#arthur’s just that guy eh
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dollopole · 2 months ago
Arthur can’t look Merlin in the eyes, whenever he tells him to leave:
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He just can’t.
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mira-arty · 11 days ago
rip oscar's letter
and definitely rip oscar's letter...
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wonderjanga · 4 months ago
This is an Intervention
The JL have a serious concern about Marvel. This is because the man doesn’t know when to put down the bottle. Like, at a bar, he’ll just keep drinking and drinking and drinking without a care in the world. The man doesn’t show restraint in the slightest.
Meanwhile, Billy thinks nothing of this because he doesn’t actually know how much adults can drink without literally dying of alcohol poisoning. There’s also the fact that his Marvel form can’t get drunk so down and down the drinks go.
Their final straw was when they were all at a bar and Marvel was just downing shot after shot like it was nothing.
GL: “Uh… Cap? Why don’t you cool it on the shots?” *sounds nervous because how was Marvel doing that without even flinching*
Flash: “Yeah, man. Are you okay? We don’t want to have to carry you back to the Watchtower.”
Marvel: *looks genuinely confused* “Why would you have to do that?”
Speaking of which, despite being the person who drinks the most out of all of them, and that’s no joke, he out drank both Diana and Arthur, he somehow is always the person carrying drunk people back to the tower. He’s also the person who drives whenever Bruce wasn’t there, which now that they think about was extremely stupid to let Marvel do. It’s not even that he’s a bad driver or carrier. It’s just that the man drinks a lot.
Anyways, the point is, Marvel has a problem. A big one. So, as his friends, the JL wants to help in anyway possible. That includes staging an intervention for their friend.
Marvel: *walks into the meeting room, whistling a little tune*
JL: *sitting at the meeting table all looking solemn or grim*
Marvel: “Uh… Hey guys?” *awkward wave when he notices the tension*
Supes: “Marvel, could you sit down with us?”
Marvel: “…Sure?” *hesitantly sits down*
Supes: “Marvel… we called this meeting because we had something to discuss with you.”
Marvel: *looks slightly horrified because he thinks they know about Billy* “Is this you kicking me out of the league?”
Supes: “Wha- No! No, of course not! Look it’s just- Marvel, we’ve come here today because of another problem.”
Marvel: “Oh.” *relaxes slightly* “And that is?”
Aquaman: “Your drinking problem.”
Marvel: *looks extremely confused* “Drinking problem? I don’t have a drinking problem.”
GL: “Eh… Yeah you do, man. Look, there’s no need to feel ashamed or anything like that. We just want you to get help.”
Black Canary: “I can give you the number of a therapist who works in group therapy sessions specifically for alcoholics.”
Marvel: “That’s nice Canary, but I’m still not an alcoholic!”
He ended up going there anyways to appease them .
Marvel: “Well, I guess whenever I just pick up the bottle, I can’t stop. I’m a social drinker though. I only really do it around people.”
Therapist: “Yes, Mark.” (That name’s a reference to this post from a really really long time ago) “Everyone here is and or was a social drinker too. I’m glad you’ve acknowledged that you struggle to put down the bottle. That’s some good progress.” *writes in little notepad*
By progress, he means the fact that Billy adamantly denied that he was an alcoholic, which again, he wasn’t, but just decided to go along with it to get these group sessions over with.
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giuseppe-yuki · 28 days ago
🍕 pizza delivery 🍕
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frat boy!logan sargeant x pizza delivery driver!reader
w.c.: 1.6k
warnings: like, two curse words. that's it.
summary: logan hunter sargeant from alpha phi kappa either really fucking likes pizzas or has a big fat crush on you. maybe both.
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picture credits from pinterest :)
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honestly, was prema’s pizza that good? sure, it might have been made with sauce from vine-picked tomatoes, hand-grated cheese, and italian-sourced pepperonis, but was it good enough for someone to order a grand total of fifty pizzas within a five day period? probably not. 
still, you stand corrected, because the unmistakable order receipt, a carbon copy of the one from yesterday, again, states the same order: 10 x-large pepperoni pizza - extra cheese.
it cannot be healthy eating this many pizzas per day. 
nevertheless, you hurriedly rip the receipt from prema pizza’s tiny, half-broken printer and head past the front of house towards the kitchen to fetch the order to deliver. the yeasty smell of fresh dough and aroma of garlic bread intensifies as you slide between a few employees and squeeze into the kitchen. to your surprise, a neat stack of exactly ten pizza boxes are placed on the counter, along with a sticky note with your name on it. 
frederik, one of the longtime pizza makers, nods his head in greeting at you before pointing towards the stack. 
“arthur told me to tell you that he stacked all of your orders over there before he clocked out for the day,” frederik notes, before turning back to rolling out the pizza dough. there’s somehow a glob of dough in his hair and flour in the shape of a hand imprint on his back, but you pretend you don’t notice.
instead, you beam at him and give him a mock salute. 
“thanks, fred!” you respond. “it’s actually just one whole order, though.”
he whips around, brow wrinkled.
“one order?? who hell is this guy??”
you shrug, and instead turn your attention to shoving as many pizza boxes as you can into one warmer bag. as hard as you try, you can probably get a max of three in the bag. 
“eh, don’t remember his name.” you say dismissively. “kinda cute, blonde hair, blue eyes? he’s been ordering the same thing for the past five days, though.” 
frederik wipes his dough-covered hands on his apron before snatching up the receipt you set on the counter. 
nosy fuck.
“okay, well, why is this kinda-cute, blonde hair, blue eyed-” he squints at the name on the paper- “logan sargeant possibly having a twenty person pizza party every day?” 
oscar, the main cook, stops his rapid throwing of pizzas into the oven and perks up when hears the name.
“logan sargeant?” he asks, head tilted in question. “i swear he’s in my tuesday morning english lectures- i’m kind of mates with him. he’s literally so american, though. perhaps that’s why he’s obsessed with pizzas- all that typical american culture and stuff.” 
frederik “hmms”, tapping his chin exaggeratedly.
“i think, he has a big fat crush on our little pizza delivery girl here- why else would he order, like, a billion pizzas? plus, it’s not like oscar here does our pizzas any justice when he’s out here hurtling ingredients onto pizzas then shoving them into the oven at top speeds.”
you roll your eyes before snatching the receipt back from frederik. 
“you don’t get to have an opinion on anything pizza related- we still remember you’re a psycho who likes pineapple on pizza,” you shoot back. 
oscar laughs at your words and throws a handful of flour from the dough board at frederik’s head.  
“yeah, fred, pineapple on pizza is a crime, mate.”
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by the time you split up fred and oscar from having a full blown fight with the pizza ingredients, shove all the pizza boxes into your warmer bags, and arrive at the allotted house, you are sure you are about to get yelled at by kinda-cute-logan-sargeant for being late with his absurd amount of pizzas. 
the warmer bags weigh down your arms and you basically teeter towards the door that has the same ugly hand-painted, peeling sign that you had eyed up the first time you delivered the pizzas. it crudely labels the house as the frat house “alpha phi kappa.” you take account the other things on the porch as you wait-
three empty beer bottles. 
one tattered miami dolphins’ football flag.
two beat-up traffic cones. 
one upside down, dusty, motorcycle-looking helmet with a giant american flag printed on the side.
four broken string lights + one working string light.
one questionably green couch that had a giant spring coming ou-
the door creaks open suddenly and the porch light comes on, effectively startling you and blinding you at the same time.
a guy with bleached-blonde hair sticks his head out, eyeing you wearily. one of his eyebrows has a sharp slit in his eyebrow, leaving a clean gap in the arch. 
“yeah?” he asks, as if you haven’t been at this god forsaken frat house for the now-fifth time in a row.
“oh-” you stutter out. “i’m- i’m here with your pizzas? um, for logan?” 
he breaks out in a wide grin immediately, before shoving the door open with a bang. 
“oh, well why didn’t you say so?” he jokes, tilting his head to the side. he pats his forest-green hoodie, obviously looking for his phone, but when he comes up with nothing, he lift one finger towards you. 
“give me one second, let me get logan for you,” he says, before bolting away.
the door is still wide open, so you just stand there uncomfortably in the open doorway. you can literally see their entire floorplan, from the semi-trashed living room to the cluttered kitchen, to even the backyard sliding door that leads to a glowing swimming pool. a dude you are pretty sure is franco from your mechanical physics class stalks by the stairwell next the door, sipping something that looks suspiciously like maté. you give him an awkward wave that he returns.
a minute later, the blonde guy thunders down the stairs, dragging a concerningly red-faced, kinda-cute-logan with him.
“okay, here’s logan for ya,” the guy says, beaming once more, before full-on galloping back up the stairs. 
“al-right,” you drag out. tearing your eyes away from whatever that was, you face logan, who has somehow turned more red than before. “your pizza?” 
you slide all ten boxes towards him, making sure to open the lid of the first one to show him pizza one of ten that was handcrafted to meet his specific needs- x-large pepperoni with extra cheese.
logan barely looks at the pizza before giving you a quick thumbs up. 
“yeah, that’s um, perfect! you know me too well, haha.” 
you begin to see where this is going. maybe frederik was right.
raising an eyebrow, you nod. 
“well, considering this is your fifth consecutive order in a five day period…yeah.”
logan leans against the doorframe, obviously trying to look cool. 
“what can i say? your pizza is.. um… top-tier. like if it was a race, it would go, like first place podium over all the other pizza places.” 
before you can respond, a car swerves into the driveway of the frat house. a guy with the fluffiest brown hair you have ever seen climbs out the car. when he sees you with the pile of pizzas in the doorway with logan next to you, a devilish grin spreads across his face. 
“ah, it’s the pizza delivery girl, eh, cabrón?” he remarks to logan. turning to you, he cups a hand dramatically around his mouth like he was telling a secret. “did logan here tell you about his pizza shrine?” he asks, before squeezing past the two of you into the house. 
logan’s eyes widen almost immediately.
“CARLOS, no-”
 a what? 
this must be a joke, right?
alas, when you tilt your head into the doorway, past logan who was trying to look inconspicuous, you spot it. 
a corner of the freaking frat house was turned into a pizza shrine. each one had multiple sticky notes on them, one of them reading: “great delivery today, she smiled at me.” and “her laugh is cute.” in scrawled, messy handwriting. 
ok, frederik was definitely right.
“so, uh… do you typically do this with all your pizza delivery girls?” you interrogate, fighting back a smile. 
logan looks at you with visible panic. 
“wait, wait, i can explain!”
carlos, or whatever his name is, yells from inside the house. 
the blonde in front of you huffs, one hand covering his face in embarrassment. 
“i’m gonna kill him,” he mutters. 
you laugh at his reaction, feeling oddly endeared by the presence of the literal shrine and apparent framed receipt atop the frat house fireplace.
“do you even like prema pizza?” you gently question.
logan scratches his head sheepishly. 
“i mean, the pizza is cool an all that, but like, you’re like, um, cooler.”
well, logan couldn’t be more apparent. if he wasn’t going to make a move, though, you would. you couldn’t keep making pizza deliveries forever. 
you pull out your phone. 
“if you, you know, ever want to hang out- without the pizza excuse, just text me okay?” 
logan looks like he’s about to implode. 
he nods aggressively, before taking at least two tries to type his phone number with the speed he’s trying to input his contact info. 
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“a pizza shrine??” arthur shouts, voice blaring from your phone. “ugh!! why do i always miss these things when i go home! -and then what happened?”
frederik laughs from his spot next to oscar, huddled close in a semi-circle around you in the dark, the only light coming from the call on your phone.
“and then, he gave her his number, that’s what, arthur. because i was right!” frederik trills, leaping around the just-cleaned kitchen of the empty pizzeria. “i just knew that it wasn’t because he liked the pizzas here.” 
oscar rolls his eyes. 
“well, i’m just saying it could be a factor, frederik.”
just then, your phone lights up with a ding.
logan 🇺🇸🍕: are you down for a pizza date? i actually do really like prema pizza.
oscar leaps up with a celebratory shriek, directed at frederik.
“ha! i was right too!”
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general taglist: @ellelabelle @n0vazsq
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moonlightkitties · 3 months ago
Van der Linde Gang boys with a boy cat that growls when they get close to you.
Gang Members: Arthur Morgan, Bill Williamson, John Marston, Dutch Van der Linde, Kieran Duffy, Sean MacGuire, Micah Bell.
Tags: Fluff, GN Reader, protective tuxedo boy cat, I don't know how to tag.
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Arthur Morgan
Surprised at first, he's seen a dog get protective over his owners...but a cat? That was surprising. "Oh my gosh!" you say, quickly picking Shadow up, the tuxedo glared his green eyes at him but then swiped his head over your chin.
"He has never done that, I don't know what's gotten into him." You drop Shadow onto the couch and Arthur chuckles "It's fine, darlin' I'm jus' glad you have someone to protect you while I'm not here," he said, cautiously glancing at tiny menace now and then.
Bill Williamson
Bill wasn't a cat person before and now that your cat growled at him, he definitely wasn't one now.
"Sorry," you chuckle nervously, "He does that a lot, he's just really protective." Bill shrugs "S'fine," he says, his gruff voice trying to hide that he was in fact, hurt by a cat growling at him when he was just trying to kiss you.
John Marston
He wasn't that surprised, you warned him that your cat can get a bit protective and doesn't really like men so when he tried to sit beside you on the couch and your cat growled and swiped at him, he didn't really care.
"Where'd you get him, anyways?" John asked, as your cat was curled up on your lap.
"I found him in the shed one night, poor thing was weak and hurt," you said, scratching his chin, which earned you a purr.
Dutch Van der Linde
His ego was hurt ngl.
He thought everyone and every animal liked him until your cat growled once he stepped foot into your homestead. "Seems like your cat has a problem with me," Dutch chuckles, although he was wary.
"Don't take it personally," you tell him, scooping Shadow in your arms, "He does it to everyone, it just takes him some time to warm up."
Dutch nodded "I suppose I can understand that," he says, "I'll win him over eventually."
Kieran Duffy
Kieran considers himself a devoted animal lover so when you told him about your cat prior to coming over, he was ecstatic and ready to befriend the little guy.
Until that "little guy" turned out to be a 12 pound tom cat that started letting out deep growls whenever he got a few inches close to you.
Kieran frowned a bit and when you noticed you immediately said "It's not your fault, Kieran, he acts like that with everyone, especially strangers." Kieran understood but everytime he tried to kiss or cuddle with you in the bed and Shadow growled at him, he would get more annoyed than hurt.
Micah Bell
Micah instantly glared his eyes at him, the cats low growls didn't sway him.
"Sorry," you chuckle, scooping Shadow into your arms, "He's like that with everyone if he doesn't know them." Shadow tail swayed back and forth, but you let him jump onto the couch and led Micah so you two could sit together.
Once Micah sat beside you and put his hand on your thigh, Shadow hissed and darted onto your lap. Micah let out a low chuckle and looked at the mangy creature on your lap before speaking.
