#arya x jon x aegon
nerajaana · 1 year
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|| Day Three: Headcanon ||
306 A.C- Prince Aegon, son of the disinherited Hand of the King Rhaegar chose to marry not his sister but his half brother Jon Waters and his lady cousin, the she wolf of Winterfell, Arya Stark who’s said to resemble her aunt Lyanna Stark to an uncanny degree leaving the Seven Kingdoms shocked beyond measure.
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mysticalcatpeanut · 13 days
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Just wanted to point out, Arrax (Lucerys' dragon) is also son of Syrax (Rhaenyra's dragon)... so both mothers are mourning in this scene
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
a/n: Does anyone still like Jon Snow? Watching the House of the Dragon has reignited my interest in Game of Thrones. Tbh I never really liked Jon because he was too goody-goody for me. I love morally grey, chaotic characters. But then having one character who embodies the best a king could be, gave Jon Snow this weird dynamic? Idk I’m still pissed at the writers ... 
Lawful Good
Capricorn Sun, Virgo Moon, Sagittarius Rising  
⭑ You weren’t really courted by Jon. Or had an official conversation about your relationship. You were just so grounding for Jon; you were a highlight in his life, a hope, a spark. 
⭑ You excited him. Not like the other traditional, gruff people he’s been around his entire life. But someone with ideas - with dreams. 
⭑ You’re the only person Jon Snow feels comfortable enough with to unload his problems. You’re like another advisor, along with Ser Davos. 
⭑ Tormund had a crush on you when he first met you (I think this man is infatuated with anyone he comes in contact with...) You guys have similar personality traits, although you’re a tad more rational than him. 
⭑ You give Jon knew ideas; about the war, battles, relationships with other Lords, and friendships 
⭑ Sansa wanted you two to get together so badly. She knew you would be perfect for Jon
⭑ She would create outfits for you, and make them with similarities to Jon’s. 
⭑ I actually think Sansa would ask you to be her advisor. 
⭑ You’re definitely more chaotic than Jon - maybe unhinged is the word? The quote, ‘is this the hill you want to die on?’ doesn’t exist for you. You on’t brush away a problem. You’re stubborn and determined. And I think that’s what Jon loves about you. 
⭑ Watching him in battles is gut-wrenching. You feel like the world will end if something happens to him. 
⭑ Jon never tells you what to do, he wouldn’t dare. But if there’s a threat, he’ll shove you into safety, if it meant that you would be mad at him forever. 
⭑ He loves imagining you two growing old together 
⭑ He’s a great cuddler; absolutely engulfing you in furs and his warm body. All you feel is contentedness. 
⭑Jon is stubborn himself; very much so. He likes his partner to be tough - to be ready to stand their ground. 
⭑ “Can you hold this for me?” You have a closed fist as you walk next to Jon. 
     “Sure,” he responds without hesitation, opening his hand, palm upwards. 
“Thanks,” you slide your hands into his. Jon chuckles, and your stomach soars. 
⭑ Getting Jon to smile, laugh, and even chuckle, feels like a huge accomplishment. Like you’re such a special person because you made Jon Snow, the moody, grumpy, stoic man, laugh. 
⭑ You always feel protected. Even if Jon isn’t around. He never leaves you feeling alone, and the way the men love Jon, they feel the same about you. Whoever Jon chooses to be his s/o is like being accepted by everyone. 
⭑ Jon isn’t big on PDA, but he will give you swift yet meaningful kisses; either on your lips or cheek. 
⭑ You absolutely adore Ghost; you give the direwolf more attention than Jon does. 
⭑ Jon is always so chivalrous; he’s the epitome of a gentleman. 
⭑ Arya likes that you can hold your ground. She admires people who are strong, and she loves that you’re apart of the family. She couldn’t see Jon with anyone else 
Relationship Tropes: 
Always Does the Right Thing, By the Book x Stuff the Rules, They Were Made to Be Broken
It’s Alright They’re Just Being An Asshole x I WILL KILL THEM HOW DARE THEY SAY THAT TO YOU
Both Having So Much Trauma That No One Else Gets It But The Other
NSFW🔞 minors dni!
⭑ Jon Snow is a tender lover. He’s gentle but firm, making you feel safe and well cared for. 
⭑ He may not have the most experience, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm. Hot breath, quick kisses, and light bites are a flurry around you. 
⭑ He likes to thrust deep inside you, making you quiver and whine. 
   “You’re too big Jon,” you whimper trying to look over your shoulder at him. 
⭑ When Jon wants to have soft, sensual sex - he’ll choose missionary. But when he wants a rough fuck, then he likes doggy. 
⭑ He does like it when you bite his nipples and yank on his hair. He does like to be the submissive partner. Especially when you make him call you sir/ma’am/master etc
⭑ He would totally be into blindfolds and ropes. But he’s the one being tied up and blindfolded. He loves giving the power to you
⭑ (this is female reader) And he has such a breeding kink. Usually, he doesn’t think about kids, he wouldn’t want to bring them into such a world. But with your naked bodies, all he can think about is pushing his seed deep inside you. 
⭑(this is male reader) Jon likes to be the top; but after getting used to being with a man. He’ll be more comfortable with the thought of being bottomed. I think he would like the feeling since he has so much responsibility on his shoulders. It’s like you’re unburdening him. 
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kate-bridgerton · 1 year
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@pscentral event 17: vibrance ↳ POLYAMORY COLOURS: Jon/Daenerys/Arya/Aegon
On the Seventh day of the Seventh month of the year 307 AC, House Targaryen united with House Stark in a double wedding between Queen Daenerys to Jon Stark and Prince Aegon to Arya Stark. That these were love matches is not in doubt. But rumors of a deeper love extending between the four of them can be disregarded as nothing more than rumor.
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I know your blog is very focused on Rhaegar x Lyanna but I wanted to ask what are other Game of Thrones universe ships you like. Can you give me a top 10 ?
This is a really cool question my top 10 is very weird. I like very different couples it’s my crack ship obsession. I’m gonna put an honorable mention to Sigorn x Alys Karstark, Arthur Dayne X Jaime Lannister, Sansa Stark x Margaery Tyrell, they are a cute couples but they don’t make my top 10 !
10. Alysanne Targaryen x Alaric Stark: I mean, I do have an obsession with stark/targaryen, fire and ice, ships so this was no surprise. My head canon is that this helped Alysanne with a lot of trauma from her first trip on Westeros where she was attacked. And I love that Alaric is kind of grumpy at the beginning but warms up to her with time.
9. Jacaerys Velaryon X Cregan Stark : Again stark/targaryen ship, but gay ! Two of the things that I love the most in life. I’m very sad that apparently Cregan won’t be making another appearance in this season of House of the Dragon. Because you know, I just wanted to see my ship or a little bit more of it.
8. Oberyn Martell X Willas Tyrell: This one is kind of complicated; For people that don’t know Willas is a book only character, he is the heir of HighGarden, when he was very young, he went into jousting, and he jousted against Oberyn. But sadly because he was so young and unprepared, he ended up having a very serious injury on his leg. And that caused the Martell’s and Tyrell’s to have even more beef than they already have, but the cool thing is Willas did not blame Oberyn. They became friends after this. So yeah I ship them because this one brings a softer side of Oberyn that we rarely see.
7. Jon Snow x Satin : I mean, bisexual Jon Snow, that’s it.
6. Ned Stark x Jaime Lannister : This one is one of the crack ones, and I know a lot of people will think I’m mad. But if you read the books, and you read Jaime’s POV you know for a fact, he had a huge fat crush on Ned Stark. Also bisexual Jaime Lannister !
5. Lucery Velarys x Aemon Targaryen : Oh we’re getting to the toxic one. This is more like a very dependent on the AU vibe. But I like the idea of forgiveness and growth. 
4. Brienne of Tarth x Jaime Lannister: I mean, you don’t really have to explain this one. it’s amazing. It’s probably the best thing that happens to Jamie in the books and in the series, and I will be eternally bitter of how they were treated in the tv show.
3. Arya Stark X Aegon Martell Targaryen : This the one that is the most cracked ship of all of them, but hear me out, yes, I know that the possibility of young Griff, being Aegon, is very slim, but I don’t care. 
2. Lyanna Stark x Jaime Lannister : I’m usually attracted to ships that are opposites attract, but that is not the case of this one. I would like to make the claim that Jamie Lannister and Lyanna Stark, are virtually the same person in different fonts. Middle child, of dysfunctional family, that lost their mom, has a very ambitious dad, and a kid that has to grapple with the weight of societal ecxpectations, but at heart are both rebellious. 
