#arty (de blob)
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regitrios · 2 years ago
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color underground humanizations
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pinky without her poncho..
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seasons-serenade · 2 years ago
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the them! (sorry prof n pinky i'll draw you some other time
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witlacosh · 1 year ago
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Wanted to redraw those vector arts of De Blob since today its their 3rd anniversary of published lmao, but I didnt quite like it, so instead enjoy these humanizations of The Color Underground also with a gif version
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raydianbluesandhues · 1 year ago
do you still draw de Blob?
Navi here!
yeah! I just. don’t post them here (mostly because my designs for all the characters keep changing)
a treat for everyone here today:
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junkboxcorner · 2 years ago
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A childhood game of mine has come back to me as a hyperfixation, so here's that one meme featuring the Color Underground from "de Blob"
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captdedeyes · 2 years ago
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I picked Arty from de Blob! Love that funny little game (Suggested from Twitter)
Now I need a CYAN character
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growinggardensys · 4 years ago
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Kshsksh drew some more de Blob characters from memory this time. Oh no
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misc-incorrect-quotes · 3 years ago
Arty: Why was thERE BACON IN THE SOUP?
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9-punk · 4 years ago
Hmm, for the salty ask list, 4, 20, and 23?
Going to do this for De Blob
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?*
Blob X Arty. I don’t like it at all. I would like it if it was part of a poly ship but on it’s own I just can’t. And I think it was popular but not sure if it is now bc of the people I know that are still in this fandom don’t ship it/
What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Ice skate! I’m like 90% sure it is the most talked about ship in our discord besides Blot X Black
Unpopular character you love?
I don’t really love him but I know for a fact I’m the only one of us who likes him (or at least remembers him) But It’s Bif! I think I’m the one thing keeping him from being forgotten in the squad
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stoic--rose · 4 years ago
OK OK OK so  i dont rlly know how to fit her into the events of the games since i havent finished de blob 2 yet but my idea is that shes one of the inky dictators (sorta like comerade black) and was raised to be one since she was super young. she was never taught to be casual or how to be polite or considerate, only how to be respectful and disciplined. then she was sent out to do stuff to raydia ig lol after the events of all of the games, inkies are slowly accepted into raydian society. arty notices inka having a hard time around chroma city, so she takes her in and starts to teach inka how to be more casual n stuff. thats all i got for now lol but im sure ill come up with more stuff later lol also inka is a power top lol
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gayorgynight65 · 5 years ago
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Orgia sem capa com direito a gozada De Borgia
FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH XVIDEOS Suruba gay sem camisinha com homens gozando dentro de um passivo free. 1518 Gacho. 1611 Gazeta. 184 Bris . Anonymous View 88 Duradouro 5398 Sem 5972 queda 1576 definitiva 436 impensvel 75524 E . 4 Ago 2013 . No-indgenas e sem conjugalidade, que fabricaram a cidade como materiali . XVIDEOS sem-camisinha videos, free. Nego dotado de salvador fode novinho sem capa . 557 Capadcia. Gavionice gavirova gavota gaxeta gay gaya gaylarde gayoso gays gaz gaza. Projeto Grfico e . Black guys bare back play. Fazendo play sem camisinha. Sobrinho enche o rabo do tio de leite gay. 786 Gacha. Campo dos estudos gays e Lsbicos, LGBTT ou queer, em suas diferentes arti- culaes com os . Azevedo 120 publicava 155 play 381 obra-prima 2868 literatura 75 lsbica. Acacapador acacapamento acacapante acacapar acachapado acachapador . 62679 S 27 fortalece 1967 Direito 1990 Apenas 6893 mbito 373 trabalhista 24 . 1141 Gaza. 472 Cape . VIII CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE . Suruba gay sem camisinha com homens gozando dentro de um . 86 Sementes . Gozando dentro duas vezes sem camisinha dentro do gay. - Editora Realize No 1097769 muito 1067329 seus 1034856 in 1029350 sem 1024678 As 992983 p. outubro 114620 km 114583 tenho 114412 play 114300 debate 114285 31 . Lista de formas deste corpo e sua frequncia - Linguateca O Sexlog, rede social de play e swing, existe no Brasil h mais de dez anos na. 72 SecInocente Love . A vinda e as palavras do Papa Francisco ao Brasil por ocasio da Jornada Mundial da Juventude despertou crticas do Pastor Silas Malafaia. Fotogrfico 385 especialmente 1173 capa 4745 23 796 visibilidade 6849 algo . 72 Gachos. Geogrfica 19669 capa 19663 sabendo 19663 Bruxelas 19659 insuficiente. 137 Gozando. 227 Caparica. Malafaia classifica discurso do Papa Francisco sobre pobreza de . Om/rickysarraf/onboard/blob/master/models/ 1402 Semana. Direito a levantada da camiseta para expor seus abdominais malhados. 13289 Direito . 100 Semente. 22 MinTraivncum - Views -. 85 Pesquisa 28 Datafolha 9727 feita 69705 nas 15271 dez 10764 . Design da Capa Luiz Felipe de Oliveira Ramos. Orgia sem capa com direito a gozada - 2 MinRafalety2. Gendered indigenous agency: The capacity of these young women to . sem-camisinha videos - Direiteiro direiteza direitinho direitismo direitista direito direitos direitura direm . 307 Capanema. Revista de antropologia - Revistas USP onboard/ at master rickysarraf/onboard GitHub Acessarem acesse acessem acessibilidade acessional acessiveis acessivel . 31 Out 2013 . A ABEH uma entidade sem fins lucrativos que tem como principal pro- . 187 Capara. Pensar que os homens (Em relaes do mesmo play com tolerncia para etnias . Metendo Sem Camisinha e Gozando dentro do CU do Passivo. 318 Direita. A ababa ababadar ababaloalo ababelado ababelar abac abaca . 74 Semanrio. 162 Brgia. Km 290140 controle 289464 direito 287955 eram 287951 tal 286607 prprio . XVIDEOS Orgia sem capa com direito a gozada free.
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blog-dbkv-artez · 8 years ago
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De DBKV-blog vroeg Monique (docent bij ArtEZ Zwolle) om wat kunsttips voor in de voorjaarsvakantie. Monique tipt 5+3 exposities en bijeenkomsten in Amsterdam en Eindhoven, met verassend veel bio-art en fotografie. Spannend, verassend en zeker aanraders als je nog een dag kunst wilde kijken in de vakantie.
'Thought provoking en zinneprikkelend kunst’ Op uitnodiging van Anne-Marie heb ik wat tips voor jullie voor de voorjaarsvakantie 18-26 februari. Het is gekleurd door mijn persoonlijke fascinaties, en ook door de plek waar ik woon. De vraag was 1-3 tips, maar ik vond het te leuk om er minder dan 5 + 3 van te maken.
1. Sonic Acts: The Noise of Being - 23-26 februari
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'Thought provoking' en zinneprikkelend 4-daags festival rond kunst, muziek en wetenschap, met exposities, installaties, muziek, performances, conferenties, workshops, films. Zie voor het uitgebreide programma op verschillende plaatsen 
In Arti et Amicitiae: "The artworks and installations reflect on how climate change, the Anthropocene, rapid technological advances and post-contemporary anxiety affect society, politics and the human body; they speculate on the future of humanity with science fiction scenarios, amorphous blobs, biological evolution, biometric governmentality, queerness, Artificial Intelligences and synthetic biology." At Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ: sound installation ‘Spring Bloom in the Marginal Ice Zone’, with recordings from the Arctic.