"You know, at least me and that cat have one thing in common," he begins.
"Oh yeah?" you ask, "What's that?"
"Protecting you."
Sean MacGuire
"Who's this then?" Sean asks, bending down to get a closer look at your cat, who was narrowing his eyes at you and wrapping his body around your legs.
"Shadow, but uh...he's not really soft on men," you warned, moving out of the way so both Sean and Shadow could have a better look at eachother.
Shadow growls right after Sean tries to pet him and Sean jerks his hand back.
"A bit of a temper, eh? Should’ve known better than to mess with a cat like that," Sean says, standing up. He clicks his tongue, looking at you with a raised brow. "Maybe he’s just worried I’ll steal you away, eh?"
You roll your eyes and link your arm around his, "You wish, MacGuire."
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lovemomhatepolice · 4 months ago
wanna go on a little trip? - 1k celebration!
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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
hi babes!!
IT HAPPENED!!! (correction - happening right now as I type this) we just reached the first thousand of you here! i am terribly, terribly grateful for you guys being here and supporting me in what i am doing, really. it means a lot to me.
and so I thought and thought, how can I repay you (and also encourage new people) for your wonderful support - and I've come to the point where I'm going to take you on a little trip :)
from 17.11.2024 to 23.11.2024 you have time to get youself for our trip. after that time we are on our way and do not collect latecomers!
well, what will you need for this adventure?
wine drunk (send a 🍷 for a nswf request) — well, someone seems to have had too much to drink at the club on our trip. oh, and who's making out in the corner? where are you guys going? — if you don't have an idea, choose something from these wonderful prompts (smutty one-liners, subtle smut, smut prompt list, first time. smut sentence, smut, “I wanna try it, bite it, lick it, spit it, pull it to the side and get all up in it”) authors: @creativepromptsforwriting, @nightprompts,
our dj (send a 💿 for a music request) — where is the dj? here you are, great! we have been waiting for you. turn on the music and it will be better right away — quick explanation: you write me the song you want and the character, EVENTUALLY the bigger details, and I write the story
oh no, we have problems (send a 🚔 for an angst) — what's that lights behind us? sh*t! i think we're in trouble. it's my fault?! no way, it's probably you who did something! — if you don't have an idea, choose something from these wonderful prompts (angry confessions, post argument, i can't stop loving you, situationship, too good for me, please don't leave me) authors: @dumplingsjinson, @me-writes-prompts,
10 UV (send a 🏝️ for a fluff) — it's so warm under that palm tree! I'm sweating all over, but the fact that I'm here with you makes my heart warm the most — if you don't have an idea, choose something from these wonderful prompts (acts of love, subtly physical affection, shy affection, established relationship, i care about you, falling in love, i think im in love with you, navigating through new relationship, no sexual intimacy) authors: @bonbonbee, @ricesinspo, @dumplingsjinson, @distort-t, @euthymiaaa, @me-writes-prompts)
and now the most important! who are we taking with us? all formula 1 drivers (and some exceptions like Arthur Leclerc), Pogues and Kooks, Avengers, footballers and wizards from Hogwarts
so once again - have fun! thank you lovely and let's fly for another thousand, eh?
your forever loving, fausti
PS. NO LIMITS, YOU CAN ORDER AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! and so can you reblog it to encourage fun :)
all stories will be tagged #tripwithfausti
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sebscore · 2 years ago
can we have more of leclerc!sister x ollie and the guys in her life reactions??? (idk im talking abt maybe some of the drivers and obs the brothers)
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pairings: ollie bearman x leclerc!reader / arthur leclerc x sister!reader / lorenzo leclerc x sister!reader / joris trouche x leclerc!reader / charles leclerc x sister!reader
warnings: swearing. car crash (but no one is hurt). an angry ollie. overall angst.
author's note: this came to me after finding a vid of ollie swearing on radio, cause arthur squeezed him on track. THIS IS SET IN AN IMAGINARY GRAND PRIX !!
• • • • • • •
''I don't think that's such a good idea, Y/N.'' Lorenzo muttered, glancing at her through his rear-view mirror.
His sister pouted, despite having expected his answer. ''It's just a one time thing, though! We haven't seen each other in so long and after the race, we won't see each other for like another week. I'm sure Thur will understand.'' She pleaded her case.
Explaining to her two oldest brothers that she wanted to stand in the Prema garage instead of the DAMS garage for the upcoming Grand Prix, wasn't something she had been looking forward to.
''I don't mind you going there, but I think Thur is going to be hurt by it.'' Charles gave his opinion, turning in his seat so he could properly look her in the eyes.
Y/N sighed, feeling conflicted. She knew she didn't necessarily need her family's approval to support Ollie from his team hospitality, but she still wanted it- perhaps to not feel as if she was ''betraying'' Arthur.
''Just talk to Thur, chérie. He's the only one that really matters.'' The eldest advised her.
The young girl nodded to his words. ''Yeah, I'll do that.'' She agreed, understanding that it was important to take Arthur's feelings into consideration.
Charles noticed his baby sister's doubtful expression. ''Hey, if you just explain it to him, he'll understand. Don't worry about it, petite.''
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''Absolutely not. That's not happening.'' Arthur shook his head, standing up from the couch and moving to the kitchen.
Y/N followed him there. ''But Thur-''
''No,'' he abruptly turned around, his stern eyes focused on her, ''that's like saying you want me to lose. Ollie's my mate, but no, absolutely not.'' Arthur grabbed a glass from the cupboard.
''It's only for the feature race! I barely see him and I'd just like to be there when he's done. You literally see him more than me.'' She frowned, frustration present in her voice as she watched him grab the soda bottle from the fridge- was he even listening to her?
Arthur sighed loudly, letting his sister's words process in his brain. ''Only the feature race? Not the qualifying or the sprint? You'll only be there on Sunday?''
She quickly nodded her head. ''Yes, only Sunday. The rest of the weekend, I'll be with you.'' Y/N confirmed.
Her brother filled his glass, tilting his head as he thought of an answer. ''Hmmmm…'' He trailed, swirling his drink before his lips, staring at her through squinted eyes.
Y/N's eyes widened. ''Really? You're okay with it?''
He nodded, a smile slowly appearing on his face. ''Yeah, but if I don't do well on Sunday, I will blame it on you.'' The smile turned into a teasing smirk, pointing his finger at her.
The youngest rolled her eyes, but went in for a hug. ''Thank you, Tutur.'' Arthur put his arm around her, his other one still holding onto his glass.
''Don't make me regret it, eh?'' He raised his left eyebrow.
She shook her head. ''I won't, thank you so much.'' Y/N pulled him closer, practically squeezing her older brother from excitement.
''Okay, that's enough love for today.''
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''It's nice to see you before I get in the car.'' Ollie gushed. The couple stood a few metres away from his team and machinery, taking a moment for themselves before the race started.
Y/N smiled at her boyfriend. ''I know, I don't usually see you like this.'' He was nestled in his full racing gear, only his eyes visible through the visor of his helmet.
''You like the view?'' He wiggled his eyebrows, a teasing grin on his face.
The young girl pretended to think. ''I guess so.'' She dragged out her words, trying to sound not entirely convinced.
Ollie lightly tapped her arm. ''Hey! I know you can only see my eyes right now, but still.'' He defended himself, crossing his arms.
''No, no. I really like the view.'' Y/N gave in, her mischievous smirk turning into a genuine smile.
The Brit glanced down at his feet, seemingly blushing under his helmet and balaclava. ''Thank you,'' he told her in a small voice, having grown shy at the compliment, ''I would give you a hug, but we're still doing that private relationship thing so how about a fist bump?''
She cackled at the suggestion, but stuck out her fist, bumping it with his. ''The way you said that made me laugh.''
''Yeah? That's nice.'' He laughed to himself, happy he got a giggle out of her. ''Anyway- I have to get in the car now so I'll see you right after?'' An expecting look in his eyes.
''I'll be here,'' she smiled, ''be careful, alright? I know you'll do well, but I still want you to walk out of the car without a scratch.'' Y/N had a small gut feeling, it was probably nerves, but she couldn't shake it off.
''I will, darling.'' He assured her with a nod.
''Okay, good luck.'' She bid him goodbye, sending him off to his team while she made her way inside the Prema garage, standing next to Ollie's father.
David took a glance at the young girl. ''You always look this nervous, Y/N?'' He chuckled.
She tensely laughed. ''I used to worry about one guy, now I have to worry about two.'' Y/N explained her stress to him.
''I get that, but it's gonna be fine- don't worry that smart head of yours.'' David tried comforting her. He figured her anxiety was more bad than usual as she wasn't by her brothers' sides.
''I'll try.''
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The race was going fine, the youngest Leclerc's nerves calming down as both her guys had clean starts and were battling in the Top 5. It wasn't until Croft's commentary that she realised her gut feeling had been correct.
The crash wasn't big, but both cars ended up in the wall with some force. Arthur went along the inside of Ollie's car, but got squeezed by the Pourchaire and the former teammates made contact.
The entire Prema garage watched the screen with wide eyes, surprised by the sudden turn of events as they waited for a sign that both drivers were okay.
Oliver gave a quick ''I'm ok.'' through the radio, relief visibly going through everyone listening. The Brit was the first one to get out of their car, not sparing the Monégasque a glance as he walked away with one of the marshals.
Arthur followed swiftly, Y/N letting out a deep breath as her brother seemed physically alright from the crash.
The youngest Leclerc sibling noticed the wary eyes on her while she glanced around the garage. She could feel her head heating up due to embarrassment for the situation, hoping the Italian team wasn't cursing her out in their heads.
About 10 agonising minutes later, Ollie walked into the garage. David left their spot, while she stayed there- unsure of what the right thing to do was at that moment.
The young man was first approached by Anthoine who patted his back and whispered some inaudible words into his ear, most likely sweet comforts to calm him down.
As soon as the helmet and balaclava came off, it was obvious how angry he was with the situation. His usual smile traded for a tightlipped frown and a furious red colouring his cheeks.
Ollie merely nodded at his engineer and anyone who attempted to try to make him feel better about the unfortunate end to his race. His father gave him a hug, but David wasn't met with the infamous resting head on his shoulder.
The Brit pulled away and tilted his head towards the driver's room. ''I'm just gonna be in there for a while.'' He shook hands with some of the mechanics and made a run for it, leaving to be his own.
Jamie glanced at her, seeing the visible concern on the young girl's face. He signalled for her to talk to him, tilting his head at the garage exit.
Y/N hesitated, doubting the comfort she could bring to her boyfriend at that moment. However, Gigi gave her a soft push. ''You're the only person he's not going to ignore.'' He told her, confident in his words.
She nodded her head and took off her headset, carefully putting it back where she had gotten it from. Y/N smiled weakly at the Prema crew, almost feeling ashamed as it was partly her brother's fault that they would have to work even harder and longer tonight.
The Monégasque knocked two times on the door, opening it without hearing an answer. Ollie stood against the table, his racing suit hanging around his waist. The indifferent expression on his face worried her, not used to it.
''Are you okay? You're not hurt, right?'' She walked up to him, taking slow steps.
The youngest Leclerc put her hand on his back, relieved he didn't shrug her off like he had done with everyone else.
''I'm fine, probably just gonna be sore in the morning.'' Ollie mumbled, brushing his hand through his hair. The lack of eye contact not doing anything to ease her worries.
Y/N nodded. ''So… what happened there?'' She wanted to hear his side of the incident, already planning to ask Arthur the same thing later.
Ollie scoffed at the question. ''Your fucking brother obviously wanted to kill me with his car and just slammed us both into the walls.'' He exclaimed, getting worked up again.
His answer stunned her, simply staring at him with a frown on her face.
''Like what the fuck did I do? Is it cause I'm your boyfriend and he wants to pull that overprotective brother agenda? It's stupid, everything is so stupid.'' Ollie continued, leaving her side and pacing the rather small room.
The young girl waited a few seconds before saying her next words. ''It was just an accident, Arthur wouldn't run into you on purpose.'' She defended her brother, knowing how Arthur considered Ollie one of his closest friends on the grid.
''Of course you're going to take his side. It was not an accident, Y/N- oh, whatever.'' He sighed, sitting down on one of the chairs, and grabbing his phone from his bag.
''I'm not taking sides! It just looked like an incident, it's no ones fault.'' She stated, clarifying what she meant.
Ollie rolled his eyes, frustration still overtaking all of his other emotions. ''You're really saying that was a fucking racing incident? I get that he's your brother, but that doesn't mean he can't make mistakes.''
''You think I wouldn't point it out if Thur made a mistake?'' Y/N chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. ''I'm not the biggest racing expert, but it was quite clear that it was an accident.''
The Brit remained quiet, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram despite having gone through all the new posts already.
Y/N observed him, her disappointment growing over her boyfriend's behaviour. ''I really don't like how you're acting right now.'' She disapprovingly shook her head.
''How am I acting right now?''
''Like an asshole, Ollie.'' She cursed, startling the Prema driver as it doesn't happen often.
He scoffed once again. ''I'm not being an asshole, I just can't believe you're not on my side on this.''
''I'm not on your side? I'm here for you, aren't I? I could easily be standing in my brother's garage right now with my family, but I'm here for you, because I want to be here.'' Y/N retorted, not wanting to believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.
''If you want to be there so much, then go to fucking DAMS.'' Ollie said, before standing up and turning around to change his clothes. Y/N watched him with sad eyes, feeling dejected over his careless attitude.
The young girl stood frozen in place for a few moments, after which she turned around and opened the door. ''Bye, I guess.''
She wanted to close the door with a lot of strength so a loud ''bang'' would be produced, but she wanted to remain polite in front of the Prema team and potentially damaging one of their doors doesn't exactly scream politeness.
Y/N got out of the backdoor of the hospitality, too humiliated to face anyone and explain what happened in the driver's room. She stumbled around the F2 paddock, in search of the DAMS hospitality so she could check up on her brother.
In a moment of absent-mindedness, Little Leclerc bumped into the body of another person with quite a force. ''Oh, I'm so sorry.'' She apologised before even seeing who she had run into.
''It's okay- Y/N?'' Her head shot up at the gentle voice of Joris, a rush of relief going through her body that she'd found a familiar face.
Her brother's friend properly greeted her with a hug, bending down a little. Joris could see by the look on her face that not everything was right with her. ''Hey, ça va?'' He rubbed her back.
''Is Thur okay?'' Y/N deflected the question, wanting to know about her brother's wellbeing.
Joris nodded, a frown appearing. ''Yeah, just a bit of neck pain, but nothing too serious.'' He answered. ''What's wrong, petite? You look a bit sad.''
Y/N’s eyes started watering, not able to get the words out at the reminder of her and Ollie's disagreement. The older man in front of her noticed what was going on and pulled her in his embrace. ''Hey, don't cry. What happened?''
The youngest Leclerc shook her head. ''Ollie, he- he told me to go away.'' She sniffled between her words, tears rolling down her cheeks.
