#artist: pharmakon
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Vacuum • Intent Or Instinct • Body Betrays Itself • Primitive Struggle • Autoimmune • Bestial Burden
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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possible-streetwear · 5 months
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zef-zef · 2 years
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Pharmakon (Margaret Chardiet)
performing at the Leisure Centre, Vancouver, 2018
source: dazeddigital photo: ???
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briannabug · 1 year
my dsbm (and adjacent) playlist ❦ feel free to share urs
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pettybourgeoiz · 2 years
✰Bourgeoiz Music Discovery✰
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a-french-coconut · 5 months
Part 1 (Will Solace)
Will's dad, Apollo, is the god of a lot of things.
Music, archery, poetry, masculine beauty, knowledge, arts, medicine, sun, light, prophecy, logic and the list goes on.
He has mostly inherited the healing part with some musical and light abilities like his supersonic wisthle and light tricks. He's not good with bows and arrows, he is average with any instruments or singing, does not have prophetic dreams and does not have the same artistic sensibility as his siblings.
He deems himself a healer and only a healer (Aren't you cute ? Trying to deny my very existence ?). His role on the battlefield is not to shed blood but to prevent it from happening. His hands are made for knitting skin back together and glow golden when he sings hymns to his father (oh but they could do so much more...) .
"Shut up".
Will is really happy he's alone right now. Even for demigods, talking to no one is strange. Granted, being alone when he is deep in the woods with no weapon and maybe a little lost is not the best situation he's ever been in, but it is the one he prefers when she decides to invade his mind again.
"I don't understand why you keep trying to convince me."
(Well, there is not much to do except bothering you Will. And who knows ? One day your patience will be running thin and that day...)
"Not happening."
(Ugh, can you at least get me out of your mind ?)
He hesitates. As good as it sounds to have her out of him, he is still wary of letting her roam free. Last time he lost control...
(Oh Will, there is nothing of interest here.)
He is still hesitating, his control slips a little and he feels her getting out, materialising in front of him.
Should any dryad melt from their tree at this instant, they would see a tall blond boy looking sternly at a little girl.
"Gods I had forgotten my Lord's touch on my skin ! How much time did you keep me prisoner in your mind ?" asks the girl basking in the sun.
"Ten years, more or less." Will answers curtly, advancing deeper in the woods. It's not wise but he is not going to take the chance of meeting a camper and explaining why he is talking to a five years old girl.
"I remember when you were five ! Such a cute little child, bright blue eyes, golden locks... well you didn't change that much."
"Just go wander in the woods or something. I didn't let you out of my mind just for you to stay with me."
"As you command."
She disappears quickly, enjoying her short liberty.
Once again alone, Will sits behind a tree and close his eyes, enjoying this rare moment of silence. She had been with him ever since he created her when he was five. Every little child has his imaginary friend that vanish as they grow out of childhood. Except Will's friend who just wormed a place in his mind and became tangible. Her name is Raz. He still loves Rapunzel as much as when he was a kid.
But where Rapunzel heals with her hair, Raz wilts with a touch of her hand.
See, Apollo is the god of many good things but he is a pharmakon, both healer and destroyer. As he is the one who heals, he is also the one who strikes sickness and plague.
And maybe that Will isn't just a healer. Maybe he's a little more than that. Maybe he is as his father is, medicine in one hand and poison in the other.
He doesn't exactly know how it works but he thinks that Raz is the physical representation of his plague powers. When she walks the earth, Will doesn't feel that part of him anymore. Maybe he could do the same with his healing powers ? Manifest them in a human form or something else.
Well for that he'll have to remember how he created Raz in the first place. It surely has to do with what happened after she appeared for the first time but Will isn't very fond of remembering what happened that night.
Giving pneumonia to his very mortal uncle, almost killing him in the process, because he let Raz "have fun" is not something he thinks about with a smile on his face.
Especially when she won't explain why she did it. Since then, Kaz mostly stayed in Will's mind without too much complaints.
