edelgard von hresvelg. black eagles student. toa affiliated.
Last active 60 minutes ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
[ 21 Questions Just One ] "well," he began with clearing his throat, fist resting, nay, lounging on his waist. "you're doing fine, are you?"
(I hope so.)
nothing of the sort escaped him. she hadn't once acknowledged him tonight! neglect and no show, an abject garden this was.
he instead humphs quite triumphantly, like she hadn't seen him beneath the end of her axe nor strewn on a make-shift gurney with the pallor of pained wax, forgotten bones.
"welcome back. welcome home."
"I am fine."
She sees no issue, but there appears to be one somewhere. Extending body language differing from his own, she enacts hers with normal hues and a shift of the head: "Are you upset? Perish the thought. If you must know, I have intended on approaching. I've been waiting for the most opportune time." How can she not notice him? Not when she looks at him and remembers the quaint handing of lavender ribbons nor the war-torn memories pilling at her feet. Not when his kindness shines towards the sun and her own to a longing moon.
This time, she repeats it. This time, she says aloud what her lips deprived her of saying back then. No more can the scorned ground prick at her feet and disallow a sentiment she shares well.
"Welcome home." It is foreign to hear those words coming from her mouth, she thinks. They feel strange. Different. She does not mind. She'd like to say it again. "I'd find it odd were you not to be here." How are you?
"These festivities may be out of my scope, but.. As for you, well. Enjoy it."
#( asks )#toacupidobash2025#nobilisseoblige#// at long last.. she perceives him ASDFHL#// the image of her ignoring him until now sends me
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🎲 Hello princess
4.) A kiss to the top of the head
She dislikes the rocking motion; the unease as her feet sway from the ship's upper decks. The princess has half a mind to command it be turned around, but she doesn't. She doesn't, because there is familiarity. One, two people. The first, her own. The second, a welcomed face. No matter how lined her lips form, the shy shakiness in her fingers and refusal to stare at the water tells a story of uncertainty.
The princess ignores it. She has to. Must.
They sit on the ship's upper view; hands in her lap, eyes cast downwards. He needn't say more to prove himself a reliable ally in her purview. Even now, while she begins to understand the predicament she finds herself in. There then begins a cast of noticing her irregular movements. Whether it be due to an observant eye or clear indicators from her behalf, the fact of the matter remains. He noticed. She has to address it, doesn't she? Bringing her attention forward, she is quick to dismiss it despite tell tale signs. Her fingers curl into themselves silently. Lilacs steady themselves.
"I'm fine," she says. "As I've said, I'm simply.." The boat rocks again, pushing her into his side. She begins to stand up to create distance only to fall in line with an oceanic push. A scoff leaves her lips, head upright as she so suddenly finds her lips pressed against his forehead: "Gah—! I.." She retracts swiftly, turning away from embarrassment. "Ugh. I'm beginning to wonder if this endeavor still remains worthwhile."
Of course it is. It is a must, but she can at least revel in the company.
#( asks )#peerlessscowl#// i think they're fun#// i also love a good parallel#// au where they go on a boat again aSDGL
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🎲 ((don't mind the ominous aura that's normal))
33.) A kiss to an injury
There are those that fight for her and those that fight alongside her. Ones who parry solely for glory. Others for a cause. Shez is one of such faces that comes to mind amidst this field��� A combatant that is unlike many others she has met. It is a good thing, for certain. And yet, she feels there but remains traits she can't quite distinguish with singular judgment alone.
With blades rising and battle cries soaring, there are bound to be scuffles unaccounted for. The lull this group so yearns to seek emerges. Leaning her axe over her shoulder, she turns to Shez and uses a free finger to gesture towards the side of his knee. "You're injured," she states matter-of-factly. Simple, effective. "Sit down. I'll help you."
Bringing herself alongside him, the axe leans itself against a wooden stump in a consecutive, swift motion. Bandages find themselves at her grasp as she unwinds the roll and places it along the injury. "You may be wondering why I'm the one offering assistance, but there is no need." A beat as cold as the frosty air. "My aim is to assess your abilities. Consider this one of many ways in which I am able to do so."
