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In The Cold
Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, social dejection, mentions of religion, and other dark elements. Not all kinks or triggers are tagged. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Summary: Your Christmas is set to be a lonely one, but you do your best to share the cheer with your only friend.
Character: Arvin Russell
Day Seven of the December Daze Challenge.
Prompt - cottage!core
Note: As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
The tension is something you’ll never be used to. The silence is as bad as the hushed voices and the sneering side looks. It's all so suffocating.
So much as you might’ve earned your judgement, it cannot make them righteous. What was it the pastor extolled; ‘let he who be without sin...’ And why is it that the stones they cast are aimed at you and not the man who joined you in your misdeed? The very one who cozened you into the act?
Henry still sits on the town council, he still goes home to his wife and other children, he still gets a ‘good morning’ or a ‘good day’, and none bat a single eye along the pew. You can’t even get the same from him these days. He’s a stranger now that your dresses are too tight and your gait is wider and wobbly. Now that his adultery has grown inside of you and continues to, he runs from it.
You pay at the counter for your meagre fare. Janie fired you not long after the minister’s scolding and none-so-subtle remonstrance of straying innocence. Like your mother and father, she abandoned you to your dejection. You would not stain her Christian mantle.
The shopkeep, Ted, packs up your goods in the bag without a word. He drops your change on the counter and turns away as you gather it up. Despite that, you still thank him. You lift the bag and hug it above your bump.
You keep your head down as Esther steps up to the counter with her basket. She makes a comment about the holiness of the coming holidays. Of how Jesus’ birthday should be kept sacred. You know she means you to hear but you don’t show that you do.
You step out into the chilly winds as they swirl around with a gust of powder. You nearly collide with another as you do. The chuckle that comes with the near-catastrophe eases your nerves. In an instant, the weight is scooped out of your arms.
“There ya’are,” Arvin greets. He’s the only person in town who talks to you.
In fact, he’s the only reason you have a place to lay your head. He did up his old shed so you could live there for a while. A barter you insisted on. What would people think if you accepted his invitation to stay in the spare room? Surely worse than the already do. He does not deserve to be tainted by you.
“You all done for the day?” You ask as you keep your arms crossed.
“Oh yeah,” he answers brightly, “what’d you get? Anything good...” he sniffs the top of the bag, “I smell cinnamon.”
You chew your lip, “yeah...”
You glance at him. He wears his fleece lined denim jacket, the collar greyed with age and a button missing on the right chest pocket. It’s not really enough for that kinda cold. Knockemstiff lives up to its name quite often and the winter will be sure to freeze your bones.
“Sorry, I’m being nosy,” he chuckles. “You want some candy? Got some in my pocket. Mr. Callahan sent them in with Edwin.”
“Oh, no, I’m okay,” you blow into your woolen mittens. It’s bitter these days. “Um, I was hopin’... I could make ya dinner tonight. Since ya done so much for me. ‘Fraid I don’t got much else to give right now.”
“That’d be awfully nice,” he accepts with a bounce in his step, “here.” He shifts the weight of the bag into one arm and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a long shape wrapped in brown paper, the top twisted and tied with ribbon. “Butterscotch.”
“Arvin, I told ya--”
“I got lots,” he insists.
You take it with a thank you. You continue down the packed snow. He’s entirely oblivious to the way Charmain passes with a glare but you feel it in your chest.
“I was thinking, before the baby comes,” you swallow as the thought bubbles up from the pits of constant dread. “I should leave.”
“Leave?” He wonders aloud. He looks over at you as snow gathers in his hair, the cold nipping pink his cheeks. He’s two years older than you but looks and seems much younger than you. “Where to?”
“I got an Aunt a few townships over. She’s the only one still answering my letters. She never had no kids of her own. They all... none of ‘em made it, ya know? I been writing to her and that.”
“Oh,” his disappointment tweaks in his throat. “Well, you don’t gotta, you know? I don’t mind ya stickin’ ‘round.”
“I mind. You been so kind already. Once I got the babe, no one gonna take me then neither. No work here, and I’ll be lucky to get a pew on Sundays.”
“Yeah, well, all these folks be saying they’re godly and how do they act?” His tone edges hotly. “Ain’t godly to turn a soul out. My mama always said so. No soul’ll make it through this world with a dent or two, but the lord’ll forgive.”
“Mm, she sounds like a nice lady,” you say.
