#as allies relatives friends all turn against him
pyroangelo · 4 months
God it makes me so weirdly happy that Kipperlily was honestly a nothing rival to Riz. At every turn her Masterminding was fucked up by his friends.
Kristen jumped in and decided to run for president instead of Riz because Ally couldn’t stand Kipperlily’s type A personality.
Fig was in German Shepard mode constantly and prevented Kipperlily from ever coming after Kristen
Fabian’s lofi study sessions open to the entire school kept the Bad Kids names in everyone’s mouths and constantly bolstered Kristen’s campaign. Meanwhile Kipperlily’s intensity weirded other kids out.
A literal horde of dragons attacked Fabian’s Birthday Bash/Voting Booth Celebration, and yet they fully killed Oisin’s grandma and several of his relatives while smoking with the very Rogue teacher Kipperlily had to threaten to get a pass in Rogue studies.
And then when it finally came to blows in a fight. Kipperlily slashes at Riz for 7 points of damage, he turns around and slices her with his epic ninja Sword of Shadows for triple that damage. He baffles her by jumping into lava to make a play and finally he uses his Blindsight plus his combat experience to ready an action for the moment Kipperlily tried for another attack at him to cast Hold Person right over the lava she would emerge over from stealthing.
Kipperlily wishes, WISHES she was half the adventurer Riz Gukgak is, and she accepted rage and frustration to try and close the gap. But just like that 5 foot gap she attempted to jump she fell short and straight into Riz’s sight.
“Very good on paper, but no practical application.”
Kipperlily was nothing to Riz but another minion in a fight against his real antagonists, she’s another Dane or Penelope that collaborated with a corrupt adult to further her own story but she had no substance to her other than her rage and her hatred of the Bad Kids. She thought she could be Riz’s BBEG but how could she ever shine in the spotlight like a real villain when all she ever did was hide and kill rats.
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sistertotheknowitall · 7 months
Some Guy on Fear Gas (can apparently turn invisible)
“Danny was supposed to be in class today.”
There was a round of sighs in the coms. See Danny didn’t react in the same manner as the rest of the population when exposed to fear toxin (or in general, but they were mostly used to that). See Danny didn’t scream, he didn’t cry, he didn’t get violent. He got unnervingly paranoid.
He got so unnervingly paranoid about being watched, specifically by the government if the muttered and whispered words were to be believed. His eyes tracked nothing while he slowly moved around invisible people. It wasn't like dealing with someone in an active hallucination experiencing a psychotic break. It was like dealing with someone in a paranoid delusion. He wouldn't let any of the bats near him and often took off, disappearing into the chaos.
Four months into seeing this kid everywhere and their suspicions were confirmed when he literally disappeared after the second time being poisoned.
Danny was a meta and he was afraid.
That’s not the reason for the exasperation felt by this family though. It was what always happened after. The first time he ignored every vigilantly when they tried to bring it up. After the second time he attempted to avoid everyone, extended family included.
(He had asked Kate if she was also Batman’s kid. “More like their aunt.” “Oh okay so it really is a family business. Like that show Unnatural. You don't happen to have also lost your parents at a relatively young age and now go on to fight a dark presence in their honor, do you?.” Kate had stared passively at him, the others had warned her. “….. okay… are you more of a Zuko honor type?”)
However, it was like the universe conspired against Danny. Even Bruce agreed that there had to be some god or being doing this (nothing is ever a coincidence). They kinda felt bad for him. He was very obviously trying to avoid them and he was either really bad at being evasive or a deity was laugh at him. Once he had thrown himself behind a lamp pole smaller than himself and closed his eyes to avoid Stephanie.
(It was very awkward. He could turn invisible and knew they knew so why…..? She had politely continued past so not to embarrass the poor guy further. Cause this was embarrassing and they both knew it.)
Finally it was Duke who pulled them all out of limbo. He had come across Danny on the roof of another bank. A lesser known capital union closer to crime ally this time.
Danny hadn’t been avoiding Duke in the same manner as everyone else. He still stopped to give Duke food but he never spoke and he ran after. Duke thought it would be weird to chase him but it was also weird to turn around, have an orange shoved into his hands then watch his friend run away.
However, this time Danny didn’t run as Duke approached so Duke sat next to him. Pulling out a granola bar, he handed it to Danny, “that’s why you feed me all the time right? Cause you know how many calories we need as metas.”
Danny had laughed, “no actually, that was a bit that morphed into a habit. I just thought it was funny.”
“Don’t get me wrong, now that we’re friends I am more than happy to feed you but yeah. The first candy bar was a thank you and then the second time I thought ‘I have fruit.’”
“….. wow… okay.” There went his plan of empathizing. They sat in silence as Duke tried to reorganize his thoughts.
“I’m sorry for avoiding you all.” Duke turned his head to face Danny, who kept his eyes forward, “you know no one cares that you’re a meta.” “Obviously. It wasn’t the invisibility that I was upset about," Danny said.
“The muttering. The paranoia.” Danny grimaced and didn’t say anything.
“You don’t have to tell us till you’re ready, man. Just let us know if you need help. Please, are you safe?”
Danny nodded and Duke nodded back and they had both continued to sit. When they parted ways Danny handed Duke a small bag of chips.
Danny had apologized everyone one at a time even though they had heard it from Duke. Danny never explained nor did he want to talk about his it. His power of invisibility was also a subject off limits. All of them were worried but they didn’t want to force him to talk about it. They had to trust that he would one day feel comfortable doing so with any or all of them. (Still, it was hard seeing their friend so paranoid that he flinched back from them. )
Post Six
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If Geto and Gojo were so close, why didn't Geto try to convince Gojo to defect with him?
Because Geto knew that Gojo’s support would guarantee his success, but that success would come at the cost of hurting Gojo.
I believe that Geto cared more about protecting Gojo than he cared about building a better world.
Let me explain…
First, let’s talk about why it would’ve made sense for Geto to ask Gojo to join him:
(1) Gojo would’ve been Geto’s most important / most powerful ally
By the time of Geto’s defection, Gojo is already the strongest sorcerer in existence. He and Geto are two of only three special grade sorcerers. Having them both on the same side is essentially an automatic win.
(2) Gojo should’ve been (relatively) easy to persuade
Gojo had already told Geto that he didn't like having to save the weak and didn't care about the moral justifications for it…
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…Geto has also seen that Gojo doesn’t always value / protect human life. He was ready to massacre the Time Vessel Association without reason, but ultimately he didn't, because he deferred to Geto's judgement…
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…and, most importantly, they are best friends on a DEEP, unparalleled level. Geto is Gojo’s “one and only” best friend.
If Geto was truly dedicated to changing the world order, Gojo should’ve been the first and most important person that he tried to recruit to his insurgency / cult / mission.
Not only does Geto make zero effort to reach out to / recruit Gojo, he actively avoids him and pushes him away...
- - - - - Keep reading cut - - - - -
After he kills the 112 non-sorcerers, Geto runs into Shoko in Shinjuku. He happily approaches her and willingly answers her questions.
Look at his smiling face in their interactions:
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But, when Shoko calls Gojo, Geto leaves before Gojo shows up. Gojo tracks him down anyway and demands an explanation. Geto still doesn’t want to talk about it (“You already heard it.”)
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It's strange, right? Geto loves talking about his vision of a better world with everyone else.
Then, there is this confusing progression of dialog:
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Geto is hurt/annoyed that Gojo doesn’t believe in him, so he points out that Gojo’s argument against his plan is invalid. The plan is possible (“You could do it”), therefore (according to Gojo’s own logic) it’s not “pointless.”
In a way, Geto is admitting that he knows it would make the most sense for Gojo to join him.
But before Gojo can respond, Geto pivots to saying something extremely hurtful. He's questioning who Gojo is / would be if he wasn't the strongest. Is there really anything more to him? (See more detail in my post here).
Then, in the very next panel Geto turns and starts walking away.
In summary: (1) Geto avoids Gojo, (2) Geto only argues in favor of his plan when Gojo forces/baits him, (3) Upon invalidating Gojo’s opposition to his plan, Geto immediately puts emotional distance between them, (4) Geto then puts physical distance between them.
Why is Geto trying so hard to make sure that Gojo won’t follow him?
Is he just being prideful about doing this on his own? Is he so angry at Gojo's arrogance that he'd jeopardize the success of his life's mission over it?
These arguments aren't in line with Geto's characterization / known motivations (see the end of this post, if you're interested in more on that.)
Geto's main motivation is (a twisted form of) compassion. He wants to end the suffering of sorcerers.
He is a thoughtful, contemplative person, and would've thought about the ramifications of recruiting Gojo.
What are the ramifications?
If Gojo joins the cause, Geto’s plan would succeed, but Gojo would suffer for it.
Like anyone who joins Geto's cult, Gojo would become a pariah / fugitive from Jujutsu society. He’d kill people. He’d kill other sorcerers.
But because Gojo has the singular level of strength/ability to kill non-sorcerers en masse, he would commit the vast majority (or all) of the murder / destruction. The legal, social, and mental impacts would be most severe on Gojo.
(Also, at this point, I think Geto may still question whether he’s made the right choice. It’s difficult to go from a hardline stance on protecting non-sorcerers to wanting to gen0c1de them, within the span of a year, without any lingering ethical qualms. So he may be worried about moral costs to Gojo as well.)
Let’s remember that Geto (canonically) deeply loves Gojo. Gojo is his one and only best friend. Geto worries about Gojo when he overworks himself protecting Riko. Geto is shocked when Toji kills Riko in front of him, but he only flies into a rage when he thinks Toji has killed Gojo. (Again, see my post here for more on how much Geto loves Gojo).
So, it makes sense that Geto is ready to make sacrifices to create a better world, but it’s a cost he’s willing to put on his own head. Not Gojo's.
Ultimately, Geto cares more about Gojo than he cares about achieving the mission he has dedicated his life to.
The last thing Geto says to him is this:
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What he's really asking Gojo is: "Have you stopped loving me, now that I've committed myself to this dark path? Would you kill me to save them?"
If Gojo hates Geto enough that he’d kill him, then Geto never had a chance of recruiting Gojo in the first place.
Of course, Gojo can’t make himself hurt Geto. He still loves Geto too much.
Geto protected Gojo by pushing him away.
I'll also argue against two other possible explanations for Geto's behavior.
(1) Geto is jealous / prideful /wants to build his own legacy without Gojo stealing the spotlight
Geto has clear motivations for his goals and they’re not egotistical. He wants to end the suffering of sorcerers caused by non-sorcerers’ existence (e.g., Riko’s death, Mimiko & Nanako’s abuse).
Geto’s pride isn’t hurt when Gojo becomes the strongest. The only thing that bothers Geto is that they’re getting sent on separate missions.
After Gojo becomes stronger that him, Geto still has overt affection for Gojo (e.g., he asks Haibara to bring back sweets from his mission so he can share with Gojo).
Although Geto does believe in his superiority over non-sorcerers, he doesn't feel superior over other sorcerers and doesn't struggle with his 'inferiority' to Gojo.
Does Gojo’s lack of faith in Geto’s ability (calling his goal “impossible”), spur Geto to want to prove himself? Yes, probably. But Geto had already been avoiding Gojo before he said that. And I don’t believe that wanting to prove himself to Gojo would overshadow his stronger motivation to build a better world for sorcerers.
(2) He thinks Gojo actually is too moral to join him
After Geto kills the 112 non-sorcerers, Gojo is shocked and upset by what’s happened, but not once does he insult Geto or imply that Geto has done something unforgivable. In fact, he’s practically begging Geto to explain himself because he wants to be able to justify his actions. And, again, Gojo’s argument against Geto’s plan is NOT that “it’s wrong,” it’s that “it’s impossible.”
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hmslusitania · 2 months
Either 16 or 21 or both or neither
There was no specified ship, so it ended up being kind of pre-relationship TimKon
The party had been a questionable choice, Tim can admit that now. Nothing says “I’m so totally over a relationship, see how fine I’m doing!” like throwing a Halloween party, drinking a little too much at the sight of his ex-girlfriend making out with her new girlfriend who is, for most purposes, Tim’s sister, and then retreating to the bathroom because his more recent ex-boyfriend had actually taken him up on the invitation and brought a plus one.
Which is why he’s hiding in the bathtub in his own bathroom, not totally shielded from view by the novelty map of Faerûn shower curtain Steph had helped him pick out. At least it matches the elf ears that had seemed like a good idea six hours ago, and at least the porcelain he’s resting his face against is cooling and pleasant.
His relative peace — generally not helped by the thumping of the bass from the stereo in the party beyond his room — is interrupted an unknowable amount of time later by the bathroom door opening without a knock, and then he’s in the company of…
“What are you supposed to be?” Tim asks without lifting his head from the side of the tub.
Kon looks down at his “costume” which includes fingerless gloves, a denim jacket, and a black and red buffalo check shirt.
“Breakfast Club?” Kon prompts.
Tim blinks at him.
“Come on, we watched it for YJ movie night like last month,” Kon reminds him.
“I wasn’t there,” Tim says, miserable, and sags a little farther into the comforting embrace of the side of the tub.
“We were gonna do a whole group thing, right, except we decided you’d for sure have to be Ally Sheedy, not Emilio Estevez or Anthony Michael Hall,” Kon continues, unphased by Tim’s demeanour. “But then Cissie wanted to dress up like Wendy instead, and I’m pretty sure Cassie’s dressed up like me, which is kinda a head trip. And Bart had some whole situation where he can’t make our party because he got roped into babysitting Jai and Irey while they go trick-or-treating, because as screwy as my family might be, only when you’re a member of the West-Allen family do you really get to go babysit your, uh…”
“Second cousins,” Tim supplies.
“Huh, I definitely thought that was gonna be a weirder chain of relationship,” Kon says.
He sits on the bathmat next to Tim’s head and pokes him in the side of the face.
“Stop,” Tim says.
“So is there a particular reason you’re hiding from your own party in your bathroom?” Kon asks.
“I’m bitterly single?” Tim replies.
Kon considers him. “So, I get why you invited Steph, because she’s still for sure one of your best friends, and I’m pretty sure you’re, like, contractually obliged to invite Cass to events, and they’re a matched set. But like… your civilian ex-boyfriend who likes to conspiracy theory about the majority of the rest of your guests?”
Tim groans and shuts his eyes, only to have Kon pry one of them open and stare at him up close.
“I wanted to prove I was, like, mature and evolved and so totally over it,” Tim says, and feels stupid even saying it.
“Which is why you’re drunk in your bathtub, sure, yeah, I get that,” Kon says, and smiles when Tim rolls his eyes.
“You don’t have to be in here being nice to me, you can just like… enjoy the party,” Tim says.
“The party where my ex-girlfriend is dressed up in my clothes and making out with our other very good friend who’s dressed up like my all time fictional crush? That party?” Kon asks, and Tim snorts.
“Do you ever think about the fact you dated two girls named Cassandra and both of them turned out to be gay?” Tim asks.
“With really similar taste in women, also,” Kon adds. “And, like, yeah, every once in a while.”
Tim hums and closes his eyes again, but this time, Kon doesn’t pry his eyes open.
“I know you’re mad at me,” Tim mumbles finally. “You didn’t have to come.”
“I’m not mad at you,” Kon says, and this time the physical botherment he inflicts is tweaking the elf ear Tim had spent a stupid amount of time gluing on. “I was questioning your judgement, which is so not the same thing.”