As she beings to stand up, a small jolt keeps her still in its place. Perhaps it is the compulsion to reassess; to seek answers and truth in a world so firm on hiding them. She eyes the bandages again— A tightly wound truth of fighting. Edelgard stares solely at it and nothing further while leaning forward to place a petite peck atop its center. It's hasty and abrupt, but it is her.
It is then she quickly elevates and turns her back to him: "My goal is achieved. At least for now. Farewell."
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🎲 pelalspeles pleaspleasrplekeas lady egelgarddlldaspleaes
5.) A firm kiss
It is rare for the tables adorned by tea and trinkets to ring so empty, but she does not find herself minding. "Thank you for agreeing to join me, Bernadetta." Her lips curl into a smile, infused with the genuine nature a woman of stoic stature shows. As she sits across from her friend, Edelgard takes hold of the cup in front of her and brings it closer as they sit in silence. It is not she were Edelgard not to break that quiet, at least for a moment. "There is something I have been meaning to tell you for a while now." Placing the cup level with the table, the princess scoots it away from her person and off to the side. Hands fold neatly in her lap; eyes steady.
"I've noticed all the effort you've been putting in lately. It's commendable." A breath, legs crossed. "When I speak with you, I'm reminded about sides of myself I may be forgetting. Even now.. You accepted my invitation. I enjoy your company. I want nothing more than a world where you and I can enjoy these moments of respite whenever we so please." Whether that is today, tomorrow, or five years from now, she will always strive to create that truth. Always. She will make sure her friend is there to see it with her.
It is then that the budding emperor elevates from her seat and moves to stand near Bernadetta's seated form. One hand falls onto the chair itself; another the table. When she looks down at her, Edelgard leans forward in a slow motion. She can't hesitate, lest the embarrassment creep itself prevalent. Careful and concentrated. She ignores the red daring to sit on a face that wears itself carefully. "Bernadetta," she repeats her name. "Thank you. I hope I've made myself clear."
Falling into sudden line, she extends a firm kiss of the lips against the side of her own. It is not practiced, nor as dainty as she might like, but it is an act of genuine care. Pink lips remain still, even if her body finds itself in a somewhat awkward stance. She ignores it. As she pulls away, so do her arms and stride. She steps back and re-situates a smile: ".. That's all for today."
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11.) A kiss to the neck
The Goddess Tower is quiet at this time of night. She can hear her own thoughts and listen loudly to the sound of heels tapping against the ground. There is no saying how long this will last nor what tomorrow may bring. Edelgard is content with the solitude, void of prying eyes and ears. Stars act as her only light. One such star yet come close than she realizes, different than the rest.
"Oh? It appears I was found quicker than I'd realized.. And here I thought nobody would be wandering this way for at least a little longer." A laugh, small but grand all the same. No matter how sharp her words sound, she does her utmost to insert a jesting tone. Whether or not that lands, she is not so certain. She doesn't bother to clarify. "I'll forgive you just this once."
As Mitama's visage comes closer into view, her eyes are liken to the stars above. It interests her; draws her attention enough to eradicate internal musings and focus her attention forward. "Tell me," she muses. "When you look at the sky, what do you think?" Her shoulders draw back. She looks up, then straight.
"Many thoughts come to my mind." A step closer. "There are countless stars out there, and yet.." She's closer to the other girl now— In enough proximity to push pink strands behind her ear and extends a kiss to the neck. The act in itself is clumsy, if only by virtue of the way Edelgard lays the other hand on an arm to keep her still.
She backs away and suppresses the embarrassment swelling in her head. If she stagnates any longer, Edelgard is certain company will find them. "I'd like to think they lead us forward."
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32.) A kiss while someone watches. // Timeskip AU
War rages on— Crimson falls from Aymr's spikes and onto the emperor's armored feet. She spares it no further glances for she cannot afford to. Her allies flank her left and right. Lysithea is one of them. They fight and fight with all that they hold dear. Without them, she stands alone. With them, she becomes ever stronger.