He always wondered if his uncle did something to him or those he cares about. It's the only explanation he has. That or he is a sociopath who lashed out under the form of a little girl a deadly sickness on his uncle for fun.
He is going to stick to the former hypothesis.
There have been times where Raz begged him to unleash her if not without restraints, at least through him and he refused, scared of what she would do, of what he would do.
When Lee's head was caved in.
When his siblings died one by one in Manhattan.
Could he have save them ?
Better not dwell on what ifs too long.
Point is, Raz is an everlasting reminder of the monster inside him, a wretched creature who could kill anyone with a simple touch.
He is afraid of her, he is afraid of himself .
Will hears branch snapping and the crunching sound of someone walking on leaves. Raz must have gotten bored.
He sighes, goodbye beloved peace, you will be missed, and gets up. The sun is setting and if he doesn't get back quickly, he'll have to run from the harpies again. He does not want to run right now.
Raz still haven't show her face.
"Come on I know you're there, I heard you."
More rustling but still no little girl.
"Please Raz, I have to get back-"
His words die when from the bushes emerge a hellhound as big as Mrs O'Leary but definitely not as cute as her.
Running doesn't so bad after all.
Branches slap him in the face as he runs in what he thinks is the general direction of Camp. He just have to reach the border and Peleus will protect him. He just need to outpace the hellhound until then, not attract any other monsters on the way back and find Raz.
He hears the growling beast getting closer and forces his legs to go even faster. He'll have to thank his father for beating the god of speed at racing and passing him those godly genes.
Raz, I don't where you are but you need to come back right now !
He never tried contacting her by telepathy before, never wanted to, but this a desperate situation that requires a desperate solution. It's not that he particularly want to hear her whispering in his head again but Will has come to learn that he can't ignore her for too long without feeling like there's a hole, a void waiting to be fill again. It's very hard to function when your very being is incomplete.
A branch hits him hard in the face, causing to fall on the ground. Demigods reflexes mixed with years of training save his life, Will shifting just in time for the hellhound to claw the ground he was laying on a second ago.
A well-aimed kick in the ribs allows him a few more seconds to get up but there isn't time to flee. Here he is, the woods getting darker and darker, battling a monster without weapon because he evidently inherited the logic side of his dad.
As Will readies himself to dodge, the hellhound stars to whimper and blood erupts from his eyes and nose until he is covered in the red liquid. The beast gives one last painful cry before exploding in golden dust.
Behind him stand a proud and smiling Raz, eyes glowing green and tendrils of dark smoke swirling around her.
The way the creature suffered... Will shivers.
He really really does not like that part of himself. He is meant to heal not to butcher.
(Raz's smile disappears, sadness glaze her eyes now a normal brown and with a flick of the wrist, the smoke evaporates.)
Without a word, she goes back to Will's mind, nesting herself in a corner and doesn't utter a word.
Will just shrugs and hastily return to his cabin.
(Do you hate me Will ?)
Her voice is small, insecure, not the arrogant and easygoing one he is used to. The question makes him freeze in his bed.
Does he hates himself ?
"No." he murmurs in the silence of Cabin 7.
There's a legend that says that no lie can be pronounced within walls of the one who does not lie.
Will used to believe it until now.
part 2, 3 and 4 posted !
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womenofnoise · 9 months
hello! i want to get into noise! do you have an essential listening list or a good suggested progression for getting into the genre's notable projects? i already like raw black metal and other heavy music but I've found noise somewhat intimidating
We get this question quite a bit here (along with "How do I start making noise?") and the most I can say is that there isn't really a good beginning point for listening to noise as a genre since everyone has different tastes. Noise as a genre is very diverse and it's hard to think of a one-size-fits-all list of "essential" artists for that reason.
A lot of people would suggest starting with Throbbing Gristle or other early industrial acts. Others would say to start with Merzbow and take it from there. Other others would probably tell you to start with "gateway" artists who have a good amount of crossover appeal, like Pharmakon or Prurient. Others might just tell you to go outside and stand really close to your neighbor's leaf blower while it's in use.
