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viridescent-lance · 2 years ago
"Sir Forsyth, yes?" Ephidel addresses from a darker corner of the knight's hall. "I have heard tell that it is your 'birthday,' and that you are Professor Python's dearest 'boytoy,' so I have brought you this." A heavy tome is pulled from beneath clerical robes and presented to the man. "He has said you are fond of martyrdom, so on behalf of the church, these are her histories." His smile turns cheshire like a pleased cat. "You may enjoy the sacrifices of Saint Seiros and her Ten Elites."
"Yes, that is I." Forsyth barely has a chance to respond to the strange, haunting individual before they say something that is made even more outrageous by the impassive monotone they deliver it with. If it were someone else, he may assume they were mocking his relationship--in this moment, he is utterly and absolutely certain that Python has described their relationship as such to this person. "I'm not--that is to say--who told you such a thin--erm, thank you..."
"Gwah?" Forsyth's stumbling is then interrupted by yet another unbelievable series of descriptors, this time making Forsyth wonder if this holy person is truly so austere or if this is part of a very committed bit. The book is, in fact, a very valuable and lengthy account of the aforementioned saint and elites, and must have been very difficult to procure. As he looks up from studying it, he sees a disarming smile that answers none of his questions, simply raising more.
"Is this some sort of game?" To an outsider, Forsyth must seem ungrateful, questioning his generous gifter. But those comments are simply unacceptable, even in jest! He does not know this mysterious benefactor, and he does not know how well Python knows them. For Python's sake, he hopes it is not particularly well. He hopes his expression is severe enough, and he shakes his head. "I appreciate the present, really and truly, but the manner in which you speak of me and my relationship to my partner...I apologize, but it is utterly inappropriate."
This birthday is off to an...interesting start, that is certain.
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nagaficat · 2 years ago
As is customary for Ephidel, he seems to appear from thin air behind Deirdre. Only making his presence known by his uncharacteristically soft voice. He looks almost like a lost child at this soiree. "I trust you are enjoying yourself Lady Deirdre?"
It seems like such a silly question. Of course she is enjoying herself! Deirdre finds it difficult to imagine someone out there who might not be having the time of their lives. It is a wonderful, enchanted, perfect evening and she intends to savor every moment of it.
But she knows that, ultimately, Ephidel's question is one asked in politeness and she smiles warmly at the man who has become someone quite dear to her. "I am very much. Even more so now that you are near!" She reaches for his hands and, as their palms touch, a flower springs to life at her neck.
"And you, Deacon? I trust you and your beloved are having a wonderful time as well?"
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aimlessarchery · 1 year ago
"Another 'year' has gone by my dear professor, and with it, another of your 'birthdays.'" Ephidel's eyes crease and their smile pulls tighter at that. They hope he notices how they've learned from him.
"Time always moves by so quickly for me however." They take his hand and place within a flask, enchanted by their spells to always be cooling. "Do treasure it."
It is unclear if they mean the gift or his time.
"Hey, your wording's gotten better."
Python feels his shoulders seize with the instinct to recoil, however, at the tight, cat-like quality to Ephidel's expression. Maybe it's the golden eyes, but it looks far too much like a wild animal leering from the bushes.
"...Expression could use some work, though."
He takes the flask from the clergyman's cool fingers.
"Sure thing, pal. Taking it slow is my specialty." The gift is lifted slightly higher, tipped toward Ephidel in acknowledgment. "Especially if I've got a good drink to keep me company."
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twistedisciple · 2 years ago
[ Embrace ] + [ Dip ] Wasn't this that human he fought down in Abyss? Or maybe that hasn't happened yet in this timeline. Regardless, hopefully Griss wouldn't mind how rigid Ephidel's moves were when they are matched in the dance line. The morph effortlessly dips the other low. "Your scars look lovely in the moonlight."
