren’t listening. He was repeating that you’re his priority in various ways, and the more you packed the more desperate he got.
“So prove it Trevor!” you cried. “This isn’t a breakup. I am not breaking up with you. But maybe you’ll know how it feels to come home everyday without seeing the love of your life and realize you’ve been taking me for granted.”
Your voice got softer as you went on and you reached up with one hand to cup his cheek, “I love you, okay? Always. I just used two Fault in Our Stars terms so you know I mean it.” He laughed lightly at that and brought his hand up to where yours was to hold it.
“Okay,” he nodded. “I love you, too. I’ll see you later.”
It took you almost two days to reach UMich, but you thought having some “not really-but might as well be-little brother” time with Luke would do you some good. The Hughes family is how you and Trevor met, and they were more of your family thank your actual blood one.
‘Hello?’ Luke answered the phone.
“Lukey Moosey! Do you have plans tonight?”
‘No? Why, what’s up?’
“Your favorite person ever just booked a hotel right outside of campus and is stealing you for the night!”
You tried to say this with as much heart and excitement you could muster, but the youngest Hughes saw straight through you.
‘Something happened,’ he said, as more of a statement than a question. You sighed as your response. ‘Is it a “you’re wearing Quinn’s hoodie and we’re drinking” kind of something happened or a “disney movies and pout” kind of something happened?’
“I just drove two days to come home, what do you think?”
‘Don’t get tequila.’
“Jack scarred me too much for me to ever drink tequila again, don’t worry. I’ll pick you up in an hour.”
You got a hotel for you and Luke to spend the night in because you didn’t want his teammates around when you just need some Luke time. Plus, you’d rather only be responsible for one teen underage drinking.
Luke nursed a beer while you drank a vodka margarita you made in the bathroom as you told him everything that has happened with you and Trevor.
Luke listened, and spoke as well, to help you sort out your priorities and issues with the situation, and did his little brother duties swimmingly.
You two sat up against the headboard of the hotel bed and put on a Spider-Man movie after you both caught up with everything non-Trevor related in your lives. You leaned your head against his shoulder and pulled your knees up to lay them near his chest.
“Thanks, Luke,” you said low.
He wrapped an arm around you, “any time, y/n/n.”
For the rest of your undisclosed amount of time in Michigan, you spent it at your parent’s house, with some time with your second set of parents mixed in.
The latter is where you were currently sitting on the couch watching the Pregame for the Ducks game. Yeah, you were in a fight with Trevor, but you were still going to root for him.
They had the lead in the middle of second period at 2-0. The other team was becoming more defensive in their playing, as well as more aggressive. And your boyfriend had a tendency to be on the other side of someone’s aggression.
There was a fight. Gloves dropped, punches thrown, blood on faces. And Trevor was not getting as many hits in as the other player.
Fights happen. This isn’t the first Trevor has been in and it certainly won’t be the last. But this one was different. This one was worse. This one was the most violent brawl you’ve ever seen in a hockey game.
Their fight moved down the ice closer to the goal. The other played punched Trevor in the face so hard that he flew back, slammed his head on the goal post, and crumbled to the ground, bending his ankle in an unnatural way.
You suddenly felt extremely hot. Your body felt as if it were burning, your brain was threatening to drop down through your throat and bring you to the ground with it. You stood up when the fight got bad, and your legs gave out when they said he was unconscious.
“Oh my god,” Ellen gasped. You didn’t know if it was in reference to you or Trevor.
“He- he’s…”
Ellen put her arm around you and hushed you softly, “They’ll take good care of him, it’ll be alright.”
You shook your head, “No. No, I should be there. I have to go.”
“Y/N, you’re not in the right mind to drive right now,” Ellen told you.
“I’m not driving. I’m taking the next flight out and I’ll pick up my car from the airport later, I need to be there now.”
Jim and Ellen insisted on driving you to the airport and keeping your car safe at their house. You took the last seat on the flight to Anaheim that took off in the next three hours, and that’s when you finally called Jamie. You got worried when he picked up and said nothing.
“Is it bad?” you whimpered.
‘It’s not great, but it could be worse,’ Jamie answered honestly.
“I have a flight in three hours. I don’t know how I’ll get to you at 3am, but I’m coming.”
‘I’ll see if Mason can pick you up.’
Your flight was agonizingly long, but the wait to board was even worse. Anxiety still flooded your body despite how much anxiety medication you took. Nothing would cure it until you saw Trevor.
Jamie texted you that they were back home from the hospital, because it was bad enough to warrant a trip instead of the PT’s taking care of it, so that was where the very tired Mason dropped you off.
You quickly thanked him and ran out with your suitcase clattering behind you. You carefully unlocked the door and found Jamie dozing off on the couch still fully dressed. You set your suitcase by the door and crept over to the sleeping boy.
“Jamie,” you whispered as you gently rocked him awake.
He inhaled a deep and slow breath when he stirred and blinked tiredly at you, “Hey.”
“Hey,” you breathed out a laugh. “What’s the damage?”
“Minor concussion, bruised rib, and a torn ligament in his ankle.”
You winced, “So not great.”
“No, not even close,” he responded, stretching out the ‘o’ sound in no.
You sat in silence for a moment. You knew Trevor was likely asleep, and he needed rest so you weren’t about to go wake him up.
“He asked about you,” Jamie said, looking down at the floor. “The concussion was causing some slight amnesia, and he didn’t remember that you left. I just kept telling him it was hard to get ahold of you and that you were coming. I don’t know what I would’ve done if the memory didn’t come back and you weren’t here.”
You pursed your lips together to refrain from making a choked cry.
“He’s been a mess, y/n. The first thing he did was check for Quinn’s sweatshirt, and he broke down when he saw that you took it.”
“Me leaving didn’t give him enough of a clue that it was serious?”
“I think it just… solidified it, you know? You bring it out when things are bad for you; when you just need a big brother. I think he would’ve gone after you if you went to Vancouver,” he joked.
You stayed silent. You weren’t going to apologize for sometimes needing your family.
“I shouldn’t have left,” was what you got out.
“Yes you should have. I was spending more time with you than he was. You had every right.”
That’s when you broke down in tears. No— tears isn’t the right term, these were wracked sobs coming out of you. Jamie wrapped you in his arms and shushed you as he rubbed your back.
“I need to wake him up for pain meds, and I’m sure he’ll be a lot more cooperative if you do it,” Jamie offered.
“Will you come with me?”
Jamie got up with you and placed a comforting hand on your back as you trekked down the hall to your and Trevor’s room. You carefully sat down on the edge of the bed next to his chest and rubbed your hand up and down his back to wake him up.
“Z,” you singsonged. “Z baby I need you to wake up.”
Trevor grumbled into his pillow and tried to turn over, but was stopped by a sharp pain from his bruised rib. You winced at his cry and helped ease him down on his back against the pile of pillows supporting him.
“Y/N…?” Trevor asked sleepily.
You nodded and combed your fingers through his hair. His cheek was heavily bruised and he had a cut with a butterfly stitch across his eyebrow. For how much the other guy was hitting him, you were surprised his entire face wasn’t purple.
“It’s time for you to take some more pain meds,” you said low.
“You’re here,” he gapped. His eyes were wide, and you couldn’t help but think he looked like Bambi.