For me personally, it took a long time for me to appreciate noise as a genre despite the fact that I liked some industrial and noise rock acts. I was very caught up in the whole sludge/stoner/doom metal scene for a long time and noise was just kind of the thing that some of my friends were into. It took hearing a handful of artists who "clicked" for me in order to start appreciating noise and listening to it actively.
The only thing we can really do here at Women of Noise is highlight female/femme experimental artists. We have very descriptive tags here, like #women in noise, #women in industrial music, #women in experimental music, etc. Perhaps you can go through some of our audio or video posts and see what speaks to you.
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omegaremix · 11 days
I found a great idea from one of my all-time favorite bands. Ten questions and answers about my live concert experiences. I had posted them on my sister site @ourladyofomega, but this is the remix. I took the time to explain each one in full.
Dollar values double with each one.
First concert: Dream Theater + Big Wreck @ Vanderbilt Planetarium. A former “friend” became the lucky winner of a radio-station giveaway. The prize? 16 free tickets to this show. We ended up with balcony seats and my “friend” invited our former co-worker from the department store we used to work at.
Last concert: Cold Waves XI (Lana Del Rabies + Ash Code + Sierra + JK Flesh + Orphx + Front Line Assembly w. Skold) @ Le Poisson Rouge. Part of the Triple Crown Victory Weekend that consisted of meeting my Italian-Irish family at a cousin’s engagement party (Friday), and getting an amazing cakeday gift box from a Welsh girl in Detroit (Saturday). This was a (Sunday) show that I waited at the last-minute to purchase tickets and wound up going. Who in the fuck’s idea was it to not have a NYC Cold Waves this year?
Worst concert: none. I make sure all shows I go to are ones to remember. But, if you ask me about the worst band I saw, then Hemlock takes that title. They opened with Meshuggah and Ministry (headliners). Everyone in Irving Plaza just stood there silent seeing this outdated nu-metal band trying to get it going. They were still unknowns after being fifteen years of band, and looks like no one remembers them after that. Good.
Loudest concert: Dream Theater + Big Wreck. Did I say this was my first-ever concert? I had no idea how loud it was going to be. Without question, this one was deafening. I’m not sugarcoating it. I had to cover my ears the entire time up in the balcony seats because all I heard was this shrieking wall of white noise. I remember almost nothing of that night other than the fact that I was there.
Best concert: Hospital Productions' 20th (Godflesh + Prurient + Orphx + etc.) @ Warsaw. This was at a time when I started taking the NYC scene seriously. I just got out of nine months of stay-at-home post-surgery recovery, and I had a new clarity coming out of it. Hospital Productions 20th marked an important point in my life: it made me decide that this was the place and people I wanted to be associated with. I also got to see some amazing artists: Dominick Fernow / Prurient, Orphx, Dedekind Cut, Nothing, and Godflesh. Three of those artists I’ve already seen twice in one point in life and another.
Seen the most: Uniform (3) @ Output, Saint Vitus, and Knockout Center. There was a bill with Uniform opening, then Pharmakon, Prurient, Aaron Dilloway with Genesis P. Orridge, and Merzbow. The line to get in Output was pretty long that I missed half of Uniform’s set and didn’t know who they were until I got more into them. I finally redeemed myself to see them in their entirety at Saint Vitus with a lineup of Michael Berdan, Ben Greenberg, touring drummer Michael Blume, and bassist Jenna Rose of Anatomy. Redemption fulfilled. The third? At Sacred Bones 15th. They were an added bonus right after Jim Jarmusch / Squrl, so why not?