"Huh?!" Was that supposed to be a pickup line? Or was this guy one of those misguided kids running around with the romanticized ideas of fell worship that he'd met earlier in the night? Either way, the suddenness and the absurdity both are enough to distract Griss from the dip until his back cracks and he's staring up at a pair of gold eyes set in a moon-pale face, mask-like in its pallor and lack of expression. His jaw falls slack, confusion notching a line between his brows. No, there's something different going on here. The man reminds him of the Corrupted, somehow. Except that skin of his is too smooth, too perfect. Inhumanly so, but not like the undead.
When the shock finally wears off, a wicked look takes its place and Griss claws his hands up to the man's lapels, digging his fingers into either side and dragging himself up closer. One shift off-balance and both of them would topple to the ground.
"Want some to match?" he purrs, for now effortlessly as he clings half-suspended from the other man's neck. "We can trade; I'll cut you and then you cut me."
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allegreta · 2 years ago
a kiss stolen away in a corner, ignoring crowds
Leanne holds tight to Ephidel's hand, weaving through the crowd to find a place of respite in a wayward hallway. Parties are lovely, but the emotions of everyone at once is so much, and she would like to have some time to feel Ephidel alone, thank you very much.
Away from the partygoers and in the comfortable quiet, Leanne takes a moment to study Ephidel's face. They're stoic as always, but the faint affection that thrums from them is something she wants to soak in all she can. They really are a pretty individual, she thinks as she runs her free hand through their ponytail.
"Ephidel...is it okay if I try something?" The feeling tugging at Leanne's heart is impossible to ignore, but she does not wish to overwhelm Ephidel. He nods, though, following her lead as he's been doing all night. He is powerful, strange, something she does not fully understand, and yet he trusts her, takes her words in like she is an oasis and he is a wanderer in a strange land. "I would like to kiss, again."
Another nod, and she moves her hand from theirs to their cheek. Their skin is warmer than normal, no flush but where it is usually cool to the touch it emits a gentle heat. It's exciting, and she squeezes her eyes shut as her lips meet theirs. They still don't seem to know what to do, but they follow her lead, moving their lips back against hers, awkwardly mirroring her arm positions and bringing them closer. Kissing is completely foreign to them, it seems. Leanne will do her best to teach them, then!
"You can kiss in a lot of different ways." Leanne tries to keep her voice steady as she takes a moment away from kissing to catch her breath. She tucks a strand of hair out of her face, studying Ephidel's expression. Minuscule differences, but there's an implacable change. They look intently at her, interest written all over them. The beginnings of joy twinge in their soul, a feeling she's hardly felt in this caliber for them before. She wants more. "I've only read about this one, so we'll have to learn together."
Back in she goes, this time parting her lips and letting her tongue snake through. At first Ephidel does not open his own mouth, but he learns quickly, his own tongue entering the scene and finding Leanne's. They explore each other's mouths, hands beginning to roam elsewhere. Ephidel no longer mimics her like a mirror, though he still shadows her movements. She can hear their breathing; a rare feat, and if she focuses, distinct small whines. It's intoxicating, to be able to cause this.
"Mm..." Leanne doesn't want to fully stop kissing, so she mumbles her approval during a lull. Ephidel pulls her closer, almost as if they are protecting her. She likes the feeling of it, and evidently so do they. Leanne does need to breath, though, so she has to separate eventually, panting against the morph's shoulder as she grasps for their hand. "Do you like it? I do. I would like to do this more, if you would."
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ulircursed · 1 year ago
"In the end, you still bested me by one token." Ephidel notes, slightly smug. But there is a thoughtful pause before he continues. "Perhaps past actions aren't always indicative of future ones..."
Ephidel's words hadn't been overtly hostile throughout their entire acquaintance, even, perhaps, less so at the moment. Still, Andrei feels the now-familiar chill up his spine as the other speaks, and he has to suppress the urge to take a step back, and his voice is cold in response to the other's musings.
"The final outcome of the game is no concern to me," he says, "Though it would... inconvenience me, if you were left with incorrect assumptions about the debts owed on either side."
