#arthur bb not so close please
tkblythofficial · 5 months
New current reading (that one was notold but their energy changes very fast and I was trying to make heads and tails of stuff).
So, funny thing: T did try to approach Z (I asked because you planted the seed) and its not like she ignored him but was quite overwhelmed and he felt alone (I'm seriously feeling sorry for the dude ngl).
The way she saw it in her head (that's her thing, it's like she can see how it mightve played out, it's like she's there, it's a thing don't ask) it's that he was like: oh can we hang out maybe? 🥺 and she's like yeah, sure! But she was busy networking and then so was he and then he decided to leave without talking to her again and she tried talking to him and ask why he left and he just said he had a headache.
Well about BB, she engages more when she feels like T is slipping, she considers this place a reliable source of information and someone close to the three of them has provided y'all with Intel. So's definitely around (hi BB! Please dump T)
T was triggered by the infamous picture, it's like he doesn't get how R can settle for someone that doesn't really love her and he's growing resentful of J because of it because he feels R deserves to be loved completely.
When asked why is T misconstruting R's behavior, she said: he's think she's distant but not in a way he can handle, but growing apart from their connection and he feels that she's realizing how he feels and it's pushing him away, all the while wanting to push her away too and said I quote: "Boy, take your fucking pick, you can't berate for doing the thing you want to do".
Regardless, he feels unseen by her. She used a music to clarify through my Spotify. It was on random with more than 2000 musics and she asked for a song and it went to Stonehenge - from a Brazilian band called Freano -. For context, the song tells the story of someone that's feeling disconnected and trying to reconnect, from someone that feels as though the other person doesn't deserve their feelings. It talks about distance and from a other that isn't connecting to them and that doesn't seem to care about the writers behavior. It talks of emotional distance and of feeling as though they don't exist.
She then asked why T is so contradictory because for R at least makes some logical sense (she sees T a certain way and tries not to diverge from that, doesn't play hot and cold, doesn't run away like her ass is on fire) and she said that's because he doesn't want to feel this way about her, at all.
He's contradictory because his feelings are. He knows he should love his girlfriend, doesn't want to repeat the same patterns he saw before, looking for love in people he'll never find it because he needs to learn to stand on his own two feet.
It doesn't look good because he's pulling away emotionally which he apparently didn't do the first time he ghosted her and it's going to hurt R more than the first time. If R is somehow reading this, my friends advice is not to approach T now. He needs time because if she does seek him out he might say or do something he can't take back.
I know we all joke (and please take this with a grain of salt) but now would not be the time for any rash decisions to be made. He's hurting and he's doing one hell of job of hiding it from people.
She asked for another song and it went to Empty Space by James Arthur which if you listen to it, speaks for itself.
“So, funny thing: T did try to approach Z (I asked because you planted the seed) and its not like she ignored him but was quite overwhelmed and he felt alone (I'm seriously feeling sorry for the dude ngl).”
The way I thought you were talking about T Holland and Zendaya and made sure I was on the right blog LOL. He approached her? He felt alone? Oh no 😭
“The way she saw it in her head (that's her thing, it's like she can see how it mightve played out, it's like she's there, it's a thing don't ask) it's that he was like: oh can we hang out maybe?
and she's like yeah,
sure! But she was busy networking and then so was he and then he decided to leave without talking to her again and she tried talking to him and ask why he left and he just said he had a headache.”
Orange gets “play out” visions too? Interesting 👀 I can totally see this happening
“Well about BB, she engages more when she feels like T is slipping, she considers this place a reliable source of information and someone close to the three of them has provided y'all with Intel. So's definitely around (hi BB! Please dump T)”
This blog? Reliable source? Oh. That’s oh….BB, honey, I want to hug you. I mean it too 😭 and yeah, someone else to them is definitely here. I hope they find the blog funny.
“T was triggered by the infamous picture, it's like he doesn't get how R can settle for someone that doesn't really love her and he's growing resentful of J because of it because he feels R deserves to be loved completely.”
The infamous pic = R kneeling I’m assuming? 😬 Growing resentful? I know he saw that horrible relationship for 2 years 😭 but I guess it’s getting worse
“When asked why is T misconstruting R's behavior, she said: he's think she's distant but not in a way he can handle, but growing apart from their connection and he feels that she's realizing how he feels and it's pushing him away, all the while wanting to push her away too and said I quote: "Boy, take your fucking pick, you can't berate for doing the thing you want to do".”
Distant but not in a way he can handle? OK, T, pot calling the kettle black. Tbf I think R knows about his feelings so he’s lowkey right but he needs to pick a side lol. Either leave her alone until she figures it out or stay by her side until the boar leaves.
“Regardless, he feels unseen by her. She used a music to clarify through my Spotify. It was on random with more than 2000 musics and she asked for a song and it went to Stonehenge - from a Brazilian band called Freano -. For context, the song tells the story of someone that's feeling disconnected and trying to reconnect, from someone that teels as though the other person doesn't deserve their feelings. It talks about distance and from a other that isn't connecting to them and that doesn't seem to care about the writers behavior. It talks of emotional distance and of feeling as though they don't exist.”
That’s so sad 😭 R and T are always on an emotional roller coaster
“She then asked why T is so contradictory because for R at least makes some logical sense (she sees T a certain way and tries not to diverge from that, doesn't play hot and cold, doesn't run away like her ass is on fire) and she said that's because he doesn't want to feel this way about her, at all.”
Same, T, but R is like a fever you can’t shake 💀 I do think R is more reliable and consistent with her feelings which is good.
“He's contradictory because his feelings are. He knows he should love his girlfriend, doesn't want to repeat the same patterns he saw before, looking for love in people he'll never find it because he needs to learn to stand on his own two feet.”
Unfortunately he can’t control his feelings 🤭 you either love someone or you don’t. This applies to R and BB.
“It doesn't look good because he's pulling away emotionally which he apparently didn't do the first time he ghosted her and it's going to hurt R more than the first time. If R is somehow reading this, my friends advice is not to approach T now. He needs time because if she does seek him out he might say or do something he can't take back.”
He’s pulling away at a good time I guess. He has to promote BTK then will film AFTA later this year. He’s going to be very busy soon and can use work as an excuse.
“I know we all joke (and please take this with a grain of salt) but now would not be the time for any rash decisions to be made. He's hurting and he's doing one hell of job of hiding it from people.”
No, T 😭😭😭 stop, this reading hurts.
“She asked for another song and it went to Empty Space by James Arthur which if you listen to it, speaks for itself.”
Great music taste. Link to video lyrics.
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I have arrived📢📢📢📢‼️‼️‼️🫵🫵 :
Kamen Rider… you are so real.
Personally if someone turned into a giant dog in front of me I’d pass out but not before the loudest scream in history of sound has left my throat. But you go kitten!
Hearing internal organs.. i do wonder if the stomach sounds like freshly poured McDonald’s sprite
please minho i walk past a high school every afternoon and the smell in this weather will make you want to die
step dad mom working 3 jobs oh rhythm you have thought this tf out
Minho realizing his crush and Chan nearly biting pretty during full moon .. maybe we need it to be full moon everyday
betting on Chris x pretty fucking or not is insane because the outcome will 99,99% be yes so where’s the betting part
how did you come up with the name sir percival
well you’re missing out sir percival this was hot!
The cat moving into the den… he’s about to experience his worst nightmare with Chris and pretty
Conclusion : like always a good and amazing and perfect read 🏆
kitten is just as weird as minho, ofc she wouldn't pass out sdkjfhskjdfhf
not the freshly poured mcdonald's sprite omg... i wonder how that specific liquid going down would sound like with enhanced senses...
i've thought about minho's family situation probably too much for my own good tbh
hey, chris and pretty aren't fucking all the time..... sometimes they're just... they're just really close to each other..... questionably close..... okay, wait a damn minute....
i named the cat Sir Percival because, when we were teens, my best friend had a cat whose full name was "Sir Arthur of Camelot" (Cam for short), and while i was trying to come up with a name for kitten's rescued cat i just remembered him and decided to use sir percival instead because of percival from bbc merlin haha
i wonder if sir percival would care much about chris x pretty's bedroom shenanigans... i'm sure his hesitancy towards minho x kitten is just because... those are His Parents at this point, and nobody wants to see their parents in that situation LOL
glad you enjoyed it, bb!! thanks for leaving your notes here as always hahah
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izacore · 5 years
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swanimagines · 2 years
Hey! I love your writings a lot! Can I please request a Pin Hawthorne + 9:45pm? Thanks<3
FREDDY EVENT, send in requests for any of Freddy Carter’s characters (NOT the man himself (= no Freddy Carter (the real person) x readers), only his characters)!! The event means that requests I get for his characters during it’s on are my top priority but I might sprinkle in other requests too. The event is about to end tomorrow though!
Word count: 377
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When you first had started crushing on Pin as you started riding at Bright Fields when you were just children, you would have never imagined that six years later you would be there, lying on a luxurious bed in his arms and watching Netflix together from a huge tv mounted on the wall. Arthur had made you some evening snacks to enjoy while watching the movie, and the tray he had brought to you when you started the movie was now sitting by your side on the end of the king size bed, piled up with grapes, breadsticks, olives and various cheeses. You had to admit, such snacks made you feel like royalty too.
