#artist named senty
criskeye · 2 years
Off Being Bad (sometimes)
Cris is a nice soft boy but...
Some lycanroc traits run deep, can't help but be a little mischievous now and then
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c4tb1t · 4 months
Actual intro
Haaiii chat :3 my name is Rena but u can also call me Senti or Teto...whatever u want tbh as long as it isn't mean and ik ur talking to me
How I look with any pronouns in bio
Low quality anime girl jpeg
I draw :3 I draw alot actually I just suck at posting it!!! I have an inconsistent style and it's my silliest art trait ig..I can imagine anything
I don't know my gender I'm just not cis. I love non men ♡
Interests, likes, and boundaries and disclaimers under cut
Special interests: drawing and animals
Interests(the major ones and most notable at least, no particular order): Madoka magica, Arknights, Hi3 and HSR, warrior cats, Touhou, Umineko, Higurashi, Furry community, splatoon, kemono friends, OCs(original characters),
Likes: Celinia Texas , Munching on yummy food, stuffed animals, nature, breakcore, jungle, dnb, atmospheric, electronic, whatever that genre is that has songs that sound like they were compressed and slightly bitcrushed and usually nightcore,, talking abt my ocs and interests,, writing(a little), Celinia Texas
Disclaimers:SOMETIMES MY POSTS R VERY NONSENSICAL if that's a problem uhh..sorry idk. I do have trouble understanding things sometimes and also understanding tone. Some of my posts may be on the darker sides of things! Especially my art! There's dark themes that may be potentially triggering or uncomfortable for some and I try to tag and warn it so please stay safe! Lmk if I miss a warning.
Alot of my art contains the following: Blood(occaisonal gore), artistic nudity, horror, and eyestrain.
Boundaries:please don't vent to me randomly , if you have any problems with me be nice about it with me and be gentle. I don't like being yelled at and you probably don't like yelling so keep it chill. I may block you if I don't like your vibes or if you're just annoying. Btw if you are under 16 I'd prefer if you didn't interact with me. At least not directly. Thank u for understanding !
I think that's it !! Hello everyone!
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emypony · 1 year
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drawing senti was so fun and also its. hilarious. pissed off cat 101.
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i think i hit an artistic jackpot with drawing their fur just like their hair silhouette lmao
as for names... Senti would probably be RedFeather (as a warrior) but Redstar sounds weird so maybe Shadowstar / Featherstar as a leader
and miss pretty flower smelling kittypet Pardofelis here would have Goldenglow as a warrior name BUT. probably would be called something like 'Belle' / 'Latte' as a kittypet name :3
thank u @thefaeathenaeum for giving me this incurable brainrot im omw to draw more cats
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stupid rant post about CN sentihua drama bc i'm fucking baffled
>everyone on CN side knows i ship 识符识 (sentihuasenti) which is like...
if you heard about east asian ship names they like to put the character who "tops" first (not necessarily nsfw). so 识符 means senti would be in the top (position). but there's also a "no difference" setup (meaning you don't care about position or you think they're both verse or smth) which is what 识符识/符识符 are. CN in particular is absolutely anal retentive about positions tho. except everyone there knew idgaf, but i also always tagged 识符 or 符识 based on context i guess
>decides to start posting on lofter again (CN version of tunglr)
>tags one of my shit with 符识 (the one where garuda hua was pulling dragon!hos' tail) bc that made sense to me...
>this CN (ex-)mutual bitches about it on twitter in a vague way by saying people who liked 符识 should block them (they unfollowed me but didn't block me ???
>uh ok i block them lol
>apparently they went on some vague meltdown after 🤷
>fast forward to today, i go on lofter and see this 识符 guy beefing with that same ex-moot
>both sides were insufferable but i glanced at ex-moot's blog and now they're anti-hos and anti-sentihua like ok.jpg
why is CN like this. also doesn't help that i keep seeing more CN artists leave over how inhospitable things have become like i guess i'll be the sole crewmate of this ship
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leopardmask-ao3 · 1 year
asks 9 & 19
pretty please?
The ask game
9 - since watching hermitcraft have you started saying things the hermits say? if so, what are they?
I absorb things into my vocabulary so easily I kinda don't realize I'm doing it, so the answer is "probably a lot more than I think". First thing that comes to mind is the way I say "geez" and "it's fine" (like Ren or X and like Cleo, respectively) and in certain instances "hello" (usually xB or Iskall). I had an "anywhoozle" phase but I don't watch Ren as much anymore so that's kind of fallen off now. I think I've picked up some other xB-isms too.
19 - favourite hermit design?
Oh man, so many... the first fanon hermit design I really really liked was sycon-senti's Doc design, and I still have a preference for that very specific and hard to define middle ground of "could still read as kinda human if you squint". Sometimes artist names don't get stuck in my head very easily but belmarzi also comes to mind for more recent examples of that. also basically all of @fitzs-space's designs are so good <3
If we're including my own designs, this post is now ender dragon!Pearl propaganda >:) Wings, crescent-shaped horns, tail if she feels like it, her full dragon form has little starry white scales dotted around kinda like how black cats often have a few little individual white hairs. Hoarder of eggs and slayer of other dragons, Pearl can be queen of the End if she wants to be :)
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sentistrange · 2 years
my 2 cents on the kaeluc "adoptive brothers vs sworn brothers" controversy because i've wanted to talk about it for a while (please read)
according to the original chinese version, they are not siblings. the term "結拜兄弟" (pīnyīn: jiébài xiōngdì) means "sworn brothers" and is used instead of "adopted brothers". "sworn brothers", although without a direct english counterpart, roughly means "incredibly close, like brothers". however, take into note how the words for "brother" and "sister" are more loose than in english (example: in ningguang's hangout, the children call her "凝光姐姐" (pīnyīn: níngguāng jiějiě), which means "elder sister ningguang". she is not related to these children, as this is more of a fimiliarity).
additionally, the "sworn brothers" trope is used a lot in chinese bl. but just like "brother"/"sister", it's not strictly one thing. there is a lot of nuance to the term, and it's not always romantic. but because it can be interpreted as romantic and is used a lot in cbl, that's why a lot of fanart is in chinese (and japanese, as they share a lot of kanji/hanzi and likely have closer meaning than english). because of this, i see an imbalance of attacks.
prefacing what i say next as my frank interpretation and i am not intending to harass/attack people whole stick to the english mistranslation.
90% of people who follow the mistranslation actively ignore the actual meaning and will further force the mistranslation on others. i have seen multiple posts of people outright saying variations of this same message: "if you ship kaeluc, go kill yourself". if it was not a mistranslation and they were adoptive brothers, completely justified (though, as a pacifist, i'm still against death threats like those). they purposfully keep a closed mind and ignore the fact that it is wrong (another example of bad english is names. tighnari's name isn't tee-nari, it's teeg-[brief pause/enunciated g]-nari. but note it's easier to hear than my attempt to simplify, i don't speak arabic or tamaziɣt. please refer to an actual speaker of arabic and/or tamaziɣt for a fully correct pronunciation).
the other 10% of people likely don't know it's a mistranslation/issue, by simply not knowing about the whole controversy itself or any further information regarding it.
i encourage both types of people to open their mind and make an effort to learn. of course you don't need to ship kaeluc -- i don't, but there're a lot of wonderful artists that deserve likes/shares -- but you should at least be aware that they are, in fact, not brothers.
please remember this is my interpretation and thus isn't entirely accurate.
also, a small thing, taking care of a child that isn't yours does not always equate to adoption. that's a simple fact.
i encourage those who believe either side to respond in a calm and reasonable manner. this is not a hate post and i would love to hear your side(s) and/or interpretations of it. i will not delete death threat responses, as that furthers my points. shippers and non-shippers are both welcome, but if you wholeheartedly believe they are adoptive brothers, please do your research.
info used was from this very well made twitter thread. whether you ship it or not, i highly recommend reading it; it is by no means a waste of your time (that is, unless you knew everything already).
my end opinion: diluc and kaeya are not siblings, but it's also not a pair i particularly ship. there are a lot of talented artists, though, and i do like the posts when i see them.
thanks for reading.
