#artemx aus
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artemx746 · 1 year ago
Ethan: And now that I'm alive again I've realised that I don't have a motivation for anything anymore because I tied so much of my identity to helping my mother and I haven't spoken to her since before I died and I'm scared that-
Apollo: Damn that fucking sucks will talking shit about your mom make you feel better
Ethan: …what?
Leo: Yeah she’s such a bitch! Me and Hazel met her during our quest and she looked like my aunt Rosa-
Ethan: what do you mean she looked like your aunt Rosa?
Leo: She looks like the person you most want revenge on?
Ethan: she what
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artemx746 · 11 months ago
Nemesis: So you know how my son died, right?
Alabaster: I was there for it, I saw him get stabbed, I watched the light drain out of his eyes
Nemesis: Eye*
Alabaster, sobbing: Fuck u
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artemx746 · 1 year ago
It was strange, where Nemesis’ desire for justice had made her bitter and callous, Ethan’s had made him determined and hopeful. Apollo had been nitpicking every detail of Ethan’s personality that he didn’t like in Nemesis but he had failed to realise how the same traits both of them shared had turned them into completely dissimilar people. He spent so long looking at what was similar about them he failed to realise what was different. It gave Apollo a bit of hope, if Ethan could be so different from his mother, maybe Meg could learn to be different from her stepfather (a small part of Apollo was hopeful that maybe he too could be different from his own father).
Ethan fitting in to toa's narrative of abuse has completed me
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artemx746 · 11 months ago
Okay so I have not forgotten about this au so
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artemx746 · 10 months ago
Just realised that in my ta rachel au Ethan very much has a type for bisexuals with green eyes , a connection to magic/the supernatural, the ability to see through the mist and a terrible father.
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artemx746 · 1 year ago
It was safe to say that he would be sleeping with one eye open (at least that was something Nakamura didn’t have the luxury of).
Apollo in book 1 and 2 is such a little bitch and he's so fun to write
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artemx746 · 11 months ago
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Alabaster Torrington my favourite little bitch
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artemx746 · 1 year ago
Oooo what's the Ta! Rachel au about?
so basically Rachel and Ethan meet post ttc and Ethan is forced to explain the myth world to her and they become kinda friends. Later Ethan invites her to go into the labyrinth with him to help her escape her parents and so he can find his way to Mt. Tam. They become closer during that time and Ethan also realises that she can see the future due to her writing prophecies in ancient greek (a thing she actually did in canon).
Ethan then asks Rachel if she wants to join the TA with him to which she accepts because free housing and she gets to take down a theocracy! Ethan still has to fight Percy in the labyrinth who is with Sally instead of Rachel but Rachel just kinda hangs out with Alabaster who was sent to question her and they start bonding over their similar childhoods (their parents were rich but Rachel and Alabaster both had redemption arcs where they became communists/hj)
Alabaster, being the general, uses some connections to get Rachel in and she actually does kinda help them. And during that 1 year between botl and tlo Rachel Ethan and Alabaster actually start dating! Ethan still dies during tlo but Al and Rachel bring him back when the doors of death are open post son of magic.
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artemx746 · 1 year ago
love how I’m my pjo sunbearer trials au the main trio is like
Alabaster: I am the most prepared for this considering I have magic while Ethan and Chiara only have extremely passive or powers they can’t control. This means i have to make sure they do not die.
Ethan: Chiara is the youngest of us and she also my brother’s best friend/crush. I cannot let her die even if it’s at the cost of my own life. I know Alabaster is capable of protecting himself so I don’t need to put my full focus into helping him.
Chiara: Oh god these are the people I’m stuck with I am absolutely dying in this, sorry mom I guess im not coming home this time.
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artemx746 · 1 year ago
Ethabaster divorce but Ethan ends up at the waystation and alabaster ends up at the chase space
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artemx746 · 1 year ago
*runs away*
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artemx746 · 6 months ago
Hello! I bring slightly late ta memorial day gifts!
Nicobaster au time!
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artemx746 · 1 year ago
Ethan: so, Gunilla! Just asking here, what circumstances could I leave the Hotel completely following the rules?
Gunilla: Well people usually leave under the jurisdiction of me or another one of the Thanes on a quest.
Ethan Has-never-had-a-successful-quest-in-his-life Nakamura: A quest! I'm great at quests! what quests do people go on here?
Gunilla: They're usually sent out to kill giants, kill or stop witches-
Ethan: Witches! I knew a witch when I was alive!