1. Rhaegar Targaryen x Lyanna Stark : I mean, this one is my OTP, of all the ships of all time. It’s my sensitive boy, and my tomboy girl, they’re everything to me and no, I will not be questioned or hear any criticism for it!
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“The Death of a Bastard” Series (Part 5 of?)
Title: “The Queen’s Wandering Eye” PART 5
Pairing: Jon Snow x Reader
Warnings: NONE
Summary: The reader is the first to find Jon Snow’s lifeless body. She has to flee away from Castle Black and go back to her home, Rivendell. She reminisces, and remembers how she met her “Snow”, and fell in love with him. But she was promised to his half brother, Robb. Mostly based around how they met, and what in between their meeting and his death.
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The dress your father had sent, definitely sent chills up your spine, and goosebumps covered you arms. But the blue of the dress complimented your skin tone; it adorned your skin in the best way.
The jewels that were connected to the dress, rested on your bare skin, causing you to shiver. Sansa was the first one to see you in it, and she couldn’t help but to run her fingers along the fabric.
“You look beautiful. I wish my mother would allow me to wear something like this.” She said and Catelyn gave you a small smile, “Hopefully you don’t freeze.” She said simply.
When Robb saw you, he couldn’t help but to touch your bare shoulder and offer you his cloak. “You look beautiful. That color looks beautiful on you.” He said as he pressed a kiss to your hair. “When we are to marry, I want you in this dress…” he said before he left your side.
But when Jon seen you, his opinion was the only one that mattered. Jon’s thoughts raced through his mind like a herd of wild colts; his breath was caught in his throat. When he approached you, he was tongue tied.
“Y/N… Y/N, you look wonderful l-.” He whispered as he looked you up and down. “I need to see you tonight. I’ll meet you in your room.” He said before he let you answer. After he left your side, Robb came back, only to escort you down to meet the King and the Queen. “They arrived while you were getting ready.” Robb said as he helped you down the stairs.
King Robert and Queen Cersei stood there in front of the castle, “King Robert, Queen Cersei, this is Princess Y/N of Rivendell, daughter of King Elrond of Rivendell.” Ned introduced you and Robert eyed you with a smile. But you bowed, just like your handmaiden told you to do.
But Queen Cersei had an eyebrow raised, “I didn’t know there were other royals within the seven kingdoms. The royals that are, are against the throne.” She said and her husband shot her a look.
“Woman, it is fine. Her father promised Ned an army whenever he needed it. He’s an ally, and so is she. She is promised to Ned’s boy, Robb. Therefore, they are trustworthy.” He said as Cersei continued to stare at you in disapproval.
“This must be a change for you, m’lady.” Robert said as he looked at your attire. “Go from the heat to this cold hell.” He said with a laugh that erupted from his belly. “Yes, my King. It is quite a change, but it is worth it to be with Lord Stark and his family.” You replied and Catelyn gave you a smile.
Robert turned to face Ned, and Robb escorted you away from the King and Queen. “That went fairly well.” You say as you looked over your shoulder. The queen continued to watch you walk away with your future husband.
Robb smiled, “Cersei has finally met her match when it comes to beauty.” He said and it made you smile.
“I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to see her eyes follow every move I made.” You say quietly as he helped you up the stairs. “I thought you’d want to come and grab your cloak, and we can go for a walk.” Robb said. You picked your cloak off your bed, and went for a walk with Robb until it was time for the feast.
When it was time for the feast, you were sat next to Robb and the rest of the “royal” children. But Jon was sat with the squires; alone, left with a cup of wine in his hand.
His eyes never left you, and your eyes never left him. “Well aren’t you a beauty.” Cersei said pulling you out of your trance. “The Elven people are beautiful people.” She said as she sat down next to you. Cersei touched the skin of your cheek, “As a child, I believed it was all lies. But as I sit here next to you, there is truth behind the Elven stories. You truly are beautiful.”
Robb sat back and watched the interaction between the two of you. “I imagine you two will have beautiful babies. His blue eyes, with the perfect Elven skin…” she began, “Maybe one of my grandchildren will be able to marry one of your children.” She said and you smiled.
“Maybe.” You replied and she pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. “What is your age, my child?” She asked and you replied, “18, my Queen.”
Cersei smiled as she drank the wine from her cup. “Are you use to having all eyes on you?” She asked and you shook your head. The cold Queen sat her cup down and leaned closer to you.
“Relish in the fact you captivate men’s attention. Because once you’re married, there’s a chance that your husband won’t look at you like that anymore.” She said as she took another drink. “Then he will have whores, and you’ll just be there at his disposal.” She said and Robb moved forward like he was going to lunge.
“Excuse me my Queen, but I wouldn’t dare treat Y/N like a common whore. I am to love her. Always.” He said and the Queen chuckled. “Just wait until her beauty fades, my young lord. Then you will surely change your mind.” She said as she sauntered away back to her husband.
“If you don’t mind my lord, I think I shall call it a night.” You say as walk around the table towards him. You leaned down and whispered in his ear, “Don’t worry about coming to my room tonight. I don’t want us to get in trouble.” You say as you pressed a kiss to the shell of his ear.
After bidding adieu to the King, Queen, Lord Stark, and Lady Stark, you left the big room, and all eyes followed you out.
When you got up to your room, you slipped off your shoes. As soon as you kicked them off your feet, there was a knock at the door.
Jon entered your room and quickly shut the door and barred it shut. “Jon, what are you—?”
He grabbed both sides of your face and kissed your lips. It was needy, you mashed your lips against his. You could feel the stubble that was growing back on his face against your cheek.
To be continued………
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, just an FYI, there will be SMUT in the next part. 18+ ONLY. DNI On the next chapter, please and thank you.
@orbitingdylan @bekky06 @lexxpexx @sarcasm-n-insomnia @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere
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hiatuswhore · 1 year
♕ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʇɐᴚ ʇǝǝɹʇS ǝɥ⊥—ᴀ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴏꜰ sǝuoɹɥ⊥
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♕ A/N: Ahhh I always get so happy when I complete these little mini stories because I have a terrible habit of not completing them despite have a full story ready to go. Send me any questions you have! I have already been gathering some of them and I am going to do one large overview and answer them all in a post. That will be posted in a few days. Sorry for the wait I didn’t realize how long it had been this definitely could have been ready days ago. Anyhow here is The Prince and the Street Rat—A Game of Thrones, the final chapter—well more like an epilogue.
♕ SUMMARY: The world works in mysterious ways and so does the residents of Kings Landing. One never knows what they find in the alleyways and rooftops. Whores, drunks, knights, thieves, sometimes even Princes.
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The young Stark walked without words, the taunting words of the Kingslayer still fresh in his mind. His slow gait through the icy corridors muted, offering curt nods to those who pass him. The air somber, the walls knowing. He opens his sister's chamber door without warning, the steel beneath the cloth in his hands nearly weightless.
“Septa Mordane says I have to do it again. My things weren’t properly folded, she says. Who cares how they’re folded. They’re going to get all messed up anyway,” Arya scoffs, throwing a cloak into the wooden case, a deep frown across her features. Jon glances at her white and grey direwolf pacing about, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s good you’ve got help,” He says, his tone low and gruff with a boyish hum, a gentle reminder of his youth. The amusement in his words reaching his sister but likely being lost on a stranger.
“Watch. Nymeria, gloves.” Arya’s frown falls, a smile taking her lips as she squares her shoulders. Nymeria stops in her tracks, taking a seat as she stares with a blank expression. The silence persists for a few seconds before Jon turns back to his sister.
“Impressive,” He says, a smirk ghosting on his lips as Arya tells him to shut up. She tries once more, but Nymeria merely tilts her head. “I have something for you. It has to be packed very carefully.”
“And I you,” Arya says, rushing across the room. She tosses several things onto her bed. A blunted wooden sword, an incomplete knitted cloth with a sloppy direwolf sewn atop, and many parchments. Her grumbles fill the room before a chuckle supplants it before returning before her brother with furs covering her hands. She places it on the bed, nodding toward him, “You go first!”
“Close the door,” Jon instructs, chuckling as Arya practically skips across the room. Her eyes never leave the cloth in his hands. Barring the door, she says no peeking. He removes the fabric, assuring her he will not look as he turns, holding up the dainty steel. Arya beams as she steps forward while Jon removes the sword from its sheath, “This is no toy. Be careful you don’t cut yourself.”
“It’s so skinny,” She takes it from his hand, her eyes traveling up the blade.
“So are you. I had the blacksmith make it for you special. It won’t hack a man’s head off, but it can poke him full of holes if you’re quick enough,” Jon says, smiling as she gently waves it in the air. Her eyes locked upon her sword. She says she can be quick. “You’ll have to work at it every day. How does it feel? Do you like the balance?”