“Of course I’m here,” you smiled softly, still petting his hair.
“But you left. I wasn’t- I wasn’t expec… expecting…”
“Easy there, Zegras. Don’t need you having a brain aneurysm over me being in our bedroom,” you tried to laugh.
“You’re here.”
“And you need pain-“
“Z, we will talk about this but I need you to give me a moment. You need to take your pain medication.”
Trevor must’ve seen the desperate pleading in your eyes through the soft lamp light because he immediately stopped talking. He bit his lip and nodded at you. He put his arms behind him and tried to prop himself up so that he could swallow the pills, but he cried out and collapsed back down. When you reached to help him, he pushed your arms back and slowly shook his head.
“I can do it myself,” he grunted.
“You’re hurt. Just let me help you,” you said.
You two locked eyes for a moment before he nodded again. You heard the door click close, a signal that Jamie had left. You put a hand between his back shoulder blades to slowly lift him up, and helped you push himself back to sit against the headboard with minimal wincing. He quickly took the water and pills you handed him and scooted himself back down a little to be be halfway sitting up instead.
You started to stroke his hair again and he closed his eyes, breathing synced with your fingers combing up and down through his hair. You were silently crying and praying to every god imaginable that you didn’t make a sound, but this was to no avail.
“Oh, hey no,” Trevor rushed out. He cupped your cheek with one hand and linked his fingers together with yours with the other.
“You didn’t get up,” you squeaked out. “You went down, and suddenly nothing made sense anymore. My ears were ringing, my head was spinning, I felt like I couldn’t breathe.”
“I’m okay,” he whispered, rubbing circles with his thumb across your cheek bone.
“My mind blacked out when they said you were unconscious. I was standing one second, and Ellen was putting a straw in my mouth to drink ice water the next. And I didn’t know anything until-“
Trevor pulled your face down to his level and slammed his lips onto yours to cut you off. When your lips parted, your foreheads were brought together, with Trevor whispering for you to breathe slow with him, thumb back to caressing your cheek.
“I wasn’t out for too long. Troy and Mason helped me off the ice, and Jimmy rushed over to the arena and rode with me to the hospital. Gibby drove Jimmy’s car to the hospital, and we took him home. Everything is okay,” he breathed out. His voice was soft, low, and steady— a wonderful combination to calm you down.
“I was so scared,” you whimpered.
“I know, it’s okay. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. Come here,” he motioned for you to lay down next to him.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” you said. 
“You can lay on my chest, it’s okay,” he assured. 
You crawled into bed next to him and rested your head on his chest. Your hand came up to lay where you could feel his steady heart and you closed your eyes. 
“I love you,” you told him. 
“I love you, too.”
And with a kiss to the top of your head, you were out.
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goldengleams · 1 year
Omg I need some Jack Hughes fluffff (please)
You tugged the black New Jersey Devils hoodie over your head as a chill ran through your body. It was lightly snowing outside, the temperature dropping to signify that it was truly winter time.
The television in front of you now played the late night news, the hockey game having just ended. The Devils had a home game but you had decided to stay at the apartment due to a bug you were just getting over. You hadn’t wanted to get Jack sick, so you stayed away, cooped up in your apartment when you weren’t at work. Jack had all but forced you to stay over at his and Luke’s place since you were feeling better so he could finally see you.
Looking at the clock, you knew the boys would be home soon. The Devils had won and Luke had scored the only goal of the game, so you knew he would have to do some media interviews after.
You curled up onto the large couch, promising to only close your eyes for a moment so you could greet the boys when they got home, but it was too good to be true. The next thing you heard was the click of a lock and the door was opening.
You sat up from the couch just in time to see Jack push open the door, bags in hand. He flipped on the light and you could practically see his pupils dilate as he discarded his things and rushed over to you.
“Hi babe,” you said, voice still raspy. He embraced you in a tight hug, mumbling how cute you looked in his sweatshirt.
“Good nap, eh?” He joked, taking your face in his hands. You tried to laugh, but it ended up as a cough, and you quickly turned away so you wouldn’t spread your germs.
“Damn, you really were sick,” he teased. You pushed his chest, mumbling out an insult back to him.
“You’re just the nicest boyfriend, aren’t you, J?”
“Yeah, well I did stop at that deli you like near the rink and I bought you soup earlier, so I’d like to think I am the best,” Jack said, giving you his classic cheesy smile.
“And what if I’m not hungry, Hughes?” You said. You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to look tough even though you knew your hair was sticking up.
“You are, I know you.”
He moved towards the kitchen to take some out for you, knowing your sleep schedule had been off and that you had been up most nights coughing. You followed behind him and entered the kitchen where Luke was sitting at a barstool, scrolling on his phone.
“Luke, you did awesome tonight!” You said, smiling in pride for the youngest Hughes brother. “I’d hug you but, y’know…”
“I know,” he laughed. “Thanks, Y/N.”
Luke was always a little shy when it came to compliments, but you always made sure that he knew how great he was. He asked you how you were feeling and you chatted while Jack went to change.
“I’m honestly so glad you’re here, Y/N he’s been driving me nuts all week,” Luke said once you asked how the week had been. “I think I probably know the whole trajectory of your illness because he’s talked about you so much.”
You rolled your eyes at that. Jack didn’t like to show it, but you knew that he was a worrier deep down. Whether it was before big games or things dealing with family, he always cared.
“Well I promise that I’m feeling better and I’ll be around more to relieve you of your roommate and brother duties,” you said, fake saluting him.
Jack walked back into the kitchen, now in a t-shirt and some flannel pajama pants. He gave you a quick kiss on the top of your head.
“Want me to heat some up?” He asked you, already moving to get you a bowl.
“Yeah J,” you said back. Jack moved around the kitchen easily, grabbing everything he needed to heat some soup up for you.
The microwave hummed in the background as Jack caught you staring at him.
“Like what you see?” He joked, swaying his hips a little. You giggled as he made his way over to you.
“Missed you,” you mumbled, pressing your head to his chest.
“Missed you more,” he whispered. “Can’t wait until you’re better and then we can-”
“Alright, I’m leaving you lovebirds alone before I see anything that would make me sick,” Luke joked, walking out of the kitchen and dodging Jack’s attempt to slap him on the shoulder.
He turned back to you, about to finish whatever his thought was when the microwave beeped. He groaned but went to go get your bowl.
“Thanks, grumpy,” you laughed. Once he set the bowl down in front of you, he sat on the barstool across from you.
You waited for it to cool before taking a bite and moaning in delight. “Jack, it’s so good, oh my god.”
“I’m glad, babe,” he watched you in admiration as you seemed to feel better immediately as you ate. It had been almost a year since you had met Jack and you never failed to make him smile.
“Thank you, by the way. I think I started eating before I said it,” you chuckled.
“You don’t have to thank me, you did the same for me when I was sick,” he replied, sleepily rubbing his eyes.
“Yeah, when you thought had the man-flu,” you said, giggling as you recounted the last time he was sick.
“Hey, I had a fever,” he countered.
“You were sick from the flu shot, Jack, and it lasted for two days!”
You both started laughing, then, remembering how dramatic he had acted. Your laugh turned into a cough and Jack came over to rub your back.
“Need some medicine?” He asked you. You nodded, trying to swallow some water to help. Jack returned quickly with some pills you had been prescribed to help for you to take.
