#art patron Harry
twopoppies · 5 days
Re White Cube, Tracey Emin has a solo show opening in a few days, and H is good friends with her / has some of her pieces. I’m guessing they did a pre vernissage viewing for friends and he went to that.
Ohhhh. I didn’t think to look up what was going on there. Yeah, he does own some pieces. I wonder if he bought anything new. 🤔🤔🤔
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
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The EMH's smug face ... you just know she thinks she's killing it
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alexsays-no · 5 months
Art teacher and daddy AU part.4
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I was a bit hesitant to post these ones, but my patrones encouraged me to do it.
It's a slow burn guys, they cannot date when Regulus is still Harry's teacher, so bare with me on these two ♡
They gifted Reg a sketchbook, and James put a secret note all the way to the end ♡
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aerostaticsurrender · 3 months
Jean’s Square Halo
The most popular (for good reason) read of Kim’s portraits center around the very obvious white halo behind him. (The “halo” of light is even referred to as such in the sunrise parabellum scene.)
HOWEVER. Jean’s portait includes a halo as well. Square halo’s are a thing and have a very specific meaning. I did a bit of research into the associations of the square halo. It turns out that the square halo was used in paintings to mark certain living holy men contemporary to the time of the paintings creation. Often these men were donors, patrons, or commissioners of the artworks that depicted them. It was certainly a symbol of respect. So, if the square halo marks a holy man and is a sign of respect, what differentiates it from the circular hallo?
In Christian art, the circle (and therefore the hallo) represents eternity, wholeness, and divinity. This state of eternal wholeness however can only be reached after death—this is why the canonization of a saint can only occur after death. (I could—and probably eventually will—go on about what this means for Harry’s view of Kim, but now is not the time for that.) what matters is the circular halo represents the second, everlasting, new life.
Now, the square. The square (with its four corners) traditionally represents the earth (and its cardinal directions). Squares are also connected to ideas of stability. More than that, the square in Christian art represents the living, here-and-now earth.
It represents the ‘first’ life; this world.
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dufferpuffer · 1 month
Just read your post about Tonks. Tonks surely was a student of Snape's. Just imagine. Tonks. In Potions. With Snape. Tonks, canonically the clumsiest character of the entire series. Potions. The SUBTLE science and EXACT art of potion-making. NO foolish wand-waving or silly incantations. Tonks is not subtle and exact. Tonks is foolish and silly. And that, to Snape, is INFURIATING. However, Tonks is an Auror. This means Tonks succeeded in getting an Outstanding O.W.L in Potions. This means Tonks took Potions N.E.W.T. This means Snape was probably hoping and praying he would never see her face again after her 5th year but SURPRISE. The girl is SMART and Snape is, unfortunately for him, a fair grader (yes he is idc what people say). I want to see this. I want to see Tonks being an absolute clumsy mess in Potions and Snape being livid but at the same time frustrated because he knows she has potential but she's just not careful and she's witty and talks back and he can't just truly hate her. THIS brings me to the scene in HBP where Tonks brings Harry to the gates after he got knocked out by Malfoy on the train. She sends a Patronous inside the school to get the gates opened. Snape comes and tells her that he noticed her Patronus had changed (now a wolf so cute omg). Therefore, Snape remembers her Patronus from before, but it's like he catches himself and makes a sly remark about her new Patronus being weak because it's a wolf. Like a father disapproving of his daughter's choices for falling in love with a mangy werewolf (love you Remus). Idk I loved that scene because it hints that they have a bit more history together than we think. It could also just be from both being part of the order, but I feel there is a bit more. What do you think dear tumblr friend?
I think she and Snape were buddies. As much 'buddies' as Snape can manage with a student, anyway.
There is a reason Tonks stomachs Moody so well - and its because she's had A LOT of practice with grumpy hard asses. She takes biting comments well, she isn't ever afraid to dish humor back, she knows well when to take things seriously and when to help lighten the mood - handy for people who can't relax easily.
She trained those teeth on Snape, I guarantee it. She LIKES bastards. She enjoys making people happy, she enjoys exceeding expectations, she likes proving herself reliable - and bastards are the hardest to please. She doesn't see blemishes or ugliness or scars - just the person. She likes making them smile.
She's clumsy. She's a disaster. He can't ignore her no matter how much he might want to sometimes - because she might die... ...and yet, her skill is obvious. She pulls through when she needs to. I like to think Potions might have been one of her worst subjects - but she worked hard at it, and enjoyed it, and asked questions.
Not just "Did I chop the Mudwort root thin enough, Sir?" But "Ey, Prof - if this potion utilities the healing properties within the cells of the root, shouldn't we be grinding it rather than slicing it...?" You know. She's actually invested, deeply learning about the topic, willing to experiment. Making him answer with thought. "...No, breaking the cell wall makes it burn away too quickly. We slice thinly to ensure good, even absorption."
And then her cauldron explodes later anyway because she accidentally tipped some leaves in with the slices. Oops. BUT... she will stay behind to fix it. She will ask to practice when she has free time. She isn't talented, nor careful - but its hard not to appreciate her enthusiasm and her dedication to success. He spent a lot of time with her. Being able to mark her a genuine "O" in her NEWTs was one of his proudest moments as a teacher.