- senti
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eduardoenrico · 2 years
Brazilian portuguese:Olá, bem...Eu sou um artista "novo", eu quis fazer um sexbender do Jason pois quando eu pesquisava eu nunca me senti "satisfeito" com os resultados
English:Hi, well... I'm a "new" artist, I wanted to make a Jason sexbender because when I searched I never felt "satisfied" with the results
Spanish:Hola, bueno... soy un artista "nuevo", quería hacer un sexbender de Jason porque cuando buscaba nunca me sentía "satisfecho" con los resultados.
Sim, eu tenho vários nomes falsos como Paulo Roberto
Yes, I have several fake names like Paulo Roberto
S��, tengo varios nombres falsos como Paulo Roberto.
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ct-multifandom · 3 years
Actual question for y’all: is there any official confirmation that the leaked Catwalker concept art is for the villain of episode 23, Kuro Neko, whose name was changed? Or is that an assumption made by unofficial sources spreading the art around? And is there any confirmation that the character will appear in episode 23?
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My first thought upon seeing this was “Felix”. Like he took the miraculous from whoever had it last and used it himself. My first reaction to the name “Catwalker” was like “skinwalker” which reminded me of the evil impostor act Felix pulled in season three, but then I realized that that was pretty dumb since that’s probably not what “Catwalker” is a play on. Plus, if Felix kept going with the impostor thing, why not make himself look more like Chat Noir? I get changing the design so that young viewers aren’t confused but the characters are due to in-universe magic, but I don’t think that’s what’s happening here. What does support it being Felix is that he’s supposed to appear in three episodes this season, all three of which we’re yet to see, and when this art (censor-blurred) was leaked in Lindalee Rose’s video, most people jumped to Cat!Felix.
My second thought: whoever this is is trying way too hard to look like Adrien.
I think my favorite theory, true or not, is that this is literally just Adrien again. For some reason, he loses his miraculous. Gabriel gets it in Ephemeral, but maybe Ladybug gets it back without permanently learning Chat’s identity, and needs to choose a new cat in an emergency, so she chooses Adrien. Maybe she does it because of her crush, or maybe Luka’s trying to lowkey push her, but Adrien thinks he can’t reveal himself, so he redesigns his hero persona. This leads to him having his bangs cut a lot more like his civilian self, and his name, Catwalker, being a pun on his modeling job. He chooses surface level traits that Ladybug would know about the famous Adrien Agreste to hide that he’s actually Chat Noir. My doubt here is that the pose of that 2D concept art is different from both his Adrien concept art pose and his Chat one. The concept artists typically reuse bases for the same characters, and I don’t recognize this one, although I haven’t seen many characters’ art.
There’s a popular theory going around that this is the “new visitor from the future” Winny mentioned once, and that he’s one of the future Adrienette boys. That theory is pretty cute and interesting, but this character’s face looks exactly like Adrien/Felix’s, and the character designers are pretty good at not making kids clones of their parents. Plus, if Adrien doesn’t want anything to do with modeling when he grows up, what would make his kid be “Catwalker”? I’m pretty curious about the visitor, but I’m not sure this is it. I don’t think this is future Adrien either, because he looks young and, once again, is trying very hard to resemble surface-level present Adrien.
About Kuro Neko
I’m not giving up on the sentimonster idea because the Zag influencers have said time and time again that Kuro Neko is the villain of the episode, just like every other “name” episode title in the show. If Catwalker really did get changed to Kuro Neko, he’d have to be evil, excluding the future-son-coming-to-help-theory or him being Adrien, unless Gabriel gave him the miraculous he stole and is forcing him to follow his evil plan.
This, or Cat!Felix, would be really interesting imo, and I’d love to see some angst and big brain plays. But as many have asked, why the Japanese name? This guy seems to be white, and there’s no component of Catwalker’s design that references anything Japanese.
What do have Japanese names are Mayura’s sentis this season. Optigami and Hack-San were both pretty smart plans, all thanks to her. My headcanon is that she’s been taking Japanese on Duolingo while on bed rest lmao. What also ties into Japanese culture is this character who was spoiled in a Miraculous World video, which reminds many people of a Japanese lucky cat figurine.
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I’m pretty intrigued by the spoiled models all around, and I love reading everyone’s ideas. Lmk if anyone would like analysis posts about any of the other leaks, but right now I mostly want to know what information has been officially confirmed about them and what is just conjecture. I know that’s pretty hard to place when these spoilers were leaked illegally and Zag wants to cover them up, but if anyone knows, please let me know.
Edit in conclusion: to be clear, the theory I’m leaning towards the most as of right now, (being true based on what we know, not what I want to happen) is that Catwalker is Felix pretending to be Adrien using the cat miraculous. The concept art pose is what throws me off of the “Adrien using the cat miraculous but pretending not to be Chat” theory the most, as much as I like it, and the character having Adrien/Felix’s exact face plus the model pun name is what throws me off the “future son” theory.
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sciatu · 3 years
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Le parole possono descrivere e sedurre ma non possono bastare a evocare la bellezza della luce di Monreale. Quando entri nella cattedrale, i tuoi occhi, storditi dal sole che imbianca la piazza davanti ad essa ed abbagliati dal chiarore del portico di ingresso, restano per un attimo ciechi, per poi lentamente riscoprire la luce tenue che penetra dalle finestre, il suo esitare diventando penombra nelle navate laterali e quindi accendersi sull’oro dei cassettoni ed infine risplendere nella luminosità vetrosa e dorata delle tessere dei mosaici ed è come se un coro con migliaia di voci incominciasse in quel momento a cantare. A questo punto ti rendi conto dell’immensa bellezza di questo racconto descritto sulle pareti della cattedrale in cui rivive quella drammatica ed intensa storia d’amore che unisce l’uomo al suo Dio. Comprendi che Monreale è un cantico luminoso, dove artisti di origini e culture diverse hanno descritto quello che era stato appena abbozzato nelle parole scritte nelle antiche pergamene, quello che era solo accennato nei nomi dei racconti e delle storie bibliche. Le pareti della chiesa descrivono, definiscono, rendono certi ed evidenti, quanto nascosto nell’oscura intimità dei sacri e inaccessibili testi, dando alle nere parole colori e grazia, sensualità e forza, pietà ed amore. Ecco gli angeli dalle ali turchesi, ecco l’immensa Babilonia, i santi guerrieri i melanconici profeti, i potenti re, l’abbraccio dell’amore immenso e avvolgente del Pantocratore. Il tutto dettagliato in una sequenza continua, un film i cui fotogrammi sono fatti di pietre colorate unite dalla sola abilità umana. Ti senti un’anima cieca che attraverso gli occhi vede finalmente il mondo nella sua violenza, nelle sue terribili malattie, nelle incertezze, nelle rabbie e nel salvifico amore, tra le urla dei disperati e la continua ricerca di un amorevole misericordia. Il tuo stupirti e ammirare è la preghiera di un miscredente, la conversione di un insensibile alla grandezza dell’arte, all’abilità degli artisti, alla inesauribile ricerca di rendere concrete entità immateriali come la fede, l’amicizia, l’amore. Questo e non solo questo, è la luce che vedi dentro Monreale.
Words can describe and seduce but they cannot be enough to evoke the beauty of the light of Monreale. When you enter in the cathedral, your eyes, stunned by the sun that whitens the square in front of it and dazzled by the light of the entrance portico, remain blind for a moment, and then slowly rediscover the soft light that penetrates through the windows, its hesitation becoming twilight in the side aisles and then light up on the gold of the coffers and finally shine in the glassy and golden brightness of the mosaic tiles and it is as if a choir with thousands of voices began to sing at that moment. At this point you realize the immense beauty of this story described on the walls of the cathedral in which the dramatic and intense love story that unites man to his God relives. You understand that Monreale is a luminous canticle, where artists of origin and different cultures have described what had just been sketched in the words written in the ancient scrolls, what was only hinted at in the names of biblical stories. The walls of the church describe, define, make certain and evident what is hidden in the dark intimacy of the sacred and inaccessible texts, giving the black words colors and grace, sensuality and strength, pity and love. Here are the angels with turquoise wings, here is the immense Babylon, the holy warriors, the melancholy prophets, the powerful kings, the embrace of the immense and enveloping love of the Pantocrator. All detailed in a continuous sequence, a film whose frames are made of colored stones united by human skill alone. You feel like a blind soul that through your eyes finally sees the world in its violence, its terrible diseases, uncertainties, anger and salvific love, amidst the screams of the desperate and the continuous search for loving mercy. Your amazement and admiration is the prayer of an unbeliever, the conversion of an insensitive person to the greatness of art, to the skill of artists, to the inexhaustible search to make tangible, intangible entities such as faith, friendship, love. This and not only this, it is the light you see inside Monreale.