Regardless of whether Ephidel makes any action to take them, Andrei places two candies within his reach, the number that the other had lost in the first round, before taking a step back again, putting distance between them.
"Merely looking upon your face is—" Creepy. Unsettling. None of these are words he would wish to admit aloud to the other, so he settles on, "—nauseating." Arms crossed tight across his chest, he turns to leave. "I'd prefer if you stayed away from me, should we meet once more in future engagements."
(Though, with how the fates operate, Andrei has a feeling he wouldn't quite get his wish.)
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ninocence · 2 years ago
With the morph's continued attempts to curry favor with Nino, when he learned today was her birthday, he set out to continue this tradition of gift giving. Though unlike others at the monastery, Ephidel had not had the chance to study Nino closely. He was at a loss, until an idea struck him while wandering the fields. "Happy Birthday, Nino." He says from the shadows, mentally thanking Python for the advice on how to more 'casually' wish those well. From beneath his robes, Ephidel presents a crystalline sphere. Within, a single white lily, plucked from its roots and in its prime. But it would not wither. Trapped within this artificial prison, its beauty would never fade. A gentle fall of snow from Ephidel's own magic blankets the flower when shaken. "A gift for you, on this most precious day."
Nino is quick to make friends after arriving at the monastery, but her birthday isn't something that she expects much attention from. Even back in Black Fang, with her family, birthdays just aren't that huge a deal. Not worth celebrating, she remembers Sonia's words. Maybe it's not true, maybe it was just her wanton cruelty as always, but that doesn't mean it's false, either.
It's easier for her if she learns not to mind.
Thus, she can't help the apprehension that comes from Ephidel's sudden appearance in her field of vision. Sure, she'd gotten past her initial fear of him (of his eyes, Mother's eyes) after their time within the dream mission, but not enough to really expect any additional interaction. Especially not acknowledgement of her birthday. How does he even know, anyway?
(She hasn't really had occasion to check the monastery's bulletin board.)
Her eyes widen at the sight of the gift he presents to her. It's beautiful, mesmerizing, the way the snow falls over the blossom within. She takes the globe in her hands, giving it a gentle shake herself.
"Thanks, um — Uncle Ephidel...?" the address slips out more like a question, a plea for permission than any term of familiarity. Nino isn't truly her daughter, nor should she and Ephidel have any bonds beyond that of mere acquaintances or allies on the battlefield...
But he had saved her in the water, nevertheless. She told herself she'd give him a chance, and he'd helped her when she needed it the most. And now, he'd deemed her birthday to be worthy of celebration. She watches the snow drift down again. "I like it," she says in quiet awe, "It's really pretty."
She finally tears her eyes away from the gift to look up at him again. "Thank you," she repeats, "I'll take good care of it, always...!" A promise, like a child's hand reaching out for a deeper connection.
I am nothing like Sonia, he'd said. Nino believes him, now.
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making-dough · 2 years ago
getting graded in fire emblem rp ♠ - She'd been mid-swing when she'd been suddenly pulled, yanked to... whatever this place was. Looked like a doll house. Feels like one too. Controlled by a mysterious talking Voice. Well, at least, they'd found everyone else so at least that was some good news there. Even if it felt like some more cosmic weirdness. And why was it that she was getting the odd impression that she was never aiming for Jugdral to begin with? Well, all this were 'roles' assigned by some cosmic weirdness, then the black cloak and Colla's reactions made her 'role' clear enough. A thief, huh? Well, the gold were certainly tempting enough. Though, she can't really claim much in the way of thiefiness. Fine. She'll play along for now, standing right behind Ephidel behind the unsuspecting mannequin holding a purse of gold "Why do I feel like we're not out of the woods yet?", she muttered quietly to herself.