''What do you mean? Wait, let's go to Enzo.'' His hands gently grabbed her shoulders and he guided her to the DAMS hospitality where her two brothers were calming down after the eventful but short race.
She dried her tears while making their way to Arthur's driver room, not wanting other people to know that she had been crying.
Joris opened the door, making Arthur and Lorenzo turn their heads towards them. ''Hi, chérie.'' The eldest greeted her before noticing her teary eyes and flushed face. ''Did you cry?''
Lorenzo walked over to her, cupping her face. ''Is Ollie okay?''
''Yeah, he's just really mad.'' Y/N mumbled, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room.
Arthur shifted in his seat. ''It really was a racing incident, we were both at the wrong place at the wrong time.'' He explained, a similar frustration visible to Ollie's.
''I know that, I tried to explain that to him and he started saying shit.''
Both of her brothers furrowed their eyebrows. ''What did he say? Something about me?'' The DAMS driver asked.
''I asked him what happened and he was saying that Thur tried to kill him, and that you did it cause he's my boyfriend and that you wanted to be an overprotective brother.'' Their sister summarised for them.
''That's bullshit.'' Arthur said, rolling his eyes.
''I told him you wouldn't do that and that it was just an incident, but then he got upset and said I should be on his side, and that there was no way that it was just an incident. Then I told him he was acting like an asshole and he said that he wasn't,'' the three men chuckled when she mentioned calling her boyfriend an asshole, ''he was just upset that I wasn't taking his side and I told him that I was there for him, and then he basically told me to leave.'' A tear escaped her eye which she quickly wiped away.
The men frowned. ''He told you to leave?'' Lorenzo repeated her words, stunned by what she was telling them. He couldn't even imagine the young man asking that of her.
Y/N nodded her head, a pout forming on her face.
''Is he still in the garage? That bastard.'' Arthur got up from his seat, moving to the door with large strides but being stopped by Joris. ''We're not gonna do that.''
''If he's angry with me, he should curse me out! Not my sister.'' The youngest brother reasoned, holding up his arm as if he was pointing at Ollie. Arthur understood the Brit's frustrations, but he shouldn't take them out on his baby sister.
Lorenzo grabbed his brother's shoulder. ''How about instead of causing more trouble, you console your sister?''
Arthur sighed, but approached the young girl. ''Come here,'' he pulled her in an embrace, her arms going around his waist, ''he shouldn't talk to you like that, Y/N.'' Her brother caressed the back of her head.
''I know.'' Y/N pouted.
He hugged closer upon hearing her defeated voice, hating how sad she sounded. ''You want me to actually kill him next race?'' The question managed to crack a smile out of the young girl.
''That's more like it.'' Lorenzo grinned, relieved Arthur cheered her up- even if it was only momentarily.
''Hey Y/N, I'm going to Cha now, you want to come with me?'' Joris suggested taking her with him, figuring she could use the distraction. ''I'll let you take some pictures.'' He held up his camera, knowing she enjoyed messing around with it.
''Yeah, I'll go with you.'' She agreed, gloomily lifting her lips.
Her brothers both gave her a few pats on the back. ''We'll join you in a while, okay?'' Lorenzo told them, assuring her they wouldn't be too far behind them.
''Okay, can I have some money for food, though? They have smoothies at the F1 paddock.'' Y/N's sorrowful expression traded in for a pout, her doe eyes attempting to convince her brother to give her some money.
Lorenzo pretended to be shocked by her question, overdramatically widening his eyes. ''Money? You want money? Why don't you ask Charles, he's got a lot more than I have.'' Her oldest brother exaggerated.
''Because he's probably already wearing his racing suit and there's no cash or cards in there.'' Little Leclerc replied, a 'duh'-tone present in her voice.
The three men looked impressed by her answer, entertained by her quick comeback. ''That's a great reason, actually.'' Arthur admitted, his sister's reply having him think about how driver's never carry money in their racing suits.
Lorenzo sighed, but pulled out his wallet- a squeal leaving the young girl's mouth. ''Thank you, Enzo.''
She held out her hands to grab the money, but her brother pulled the few notes of cash back. ''Only on food! Not unnecessary memorabilia that will just sit in your drawer.'' The stern look on his face didn't intimidate her, but she was aware not to mess with Enzo's words.
''I promise, only food. Joris will keep an eye on me, won't you?'' Y/N mischievously glanced at her brother's best friend, already knowing he'll let her get away with anything.
The photographer nodded to Lorenzo, ''promising'' to not let her spend his money on anything other than food.
Her brother slowly handed her the money, Y/N immediately taking it and putting it in her pocket. ''Thank you, Lolo.'' She used his old nickname, teasing him a little more.
''Get out of here before I take it back.''
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Arthur's team debrief didn't last as long as it usually did. Normally, they would have a lot to discuss about the feature race, but since his was cut short, there wasn't much to talk about. His team did advise him to clear the air with Ollie, since the Brit seemed very upset about the collision.
The Monégasque driver didn't have a huge interest in speaking to his younger friend, but at the end of the day- Ollie was his FDA teammate and also friend, he didn't want there to be conflict between the two of them. Yes, he wanted to kill the guy for speaking to his sister like that, but that was something for the couple to resolve.
Arthur went straight from the DAMS hospitality to the area where all the F2 drivers resided, on his way to discuss what happened with the Prema driver. He didn't put any haste behind his steps, not looking forward to meeting eye-to-eye with him.
The youngest Leclerc brother waited a few moments before knocking on Ollie's door, appreciating the calm before the expected storm.
His three knocks came out louder than he had intended, scaring himself a little by the noises. Arthur heard a faint ''Come in'' and opened the door, being confronted with a rare sight.
A crying Ollie.
''Hey, mate.'' The young Brit greeted him, rubbing his eyes and leaving a red colour behind. Oliver stood up from the chair he was sitting on, but Arthur insisted he sat back down with a simple wave of his hand.
The older one grabbed a nearby chair and sat himself next to him, observing the youngster's puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. ''Hey, are you okay?''
Ollie nodded his head, but the emotions on his face told a different story. ''Yeah, uhm, sorry about the race- I reacted a little heated, it was no one's fault really.'' He rambled, the words coming out of his mouth at a rapid pace.
''It's alright, we've all been there,'' Arthur brushed his apology off, understanding it was the heat of the moment that made him respond like that, ''but, uh, you know, my sister is really upset about what happened.''
The Prema driver looked down at his hands upon hearing Arthur's words, a tear falling from the corner of his eye onto his knuckles. ''I- I- I know, I was a fucking asshole- I was just very upset about the race, but I shouldn't have acted like that. I'm really sorry, Arthur.''
''No, I understand, but you shouldn't say sorry to me, you know?''
The DAMS rookie's anger had wittered and was replaced by sympathy. Arthur still didn't like how Ollie had acted towards his sister, but seeing how much it affected his former teammate almost broke his heart.
''Yeah, I know.'' The tears started flowing again and soon enough the bottom of Ollie's sleeves were covered with damp tears. ''I just- is she gonna break up with me?''
Arthur immediately shook his head. ''No, no, no! I think she's just sad with you right now, but she won't break up with you, Ollie! Are you crazy.'' He assured him, chuckling the last part.
''Good,'' Ollie sighed out of relief, ''I don't know what to think or do. I've never been in this situation before.'' He admitted, an attempt to confide in his girlfriend's older brother.
''I get that, but don't worry too much. Y/N is a very understanding person, and if you explain to her, she will forgive you- just give her some time to like… calm down.'' Arthur advised him, knowing his little sister would accept his apology as long as he proper;y explained himself.
Ollie carefully listened to each word that left Arthur's mouth, nodding along. ''Okay, yeah… but like- how much time is that?'' He asked him.
Arthur shrugged his shoulders. ''I don't know. Maybe send her a text, saying that you would like to talk whenever she feels ready to talk.'' He suggested, offering him a solution that always worked whenever he and Carla had a disagreement.
The Brit nodded again, pulling his phone out of his pocket. ''Yeah, that's great, actually. Uh, so I just send her that?'' Ollie sought out assurance again, afraid he was doing something wrong.
He felt relief once again when Arthur nodded his head. ''Yes, I don't know if she will respond right away, but I think she'll be happy that you want to talk.''
With Arthur's confirmation, he typed away on his phone.
ollie 🧸: hi ❤ whenever you feel ready to talk, just let me know x
ollie 🧸: i was being an asshole, I'm really sorry :(
ollie 🧸: hope you're okay, love x
Ollie showed his friend the texts, tension leaving his shoulders at his nod. ''That's good, I know she'll appreciate that. She can't stay mad at you.''
The younger one smiled at that, cheeks heating up. ''I hope so, I don't like the thought of her being upset, especially if it's with me.''
A grin appeared on Arthur's face. ''Oooh~ so cute!'' He bumped his shoulder against Ollie's, teasing the younger guy. ''But seriously, Ollie- she likes you a lot and this will be forgotten in a few days.''
''Yeah… we're fine, right?'' Ollie wasn't too sure where he stood now with the Monégasque, concerned this might affect their friendship.
Arthur snickered at the visible worryness on his face. ''Of course! I mean- I came in here to punch you in the face, but then I saw you cry and I felt bad.'' He joked, although it wasn't that far-fetched.
''Y/N always says that the three of you like me, but sometimes… I don't know, you guys look at me like you want to kill me.'' Ollie said it with a chuckle, but it had been a legitimate concern of his ever since he started dating the youngest Leclerc sibling.
Arthur sighed and put his arm over the Brit's shoulder. ''We like you, Ollie. It's just this big brother thing, you know? This is her first real relationship, we don't want her to be heartbroken over a boy,'' he calmly explained, understanding where the younger one was coming from, ''but we really like you and we want the best for you. Enzo and Charles even check on your races and stuff, they wouldn't do that if they hated you.''
The Leclerc brothers truly had grown fond of the young Brit over the last months. They had seen the positive effect he had on their sister and that was more than enough for them to ''approve'' their new brother-in-law. At first, they were apprehensive about the fact that he was a fellow racing driver, but the 2 teenagers seemed to handle everything well- comforting their worries.
''They really do that? Awesome.'' Ollie smiled to himself, honoured that Lorenzo and Charles caught up on his race results and standings.
Arthur threw him the infamous Leclerc wink. ''Don't worry so much, you're a great gay.''
''I'm a what?'' Ollie's eyes widened as the words left the older one's mouth.
Arthur speaks English with a heavy French accent, causing him to pronounce certain words differently. The most famous example, the way he says ''guy''.
The Monégasque copied Ollie's expression as soon as he realised what he had actually told him. ''No, no! Guy, you're a great guy!'' He pronounced it more clearly this time, making sure the 18 year-old didn't misunderstand him.
''Oh, okay. I- I was confused for a second there.'' Ollie awkwardly laughed it off, glancing at Arthur. ''You should be a bit more careful with your pronunciation, you don't want to get in trouble.''
''Isn't June the gay month? At least I won't be in trouble then.''
''You mean pride month?''
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there won’t be a part 2 as this is more arthur x ollie focused! pls don’t ask for a part 2 in the comments or my inbox, I will just ignore it! 🤍
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izzythedemigod · 11 months ago
How many times has arthur just. Admitted to murder in a taxi??? Imagine your just a lil guy its 1930 (or around that time i think) and you just see this dude waving in kinda a wrong direction but eh prolly just doesn't have good eyesight but then you see he is covered in blood, talking to himself about cults and murders and murders he committed and he keeps talking like a dude named John is there and he keeps on arguing about how "I had to kill that man John!!!!He was a danger to us!" And your just sitting there sweating like oh no oh god oh no
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bimrsadler · 2 years ago
hello, i was wondering if you were down and vibing to do some tired and sleepy arthur sneaking into f!readers bed late late at night after being away from camp for a long time? ty!
Goodnight and Goodmorning
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Pairing: Arthur Morgan x female reader
Word count: 1,000
Warnings/tags: fluff, high honor Arthur, mutual pining, first kiss
Notes: I absolutely vibe with it! Since you didn’t specify I went ahead and just made it good ol’ fluff, if you had more in mind like smut (or if anyone wants a smutty part 2) feel free to let me know!
ETA: part 2 is here
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Sleep didn’t come easy for you when Arthur was gone, not for lack of trying. Tossing and turning, the emptiness beside you and the constant worry of if he was safe kept rest at bay. You wondered if he was somewhere in the The Heartlands under the stars, worrying the same about you.
There was a mutual desire that hadn’t been spoken aloud. Arthur was surprisingly shy for a man of action, you found, and you didn’t want to push him because of this. It happened naturally in moments of solitude away from the others, around the fire when neither of you could sleep, on the outskirts of camp when you found excuses to run into each other. It became more with your head on his shoulder as you drifted off against a tree, his hands on yours as he taught you to shoot even though you already knew how.
Eventually you found your way to his bed on a cold night. Diverging to head to your own tents your gazes lingered and walking slowed; finally hinting to Arthur that there was no harm in wanting company. It was endearing to watch as he stammered a nervous, “I ’spose,” placing a gentle hand on the small of your back.
For a man who kept company at arms length most of the time, he held you close that night. Reassurance was needed before he felt comfortable of course, wanting to hear that you were okay with it multiple times over.
“Promise I won’t do anything untoward.” He must have said that and other iterations of it at least five times before you placed his arm around your waist yourself and confided how much you trusted him.
And it was true. Though Arthur was intimidating, angry and tough as nails; he always made you feel safe. You’d been around “gentlemen” who were perfect on paper but predators behind closed doors.
You’d been in the company of many lecherous and pushy men — some even in the gang, but Arthur? He would put them in their place and apologize to you with their blood on his knuckles.
You always missed his presence in camp but it was a far worse struggle now that you shared a connection.
Drifting in and out the time of night was indiscernible each time you briefly woke, the sound of chatter and guitar steadily replaced by crickets and the dying fire.
As the night wore on the familiar feeling of Arthur’s rugged hands on your bare shoulder roused a fluttering jolt in your stomach. It took his shifting weight behind you and warm chest against your back to convince you you weren’t dreaming.
Peering back the faint moonlight breaking through the canvas revealed Arthur gazing down at you with a grin. “M’sorry, didn’t mean to wake ya.”
“Was worried you weren’t coming back, big guy,” you murmured only half-joking, voice heavy with sleep.
“I’ll always come back darlin’, just hopefully a little sooner nex’time.” He pulled flush to him, “now try’n get some more sleep.”
“Gonna hold you to that,” you stretched underneath his bulky arms with a yawn.
The unexpected feeling of Arthur’s lips pressed gently to your temple made a warmth blossom in your chest, spreading to the rest of your pining body.
Slowly rolling over to be face to face you saw an anxious expression highlighted by bruises and cuts along Arthur’s cheekbones. “I missed ya sweetheart,” he admitted softly while rubbing his thumb delicately along your shoulder.
You inquired worryingly with a gesture towards his face, “what happened?”
“Eh, weren’t nothin’.” He shrugged, brushing it off as usual.