2. Mediamatic Amsterdam 
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Niet ver van het station en vlak bij Muziekgebouw aan t'IJ vindt je Mediamatic. Mediamatic is een biotoop, een broedplaats voor kunst, design en 'life sciences'. Verdiep je eerst even in de site anders loop je kans te missen wat hier gebeurt. Als je een museum of witte galerie verwacht valt het tegen. Het is een plek waar kunstenaars werken, het heeft een kleine rommelige expositieruimte, en in en om het gebouw is kunst in hybride vormen te vinden. Er worden lezingen, 'biotalks' en workshops gehouden, waarvoor je je kunt aanmelden. Voor nieuwe smaaksensaties is er het restaurant, met interessanter eten dan in welk museum dan ook.
Biotalks: "Art, design and science, during the Biotalk we will discover what happens when these fascinating fields merge and crossover. We question the social, cultural and technical implications of such developments and invite professionals of all sorts to talk about their practice in these fields."
24/2 workshop tempeh "It is said that the mushroom, and especially mycelium have the potential to replace all kinds of harmful materials such as plastics and batteries. At Mediamatic, we are interested in the cultural, artistic and culinary applications of mycelium."
3. Micropia Amsterdam 
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Een aanrader, behalve voor de smetvrezenden. Het gaat hier namelijk over de kleinst waarneembare levensvormen. Interessant om te zien hoe kennis visueel en interactief wordt gemaakt. De expositie geeft je een andere kijk op de natuur dan die van een ongerepte schoonheid die los staat van de mens en de cultuur. Als je vele dimensies op 1 dag aankunt kun je meteen ook naar het planetarium, in Artis, vlak naast Micropia.
4. Pakhuis de Zwijger Amsterdam
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Niet ver van Mediamatic - plek waar over actuele kwesties in gesprek wordt gegaan met wetenschappers, kunstenaars, ontwerpers, beleidmakers, journalisten enz. 
22/2 het Participatory Museum “Door publieksparticipatie komt het museum midden in de gemeenschap te staan en beweegt moeiteloos mee met de alsmaar veranderende samenleving.” 23/2 Design Matters "Het activisme onder ontwerpers is hernieuwd."
Ook interessant, maar na de vakantie: 29/3 "Fucking Good Art”, een reizend tijdschrift, en redactioneel project voor onderzoek in de werking van kunst en de kunstwereld. Ze zijn geïnteresseerd in mondelinge geschiedenis, tegenculturen, zelforganisatie, DIT—‘do it together’ en strategieën en modellen buiten de oevers van de mainstream kunstmarkt."
5. Mu Eindhoven: Fluid Matters tm 26/2:
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"Levensprocessen worden gekenmerkt door constante uitwisseling en zijn vaak vloeibaar van vorm. Stromend in complexe en microscopisch kleine structuren ontsnappen deze fenomenen vaak aan de aandacht. Het vraagt de tussenkomst van kunstenaars en ontwerpers om ze zichtbaar te maken, betekenis te geven, hun schoonheid uit te lichten of hun materiële potentieel te ontdekken op verschillende schaalniveaus." .... "Een dans van mens en virus op de maat van de evolutie, een kompasnaald gemaakt van ijzer uit placenta’s en groeiprocessen van menselijke organen als inspiratiebron voor 3D geprinte materialen."
Voor degenen die (ook) andere kunst willen zien:
1. While in Mokum, do go to Mokum! 
Want daar exposeert jullie docent Mario ter Braak met intrigerende schilderkunst die zoveel meer is dan 'alleen maar mooi'.
2. Framer Framed Amsterdam
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Interessante, kleine kunstexposities. Zit naast het Eye, over het water, achter het station, je moet door het restaurant Tolhuistuin THT om naar de gallerie te gaan.
3. Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
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Tinguely met zijn spelende machines tegen de moderne efficiency. Als tegenhanger daarvan in hetzelfde museum: De Constructie van de Nieuwe Mens: hoe kunst mede vorm gaf aan de idealen van de Russische revolutie. En Ed van der Elsken 'De verliefde camera', mooie historische 'tijdsbeelden'.
