of-vixens-blog · 7 years
{  *   &&. katyasitic:   }
The second passed like hours, every tick of the watch on her extended arm giving her another reason to want to force her way in. Courtesy, it appeared, was not in Katya’s vocabulary – at least she could say that she had TRIED. Her eyes found themselves locked on the large knocker at the front door, demonic eyes staring back at her as though searching for a soul. The Russian smirked at it, taunting the decoration as though it was a sentient being. 
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Reinhart seemed like a fairly simple man – a simple man with MANY enemies, as it turned out, though it was with FRIENDS that real information came. Nobody cared as much for those with the chance to stab them in the back when they were far more occupied with those who’d come from the front. A grievous mistake, but Katya realised that to most, the false idea of friendship was a comfort – a comfort that she would exploit for her own needs.
In the midst of her thoughts, a voice sent chills down her spine. 
A ghost?
                                                                              ‘ Volkov, it has been a while. ’
To be greeted with a familiar face was something that even she had not quite expected, though before n o s t a l g i a came RAGE. With her arm raised, Katya could not quite resist the 8 year urge that had resided within her. A single step was needed to close the gap between the two women, allowing the blonde enough extra momentum to send a powerful swing the other’s way. 
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                 It was almost like that punched to the face STRUCK her brain, too, jogging her memory back into place    ---   Those years of her life, everything prior to her committing identity fraud, and even some years thereafter, lingered in a haze, as though the recollections belonged to another person entirely, as though she wasn’t, had NEVER been, Valentina Volkov. But whatever uncertainty she’d had about her connection to this woman dissipated instantaneously as the blonde’s words reached her ears, and her fist connected with the Mae’s face, a nice shiner for which she was convinced her War comrades would be PROUD. 
                 For a moment she stood there dumbfounded; Aveline had been tortured before, kidnapped, nearly KILLED. But never just punched in the face so blatantly and with such regard it seemed years of repressed anger   E X P L O D E D   in one hand in that one moment in time. Her void, ghastly hues remained trained on the woman almost in disbelief, having no prior experiences to gauge her own, accompanying reaction, Evie laughed. Dissolved right there into a fit of hysterics, unfazed, even, by the welt now swelling beneath her eye and along her cheekbone. Pain was lost on The Beast, or sometimes even WELCOMED, so she shrugged it off and stepped back, through the door, beckoning for the other to come inside.
                 ❛     Not Volkov anymore, nope ! I’m Evie now, but   --   Come in, come in, it HAS been a while, let’s catch up !     ❜     A smirk, onyx eyes gleaming with mischief, the remnants of giggles still burbling in the back of her throat, eyes welling from her amusement of the entire scenario.     ❛     Unless, yaknow, your fist has any OTHER parts of me it’d like to get acquainted with, first ?     ❜
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of-vixens-blog · 7 years
{  *   &&. katyasitic:   }
Nobody knocked these days. 
A single pale hand raised to announce her presence at the residence - one that she had spent the last hour memorising. According to the intel she’d received ( by which to say, there was very little that she could deem useful ), her latest mark should have stopped by this place within the past few weeks, giving her a weak lead into an investigation that had entailed running around in circles for too long. Perhaps today she would finally have some fun. 
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The change of pace with her work with Pestilence had given her far more time to pursue other projects, though nothing ignited quite the spark within her as knowing that someone, somewhere would unknowingly reveal all of their secrets to her at once. All she needed was five minutes alone with a computer, and everything about a person would be in her hands.
If only waiting didn’t take so long.
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              She’d made slow work of her victim, as per usual, dragging out the torture for as long as possible before he, himself, passed from the SHOCK. That was how The Beast worked best, and she’d checked the man’s schedule beforehand knowing nobody was supposed to come by her target’s home today for meetings or anything of the sort; thus she was particularly surprised when she heard a knocked at the door.