“Judgement I definitely didn’t improve by throwing this party, right?” Tim guesses. Kon makes a noncommittal noise.
“Like I get that you have a thing for blonds with a penchant for getting into trouble, but…” Kon says.
“Not just blonds,” Tim mumbles before he can think better of it. He blinks when he realises what he’s said and finds Kon staring at him curiously. “I’m really fine, Kon, you can go enjoy the party.”
“Nah,” Kon says, and before Tim can move to stop him, he clambers over the side of the tub to squish into the narrow space between Tim and the shower wall, his combat boots which have a certain authenticity that say they might have been Pa Kent’s from the ’60s clunking against the basin. Kon wriggles his shoulders trying to get comfortable for a second, and then gives up and wraps his arm around Tim. It’s just for the better use of space, Tim’s sure, but it’s… it’s really nice. And when Kon tugs him sideways until Tim rolls over so he’s resting the side of his face on Kon’s chest rather than on the side of the tub, it’s so damn pleasant he can barely stand it. “I’d much, much rather be in here with you.”
It makes Tim’s heart flutter in his chest and he knows Kon can hear that, which is just embarrassing, and which he can only sort of blame on the alcohol.
“Yeah, okay, Bender,” he says, trying desperately to hit annoyed.
Kon gives him a full belly laugh that echoes off the bathroom tile, and squeezes him just a little closer. “I knew you’d seen the Breakfast Club before.”
Tim rolls his eyes and smacks Kon in the stomach with a light, open palm. It gets him another laugh, and maybe, just maybe, this party hadn’t been the worst idea after all.
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viktorscane · 1 month
‘in the bedroom after the war’
when technoblade left the dream smp. phil adjusted relatively quickly. after all, the two had spent plenty of time away from each other in the past and he knew it was only a matter of time before they would see each other again.
one thing he would never quite get used to though, was the quiet. while techno was never a super talkative person the creaking of the wooden floorboards, the mumbling to himself, the front door opening and closing often as the piglin hybrid went about his daily chores, the dogs barking, the scribbling of quill on parchment. all sounds that were inherently technoblade were suddenly gone.
the first few days were hard, a grief settling over phil’s heart as he tried to navigate the silence and understand why his closest companion left so suddenly. on the fourth day, though he awoke to the usual caw-ing of his crows outside. he rolls over, the sun streaming in through the window bathing the room in a beautiful pink and golden glow. it was peaceful and quiet as his new life typically was.
he stirs more and finally pushes himself up out of the large, empty bed. pushing himself down the stairs to the still smoldering fire. he throws a few logs on top, adding water into the kettle perched atop it. reminding himself to add only enough for himself, as he had been making enough to serve two the last few days.
he rubs his eyes sleepily, giving a crow a light scratch on the head as he passes it. it caws shrilly, staring pointedly at the seed bag in the corner of the kitchen. “i know, i know.” he mutters. “let me make my tea first, mate.”
he opens a cabinet to grab a mug from the shelf, he notices that most of the clean mugs were on the highest shelf. most of them being varying shades of red and pink, belonging to techno. phil sighs and pushes himself onto his tiptoes and reaching almost blindly to get one. the shelf buckles a bit under the weight and the closest mug tips and down it goes.
it hits the ground with a loud thud, phil swears and rubs his temple with annoyance.
dropza LOL dropza dropza OLD AGE LOL fallza E
he pauses, quiet voices echoing around his brain. he takes a step backwards looking around the room to find the source of the voices. only being met with more quiet chants of ‘PHIL!’
it took a moment for his tired mind to process that these voices existed in his mind, but were very much real. he wracks his brain for some sort of explanation, he hadn’t hit his head recently right? was the events of the last few weeks finally taking a toll on his psyche?
he listens to the chants for a second longer, the mumbling blended together mostly but some things stuck out to him. one phrase in particular was very very familiar.
it was a phrase that techno mumbled to himself often and had mentioned that the voices in his head spoke that phrase like a mantra. from his understanding, when technoblade had ascended to godhood the voices were a side effect. they mostly rambled about whatever he was doing in the moment but they also helped him during combat to give him information about the other party. they were bloodthirsty and violent but techno always regarded them as a part of him.
phil bends down and picks up the mug, it remarkably hadn’t broken in the fall. he turns it over in his hands brushing the dust off of it. he runs his fingers over the crown that had been carved into the front of the clay. he remembered techno sitting down with his dagger on the steps of their home and working at the clay. it was clumsily made and the crown was crooked, lines shaky and uneven. but it was so inherently techno that it made phil smile fondly.
the voices rumbled on about what felt like nonesense in the background as phil sets it down on the counter, bracing himself against it.
he could only take this as a sign from his long time companion, friend and ally. sending his greatest assets to phil as if to tell him that he’s okay. his heart ached but he persevered, tipping the boiling water into the mug and adding the tea bag in. he pushes open the curtains, staring out the window towards the brilliant pink and gold that was slowly fading away from the sky as the daylight began to filter in.
“hello there, old friend.” he says softly.
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ichosetenderplaces · 20 days
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Housed In Her Silence
A part two to Held Therefore Unaccountable, but can be easily read alone.
Emperor!HybridPiglin!Technoblade x !General!RabbitHybrid!Reader
You've been at your Emperor's side for months. He was right when he said you were better served under him. Being his right hand has led you everywhere he goes, right by his side. But, the constant presence of closeness seems to be ramping up to something you will continue to deny yourself...right?
Now Playing: Blood Upon the Snow by Hozier & Bear McCreary  Taglist: @segnoblade @wingedghostpepper @lissthatskiss Words: 2.5k
To all things housed in her silence
Nature offers a violence
A lunge. A thrust. A parry. Swordplay has always been an intricate dance of skill. And for someone like you, it is something that must be perfected. Your speed is your only advantage against enemies like the one in front of you. Cutting down another soldier barely gives you pause, you continue on to the next furthering the front line onto the enemy. The battle has gone on for hours and yet your men never stop listening to your orders. 
Seeing the gates of the newest castle you're invading fills you with a sense of relief. A sentiment the soldiers seem to agree with as they cheer and surge on with a burst of energy.
You’ve been traveling for months. Reaching the end of the continent and uniting the land under a sole Empire is your Emperor's goal. Emperor Technoblade, a man you had only heard whispers of before the war, is now someone you have been beside for months. Your loyalty to him is stronger than any pledge you could have made to your old King. 
The bear that keeps to his own line
The wolf that seeks always his own kind
The world that hardens as the harsher winter holds
The parent forced to eat its young before it grows
Technoblade is a man forged in an unforgiving environment. One of harsh mountains and constant blizzards. He is a man who stands out amongst his men and the snow. His hair and tall stature give off an air of intimidation to anyone who dares look him in the eye. 
He began his conquest by killing off rich nobles who stole from the orphanage he had grown up in. And then he just kept going. His former Kingdom being established as a vast Empire under his rule.
To others he is a conqueror. But to you, he is your Emperor, your War General. He is the man you stand behind in every battle, always watching his back. And in turn, he watches yours. 
Every bird, gone unheard
Starving where the ground has froze
The winter sun rise, red on white
On a night only a few weeks ago, you had gotten curious of your emperor’s reasoning for trying to unite the continent under his rule, and with only a small pause he had told you.
“Resource’s, a united standard for law and living conditions, and…it is easier this way.” 
Staring across the fire at him, you had been confused by his answer. Easier? He has been on this conquest for years. His only small pause being the retirement of his best friend. How could fighting for years be easier than just becoming allies with neighboring Kingdoms?
“I would end up fighting them down the line eventually, getting it out of the way now to live out my life in relative peace is the best option.”
Adding another log to the fire, you nodded at his words. There were not many other Kingdoms on your continent, but the distance was large in between the two. Your Kingdom had been one of the few left to travel to.
And with this final castle fallen, your Emperor had completed his goal.
Like blood upon the snow
Like blood upon the snow
Blood stained everything within the castle. The King and Queen had attempted to flee but were caught before they could make it. 
You watched as they were dragged into the throne room, your Emperor atop their throne. After months of this routine it is easy to tune out the hysterical rulers in front of you. Luckily, it is done without any issues. And finally, finally the fighting is over. 
The ground walked herе is a wonder
It ceases nеver to hunger
You’ve ordered your soldiers to set up camp. Looking upon the tent both you and the Emperor share fills you with warmth. The memory of the day he had asked and the days following have done nothing to fight against your crush against the man.
Another day and night of traveling. Your bones were weary but it meant nothing to the soon relief of another castle captured. It has only been a few small weeks of serving directly under the Emperor. And he was right, you truly were better served under him. You had never received such good treatment from your past King. You are paid, fed, clothed, and housed all under his order. His soldiers, even the newest ones, receive much of the same treatment. Knowing this does nothing to rid the thankfulness inside your chest at his generosity.
You had been making your way to the ration tent when he had found you. 
“Come with me, I wish to discuss something with you.”
“Of course, Sir Imperator”
Leading you away from the ration tent, he fell into step with you. He has always been a bit of a silent man to those who don’t know how to read him, but you have been by his side for a few weeks. Fighting, arguing, discussing, you have learned to pick up his small mannerisms. And right now, you know from the stiffness of his back and the twitch in his large hands that he is nervous. Realizing this only causes you to become nervous yourself. This is not a rarity, for him to ask you to come discuss something in his tent. It is practically a part of your routine now. You order your soldiers to set up camp and only a few hours later are you seated across from him at his desk. 
Pushing the tent flap open, he leads you into his tent. You subtly ignore his sleeping area, for too much daydreaming has led you into thinking about just how plush those pillows are, and how feeling him at your back would really feel. He sits behind his desk and you move to sit directly across from him in a chair you have a sneaking suspicion is only meant for you. But to you, that's just your delusion thinking. 
He seems hesitant to start talking, and his hesitance reminds you of the first time he asked you to call him by his name when it was only the two of you. So, to spare him you begin talking. 
“You said you wanted to discuss something with me?”
“Ah, yes, I was just uh”
You can see the nervousness at full force. You never see your Emperor like this and a cruel part of you wants to see more behind your conqueror for an Emperor. But, you know better to antagonize him. 
“Is everything alright, Technoblade?”
He clears his throat and seems to give himself some resolve before speaking.
“Yes, something has just come to my attention, is all.”
Cryptic as ever, you’ll give him that. He continues on seeing your confusion.
“Due to your late arrival to my forces your tent is stationed quite a ways away from mine. Seeing as you are my right hand, it would be more appropriate for you to be closer. However, moving any of the tents would be a massive pain. So, I am offering you a space inside my own tent.” 
You blankscreen. Slowly digesting his words. He seems to take your blank look as confusion and refusal, because he begins to ramble. 
“Y-You wouldn't be in my bed of course. You would take the space my old right hand used to occupy. You see, we shared a tent due to the same reason, ahah.”
Snapping out of absolute surprise, you quickly stand. 
“Ah, um, of course. I would be honored. When would be a good time to move my things?”
He seems surprised by your agreement and a rare smile takes his face. 
“Now would be best, I will send a few men with you to help take down your tent and some to bring your stuff here.”
“Okay, thank you, Techno.”
The rare nickname catches him by surprise but you stand and turn away too fast to see the small blush dusting his scarred cheeks.
And all things nature's given
She takes all things back from the living
The soldiers are celebrating around a large bonfire. You will soon join them but you always reconvene with Technoblade first after a victory. You step into your shared tent to see him already looking at the paperwork from the kingdom you’d just conquered. He sees you enter and it is a practiced routine of him waving to your chair and you sitting right down into it. You reach for the report on the Empire’s losses. The conquered kingdom had fought hard against your forces but the Empire is a force of nature that must be bowed to. Still, the number is startling and it tells you exactly why the man in front of you is more quiet than usual. But, you know he has it taken care of. The soldiers bodies will be recovered, possessions and all, and will be sent back to the family. 
I've walked the earth and there are so few here that know
But, you also know that their deaths weigh on their Emperor. No matter how many he has lost to his cause, he remembers their loyalty to him. He has always stressed to his soldiers that not only should they celebrate their victory, but should also celebrate the lives of their comrades that have fallen.
How dark the night
And just how cold the wind can blow
I've no more hunger now to see where the road will go
The raising cheers from the drunk soldiers lost in victory hits both your ears and you both incline your heads to the noise. He raises a brow at you, and you cannot help the small snort at the gesture. 
“Let them celebrate Techno, they have more than earned it. If anything, you should be out there too. There is always another time for paperwork. Right now, we should be celebrating our victory with the men who got us here.”
He takes in your words and stands.
Surprised, it takes you a second to stand and catch up with him leaving the tent. He watches you scramble after him with a small smirk and lifts the tent flap for you. You send him a questionable look but he just gestures you forward. You walk out and he soon matches your pace towards the fire. You both know better than to over indulge like the soldiers in front of you, but, you both still grab a drink. Many of the people around you do not notice their Emperor’s presence, too lost in their drink and their victory. You find a small bonfire with no one around it and gesture to it. He sees it and changes direction to it. Finding a spot, you sit down and cradle your drink in your hands, staring into the fire. 
I've no more kept my warmth
Than blood upon the snow
You have long since accepted what has gotten you to this position. By Technoblade’s side, you know nothing else could make you as fulfilled. And yet, you do wish for more. Fighting the urge to stare into his deep red eyes has gotten harder by the day. 
Blood upon the snow
Blood upon the snow
Blood upon the snow
The blood you have shed of other men and women will never wash off your hands. You know this, and slowly, you have stopped caring about it. 
Your indifference is not lost on him, but he knows it is necessary if you wish to continue beside him. And you have shown him your loyalty, you have given him everything you are. He has accepted it all with hidden eagerness. Technoblade knows the man that he is, and for it, he is relieved to see you stick by his side until the end of his conquest. 
It's not my arms that will fail me
But this world takes more strength than it gave me
You are both lost in thought. He casts a quick glance over to you to see you staring into the fire with a far out look, and he takes the opportunity to subtly take you in. Your hair has grown long and your ponytail is often quite tangled by the hours of fighting. He has refused to let you out of his sight on the battlefield, a sentiment you both seem to share if the constant presence at his side is any indication for it. 
The trees deny themselves nothing that makes them grow
No rain fall, no sunshine
No blood upon the snow
The cold is biting and even with the roaring fire you are gathered before, you shiver. Embarrassed, you avoid the look Technoblade gives you. What you don’t expect, however, is to have his deep red cloak draped across your shoulders. You make a move to protest but the immediate warmth that seeps into you makes the sound die at your throat. 
Blood upon the snow
Blood upon the snow
Blood upon the snow
The blood you have shed is nothing but a passing thought as you stare up at him. His small smile you land on, and it makes the corners of your lips tug up in a reflection of his own. Your blush has not gone away at all and you hope he thinks it's the warmth from the fire. He sits back down but your eyes have not left him. They are questioning, confused, and hopeful. 
To all things housed in her silence
Nature offers a violence
This might be the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. But, damn it all, you’ve been fighting for months. Being at his side is torturous in the best of ways. The cloak around you gives you confidence as you stand up. He watches you stand with a confused look, but you don’t care. You could be killed for this, you could be tossed inside a dungeon to rot away, but you don’t care. You stride over to him and stop in front of him. You are not much taller than him when he is sitting down, but you still look down to look him in the eyes. Thank god for the alcohol, no way would you be this crazy without it, the cloak, and the dancing you’ve both been doing around each other for months. You’re sick of it and you’re gonna make sure he knows. 