“Sure looks like something.” Propping yourself up on your elbows you reciprocated the comfort and allowed your lips to meet Arthur’s skin for the first time. Lightly wetting them you pressed gentle kisses to each bruise, his breath hitching before he let it out in one long, relieved sigh.
He looked at you with a reverence that was almost overwhelming, how a man as rough and wild as him could radiate such softness for you.
“Guess I needed that, thank you.”
“Maybe you need a proper one Mr. Morgan?”
“Huh?” Arthur’s eyes darted, not quite catching on as you smirked with anticipation. “A proper wh—oh!”
Blushing at the realization that you meant a proper kiss, he swallowed hard. “Well uh, if that’s somethin’ you wanna give me…I’d be a damned fool to say no.”
Brushing a lock of hair off his brow, you leaned in and parted you lips for his. Arthur met you the rest of the way and locked them tenderly, staying still together to savor the moment.
He moved back slightly to peer down at you for any sign of hesitation — finding none of course. Cupping the side of your head with his sizable hand he pulled you close for long, languid kisses, accentuated by his tongue gingerly meeting yours.
The moment was soft and sweet and everything you never thought you’d have with Arthur Morgan. The light whimpers with smiles in between, the ever so subtle urging of your hips wanting more but unsure of how far to take it. It could have easily been a dream you’d had in days past.
As Arthur slowed he pressed his forehead to yours with eyes closed, peaceful and unworried. “This is the only place I wanna be right now…”
Gently adjusting you to lay on your back, Arthur tucked the blankets around you before resting his head on your chest and draping his arm across your midsection.
“Let’s sleep darlin’, we’ll take our time in the mornin’ too…”
It was a gift to know Arthur was this comfortable with you. He wanted to talk to people, to let his guard down and be vulnerable. You were sure he wouldn’t admit it and hadn’t noticed that you had noticed, but it was clear as day in his quieter moments.
Whatever happened on whatever mission Dutch had sent him on, he was battered and tired. If Arthur made you feel safe then you could be his safe haven too.
Running your nails along the expanse of his back and broad shoulders, you watched his head rise and fall with your breaths as he drifted off. The warmth of his skin on yours meant you were sure to follow suit, relieved to have him back and looking forward to what the morning might bring.
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coffeecat1983 · 2 months ago
Heyyy I'm not sure if you're taking requests, no pressure if not, but what about post-movie Luigi beating himself up for revealing Mario's name and relationship to him plus reinforcing Bowser's idea that Peach would be interested in Mario to Bowser during the interrogation scene, because he feels Mario went through so much because of him. Maybe he starts isolating himself or something. If you like that idea! :)
 Thanks for the ask! It was a treat working on this.
   "I hope it's all right."    Mario and Luigi were speechless as they followed her into the newly built mushroom house.      "The Toads used the measurements you gave them to make sure everything's the right size." The princess continued.      "Good thing they did," Mario laughed. "Me 'n Lu bump our heads in their homes. We'd need mini shrooms or something to get to toad size!"    Luigi shuddered at the mention of the power up, a move that Mario saw but Peach missed.      "B-Bowser's still locked up, r-right?"    Peach turned and gave him a smile and a nod. "Still safely tucked away." she replied before looking to Mario. "I just don't get why he was so mad at you. Just for traveling with me? It's crazy!"      "Eh who knows?" Mario rubbed the back of his neck. "Jealous for some reason."    Luigi froze, feeling a knot in his stomach.      "Do princesses find him attractive?!"      "They do if they have good taste!"      "I mean, I don't even know how he learned your name." Peach continued as they entered the room that would become the kitchen. Neither heard the whimper that escaped Luigi. The younger twin peered around the corner.      "M'm gonna be outside." he mumbled, ducking out before either could ask what was wrong.
   That evening the Bros returned to Brooklyn and once inside the apartment Luigi hung up his hat and without a word, slipped past Mario and went right for the bedroom. Marianna exited the living room, feeling confused as her youngest darted past before she could greet him.      "Mario?" she called out.      "Hey Ma," Mario greeted her as she joined him in the dining room. Leaning in, she kissed his cheek.      "My babies, how's the new house?"      "It's lookin' great! Really glad that..." The conversation was muffled as Luigi curled up tightly on his bed. As he lay there in the fading light of sunset, he heard the rest of the family arrive and caught snippets of their random chatter.      "Hey Mr. Homeowner..." came Arthur's voice.      "You boys ready...?" Marie said. Mario said something and there was faint laughter made louder by a comment from the Bros little cousin. Getting up, Luigi shuffled over to the door as hunger began to pester him. Reaching for the knob he paused as he heard Tony.      "Can't believe you boys got an entire house! And all ya had to do was beat up a monster for it."      "Still grateful you boys are okay." Marianna said. "Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about what you went through."    His hand falling away from the knob, Luigi stepped back as he clutched nervously at his shirt.
   His name is Mario and he's the greatest guy in the world!
     "Ey, where's Luigi?" Arthur commented as he helped set the table.      "Layin' down I think." Mario replied. "I'll get him."    The bedroom door creaked, the light from the hall spilling into the dimly lit room and falling over the jumble of packed and open boxes that were strewn about. Mario's boots were quiet as he crossed the carpeting.      "Hey, Lu?" he said softly, "Weege?"    Luigi shifted slightly but didn't answer.      "Time to eat," Mario prompted. "Ma made your favorite, garlic bread with provolone."      "M'm not hungry." Luigi said quietly. "Head hurts."    Mario felt confused. He'd not sensed his twin coming down with a headache like he usually did. He lightly rested his hand on his little brother's shoulder before standing with a soft 'you take it easy, Lu'.      "Mario?"    The older twin perked up, thinking his brother had changed his mind. "Yeah?"      "...Tell em I'm sorry." he mumbled, curling up tighter. Mario hesitated but then left, quietly closing the door behind him. Returning to the dining room, he took his seat and shook his head when the others looked to him.      "Said his head hurts, and he's sorry he can't come out."      "Oh dear." Marianna said.
     "Guess the boss is pretty happy. The competition for the princess was wiped out!" a guard said as he passed the hanging cages.      "Ugh about time." his partner replied.    Luigi buried his face in his hands to hide the tears. His brother had been killed and it was all because of him.
   The bedroom door creaked again and Luigi cringed. He had heard the family say their goodnights and knew Mario would be back in to check on him. To his surprise, the edge of the bed dipped further than normal and it wasn't his brother's voice that spoke.      "A headache, huh?" there was a hint of amusement in the tone. "Let's see," Giovanni continued, his tone soft. "No music, you're still dressed, and definitely not buried under the blankets."    Realizing he'd been caught, Luigi sat up. Drawing his legs to his chest he winced at the twinge of pain bending his knees so sharply brought.      "Hey dad." he said quietly.      "Hey son," Giovanni returned. "What's goin' on? Not happy with the new place?"      "It's not that." Luigi shifted, memories plaguing his mind. "I just, I mean..."    He hesitated as the door opened again and Mario entered. Seeing them both, the older twin followed Giovanni's motion to sit down, taking a seat at the end of his own bed.      "What's goin' on, Lu? Dad?"    Giovanni nodded to Luigi.
     "We'll see how tough this Mario is, when he watches me kill his brother!"
   Luigi curled up tighter. "Everything that happened to y-you, big bro. It's my f-fault." his voice cracked as tears gathered. "Bowser went after you because of me."    Giving in, he told them everything. Being captured, the interrogation, and how he broke and revealed who Mario was.      "It was my fault! I was weak!" He shuddered, tears streaming down his face. "I almost got you killed all because I panicked."    Feeling heartsick, Mario shook his head.      "Lu, I don't blame you for any of that." He stared at the floor. "Yeah it was rough but hey, we got through it!"      "Everybody panics, son." Giovanni added. "It happens." He then let out a low chuckle. "I remember the first time I really panicked. Was pulling into the hospital with your Ma in labor, and I took the turn too fast and rear-ended someone. It was a disaster! I didn't know what to do, if I went in I'd be abandoning the accident, but I didn't want Mar going in alone."    The bros stared at him. Neither had heard that story before.      "What did you do?" Mario asked.      "Tony went in with her and I stayed behind. Got everything done, went into the hospital,"      "And was such a nervous wreck he had to run to the bathroom to throw up." Marianna finished with a laugh as she entered. "So this is where everyone is." She joined Mario, putting her arm around him and kissing his cheek. Giovanni cleared his throat, a light blush coloring his face.      "My point is, it happens." he said, looking to Luigi. "All I could think about was how I'd put your Ma and you boys in danger because I panicked and drove too fast."      "You were scared?" Luigi asked softly.    A nod gave him his answer. Luigi's shoulders slumped.      "I wish I wasn't such a coward."      "Luigi, you're no coward." Marianna said gently. Mario stood and moving to the bedside, took his twin's hands. "Ma's right. I mean c'mon, you ran in front of a wall of fire to protect me. Please Lu, don't beat yourself up over this." He smiled brightly. "You're my hero, lil bro. You always have been." Luigi relaxed a little, moving so he was sitting on the edge of the bed before wiping away his tears. "Th-Thanks, you guys." He then let out a weak laugh. "I shoulda done what they do in Papa Sal's movies, name, rank,"      "and serial number." the other three chorused with him, sending the little family into laughter. Giovanni stood, patting Luigi's shoulder.      "That's my boys." he said proudly.      "Sweetie, are you hungry?" Marianna asked. Her reply was a loud growl from Luigi's stomach.      "Any garlic bread left?" he asked with a shy smile. Announcing she'd make fresh, she and Giovanni left.
   Mario sat beside his little brother and took his hand. "You okay, Lu?"      "Y-Yeah. I guess." A raised eyebrow. "But?"      "I, I just... can you forgive me? I didn't mean to tell him everything."      "Nothin' to forgive, Lu." Mario said, resting his forehead against Luigi's. "Like I said, you're my hero." He then got up as Luigi's stomach growled again. "C'mon, let's get you somethin' to eat."    Luigi joined him and they went for the bedroom door. "Hey Mario?"      "Yeah?"      "What would my serial number even be?"      "Huh, I donno. Just don't ask Uncle Art, we know what he'd say." Luigi began giggling as he chimed in with his twin. "Sixty-nine!" they both laughed and Mario put his arm around Luigi.      "Love ya, Lu."      "Love you, too."
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absoluteocellibehavior · 4 months ago
Ocelli’s TMAlev Masterpost
Buckle in, dolls, it’s about to be a long one. Two disclaimers before we hop into this! If you have not read my Multi-Avatar System, the Eye’s Great Chain of Being, and Spiders for the Web Avatars, pause your reading of this and read those first! Those will be referenced heavily and are crucial to your understanding of how the boys function in this particular AU. Additionally, if you are not finished with TMA or through Intermezzo in Malevolent, this will be EXTREMELY SPOILER HEAVY for you. Proceed with caution <3 Arthur Lester 
Avatar Alignment: The Eye – Complete/Infinite/Record AKA a “Triple” – THE AMBASSADOR Marked: By literally all of them, have you listened to the podcast?? /j Explanation: Ok, ok. I have gone round and round with people about the whole ‘Eye’ thing in relation to Arthur in the past but lemme just reiterate again here. The thing that cut Melanie off from The Eye in TMA was the complete destruction of her eyes. They were entirely gouged out. Arthur’s eyes are still entirely functional, but he is prevented from seeing due to John’s interference. Therefore, Arthur is still fully capable of falling to The Eye and I believe he does. I’ve seen a lot of Dark!Arthur due to the fact that he’s blind and it’s definitely a really cool take! I just don’t see him necessarily feeding in the way that the Dark reads. Now! Could there be an argument made for Cooperative Eye/Dark!Arthur flavored in the way of trying to find pull answers from things in “the dark”? Hidden discoveries and information that doesn’t want to be pulled from? Absolutely. Additionally, I do also really like Web!Arthur. I feel like that fits him as well with the amount of subtle manipulation that he does; however, I flavor this more as John’s influences on Arthur which bleed into how Arthur’s Eye feeding functions (and vice versa).  So, how exactly does Arthur’s Eye things work? First and foremost, I believe that when Arthur falls to The Eye, his ability to compel skyrockets. There are a lot of little moments peppered throughout the podcast but especially in season four where Arthur has these really compulsion flavored moments that have a sort of Web twist to them from John. Secondly, Arthur now has the ability to see through other people’s eyes in the absence of John from his mind (yes, John has his own body in this). Arthur is still blind himself but is able to see through others’ eyes if they are within his sightline, temporarily imposing his blindness on them while he navigates in a third person view. Oh, how the tables turn!  Lastly, Arthur is seated at one of the top links of the chain as THE AMBASSADOR settled below THE ARCHIVIST (Jonathan Sims) and above THE BROADCAST (Cecil Gershwin Palmer). Why the title? Well, he’s the Eye’s little representative from another universe! The main one at least and is marked by enough to hold special status. Additionally, Arthur’s placement on the chain means that he is graced with a Pupil, a low level Eye avatar that holds its avatarhood mainly for servitude. Arthur is a special little guy and gets TWO! Who are those two, you might ask? No other than Noel and Oscar. I’ll get into their specifics under their names but their fall to The Eye was entirely Arthur’s fault and was their fall to The Web being entirely John’s fault. I don’t have the specifics of this yet but the two are now bonded to Arthur and John for better or for worse. Arthur is able to tap into the sight of one of each of their eyes at any time, no matter the distance (two Pupils for two different eyes? Eh? EH? I think I’m clever sometimes-). This also means that Arthur can tap into the benefits when either one of them are feeding using The Eye and he can also help them do so as well. 
John Doe  Avatar Alignment: The Web  Marked: The Spiral + The End (KiY), The Dark + The Vast (The Dark World), The Eye (Arthur)  Explanation: I think it’s generally agreed upon that John is Web. However, if you see other relations with John, please send them! I love seeing different interpretations! John’s relation to the Web is fairly self-explanatory in the context of Malevolent. He is slowly taking over parts of his host’s body as well as being his guide throughout… well, everything. He quite literally controls Arthur’s sight. However, I think it’s important to add that John seems to fear the loss of control in return. Generally, just think back to season four and his anger (out of fear) of feeling like a passenger while Arthur got help from outside sources. John is incredibly manipulative, and his lies and string pulling are clear in his nudges to get Arthur to the Grey Stone. On the brighter side of things, John Doe is also resistive towards a “fate” so to speak. His separation from the King in Yellow had led him to becoming more human, so much so that The King couldn’t get him to fit back anymore. Generally, Web Avatars don’t have others that are tied to them like Eye Avatars do but John is a bit of special case. Like Arthur, Noel and Oscar are bound to John through their falls to The Web being entirely John’s fault. I need to think out what this bond to John specifically does (like stated above for Arthur) but for now know that John has those two under his umbrella as well.  Let’s talk about some marks now! The most obvious of these the The Eye through his ties to Arthur. I do think that Arthur’s Eye alignment has also influenced the way that John connects to The Web. This is certainly clear in how John uses it while still inside Arthur. Admittedly, I need to do a bit more work on my end about how he feeds in his own body. John also is marked by The Spiral and The End from the King in Yellow! Why? Well, the Spiral is all about madness and not being able to trust your own mind and thoughts. That is exactly what the King in Yellow does! The End may not be as clear at least in Malevolent. However, there is a lovely video by the Tale Foundry that talks about The King in Yellow as a metaphorical corpse of god and heaven which I just had to include in one form or another. John is also marked by The End in part of the Dark World as is where all of the dead things from other worlds are discarded. John is also marked by the Dark and the Vast by the Dark World. The Dark is due to…well…I mean it’s in the name- The Vast is due to the fact that if this Dark World contains the dead and forgotten things from other worlds or possibly dead worlds themselves, then the plane has got to be massive. Most likely further than the eye can see.