              The washing was done swiftly, an attempt to conceal the hints of blood and decay which now plagued the pristine walls of the manor, tossing the body into a garbage bag and the bag into the bathtub and the door closed, she tidied her hair and scuttled over to the vestibule, eager to theatrically play the part of the innocent housemaid    --   Or something of the like.
                        ❛        Hello, yes ma’am, Mr. Reinhart isn’t available at the moment,                                  may I take a messa    ---       ❜
              Her speech was interrupted by the furrow of her brows, and then the dawning realization that she RECOGNIZED the blonde woman standing before her. Arms folded across her chest, head cocked, Evie’s sizing her up, attempting to discern what to do next. At a loss, she settled instead with;                                                        ❛      ---   Don’t I KNOW you  ?  You’re Katya, right ?     ❜ 
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of-vixens-blog · 7 years
{  *   &&. warparadox:   }
          “I believe in ‘Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.’” With an exasperated sigh, she padded over to her couch and sunk into the cushions, taking her mug from the coffee table. It was hauntingly vacant now that she had no roommates that she could share coffee with in the living room every morning. Even Angus was feeling the repercussions, ever excited for the company that had just shown up.
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             “You are crazy, you fuck,” Sloane quipped around the steam of her beverage. “And also, that’s disgusting. I’m never accepting any gifts from you, seeing as you make human skin into household items.” She didn’t want to shudder at the thought, but she could easily have done so. Gore and mutilation did nothing to disturb her, but the idea of souvenirs after a kill being used to decorate her home was just too wacky for her. Even The Paradox had standards.
          Eyes narrowing threateningly so that ice blue pierced, “If you take my dog again, Evie … I will KILL you.”
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            ❛     Though, shouldn’t it be shame on YOU for having been fooled in the first place ?     ❜     A giggle at that, the flame of a wicked smile flickering in the depths of hollow hues, she’s picking up Angus despite his size and caressing him like an infant.     ❛     Who’s a good boy ?!?!     ❜     She cooed, peppering kisses along the mutt’s visage, beaming with satisfaction. 
            ❛     I’m not gonna deny that, BUT I have a TON of fun, so I’m also not gonna apologize.    ❜     Striding over to the blonde, dog in tow, she plops on the couch besides the Buchanan, nuzzling Angus still, as though the weight of a massive dog hardly stunted her. Really, it probably didn’t, not after all her Death training, she’d carried limp bodies, dragged them and heaved them into rivers, and THOSE were three times as heavy.
            ❛     You DO realize who you’re talkin’ to, right ? Kill me ? I’d actually LOVE to see you try.    ❜     She hadn’t INTENDED to come across as snarky, or conceited, even, more tauntingly so, the prospect of a potentially fatal situation caused her cheek to flush and breath to hitch just even at the thought ALONE.     ❛     Yaknow, if you do, Jezebel would probably decapitate you and tie your head to a flagpole. I reaaally don’t think she likes you.       ❜       A shrug then, as she places Angus back on the ground, watching with pride as he spun around and curled at her feet. 
                    ❛     Soo, pal. Buddy. FRIEND. What’s on tap for the day ?                     I’m booored. Let’s do something FUN. Ooh, like selling drugs !                     Or FIGHTING PEOPLE !       ❜
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of-vixens-blog · 7 years
{  *   &&. virtualvengeful:   }
        To be honest, this particular fro-yo store, while so fucking delicious, was not a place Cameron frequented. For one, it was on the complete opposite side of the city, which meant a half hour cab ride and she just did not have the patience, no matter how scrumptious all their flavors were. It became something of a treat to herself whenever she’d go there, managing to keep herself entertained long enough for the trip but not on a regularly basis. The best was when she could get her cup of pomegranate fro-yo to sit out on the patio and enjoy a half tobacco, half pot blunt. She could swear that order lasted for HOURS. In reality, she probably savored every taste and gazed off into the distance.