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| connecting | j.jh
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pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader genre: fluff  a/n: i was really excited to write this since it was inspired by my fave disney movie “tangled” ! hope you enjoy reading ^^ still thinking if there should be a part two(?) for this. let me know!! :D
the sun rose just in time at the moment you opened your eyes. a new morning, a new day, and a new hope. shockingly though, the alarm clock did not do its job. that meant you had to place new ones if it was the batteries. the smell of bacon made you up on your toes, leading you downstairs to the garden. 
on most days and most often, you stayed at the tree house your uncle had built. it kind of became your permanent room rather than the one you had at the actual house. you lived at the countryside. not exactly though. when you moved houses, it partially felt like it was a forest, fresh air and greenery.
oh the sound of the raw meat sizzling was making you drool as you saw your mother— stepmother, to be precise, smiling as she told you to sit with her. “only bacon would make you step out of that tree house.” 
“ah well, it’s my little paradise after all.” you eyed her with a grin on your face. your stepmother raised you as her own since your birth parents, didn’t really know how to care for an infant. your father was blind and needed assistance; and your mother cared for you a little while but eventually left for another man. so your stepmother came into the picture at the time before you even turned one. “i get to do things i want without being disturbed.”
“that’s alright. an artist like you need space and quiet. how many canvases have you painted on?” she asked as she plated your meal, getting the meat from the grill. 
you took a bite almost immediately from the serving tong. a joking but soft scoff escaped from your mother’s lips. “mom, there’s too many that i lost count. but remember the huge boxes you got for me on christmas? yeah one of those are close to be full of em’.”
“oh wow, you have to show me your masterpieces.” she clapped her hands together. she checked her watch, only to jump slightly at the time. “i’ll be late for the flight.”
“you’re leaving, mom?” you asked, a tiny complain from you made her giggle.
“it’s a business trip again, sweetie. i’ll be back in four days.” she cooed you with a tight hug.
“but you’ll miss my birthday.” you sighed, placing the plate down onto the wooden table. 
“i’ll make it up to you when i get back, alright?” she pecked your forehead before leaving you. “see you in three days. love you my princess.”
hardworking as she always was, your stepmother would often go overseas for meetings since she worked with a company that required a translator. and apparently she was ranked at the top category, so the demand for her was quite high. 
“love you too mom!” you yelled back.
you finished your meal and headed back to the tree house to continue with painting the canvases. the paintings you started, were something you hoped your father could be able to admire. he never got to see the world, the people, the beauty, and you. 
the childhood you had was something you remembered; still so fresh, as if it was yesterday. the house that was passed on from your father’s side ultimately became a shelter of nightmare. the word cancer was foreign to the teen you, definitely out of your vocabulary. you needed explanation as to why your father had gotten it, and why he had to leave the earth early. it had been three years after all.
not long since you began to paint almost half way onto the third canvas, the radio you were listening to blasted the playlist with your favorite boy group; that alone kept you hyped up, nearly knocking down several acrylic paint bottles over. the music moved your toes, then your legs, eventually your whole body. even your hair swayed in motion, as if the wind had blown it. 
“i just wish i could get to see them live.” you sighed, colors you puto onto the canvas blended with your emotions. “ugh, i’m so senti.” (sentimental). the clock showed quarter to four, it already had been hours since mother left. 
the once upbeat vibe came to a halt when you heard a couple of boys yelling with bicycle bells ringing. it also seemed like one was being chased too. you scoffed as you went to take a peek off of the window. they ruined your moment of jamming. the yells were increasing when the half of your body was out of the window. you saw a couple of figures at the far distance of your front yard. 
a ruffle from the bush that was near your tree house gave a sound of light crash. a bell rang from it too. was it a bicycle? as you further your body look at the bush on the just on the left side of the tree house, your sight suddenly came to a dim.
your body met with a boy with pink hair. as your eyes kept closed, bracing yourself for the impact, you knew his body slammed into yours and for sure you heard his honey-like voice. “nghh agh!” he gasped as his body was on top of yours, but your head rested on something you assumed it was his hands. 
the light from the sun made you open your eyes. the pink haired boy smiled sheepishly and the first you noticed was his ears. 
“can you get off me?” you asked sternly. 
“oh my g- i’m so sorry!” he stood up as he dusted his clothes. the yells from the boys grew louder, making the pink haired boy flinch at their presence. you took a peek at the front yard, around four boys on their bikes, looking for someone. “ugh man, they chased me until here?” he took a peek as well and hissed at what he saw, before sitting back down by the bottom of the window.
“you know i could report you for trespassing.” you stood up, pointing your paintbrush at him. 
he had his hands up in the air as if he was caught by the police. “hold up now i don’t want my shirt to be dirtied.” he said. “i’ll explain later but is it okay if i hide here for a while, maybe for tonight too?” he asked as his eyes trailed off.
you wanted to refuse but girl, his dimples showed and to be honest, you thought guys with dimples were the most sweetest. how could you resist him? especially as of right now, he was smiling at you, clearly embarrassed. but after all, he was a stranger and interrupted your jam session. “i don’t normally allow strangers here, let alone you.” you furrowed your brows. 
“ah c’mon! with a face like this?” he suddenly pouted— no, was that a smoulder? gross. “look, i’m having a rough day today and i really need a breather-” 
“then i think a breather for you would be outside?” you pushed him to the window, his footsteps hit the wooden floor with such impact at the force he received.
“hey hey hey! watch it!” he yelled with his palms touching the edge of the window. “do you want me to die?!”
“i don’t see why not?” your attempt to push him stopped as the radio continued to play the playlist you were listening earlier. “ooh yay!” you hopped back to your paintings. 
the pink haired boy eyed you with confusion. “girls have such weird mood swings.” he walked up to you, mouthing the lyrics to the song.
“you know them??” you turned around to the boy. “man i love them!” you felt yourself heating up realising the boy still climbed your tree house. “i- i like them..” you cleared your throat. 
“i can tell.” he laughed at you. 
“anyway, you have to leave.” you pushed the boy to the door. not the window this time. 
“please, can i stay here for tonight? i can’t have my buds chasing me like i’m a prey.” he sighed. his tone made you wonder how a pretty boy like him could utter such cute tantrums. 
he sat down at the table by the door, taking a sip from your cup. you crossed your arms at how he felt so homey immediately after invading someone’s property. “why were you being chased?” you questioned with curiosity. the boy seemed desperate to hide and you had to hear him reason out. 
“i skipped rehearsal yesterday.. and today. told them i wanted a break because we’ve been practicing non-stop.” he walked to your hanging cradle chair and sat on it. an long exhale escaped from him. you eyed him from head to toe. his whole body worn out with slight shakes. 
“i’ll let you stay..” you said, the boy’s eyes beamed with life. 
“yes! haha! thank you so much!” he placed his hands at the back of his head.
“..with one condition.” you continued. 
“anything for you, miss..?” he now stood up and walked up to the window where he had entered earlier. 
“y/n. my name’s y/n.” you said, blending the colors for the last time before actually stopping for the day. 
“y/n.. i’m yoonoh.” his voice trailed off but with a tone of amusement. “what’s your condition then?
the amphitheatre at the distance’s horizon caught your eye as you looked at the view. you remembered your mother’s words: “only bacon would make you step out of that tree house.” funny fact though, food was the only way to make you go out of your residence’s area. as you made up your mind, your sigh caught his attention. “see that park with that shade thing flying above it?” you asked. 
the boy turned to the direction you had told him. he squinted for a clearer and distinct view, where it shortly came into his sight. “yeah, the amphitheatre. what about it?” 
“i want you to bring me there.” you smiled, making yoonoh do the same. his response was a tilt of a head. you exhaled before continuing. “tomorrow evening, that ampitheatre will light up in colors. it does that every year. i want to see it in person, like how it’s special.” 
