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nestedneons · 6 months ago
I'm curious how many people here would be interested if I develop a tipping mechanic with an $artcoin for interactions with my posts here on Tumblr? Let's say you get some $artcoin for each comment for instance
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milolilja · 4 years ago
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Flowers from @artemisja.eunika.jedynak and paperdoll plus #distressoxideinks from @tim_holtz ❤️❤️ #AtcCoins #MiloLiljaArtOrange #VintageLady #TimHoltz #ArtCoins #AtcCoins #ArtObjects #MiloLiljaArtCoins #Artist #TimHoltzPaperDolls #MixedMedia #MixedMediaArt #TimHoltz #MixedMediaArtist #ArtistTradigCoins #Journaling #artemisjaeunikajedynak #MixedMediaArtJournal #Scrap #Scrapping #Scrapbooking #Altered #Scrapbookingsupplies #AlteredArt #TexturedArt #GrungeArt #KortLaging #HandmadeCard https://www.instagram.com/p/CHPmaIMp_rv/?igshid=47l4qj7iebok
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glimmerbugart · 5 years ago
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Lots of Halloween projects finishing up today, while my littles chill out with me in the art room. Great day off! #halloween #projects #artprojects #mixedmedia #coins #artcoins #paintings If you want to see more pics of these projects, check out my blog at WWW.GLIMMERBUG.COM (at Glimmerbug Handmade Art) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3nKQ1kg-Tx/?igshid=1bvcc9gpbhus
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argyleartcoins · 5 years ago
argyle artcoins, Australia - Precious Metals And Argyle Pink Diamonds - Argyle Art Coins - Argyle Art Coins provides you various precious metal diamond art australia.
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christ2056 · 6 years ago
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The art  world is balanced for an insurgency, it simply doesn't have any acquaintance with it. Online networking and spilling services have totally changed the Art world industry, yet they haven't satisfactorily tackled its most serious issues. When building another organization you have to likewise manufacture it for what's to come. It appears to be extremely counterproductive to construct the foundation to serve a system just to be promptly obsolete when you begin getting speed. This makes me wonder, what's into the great beyond in the Art world. ArtCoin is a financial specialist driven collective, makes genuine change for investors. Directing clients through transactions utilizing digital forms of money, ArtCoin empowers investors to profit by the expanded security and transparency of the Smart Contracts platforms. ArtCoin collects information to which common investors don't approach, while democratizing the Art works market and going about as a connection among investors and the Artwork industry. ArtCoin plans to cover all regions of the workmanship industry. Their verification strategies are completely appropriate for both individual collectors and enormous associations.
Improved security
Rearranged transactions
Approved clients
General and fixed information
The platform underpins blockchain-based registries. The platform dependent on the blockchain and based on profiles shielded from unapproved access makes uncommon registries where there will be information about the starting point of crafted by craftsmanship, its history and even digital fingerprints.
On account of the VR ALL ART platform, factors, for example, the size of gems, space, area and time can't be a deterrent. The mission of ArtCoins and VR ALL ART is to unite every one of the specialists in the craftsmanship world and increment individuals' enthusiasm for workmanship with the assistance of property and a beneficial methodology. Through the system platform, the client is prepared to exchange workmanship and partake in open markets in the Artwork house.
The token will be upheld by immortal things of craftsmanship which may exclusively be executed in Artcoin. The craftsmanship world is verifiably something however clear, and that is any place ArtCoin, A financial specialist driven collective, makes genuine alteration for investors. Any site or platform that exchanges craftsmanship still as each creative individual or gallery would all be able to be prepared to apply ArtCoins to deal with transactions – even on smartphones.
The fund’s assets backing the ArtCoins are diversified during a basket of crypto-currencies (ETH, BTC, LTC) and by the artworks that may be severally vetted and appraised. ArtCoins may be divisible up to 0.0000000000000000001 (18 decimal places) and can be issued through a wise Contract Token Sale that may be control in AN Ethereum case ERC20 compatible. ArtCoins square measure issued with a cap of 750,000 tokens.