“I think so,” She fiddles with the base before looking up at her older brother. The two with the most Stark likeness besides Bran and Rickon. Jon leans down, placing his hand on the side of Arya’s face.
“First lesson,” His eyes lock with her own he speaks as though a sensitive secret sits between them. Small Arya clinging to his every word, so enthralled she fails to notice the smirk that threatens his lips, “Stick them with the pointy end.”
“I know which end to use,” Arya rolls her eyes as Jon hums a softness to him that the gods would soon wipe from the earth. He leans back up, dropping his hand, taking in every little detail of his sister as his future looms beyond the walls.
“I’m going to miss you,” He says, a silence sitting between the two before she steps forward, arms out wide. Jon flinches back, calling out careful as Arya’s sword swings ahead on his right. Arya places it down on her bed, looking up at her brother before jumping up. Her arms around his neck, he holds her from the ground as the two embraces. Jon mutters, “All the best swords have names, you know.”
“Sansa can keep her sewing needles. I’ve got a needle of my own,” She squeezes Jon a second time. Silence takes the room as the two hold each other. Arya pulls back first, Jon gently placing her back on her feet as she announces she must give him his parting gift. She nudges him to the side, removing the furs revealing a book. The cover shows beautiful sketches of dragons above a skillful drawing of Kings Landing. Jon’s eyebrows furrow, his fingers running over the title, Lady Calamity.
“Do not mistake my confusion for lack of appreciation, but why have you gifted me a book of—Targaryen history, I think?” Jon says, flipping open the cover sits a faded sketch. His eyes bounce over the assiduousness of the drawing. Many people appear to scatter around the couple at the center. A Targaryen cradling a bride in his arms, a dying woman.
“When people speak of the Dance of Dragons, we hear the same names and the same stories. Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, the Black Queen. Prince Aegon Targaryen II, the usurper. Prince Aemond One-Eye, and Princess (Y/n) the beloved. The tales never speak the full truth. This Northern Sept dedicated his life to studying this through journals and parchments at the Citadel. Did you know Princess (Y/n) was a bastard from Flea Bottom?” Arya’s eyes shine with excitement as she speaks with nothing but confidence. Jon’s head snaps from the page to his younger sister, who beams at him. “No one can say for certain the relationship between the Princess and Prince Aemond, but there was a parchment from Queen Alicent to her father of an unbecoming friend of the Prince years before the war. The book believes it was the Princess. Some say they were friends and loved each other, and some believe the Prince to have an obsession. The reports are conflicting, but she is known in history as the third person to die in the Dance of Dragons. Hers and Prince Lucerys’ deaths sparked the war. Aemond one-eye torched Riverlands, the people rioted, and the realm became one of violence.”
Jon's eyes flick to the bottom of the drawing, the words staring back at him. The final moments of Princess (Y/n). The bells rang that of the swan song.
“Who killed her?” Jon asks, his eyes flicking back to the dying Princess. The drawing puts more emphasis on their faces rather than the movement around them.
“No one can really say. Many Septs challenge each other’s recounting of this history. At first, the realm blamed the Black Queen for the assassination of their Princess and the butchering of Aegon the Usurper’s eldest son. Sept Umberais debunked this in his research. While officially, the Black Queen and her forces are still credited, Lord Otto Hightower was executed by his grandson for the murder. It was incorrectly reported that Otto was beheaded during the fall of Kings Landing, but Queen Alicent's private journals reveal otherwise. The book goes into far more detail, but I think you should really read it. Sept Umberais found everything he could on the Princess. A bastard who shaped history. I do not wish you to die shaping history, but I do believe you will do great things, brother.” Arya flips the pages of the book, landing on another sketch, one of a statute. “During all of this madness, a statue was made in the Princess’s honor where she was laid to rest. Many believe her place of rest is one of misfortune if not given the proper reverence. I am going to visit it when I arrive at King's landing. Maybe receive a blessing for our family. Even King Robert was too afraid to desecrate it as he did the other Targaryen emblems.”
Arya flips to the final page, her brother’s eyes widening at the sight. The line work reflects an unmatched talent, the detailing almost intimate. Jon frowns, his chest aching as his eyes study your features. He cannot remove his gaze from the soft smile that nearly negates your forlorn eyes, “Princess (Y/n) Targaryen.”
The departure from Winterfell arrives with a heavy fog of naivety. Every Stark oblivious to the storm cloud lingering high above their home. Jon’s face of stone keeps all who travel around him without an inkling of his thoughts. When the opportunities arise, he opens the book, clinging to every word of the limited information on your life.
He cannot explain it, nor can he shake you from his thoughts. Besides his father, Jon cannot find another name that sparks this move in him. The journey to the wall consists of him wondering if you knew when it all began for you—if he will know. Your stories stay close even within Castle Black. It’s nothing like he imagined and everything Tyrion Lannister warned him of. Many nights, tales of your short life make the cold watches warm and the long days tolerable.
Arya’s journey south, her eyes bounce along the tree lines and hillsides. Her curiosity childlike and eager. Sansa rolls her eyes, sitting with perfect composure, a clear divide between the Stark girls. Their days in Kings Landing persistently absent from the others’ company. Arya walks the corridors picturing moments in history she’s read more times than she can recall. She treats the Red Keep more like a museum than a current resident to many, including herself.
“Must you always talk of a dead Targaryen Princess? Do you not fear slighting the King?” Sansa questions. Arya rolls her eyes, telling Sansa of the crown’s respect for the Princess. Septa stops their bickering, commending Arya’s knowledge while scolding her unladylike behavior.
She focuses on her dancing lessons and fails to convince her father to take her to your statue. Lord Stark, only hums, nodding his head to all her reasons but never answering the question. She’s sure it’s merely amusing to him, a laugh threatening him. The days blend into a smokescreen of routine, blinding the Stark girls from how swiftly the walls around them concave.
Arya’s heart hammers through her body with a ferocity that rattles the entirety of her entire body. She steps out into the road, the ding of the bells and chatter of the streets nearly nauseating. The few who pass her move with urgency leaving her in the dark.
“Hey, where’s everyone going? What’s happening?” She calls out. The two little boys who speed past her skid in their tracks, talking over their shoulder with glee.
“They’re taking him to the Sept of Sorrows!” The boy continues rushing up the stairs, Arya’s inquiry of who almost not reaching his ears, “The hand of the king!”
Arya drops the pigeon from her hand, rushing with the rest of the crowd. A few become many, and the back of their heads becomes her main view. The unfamiliar courtyard does little to halt her movements. She steps onto the side of the statute, not sparing it a single glance as her fathers brought out and escorted through the crowd. The mob screams words of malice, waving their weapons, but Lord Stark’s eyes lock with his daughters. In the group, many faces blend, spitting insults. At the pull of guards, Eddard scans the crowd warily. His eyes land on Yoren, bumping into his chest. He yells, “Sorrows. Sorrows!”
The moments fleeting, and the air stale. Silence consumes the crowd as Eddard’s voice booms throughout the courtyard. The gruffness of his tone clear and paced. Despite his lies to appease the few, the public still grumbles with resentment.
“As we sin, so do we suffer. This man has confessed his crimes in sight of Gods and men. He has confessed his sins before the Sept of Sorrows. He has given reverence to the resting place of a girl given to this world by the Gods. She is a reminder of the poison in treachery but also the failures of acting without mercy. What is to be done with this traitor, your grace?” Arya frowns. She cannot grasp why this occurs here and now. The Queen mother shifts uneasily as the young King grins like a madman. It’s all so wrong.
“My mother wishes me to let Lord Eddard join the Night’s Watch. Stripped of all titles and powers, he would serve the realm in permanent exile. And my lady Sansa has begged mercy for her father. So I bring you all here today. A sad day for a very sad excuse for a man. In this place lies dead a woman who could not be protected by her husband nor her King! Today I mark a new beginning, a King who will protect those deserving, one where no treason shall ever go unpunished. Ser Illyn, bring me his head!” Joffrey’s words fill the ample space, following a roar of excitement like no other. The cries of Sansa and the pleas of Cersei falling on deaf ears as Arya’s eyes sweep the crowd in disbelief. Arya climbs off the statute navigating the crowd with quick feet, her tiny stature bobbing and weaving without pause. It becomes less dodging and more pushing as her throat and eyes burn ceaselessly. A hand wrapping around her wrists, jerking her back, forces a gasp from her lips. Arya squirms to no avail, her father getting further and further away as her vision blurs and refocuses.