The Voice returns with some more mockery, mocking them for their assumptions and their empty-handedness, offering them some tools but warning that they have to fit their 'mold'. You are empty-handed. She'd been ready to complain about exactly whose fault that would be but then Miss Mysterious Voice turned around and offered a choice of props so fair enough? The warnings about needing to fit its mold sounded vague enough, though given what had happened to Frederick and co, it was most likely a promise of more violence. Well, she couldn't really say she wasn't familiar enough with that kind of gamble. The life of a mercenary was never easy, after all. Violence, blood and the risk of permanent harm were all just a single mistake away, whether you were ready or not. Whether you wanted this life or not. Her mind drifted almost instinctively towards the bloodstained blade, sharp, trustworthy and practical. Even if it turned out to be a mistake, she'd much rather to have a weapon in hand than without. There was a brief flicker in the direction of the silver lance before she'd decided against it. That had looked a little too rich for her. It was probably a good idea to avoid being too indebted to Mysterious Cosmic Voices™. This would do. The blade she'd imagined had turned on her, stabbing her through the middle and sending a sudden jolt of pain through her body, but somehow, that was just fine. It wasn't as though she was expecting to get out of this completely unscathed, anyway. And soon it was time for the next test. The Voice returns, sounding amused yet disappointed at the same time. "If another believes you a villain, then a villain you shall be.", the Voice laughed before a series of lights revealed the trial laid before her. A glance towards the mannequin cowering before her told her just about what she was expected to do. "A villain, huh?", she muttered to herself, walking up to the cowering mannequin in green and placing her hands around its neck. There she stayed for a moment as if caught in indecision. Pondering whether or not she could deliver the final blow. And wondering if the flashes of the purple curls on top of its head she was barely glimpse was simply her imagination or not. Well, that settled it. If it had been armed, she wouldn't have anywhere near as many qualms but a cowering foe? Villain or not, she didn't much care what others thought of her but she'd at least like to be able to recognise herself. With a grunt of disgust, Farina simply gave the mannequin a quick frisk and then threw the mannequin off to the side, as if she'd lost all interest in it. She wasn't enough of a do-gooder to help it and neither was she ruthless enough to do it harm. Well, unless it had been carrying anything worthwhile, anyway. She'd happily help herself as a 'payment', then. The rest were a series of questions that she could honestly do little to help in, neither having as much familiarity with the old empire that once ruled Jugdral nor familiarity with this mysterious Voice that they'd apparently encountered on a previous mission. Apparently, they got her name, at least. Pasithee, child of Celephais and Keranes. Somebody cursed by something that had condemned her and wanted revenge, apparently. That was the piece of information they could confirmed from this Voice. Eventually, the Voice no longer answers. Instead the darkness grows closer to all of you until it’s all you can sense. Endless nothingness. Then you are nothingness.
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sacaeblade · 2 years ago
@artificidel asked: 
Perhaps he seems more sober in the eyes, the prideful lilt of his voice not as fanciful. Despite their opposing positions, there had never been anything short of due respect for the lords of Lycia, and his greeting now was hardly to strike fear into the heart of Caelin's beloved princess. "I trust you are enjoying the evening Lady Lyndis."
She should be used to it by now, seeing people who should be long dead, and yet she bristles like it's the first time. Although in this case, perhaps "person" would be the wrong word. The figure in front of her is unmistakably one of Nergal's morphs, golden eyes watching her like a cat.
"Ephidel! You..."
Lyn's hand subconsciously reaches for a sword that isn't there, but they are at a ball, after all, not the Dragon's Gate. They stand not on a battlefield, but on a ballroom floor, dressed in finery. Her palm throbs where it has been branded with the mark of an elemental, reminding her that there are more eyes on them than just the other partygoers.
Behave yourself, the ache in her hand seems to demand.
Lyn flexes her right hand, as if that will make the sensation go away, and grits her teeth. It's just a greeting. A polite greeting, even. The morph had not done anything to provoke her nor made any indication that he would do anything.
Memories are not so easily overwritten, though.
"Don't let Hector see you."