She can sense the end is nearing; that, Fódlan is inching to the freedom it so rightfully deserves. Lysithea's admirable magical prowess in hand never fails to catch her attention. No matter the fight, she is there. Both, standing. Both, tired of this world's insistent uplifting of crests. She longs to rid of the darkness that plagues the other girl and herself— The shining of white locks all too similar to her own instills itself into the heart of a woman who holds freedom above all.
Setting her weapon down, Edelgard stands in the center of Gronder Field. She halts in wait; silent, eyeing her surroundings. Imperial soldiers run left and right, gathering what they must as the battle faces its conclusion. She cannot bring herself to smile at Lysithea's visage, but she does offer a hand to hoist her near. Moving it to rest on he friend's shoulder with knitted brows of concern, her words are clear. Softer; truer. "It's over," she said. For but a moment, Edelgard ignores the chaos— The soldiers calling their names and the duties she will inevitably tend to. No matter how fast they run, she feels unreachable. A small kiss places itself on her friend's cheek, hand drawing away from her person in turn.
"The world we seek is now closer— Not in due to only myself, but you, as well." A beat, hues perceiving mirrored whites. "Please, go rest. I will handle everything else."
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🎲 edieeeeee
10.) A kiss along the jawline
Enbarr is as busy as it is silent.
She leads Dorothea to the palace's gardens, off to a quiet corner adorned in the reds and yellows of blossoming flowers. It's easy to lose track of time when she is there; when her song melts away the emperor's thoughts and reminds her that she is simply a person. "Thank you for coming with me. I used to spend many hours here as a child," she begins. "I visited here when I was older, too. But.. It was quieter at the time. I couldn't tell you why." As cold breath leaves her lips and winds push aside white locks, she looks rightwards at the other girl.
Their hands fall into unintentional touch. Edelgard finds her fingers swaying to her side in hesitancy. After further steps into the scenic view ensue, she declaratively takes hold of the songstress's own and meets her sight true as they move to sit on a wooden bench: "Now, that feeling is gone. I wonder if you have something to do with it..?" The questioning of her words needs no answer. Her cheeks sparkle iridescent pink; her eyes tinted with hidden ponderance.
"You've grown to know me well. Despite that, never once have you left my side. My gratitude is yours." There is no greater gift to an untouchable emperor than one who yet calls her friend; who fights by her side and treats her as much a normal face as any other. Using her free fingers, she scoots forward atop the bench to plant her feet on the ground. Resting her other hand on Dorothea's opposing arm, Edelgard leans forward and weaves two kisses atop the other girl's jawline.
She can't see her face from where she is positioned, but she does know her own is growing flustered. After a few seconds, she withdraws and stares into the petals of a small flower. "Without you woven into my story, I may have been lost long ago."
#( asks )#encantresse#// i started typing and suddenly i typed a lot aSDGL#// beagles. i love themst
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kiss roulette
inspired by the infamous "i want the k" meme by deactivated tumblr user tastcful. send 🎲 to generate a kiss! potential suggestive/nsf.w themes may appear
A kiss on the cheek
A kiss on the nose
A kiss on the forehead
A kiss to the top of the head
A firm kiss
A gentle peck
A romantic kiss
A platonic kiss
A kiss to the eyelid
A kiss along the jawline
A kiss to the neck
A kiss along the collar bone
A kiss on the chest
A kiss to the stomach
A kiss along the hips
A kiss in the rain
An upside-down "Spider-Man" kiss
A kiss while laughing
A kiss underwater
A rough kiss
WILDCARD! Dealer's choice :)
A french kiss/kiss with tongue
A kiss influenced by alcohol/other substances
A sleepy kiss
A kiss that's an accident
A kiss while one or both parties are crying
A kiss in greeting
A kiss in parting
A kiss to the back of the hand
A kiss to the palm of the hand
A kiss to the inner thigh
A kiss while someone watches
A kiss to a scar, birthmark, injury, or other marking
A kiss after a bite
A kiss against a wall
A kiss to the shoulder
A kiss to the back of the neck
A kiss while one party is carried
A tentative kiss
An impulsive kiss
A kiss out of spite
A clumsy kiss
A bloody kiss
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After digesting whatever it was that he ate and thanking the Goddess that somehow that thing was actually edible and not some clump of inorganic matter he accidentally grabbed from the nearby garden, Sylvain grabbed the bottle and gave it a spin for his turn. At last, his fated pair for this round was no one other than Edelgard.
