#arystar krory III
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whosyourfavevoicedby-polls · 5 months ago
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wtrmlnsoda · 1 year ago
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thepaiasserie · 28 days ago
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This man Is one of the sweetest little things ever i promise.
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theauthorityvol1 · 1 year ago
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you monsters.
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melancholicweeb · 3 months ago
Happy (belated) birthday to Arystar Krory III! One of my favorite D. Gray-man characters! I posted on time on my insta where I am more active @/ Dawnscribbles
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roseemberr · 1 month ago
Another childhood idol thank you~
Character Roles:
Kinich - Genshin Impact
Uryū Ishida - Bleach
Thor - Kamigami no Asobi
Boris "Cheshire Cat" Airay - Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World
Vinsmoke Ichiji - One Piece
William T. Spears - Black Butler
Loki Oriflamme - The Case Study of Vanitas
Akira "Aki" Inukai - ReLIFE
Keishi Harumoto - Actors: Songs Connection
Rivalz Cardemonde - Code Geass
Nero Turner - Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku
Aleister "Arystar Krory, Kuro-chan" Crowley III - D.Gray-man
Kuromu - I Don't Want to Get Hurt, so I'll Max Out My Defense.
Aberdeen "Aber-nii" Roland - Shukufuku no Campanella Akito
Shukuri - Norn9 Masamunya Dokuganryu - Nyanpire The Animation
Katsumi "Makemi" Morikawa - Cardfight!! Vanguard
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vforvalensa · 11 months ago
Starting from the top left corner going right row by row: dracula from hotel transylvania, Arystar Krory III from dgrayman, the count from sesame street, slayer from guilty gear, dracula from netflix castlevania, elwood my friend's dnd character, blade from blade, angel from buffy the vampire slayer and angel, Alucard from castlevania symphony of the night, vampire hunter d from vampire hunter d, Spike from buffy the vampire slayer and angel, astarion from baldurs gate 3, interview with the vampire,serana from skyrim, Alucard from hellsing, arcuied from tsukihime, dracula from the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy, Bela Lugosi as dracula, count chocula from the grocery store, Edward Cullen from twilight, nagoriyuki from guilty gear, dio from jojo part 3, dracula flow, vamp from metal gear solid 2, vampire the masquerade bloodlines, Christopher Lee as dracula, dio from jojo part 1, koyomi araragi from the monogatari series, the vampire diaries, the last voyage of the demeter, stephen king's salem's lot, lady dimitrescu from resident evil 8, demitri maximoff from darkstalkers, Bram stoker's dracula, dracula from castlevania symphony of the night, morbius, reddit r/vampires, the vileblood blood lockers from bloodborne, Grady Hendrix's Southern book club's guide to slaying vampires, nosferatu, renesme from twilight
I have been working on a schema for understanding vampires
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metiredlr · 2 years ago
Realized I can do this w DGM too not only Jojo so let's fucking go
His reflection in the mirror n Mana
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Tyki and Road
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Link gently waking up Allen
Kanda and Alma
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Krory and Eliade
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Allen and Lavi hiding from Bookman and Link
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Allen after Nea woke up fr and the Order heard what happened
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Lenalee and Komui
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run-g-run · 2 years ago
Daily pactice
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catstronomia · 3 years ago
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Happy Pride
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starbudspresents · 2 years ago
Re.Gray 032 - Vampire pt. 2: Exorcists v. Vampire
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[ Masterlist ] [ Read on AO3 ] [ Raws ]
Summary: Baron Krory makes one hell of a first impression.
Vampire of the Lonely Castle ②: Exorcists v. Vampire
♦ 97
Johnny: Foreman Reeever?
sfx: garigarigarigarigarigari [scribble scribble scribble]
32nd Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ②: Exorcists v. Vampire
Reever: Myeah?
Reever: What's up? Can't take my hands off this formula right now so just shoot. sfx: garigarigarigarigari [high-speed scribbling continues]
sfx: kara kara kara [Johnny's IV pole rattles] sfx: fura fura fura [Johnny himself totters, leaning on it] Johnny: While I was doing some research, I found this old survey report inside a book.
Reever: Oh?
Johnny: It's unprocessed; hasn't been stamped by the Director. Can I just toss it?
sfx: fura fura fura fura [tottering continues]
sfx: garigarigarigarigari [furious scribbling continues] Reever: No, bonehead, if it's unprocessed then process it.
Johnny: Whaaat, but it's eight years old...
Reever: Contents? Phenomena?
Johnny: Vampire legends... sfx: fura fura [wobbling]
Komui: I'm hooome... Komui, side: Still slaving away, everyone?
