#artist: scj
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Submitter's Note: Though presented as one continuous mix, this is a multi track EP- and the points at which the tracks change is clear. As there's no official track titles though, I've no specific songs to highlight.
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sadcatjack · 4 years ago
Hi! I will be posting my artwork because art is meant to be shared. I feel posting my art will help me learn how to be a better artist. I believe that this is a good way to figure out what I’ll be doing later in life art-wise. I think it’d be rad if I could make something that people liked. I hope those who view my art find some value in it.
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springvaletales · 3 years ago
((Session 28 is wrapped!))
We’re back with our guest, and a new player who’s just sitting in to listen tonight.
I had a DM-to-DM chat with my bestie’s dad last night about how to deal with a cheating PC and since talking has failed so far we’re going to try some of his suggestions
Asahi’s PC had trouble getting set up, so we just took to chatting about back-up PCs and how that party is basically shaping up to be the Evil One
Bagelby’s Player’s backup: Label, Bagelby’s long-lost, lawful-evil, lvl. 7 rune knight child-soldier twin brother.
August’s Player, banging their hands on the table: “Can you break-dance fight??”
Evil party so far: An eco-terrorist, a grown-up child soldier, an identity-stealing con artist, a warlock who lapses into murderous semi-conscious when she levels up and sacrifices someone to her patron, and a vampire dentist who is literally the only nice one.
Bagelby’s Player: “Label has absolutely sold his soul to the Sunfell Cult.”
At least two of these back-up characters are aligned to an Archfey who’s a sworn nemesis of the Taker of the Lost purely bc he’s been accidentally encroaching on their territory for the past two years.
Asahi’s Player can’t get her voice-chat working, so she typed all of her moves tonight.
Bagelby: “I don’t think we should kill Drokk. Maybe he can change?”
The rest of the party, laughing: “No.”
Asahi cast Thunderwave in the middle of battle, not realizing that everyone was basically crowded on top of each other.
I’m side-eying every ‘nat 20’ Thiori’s Player rolls now SO HARD  and I don’t like this feeling
Most of the party failed the Con save, but nobody fell off (thank Skaadi).
“Your fists may miss their mark, but your words do not; you give a scathing critique of his social policy.”
The instant I tried to lay down some restrictions on Thiori’s actions without being blatant (why are you swinging a 10ft glaive over your head all fancy like when everyone’s crowded in the same 6-10ft tornado?!) his player began to rules lawyer me in my own damn campaign holy HECK do I hate this feeling
Bagelby: “I’m gonna send Pedro into the fray-“
Sir Carl Jaeger’s crow/raccoon griffon lost an eye to Marrow-Eater.
Bagelby cast True Strike on Drokk in preparation to put him in time out with the Time Out Knife, and learned both his and Marrow-Eater’s current HP and AC.
I should not be dreading Thiori’s turn like this.
Me: “You have….four rounds of falling before you hit the lake.”
Thiori’s Player: “Well actually-“
“For health insurance, that griffon will do anything for you.”
For story reasons, Drokk needs to live, so on his turn, Marrow-Eater broke away from the party and flew out over the lake.
August got an attack of opportunity and managed to chop of his pinky finger, which Ena promptly caught with Mage Hand bc we can’t go a single session without collecting body parts.
“…and now you have a bloody Orc pinky finger.”
I now ship Thiori’s griffon and Sir Carl Jaeger’s griffon.
SnowWing has no interest in taking the egg August has, so August is keeping it (despite also making a valiant effort to tame SnowWing for herself).
Two of the Rookery guards the party curb stomped were waiting for them when they all landed, purely because I needed someone else there to properly put away all the griffon gear and push along some very, VERY back burner story elements.
Bagelby: “Hello, Chain Mail Jock Strap Man! My name is Bagelby, and I’m from the Feywilds!”
Sir Carl Jaeger: “…..hello.”
At last! Proper introductions to Sir Carl Jaeger!!
Sir Carl Jaeger asked all the important questions, like “what are your goals here?”, “what brought you to the city?”. I love him.”
August and Asahi both recognize the symbol of SCJ’s family, due to their own noble connections and relations.