“She was,” he sniffs. “And so I wouldn’t be puttin’ no shame on her memory by bein’ selfish, ya know? So’s as long as you need it, the shed is yours. I told ya, though, there’s a room inside.”
“No, no,” you loosen the ribbon and peek inside the paper. The candy stick of twisted sugar is all shades of caramelly brown. You smell it and it plucks at your bottomless hunger. “I don’t mind it. Pa never had the stove goin’ less the snow was past our knees. He always says, if you’re cold, put another sweater on.”
“Huh,” he scoffs darkly.
“Yer pa’s the reason you’re in my shed,” he harrumphs. “Sorry for sayin’ it, but I wouldn’t take no advice from a man who’d disown his own blood. He’s the one brought Henry ‘round. They still gettin’ drinks down at the tank.”
That information is more chilling than the cold. You didn’t know that. You try not to hear things about your father or the man who put this curse in you.
“I...” he begins crisply, “I’m sorry. I wasn’t gonna tell ya.”
“Woulda found out soon enough,” you shrug and shove the butterscotch stick in your mouth. You suck on it pensively. It’s sweet but you can hardly enjoy it as your eyes burn with a glaze of tears.
“So,” he coughs, “what’s for dinner?”
You pop your lip off the candy, “it’s a surprise,” you say.
“Oh, I like surprises,” he smiles, not that he ever really stops. Not around you.
“Well, I hope you like this one,” you drone.
You wash the plates from dinner as dessert bakes in the oven. The smell of cinnamon fills the house as you hear Arvin tinkering in the next room. He’s always messing around with something mechanical. You’re not always sure if he’s fixing them or just taking them apart.
You dry and stack the dishes away. The old house is cozy, quaint. You know it belonged to his parents. It’s still strewn with their memories. As if he’s preserving them in those walls. So you do your best not to disturb it.
You take the pan out of the oven. The rolled-out dough is perfectly baked and the colour is pristine. The shape resembles their namesake; elephant ears. It’s only dough, sugar, and cinnamon, but so so delicious. Your grandmother used to make them. Despite your current predicament, you’re nostalgic for the simper days.
You put one on a plate and peek at the doorway. You pause to dig out the parcel you hid under the sink then bring both items out to the front room. You keep the latter behind your back as you approach Arvin. He sits on the floor in front of the burning firestove as he pokes at an old clock with a screwdriver.
“Here ya go,” you offer him the dessert. “I could make some coffee or tea?”
“Nah, I’m good,” he puts down the clock and tool, then wipes his hand on the cloth draped over his knee. He reaches up to the take the plate. “Smells good.” He brings the dish down to examine the pastry, “what is it?”
“Called an elephant ear. Not super fancy.”
“Looks good,” he grins. “And what’s that?”
He lifts the baked dough and bites into it as he angles his head as if to see around you. You bring your hand out and present the parcel.
“Merry Christmas,” you say. “I know it’s not much, and a bit early but it’s gettin’ real cold.”
He places the plate on the rug and claps his hands off as he chews. His dark eyes sparkle as he takes the bundle wrapped in brown paper. He brings it over his lap and carefully unties the twine. You sway on your feet and rub your stomach as you watch anxiously.
He uncovers the knitted scarf and cap. He already has thick gloves that he wears for his work. He feels the wool and examines it quietly. You’re suddenly very unsure.
“You made these? For me?” He looks up. You nod. “Wow, it’s... you lined the cap?”
“I had a few old pieces I repurposed,” you shrug.
“Not too much. I know. I’m sorry. I don’t make too much these days. People only hire me if no one knows and it’s gettin’ harder to sneak around.”
He huffs and shakes his head. He lowers his chin and pets the scarf. “It’s everything.” He continues to examine your work. “I hope you don’t mind, my gift’s not ready yet.”
“Oh, Arvin, you don’t gotta get me nothin’. You done enough.”
“I want to,” he says. “Now,” he lays down the wool on the rug neatly and grabs his plate. He uncrosses his legs and stands. “Why aren’t you havin’ some dessert? You need to sit down. Let that baby rest. He mustn’t sleep very much with you titterin’ around all the time.”
“He’s already titterin--” you go to argue and stop with snort. “I think he knows we’re talking about him.”
You feel your stomach as the baby kicks. Arvin watches your hand on your belly as his brows rise up his forehead. “You think it’s a boy?”
“Could be. Not too sure. Oof.” You twitch as the baby kicks harder. Then wince again as Arvin puts his hand on you without warning. It’s surprising but not unwelcome. His warmth seeps through your dress.