“it does, yeah. you haven’t been to the city?” yoonoh asked, his arms crossed.
“never. i’ve haven’t seen the city since i moved here and when i was a wee baby. more of i didn’t want to because i tend to limit myself from seeing the world.” you opened up to him as you tidied your art supplies. 
“why is that? there’s more to see out there! i can tour you if you like.” his dimples showed again. 
your body hesitated for a while, lips tried to find words to answer him. “my father was blind. he never got to see the world’s beauty, so i thought i’d do the same, y’know, experience things he did and understand him. now that he’s passed, maybe there’s benefit from a different point of view. my hearing got sensitive, in a good way.”
yoonoh stayed silent, respecting your words. he didn’t want you to stay caged in here any longer. “coming from someone who hasn’t seen outside beauty, you’ve got great imaginations.” he pointed to the wall of canvases. “i’ll bring you to the amphitheatre, first thing in the morning.”
to think that you would step foot to the lands of the city made your stomach churn. the whole experience would be something new. yoonoh sat back at the hanged cradle chair, taking several selfies at different angles, and there was no signs of stopping any sooner. you let him be, he looked tired anyway. his sweats slid down from the temples, and as he wiped them, he caught you looking at him. “i know i’m handsome.” he said. cheeky fella’, but he ain’t lying. 
luckily though, the tree house had an extra room besides the one you both were in now. your uncle had included it in the design if you had friends over. yoonoh could stay there even if it was a little cramped. he wouldn’t complain, would he? the day seemed to end quickly; with three completed paintings and endless conversations with your ‘new-found friend’? wait you weren’t there yet. he was someone you had met accidentally. 
maybe sometimes accidents can lead to something new.
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juvancy · 6 years
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"le chantier de l'inutile" / daniel juvancy / land art/1996.
Je crois avoir voulu explorer beaucoup de voies artistiques et bien sur en vivant très près de la nature, je me suis intéressé au land art.
Même si je sais l'importance des œuvres comme celles de Richard Long, je me suis toujours senti plus proche des travaux de Nils Udo...
Le chantier de l'inutile est né d'un constat simple : je ne me suis jamais senti à l'aise dans le monde artistique et pourtant j'avais envie de mettre en route des tas de projets, d'où ce paradoxe du chantier nécessitant beaucoup de travail et l'inutilité des actions humaines ...le coté éphémère de l'action me passionnait aussi …
Nous sommes en juillet 96 et au cours d'une promenade vers Mauroux , dans le département du Lot, je visite le site d'Orgueil, une ancienne cité médiévale et un peu plus loin sur la rivière, un amas d'arbres sur une pile de pont détruit...je bâtis très rapidement ce projet : sculpter ces arbres échoués sur ce bout de caillou du Lot. Il s'agit d'un territoire spécial : à qui appartient l'espace de la rivière ? Ces arbres déracinés ont ils encore un propriétaire ? A t on le droit de faire quelque chose à cet endroit là ?
Toujours est-il que je n'ai demandé aucune autorisation à qui que ce soit … pendant une semaine, le matin de 6h à 14h, j'allais travailler sur ce chantier de l'inutile. en gardant présents à l'esprit deux sentiments mêlés : l'orgueil et l'humilité … l'orgueil en relation avec le nom du site médiéval, mais aussi avec cette volonté de faire...de faire le malin...de jouer à l'artiste...
l'humilité en relation étroite avec la disparition future de l’œuvre et l'utilité pour moi de continuer à sculpter...
Pour faire connaître le chantier de l'inutile j'ai envoyé à quelques personnes un petit bateau en papier où il y avait les indications géographiques et la description de l'action envisagée ...ces personnes pouvaient venir voir l’œuvre à leur guise sans oublier cependant, la future crue de la rivière … en fait, la crue n'est survenue qu'au bout du deuxième hiver ...on avait fini par s'habituer à la présence du chantier de l'inutile... au printemps 98, tout a disparu ...les arbres sculptés et mes illusions quant à ce qui resterait de mon œuvre ...l'autre, la mobile …
sculptures, texte et photos: daniel juvancy / 1996
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"the yard of the useless" / daniel juvancy / land art / 1996.
I think I wanted to explore many artistic paths and of course living very close to nature, I was interested in land art.
Although I know the importance of works like Richard Long's, I have always felt closer to the work of Nils Udo ...
The construction of the useless was born from a simple observation: I never felt comfortable in the artistic world and yet I wanted to start a lot of projects, hence the paradox of the construction site requiring a lot of work and the uselessness of human actions ... the ephemeral side of the action also fascinated me ...
We are in July 96 and during a walk to Mauroux, in the Lot department, I visit the site of Orgueil, an ancient medieval city and a little further on the river, a pile of trees on a pile destroyed bridge ... I build very quickly this project: carve these trees stranded on this piece of stone Lot. This is a special territory: who owns the space of the river? Do these uprooted trees still have an owner? Is it ok to do something here?
Still, I did not ask any authorization to anyone ... for a week, in the morning from 6 am to 2 pm, I went to work on this site of the useless. keeping in mind two mixed feelings: pride and humility ... pride in relation to the name of the medieval site, but also with this desire to do ... to be clever ... to play the artist ...
humility in close relationship with the future disappearance of the work and the utility for me to continue to carve ...
To make known the site of the useless I sent to a few people a small paper boat where there were the geographical indications and the description of the planned action ... these people could come to see the work as they please without forgetting, however, the future flood of the river ... in fact, the flood did not occur until the end of the second winter ... we ended up getting used to the presence of the site of the useless ... in spring 98, everything disappeared ... the trees sculpted and my illusions about what would remain of my work ... the other, the mobile ...
sculptures, text and photos: daniel juvancy / 1996
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21 notes · View notes
olucaslab · 6 years
My ESC Review (English and Portuguese)
Albania / Albânia Ktheju tokës by "Jonida Maliqi" I did not like the live presentation of this song for the first time I watched it but it has growing in me since them, it is a really complicated song to perform and the song has an evolution and is growing. It started low and finishes powerful and emotional. Eu não gostei da apresentação ao vivo desta canção pela primeira vez eu assisti-lo, mas tem crescido em mim desde que eles, é uma música muito complicada de realizar e a música tem uma evolução e está crescendo. Começou sem graça e termina poderosa e emocionante. Armenia / Armênia Walking Out by "Srbuk" Another song about a heart breaking, but this was powerful with an performance and her voice made the song sound like an alt pop song and I really liked that. The video and lyrics are so beautiful, oh my god. Outra canção sobre um coração partido, mas esta foi poderosa com uma performance e sua voz fez a música soar como uma música pop Alt e eu realmente gostei disso. O vídeo e as letras são tão lindas.
Australia / Austrália Zero Gravity by "Kate Miller-Heidke" This song is awesome, ok that I said this too many times in this ESC review before the contest, but I really liked that this wined in Australia. This song is simple but pass a message really simple, nothing will bring me down.
Esta canção é incrível, ok que eu disse isso muitas vezes nesta revisão ESC antes do concurso, mas eu realmente gostei que ela ganhou na Austrália. Esta canção é simples, mas passa uma mensagem de uma forma simples, nada vai me derrubar.
Austria / Aústria Limits by "PÆNDA" Her voice is amazing, it's a slow song with so many emotion in it and good lyrics. Maybe It'll grow on me in the next time I hear it, for now it's just one more song on the contest, sadly.
Sua voz é incrível, é uma música lenta com tantas emoções nela e boas letras. Talvez ela vai crescer em mim na próxima vez que eu a ouvir, por agora é apenas mais uma música no concurso, infelizmente.
Azerbaijan / Azerbaijão Truth by "Chingiz" This is one Azerbaijani Pop, I really like the pop vibes and I'm always a good surprise how Azerbaijan makes pop so good with great elements and show how to do a real show with their culture.
Este é um pop azerbaijão, eu realmente gosto das vibrações pop e eu é sempre uma boa surpresa como o Azerbaijão faz pop tão bem, com grandes elementos e mostra como fazer um show com sua cultura
Belarus / Bielorússia Like It by "ZENA" Pop and catchy, it's a great song and I 'like it' a lot, it has a nice beat and the live version makes something really great at the semi. 