Most surprising: Sacred Bones 15th @ Knockout Center. I have dreams where I end up in so many weird places that could have existed but didn’t. They are no different from the places I experienced. Downstairs record stores, schools, quiet snowy roads, city streets and highways. It’s an alternate reality that’s slightly shifted within itself. I entered Queens’ Knockout Center for Sacred Bones’ 15th where Constant Smiles started the evening so quietly. I was blown away by the first moments of it. People were standing and sitting on the floor in silence during the set. The sinking sun’s rays blasted through the venue’s windows giving light to the current space, as if this show started in the wee hours of the day. This was surreal! It wasn’t anything like I ever experienced before. But that’s not all. What other show I went to had a lecture hall on the line-up ? LD Deutsch’s essay about time, which had everyone sit in classroom setting. I said to myself: “these weird things are happening that normally aren’t. Am I dreaming, or am I in a dream?!” I look back and it was an amazing experience. Nothing like it ever since.
Happy I got to see: Skinny Puppy + Lead Into Gold @ Irving Plaza. No other show I went to had the biggest one-day payoff. You will all kill me when I say this, but I once told myself that it was no big deal if I never got to see Skinny Puppy. WRONG. They announced a farewell tour, and I asked myself how big of a deal that was. I quickly reconsidered. I got my tickets the minute they went up for sale. So what did $150.00 buy me? An unforgettable experience; that’s what. Meeting up with five Tumblr mutuals to see Lead Into Gold and one of Skinny Puppy’s final legendary shows. We had pizza nights, walks around Manhattan, car rides to club night for an amazing after-party, and just shilling around absorbing an experience that’s very rare to have. And, as a special bonus, meeting Ministry's Paul Barker and buying merch- from him. I still can’t believe it. It’s very rare to have Perfect 10-days in my life. This was indeed one of them.
Wish I could have seen: none. I have seen all my desired bands on my list. Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, Killing Joke, Front 242, Skinny Puppy, and Front Line Assembly. That leaves KMFDM the only one left on my bucket list. I’ve seen other artists I wanted to with little or no effort. Those were Indecision, Unsane, Bauhaus, Linkin Park, Cold Cave, Snoop Dogg, Boy Harsher, Atari Teenage Riot, Pharmakon, Prurient, Merzbow, Black Marble, Nas…I could go further if you want me to. I have all day.
Next concert: I’m still on the fence to go see KEN Mode + Hide @ TV Eye and / or Balvanera @ Synthicide. I may not go, because I decided not to do anything by myself again after seeing both of last year’s shows with mutuals. But, we shall see. Wanna' play? Be my guest.
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groovesnjams · 15 days
"You Slept On Me" by Allie X
Errr, you really gotta feel for Allie X when Chappell Roan and Charli XCX are bonafide pop stars and she's releasing what feels like a very legitimate complaint. While Roan is more maximalist and baroque in her songwriting and performance and XCX has openly embraced the club crowd that was always propping her up, Allie X seems sort of locked inside her own weird crystal ball. "You Slept On Me" is vibrant and spooky synthpop, not at all dissimilar to the sound MGMT explored on Little Dark Age. There's an actual audience for this production; I know two whole entire people who love that MGMT album. But Allie X remains a mostly underground phenomenon and her bitterness is appreciable. Personally, I hope she goes full-on, open maw rage next. Call Pharmakon, Allie!
We've been talking about Allie X since over a year before the first album she alludes to being "slept on" here, and in that time she's been a fascinating, frustrating artist to follow. Like, is she slept on? Maybe. Our tiny music blog has put her in the our SOTY countdown more than once, and other critics tend to be generally favorable to her. She can play 1400-capacity shows a decade into her career, which isn't nothing even if it is harder and harder to survive off of as the middle falls out of the touring economy. But even when I've loved Allie X's music, it's hard to really picture her artsy, theatrical synthesis dance pop really blowing up: the world already has one Lady Gaga. A song called "You Slept On Me" should - more than anything - prove that the singer deserves more attention, yet here we have to contend with the tongue-in-cheek "this beat is hard but not hard enough" being unfortunately correct. If you're gonna make the claim you're slept on, you have to back it up! Make something abrasive, something aggressive, something that has more teeth than the warmed over synth-pop leftovers of the 10th worst MGMT album.