A few minutes later, once everything had been cleaned up, Jack took your hand and led you to his bedroom. You climbed into bed together and felt his arms wrap around your waist.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, babe,” he muttered, already closing his eyes.
“Love you, Jack,” you said, sinking into his warm embrace.
“Love you too, Y/N.”
I wrote something!!! Trying my hardest to get to my requests, I promise! Hope you enjoyed this little bit of Jack Hughes fluff!
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cuttergauthier · 2 years
New Jersey Three
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Jack Hughes x Female Reader
This is chapter Three of Four
Can read chapter 1 | 2 here
Warning: Ex, fluff, cursing, Non supportive parents? Let me know if i missed any.
This has been in my draft for a while, I finally finished it.
word count: 1.7k
let me know what you guys think🤍
Today was New Year’s Eve, it’s always been a big celebration in Time Square except I didn’t want to go alone. This will be my first New Year’s Eve I’ve spent alone, ever since I was a kid, I was either with my parents and brother celebrating or in my teenage years I was partying with my friends.
This year was going to be different I just didn’t know exactly how. I talked to Luke earlier this morning and I had told him that I saw Jack yesterday, he was happy that we talk, he started jumping up and down which made me laugh, he even ran to tell his parents. I was happy that we finally talked again, I never should have waited a year to talk to him, but I guess running into him yesterday was meant to be.
I got ready for the day and decided to hang out on my couch and watch some movies. It was around 12 p.m. when I got a text from Jack asking if he could come over, I gave him my addressed and he said he would be right over.
I’m guessing he might want to talk more, we didn’t have a lot of time catching up yesterday, I just thought since it was New Year’s Eve he would have plans but I guess not.
About an hour later there was a knock on the door, it was Jack standing there smiling with two coffees.
“I brought you a coffee, do you still like cold brews?” he asked as he handed me the coffee
“I do, thank you” I replied smiling
We made our way to my living room and sat down on the couch.
“What brings you here? It’s New Year’s Eve I would have thought you’d have plans” I asked curiously
“I only have a team party tonight, I had time, thought I’d come over and we could catch up some more.” He said smiling
I’ve missed seeing that big smile of his.
“I’m okay with that”
“Did you still like going to Michigan? or did it make you want to leave even more?
“It wasn’t bad… but I was miserable, my friends were there but I still was following my dreams”
He nodded smiling
“well I am happy you’re in New York now”
“same here, how’s life been for you since you’ve been in Jersey?”
“pretty great, the team hasn’t been doing well but we’ve got some pretty great guys on the team”
“as long as you guys have a good group, I’m sure you could turn the season around”
“true, I still don’t think we’ll make the playoff’s this year though”
“There’s always next year Jack” I reassured him which made him smile.
“Do you have any plans for tonight?”
“Does drinking wine and watching movies count?” I ask making him laugh
“I guess it does but I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the teams New Year’s Eve party”
I was surprise, this is only the second time seeing him in over a year, I didn’t expect him to invite me to meet his team already.
“are you serious?”
“Yeah why not, I’d love to have you there plus the guys that saw you yesterday… well more like PK wanted me to invite you”
“well we haven’t really been close in over a year and I don’t want to impose”
“trust me y/n you wouldn’t be imposing, plus everyone will love you, you’ve always been a social butterfly” he said making me chuckle
“Okay then… I’m in” I agreed smiling
“good, I can pick you up before, or you can bring your stuff to my apartment and get ready there if you want? It’s only going be Ty and I. we also have a guest bedroom if you want to spend the night.”
“if you and Ty really don’t mind me getting ready and staying the night it would be great actually, I’m guessing it’ll be hell trying to get an uber on New Year’s Eve” I said laughing
“probably” he chuckled
We spend the next 2 hours talking about our lives, what we’ve been up to since the last time we had seen each other, at around 5 p.m. I grabbed some my clothes for the party and to sleep in along with my makeup stuff, I put everything in a bag and grabbed my keys. Jack droves us his and Ty’s apartment after he picked us up some food.
Once we got there, he let himself in, you could tell this apartment building was new it looked modern. once we got in his apartment it was big, I was not surprise I mean two hockey players live here, there was no way I could ever afford a place like this.
“Y/n this is Ty, Ty this is Y/n” Jack introduced me to Ty
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you” I greeted Ty
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you too, I’ve heard a lot about you” Ty said smiling
I talked with both of them as we ate our food, once I was done Jack showed me where the bathroom was so I could start getting ready.
I did my makeup natural I didn’t want to go all out, since I was going to be meeting Jack’s team along with their families. I also decided to wear Black leather pants with a sparkly silver thank top that I would pair with some black boots along with a black crop blazer. It took me about an hour and a half before I was ready.
I made my way back to the living room with Jack and Ty, I saw Jack staring at me.
“what?” I asked chuckling
“Nothing, you look beautiful” he said making me blush
“Thank you” I smiled
“I ordered an Uber it should be here in 10 minutes” Ty told us
Jack and I both nodded as I joined them sitting on the couch.
Once the uber got here we made our way to the party.
I was still nervous to meeting everyone, but I knew Jack would have my back. Even after all these years I knew he’d always have my back no matter what.
Once we got there PK saw us and came over.
“Glad you guys could make it. You must be Y/n I’ve heard a lot about you” PK said
“It’s nice to meet you too” I said smiling.
“Make yourselves at home, drinks are in the kitchen” he said before leaving us there.
Jack introduced me to his teammates and their other half’s everyone was so sweet. Nico’s girlfriend Jenna (made up name) dragged me with her and the other girls.
“How long have you and Jack been dating?” Clare, Ryan graves girlfriend asked.
“Oh were not dating… I mean we used to when we were teenagers, but we broke up when he moved to Jersey” I said
“Oh sorry, it’s just Jack never brings any so we just thought maybe you were dating” she said embaressed.
“It’s fine don’t worry, were just friends” I said smiling. The girls nodded.
“Well from the way he looked at you, I can tell he really cares about you” Jenna said smiling.
I continued talking with the girl before they all went to find their better half’s since it was a few minutes before midnight.
“Hey” Jack said smiling when I made my way to him.
“You having fun?” he asked
“I really am, thanks for inviting me” I said smiling.
“I’m glad you said yes”
The countdown started
“Can I kiss you?” Jack asked I looked at him
“yes” I said smiling
Jack leaned in a kissed me. Our lips moved in sync. Everyone was cheering
“Happy new years y/n” Jack said smiling when we pulled away.
“Happy new years Jack”
We ended up making our way back to Jack’s apartment
We were just cuddling in his bed, both of us were smiling.
“This is a big city and we still happen to find each other again” I said smiling
“Maybe it was meant to be?” he said smiling before kissing me again.
“Maybe it was” I said smiling when he pulled away.
“I love you so much Y/n” he said nervously.
“I love you to Jack”
“Can we try this again?” he asked
“I’d love that” I said smiling, he smiled back.
“Can I take you on a date tomorrow night?”
“Yes, you can”
“Are families are going to be so happy” he said making me laugh.
“Oh definitely, Luke was begging me to tell you I moved here”
Jack chuckled.