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hresvelged · 2 years ago
[ Indulge ] + Sweet Bun Trio: His strings pull taut again, yanking him forward while Lightning whispers in his ear. 'This one does not care for our servers. Why don't you treat her then, my pet?' When Ephidel can feel his arm again, it is serving a dessert to her Imperial Highness. Ephidel blinks before offering her the tray. "Milady?"
Feelings of confinement and unwanted observation aren't unfamiliar to her. What is there to trust about staff who only serve to send a chill up her spine? Nothing. She cares not for their towelettes nor their mere prescence in itself. Her arms cross themselves in front, allowing the heels of her shoes to nearly cemented into the ground with a graceful stance. The princess will always do her utmost to conceal such things, lest her people find themselves lacking faith in her. That, and she has high standards at a ball— Even for herself.
Edelgard's eyebrow then quirks, but only slight. She can't say for sure what compelled the offering, but she doesn't find herself all too bothered. Her status? Perhaps. If anything, she much prefers it over the presence of other company. She looks up, then down towards the snacks. ".. I was eyeing those sweets in particular. How did you know?" A pause, permitting a small smile of gratitude. "Thank you for that."
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fellincantation · 2 years ago
take me to build a bear workshop bitch. i require a small sweater vest
"You know good and damn well I can't take us anywhere with no arms or legs." The snake hissed, flopping about. Ephidel would look snazzy in a small sweater vest. Maybe just this once Grima could use her magic and do something.
To the mall!
"Fine. I'll figure something out but we're stealing the items we take. We aren't paying for a single thing." She didn't have the pockets for that.
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viridescent-lance · 1 year ago
if two guys on the moon allied with each other would that be nice or what :)
starter for @artificidel
While he'd had little doubt of Lukas' integrity, moving on to a round with higher stakes and a partner who he does not know well both does have Forsyth a little stressed. Still, he wants to believe in the goodwill of the world; and the bracelets will tell him his match's choice last time, anyhow.
"Ah, Sir Ephidel! I hope you are well." Forsyth does not know the man well, but he's heard tales from Python and seen him around. A holy man in training, if he recalls correctly. His bracelet clearly indicates he chose allyship in the last round, which is a marked relief. "I had the great fortune of being paired with a close friend of mine last round, and thus mutual allyship granted me two more candy."
Forsyth holds up his hand, showing off his bracelet's Ally brand clearly.
"Of course, I am a mere stranger to you, and I do not expect you to immediately place your trust in me. Thus..." Forsyth produces both the prized pen from Clive and the inkwell Python had gifted him for a previous birthday, and places them on a nearby table. "I am selecting ally, but if I were to go back on my word and betray you, these are yours. A pen gifted to me by my commander for my first promotion, and an inkwell from my cherished partner. Both hold immense personal significance to me, and I am putting them in your hands."
Hopefully this will be enough to seal his trustworthiness in their amber eyes. Forsyth does not plan on sacrificing anyone's fun for his own benefit, even with his penchant for sweets. This is as much a game of trust as it is the moving of sugary tokens.
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grimstalkr · 2 years ago
[ Faerghus ] It seemed as though the ball was settling into full rhythm now. The band taking center stage as many paired up to dance. Ephidel was prone to the discreet and familiar, and so much of the ball was spent in the corner with his acquaintance. But hanging by the wall now would leave him more exposed than if he danced, so he offered Tharja his hand. "Shall we? I warn though that dance is not among my skills."
Tharja had been keeping herself away from the festivities as things grew more lively. She wasn't one to dance or socialize very much and it seemed there were a few others who had the same idea. It wasn't until Ephidel offered his hand that Tharja finally focused on what was going on. She stared quietly at his hand for a moment before deciding to take it, a familiar anxiety bubbling up in her chest.
"I won't be any better," Tharja said flatly. Despite sounding so unenthusiastic she was still walking to the dancefloor with Ephidel and keeping his hand in her own. It was better than hugging the wall and having others look at her with pity or something of that nature.