Bending down, grabbing the front of his poet's shirt, you abandon all logical thinking, and slam your lips onto his. It lasts barely a second before you’re wrenching yourself back, cursing your stupidity. But, it doesn’t last long. Just as your hands are letting go of his shirt he stands faster than you’ve ever seen. Your mouth makes the words to apologize, but his hands grab onto your waist and you stumble backwards into the snow. He lands on top of you, and the only thing past your tunic protecting you from the bite of the snow is his cloak. But you can’t pay attention to that, because he’s on top of you, staring down into your eyes, and your face is on fucking fire. Before you can do anything he’s already kissing you. Your eyes are quickly shut and you kiss him back. And it's all you’ve ever wanted. 
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bumblesimagines · 2 years
When Fire Meets Fate
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Part 11
Request: Yes or No
Officially putting this series on hiatus!
While a war had yet to officially break out, everyone knew it was inevitable. Neither side would give up without a fight. Preparations were made and the Painted Table was lit for the first time in many years. Candles were lit and slipped under the table, the glow of the fire illuminating the carved map. (Y/N) gazed over the table as pieces were set across it, only looking away when his wife entered the room under her new title.
"Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals, and the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm," Daemon announced as everyone bowed their heads to her, himself included. (Y/N) watched the uncertainty that passed over Rhaenyra briefly, her gaze drifting around the room. As a princess, she'd been given much attention, mostly lords and ladies attempting to get in the good graces of her father. But now, she was queen and everyone looked to her for guidance instead of mere approval. She stepped forward, pausing and looking back at the guards escorting her. Rhaenyra lifted her hand, motioning for them to stop, and turned back, stopping again when Rhaena offered her wine. 
"Thank you, Rhaena," Rhaenyra spoke softly, nodding for her to join her on her walk to the table. She nodded for Baela as well and set her cup down, looking over the map and inhaling deeply. She looked up at her husband and he stared back, quirking at brow at her silence. When she realized they were all waiting for her, she swallowed and glanced back at the map."What is our standing?"
"We have thirty knights, a hundred crossbowmen, and three hundred men-at-arms," Daemon answered, glancing at (Y/N) with a small frown. "Dragonstone is relatively easy to defend, but as an instrument of conquest, our army leaves much to be desired. We have sent word to my loyal men in the City Watch. I'll have some support there but I cannot speak to the numbers."
"We already have declarations from Celtigar and Staunton, Massey, Darklyn, and Bar Emmon." The maester listed off as the men present bowed their heads in turn. Jace retrieved the pieces and began setting them across the map to show their allies. Rhaenyra nodded and lifted her hand to point. 
"My lady mother was an Arryn. The Vale will not turn cloak against their own kin."
"Riverrun was always a close friend to your father, Your Grace. With Prince Daemon's permission, I've already sent ravens to Lord Grover." The maester piped in again and (Y/N) looked toward Daemon who avoided his eyes.
"Lord Grover is fickle and easily swayed. He will need to be convinced of the strength of our position and that we will support him should it come to war." Rhaenyra pointed out and Daemon nodded.
"I am going to treat with him myself."
"We should look toward Winterfell as well as Storm's End. Starks are known for their loyalty and rarely- if ever- do they break oaths. House Stark could prove to be a strong ally and if they're with us, so is the North. However, Lord Borros Baratheon did not bend the knee when Her Grace was declared heir, his father did. He is someone who will likely need to be convinced but it'll be worth doing if he becomes an ally." (Y/N) spoke up and a knight set a piece above Winterfell. Rhaenyra nodded to herself, growing confident in her new position. Her eyes lingered over one of the names and she turned toward Rhaenys.
"What news from Driftmark?"
"Lord Coryls sails for Dragonstone,"
"To declare for his Queen?" Daemon tilted his head, earning a frown from the older woman.
"The Velaryon fleet is in my husband's yoke. He decides where they sail." Rhaenys reminded the man and Rhaenyra nodded, sighing softly.
"We shall pray for you and your husband's support. Just as we prayed nightly for the Sea Snake's return to good health." Rhaenyra told her pointedly. "There's no port on the Narrow Sea that would dare make an enemy of the Velaryon fleet." Rhaenyra turned back to the table and cleared her throat. "And our enemies?"
"Without a doubt, not a single Hightower will support our cause, kin or not, and Tylan Lannister has stood by Otto Hightower for far too long to turn against him which means the Lannister Fleet is at his disposal. Without the Lannisters, we are sure to have no friends west of Golden Tooth." (Y/N) answered, gazing down at the map as enemies were marked.
"The Riverlands are essential, Your Grace," Daemon muttered.
"Pray forgive my bluntness, Your Grace, but talk of men is moot. Your cause owns a power that has not been seen in this world since the days of Old Valyria. Dragons!" One lord piped in and Rhaenyra glanced at him, gaze casting over those present.
"The Greens have dragons as well-"
"They have three adults, by my count. We have Syrax, Caraxes, and Meleys. Your sons have Vermax, Arrax, and Tyraxes. Baela has Moondancer." Daemon interrupted, drawing a glare from Rhaenyra. 
"None of our dragons have been to war."
"There are also unclaimed dragons. Seasmoke still resides on Driftmark. Vermithor and Silverwing dwell on the Dragonmont, still riderless. Then there are the four wild dragons, all of whom nest here." 
"And who is to ride them?"
"Dragonstone has thirteen to their four. I also have a score of eggs incubating in the Dragonmont." Daemon retrieved a piece and made his way around the table. "Now, we need a place to gather, a toehold large enough to house a sizeable host. Here, at Harrenhal. We cut off the west, and surround King's Landing with dragons. And we could have ever Green's head mounted on spikes before the fucking moon turns." He explained, placing the piece in hand on Harrenhal. The same castle that had seen Harwin's death. (Y/N) wrapped his fingers tightly around his wrist at the thought of going to such a place.
"Your Grace, a ship has been sighted offshore: a lone galleon flying a banner of a three-headed green dragon." The knight, Ser Erryk, revealed as he approached them. Rhaenyra turned to look at her husband as Daemon gave off instructions and walked away. (Y/N) moved around the table and stood beside his wife. 
"If I see my father, I fear I will not be able to hold my anger. You must go and show you will not back down. Otto will have your head, regardless if you do as he says or not. He is not afraid of having others get their hands dirty for him." (Y/N) spoke to her quietly and Rhaenyra nodded, placing her hand over his before stepping away to deal with the traitors.
                    ✶        ✶       ✶       ✶       ✶       ✶
Gazing down at the table, Rhaenyra held a distant look in her eye. The page Alicent had sent her, a memory from their youth, had shaken Rhaenyra. One couldn't simply turn on someone they'd loved once so dearly. But she couldn't forget the betrayal of naming Aegon as king. (Y/N) watched his wife as planning and discussion continued.
"It's no easy thing for a man to be a dragonslayer. But dragons can kill dragons. And have. The simple truth is this: we have more dragons than Aegon." Daemon continued his idea, the plan he'd conjured without their input. His behavior toward them after the passing of King Viserys had considerably soured (Y/N) view of him.
"Viserys spoke often of the Valyrian histories. I know them well. When dragons flew to war... everything burned. I do not wish to rule over a kingdom of ash and bone." Rhaenyra asserted coldly, her growing irritation with her uncle beginning to spill over.
"Are you considering the Hightowers' terms, Your Grace?"
"As Queen, what is my true duty to the realm, Lord Bartimos? Ensuring peace and unity? Or that I sit the Iron Throne no matter the cost?" Rhaenyra questioned, earning a scoff from Daemon.
"That's your father talking."
"My father's dead. And he chose me as his successor... to defend the realm, not cast it headlong into war." 
"The enemy have declared war! What are you going to do about it?"
"Everybody out!" (Y/N) bellowed suddenly, slamming his palm into the table and even making Ser Erryk flinch slightly from his outburst. The lords and knights quietly shuffled out of the room, leaving the couple and Daemon alone. The silver-haired prince paced before the fireplace, glancing toward his friend every few steps. (Y/N) closed his eyes for a moment and turned to look at Daemon, taking slow steps toward the man. "You are mourning your brother, I know that. I've mourned a brother too long ago. But you are allowing your anger to guide your tongue-"
"I am not-"
"Do not interrupt me whilst I am speaking, Daemon!" (Y/N) shouted at him and the prince narrowed his eyes but fell silent regardless. Inhaling deeply and moving closer, (Y/N) continued, "I understand you wish to act as quickly as possible to avenge what happened to Viserys and to help your beloved niece take back what was stolen from her. But I refuse to stand by as you challenge us, unknowingly or not. I care for you, Daemon. Years ago prior to coming to Dragonstone, I wouldn't have given a damn if you passed away in battle. But now I do. You're my family and I know you care for me as well. It is why I've allowed you to speak out of turn, to speak down to us. You have more experience and knowledge of battles, I acknowledge that but Rhaenyra is your queen now and you will treat her as such. Because as much as I care for you, you are not the only man we know with experience who is willing to help us. Question Queen Rhaenyra publicly like that again... and you will be replaced. Have I made myself clear?" 
Staring into his (E/C) eyes, Daemon clenched his jaw, exhaling through his nose and nodding. "Very clear, My King." He muttered lowly and stepped away, walking away from the two and retrieving Dark Sister. He looked back at them over his shoulder before exiting the room. (Y/N) watched him leave, feeling Rhaenyra place a hand on his back. 
"You've done well by me, Husband. Not many can threaten my uncle and live." Rhaenyra murmured, hand slipping from his back to his cheek. She smiled softly at him and leaned forward, resting her forehead against his. "There is something I must tell you... it is one of the reasons I hesitate on war."
"What is it?"
"The Song of Ice and Fire," Rhaenyra whispered, glancing toward the door and sighing softly. "When my father named me heir, he told me a prophecy Aegon the Conqueror had. He claimed that the property foretold the coming of a winter so deadly it ended the world of men. He said to survive, all of Westeros needed to be united and a Targaryen needed to sit the Iron Throne. He had me swear an oath to keep this secret and I am sharing it with you now because I know you will not share it with anyone." 
A soft breath escaped his lips and he reached up to touch Rhaenyra's cheek. "And you believe this prophecy?."
"I know it sounds like nonsense but the way my father spoke about it... I believe that sooner or later, this winter will descend upon Westeros. I cannot allow myself to plunge the kingdoms into war and leave a broken mess for Jace and Luke to mend whilst battling a deadly winter." Rhaenyra told him softly, resting her hand over her husband's and releasing a soft sigh. "The future children of our sons deserve a peaceful future, regardless of whether this prophecy is true or not."
"I understand, Nyra. Whatever you decide, you will have my support."
                    ✶        ✶       ✶       ✶       ✶       ✶
Standing beside his wife's chair, he listened to what felt like endless arguing between lords. Rhaenyra leaned back in her chair, absentmindedly listening to them, mind filled with worries and plans. The couple still needed to decide on what to do; risking war or accepting the terms. Both choices would have consequences. Dire consequences that could result in bloodshed regardless of what Otto claimed. His father's words couldn't be trusted, even if he said to be a messenger for Queen Alicent. 
"The Lord of the Tides!" Ser Erryk announced loudly, drawing the couple from their thoughts and toward the doors as the man entered, cane in hand. The sight of him brought Rhaenyra to her feet, a soft gasp leaving her. "Lord Corlys Velaryon... and his wife, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen." 
Lord Corlys entered the room with a limp, his neck heavily bandaged but his strength could not be doubted. Rhaenys stood beside him proudly and their granddaughters followed behind them, both looking equally relieved and pleased to see their grandsire back on his feet. "My lords." He greeted them hoarsely.
"Lord Corlys... It brings much relief to see you hale and healthy again." Rhaenyra spoke softly, smiling at the man. Lord Corlys studied her for a moment, gaze briefly shifting onto (Y/N).
"I'm very sorry about your father, Princess. He was a good man." Rhaenyra's gaze turned down when he regarded her with her old title but Lord Corlys' attention had turned toward his granddaughters as they took their places beside Jace and Luke. Glancing at his wife, he limped toward the table and swept his gaze over the room. "And where is Daemon? I am aware he's quite close to you both."
"Prince Daemon is attending to other matters at the moment." (Y/N) answered and Lord Corlys hummed, moved around the table, and studied the map, taking note of allies and enemies.
"Your declared allies?"
"Too few to win a war for the throne." He pointed out, lifting his eyes toward the couple.
Rhaenyra stepped forward, clearing her throat. "Well, we would also hope to have the support of Houses Arryn, Baratheon, and Stark."
"Hope... is the fool's ally," Lord Corlys said bluntly and Rhaenyra glanced back at the map, pursing her lips slightly. 
"Both Arryn and Baratheon share blood with my house. But all of them swore oaths to me." 
"As did House Hightower, if I remember correctly." His gaze flickered toward (Y/N).
"As did you, Lord Corlys." Rhaenyra's reminder made the man fall silent, his eyes meeting his wife's before he turned and gazed upon his granddaughters and their stance beside the two Velaryon boys. He nodded lightly and looked back at Rhaenyra.
"Your father's realm... was one of justice and honor. Our houses are bound by common blood and common cause. This Hightower treason cannot stand." Lord Corlys voiced. Rhaenyra's brows furrowed at his wording, glancing back to her husband. "You have the full support of our fleet and house, Your Grace." 
"You honor me, Lord Corlys." Rhaenyra breathed and when Lord Corlys looked toward his wife, they knew Princess Rhaenys had much to do with his decision. Turning to look at the woman, Rhaenyra nodded with a thankful smile. Inhaling, Rhaenyra gazed over the map with a more relaxed figure. "But, as I said, to my bannermen, I made a promise to my father to hold the realm strong and united. If war's first stroke is to fall, it will not be by my hand."
"You do not mean to act?"
"Taking caution does not mean standing fast. I wish to know who my allies are before I send them to war." Rhaenyra responded, watching him step closer. Lord Corlys nodded along to her words, looking back down at the Painted Table.
"The consequence to my... near-demise in the Stepstones is that we now control them. I took care to fully garrison the territory this time. A total blockade of the shipping lanes will be in place in days, if not already. The Triacrhy have been routed. The Narrow Sea is ours." Lord Corlys revealed. Rhaenyra's eyes widened and she glanced around at her supporters, releasing a breath of relief. "If we... further seal the Gullet, we can cut off all seaborne travel and trade to King's Landing."
"I shall take Meleys and patrol the Gullet myself." Princess Rhaenys said, coming to a stop beside Rhaenyra and nodding to her in support. 
"When we drain the Narrow Sea, we can surround King's Landing, lay siege to the Red Keep, and force the Greens to surrender." Lord Bartimos offered his plan but (Y/N) stepped forward, gazing down at the table.
"While that plan may work, we first need enough men to surround King's Landing and those men can be provided to us through Winterfell, the Eyrie, and Storm's End." (Y/N) chimed in, turning his eyes onto the maester who bowed his head in turn.
"I'll prepare the ravens."
"We should bear those messages," Jace spoke up, pulling his parents' attention away from the table and toward him. "Dragons can fly faster than ravens and they're more convincing. Send us." He explained, holding his mother's gaze. 
"The Prince is right, Your Grace." Lord Corlys agreed, turning to look at the two. 