“Let me go!” She screams, blocking her view from the front. He forces her head toward the statue. Her struggles do nothing against his rigid grip. The indiscernible chatter of the crowd and Sansa’s screams fill the air. It lasts for seconds before a swift silence sweeps the crowd, and everything stills. Arya grows as straight as a pencil. She stops fighting Yoren’s hold her stare shape. The lump in her throat nearly suffocates as everything numbs. A part of her wants to laugh at what captures her eyes, a sick irony—a cruel one. The blue sapphire gem sparkling and vibrant, unlike the bleak air that lingers.
Princess (Y/n) Targaryen Rivers
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sunnyie-eve · 6 months
GOT & HOTD Masterlist
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❃ Back To You
Paring: (Robb Stark x OFC Tyrell!) (Jon Snow x OFC Tyrell!)
Summary: When Adeline Tyrell was just the age of ten a criminal stole her from her family. She never knew his true intentions because Ned Stark saved her. When finding out she was a Tyrell, he sent a letter to her family only for them to thank him and say keep her. She was the same age as his first son and her family hoped in the future they could possibly married if they ever discussed about it. Only if they all knew what the future had instore for them.
{ Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4 | Ch.5 | Ch.6 | Ch.7 | Ch.8 | Ch.9 | Ch.10 | Ch.11 | Ch.12 | Ch.13 | Ch.14
❃ Calamity Within
Paring: (Jacaerys Velaryon x Cousin! OFC Targaryen!) (Aegon II Targaryen x Cousin! OFC Targaryen!)
Summary: At a very young age Lilibet learned just because you share blood means nothing sometimes. The hardest part was realizing blood may be thicker than water, but that just meant you get drained trying to battle drowning within it. However, sometimes all you need is a comforting hand for support.
A/N: Since the show already changes the ages I'm going to do the same too slightly. Also to no surprise incest so…
{ Ch.1 | Ch.2 |
❃ Devious Opportunity
Paring: (Aegon II Targaryen x Cousin! OFC Targaryen!)
Summary: You may not control all the events that happen to you nor get to make decisions for yourself. However, sometimes you can make the decision right by doing it on your own. Growing up Aegon and his cousin Celeste had a very different life in many ways. Choices, support, and comfort from family was just a few. In such a chaotic world, Aegon finds solace and purpose in the simple act of wanting to choosing for himself with the help Celeste.
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docpiplup · 1 year
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silverflameataraxia · 2 years
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Arya Stark
AGOT, Arya 1
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winterlyndow · 9 months
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The Grey Daughter ch 60
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yeniayofnymeria · 4 months
Latest Developments from Game Of Thrones Spinoffs - 1 (with english sub.)
I devoted this week to news and comments about the TV series House Of The Dragon, Blood Moon, Aegon's Conquest, The Adventure of Long Dunk and Nymeria and the Sea Snake. Especially the photographs and information published about Blood Moon, that is, the Long Night, are interesting. I wish you a pleasant listening experience.
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mysticalcatpeanut · 12 days
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They didn't have Lucerys's body for the funeral so to represent his whole life, Jace used his newborn clothes, Joffrey his toy as a child, Rhaenyra his clothes as an adult...
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devilsjacket · 1 year
Gotta send in those HoTD and GoT requests, already got 1 and I’m buzzing whilst writing it lmao :)
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crazysleepydreams · 1 year
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It was a little over two months into the semester for Robb and Aegon and from what the Starks knew, the young men had only had one unfortunate incident: something to do with the Greyjoy boy and Aegon’s new friends. Ned, Catelyn, Benjen, Asha and Lyanna where happy that Aegon had started to make friends: he had so much difficulty, it was surprising that he'd made friends with an extroverted but kind Lannister and another boy called Payne who was pretty nervous and introverted, if Robb was to be believed. If Aegon was to be believed, his friend Tion Lannister was a lovable, gentle, slightly insane agent of chaos who was actually quite an introvert himself and Pod Payne was an angel sent to control said agent of chaos, being kind and patient if a little insecure at times, but also pretty thick in some ways…  
The adult Starks all wondered about the incident caused by the Ironborn as it seemed to still cause some distance between the two cousins, but both were tight lipped about it and when pressed said that it wasn't their place to talk about it. So they had to wait until they saw the Greyjoy again or met Aegon’s new friends. The good news was that both cousins were still alive and doing well. 
That left them with their adorable, but headache worthy trio that were all too eager to grow up. This year was the first time that the twins didn't share a homeroom and it seemed to cause them some anxiety, luckily Arya shared a homeroom with Sansa. Brother and sister had done their best to hide it, but it seemed that their soulmarks were bothering them more than usual. Arya knew what was worrying her cousins, but wouldn’t share anything about it. So being responsible adults, Arya’s and twins’ parents plus Lyanna huddled together and created a plan to catch all three trouble makers and try to get them to talk: if that didn’t work they’d let Lyanna give them The Look until one of them fessed up.
Arya had an uneasy feeling when she and her parents came to visit her cousins and she noticed that her aunt Lyanna was there as well. As soon as she made eye contact with the twins, Aray knew that they too were aware of the fact that the adults were up to something: by the look in their eyes it seemed they knew as much as she did. The three of them tried to get away from the adults and into the twins’ shared study / game room, but it seemed that their aunt Lyanna had caught onto this and wasn't about to let them get their stories straight: about what Arya wasn't sure, but between the three of them they should be able to piece together something… So while Bran was about to excuse them, their aunt interrupted him.
"No running off to plan how to get away from us, pups." Said Lyanna fondly, as she looked at the three of them. "You'll stay here and listen to what we have to say." After saying her piece, Lyanna looked to her brother Eddard who silently communicated something with his wife before clearing his throat.
"First of all, none of you are in trouble." Assured Lord Eddard Stark to the three teens sitting in front of him. "But we all have realized that there is more going on than just Bran and Sansa ending up in different homerooms: something you are aware of, Arya." As Ned named each teen he looked them in the eyes for a moment. "So you can either tell us or tell us." Concluded the dark haired man.
As soon as the teens heard that they weren't in trouble they relaxed: after looking at each other and some signs made hurriedly by hands along with some pulled faces, it seemed that they all were on the same page and staying stubbornly silent… Ned, Benjen and Lyanna would feel very proud of them staying together as a pack should, if it weren't for the worry they felt. It was truly admirable and cute that they were so sure that they could deal with whatever it was with the soulmarks all by themselves, but at the end of the day they were still pups…
"Children, we know that something is going on with the soulmarks, we aren't completely blind: my Arya wouldn't spend so much time reading about the subject if it wasn't urgent; so please tell us what is going on? Maybe we can help? Maybe we can't but at the very least we can face this as a proper pack…" Asha spoke softly, trying to play into the Starks pack mentality without much luck.
It did momentarily work, for all suspects looked at each other, but after a face from Arya the other two showed their defiant will: at this a small display Benjen couldn't help, but chuckle, which was rewarded by his wife with a slap to the back of his head. After that he had a sorry look and Lyanna loved it! And it seemed that it also amused Sansa, Bran and Arya, but the adults weren't done with them yet.
"Bran, Sansa, you both are as much Stark as you are Tully. I know that I'm just a cousin of Lord Tully, but I do know their words and I've taught them to the both of you: family, duty, honor." Said Catelyn, and everyone could see the twins' reluctance starting to wither. "We are all family here: trust us. Let us do our duty to you by helping you honor the promises we made to the both of you when you were younger." 
At those last soft spoken words from Catelyn the twins and strangely Arya, too, seemed ready to yield and speak, but again it was with a single word from Bran that kept them united and sitting tall. "No." Was all the young teen said almost bitterly: to what he was saying “no” to the adults had no idea. They were sure he wasn’t denying them as family nor the duty that they had to each other... Was he denying them the possibility to honor the promises they made to the twins when they were just 8 years old? Or was Bran denying something else… Eddard felt that his son was denying something else, something they were overlooking, but that the younger ones had very much in mind. And try as he might, he couldn’t understand what it was: with the twins, Bran more so than Sansa, it might be anything, it might even not be something that had anything to do with THEM.
“The Tullys!” Exclaimed Lyanna, suddenly remembering something she hadn’t thought about in ages and was sure none else would think about either, but knowing what she knew from the twins themselves, she believed that she was right on track. “The union between Houses Tully and Stark has happened before: yours isn’t the first marriage between the two houses Cat, Ned…” Was all she said, looking at her brothers, hoping that they might catch on. Catelyn felt a little excluded, but her sister-in-law was talking about the history of their houses, and not being a member from the main branch, there were things she didn’t know; still, she tried to make sense of the words the best she could. But hadn’t all noble houses married each other at some point? House Stark had married both major and minor houses and even non-nobles in its very long history? What difference could one more marriage to house Tully do to their history? When Ned realized what Lyanna was hinting at, his eyes widened: it was speculated that the last Lady Stark of Winterfell before their House regained the North's independence for a couple of centuries was born a Tully: one that along with her generation discarded or, better said, twisted their words if the story about what caused the war of the Five Kings and the small tidbits given by Bran and Sansa were any indication.
