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the-suit · 2 years ago
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Hey there @artistas-world
There are two ways to view the comic! Either on Tapas at:
Or you can view it here on tumblr! We have a comic book layout here
However it might be a bit harder on mobile, so tapas might work better if you're reading it there. Hope that helps! =)
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astronautademarmore1 · 2 years ago
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creatives-argentines · 7 months ago
New August Masterpost
If you are unaware of the situation in our country, the argentinean government is fucking up the economy with their "chainsaw" plan, and getting rid of human rights in the process, among other things. The prices are up, including public transport, and the salaries aren't rising with them.
This masterpost was made in order give our artists the opportunity to enter the international market since our currency is plummeting, so if you like what you see please consider commissioning us. If you aren't able to, reblog this post please, WE NEED THE VISIBILITY. Alt texts are in English and Spanish. ____________________________ Si no conocés la situación en nuestro país, el gobierno argentino esta haciendo mierda la economía con su plan "motosierra", y deshaciéndose de derechos humanos en el proceso, entre otras cosas. Los precios suben, incluído el transporte público, y los salarios no suben con ellos. Este masterpost se hizo para darles a nuestres artistas la oportunidad de entrar en el mercado internacional ya que nuestra divisa va cayendo en picada, así que si te gusta lo que ves considera comisionarnos. Si no podés, rebloguea el post por favor, NECESITAMOS VISIBILIDAD. Textos alternativos (alt text) están en inglés y español.
@lucianinsanity (he/they - él)
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An is an artist that works primarily on character design, including small sprites in pixel art. They can also paint backgrounds or landscapes and scenes. They work with watercolors, acrylics, pencils and digitally. ________________________________ An es un artista que se dedica principalmente al diseño de personajes, incluidos pequeños sprites en pixel art. También puede pintar fondos o paisajes y escenas. Trabaja con acuarelas, acrílicos, lápices y en digital. Contacts/Links: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucianinsanity/ Tumblr: https://lucianinsanity-only-art.tumblr.com/ https://lucianinsanity.tumblr.com/ Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/lucianinsanity YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lucianinsanity
@aifastic (they/she/he - ella/él)
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Aifas is an artist whose work revolves primarily around characters, backgrounds and animals (generally pets). They like making goofy art, cartoons, animations and pictures where colors pop! They have worked on several fanzines, including the TF2 Sona Zine and Rocket Science! A TF2 Helmet Party Zine as an artist, and Wanted - An A Way Out Zine as both an artist and graphic designer. ________________________________ Aifas es una artista cuyo trabajo se concentra principalmente en personajes, escenarios y animales (generalmente mascotas). Le gusta hacer arte gracioso, caricaturas, animaciones y piezas en los que los colores saltan a la vista. Trabajó en numerosas fanzines, incluyendo TF2 Sona Zine y Rocket Science! A TF2 Helmet Party Zine como artista, y Wanted - An A Way Out Zine como artista y diseñadora gráfica. Contacts/Links: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aifastic/ Tumblr: https://aifastic.tumblr.com/ Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/aifastic E-mail: [email protected]
@denwenai (they/them - elle)
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Denwenai’s areas of expertise are multimedia design, photography and art; therefore, their pieces are a living example of the convergence of these disciplines. They work on both digital and physical media, and although their pieces are often inspired by film, literature & popular culture, many are a product of their restless imagination. Among the services they provide are illustration, vectoring, editorial layout, branding video & photo editing and motion graphics. ________________________________ Denwenai se dedica al diseño multimedia, la fotografía y el arte; por lo que sus piezas son ejemplo de la convergencia de estas disciplinas. Trabaja sobre soportes tanto físicos como digitales, y sus piezas a menudo encuentran inspiración en el cine, la literatura y la cultura popular, aunque muchas son producto de su inquieta imaginación. Entre los servicios que puede brindar se incluyen: ilustración, vectorizado, maquetado editorial, branding, edición de foto/video y motion graphics. Contacts/Links: Linktree: https://linktr.ee/denwenai
@tomicaleto (she/her - ella)
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On the internet, I go by the pseud Tomicaleto and I'm mostly called Tomi. I'm currently studying Philosophy and Visual arts in university. On my Tumblr I share mostly fanarts from different fandoms and my digital artwork. I've participated in fanzines along with other artists and on weekly and monthly events as well (such as the bingo format events, for example). I've also begun to sell my drawings as stickers, illustrations and t-shirts, participating in local events when possible (Currently only in Argentina). ________________________________ En internet me muevo bajo el pseudónimo Tomicaleto y muchas veces me dicen Tomi. Estoy estudiando Filosofía y Artes Visuales en la universidad. En mi Tumblr comparto mayormente fanarts de diferentes fandoms y mi trabajo digital. Participé en fanzines junto con otros artistas y también en eventos semanales y mensuales (el formato bingo, por ejemplo). También comencé a vender mis dibujos como stickers, ilustraciones y remeras, participando en eventos locales cuando es posible (Solo en Argentina por el momento). Contacts/Links: Tumblr: https://tomicaleto.tumblr.com/ ->Art tag: Tomi's art
@palluniskillas (she/he, ella/él.)