"I take it you didn't want to be stuck on the sidelines either then?" She asked. "It's been a while. How have you been?"
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aimlessarchery · 2 years ago
an exploratory kiss, testing the waters between them; i can kiss you in an interesting and peculiar way
"No, no, no. You're supposed to be kissing somebody, not blowing out a candle." Python squints disapprovingly through the dry air that puffs over his face. A soft, pliant sigh is one thing, but Ephidel's lips are pursed tight like a fish. He'd taught the guy what a birthday is. Demonstrating a kiss is proving far more trying. "You've gotta loosen it up a little. Just go with the flow." A hand rises to Ephidel's cheek, stroking a thumb by the corner of his mouth in a bid to relax. Once his lips are slack enough to no longer qualify as puckered, Python meets them again. "…There. That's a little better." Still a bit…lifeless, but an improvement nonetheless. He pats Ephidel's pale cheek in facetious approval. "You'll be a casanova in no time, I'm sure."
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elusivia · 2 years ago
The flash of their eyes and the thrum of their heart nearly makes Ephidel double take at the man. He almost has the shape of a morph, and the genuine article must take a moment to right himself and find a way to excuse his staring. "May I get you a drink, milord?"
Zelkov couldn't recall a time when someone had mistaken him for any sort of lord, even during his days around the Elusian court. They knew better than to think he had a standing among the actual elite.
"Oh, I am no *lord*, but I would appreciate some *tea*."
It was then Zelkov's turn to do a double take. He blinked, trying to place exactly what made him think perhaps this person was more like Denning than himself, but it seemed rude to ask. Zelkov reached out and took their hand, their elements connecting. Between his fire and their lightning, he couldn't be sure if their heart beat or not. It mattered little.
"I apologize for my unseemly reaction." Zelkov gave their hand a light squeeze when he pulled his hand back. "It's only that you remind me so much of a *friend.*" His last word, with his emphasis, was warmer than his usual mysterious placing with words. The friend was one he was fond of indeed.
"We should *chat* sometime."
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allegreta · 2 years ago
oh so holy on my tongue
thread with @artificidel, continued from here
this will be a nsfw thread!!! you have been warned. nothing nsfw yet, though.
Leanne shivers, Ephidel's mouthing sending little thrills down her spine. She had not realized how sensitive her ears were to this sort of thing--she has to bite back a moan when they gently nibble and suckle at it, continuing in intensity as they must be noting the effect it's having on her.
She wants nothing more to continue, but they're in a hallway where anyone could walk by now; even if she were to sense them before it was too late, she doesn't know if they could disentangle in time. She's not sure if she can stop herself from making noise that will echo around the halls with the escalation of their kissing.
And really, she would like to continue said escalation in a manner that is unfit to risk other eyes falling upon them.
"Wait, wait." Begrudgingly, she pulls away from Ephidel's touch, her breath still coming quickly. There's a disappointment in them, an emptiness that she was filling. It almost makes her want to damn the risks and continue, but her rational brain wins out. "I don't want to stop. The opposite. I want to do more. But...we can't do that here. Someone could see or hear us."
She takes their hand, heading for the place in this manse she least expects one to trespass on during a raucous party--a small, private chapel, adorned with a statue of Saint Cethleann. Aside from almost sharing a name to an extent, Leanne has found the saint runs parallels with herons in a way that makes her sad they will never be able to speak.
Surely her kind heart will not see this expression of affection as a sin.
Thankfully, there is a lock that Leanne fastens from the inside. The chapel is less than ideal for an escalation of their tryst, but the floor is softly carpeted and the pews plush. And for now, they have no need of anything but something to stand on and seclusion from outsiders.
"Here. We can do what we want." Leanne takes hold of Ephidel's hand, walking them gently against the wall. Moonlight filters in from the stained glass above the altar, highlighting the angles of their face and tinting patches their pitch hair. It is see-through, technically, but naught but birds can spot them on this floor, and Ephidel looks oh so pretty like this. "What do you want?"
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