“Shit!” Said Ned, when he realized that they had tried to convince them to talk about their soulmark, and thus their soulmate, by speaking the words that once were used to defend the attempt to murder said soulmate while calling it just and fair. It also seemed that Arya appeared to know a great deal more than they initially believed, if her offended look after she realized she had almost fallen for those words was any indication. “Look, Bran, Sansa, forget the Tullys’ words or don’t, just forget what they once were used for. Either way we'll be staying here: no phone or internet or anything until one of you starts talking. There are enough of us to get us all drinks from the kitchen and if the three of you hold out long enough, we can always call for dinner to be delivered.” Stated Ned, while Catlyn looked offended at him. By Benjen's grimace, after Lyanna had whispered something in his ear, Ned could tell that he connected the dots too. Now all his younger brother had to do was to find the moment to explain everything to his wife, so she'd know why Ned said what he did. Luckily, Asha was a very relaxed woman and a clever one too, so she probably already realized that the Tullys and their words were not to be mentioned when speaking of the twins’ soulmate.
"Catelyn dear, let's go and make some tea for everyone: these are three stubborn pups… we'll be needing something to kill the time." Said Ned, hoping that once in the kitchen his wife would let him explain. Anyway, how long would the three troublemakers withstand sitting at a table in silence without their phones before folding under The Look from Lyanna Stark? They probably would start talking before the first hour was over.
Benjen was mighty impressed by his daughter, niece and nephew. More than two hours ago, when they had passed the first hour mark, he'd asked his elder brother how long the kids would be able to keep going: to which Ned responded that he'd expected them to have yielded already and really how much longer would they be able to keep going? It seemed that somehow, somewhere the Starks must have allowed a Nymeros-Martell to marry into the family because two hours later all three pups remained Unbend, Unbowed and Unbroken… Well, kind of, since they were still bending over the table doing their biology & history homework: which was allowed because they were using their textbooks and each others’ notes to do it. What were they supposed to say when Sansa brought it up? No? The pups weren't even talking to each other! They had also placed their phones in the middle of the table as they were asked to do. It was truly maddening, not even Lyanna was able to get them to spill the beans using The Look.
He himself was doing his best to read a book, Asha was speaking to her mother on the phone in another room, Cat was immersed in her own book, Lyanna was checking that everything for her next trip to Sothoros was in order while Ned was working on his laptop and reading any notification the kids got aloud, hoping to rile them up: not that they had gotten many… those pups needed to socialize more. Benjen was sure of it. Three mobile phones belonging to three teens and only 8 notifications in 3 hours between them all? And not even a single text! The pack had failed the pups…
"What in the name of the Old Gods does this mean!?" Exclaimed Ned, looking at Arya's phone trying to decipher something… this caught the attention of all three teens: when the twins looked at Arya, they saw that their cousin didn't know what could be happening either. That peeked Arya’s father’s interest and he gestured for his brother to pass him the phone.
"I couldn't tell you…maybe spam?" Said Asha, sounding doubtful, while looking over her husband’s shoulder.
There was a text! And it looked like this: 🙋‍♂️👉🐺&🦁🎮🌒⁉️ by some Tion. He tried to understand what it might mean, but what the hell can a string of emojis translate to?
"What an interesting way of encoding texts." Commented Lyanna from above him.
"You understand it?" Asked Catelyn.
"What!? No! Gods no, but it's still interesting." Admitted Lyanna and they all had to agree with her silently.
Soon Arya got another text from the same guy. 🐺🎮✔️❗👇🆓️❔ this one was another string of cryptic emojis. Benjen shared a look with the other adults who nodded.
"Arya, can you please explain this to us?" He asked his daughter who very innocently looked at her mobile before a wolfish grin formed on her face. The twins looked like they also were trying to decipher the meaning of the emojis: thank the gods for small mercies.
"Yeah, that's Tion texting alright." Said his daughter.
"And who is this Tion and what is he saying?" Asked Asha with a saintly patience.
"Tion is a friend of Jon with whom I just clicked." Explained Arya not really caring what anyone might think.
"Tion Lannister? That new friend of Aegon?" Benjen asked, feeling protective of his lil girl. She might be a wolf, but this guy was at least Jon’s age and was texting his baby girl! "How did you meet him?"
"Cersei's cousin?" Came from the twins half drowning his question out.
"Yeah, Jon's friend, Cersei's cousin - aren't all Lannisters cousins anyway? Tion is a great guy I met through Jon, we needed another player for our squad, and Tion was the only guy whose ego wouldn't be harmed by playing with a younger girl and also taking a thrashing from said girl with a smile. Jon introduced us on Discord about seven weeks ago, to discuss how we were going to play and how to alert each other when we needed help. After playing a couple of times we exchanged phone numbers and now we text… you met him last week when we were facetiming with Jon and playing, when you came tell me that it was bedtime, mom." Explained Arya looking at Asha in the end, this caused everyone to look at her.
"I thought that the other boy was a classmate of yours: he looks so young, I wouldn't think of him to be older than fifteen. He was very polite." Said Asha to defend herself, blushing when she realized her daughter was right. “Almost sweet: wasn’t he explaining something about history to you?”
"That's true, he gets that a lot. He's eighteen, but really babyfaced, even Jon wondered if he was old enough to be in uni when they first met or so they told me." Shared Arya with an amused smile. “And yes, I wasn’t really getting the historical figure of Maester Aemon Targaryen and why his decision to take the black colored part of our history. Tion was way better at explaining who he was, what he did and where he stood in that mess of a family tree than our droll teacher.”
“So what is he texting here, dear?” Asked Asha, while Benjen was wondering if he should be worried that an eighteen year old Lannister was in contact with his daughter - soulmark or not. On the one hand the teen was Aegon’s friend and his nephew was protective of Arya, but on the other hand this teen was an eighteen year old male: those were dangerous, he’d know having been one himself. Even if it was highly unlikely that he would be dangerous, his girl wasn’t even fifteen yet.. Decisions, decisions.
“Ok, quick lesson in Tionesse: first emoji is him saying “Hi” or calling out, second is a finger pointing at something meaning “You” in this case, or rather “me”, the Wolf is Jon since he is a Stark, the Lion is himself since he is a Lannister, the gaming console is about gaming, moon means “tonight” in this case and the question mark is what it is. What he means in the first text is: Hey you, Jon and me gaming tonight? or a variation of the same question. In the second text he confirms that Jon is all for it and asks me if I’m free to play with them.” Arya deciphered the texts easily and Lyanna could understand the use of the emojis somewhat now, even if she didn’t believe that it was a very effective method of communication: Arya herself had said that they could be interpreted in different ways, how was anyone ever sure what Tion was trying to tell them?
“How did he help you, in the name of both the New and Old Gods, with your presentation about Maester Aemon if this is how he texts?” Asked Ned, feeling perplexed; the twins were also wondering how reading emojis was easier than listening to their boring history teacher.
“...He sent me some PDFs and after reading them, or rather reading the pages and paragraphs he had highlighted for me, I called him to help me with some remaining questions I still had; besides, he also texts normally when the mood or the need strikes him.” Explained Arya, wondering if she wasn’t the only idiot present in the room. “And yes, he’s Cersei's cousin, the one with the soulmark: while I haven’t asked him much about his soulmate, I did ask about his experience with his soulmark. He has been more than happy to give me some tips and reading material he deemed accurate from his experience: how the hell do the two of you think I’ve been able to help you both with your problem?” Explained the raven haired teen to the two redheads, as she turned to look at them, before realizing she had put her foot in her mouth.
“Arya!” Both twins whined at their cousin for her hot headedness causing all adults to smile: who’d thought that all it would take to throw the stubborn girl off her game were some texts asking her if she wanted to play online with her cousin and his Lannister friend?
“Shit! Sorry! But hey, don’t hate me! Eventually someone had to give in and I think it's fair, that it's me: I don’t have a soulmate who by some magical shit can send me calming feelings via the mark.” Complained Arya, making the twins groan. “Anyway, may I text Tion back telling him I’m all for gaming tonight?”
“Sure you may, dear, I think that all that’s left to do is talk with your cousins. Why don’t you come with me and finish your homework in the living room?” Said Asha, taking Arya’s phone from her husband, who was still undecided about Tion, before returning it to her daughter and helping her move her books to a different room. 
