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Someone elses board on WattPad owo
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Work -w-
PHRASES A phrase is a group of words that work together to perform a certain function in a sentence.
A phrase consists of a headword (the word that determines the function of the phrase) and any modifiers.
Phrases can contain other phrases. For example, a noun phrase may contain a prepositional phrase.
Noun Phrases A noun phrase is a group of words that together function as a noun in a sentence. Noun phrases can go anywhere in a sentence that a single noun can go.
A noun phrase can function as the subject of a sentence.
Sample sentence: The old house on the hill is very large. A noun phrase can function as the object of a sentence.
Sample sentence: I saw the old house on the hill. In the sample sentences above, the word house is the headword of each noun phrase. The modifiers include an article (the), an adjective (old), and a prepositional phrase (on the hill).
Verb Phrases A verb phrase consists of the main verb of a sentence plus any auxiliary verbs.
Sample sentences: Khaleed might visit his aunt next week. I have been racing go-karts for two years. For more information on auxiliary verbs, go to the section on verbs.
Adjectival Phrases An adjectival phrase is a group of words that together function as an adjective. An adjectival phrase modifies a noun or pronoun.
An adjectival phrase may consist of multiple adjectives.
Sample sentence: Hanna has a big orange cat. An adjectival phrase may consist of an adjective and one or more modifiers, such as adverbs, adverbial phrases, or prepositional phrases.
Sample sentences: I am extremely tired. Tyler is always happy to help. A participial phrase is an adjectival phrase consisting of a participle and any additional modifiers.
A participial phrase can be formed by using a present participle.
Sample sentence: Striding across the stage, the singer greeted her fans. A participial phrase can be formed by using a past participle.
Sample sentence: Students interested in engineering should take classes in math and science. If a participial phrase appears at the beginning of a sentence before the noun it modifies, it is set off from the rest of the sentence with a comma.
Sample sentence: Waving my hands in the air, I tried to get their attention. If a participial phrase appears in the middle of a sentence, it should be set off by commas only if it is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. If the participial phrase is essential to the meaning of the sentence, it should not be set off by commas.
Sample sentences: The Hawaiian Islands, formed by volcanoes, are a popular vacation spot. The girl visiting me this week is my cousin. For more information on participles, go to the section on participles.
Adverbial Phrases An adverbial phrase is a group of words that together function as an adverb. An adverbial phrase can modify a verb, an adjective, or an adverb.
An adverbial phrase may consist of multiple adverbs.
Sample sentence: The children sang loudly and joyfully. An adverbial phrase may consist of an adverb and one or more modifiers.
Sample sentence: Unfortunately for us, our team lost the championship. Adverbial phrases often explain when, where, or how an action is performed.
Adverbial phrases of time answer the question "when?" Prepositional phrases often function as adverbial phrases of time.
Sample sentence: The ship will set sail in the morning. Adverbial phrases of place answer the question "where?" Prepositional phrases often function as adverbial phrases of place.
Sample sentence: Karina rode along the bike path. Adverbial phrases of manner answer the question "how?"
Sample sentences: He very reluctantly gave up his seat on the train. The hometown fans cheered more enthusiastically than their rivals. Natalie cooks like a professional chef. Prepositional Phrases A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition, the noun or pronoun that follows the preposition, and any additional modifiers. The noun or pronoun that follows a preposition is called the object of the preposition.
Sample sentences: Before dinner, we will take a walk. The flowers in the small glass vase came from my garden. Prepositional phrases often function as adverbial phrases in a sentence; they indicate when or where the action of a verb was performed.
Sample sentence: I saw Joanie at the museum on Tuesday. The object of a preposition is never the subject of a sentence. In the following sentence, the word deck is the subject of the sentence, and it agrees with the singular verb is.
Sample sentence: A deck of cards is all you need to perform amazing magic tricks. For more information on prepositions, go to the section on prepositions.
Appositive Phrases An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that identifies or describes another noun in a sentence.
An appositive can appear in the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence, but it is always placed next to the noun it modifies.
Sample sentences: A talented dancer, Nico will be performing with a local ballet company this summer. The giant squid, a huge sea creature with many tentacles, lives deep in the ocean. Deliver this note to Ms. Brenner's room, the classroom at the end of the hall. If an appositive is essential to the meaning of a sentence, it is not set off with commas.
Sample sentence: The writer Maya Angelou received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2011. In the sentence above, the name Maya Angelou is essential information telling the reader who received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Without this information, it would be unclear which writer received the award.
If an appositive is not essential to the meaning of a sentence, it is set off from the rest of the sentence with commas.
Sample sentence: My dog, a three-year-old poodle, always meets me at the door when I get home from school. Absolute Phrases An absolute phrase modifies an entire sentence or clause, rather than a specific word. An absolute phrase usually consists of a noun and a participle, plus any additional modifiers.
Sample sentences: We snuggled into our sleeping bags for the night, stars twinkling overhead. Their manes decorated with ribbons, the ponies pranced around the ring. In some absolute phrases, the participle being is implied but not written.
Sample sentences: His thoughts with his daughter, Mr. Bashara found his seat at the dance recital. The children laughed, eyes bright, as they watched the clown perform his tricks. Some absolute phrases use an infinitive instead of a participle.
Sample sentence: The young birds left their nest, some to return quickly, and searched for food.
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Who knows the feeling u wanna cuss people out? cuz i have that feeling
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ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh school sucsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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Dont get plastic surgery! It is bad for your immune system
idk how it was said so yea
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Craziness of Suicide
 men commit suicide more then women cause women have thoughts but dont do them
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When a social media site shows you a list of “people you may know” is more likely to be a list of “people you dislike and are already avoiding on purpose”.
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Im to Gay for this
my whole philosophy
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Sleep - Time to sleep!
HomeWork - Do me!
Me - *goes and be on computer*
Sleep, leaves chat - U will not know me
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A thot
So with soul transplant’s you gain the feature of your new body but those law’s dont aplly to Bill Chiper since he is a dream demon. He will have his own eye’s but gain’s the other body feature’s of Dipper or any body he posses. 
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;-; a random thought
So u know how we fall in love? Does that mean we walk into Divorce? *holding divorce papers* :3
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Random Prinxiety thig
Roamn: Damn boy you look fine!
Virgil: Uh thanks?
Roman, at Virgil's level: Ok listen if i could i would sing my abc's to you
Virgil, being more confused then ever: um...
Roman: You get a A for being Awesome, This B because your Beautiful, a C cause your Confident, and I'll give you this D cause you deserve it
Virgil, Face pretty red ʢ¬ᴥ¬ʡ: Roman!
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Weird things happen
So i look up anime guys and my result is mostly naruto -_-’ like i didn’t look up naruto but i see why 😑
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Dont die by someone..Die by yourself
im yo sourse cuz i wrote it
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this a good song trust me but ya dont need to
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A random incorrect Qoute from sander sides
Virgil- Damn
Remus- Bitch
Virgil- *he noticed remus* fuck
Roman- Me~
Virgil- Fucking hell roman!!
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