Tokens go on sale at $0.01, by invitation only
Sale lasts until March 15 2019
Only initial investors who are in close contact with ArtChain can purchase Stage 1 tokens. These investors have a deep involvement in the project and their valued feedback has helped to shape our work. The invitation to the initial offering of tokens at the lowest possible price is a reward in gratitude for their contributions.
Tokens go on sale for $0.03
Starts in April 2019
This is the lowest possible price for investors who were not part of the invitation-only Stage 1 offer. They’ll receive the highest return for their investment, and it’s the ideal time to make large-quantity purchases.
PRE-ICO EARLY BIRD Begins in May 2019
Tokens go on sale for $0.05
A great middle ground for those investors who preferred to ensure the ICO was a success, but don’t want to wait for the public sale as they wish to capitalize on higher bonuses.
ICO – Tokens go on sale for $0.10
Starts in Sept 2019
The general public gets access to tokens during this most published sale. Support is growing, development is racing ahead, and we’re ready for a large investor influx. The ArtChain app is rolled out, with the first works of art being recorded on the blockchain.
Tokens will be listed on cryptocurrency exchanges following the ICO.
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Token Name : ARTCOIN
Token Symbol : ARS
Token Standard : ERC20
Jurisdiction : Zurich
Legal Qualification : Utility Token
Hardcap : 100,000,000 USD
Number of Tokens : 30,000,000,000
Softcap : 5,000,000 USD
Burn Unsold Token : Yes
Accepted Currency : ETH, USD, & BTC
For further info, please visit link :
Situs web : https://artcoin.ai/
Whitepaper : https://artcoin.ai/mt-content/uploads/2018/11/whitepaper_oct.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/artcoinai
Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/artchain.ai20
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Artcoinreal
Medium : https://medium.com/@artchainai
My bitcointalk profile URL:- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1220403
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artcoin101-blog · 6 years ago
What Is an ICO and Why Should the Art World Be Interested?
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If you buy art, sell art or run a gallery or a museum that showcases art, you may be starting to hear about something called an ICO. If you have not looked into it more closely, however, you may not know what an ICO is, or why it may be so relevant to the art world.
Here Is Why You Should Learn
What is an ICO? -- It is a crowdfunding project that is currently only available in the cryptocurrency industry. ICO is short for Initial Coin Offering, and is the cryptocurrency world's alternative to an IPO in the business world.
Why is an ICO so important for the art world? -- With so many forgers, cheaters, thieves and liars established in the art world, it often makes it tricky when you are trying to decide if a painting you want to buy is genuine. Or if the person you want to sell that piece of art to really has the money to pay for it.
This Is Where an Ico Comes in
One of the current ICO's being put up is one by a company called ArtCoin. Their goal is to allow investors in the art world to use a cryptocurrency to buy the art work they want, and to enable the sellers of that art work to receive all the money they are owed. All guaranteed with the use of a cryptocurrency.
ArtCoin -- ArtCoin also owns software that takes photos of art and then compares it to other photos of the genuine piece of art. With the tiniest details that can be discovered using this software, it basically renders forgery impossible to profit from, as any forged piece of work can be easily identified.
If you are involved in the art world, looking into ArtCoin's current ico, therefore, could be a huge benefit to you.