Rhaenyra looked at her husband and met his eyes, brows, and lips twitching. Her eyes told him enough of her concerns but when he gently wrapped his fingers around her wrists and nodded, she inhaled deeply. "Very well. Prince Jacaerys will fly north. First to the Eyrie to see my mother's cousin, the Lady Jeyne Arryn, and then to Winterfell to treat with Lord Cregan Stark for the support of the North. Prince Lucerys will fly south to Storm's End and treat with Lord Borros Baratheon. We must remind these lords of the oaths they swore. And... the cost of breaking them." 
With that, the room dispersed and Rhaenyra headed up to one of the many balconies after writing the messages as their sons prepared for their departure. (Y/N) joined her on the balcony, placing his hand over hers and staring out at the sea. Their sons would be heading off into the world as man-grown, helping them on their quest. But (Y/N) couldn't shake the lingering feeling that something was wrong. 
"I believe we'll garner the support of House Stark and House Arryn. House Baratheon worries me. Lord Borros is not exactly an easy man to sway and the fact he himself didn't swear oath... He'll use that as reasoning enough." (Y/N) muttered quietly, turning his head to look at his wife. Rhaenyra looked down at the letters in her hands and sighed.
"We must have faith." She whispered and (Y/N) sighed, looking back out at sea. Rhaenyra turned around as the boys approached them and she smiled softly. "It's been said that as Targaryens, we are closer to gods than to men. And the Iron Throne puts us a touch closer, perhaps. But, if we are to serve the Seven Kingdoms, we must answer to their gods. If you take this errand, you go as messengers... not as warriors. You must take no part in any fighting. Swear it to me now under the eyes of the Seven." Ser Eryyk stepped closer with the book, extending his arms forward.
"I swear it." Luke reached out first, resting his hand on the book as he spoke. (Y/N) turned around to look at them, swallowing down the worry bubbling up in his chest.
"I swear it." Jace followed after a moment of hesitance, resting his hand on the book as well. 
"Thank you." Rhaenyra nodded to Ser Erryk and stepped forward, looking down at the letters. "Cregan Stark is... closer to your age than he is mine. I hope that as men you can find some common interests." 
"Yes, Your Grace." Jace took the letters from his mother, safely tucking them away.
Turning her attention away from her eldest and onto Luke, Rhaenyra took in the worried look on his face. "Storm's End is a short flight from here. Lord Borros is an eternally proud man. He will be honored to host a prince of the realm and his dragon. I expect you will receive a very warm welcome." Rhaenyra assured, placing the letter in Luke's hand and smiling fondly. 
"Yes, Mother- Y-Your Grace." Luke stammered, ears turning a soft pink.
"Do not freight if they prove to be stubborn. Your safety is much more important to us than their support." (Y/N) said, stepping forward and reaching out to touch Jace's arm before looking down at Luke. "Come home safely. That is all I ask for."
"We will," Jace assured and placed a hand on Luke's shoulder, smiling widely at his brother. Luke returned the smile and nodded to his father before Rhaenyra dismissed them, watching them walk away. As they walked, Jace spoke to his brother, lightly shaking his shoulder and smiling down at him. They could only assume it was an attempt at easing Luke's anxiety regarding his flight. It'd be his first time traveling alone without his brother or parents to guide or protect him. Jace had been born with the ferocity and confidence of his mother. A headstrong, stubborn young man. But Luke... Luke reminded (Y/N) so much of his sister. Kind, soft-hearted. A sweet boy in a cruel world. 
"They will be... They will be alright." Rhaenyra whispered to herself, tilting her head toward the sky and blinking away the tears forming in her eyes. Breathing out through her mouth, she nodded to herself and stepped toward the stone railing, resting her palms against it. (Y/N) inhaled and stood beside his wife, pleading with the Mother to bring his boys back home safely. He closed his eyes and made one last silent plea to the gods above before opening them and watching Arrax and Vermax take to the skies alongside Meleys. (Y/N) watched Arrax take a turn, breaking off from the trio first and disappearing into dark storm clouds. The two waited until Vermax and Meleys disappeared from view before stepping away from the balcony, reaching for each other's hands as they returned inside.
Only a day or two had passed with no word from either of their sons. The feeling in (Y/N)'s chest had intensified, leaving him unable to find much sleep at night as he stayed up, gazing toward the balcony in hopes of seeing the outline of dragons approaching. Rhaenyra had similar issues although she'd been able to get at least a few more hours of sleep than him before they forced themselves out of bed and to the Painted Table for more planning.
The Hightower could only stare blankly at the table, offering input when asked and dismissing the worries of his wife. His gaze lifted from the soft glow of the table when Rhaenyra placed a hand on his shoulder, attention directed toward her uncle who walked toward them with a glum look on his face. (Y/N) straightened up, holding Daemon's gaze as the men stopped before them. The silver-haired prince glanced at the other lords, reaching out a hand to touch (Y/N)'s arm and leading them toward the fireplace to speak privately. 
"I have received..." Daemon began but found himself unable to continue whilst looking at them. He turned away and faced the flames of the fireplace, taking in a deep breath before continuing. "I have received word from Storm's End that... that parts of Arrax have washed up onshore. Lord Borros states a dispute had occurred between Prince Aemond and Prince Lucerys before both princes' departed. It is to be believed Prince Aemond killed Prince Lucerys." 
(Y/N) felt his vision spin, feet staggering backward as he took in Daemon's words. The prince quickly steadied the man, muttering his apologies to the couple. Rhaenyra stumbled forward, lifting a hand toward Daemon when he attempted to reach toward her. Her lips parted, watery eyes staring into the flames, and hands coming to rest on her abdomen. She nearly doubled over, sobs beginning to shake her shoulders violently. (Y/N) could hardly breathe, feeling as if his lungs were being squeezed for every last drop of air. He leaned forward, resting his hand on the stone wall and taking in breaths, holding a clenched fist to his chest as the tears fell from his eyes.
Leaning in, Daemon whispered to the grieving man, "An eye for an eye, a son for a son. Lucerys shall be avenged."
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thedo0zyslider · 8 months
Martyn is...not very happy with how things have turned out thus far. Things with him personally, he means. The game has been relatively normal so far, expect for a few more purple symbols than usual that is.
Currently, Martyn is curled up in the Big Dogs Shack, hiding in bed like a child. It's for a very good reason, part of him thinks so anyways. The rest of thinks it's a pretty stupid one, and that he's too old for all this....this shit he would do as a teenager. But here he is anyways.
Against his will, his tail flicks in agitation again. Martyn groans and buries his head into the pillow. He had a new stupid tail and new stupid ears that just seemed to have a mind of their own! He doesn't want to a damn cat! He's a Big Dog, for gods sake!
Well, it's not that he doesn’t want to be a cat. He quite likes the animals, and he's a cat person at the end of the day. It's just.....They'd made him into a calico cat. The species that is, for the most part, female. And Martyn has been away from all that stuff for a while. He's been done transitioning for years now, so why'd They have to make him a blummin' calico cat!? They know how sensitive he is about it! (Or at least, he thinks they do...) Buncha jerks...
He turns in the bed again, just as the door creakes open. It seems the other Big Dog has entered their base. Martyn knows it's Jimmy, because his friends footsteps are familiar to him as breathing is. And also he's the only one it could be, realistically.
"Martyn! There you are!" Jimmy says, his footsteps growing closer to the bed. Much to Martyn’s dread. "I've been looking-"
The blonde knows he will have to force himself up with a sigh, because of he doesn't, the canary will just do it for him. So Martyn sits up, turning to face his old friend, able to feel his ears flattened against his skull already. "....Hi Tim."
"I was gonna ask why you were hiding but...I think I know why." Jimmy mumbles, taking a few hesitant steps closer. His wings are pressed tightly to his back, and his whole body language is one of caution. It's nice, that's he's being all considerate.
"Obvious innit it." Marytn huffs, his ally sitting down on the bed next to him. He shakes the covers off himself, properly revealing the tail as well. Jimmy’s eyes flick towards it, and his eyes widened with something. He thinks it's a new understanding of the situation.
"You scared to go outside now?" The canary asks, shuffling closer. Martyn let's him, until their shoulders are touching. The touch is comforting, something he kinda needs in the moment.
"Yes!" He groans, burying his head into Jimmy’s chest. The other just lets out a huff, and removes him, so they can have this conversation face to face. "What if someone-"
"You really think anyone here is gonna be like that?" Jimmy asks, raising an eyebrow. And Martyn has to be really off his game, for Tim to be the smart one here. Its usually the other way around in these scenarios. "Besides, four of us already know."
"I know. Sorry." He sighs, running a hand through his hair; which had gotten a little messy during all the flopping around he'd just done. "Old habits I guess."
"It's fine." Jimmy smiled earnestly, reaching out a hand. He gave an experimental scratch behind Martyn's ears, and the other couldn't help but lean into it. He didn’t want to lean into it, that was an instinctual thing! The blonde still didn't want to be a cat, and never would be.
"I knew that would work!" The canary smiled, looking stupidly pleased with himself. Martyn let out another groan, his face flushing in embarrassment. He totally didn't lean into it when Jimmy went to give another scratch, and he certainly did not purr about it either.
"You little rascal." He huffs, moving away so Jimmy can longer reach him. The canary just laughs, and lamely tires to chase after him. As a result, Martyn ends up on the floor giggling, and closer to the door.
Jimmy leaves him a few minutes later, saying he should consider going outside. Now that he's feeling better and all. Martyn hums, and takes that into some real consideration.
Maybe he will finally leave his house...
Once leaving the house, Martyn isn't to sure where to go. He doesn't really wanna run into anyone and face any questions about the....everything. Unless whoever he runs into is one of five people. Those five being the four that already know, and the only other person that has weird gender stuff. That he knows of, anyways.
So he ends up knocking on his ex soulmates door, and praying no one else is home.
The front door opens, and the blonde suddenly wonders if this was a bad idea, and if he should be regretting all his life choices.
"Martyn. What do you want?" Cleo asks, leaning against her front doorway. They don't look displeased to see him, but they also don't look to happy either. Martyn ignores that, the look the zombie is shooting him, the growing ball of anxiety in his stomach, and tries to force out words instead.
"Um well, you see-" He begins, a little unsure. As if right on cue, his tail starts flicking. Cleo notices, and raises a curious eyebrow The blonde holds back a sigh at the movement he cannot yet control, and gestures to the ears now atop his head. "It's about....this."
"Okay, you're a calico cat now...?" The zombie says, not quite getting it. Which is fair, considering he has never talked about it before. (Something he probably should've done with his damn soulmate back in Double Life, but the past's the past and this is the present.)
"And calicos can only be...." Martyn trails off, letting the statement finish itself. He knows Cleo's smart enough to work it out.
"Oh." She says, her eyes lighting up in understanding. They stop leaning on the doorway, and move out of it completely. "Get inside."
"Thanks." Martyn says, slipping inside their house. God, even all his movements fell cat like now. Which sucks big time. It's making him feel worse, if anything.
"Don't mention it." Cleo says, shutting the door behind both of them. No one else seems to be home, since the house is quiet expect for the sounds the pair makes. Martyn is grateful for this, because he doesn't want Etho to overhear this, and Grian already knows. The zombie shows him to where one of their beds are, and gestures for him to sit.
"So....does anyone know about it?" They ask, watching as Martyn awkwardly plops himself down on the white bedsheets. On a bed Etho probably stole a few weeks back, no less.
"Yeah. Jimmy, Pearl, Grian, and Bigb." He says, wrapping his new tail around his legs. He strongly resists the urge to kneed the bed. "And you now, I guess."
"So whoever makes these games just forced you to come out, basically." Cleo says, sitting in the opposite side of the bed next to him. She looks a little pissed at that, so much so Martyn believes she would fight the Watchers herself. He's touched by the implied sentiment, really.
"Yeah..." Martyn mumbles. If he's upset by it, and he definitely is, the blonde tries not to show it. He doesn't wanna dampen the mood more than his presence normally does.
Cleo repeats the same sentiment Jimmy had just an hour before, and Martyn wants to scream just a little bit. "Well, no ones gonna hate you for it."
"I know! Jimmy already told me that." He said, throwing his arms up in the air a bit. Like a petulant child would. "It's just scary."
He continues with a sigh, putting his hands back down and clutching them at his sides. Martyn wonders if there are any hidden claws he could unsheathe and accidently dig into his flesh. "And Ren. Ren won't know. And I kinda wanted to tell him before anyone else...."
"I think he'll find out, in his own Ren way probably." Cleo says, surprisingly reassuring. Martyn doesn't know why he's surprised, when this is exactly what he came here for. "I just have a feeling like that."
"....Okay." Martyn mumbles, somehow, feeling reassured by those words. Some part deep down in him knows that Cleo is right, and that Ren will find out in his own, diggty dog like way. Like he was always going too.
"You should just walk around, honestly. No hiding the tail or the ears." Cleo says with an easy shrug. And for some reason, Martyn finds himself taking their advice. But it's always been like that, he takes the zombies advice almost on instinct. Like some part of him knows that she's admittedly smarter about some things.
It was just another weird thing about their relationship, he supposes.
"Really?" Martyn says, consideration made clear in his tone. "They're gonna say something..."
Cleo just snorts, and gives him a little bit of a look. "Do you think Bdubs is smart enough to put two and two together? Or Joel? They'll probably just think you have cute little ears now."
"You have a point..." Martyn mumbled, now actually somewhat sold on his ex-soulmates idea. His tail flicked again, but probbaly with a more positive emrion than it had before. "....You think these are cute?" He added with a sly little smile, not one to miss that comment at the end there.
"Get out before I make you." Cleo snorted, going to try and shove him off the bed. Martyn held back a giggle, and quickly doged out of their reach. It didn't work fully, as they manged to shove him just a little bit.
"Yes ma'am." Martyn said, getting off and the bed and to his feet with a slight stumble. "Lovely speaking to ya" The blonde called over his shoulder, not looking back as he made his way towards the door.
"Can't say the same here." Cleo yelled after him, but it clearly wasn't too serious, and there was a slight laugh in her tone still.
Martyn smiled at the sound, and let the house feeling much more confident than he did when he had entered.
In taking Cleo’s advice, Martyn had decided to just do so chores. Said chores included boring and mundane things, like gathering wood, stone, food, and maybe placing a couple of cheeky sweet berry bushes down here and there. Just in case they did manage to nick someone.
He would not seek out people like he normally would. The blonde decided go just simply be for once. Whoever found him found him, and he would face the questions and stares when they did.
It wasn't of any surprise to him when Pearl was the first person he spotted. Martyn had a feeling something like that would happen, especially since he was a little near to the mounders base.
He spotted his friend as she left her base, slipping outside of the Mounders walls to do whatever. Pearl hadn’t spotted him just yet, but he couldn't just not call out a greeting, that would be rude. And he wasn't gonna be rude to Pearl, of all people.
"Hi Pearl!" Martyn yelled out, throwing his arm up in a friendly wave.
The brunette looked up in suprise, her head twisting around rapidly. When Pearl finally saw where he friend was standing, her eyes lit up. "Martyn! Hi!"
He smiled back, and walked forward, so they could talk easier. As he moved forward, he saw the way Pearl’s eye widened at the sight of his ears, and suddenly had a very good idea of what her reaction was going to be.
"Your ears!" Pearl says when they are standing infront of each other, reaching to cup his face. Martyn let's her, very aware of the fur that now lines his cheeks as well. She squishes them in wonder, before going to fiddle with his ears. The blonde can only let out an amused huff at all her prodding, leaning into the contact on newly formed instincts.