Pin had told his butler to go sleep early that night, insisting that you'd take care of the dishes. He had been working so hard for the whole day, and his exhaustion started showing on his face. He had thanked Pin, retreating to his room as Pin had pulled you to lie between his legs, your head against his chest and he wrapped his arms around your hips. That's how you had been watching the movie, occasionally snacking on food from the tray or resting your head on him, feeling safe and protected under his strong arms.
The movie was interesting, but you started feeling tired after you had watched half of it. Your eyelids became heavy and your eyes involuntarily closed as minutes passed by, and soon you had fallen into sleep against Pin's chest.
Pin didn't even realise you had fallen to sleep at first, too invested into the movie himself to notice. But as the ending credits began rolling and Pin put the movie away, you began to snore lightly. He held back a chuckle and gently laid you next to him, sneaking to the other side of the bed to take the now-empty tray and put it on the windowsill. He crept back on the bed, settling down beside you and stroking your hair with gentle fingers. You smiled in your sleep, snuggling closer to him and Pin wrapped his arms around you, smiling tenderly at you sleeping. 
Then finally, he let himself fall in slumber too, knowing there was no other place where he'd rather be right now.
Tags: @scandalous-chaos @brekkers-desigirl @mentallynotstableghost @bb-skyrunner @ellora-brekker // send in an ask to be added, and specify which of Freddy's characters do you want to be tagged on! (This taglist is for Freddy event only, I won't take character taglists for anyone else than Freddy's characters. And note: after the event, Pin pieces will get the full Free Rein taglist again, this taglist applies only during this event) ALSO IF YOU WON’T INTERACT BEYOND LIKING, I’LL EVENTUALLY TAKE YOU OFF THE LIST!!
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daisies-daydreams · 2 years
Fire Force: Company 8 Men (When You’re On Your Period)
Category: Fluff, Slight Angst (If You Squint) 
Warnings: Mentions of Bleeding, Nudity (Non-Sexual; Obi’s Part Only) 
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Shinra Kusakabe
Doesn’t know what to do at first tbh.
He panics when you tell him about your “monthly visitor” is making you bleed profusely, but calms down when he realizes it’s just menstruation.
Fumbles around, trying to get you the pad/tampon size you asked for…only to come back with all of them.
“I-I didn’t know which one to get,” he says as he looks down at his feet.
You reassure him that it’s okay, and you appreciate the gesture.
Don’t worry. He’ll become more prepared over time. 
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Arthur Boyle
Oh boy.
He’s confused as h*ck. How can you be bleeding and not die?
He wasn’t really educated about these things, having been abandoned by his parents.
Blushes hard when you explain it all to him (he’ll still be confused and in shock for a little while before calming down).
Is on guard for you, 24/7.
“How can I assist you in defeating this red demon?” he bellows dramatically.
You can’t help but burst into laughter as you hug him tightly.
He’s very forgetful about what to do, but he’ll will try his best to help and support you.
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Vulcan Joseph
After living with Lisa, he’s got period prep down to a T. 
Need a heating pad? He’s already got it. Water? There’s a bottle already in your hand. Favorite music? Done. He’s got you, bb. 
Turns into the biggest softie when you’re having a bad day (cramping, breaking out, bleeding through, etc). 
“I got you some Midol, baby,” he murmurs as he rubs your sides, adjusting the heat pack to the best position that makes your cramps melt away. 
TL;DR: Vulcan has experience and he knows how to use it. 
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Viktor Licht
Tall gremlin man.
He knows what a period is…he’s just not familiar with how to help someone who’s on their period.
He’ll ask you if you need anything, trying to be casual about it (but still kind of awkward).
Viktor will research (aka Google) for days about what to do when a significant other is menstruating. 
He learns very quickly, both from being with you and his “research”, and becomes a pro in no time.
“I got you your (favorite candy), some tampons, and some pain meds. Oh, I also put on (favorite movie),” he says before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
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Takehisa Hinawa
(This man scares the crap out of me ngl).
He’ll keep his usual straight face when you tell him you’re on your period.
Hinawa will then promptly go to the store and get everything you requested.
His forte is getting what you need. Comforting you on the other hand…
“It’s a cramp. Just take some medicine,” he tells you, thinking that he’s giving you some light at the end of the tunnel.😬😬😬
He quickly learns that being blunt isn’t always the best way to comfort someone. 
He’s better than Arthur, but not as great as Vulcan. Hinawa is probably somewhere in-between (but he can get better, as long as you tell him how to emotionally support you just as well as he physically supports you). 
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Akitaru Obi
This tank of a man will drop everything and run to your place when you tell him you’re having terrible cramps and can’t get out of bed.
He’ll rush in and draw you a bath (if that’s your thing), making sure to gently place you into the tub while massaging any muscles that ache.
Obi will spoil you so, so much. He’ll treat you like the queen you are.
However, he won’t always get you unhealthy food you ask for. He wants his baby to be healthy and hydrated. 
“I know it’s not chocolate, but strawberries can be just as romantic,” he insists with his big, goofy smile and a wink. 
Obi’s just a big teddy bear. Even if you don’t feel beautiful, dealing with cramps, bloating, and break-outs, he’ll praise and encourage you until those negative thoughts go away. 
He’s always down for snuggling if you ask him to, holding you close to his warm body as you fall asleep in his arms. 
(Please marry this man). 
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Can I ask what it would be like for Solsu having to take care of drunk romanced companions? Bonus points if they're told about their shenanigans afterword.
(Angry drunk)
•It's best that you don't drink in polite company with her. She's already a feisty individual with a burning passion for inflicting pain, you make her drunk and it's only a matter of time before she incites some horrible fight.
•Sounds funny, but it's really not. Reign her back. Please.
.......you aren't really gonna let her drink, right? I highly advise you don't....
(Horny drunk 👀)
•Danse hardly ever partakes in more than a couple glasses with company and this is exactly why.
•At first it all starts off nice and smooth, just Danse beginning to gradually relax- which is "outstanding" considering his usual rigid disposition. However once that fine line of too many drinks have been crossed, all hell breaks loose.
•It'll start with comments on your appearance, simple incessant "you look beautiful"s spoken with dazed eyes...then it escalates to Danse pulling you into his lap where you're met with his obvious "intentions" prodding you in the ass, all while being held in a bear hug from a blushing, smiling Paladin who happens to look like a kicked puppy when you make him calm down with a drink of water. Don't worry, he might mope but he'll quit if you tell him to.
•Perks back up when you tell him it's time to go to bed...only to mope even more when he realizes that no, it isn't for sexy times. No worries, he'll be happy so long as you let him hold you..
•Is absolutely ashamed and horrified of his behavior when he wakes up and you tell him what went down. Probably will hide his face in his pillows and try to disappear. Swears he won’t drink again and make a fool of himself like that….will totally drink some more.
•Just be lucky he wasn’t feeling melancholic like a post BB Danse would.
(Stupid drunk..)
•Ever seen that one video of that guy busting through drywall like Kool-Aid Man? That's Deacon's level of maturity when properly intoxicated.
•No worries, Desdemona is going to bitch at him from the time he does something too stupid until he isn't even drunk anymore. Frankly, he deserves it too- he's destructive, reckless, and...well..hilarious, but that doesn't mean it's redeemable!
•He seems to perfectly remember all his antics, some he even reflects upon with a proud grin..until his hangover ends up making him wince in pain. Just...take care of him, there isn't any point in trying to scold him. Des has that covered anyways.
(Emotional drunk)
•A drunk gage was both extremely rare because of his genuine hate for alcohol and also very shocking. Sure, one may assume that someone so rugged and tough like a raider- especially Gage- would have no issue handling his liquor....oh how wrong you could be...
•You weren't entirely sure what happened, much less where he got the idea, but somehow Gage got the absurd notion that you decided he wasn't good enough for you and you were going to just leave him behind. He'd keep it in for a while, slowly growing more quiet as he took practical gulps of his drink. That doesn't last.
•Eventually he starts to cry, silent tears pouring from his good eye. Whenever you actually notice, it's too late. Just pray no one else is around when this next part happens.
•All it takes is you coming to his side, placing a comforting hand on his back and he crumbles. He'll grab you and push his face into your chest and start sobbing, wailing incoherently as he begs you to not leave him.
•It might seem humorous, but it raised several questions.
•The morning after his outburst, you wake up extra early to present him with a half way decent breakfast in bed- extra grease on the food for good measure. Once he seems to be more coherent, you make sure to talk to him about his apparent fear of you not loving him...which brings him close to tears once again whenever you finally convince him that you do in fact love him and won't ever leave his side so long as he loves you back.
(Stealthy drunk)
•Unfortunately, the mayor of Goodneighbor doesn't really have any fun antics..well at least any that would point to him being intoxicated. Sorry.
(Over indulging drunk)
•Mac is arguably the best one to get shit faced with, especially if you like drugs and food. Oh yeah, something about eating while intoxicated is irresistible to him. Think of it like munchies, but in Mac's case, five times as bad.
• After a couple drinks, Mac nonchalantly will reach into his pocket- gesturing for you to come close- before putting a cigarette in your mouth and lighting up- using your's to light his own. If you don't set a stopping point, the two of you will wake up down two packs, several empty containers of jet, and crumbs everywhere.