Pop e cativante, é uma grande canção e eu gosto dela muito, ele tem uma batida agradável e a versão ao vivo faz algo realmente bom na semi.
Belgium / Bélgica Wake Up by "Eliot" Another amazing song, his vocals are amazing and this really feels like a good year to Belgium, the lyrics push the music forward and if the performance is half as powerful than the music video, we will see he in final.
Outra música incrível, seus vocais são incríveis e isso realmente me faz ver como um bom ano para a Bélgica, as letras empurram a música para a frente e se o desempenho for metade tão poderoso do que o vídeo da música, vamos vê-la na final.
Croatia / Croácia The Dream by "Roko" His voice is amazing and that song pass me emotion and power, congratulations Croatia, you made it. Really liked how this song escalated from great to excellent.
Sua voz é incrível e essa música me passa emoção e poder, parabéns Croácia, você fez isso. Realmente gostei de como essa música escalou de ótima até excelente.
Cyprus / Chipre Replay by "Tamta" Cyprus is all pop again, after Fuego success they are trying again with a big Cypriot artist in Replay. I really like the feel of the song, already it is one of the favorites but well... We don't know the future
Chipre é tudo pop novamente, após o sucesso Fuego eles estão tentando novamente com uma grande artista cipriota em Replay. Eu realmente gosto da sensação da música, já é uma das minhas favoritas, mas bem... Não sabemos o futuro.
Czech Republic / República Checa Friend of a Friend by "Lake Malawi" Liked this song, but only liked and find it good. It delivers good vocals and catchy tunes, but nothing else... It's sad because first time I listened I feel it more and it came downwards to me. :/
Gostei desta música, mas só gostei e achei ela boa. Ele oferece bons vocais e melodias cativantes, mas nada mais... É triste porque a primeira vez que eu escutei eu senti mais e ela veio para baixo para mim. :/
Denmark / Dinamarca Love is Forever by "Leonora" This song is good but flat, I feel that song hasn't anything special about it and is flat... This song is better in French, not in English. I really liked the French part.
Esta música é boa, mas plana, eu sinto que a música não tem nada de especial sobre ela e é plana... Esta canção é melhor em francês, não em inglês. Eu realmente gostei da parte em francês.
Estonia / Estônia Storm by "Victor Crone" I like this song but reminds me something that I hate, the name of the thing is american country music and his voice is very american country. It became better in the verse; this song has an evolution and became great.
Eu gosto desta música, mas me lembra algo que eu odeio, o nome da coisa é música sertaneja e sua voz é muito sertaneja. Fica melhor no verso; esta canção tem uma evolução e tornou-se ótima.
Finland / Finlândia Look Away by "Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman" To be sincere, I liked the second place in the final much more, but that wasn't bad at all, it's a good EDM Music with vocals... It's not Darude Sandstorm.
Para ser sincero, eu gostei do segundo lugar na final muito mais, mas que não foi ruim em tudo, é uma boa música EDM com vocais... Não é Darude Sandstorm.
France / França Roi by "Bilal Hassani" This is rare to say, I didn't liked the French entry and I feel like he was choose because he is social media famous and not because of his talent, his voice is good but the verse and the live vocals didn't help it. My main problem is really how the verse is constructed.
Isto é raro, eu não gostei da entrada francesa e eu sinto como ele foi escolhida porque ele é famoso nas mídias sociais e não por causa de seu talento, sua voz é boa, mas o verso e os vocais ao vivo não o ajudavam. Meu principal problema é realmente como o verso é construído.
Georgia / Geórgia Sul tsin iare by "Oto Nemsadze" Georgia is such an awesome country and always sent amazing artists, but I feel that song is incomplete and his voice wasn't totally delivered to the audience. I'm sorry to say that my expectations with this song are low, very low... :(
Geórgia é um país tão incrível e sempre enviou artistas incríveis, mas eu sinto que a música está incompleta e a voz dele não foi totalmente entregue ao público. Lamento dizer que as minhas expectativas com esta música são baixas, muito baixas... :(
Germany / Alemanha Sister by "S!sters" Thank you Germany, I didn't need much work to hate your choice. That's isn't creative at all and it's a flat song. Nothing, really nothing special about it. It would die in the semifinals, but it's really sad that we will see that in the finals... :(
Obrigado Alemanha, eu não precisava de muito trabalho para odiar a sua escolha. Isso não é criativo em nada e é uma canção plana. Nada, realmente nada de especial sobre isso. Ela morreria nas semifinais, mas é muito triste que veremos isso nas finais...:(
Greece / Grécia Better Love by "Katerine Duska" This is a year of surprises, normally we see generic pop sent by Greece and this is another powerful song with great vocals and lyrics, this made my life so complicated because by now I can't put this song in a bad position.
Este é um ano de surpresas, normalmente vemos pop genérico enviado pela Grécia e esta é outra música poderosa com grandes vocais e letras, isso fez a minha vida tão complicada porque agora eu não posso colocar essa música em uma posição ruim.
Hungary / Hungria Az én apám by "Joci Pápai" First time I listening to him on ESC I found the music somehow offensive even did not knowing the lyrics, this song sounds better and pass a beautiful message, and again, sounds better than his first attempt in ESC.
Primeira vez que eu o ouvi no ESC eu encontrei a música de alguma forma ofensiva mesmo não sabendo as letras, esta música soa melhor e passa uma bela mensagem, e novamente, soa melhor do que sua primeira tentativa em ESC.
Iceland / Islândia Hatrið mun sigra by "Hatari" This is different, but this is 'Lordi' different, a winner for being more clear. This is so good and mixes so many good things in music... Nice one Iceland!
Isto é diferente, mas este é ' Lordi ' diferente, um vencedor para ser mais claro. Isso é tão bom e mistura tantas coisas boas na música... Boa Islândia!
Ireland / Irlanda 22 by "Sarah McTernan" This song lacks something and I don't know what it is, but it's lacking something that will makes them go into the finals, sorry Ireland but you maybe It'll die in semifinals... :/
Esta canção carece de algo e eu não sei o que é, mas está faltando algo que vai fazê-los ir para as finais, desculpe Irlanda, mas você talvez ele vai morrer em semifinais...:/
Israel / Israel Home by "Kobi Marimi" For real, I did not expect anything like this from Israel and I'm very glad with that I encountered that and was surprised by that. Really, it one of my favorite songs for this year, for me it's an 'automatically qualified country' who deserves to be in Final
Sinceramente, eu não esperava nada parecido com isso de Israel e estou muito feliz com que eu encontrei isso e fiquei surpreso com isso. Realmente, é uma das minhas canções favoritas para este ano, para mim é um "país automaticamente qualificado" que merece estar em final
Italy / Itália Soldi by "Mahmood" Italy choose well, because this song has strong lyrics, video and song. His voice is really amazing, and I really liked this song at all. Another 'already qualified' song that for me deserves to be in Final
A Itália escolheu bem, porque esta canção tem letras fortes, vídeo e música. Sua voz é realmente incrível, e eu realmente gostei dessa música em tudo. Outra canção "já qualificada" que para mim merece estar em final
Latvia / Letônia That Night by "Caroussel" Ok, this is american country and this upsets me because I liked her voice, but man... I hate american country music.
Ok, isto é country e isso me perturba porque eu gostei da voz dela, mas assim... Detesto música country.
Lithuania / Lituânia Run With the Lions by "Jurij Veklenko" I liked his voice live, but another time I see a problem with the song and not the artist, the lyrics feel weak and the song is flat. I think he has a really good potential, but the song doesn't help him.
Eu gostei da voz dele ao vivo, mas outra vez eu vejo um problema com a música e não o artista, as letras se sentem fracos e a música é plana. Acho que ele tem um potencial muito bom, mas a música não o ajuda.
Malta / Malta Chameleon by "Michela" Another really pop song, this time from Malta and I really liked that song too... I'm a Pop Guy, I can say that this is just growing in me and I hope that goes to the final.
Outra música realmente pop, desta vez de Malta e eu realmente gostei dessa música também... Eu sou um cara pop, eu posso dizer que isso está crescendo em mim e espero que vá para a final.