Immediately, he lifted his hands in defense. “Kissing’s out of question, I know that already! No need to give me looks…” It was best to state it already and make sure there was no room for misunderstandings, lest Hubert show up at his dorm room sometime in the middle of the night with a Miasma tome ready on his hands for a ‘talk’, no thank you. With that bit cleared up, the redhead was quick to grab at one of the random challenges, pale hands selecting a piece of paper and unfolding it to read it out loud.
“Switch clothes with another player for the rest of the game”
“...it doesn’t specify which player, so…”
Sylvain immediately made eye contact with Alm. He wasn’t against wearing a skirt or a dress even more if it was for a little game, but…he had an option, didn’t he? Might as well take it.
“Hey Alm, how’s it going? I think I might need your help for this one.”
[a quick run to the dressing room later]
He might have miscalculated the fact Alm was very much a tad shorter than he was. “The outfit looks pretty good! It’s just a little tight…but that’s on me I guess. Look at the bright side, mine looks huge on you. You’ll look pretty cozy.” He said towards the prince with a flashy smile, before looking back at Edelgard. “There, all done. Now let me just-” Now began the true challenge, finding a way to sit down without ripping anything in the much too tight outfit. Slowly but surely.
Does he look like a Ken doll sitting down? Maybe. But the outfit's intact.
If she is to participate, she isn't the type to go around.. kissing every which person. It is ill-befitting, let alone not within her nature. Dorothea and Ferdinand are here somewhere, Hubert is always around standing in her shadow, and the rest of her peers remain in her mind.
The moment a spin from Sylvain lands on the Imperial Princess, she needn't say more than the stoic peerage on her face. Eyebrow raised, hues sauntering as he refused before she can say any further. "Good," she merely affirmed. "I'm glad to hear there is no contesting the fact. Take on a challenge."
Following suit of Sylvain's strange proposed endeavor, Edelgard has no choice but to scour for one herself: "Eat a teaspoon of hot sauce." A beat. "Hm. Why.. What purpose does this serve..?" She pinches the bridge of her nose and watches as Sylvain leaves to speak with Alm.
Standing to pour the sauce onto a small spoon, she watches it longer than she should have. Edelgard can and willl endure anything, even if it was.. hot sauce. She takes a long, bated breath, and downs it quickly. Her tongue begins to burn; her cheeks pink. The moment she turns around, Sylvain is already back in his illy-befitting clothes. She'd rather endure the hot sauce than partake in whatever that is.
"You look.. Ugh. You look.." She fans her mouth. "Unbecoming. You clearly didn't think this through." The spoon falls to the floor. Edelgard kicks it behind her. "Why are you sitting like that. It.. It," Her voice raises like a young girl. "Draws even.. even more attention to yourself."
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[ FORTUNE COOKIE ] Consider her interest piqued by the silly concept of a cookie containing a fortune-- there's plenty of strange customs and traditions in Fodlan that she hasn't come across despite the fact that she'd been here for years. It at least looks tasty enough, though, and Shamir certainly won't turn down a quick snack, even if the sentiment is, quite frankly, ridiculous. And so she offers one of them to the woman across from her, a student that she's only recently come to know. Her reputation precedes her, however... but it's a good thing that Shamir's never given a damn about the weight of a name or a Crest. "Want to test your luck? I'm curious to know what fate has to say about you," She teases as she presses the confection into her hands, the slightest hint of a smirk present. It's obvious that her use of the word fate is dripping with sarcasm, and anyone who knows her even a fraction would be aware of the fact that she's wholly amused by the idea. Without further ado, Shamir cracks open the one she's grabbed, tugging the paper free and quickly looking over the words printed on it. "... Love smiles upon you today. Tell them before it's too late!" There's a bit of laughter that follows, and she unceremoniously crumples up the strip of parchment before tossing it into the nearest trashcan. "These are cornier than I thought they were. Alright... Your turn."
She's never paid attention to items like these.