•When faced with the consequences of his gluttony, Mac will just sit there and whine as his stomach does cartwheels. That's punishment enough...
(Mr. Vomits-a-lot drunk)
•It takes a whole hell of a lot for Maxson to get shitfaced thanks to his rather strict habitual drinking. After all, it would be a strange day if you didn't see him knock a bottle of whisky out before finally turning in..which was kind of sad come to think of it..
•Nonetheless, he does occasionally push his limits when he's especially stressed and it's never pleasant when he does.
•It was sort of funny, in retrospect. One minute you and him were sitting on the flight deck together, casually talking whilst finishing off a bottle of shitty vodka (unknowing that he had already burned through countless bottles before meeting you) when suddenly Arthur started to look pale. It just kept getting worse until eventually he was frantically motioning for you to follow him as he ran to the railings, sticking his head over before throwing up whatever was on his stomach..sending it to a several hundred foot drop below.
•It's a good thing you held him, otherwise the brotherhood might've been short an elder and you short a partner.
•When confronted with his..let's say "overindulgence", he'll sort of look away and try to change the subject. It's probably best if you try to hide liquor for a while. 
(Doesn't drink....)
Old Longfellow:
With his age and experience? He's the same as Hancock.
(Daredevil drunk)
•Hope you're sober, because if you aren't- there's a good chance you'll be spending the night in Diamond City Jail.
•Piper is reckless on a good day, putting alcohol with that in mass quantities and she's wild. Just hope you have strong will, because she sure as shit isn't going to back down easy.
•It's kind of funny, but her go to is to do crazy shit. Jump off the roof? Hold her cup. Want to vandalize the great green wall? Fuck yeah. Nothing beats the time she wasn't careful and threw a lit cigarette down Ann Codman's cleavage during a heated argument with her.
•She has no regrets either, so don't expect her to be remorseful in the morning whenever you tell her what she did. If anything, she'll just laugh next time she sees Ann.
(Over thinking drunk)
•If it wasn't lowkey annoying, you'd probably think Preston's drunken neuroticism was hilarious. Not to be gotten wrong, but even sober, your love could be extremely insistent..mix his anxious attitude with liquor and you end up with a terrible night.
•You knew better than to let him have more than a couple beers, seeing as his tolerance wasn't exactly the best, and yet here you were. Preston pensively sitting at the bar beside you, rich eyes narrowed and focused on the liquid in his glass- his hands resting against his head.
•"I know you're dying to ask...." "Okay babe, since you brought it up...do you think putting electrical wire around our people's settlements would be a bad idea? It might closely resemble a prison but it's for their own good. Wait- shit, what about the kids? Oh god..."
•He may just sheepishly rub the back of his head and apologize in the morning..but he'll be quick to revisit some of the key points and ideas with you if you so much as give him a chance.
(Ridiculous drunk)
•It was only one time..thankfully.
•You, and your whole group of friends had to convince him to try it out- but once he started, he couldn't stop.
•This asshole would throw down drinks faster than Hancock..which was terrible considering his painfully low tolerance to alcohol.
•One thing goes to another and next thing you know, "The Wanderer" is playing in the background, X is singing and dancing like an idiot, and everyone is gathered around- terrified at what they were seeing. It's sort of like seeing a deathclaw do ballet- so, totally understandable.
•He dares you to bring it up later, dares you.
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huntingingoodwill · 3 years
For the 500 followers - Ada Shelby and a School headcanon please?
hey bb!! tysm <3
send me asks for 500 💕
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i think ada was fairly popular at school, she gives leader of a girl gang vibes 😭
of course you two are the real partners in crime. troublemaking duo things.
always talking and giggling in class, pulling rude faces to the teachers back, hiding the chalk to slow down classes…the two of you have been kicked out of class like a million times
you’d have to do the whole stand outside with your hands above your head/hands pulling your ears routine so often and everyone inside the class can hear you guys laughing and having fun messing around in the corridor
i think she’d like to skip. naughty naughty. the two of you hopping the fence to hang around town together and always being caught and hauled back to school by your ears by polly or tom (i think if arthur caught you two he’d close one eye. and john would probably join you 😭)
she'd skip class to smoke cigs she stole from her brothers/pol in the stairwell with you. tsk tsk!
she'd always stick up for you when ppl were mean to you. even when teachers were mean. if you were gonna get in trouble, she'd get in trouble with u too
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^ her to the girl who said something bitchy about you 🤪
if a girl she didn’t like sat in front of her she’d dip the girl’s pigtails into her inkwell and write with it. cheeky.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Angels In The Snow
Pairing: Arthur Shelby x Female!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, ittie bit of suggestiveness, soft!Arthur, fluff
Words: 825
Summary: (As per usual, Christmas mood) Y/n works late at the betting shop to come home to a nice surprise in front of the cozy fire. Times like these make her heart flutter like the angel wings imprinted on the snow.
Note: This is dedicated to @bloodybrahms​ because I said so. While you’re at it, please go follow bb and give all your uwus 💖
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Taglist: @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @stuckysslag, @marquelapage, @psychkunox, @simonsbluee, @darling-i-read-it, @fandom-puff, @warriorprincessxo, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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Usual for the winter, cold had struck Birmingham in the earliest of morning and stayed throughout the darkest of night. Her morning routine was consistent, up and dressed, prepping breakfast before she got her stomach full, taking care of the baby for a few minutes if they happened to be awake, then saying goodbye to the clingiest, but most adorable, man-baby on earth.
Arthur’s hand clung to hers, begging her to stay in the bed with him. “It’s getting cold without you.” He grumbled sleepily. A roll of her eyes and tug of her lips were all he could muster.
This was a regular thing for him; finding any excuse to pull her back under the sheets and keep her there, arm tucked around her waist and face nuzzled into her hair or crook of her neck, he just wanted to be as close to her as possible.
“Then get out of bed and put some clothes on. ‘m sure it’ll warm up real quick.” She chuckled as she shook her head. Whilst she would love to stay and get cozy in their shared bed, time was ticking by and Tommy had already excused quite a number of late appearances.
“C’mon, I’ll talk to Tommy later, make him give you another pass.”
“Yes, you could, or, you could let me go do my job.” Y/n placed a swift kiss to Arthur’s lips, who frowned yet reciprocated the moment their lips met. “I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you, okay?”
Arthur was hesitant, but let her go with a wave. Out the door and a wave of fresh air hit her senses. Unfortunately, the relaxation of it all was momentary. Cold began to nip at her skin, reminding her of reality. Arthur’s pocket watch, stowed away in the pocket of the coat she dawned, which also belonged to Arthur.
Quickly, she made her way to the shop, closing the door behind her after making sure to rid her shoes of snow before Polly could catch a glimpse of the messy pure-white pain in her ass. Cleaning the floors was something she said shouldn’t have to be her job, the snow people tracked in could easily be avoided with a few simple stomps at the door...or so she complained.
“I see you’re early for the first time. I would’ve guessed a few hours late again, but this is a surprise. Yes, a very pleasant surprise.” Tommy’s head lifted to the sound of the door opening, a smug grin upon his face as he nodded a greeting.
Instead of humoring Tommy’s suggestive observations, Y/n went straight to work. “Is there anything you’d like me to do today? Or should I do the same as yesterday?”
Polly hurried into the room, her heels marking her presence and drawing the attention of the two already engaged in conversation. She greeted Y/n with a kind smile, “Y/n! Hmm...Y/n, sweetheart, I need you to stay late today.”
“Oh? What do you need me for?”
“Some extra work. Ada and I are sorting and we could use an extra hand if you don’t mind?”
After thinking it over, Y/n gave Polly a modest nod. She received directions from Tommy and began her work day. Later into the evening, she’d switched jobs with Polly... Well, in truth, she’d forced Polly to take a break from the infuriating cleaning. Just as promised, she stayed to help out.
She’d given both women a tight hug before saying goodbye and making her way home. Around noon, she’d given Arthur a call and told him she’d be late. Although he responded with an understanding exterior, she was sure he was dreading it on the inside. Normally, she’d come home, make dinner, spend some time with her family and do whatever, really.
However, today was not “normally”. She’d stayed in late and was returning home around eleven, Arthur’s coat hugged close to her shivering form. Not even five minutes later, she’d made it to the front door.
The door was locked. Notice of this had elicited a thankful sigh from Y/n. Inserting her key and pushing the door open, a warm feeling entered her body. Her back pressed against the cold door as she closed her eyes and took in the new warmth.
Arthur’s jacket slowly slid from her body the closer she walked to the fire. Then she stopped. A smile creeped to her lips after a moment of adjusting her eyes in the soft light from the dancing flames. Without a second thought, she draped the coat over Arthur and their little one, both dead-asleep on the sofa with their mouths hanging open and eyes clenched shut. The baby rested on his chest, his arm tucked around it protectively.
Y/n pressed a kiss to both of their heads, then stepped back to create a mental picture of the scene. “Goodnight, my darlings.” She then went to sleep herself, smiling as the photo never left her mind.