“That does not surprise me one bit”
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greazyfloz · 2 years
Bend Til We Break - Chapter 14
previous chapters
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Dinner was awkward to say the least. I sat across from both Quinn and Jack. One second I would look up and get a soft smile from Quinn, then the next I look up and it is Jack smiling at me. I am starting to regret Michigan. Wait, no I’m not, because I don't fully regret kissing Jack. As I sit there I begin to daydream about Jack, how his hair is always perfect even when it’s not, or his silly laugh, or most importantly how supportive he is and loyal. 
I’m brought back to reality, at the sound of Quinn clearing their throat, “Uh- Y/n” Quinn says. Fuck was I staring at Jack? I look back and see him smile at his feet.
“Yeah sorry, what were you saying?” I say looking around the table
“Baby name? What are we thinking?” Ellen asks
“Oh um- Still a work in progress figuring that out. Twins names have to sound good together which makes it tricky” I say, “Have you put any thought into it Quinn?” I ask looking over at him
“I like the name you told me a couple days ago” he said
“That is sweet” Ellen says
“Carson Hughes” I say out loud, making Quinn smile at the sound of the possible name of his child with his last name.
“I like it,” Jack says. I look at him and smile
“The girl names I like just sound weird with Carson, Like Eleanora”
“Make that the middle name” Jack suggests
After dinner, I went upstairs to Quinn’s room and got ready for bed. I hear Jack's door open and the light turn on. After I get changed I decide to go to Jack’s room to talk about what happened earlier. I open the door to the hallway from Quinn’s room and walk towards Jack’s. I stop in the hall seeing Jack in his boxers and a t-shirt, currently taking the t-shirt off. I watched him through the mirror, Jack’s body could make any girl weak in the knees. I watch him through the shirt to the side then slide his hand through his hair before our eyes make contact through the mirror. Jack smiles at me through the mirror before turning to look at me. 
“You look like you are liking what you are seeing” he says
“I- uh- yeah. I’d be lying if I said no” I say and Jack chuckles. I walk towards Jack and take a seat on his bed.
“What’s up?” he says looking down at me, I can’t help but stare at his abs
“C-can you put a shirt on p-please?” I say and Jack chuckles again grabbing a shirt, “Jack I’m having your brother’s baby” I say 
“I know” Jack says with a sigh, “I’m sorry, I just- your such a beautiful girl Y/n”
“Jack, I said that I can’t do this right now. Maybe in a couple months we can see. I just have two human’s inside of me with your brother, who cheated on me like 4 years ago then ghosted me then won me back but forgot to mention he cheated on me and I found out from my old best friend that also just let me go back to Quinn gate keeping that pretty important information that happened 4 years ago, and then we kissed tonight and I can’t get you out of my mind. I want to kiss you but I know I can’t ri-” my mumbling is interrupted by Jack's lips pressing to mine once again. 
As he was leaning he sits beside me without breaking away from the kiss. He then reaches over and grabbing my legs putting them on my lap as he slides me onto it. My head looks down at him as we makeout on his bed. I feel his hand rest on my bump, reminding me I really shouldn’t be doing this, Again! But I couldn’t resist. We continue kissing deeper and deeper until he hear the creek of the staircase. I quickly pull away standing up and flattening my hair when the footsteps that went to Quinn’s room were entering Jack’s now. Luke appears in the doorway.
“Party in your room?” Luke jokes and Jack laughs
The holidays seem to fly right by after that. Jack respected the walls that I put up, as did Quinn who volunteered to sleep on his floor. We were now back in Vancouver sitting on my couch. Quinn was over to drop off a stroller JT gave him for the baby and he just stayed to hang out. 
“Quinn there something I need to tell you” I say a little nervous of this outcome
“Yeah?” he asks
“In Michigan, I-uh, well first of all I’m choosing to tell you now instead of in 4-5 years so keep that in mind’ i say regretting the sass immediately but Quinn just nods, “Jack and I kissed”
I watch Quinn’s head fall so he was now looking down at his feet. My heartbreaks for him. How am I better than he was… That was his brother.
“Me or him?” he says quietly
“If you had to choose right now between me or him, who would you choose?” he says, looking at me. Surprisingly without a mad expression on his face.
“Quinn- I- I’m so sorry”
“Don’t” he says a little bit more harshly and I think to myself ‘here we go’ before he speaks again, “I’m trying Y/n. I’ve been trying so damn hard to show you that that guy that one fucking night 4 years ago is not me, and out of all the people you could have kissed you chose my fucking brother” he says in a more annoyed tone
“Quinn, I’m-”
“No your not” He says before I could even finish, “Look I’m just going to go now, before I say something I don’t mean or before this becomes a big thing”
“Quinn I seriously think I’m just hormonal or something” I say but Quinn shakes his head and walks towards the door. Quinn’s hand squeezes the door knob but lets go and turns back to look at me.
“I’m not giving up” is all he says before slipping out the door.
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hugheshugs · 3 years
Can you do a luke Hughes where we are at a party and meet him and are younger but like siblings with one of the guys on the team and you can go from there bc idk what else but something with that in jt
omg okay- i love this. i chose thomas as the older brother just cuz of the overprotective vibes he radiates and i love him sm soooo yeah, we love bords n lukey !! and i hope u enjoy this <3
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"do not talk to any boys. especially my teammates."
you looked at your older brother. "thomas, i haven't even met all of them. how am i supposed to know what they look like?"
"you watch my games," he pointed out, crossing his arms.
"yeah, in person. do you expect me to have a picture perfect image of them in my brain?"
"listen," he sighed, dragging his hands down his face. "you're already lucky enough that i brought you here. you have to follow my rules or we're leaving."
"okay, fine. what are the rules?"
"number one; no drinks. absolutely none. if i see you drinking anything i don't give you, i'm dragging you back home."
that was understandable.
"number two; never leave my sight. i'm not kidding, if we aren't in the same room i'm going to find you and—"
"drag me back home, yeah, i got it. anything else?" you nearly rolled your eyes.
"yes. rule number three, arguably the most important rule: no boys," he restated before grabbing your hand and pulling you inside.
from the moment you walked in up to now (nearly an hour later), you hadn't left thomas' side. it wasn't even like he was forcing you, — even though he technically was — you just didn't want to. it felt safer by his side so you weren't complaining.
but then you saw him.
you didn't know who he was but man, did you think he was gorgeous. he was standing by himself with a drink in his hand and you wondered why he wasn't with his friends. it was only a matter of moments before you took a step toward him.
"where are you going?" thomas grabbed your hand. you internally glared at him for stopping you.
"nowhere," you shrugged. "i'm just moving my feet."
he narrowed his eyes at you but slowly dropped your hand and went back to his conversation with a friend whose name you'd already forgotten.
you couldn't help but stare at the boy across the room and you surpringly didn't feel too weird about it, either. but it was when his eyes met yours that your heart dropped to your stomach, and before you knew it he was making his way over to you guys.
"hey bords," he greeted, doing one of those bro handshake-hugs.
"lukey! where've you been?"
"you know me, i like to stay low for a while," he licked his lips before looking at you and you knew  you'd been caught. "who's this?"
"oh, this is my sibling, y/n. y/n, this is luke," thomas introduced and your mouth ran dry.
"nice to meet you," he grinned.
"um, i— uh, yeah. nice to.. to meet you too," you stanmered, mentally facepalming.
thomas' eyes went wide. "no. no, no, no, absolutely not."
"wha— i didn't even do anything!"