Modolva / Moldávia Stay by "Anna Odobescu" We don't expected a serious song from Moldova, most of the times we expect a pop generic song with a big performance, a great exception is 'O Mie' on 2013 and again this year, with a song about a heartbreaking with great vocals.
Nós não esperávamos uma música séria da Moldávia, na maioria das vezes esperamos uma música pop genérica com uma grande perfomance, uma grande exceção é 'O Mie' em 2013 e novamente este ano, com uma canção sobre um coração partido com grandes vocais.
Montenegro / Montenegro Heaven by "D Mol" I really didn't understand why this song have so much hate for some people, it's a great song from a great country (I like Montenegro for reasons) and for me it could be in the final for sure. Great vocals and they are really a band that completes itself a lot.
Eu realmente não entendo por que essa música tem tanto ódio por algumas pessoas, é uma ótima canção de um ótimo país (eu gosto de Montenegro por razões) e para mim pode estar na final, com certeza. Grandes vocais e eles são realmente uma banda que se completa muito.
Netherlands / Países Baixos Arcade by "Duncan Laurence" This video is so conceptual and I liked how it looks, the song is an alternative pop and I really liked it, not my favorite but I hope that didn't flop... It's the Netherlands, we never know. The good thing that at least it's not american country music.
Este vídeo é tão conceitual e eu gostei de como ele olha, a música é um pop alternativo e eu realmente gostei, não o meu favorito, mas espero que não flop... É a Holanda, nunca sabemos. A coisa boa que pelo menos não música country americana.
North Macedonia / Macedônia do Norte Proud by "Tamara Todevska" Woman/Girl Power. It is a strong message to put in a song and she made it and that's awesome, I'm proud to really like this song!
Poder feminino. É uma mensagem forte para colocar em uma música e ela fez isso e isso é incrível, eu estou orgulhoso de realmente gosto desta canção!
Norway / Noruega Spirit in The Sky by "KEiiNO" Watched the live version and listened to the studio version, there is some corrections that it could improve in live, some vocals seems off when you're compare both versions... But well, it's an earworm and it can't be off my mind, and many minds, and that will make maybe put they in the final.
Assisti a versão ao vivo e ouvi a versão do estúdio, há algumas correções que poderia melhorar ao vivo, alguns vocais parecem fora quando você comprara as duas versões... Mas bem, é um Earworm e ela não vai ficar fora da minha mente, e de muitas mentes, e isso que vai fazer talvez colocá-los na final.
Poland / Polônia Fire of Love (Pali się) by "Tulia" First time listening this entirely and really like the song, it's a rock melody in Polish and sounds awesome. It surely will grow in me and I will be really upset to not see that in the final, please Europe (and Australia), don't let this happen.
Primeira vez ouvindo isso inteiramente e realmente como a música, é uma melodia de rock em polaco e soa incrível. Ela seguramente vai crescer em mim e eu vou estar realmente chateado por não ver que na final, por favor, Europa (e Austrália), não deixe isso acontecer.
Portugal / Portugal Telemóveis by "Conan Osiris" I'm going to break my cellphone if It didn't pass to the final, this song is somehow a masterpiece and something we didn't expected from Portugal... The lyrics has no verse and it uses a very powerful word that only exists in Portuguese: Saudade
Eu vou quebrar meu celular se isso não passar para a final, esta canção é de alguma forma uma obra-prima e algo que não esperávamos de Portugal... A letra não tem versos e usa uma palavra muito poderosa que só existe em Português: saudade
Romania / Romênia On A Sunday by "Ester Peony" Another song that I did not liked in the first time, the song is good and did not grown on me, nothing at all and It still find a really weak song in a powerful year. Her voice is just good, like the song.
Outra canção que eu não gostei na primeira vez, a música é boa e não cresceu em mim, nada. E complicado encontrar uma música muito fraca em um ano poderoso. A voz dela é somente boa, como a música.
Russia / Rússia Scream by "Sergey Lazarev" Sergey Lazarev is one of the returning artists of this year, he is known with by the pop songs, and Scream definitely isn’t a pop song, it shows his voice and great talent and also how Russia wants to win ESC again, also, I hope the live presentation is great like the music video.
Sergey Lazarev é um dos artistas que retornam deste ano, ele é conhecido pelas canções pop, e Scream definitivamente não é uma canção pop, ela mostra sua voz e grande talento e também como a Rússia quer ganhar ESC novamente, também, espero que a apresentação ao vivo é grande como o vídeo da música.
San Marino / San Marino Say Na Na Na by "Serhat" San Marino is my favorite micronation in ESC, but I already know that this will be flopping in the semifinals, is a generic pop in a really strong year in ESC, this could be in final... In 2010. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
San Marino é a minha micronação favorita no ESC, mas eu já sei que isso vai ser flopada nas semifinais, é um pop genérico em um ano muito forte no ESC, isso poderia ser na final... Em 2010. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Serbia / Sérvia Kruna by "Nevena Božović" She has the voice, the song and the rhythm fit in his voice, I feel Serbia in this song and that's awesome, to feel a country spirit in a song that seems, at least for me, powerful.
Ela tem a voz, a música e o ritmo cabe em sua voz, eu sinto a Sérvia nesta canção e isso é incrível, para sentir um espírito do país em uma canção que parece, pelo menos para mim, poderoso.
Slovenia / Eslovênia Sebi by "Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl" Well, another alternative Pop but this time without any strong vocals. The song seems kinda flat and that's not good in this year.
Bem, outro pop alternativo, mas desta vez sem qualquer voz forte. A música parece meio plana e isso não é bom neste ano.
Spain / Espanha La Venda by "Miki" La Venda Ya Cayo!!! I really loved that song and how it sounds and feels, the music video and studio version didn't pass the real happiness of the song and don't deliver how Miki delivers it live. This is a Spanish live bop, and again, if competed in semi I think that this could pass to the finals.
Eu realmente amei essa música, como ela soa e é, o vídeo da música e a versão estúdio não passa a real felicidade da música e não entrega como Miki a entrega ao vivo. Este é um Bop espanhol, e novamente, se ela competisse na semifinal eu acho que isso poderia passar para as finais.
Sweden / Suécia Too Late For Love by "John Lundvik" Another really nice surprise that I wasn't expecting, this song is pop and powerful, the fact that the video is a live version and shows how good he sings live is a bonus, this is a full Eurovision performance. Outra surpresa realmente agradável que eu não estava esperando, esta música é pop e poderosa, o fato de que o vídeo é uma versão ao vivo e mostra o quão bom ele canta ao vivo é um bônus, este é uma performance completo do Eurovision.
Switzerland / Suiça She Got Me by "Luca Hänni" This song is awesome and the singer delivers it to us, it's a pop song with pop lyrics and pop dance. But I can't say that I didn't like and want it in the finals, please pass
Esta música é incrível e o cantor entrega para nós isso, é uma música pop com letras pop e dança pop. Mas eu não posso dizer que eu não gostei e quero isso na final, por favor, passe
United Kingdom / Reino Unido Bigger Than Us by "Michael Rice" UK should sent Mans, because the interval act was better than this song... He has a nice voice but, the song is bad and it was a poor choice for UK. Maybe this song could die in Semi, but sadly UK is auto qualified country.
O Reino Unido devia ter enviado o Mans, porque o ato de intervalo foi melhor do que esta canção... Ele tem uma boa voz, mas, a música é ruim e foi uma má escolha para o Reino Unido. Talvez esta canção poderia morrer nas semifinais, mas infelizmente o Reino Unido é país automaticamente qualificado.
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lonelydoctors · 7 years
1st rule: tag 9 people you’d like to know better
2nd rule: copy and bold the statements that are true
i was tagged by: @senti-renai thanks for tagging me!!
tagging: @lonelydoctors @pitchbla-ke @zombielovescore @side-ho-ryuuzaki@mgcmind @targannington @lawiika @captainwhisks @erucakeliet
I am 5′7 or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I am playfully rude when I know people well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing maths in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least two people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least three meals from scratch
I can throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m (was) on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
Fandoms are my #1 passion
I have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite artist’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend"
I live close to my school/work
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share a room with someone
I have break-danced
I know a person named Jamie
I have a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least two languages
tagging: @gintoukis @wakan-nai @fortheteam-karasuno @ass-anoya @blackandorange @timelessusagi
only if you want to, of course! ^.^
5 notes · View notes
almostsane-things · 7 years
Bold Tag
1st rule: Tag 9 people you’d like to know better
2nd rule: Copy and bold the statements that are true.