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carxinogens · 3 years
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@inevitablexending​:  “ i can feel you trembling” i had to for bb arthur
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     Nahvee didn’t often loose her composure; she’s a level headed woman with the patience of a saint. Work has been hard, her coworkers have deemed themselves far worse to deal with than any of the inmates. And she was running behind, getting off of work later than she should have landing her to navigate her way home through the darkness of the city alone. She was beyond ready to draw herself a hot bath and sink herself into the warmth of the water and eventually, find herself wrapped in Arthur’s arms in bed if she was lucky enough that he would have any sort of luck today enough for him to have decided to come over. And while she had hoped so much that he would be there; she didn’t anticipate to find him in the state he was; it was the straw that broke the camels’ back. He looks hurt and she could see bruising skin peeking up from behind the collar of his shirt. 
     She quickly dismissed any previous thoughts of work behind her, closing the space in between them as her hands immediately reach for his collar so that she could unbutton his shirt and inspect the bruising that tarnished his skin. “Oh- Arthur-” her words come out in a murmur, laced with worry. “What happened to you?” she shifts the fabric out of her way only to find the bruise creeping further down his body. Darker in some places than others as if he’s been punched or kicked a few times. “Did somebody do this to you?” Her eyes look up towards him, desperate for the truth and she hadn’t realized her hands began to quiver the more she discovered and she hears him bring it up. That he could feel her trembling. Her body reacting to the storm in her mind and yet, she’s trying to hold herself together because he needs her. 
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     “I- yeah.. I guess I am.. I’m sorry.” She’s apologizing as if she had any control over it. Her feelings of dismay that’s stacked on top of her previous distress that’s completely wiped over her at the sight of him. “I’m just.. I’m worried, Arthur. You’re hurt-” she said, bringing her fingers to gingerly run along the violet blotches skin along his collar bone. “Please- let me take care of you. I.. this looks like it really hurts.” She wants to bring him relief; to take away his pain and his worries if only for a little while and despite the slight tremble to her body; a warning to her that she was minutes away from loosing her composure, she could only find the capacity to worry about him. 
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burningthegallows · 2 years
I think the reason that I was so wholly unwilling to accept Sirius’s death is that the character he was in book 4 was not the same character he was by the middle of book 5. Now that’s not to say the Sirius couldn’t have changed (in fact, his arc demanded it), but the way he changed and then the fact that those changes were never addressed…
Let me explain what I mean. Sirius is first introduced to us as a terrifying specter looming over Harry, even though Harry isn’t worried about him at all. He’s much too busy being ashamed of his reaction to the dementors.
He’s described as gaunt and empty-eyed and mad-looking. But even though the dursleys and the knight bus operators are afraid of him, Harry doesn’t seem concerned until he learns about Sirius’s supposed betrayal.
So in the HP universe, Harry should be afraid, but doesn’t even care. This allows us to feel self-righteous on behalf of Harry when the truth is revealed; Harry was right to not be afraid of him. (This is echoed in the next scene when the dementors attack, making Harry right again, but also Dumbledore and Mr. Weasley, who were right about them too).
Sirius is not someone to be afraid of. During the main confrontation, this is continued. At one point, Sirius has all of the wands, and Harry attacks him, overcoming him pretty easily.
Later in the same scene, Sirius has his strongest reaction when Pettigrew speaks about James to Harry. This respect shown to both Harry and his father has been sparse for Harry thus far.
So right away, we like this guy, not just believe him or sympathize with him. He has lupin’s stamp of approval and snape’s stamp of disapproval.
In book 4, Sirius risks and sacrifices to be close to Harry— he lives in a cave and has to forage for food. He also offers him the truth about people like Karkaroff and Crouch.
Finally, he stands with Hermione about Crouch being the worst, offering sensible advice. One of the quotes from Sirius that always (and I do mean always. I had it printed out and added to my wall of quotes when I was a wee beeb) spoke directly to me was, “If you want to know what a mans like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” {this has long reminded me of a beloved Goethe quote, “Men show their character in nothing more clearly than what they think laughable.”}
This was specifically in regards to Crouch’s treatment of Winky, btw, not of Percy (although fucking crouch is awful, calling Percy “whetherby” when Arthur was standing right fucking there ohmg).
In the fifth book, I was so disappointed by Sirius in the beginning— being so negative and self pitying —but I understood it. He went from one prison to being on the run to another prison. (Also how dumb was Sirius’s plot line? So dumb. Why stay in Britain? In London? Why not let him hide with aberforth or -fuck- just AT hogwarts? His time after vodie’s return was absolutely wasted.)
[how much of my issues with dumbledore are just me ascribing motives to jk* dumb fucking plot decisions and half-assed world building]
The moment that revealed that Sirius was not the same man anymore was the moment he kicked Kreacher. I understand that you took this man from a literal hell and then forced him into some sort of Sartre-No-Exit personal-fucking-nightmare of an existence; but do you honestly expect me to believe that after surviving thirteen years of mental-fucking-torture (not to mention, no books, no tv, no civil liberties, and gd prison food) he couldn’t make it six months with a grouchy personal slave and a portrait capable of being ignored??
Oh god and then that shit Sirius said about Harry being nothing like his father. That was some low fucking shit and just. No. Bitch please. That shit is so immature that even bb me was like 🤨 wtf
All these adults are presented to us as so exceptional, and then we have to watch them act like fucking idiotic children—and also watch that behavior be tacitly approved by other adults.
Point is, jk* retconned Sirius as an immature asshat in book 5. Coding all of his honesty with Harry as recklessness and turning all his words into accusations. I fucking hated it.
I’m not sure what happened between books 4&5, aside from jk* loosing her mind (and/or her soul), but man, tonally the series shifts and not in a good way. Books 1-4 have an optimistic message. Even the end of book 4 has a lot of hope built in.
[book 5 did seem determined to age up the content and make it clear that Harry was Going. Through. Puberty. It focused on political drama over moral (and holy shit umbridge is the best hp baddie to this day); most of the messaging was about controlling temper and emotions; and the biggest challenge is managing his mind (remedial potions). it felt so forced and faked. Pretty sure jk* was worried that her plan for book 5 wasn’t ‘adult’ enough to maintain her fucking huge audience and so she tried to age up the material and. Utterly fucking failed. Fire that fucking editor please]
Book five and what she did to Sirius was so hopeless. So futile. So immature. Jk*’s kids must have been shitty teens, because her Harry reads so much like a boomer’s shitty understanding of a teenager. And Sirius’s death feels like Harry’s petulance and impulsiveness is being punished.
Then you factor in how he died— indirectly. And how the blame is placed— indirectly. And it just seems… like such a halfassed end.
Don’t get me wrong, I still think this is a Very Cool Death— falling through a physical manifestation of the gate to the next realm— so cool. But. Not for Sirius.
[especially not when narratively, Sirius never got justice, and Harry never gets to grapple with Sirius’s immature behaviors on “screen”. I’ll still never forgive book 6 for not bringing back Sirius or better explaining his death]
Harry’s had too many parents disappear, it seems horrifically unfair that he never gets to have a last moment with Sirius in book 5. But fine, unfairness happens.
But. Buuuuuut. Narratively it doesn’t pay out. It’s too repetitive and it has a bad moral message. Even if it doesn’t have a happy or fair ending, it should still acknowledge these things. Even if things aren’t great, an indication of what good/great would look like is still important.
My point is… book 5 and Sirius’s plot arc were fucking disappointing and depressing. That plus Snape’s continued abuse and dumbledore’s refusal to meet with Harry, means that Harry’s journey the entire year was an exercise in futility and impotence. He should have been able to turn to other teachers for Umbridge at the very least (Hermione/Ron, wtf, just go to Dumbledore for Harry) but the message was constantly, don’t trust the adults, except when you should have, ffs know the difference.
Like. Get fucked jk*. What a dumb series of choices. I can’t believe I love this world and these characters so much.
Tldr: Sirius deserved better, obvi. But the rest of us did too.
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
I watched Joker tonight and typed out my thoughts as they occurred to me. Unedited; typos are guaranteed. I did this a few months ago and really enjoyed looking back at my thought process and I wanted to do it again so that I can look back and know that what I feel is real and true in my darkest times.
You're welcome to skip this; it's under a cut for ease of doing so. Warnings for occasional sexual comment lmao. There’s no self shipping in this, I don’t think.
word count: 2, 575.
I’M SOBBING and I’ve only just pressed play.
Heart squeeze Chest much ow
Nooooo baby omg don’t pretend - let yourself hurt if it hurts. Don’t pretend. 
Carnival Carnival Carnivalllllllll 😍😍😍😍😍
I am a Simp for one clown and his name is Carnival
Someone help him, I????
That sign hit Arthur as hard as my love for him did ksksksk
bb nooooo
Oh honey let me kiss those bruises and replace the marks of violence with love, hm? You’re safe with me.
Breathe, my love. Don’t fight the laughter. Let it out, let yourself go. 
Screams into a pillow because????? much sad must kiss
“have you been keeping up with your journal?” LIKE HE HAS TIME
oHHHHH boi’s close to losing his shit
Do it, Artie. Give ‘em hell.