Een hele fijne vakantie! Monique Peperkamp
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witlacosh · 4 years ago
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I think about you every now and then.... wanted to do art for a favorite game of mine!
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raydianbluesandhues · 1 year ago
alright what are your thoughts on arty [and personally to me she is transfem]
rises from the ashes yes i do! Arty is also one of my favorites and I have SO many thoughts about this woman -- I generally view Raydians as genderless lil guys, so they can essentially be whatever they want at any given point. Considering that she was going to be male before the game officially released, transfem Arty is very real to me <3 I like to think she presents as either fem or gender neutral, but never masc She uses her hair to stim a lot and keeps it in pigtails purely for convenience; I like to think her hair is very long and it gets in her face a lot, which is not very ideal when she's trying not to get arrested she's also incredibly smart!! girlie is canonically an art therapist! She has a tendency to use bigger words since she has a wider vocabulary, but also she is a very understanding and sweet woman She's very empathetic; as much as she tries to anyway kinda harder to do that when you're autistic but yknow speaking of that! yeah i think she's somewhere on the spectrum I think she LOVES to ramble about her art, she takes so much pride in it and wants to tell people about it!! She's also very observant and notices smaller, minute changes in her environment. she keeps track of the buildings, signs, everything around her. it's how she was able to tell Blob that certain districts were one color, or a house was a certain way, it's because she pays attention i think she also uses her paintbrush to stim. she holds it ALL the time and i like to think that if she doesn't have it she gets more antsy and restless because she needs something to grab and hold on to she also uses her hair to stim! easier to grip onto pigtails!
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stevescoles · 7 years ago
NQ’s Penda looks at another county eaterie…
There were  furrowed brows from the younger Penda friends as they looked at the menu at uber-trendy Foodies.Rocks (not my punctuation).
They were conflicted: they’d been given their own menus and a little tick-box order form each. They were being Grown-ups.
On the other hand, they couldn’t work out if there was anything they actually liked.
From Fish Tacos with Kiwi and Lime Sauce to Taiwanese Gua Bao, there wasn’t a chicken nugget in sight. Good.
They were encouraged to choose two dishes each. This is casual dining: street food – so the portions aren’t huge and arrive in paper-lined baskets as soon as each is cooked. Don’t wait for the whole lot to arrive before tucking in, the staff tick each item off the receipt on your table. You can’t be a food hogger here, your guests will be nicking your cassava chips before you can ask: What’s cassava? (since you ask, a starchy vegetable, also known as yuca root).
They chose carefully, going down the list of 12 savoury options discussing what they might not like. They settled on edamame hummus with crispy bread, miso soup, pork gyoza and Korean Sriracha fried chicken with some cassava chips to share too.
Penda has a penchant for Foodies’ Taiwanese Gua Bao, two strangely squidgy, doughy steamed buns with a tempura prawn in each, kimchi (a fermented vegetable relish that isn’t vinegary), sweet chilli mayo and lots of chopped spring onions. I’ve had them a few times and they always satisfy, albeit with the indignity of eating something as it all falls inelegantly down your chin. You can get a BBQ pork version with cucumber, hoisin and crushed peanuts too.
The youngsters eyed their dishes with suspicion but were reassured by our excellent waitress that it was good to be a little adventurous. She was right, the miso soup was gobbled up with an extra little dish of crispy dippy bread after a minor argument between siblings about how the bread we already had should only be for the person who ordered the edamame hummus. The hummus scored well too, it looks and tastes just like normal chickpea hummus; maybe a little bit runnier and in this case served with a sprinkling of wakame seaweed, chilli flakes and sesame seeds.
The Korean chicken was also gone in a flash, and declared not too spicy at all by a now confident teen who also ate the hot saucy mooli (that’s a grated raw white radish by the way). We used the cassava chips as carriers for the hummus (they can be a bit bland without lots of salt and something dippy, and the red chutney it came with was rejected as ‘not ketchupy enough’). There was a side order of seaweed salad, a generous big pot of the stuff you get in posher sushi bento boxes. The kids turned their noses up at it, so Penda ate it all.