The twins eventually spilled the beans: they explained that they had noticed that whenever they felt agitated and traced their soulmark, they would usually start feeling better soon. Eventually they came up with a theory that it could be their soulmate sending calming thoughts their way in those moments; which would mean that when their soulmark flared up out of nowhere and flooded them with foreign negative feelings, it might signal that their soulmate was in distress. That discovery made them try to send positive feelings back to their soulmate when they sensed that he was not doing well, even though they couldn’t know for sure if their efforts made any difference. The siblings were convinced that this connection was at least partially working because their Lion would often seek Bran out for comfort - usually after sending positive thoughts in response to soulmate’s negative emotions Bran experienced a slight burn and a feeling of gratefulness and happiness reflected back at him. However, they were concerned that Sansa received no such feedback when she tried sending positive feelings to her soulmate to help him. The young Starks confessed that what worried them was whether Sansa’s mark was a two way connection as Bran’s or if by rejecting her soulmate in their last life she had severed her bond to him in this life. Bran and Sansa also explained Arya’s part in all of it and how they had been trying to track their soulmate down, but had no luck finding a match among Lannisters using social media. Theoretically, Tion could fit the profile since he was a Lannister and had a soulmark, but  Arya had told them that it couldn’t be him because, according to Tion, he and his soulmate were exactly as he would have it. So they weren’t sure where to start looking next. The name Tyrion was almost as common in the Westerlands as Tion or as Bran and Richard in the North.
After more than three hours of silent interrogation, Sansa and Bran felt slightly betrayed by Arya because of her words about how they had received positive feelings through their mark… But if they were truthful they weren't really angry at her. The twins were more upset at their failure to find their Lion or to understand what was going on with Sansa’s soulmark and they had to accept that no matter how sweet the adults’ words were, they hadn't been able to help them either…
“I still can't believe you betrayed us to play some games with Jon and your new friend!" Exclaimed Sansa, frustrated at all that had been happening lately, and looked at Arya who, like Bran, was sitting on a bean bag. Bran rolled his eyes at his sister before looking at his cousin who did the same: he interpreted this as that she wasn't taking Sansa's dramatic display to heart.
“Sansa, you’re not angry at Arya and we all know it, so just stop complaining this much.” Said Bran, after about five minutes of his sister’s rambling. Sansa glared at him before huffing and sitting down on her own beanbag.
“You’re right: sorry, Arya.” Came from the redhead, while she started playing with her wristband.
“Don’t worry, I know you are just being bitchy because you secretly hoped that the adults would be able to help, but just as we already expected they couldn't.” Replied Arya, not really bothered by her cousin's anger at her: often enough it was the other way around. Also she didn’t have a whole magical mambo going on and wondered what might be happening in said mambo. Arya really didn’t envy the twins for their magical shit.
“Thank you, Arya… So how did you really meet Tion?” Asked Sansa, hoping to distract herself from the question that plagued her mind: did Tyrion ignore her or was she unable to reach him due to her rejecting him in their last life? 
“Yeah, you usually don’t warm up to people that fast and when you do, you tell us.” Continued Bran, knowing where his sister was going and also welcoming the distraction it could bring them: plus teasing Arya was just too much fun to pass on.
“As I already said, we met with Jon on Discord to discuss our strategy and, well, the two of us just clicked.” Said Arya, trying to sound nonchalant.
“You guys just clicked over strategizing for some video game?” Bran was slightly confused, but only slightly, because this was Arya and someone whom Jon described as an agent of chaos.
“Well, we didn’t click over that… we clicked after I saved his arse and then he contacted me and Jon on Discord so we could all talk with each other at the same time. He thanked me for saving his arse and then we started just goofing around: yanno, killing others with our combined effort. Then suddenly Jon started freaking out ‘cuz he had been surrounded and gotten killed and he said something along the lines of ‘Tion! Why didn’t you get your arse here to help me?’ And Tion went like ‘Dude, you're my friend, but we both kinda of suck at this game, so I had two options: stay with the deadly she-wolf and win the round as a team minus one member or die with you and leave said deadly she-wolf to roast us both later.’ It was so funny because Jon stayed silent for a few moments and then apologized to Tion for not realizing that he had given so much thought to the said decision. But the thing is, I was talking with Tion that whole time, while Jon was asking for help, and he hadn’t realized Jon was needing help! It was funny back then and it's still funny now.” Explained Arya, sniggering, as twins understood what happened.
“So the two of you bonded over strategy and trolling Jon.” Stated Sansa.
“Well, kinda? I mean, yes that was the moment I realized that I wouldn’t have trouble playing more often with Tion instead of another of Jon’s friends. It also helped that Tion doesn’t suck at the games no matter what he said. But he is genuinely a likable guy: he is funny, he can take a joke and he doesn’t baby me! He also has no trouble helping me with homework or answering a question I’ve got without being a smartass. I don’t really know when, but we clicked.” Finished explaining Arya, knowing that her cousins thought she had a crush on Tion: which she didn’t. He was… well, he kind of was like Jon in her mind, or something like that, so she didn’t think she had a crush on the guy: that would make shit so awkward.
The three cousins continued talking about anything and everything, avoiding the twins' soulmarks for the moment and focusing on Arya’s newfound friend. Arya shared what she had learnt about the connections between soulmarks: it looked like now they knew a little more than before, but not much. And then they had dinner and Arya left for home to spend a couple of hours playing some highly explicit and bloody video game with the guys.
That night Bran woke up after dreaming about his past life: it seemed like a sensless loop of getting crippled and loosing hope, meeting Tyrion and getting hope back, becoming an emotionless robot-like being, seeing Tyrion again, praying to whoever would listen for their plan to work, surviving, becoming close with Tyrion and loosing him again… the dream was like an endless loop of the best, the worst and the most stupid things he’d done back then: pieces of a whole, yet a whole he couldn’t pierce together: what plan was he praying for to succeed? What did he survive? What did he do after Tyrion died? Why does it feel like the last question is the most important one?
After waking up Bran - who was not broken anymore - couldn’t fall asleep again, so seeing as it was still the weekend, he decided to make himself some hot cacao, but to do that he’d have to get up and go downstairs to the kitchen. The former Three-eyed raven didn’t like getting up when the dreams were so fresh in his mind, it always made standing up and walking a thing he was hyper aware of -- he was terribly grateful for the use of his legs, but still, he could do without the hyper awareness and thinking about how to take the next step. It was needlessly troublesome and annoying. After giving himself the prep talk, Bran stood up with his plan made. When he reached the hall he walked past Sansa’s bedroom and stood there for a moment to listen: it was easy to know when his sister was dreaming - she slept restlessly. He briefly wondered that if one were to stand outside his door at night they might be able to tell if he was simply sleeping or DREAMING - as he could with Sansa. There was absolute silence behind the door, so at least his sister was having a good night's sleep. 
Bran started to hum a song he’d heard countless times in his last life, a song he had somehow enjoyed, but he couldn’t remember its lyrics and from what he knew there was no folk song that resembled the song he seemed to remember late at night. He hummed the song with longing and sadness; it wasn't just his own longing and sadness, he felt as if it was the appropriate way to hum the song. While he hummed his ghostly song, he reached for the milk to make his hot cacao and poured it into the pan as he turned the stove on: suddenly he heard a sound behind him and turned only to find his father looking into the kitchen with a solemn look.
“Good evening, cacao?” He asked his father, and he hated how distant his voice sounded, how detached he sounded from the world and those around him.
“Ahhh… yes, thank you, Bran. Trouble sleeping?” Asked his father, while he entered the kitchen and took a seat at the small table that stood there.
The boy took his time to answer the question while he prepared the hot cacao for the two of them: how should he answer that question? It wasn’t as if he couldn’t sleep if he really wanted, it was more like he didn’t want to sleep more, he’d had enough for the night… He kept humming the song absentmindedly while he poured the drinks and put them down before sitting with his father.
“It’s not so much that sleep eludes me, it's more like I want to avoid certain dreams at the moment.” Explained the teen, looking into his cacao while his father made a noise in the back of his throat, which he took as some affirmative.
“What is that song called?” Asked Ned. At Bran’s questioning look he added, “The song you were humming just now.”
“I don’t remember… not really. It once was a folk song, but I couldn't tell you anything about it.” Bran explained after taking a sip of his cacao.
“Ah, so it’s like that half-man song that plagues Sansa at these hours?” Asked the father curious.
“No.” Answered Bran firmly. “That is a despicable song that shouldn’t have survived the pass of time…”
Eddard just nodded and took a sip of the cacao his son made. He stayed silent as always, wondering what he should or shouldn’t bring up at times like these: times where his son was more Bran the Broken than Brandon Stark, twin to Sansa Stark. Even if he wasn’t sure what he had to tell his son during these times, or his daughter when she was in Bran’s place, he still took the decision to stay by his side in silence: until morning came, or Bran went back to bed, or someone else who was better qualified woke up or his son dismissed him, whatever happened first. 