“I think I did” YOU TELL HER!!💖💖💖
I want to be his cigarette. Where’s Satan??? I got a new deal for my blackened soul which he took at half price😂😂😂😂
I’d have my hand between the door and his head so fuckin fast I swear
“I just don’t wanna feel so bad anymore” yep SAME
ohhhh peekaboo🥺🥺🥺
this makes me giggle ksksksk i watch this scene when i feel sad bc it always makes me happy for the time it’s on
he’s so good with kids; he doesn’t have to try and think about what’s funny, he just does it, he’s himself and it works
casually wrinkling my nose against tears lmao
ohhh the way he looks up at those stairs from the bottom
i can feel his exhaustion
me too, my love
step step step step
god i wanna get him the fuck outta gotham
and into my arms and a soft, warm blanket
“eat. you need to eat” LITERALLY WHAT I TELL MYSELF EVERY DAY IN HIS VOICE BC OTHERWISE I JUST WOULDNT EAT???? I’m losing so much weight asdfghjk its not enough tho
Did Arthur come up w that joke or was it actually a Murray joke????
go deepthroat a cactus randall - youre already a bit of a prick so🙃🙃🙃
Can arthur fuck me like he pounds the trash/????🥵🥵👀
those dark curls.... that crooked tooth... must kiss.🥺🥺🥺
pennys casual cruelty makes me so fucking angry
foreshadowingggggg ~  *JAZZ HANDS*
ugh the way he dances with that gun im👀🥵🥵🥵
he enjoys the power of it and his breathing gets deeper asdfghjk
clumsy baby omggggg i just COOED 🥺🥺🥺🥺
okay maybe im stupid but i genuinely dont understand this “senior who needs to graduate” skit i’m??? how is being an intro to western civ student funny im???? someone explain???
but also dont bc fuck that guy lmao arthur’s hilarious
true millenial humour (and brit humour lmao we’re dark asf)
wanna curl up on his lap at night when hes writing and go to sleep with a 
blanket around our bodies🥺🥺🥺🥺
when arthur wears a shirt at home you KNOW it’s a daydream
“doctor of laughter”🥺🥺🥺🥺
doctor i have a case of the Big Sad can you... do an exam? 😉😏
in what world does chucking cold greasy chips in a girls hair being “nice”???
lmao fuck these guys
ohhh honey breathe. dont fight it, my love, just breathe.
my heart’s breaking for you, you sweet thing🥺🥺🥺
i love you so so so so so so so much ugh you’re an actual fucking angel
just breathe darling
i need to get you a cup of tea with honey in it, your throat must be so sore
ohhhh baby im so sorry
i’d take every single punch if i could
i’d die for you
i wish i could protect you
i wish i could look after you
and take all those hits
and kill those guys for you
im so sorry
yeah i have a grey morality... im similar to deadpool in that way tbh
carnival comin’ to kill your insecurities
8 bullets in a 6 chamber???? mm-hm
fuck he’s so hypnotic
the way he runs his hand down his lower stomach asdfghj🥵
must kiss the inner tendons on his wrists and lick the blood off his face 
must kiss
he moves like water
fuck hes so fluid
bathroom scene = the scene in which my heart and vagina clench at the same time
“i still owe you for that, dont i?”
UGH I FUCKING HATE being told to smile if i don’t fucking want to so BIG mood
but also dont lmao bc i’ll think you’re mad at me and i’ll hide in the bedroom for the rest of the day lmao i’m sensitive✨✨✨
i wanna sit on his lap and still his bouncing knees
“thats not funny”
fuck off penny yes it is
“but i do” god the  P O W E R
ugh that fucking sexist piece of shit comedian can choke “women look at sex like buying a car” 🤢🤮🤢🤢🤮
chauvinistic pigs can die thanks
his lil trip upstage im cry🥺🥺🥺
ohhh baby. just breathe, darling. it’s okay to be scared. dont fight it. just breathe. 
he and i both cover our mouths when we laugh/smile in the exact same way and it makes me feel closer to him
how can they think hes laughing at himself when hes literally gagging????
people only see what they wanna
the Penny imitation is👌👌👌
s m i l e
i remember when i came home from seeing this for the first time, i got home and dropped to my knees to cry in the bathroom. it was such an emotional release and so much love and i played smile to try to make myself smile but i only made myself cry harder lmaooooo ~ 
smile and thats life are my go-to songs if i gotta cheer tf up
danger sign = neither works
he looks so soft after his “date”🥺🥺🥺
“thats life” yeah but murray you dont even leave the studio so how do you know????
ngl arthur’s anger scares me.
anyone so much as raise their voice at me and i’ll cry really bad and i will shut myself away for the rest of the day and quiet anger terrifies me so his banging abt in the kitchen would freak me tf out😲
angry bb😭
he controls his anger so fast though omgggg ~ 
that soft please sends me
idk where it sends me lmao
down below probably
okay but the implication that arthur always carries a clown nose on him is🥺🥺🥺
hes such a good clown im?????
lmao im enjoying the show more than bruce is skskskk
arthur’s lil chuckle makes me🥺
his HUMMING im??? soft?????
his brows are so strong and dark omggg ~ he’s so beautiful
OKAY i’ll be honest i’ve seen this alfred/bruce scene and the thomas bathroom scene later on and the penny flashback scene a 100 times and i still dont fucking understand what did or didnt happen regarding arthur’s parentage im????
 ive seen interpretations to say he is thomas’ son and some to say he isnt and i still cant decide so? im stupid i guess 🙃
“a clown thing?” the  s a s s
“it’s exit only” yeah so’s my ass🙃
if i was there in the hospital room i woulda turned that tv off as soon as i realised what clip was gonna play
murray’s cruelty is d i s g u s t i n g
lmao hes an asshole
arthurs lil clap from joyyyyy ~ 🥺🥺🥺
did i say murray???
i meant  m u r r a t
sneaky baby
wayne hall either has super bad security or arthurs v quick on his feet
he looks so good in red omggg ~ 
f o r e s h a d o w i n g
arthurs smile when hes watching chaplin is how he smiles when we all gush to each other abt him and ourselves!!!
hes so cuuuuuute🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
“told me what” 
ohhhh honey🥺🥺 im so sorry. “crazy” is a trigger word for arthur; it made him start laughing in the bathroom with thomas
“touch my son again ill fucking kill you” yeah?? touch my arthur again and i’ll fucking kill you🙃🙃🙃🙃
^^^ that ones a joke do not come at me
the clerk in arkham was nice to arthur - he, gary and sophie are the good gothamites.
none of it was enough to stop his descent into joker, though, and i’d even say it was too late right at the beginning of the film, too... 
his sock puppet thingy “they cut all those” is such a Joker thing to doooo ~ 
the way arthur’s laughing in the hall at arkham turns into sobbing is gut-wrenching omg the poor thing😭
i wanna hug him and protect him and help him to process this in a healthy way
sweetheart, if i could take all of your pain and put it onto me... i so would. i’d do it in a heartbeat.
i wanna get you into a hot shower, make you some food and sit and listen to you. we can either sit in silence or you can talk to me, my love, and you will be heard and understood and loved.
“i had a bad day”
i just wanna hold you and protect you and help you and love you
I’m so fucking sorry, darling. i wish i could take it all away from you
“i havent been happy one minute of my entire fucking life”
boi dont test me ill fucking go feral or - no, tell you what, i’ll point the gun at me and see how you like it
im looking respectfully at the green speckled undies scene....👀👀👀
“coming” 😏😏😏
“my mum died im celebrating” and “i stopped taking my medication” and you STILL stayed in the apartment with Arthur????? dudes those are 🚨🚨🚨 signs
woe betide anyone who underestimates arthur fleck lmaoooo
randalls death scene makes me laugh every time omg i feel so vindictive
i wanna lick the blood off his face. i really want to
ngl i think i have a blood kink... 
“dont look just go” ME WITH MY ACNE WHEN I SEE IT IN THE MIRROR 😂😂😂😂
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 MY BABY MY MAN OMG THERE HE IS IM CRY???????😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺
my mind is literally blank rn im just staring and crying and smiling so hard my face hurts????? im love him so so so so much
sweet thing’s so used to pain he gets HIT BY A CAR AND KEEPS GOING????
*incoherent keyboardsmash to portray utter love*
ohhh baby no dont cry. oh honey😭 i wanna sit on your lap and kiss your tears away
“i love dr sally”
you have a WIFE at home
he’s so CUTE
omgggg ~ 
my hearts gonna give out its SQUEEZING SO HARD IT HURTS
“i wanna get it right” hes so passionate
my comments have deceased in number bc im just too starstruck and in love to even think clearly lmao
jokers all i know rn and this is the most peaceful ive felt in WEEKS
im sobbing
ugh fuck this hurts so BAD
youre speaking the truth, darling. im so so proud of you and i love you so much
literally sobbing right now ugh what the fuck youre in so much pain and in the middle of a breakdown and no one saw you
ugh baby im so sorry, you deserve so much better
you tried so hard and you were gonna fall no matter what
“hi” baby they cant hear you but im COOING 🥺🥺🥺🥺
you’re so fucking cute
say the word and ill burn gotham to the fucking ground for you
i wanna sit atop that car and cradle your head in my lap and wipe the blood off your face and help you stand up and be there for you and and and😭😭😭😭😭😭 i love you so so so much. 
i’d be so much worse off without you in my life. you brought a splash of colour which has never dimmed or faded. it never will. 
b l o o d    s m i l e
im wearing my inside on the outside now and it still hurts
i see you and your pain. i love you.
i see you, angel. 
his genuine laughter is🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
that cute lil “ksksks” he does im🥺🥺🥺
i always laugh with him omg the two of us are laughing together ugh its the closest i will ever get to sharing in his joy
 t h a t ‘s    l i f e
i love the hallway daaaaaaaaaaaaaance ~ 
them hips dont lie😉😉😉
i love you i love you i love you i love you omg the sun’s like a halo ugh i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you im singing along to thats life while i type out how much i love you at 220am lmaooooo ~ 
i   l o v e    y o u
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discotenny · 4 years
!^Dazai with a BSD fan MC^!