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Pallu is an artist that focuses on the creation of illustrations and portraits, as well as character creation. She mostly Works digitally. Her primary pallete is made up of warm colors and tones. ________________________________ Pallu es un artista que se enfoca en la creación de ilustraciones y retratos, como también la creación de personajes. Mayormente ella trabaja digitalmente. Su paleta principal está compuesta de colores y tonos cálidos. Contacts/Links: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pallunis_killas/ Tumblr: https://palluniskillas.tumblr.com/
If you want to support the admin, go to @artzover
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mallowdarling · 2 months ago
Obey Me but make it Trolls 2
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Hell yeah 😎 Been wanting to do this for MONTHS and finally decided to hear the voices.
Mammon as Poppy, Mallow as Branch and Thirteen as Queen Barb from the Hard Rock trolls + Hard rock/Metalhead Barbatos cuz I had to!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THIRTEEN, BTW!!! Love you wife, can't believe they ended Obm before making you datable </3
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idkcallmewilly · 1 month ago
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Doomed from birth 🌊💕
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poplin-kitty · 3 months ago
Gruñoncito y Abracitos
Grumpy and the blue thing that comes out in poppy playtime that hugs
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Me desaparecí por un buen tiempo, y es probable que lo vuelva a hacer :b
I disappeared for a while, and I'll probably do it again :b
(tomen el dibujo como quieran, platónico o romántico)
(take the drawing as you want, platonic or romantic)
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erickbernardo · 1 year ago
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she's ready to fight lol
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manglelias · 5 months ago
¡Aquí está tu pedido @lynett3guyc0tt ! Todd Ingram y Lynette Guycott 🎸🥁🥀 y Envy Adams 🎤 si quieres otro video así pero con otros personajes dimelos en los comentarios 🥀
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nerodoskapa · 2 months ago
My Dandy's World oc and Finn (Fish skin) Fanart
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drkmattervik · 1 year ago
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aembarcar · 3 months ago
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i-am-just-birdy0 · 1 year ago
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My favorite siblings 💕
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creatives-argentines · 1 year ago
In light of Henry Kissinger dying, spread the word to 3rd world artists about thirdworldart.net
There's a bunch of resources on how to handle yourself in the international artistic market.
Y si hay algune argentine leyendo, fijate mis otros posts: estoy llamando a creatives argentines para hacer un masterpost y ganar visibilidad internacional debido al clima político en el que nos encontramos. Por favor si estas incluso considerando abrir comisiones unite a nuestro discord
Thank you everyone for your help! May that piece of shit rot in hell, and May we triumph through his established horrors.
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alexmontillamusic-blog · 6 months ago
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Con los #buenosdías
La #buena y sana #costumbre de saludar, si lo haces, eres una #Persona con buenas costumbres
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idkcallmewilly · 21 days ago
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Natsuki Sel!!! My fav Scene girl 💕
I don't see her content anymore BUT she still has a special place i'm my heart <3
Umm i don't remember when i decided that she was gonna have a scene style, but i think it was a great idea. Also PLEASE LOOK AT HER SHOES IT TOOK SOOO LONG 😭
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sonnnecarts · 7 months ago
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This is Makalee, she is another character from the story I am developing. In my plans, she will be the protagonist of the story alongside Joshira. This character has a black and white appearance. I haven't thought of a clothing style for the character yet, but here is the sketch of how she would be.
If you want to know more about this story, you can send me questions and I will answer! ❤
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