        What made this particular visit so disappointing was the staff fucking up her order, and then demanding she pay for it a second time. “Are you fucking kidding me?!” She snapped, eyes narrowing. She was the most threatening when it came to food. “No. No way, uh-uh, fat chance. Any other way you need me to say it? AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN.” To dot her crudeness, she started spitting gibberish, pretending to speak Romanian in case they still didn’t get that she was “—not gonna pay for this shit!”
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              She wouldn’t go so far as to claim this was the BEST frozen yogurt place she’s been to, but the owners allowed her to take up residence in the vacant basement of their little shoppe, and so it was the best in HER mind by default. Even better was the running joke they all had to tease clients by purposefully ruining their orders and seeing just how far they could PUSH them    ---    On days when that lineup of staff were present, Evie made a point to seat herself at one of the barstools by the counter, legs dangling as she nurses a giant bowl of dark chocolate fro-yo, absorbed in the chaos of all those around her.
              Today, their target seemed to be a brunette girl, who’d begun rambling off in complete and total gibberish, and nearly had Evie doubling over in laughter. But this stranger seemed far more invested in her frozen delicacy than any other clients The Beast had yet witnessed, so she’d automatically gained the Mae’s respect, if even a little. Perhaps that’s why she’d decided to storm over to the cashiers, slam her fists THEATRICALLY against the marbled countertop, and drawl out a morbid;;
              ❛       EXCUSE ME, if you don’t get this woman her CORRECT order in the next TWO minutes I will march right up there to your boss and he’ll send you on your asses so quick you won’t even have time to open your mouth for me to CUT OUT YOUR   T O N G U E .     ❜
              A smile, syrupy sweet, head cocked now in the other’s direction, she extends her hand outwards, offering it to shake.     ❛      Hi, I’m Evie !     ❜
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of-vixens-blog · 7 years
{  *   &&. warparadox:   }      
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      All Sloane could do was stare, the slightest amount of puzzlement on her features, while Evie demonstrated what a fucking loon looks like and then entered her apartment. Great.
       “It only takes one time,” the blonde corrected, shutting the door behind them and moving to the couch. Angus, her baby Dogue de Bordeaux, was more than excited to see his “friend,” and she tried not to read into it. “Don’t have anything else better to do? Nobody’s skin to hunt down and wear?” They had only seen each other once after their strange first meeting— a hostage situation, where they accidentally discovered each other’s affiliations— and they were pretty drunk at the time. Even then, the girl showed her psycho side when she fucking bit Sloane’s neck. So, no, she couldn’t help it when she abruptly asked the graphic question.
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            ❛     Well it shouldn’t ! Haven’tcha ever heard of SECOND CHANCES, blondie ?     ❜
            She was KIDDING, of course, if even partially, anything to get the Buchanan off her back and stop BOTHERING her for just a moment’s time so she could pet the dog with peace. Angus, too, seemed more than thrilled to see her, wagging tail and tongue lapping at her skin and she’s GRINNING from ear to ear, the most sincere smile that could ever grace the expression of the sociopathic girl. But then The Paradox’s question, and she SCOFFED, head whipping around to blatantly roll her eyes at the War member.        ❛     Please, I would never WEAR human skin, that’s GROSS, do you think I’m  C R A Z Y ?    ---   It’s only good for bathmats, duh.     ❜
            A devilish smirk, followed by the smacking of incarnadine lips, she fixes her attention back to the dog, ruffling his fur with a squeal of pure glee.     ❛     Don’t YOU have a car to get thrown into ? OOPS, that was mean, wasn’t it ?   ---   Ah, well. Can’t take it back now.     ❜
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of-vixens-blog · 7 years
❛ Apparently I was walking around with a slice of bread and wine saying, “Jesus would have wanted this.” ❜
[ TEXT >> @thesccrned ]: That’s the best thing I’ve heard all day[ TEXT >> Scooby ]: Do you have any bread left?[ TEXT >> Scooby ]: I’m so hungry[ TEXT >> Scooby ]: Jesus would want you to give me bread, I SWEAR
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of-vixens-blog · 7 years
❛ This is the second time you’ve stolen a pet when you’re drunk, given it back and cashed in on a reward…I think you have a problem ❜
[ TEXT >> @queenxofxthieves ]: In my defense, it’s a great strategy, and thievery must run in the family, apparently.[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: I’m not saying I NEED the money, but... [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: I can get away with it. [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: And it gives me a pet for a night, so I’m not complaining about that.