Gunilla, plotting: Oh really?
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artemx746 · 1 month ago
Can we hear some vague plans about the court painter au hihi 👀 if you don't mind ofc
So for anyone unfamiliar court painter Rachel it basically just started as Prince!Alabaster x Guard!Ethan x Court Painter!Rachel and it kinda just spiralled from there.
The main plot is basically just schemers scheming with a side plot of every single character, bar maybe 2, is abusing or has abused their power in some way /hj.
Our main background is that Rachel’s parents are both members of Hecate’s court. When she was a kid she lived in [whatever the name of Hecate's kingdom is, I'm bad at naming places] and was friends with Al, but her parents sent her to Hades' kingdom, the neighbouring kingdom, for what was basically a finishing school (ik that's not technically the right term for whatever period of time this au is inspired by but it's close enough). However, they didn't account for the fact that she was in another kingdom, away from them. So girl fucked off to do art for Hades kingdom. When Alabaster found out he immediately sent for her to move back, under the guise that he was just an interested sponsor of the arts, because he, like his mother, is very bad at handling change! This will cause problems! So Rachel's having to deal with the fact that she disobeyed her parents and they can't do anything but silently hound her for it because they have a lot more to gain if they keep being nice to her (more on that later)
Moving over to Alabaster and what's been going on in Hecate's kingdom, things have been going well (assume this is the last time you will see this phrase). Al and Lou have been doing well, with Al preparing to take over from Hecate when the time comes and Lou exchanging very flirtatious letters with the princess of Hades' kingdom, Hazel! Alabaster has been trying (and failing) to not flirt with his new guard, Ethan. Hecate being... Hecate has given Al more power than he should probably have for his age, but surely nothing bad will ever come of that!
Ethan's been doing a lot, he's been trying to live up to his mother's image because she's very feared respected by people. His father does... something. Becoming a royal guard wasn't his original goal but Nemesis pushed him towards it.
That's our general character background, there's more characters but these 3 are the focus, moving away from the bg, I should probably get into the main plot (keeping under the cut both because spoilers and also this is long already
As I said before, it's basically just schemers scheming.
Mr. Dare has realised that if he sets up Rachel and Alabaster, he gets to have a lot more power than he ever would as a courtier. The problem being: Rachel kinda hates him, so he just has to grit his teeth and try and be nice to Rachel just so he can invest in his own future. Rachel is aware of this and is very much not a fan.
Nemesis is very similar to Mr. Dare, in that she's trying to get more power through her kid, the difference being Nemesis has someone working with her. Enter Morpheus, everyone's least favourite chancellor (/aff). Morpheus is a lot of things in this au but he is mostly the worst. I love him, but he's the worst. He and Nemesis are working together, mostly. They disagree on a few things (murder) but they'll probably be fine.
As I've put in this drabble, Ethan and Rachel do not like that their parents are plotting, so that's mostly how they bond, over their anxieties of the future. Alabaster isn't completely oblivious, for all his pining and trying to make his life a romance book, he's not foolish. He has grown up around courtiers trying to take advantage of him, he can tell when people are plotting. It's a trait he and his mother both share in this au. But he also knows Ethan, and Ethan loves both of his parents more than anything and probably won't want to feel like he needs to choose between his mother and his partners. So he doesn't got to Ethan, he goes to Rachel.
There's other smaller plotlines that I still need to work the kinks of (a personal favourite of mine is one that starts with "oh sweet, I think I've made a friend here" and ends with "aita for accidentally causing a breakup" while it does have a place in the greater plot, it sounds so funny in my head when it pitch it like that) but generally I am just trying to see where the characters pry their way to.
This didn't have as many vague spoilers as I wanted hang on Father issues suck don't they? Ethan can't relate to that, he loves his father. Damn I wonder what would happen if he ever were to meet our two other main characters. Surely it won't throw a wrench in any plans.
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artemx746 · 1 year ago
trying to fight the urges to make all of rachethabaster trans (I’m losing)
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artemx746 · 2 months ago
Au list
This isn't all of them but it's all the one's I've either written fics about or am currently interested in
TA!Rachel au (here, here and here)
Godkiller Alabaster au (Here and here)
Court Painter Rachel au (Here)
Einherji Ethan au (Here, Unknown if I'll ever continue it)
Vengeful Alabaster au (Here, also unknown if I'll ever continue)
Time looping Ethan (TBA)
I also have an au tag (that I forget to use but it's there), I'll try to add to this list as often as I can
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