I was tagged by: @catfishmaster
Tagging: @senti-renai, @mattasis, @naturefreaksfanimegirl, @wastedwammyspotential, @starshipcafe, @perceivethedownfall, @drowning-in-dn-hell, @synapsi-s, @bluebloodedassassin
I am 5′7 or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people (eh)
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I am playfully rude when I know people well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well (define well though)
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well (again define well)
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing maths in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least two people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least three meals from scratch
I can throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
Fandoms are my #1 passion
I have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite artist’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend"
I live close to my school/work
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share a room with someone
I have break-danced
I know a person named Jamie
I have a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce (idk my teachers’ names rip)
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least two languages 
4 notes · View notes
brattydoctorcrane · 7 years
1st rule: tag 9 people you’d like to know better (but lmao i probably wont sorry)
2nd rule: copy and bold the statements that are true for you
i was tagged by @senti-renai thank youuuuu!!!
I am 5′7 or taller
I wear glasses contacts
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I am playfully rude when I know people well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing (fairly) well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least two people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least three meals from scratch
I can throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m (was) on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song (lyrics) in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
Fandoms are my #1 passion
I have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite artist’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have (had) a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person (more than one) I consider a “best friend"
I live close to my school/work
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling (two annoying ones)
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share a room with someone
I have break-danced
I know (knew) a person named Jamie
I have a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least two languages
1 note · View note
vauchertravel-blog · 8 years
Yakushima & co
Janvier à Nagoya. Nos filles sont rentrées en Suisse (je vous raconterai plus tard), on a déménagé (je vous montrerai aussi un jour notre nouveau logement), il fait froid, les autres occupants du temple rentrent chez eux pour les vacances de semestre. Mi-temps de notre séjour. C’est un peu le blues. Donc: besoin de vacances au chaud. Après avoir pensé à Taiwan, à l’Australie (un peu débile), nous optons pour le sud du Japon, plus exactement Yakushima. Drôle d’idée... Mais au jardin botanique de Nagoya, il y a la réplique du tronc d’un arbre impressionnant, qui s’avère être Jomonsugi, l’arbre peut-être le plus vieux du monde (estimé entre 2000 et 7200 ans). Fascinant. Et ce cèdre du Japon se trouve sur cette île. Et on a toujours aimé les îles un peu perdues. Donc...
January in Nagoya. Our girls are back in Switzerland (see later), we moved to our temple (see later too), it’s cold, the other people in the temple all leave for semester holliday. Mid time for us. It’s a bit bluesy. So: we need holidays and warm. We discussed Taiwan, Australia (a bit crazy), and settle for south Japan, more exaclty Yakushima. Funny idea... But in Nagoyas botanical garden, there is a replica of an uncreadible tree, Jomon Sugi, maybe the oldest tree on earth (2000 to 7200 years old). Fascinating. And this japanese cedar still lives on this island. And we love lost islands. So...
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26 janvier, départ de Chubu Airport, encore en habit de noël...
January 26th, Chubu airport, still in its christmas flair...
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Après une nuit à Kagoshima (sur Kyushu), départ en ferry. Vue matinale sur le volcan actif de la baie: Sakurajima
After a night in Kagoshima (Kyushu),we continue our trip on ferry. Morning view on Sakurajima, the active volcano.
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La baie de Kagoshima, qui fut le théatre de la guerre satsuma-anglaise en 1863: un ressortissant anglais ayant manqué de respect dans sa manière de saluer un samurai est mis à mort à Kagoshima. L’Angleterre, exaspérée par un incident anti-étrangers de plus, demande réparation. Le gouvernement japonais optempère, mais la province de Satsuma refuse et attaque la flotte anglaise dans sa baie, qui réplique en bombardant Kagoshima, qui avait au préalable été évacuée. Japon: 5 morts, Angleterre 11 morts. Chacun clame la victoire. Et cet incident vaudra à Satsuma une ouverture sur l’Europe et un pavillon à elle à l’exposition universelle de Paris en 1867, un an avant le début de l’ère Meiji (ouverture du Japon sur le monde)
Kagoshima bay. Theater of the Satsuma-England war in 1863: an english lord, not being respectful while greeting a samurai, is killed in Kagoshima. England, exasperated from one more anti-stranger incident, ask for reparation to the central governement. This one agrees, but Satsumas province refuses and attacks the english vessels in it’s bay. These reply by bombing the city of Kagoshima, but this one had been evacuated before. Casualities: 5 for Satsuma, 11 for England. Both claim victory. And both win indeed. Satsuma will gain an opening on Eurpe and a independant pavillon in the universal exhibition of Paris in 1867 (one year before Meiji era and opening from Japan to the rest of the world)
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Yakushima, nous voilà!!!
Yakushima, here we are!!!
Yakushima. Un endroit unique. L’un des lieux les plus humides du monde (sur le mont Mianoura, qui est avec ses 1935 mètres le plus haut du sud Japon, il pleut 10′000mm par an -1′000mm à Neuchâtel-!). Climat subtropical sur la côte, et similaire au nord du Japon sur les montagnes.
Sur l’île, nous sommes accueillis par un ami du moine de notre temple. Il vit sur cette île depuis 40 ans. C’est une histoire belle et triste aussi: Dans les années 70, un groupe d’artistes idéalistes alternatifs, menés par le poête Sansei Yamao, décident de s’installer dans un village forestier fantôme de l’île. C’est là que nous sommes reçus, mais de ce village, il ne reste plus grand monde, les enfants sont partis et les fondateurs morts pour la plupart. Il y reste la solutude et l’alcool...
Yakushima. A unique place. One of the wettest place on earth (10′000mm rain on Mianoura mountain - with 1935m the highest peak in south Japan - compared to 1′000mm in Neuchâtel!). Subtropical climate on the coast, and simalar to northern Japan in the mountain 5 km inland).
On the island, we are met by a friend of ‘our’ monk. He lives here since 40 years. It’s a nice and sad story: n the 70ties, a group of alternative, artist, idealists people, leaded by the poet Sansei Yamao, move to an abandonned forest village here. It’s where we will be hosted. But from this village, there isn’t many people left. Young one left, founders died. There is only loneliness and alcool left...
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La vallée en approchant de Shirakawayama
The valley of Shirakawa
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La table de travail de Sansei, où rien n’a bougé depuis sa mort il y a 15 ans
Sanseis writing table. Nothing moved since his deathe 15 years ago
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La maison où nous logerons
Our lodging
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La triste réalité de la vie de solitude et d’alcool
Sad reality of lonelyness and alcool
J’avoue ne m’être rarement sentie aussi mal qu’en cet endroit, qui pourtant pourrait tellement ressembler à un de mes rêves... Le revers de la médaille... Insallubrité (et je ne suis pas douillette), danger d’intoxication alimentaire (vive le sashimi qui a le retour d’âge), impresion de solitude extrême. Et difficile de s’éclipser vis à vis de notre moine...
Malgré tout, on ne sera pas malades, il nous fera décourvir cette île merveilleuse, et il nous donnera même l’occasion de nous échapper sur Kuchinoerabujima (à voir plus loin).
I must say, I rarely felt as bad as there, even if it could look like some of my dreams... Dirtyness (and I’m rather tough), food intoxication danger (like old sashimi...), extrem lonelyness. And difficult to escape without diplomatic incident...
Even though, we didn’t get sick, and he will be very kind in showing us his island and even gave us our escape plan (see later)
Je garde la marche en montagne pour plus loin. Tour de l’île:
I keep the mountain  part for later. Around the island:
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Climat subtropical
Subtropical climate
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Les arbres de banian (limite nord de leur répartition)
Banian tree. There northmost limit.
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La côte est. Devant nous l’Amérique?
East coast. In front of us, America?
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Onsen magique (sauf que la guouille où j’ai eu le droit de me baigner était cachée de la mer et vaseuse à souhait...)
Magic onsen (only I am ordered to bath in the next mini smearky bath with no ocean view...)