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of-vixens-blog · 7 years
TFLN text memes/starters
[ TEXT ] The cat ate a weed mint. This is not a drill [ TEXT ] That’s when I realized I was probably naked in the wrong bed ❛ I was randomly pulled aside to have my bag checked. It had 50 condoms in it. ❜ [ TEXT ] TELL THEM/HER/HIM ABOUT THE GODDAMNED MOTHERFUCKING POTATOES ❛ I don’t care how hot she was. She didn’t like Scooby Doo and I don’t fuck with that. ❜ ❛ You were supposed to catch herpes, not feelings!!! ❜ ❛ Are we not going to talk about how you got so drunk that you swallowed someone’s pet gold fish, whole? ❜ ❛ I needed to pee, so I climbed out his window ❜ ❛ This is the second time you’ve stolen a pet when you’re drunk, given it back and cashed in on a reward…I think you have a problem ❜ ❛ If you ever tell anyone I offered you boob squeezes for cheetos, I’ll kill you ❜ ❛ Hey remind me the get the pancakes out of my jacket ❜ [ TEXT ] if people come over to pregame will you hide my Oreos [ TEXT ] wtf guys I thought we agreed on no more knives. So much for not destroying the house ❛ You know how it is. Tell me not to do somebody and suddenly I wanna. ❜ [ TEXT ] ABOUT TO MAKE THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE, SEND HELP [ TEXT ] That awkward moment when the guy you were hitting on at the bar last night is a possible suspect in a murder case. ❛ Even though I’m gonna be a felon I’m having fun for time being. ❜ [ TEXT ] I woke up on a different floor than I went to sleep on. Can’t find my shoes. ❛ Apparently I was walking around with a slice of bread and wine saying, “Jesus would have wanted this.” ❜ ❛ So I just saw someone get shoved into a car trunk by your car. ❜ [ TEXT ] So apparently being drunk at work isn’t allowed.. who knew? [ TEXT ] TRY TO UNDERSTAND I HAVE MAGIC POWERS HOLY FUCKING SHIT ❛ SpongeBob is life. I once broke up with a guy bc he said SpongeBob was stupid. ❜ [ TEXT ] I grabbed the pretzel bag with my toes last night. I think that day of yoga had paid off. [ TEXT ] Your boyfriend being in jail is really helping my social life! #GotASingleDrinkingBuddyAgain [ TEXT ] I already plan to donate my brain to science so they can attempt to fully understand the complexities of my existence
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of-vixens-blog · 7 years
reblog this and put in the tags what your pottermore patronus is!
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of-vixens-blog · 8 years
{  *   &&. virtualvengeful:   }
[ text >> Momma Bear 💩 ]:🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽🖕🏽
[ text >> Momma Bear 💩 ]: Like that!
[ text >> Momma Bear 💩 ]: Are you wanting the code for it or…?
[ text >> Momma Bear 💩 ]: Idk man, death protecting the only man I will ever love sounds pretty fucking cool, like… I’d never die for another guy. My dad is my dude.
[ text >> Momma Bear 💩 ]: Puke. I dare you. I’ll take selfies with you while you do. #disbitchnasty
[ text >> Momma Bear 💩 ]: I feel like hating clowns makes more sense than hating balloon animals???