Reever: Good work, Director. Reever: Know you just got back, but does "vampire legends" ring any bells? sfx: garigarigarigari [still scribbling at top speed]
sfx: piko piko piko [Komui lumping through the room like a squeaky toy being stepped on] Komui: What's this? More work? Reever, you ogre.
♦ 98
Komui, side: Hm. Komui: Wait, vampires? Komui: Ah, I do remember. Some fellow named Baron Krory, yes?
sfx: garigarigarigari [tiny unceasing scribbles]
Johnny: Oh, you know about it? Johnny, side: Already processed?
Komui: That had nothing to do with Innocence. Komui: I don't know how many of the Finders on that case fell prey to him. Komui: Wretched job, and it all came to nothing in the end.
Division: "Fell prey to"... Division, side: For real?
Krory, in English: HAHAHAHA
Komui: Well, it's been eight years now. Komui: Coffee, Foreman Reever.
sfx: garigarigarigari [scribbling away] Reever: Can't right now.
Komui, side: Whaaaat? But you know I can't work without coffee!
sfx: BAN [bang] sfx: basasa basasa [most likely papers fluttering to the floor in disarray]
Reever, side: Ahhh!! What have you done, you curly-headed menace!!
Johnny: But why was the vampire stuff inside this book? Johhny, side: ?
♦ 99
Johnny: An encyclopedia of ancient plants... How is that related?
♦ 100 & 101
Lavi: No way...
32nd Night - Vampire of the Lonely Castle ②: Exorcists v. Vampire
♦ 102
sfx: jururu [wet sucking, slurping sound] sfx: jurururururu [sucking continues] sfx: rururururu [...and continues] sfx: gokun!! [hard swallow]
♦ 103
sfx: sah [a townsman slides a foot back, retreating] Townsman: Uwah...
Townsman 2: Wahhhh...
Townsmen: Uwahhh!! Townsmen: We don't wanna die!! Townsmen: UwahhHHhhHH Townsmen: Save us!
Georg: Don't run, fools!!
sfx: pishu [Lavi pulls out his hammer]
sfx: kah [the cross in Allen's hand glows and the hand begins to dissolve and deform]
♦ 104
sfx: hyururu [Lavi tosses the hammer high in the air, and it spins] sfx: ohh [continues to spin as it reaches the apex of its flight and begins to fall] sfx: shi [he catches it neatly, still small]
Allen & Lavi: Boot sfx: vun [Innocences initializing] Allen & Lavi: up!
sfx: BAN [an intensely badass back-to-back pose, Innocences fully initialized]
♦ 105
sfx: don [Krory lunges for them, Franz still dangling from his teeth]
Allen: What should we do?
Lavi: Heck if I know. Lavi: Lenalee will disown us if we get bitten.
Allen: For starters, Allen: let's cut off his food source. sfx: gachi [firing his arm cannon] Allen: We can't let him get any more townsmen!
sfx: do do [explosions where his light-bullets impact]
♦ 106
sfx: DOHH [Lavi destroying the ground under Krory's feet; mass property destruction, his favourite]
Krory: !! sfx: hyuba [quick tactical retreat]
sfx: hyu [Lavi hoists his hammer skyward, flying up with it] Lavi: Grow. Lavi: Grow. Lavi: Grow. Lavi: Grow. Lavi: Grow. Lavi: Grow.
♦ 107
sfx: DOGON [the hammer, now the size of a bus, comes down like one] Lavi: How's that!?
♦ 108
sfx: gigigi [the hammer teeters precariously; Krory has caught the cross-tip in his teeth and is balancing it above him like a circus performer]
Lavi: For real? sfx: gogogo [balancing] Lavi: Those are some terrific teeth!
sfx: guoh [Krory throws his head back, sending the hammer crashing down behind him]
♦ 109
sfx: BAN [WHAM] Lavi: Guwah—
sfx: goh [Krory hears something] sfx: do do [thumping, crumbling, cracking] sfx: BOH [Allen's hand erupts from the earth, as big as we've ever seen it, clutching Krory around the middle like a rag doll]
♦ 110
Allen: Got you. Allen: Behave yourself, now. sfx: zuh [the blade of one fingertip approaches Krory's throat in warning]
sfx: koki [Lavi sits up, dishevelled] Lavi, side: Oof.
♦ 111
Krory: What strange young men. Come to waste my time, have you? Krory: Are you monsters too, then? Well?
Allen: We're Exorcists.
Krory: Good evening. Krory: I am very busy. Krory: Release me.
