terencemckenna · 2 days
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The Voynich-Manuscript
A 600 year old unique book, written in an unknown language.
Nobody has been able to decipher it until today.
Computers proved that there is definitely a meaning.
It shows very detailed images of scientific topics we don’t understand.
It features images of plants nobody has ever seen.
It is over 275 pages long.
Terrence McKenna on the Voynich Manuscript
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terencemckenna · 6 days
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terencemckenna · 18 days
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terencemckenna · 20 days
“What we call imagination is actually the universal library of what’s real. You couldn’t imagine it if it weren’t real somewhere, sometime.”
— Terence McKenna
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terencemckenna · 1 month
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terencemckenna · 1 month
We are powerfully imprisoned in these Dark Ages simply by the terms in which we have been conditioned to think.
Buckminster Fuller
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terencemckenna · 2 months
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Terrence Mckenna on alcohol
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terencemckenna · 2 months
“Ultimately, I think, what the psychedelic experience may be is a higher topological manifold of temporality.”
Terence McKenna
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terencemckenna · 2 months
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terencemckenna · 3 months
“And even if I’m alone with another person, culture is the third guest at the table.”
— Terrence Mckenna
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terencemckenna · 3 months
“Culture replaces authentic feeling with words. As an example of this, imagine an infant lying in its cradle, and the window is open, and into the room comes something, marvelous, mysterious, glittering, shedding light of many colors, movement, sound, a transformative hierophany of integrated perception… and the child is enthralled and then the mother comes into the room and she says to the child, “that’s a bird, baby, that’s a bird,” instantly the complex wave of the angel peacock iridescent transformative mystery is collapsed, into the word. All mystery is gone, the child learns, “this is a bird, this is a bird,” and by the time we’re five or six years old all the mystery of reality has been carefully tiled over with words… This is a bird, this is a house, this is the sky, and we seal ourselves in within a linguistic shell of disempowered perception…”
- Terence McKenna
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terencemckenna · 4 months
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terencemckenna · 4 months
"Only the shaman knows that culture is a game. Everyone else takes it seriously. That’s how he can do his magic."
- Terence McKenna
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terencemckenna · 4 months
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“You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.” – Alan Watts Photographer Haitong Yu recently captured this breathtaking view of the Milky Way above the Simatai section of China’s Great Wall.
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terencemckenna · 5 months
“You have owners, They own you” 
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terencemckenna · 5 months
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251 notes · View notes
terencemckenna · 5 months
““If you don’t smoke cannabis, you may spend your evening balancing your checking account. If you do smoke cannabis you may spend your evening contemplating the causes of the Greek Renaissance.” -Terence McKenna”
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