[ TEXT >> Shithead ]: FUCK YOU [ TEXT >> Shithead ]: Teach me. Pleaseeee [ TEXT >> Shithead ]: That’s so gay Cameron what the fuck [ TEXT >> Shithead ]: Look at you getting all soft talking about love and caring and shit. HAH [ TEXT >> Shithead ]: I’ll puke ON YOU take THAT [ TEXT >> Shithead ]: No??? Clowns are fucking HILARIOUS [ TEXT >> Shithead ]: Especially the really creepy ones [ TEXT >> Shithead ]: Think: The Joker [ TEXT >> Shithead ]: MHM YEP YOU’RE WELCOME
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of-vixens-blog · 8 years
[ text ✉ >> Evie 🌙 ]: does that day have to be today?? [ text ✉ >> Evie 🌙 ]…..on fire [ text ✉ >> Evie 🌙 ]: i mean do what you have to but count me out on that.
[ TEXT ✉ >> Voodoo Dollie ]: Yes. I’ve decided. It is time to own up to your career, Lia! One step at a time! You’ve GOT this [ TEXT ✉ >> Voodoo Dollie ]: Or MAYBE I’ll just make the house go BOOM [ TEXT ✉ >> Voodoo Dollie ]: Explosions are fun right
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of-vixens-blog · 8 years
[text] I know you may not feel like you are, but you are loved. And important. Please don’t forget that.
[ TEXT >> @queenxofxthieves ]: Loved?[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: Nobody could LOVE me, Jez, I’m a monster.[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: I agree on the important part though[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: I’m fabulous [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: But you’re important to me too, okay?[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: Like, very important[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: You’re basically my[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: Mentor. [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: No that’s a lie. [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: I consider you family, like an older sister[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: Please don’t hate me
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of-vixens-blog · 8 years
Evie Mae | Beckett Nikolas | Callie Levine
more texts for you bitches
[text] You should have told me you wanted me out of your life. [text] I should have never let you back into my life. [text] Okay [muse’s name] what’s the deal, pretty sure this is you…listen if you want me to leave you alone, please just tell that. [text] Please don’t walk away. [text] Please don’t do this. [text] When are you going to realize I want nothing to do with you? [text] You want nothing to do with me, I get it. [text] I’m an idiot. You fooled me again. [text] When I think things are about to change … I’m always proven wrong. [text] I just want you to be happy. And you’ll be happier without me. [text] I just hate that someone could make me trust [him/her/them] the way that I did [text] The truth is I’m not over you. [text] The truth is I never really wanted to be with you. [text] I’m seeing someone else. [text] How the hell did you get my number, stalker? [text] You’re so selfish. [text] I just saw you leave with [her/him/them]. [text] FUCK YOU AND YOUR DUMB CUTE FACE
[text] Did I tell you today that you’re the most adorable? Cause, yeah. [text] Be careful. [text] I’m only saying it because I love you. [text] I’m only saying it because I care about you. [text] Okay, I’m bringing coffee. [text] I’m thinking dinner and a movie later this week? [text] Let me take you out, please? [text] Let me make you dinner tonight. [text] I want you to be happy. [text] You’re always safe with me. [text] I can’t stop thinking about you. [text] I seriously don’t know what I’d do without you. [text] I know you may not feel like you are, but you are loved. And important. Please don’t forget that. [text] It was so good seeing you. [text] You don’t need this shit. [text] I’ll be there in five minutes. [text] Let me help, please? [text] You’re important to me. [text] Stop falling asleep in the bathtub. You’re going to drown and die and leave me and I’m not having that. [text] I would gladly watch Netflix and eat Thai with you any day. [text] I’d give up my phone charger AND the last piece of gum for you. That’s love. [text] Hey beautiful no judgment but why is there a bucket of KFC chicken in the bathtub??