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Les occupants de l’île, espèce endémique de maquaques
An endemic macaques family
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La plage de Nagata, où les tortues marines viennent pondre en été
Nagata beach, where turtules breed in summer
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Mais Yakushima, c’est surtout la forêt. Une forêt de contes de fées (pour ceux qui connaissent, c’est elle qui a inspiré le film Mononoke Hime - Princesse Mononoke). Et ses cèdres millénaires. Et Jomonsugi, qui se trouve à 5 bonnes heures de marche (aller simple). Comme la neige ne semble pas menacer (il peut y avoir plus d’un mètre de neige en hiver), nous allons entreprendre cette expédition. Mais d’abord, il faut qu’on échappe à cet endroit diplomatiquement, donc nous décidons de nous rendre sur l’île voisine:
But Yakushima, it’s its forest before all. A fairy tale forest (it inspired Mononoke Hime, if you know). And it’s more than 1000 years old cedar trees. And Jomon Sugi, hidden in its 5 hours walk away mountain. As the snow isn’t yet a problem (it can be up to more than 1m in winter!), we will do this expedition. But first, we have to diplomatically escape this place. And the opportunity takes the name of Kuchnoerabujima, the next island.
Jamais entendu parler de cette île. Et pourtant: 122 habitants. Pas d’hôtel, pas de restaurant, pas de super marché, et même pas... de vending machine! Juste une poste, une mini épicerie, un marchand se sake et un ferry par jour. Et surtout: trois volcans, dont un s’est animé en 2015 et a causé une évacuation totale de l’île. Celle-ci fait 12 km x 5 km, et la moitié est interdite d’accès à cause des gaz crachés par le dit volcan. On trouve un pavillon à louer, et nous voilà au paradis. Endroit charmant, propre, ouvert sur la mer (même sur le soleil couchant), et rien à faire que quelques balades!
Never heard of this island. And though: 122 inhabitants. No hotel. No restaurant. No supermarket. Even no vending machine! Just a post office, a mini shop, and of course a sake shop. A ferry per day. And above all: 3 volcanoes, one of them woke up in 2015 and all inhabitants had to be evacuated. It’s 12x5 km. And half of it is closed to access because of the volcano gases. We find there a pavillon for rent, and we feel in paradise. Nice stay, clean, view on the open see (sunset even), and nothing to do other than short walks!
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Le bateau de la délivrance ;-)
The ferry of the liberation ;-)
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Traversée un peu agitée
A bit of a stormy crossing
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La zone interdite près du volcan
The closed zone close to the volcano
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Pas vraiment idéal pour les vacances balnéaires...
Not really the beachy island...
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Notre terrasse
Our terrasse
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Coucher de soleil depuis notre terrasse
Sunset on our terrasse
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Une île toutes en pentes
A very hilly island
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Dans notre jardin
In our garden
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Onsen sous les vagues
Onsen under the waves
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La capitale
The capitale
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Un jour, il y avait 2000 personnes ici...
There were once 2000 people living on the island...
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Retour sur Yakushima-back on Yakushima
Nous revoilà, incognitos, dans une autre auberge. Jomonsugi nous voilà. Départ à 5h30 en taxi (pas de bus en hiver). 5h50, marche à la lampe frontale dans cette vallée de rêve de Siratani (on l’avait vue le premier jour de notre arrivée, donc pas si grave de faire cette partie de nuit). Col, descente dans la vallée qui fut une grosse exploitation de bois. Marche le long des rail du train de débardement. Remontée dans la forêt. Incroyable qu’elle aie été exploîtée jusque si loin dans les entrailles de l’île. Arrivée à la souche de Wilson. La plus grosse souche de l’île. J’aime son histoire un peu triste: il était une fois un cèdre, des plus hauts, des plus beaux. Et une province, Kyushu, qui refusait de se soumettre à Toyotomi (le ‘Taiko’). Enfin vaincue (le village d’irréductibles du Japon), Toyotomi exige en réparation la livraison de bois de cèdre pour construire un boudha et son ‘hall’ à Kyoto. Les forêts seront donc inspectées pour trouver les meilleurs arbres. Dans sa forêt lointaine, notre cèdre est repéré. Il sera coupé. On est tout à la fin de 1500. Juste avant la mort de Toyotomi et l’arrivée des Tokugawas au pouvoir. Comment il fut transoprté, mystère. Il avait 350 ans. Voilà presque 500 ans que sa souche subsiste dans la mousse et la pluie. Elle est immense. On y entre, il y a dedans un petit temple, une source. Quand on regarde le ciel, elle forme un coeur. N’ètait il pas plus boudha encore debout?...
Here we are, ingognito, in a guesthouse. Jomonsugi, here we come. Taxi start at 5:30  (no bus in winter), walk start at 5:50, with head lamp, in this dream valley of Shiratani (we came here on our first day, so it isn’t soo bad to be here by night). Pass, back to the next valley, where there once was a important wood industry. Walk along the old railway. Back up in the forest. Uncredible that that it would have been exploited so deep in the island. Arraving at Wilson stump. The biggest stump on the island. I like it’s somehow sad story: once upon a time, there was a cedar. One of the biggest, one of the highest. And a province, Kyushu how refused to be rled by Toyotomi, the ‘Taiko’. Defeated at last (the Asterix village of Japan), Toyotomi orders from them cedar wood to build a big buddha and it’s hal in Kyoto. The forest are then inspected to find the best wood. In it’s far away island, our tree is spotted. It will be felled. We are just before turning in the 17th century. Just before Toyotomis death and governing of the Tokugawas. How it was transoprted, I really don’t know. It was 350 years old. It’s now nearly 500 years ago, and the stump still stand there, in moss and rain. It’s huge. It has a shrine and a spring inside. When one watch the sky, one sees it as a hearth. Wasn’t it more buddha when it was still standing?
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La forêt magique de la vallée de Shiratani
Magic forest in Shiratani canyon
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Vue depuis le col
Sight from the pass
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La souche de Wilson
Wilson stump
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Marcher, marcher, marcher...
Walk, walk, walk...
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Cèdres frères de sang
Cedars blood brothers
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Plus de forêt enchantée (plus plus et plus, 10 heures durant)
More enchanted forest (and more and more and more, 10 hours long)
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Jomon Sugi !!!
Retour à Kyushu, un peu plus au sud que Kagoshima, dans une ville balnéaire désuette et déserte, Ibusuki.
Back to Kyushu, a bit further south than Kagoshima, in an old fashion and deserted sea resort
Après avoir vu Jomon Sugi, j’ai juré de ne plus bouger de mon fauteuil. Mais comme il n’a a pas de fauteuils au Japon, me revoilà en expédition, à vélo d’abord
After seeing Jomon Sugi, I swore I‘m never  ever moving from the couch again. But as there is no couch in Japan, here I am, back on the road, by bicycle first
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OK, ils sont électriques, mais ça s’avère plutôt un handicap au vu de la capacité des batteries...
OK, they are electric, but this will be more a handicap as the battery capacity declines rapidely...
en route pour gravir le ‘Satsuma Fuji’ que voici
on our way to climb the ‘Satsuma Fuji’:
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Jolie grimpette dans une jolie forêt
Nice climb in a nice forest
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et nous y voici
and here we are
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La baie de Kagoshime. A droite, Yakushima
Kagoshima bay. On the left, Yakushima
De retour à altitude zero, nous nous essayons à la spécialité du coin
Back to level zero, we try the local speciality
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Drôle d’impression que d’être emprisonné sous ce qui paraît être des tonnes de sable chaud
Funny impression to be prisonner of what feels like tons of hot sand
Suivi de bains dans le plus beau onsen jamais vu (mais je n’ai pas les photos à disposition pour l’instant, sorry)
Followed by a bath in the nicest onsen ever (no picture yet, but it will come soon)
Kaimon dake, nous t’avons vaincu!
Kaimon dake, we mastered you!
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Retour à l’auberge
Back to our minshuku
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Et avant de reprendre l’avion, visite de Sengan-en, le jardin des Shimazus,  gouverneurs de Satsuma.
And before going to the aiport, we visit Sengan-en, the Shimizus (lords of Satsuma) garten and house.
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Les Ume sont en fleurs, ça sent si bon!
Blooming Ume, it smells so nice!
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