The party all went out to meet up with Vashael, and immediately began initiating Sir Carl Jaeger into the prince hazing tradition.
Ena’s Player: *makes a joke about Michael topping Vashael*
Me: *not answering*
Ena’s Player: wait wAIT DOES HE??
Thiori’s Player wanted to drop a keg-sized molotov cocktail on the next target, and until Ena’s Player spoke up to tell him “NO THERE’S CIVILIANS IN THERE” I was watching all my plans for a semi-stealth mission go up in flames.
Thiori then fell off the dragon bus bc he was too busy making a molotov cocktail to hold on, though he managed to hold on to Vashael’s leg.
Ena also fell off the dragon bus, but managed to hold on to Thiori’s leg.
Bagelby, who fell of the dragon bus two times last session, held on the best.
We wrapped up with Vashael flying through the smokescreen of the burning city towards the mayor’s house. We’ll pick up again next week, and see what becomes of my stealth mission!
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kbrakes-blog · 5 years ago
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Shout out to KBrakes Artist @danielpatrickstover of amazing bands such as but not limited to @breakanchor @splitters_detroit and @extraarms check them all out to hear him shredding this kit with KBrakes and this cute little racktom!! #kbrakes #drummers #drumming #drumkit #sjcdrums #scj #customdrums #kbrakeshistops #kbrakesgrips #drummersofinstagram #drumsdrumsdrums https://www.instagram.com/p/CBevEpcDS6G/?igshid=ppz7lejyjo54
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digimakacademy · 5 years ago
Veteran Make Up Artist pandhri jukar passed away scj 81 | ज्येष्ठ रंगभूषाकार पंढरीदादा जुकर यांचं निधन
Veteran Make Up Artist pandhri jukar passed away scj 81 | ज्येष्ठ रंगभूषाकार पंढरीदादा जुकर यांचं निधन
चित्रपटसृष्टीतील प्रसिद्ध आणि ज्येष्ठ रंगभूषाकार पंढरीदादा जुकर यांचे आज मुंबईत निधन झाले. ते ८८ वर्षांचे होते. सुमारे ६० वर्षे ते रंगमंच, मोठा पडदा आणि छोटा पडदा या माध्यमांमध्ये काम करणाऱ्या कलाकारांचा मेक अप करत होते. पंढरीदादा हे नाव त्यांची ओळखच झाली होती.
राजकमल कला मंदिर, यशराज फिल्मस्, बालाजी टेलिफिल्म्स या आणि अनेक प्रॉडक्शन हाऊससाठी त्यांनी काम केलं. अगदी कृष्णधवल काळापासून ते…
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giarts · 6 years ago
Philadelphia Gets Grant by the MacArthur Foundation to Decrease Jail Population
Submitted by Carmen Graciela Díaz on December 7, 2018.
Philadelphia was recently awarded $4 million by the MacArthur Foundation with the goal of decreasing the city’s jail population by 50 percent by 2020. The plan to cut the prison population comes after the city was able to surpass its original target reduction of 34 percent over three years, reported WHYY.
The city reduced the prison population by 36 percent within two years, an effort that was funded by a $3.5 million grant from the MacArthur Foundation in 2016.
According to WHYY, the MacArthur Foundation’s Safety and Justice Challenge (SCJ) programming was unable to lower the racial disparities in Philadelphia's jail population and city officials plan on doubling down on those efforts by establishing measurable benchmarks to achieve this goal. “This award will help us address and reduce the racial disparities that plague our system,” said Keir Bradford-Grey, chief of the Philadelphia Defender Association.
The article adds:
The new additions to the planning include a Community Engagement Committee, which will collaborate with the Mural Art’s Program’s Art for Justice Project creating public artworks with formerly incarcerated artists. A Community Advisory Committee will also be established to hold the SJC initiatives accountable to community needs.
Read the full article here.
Image: Pixabay / free-photos
Posted by Carmen Graciela Díaz on December 07, 2018 at 08:25AM. Read the full post.