Father Oscar Pilon-Garcia 
Avatar Alignment: Dominant- The Corruption, Co-Passive- The Web/The Eye - Pupil – THE SAINT 
Marked: The Slaughter (Father McKenna) 
Explanation: Oh, Oscar… let’s get into it. Firstly, why is Oscar’s dominant fear The Corruption? It would have been the only fear that he fell to if it weren’t for Arthur and John <3. Why? I will direct your attention to Part 37 “The Farm” in which Oscar is 100% most assuredly about to be taken over by some parasitic worm if his arm wasn’t severed. This gets pulled on heavily by the other Fears when Oscar feeds, but we’ll get into that in a sec. 
I’ve established before that Oscar’s fall to The Eye and The Web were the fault of Arthur and John. He was NOT supposed to originally fall to those Fears, if any. But he did as his fall was able to pull on just enough inclination in those areas. Oscar is intelligent! We’ve seen this in how he deduced McKenna’s true intentions when he was younger and his investigative assistance to Arthur and John during everything with Scratch. So, there are some Eye inclinations to be pulled on. Now, Oscar is also fairly Web flavored. In general, we’ve seen that The Web loves to prey on religion and I think she has a particular drive towards priests(*motions to Father Edwin Burroughs in TMA* *motions to Father John Ward in Faith: The Unholy Trinity*). We’ll discuss the positives of this first. Like John, Oscar really had a particular fate weighed out for him that he rejected. He was 100% set up to be the violent, unwanted child to turn away from faith the moment he got out of the orphanage and on his own. However, he didn’t. He wasn’t adopted (I suppose due to the violence?) but went through process of holy orders and ordination in order to do his small part in balancing out the evil people that plague the magisterium and to specifically help others through service. Now, to the bad. Oscar truly, truly felt as though his calling and his purpose was Arthur. He gave up everything for Arthur. Finally, it felt like he could see the pieces fall into place as though all of the everything he went through had a direction. He was strung along and then that string was cut. Very abruptly with very little explanation. He doesn’t know the context for that abandonment but what he does know is the fact that he finally felt like his life meant something substantial and that was discarded. He was used. A pawn. A puppet. (Are we crying yet?).
I debated on a few options for Oscar’s title before settling on THE SAINT as it separates it enough from the titles of Priest or Father but brings in a comparison of Saints supposed to being these “exemplars of godliness” and the Fears manipulating Oscar’s ways of being a faithful servant to the people into feeding opportunities.
Speaking of which, how does Oscar feed with all this mess? Firstly, Oscar absolutely abhors feeding. This poor babe will attempt to starve himself in order to spare someone else the trouble. But he must somehow. Now, as a Catholic, I think the idea of Confessional Booth feeding is quite appealing in this case. It’s truly perfect for him. This Sacrament is supposed to be entirely confidential: just between the confessor, the priest, and God. And the Fears entirely twist it. The Eye pries into a person’s worst acts, The Web manipulates what is normally safe situation and a person’s trust in this church authority, and The Corruption worms its way into the situation in the form of the religious ideology of Sin being a stain, a plague on the divine human soul. Oh HO! It’s awful. I love it.
Charlie Dowd Noel Finley 
Avatar Alignment: Tri-Cooperative – The Spiral/The Web/The Eye – Pupil – THE INVESTIGATOR 
Marked: The Buried (Prison Pits) 
Explanation: I have seen SO many takes for Noel’s avatarship and they are so interesting!! Stranger!Noel, Vast!Noel, Dark!Noel! All very interesting options that I can see exactly where everyone gets these from. So, why the three I settled on? 
(Y’all are going to throw me to the dogs for this) 
Generally, when you see a tri-avatar, your automatic assumption is that they’re going to be a relatively high powered one due to their multiple associations. This is the exact opposite case with Noel. His three Fears are fully cooperative due to the fact that they represent his ties to three other Avatars- Arthur, John… and the King in Yellow. Noel has the sort of opposite case than Oscar did that he is very Eye inclined but much less inclined towards the Web. If you take a look at Noel’s previous occupations (i.e police, private eye, detective, and back to private eye in this au’s case) they are VERY Eye heavy. The Web mostly comes out in the trickery that we see Noel pulling off especially in the cases of his expedition in Egypt and his taking on of his best friend’s persona in order to protect himself. The Spiral is quite fun to play around with when it comes to Noel, though. Clearly, this man has gone through enough madness and mind games when it comes to the King in Yellow trying to pull information out of him about the whereabouts of John’s book. He quite literally cannot trust his own mind during his entire time in the Dreamlands. Then you have this odd dynamic after he gets out of the Dreamlands. He takes on not just the “name” of his best friend but specifically the “persona” of his best friend. Why is this distinction important? We assume that, on the surface, the King in Yellow was impersonating Charlie when he was “Adam Fry” in Part 5 “The Gift”. However, Charlie states that he is familiar with Adam Fry because he used “his best friend’s voice” in doing so. So, Adam Fry continues to be an impersonation of Noel, it’s just that, you guessed it, Charlie is also impersonating Noel. However, it’s become so ingrained in his personality over his time the Dreamlands and his two years in New York that he can’t separate the impersonation from his own personality. That’s why we don’t see him drop it at all, not even slightly, in front of Arthur and John. So, not only do you have Noel losing bits of his sanity in the Dreamlands, but you also have him losing a sense of himself outside of the Dreamlands in which he and his best friend’s personality become melded together.
As for marks, I knew that he would have an additional mark from the Prison Pits themselves aside from the overall Spiral. It’s difficult to put a specific fear to it when I don’t have detailed referenced, but I do believe the confinement of it all, the small cells, and the earthy aesthetic to them lends itself to The Buried. 
Why the title of THE INVESTIGATOR. I’m sure you may be thinking, “Um, Ocelli. It’s ‘Detective’ Noel. It should be Detective” and I hear you. However, remember we have now placed the boys in the TMA universe in which I do wholeheartedly believe in the “Basira would’ve been an Eye Avatar if things went slightly differently.” Elias consistently calls her “Detective” and Eye Avatars generally call others by their title if formalities haven’t been dropped. So, unfortunately, that title is taken! Additionally, I think that Investigator covers more of Noel’s jobs as well! Just be grateful that I didn’t go with the titles of Prisoner or Captive that were rolling around for a bit in the mind. 
I need to flesh out a bit more of Noel’s feeding specifically, but I’ll give you the small ideas I do have! Noel’s feeding is very interrogation based. I imagine this fully enclosed room that he visually imposes on the other person. It’s just a very dark concrete room, a table, two chairs, and a swinging overhead lamp. It’s entirely in black and white like a film noir except for Noel’s two piercing glowing yellow eyes fixated directly on the person. He asks all of the questions that the other person desperately does not want to answer all while this swinging lamp passes over the table before swinging away and basking the two in darkness once more. Now, while Noel uses the Eye and the Web to feed himself, the Spiral continues to feed off Noel himself, pulling on his identity crisis and sending him into these sleepwalking visions of the Dreamlands. It twists his relationship with them, making him think that that’s where he belongs. And as a fun little treat, it messes with his language as well. In these Spiral induced states, Noel can only speak in Carcosan (is that a thing? It probably isn’t but it is now!) meaning that generally John is the only one that can get Noel back to his senses.
Dennis “The Butcher” Collins 
Avatar Alignment: Cooperative-The Hunt/The Slaughter  
Marked: N/A
Explanation: Yep, the Butcher is in this too because I love he <3 and this is me and my friend’s self-indulgent “they live” au! The fact that we felled them to horrible fears in the process is entirely beside the point. I feel like the Butcher is the most obvious of these when it comes to fear choices. Like John, I don’t think there’s much debate on which ones he could be. Throughout the majority of season four, he quite literally uses like calling hunting a “devotion” and the love that he has for it. Additionally, Dennis seems to enjoy not only the hunting aspect of it but the killing as well. He likes the blood. He likes the gore. He is a renown serial killer due to this. Also the clear music themes associated with The Slaughter in TMA are also present with Dennis singing as he kills and the constant song playing in his mind. This is also why I think he is a fully cooperative dual avatar because the Hunt and the Slaughter are both fully used each time that he feeds. As for feeding, I don’t think he changes much! I’m sorry his is so short but ah… yeah, that’s all I have-
Nyarlathotep Kayne 
Avatar Alignment: Dominant- Slaughter, Tri-Passive- The Web/The Eye/The Spiral – THE ENTROPY KAYNE :] 
Marked: N/A
Explanation: Kayne, Kayne, Kayne… Kayne is so fun to play around with. Oh my gosh. He messes with literally everything. Let’s get into it. Kayne’s dominant fear as the Slaughter is VERY clear. This man is covered in blood constantly, he killed every other version of himself, he kills other people in extremely gruesome ways and relishes in every bit of it. So, yes, Slaughter is dominant here and was the fear used to pick up the rest of the ones he has. Kayne is also very Web. He is playing chess while everyone is playing checkers. He knows exactly know to nudge his little pawns into place to get them exactly where he needs them. A master manipulator in all forms. He killed all versions of himself in order to be able to “play all the keys.” I think Kayne also has his Eye moments. Due to the fact that he can dance across the keys of the different universes, he has a lot of information. He knows what to tease out of people to get them do what he needs to. I also think this is why his inability to see the Black Stone grates against him so much. Because he needs it but he CAN’T see it. He can see all of this other stuff but not this one. thing. he. needs. Oh! How frustrating!! Kayne is also Spiral. He’s not dominantly Spiral but just listen to him, come on. Spiral drips off of his entire everything. With the amount of mental strife he’s caused to so many people and his love of chaos, Spiral is definitely there as well. 
Due to the fact that Kayne is a preexisting Great Old One and a really powerful one at that, he is able to manipulate a lot of the systems the Fears have set in place for his own gain. The most egregious one is his manipulation of The Eye’s chain. Firstly, he’s gouged his title out, figuratively, to simply be his own name. No one else gets to name him, thank you <3. It’s HIS job to pass out the nicknames! Silly Eye… Additionally, with just how high Kayne is on the chain, he also gets a Pupil. Who’s his Pupil? Well, no other than our precious little English rose, Artie! “But! Ocelli! You said that Arthur is Triple! He’s high up there! He even has his own Pupils! How in the world is he a Pupil?” See, the silly thing about Kayne is that he’s forming a chain of his own using The Eye’s Great Chain of Being to bond Arthur to himself, and thus also bonding Arthur’s Pupils to himself as well. Didya notice that the Fears that Kayne is tied to is also the Fears that the other boys are too? That isn’t a mistake <3. As a fun little added bonus, Kayne also totally changed what spiders were tied to John and Arthur from The Web to the Sparklemuffin and Bunny Harvestman respectively. I highly recommend looking at pictures of those. They’re wonderful.
Thanking you for giving me your time to read this! I hope you enjoyed it! Please feel free to send in asks about it! This has been bouncing around in my mind since I began listening to Malevolent at the beginning of this year and I’m so happy to finally be able to share it with you <3 
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clumsykenji · 11 months ago
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AHHH i missed monday by a few minutes eh it's still monday in some other place so this still counts ...
anyways what I was thinking while drawing this stuff is some stupid scenario where arthur was some high ranking person or some royal guy and he supposedly died in a fire and poor john is now heart broken and only has this singed and torn painting to remember him by but the thing is that no one ever found arthur's body but they assumed it's normal coz fire, but ofc I can't let it pass with arthur just being dead so he's still out there somewhere running from his responsibilities like a real chad and maybe someday there'll be a heartfelt reunion of sorts dunno yet and i may or may not do more with this lil scenario i thought about (also i got the idea for the painting from some pose reference on pinterest)
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sulumuns-dootah · 4 months ago
Demon grandma OC :D
(For those who missed it, she came to me while I was writing this :D)
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𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞: Ergath (While posing as a human: Gertrude) 𝐀𝐠𝐞: A gentleman doesn't ask and lady doesn't tell ;) 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧: Abaddon
𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐲: Odaxelagnia, Pyrophilia & Symphorophilia
Ergath is one one the eldest demons in the entirety of Hell. She's so old, she even remembers when Lucifer was the only seraphim.
During her younger days, she was enamoured with humans, just like Asmodeus. She was the typical nightlife party girl with a streak of chaos personified. Through her life, she's been with so many people, she could've possibly fucked multiple generations from one family over time. (I mean, how would they know? Grandpa ain't telling you about the hot chick he had one night stand with, does he?)
Wherever she goes, everybody knows her as Grandma Egath and even the kings acknowledge her. Now that she's over it all and retired, she travels over the whole Hell with her husband, Zolgarun, and their surrogate child - opossum named Rama, following Zolgarun's oddjobs because due to his upbringing he's unable to sit still.
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐂'𝐬:
Her and Lucifer regularly get together for a tea
Ergath handles all the demon's questions and problems with feelings/love/relationship
She's one of the rare demons who didn't meet Solomon, because she was on Earth, getting busy
Don't get her wrong - she'll still fuck you up if you mess with her
She calls MC young one/youngling
You can ask her to teach you anything and she'll gladly do that
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐡
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(Read more to find out about Zolgarun ^^)
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𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞: Zolgarun (While posing as a human: Arthur) 𝐀𝐠𝐞: Eh, am too old to count... 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧: Niflheim
𝐈𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐲: Capnolagnia, Autohemofetishism & Erotophonophilia
One of Beleth's good friends and was one of his highest in command before he retired - that spot is still held in case he changes his mind.
Used to be a really big manwhore but once he met Ergath, that all ended. Not even some demons in Abaddon were able to take him, but she did. So one night, after getting the best head of his life from her, he decided he has to wife her up.
At first he comes off as cold and heartless, but he's actually like that fun grandpa that spoils you and teaches you stuff he probably shouldn't.