"Yeah, I'm a cat now." He responds, cheekily flicking his tail around her legs. Pearl lets out a gasp, her eyes moving towards the new apendage.
"And you have a tail!" Pearl almost squeals her words out, watching the blonde's tail flick with even more wonder if her eyes. If that was even possible. Martyn almost has to hold back a chuckle.
"Yep. And I'm a calico." He says, trying really really hard to hide the sourness he feels over it. But apparently he doesn't try hard enough, because Pearl still catches it, and a frown stretches across her features.
"If anyone's rude to you, I'll kill them myself." Pearl says firmly, giving him another scratch behind the ear, for she is still holding his face in her hands.
"Greens can't kill people!" Martyn giggles, leaning into the touch without even thinking about it anymore.
"Doesn't matter!" Pearl says a little too cheerfully, rubbing the fur on his cheeks again. Martyn had forgotten half his friends were cat people, admittedly like himself, and that a lot of them were going to have this reaction. So today, and maybe the next few, were going to be filled with a lot of this. A lot of pets and ear scratches. Not that he exactly hated it, it was just something the blonde now had to get used too.
"We should go show B and Grian! And Jimmy!" Pearl exclaimed after a moment of rather comforting pets, her eyes lighting up once more.
"Tim's already seen me!" Martyn says, letting his cheeks get properly smushed, like a grandma would do.
"Well BigB and Gri havent!" Pearl's insistent on it. And before the blonde knows what's happenings she's grabbed him by the hand, and is now taking him towards BigB's weird hole base. Martyn accepts his face, holding back a few more laughs as he does so.
They thankfully find BigB at his own place, and not the heart foundation, exactly as Pearl had thought they would. She flags their friend down by calling out his name until he hears her, mainly because neither of them really know where he would be hiding in his labyrinth of a base. This strategy works surprisingly well.
BigB appears from around a corner, like some sort of damn ghost, and Martyn has to stop himself from jumping out of his skin. And to both of their surprises, Grian follows behind him, wings a little messy. They had to have been in the mines then, for the parrots wings to be full of that much soot and dust.
The two men approch them cheerfully, and rhe blonde forgets everything Cleo, Pearl and Jimmy had been telling him all day. He figures this is going to become routine for the day, and maybe the one after that.
"Martyn," BigB said, studying his friend carefully. Like the difference wasn't obvious. The blonde tried to shrink under his gaze, acutely aware if the way his tail flicked behind him. "You're a cat now."
"Isn't he adorable!?" Pearl exclaimed, going to rub his ears again. Martyn wrinkled his nose at that, and moved away best he could. Just because he had ears didn't mean Pearl could pet him all she wanted. Though she would damn well try, regardless of his opinion on it.
Grian snickered, watching his tail move from side to side in amusement. "Not so much of a big dog now, eh?"
"Oh hush, bird brain." Martyn snorted, suddenly smacking the avian in the leg with the very tail he was so amused by.
"Hey!" Grian squawked lightly, his wings starting to flare out behind him. Martyn smiled smuggly, and shuffled a little out if the way, knowing his friend was not afraid to smack someone. With his hands or his wings. The other two people laughed at their antics, giggles filling the air.
Maybe Cleo was right after all. Maybe walking around wasn't such a bad idea after all. Even if Pearl and BigB were insistent on showing him off to everyone.
It's not really what Martyn had in mind for the day, but he'll go with it. Especially if it's with these three people. Maybe Jimmy will even join them, and make his day even more unexpected.
Yeah, yeah that would be nice. A day running around with those four, just like they used too. That would be nice.
By the end of the day, Martyn had been paraded around to everyone. Every member of the server had seen his new tail and ears, and most of them had fawned over it and called him cute. And maybe he has attempted to scratch a few certain people for such comments as well. Not many, just a few. To test if he had claws is all.
There were only two interactions that stuck out in his mind, ones that he would probably replay over and over again in his head for a few days at least. And the first one happened when he stumbled across an old teammate
He found Scott once Pearl brought him up to the cherry Blossom, still dragging him around by the hand like a toddler. Martyn just let her do so, not wanting to kill her enthusiasm. And the cherry trees did smell rather nice, now that he had a better sense of smell on him. So going up the pink mountain wasn't all too bad, even if his feet were staring to tire from all the walking he'd done. BigB had long since left them for that excat reason, actually, and Martyn couldn't fault him. There were walking around the whole server without a horse.
After marveling at him for a few minutes, Gem takes Pearl into her house for something, a trade the blonde thinks. Impulse hadn’t been home at the time, reportedly with Bdubs or Skizz. Which just leaves Martyn and Scott, the two men standing in a silence that is only a little bit stilted.
Matyn awkwardly shoves his hands in his hoodie pockets, tail flicking against some loose cherry petals on the ground. He feels like there's something they should talk about, considering how close they were last game. A game he knows they both remember. Thankfully, Scott wants to get to the point, taking a few thoughtful steps closer to the blonde.
Scott hummed, scanning over his ears and tail. He'd clearly figuired it out, why Martyn was a calico. He'd probabky done so instantly, actually, knowing Scott and how stupidly perspectives he tended to be. "You never told me, back on the island."
"Never came up." Martyn shrugged. Yet his tail still flicked uneasily, old memroies making some part of him feel unsure about this situation. Even though he knew not to be. "You're not mad, are you?"
"Nope." Scott smiled reassuringly, bumping their shoulders together. "I wish you had, but I understand why you didn't."
Martyn smiled back at him, and playfully flicked his tail around the others legs. "So you're not mad?"
"Not at all." Scott confirmed, right as Gem and Pearl excited the formers house, stuff now being carried in both of the women's arms. Martyn internally groaned at the thought of having to lug that around with them, and hoped Pearl had the sanity to make a stop back at home before going anywhere else.
The next encounter he remembered was at the end of the day, on his way home. As sunset was falling and just under an hour after he and Pearl had parted ways.
On his way back to the mesa, he runs into Tango. Or rather, he runs into Ren in Tango's body, as some part of him is saying.
He's not going to question, or even think about why They decided to do that. Martyn just feels his breath hitch, and his limbs go stone cold.
The two of them just stand there for a moment, looking and staring in what has to be either shock or awe. Martyn cannot tell which.
Ren stares back at him knowingly, through Tango's red eyes, and Martyn has never felt so observed in his life. It's as if his old friend is searching every inch of him, taking in everything so he never forgets it again. And his new features as well, features he stares at way too long for Martyn to be comfortable with.
Ren slash Tango opens his mouth to speak, and for a moment Martyn is a little scared. He's scared of what the other will say, and what cruel words might be hurled at him.
Then he remembers that this all nonsense, and that these people are his friends. They are not like those people, they are not like that.
He remembers Cleo and Jimmy’s words for what has to be the seventh time that day, and feels a little better once more.
"Hey." The other man says, tentative.
Martyn mumbles back. "Hey."
Ren slash- he's just going to call him Ren, since that's who's really speaking here, let's out a small smile. Martyn misses his dog ears and the little fangs you could always see when he moved his mouth. Not to say Tango was and looking or anything, his body just wasn't the right fit for this one particular dog guy. "Been a while, hasn't it?"
"Yeah." Martyn smiled, feeling himself go a bit less stiff by the moment.
"Your ears," Ren says, sounding a little uncertain of how to broach this topic. Martyn can't blame him for it, because he isn't quite sure either. "You never told me before."
"I didn't know how." The blonde says, honest. "Sorry."
"Don't be sorry, it's not a big deal." Ren smiles gently. Martyn smiles back, no longer feeling scared anymore.
Everyone was right. No one would get mad at him. His friends were not those kinda people.
"Well, Tim's waiting for me back at Baxter." He continues after a moment moment now comfortable silence. "See you a different time?"
"Yeah, a different time." Ren confirms, giving him a small wave as he starts to turn away. The blonde waves back.
"Makre sure Tango knows somehow, will you? I don't want him being left out." He gives one last request. He'd hate for one of their group to be left out because of them, after all.
"Will do!" Ren calls, and that is where their meeting ends. Both men go back to their own homes, confident they will see each other once again. Maybe not here, but elsewhere, in a different place maybe.
Martyn goes home, to his syupid little dog house, feeling a lot better than he had when he woke up that morning.
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melodiclune · 9 months
In a world where only Reds could be hostile, and peace was relatively easy to attain, one man refused. He killed more people as a Green than Red, triumphing against all odds with a Red for an ally. The sun shone down on them brightly as he had to, in the end, take the life of the Red who had stuck to him all this time.
In a world where trust was unattainable, and all that was permanent was the unknown possibility of a kill from anyone, anywhere, one man refused. He trusted his allies beyond anything else and refused to kill, even if it meant he lost his own life. The stars were bright in the sky as in the end, he brings his sword down, not in his name, but in revenge for his fallen allies.
In a world where soulmates existed, where everyone was bound to one person by an unbreakable thread, to carry forward with you and let yourself be carried through the tides of time, one woman was refused. Her soulmate denied her as much as she denied him, and none besides herself and her pets were worth her time. In the end, after all the carnage, even as she mourns her dog, all she has is the feel of dynamite going off. Her soulmate does something for her, for the first and last time.
In a world where time was precious and allies were valuable despite the distrust, where the alliances were so strong they'd triumph any required kills, one man refused. Where fairness was part of the game more than any other time, he brought down his sword on unsuspecting friend and foe alike, the taste of blood morphing into time he wanted to win, to live.
In a world where the secrets were stronger than ever, and alliances helped each other clear their tasks and work together, one man refused. After trying many times to join them and only being greeted with rejections, he turns away. Allying and betraying people alike, his only true allegiance to himself. After all, the name of the game was never to stay friends, but to complete your tasks.
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astronautbeans · 10 months
working on an au I'm calling Rosethorn au :) it's a medieval fantasty au where the hermits/life series members are the representations of various concepts :D
for now the focus on the fic I'm writing is Gem being the representation of Life and Etho of Death and how they become friends and fall in love <3
it got me thinking of what other concepts other characters could be, so here's a few!
Gem - Life represents life, light, creation, energy. queen of Dawn, protector of all living things, 'Bringer of Light'. using her energy she can give life and create it, e.g. her blood will rapidly grow plants or restore barren ground. she sees it as her duty to help anyone she can, whoever they might be
Etho - Death represents death, darkness, destruction. referred to as 'Death’s favourite soldier' or similar. effortlessly uses his powers to take people to the grave, usually drawn to raging wars or towns plagued by sickness. is often rumoured to be a sadistic person that loves to kill, although he simply misses being around people and has taken to simply doing what he does best as Death's soldier
Jimmy - Peace represents peace and calmness, a tranquility. often misunderstood as Death, as he usually finds himself gently guiding others to the grave. (distant) relative of Gem.
Tango - War represents war and conflict. his very presence gets people on edge. wherever he goes, conflict follows. he is the Commander of King Joel's armies. always looking for fights and conflicts, he is one to seek out every opportunity to sow seeds for war. he is Jimmy's polar opposite, meaning that however much they'd love each other they can never be what they want to be without destroying everything around them (this is what drives him, it makes him rage against the entire world and especially those that gave him this role).
Joel - Chaos represents chaos, disorder, madness. King of Dreaded Dusk. Often referred to as 'the Mad King', 'the King of the North' or 'the Dreaded King'. he wants nothing more than to cause chaos in the world, to see others fall, to see people lose themselves to madness. his kingdom being named Dreaded Dusk is a direct play on Dawn, as he believes he will be the downfall of men and the bringer of night (aka insanity and chaos).
Cleo - Undeath represents undeath, being neither dead nor alive, and the state everything and everyone finds itself in just before they're truly dead. has the power over undead ones, as well as the power to turn people into the undead. they are the polar opposite of both Gem and Etho. they are King Joel's closest ally, although not loyal to the crown of Dreaded Dusk.
that's all for now!! suggestions are very welcome :D new posts will have the #rosethorn au tag
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bestepisode · 6 months
Vote on more episodes here!
Episode descriptions below the cut.
Anne: Buffy, living on her own in a big city, assists a girl whose boyfriend has mysteriously vanished. Back in Sunnydale, Buffy's friends do their best to battle the forces of evil without her.
Amends: As the Christmas holiday approaches, Angel is tormented by evil apparitions who want him to eliminate Buffy.
Halloween: On Halloween, Buffy and her friends patronize an unusual costume shop where customers turn into whatever costume they are wearing.
Some Assembly Required: Two science club nerds use body parts to create the "perfect girlfriend" for a teenager who has been brought back from the dead.
Revelations: With some help from Faith's new watcher, Buffy seeks to destroy a weapon-like glove before it falls into the hands of a demon.
What's My Line (Part 2): Buffy joins forces with another Slayer in hopes of saving Angel from the clutches of Spike and Drusilla.
A New Man: Ethan Rayne returns to town and transforms Giles into a demon. Spike is the only one who can help.
Family: When relatives arrive in Sunnydale, to celebrate her birthday, Tara uses a magic spell on her friends to keep them from learning her "secret." Meanwhile, Glory unleashes a horde of demons to hunt down Buffy.
Consequences: A homicide detective closes in on Buffy and Faith as he investigates the deputy mayor's death.
Graduation Day (Part 2): On Ascension Day, Buffy and her friends prepare for the ultimate battle as they face off against the mayor and a horde of vampires.
The Killer in Me: After Willow and Kennedy share their first kiss, Willow is transformed into Warren, the man she killed last year. When she sets out to find help, she bumps into an old friend. Meanwhile, Buffy searches for answers when Spike's chip causes him great pain, and the gang suspect that Giles may really be The First.
Chosen: After killing Caleb, Buffy conceives a plan to defeat the First once and for all. Willow invokes a magic spell that alters the ancient Slayer spell and gives Buffy the allies she needs to fight the Uber-Vamp army. An epic battle ensues and several good friends are lost.
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sketchehm · 6 months
I think another way of people treating the world around then differently as c!dream is how people act about his role as admin. He has to intervent in conflict to solve them and make sure people follows the rules. But at least with l'manberg and c!tommy's situation people want him to take others roles. On l'manberg c!will wants him to take the role of the tyrant just for doing his job (aside of his actions on it) and the rest of the server that arent his allies wants him to just give up the rules and give it a pass. But they also kinda want him to be responsible to look for others bad habits too. Like how when it's point put ctommy's bad actions sometimes it's just tell "he's just a kid" and act as it's cdream's fault for not looking out for him like some guardian, or how some blamed him for c!wilbur taking his life when yeah cdream didnt help him much but his decision was only his. For c!dream his role it's to make people follow the rules and not created conflicts and that's all but some treat him like he's some sort of teacher or guardian
That's very true! Its how the other server members treat and receive Dream that they practically put his role as an admin/owner on a pedestal.
It's Dream being the owner that he has to have all this power. Him being genuinely kind to his server members in the beginning is completely overlooked solely by the joining of Wilbur when he puts Dream in this frame as something more than an equal. Because Dream had regarded himself as an equal to everyone else, he was no different to them. Just someone who had more a voice of reason compared to many of his friends.