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aholsniffsglue · 7 years ago
💣💣💣 #TOMORROW #SATURDAY #ARTWALK #WYNWOOD #MIAMIFULLTIME 💣💣💣#Repost @stackscustoms ・・・ 🥂The Art of Jewelry 🥂 We have just been notified we are at capacity! If you haven’t RSVP’d yet, our apologies but the list is officially closed. Thank you guys so much! #Support 💪🏾 Featured artist: @aholsniffsglue @billionberg @chadsquiat @alessandragold13 #KruzinFootwear @therealtoe @berlaineheart & our daughter #SanaiMilan Thank you all for your collaborations they are AMAZING! Thank you @ari21rivera from @classiccarclubmiami for the bomb bike! @papa_keith x @djbulletproof Thank you for the opportunity!!! 💯 #SCJ #ATJ #1035thebeat | @tiff_prince
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sueclancy · 7 years ago
I can now talk publicly about one of my current projects: I’m doing an illustration, a public art piece and giving a speech for Salmon Creek Journal and Washington State University!  The unveiling of the public artwork, and my speech, will be in October. And the magazine illustration will flow from that. Here’s how it all began:
You know I’m deaf right? Well some time back now at one of my local libraries I gave a drawing demo and signed copies of my book “Dogs by Sue Clancy”.  During the demo, (picture me wearing an apron, ink brush in hand, art materials surrounding me on a table and an ever flowing/ebbing group of people watching and asking me questions) a woman walked confidently up to my table.  To my Deaf ears she said “I’m glad to see you! My name is Amanda Xbmlsnn and I’m the editor for Whelngfm Fumeek Ourmrnal magazine. I’d like to talk to you about fmesryulm tjosun. Are you on social media?”  I replied “Yes, I’m on social media. My cards have my contact info. What did you say…” “Great!” said the lady, grabbing one of every card I had on the table “I’ll contact you!”  Off she went. Someone else asked me a question and the rest of the day flew by with a whooshing sound.
A few hours later when the day was done my sweetie came to help me pack up my art materials to leave the library. “How did your day go?” she asked. “Very good – but, darn my ears, I met an editor from a magazine and I didn’t hear her name or even the name of the magazine!!” I said feeling slightly frustrated. Sweetie, knowing that editors are some of my favorite people on the planet, commiserated with me. Feeling somewhat soothed I sighed “I’ll just have to hope she gets in touch with me.”
We went out for a restorative dinner and relaxed for the rest of the evening.
When I next checked my computer I had an email, a Twitter message, a Facebook message and an Instagram message all from Amanda The Editor of Salmon Creek Journal!
There was a lot of subsequent discussion via messages, but in short, the magazine (Salmon Creek Journal – SCJ) wanted to select one community submission to feature in both a gallery showcase and their 2018 print issue – and my work was what they wanted to be the “one community submission”!  The projects relates to a program called “Dis(covering)ability” – so me being Deaf was a virtue…
We arranged for a face to face meeting at the Washington State University (WSU)campus. I brought my camera and took about 45 photographs for my own use as I created my artwork. I took lots of handwritten notes as Amanda The Editor and several other people talked about the campus, about their project and what artwork they hoped for from me.  (My kind of artwork; my use of elements of a physical place etc. was what they wanted! And they wanted me to come give a speech…) Sweetie came with me to the meeting and took notes too. (After such meetings Sweetie and I compare our notes and many of my hearing gaps are nicely filled in!)
Here are a few of the photos I took during the meeting. Sharp-eyed followers of this blog will probably see a correlation between these pics and my finished artwork – which I’ll post eventually. (I mustn’t get ahead of Amanda The Editor in the posting/promo about this project. So I’ll be following her lead on when to post what…)
Since the students are the focus of the SCJ magazine and of the WSU campus – and the focus of the event “Dis(covering)ability” itself – I focused on creating an artistic design that emphasizes the people yet has a flavor of a specific to WSU place. I also wanted to imply a story in my wordless way of movement, of the discovery of sky’s-the-limit ability.
During our meeting on campus I was told that most of the WSU students first experience of campus is on a tour. They said that the fountain was a regular meeting place for students.  As we walked about campus during the project meeting I saw lots of squirrels chasing each other, and birds flying about. I noticed that many of the buildings had a similar brick/tile pattern. All of these observations – and many more – were recorded in my notes.
