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Drum Kit Slide Prevention Technology
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kbrakes-blog · 4 years ago
KBrakes VS Exposed Spikes or KBrakes VS Rubber Feet Either way, us drummers play with more confidence when our drums are locked down snd not sliding all over the place. KBrakes 512s attach directly to your kick drum spurs to stop your drum from sliding away from you as you play. 180º Rotation capabilities that allow KBrakes to stay attached to your drum while it's packed in it's case. Light weight, road worthy and extremely durable and gives your kick drum a larger foundation on which to play which creates maximum stability! #kbrakes #drums #drumming #drummers #drumgear #drumset #drumsetup #drummersofinstagram #drumkit #drumminglife https://www.instagram.com/p/CFJFKTujswX/?igshid=9ey6mnrnabrb
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kbrakes-blog · 4 years ago
KBrakes VS Exposed Spikes or KBrakes VS Rubber Feet Either way, us drummers play with more confidence when our drums are locked down snd not sliding all over the place. KBrakes 512s attach directly to your kick drum spurs to stop your drum from sliding away from you as you play. 180º Rotation capabilities that allow KBrakes to stay attached to your drum while it's packed in it's case. Light weight, road worthy and extremely durable and gives your kick drum a larger foundation on which to play which creates maximum stability! #kbrakes #drums #drumming #drummers #drumgear #drumset #drumsetup #drummersofinstagram #drumkit #drumminglife https://www.instagram.com/p/CFJCbZFjj09/?igshid=jfwnbqbsh1od
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kbrakes-blog · 4 years ago
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Up high trying to get them all !! It’s a hodgepodge of EAD10, overhead mics, Presonus Firepod, Yamaha triggers, MacBook and GarageBand. Just making sweet sweet music !! #kbrakes #drums #drumming #drummers #drummersofinstagram #drumkit #customdrums #drumset https://www.instagram.com/p/CE-ujSsjyYy/?igshid=1erafka7k13u
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kbrakes-blog · 4 years ago
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This side snare is money !! 14” Ludwig vintage marching snare on legs with a BFSD and a Yamaha trigger for the EAD10!! #kbrakes #drums #drumming #snaredrum #bigfatsnaredrum #snare #ludwigdrums #vintagedrums https://www.instagram.com/p/CE77Pv7jokq/?igshid=1csmmpl4l3n50
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kbrakes-blog · 4 years ago
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3 very different kick drum materials with 1,536 stopping points of KBrakes 512s Locking these guys in place! #kbrakes #drums #drumming #drummers #drumkit #kickdrum #drumsetup #bassdrum #drumgear #drumset #drumsticks https://www.instagram.com/p/CE5qaUXjDLa/?igshid=frdrdc6naabk
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kbrakes-blog · 4 years ago
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KBrakes Labor Day “Lock Down Mask Up” Bundle is up and 50% off for a limited time at KBrakes.com (link in bio) #kbrakes #drummers #drumming #drummersofinstagram #drumgear #mask #maskup #drums #drumset #drumminglife #staysafe #linkinbio https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1uX0zjLaj/?igshid=1jj8fjramz8dz
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kbrakes-blog · 4 years ago
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KBrakes 512 sometimes looks like something out of T2 !! #kbrakes #skynet #terminator2 #drummers #drumming #drumkit #drumgear #drumsetup #t2 https://www.instagram.com/p/CE0iXZhDxXR/?igshid=seltfbhst33y
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kbrakes-blog · 5 years ago
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We can’t figure out who’s beautiful kit this is locked down on the hardwood with KBrakes Grips. Who wants to claim it ? #kbrakes #drums #drumming #drummers #drumkit #drumsetup #kbrakesgrips #drumgear #drumset #drummersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CEsx10Cj4oP/?igshid=1aj426zqy8qz7
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kbrakes-blog · 5 years ago
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Who is rocking a Ludwig Vistalite kick drum with the curved spurs ? #kbrakeshistops #drums #drumming #drummers #drumkit #vintagedrums #ludwigdrums #drumsetup #drumgear #kbrakes https://www.instagram.com/p/CEqE8WEjPcy/?igshid=1lxuef8ry45hz
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kbrakes-blog · 5 years ago
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You just sit down, hit the button and go!! #kbrakes #drums #drumming #drummers #drumsetup #drumset #drumkit #homerecording #garageband #drumrecording https://www.instagram.com/p/CEidW0gDgj2/?igshid=1mcsi8og26tlw
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kbrakes-blog · 5 years ago
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Shout out to Tim @reverie_drums for this sweet snare that just crushes in the studio. Throw a BFSD on there and it may fattest thing that you ever hear! #kbrakes #drums #reveriedrums #bigfatsnaredrum #drummers #drumming #drumrecording #drumkit #customdrums #drumgear #snare #drumsetup #snaredrum https://www.instagram.com/p/CEarGvXDfsD/?igshid=1rds6anyilhnf
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kbrakes-blog · 5 years ago
Let’s put the smallest cymbal on the tallest stand! How bad could it be ? #kbrakes #drums #drumming #drummers #drumkit #drumset #drumbloopers #silliness #cymbal #splashcymbal #drummersofinstagram #baddrummer #hotlicks #drumfills https://www.instagram.com/p/CEVlFlKjbiT/?igshid=1slm1qas1uq4n
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kbrakes-blog · 5 years ago
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Who has done this ? #kbrakes #drummers #drums #drumkit #drumset #drumgear #drumsetup #snaredrum #drummersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CES5IOfjhvf/?igshid=hqjdxd9u76t8
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kbrakes-blog · 5 years ago
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When shifting parts around like a grid all the sometimes to get the best feel it’s helpful (for me )to visualize it as I play it. This AV recording setup allows me to literally see what’s coming at me! #kbrakes #recording #drummers #drumming #drumsetup #drumgear #drumrecording #homerecording #quarentine #yamahaead10 https://www.instagram.com/p/CEQKd5fDiW3/?igshid=1j40u40d6ewbt
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kbrakes-blog · 5 years ago
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KBrakes 512s locking down this sweet @questlove breakbeats kit !! These kits are so fun to play ! #kbrakes #drums #breakbeat #drumkit #drumming #drumset #drumgear #drummersofinstagram #drumgear #questlove https://www.instagram.com/p/CEGMcykjLsJ/?igshid=1vtzo9extsqdc
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kbrakes-blog · 5 years ago
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It’s like a playground that never gets old !! #kbrakes #drums #drumming #drummers #drumkit #drumsetup #drumgear #customdrums #drummersofinstagram # https://www.instagram.com/p/CEAw_VJDyzy/?igshid=bnwp3l9jylv4
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kbrakes-blog · 5 years ago
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Look at this sweet set up from @chrisdrumswork locked down on the hard surface with #kbrakesgrips #drums #drumming #kbrakes #drummers #drumkit #drumset #drumsetup #customdrums #cymbals #drumgear https://www.instagram.com/p/CD-WM4NDcEy/?igshid=1wh7re1pfcejt
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