It isn't that he didn't want his friends to fight because he's the owner, but because he didn't want anyone upset. He didn't want anything griefed because he didn't want anyone to genuinely be affected by the destruction. He didn't uphold his role because it's his job, but because he genuinely wanted everyone to have fun. People want Dream to let them be and do whatever chaotic nonsense they want, but Dream knows that not everyone has that same mindset and is better to keep a more relatively calmer atmosphere. Tommy being added to the bag, if anything, had allowed Dream to find different ways to work around destructive behavior. Dream banning Tommy, if anything, showed how Dream was not used to someone just listening to him and saw an immediate threat in that. This was someone outside of his circle and he recognized it, so he did start being more lenient to Tommy's behaviors and learning about them. Such as engaging in stealing the discs. And I really don't regard this as him taking his role of an owner for the betterment of his server, but as someone who is finding a new kind of fun with someone else on his server.
However, that is quick to take a turn when people aren't regarding him as a fellow player that you should also hear out and respect but as someone in the way of what they want. Power. Something that was never on the table and something that never was to be contested before.
So Dream had to stand his ground and say no. Because a fight for some silly discs in a back and forth during the beginning was just that, a back and forth. It wasn't until Wilbur was claiming he had the right to take and control the land L'manburg stood on that pushed too far. Because the land was for everyone. But once he did this, no one had ever saw Dream the same again. And almost vice-versa. Dream could never again see the others being destructive as a way of entertainment but as a way to go against him and his server. They could never really be equals ever again.
Dream had taken his role as owner to try and stomp out the one thing he was being accused of abusing throughout the server's lifetime. Power, hierarchy, tyranny. And isn't that an amazing paradox?
Dream had to provide to the server in every which way because he was the owner, not too little and not too much. But it was always too little or too much. He was no longer someone working alongside them, someone also trying to work out the same problems they were facing and experiencing. He was just someone above them who should already know the answers. And with that, others didn't want someone above them, so they aimed to bring him below them and take whatever Dream had claimed to power.
But all Dream wanted was to stand by them again.
Of course, this is all personally speaking!
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redtoondevils · 8 months
'The DCA is unhinged' My unpopular confession.
-Disclaimer to update: So much portrayal has been changed from the HW 2 game. Although, there are some changes for his personality. That I don't agree with: Erratic behavior, aggression, and the jump scare.
Especially the Jump scare. If that is effects of the virus or not. To me. That doesn't suit him. Instead, I am going to use what he was like in SB, and in Ruin. With a small theory around his behaviors from HW 2.
Just know this is all coming from my opinion, to which I believe something should be said about this. And using characters who are similar, but also say why I think this word shouldn't apply to with reasons with what I think.
Unless, if I think there are otherwise. But, this is more about of why I think it shouln't apply to, because of how they appear to be.
I am not a professional mental health person. Just giving out my thoughts. Sunny, as described to be an unhinged robot, that has intense emotions and anxiety.
However, he is very childish, and is still playful even though he came from the theatre. I believe he wasn't angry and first. He has problems.
But saying he's 'unhinged', that as in mentally, like that as he is described. I cannot. Eccentric, however. I think there are other causes. It's reason why I don't think that's the point about him being like this.
Another character who is similar of being emotionally unstable, but not violent is Dobby from Harry Potter.
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Dobby is a mischievous, yet friendly house elf and loyal companion for Harry Potter. Like Sun, who is friendly sometimes. But, otherwise, both are relatively harmless.
Dobby is also timid, and unstable with anxiety. That's because he was being treated really bad, and abused by Lucifer Malfoy. That doesn't make him unhinged.
But later on in the films, Dobby starts to get braver, and doesn't appear unstable as he used to be. And stands up for himself. When he finally used his magic to fight against his evil 'Master'. He even risked his life for Harry Potter to save him. Then he died tragically.
Then there another character I think has the more accurate terms of mentally 'Unhinged', by getting violent and mentally unstable. This character that has the more serios symptoms is John Doe. AKA The Joker from Batman, telltale series.
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I picked this one because he wasn't a villain, and someone who has mental instabilities more severe, and realistic. His symptoms are far worse that that for both Dobby, and Sun.
He becomes and ally for bat man, but would need to be kept an eye on, and would need to be reminded to watch his anger emotions before he get's out of hand.
His temperamental emotions can heighten whenever he get's stressed, and angry. He get's violent, and may decide to hurt the person/hurt himself when someone get's in his way.
That one scene in church, where he tries to talk to Bruce, sitting next to him in those seats telling him of his friends. He's been told over, and over to keep it down.
When someone shushed him, he felt very offended with that, and threatened them. Before Bruce had to interviene, and tell him to 'Calm down' an sit back down.
Before John doe get's more overwhelmed and does something destructive/or harmful to that person who shushed him. He even has mood swings very quickly, and chooses to get violent towards those who does not respect him, or to solve problems.
The last character, I would like to show, and say why I think he isn't exactly Çrazy. Is Zini from dinosaur:
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Zini, like Sun is eccentric, and is energetic. Both he, and Sun got this similar personality in them. Especially their sarcastic banter. I don't think that due to Zinni's energetic character means that he's unhinged of any sort. I typically think he's just a furball weirdo.
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When Gregory broke his rule, Sun didn't do either of these things to harm Gregory, and use violence out of order to kick him out of the daycare. Apart from banning him.
When he was about to turn standing ontop of the counter, he was showing expreme signs of distress, and paranoia. Though, he did not one step down, or go anywhere with what he's not told to do, and stayed put not to go near Gregory when he turned.
Sure, he was upset, but he didn't get into destruction or out of order attempts when he was feeling angry and kicked Gregory out. In fact, that's more rational choice that he made when he felt angry and overwhelmed.
That the best that he could do, is to get the kid away from him, till he cools off. We've only seen Sun only for a few minutes when this accused, there wasn't very much interaction with him, when he's playful and not angry.
If he is depicted as a neurodivergent character with ADHD, and is on the leading spectrum of autism, then please do not call him that.
If he's emotianally unstable, then that means he finds it hard to cope with his anxiety? I just looked it up, and it means that the person get's mood swings, and has the inability to regulate emotions. Although, he is not the only one.
Roxanne herself, does show that she has trouble managing her emotions. And has mood swings, and seems to be obsessive with her beauty. If you disturb her, then she will get aggressive.
It is related to anxiety, but it's associated with the severity of trauma, and neglectance. I think that isn't severe. It isn't good that he's been treated that way.
But, I mostly think that the company just push him aside, or hooks him up in place where he doesn't wander and keep him in close supervision.
He does get angry, but he actually does refrain himself from committing any physical harm, whenever he feels like that. I am not inclined to say that he's mentally unstable.
I think that to label him as unhinged, with way that he appeared, in the first game. Was unequal on him out of everyone else. To what is happening to Monty, Chica, and Vanessa. Because she changes as well.
-And some additional notes. I even asked a friend of mine from a few years ago, asking them the same thing. "Is Sun The daycare attendant Unhinged?'. That's when I was wondering about it. And thinking that maybe he is, though I wasn't so sure.
So, this was their response.
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Then, after reading that. That cleared things up about him. I think by a lot. It isn't everything. But it saves it.
Then, after some thinking. I thought, yeah. This person is right.
And I thank them for it. Now, update this comment was posted a year ago. So, I do have some things to say about this post. I am still on the same page of this.
Is the mentally 'R' worded word, should not apply onto this. For medical reasons.
I think they mean as more behaving like that. They pointed out the general behaviors Sun has. When they said that, his behaviors could be explained by the fact.
That he's extremely lacking in communication. I think in those terms are accurate to this.
The correlation of them being a theatre robot. (Although, they would have other origin stories, behind them.) And since have moved. They wouldn't be communicating very much.
Or very well. Because, of this, with their coding still present, and how they feel emotionally, and dramatically. Is causing them to behave like how they are meant to.
To now that's been changed, is being implemented to. When they try to emotionally interact with kids, they contribute into doing.
They can sometimes, get destructive. And not being able to concentrate. But, they are also emotionally Intelligent.
I think, that some of these issues regarding to Sun's behavior is coming from his system. Being coded into. Especially when he turns into Moon. The theory of the virus affecting him and Moon.
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The transformation in SB looked painful, than how he used to turn back in HW 2 so quickly. The transformation in SB looked painful, than how he used to turn back in HW 2 so quickly. I think, that some of these issues regarding to Sun's behavior is coming from his system.
The background of them is stated that they were theatre bot's moved into the Pizza Plex from the fair ground. However, I think they were pretty much okay, until after when they have re located at the daycare that something changed with in them. (Their personalities are separate.)
I think they started to feel different, when this started to happen. (The erratic anger, and the jump scare.) Their bitter perspective developed, but their system may have gotten affected. Just like how Chica is affected below too.
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As you can see, something clearly looks wrong with her. The evidence is found in one of the notes, about Chica's bakery that it said in the sentence that she has this chip placed into her that's messing up her programming, and she attacked employees, and S.T.A.F.F robots. She is looking rather unhinged in this shot. And she continued from there.
Each one of these issues has it's own affects to the animatronics, in one form to another. Even to Monty, how his programming has been tampered with, changed him into an alligator that has mental anger issues, and became super destructive.
-Taking my attention back to Sun. I do believe that despite having his dancing programming removed. He was given some had some qualifications, with the strapped-on bells, and for cleaning up to be added in. With playtime, and protection.
So he cannot be acting violent, or having degenerative behavior. While yes, he is intense with his programming. I do think that, he does try to keep it together, even though he does get impatient.
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Sun In Ruin shows up again, and is malfunctioning. This is at the part where he lost more control. However, and I do want to mention this. I feel like he isn't given much credit of not letting go of himself.
He still has enough humanity to speak to Cassie, and tell her what to do. Without harming her whatsoever. That is an incredible tolerance to have, for some who is unstable.
Or not really sane. Another time, when he saves her again, if Cassie walks back a little too early, he saves her again when he tells her "No! No no! It's not safe yet! Turn on the other generator!". It's something that the very few people, wouldn't be able to do. If they lost their humanity.
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With this Image, gives me one more theory. When they are mixed together with both Sun and Moon, their programming are working together as one. Which could mean, that they were never this intense in the first place. And that I think Moon was sane, is because when he had been rebooted, he calmed down and started to behave correctly, and is calm.
Even though, he is intense. But I think just like Chica, and Monty. Something like this would have to be messing him up, and his train of thought. He himself, is a little temperamental.
But he isn't ill minded. Moon may be interpreted with unstable mind sets, but it is different in forms with the mental illness. Personally, I don't think he is a psychopath. Ruthless, yes. But not heartless. And still has feelings. Almost sympathic. And seek comfort in toy's to calm himself down.
In conclusion, I'm against the idea of Sun being Unhinged because of his energy, and his shouting excitedly. Which being excited, usually means being boisterous. And because, I have these reasons.
And even for Eclipse as well. They are both combined together now, and they wouldn't have those symptoms anymore. Because they have been fixed.
Reblog if you support this. Hearting is optional. Ignore this post if you are not Interested. This is open for feedback, and share your thoughts.
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tti episode 7
“Last time on Total Takes Island! Our campers were put to the test in a battle against their fears. Not all succeeded, but all were very entertaining. Mal and Courtney finally fought out their differences in the ring, and Mal revealed her actual not-so-nice personality and her bad habit of throwing challenges, which ultimately led to her stroll down the walk of shame. How will the team ever bounce back from their inner turmoil and their vicious losing streak? Find out today, on Total! Takes! Island!”
The Flying Fujoshis walk in relative silence towards the beach, where they’ve been summoned for today’s challenge. Now only down to only six competitors, a certain sense of urgency hangs in the air. 
McLovin walks ahead of the group (partly thanks to his long legs) and Ass jogs to keep up with him. “Hey, McLovin!”
“Oh, hey, man,” he says, turning in their direction. “What’s up?”
“Oh, I just thought you might want a walk-friend. Buddy system, right? Haha,”
“Uh… yeah, for sure,” 
Courtney watches from a few feet behind and then stops, putting her hands on her hips and glaring. Sha-Mod crashes into her, his field of vision obscured by the Lighting image. 
“Sha-Hey! What’s the hold up?” 
They seethe. “Look at Ass. Mal’s not even gone one day and they’re already getting all chummy. McLovin was my ally first!”
“Woah, we can’t call dibs on a guy, guy,” Sha-Mod says, standing alongside Courtney as they begin walking again. “It’s not fair to him.”
“They’re such a flooz. They’re flirting,” 
“Sha-are they?” Sha-Mod lifts up the image just a tiny bit and watches as Ass giggles and playfully elbows McLovin’s ribs a little too hard. He keels over for a moment, coughing, and then smiles back. “Damn… they sha-are.”
The two overhear a snippet of their conversation. 
“Stop, MC you are too funny!”
“I call him MC. That was my nickname first!” Courtney shouts before Sha-Mod covers their mouth and shakes his head. 
“Alright, campers! Today’s challenge is simple: canoeing! You’ll be paddling across the lake to Bony Island, where you’ll carry your canoes to the other side of the island, and then build a rescue fire that’ll be judged by moi. The first team to return with their canoes win!
And… well, Scruffy, I’m sure you’ve got this,”
Scruffy stands. “Everyone make sure to not take anything off the island. According to local legend, if you do, you’ll be permanently cursed,”
Everyone looks at each other nervously.
“Now, get a move on!”
“Let’s partner up. Luckily, we have an even amount of members, so this shouldn’t be hard,” Courtney smiles. “Let’s see… Bonnie and Caesar, you two will go together, and… Me and McLovin-”
Sha-Mod and Ass both shout at once. “Hey!”
“What? We’ve been friends since the Awake-a-Thon. Bonnie and Caesar are friends, McLovin and I are friends… it makes sense, doesn’t it?” 
“Don’t you think we should sha-mix it up for once?”
Courtney sighs, watching the Anons set off, Max having assigned everyone a partner already. “Okay, fine. McLovin, go with Bonnie. Sha-Mod and Caesar. Ass, you’re with me,”
No one seems particularly happy about the arrangements, but at least everyone is equally miserable. 
Austin and Kelly sit in their boat, ignoring their oars and simply relaxing in the sun instead. Kelly leans over the edge of the boat, their finger dipping in the water while Austin leans back. 
“How about O, baby?” 
“Oh, I don't know,” Kelly sighs. “He seems a little… neurotic.”
“Most of the people here are, baby. Not Austin, though, I’m cool as a cucumber, yeah!”
Kelly sighs happily. “I like that,”
Max’s canoe paddles by quickly, and he yells as he and Staci pass. “MOVE!”
Staci pants from within their canoe, smiling. “You know, my great-great-great grand aunt Pattie-”
Max pops in a pair of ear-plugs
MAX: “I admire Staci's upper body strength much more when I can't hear them."
Julia and Michael paddle their canoe behind Max and Staci’s, albeit at a much less stressed pace. “Should we go faster?” Michael asks, watching the two ahead. 
Julia shrugs. “Eh, I wouldn’t worry about it. The Fujos are way behind,”
“Yeah, but-”
“Plus, Max kinda has a stick up his ass, you know? I mean, where’s the fire, right?”
JULIA: “and I am not being manipulative, by the way. Michael is desperate for friends, and I could use an ally. It’s a parasitic relationship,” she pauses to think. “Wait- no, that’s not right.”
“We are in the middle of a challenge, and with-”
“Don’t worry about it, we’ll win. I’m pretty confident in our abilities. I mean, yours at least,” Julia smiles. “Think about everyone else on the team- what do they bring to the table? Scruffy is a know-it-all, Staci is delusional, Max is a Smurf… when you think about it, you and I are like, the only good players.”