“Oh!” He exclaims as the baby beats on your insides. “I can feel him.”
“It’s a bit early,” you reach back to brace your hips, “he usually waits ‘til I’m in bed.”
He keeps his hand on you, watching your belly as the baby continues his dance. He seems awestruck by the ripple under your skin. You’re more exhausted of it.
“I’ll have your present ready soon,” he says. “Promise.”
Arvin’s truck rumbles up to the house. You were surprised when he drove it into town today. He doesn’t usually start it unless he’s going to fetch firewood or going off for long trips.
You open the shed door, a blanket around your shoulders as you peek out. His headlights shine through the greyness. It’s still early by your count, unless you lost track again.
He hops out and stomps through the snow. He waves at you as his hair curls out from under the cap you made him. He wears it every day. You’re happy for that.
“Merry Christmas,” he calls out.
“Christmas... it’s still two days away,” you stay behind the door to shield yourself from the winds.
“Two days!” He claps as he approaches. “Since you gave me my gift early, I got yours ready too.”
“Mmhm. You’re not the only one who can do surprises. So pack a bag.”
“Pack...” you wonder.
“Ah, ah, just get a bag, alright?”
You can see him jittering in excitement. You hate to dampen that but you also feel bad. You made him a hat and scarf. He’s got something planned out that’s gonna at least cost him gas and his time.
“Oh...” you murmur.
“Don’t,” he wags a finger. “Really, come on! I wanna get there by dark.”
“Alright, I’ll be fast.”
You gently close the door and retreat. You can’t deny him. His words trouble you though. By dark? How far are you going? You don’t want him to do too much.
You don’t have a lot to take. A few dresses that still fit, some stockings, your sole pair of boots, your coat, and other things just in case. It doesn’t sound like you’ll be coming back tonight.
You come out in your coat and boots as Arvin keeps the truck idling. He meets you near the hood and takes your bag before he helps you up into the front seat. He gets in the other side and puts your bag between you.
“Do I get a hint?” You ask.
“Nope,” he shifts into gear. “Just hold tight.”
It’s a few hours before Arvin stops. Your eyes scour the sentinel pines all around and fall upon the painted wood of the cabin’s face. The porch pillars are stained a dark blue as the siding stands as white as the snow. It’s only the edgework along the window frames and door that make it visible amid the winterscape.
You gasp, “Arvin?”
“Surprise,” he exclaims.
“My grandfather built this place. Ma’s dad. I been workin’ on it,” he proclaims.
“Workin’ on it?”
“Yep! Ma wouldn’t want you raisin’ that boy in a shed.”
You mull his words and stare at the cabin. “Arvin, my aunt--”
“I know, she’s a nice woman by the sounds of it. She can always come see us but you know, not many place around that’ll be as nice as her. Not when’s they see a mother with no husband.”
You shrink down. He’s right.
“But I’m not--”
“Like I was saying,” he interjects, “you’re gonna be a mama. Means you need a proper house.”
He doesn’t wait for you to argue. You don’t have any to offer as you reel in disbelief. Why would he do all this for you? It’s not his baby. You’re not his problem.
He comes around and offers his hand. You climb out, gripping him tightly, as you flick away your tears. You sniffle and keep your head down as he leads you across the snowy yard.
“You’re upset?” He asks as he kicks snow off the steps.
“I’m... surprised,” you croak, trying to hide your face. “Arvin, it’s too much.”
“Not much at all,” he counters. “But I got a new stove in and the fireplace real nice since I redid the bricks. And I got it all wired up to a gas generator.”
“Oh,” you puff out as you climb the steps, still latched onto him. You hiccup as your tears flood over.
“Oh?” He echoes.
“Arvin,” you babble behind your hand. “Why-- why would you go and do all this for me?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” He tugs you toward the door.
“But...” you choke on your words.
You kick off your feet before you enter. He moves behind you, guiding you from behind with his hands on your arms. He stops you in a dark doorway. He lets go of you and you listen to him shifting around the dimness. He shines a flashlight into the front room.
“Once I get the lights on, it’ll look better,” he assures.
You shake your head, “it’s too much.”
“Nothin’s too much,” he argues again. “Look, you need this place and you need me. You need a husband, don’t ya?”
“Husband? Arvin, you can’t--”
“I wanna.”