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elut-complex · 10 months
Music post
this is a photography/electronics account but I'm going to include some music.
These are (some) of my favorite groups/artists, albums and songs.
Ambience and noise:
Tim Hecker
Ryuichi Sakamoto
alva noto
Christina Kubisch
Dan Fröberg
Peter Kutin
Throbbing Gristle
Nurse With Wound
Aaron Dilloway
Consumer Electronics
Brian Reitzell
Fav album: "Decomposition", Peter Kutin
Fav song: "The Cat's Dream", Christina Kubisch
Alfa Mist
Pat Metheny
Mansur Brown
Fav album: "Bring Backs", Alfa Mist
Fav song: "Love Is The Message", Yussef Dayes, Alfa Mist, Mansur Brown
Rock and metal:
The Contortionist
Kayo Dot
Animals As Leaders
Monuments (earlier work)
Red Vox
Fav album: "War Of Being", Tesseract
Fav song: "Language" I and II, The Contortionist
Hip Hop:
Freddie Gibbs
Denzel Curry
Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth
Kendrick Lamar
Wiz Khalifa
Fav album: "To Pimp A Butterfly", Kendrick Lamar
Fav song: "Stress Fracture", Mick Jenkins
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trinketchick · 10 months
okay fine, you've convinced me to share the tracks for the Thacis playlist (it's me. i convinced myself because i simply cannot shut up about anything relating to my guy). turns out i can't count. it's 11 tracks, not 10.
i've tried to make sure that each track flows somewhat smoothly between each other although the ending of the playlist did get a tad sloppy. and yes, i have repeat artists. i still love it tho. anyway, if you're interested, hope you enjoy
Opening Prophecy - Bobby Krlic (Midsommar soundtrack)
Snatched by a God. A twinkle in Their eye, a talon to flesh. The knowledge gained through violence. The Inevitable Pull - Thom Yorke (Suspiria soundtrack)
Utter Devotion. For who can truly know Thacis like They do? FRAGRANT IS MY MANY FLOWER'D CROWN - Lingua Ignota (CALIGULA)
A Blessing Both Horrifying and Cruel The Blessing - Bobby Krlic (Midsommar soundtrack)
A Reaction Vacuum - Pharmakon (Bestial Burden)
A Cry for Retribution I WHO BEND THE TALL GRASSES - Lingua Ignota (SINNER GET READY)
A Reaction to the Heavy Silence from Them Burning Church - Jóhann Jóhannsson (Mandy soundtrack)
A Reflection of Self After a Spiritual Amputation I AM THE BEAST - Lingua Ignota (CALIGULA)
A Veil is Lifted, a Love at First Sight Mandy Love Theme - Jóhann Jóhannsson (Mandy soundtrack)
A Reflection on Devotion. I was molded by Their hands, fashioned into a vessel in Their image; there is nothing that they can do to me that could keep us apart The Warden - Chelsea Wolfe (Pain is Beauty)
Finally, A Happy Ending Gorecki - Lamb (Lamb)
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tubefed · 11 months
i got more suggestions for saintofdaggers that came on top of my head
not that i'm biased or anythig lol but raymond watts/pig/schwein if you gonna go down the kmfdm rabbit hole, godflesh - more hip-hop/drum machine influenced industrial; backxwash is another hip hop industrial artist,she's amazing and has worked with ada rook of black dresses (noise pop/industrial/electro). i would consider sightless pit's grave of a dog to be of the noise industrial feel. pharmakon falls under that category as well, filmmaker has a synth/new-wave/industrial sound to their work. chat pile are pretty dope (go listen to god's country) as their sound edges on industrial and sludge music. foetus' early work comes to mind as well.
i was throwing the labels around like this because industrial music has always merged more "mainstream" melodies and sounds, which is great and flavorful!