"luke, you are not allowed anywhere near us tonight," thomas told him and he furrowed his eyebrows.
"why not?" he asked confused.
"because then you guys'll start talking and you'll hit it off and—"
"bords, you know me. i won't do anything i shouldn't," he reassured, to which thomas let out a sigh.
"yeah, i know lukey. i just don't trust.." thomas glanced at you and gave you a stern look. "listen, i'll let you hangout with him but only him. and don't try anything or i'm—"
"dragging me back home, i got it! thank you, thank you, thank you!" you exclaimed, kissing his cheek before walking away with luke.
"wow, is he always that protective?" luke asked, chuckling lightly.
"sometimes. if he thinks i like someone," you informed without thinking.
"oh.. and do you like me?" he raised an eyebrow before looking at you.
your eyes widened. "i-i mean, i don't really know you so—"
"i'm just messing with you," he cut you off with a laugh.
you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as he placed his hand on your back and led you outside, somewhere more quiet where he could get to know you and hopefully, just hopefully, something would bloom.
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blueskrugs · 3 years
Jump Then Fall | Jack Hughes
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I am eternally soft for this kid, okay. this is not the original birthweek fic I had planned for him, but it is a bonus Swift Fic because I couldn't help myself. enjoy while I work on getting my shit together for the summer!
tagging: @marcoscandellas @stlbluesbrat21 @dembenchboys @poltoncarayko @robthomissed @letmeplaytheblues @troubatrain @ayohockeycheck @blackwidowrising @aria253264 @antoineroussel @starswin @glassdanse @ch-ristiane @majdoline @nazdaddy @hockey-more-like
length: 2k words
High school relationships never worked out. That’s what they always told you, at least, when you and Jack were young and in love. And they were right, sort of. You’d broken up not long after you’d both graduated, with Jack off to be drafted and you off to college. Except you’d stayed close, texting and talking on the phone often once Jack had headed off to New Jersey. He was one of your best friends, and you were thankful he was still in your life, but you weren’t sure you’d ever stop loving him, not really.
I like the way you sound in the morning We're on the phone and without a warning I realize your laugh is the best sound I have ever heard
Saturday mornings always meant long phone calls with Jack. You’d both wake up early and make coffee before spending most of the morning on the phone, talking about everything and nothing. Sometimes you wished more than anything that you could see his face, but you weren’t sure what would come spilling out of your mouth when you saw him.
One cold morning in December, you were pretty sure Jack had still been asleep when you called. His voice was slow and rough when he spoke, but you could still hear the smile in his voice.
When you heard him yawn, big enough his jaw cracked, you laughed. “Am I keeping you awake?” you asked.
Jack rushed to answer, “No, never.”
“Jack,” you warned.
Jack laughed. “We got in late last night, I’m just a little tired, I’m fine,” he told you.
“I can let you go back to sleep,” you said.
You heard Jack sit up on the other end of the line. “No way, absolutely not,” he said.
“We’re not even talking about anything important.” You’d mostly been stressing about the end of the semester.
“So? I like talking to you,” Jack argued.
You sighed. “You’re an idiot,” but it came out more fond than annoyed.
Somehow, that phone call lasted almost two more hours. Later, you wouldn’t remember what dumb thing you’d quipped that had made Jack burst out laughing, but you’d always remember the sound of that laugh. You’d wished you’d been able to record it, to have it to listen to on rough days, on days you missed Jack a little extra.
I hear the words but all I can think is We should be together
Jack was telling some story about his teammates. You were only half-listening, paying more attention to his face as he talked. It was late, and Quinn and Jack were home for Christmas. You and the three Hughes boys had taken over the basement for the night. Quinn and Luke were sprawled out on the couch opposite you, and you were buried under several blankets with your feet in Jack’s lap. He was using one hand to help illustrate his story, but the other was resting on your ankle, warm despite the chill outside, his thumb absently rubbing against your bare skin.
Quinn threw a balled up napkin at you, jolting you back to reality. “What’re you thinking about over there?” he asked.
“What?” You threw the napkin back at Quinn.
Luke chimed in, “Yeah, Jack’s not that funny, there’s no way you’re smiling at him.”
“Hey!” Jack protested. You dug your heel into his thigh, and he turned to grin at you.
You hadn’t even realized you were smiling. You always seemed to be smiling when you were around Jack, you couldn’t help it.
“Just missed you guys,” you said, grinning back at Jack.
Jack squeezed your ankle and went back to telling his story. You still weren’t listening.
Well, I like the way your hair falls in your face You got the keys to me I love each freckle on your face, oh
When Jack first started growing his hair out, you hated it.
“No, why,” you said the first time you saw him that summer. Luke laughed from somewhere behind you.
Jack ran a hand through his hair and smirked at you. “What do you mean?” he asked. “You love my hair.”
You tilted your head, pretending to consider. “I’ve changed my mind,” you said.
Jack squawked, outraged and offended. He slung an arm around your shoulder and pulled you in close as you giggled and tried to get away. “You’ll pay for that,” he told you. You dug your elbow into his ribs until he let go of you.
Later that night found the two of you left alone near the bonfire as the sun went down.
“Hey,” Jack said. You locked your phone and tilted your head back to look up at him upside down. “Do you really not like the hair?” he asked.
You snorted. “Would you cut it if I said I didn’t?” Jack shrugged, not quite meeting your eyes. You sat up and twisted to look at Jack properly. “You wouldn’t, oh my God.” It was hard to tell, but he might’ve been blushing in the fading light,
“Just tell me the truth,” he said.
You looked at Jack, really looked at him. He was tan, a new burst of freckles dusted across his nose. He’d shoved a hat on since you’d first seen him earlier in the day, but you could still see how his hair was just beginning to curl at the ends past the nape of his neck. Jack stared back at you, blue eyes dark.
“I guess I could get used to it,” you said.
Honestly, you were so gone for him, you were pretty sure you’d end up still liking him no matter what he looked like.
When people say things that bring you to your knees I'll catch you
Sometimes you didn’t know how Jack put up with it all. From losing streaks to being called a draft bust to people questioning whether he was capable of being a leader, there wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t have to deal with some bullshit. You knew it wasn’t easy, but he rarely let it get to him. Rarely, but not never.
It didn’t surprise you when your phone rang after a rough game. You answered the FaceTime call without thinking about it, smiling softly when Jack’s face filled your screen. He looked tired, dark bags under his eyes and his hair hanging limply in his face.
“Hi, bud,” you said.
Jack closed his eyes and sighed, long and loud, scrubbing his free hand across his face. You’d been able to watch the game, had watched the blowout happen in real time, just another loss in this skid, in a season that had started out promising for once.
“I’m tired,” Jack whined.
“You look like shit,” you told him. Jack stuck his tongue out at you. “Do I need to get Ty to delete Twitter off your phone again?” you asked. Jack rolled his eyes, but you weren’t joking.
“No, I just-” Jack rubbed his eyes again. “Did you see what my plus-minus was tonight?”
It was your turn to roll your eyes. “Oh my God, no, we’re not doing this,” you said. Sometimes Jack wanted to forget everything about a shitty game, but other nights he got frustrated and wanted to pick apart every mistake he’d made on the ice. You dragged your laptop closer to you. “C’mon, open your Netflix, we’re watching a movie.”