Perhaps it's part of why Hermione annoys him so much, too - she appeared like an interested student on the surface, having read her books... but she never stepped the fuck up. She never tried. She never pushed it. She never used her brain. An insufferable know-it-all is ONLY better than a complete dunderhead in that they're safer to have in the classroom. But she doesn't encourage other students learning, she doesn't push herself, she doesn't actually care about the topic... just getting everything right, to prove she is smart or whatever.
Same with Neville: A clumsy oaf that seems to do nothing at all to mitigate that fact. barely even stays behind to clean his own messes. They say Longbottom is 'frightened of him' - well he isn't there to coddle him. He never needed to coddle Tonks. She took his bite as a challenge to do better and soared because of it. She was an oafish moron... but a rare gem.
...And then she started dating FUCKING LUPIN The first thing he said when she was so obviously showing interest it made him feel ill was "...You know he is a werewolf, yes?" And when she responded "Yeah, duh - what of it?" He groaned "Of course... you've never had any common sense..." And the look he snapped at her when she cheekily said "...Gave you hell at school, too - didn't he?"
Tonks teased him. Of course she did. There were days when he walked into class to see she had turned into a foolish version of him... But she knew how to hold back. She is a highly empathetic woman. Even when she was young... the few times she sensed perhaps she went too far: She was mature enough to apologize. Sensitive enough to realize he would not want such apology in front of others, either - and wait till after class to hang her head. It was difficult to stay mad at her. She was just too damn earnest.
In many ways: She reminded him of Lily. Firey, obsessed with magic, popular, friendly - brightened up every room she entered. Seemingly cared about everyone. Even him. It was just... pleasant. Familiar. She was a very different person, of course - but interacting with her felt a little like home. Perhaps a few times a little piece of him slipped out to her - something more juvenile and playful than he has been for years.
...That's what I think, tumblr friend B^) I think its a good thing they didn't find out eachother had died. They would have been distraught for eachother.
But if they both lived...? I think she could have been the thing that healed Snape and Lupins relationship. They both care for her - and can at least be civil with eachother for her sake.
Imagine: post-war family BBQ's with Snape and Lupin arguing over how to cook. Lupin wants to prove himself handy but Snape knows he's fucking useless. (Tonks is the true BBQ dad.) Snape babysitting Teddy. He'd be such a good uncle.
EDIT: Remus and Tonks were BOTH awful at potions. Tonks at least became competent through sheer effort - but they still both go to beg him for help when they need anything. I think Lupin/Tonks/Snape would be fun :^)
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im-josh-b · 5 months
Job Legacy Challenge Rules:
MUST USE ONLY THE SAME PLOT FOR WHOLE CHALLENGE.(Doesnt mean you cannot change house for each gen),
5.ONLY ONE CHILD PER GEN (if you have twins triplets etc, you must move them out of your lot and continue with your heir of choice, 6.MUST COMPLETE THE ASPIRATION OF EACH GENERATION. Now Time For The Generations:
Generation 1-Barista! The first gen is the barista career, Your dream is to be the best barista in the sim world Aspiration: Master Mixoligist Traits: Clumsy, Outgoing, Loyal MUST: Max Mixoligy Skill
Generation 2-Criminal (Boss Branch)! Your the child of a master barista but you dont like the goodness and kindness of your family, Unlike your barista parent your not telling people to have a nice day… no no no you are going to be turning to a life of crime an d want most sims to hate you. Aspiration: Public Enemy Traits: Evil, Kleptomaniac, Non committal MUST: Have 3 failed marriges with the fourth being the parent to next gen, Max Mischief Skill.
Generation 3-Buisness (Management)! Unlike your criminal parent you want to be more like your Grandparent and be kind to people, Your a buisness man/woman living your best life working in the office and having many friends. Aspiration: Renaissance Sim Traits: Good, Family Orrientated, Neat MUST:Max Writing Skill
Generation 4-Astronaut (Space Ranger)! In your childhood you dream of flying to space andexploring new worlds and galaxies, Your buisness parent for your birthday when turning into a teen buys you your very own rocket in the garden. Aspiration: The Curartor Traits: Genius, Loces Outdoors, perfectionist MUST: Max your fitness skill, Get married during the night with no guests and exchange vowls under the stars
Generation 5-Style Influencer (Trend Setter)! You wanna be popular in the world, Your gonna be popular but a heartbraker at the same time taking after your criminal ancestor. Aspiration: Friend of the World Traits: Cheerful, Self Assured, Romantic MUST: Break 5 Hearts and Marry The Sixth Have 3 best friends by being Young Adult
Generation 6-Painter (Patron of the Arts)! You love art and want a wall in your house dedicated to your paintings, You want a wedding in a museum. Apiration: Painter Extrodinare Traits: Cheerful, Creative, Art Lover MUST: Max Painting Skill
Generation 7-Freelancer (Artist)! Growing up with a painting obsessed parent you have naturally gained a liking for painting and want to make a buisness out of it, You only start painting when becoming a young adult where your parent finally lets you touch their paint supplies. Aspiration: Painter Extrodinare Traits: Art Lover, Creative, Childish MUST: Your child must not see the paintings you create and dont let them gain a liking for painting.