“Baby boy’s not mine. No one else needa know. Them folks in Knockemstiff, the don’t go so far. And the next one will be mine. Maybe a girl--”
“Next one?”
“Uh huh, gonna give this one lots of brothers and sisters,” he puts his hand on your stomach.
“I...” your heart sinks from on high.
He’s quiet, measuring the silence as you do too. You peer into the front room then wince as he turns the light in your direction. You shield yourself as it shines in your eyes.
“Well, you gonna tell me no?” His voice is low and silty. “Cause I don’t think no one’s gonna take you away from me. Ain’t no one else want you.”
It’s like a knife sinking into your gut. Your frown and grab his hand, trying to shove it off your stomach. Why would he say that? He twists free of your grasp and clings to you instead. He turns the light under his chin so it casts his features in a sinister glow.
“Without me, you and that baby’d be frozen to the side of the street,” he sneers. “All’s I’m tryna do is give you everything, you could at least do the same.”
#arvin russell#dark arvin russell#dark!arvin russell#arving russell x reader#the devil all the time#fic#december daze#navy and roo's sleepover#dark fic#dark!fic
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Chamonix upon Arve ʕ•͜ ͢ ͞ •ʔ ˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷


#Trompe l'oeil#3D#Painting#Rue du Dr Paccard#Street Scene#Arve#River#Glacier#Mont Blanc#Switzerland#Mountains#Cloudy Sky#Haute Savoie#Chamonix#France
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sunny boy, chasing after the sunset🌻
#hime art#always raining in the valley#stardew sterling#sterling cooper#modded stardew valley#stardew arv#stardew valley mods#stardew#stardew mods#stardew valley#stardewvalley#stardew farmer#stardew fanart#sdv arv#sdv farmer#sdv fanart
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tfw u come across someone else who can't remember certain things and it hits a little too close to home for a second
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
#Ok so listen I know this is Shadowheart's Whole Thing#1) I didn't know this part of Croissant's backstory when you first meet Shadowheart and she can't remember stuff#2) I think it would be different with someone who can't remember anything v. someone who can't remember one or two important things#Secret Croissant knowledge only I know :^)))))#It has nothing to do with Shar if that's what you're thinking#bg3#baldur's gate 3#bg3 spoilers#act III spoilers#house of grief#croissant adventures#arves#shoutouts to anyone who finds this searching the arves tag LMAO#tav#comics
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Chapters: 6/14 Fandom: Aubrey-Maturin Series - Patrick O'Brian Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Stephen Maturin/Diana Villiers, Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin Characters: Stephen Maturin, Jack Aubrey, Diana Villiers, Sophie Williams Additional Tags: infidelity, astolat retrovirus, pregnancy
A sex-changing flu pandemic adds strange elements to Stephen's marriage and friendship: Stephen has a baby with Diana and an affair with Jack.
You may have seen me tagging strange posts with #numquam enim and wondered to yourself, what is numquam enim? Great question. It’s this.
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Aiguilles d'Arve
#mountains#french alps#arve#aiguilles d'arve#savoie#alpes#montagnes#haute-montagne#panorama#mountainscape#sommets
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Slightly older art of Sterling from the Stardew mod Always Raining in the Valley!! He's such a handsome little goober. It's such a well made mod 10/10
#sdv#stardew#sterling#arv#always raining in the valley#east scarp#he just fits really well into canon and shanes story#esp with immersive shane#muah chef kiss#my art
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LOOK! I bear gifts in lieu of fic...
These might or might not be upcoming scenes in Love and Duty.
#Arv's art#obey me barbatos#om barbatos#obey me fanart#omswd fanart#barbatos fanart#obey me barbatos fanart#maybe one day I'll clean these up and try to color them#for now I like them as-is
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this commissioner specifically requested sterling's raglan sleeve fits (usually I'll get requests for his flannels or stardew valley fair fits) and .
i'm ngl.
this person was cooking, I had honestly never seen the vision until now (< guy who gave him that raglan sleeve shirt fit in the first place)
#kinda hot to me when sterling looks like a jock ngl#hime art#always raining in the valley#stardew sterling#sterling cooper#modded stardew valley#stardew arv#stardew valley mods#stardew#stardew mods#stardew valley#stardewvalley#stardew farmer#stardew fanart#sdv arv#sdv farmer#sdv fanart#sterling arv
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If you think about it...

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Oh my god 🥹🥹
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and then what if i redesigned arveli and sedris for a third time what then
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