betweenmuses · 2 years
Closed starter for @inevitablexending​ (who liked this post)
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Camila couldn’t believe that she had actually let her friends set her up for the night.  She’d had terrible dating history since attending college in America, and her friends had hoped that tonight would turn her mood around.  It was always so awkward when Camila got set up with a stranger, but she at least agreed (only because when the time came her friends would owe her a favor and she’d certainly take them up on it).  She knew absolutely nothing of the person they had set her up with either, all that she knew was that she was handed an address to a bar and told to be there at eight o’clock.  She was never one to be late, instead quite early, a glass of wine in hand as she tried to figure out who she’d be spending her night with as she watched each stranger walk through the doors.
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carxinogens · 2 years
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@inevitablexending​ :  ❛ what, am i not allowed to look at you? ❜
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     She was still adjusting to the changes: Arthur has been granted a key to her apartment and he can come and go as he pleases. He visits often, usually around the same time Nahvee has noticed. His visits often turn into sleep overs, Nahvee always offers the invitation, though she hadn’t been expecting him tonight as he hadn’t visited during his usual time. The clock reads just past ten and she had spent the last half hour submerged in the bath with a tall glass of red wine and here eyes glued onto the pages of Wuthering Heights. It wasn’t long after she had gotten out of the bath, water drained and a plush, white towel was pulled around her. He must have entered in silence; she didn’t hear the door nor did he announce his arrival- it wasn’t until she turned around and found him standing in the doorway. Nahvee’s initial reaction was a loud gasp as she clutched the towel tightly to her chest as she finally registers that it was Arthur in her doorway and not some strange man who had broken in. 
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     She lets out a shaken breath; fear fading from her eyes as her grip on the towel remained as stiff as the rest of her posture. “Arthur- I..” Her gaze meets with his as she attempts to gather her thoughts. “I wasn’t expecting you tonight.” she admits. He seems to be bolder in his demeaner; perhaps more confident? More demanding? She can’t quite put her finger on it. But the fact that he didn’t seem embarrassed about catching her in a towel fresh out the bath threw her off. He’s usually so bashful, but now he seems like she’s somehow offended him keeping her body hidden from him with the towel. How long has he been standing there?  He hadn’t seen the entirety of her body before (at least not to her knowledge) ; she hadn’t shown him yet. Finally, her grip loosens slightly as her muscles relax, the towel threatening to reveal the golden skin hidden beneath as she moves closer to him that she could grab the light pink polyester robe that hung upon the wall just beside him.  “If you wanted to look at me, Arthur, no one’s stopping you.” She comments, her voice now soft spoken. Delicate. With a lift of her fingers, the towel falls from her body and plops to the floor surrounding her feet. Without turning, she began to slowly to slip the robe on, leaving it open for him to view her all he’d like. With the ends of the ribbon that wraps behind her back now in both hands, she lifts them to offer them to him. “Mind tying this for me? Or would you rather I walk around with this robe open all night?”
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thetroublewithhim · 3 years
The thing about fitz feeling lost in the world was when he found just the smallest sliver of light he was drawn to it. He had a habit of clinging to anything that gave him hope or the most addictive feeling that was safety. Fitz had no home but he was rarely on the streets, he had no possessions other than what could fit in his backpack but things he owned meant allot to him. Each item had been given to him from every kind soul that had taken him in, let him be there cleaner or work on their garden or dog sit for a couch or floor to sleep on. It was winter, there was no way he could stay on the streets and somehow he had found someone to take him in. “I don’t know how to say thank you enough, your really kind to let me stay” he spoke as he looked at the man in front of him, something inside of him being pulled to his new saviour.
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carxinogens · 3 years
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@inevitablexending​:  “ i can feel you trembling” i had to for bb arthur
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     Nahvee didn’t often loose her composure; she’s a level headed woman with the patience of a saint. Work has been hard, her coworkers have deemed themselves far worse to deal with than any of the inmates. And she was running behind, getting off of work later than she should have landing her to navigate her way home through the darkness of the city alone. She was beyond ready to draw herself a hot bath and sink herself into the warmth of the water and eventually, find herself wrapped in Arthur’s arms in bed if she was lucky enough that he would have any sort of luck today enough for him to have decided to come over. And while she had hoped so much that he would be there; she didn’t anticipate to find him in the state he was; it was the straw that broke the camels’ back. He looks hurt and she could see bruising skin peeking up from behind the collar of his shirt. 