Generation 8-Writer (Author)! Since you were not allowed to get into painting you get into writing instead, You dream of being a world famous author and making books as big as harry potter. Aspiration: Best Selling Author Traits: Neat, Pefectionist, Bookworm MUST: Have made atleast 10,000 Simoliens of off books in your lifetime
Generation 9-Tech Guru (eSport Gamer)! Unlike any of your ancestors you want to be a world famous gamer and have many who want to become just like you. Your goal in life is to make a living off of playing games. Aspiration: Computer Whiz Traits: Geek, Lazy, Materalistic MUST: Max Gaming Skill
Generation Ten-"Final generation"-Baby Sitter! You love kids and want the best for them in their lives therefore you spend your weekdays spending time with your familky and sacrifice your weekends to help fellow parents have a break from kids, Aspiration: Big Happy Family Traits: Family Oriented, Good, Outgoing
!!!CONGRATS!!! YOU HAVE JUST COMPLETED THE JOB LEGACY CHALLENGE!!! If you want to continue with your save file i recommend going from generation one to generation 10 again but the next ten never knew about the previous 10 that they turn out just like!!! Thank you for completing my Legacy challenge an dhope you enjoyed playing -Josh
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remotewatch · 9 days
make that mfer BAM 💥🥣
Jack Schlossberg x reader | 1k wc
Summary: Jack doubts his speechwriting skills. You tug that nonsense right out of him.
cws: emergency handjob, food play, cum eating, he cum in he got damn soup idk what else to tell ya !! dear readers please make sure you’re registered to vote and do try to get involved with the Harris campaign in any way you can (it’s what Jack would want, after all 😁)
hats off to my darling editor @mystardustmelodyyy as always 🩵🗳️
minors dni in fact don’t even glance at it
Light-footed staff weave around your path as you track the length of the house to check on tonight’s finishing touches. Your shoes clack against the mirror-polished foyer tile in time with the cadence of your speech repetition.
A text had just come in from your assistant: everyone was having a splendid time, they were on their way to your place now, and a smidge of traffic might push the start of dinner back, ten minutes at the most. Everything was falling into place, but you couldn’t turn down a free moment to go over your words one last time.
“As you all know, my grandparents were lifelong patrons of the arts… honored to present our new exhibition at my fiancé’s library… we thank you all for your generous…” you lose your train of thought when you spot Jack pacing frantically in an alcove, hands twitching as he stifles reflexive hang loose signs. He jolts at the hand you place on his shoulder and defaults to an uncharacteristically strained smile when he sees it’s you.
“How’s the rehearsal going?”
“Well, I think I hate it.” He bites a knuckle and squints exasperatedly at the tiny font on his phone. “There’s so many jokes in here. Why?!” Jack getting cold feet was the only thing you hadn’t planned for; usually he’s the one swooping in when you’re in such a state. There’s absolutely no time for rewrites, so you need to shut this shit down before he decides to start editing anyway. You squeeze his shoulder a little bit, and his head snaps up to see your most convincing faux-worried face.
“Can you help me with one thing real quick, and then we can get it sorted?”
That breaks him out of the fog long enough for you to drag him through the dining room and into the kitchen abuzz with steam and roving caterers.
A curt “Out!” scatters them, and then it’s just you two and the gentle hum of the convection ovens. You guide Jack over to where tonight’s soup is already plated, then to his bowl placed off to the side, accompanied by a post it stuck to the counter: “JS NO SWEET POTATO”.
He’s still lost in thought as you nudge him closer and move behind him.
“I already tasted it, it’s fine,” he mumbles as you start undoing his pants. His voice trails to a sigh when you take his cock out.
“You loved that speech all last week. What’s going on now?”
“I just-“ he doesn’t comment when you start stroking him, but you can feel the muscles in his back loosen slightly, and some of the tension leaks out of his voice. “I really want this to go well for us.”
Your unoccupied hand slides up his lapel and grasps his to stop the fumbling with his tie.
“It’s already going well, and we’re going to keep it that way.” His brow is still furrowed, but that cute little fuzzy edge his voice gets when you take control is seeping in.
“Won’t they be here soon?”
“Not for at least twenty minutes.” The slippery noises your movements make as he starts to leak echo off all the stainless steel and sound almost amplified in the empty space. It’s just warm enough in the kitchen for your brain to flirt with the idea of calling the whole thing off and spending the night here. “Don’t worry. I won’t let the clock run out on you.”
You can feel his grip on his doubts loosening with every deliberate stroke, and soon he’s bucking into your hand as much as the space between you and the counter will let him.
Jack’s posture sags as he relaxes against you, the sudden movement nearly bobbing him close enough to dip his tip into the soup.
“Keep moving around like that and you’ll burn yourself.”
“Sorry.” He sounds a million miles away from the ball of nerves you found a few minutes ago.
“On your toes. You’re making a mess.” And he does, of course, so you have a proper angle to aim him down at the bowl and prevent the twin rivulets of precum from sliding down your wrist onto his trousers. His mouth falls open when the first drops break the surface tension.
“That’s all I want you to focus on. You know you’ll do well, I know you’ll do well, just do this for me, okay?”
He nods wordlessly.
“Say it for me,” you croon softly into his ear, watching the goosebumps blossom down his neck when your lips graze it.
Jack’s head slumps to the side for a better look at you, but his irises are wandering like bumblebees and working against him.
“I’m focusing.” he slurs.
“I know, I know.” Your hand speeds up to match his breathing as he white knuckles the counter. It’s hard to keep your wrist steady when you feel his ass start tightening up.
“It’s gonna make a mess,” he gasps out.