Dazai with an MC who is a big fan of Bungo Stray Dogs
TW for suicide mention
Requested by ! @memekingofwwiii !
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PSA: While I’m unsure if Ikevamp_Dazai has the same circumstances surrounding his death as the real Dazai, for the sake of writing this tastefully let’s just say Ikevamp_Dazai suffers from depression, but he had died of natural causes rather than suicide [just to explain the first scene here]
“OH You’re Dazai Osamu correct?! There’s this guy from my favorite anime inspired by you! Same name and everything. Wow you’re cuter than him— Anyways you sorta remind me of him but without all the angst and double suicide stuff”
He’s a little caught off guard
Scratch that
He’s extremely caught off gaurd
Resting his arms on the window sill, he leaned back onto the window he just entered from. Waiting for him to speak, he doesn’t as Dazai immediately flings himself back through the window again
You stand there with your broom, an empty look on your face
“Had I said something wrong?”
You don’t see him for the rest of the day, and you ponder on his abrupt exit before Theo pulls you aside to ask what’s up
“Both you and Dazai are being really quite today, and for two yapping puppies that’s quite a massive feat. Whats going on”
“I don’t know what happened. One second I was talking to him about stuff from my time and the next he’s flinging himself out a window!” You do a large gesture to the window beside you two
Theo pinches his nose bridge and sighs. “whatever you said to him obviously caught him off gaurd. Next time just think before you speak, please. That is assuming you can even think,” he mutters that last part to himself
He leaves you there, and you make up your mind that you have to apologize to Dazai if you want to ever speak to him again
After apologizing though, you and Dazai were inseparable
You followed him around, gleefully answering his questions of current day culture, literature, and this ‘stray dog’ cartoon you had raved so much about
He constantly forgets what it’s called, so you two eventually have it known as the dog cartoon
The rest of the residents take notice of your sudden friendship with Dazai
Arthur gets a little jealous, and attempts to join in on the conversation
However, Arthur swiftly leaves as he hears you go off about a tiger fight inside of a giant whale
While the most of the men are sort of scared by your conversations with Dazai, there is one who’s intrigued with the future
Isaac often finds himself stalking following you and Dazai, absolutely fascinated by what the future has to offer
Baby thinks that the contraptions you talk about are real and begins too question if humans in the future actually have superpowers dkdkdk
Vincent as well is interested by the future media. More often than not he’ll politely intrude in on you and Dazai’s conversations on present day art
You tell the two of them about anime, and while Dazai is honored that a popular character is named and inspired by him; Vincent tries his hand at attempting the anime artstyle dkdkd
Daddy Comte does give some insight and opinions on present day media, but he tends to watch by as you and Dazai talk to each other
You two have tea parties together, and he never gets old of hearing your theories, ships, and explanations of all the anime you enjoy watching
He’s especially interested in the dark era version of bsd Dazai, and spends hours discussing the character with you
The two of you grow to be very close friends, and when it’s time for you to leave [assuming he doesn’t choose to gi with you] you give him your favorite Dazai pin 🥺🥺🥺🥺
!Hallo bb! Sorry these are really bad dkdkdkdk. Apologies these also took hella long time to complete lol. I hope you enjoy[ed] BSD! It’s one of my favorite animes to watch and Ranpo got me like 🥰.
Also in old Mod Ioten fashion I sorta strayed away from the prompt whoops;;; hope it was still enjoyable~~
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writingandmore · 4 years
Hey could I get a matchup for Naruto, Harry Potter, marvel, black butler and hetalia please? I'm a slightly introverted, straight girl, ravenclaw and my love language is physical affection. I like fashion, fashion history, adventures, being active, baking and horror movies. I love art so, so much (in all forms!) And trying new things for fun, even if I'm bad at it! Some positive traits are that I'm non judgmental and really hard to embarrass. Some negative traits are that I'm indecisive and kinda detached from reality sometimes. People usually describe me as confident, chill and artsy. I dont like being around kids/babies for extended period of time, republicans or following recipes exactly. Thank you so much (I love ur blog btw!) 💛
Naruto: Sai!
 - Sai would be really interested in your hobbies of fashion history and baking. For so long, he had no experience with either of those things and so much more, so just learning and doing fun things with his partner is something he truly treasures. 
HP: Neville! 
 - Neville would love your positive attitude and energy! Your dedication to trying things until you get better at them would earn you a lot of respect from him, as he often does the same thing. Working together at different hobbies or interests would be a very relaxing experience! 
MCU: Bucky!
 - Being non-judgmental would be a great trait to have when getting close to Bucky. He’s done a lot, and though it wasn’t necessarily his fault or even his choice, he grapples with that every day, so someone who can listen and offer comfort without judgement would be much appreciated. 
BB: Sebastian!
 - Sebastian may be annoyed at your indecisiveness at first, but when he realizes that this usually gives him the final decision, he becomes vey okay with it. He’s also very good at getting people to stay in the moment, as he’s a very interesting and alluring person, so that might help you not drift off as much. 
Hetalia: Arthur (APH England)! 
 -Arthur can often become really frustrated and stressed, so having an s/o that can be calm most of the time and reassure him would help him mellow out a lot. He’d also be very interested in your creative hobbies as well, as that’s something he’s interested in too. 
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marziyoudumbass · 4 years
dates with the Allies
pairings: america x reader, england x reader, france x reader, russia x reader, canada x reader
synopsis: what kind of date would the Allies take you on? (also I didn’t do china, but did do canada. I’m sorry, I can’t write him)
alfred f. jones
100% would take you on a classic movie date
It’s probably a horror film too
Picks you up and drives you to the theaters
Tickets were already aquired so you just walk straight to get some snacks
Loads up on popcorn, candy, chocolate, ect
Are you looking at xyz snack for too long? He buys two
Gets slushies (or soda if you want, or water)
You’re scared for his bank account (movie theater food is expensive)
It ends up being a bit hard to carry but you both manage
You go to the back of the theater
You share a mega huge container of popcorn
You brush hands like in a cliche movie
Half the popcorn is gone before the movie even starts
He starts off all confident 
“Its not gonna be that scary.”
“If you get scared I’ll protect you”
His brave acts crumbles at the first jumpscare
Lowkey clinging to you
If you’re scared, though, he’ll toughen up on the outside
He’s still a baby though
He’ll protect you as much as he can
Stress eater? Stress eater.
By the time the movie ends he’s calmed a little
Has a death grip on your hand (but not too hard bc he doesn’t wanna hurt you uwu)
Drops you off and probably kisses you on the porch
Overall 10/10 would recomend
arthur kirkland
I’m thinking he’d do a nice romantic dinner date
He’d be all gentlemanly
Picks you up at 7
“You look amazing, love.”
He’ll open the car door for you and other little things like that
The restaurant is really fancy but not super snobby
There’s a valet and everything
You end up having a nice table
Its kind of secluded and overlooking the rest of the restaurant
It’s a classic candle-lit dinner
You order and do all that stuff
While you wait for your food you talk
He’s as charming as ever
Compliments compliments compliments
It’s a fairly intellectual conversation
But you also joke around together
Your food comes and you eat
The main draw of this type of date for him is being able to talk to you
He gives you a pretty necklace
It goes by rather quickly :((
He’ll take you to his house afterwards
You continue your date there
OVerall 9/10, nice conversation and atmosphere, not super eventful
francis bonneyfoy
You’d expect him to also do a cliche dinner date, BUT 
I think he’d take you on a longer date then the rest would
It might not even be considered a date with how extra he is
You’re 100% going to France for this one
I think he’d take you to Disneyland in Paris
Maybe you’d drive, maybe you’d fly on a private jet, same dif
You’d go for Parc Disneyland first
You go to Phantom mannor, tour Sleeping Beauty Castle, go on Big Thunder Mountain, and even Space Mountain.
It’s a fun packed day!
You skip out on the food in Parc Disneyland
“It is nowhere near what you deserve, mon cher!”
(The food isn’t even good anyways)
After the park closes he takes you on a sweet picnic
Has a few candles but most of the light is from the moon
Probably bought you jewelry beforehand and presents it during this time
Loads of delicious, homemade-gourmet French cusine
Wine is a given
He might feed you
He compliments you but in the most extra ways
Makes you blush
Overall 100000/10 take me to Disneyland Paris please
ivan braginsky (baby)
He’s so sweet with his date
Like France, it would be more of a day out--just not as extravagant
It starts off as a simple walk through town
I like the idea of it snowing lightly
It's early mornimg
You’re both wearing coats and gloves, he’s holding your hand
You can’t really see his face, from your angle his scarf covers it
He’ll take you into little shops, if you want something, he’ll buy it for you
Would totally take you into a little clothing shop and buy you your own scarf
It’s probably a bit too big, but it’s the thought that counts
I think you’d mostly be in silence, just enjoying each other’s company
Small talk does occur, but only once in a while
You also window shop a bit, just looking through the big glass panes to see if anything interests you
He’s super considerate
“Are you having fun?”