Please enjoy and leave a review! Thank you @albinokittens300 and my beta elliecat78 . I'm sorry for the delay, can't promise It won't happen again.
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lovebaela · 3 months
Chapter 1: A New Life
masterlist l next
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(a/n) hello! I decided to restart my “Ice and Fire” fanfaction because I have so much more ideas for a better story :) even though it’s discontinued, if you would like to check it out here’s the masterlist! I hope you guys will enjoy this one 🤍 I’m working on the masterlist for this series right now!
Divider credit: @dingusfreakhxrrington @valeskafics
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°❆⋆Bran Stark x Targaryen OC .ೃ࿔*:・ CW: fem!oc, betrothal (forced marriage), topics of abuse and racism, angst, a lot of fluff, smut (I’ll try lol), and murder.꙳·❅°*˖ Rating: Mature audiences - The mature moments will happen later on. In the beginning, it will mostly just be cute fluff.⋆⁺₊❅.
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Why must the gods be so cruel to me? What could I have possibly done to deserve this life? To be sold off like a slave by my own flesh and blood…I’ll never forgive Viserys. Without Dany, I am alone. Without love. I want to go home. But…where do I belong? The summer isles? No, that can’t be my true home, I never had the chance to live there. Do I belong anywhere?
Daughter of the mad king’s younger brother. Rhaella never knew her mother. She died after giving birth in the Summer Isles, killed by assassins under the command of the new king, Robert Baratheon. When he found out Rhaella’s mother was pregnant, he wanted both of them dead. Rhaella was smuggled out of the isles and sent to her cousins, the last Targaryens.
“I know you’re upset,” Lord Eddard Stark said, placing his hand on top of hers.“But please, believe me when I say this. I will never let anyone harm you. You are under my protection now.”
Rhaella gave him a weak smile back. Rhaella, the same name as the Mad King’s sister and wife. Daenerys gave her the name. Viserys despised the idea of his mother’s name given to the likes of a foreign girl. Even though she was still a Targaryen, he only considered her half and not pure. She took after her mother, with more summer isle features. Her skin wasn’t pale, instead, a light amber and tan that would get even darker in the sun. She had long silver curly hair, unlike her cousins who had straight silver blonde hair. The thing Rhaella hated the most was her eyes. Instead of being a pretty violet color, she had dark purple eyes that almost looked black.
Rhaella looked away from the carriage window to make eye contact with Lord Stark, “My Lord?” She asked, “Why did you accept my cousin’s offer to take me?”
“Well, you see,” he explained, “The rebellion caused great loss for everyone. So many people, loved ones, dead. Especially your family, unfortunately. I’ll never forgive him for his order of murder. When the king found out 3 Targaryens were still out in the world, he wanted you all dead. I wanted to prove to him that even though Areys was mad, that doesn’t mean you all don’t deserve to live. By taking you in and marrying one of my sons, we can show him that you are not our enemies. It took him a while to be fully convinced, but he agreed to let you live.”
”But, my eldest cousin,” Rhaella said. “He…he wants to take the seven kingdoms. I’m not sure how, but that is his plan.”
”I highly doubt he is a true threat,” Lord Stark said.
”you’re right,” she admitted. “He can be a big coward at times.”
That comment made him chuckle.
He has a nice smile, very warm and welcoming. Even though he did come off as cold before.
“Will I have to marry now?” Rhaella asked.
“Oh gods no!” He chuckled, “you are far too young, my son as well.”
“Will he like me?”
“I believe so, you have nothing to worry about. Bran is a good kid. He will treat you right.”
Once they made it through the gates, the carriage stopped. Lord Stark exited first so he could get the door for Rhaella. He gently held her hand as she took her steps down. Once Rhaella looked up from the steps, she saw the Stark family before her. Not letting go of her hand, Lord Stark approached his family to introduce their special guest.
“This is Rhaella Targaryen. As you all know, she will be with us now. Treat her as you would treat each other. If anyone disrespects her, let me know.”
They all nodded. A very handsome older boy approached her, “Hello, my lady, I am Robb,” he told her, “I hope you enjoy Winterfell and welcome!” Before walking away, he kissed her hand. That made Rhaella blush, “T-Thank you.” He had blue eyes and dark auburn hair. It was so dark you could barely tell if it was red. He had to have been the most beautiful boy she’d ever seen.
An older girl walked up to her gracefully, “Hello,” she smiled, “my name is Sansa. I hope we can grow to be like sisters! Maybe even brush each other’s hair, make dresses together, and so much more!” Rhaella gave a slight smile back, “I would love that!” Then a girl, who looked not too older than her, approached saying, “My name is Arya! Don’t worry, we don’t have to do girly stuff together. There are other ways to have fun!”
Then, she met Rickon, the youngest in the family, and their mother Lady Stark. “Oh my goodness,” she exclaimed, “aren't you just a lovely thing? Such a beauty.” Rhaella blushed at the compliment, thanking her.
She must be lying to me. I mean, just look at me! The journey to Westeros was so long that hair became wild and poofy.
”You must be frightened,” Lady Stark said. “Trust me, I never favored the cold myself. I still don’t, but you grow to appreciate it.”
Rhaella couldn’t keep her eyes off Lady Catelyn Stark’s features. Like Robb and Sansa, she had long auburn hair and pretty blue eyes. Her gown was also blue, making her eyes stand out even more.
“Where is Bran?” Lord Stark asked his wife.
“I told that boy to stop climbing,” she explained. “Brandon!”
“Sorry mother!” A voice yelled from above, “I’m coming down!”
When Rhaella looked up, she examined him. He looked to be the same age as her. He had dark brown hair and eyes with freckles on his face. He approached her and bowed, “Welcome to Winterfell, I hope you will take a liking to it.” “Thank you,” she replied.
The atmosphere quickly grew awkward. The two children didn’t know what to say to each other.
Lady Stark took Rhaella’s hand, “You must be exhausted, here, come with me.” She guided Rhaella to her bed chamber and had the handmaidens start a bath. After the bath, she laid on her bed for a quick nap.
After waking up, the handmaidens helped her get into a gown for dinner. The dress was purple with roses embroidered across the neckline. Then, they helped her with her hair. They clearly did not know what they were doing. They aren’t used to doing curly hair like Rhaella’s, but they managed to make something of it. They brushed out her curls, putting them in a half-up-half-down style. The ponytail was braided and put into a bun. After the handmaidens left the room, she looked at herself in the mirror.
I don’t even look like myself anymore.
Tears began to fill her eyes, I just want to go home.
She bolted out of the room, not knowing where she was going. She ran outside the big castle but didn’t dare to leave outside the castle walls. She eventually found an area that stood out to her. The whole vibe was strange as if something or someone was watching her. It was nothing but an old forest with no snow. In the middle of it, was a pool and a tree. A tree she’d never seen before. The huge tree was white with red leaves and a face carved into it. She stared deeply into the tree’s eyes for a while.
Is it staring back at me?
She snapped out of it, shaking her head, and climbed up the tree to sit on a huge branch.
Without Daenerys, I am lost. She didn’t know how long she’d been crying in the tree for, but she didn’t care. Winterfell wasn’t her home.
“Rhaella?” She heard a voice ask.
When she looked up, she saw Bran with a concerned look on his face, “w-why are you crying?”
She wiped her tears. “Sorry, I just miss my sister…how did you know I’d be here?”
“I like to go to the godswood, and climb up this tree,” he said. “Whenever I like to be alone and think. I’m sorry you had to leave your sister.”
“Well, she isn’t my sister, not really,” she admitted, wiping her face. “We are actually cousins. We just call each other sisters.”
He sat next to her, “my family was worried about you. They thought you might have ran away.” He nervously chuckled. “I…I know that we are to be married one day. The idea of marriage scares me.”
She doesn’t respond, only looking down at her hands as she fidgets with them. “I have something for you,” Bran showed her a beautiful blue flower. “That was the reason I was climbing.” He told her. “I wanted to give you something as a gift. I was going to give it to you at the dinner table but here. If I hurt your feelings not being there to greet you, I’m so sorry.” Rhaella took the flower and sniffed it.
“It’s called the winter rose,” he continued. “A rare flower that can grow around the castle.”
“It’s so beautiful,” she smiled. “Thank you.”
”You know, just because we’re betrothed doesn’t mean we have to be in love right now or anything,” he said. “Let’s just be friends!”
”Yeah I’d like that!” She said.