“No it won’t. Stay still for me. You’ve got this. I know you do.”
Jack’s whole body tenses up, and his protests fade into little pants at your ambiguous encouragement. He throbs in your hand one, two, three, four times as you hold him just a whisper above the steaming bowl. No splash; the rest of him is trembling with the effort, but his hips stay locked in place to neatly spill into his meal.
As soon as his heels are back on solid ground, you’re stretching up to kiss right above his eyebrow. A hand cradling his jaw eases him back to reality.
“It’s a great speech.”
“It’s a great speech.” He can't stop himself from smiling, finally relaxed enough to let it reach his eyes.
-at the table-
From the beginning you’d insisted Jack should speak after you; he was much better at settling everyone into dinner conversation following your more formal remarks. Of course, your guests are utterly captivated by him; he manages to get even your sternest donors chuckling in under five minutes. So captivated, in fact, that you’re free to ogle at him from the other end of the table without worry. You’re crossing and recrossing your legs watching his mouth move, realizing for the first time tonight how fucking hungry you are. When the soup is served, you scarcely blink watching his first mouthful. He stares back just as entranced, completely forgetting his table manners and using his thumb to swipe an errant drop into his mouth.
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marika-misc · 1 month
Mental Health & fandom
tw : mentions of Neil Gaiman and JK Rowling, mentions of suicide ideation (in the past)
Note : this is my personal musing and should not be read as facts or an universal truth.
(very long post)
I was never - ever- able to casually like fictions. When I like something it becomes a safe place of sort. A refuge if you will.
As far as I remember, I have been an avid reader and a lover of fictional worlds in books, movies, tv, podcats, etc.
For me, works of fictions have always been more than just pieces of media to consume. They are a get away when things get too much and they often feel like the only thing that can comfort me in a time of need.
I love more or less every kind of fictions. I have pet peeves, yes, and things I can't/won't read or watch, but I love them anyway because I know they bring comfort to other.
I like it so much, that it became my job (I'm a librarian) and nothing makes me happier than a patron telling how they enjoyed something. Even if I don't like it and wouldn't read it/watch it myself. I love when people like things.
So, fictions can't be a casual enjoyment for me. They are part of me and of what I am. When I like something, it consumes me and spreads through every aspects of my life. And yes, sometimes it's a little bit too much maybe ? But, so what ?
For me, being alive is a choice I make every day. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's not, most of the time it's neutral. Being alive is hard. Life is hard. And the world is a violent, messy and loud place. So, if fiction helps me to keep going and find joy in this life ? Hell yeah ! Who cares ?
Numerous works helped me through the years to stay alive and deal with changes.
When I was 8, it was books by Enid Blyton. When I was 10, it was books by Agatha Christie and Gaston Leroux When I was 13, it was Titanic and Celine Dion (ilu Celine) When I was 15, it was Gundam Wing for 6 months When I was 17, it was Prince of tennis for about a year But between 14 and 25, it was mostly Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Globet of fire was the first book I read in english. It took me 6 months, with a dictionary. It was also my first real foray into the world of fanfictions. I had read some before, but with HP, I binged like crazy. I read in french and in english. I printed pages and pages of fics in my highschool library. And I made arts. Lots of it, now lost in the ether.
I re-read the whole serie every time I had to go through changes. It was with me when I moved 500k away from where I grew up and helped me through 3 house moves.
At 25, I moved from HP to other fandoms, but it was still very dear to me and I kept going back to it from time to time. I was on the waiting list for Pottermore for example and still occasionnaly binged fanfictions.
When JKR started to be more vocal with her bullshit, I was chocked and disgusted. I felt betrayed. And it was also the first time that I felt like I was a traitor for enjoying a thing. I couldn't be a good ally if I admited to like HP, right ? So I gave away my books and stopped interracting with the work. I even started to judge people who still bought things HP related. Because HOW could you still give money to her ? But deep down I kind of understood how difficult it was to part with something that meant so much for so many of us. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to give her money and I don't plan to. But it's easy to judge other and forget that the real piece of shit is JKR, not the fan who buy a gryffindor pair of socks and/or write fanfiction after a grueling day at work. It's unfair to have this purity weight to bear all the time and judge people for how they chose to interract with a thing they like. And it certainly doesn't do much to tell people how to feel and how to be "good".
Also, being an ally is not just refraining to buy something HP related. But it's a whole other subject.
Anyway, after HP, I started to fall even harder in the fandoms I was a part of. A fair number of them being "problematic".
First thing first, liking a "problematic" media is ok imo. I know they are not perfect and I acknowledge it. I'm still allowed to like them. Nobody can dictate how I feel.
Second thing : some of these fandoms saved my life. Glee litteraly stopped me from jumping in front of a train and for at least two years, Merlin was the only thing bringing me a little bit of joy.
Nobody can take that away from me.
Recently, Doctor Who and Our Flag means death prompted me to go to therapy again and made me realize A LOT of things about myself.