♦ 112
sfx: gabuh [Krory takes a big bite out of Allen's hand]
Allen: Nguh!? Allen: My anti-Akuma weapon, with his teeth!??
sfx: mishi mishi [teeth cutting deeper into flesh]
Allen: No way!?
sfx: jurururu [suuuuck]
Lavi: Oh shit, Allen!!
sfx: pikuh [Krory stops suddenly, making a face like he's been sucking a lemon] Krory: Ugh—
♦ 113
Krory: UGGHHHH Krory: So bitter!! Krory: blaaarghh sfx: bah [he falls from Allen's loosened grip] Krory: W-Washbasin!! sfx: zazaza [sprinting away into the trees] Krory: blrrgghhh
Allen & Lavi: ......
sfx: jin jin [Allen's finger, now powered down back to normal size, throbbing]
Lavi: Guess you're getting disowned, Allen...
♦ 114
sfx: BATAN [door slams] Krory: bleegghh Krory: hgeeehhhgh
sfx: katsu-n katsu-n [Eliade approaches in chunky heels, each step resonating in the grand space] sfx: kon kon [knock knock] sfx: gachah [she opens the door and goes in without waiting for a response]
sfx: haa, haa, haa [Krory panting over a massive, ornate washbasin]
Eliade: Welcome home, Lord Arystar.
♦ 115
Eliade: What's happened to fluster you so?
sfx: haa haa haa [panting] Krory: E— Eli—
Eliade: Goodness me.
Krory: Eliade... 1 Krory: I-I... I did it... again... Krory: I b-became a... a v-v-vampire again...
"Arystar Krory" is Hoshino-sensei's take on the name of infamous English occultist Aleister Crowley, and should probably be pronounced as such. The katakana spelling is アレイスター・クロウリ areisutaa kurouri. I am begging you to read the linked wiki; Crowley was a very colourful character. [ ♠ ]
Mircea Eliade was a writer and religious historian from the same era as Crowley. Please also read this wiki, Eliade's work was fascinating (especially the bits about theophany, encounters with or observable manifestations of God). I would really love to know if Hoshino's actually read any translations of his work; I would not be at all surprised if she has. [ ♠ ]
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animethings · 5 years ago
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cefrlyne · 5 years ago
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The love story between Krory and Eliade is the most memorable story in D.Gray-Man anime for me. Somehow I felt that Level 2 Akuma has more stories (and memories) from their human times.
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theauthorityvol1 · 1 year ago
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multi-wild-imagines · 6 years ago
D.Gray-Man Top Ten Favs
10: Arystar Krory III
Though he was I think my second favorite character whilst first getting into the series, I can’t really add him that up; like I still love him but I have other too.
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9: Miranda Lotto
She was probs my first favorite female from the series; I mean I liked Lenalee but not as much as I do now. Anyways my German Waifu is mine, and I will protect her to the ends of the earth, I love her character so much.
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8: Jadevi aka Jasdero and Devit
I mean they are technically just one person so they both get to be here together! I don’t know what it is about them, their dorky appearances? Attitude or just extreme glow-up; I dunno I liked them way before their new style but I still love em both. (Devit is David in Irish!).
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7: Anita
Diss her and I’ll fight you. I love her so much I want her to be higher up but this is as high as I can put he up without toppling my other favs.
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6: Daisya Barry
“Ooo I like him, he’s Turkish? Cool! His innocence is pretty cool, I like his relationship with Tiedoll, Kanada and Marie and he’s dead....” Pretty much what happened; I watched the anime way before I ever read it so he had his own episode in which I feel in love with him and boom, dead,I cried. You think I’m kidding but no I cried.
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5: Reever Wenham 
Just give him a break for once... please? Otherwise good boy, great boy, cute boy, smart boy! I love him I just want him to be happy!
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4: Tokusa
Bet you didn’t see that coming! Tokusa here is my 3rd favorite male and has been even since he was introduced back in the manga. Though when he was finally animated I was so happy but the green hair threw me off but I grew to love it!
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3: Lavi Bookman Jr.
My very first favorite character from DGM and still remains in my top 3! I love him so much that if he were to die I’d die on the inside, shrivel up, and cry.
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2: Lenalee Lee
Of course Lena is a favorite of mien how could she not be! Though I don’t think it was until her fight with Eshi that I really begun to pay the utmost attention to. Maybe I’ll make a Lenalee appreciation post and point out what makes her truly awesome.
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1: Howard Link
Surprise, surprise the hot one is one the top of my list! I can’t remember when he really became a favorite though it defiantly wasn’t until I read the manga that I paid attention to him. Maybe after the level 4 Akuma was defeated and he went to find Allen and carry him to the infirmary.
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(This was so hard to put in order)
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chaoticyume · 7 years ago
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Old ship, old ship, old ship.
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