It's all in light-hearted fun, they emphasize. She isn't someone to take these fortunes in stride. While she may normally decline were she to find it fitting, it's the familiar visage of a strong fighter that brings her to accept the invitation. To be able to stand so prevalently by her side amidst a heated war's climax is hardly a sight she'd easily forget.
The fortune cookie nestles itself in her grasp as Shamir opens hers first. A catching eye draws itself to the paper tossed aside— Not of dismay, but intrigue. Edelgard does not spare it any further attention as it falls in line with the rest of what else stands in the trash. Why should she? Would she, when it is clear the two feel similarly? "That they are," she replies. "It makes you wonder just how many variations are here." In the end, it didn't make a difference. Whether or not these ring any truth are their own decisions.
The stoic heir proceeds to break apart the cookie into two clean halves as the small paper falls into her palm. Scrounging the treat in one palm, she hoists the note in another and raises it upright:
"Before you fall in love, make sure someone is there to catch you."
To imply crumbling of solitude; of grasping for something that may not be there? Is this what that means? No, she must be overthinking it. Her head draws left and right, matching with a petite laugh of her own. The princess tears the note as cleanly as she did the treat and pays it no further attention. In it goes, next to the trash where Shamir's now sits.
"Mine is just as ridiculous."
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How pleasing it was to hear the offer seriously and so readily considered. The apparent readiness rang in the serious girl's mind. Determination in her eyes only further revelated itself with still posture and glistening leadership: "Oh? Excellent. I'll await when that time does come. The offer won't be rectified." Assurance.
Edelgard swiftly noticed the lull in conversation at the topic of his mother. She did not comment on it; not when she knew little else. Morgan spoke of using his own strength. Of creating a new path. The princess's gaze didn't soften nor furrow, only extended. "Perhaps it is strange, worded like that.. Even so, I'd believe there's significance in what you do recall." She wouldn't want words of comfort. Extended none more. "It doesn't bother you? It appears not, but if ever so, remove the thought."
An exaggerated pause. "Nothing can compare to what you will discover with our classmates. Not even the library, full of literature it may be." It was then that her arms crossed, words heightened to befit the house leader in awkward jest: "The Black Eagles are a talented group. Henceforth, I will follow up to ensure you are becoming closer with our peers. I expect you'll use this opportunity well."
When the topic switched to her, Edelgard pressed her thumb into her palm. "No matter how many choices I may or may not have, I'm much too busy for romance now." There were always those crystallized words— Inquiring on her father, eyeing the throne nestled behind in hopes of granting land and power. The emperor already had his power snatched, and yet, they crave more. "I can't ignore the possibility of doing so for political purposes, either."
She looked up, then forward. "Respite, even during difficult times, is a necessity. I stand here for similar reasons as you."
#( thread: hidden language )#toacupidobash2025#grimatruth#// edelgard's talent is talking a lot with people whether or not she just met them asFSFHL#// i think this was neat i hope they chat at the dinner
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"I for one won't tell anyone you said that, assuming I'm the only person you spoke it to." A brow quirked. "I.. am correct, aren't I?" She had no reason or even interest in speaking it. Edelgard's own specific intent for partaking was not even by romance. She was content enough standing alongside others for the sake of debriefing.
A hand moved to tap her chin. "If my match were to be unsuitable, I'd have no trouble saying no. It must be the same for you." Even as she looked at Hilda, she felt she already knew the answer. "The game's prize to be won is spending dinner with someone you may or may not know. Would you be disappointed if you missed this, then?"
Hilda pressed her lips together to refrain from smiling as the Eagle looked off to the side to compose herself. Hey, if Edelgard wanted to talk love life, she was all ears, but somehow Hilda didn't foresee herself invited to a slumber party any time soon.
"Hmm... Maybe you're right..." she pondered. "That's a good question. I think you're meant to compare hints and see if you might be a match. But if I'm wrong, then I've just called someone unkind and made myself an enemy, and I'm losing the game." She groaned. "I didn't expect this to be so difficult!"
