#as I said I already got attatched lel
marinbel ยท 7 years
So I saw @regaltempo post about this and I decided to post my own. Here are my headcanons (low-key based off of the show) for each ninja's dominant hand. (this is just my opinion and I just would like to share and see if anyone else has similar thoughts. Pls enjoy :3) [Disclaimer too: I am not going to be using ALL of the show considering I got attached to my headcanons before some new content like Wu's Teas came out so oh well. :3] Kai is left handed. Kai always liked it as being left handed gave him an advantage in battle when his enemies were expecting his sword in his right, etc. He still learned with his right hand for double battle too. Jay was born a lefty but when he was younger he broke his hand and taught himself how to write with his right hand. Now he's ambidextrous but favors his left hand still. Zane is ambidextrous as Dr. Julien built him to be able to help others to the highest capacity. Still, Zane usually ends up using his right hand more, such as when he's cooking. Cole is right handed but learned how to be skilled with his left as well. You never know what kind of trouble you could get into when rock climbing, as well as being a ninja. Nya is also right handed. She doesn't think too much about it though as she'd rather focus on more important matters (her inventions, other projects, etc.) but don't think she can't weild a sword with both hands. Lloyd too is right handed. Sort of like Nya, he also doesn't think about it much. Being the green ninja keeps BOTH hands full most of the time anyways. In the end I believe all of them trained with both hands in the weapons category as being a ninja you never know the circumstances you'll be put in. But when it comes to simpler tasks like writing, drawing, cooking, etc. they all have a dominant choice. ((Fun fact: I myself am a lefty. :3))
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