     She quickly dismissed any previous thoughts of work behind her, closing the space in between them as her hands immediately reach for his collar so that she could unbutton his shirt and inspect the bruising that tarnished his skin. “Oh- Arthur-” her words come out in a murmur, laced with worry. “What happened to you?” she shifts the fabric out of her way only to find the bruise creeping further down his body. Darker in some places than others as if he’s been punched or kicked a few times. “Did somebody do this to you?” Her eyes look up towards him, desperate for the truth and she hadn’t realized her hands began to quiver the more she discovered and she hears him bring it up. That he could feel her trembling. Her body reacting to the storm in her mind and yet, she’s trying to hold herself together because he needs her. 
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     “I- yeah.. I guess I am.. I’m sorry.” She’s apologizing as if she had any control over it. Her feelings of dismay that’s stacked on top of her previous distress that’s completely wiped over her at the sight of him. “I’m just.. I’m worried, Arthur. You’re hurt-” she said, bringing her fingers to gingerly run along the violet blotches skin along his collar bone. “Please- let me take care of you. I.. this looks like it really hurts.” She wants to bring him relief; to take away his pain and his worries if only for a little while and despite the slight tremble to her body; a warning to her that she was minutes away from loosing her composure, she could only find the capacity to worry about him. 
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carxinogens · 3 years
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@inevitablexending​:  “ i love sharing a bed with you. “ bb arthur
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     How miniscule it seemed; the simple act of sharing a bed was an act intimate enough to leave a person craving for more. How badly she wished that he would sleep in her bed with her every night but she wasn’t sure how he would react if she would ask. Was it too soon? Their friendship has bridged together into something more intricate; not yet a couple but unconfessed feelings being admitted through a flurry of little hints. But nonetheless, he’s admitting to her that he loves sharing a bed with her- and she concurs. Sharing a bed with him brought her they very warmth and comfort that she spent many nights mourning the loss of. How lonely it was to lay alone, clinging onto her decorative pillows could never compare to the feeling of hugging close with another person- much less with comparing to the feeling of sharing a bed with Arthur now that she’s gotten a taste of what it feels like. 
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     Warmth radiates her cheeks as she glances away coyly. It was one thing for her to feel that way, but to hear him admit it was another. It only confirms that they were, in fact, on the same wavelength and that perhaps if he enjoyed it as much as he says he does, he would be more open to the idea. “You do?” she asked. If only he could hear how loud her heart beats for him. She wonders if he likes it simply because of her company that somehow soothes his loneliness or if maybe, he liked the way she’s found herself clinging ono him throughout the night. Body against body. She’s never slept well; an insomniac by definition but with him in her bed, she’s gotten the best night of sleep for the first time in so long. “What a coincidence, I love it too.” she told him. Bringing a finger to her bottom lip ‘thoughtfully’, she spoke again. “So.. I’m thinking that maybe-” she spoke slowly, dragging her words out playfully. “We should share it more often.” How nice would it be to know that she wouldn’t have to spend another night all by her lonesome. That she would come to bed to the cutest man in Gotham City. “You can pick whatever side you want- It can be our bed.” she said. She’d give him the spare key to her apartment if he agreed; her home is his home. But she realizes that this may not be possible; his mother is ill and although she’s right down the hall of their apartment complex. She’d even help him care for her. So she kept that in mind as she continued to extend her offer. “I do work nights sometimes, so I can give you a key.”