Frollo and Scary’s canoe floats by as they fight each other inside, Scary biting down on Frollo’s Bible as he holds it and tries to shake her off. Both Michael and Julia watch in silence until they’re out of frame.
“Um… yeah, I guess so,”
Caesar huffs, wiping the sweat off his brow in the scorching sun.
Sha-Mod watches in silence as Caesar turns to look at him, expectedly. A long silence follows as they stare at each other. 
Caesar turns back and sighs. “I miss Bonnie,”
Bonnie and McLovin sit on their canoe in an equally awkward silence, looking back and forth at each other every few seconds. 
“So…” McLovin finally starts up a conversation, looking to the sky nervously. “What kind of music do you like?”
“I don’t really listen to music,” Bonnie says in a monotone voice. 
“That’s cool. I like old school hip-hop and some classic rap. My buddy Joner and I have the biggest collection of Eminem concert ticket stubs in the Midwest,”
“Wow, that’s fascinating,” they put bluntly. “Let me guess, you like superhero movies and cop shows, too?”
“Nah, not really, I don’t watch a lot of TV. I like video games more,”
Bonnie raises an eyebrow and turns to look back at McLovin in the back of the canoe. “What kind of video games?’
Even though Scruffy and O are ahead of everyone but Max and Staci, they’re not faring too well. Every few minutes, Scruffy stops to write something down on their notepad, forcing O to take the brunt of the work as he’s too polite to object. 
O scratches his nose- Scruffy writes- O coughs- Scruffy writes- O checks his B.O.- Scruffy writes. The sound of scribbling is driving him up the wall, and it's taking a lot for him not to jump overboard.
“Hey, man? I don’t wanna be a bother, but maybe you could save the writing until we’re on land?” O asks, teeth gritted as he forces a smile. “Or when there are other people around?”
“Oh… I guess,” Scruffy sighs, putting away their notepad. As they do, a thick fog begins to roll in, shrouding the canoes in a grayish tint and making it impossible to see anything ahead. 
O squints. “Man, where did this fog come in? It was sunny today,” 
“I remember this- we’re almost there,”
The fog clears up a bit, and the figure of a large skull-shaped rock formation on the side of a cliff comes into view. Bony Island- in all its newly cleaned-up glory. A red canoe on the beach appears from the mist, and then Staci and Max as they wait on the sands. 
Scruffy and O dock their boat, followed closely by Julia and Michael. On the other side of the beach, Ass and Courtney pull up, followed by Bonnie and McLovin, who seem to be getting along just fine. 
Max sighs. “I swear to God…”
Just as Caesar and Sha-Mod roll onto the sands, Kelly and Austin follow. “Let’s move!” Max and Courtney yell in unison, prompting the teams to pick up their canoes and start running through the woods. 
Within five minutes, each and every pair has slowed to a walk, wheezing and huffing as their arms shake from the weight of the heavy wooden boats. McLovin hangs limply from his, forcing Bonnie to carry both the canoe and their partner. This time, no one argues to have McLovin on their side. 
“We gotta be close, right?” O groans. 
Scruffy smiles faintly. “Just a few more hours,”
Everyone lets out a loud wail of agony as they continue down the dark, musty path, surrounded by bones. Max and Staci pause for a moment to readjust and Max turns to see Frollo and Scary dragging their boat behind them, full of skulls from the scattered remains around the trail. 
“Um… what is this?”
“We’re going to give them a proper Christian burial,” Frollo states, matter-of-factly. 
Scary giggles. “We’re splitting them 50/50,”
“I think you guys are supposed to carry the canoes over your heads, not on the ground,” Michael says, walking by. Julia is at the back of their boat, looking winded, though Michael doesn’t seem particularly bothered. 
MICHAEL: “Joner was really my only friend growing up, so I spent a lot of time carrying him around. I’m kinda used to heavy lifting- and wrestling, boxing, camping, you know- guy stuff.”
Caesar huffs, looking back at Sha-Mod with disdain, and then to Bonnie and McLovin, and then back to Sha-Mod. 
“Hey, Sha… Guy?”
Sha-Mod grunts in response. Caesar gestures between their canoe and the one adjacent to them. “Tradesies?”
Sha-Mod seems to light up (though it’s hard to tell) and immediately drops his end of the canoe, running over to McLovin and Bonnie- who seems thoroughly relieved as they switch places. 
“Hey!” Courtney and Ass shout as McLovin and Sha-Mod run past them. “You can’t do that! We have to stick with our partners!” 
“Says who!” Sha-Mod yells back. 
Courtney growls, dropping the canoe on Ass, who shouts angrily, to run after them. 
Ass throws the boat off their head and runs too, catching up with the trio just as Courtney blocks their path, frowning deeply. “If we’re gonna share, we’re gonna do it fairly”
McLovin attempts to balance between the two canoes as Sha-Mod carries the center of one and Ass and Courtney carry the ends of the other. 
The balancing act is slow and tedious as Bonnie and Caesar pass, walking slowly and idly chatting. Even Frollo, Scary, and their army of skull-children drag ahead of the four. 
Courtney huffs, and then pauses for a moment. “Did you guys hear that?”
Scruffy walks by, nodding solemnly, and then states matter-of-factly: “Wooly beavers,”
“Um,” Ass says, suddenly pale. “What?”
A rustling from the bushes behind them spurs the entire group to scream and run, pursued by a pack of ginormous rodents. 
Courtney, Ass, McLovin, and Sha-Mod run ahead of everyone else, garnering looks of confusion from their fellow castmates that are quickly replaced by shouts of terror as the beavers pursue. 
O suddenly feels something thunk on the top of the canoe. 
Julia screams in terror: “GEESE!” 
Giant, pterodactyl-like geese swoop down from the surrounding cliffs, attacking the canoes. O screams and swerves his and Scruffy’s canoe sideways, crashing into Austin and Kelly. The four disappear into the brush and tumble down the side of a hill, completely out of sight of the rest of the campers. 
“Bonnie if we die here, there’s something I have to admit,” Caesar whimpers, another thud landing on his canoe. “I’m perfect and have done nothing wrong in my life, ever!”
Bonnie shouts. “I know!”
Up ahead, Michael is taking the brunt of the canoe-handling while Julia ducks in terror, holding her hands around her ears and closing her eyes as she runs. The two pass Max and Staci, who aren’t faring much better. 
“My third cousin’s best friend actually-”
“SHUT! UP!” Max yells, glaring at them behind him before tripping on a rock and tumbling across the path. He groans, clothes a bit torn and glasses skewed across his face. He sits up and holds his head before opening his eyes and coming face-to-face with a giant, meat-eating beaver. 
Michael swerves over, allowing Julia (who still has her eyes closed) to run ahead blindly. “Duck!” 
“They’re GEESE!” Julia shouts, her voice fading into the distance as she disappears down the trail. 
Michael brandishes the canoe like a giant baseball bat, gripping the rims, and swinging it hard, sending a few close beavers flying. Michael hoists Max onto her back and continues running, a determined look on her face. 
“Owie, me nob,” Austin groans, rubbing his forehead. “Where the bloody hell are we?”
Kelly sits up and picks some leaves and twigs out of their hair. “Where’s the path?”
Scruffy stands, brushing off their shirt and looking around the dark, musty forest in which they'd landed, and then at O. “Nice going, man,”
“What? We were under attack, I panicked! It’s a normal, human response!”
“That therapy talk isn’t gonna get you anywhere on this show, dude,” they snap. 
Austin and Kelly both turn to glare at O, too, who frowns. “It was fine when you couldn’t face your fear yesterday, but now you’re getting us involved. Not cool, dude!”
Kelly nudges Austin and whispers. “That’s what Chris says,”
O shakes his head. “It was an accident!”
“Well, accidentally find us a way out, then, baby!” Austin chuckles. "O, behave!"
O stands up, brushing the dirt off of him and looking around. He studies the moss on the side of the trees, licks his finger and feels the cool breeze, and holds his hands up to the sun, measuring it with his thumbs and pointer fingers. 
He then turns back to the group. “I have no clue what to do,”
Julia is shaking, rocking back and forth on the ground with her fingers in her ears and her eyes closed. Staci is kicking rocks around in the sand, and Scary and Frollo are sorting through their skulls as Michael comes running in with Max still on her back. 
As she approaches the beach, she gasps, throws the canoe, and drops to her knees. Michael falls forward and passes out on the ground, flat on her face. Max slides off her back and groans on the sand. 
“Where’s… the fire?”
“I don’t know,” Staci says, completely deadpan. “I was waiting for you.”
“What?” he snaps, eyes narrowing from his resting place on the ground. “Didn’t one of your great uncles invent fire or something?”
“Uh, no, genius. I wouldn’t know because fire was invented, like, a million years ago or something,”
The Fujoshis aren’t having much luck across the beach, either, as Courtney and Ass shout over who’s better equipped to start the fire. 
“Flint and stone!” Courtney insists, their hands on their hips. 
“Hand drill!” Ass yells back. 
McLovin and Sha-Mod stand back and let the conflict unfold as Bonnie and Caesar arrive back at the site with bundles of sticks in their arms. 
O, Austin, Kelly, and Scruffy come running out of the woods seconds later, covered in bug bites, scratches, and dirt. By now, Max is standing, brushing off his blazer and attempting to rally the team. “We need sticks! Stones! Does anyone here actually know how to start a fire?” he shouts, his arms out for emphasis. 
“I hate to say it, but the only person who might know…” Staci starts, pointing down at Michael’s unconscious body. 
Max groans. “Leave her. I’ll figure it out myself,”
MAX: “I don’t “like” Michael. I don’t “like” anyone. I’m like a sailor, married to the sea. Except instead of sailor, it’s camper, I guess. And instead of the sea, it’s the game,” he pauses for a moment to think. “Yeah, I’ll stick with that. Married to the game!”
“What’d we miss, baby?” Austin pants as Kelly leans on him for support, both exhausted. 
O whimpers about twisting his ankle and Scruffy attempts to write something down, holding the pen to the paper but only getting a letter in before collapsing. 
“Not much,” Staci says, shaking their head. “Did you know my great-great aunt Beatrice invented giving up?”
Max pushes them out of the way. “We need fuel! Is anyone here not injured, unconscious, or mentally disturbed?!”
No one says anything. Max sighs and turns to walk to the woods before tripping on something and falling over. “What the-!” he pauses, and picks the object up- then smiles with a faint idea. 
Scary crosses their arms and pouts as Max throws another skull into the fire. 
“Oh, don’t give me that look. You aren’t supposed to take anything off the island, anyway,” Max rolls his eyes. 
“Maybe I like curses, ever think about that?” Scary huffs. 
“Frollo, you’re up!” 
Frollo stands in front of his skulls, shaking his head. “You will NOT damn these souls to hell- I can still save them!”
“Are you sure this is safe?” O asks, cradling his ankle. “I mean… the curse…?”
“I wasn’t told I couldn’t burn the things we find on the island,”
“Oh, you are so getting on my nerves!” Ass yells, tossing a rock which Courtney ducks to avoid. 
“Likewise! All day!” they throw a handful of pebbles back. 
“Listen, guys-?” Sha-Mod starts approaching the two from behind before Ass accidentally swings their sand-filled fist back too far and hits him in the face. The picture of Lighting crinkles a bit and he stumbles backwards. “Sha-not cool!”
Bonnie and Caesar watch the ordeal from where they’re kneeling on the sand a few feet behind the scuffle, both working sticks against the same hunk of wood until a tiny flame sparks up. Bonnie leans closer to blow on it, bringing a small fire to life. 
The once brightly-burning bonfire on the Anon’s side has died down, as the organic matter stuck to the skulls burns away and leaves the charred bony remains behind. 
Max turns. “Frollo, we need more fuel,”
Frollo shakes his head adamantly, holding out his arms over his pile. Max turns and gives a nod to Staci. 
They grin, punching their open palm menacingly as they approach Frollo’s stash, and then begin to chase him around the beach, shouting that their great-great-great-great-great-grandfather invented streetfighting. 
Chris descends on a jetpack and surveys the scene. “Well, well, didn’t see that one coming. The Fujoshi's fire wins!” 
Courtney and Ass, who were in the midst of pulling each other’s hair, gasp and turn to see their teams fire burning brightly as Caesar and Bonnie run back and forth from the forest, tossing sticks and logs and hunks of wood into the flames.
“When did-”
“No time!” Bonnie shouts, running to the edge of the water where the canoes are already set up. 
The Anons follow, paddling as fast as they can with two unconscious team members and three who are too beaten up to even hold an oar handle. 
Bonnie and Caesar dock first, jumping out of their canoe and running onto the beach, followed closely by their team. 
“And the Fujoshis win the game!"
SHA-MOD: “We won, but things are getting pretty heated without Mal around. I hate to say it, but she was keeping the team together- even if it was by sha-sabotaging us,”
COURTNEY: “I guess I let my emotions get the best of me- now that Mal is gone, I just got too comfortable. I’m lucky we won, and- I’m gonna try to be the bigger person from now on. No more internet drama, no more infighting,”
ASS: “Strawberry Shortcake is going down,”
“Anons- you played hard, and lost even harder- but luckily, only one of you losers will be walking the dock of shame tonight,” Chris smiles. “Scruffy, Scary, Max and Michael- you’re all safe. Austin- Juuulia- Kelly, and Staci. Come collect your marshmallows,”
O looks at Frollo and frowns. Frollo stares blankly ahead, completely unbothered. 
“O- you kinda lost your cool back there, man, and took out three other players with you. And Frollo- your delusional mission to save the baboon skulls we bought in bulk from hell cost your team a bonfire. But, only one of you will be going home tonight. And that person- is-
-you’re safe,”
O closes his eyes and sulks, standing up and walking down to the docks without another word. 
O: "So, I didn't win. But I did do a lot! I faced my fear, I talked to new people, and I sustained several mysterious bug bites! My therapist says that experience is what makes us human, but I think too much might make you insane. So I'm not hating my placement!"
Chris chuckles. “Yikes! Who will walk the dock of shame next time? And who will persevere? Find out tomorrow on Total! Takes! Island!”
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mickimomo · 2 years
How RiRi’s Car Was Fixed (a tiny fanfic)
So, I rewatched BP2 for the first time since I saw it in theaters last night and had a series of realizations. This one, however, I need to share. 🤣 You guys remember the scene where Shuri gives RiRi back her car and says that it took days to fish it out of the river?
I think she lied and made Namor get the parts for her before giving him the eternal cold shoulder. 
And the scene kinda played out in my head like this:
As Wakandan aircrafts came in to escort the people of Wakanda back home from the sinking sea leopard, Namor and Shuri worked diligently to help and put their people at ease. It was clear that the people of Talokan wanted to kill all of the Wakandan’s, but they wouldn’t dare disobey K’uk’ulkan. Despite the tension between the two worlds, they all worked together to clean up their mess.
Attuma and Namora worked with Okoye and Aneka to coordinate plans on how they would get the sinking ship back to Wakanda. Any falling bodies and vibranium weapons that had slipped into the sea would have to be collected and taken back or hidden in Talokan as well. They couldn’t afford to leave an ounce of vibranium behind to be discovered by a greedy nation.
Namora found the entire affair irritating, but Attuma seemed eager to be around the former General. Standing closer than he probably should and happily accepting any glares Okoye tossed his way.
After helping a few of the wounded become stable, Shuri approached the god king.