And there is Good Omens. Good Omens is my current hyperfixation and really what kept me going these last few months. I fell and I fell HARD. Probably because I needed fiction to keep myself afloat and it was there for me. It's kind of funny, because I had read the novel more than 15 years ago (I came to it when reading a lot of Pratchett) and even if I liked it at the time, I still liked other Pratchett's works better. It all changed with the tv show. I wouldn't say it's better than the novel, but it's different and the changes made (and also the fact that DT is in it, lets be honest) spoke to me a great deal. So I became invested. And I began to create again. After years of art block and only drawing sporadically, I was drawing nearly every day and finding great joy in it. Good Omens kept me alive and gave me my creativity back. It was (and still is) so important to me, that I decided to get a tattoo of the first two sentences of the novel. It's a whole design with a book, a sword, a snake and apple blossoms. It goes from my right shoulder to my elbow. I got it done in april.
Three months later the allegations against Neil Gaiman came out.
It hit me hard. Harder than with JKR. And I wasn't even a fan of his. But what he did (because I chose to always believe the victims) horrified me and made me angry. So angry. Angry for the women who suffered first and foremost, but also angry for the fans who grew up with his words and now feel so betrayed and overwhelmed by what is happening. And I'm angry for myself. Very selfish of me, I know. I'm angry, because Good Omens is my safe place and I have now to fight to keep it that way. It still brings me joy, but it also brings me anxiety and seriously fuck you Gaiman. Fuck you. Fuck you for tainting a source of joy and creativity for me. Fuck you for dirtying Terry Pratchett's legacy. Fuck you for being an abuser and proving again and again that none is really safe in the world we live in. I hope you'll pay for what you did, even if I know you will probably not.
This is so not good for my mental health. Also, how do you cope when you have the words inked on your arm and are reminded everyday of the shitshow going on ?
I hope Terry Pratchett wrote them. Not you. But how would I know ?
I talked about it with my therapist because my anxiety was out of control (again) and we did some EMDR work on it. It helped me clear my head a little and reminded me that I was not in the wrong to love something and to find joy in it. I agreed to wait at least a year before deciding if I wanted the tattoo to be covered (not the snake, sword and apple blossom part ; the book part). I could do it now, I even have some designs in mind, but I'll wait to be certain and not take a rash decision because I'm hurting. I will not give him my money anymore, but I don't want him to take the joy and comfort I find in Good Omens away from me. I won't let him. I won't let anyone.
I don't want to do what I did with HP again. I don't want to negate something I love and which brings me joy. So I will rip this book and show from his dirty hands and keep them close to my heart where it's safe.
Maybe it's not being "good" or "moral". Maybe I shouldn't separate the art from the artist and preach for Death of the author. Maybe.
But I'll do it anyway.
My own moral compass is strong and I will not deny myself again.
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roach-works · 6 months
Hi!!!! I recently read When the Wolf Comes Home and I loved the premise the where the fic was heading. I know it hasn't been updated since 2017 so I was wondering if there was any intention of finishing it? I know it's possible you've moved on from that fandom and that is totally fine! If you are, would it be possible to share where you wanted to take the fic? Thank you, I absolutely loved your writing!!!
im a little stuck on that one because yeah i do sometimes noodle a little more on it and i had a pretty solid plot for the first year, after which i was going to be Very Firmly Done because so many rewrites attempt to take on the whole seven year span and founder on the complexity. but the problem is im really ambivalent and undecided on how much i want to participate in harry potter fandom at this late date, with JKR going mask-off nazi sympathizer. it's a weird situation where you can't argue for death of the author when the author is annoyingly alive and arguing that you should be dead.
im deeply reluctant to denounce people still participating in a fandom that i myself found incredibly fun and rewarding for, yknow, several decades of my life, and i don't think i'm better than them, just fortunate to be more interested in other projects.
but ambivalence towards the fandom and deep resentment towards the creator aren't really a productive headspace to actually write in, and i also don't want to finally work through my own doubts, finish another chapter, and then get my head torn off by people who are certain that i'm supporting JKR's toxic fuckwittery.
all in all it's easier and more rewarding to play with other fandoms and work on my many original projects.
where the fic was going:
as far as i remember, in When The Wolf Comes Home, draco was going to get his dad to hire lupin as his defense against the dark arts tutor and rent out the shrieking shack for the man to work out of, thus circumventing the curse on the DADA position and giving draco a werewolf mentor and independent bolt-hole.
quirrelmort was going to continue trying to figure out how to use or dispose of draco on his way to get the philosopher stone, a side-plot draco knew almost nothing about. draco would continue to try to maneuver harry into quirrel's way and snape out of his way, with indifferent success. harry and ron, lacking any voice of reason to temper their enthusiastic partnership of 'baby griffindors looking cool in front of their first real friend ever', would continue to believe that draco, the saddest wet puppy, was an evil monster and the cause of all their misfortunes. draco would continue to be the most mentally and emotionally unstable kid in the castle, taking all the heat off neville, who would end up looking fairly cool and collected by comparison. rita skeeter would feature somewhere in there, hired by narcissa to write little puff pieces on how tragic and brave draco was being about going to school with such a tragic disability.
remus lupin would end up with a full schedule tutoring DADA students about to take their NEWTs and OWLs and make a bunch of money. with lucius as his patron and PR agent, he would be accepted in hogsmeade as a dashing and heroic warlock who had been off having reams of secret agent adventures as dumbledore's key man in the muggle world. remus would not really know what to do with this but eat as much as possible and smile gamely when lucius showed him off to people.
eventually towards the end of the year quirrel would get rid of draco by orchestrating a fight between ron and draco where ron cut his fist on draco's teeth. this would count as a bite and draco would get thrown in azkaban and belatedly realize that he had completely and totally forgotten about sirius black's whole Saddest Wet Dog situation. sirius would do his best to take care of his tiny insane werepuppy cousin until the malfoys and longbottoms and weasleys combined to lever draco back out, using ron's ashamed testimony. draco would immediately turn around and reveal scabbers. the malfoys would end up looking like champions of truth and justice and the weasleys would, unfortunately, have to just stand there and smile gamely for the cameras.
while all this was happening harry would go after quirrel with hermione and neville and take him down. dumbledore would show up at the end, when voldemort was defeated and sirius was exonerated and several deep family feuds had been laid aside, to dispense twinkling paternal wisdom.
draco would kick him in the fork.