“Would you like to go inside, любимый?”
“Are you cold, подсолнух?”
He just wants you to be happy
You then go to a small coffee shop
You sit in a corner and have coffe/hot chocolate/tea
I think he's not really a normal coffee kind of guy? Like, if he drinks coffee it's rarely coffe, cream, and sugar
He likes more lattes and macchiatos but doesn't mind a good cup of coffee
He's a huge softie for you
Stares at you across the table but lovingly
Like, he adores you
He can't believe you're his, his little sunflower
Overall 11/10 vv good and sweet
matthew williams
I think it is possible he does something like Russia, an early morning cafe date, but not at a cafe
He takes you to a cute little breakfast place
It has a very welcoming feel from the outside, like you just want to go in as soon as you see it
It's probably cold outside, so when you walk in, the warmth hits you like a freight train
To the far end of the dining area, there's a little fireplace, it's not real but still radiates immense heat
I think he'd take Kumajirou with you unless he wants it to be special or you don't like Kuma you monster
A nice big, cozy booth? Yes, only the best for you bb 
Matthew, in contrast to Russia, likes a good, strong cup of coffe. A nice, simple one; two sugars, cream if he feels like it.
Honestly all these boys spoil you, and Mattie does it with pancakes
The place has some of the best pancakes in Canada, second only to Matthew's own
Everything you want, he'll pay for it
He orders the 'Unlimited Pancake' meal for himself (with unlimited syrup and butter)
He might be sweet but he's not the pancake eating champion for nothing
He thinks you're so amazing
So sweet, kind, mindful, you can see him
Even if that's not how you describe yourself, he makes you out to be an angel
The conversation is never lacking
He's an incredible listener
Baby is so whipped, everyone can see it by the way he hangs onto every syllable that comes out of your mouth
Even though he doesn't talk much, he does ask questions
 "How have you been?"
 "Are the pancakes good?"
"Do you need more syrup?"
When you're finished, he'll pull some strings to get dessert from the dinner menu
He lets you get what you want, but not too much because he cares about your health uwu
You get home and riddle
Overall 9.9/10, such a sweet date but I like waffles more than pancakes (don't tell him I said that)
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galadrieljones · 6 years
A Funeral: Chapter 1
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Fandom: Red Dead Redemption 2 | Pairing: Arthur x Mary Beth | Rating: Mature
Content: Existential Angst, Friendship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Nature, Touch-Starved, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Fluff and Angst, Violence
Summary: To help her process Sean’s death, Mary Beth asks Arthur to take her on a hunting trip, somewhere far away. He agrees, and on their little journey together, they find quietude and take comfort in their easy bond. In their desperate search for meaning, they endure a number of small trials, which bring them closer to one another as well as to the unchecked plights of the natural world.
Masterpost | AO3
Thanks @bearlytolerablethethird​ for the banner!! ^_^
Chapter 1: A Proposal
It was morning, and the sun was creeping, and he was on his third cigarette with his hands in the soil, picking thyme flowers. They grew like wild out here. He had removed his gloves and set them back on the saddle where Sarah shuffled against the brush, her big hooves. He took enormous comfort in the sounds of her hooves like they were a mother’s voice or the touch of a woman.
When he returned to camp, it was still quiet. This swamp country stank. He did not take well to it. In ways he wished to return to the mountains where at least the air felt clean of infectious filth. His lungs hardened. In the swamp everything was soft and this made it feel like sinking. Even his internal organs felt soft. His skin, his eyes. Everything but his hands, which were hard leather mitts, but that was an old complaint that only women noticed anymore. The other day, he picked up a bucket of water for Mary Beth, and she commented on them, asking if she could see.
“Your knuckles are cracked to high heaven, Arthur Morgan.” That is what she said as she held one of his big stupid hands in hers. He knew it was not a compliment. Mary Beth was canny. She would read her books and write in their margins with the fountain pen he had brought for her, a thing he’d found in a dark corner of some abandoned cottage near Emerald Station. Sometimes, she got the ink on her hands, which were much softer than his, in the winter regions and in the swamps. He carried that bucket for her that day and he filled it for the wash, which she would later do, and any time she did it, he swore his shirts came out smelling more like lavender than before.
He put all the thyme in a basket, which he carried back to camp, holding Sarah by her reins. He spat and smoked and chewed a little tobacco and then he found a little mint, which he chewed as well and some of which he stored for later. His eyes were tired but his back still felt strong. He did not think of himself as a young man or old. In fact, he did not think of himself much at all.
He gave the thyme to Miss Grimshaw. Tilly said hello to him and showed him some of her knitting. She was good at little things like that, he so often thought. He fed the horses with help from Lenny who then went away to brood quietly beneath a Tupelo. The day was coming alive. He heard Jack’s voice somewhere and the dog. He did not want to go too near the fire for fear that he would be harangued by one of the boys, and he was not in the mood. He did not feel like robbing that day.
He went back to the house to find Mary Beth, a sort of habit. She was out on the porch, doing her reading and her writing in the margins as usual. She had her hair out of her braids and a cup of coffee and a piece of bread on a tin plate. When he came out onto the porch the floorboards creaked, and she looked up as if alarmed. But she kind of smiled a little sly when she saw him, and as usual, he felt a little dumb but it was all right. He lit another cigarette and stood out there, just looking at the unlucky country that was the swamp. He breathed and felt that smoke rattling in his swampy lungs.
“Hey, Arthur,” she said, not looking up from her book.
He had his hands on his hips. He went and sat down on the other side of the sofa. It was a cold and ragged sofa. It barely had any stuffing left at all. “My lady,” he said, absentminded. He rested his elbows on his knees for a minute. He leaned and took his journal out his back pocket. He thought he might maybe sketch a dumb plant or something. Maybe the surface of the water and how it did not hardly move.
They sat like that for a while. No talking. It was only the scratching of their pencils. Out front of the house you could hear Bill getting his bullshit on first thing in the morning, and Karen who seemed to cackle, and more Jack playing round with the dog. Abigail had grown a little sullen since his kidnapping and return. John went to her each night now. Arthur didn’t much know or care what had begun to rekindle between them, if anything at all, but he did notice a change. For the better, of course, when it came to the happiness of the boy.
“Arthur,” said Mary Beth after a little while.
“Yes,” said Arthur. He had sketched a dense stretch of pussy willow. For all of its despair, the swamp did make for nice scenery.
Mary Beth closed her book. She straightened up then as if she were about to say something important. Arthur looked at her. “What’s the matter?” he said.
“Remember when Sean died,” she said, looking at him. She was concerned.
He bit the insides of his cheeks like an old habit. “I do.”
She sighed like she felt stupid. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s all right, Mary Beth. What’s on your mind?”
She turned to him with her knees. Somewhere, there was a big, ugly sound like a gaggle of birds, pitching off into the daylight. “Afterward, you kind of…disappeared.”
“I don’t know that I’d call that disappearing, Mary Beth,” said Arthur. “Disappearing is disappearing. You don’t come back.”
“You know what I mean,” she said. “It was almost two weeks before you returned.
“Where did you go?” she said. She had begun to examine her fingernails. “We was all wondering. The girls. You know we worry about you.”
“I know.” He waved her off. He fashioned a toothpick from behind his ear and set it between his teeth. “Ain’t no reason to worry.”
“Yeah well, you would say that.”
“I was hunting,” said Arthur. He looked at her. She had a calm disposition but there were storms inside. “I took my old horse, Diana. We rode north of the Grizzlies. We camped the whole way and we hunted a bison.”
“A bison?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Mary Beth got quiet in her hands and face. “That is what you did, then? To process his passing.”
Arthur sighed. He wrung his hands a little. “I suppose. It ain’t nothing.”
“It is,” she said. She was getting earnest now. She had red cheeks. “Was it something?”
“Excuse me?”
“I said, was it something? Getting away like that. Being up there, just you and Diana.”
“Diana didn’t much like it,” said Arthur. “I retired her shortly thereafter. Her hooves took a beating on those trails.”
“You know what I mean.”
“I do,” he said, looking at her, chewing that toothpick. “You holding up okay? I know you and Sean was close.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” said Mary Beth, shrugging. She set the book aside and looked out at the swampy expanse. “He was kind of a fuck-up.”
Arthur laughed. “Ain’t we all.”
“You held him tight though,” she said, looking. “You were good to him, even though he had it coming.”
“He was young,” said Arthur.
“Some of the girls said you felt responsible. But it wasn’t your doing. It wasn’t Arthur. Nobody blames you but you.”
Arthur did not speak.
Flies were buzzing everywhere all around them, like a symphony. It was hot out, and very humid.
“I should say, I would like to go hunting,” said Mary Beth, after a little while.
“You?” he said. “A hunter?”
“After mama died I hunted some.”
Arthur laughed. “Shooting snakes with bb guns ain’t hunting, Mary Beth.”