#toacupidobash2025#delicatevalentine#i think they would have the funniest sleepover#i am looking directly at edelgard. please
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Even as air passed through her lips, the words she crafted were truth incarnated: "Jest as you may, there is nothing wrong with what you speak. If you do happen to find yourself interested in honing those skills further, the Adrestian Empire would welcome you. You need only inquire." For all the times she told herself she must walk alone, another reached their hand out. Her brows relaxed. "Regardless, tacticians play a vital role both on and off the battlefield. You must know this well."
Certainly so, given what her classmate had said. Edelgard knew not what he experienced before setting foot onto Garreg Mach's secretive soil, but the depths of his memories (or lack thereof) drew her in liken to a mind reaching for what it could not have.
She didn't know what that was like. The princess's own recollections haunted her at night; shook her core and kept her wide awake. It served as a reminder. While Morgan seemed to have memories of naught but seldom of his mother, she felt irony in the fact that Edelgard had none with her own. She had no envy, only wonder. Adrestia's heir offered no verbal condolences as she brought a hand to her chin. It wasn't needed.
"Your mother must have been important to you, then," she said pointedly. What was she like? She thought, but did not ask. A beat, noting lined expressions equaling her own. "You knew exactly what I was about to say. To stay stuck on the past means to stand still. New beginnings may be no easy feat, but I would rather fight for that world than stay behind. Tell me, then. What do you hope to gain from this event in particular?"
#( thread: hidden language )#toacupidobash2025#grimatruth#// i am sorry morgan that she tried to recruit u asDGL
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[ TASTE TEST ] From chocolate-dipped fruit skewers to little squares of cheese, there are plenty of finger foods to titillate the taste buds. Grab something for yourself… or use one of the handy toothpicks to feed your partner.
There was no greater prize within Garreg Mach, of this he was convinced. It took a moment to spot her, slight of stature in the crowd though she was, but once his eyes alighted on her it was difficult to think that there could have been any other option.
This was Adrestia's princess, was it? The scion to that southron land of excess that he had so loathed with every step on its soil, her bearing so proud and so straight that he might have thought for a moment he was back in Rigel. It was a heady mixture, the plenty of land and the stoutness of heart, and there was a part of him that felt the pang of envy, for just a moment.
His approach was neither guarded, nor hasty - he was a man of abrupt habit, but Berkut was no fool, and he knew how to approach royalty.
"Greetings, your Imperial Highness." He dipped just so, at the hip, the incline of his bow not so deep as to indicate that there was any station he occupied below her, and when he rose it was with a smile - perhaps tight, at the corners, but no less genuine for it.
"I trust that you've entertained yourself sufficiently? This is perhaps not the splendor you might be used to, but it does have a certain charm, doesn't it? Indeed, our hostess has gifted me with this and, while surely thoughtful, I find it is not something I find suited to my palate. Perhaps something sweet, for my lady?" he added, with an inclination of his head, holding the dish up for her inspection.
For as long as she stood among them, she wondered if she could ever be with them.
Thoughts become pleasantly obscured. The man before her stood in polite greeting, following with observance alone as he regarded her so. It was different than the others— Enough so to match her own gracious behavior. The princess's chin lifted upright upon being spoken to; direct eye contact infused with poised nature. She acknowledged the addressment with salutations of her own. "Greetings," she repeated.
"The allure does captivate in ways other gatherings I've frequented do not. I hope you find yourself with a similar sentiment." She may not be acting as host, but Edelgard's harbored wants would always remain the same. From her experiences of nobility entangling themselves into all affairs and of parties poised for political gain, it was a nice change of pace thus far. What of he?
Her attention is brought to the carefully prepared plate. "Are you certain?" An inquisitive question in good nature, gracefully moving her hand to the presentation. Gloved digits took the rich dessert into her touch in all but a fluid motion.
"So long as you remain positive, I'd happily accept. Thank you for this." She did not bring it closer when being spoken to. "Should that leave you empty handed, allow me to aid in rectifying that."
#( asks )#toacupidobash2025#crookedorel#the tie into the other ask :eye:#also the adrestia/rigel mentions#thank you!!