His gaze lifted to meet hers before he excused himself from his discussion with a few of his warriors. “Shuri.”
“Thanks for all the help with this.”
He shook his head. “No need. We both played a part in this.”
“No. I wanted a peaceful solution.” Her eyes stung. “And you killed my mother.”
“Because she killed my people and stole you and the scientist away.”
“We could have talked about this. In what world would spilling more blood solve anything.”
“You tell me.”
“You robbed me of the only relative I had left after I told you about all of my losses.” Her eyes grew wet. “You burned down my world, so it was only fair that I returned the favor.” K’uk’ulkan watched her turn away while cursing under her breath softly as a few tears began to fall. “Nevermind. I don’t know why I even approached you.”
He moved around her and stopped her retreat. “Why did you approach me?”
She wiped her tears away. “You won’t help.”
He frowned. “I will help you do anything you wish.”
“Yes.” His eyes were soft. “It is the least I can do. Besides, helping you will legitimize our treaty.”
Shuri met his gaze. “I want to give my friend a parting gift, but the parts I need to finish her gift are at the bottom of the river you had your people attack us on in Boston.”
“Your friend?”
“The scientist you tried to kill.”
His eyes darkened. “Shuri I am not-”
“-Eh?” She approached him, invading his space with hell in her eyes. “You said you would help me with anything.” She tapped a clawed finger against his chest. “And you will.”
His eyes matched her anger as he grabbed her wrist. “You will owe me.”
“You are in no position to ask me for anything.” She snatched her wrist away.
Everyone fell silent and turned to watch their rulers glare each other down.
“Do not take my kindness for granted, Shuri.”
“I promised to keep your people and secret safe. My allies are not your enemies, K’uk’ulkan.”
His temper was assuaged by the use of his name. 
“Fine.” He grumbled. “I will get the parts and bring them to you.”
“Thank you.” She walked away before moving to help her people. 
The god king watched her before refocusing on the warriors he was talking to. 
and scene!
I could write more tidbits of them repairing RiRi’s car if you all want. I just felt this was way too short to drop on my AO3. 🤣 I plan on cracking out a Namshuri perspective of Sun and the Sky at some point, but until then- this is my tiny contribution to the ship.
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deadal3x · 1 year
[BENDY AND THE FINAL CYCLE] Chapter One: The Moving Cycle
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A bright white light.
Henry was comforted by it, he realized, as he waited to return to the old apartment. To restart the cycle anew, without Wilson’s influence, or Audrey’s fear looming around him and the others.
when the light faded, Henry’s guard was up; his hands grabbing for an axe that wasn’t there.
He was in the apartment, that the old animator could tell. but it was wrong.
The air hung heavily around him, the familiar stench of ink and death floated around him, almost choking him.
he walked further into the apartment, the dripping of the ink and the overall wrongness of it pushing him into a further state of caution that was almost dizzying.
Vines and other foliage had made their way into the house, overgrown and twisting around the broken furniture. sunlight spilled into the main room; warming Henry’s face in a way he hasn’t felt in so long
Henry sighed, his eyes closing as he took in the warmth. For a split moment, everything melted around him, and he swore he could smell the summer air; the fire crackling as someone roasted marshmallows over it.
His throat tightened as he thought he heard a familiar giggle.
he opened his eyes, and saw the dilapidated apartment around him- the smell hitting his nose all over again.
walking into the kitchen, Henry’s stomach twisted, bile rising in his throat when he looked to where Joey typically stood.
a rotted, unrecognizable corpse was in his spot, half fallen to the ground. Henry couldn’t look away, his sense of worry making his blood run ice cold.
Pulling himself away from the corpse, Henry tried opening the door into the cycle, desperate for the smell of his once good friend’s rotting flesh to leave his nose.
but the door didn’t open.
it was locked.
Henry’s mouth ran dry, and it felt like he was choking on sawdust. He saw the corpse out of the corner of his eye and the hairs on the back of his neck stood.
it had moved.
it was leaning against the counter, it’s head at a 90 degree angle to the left. Henry’s stomach flipped as he watched the skeletal arm lift, pointing to the door. a stone of realization settled deep within his gut; the door opening easily as it did.
the Cycle’s script still needed someone to tell Henry to visit the studio. It hadn’t accommodated for Joey’s death. Henry heard the door click shut behind him, and he allowed himself a moment to relax, feeling his stomach churning as he stumbled down the hall.
Collapsing into a chair, it creaked under the sudden weight. Henry sighed, running his hand down his face. Taking a breath, he steeled himself, and stood.
The studio hadn’t been affected by whatever… that was in Joey’s apartment, Henry realized. A few out of place things had been scattered about, but the so-to-speak First Act of his hell was relatively untouched.
Henry found himself going through the motions of it subconsciously. He collected the items, each weighed strangely heavy in the bag he made for himself back over a hundred cycles ago.
The Book, The Doll, The Wrench, The Gear, The Inkwell, and The Record
Each placed on their respectful podiums, Henry sighed, and wandered towards the screening room, turning the valve for the ink pressure. The studio rumbled, and the pipe in the room burst, the flooding ink drowning out the-
Henry turned, and realized the whistling bendy reel wasn’t making sound. it was playing, he had heard the projector click on, but the whistling tune that played alongside was gone. Huh, he thought, wading through the ink. strange. He decided not to think too much of it, and found himself flipping the lever that turned the machine on.
The studio groaned to life, the subtle rumbling of the Ink Machine made Henry sigh. His relief to escape the Cycle-Breaker’s prison was short-lived by the realization of returning to a false sense of normal.
Returning to watch as the people he trusted, cared for, or even allied with briefly forgot him with each new cycle.
Shaking his head, he found himself face to face with the boarded up room that held the ink machine. he scowled and stepped closer—bracing himself for the scare.
it never came, the first appearance of the Ink Demon, screaming in his face with its wide, shaky grin. Henry could see it in his mind; the clawed hand reaching for him as he fell back. The studio still reacted as if the Demon was there, rumbling and flooding with no sign of stopping. Henry ran, towards the exit, where the floor gave way underneath him- plunging him further into the studio.
Henry sighed, standing in the pool of ink. He wasted no time draining each pipe, making his way towards the so-called second act. Henry had the timing of things down pretty well before Wilson had frozen everything in place. He couldn’t even remember if Boris had been taken by Alice or not when the ex-janitor arrived. Shaking his head, Henry grabbed the axe, the weight and familiarity of the weapon giving him a sense of much-needed security. He sighed, walking towards the room full of coffins, remembering the names that was scrawled across the covers of each of them. he sighed, standing in the room, realizing another strange change.
I usually pass out here, he thought, staring at the strange pentagram like circle beneath him. What is happening? Henry moved towards the door, his axe raised defensively as he reached for the doorknob.
Before he could grab it, the knob shook, and turned. Henry held his breath, slowly backing away as the door swung opened.
His breath caught in his throat, taking in the sight of the stranger on the other side.
A rather built man, with blonde hair stood staring at him; his ice blue eyes glaring daggers into him. The man’s facial expression was soured, as he watched Henry move closer. Henry saw the somewhat permanent damage the ink had done to him, stains on his hands and around his lips made the animator shiver as he realized who it was.
“Sammy..?” Henry questioned, his voice soft. “Is that really you?” The man standing across from him scoffed, rolling his eyes. He crossed his arms across his chest, his once beloved bendy mask in hand.
“Of course, have you gone insane?” Sammy said, his ever-present attitude dripping from his words. “Honestly, Little Sheep, I can’t believe you didn’t recognize me.” he shook his head, and Henry cleared his throat.
“Sorry,” Henry said, lowering his axe. “I didn’t think there would be changes so soon.” he explained, watching as Sammy’s expression twisted into one of confusion.
“Changes?” He mused, looking at the mask. “I don’t think I’ve encountered any changes; aside from the much needed silence in my mind,” Sammy explained, looking back up at Henry. the old animator smiled, a strange feeling; as he held up the gleaming axe blade to the music director, the reflective surface revealing the man has his face back. Sammy dropped the mask, his hands shakily touching his head.
“Oh,” he whispered. “that’s my face..” He looked at Henry, his ice blue eyes full of confusion and fear. “I suppose I have encountered these changes, Little Sheep.”
“If you don’t have the ink demon whispering in your head,” Henry said, lowering the axe once again. “why do you still call me that?” He questioned, moving past Sammy- further into the music department.
“I…” The music director wet his lips, his expression unreadable. Henry watched as it twisted into his typical sour expression, his ice blue eyes holding upset and anger.
“My name’s Henry, In case you’ve forgotten.” Henry prompted, stopping just outside the recording room. “you wanna open your sanctuary so we can drain that ink?” The old animator prompted, moving towards the projector booth.
“I don’t see how that’s necessary,” Sammy said. “I usually knock you out and bring you somewhere once you do that,” he explained, causing Henry to reach for the back of his head. “But now that things have changed, I can just bring you there.” He stated, walking towards a door.
“Oh, right. That makes sense.” Henry said, watching as Sammy opened a once locked door, leading him into the familiar room.
A room he was once almost sacrificed in, 414 times. Henry sighed, and glanced over to Sammy wearily; a little on edge as the music director walked towards the large door on the other side of the room.
“I’m guessing you escape through here,” he said, slightly upset. “I don’t actually see you escape, seeing as…” He scowled, and shook his head. “Never mind that, let me grab my banjo and we can press on!” He shouted, causing Henry to flinch.
“shh!” Henry said, putting a finger to his lips. “We don’t know what’s out there still, it’s best to stay quiet.” He looked nervous as he watched Sammy wave his hand dismissively, grabbing his beloved instrument.
“I know the Demon’s gone,” He said, walking back towards Henry. “I don’t know about…the angel.” he spat the last word, his face twisted into an expression of anger. “we’ll find out the hard way, I suppose.”
Henry sighed, realizing Sammy had no idea about Boris. No idea what’s bound to happen to him if Alice wasn’t changed like he was.
the two pressed forward, and eventually, made their way past the familiar door, the wooden barricade falling into place as it closed behind Sammy. the can of bacon soup rolled out across from them and Henry relaxed.
“Hello?” He said. “Who’s there, show yourself.” Boris walked out, his cartoonish mouth twisted into something akin to a wolfish grin. “Boris..” Henry sighed, glancing at Sammy. the music director stared at the toon with wide eyes.
“Hiya Henry!” Boris said. Henry’s eyes widened, and he felt tears forming. “I have my voice back now, isn’t that cool?” Henry nodded, pulling the toon into a hug.
“you can speak! that’s amazing, buddy!” Henry allowed himself to celebrate for a moment, turning to Sammy. “he used to not be able to talk, this is a new change.”
“That’s…wonderful.” Sammy said, still staring at Boris. “the angel-”
“is where we will go after spending sometime in Buddy’s safe-house. I usually play some cards with him and get some sleep before heading to heavenly toys.” Sammy didn’t seem to catch onto Henry’s interruption, and continued talking about Alice.
“-will want him for her experiments” Sammy finished, pointing to Boris. “She’s evil like that.”
“I know.” Henry said, his expression hardening. his tone was suddenly serious despite the tears that shined in his eyes. “Let’s get somewhere safe so she doesn’t spot him.” Henry’s voice was stern. The old animator watched as Sammy nodded, finally catching on. the three walked the short distance to Boris’s safe-house, the door sliding shut behind them.
“Alright, I don’t want to stay here too long, I need to get my bearings and know exactly how much Audrey has changed for us.” Henry explained, watching as Boris took his spot at the small table. Sammy waved him off once again, and took a spot in a corner, banjo in hand. Henry sighed, sitting across from Boris; resting his axe against the foot of his chair.
“we don’t have to stay too long here,” Boris said, handing the deck of cards to the animator. “I know what’s ahead, and it’s different than before…”
“Different?” Henry questioned, setting up the poker game. Boris nodded, checking his cards.
“there’s less screamin’ than I remember. it’s..” Boris looked nervous. “It’s not as scary. There’s also more people out there.” He explained, as he won the first game of the night. He made an excited sort of growling sound, grabbing the soup can off the table.
“Did you get a good look at any of them? Like.. Are they lost ones or..?” Henry pushed, dealing out a new game. Boris shrugged, his expression relaxing.
“There’s another me, another Alice. they looked confused but they had the mean Alice, and she..” Boris glanced at Sammy, who was plucking away at his banjo. “She sounded worried.”
“worried?” Henry dropped his cards, forgetting about the game. he did notice he had won, but shook his smug smile off his face. “what does that mean?”
“She was askin’ about you, and Mr. Lawrence. the other Alice called her-”
”Susie?” Sammy was listening now, his banjo forgotten in his lap. “was it Susie?” Boris nodded, turning to him.
“yea! how’d you know?” Boris looked a bit confused, as he waited for Henry to deal another game. “anyways, she was also asking why heavenly toys was changed into a Gent corp. factory-” The old animator stood, grabbing the axe.
“We have to go check this out, something’s wrong.” He said, watching as Sammy stood without question. “Come on buddy, I’ll keep us safe.” Boris stood, and let them out of the safe-house. Henry sighed, leading the group towards heavenly toys, his mind racing.
Audrey wouldn’t have put Gent in such a strange spot, he thought, grabbing the flashlight. She wouldn’t have put gent anywhere, he realized, as they made it to their destination.
“Henry!” Allison smiled, standing at the bottom of the steps. “there you are.” She walked over to him, Tom following quickly behind. Henry went to go speak, but was cut off.
“Where’s Susie?” Sammy’s voice came from behind Henry, sounding almost desperate. “Susie?” he called for her, his banjo clutched tightly in his hand.
“Sammy!” at the top of the stairs stood a rather tall Alice angel. her halo floated just above her head, Henry saw. He stared, seeing how her malformed face was somewhat fixed. she had scarring, as if it was an injury. She ran down the steps, into Sammy’s arms.
“Oh Susie..” Sammy whispered, pulling away from her; looking at her with wide eyes. “you look wonderful.” The angel giggled, twirling in her spot.
“Thank you.” She sighed. the two talked softly, Sammy’s soft nature shining through the more they conversed.
Henry sighed, counting the group. five people. too many. He looked away from Susie and Sammy, focusing on Allison and Tom.
“I heard from Buddy, I had to come check it out..” He looked up, and felt his heart drop. instead of the rather large ‘Heavenly Toys’ sign, in it’s spot was a rather industrial and ugly sign.
‘property of Gent Corps.’ Henry scoffed, his grip on the axe tightening. “Can’t ever catch a single break, can we Allison..?” He muttered. she shook her head, holding out a familiar tool.
The Seeing Tool, he had called it. he had forgotten about it when it was taken as contraband by the Keepers. He held it tightly, seeing the golden ink glowing through it. he sighed, and strapped it to his belt, his darkened expression scanning the room.
“We’re sitting ducks out in the open…” Henry muttered, his mind racing. “We don’t know what’s wrong-”
“But something’s definitely wrong.” Tom spoke, his voice a low growl. “We were scouting when we found Ms. Campbell staring at the sign. she was crying.” Henry nodded, grateful that Tom also received his voice back.
“I don’t think Gent’s sudden appearance is Audrey’s doing,” Allison said, watching as Sammy and Susie reunited. “She fixed the Prophet and The Angel and even gave Tom and Buddy voices again but…” Allison sighed, hand gripping the handle of her sword.
“The only big difference is the Ink Demon is gone, and Gent’s sudden influence.”
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