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐂'𝐬:
He still does spend time with the Niflheim nobles, but not so much anymore
Him and Beleth met right after he left heaven. Zolgarun was about to kill him, when they bonded over their shared enjoyment of cigarettes
He's really popular with the Red Lump family for his gentle nature with small things
Calls MC kiddo/lil guy or gal
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐙𝐨𝐥𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐧
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old Ergath picrew young ergath picrew young zolgarun picrew
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mirikitakato · 1 year ago
[Translation] Skits of "Our magical party wiz you" and the staged reading ""A Mixer After the Mission"
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Good day, everyone! I have translated the skits and the staged reading from the “Our magical party wiz you!” (Mahoawa) event on January 28-29th, 2024. It took me a while, and this is not the full translation for the 2-hour show. There are also Q&A activities involving seiyuus and some additional skits with characters. However, I translated all the skits featuring CaiOwe and the 20-minute main skit "A Mixer After the Mission" written by the devil Tsushimi Bunta!
Please feel free to share the link to the translation or screencap it to react.
Characters: Oz, Arthur, Mithra, Rutile, Cain, Owen, Snow
(The Day’s skit)
Owen: Hey, are you kidding me?
Mithra: That's my line.
Cain: Hey there, you two. Let's not start off on such a tense note, alright? What's going on?
Mithra: The thing I just had for lunch is called Napolitan pasta. This guy has more bacon in his bowl than mine, not fair at all.
Cain: More bacon? How nice!
Owen: That's not nice, comparing to that pudding he has. Mithra's pudding is bigger than mine.
Mithra: Obviously, because I eat faster than you.
Owen: You were just eating everything randomly, weren't you? Ah, I feel sorry for that pudding, being eaten by someone like you.
Mithra: So you're not giving up? How unsightly.
Owen: Hah? You want to die?
Mithra: Just what I want.
Owen: Cuore Memini–
Mithra: Athrim—
Cain: Wait, hold on!! Let's not start a fight out of nowhere! You'll wreck the place.
Rutile: Ah, how about this? Since we're in a theater, why not have a competition fitting this place?
Mithra: A competition fitting this place?
Rutile: Let's have the spirits of this land as judges. Since they love singing and art, we could have a poetry competition. What do you think, dear spirits? (The audience applauds)
Rutile: Thank you.
Mithra: Well, okay. I'm the strongest at writing poems.
Owen: I won't go along with your ridiculousness. Such a stupid game.
Mithra: Oh? Is it because you don’t have confidence?
Owen: Aren't you just led by the nose?
Cain: Please don't start a new round of quarrels, guys. Owen, if you're not interested…
Owen: Fine, I'll participate. With Mithra's brain, my victory is assured.
Sir Knight, let's start quickly *kick*
Cain: Ouch! Why did you suddenly kick me?!
The theme is “Winter”. Owen, you first!
Owen: Eh? Me?
Cain: 321, GO!
Owen: The…the winter sun…on top of the sky…turns into…a frozen white jade…
Rutile: Wow, what a beautiful imagery!
Owen: On the snow field…there's…a fluffy dog…but his fur sheds…and vanishes with the wind…
Cain: Ahhh, he was so fluffy, though.
Mithra: That's it? Well, no surprise that you're at this level
Rutile: But the first part was great! I couldn't have come up with “frozen sun”!
Cain: I also love fluffy dogs, they’re like winter. When you see your dog getting shaggy, you know winter's here. It's a shame his fur fell out.
Owen: Oh, you like that? Then why don't I turn you into a big hairless dog and throw you into an extremely cold place where it snows all the time?
Cain: Why do you come up with words to insult me so easily?!
Cain: Next theme is “Northern Wizards”. 321, GO!
Mithra: On the snow field…there is a fluffy dog.
Owen: Wait, don't copy me.
Cain: It’s even the same dog.
Mithra: Standing there is a creature more majestic than a dog, a huge crocodile... and the strongest and most fearsome, me...
Mithra: Hmmm, sounds weird. Rutile, you are up.
Rutile: Huh!? Uh...if you step on the shadow...
Owen: Hey hey, it'd be cheating to ask others for help, wouldn't it? Rutile, don't say more.
Rutile: I'm...I'm sorry. I can't resist answering when someone asks me...
Mithra: Huh? Is there a rule against asking others?
Cain: Well...no, there isn't. Sorry, I forgot to set rules. But I trust the spirits (audience) will judge fairly. Let's hear Rutile's first.
Rutile: Yes! Owen's expression was particularly poetic, and Mithra was great at involving others.
Cain: I see. Both had unique elements in their poems. What do the spirits think?
(The audience applauds)
Cain: I see. Congratulations, Owen and Mithra, you share the victory!
Rutile: Congratulations!
Mithra: Winning was too easy. Poetry seems like child's play.
Owen: You just won without a fight. Let's start over.
Cain: The spirits seem pleased, making the atmosphere livelier and more energetic here.
Owen: That means…
Mithra: Then...
Owen/Mithra: *fighting each other* Cuore Memini/Arthim!
(The Night’s skit)
Snow: You're back too. Just walking around, not bothering anyone and not killing anyone?
Owen: You think I'm Mithra? I don't do those things. *sound of chewing*
Cain: What are you eating?
Owen: Dango from a nearby stall. It's right over there, by the red gate.
Snow: You're right, it smells sweet and delicious.
Cain: I noticed it too when I passed by earlier today. But I was so full that I couldn't eat anymore, so I didn't buy any.
Owen: Because you had too much Napolitan pasta, didn’t you? What a glutton, ordering such a large portion.
Cain: I couldn't help it! It was so delicious. After that, I walked around the streets with Rutile for a long time and started feeling hungry again.
Hey, give me one.
Owen: The song of hot dango.
Cain: What?
Owen: If you want one, sing. This is a payback for making me do weird things during the day.
Cain: Are you still holding a grudge over that...? Eh…Impromptu singing? I've never done that without a drink...
Snow: How about this? They also sell hot drinks near the red gate. It's slightly sweet and tastes a bit like wine, but it's actually non-alcoholic.
Cain: Thanks. Ohhh, it smells good. Now this can set the mood I need...
Owen: Cuore Morito
Cain: Ugh!?
Snow: Owen!? What did you--
Cain: ....He he he...there...is a pile of hot dango...~
Snow: Cain!?
Cain: Dango dango~~ Taran taran tan tan~
Owen: He's started drunken dancing and singing now. How clumsy and amusing.
Snow: Dear! Did you cast a spell on Cain? That kid took just a sip and he's already drunk.
Cain: Ha, ha ha...Let's take off our clothes to dance and sing, everyone...
Owen: Do it, do it~
Snow: Wah!!! Wait--! Noscomnia!
Cain: What just happened?
Owen: What, we were just getting to the good part.
Snow: Phew, that was close. Are you okay, dear? You were only dancing and singing, don’t worry.
Cain: I can’t remember…..But then that means I fulfilled Owen’s request?
Owen: Well, you could say that. Here, I'll give you a dango, catch it. *throw it away*
Cain: Ah! Hey, don’t just toss dango around like that!
The staged reading "A Mixer After the Mission" written by Tsushimi Bunta
Arthur: Look, Lord Oz, there are fireworks lighting up the sunset sky.
Oz: Indeed.
Rutile: It seems people are setting off fireworks to celebrate the resolution of the recent event. How beautiful.
Cain: Strange occurrences took place at Granvelle Castle. Although very dangerous and tricky, fortunately, we managed to solve them successfully.
Snow: That's right, the people on the street are also very happy. Beautiful music is coming from the square, it feels delightful.
Oz: Indeed.
Snow: Ah, dear Oz, the young wizards are all very happy now. You should sometimes respond to them with something more enthusiastic, like "Wow! That's fantastic!"
Arthur: Just watching the fireworks with Lord Oz makes me happy enough. And is this music the same as the one played during the inauguration ceremony?
Cain: Yes, the sound of fireworks, the music from that day, and the laughter of the people. Just hearing them makes me feel like I've been transported back to the day of the inauguration ceremony.
Arthur: The sages and their wizards gathered on the terrace of Granville Castle and waved many times to the people.
Rutile: After that, a lot of things really happened. Time has really flown by since then. Being able to become so close to Lord Arthur, Uncle Mithra, and others is like a dream.
Speaking of which, where are Uncle Mithra and Mr. Owen?
Cain: Hmm? Oh, I don't see them either. Weird, they were with us just a moment ago.
Snow: Maybe they went to confirm "The Legendary Wind Passage"?
Arthur: What is "The Legendary Wind Passage"?
Snow: The land in this area is blessed by the wind spirit, thus strong winds blow sometimes. The most famous one is a passage where there are always violent storms. It is said that only the strongest wizard can pass through this legendary passage.
Arthur: So it’s the strongest passage?
Snow: Exactly, the strongest passage, literally as the words imply.
Cain: I'm pretty sure those two are competing to see who can fly through that passage faster.
Rutile: I am very confident in my broom-flying skills and would like to participate too...
Mithra: Arhtim
Arthur: They're back. Welcome back, Mr. Mithra, Mr. Owen.
Mithra: We're back.
Owen: Ugh, that was the worst.
Mithra: Oz, it is said that only the strongest wizard can pass through the wind passage - the strongest path, and I have conquered it. In other words, I'm the strongest. Your strongest throne has been taken away by me. How about that? Don't you want to say something?
Oz: Wow, that's fantastic.
Mithra: Huh?
Oz: Wow, that's fantastic.
Mithra: What's that?
Oz: Wow, that's—
Mithra: Shut up, you're noisy.
Arthur: Lord Oz, your level of agreement is truly superb.
Speaking of celebration, it seems that Lord Oz, Mr. Mithra, and Mr. Owen have never participated in a mixer.
Oz: Mixer?
Arthur: A mixer is to celebrate an encounter. If possible, how about holding one now? I feel a bit regretful not being able to join the social gathering with Lord Oz and others.
I also want to plan a mixer for 22 people including the Sage.
But now that we are here, how about practicing this bonding event in advance?
Mithra: Interesting, I want to join this thing called a mixer or something
Arthur: Thank you, Mr. Mithra.
How about Lord Oz?
Oz: Yes.
Arthur: Thank you so much!
How about Owen?
Owen: I won't. It's boring.
Cain: Don't say that.
If we sit face to face in a social gathering, we can understand each other better and maybe become closer.
Owen: When did I say I want to get along with you?
Cain: I want to get along well with you.
Owen: I don't want to. As if I would go.
Cain: Uhmm okay, that's good then! I actually don't want to get along with you either, but I have to do this because my lord is here. Lucky for me that you refused me first.
Owen: Oh? So you actually don't want to get along with me?
Cain: Yeah, why should I want to get along with you? You took my eyeball.
Owen: Ha ha, what a pitiful Sir Knight.
Owen: Then I will reluctantly join this mixer. Let's get close to each other, shall we?
Cain: Is that so?! Thank you, Owen!
Owen: Huh?
Cain: That's good for you, Arthur.
Owen: What does this mean?
Cain: Everyone, let's join in the fun!
Owen: Hey? Hey!
Arthur: I see!
Speaking of which, the Sage told me once…in mixer, people are supposed to have some special events.
Rutile: Special events?
Mithra: No matter what those are, it’s not a problem for me
Arthur: I don't know the specific details. Let's try to find out.
Rutile: I think I have an idea! (Rutile starts singing)
Rutile: Why do you want to drink? Why do you want to drink? Because you want to drink, so you drink!
(T/n: He is singing a parody of なんで持ってんの, a japanese drinking song)
Arthur: *confused voice* W-what song is that?
Rutile: This is the kind of song everyone sings at the beginning of a mixer.
Cain: Somehow, it feels like I’ve heard it somewhere before.
Rutile: Really? I created this song, though.
Cain: Really? But it sounds a bit familiar… Anyway, since we have songs, there should also be dances, right? Like dancing in pairs at a ball.
Arthur: That sounds appropriate! Perfect for social occasions to celebrate new encounters.
Owen: So how about this?
Owen: We play a game where one person acts as the king and the rest are retainers who follow the king's orders.
Cain: This game might not be suitable for this event, right?
Owen: …it isn’t?
Cain: It could make the atmosphere tense. It doesn’t seem like a social game.
Rutile: Although it sounds fun, I don’t think it's suitable for social gatherings.
Owen:…Hmmm, whatever.
Arthur: So, what dishes do you think should be served at the party?
Rutile: Dishes, huh? If there’s a grand feast at the mixer, the atmosphere will be livelier.
Cain: You must be hungry, Rutile. How about roasting a whole pig or something?
Arthur: Sounds like the mixer will be quite lively.
Rutile: It does sound that way! A roasted whole pig would be nice at a mixer.
Owen: Hey, how about this?
Mixing a hot sauce puff into a plate of sweet puffs filled with thick cream.
Cain: Absolutely not. That's a terrible idea.
Owen: Why?
Cain: Well, it's just not feasible. People who eat the hot sauce puff would be in for a bad time. This is meant to be a rare opportunity to meet new friends, and doing this would definitely make the atmosphere tense.
Owen: …Wouldn’t that make everything surprisingly lively though?
Cain: No, absolutely not. This would make it difficult to warm up the atmosphere. Think about it carefully— putting hot sauce in the puff for people to eat. It's going to be very tense, I'm telling you.
Rutile: I would certainly feel nervous…
Owen: Hmmm, whatever.
Snow: Ah, now I remember!
Rutile: What is it, Lord Snow?
Snow: Dear Sage mentioned a "first impression" game that seems to be held at the mixer.
Rutile: A game of first impressions?
Snow: Yes, for example, a question like "Who looks the gentlest here, or the richest person," and then you point to someone intuitively.
Snow: I hope everyone points to me when being asked "Who is the cutest person here?"
Oz: He just blurts out his wish.
Mithra: I definitely don't think you're the cutest person. If you asked who the scariest person is, I'd probably point to you.
Snow: I'm not scary. I'm obviously very cute.
Rutile: Very cute, indeed. But since we’ve met before, it might be difficult to judge as if it were the first time.
Snow: No worries. If it's just for a short time, I can erase your memory!
Mithra: Hah?
Owen: Erase memory?
Snow: Noscomnia.
Snow: Great, now we can play the first impression game!
Snow: Okay, after preparing, let’s point out who the cutest person here is.
Arthur: What just happened?
Mithra: What kind of terrifying magic was just used?
Owen: Step any closer, and I'll kill you.
Owen: Cuore-- Mithra: Arthi-- Oz: Voz--
Snow: Wait, wait, don't be so excited yet
Mithra: What do you mean?
Owen: Who are you?
Oz: Voz–
Snow: I said wait! Now everyone is playing the First Impression game.
Rutile: First Impression game?
Snow: Yes, it is to determine who the cutest person here is in the first impression.
Cain: Hold on a minute, I don't remember anything, not even you or myself.
Snow: Well, don't worry about that.
Cain: Don't worry?!
Snow: Yeah, don't stress about it, it's no big deal.
Cain: Is it really okay?
…Well, I suppose it is!
Rutile: Great, I don’t remember anything either, so I feel relieved to hear you say that.
Mithra: What's going on? That boy's complete lack of any sense of crisis is making me irrationally angry. My stomach seems to be hurting too.
Rutile: Oops, brother over there, do you have a stomachache?