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carxinogens · 3 years
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@inevitablexending​​:  “ well at least im trapped here with you” arthur 
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     Like moths navigating their way to the faint hue of a dim light against the night sky, they’ve somehow found each other. Maybe it was a coincidence, an strange one at that.  Of course she found it odd, but at first, she decided not to question the chances that he’d be at the same bus stop as she at this time of night. It’s late after a long and awful day, exhaustion coursed through her bones and she made it to the bus stop minutes after the final bus departed. Home was across town and she found herself lowering herself down in the seat in defeat anyways, sitting in alone as she withdrew and lit a cigarette to calm her nerves. It was cold; soft gusts of wind as sharp like daggers nipped at her skin beneath the scrubs she wore; fabric that offered her little to no protection from the frigid air. Too bad she forgot her jacket on the way to work this morning. And instead of making a move to get home, she’s found herself siting in the cold pondering over her life. She’d have to find and pay for a cab to get home. It was something she’s always hated doing as the thought of being alone in the cab with a stranger made her overly uncomfortable. She could walk- it’s not like she hasn’t before.
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     His sudden appearance snapped her back from the depths of her thoughts, initial startle causing her to jump subtly in her seat as it took her a moment to realize who it was that approached her. What was he doing here? No matter, the moment she realized that it was Arthur and not some random creep roaming the streets looking for the next purse to snatch, she felt a bit more at ease. “You missed the bus too?” Her question left her lips in soft sigh, she had always hoped that her bad luck wouldn’t rub off onto the people around her and especially not Arthur. He had a streak of misfortune of his own. But the more she ponders over his words, the more she feels better about it. It was like he was a guardian angel; showing up when she needed him most and she doesn’t think he even realizes it. Now, she wasn’t alone, and out of anyone in this entire city; she’d rather feel trapped with Arthur. And that’s what they are. Trapped. Here in an unforgiving city. But she draws back into her thought about the odds. Somehow, he’s always shows up, no matter what part of the city she finds herself in.      Her eyes shift away from him, back towards the ground as her shoulders remained slumped. A soft breath of a laugh escaped her anyways in response just before another firm gust of wind swept past them earning a light tremble of her body. She was about ready to give up entirely and stay here on the bench; maybe she would have froze to death if she hadn’t gotten mugged first. She almost wants to confess those thoughts to him; he dark ones trickling through her mind like disease, but she decides not to. “It’s like.. you knew I needed you.” she admitted quietly. Thoughtfully. Maybe, he did. “Arthur?” she spoke again, eyes lifting again to search for his. “Were you following me?” 
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carxinogens · 2 years
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@inevitablexending​:  “How many times have i told you? You can't visit me here” bb artie, also hi GIRLIE
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     This wasn’t the first time she’s stopped in at his work; the first time was accidental and the second was the morning she brought him coffee. He asked her not to come see him at work; she’s assumed that perhaps he’d get in trouble if he was caught side tracked for too long and she feels guilty for showing up again today. It’s her day off; her morning had been spent at the grocery store after swinging into the salon to get her nails repainted. It was when she had returned to her apartment with her groceries when she found that her door had been kicked down and someone had made off with the few valuables she owned. Of course they found her jewelry box; irreplaceable things such as her and her late husband’s wedding rings were inside and she spent the next two hours sobbing on the phone with the GCPD who inevitably couldn’t do a thing about the robbery. And she couldn’t cope with sitting at home, nor did she want to be alone, so she’s found herself here with the person who brings her the most comfort.
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    “I know- I know.” Her eyes fall as her words tumble out in a sullen sigh, her shoulders were slumped in defeat. Her brown eyes dimmed to match her dejected mood and she made no effort uphold his gaze. “I’m just having a really bad day, Arthur, I didn’t know where else to go.” Nahvee admitted. She hated to feel as if she were bothering him- she’s already told herself that she could take a seat nearby even to stay out of his way if she must. She contemplated over telling him what happened, she doesn’t want to stress him out while he’s on the job nor did he need anything else on his plate, but she’s concluding that he would probably question her about it anyways. “Someone broke into my apartment today and I really don’t want to be there.” It was hard to say, although their shared apartment was an awful building, she’d always felt like her space inside was her shelter away from all the bad in the world but it’s been trespassed upon. The harsh reality of Gotham City that no where was safe settled over her and she couldn’t help but to feel terrified that the intruder may return while she’s home alone. “Can I please stay? I’ll stay out of your way, I promise.” she said,  lifting a hand to pathetically gesture towards the curb. “I can sit there and watch you work.” The ground was filthy, but the nearest bench was a crowded bus stop bench across the street and she didn't’ want to be there either, so the curb would do. Besides, maybe watching Arthur as animated as portrays Carnival would cheer her up; she always thought he made the cutest clown, after all.