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kris-kind · 4 years ago
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Ermordeter Drucker, Kris Kind, 2013, #sculpture #art #artcampus #artwork #arte #artoftheday #artcube #artsy #artshow #mixedmedia #kriskind #kriskind2013 #artmuseum #artcoin #cryptocurrency #blockchain #blockchainart #artistsoninstagram #instaart #installation #instagood #bitcoin #ermordeterdrucker #artistinresidence #artist #artcollector #argekunst #artlovers #artmagazin #artgallery (hier: Blockchain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFR9fbkH4mD/?igshid=v7h65hbxu63f
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I propose that we should call "painting" "mining artcoin"
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aslikutluay · 6 years ago
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#sufi #anatolia #teslimiyet #flow #aslisinmankutluay #120x120cm #specialcollection #9000 #artcoin (Anatolia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1f5maOgxG1/?igshid=12yvu4vznrm8w
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valurauta · 6 years ago
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Kortteja pukkaa, käytin kulkeneita postimerkkejä ynnä muuta saatua näissä. Keltainen on nimeltään "Sweet" ja tumma "LOVE" #artcoin #ATC #atccoins #foil #glitter #artcards (paikassa Janakkala) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxjzC-npFbx/?igshid=1v8mhq0kqoih6
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milolilja · 4 years ago
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❤️❤️ #AtcCoins #CosyDays #Heart #ArtCoins #AtcCoins #ArtObjects #MiloLiljaArtCoins #Artist #Artistic #MixedMedia #MixedMediaArt #ArtJournal #MixedMediaArtist #ArtistTradigCoins #Journaling #MixedMediaJournal #MixedMediaArtJournal #Scrap #JunkJournal #Scrapping #Scrapbooking #Altered #Scrapbookingsupplies #AlteredArt #TexturedArt #GrungeArt #KortLaging #HandmadeCard https://www.instagram.com/p/CG0s50xAK47/?igshid=1e06me0hwtd8
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hk29157428 · 4 years ago
Artcoin 欢迎合作
View On WordPress
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knifecustom · 5 years ago
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Подкасты для хендмейд-мастеров . [Полная версия с ссылками и прикрепленными подкастами уже на сайте] . Привет друзья! . Совсем недавно открыл для себя такую интересную вещь, как — подкасты. . Никогда не думал, что аудио-записи бесед или монологов людей могут быть таким удобным форматом для получения ценнейшей информации. . Мы все уже давно привыкли получать необходимые нам знания путем поиска информации в интернете, либо через книги. . А вот подкасты недавно начали набирать популярность, как способ поделиться опытом и знаниями. . Сегодня хочу поделиться с вами н��которыми подкастами, которые могут быть полезные вам, если вы практикуете изготовление хендмейд-изделий, зарабатываете на этом, или же только хотите заниматься подобным, ну или просто хотите вдохновиться на то, чтобы заняться собственным делом или хобби. . 1. «Сделано с нуля» Подкаст о том, как начать и сделать что-то стоящее с нуля. . В целом эта история не совсем про хендмей, по крайней мере не в значении «изготавливать руками», но это в полной мере про то, как сделать что-то самому или«своими руками», сделать что-то с нуля. . В гостях у автора Николая Чернобаева бывают предприниматели, деятели искусства, благотворители и просто люди, кто осмелился координально поменять свою жизнь и начать что-то стоящее с самого нуля. . 2. «Artcoin» Подкасты про деньги в творческих профессиях . «Творчество может и должно приносить деньги» — заявляют создатели сообщества Artcoin. . Авторы подкаста рассказывают как можно начать зарабатывать на своем творчестве, разбирают что останавливает людей оставить «стабильную» работу и воплотить творческий бизнес в жизнь с нуля, и многое другое. . 3. «ArtFlection» ключевое событие для хендмейд-мастеров в России и ценителей авторских работ . Подкаст в помощь мастерам хендмейда. Выпусков пока не много, но они будут достаточно интересны для перенятия опыта в продвижении своих изделий . 4. Артем Мазур Подкаст, где автор делится опытом и знаниями как работать с соцсетями, привлекать клиентов, настраивать рекламу в соцсетях, как работать с контентом и сколько контента необходимо. (at Moscow, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDdvbYGjqoV/?igshid=cp12cb3crou4
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kris-kind · 5 years ago
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THS, The Holy Stuhl cryptocurrency #artcollection #artcoin #tokeneconomy #token #bitcoinnews #hive #blockchain #blockchaintemple #money #drkristianstuhl #addedvalueregister #museum #artgallery #artcollective #artcollector #artfair #artporn #economicporn #economiccrash #contemporaryart #cofounderofgod (hier: BlockchainValley) https://www.instagram.com/p/CB8PPyzpIfQ/?igshid=1qvjtbuau0ax5
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bard-ionson · 6 years ago
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His ICO did not go well. Come look at my "Initial Coin Offering" Art Collection. http://bit.ly/ArtCoins — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2JTkQkM
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aslikutluay · 6 years ago
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#jazzmusicians #cazcılar #musicianpainting #aslisinmankutluay #artviral #art_viral 120cmx80cm #7000 #artcoin (Artistania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1dS6MggKb-/?igshid=1ofwjjn904d3l
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