Drink some hot potion to soothe your stomach, it'll help. I'll warm it up for you now.
Ah, but... T/n: Usually Rutile calls Mithra "Oji-san," but he's addressing Mithra as "Onii-san" now.
Mithra: What's the matter?
Rutile: This potion is very bitter. Brother, can you handle it? Will it be difficult for you?
Mithra: Not a problem. If need be, I can even eat grass.
Rutile: Ha ha, you're quite the wild one.
My first impression of you, brother, is that you're a very wild person.
Mithra: Ah, thank you.
My first impression of you is that of a careless person.
Snow: Look like someone knows how to play the game already!
Arthur: Hm? If you look closely, you two have the same eye color.
Cain: Ah, you are talking about me?
Owen: Me?
Rutile: That's right. Maybe you guys are brothers?
Ah, I feel like I have a brother too.
Cain: Do I have a brother?
*look at Owen* Can I call you big bro then?
Owen: What a joke. First of all, how could I have a brother with such weak magic power?
Besides, just from the appearance point of view, my hair color is similar to that guy’s.
Arthur: Are you talking about me?
Owen: Your magic power is pretty strong. Maybe we really are brothers.
Arthur: …Big Brother!
Owen: What's wrong~
Oz: Wrong…!
Arthur: Ah. Oz: That’s definitely wrong, although I don’t know why. Arthur: You over there… Oz: …Are you talking to me?
Arthur: …Sir, you have been silent until now.
Can you say a little more? That way we can get to know your personality better. Maybe the cutest person here is you.
Oz: I have nothing to say to you.
Arthur: Why?
Oz: *Silence* Because I have nothing to say.
Arthur: But why?
Oz: *Longer silence* Because I don't have anything to say so I won't say—
Arthur: Why—!
Snow: So, you guys have nothing to say. Okay, I get it! Let's begin! When I ask who the cutest person here is, everyone points to me.
Mithra: Isn't this cheating?
Snow: Humph! Forget it, let's not ask you; let's ask the spirits of this land.
(Snow asked who is the cutest, who is the noblest, who is the sexiest, and who is liked by animals. The audience responded with Snow, Arthur, Mithra, and Owen. After that, Snow returns memories to everyone.)
Arthur: Where are we?
Owen: Feels like there's a gap in my memory...
Cain: And I feel like I just had a strange dream...
Snow: Ha ha, the first impression game was so much fun!
Oz: I don't remember anything...
Cain: I want to join in too.
Snow: But you already participated.
Cain: Eh? I did? My memory's a bit fuzzy.
Owen: Too bad for you, then.
Snow, did you cast some strange magic on us?
Arthur: I feel like Owen and I were brothers...
Oz: Wrong.
Snow: Ha ha! That was so fun!
Mithra: So, what about the mixer to celebrate our encounter? Is this the end?
Arthur: No, it's not over yet. It's been a while since we last met.
Let’s reminisce about the events from when we first met until now.
Mithra: Are we talking about my heroic deeds?
Arthur: Mithra, Owen, Lord Oz, Cain, Rutile, Lord Snow, and our other esteemed comrades. And let's not forget the heroic deeds of our dear Sir Sage.
Cain: From the Ancient Birds and Beasts to the Resurrected City of the Dead. Three monsters attacking Granville Castle. And the perilous adventures in the Western Kingdom.
Rutile: Too many to recount. Let's share our stories tonight as we delve into the memories we share with the Sage.
Owen: There might be some pages I'd rather forget completely though.
Arthur: Even so, these are the nostalgic scenes that shape who we are. No matter how embarrassing or heartbreaking they may be, let's hold them dear in our hearts. Like precious friends, let's cherish those dark pages with tenderness.
Oz: That’s just like you, who is good at loving others.
Arthur: It's thanks to you, Lord Oz, and the watchful eyes of everyone else, that I'm able to do this. Now, everyone! Let's prepare some warm black tea and sweets. Get ready for our trip down memory lane, with the sound of fireworks and the music we love, while listening to everyone's laughter.
--- END ---
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call-sign-shark · 2 years ago
Hey Bunny || Yandere!Arthur Shelby x Reader
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Summary:  At the bottom of madness and drug addiction, Arthur falls into a spiral of obsession with you after you reject him. But it's okay if you don't want him, he'll have his way with you anyway -- inspired by the song Saccharine by Jazmin Bean and Bunny from Baby Bugs. - MASTERLIST
Words: 3k.
TW: Drugs use, unreliable narrator, unrequited love, graphic depictions of violence, blood, allusions to non-consensual sex, stalking, depiction of obsessive behavior, horror, psychological manipulation — this is dark, experimental, and out of character.
▸ Arthur's darling is nicknamed "Bunny" + Hints of physical descriptions
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It all started one rainy night of Birmingham’s bleak winter. You had entered the Garrison right before Arthur closed its doors, soaked to the bones and shivering to the core. In truth, you had barely stepped out of the university’s library when you got caught in the rain. At first, you thought you could make it home without trouble but what was supposed to be a few drops soon turned into floods of rain pouring down on you. Here you stood in the empty bar, your back against the closed door, panting as if you had just run for your life. Arthur looked at you with a confused gleam in his steel blue eyes, unable to tell if you were real or the most magnificent illusion the whiskey — or the drug — had ever created. You quickly apologized for bothering him so late and then told him you needed to call your mother to ask her to pick you up.
All he had been able to do was grunt, all flustered, and then pointed the room in which the phone was with his finger. Taken aback by your otherworldly beauty, Arthur could not stop looking at you from behind the bar while you’re talking to your mom through the phone. At first, you were so relieved by the sound of your mother's voice that you just smiled. But as time passed, you started to feel slightly uneasy, until you noticed it: the heavy weight of Arthur’s eyes staring at you. From the moment you met to the one you left the Garrison, he had not shifted his eyes from you one tiniest second. The way you moved, the traits of your doll face, your frail silhouette, how your thin fingers closed around the phone’s metallic body, and how your lips opened then closed as you spoke… He was obsessed with you. Obsessed with everything you did, everything you were.
When you hung up the phone, you closed your eyes for a few seconds, and tried to soothe the unpleasant feeling that was creeping under your skin.
“Can I —"
The bartender's gravel voice made you jump. In one swift movement, you turned around and looked at him with a bit of fear shining in your beautiful hazel eyes. Arthur's lips stretched in a faint smile as a reply to your little fright.
"Erm, do ye want a drink or something? I mean, ye don't have to go right away.” He stated, showing you the empty glass he had in his hand. The thing was, you weren't in the mood to drink with a stranger, trapped in a bar in the middle of the night. Not that you didn't trust people in general, but you didn't trust the Peaky Blinders; and that guy, that tall and lanky bartender with his perfect suit and perfectly trimmed mustache, was one of them. Worst, he was a Shelby. And your mother always told you to avoid these Shelby men like the plague.
“That’s very nice, Mr. Shelby," You started, carefully choosing the next words that were going to come out of your slightly quivering lips, "But I must decline your invitation. I must have caught something in the rain because I am not feeling well and drinking alcohol would certainly worsen my headache.” You said with the most polite smile you could do, afraid to offend him for you've heard of his violent nature.
"Ah, alright Bunny," He replied with a little chuckle, trying his best to be affable despite his reputation and the line of snow he had just snorted before your arrival, "That's going to be a glass of water for ye, eh."
"Yer notebook. You've drawn a bunny on the cover."
"Oh." You exclaimed, glancing quickly at the wet notebook that was sticking out of your bag, "Yes I did," You slowly exhaled through your nostrils, "Okay for the glass of water. Thank you so much."
And that was all that happened this evening. You sat on one of the bar's stools, sipped on your glass of water, and waited impatiently for your mother to come. Arthur and you exchanged a few words though. He even put his long dark coat on your shoulders to keep you warm. Surprised by such a nice gesture, you blessed him a genuine smile. Little you knew that it was more because he was distracted by the way your wet dress stuck to your body and highlighted the round shape of your perky nipples than anything else.
It was at the moment he was about to ask you out for dinner that a car stopped in front of the Garrison. You gave his coat back and, with one last thank you, you left the pub without turning back.
"See ye soon, little Bunny." He simply whispered in the empty bar, still standing in front of the door a few minutes after your departure.
The next day he looked for any information he could collect about you. And God knew how he managed to learn so much but he ultimately found both your address and the one of the school you were attending.
From then, you started to receive huge and magnificent bouquets of flowers every week.
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He waited for you in front of your university, his tall and slim silhouette leaning against a wall as he gulped down a mouthful of whiskey from his flask. Even if he had learned the major you were studying, he did not manage to find out your precise schedule. Hence, he decided to wait patiently for you to come out of the building. When his steel-blue eyes caught sight of you exiting the university with one of your friends, a sparkle of excitement shone in his iris. He walked to you, his long coat floating behind him as he did. Your facial expression turned into a surprised one when you saw him.
"Hey, Bunny."
"Mr. Shelby? What are you doing here?" You questioned, skipping the polite greetings. You took a quick glance at your friend, whose face had contorted into a frightened expression at Arthur's presence. Of course she also knew who the Peaky Blinders were.
"Just wanted to check if ye were doin' better."
"I'm fine. Thanks." You straight off replied
"Listen I-- I should go. See you tomorrow Y/N." She quickly said, walking away, thus leaving you alone with Arthur Shelby -- to his greatest pleasure.
A little shaky sigh escaped from your lips as your eyes fell back on Arthur. This time, you noticed details you did not before: his hands were shaking, his movements were slightly erratic, and his pupils were dilated. For sure, he was completely high.
"I was wondering," His hoarse voice broke the silence, "Can I take ye out for dinner? I know a great restaurant." He finally said, and his words had the immediate effect to make you blush. Was Peaky Blinders really asking you out? You blinked several times, making sure you were not having some kind of weird hallucination before your lips parted.
"I really appreciate it, Mr. Shelby --"
"Arthur." He corrected, his heart pounding in his tight chest as he waited for your reply.
"Yeah, thank you for your invitation, Arthur. But I have a boyfriend." You said out of the blue. His smile broke in thousands of sharp bits, "And he's waiting for me so... " You did not finish your sentence. Instead, you simply gifts him an apologetic smile and turned around to walk away. But all of sudden, his large hand grabbed you fiercely, which caused a little yelp to fall your lips.
"Got a man, hm?" His gravel voice repeated, a bit more threateningly. You started to regret your stupid lie the moment you felt his fingers tightening around you until your wrist felt sore and your skin bruised, "Fook him and just say yes. I'll make you spend a fookin' great evening." He said through gritted teeth.
"S-Stop that! You're hurting me!" You rebelled. Panic kicked so violently that you could not help but claw the skin of his hand with your nails. In despair, you looked around you but no one was there. The only people who met your gaze simply walked away: no one wanted to have beef with Arthur Shelby. Blood stuck under your nails as you scratched his skin, but the pain did not seem to have any effect upon him, his nerves numbed by cocaine. Yet, it was enough for him to release you from his menacing grip. Arthur stepped back and his mood switched again. Now, he was rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed at the sight of your frighted eyes.
"Eh, sorry. I don't mean to scare but yer just so cute."
You looked at him, confused and scared. What the hell was he talking about? How were these two things correlated? And how did he find the university in which you were studying? All of these questions bumped into each other in your mind. "Listen, I should go. My boyfriend's waiting." You concluded and left, not wanting to stay with Arthur for another minute. All you wanted was to flee from his stressful presence.
"Oi!" He called you as you were straying away from him, "Did ye like the flowers?!"
Your heart missed a beat at the sudden realization: he was the one who sent them. Shivering with fear, you hastened your walk. Arthur took another sip of whisky, looking at the way your body was swaying at each of your steps. Every move you make, you were fucking sweeter than a cake. Like, he didn't know how you did that but you were literally making him go bonkers.
To the extent that he began following you in the streets the days that followed your rejection. His shadow was always lurking somewhere behind you, or in the darkest corner of a place. What started as a harmless crush turned into something that was terrorizing you on daily basis. Soon, you could not go one with your life without becoming paranoiac. Because you knew he was there. Every time, everywhere. Even when you could not see him. You could feel his petrifying presence following you outside...
But you didn't understand. You were getting him wrong. You were far too sweet for a damned city like Small Heath, so he had to make sure you were safe. And how could you be safe if he was not there to take care of you?
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A feverish sigh escaped from his lips as the stars of pleasure that danced under his eyelids started to disappear. Arthur's backed up with a growl and extended one of his arms to grab his trousers and his shirt from the other side of the couch. He quickly put some clothes back on and slapped a banknote on the nightstand.
"Get the fook' out of here." He growled, slipping a cigarette between his lips. Still panting, sweat made the freckled skin of his bare chest glisten under the lights. With one trembling hand, he slicked his hair back while the prostitute he had just paid left the room half-naked, gathering all her remaining strength to leave the house as fast as she could. Arthur let out a cloud of smoke from his mouth and pinched the bridge of his nose as if he wanted to stop his dawning headache.
You know, he did it only because that whore looked a bit like you when he fucked her from behind like with the delicacy of an animal in heat. Yeah, she looked definitely a bit like you when he had wrapped her long ginger hair around his fist and pulled it while exploring the deepest parts of her.
But he made himself the promise to stop all this kind of shit and be a good husband when you would embrace his love. Because you would. You just needed a bit of time to realize it.
But first, he had to wipe the other bitches out, so it was only you and him.
One night he really fucked up though, but you had provoked him by talking to that young and handsome man. He was called Gaspard, and he was probably the boyfriend you had been talking about. Arthur had tried to keep his calm, but when his saw the way you laughed at his jokes and hugged his arm against your breasts it made his self-control slip. He could not let him ruin his chances and take you away from him — especially because Gaspard was far more attractive and younger than him, with his charming smirk, his perfect dumb-looking haircut, and his cunning grey eyes.
Arthur had waited for the night to come and, when the unfortunate young man crossed his path, he grabbed him and pulled him into a dark alley. He could not remember what happened in detail for his rage took possession of him, but he did recall the burning feeling of anger that boiled within. He had slashed his face with a razor blade before beating him to death. He went home right after, drinking and drugging himself until he passed out on the floor.
He might have reacted a bit too much but he needed to be the only one for you. He was pretty sure you'd understand.
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Sometimes the love and inextinguishable desire he felt for you was so overwhelming that he ended up not knowing if he wanted to hug you tight or fuck you against a wall until you cried his name and beg for him to stop. Then he would hate both himself and the drugs for the wicked thought of ruining you that had crossed his mind. How could you make him feel like he did? Sometimes this shit was scaring him. He grew afraid of the power you had upon him, leading him to pull his own hair and scream with frustration, rolled in a ball on the floor of his living room. He could not get you out of his fucking head and it messed with his already eroded sanity.
But you were sweet. So sweet he was convinced his teeth would hurt from your saccharine taste the day his lips would kiss yours and his tongue would lick the love juice from your innocent little pussy.