There was some scuffling on the other end, with Jack accidentally pointing his phone at the ceiling. “Fine, but I get to pick,” he said.
You argued half-heartedly with him for a while, but he won in the end, and you settled on some movie you’d both seen a dozen times. It was quiet while you watched, a comfortable silence, heavy with familiarity.
“Hey,” Jack said lowly as the end credits rolled later. You’d been half-sure Jack had fallen asleep on you. “Thanks.”
You smiled tiredly at him. It was late, and dark in his room, and you could barely make out his blurry form on your phone. “Anytime, Jacky,” you said, but you meant, “I love you.”
You can jump then fall, jump then fall Jump then fall into me, into me, yeah
Your doorbell rang one morning in early May. When you pulled open the front door, there was Jack, hands shoved deep in his hoodie pocket, standing on your parent’s front porch.
“I thought you weren’t coming home for a few weeks still,” you said, leaning against the door frame. The Devils season was over, but Jack had told you he was planning on sticking around for a while or traveling some before coming home for the summer.
Jack took one of his hands out of his pocket and ran it nervously through his hair. “I’ve been thinking,” he said, instead of responding to your non-question.
You raised an eyebrow at him. You’d known Jack for years, and you could probably count on one hand the number of times you’d seen him be nervous. “Well, don’t hurt yourself with that, bud,” you told him.
He made a face at you, but it also got him to smile. “Will you just let me-” he started, but he didn’t finish his sentence.
“Hey, c’mon, let’s go inside,” you said, stepping back to let Jack follow you into the house.
In the living room, the TV show you had been watching was still paused, but you both ignored it. You sat back on the couch, but Jack stayed standing, awkwardly shifting his weight from foot to foot.
“You’re freaking me out a little, Jacky,” you said.
Jack sighed and sat on the floor in front of you, leaning back on his hands with his legs stretched out in front of him. “I miss you,” he said.
“Jack, we talk every day,” you told him. “I’m right here,” you added softly.
Jack huffed and ran his hands through his hair again. He laid back for a moment, staring silently up at the ceiling fan as it slowly turned above you.
“Have you ever thought about getting back together?” he asked when he sat back up.
You thought about it a lot, actually, but you just said, “Yeah.”
“Do you think we could do it?” Jack asked next.
You hesitated on that one. You’d thought that, maybe, you could’ve made it back when you were in high school, but things were so different now. You’d listened to the opinions of others so much back then, had broken up in part because you thought that it was inevitable anyway. Could you make it through all that again? You still had a few years until you graduated, and New Jersey wasn’t exactly close.
Then again, you two were as close as ever. Jack had only missed a handful of your Saturday morning phone calls, and it was always just because of hockey. He was still sitting on the floor in front of you, looking nervous as he chewed on his bottom lip.
“I don’t know,” you said honestly.
Jack’s face fell a little. “Do you think we could try?”
“Yeah, I think so,” you said, just as honestly. You’d never been good at saying no to Jack, anyway.
Jack beamed, and you knew exactly why you still loved him after all this time. Jack leaned forward and tugged at your foot. “Hey, come down here,” he whined. “Wanna kiss you.”
“Or you could come up here?” Jack tugged harder. “Oh my God, you’re so fucking needy,” you laughed, but you slid off the couch and let Jack pull you into his lap.
His hands went to your waist, sliding under your T-shirt, and he smiled smugly up at you. “Hi.”
You pressed a kiss to his nose. “Hi,” you said back.
“Uh-uh, you can do better than that.” A kiss to his cheek. Jack rolled his eyes and put one of his hands on your cheek to drag you in for a real kiss. “That’s better,” he whispered, but you were already leaning in for another kiss.
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akimagies · 4 years
late night phone calls: Matt Simmons
Matt Simmons x female!Reader (Rossi’s daughter)
WARNINGS: tw: mentions of Scratch
SUMMERY: Based off of 13x01, and how I see the events of it happening between Matt Simmons, and his fiancé Y/N Rossi that night
A/N: so just a little heads up: yes, this character’s father is the david rossi AND the communications liaison for the team. no, i do not have her mother being married or even divorced to david. she (and her twin brother) are byproducts of a one night stand between their parents, and the two had shared custody of them. ((i am thinking of making this a series, so if you like this please comment or message me saying i should continue this))
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Late night phone calls during the night were never the best to happen, especially because it wasn’t from either of the two people sleeping in the bed together. Y/N Rossi had recently just started her maternity leave, and the short hours of sleep had just started since there was a newborn baby in the home. It seemed like the little baby girl in the house could wake up to a pin dropping on the floor. It also didn’t help that their three-year-old son liked to wake them up early in the morning as well. So, when Matt and Y/N heard one of their phone’s ringing, the two immediately shot up from their positions on their bed, and leaned over to the nightstand to see which one of them was getting the call. When Y/N looked at her screen though, it showed nothing but some Facebook and Instagram notifications.
“Simmons here.” Was what Y/N heard from the other side of the bed. She was thankful that it wasn’t her own phone call. With the baby still trying to get a sleeping schedule, the poor woman was exhausted.
“Hey-hey! Penelope calm down, repeat what you said but slower.” Matt repeated as all he heard on the other line was just gibberish. Penelope finally calmed down on the other side of the line what was going on. Scratch was back and six team members, including his future father-in-law, signals were all offline. Matt was the one member that wasn’t on the BAU to know about all the current information on Scratch. They choose him since he would be someone that wouldn’t be with the team incase Scratch attacked, and Penelope would be able to call to help with the case and actually know what was happening. “Alright, I’ll be at the office as fast as I can.” Matt said as he swung his legs over his side of the bed and started to head for the closet to put some actual cloth on, instead of the boxers he was wearing.
With the lights and the movement that happening, Y/N sat up from the bed and looked over at her fiancé. “What’s going on? Why are you getting dressed?” She asked as she sat up in bed, turning her lamp on as she looked over at Matt getting dressed.
“Garcia called me; she needs me to come in to help her.” Matt told her as he looked over at her as he threw one of his shirts on before grabbing a button up to put on over the shirt.
“Well, I guess that means I should get up and start getting dressed too. Pen’s probably going to be ringing me soon. I could call my mom up and just drop off Alexander and Lacie with her.” She said rubbing her eyes as she slowly started to sit up, but Matt hurried over to her and pushed her shoulder’s back down towards the bed.
“Nope, Penelope strictly said that you were not to be called onto the case Y/N. You just had a baby. You need some sleep, and since the IRT disbanded, I’ve been dying for a case.” Matt said as he leaned down to place a kiss on top of her forehead. “I will be back as soon as I can, alright?”
“Alright.” Y/N said smiling as she looked up at Matt and smiled up at him. “I love you, and be careful, please.” She said as she squeezed his hand tightly.
“I always am, aren’t I?” he asked her smiling before placing a quick kiss onto her lips before he walked out of the bedroom door and hurried down the steps, knowing that the team really need his help. He was glad that he didn’t tell Y/N, knowing if he did, it would have worried her even more then she was already.
 ☾ . ° . ⋆⠀┊---------------------------------------------------------------┊ ⋆⠀. ° .  ☾
It didn’t take long for Y/N to fall back asleep, except this time, it was her phone that woke her up. “Hello?” She asked as she answered the phone.