Back at my studio I looked through my photos and my notes – and Sweeties notes – and I began drawing thumbnails for an overall design. Then I did research to determine the average-height of the characters to be included in the artwork and designing the overall crowd shape.  (In my last post, here, I wrote my tips for drawing crowds.)
Here are a few photos of me at work:
In this pic I’m consulting one of my “animal encyclopedias” and comparing height of various species and listing/drawing a possible grouping.  (Yes, that’s my dachshund on my lap ‘helping’ me work.)
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In the pic below I’m developing some of the characters that I’d settled on in the first photo. I did lots and lots of drawings of characters in order to settle what they’d be wearing, how they’d stand, who they’d be standing next to and what kind of expression they might have on their face.
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Days, if not weeks, went by filled with regular work like what is photographed above. My “SCJ/WSU” sketchbook for this project is, by now, almost completely full of notes and sketches.
Here, for fun, is another page of sketches:
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As per my arrangement with Amanda The Editor I kept in touch with her and sent almost daily photos of my progress. Some of which she posted on the SCJ social media pages – and others she kept for possible posting later.
So I’ll stop this blog post here for now and see what Amanda The Editor does next. Besides it’s almost time for my supper.  But before I go here is a photo, taken during our on-campus meeting, of Sweetie, Me and Amanda The Editor.
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    public art a magazine illustration and a speech I can now talk publicly about one of my current projects: I'm doing an illustration, a public art piece and giving a speech for Salmon Creek Journal and Washington State University! 
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Voltaire's Mantra • Bare Knuckle Brawler • Sunbathing • CRAZED VIP
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Submitter's Note: Similar to SCJ's previous effort SCRIMMAGE, this is a full EP presented as one continuous audio mix, and the points at which the tracks change is fairly clear. As there is no tracklist, I've left the highlights field blank.
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Weekend Rentals • Polyethylene • GONE • TENET • Coffee Break • Big Bumpin' • Sinful Cities (Day/Night) • Viscera • OBJECTIVE/EXECUTION • Thick n' Thin • CRAZED
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daydaymonet1world · 6 years ago
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Stressed Out Records Upcoming Artist I Set Out To Accomplish My Goals Staying Focused On Maintaining My Mindset Dropping All Three Exclusive Music Videos At One Time Filmed 🎥🎬 @nin2kyo_no_jutsu I Made It Happen Copy & Paste Links https://youtu.be/ISFRUGyhhr0 https://youtu.be/T-2XKNZ2Q_I https://youtu.be/ScJ-KQDTkDY #rapper #upcomingartist #songwriter #soundcloud #jutsufilms (at Rancho Cucamonga, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxNA1mZAGES/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ag8htkn3y2ze
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daydaymonet1world · 6 years ago
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Stressed Out Records Upcoming Artist I Set Out To Accomplish My Goals Staying Focused On Maintaining My Mindset Dropping All Three Exclusive Music Videos At One Time Filmed 🎥🎬 @nin2kyo_no_jutsu I Made It Happen Copy & Paste Links https://youtu.be/ISFRUGyhhr0 https://youtu.be/T-2XKNZ2Q_I https://youtu.be/ScJ-KQDTkDY #rapper #upcomingartist #songwriter #soundcloud #jutsufilms (at Rancho Cucamonga, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxNA0ZHgG_V/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8j0lxn3i52ln
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daydaymonet1world · 6 years ago
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Stressed Out Records Upcoming Artist I Set Out To Accomplish My Goals Staying Focused On Maintaining My Mindset Dropping All Three Exclusive Music Videos At One Time Filmed 🎥🎬 @nin2kyo_no_jutsu I Made It Happen Copy & Paste Links https://youtu.be/ISFRUGyhhr0 https://youtu.be/T-2XKNZ2Q_I https://youtu.be/ScJ-KQDTkDY #rapper #upcomingartist #songwriter #soundcloud #jutsufilms (at Rancho Cucamonga, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxNAzElAwU-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nfs56wvvw37f
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