What he'd do to have you sitting here next to him... From massacring the men who dare to be interested in you, to sabotaging your mother’s car the day you were supposed to leave Birmingham for a few months because you were genuinely traumatized by him, especially after Gaspard's gruesome death. But Arthur would rather die than live one day without seeing your face, even though it sometimes made him want to gouge out his eyes, for your cuteness submerged his senses each time he would look at you.
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But he wanted some more.
So he knocked at your door one night when you were all alone in your house. In truth, he had carefully spied on your mother's phone calls, and he knew she was going to spend the night at your grandparent's home.
When you opened the door, you backed up in fear and looked at him with tears streaming down your face, your body reacting viscerally to him for he had haunted your life for months. He was here, towering you with all his height, holding an empty bottle of whisky in one hand, and ropes in the other. A whimper of fear escaped from your lips as he pushed you inside and closed the door behind him, forcing you to welcome him in your own house. Your heart drummed to the cacophony of your anxiety because his body crashed against yours when he pulled you in a forced hug, his nose brushing your cheek and his whiskey breath fanning over your skin as scorching as a dragon’s.
“Arthur, please” You sobbed.
“That's okay Bunny. I'm not gonna hurt you eh.” He let the ropes fall on the ground, as well as the empty bottle that crashed against the wooden floor and broke into pieces in a noise so sharp that you almost flinched.
"Please, you need to stop that!" You begged, but he wasn't listening. Quite the contrary, one of his gloved hands pinned yours above your head, while the other went up your skirt to grab your ass.
“Ye know, I think 'bout ye every day at least a hundred times or more.” He grunted, squeezing your butt cheek. The feeling of the leather against your naked skin made your eyes flee from his, ashamed.
"Let me go, please, let me go!" You tried to fight, but you couldn't move anymore. He was trapping you between his body and the wall. All you managed to do was exhaust yourself: the more your fought, the more you felt strangely weak. Arthur swallowed the lump in his throat, your words breaking down his core. They were spinning within, intoxicating him as you stopped struggling in his grip and finally let his hands conquer your body, defeated.
"Hey relax Bunny, I ain’t gonna fuck you if that's what yer afraid of. You ain't no whore eh, I wanna spoil you and treat you like the princess you are before we make love, eh." He whispered in your ear before leaving small bites along your neck, his mustache scratching your skin and his body lingering for more. A smile flattered his liquored lips for he could feel your heartbeat, right under your small breasts that were crushed against his chest. "I'll make ye fookin' happy. And when you will understand that you love me, you’ll spread your legs for me yourself. Like a big girl.”
"Arthur please, I don't... I don't feel well..." You suddenly said as you felt your head spin.
"I know, Bunny. Don't fight it."
Without understanding what was happening, your body collapsed and Arthur caught you in his arms, keeping you from falling on the floor.
"I'm here." He said with a soothing hoarse voice.
His soft smile was the last thing you saw before darkness fogged your brain. You closed your eyes, your body limp in Arthur's hands as you lose consciousness.
All of your little habits held no secrets for him. He knew your favorite place to go, your favorite type of clothes, and what you liked to read. He even knew that each night, you drank a glass of cold milk before going to bed. That was how he came up with the idea to drug the bottle the milkman brought you earlier.
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You let out a little painful moan when you tried to open your eyes, the blinding light fueling the throbbing headache you suffered from since you woke up. Your mouth was as dry as a desert and your head as painful as if someone was smashing your skull constantly with a hammer. In truth, you didn't even remember what happened -- All you knew was that the masculine perfume you smell on the bedsheet and on your own skin wasn't familiar. Forcing yourself to keep your eyes open, you groaned and slowly looked around you, each movement demanding an indescribable effort for your body still felt heavy because of the drug.
This was not your bedroom.
That sole information was enough to send a surge of adrenaline in your brain, and you managed to sit on the edge of the bed, panicking despite the cotton-like haze that was still numbing your brain. You wanted to get off the bed and rushed to the door. You wanted to scream, to burst into anger, but you remained still, petrified in your own body. That was until you caught sigh of someone at the corner of your eyes.
"Ar-Arthur?" You called with a weak voice.
"Mornin' little Bunny." He replied, standing from his chair and putting his half-empty bottle of whisky on the nightstand next to you. Then, his slim body smoothly moved to the edge of the bed, on which he sat. You backed up a little bit in reflex.
"My head hurts..." You lamented, crystal tears beading at the corner of your honey-like eyes. Arthur replied to your complaint by gently pressing his large and warm hand on your forehead to alleviate the pain. Surprisingly enough, the sensation was pleasant.
"I know, love. You've drunk a bit too much and that guy wanted to take advantage of ye. So I intervened and brought ye here. Don’t worry, you're going to be fine.” He whispered, his words as soft as a feather's caress, "All ye need is a well-deserved rest, and when you'll wake up I'll be there and I'll take care of ye, eh." He states, gently forcing you to lie on the bed. Your body fell limp on the mattress and as it did, Arthur leaned over you. Some strands of his hair fell on each side of his face as he brought it closer to yours until his lips crashed against your cheek to lay a tender kiss on it. You squeezed your eyelids shut when the tip of his nose gently bumped against your skin. Somehow, it felt as good as confusing.
"Yeah, I'll take care of ye." He repeated, the gravel in his voice making your whole body shiver. Something was definitely wrong with this situation, you thought. Were you at a party yesterday? You could not remember. But you were confused, in pain, and tired. So tired you rolled on your side and snuggled against the only person that had been here for you: him.
“Well— thanks I guess,” You whispered before falling asleep a second time, unknowing of the fact you’ll never leave this house ever again.
Arthur smiled.
Somehow he knew it was wrong but it wasn't his fault. He just loved you a little too much.
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Any comment, review, reblog, or constructive criticism is welcome. Your reactions really motivate me and keep me alive, so please don't be shy. English is not my first language.
tagging: @brummiereader because you told me you needed a Yandere!Arthur in your life, babe! also tagging @raincoffeeandfandoms because I don't remember if ya wanted to be tagged on all my works or just Heaven in Your Eyes??
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sir-walton-goggins · 9 months ago
Of Thorns and Roses
1905 words
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Arthur Morgan/Masc Reader (she/her)
Summary: A nice evening together gets rudely interrupted and things go south when a drunk patron begins harassing you. Arthur won't let anyone disrespect you, ever, and gets into a fight.
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Credit for the header goes to my bestie @raevennsge, photo in the middle is mine
Last night at the saloon was a damn mess.
It had started out nice, even. You and the cowboy went out to have a few drinks and something to eat together after a long day of scouting for Dutch's latest plan.
The food was warm and filling and the company was even better. You flirted and laughed together, immersed in your own new relationship bubble. The alcohol provided a nice mood booster, but you weren't drunk. The lights were dim and the pianist played his own ditties, making for a cheerful atmosphere. A few people even got up and danced on the creaky wooden floors. But to you, they weren't even there, as you gazed into each other's eyes lovingly.
You raised your glass. "To us, my love" Arthur grinned and raised his own.
"To us." You glasses clinked and you emptied them in one go, making them thump on the table. He grimaced and let out a "woo" that made you burst out laughing, then coughing as the alcohol burned your throat nicely.
It all happened so fast.
Drunken moron stumbled into your table, making the plates and glasses shake and clunk together and almost fall off.
"Hey, watch where you're going!" Arthur thundered, zapping the guy with his eyes.
But the feller had already decided to be belligerent. He raised his hands, struggling to stand on his own feet, and mumbled a half-assed apology, full of attitude. You looked over to Arthur: his expression was starting to go sour, and you feared the situation would escalate.
"Arthur, let's go, c’mon" you said getting up, but he gestured for you to remain seated.
"We ain't going nowhere," then he turned to the heckler and hissed, his voice a whole octave lower,
“he was just leavin'."
Your stomach churned in anticipation. A part of you craved to see your lover deliver the beating of a lifetime to that idiot, but the other, calling out more strongly, just wanted a peaceful, quiet night.
The drunkard ignored Arthur's attempt at intimidation and instead directed his attention to you, in open defiance of the outlaw.
"Well, look at you" he hiccuped, a mocking laugh shaking his chest. "Lady dressed like a man, shouldn't you be home making dinner?" He pointed at your pants and suspenders and spit on the ground, narrowly avoiding your thigh. You felt your face heat up in a cocktail of anger and embarrassment and your gut prickle at you from the inside like small, sharp thorns.
Arthur was fuming, and you knew it was taking him all his strength to not jump the bastard right then and there. His face was as red as a pepper, hands gripping the table so tight his knuckles were white.
"You best walk away NOW, fool" he roared, the last of his patience all contained within this final warning.
The drunk feller must have had a death wish, because he resumed talking. This time was Arthur's turn.
"Of course, girly fella like you needs a woman that's really a man! Bet you let her get on top aaaaall the time, too!" He snickered, gulping down some more whiskey.
You glanced at Arthur, horrified. He was staring dead at the door, his lips so pressed together they disappeared. His whole body was as tense as a violin string, threatening to snap at any slight provocation.
"Eh, you're not even that ugly, sweet cheeks" the drunk approached you, leaning down closer to your face. Arthur instinctively jumped up from his chair, staring daggers at him. You recoiled in disgust.
"What do you say, you and me have some fun, away from this sour faced id-" he couldn't even finish the thought. He flew to the floor, a fist hitting him like a train, his filthy blood splattering on your shirt. The pianist suddenly stopped playing, hitting the wrong note as he froze into place. The whole establishment seemed to go quiet.
You stared at Arthur. Fists clenched, breathing heavily, he wasn't trying to contain his anger anymore.
"Say another word to her and you're dead!!" He roared, eyes flashing in pure rage, the fist-delivering hand already starting to bruise. His words echoed violently in the stunned silence of the saloon.
"You piece of shit," the heckler lamented, struggling to get back up. He held his reddened cheek, then clumsily picked up his hat and put it back on.
Arthur never took his eyes off him. He had been in a lot of brawls, and knew the bastard still had some fight in him. Like he needed an excuse to beat the shit out of him...
He was right. He tried to swing, but Arthur blocked and countered it, sending him stumbling backwards. He turned briefly to you to check if you were okay, but while he was distracted, the drunkard landed a hit right on his cheekbone. Arthur cried in pain and winced, preparing his next haymaker. Now he was really tired of this moron.
The whole saloon gathered to watch, cheering and booing as the punches came and went, in both directions. You wanted to disappear, but you stayed right there, looking apprehensively at Arthur, waiting for him to win. Because he always did. Every time the opponent hit him, you felt pain like you received the punch yourself. You tried so hard to repress the urge to get between them, to stop that man from hurting your partner, but you knew it was useless. Plus, you had seen how pissed Arthur gets when someone intervenes during one of his fights, and you wanted no part in further aggravating him.
Even though he managed to get in a few hits, the pathetic drunk was easily defeated. Arthur started hitting him harder and harder, until his face was an indistinguishable bloody mess. He didn't even stop hitting when he was down, passed out, a murderous rage eating away at his face as he swung on top of him. 
"He's gonna kill him" a twinge of panic took ahold of your chest. "He will kill him if I don't do anything." You jumped from your chair and begged Arthur to stop, hovering your hands in front of him.
He stopped a punch in midair to look at you. At first, there was surprise on his face, like he forgot you were there entirely. Then his expression abruptly fell when he noticed you were on the verge of tears.
"Please... Let's just go." You pleaded tiredly, looking into his eyes and searching desperately for the Arthur he was only 10 minutes earlier. The Arthur that would listen.
He looked around, disoriented, and slowly walked away from the guy. You grabbed his arm and you both walked back to your horses as you left the crowd whispering and chattering behind you.
Not a word was said the whole ride home. You both left your horses at the post and walked straight to bed.
When you woke up the next morning, you rolled over and Arthur wasn't there. Your mind started racing, thinking about him doing something stupid or taking off to avoid a confrontation with you.
But a minute later, he stepped back into the tent with two cups of coffee.
"Morning" he said, smiling curtly as he handed you the hot cup.
"Morning" you replied, saddened at the sight of his beautiful face all puffed up and bruised. Last night in the dark it was hard to see, but now in the morning light you could take inventory of all the damage he took: a cut on his cheekbone that needed patching up, dried blood trailing down it and over his cheek. A black eye. The whole left side of his face was red and swollen.
Your stare burned on his skin. He looked to the side and sat down next to you, sipping his coffee in silence. He hanged his head in shame.
"I-I'm sorry..." he blurted out after a while, not daring to look at you. So afraid of seeing anger and disappointment in your eyes, the mere idea making him crawl in his skin.
"I just... I couldn't let him walk away after he insulted you. Wasn't right" he sighed, looking down at his boots. "I know I ruined our night. And for that I'm truly sorry, sweetheart."
You could tell he was really heartbroken by what happened. He didn't even care about the insults aimed at him. He wanted to protect your honor. To protect you. Yes, you were still a bit shaken up by what happened, but you realized he only did it out of love. He loved you so much, sometimes it scared you. And others, too, in this case.
You put a hand on his shoulder and set the cup down. He slowly turned his head, hopeful, and was hugely relieved when he saw your reassuring smile.
"It was sweet of you to get so riled up over that" you said, and meant every word. "I'm not angry, Arthur. I just wished that idiot had minded his own damn business" you sighed, hovering your fingers on his sore face. The blond winced and sucked air through his teeth. "Look at what that piece of shit did to your sweet face..." you lamented, caressing the unharmed cheek.
"Ah, it's nothing. He probably walked away half a brain lighter" he chuckled, not a single note of regret in his voice. You couldn't blame him. You kinda wanted him dead, too.
"It's something. I'm taking care of that right away." You sprinted out of the tent, asking Arthur to wait there. You returned soon later with some ointment, a clean towel and a herb tonic. Arthur tried his best to withstand the pain and stay still like you asked him to while you cleaned up his wounds and wiped the blood off his face.
"This is gonna feel nice" you promised him, laying the cold towel on his swollen cheek. He still winced at the contact, but the cold was nice on his burning, puffy skin. You finished medicating him by putting some ointment on the cuts and swollen parts, and then handed him the tonic.
"Hosea said this is gonna prevent infections and take away a bit of pain" you recalled, repeating the words the old man said to you as he handed you the bottle.
Arthur sipped it and immediately grimaced, but kept drinking, because you were staring at him. He knew you wouldn't let him step out if he didn't. The taste was foul and bitter, but he already felt much better.
"Thank you" he beckoned you closer, and you sat on his lap. "I dunno what I did to deserve you, darlin'" he sighed, gazing into your eyes, his own smiling and grateful.
You kissed the corner of his mouth tenderly. His face still smelled of ointment and the bitter taste of the tonic lingered on his lips, but you kissed them anyway.
"I love your thorns just as much as I love your petals" you murmured against his ear and hugged him tight.
"You always was the poetic type" he chuckled, but not mockingly. He just never knew how to accept these compliments. Still, he rested easy knowing you weren't mad at him and you loved his rough side just as much as you did his soft one. That was all he needed.
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