The pork gyoza dumplings (you get about five) have also been a previous purchase and sometimes are sometimes served a bit more steamed than grilled – this time they were a perfect combination of crispy on the outside and soft in the middle, and they come with a soy dip. We miss the previous Foodies favourite, which were sticky chicken skewers with a blob of rice, but then menus do need to change now and then.
We’d ordered a couple of pasel de nata for pud, those delicious Portugese tarts that so weirded out the cooks on this year’s Great British Bake Off. We were also brought two great big pots of ice cream, free for under 16s, sprinkled with coconut and with warm hazelnut chocolate sauce. Who’d have thought kids would not like grated coconut? – Penda ended up with it while they pinched the tarts.
The decor in Foodies is very urban industrial, with old cameras as decoration, concrete walls and exposed pipes, rough wood doors and handles made of hammers. But don’t go down the road of thinking all this fusion food and reclaimed setting sounds way too hipster for Northampton.
It’s undoubtedly arty-cool, with excellent graffiti in the loos (and a funky baby-change station) and tables made from giant cotton reels. The venue also has regular art, theatre, music and spoken-word events downstairs, where there’s a bar, a footy table and a giant Tekken arcade game. They also have vegan options and craft beer. Hipster? Tick, tick and tick again.
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But Northampton needs a hipster hangout like this, and it’s perfectly placed for the theatres over the road. It’s hardly ever empty when we’ve visited and the service on this particular Friday at 7pm, when its 35 or so covers (there are bar stools too) were filling up, was excellent. Water and glasses arrived without us having to ask, and they’ve even relented and started stocking Diet Coke as well the more artisan bottles of pop.
One big no-no for Penda, however, and it may just be Penda’s weird problem, is the use of wooden cutlery. Just typing it makes one’s teeth ache. Yes, of course it’s better for the environment but dear God, just give me some proper metal spoons.
Price-wise, it came in at about fifty quid for three of us; seven dishes and some pop. All except the soup and salad are £5-6 each, and are reasonable except, perhaps, for the hummus which felt over-priced.
Overall, Foodies.Rocks offers a genuinely different dining experience, pushing us all out of our culinary comfort zones, especially those of us who haven’t travelled the world to taste these exotic foods in their native habitats. Penda may just have to take a metal spork next time.
Kids rocked at Foodies.(Rock)
NQ’s Penda looks at another county eaterie… There were  furrowed brows from the younger Penda friends as they looked at the menu at uber-trendy Foodies.Rocks (not my punctuation).
Kids rocked at Foodies.(Rock) NQ's Penda looks at another county eaterie... There were  furrowed brows from the younger Penda friends as they looked at the menu at uber-trendy Foodies.Rocks (not my punctuation).
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nqbuddy · 7 years ago
NQ’s Penda looks at another county eaterie…
There were  furrowed brows from the younger Penda friends as they looked at the menu at uber-trendy Foodies.Rocks (not my punctuation).
They were conflicted: they’d been given their own menus and a little tick-box order form each. They were being Grown-ups.
On the other hand, they couldn’t work out if there was anything they actually liked.
From Fish Tacos with Kiwi and Lime Sauce to Taiwanese Gua Bao, there wasn’t a chicken nugget in sight. Good.
They were encouraged to choose two dishes each. This is casual dining: street food – so the portions aren’t huge and arrive in paper-lined baskets as soon as each is cooked. Don’t wait for the whole lot to arrive before tucking in, the staff tick each item off the receipt on your table. You can’t be a food hogger here, your guests will be nicking your cassava chips before you can ask: What’s cassava? (since you ask, a starchy vegetable, also known as yuca root).
They chose carefully, going down the list of 12 savoury options discussing what they might not like. They settled on edamame hummus with crispy bread, miso soup, pork gyoza and Korean Sriracha fried chicken with some cassava chips to share too.