”And just so you know,” he whispered. “I liked your hair better before. Your curly hair is much better.”
She laughed, “You and me both.”
”You’re laughing!”
”This is your first time laughing here,” he said. “You have a nice smile.”
”Thanks, Bran,” she said. “You know, my eldest cousin ,Viserys, told me and Dany that you guys were evil monsters. But, you guys aren’t monstrous at all!”
Before Bran could respond, they both hear a voice from down below calling for Bran. An older boy who looked the same age as Robb. He was very handsome with black curls and dark eyes. “I found her Jon!” Bran shouted.
”Well, what are you sitting around for? They are all waiting for you two!” The two of them climbed down from the tree and walked with Jon.
“Forgive me, my name is Jon Snow,” he told Rhaella. “Welcome to Winterfell.”
”I never heard of the last name ‘snow’ before,” she confessed.
Bran began to explain, ”That last name actually means he’s a…well—”
”Bastard.” Jon said. His voice was cold and somber.
”I don’t know what that means,” Rhaella said. “But Viserys called me that sometimes, I assumed as an insult.”
”It means that my father, Lord Stark, had me with another woman. I wanted to meet you when you arrived, but Lady Stark thought it would be disrespectful.”
Rhaella couldn’t help but feel awful for him. There was something about Jon Snow that made him stand out. As if they had a connection. She wondered if Jon felt it too.
“You said that Viserys called us evil,” Bran said. “Then why did he want to send you away to us?”
“He hates me,” she answered. “He saw you guys as an opportunity to get rid of me…”
Once they all made it to the dining hall, all eyes were on Rhaella and Bran. “Well, aren’t you just beautiful?” Catelyn smiled. “Please, have a seat.” Bran escorted her to her chair and went back to his. Before Jon could leave the Hall, Rhaella asked, “Can Jon eat with us please?”
”Ah, I see you met him while you were gone,” Lord Stark said, amused. “Would him eating with us please you?”
Rhaella looked over at Jon, whose eyes lightened up. She looked back at Lord Stark and gave a nod. He looked over at Lady Stark, “What do you say?”
She looked into Rhaella’s sparkling eyes and sighed, “Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt…”
Rhaella gave a big smile. Jon pulled a chair next to her whispering, “Thank you Rhaella.”
“I hope you like the dress,” Sansa said. “I made it myself! I wanted to test my embroidery skills and decided to make you one!”
“It’s beautiful,” Rhaella told her. “You should teach me!” Sansa nodded gleefully.
“You know, we all thought you ran off and escaped!” Arya laughed.
“I…I didn’t mean any trouble or offense, I apologize.” Rhaella announced, standing up from her chair and bowing her head. “It was rude of me.”
“No,” Lord Stark said. “You have every right to feel the way you do. Your life changed right before your eyes. But please, believe me when I say this, we are here for you.”
“Aye.” Robb agreed. “If you are having trouble with anyone or anything let us know.” She thanked the both of them for their kindness.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what was it like outside of Westeros?” Catelyn asked.
Rhaella told them everything. Even about the abuse Viserys had done to her. He always yelled at her for the littlest things. The worst thing he ever did was sneak into her bedchamber with a knife. He threatened to cut out her insides if she didn’t cooperate with his plan to send her to the North.
They all had concerned looks on their faces. The abuse never got to her until explaining it out loud. She really did have it rough.
“That doesn’t matter anymore.” Arya said. “You are with us now!”
“Safe and sound,” Sansa added.
Rhaella didn’t realize she was smiling.
”So, Rhaella…you said you were from the Summer Isles right?” Theon asked.
“Yes, why you ask?”
He smirked at Robb before asking, “I heard the women there are quite breathtakingly beautiful?” She could have sworn she heard him whisper “and have nice bodies.”
”Well, I’ve never actually stayed there, I had to flee because of the King,” she explained. “But from the books I’ve read and from what I heard from some servants in Pentos, yes, the women there are quite beautiful.”
”I also heard that they have a passion for love making,” he said. “Maybe I gotta visit there sometime-.”
”Theon!” Lady Stark snapped. “Don’t be disrespectful-.”
”Oh that’s okay!” Rhaella reassured her. “You’re right, Theon! They do have a passion for it. If I were to stay in the Isles, I would have been a prostitute myself!”
Sansa and Lady Stark almost choked on their food, as Robb, Theon, and Jon bursted out laughing at the table. She didn’t understand what was so funny, but she laughed along with them.
”What’s a prostitute?” Rickon asked, innocently. That made the boys start crying from laughter. Theon even fell out of his chair.
”Y-You’ll know when you’re older!” Lady Stark said.
”You’ll fit in with us just fine, child,” Lord Stark said. “Welcome to the family!”
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Daenerys never felt more lonely. She missed Rhaella, her real family. She’d never forgive her brother for what he did.
“Daenerys!” Viserys shouted.
He entered her bed chamber, “do not tell me you’re still upset about that savage.”
She felt rage enter her body as he said those words. “She is not a savage, she’s my sister,” she replied softly. “And I don’t understand why you sent her to our enemies.”
“Don’t be an idiot,” he said. “We both know that’s not true. She’s our cousin. Daughter of our uncle and whatever foreign whore he married. She’s not a pure Targaryen like us, Dany. And she never will be. I gave her away because we need allies, even if they are enemies. The Starks are a strong house, and I knew that Lord Stark would gladly take her in. The fool won’t even know of my plans to destroy him and his dear friend Robert.”
Daenerys always considered Rhaella her sister, even if it wasn’t true. They spent all of their time together, never leaving one’s side. It felt like it was yesterday, the day Rhaella arrived in Braavos as a baby. Viserys wanted nothing to do with her while Daenerys cherished her. She had no idea why Viserys was so upset about naming their cousin after their mother. It was only a name after all. She always thought it was much deeper than Rhaella being a “savage.” She never dared to ask him though.
“I have good news.” He announced. She examined his face, his grin looked devious. Truly it wasn’t good news. “I found you a husband,” he said. “His name is Khal Drogo, Magister Illyrio said. A Dothraki savage. When you two wed, I’ll have his army. We can finally go home, sweet sister.”
All she ever wanted was a home. A home with Rhaella, where they could finally be happy together. With her gone, Daenerys wasn’t sure if it would be home without her.
“And what about her?” She asked him.
“The savage?” He scoffed. “Those Starks have her now. I don’t care what they do to her. As long as we have our alliance with the North.”
Daenerys wanted to cry, but she stayed strong. I will meet her again, one day.
°❆⋆Bran ೃ࿔*:・
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It had only been a couple of months, but for Bran, it felt like he had known Rhaella his whole life. Rhaella also grew close to his sisters but mostly Arya. The three of them were inseparable. Rhaella even taught them some of the Valyrian language. Some nights, the three of them would stay up and read history books about Targaryen history until they got caught by the Septa. For fun, they liked to go sledding and have snowball fights. The older Stark boys and Rickon joined them sometimes, but never Sansa. Ever since Rhaella arrived, Sansa and Arya fought less. It’s like wherever she went, she spread joy. That’s one of the traits Bran liked about her.
Now, everyone is preparing for the arrival of the King.
He overheard his father saying that the King was almost there. Bran felt sorry for Rhaella because she was so stressed out. “What will he do to me?” She asked. He always reassured her, “You are under our protection now, the King approved of you. Don’t worry about a thing.”
At that moment, it was time for Bran to practice his archery. He hasn’t been getting any better. He wanted to show his family he could hit the bull’s eye. First, only Robb was watching him. Then, came Jon and Rickon. Before he knew it, his parents came to watch as well.
“Keep practicing, Bran,” Lord Stark insisted. “Go on.”
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Jon leaned in towards Bran, placing his hand on his shoulder, “Alright, father is watching.”
Jon looks over and sees Rhaella and Arya watching as well, “and her…” he whispered.
Bran took a deep gulp. He didn’t like to get teased about Rhaella. They only do it because we are to be married. We are just friends, good friends.
Bran nodded and started to aim his bow and arrow at his target.
“Relax your bow arm…” Robb commented.
Just before Bran could release the arrow, someone else’s hits the target and another shoots right through it.
All of the boys turned their heads to see Rhaella and Arya giggling. “Hey!” Bran yelled. The girls both curtseyed but quickly took off once they saw Bran chasing them. The kids kept on playing until their father took all of the boys to see an execution. Bran was finally old enough to see one.
“Are you scared?” Rhaella asked him as he was mounting his pony.
“I’m not sure.” He answered honestly.
But I can’t be afraid. My father told me I won’t be a boy forever. I’ll be a man-grown soon. I mustn’t be afraid. I need to be brave. Like Robb and Jon. Wolves are never afraid.
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