“Is this Miss Rossi?” the female voice on the other side of the line asked.
“Yes, this is she, can I ask who this is?” Y/N asked a she soon stood up from the bed and started to walk over to the closet.
“This is Nurse Hugh’s over at D.C General Hospital. Your father, David Rossi, was brought in tonight with the rest of his team. Since you are his emergency contact, we decided to notify you. He is though refusing medical treatment for right now, so we would really appreciate it if you could come down at this hour and speak some sense into him.” The nurse asked her over the phone.
Of-course her father was refusing treatment, it didn’t shock her at all. “Yes, I will be down as soon as I can.” She said to the woman over the phone, before hanging up and hurrying to throw on some cloths that looked appropriate, all before hurrying and throwing a diaper bag together for little Lacie, and pack some snacks and things to entertain Alexander. She knew that she would have to bring her son and the little baby with her now, to try and convince her father to actually get medical treatment.
 ☾ . ° . ⋆⠀┊---------------------------------------------------------------┊ ⋆⠀. ° .  ☾
It only took a short time to drive to the hospital, and soon enough, she was walking in with Alexander holding her right hand and walking, while she had Lacie in her stroller. “What the hell are you doing here? Your supposed to be on maternity leave, not working a case?” Luke asked once he saw the woman walking in with her baby to the hospital where all the team members. He soon grabbed the stroller out of her hands and started to walk with her while pushing the stroller.
“I’m not coming to work the case Luke, I’m my dad’s emergency contact. So, they called me to say he was denying medical treatment.” She said before following Luke to the room where her father was staying in. Once inside, she saw her father laying on the hospital bed, with a bandage taped around the hair line on his forehead. “Now, why the hell are you denying medical treatment?” Y/N asked her father as she watched Luke place the baby stroller off to the side for her.
“I said, I would accept medical treatment once Luke and Spence went to my office and opened my desk to grab those Cubs season tickets that I’ve been promising him.” Rossi said, giving his daughter a pointed look, as to stay just go with it.
“Alright, well can you two head off then? I would really appreciate it if my father was actually checked out by the doctors.” She told the two men standing in front of her before watching them walk out of the room.
“Grandpa, up.” Alexander said as he put up his arms while standing on the side of his bed. The two were very close, maybe it was the fact that her father insisted on Sunday dinners with the family now.
Y/N walked over to the side of the bed and put her hands under Alexander’s arms and picked him up to sit on the edge of the bed, as she pushed some of the strands of hair out of his face. “You didn’t call your brother or mother about this all did you?” Rossi asked his daughter, hoping that she wouldn’t have called either.
“Mom, no. She would have been glad that you were in here and said you deserved it. It may have been decades since everything, but mom keeps grudges. Nicholas on the other hand I did call.?” She said as she soon saw her father about to start lecturing her on calling her twin brother this late at night. “I called him just to let him know what’s going on, besides he’s not even asleep yet. He’s off in California working on a case.” She told her father. It wasn’t a surprise that THE David Rossi, who started the BAU, would have twins that would both be working as Special Agents. While Y/N now worked for the BAU with her father, she at first worked before with the IRT, where she met her fiancé. While, her twin brother Nicholas worked for NCIS.
“Well, I’m glad. I only one worry child for tonight.” Rossi told his daughter smiling. Soon enough, the doctors were allowed to come in and check Rossi for the injuries he might have sustained in the car accident.
 ☾ . ° . ⋆⠀┊---------------------------------------------------------------┊ ⋆⠀. ° .  ☾
It only took a few hours, but the team had been able to catch Scratch before he could do any more harm to anyone. It might have been wrong to say, but Matt felt amazing right now. He had been missing the thrill of being out there in the field, working on taking down an unsub. Yet, all he wanted to do now after taking down Scratch, was take his family home. Which is why he was standing in the open door, looking into Rossi’s hospital room to see Y/N and Alexander both curled up on the tiny couch with one another, while Lacie was asleep in her stroller. “I told her that she needed her rest.” Matt said sighing as he walked into the room.
“And you really thought she would listen? I raised her; I know she has selective hearing.” Rossi told Matt smiling as he chuckled shaking his head. “Take them home, you all need your rest. Their keeping me over night just to make sure nothing is wrong with me. Then you all can come be my ride home since my car isn’t here.” Rossi told Matt smiling.
“I’ll just leave Y/N’s keys here for you, then you can just drive home and we’ll all come over later in the day for dinner.” Matt said smiling before walking over to where Y/N was sleeping, and shaking her shoulder gently. “Hey, time to go home and get some sleep there.” Matt spoke quietly, trying not to wake up Alex in her arms.
Y/N nodded her head before sitting up from the bed slowly before getting up and passing over slowly before looking over at her father. “Are you sure you are okay for us to leave you for the night?” She asked her father as she soon started to wheel Lacie around the room.
“Yes, I am perfectly fine. You two get some sleep, and make sure my grandchildren are up and ready to eat some of grandpa Rossi’s food tomorrow.” Rossi told his daughter smiling.
“Well Alexander is the only one that can eat your food, as for Lacie, I can’t promise she’s going to be up. She likes to take multiple naps throughout the day.” Y/N said smiling as she walked over to her dad and kiss his forehead. “Love ya dad.” She said smiling.
“Love you too sunshine.” Rossi said smiling as he watched the couple soon walk out of the room.
“Alright, let’s go home and get these kids to bed.” Matt said smiling as the two of them soon walked out to his black SUV that was parked near the front of the hospital.
 ☾ . ° . ⋆⠀┊---------------------------------------------------------------┊ ⋆⠀. ° .  ☾
It seemed as if sleep was just not for the two parents tonight once they got back home. Alex had woken up right when the car stopped, so Matt had gone to go read the young boy a book. While that was happening, Lacie had decided to wake up as well, though she was waking up because she was hungry. So, Y/N had heated up a bottle for the little girl. By the time that the two children had back fallen asleep, it was near 3 in the morning.
The two parents soon laid back down in their bed after the event full night. Y/N placed her head on Matt’s chest and soon asked, “We can do this right?”
“Do what?”
“Be two working FBI agents, while also being parents of two kids?”
“Of-course we can.”
“A-are you sure?”
Matt soon moved up a little to look down at her. “Of-course we can, we are two badass parents that can handle everything that’s thrown at us.” He told her smiling.
Y/N soon let out a yawn. “Your right we are two badass parents.” She said smiling
“And now these two badass parents need their sleep.”
“Oh, you are correct about that. I love you.” She said as she let her eyes flutter shut.
“I love you too.” Matt whispered to her before pressing a kiss into her hair, and letting his eyes shut as well.
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prettyboyjackhughes · 4 years
-Draft Day- |J. Hughes|
“Char, you know as soon as they announce his name, you’re the first person he’ll try to find.” Trev says, messing with his tie. Tonight was the 1st night of the NHL draft. Jack is expected to go number one, Trev and Alex not far after. I was super excited for all of them but I wasn’t able to be in 3 places to sit with all of them. Trev and I had shared every little thing since we were born, might as well share this too.