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sitp-recs · 22 days
Hello! Sorry in advance, english is not my first languange but I love your fic recs!! Do you have any fic recommendation where Harry spoils and pampers Draco??
I’m so happy you enjoy the recs, anon! All good, English is not my first language either and we should be proud of ourselves for that 💜 here are some recs for you:
in charge by @bonesliketambourines (E, 2.4k)
Draco's bossy. Turns out that extends to the bedroom, too. Harry likes it—a lot.
Mens Rea by @lqtraintracks (E, 3k)
Mens Rea: the mental element of a person's intention to commit a crime; or knowledge that one's action or lack of action would cause a crime to be committed.
Steal/Keep by @shealwaysreads, @babooshkart (E, 4.6k)
The stealing was all Hermione’s idea, though Harry still doesn’t think anyone would believe him if he told them.
dress your family in by M0stlyVoid (T, 5k)
Draco is a gracious gift recipient- anyone could tell you that. But what's a boy to do when his new boyfriend insists on only patronizing the- shudder- noveau fashion houses? Gifts will be given, patience will be tested, and nothing of real substance will occur.
Of Roses and Dragonfire by xErised (E, 53k)
Years after That Kiss, Potter (and his new pet snake) appears again, this time as Hogwarts's Quidditch and Muggle Games instructor (what are Muggle Games anyway? Is this why Potter is swimming in the Great Lake wearing such a tiny pair of pants?), disrupting Draco's peaceful life as Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. It's bad enough dealing with one exuberant Gryffindor (Charlie Weasley as Care of Magical Creatures professor) on the faculty, and what's all the gossip about Potter courting Draco?
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eddiespornstache · 2 months
Bobby opening up a little sandwich shop
He names all the specials after the important people in his life. Harry takes great pleasure in ordering ‘the May’ (a vegan grinder) “with turkey and bacon and mayonnaise added please”
Buck volunteers Tommy to do all the chalkboard lettering and art. Tommy grins and goes along with it but secretly feels really pleased to have Bobby Nash survey his work proudly and tell him he did a good job
Romero, Ransone, and Maynard find it hilarious but very sweet that all of a sudden Athena is always inviting them out for a mid-shift lunch
Bobby’s sandwiches are banned from the 118 after Ravi picked up lunch their once and unfortunately, tragically forgot that Gerrard hates tomatoes
The old-school decor reminds Eddie of a place he and Shannon used to go to back in Texas which sends him down another spiral. Bobby’s learned his lesson about offering Eddie advice, but he can at least offer him a sandwich
Mysteriously, every time Hen and Chimney patron the shop, somehow a framed photo of kid ice skater Bobby ends up on the wall
Maddie visits frequently during her second pregnancy. She doesn’t order and Bobby doesn’t need her to, he just wordlessly slides the bulk jar of pickles across the counter to her
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
Disco Elysium characters that would like Chuck Tingle
Harry (obviously. No explanation needed)
Trant (thinks that it’s some kind of high-concept satirical thing and not actually sincere. He hasn’t actually read the books he just likes the idea of studying the guy. Would be patronizing when talking about him)
Roy (Has a small collection of Chuck tingle books at the shop and started reading them on on slow day and is actually kind of fond of them now)
Cindy (recognizes true art when she sees it)
DJ Mesh and Flacio (would fucking love to have him DJ with them live on the air. Maybe switch things up one day and do a reading )
Egghead (I can so clearly hear him saying “LOVE IS REAL! BUDS AND BUCKAROOS TROT TOGETHER, AND THIS PROVES LOVE!”)
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aethon-recs · 1 year
Hi I wanted to know if you know any tomarry fanfics were Tom is the professor. I don't care if it's time travel or anything like that I just want to see some professor Tom because I can't find any.
Also your blog help me so much thank you for that!
Have a good day/night
Oohh, this is a fun one! Thanks for the ask!
I love the Professor Riddle trope. I might be biased, but I think Tom Riddle would have made for the best Defense professor that Harry could have had 😉
See below for some favorite Tomarrymort fics of this trope, arranged by alphabetical order:
Professor Riddle Fic Recs
Cam for the Money, Stayed for the Fun by @itsevanffs (E, 7k, complete)
Harry is a camboy. Professor Riddle is secretly his biggest patron.
Everything Green Is Gold by @cindle-writes (E, 24k, WIP)
Prior to Hogwarts, Harry had stayed mostly invisible to the teachers and adults around him his whole life. But Tom Riddle, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, looked at Harry like he was something to be wanted.
Fault Lines by @vestiges-of-light (M, 151k, complete)
After the world believes that Voldemort has died on that Halloween night, Tom Riddle returns to Hogwarts to claim the Defense post at last. Hogwarts will be a sanctuary, while he waits to find out more about Harry Potter and the prophecy that connects them. But when Grindelwald is broken out of prison, perhaps the magical world needs Voldemort to be publicly resurrected after all.