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carxinogens · 3 years
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@inevitablexending​: (lap) — to pull your muse into my muse’s lap (Arthur)
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     With a gentle motion, she’s guided upon his lap. It didn’t take much persuasion, Nahvee understanding the que as she shifted so that she could straddle over his lap. Her knees rest on either side of him and she’s nestled against his pelvis. She’s much like an affectionate cat; often seeking his tender touch: his hands are large, callused and her skin was like silk beneath them. The contrast was enough to drive her wild. Her skin would tingle with every touch and it brings a certain weakness to her knees. She trails a dainty finger along the collar of his shirt; the ruby red polish coating her nail bright in contrast to his clothing and her deep brown eyes are half lidded as they watch her own finger trace the edge of the fabric. He smells good; he always does, the scent of him had quickly become a staple in Nahvee’s life; it was something she couldn’t get enough of. Some would say that she is love struck. Like a young girl with her high school crush.
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     “There’s something about you lately, Arthur.” she spoke, her finger slowly drags down alone the lining where the fabric meets in the center at his sternum. A smile pulled across her lips as her eyes fluttered upwards so that she could meet his gaze. “You seem happier.” He’s bolder now and she’s taken notice. He smiles more- his eyes have a certain spark. It was like the meek, shy Arthur she met long ago had blossomed a new found confidence. He’s taken the lead. The last time she saw him, they were wrapped together in a whirlwind of carnal kisses and intertwined within her satin sheets. And she’s liking it- how brave he seems to have become; even with a gesture as simple as tugging her onto his lap. Nahvee studied his face carefully, her lips parting to reveal her near perfect porcelain teeth- a smile overflowing with the same affection that matched the glint in her eyes when she met his own. She was wondering why he wasn’t at work, but she didn’t question it aloud; Arthur had never been the type to call out and he didn’t show up to her covered in bruises. She’s been watching the news, she knows about the chaos he’s caused but she hasn’t seem to put it all together- not yet. She doesn’t realize that he’s lost his job nor that he killed three men on the subway a few nights prior. This new air of confidence baffled her but she accepted it with grace, finding herself feeling showered in his attention. “I’m loving this new confidence, Arthur, it looks good on you.” She’s glad that he seems to be finding himself. Removing her hand, she reached up to slick her fingers through his thick hair, eyes shifting along with the motion as she gingerly swept through the tangle of curls in a genuine act of  endearment. She’s fallen in love with him and every time she catches his eyes, she finds herself wanting nothing more for her soul to sink into his. “I like the way you look at me. You make me feel beautiful.” 
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thetroublewithhim · 3 years
“ you're trembling” bb johnny
@inevitablexending Johnny had been so kind letting Fitz stay in his home. He had shown him nothing but respect and understanding. How could he possibly explain that his fear response was nothing personal or anything he had done. Fitz had truly believed that he was the only person in the apartment. He had taken the opportunity to change the bandages on his shoulder. He had left the bathroom door open and stood shirtless in front of the mirror, singing to the radio, letting himself imagine a world where he had a permanent home. At first he had seen a shadow move past the door, then he heard things moving around. Heart pounding in his ears, still shirtless, bandages exposed wrapped around his shoulder and under his arm, Fitz held onto a mop so tightly his knuckles turned white as he made his way through the apartment. "I feel so foolish" he spoke, mortified as he covered his face after letting the mop fall to the ground. "Am I?" Fitz held his hands out in front of him and saw how he was trembling as he caught his breath. The ex gymnast had not even registered that he was shirtless.
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