“Well good thing he’s not that far away.” Jack says, turning around and smiling at me. Alex and Madi are in the row behind us. Madi and I had gone shopping for draft dresses a few weeks ago. I had bought a gray, short, off the shoulder sweater body con dress. Madi’s dress was a black, short body con dress with puff sleeves. She had paired her’s with nude heels and I had worn mine with black knee high heeled boots that made me almost as tall as Jack. Jack was wearing a blue suit with red stripes and a red and blue checkered tie. Trev had on a black suit with a light blue tie. Alex’s suit is my favorite. It’s light gray with a navy blue tie. Jack turns around and looks at me again.
“Trev’s right though. You’re the first one I’m looking for. So you’d better be ready to kiss me.” I laugh and lean in to kiss him.
“Baby baby! Not yet! I don’t want lipstick on my face when I get called up!” I roll my eyes and lean back in my seat, crossing my legs, my dress sliding up apparently too far for Jack and my brother’s comfort.
“Seriously Char? Pull it down!” Jack says loudly. Luke laughs and looks back at me.
“For real Charlie! No one wants to see that!” Trev says, pulling my skirt down for me. I roll my eyes and Madi laughs. The announcer comes on and asks everyone to take their seats and I reach over, taking Trev’s hand.
“Welcome to the 2019 National Hockey League Draft. Our first draft will be from the New Jersey Devils.” Jack shifts anxiously in his seat and Trev reaches down with his free hand to pat his shoulder.
“With the first pick overall, The New Jersey Devils are proud to select, from the U.S. program, Jack Hughes.” Jack stands up, the biggest grin I’ve ever seen on his face. He immediately turns around and almost falls over the chairs, reaching for me. I stand up and step towards him. Our lips connect and I can feel the smile on his face. After a few seconds, he pulls away. He hugs the whole Hughes family, Turcs, Trev, and Madi, and then makes his way to the stage. He had left his suit jacket on the back of his chair; leaving him in just his button up shirt. It hugs his upper body and arms in all the right places and shows off the muscles he’s worked extremely hard to get.
“Damn, he looks good in red.” I say, leaning back and patting Madi’s knee as Jack pulls the number 19 Devils jersey over his head, his hair sticking up adorably. She laughs and we all sit, waiting for Alex’s and Trev’s names to be called. We politely clap for every guy drafted but all I can focus my mind on is the fact that my boyfriend got drafted number one overall and was gonna be playing in the NHL alongside my brother and his best friend. Along with what will happen after all this is over, what Jack and I will do when we get home. Jack’s parents and Dukes were all staying at Quinn’s apartment in downtown Vancouver. My parents and Alex’s parents were all at a hotel about 20 minutes away from Quinn’s apartment. But since this is a big couple weeks for the boys and they would be coming and going so frequently, the parents all pitched in and booked the 5 of us an Airbnb for the next 2 weeks. While Trev was the third wheel to both couples, I’ve been woken up by him sneaking a few girls out at 4 in the morning before he thinks we’re all awake.
“You’re gonna get hell from all the girls in love with him.” Trev says as they announce the 3rd pick. I shrug, not worried about it.
“They’re not the ones sleeping with him at night. I am.” I say, smirking and laughing. Madi high fives me and I flip my hair.
“Wow, real humble aren’t we, Char?” Alex says, shifting in his seat and putting his arm around Madi’s waist. I smile and Alex gently tugs a chunk of my hair. .
“And with the fifth overall pick, the Los Angeles Kings select, from the U.S. National Development Program, Alex Turcotte.” Alex stands up and pulls Madi up with him. He pecks her on the cheek, not locking lips like Jack and I did. He hugs Trev, his parents and then reaches for me. I stand up, hug him and whisper in his ear.
“I’m so proud of you Turcs, love you.” He smiles and heads down to the stage.
“Madi that’s your boy!” I laugh as she snaps pictures of him.
“I feel like a proud mom!” She says, smiling. Trev’s gotten quiet during the last few minutes. I nudge him, waiting for a response as he stares at his phone.
“Huh? Oh I’m okay. Just, taking it all in.” I can see in his eyes he’s off but I’m not sure why. The management at the Anaheim Ducks had talked to him a while back and had mentioned if he was still there when it came their turn to pick, they’d take him. He was happy about that, since that meant he and Alex would both be out in California, but it also meant he didn’t really have anything to worry about. He’d be getting picked in the first round no matter what.
“And with the ninth overall pick, the Anaheim Ducks are proud to select, from the U.S. National Program, Trevor Zegras.” Trev looks up, almost shocked to hear his own name. He stands up, a goofy grin on his face. I stand with him, pulling him into a hug.
“Trev, I’m so proud of you! This is our dream! Now go!” He pulls away and goes to Mom and Dad, pulling them both into a hug. He finally escapes the row and heads down the stairs to the stage, the big grin never leaving his face. I take a Snapchat of him pulling the Anaheim jersey over his head and shaking hands with the general manager. I caption it ‘Proud of my Bubs❤️’ and post it. Soon, after what seems like hours of watching boy after boy get called up, teammate after teammate of the boys getting drafted, we are finally dismissed and get to go meet up with the boys. We head to the family waiting area and see the boys, all huddled in a group, waiting for us. Madi and I take turns hugging each of them. Jack suddenly pulls me away and kisses me. He kisses me, tongue automatically slipping into my mouth. After what seemed like no time, he pulled away.
“Sorry, I had to finish that from earlier. But anyways, the boys wanna go out. But we don’t have to. I know we had...plans.” He says, very obviously squeezing my ass as his arm sneaks around my waist. I smirk as I see Trev’s face, who obviously saw what Jack did. Surprisingly, he doesn’t come to say anything.
“I’d rather go home. I’m kinda tired plus, I really want it.” I say, “accidentally” brushing my hand against the inside of Jack’s thigh as I turn around to face him. Trev sees that too and finally does come over.
“Seriously you two! What is your deal? Our parents are literally right there! Why not just walk over and tell them you’re leaving to go have sex?” He says, attempting to keep his voice quiet but Madi and Alex still hear and excuse themselves from Alex’s parents, making their way over to us.
“Good lord Trev, keep your voice down! Besides, we all know you’ve been texting some girl all night trying to get her to come hook up with you when y’all go out.” Alex says, elbowing Trev. His face flames red and I almost want to put an end to the embarrassment he’s suffering on his big night but after what he said, I decide not to.
“Okay no need to expose me like that and it was one, okay two girls. So leave me alone.” He says, crossing his arms. We all laugh and Trev’s signature grin returns to his face.
“Okay kids, I need pictures.” Alex’s mom says, coming over and bursting our little bubble. Jack’s hand, which was safely in mine somehow escapes and travels back down to its original place. I roll my eyes and elbow him in the side. His hand goes away and instead, he wraps his arms around my shoulders. He’s going through a phase where he always has to be touching me, no matter how. From his hand in mine to playing with my hair, he’s always touching me. And I’m 100% okay with it.
“I want the boys first then we can do the couples and Charlie and Trev.” Turcs’ mom is a family photographer and really successful in Island Lake, where they’re from. Jack is in the middle, Alex on his left, Trev on his right. They all have the most genuine smiles on their faces. I pull Madi over to the giant NHL draft logo on the wall and we take a few selfies in front of it.
“Charlie, you know that boy is in love with you, right?” She says, glancing up at Jack and nudging me. I look up and catch him staring. I smile and he winks. My stomach drops and I get butterflies.
“Yeah I know, Mads. And I’m in love with him.” I say, smiling and hugging my best friend.
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