Fidgeting Anxiety Prevention by MistyTheGhost (E, 1k, complete)
Harry feels nothing but dread about his upcoming NEWTS. Luckily, Professor Riddle offers some assistance.
For Auld Lang Syne by @vdoshu (T, 8k, complete)
When he finds himself disarmed and held at wandpoint in the middle of a snowstorm, Tom’s first thought is that he is an embarrassment to Defence professors the world over. His second thought is something along the lines of, “Oh no, not again."
gratuity by @being-luminous (E, 2k, complete)
In the middle of class, Professor Riddle uses a spell to magically manifest his cock into Harry's arse.
hook, line, and sinker by @purplemineralwater (M, 6k, WIP)
Harry asks Professor Riddle for help in killing Voldemort. Riddle is endlessly amused.
Muggle Studies is Economics in Disguise by May_May_0_0 (M, 12k, complete)
Dumbledore acquiesces when Tom Riddle asks for the defense post. Harry stumbles into this AU version of Hogwarts hoping to teach defense. But there is only teaching one spot available: Muggle Studies. Chaos ensues as Muggle Studies becomes everyone’s favorite class. Tom Riddle is enraged, concerned, and… turned on?
Professor by Day, Vigilante by Night by @duplicitywrites (T, 73k, complete)
Harry and Tom have been together since their fifth-year, proving once and for all that Slytherins and Gryffindors can actually get along. Fifteen years later, they are both professors at Hogwarts and more in love than ever. Harry plays Quidditch with the Weasleys on the weekends, and Tom is secretly a vigilante named Voldemort.
On Holiday by @neurowriter14 (E, 2k, complete)
Harry's thirsty over his DADA professor. Professor Riddle knows.
The Orphaned King by @silenceinwinter2019 (E, 134k, complete)
In an AU where Voldemort wins, Harry starts his seventh year. Two things told Harry it would be an interesting semester: first, the Dark Lord would visit Hogwarts; second, they had a new defense professor, who made Harry’s stomach squirm and called himself Marvolo Gaunt.
What Happens in Vegas by @dividawrites (E, 14k, complete)
Turns out, the role of the Slytherin Head of House is not just ruling over pre-teen idiots and deducting points from Gryffindors. Now Tom has to accompany the seventh-year students on their school trip to Las Vegas. It goes even worse than he could have imagined.
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the-colourful-witch · 1 month
Hi there I was wondering, when you started doing the Harry Potter character design series that you do in your blog, which characters did you start with and how did you decide what characters to do next and how the art project would develop?
Hiya! What a fun question, I'm glad you asked :)
Start of the Project
It started about a year ago. I was pretty art-blocked after graduating from art school. I was by myself during the summer holiday (or rather, the start of a black void that is creating your own art career, holidays are for students...). I was tired and enjoying some much-needed time off when I doodled this little punk girly on my iPad... She had pink hair and funky outfits and I thought: this is Tonks! So I posted the sketch on Tumblr. I don't even know why. I never posted sketches before, it was just an impulse.
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The funny thing is, I posted (HP) stuff on Tumblr before but never really did anything with it. I had done a few Marauders portraits the winter before but that didn't prompt me to do more. It wasn't until I posted Tonks and I got some enthusiastic reactions that I thought to create more. It sparked enthusiasm in me; I wanted to explore more of these outfit sketches for HP characters. This is fun! So I did Hermione next, then Harry, then Ron. And on and on. Soon, I was taking requests and thought; 'People seem to really enjoy this! Who'd have thought my doodles turned into this?!'
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After about two months, I decided to illustrate every HP character in the books (minus a few extremely obscure ones.. maybe when I get the motivation..). It will probably take a while, but after one year I've done... (takes a moment to count) 45 of them! There are so many more, so it will take a few years to get through them all, I think. Not to mention, all the other illustrations I do, too. The Triwizard portraits were fun! As well as the Weasley family portrait, the Gryffindor Quidditch team... I have a lot more stuff planned :) So, long story short: I'm going to continue for a long long time because there are too many characters to get through and I can't wait to share them all with you! How do I choose which characters to do next? That depends. Sometimes I take a request because I can't choose myself. And other times, I'm planning a few characters in a row. Like, I started with the Gryffindors in Harry's year. Dean, Seamus, Lavender and Parvati... Then a series of Slytherins, a series of Marauders. A series of Teachers, Triwizard Champions, etc. I recently did a series of every Weasley family member and finished that off with a portrait. The same with the Gryffindor Quidditch team; first all the individual characters and then a group illustration. I like doing it like that, it feels organised :)
Future Plans
As for future plans... I'm so thrilled about my plans. I feel like a child on their birthday :) I started the Owl Post Club last month, through Patreon, where I send my patrons a postcard with a Wizarding World illustration every month. I just sent off the first card and the feeling was unbelievable. I received messages that the cards arrived and they were so happy and I'm just beyond excited. I'm hoping to expand my Patreon with more fun projects like this soon. I would like for people to be able to have physical artwork and I'm working on making that possible. The Owl Post Club is just the beginning. Link to the Owl Post Club:
I hope this answered your question(s) :) I'm happy to answer more if you have any.