[text] If you don’t want me to bust your window, I suggest you answer the phone. Now. [text] To quote Mean Girls, you’re a fugly slut. [text] Are you SERIOUSLY bringing that up right now!? [text] Lose my number, asshole. [text] You’re so predictable and obnoxious. And it’s not only me who thinks so. [text] …The least you could do is answer, wtf. [text] You’re a piece of shit human being and an even worse friend. [text] This is YOUR FAULT. And you can’t even pretend like it isn’t, because you know it is. [text] Why couldn’t you just stay out of it? [text] Holy fucking shit, take a hint, asshole. [text] Go fuck yourself. [text] What the fucking hell is wrong with you? [text] You can take your stuff back as long as I don’t light it on fire first. [text] I have cramps and a migraine so you do NOT want to mess with me right now [text] Bye and have a very fuck you day
[text] Just let me suck your dick and be happy. Let me have this. [text] Why are you so hot…like honestly, it’s not fair. [text] Yeah, you looked good in your [dress/shirt/pants] last night but really, they looked way better on my floor. [text] Come over. With condoms. [text] You should come over, clothing optional. [text] I feel like a nasty slut and I LOVE IT [text] Sorry I got drunk and texted you about my sex life [text] Sex on a rooftop - trashy or adventurous? [text] If you’re not at my apartment, shirtless, in five minutes, I will be personally offended. [text] I don’t think he likes that I’m always sending him pictures of me in my bra but he needs to get it together [text] It’ll be like The Notebook, except with way more of my penis. [text] I didn’t know that all of his brothers would be hot and musically inclined, too. That’s a dick move on behalf of biology. [text] I DON’T WANT YOUR DICK. I WANT BRUNCH. [text] So is it your turn now to pretend like dating someone else would stop us from fucking? [text] I just need some of your time and all of your body. [text] I am available for nakedness [text] I think about [him/her/them] when I masturbate so I guess you could call it love
[drunk text] So wat are you really over me no w [drunk text] AND I UNFOLLOWED YOU ON INSTAGRAM TOO, BITCH [drunk text] You are my queen and my savior and I love you forever [drunk text] You are the most beautiful girl I have ever known [drunk text] I’m eating macaroni and cheese on a slice of pizza and autocorrect just wrote that text for me pretty much, what’s your night like [drunk text] Listen up slut, you’re one hot piece of ass and if [he/she/they] doesn’t realize it, it’s their loss [drunk text] but what’s the point of a Disney sing off party if you’re not here. You have to be be the Pumbaa to my Timon [drunk text] Can you pls remind me tomorrow of how much of a fool I made myself tonight [drunk text] FUCK YOU YOU’RE GORGEOUS [drunk text] I think maybe you and me should like go out and eat pizza or something check yes or no [drunk text] Please don’t hate me I’m too tired and too dizzy to be hated [drunk text] I hate (him/her) but less when I’m drinking. Thanks, alcohol. [drunk text] Omf g you need to get over here now I think I’m dyin [drunk text] SWEEEEEEEET CAROLINE
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of-vixens-blog · 8 years
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❛ we only do these things because         all we are is                           BAD KIDS     all my friends are     BAD KIDS,                                                     livin’ out on the skids                                                                              kids like you and me ❜
                                  evie & matty.      ( @of-vixens​ )
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of-vixens-blog · 8 years
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    ❝       I’m   H . O . T .                         H - ard to love                                 O - bnoxious                                         T - errible                                                  But I’m still the  B E S T .    ❞
&&. Aveline Mae | Cameron Langton  &&. T H E  B E A S T . |  T H E  V E N G E F U L . &&. Moodboard 1/? -- Textisms. @virtualvengeful
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of-vixens-blog · 8 years
The Final Problem┋{ * &&。 SELF PARA | 001. }
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      ❝       My    I D O L S    are    DEAD                          &&.   My  ENEMIES   are  in     P O W E R .      ❞
{ Trigger Warnings: Death, gore, blood, weapons, murder, violence. }
The drive to Chiajna Monastery should’ve taken half an hour, but the mercenary managed to make the drive in just under fifteen minutes. Granted, it helped that the car she’d acquired was none other than a Ferrari; she’d pocketed the large wad of cash contained in the man’s wallet, dumped the corpse into the Dâmbovița River, and proceeded along her merry way. The notion of a Monastery, albeit quite appalling, excited her nonetheless, anything that spurred an inkling of sensation or adrenaline from within the Mae was something she wished to pursue, and right now the needle of THAT compass was directing her to the location of the Commanders.