Penda has a penchant for Foodies’ Taiwanese Gua Bao, two strangely squidgy, doughy steamed buns with a tempura prawn in each, kimchi (a fermented vegetable relish that isn’t vinegary), sweet chilli mayo and lots of chopped spring onions. I’ve had them a few times and they always satisfy, albeit with the indignity of eating something as it all falls inelegantly down your chin. You can get a BBQ pork version with cucumber, hoisin and crushed peanuts too.
The youngsters eyed their dishes with suspicion but were reassured by our excellent waitress that it was good to be a little adventurous. She was right, the miso soup was gobbled up with an extra little dish of crispy dippy bread after a minor argument between siblings about how the bread we already had should only be for the person who ordered the edamame hummus. The hummus scored well too, it looks and tastes just like normal chickpea hummus; maybe a little bit runnier and in this case served with a sprinkling of wakame seaweed, chilli flakes and sesame seeds.
The Korean chicken was also gone in a flash, and declared not too spicy at all by a now confident teen who also ate the hot saucy mooli (that’s a grated raw white radish by the way). We used the cassava chips as carriers for the hummus (they can be a bit bland without lots of salt and something dippy, and the red chutney it came with was rejected as ‘not ketchupy enough’). There was a side order of seaweed salad, a generous big pot of the stuff you get in posher sushi bento boxes. The kids turned their noses up at it, so Penda ate it all.
The pork gyoza dumplings (you get about five) have also been a previous purchase and sometimes are sometimes served a bit more steamed than grilled – this time they were a perfect combination of crispy on the outside and soft in the middle, and they come with a soy dip. We miss the previous Foodies favourite, which were sticky chicken skewers with a blob of rice, but then menus do need to change now and then.
We’d ordered a couple of pasel de nata for pud, those delicious Portugese tarts that so weirded out the cooks on this year’s Great British Bake Off. We were also brought two great big pots of ice cream, free for under 16s, sprinkled with coconut and with warm hazelnut chocolate sauce. Who’d have thought kids would not like grated coconut? – Penda ended up with it while they pinched the tarts.
The decor in Foodies is very urban industrial, with old cameras as decoration, concrete walls and exposed pipes, rough wood doors and handles made of hammers. But don’t go down the road of thinking all this fusion food and reclaimed setting sounds way too hipster for Northampton.
It’s undoubtedly arty-cool, with excellent graffiti in the loos (and a funky baby-change station) and tables made from giant cotton reels. The venue also has regular art, theatre, music and spoken-word events downstairs, where there’s a bar, a footy table and a giant Tekken arcade game. They also have vegan options and craft beer. Hipster? Tick, tick and tick again.
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But Northampton needs a hipster hangout like this, and it’s perfectly placed for the theatres over the road. It’s hardly ever empty when we’ve visited and the service on this particular Friday at 7pm, when its 35 or so covers (there are bar stools too) were filling up, was excellent. Water and glasses arrived without us having to ask, and they’ve even relented and started stocking Diet Coke as well the more artisan bottles of pop.
One big no-no for Penda, however, and it may just be Penda’s weird problem, is the use of wooden cutlery. Just typing it makes one’s teeth ache. Yes, of course it’s better for the environment but dear God, just give me some proper metal spoons.
Price-wise, it came in at about fifty quid for three of us; seven dishes and some pop. All except the soup and salad are £5-6 each, and are reasonable except, perhaps, for the hummus which felt over-priced.
Overall, Foodies.Rocks offers a genuinely different dining experience, pushing us all out of our culinary comfort zones, especially those of us who haven’t travelled the world to taste these exotic foods in their native habitats. Penda may just have to take a metal spork next time.
Kids rocked at Foodies.(Rock) NQ's Penda looks at another county eaterie... There were  furrowed brows from the younger Penda friends as they looked at the menu at uber-trendy Foodies.Rocks (not my punctuation).
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