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Her smile never wavers, only warms. "An axe and a shield, you say.. I can only predict how wondrous they must be. Especially if they hold significance to your family and land. You must tell me about them sometime." If the moon were not filled with glinting shadows, she would have proposed then and there. It's those words after that stick with her— That, even they should have someone protecting them. They shouldn't tread alone. Wouldn't, so long as they had each other. The thought sounded nice.
The way Maria speaks so fondly of her family tugs at Edelgard's own mind. She has no more siblings to protect; no brother or sister to aid her in Adrestia's plight. She has long accepted this, but if she can prevent this from happening to others, she will do all she can. Keeping the thoughts quiet, she allows her instinctually widened pupils to return to form.
A hand swivels to cover her mouth's light laughter. "I'm impressed..! With time, you may be able to surpass even the greatest of axe users. Raw strength means nothing without practice."
Gesturing towards the weaponry seated atop wood, she says, "I wouldn't mind showing you an axe skill or two, if you'd like. I require nothing in return, but I did wonder.. Could you explain your faith magic to me?" A beat. "I've never been proficient with it. Or, it's more apt to say.. I've never understood it."
shadows in the moonlight
recovery mission board / any skill +1
#( thread: shadows in the moonlight )#( season: recovery )#princessmacedon#waHH thank you reddo#maria is so sweet#her talking about her siblings. and considering edelgard's feelings too is soo :pleading: i really like it
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Adrestia's heir has not ventured this far north ever since the tides of war came to a halt. One would not be able to tell this solely by the way she stands with poise, only recognizable by fact of being Edelgard von Hresvelg. Her hands cross over her chest as she is enveloped within Fhirdiad's depths. Its bustling atmosphere feels like the streets she has sauntered only recently, leaving behind a frosty twinge of uncertainty.
It is for the best she unveils truths with her own eyes. Whispers of poisonous spells from nearby students among other things jostle her ears. If this esteemed school is as wondrous as they say, it is within her interest to seek its knowledge.
She stands here on behalf of the empire. As a person and house leader; as an emperor-to-be. With company in tow, she blocks the path between Shez and the school with her body and raises her head.
"I'd like to know something. How familiar are you with the School of Sorcery?" Edelgard's serious demeanor remains on her face coolly; fingers tapping her arms as she peers straight. "Considering the more recent battles, I would find it wise to have another set of eyes assist me in my quest of discovery."
moonlight; sunrise
Restoration Mission Board // Reason +1
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“I feel as if an angel of gold just came down from the skies and blessed me with her beauty! Your splendor will blind me, Your Highness!” He knew to play safe with Edelgard- she was one of the few girls Sylvain knew to not play around with too much simply because she didn’t seem like the type to align with his own personal vendetta. Besides, she had much more power than he did- so he was safe from the fate of being seen as nothing more than a trophy husband.
But Sylvain was still Sylvain, and he’d never stop himself from appreciating a lady’s looks.
“And I mean that, okay? I’m not trying to win you over or anything, I know my spot! You really do look beautiful.” He still in the end handed her a single rose- thorns removed of course. “After all that happened, I think we all deserve a little party before we get back to reality. So loosen up, Edelgard! It's your chance.” A single wink, with a smile that felt genuine enough as he dropped the title in favor of her name.
"Is that so.."
Void of any reaction on the face, Edelgard knew how to wear neutrality. Sylvain's outfit was hard to miss with having similarity to the Margrave's. It was noteworthy. She studied his facial features as he spoke to her; the wink and smile accompanied by a rose void of thorns. She noticed that, too. Commenting on none of it, the Imperial Princess raised a wondering eye as she looked him up and down and tilted her head slight to the left.
"Good. You would find any efforts to win my affections in that way pointless." Taking the flower into her hands, its stem allowed her to grip it tightly.
Furrowed brows stagnated. "I am plenty.. 'loose'," she said bluntly. It was rare for one to so quickly refer to her by name instead of title all within mere seconds, but its appearance did not fall on her. "My.. chance? Even if that happens to be true, do you not wonder when next we might gather? It's crossed my mind more than once." In the end, nobody truly had that answer. Anything further said wouldn't alter its course.
Spinning the rose in gloved palms, she bobbed her head once: "No matter. Thank you, then. Ensure you nor anyone else uses this opportunity unwisely. I will be watching."
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