Needless to say, she wasn’t doing this for any other reason than RETRIBUTION. To find Elisabeta now, to usurp the woman’s position, it would hardly rectify all of the damage she’d caused in betraying her own House, but it would be a start.
Her smile, then, was especially twisted as the car jeered along the dust-littered road, screeching to a halt. The stench of burnt rubber plumed into flared nostrils as she sifts her Mongolian knife from its sheath and twirls is about her fingertips, as though playfully. Whatever may lay beyond those doors, Aveline had no fear. She was completely inclined to go right inside and assassinate whomever had decided to wreck havoc on the city, though, granted, she’d always possess at least the most minute inkling of respect for them. How they’d managed to orchestrate such a ploy, Evie had no clue, but masterminds were a rarity to come by and few between, so she’d continue to strive to acquiesce that level of notoriety.
The soles of tattered converse implanted in the sands of the ruins as she trudged along, hazel locks cascading down her back. The winds were blowing in her favour, the hollow echoes of banshees and souls long departed, and for a moment she’d forgotten what was real and what was only her imagination, the concaving structure in front of her, with its decaying partitions, reminded her more of a GRAVEYARD than anything else, the crunch accompanying each step she took suddenly echoing more and more like the splitting of dry bones.
Inside the ruins, the shadows were in constant war with the light pilfering in from cracks and crevices. It was dark in some corners and luminescent in others, and she at once regretted departing during the harsh light of midday. Not that there was anybody around, per se, which shouldn’t have surprised her; no mastermind of this extent would drag their hostages somewhere the public would easily access. But it didn’t change the unsettling aura of the place, half expecting statues of angels to loom MENACINGLY above her at each twist and turn.
She navigated inside further, listening for any sign that she’d found the right place, even the fragile sigh of a person breathing, and found nothing.
Nothing, until she’d stepped into the epicentre of the Monastery, and onyx eyes widened so vastly, pupils dilated, mouth AGAPE, she nearly dissolved into hysterics right then and there.
❛      D e a d !  She’s fucking  DEAD !      ❜
Evie almost couldn’t BELIEVE it, the corpse dangling listlessly from its cord, hung upside down, a trail of dried scarlet leaking from her jugular and crusting over her lips, nose, eyes, forehead, even staining her hair a deep crimson. And she’d had half a mind to leave the woman there to ROT, really, because what more could EVIE do to cause harm unto the betrayer ?  Her body would experience no pain, insufferable, she was disappointed and frustrated and was slicing Elisabeta’s remains from her hanging position solely because she wished to witness that familiar gleam of her blade doing SOMETHING.
The body plunged to the ground, now once again reunited with gravity, the Commander’s head lolling away from the orifice as though in discontent. With that dangerous twinkle in her eyes, The Beast kicked at the corpse’s skull, satisfied with the accompanying crunch, and proceeded then to carve an upturned  V  into the flesh by her ribcage.
Only then did she fling the body over her shoulder, momentarily stunted by the apparent weight of DEATH, she trudged forward, away from the cursed remnants of the Monastery, back towards the car, to SALVATION.
She sped off, not daring to look back, the corpse of her commander slumped in the passenger seat by her side, and, as she drove into the horizon, Evie couldn’t help but whisper;;
❛       You’re gonna make SUCH a lovely dollie to add to my   C O L L E C T I O N .      ❜
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of-vixens-blog · 8 years
{  *   &&. queenxofxthieves:   }
[ text >> eves ]: Yes. [ text >> eves ]: Chiajna monastery. Do you know where it is? [ text >> eves ]: If nobody got there first, go for it. 
[ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: Not a damn clue, but I’ll figure it out [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: There’s got to be some application on this stupid brick that has a map or something [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: OH! Found it! [ TEXT >> Big Sis ]: Time to go kill a guy and steal their car
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