She shoved him. “It was a rifle,” she said. “And it wasn’t snakes. I shot a squirrel.”
“A squirrel?” He acted impressed. “That would be a sight to see.”
They both smiled. “I would like to go hunting for something big,” she said. “Arthur. I need to process all of this, too. I am so bored, I think the pleats in my skirt have lost their stick.”
“That would be the humidity, I expect,” he said.
“Please?” she said.
“Please what?”
“Next time you go, hunting. For something big, far away. Camping and such. Breathing the air. Let me come with you.”
He gave her a look. “You’re serious?”
“Yes, sir.”
He raised his eyebrows, considering her offer. “It ain’t all romantic in the sights of nature,” he said. “It ain’t comfortable living out there, Mary Beth. The way I do things.”
“I know that,” she said. “You don’t think I understand uncomfortable living, Arthur Morgan?”
“No, I didn’t mean that,” said Arthur. “I know you can hold your own.”
“Then let me come with you.”
“I don’t know the next time I’ll be going, Mary Beth. These ain’t really affairs that take much planning. I pretty much just get on my horse and ride.”
“I am just as good at that as you are, Arthur.”
“Riding horses?”
“No, stupid. Living spontaneously.”
Arthur thought on this. He had never considered his way of life to be spontaneous. He often felt over-encumbered by the knowledge he was forced to use forever when stepping into the dangers of the wilderness. “You may be right,” he said after a little while. “And I suppose you have a point.”
“So you’ll take me with you?”
“That, I will,” said Arthur, sending a smile. “I don’t know when. Could be tomorrow. Could be in two weeks.”
Mary Beth was overtaken with excitement. She grabbed his face. She kissed him on the temple, smelling like apples. “I will be ready,” she said, and she got up to go, like she was going to get ready right now.
“Where you going?” he said, still sitting there. He liked her company.
“Got to prepare,” she said. “Mentally. I got another book I want to read.”
“We ain’t going this instant.”
“I know, Arthur Morgan,” she said, smiling. She left her book. “I know.”
When she was gone, he looked at her book and how it was perfectly sitting there, some shimmery thread in the binding. Out on the swamp he saw one of those gators then, just sitting there like a lump. It was a dumbass but it was a danger to the undiscerning. He got up to go warn the caretakers of the camp, and then to get his rifle off his horse, for he was going to shoot it dead.
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radiojamming · 6 years
PLEASE write Josie accidentally robbing a train with Arthur (and some other fan faves from rdr2) or something
HYES (featuring another cameo, because poor bb can’t get away for nothin)
- - -
The trip to Saint Denis is long enough that Josie’s fairly confident that she can finish another quarter of her book before they arrive. The meal service has already been provided, and content as a cat now with a chocolate croissant in one hand and a romance novel in the other, she’s set to enjoy the last hour and a half of the journey. She crosses her legs at the ankle, relaxes back into the comfortable corner of her seat, and smiles at her seat neighbor who obliges her by tucking one knee inward to give her legs some extra room.
Not that she hasn’t been admiring him throughout the trip. He’s handsome in that whole gestalt cowboy way. Hell, he’s much more like the clean cut cowboys from those terribly cliche novels that the east writes about the west than the ones she’s met through her last occupation. He’s actually dressed well, and he’s obviously bathed within the week, so a stench isn’t the first thing that strikes her.
He’s got a genteel accent, and has called her ‘ma’am’ or ‘miss’ every time he’s addressed her. He’s even tipped his derby hat to her, smiling so kindly that her romance novel-soaked brain is reveling in it.
So, now she has a pastry, a good book, and a handsome man sitting beside her. It’s going to be an excellent trip.
- - -
No, it isn’t.
There’s a ruckus in the car behind theirs while they’re about an hour away from Saint Denis. Josie hears shouting, clamoring, and then sees one of the train attendants making a fast-paced beeline for the back. Josie’s neighbor peeks up over the edge of his seat, and then sighs with a woeful, “Goddamnit.” 
It’s not quite ten seconds after he says it that the back door flies open, and two cliche outlaws fumble in, complete with black bandanas, wide-brimmed hats, pistols at the ready, and open bags waiting for valuables. All one of them needs to do is shout, “Stick ‘em up!” and the people in Baltimore would call it a bestseller.
Her neighbor swears again, and then reaches into his satchel, pulling out–
“Are you serious?” Josie asks before she can stop herself. She watches the man pull another black bandana up over his nose and mouth. He at least seems sheepish enough to give her an apologetic look.
“Ma’am, I am very sorry. I had no idea–”
“Callahan!” one of the outlaws barks. “Less talkin’, more robbin’! Maybe startin’ with that little bird right there!”
Josie appropriately bristles at being called a bird. Handsome stranger he may have been, but ever since her early and forced retirement, she’s had less and less tolerance for those so far outside the law. She glares at him when he seems to give this order a second thought.
“You touch me and you lose that hand,” she says.
He seems surprised, but only just. “Valuables, ma’am. That’s all we’re after,” he says quietly, like that explanation just absolves him.
Josie snaps her book shut. “And if you touch so much as a hat pin, I will still break your hand.”
The same outlaw, the one in the white hat, storms over with his bag hand outstretched. “Goddamnit, lady. Just fork over what ya have.”
Oh, no. No one shoves a bag in Josie Bishop’s face.
The good thing is, in layman’s terms, she’s still got it. Her left hand is on his wrist in a second, her right hand moving from the hem of her dress to her bag tucked between the seat and the wall. Her hand closes around her little derringer, which is better than nothing. In just a heartbeat more, she’s got the barrel leveled between the man’s eyes. All this before he can so much as call her a bird again.
“Oh,” says the handsome man, thoughtful.
“Lady,” says the white hat outlaw. “Get that thing out of my face before I–”
“Before you what? Get another hole in your head to match the one your brain fell out of?” She cocks the little pistol, and figures that in the space of a few more seconds, she can nail him in the skull and maybe debilitate the handsome man with a shot to the foot. “Now, how about you use that five seconds of education you must have gotten at some point and back the hell up.”
There’s a tense standoff, and Josie can feel her finger twitch. Then, the handsome man must make some kind of understandable gesture, because the white hat man backs off with a snarl and a curse that generally attacks her womanhood.
He’s gonna die.
Fortunately for him, the handsome man seems to anticipate this and grabs her wrist before she can shoot the guy. Instead, she fires a shot through the roof of the train car. For such a tiny little pistol, the thing goes off like a firecracker, causing a few people onboard to scream, and the terrified attendant to look at her like she’s just committed murder.
“Aw hell,” Josie says. “I ain’t–”
“Take what you want!” the attendant whimpers. “J-just take it!”
Another tense moment, and then the handsome man reaches into his satchel, pulling out a dark blue neckerchief. Like a little silk peace offering, he hands it to her. 
“Jesus Criminy,” Josie says, and takes it. 
“We’ll give you a cut?” he offers, and then jerks his thumb at the white hat bastard. “And you can kick him where the sun don’t shine as compensation.” 
Well, to be fair, Josie was hoping to have enough money to get a new dress made. And if she can jockey this handsome and terrible man to buy her a coffee, then the train trip is worth it.
“Fine,” she says at last, and then ties the kerchief around her face, which must look absolutely smashing when combined with her violet, feathered hat. Then, she points at him accusingly. “Damn you.”
“Damned,” he agrees, and she gets the feeling he’s smiling at her.
- - -
Arthur makes a last ditch haul for the engine, putting two different guards in chokeholds while Micah flings another one off the back of the luggage cart, and Bishop–as their newest accidental recruit insists on being called–happily informs them of a case full of crystal dinnerware that just so happens to be onboard. She and Sean go to help themselves to it, while Bishop berates their rudeness the entire way.
Honestly, Arthur likes her, moreso for nearly killing Micah.
He smiles the entire way up to the engine, until he sees the familiar wavy brown hair on the back of the engineer’s head. The man doesn’t even turn, but pats his fireman on the shoulder like a man about to go off to war. “I’ll take care of this,” he says, complete with that diluted Irish lilt that Arthur’s unfortunately gotten to know so well, through fate or a curse otherwise
.“Lawrence. I am so sorry,” Arthur says, and he means it.
Lawrence McAllister, in all his exhausted and beatific glory, turns and regards Arthur like a saint facing a Roman stadium. “At least let me stop the train this time. And don’t fling this poor boy off. He just started the job.”
“Sure,” Arthur says, and patiently leans against the engineer seat. “Need any help?”
“If you care about me at all, then don’t touch a damn thing,” Lawrence says, patting Arthur’s arm before turning and checking the flow from one of the try cocks. “You rob it?”
“Yeah. Think we accidentally enlisted a lady, too.”
“Great. Just what the world needs. More of ya.” He tightens the valve again and sighs while his harried fireman keeps looking at Arthur in terror in between shovelfuls of coal. 
“Lawrence, honestly, I had no idea–”
“Yeah, yeah, save it for the depot,” Lawrence replies before reaching across and pulling back on the Johnson bar. “We’ve got some catchin’ up to do.”
Arthur smiles, just as he hears a triumphant shout from Sean, muffled swearing from Bishop, and the sound of Micah getting hit with something and swearing right back at her. “We sure do,” he says.
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