@saintofdaggers more stuff for you tee hee
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morklagt · 2 years
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Artist: Pharmakon Album: Bestial Burden Released: 2014 Country: USA Genre: Noise, industrial, experimental
Track list:
Intent or Instinct
Body Betrays Itself
Primitive Struggle
Bestial Burden
"It gnaws on its own tail feeding into and upon itself Succubus ouroboros Chewing whole to self ingest It takes what I can't give The body betrays itself"
Margaret Chardiet, the vocalist and musician behind Pharmakon, endured a life threatening medical emergency back in 2014. Bestial Burden was written to express the pain and trauma of the emergency surgery and long recovery period she endured. Accordingly, this raw, disturbing album is focused on themes of visceral suffering, feeling disconnect with one's own body, and overall body horror and malaise that can at times be very difficult to listen to (I would not recommend listening to "Primitive Struggle" on a full stomach or shortly before eating). What impresses me the most about Chardiet's musicianship is the level of control she has over her performance. "Bestial Burden" in particular has a dizzying, terrifying vocals that showcase her chilling, black metal-esque screams.
Pharmakon is a relatively recent discovery for me (I only began listening to her this past summer), and I'm excited to delve into the rest of her discography.
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infernalfields · 1 year
what i'm listening to lately
i want somewhere other than my spotify playlists to shout out the bands/artists i've been listening to these days! so who knows maybe these kinds of posts will be semi-regular
bandcamp/spotify links will be included
oeil - shoegaze/dream pop from tokyo
pharmakon - confrontational, abrasive power electronics
SRSQ - dreamy, atmospheric pop
pink williams - leftist singer-songwriter folk in the tradition of woody guthrie (with a comedic twist)
we came out like tigers - blackened skramz from liverpool, features current members of dawn ray'd
high command - really awesome thrash from my home city!
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galm1bignaturals · 2 years
Tagged by @sherbovania for four albums I've been listening to recently!
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In Order: Abandon - Pharmakon, Lugal Ki En - Rings of Saturn, Neon White OST - Machine Girl, Lustful Sacraments - Perturbator
As you can see I've been havin' a real normal one past week or two. I listen to a lot of other non-album specific music between these, but as far as whole albums go, these have been the most frequent for the past lil' while.
Pharmakon is an industrial noise artist I actually found because of a shitpost on here 💀 But it's the kind of thing that I actually genuinely enjoy once in a while because it puts me in a real good mood for art/writing, so it's a lovely coincidence! (Favorite Track: Ache)
Rings of Saturn used to be a really huge thing for me in 2018/19, so revisiting this album has been kind of a nostalgic thing for me. I don't really listen to this sort of genre much anymore, but this band in particular will always have a soft spot with me. (Favorite Track(s): Eviscerate, Lalassu Xul)
I haven't actually played Neon White, but I've been excited since it was first announced because I knew even if I never played it, it's basically a new Machine Girl album LMFAO, and it did not disappoint. (Favorite Track(s): Rigged Game, Fight or Flight, Angel's Peak)
I'm not even sure what to say about this one honestly, it's just good. Perturbator's good, this album in particular is REALLY good, just a nice moodsetter for pretty much whatever. If you like synthwave, I'd say I recommend it, but if you're really into the genre you've probably already heard it lmao (Favorite Track(s): Secret Devotion, The Other Place)
Tagging uhhhh fuckin' uhhhh @datastring and @angelicowpoke
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lyricdissonance · 1 year
no one follows me for pop music hot takes but you're getting them anyway
i feel like i can finally say that it was super exhausting how when unholy came out everyone made such a big deal out of the fact that it was by two trans artists. either saying it was a huge step forward for the community, or a huge setback, or taking great pains to assure everyone that even though they hated the song it did not mean they were transphobic. i even saw someone saying "why listen to this when you can listen to ethel cain" those are two completely different artistic niches that you're only comparing because both kim petras and ethel cain are trans women. i don't care if you're also trans that's just as ridiculous as saying "why listen to taylor swift when you can listen to noise/power electronics musician pharmakon" and the fact that kim is also a giant dr luke apologist got lost in the gender discourse bc of course it did
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