Magical wishes, Fleur
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lizzisimss · 11 months
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Purple Apartment - Follower Request CC List
CC used (list below) 920 Medina Studios in San Myshuno 2 bed, 1 bath $108,109
Aira – https://www.patreon.com/airacc
Pear teapot
Books with a pen
Cloud pouffe
Wooden ballerina music box
Woodenland bear organizer v2
Woodenland bear organizer
Woodland shelf
Beans Builds – https://www.patreon.com/beansbuilds
Artsy paintings
Beach suntan lotion
charly pancakes - https://www.patreon.com/charlypancakes
The Lighthouse Collection merged
Miscellanea Merged
Modish Merged
Selection One Merged
Smol merged
Soak merged
Faded-springs – https://www.patreon.com/fadedsprings
Country living pattern add on pack pt 1
William morris-ish prints
Felixandre – https://www.patreon.com/felixandre
Fayun part 2
Gothic revival interior
house of harlix - https://www.houseofharlix.com
Orjanic pt 2
Baysic Bafroom Merged
Baysic Merged
Livin’Rum Merged
The Kichen
Tiny Twavellers Merged
harrie - https://www.patreon.com/heyharrie
Brownstone Collection part 1 & 2 merged
Brutalist Bathroom
Country Collection part 1 & 2
Joyceisfox – https://www.patreon.com/Joyceisfox
Simple Live
Summer Garden
Kasakokos – https://kasakokos.tumblr.com/tagged/ts4%20download
Floral wallpaper w trim 2
Kiwisim - https://www.patreon.com/Kiwisim4
KKB – https://www.patreon.com/user?u=15789815
Fragrant space
Citrus Room
JOMO Laundry
My Heimish Hall
Retro Korea
The chilling home
Lavilikesims – https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/lavilikesims/member/index/category/sims4/
Rustic Floral Floor
leaf motif - https://leaf-motif.tumblr.com
2202 Magnolia Bathroom
Aubrey Office
Basil Chair
Botanic Boudoir
Calliope Bathroom
Ivy Hallway
Old Hat
Starlight Crystals
Sunbeam Study
Vintage Crockery
Winter Village
Patron gift 1, 2 and 5
Lilis-palace – https://www.patreon.com/lilis_palace
Folklore set off the grid
Littlecakes – https://litttlecakes.tumblr.com/downloadspage
Twinkly lights LC
littledica - https://www.patreon.com/littledica
Rise & Grind Café merged
Sleek slumber stuff pack merged
Lumen-Niveus –
Millennia Merged
Lustrousims – https://www.patreon.com/lustrousims
Backend Shelf
MadameRia – https://www.patreon.com/MadameRia
Basic luxe kitchen main
Bow calendar
National park calendar
Madlen – https://www.patreon.com/madlen
Kei Plushie
max 20 - https://www.patreon.com/Max20
Child dream kit
Master bedroom
Mini pack (home atmosphere)
Mechtasims - https://www.patreon.com/mechtasims
Back to School Calendar
Cyber Girl
Essential Clutter
Mlys – https://mlyssimblr.tumblr.com/cc-catalog
Computer eMook v2.1
MycupofCC - https://www.patreon.com/mycupofcc
August 2021
November 2021
Tiny dreamers merged
myshunosun - https://www.patreon.com/myshunosun
Nora living
The art room
Daria bedroom
Dawn living
Bake it up
Herbalist kitchen
Lullaby nursery
Sol kitchen
Vanity nook
NolanSims - https://nolan-sims.com/downloads
Strawberry planters
peacemaker - https://peacemaker-ic.tumblr.com/TS4O...
Creta kitchen
Elsie bedroom
Hinterlands bedroom
Hudson bathroom
Kingston dining
Kitayama living
Mid century eclectic
Phump sectional
Vara office
pierisim - https://www.patreon.com/pierisim
Precious promises
Calderone bedroom
MCM part 1, part 3, part 5 merged
Oakhouse part 1, 2, 3, 4 merged
Auntie vera bathroom merged
Coldbrew coffeeshop
David apartment part 1, part 3 merged
Domaine du clos part 2, part 3, part 4 merged
Teeny weeny merged
Winter garden part 1
RVSN – https://ravasheen.com/downloads/
Smarts Content School Posters
S-imagination – https://www.patreon.com/simagination
Nota living room merged
Simkoos – https://www.patreon.com/simkoos
Clutter dumo pt2
Morning routine glossier collection
simplisticsims - http://simplisticsims4.com
Painting indigo 2021
sixamcc - https://imfromsixam.tumblr.com/
Oak&Concrete Kit merged
Home Basics
Teen Room
SurelySims – https://www.patreon.com/surelysims
Office Space
Joliebean High Society
SYB – https://www.patreon.com/Syboubou
TaurusDesign – https://www.patreon.com/taurusdesign
Cassandra Bathroom
Eliza Walk In Closet
Elsa kids room
Jade build merged
Nina living room merged
Clutter Cat - https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/thec...
Busy bee 2
Busy bee
Dandy Diary part i
Dandy Diary part ii
TUDS -https://www.patreon.com/TudTuds
Beam kitchen completed set merged
Cross merged
Wave merged
Awingedllama – https://www.patreon.com/awingedllama
Paranormal plants all
Blooming rooms plants merged
Tray files are available on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lizzisimss
Please consider supporting if you wish :)
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oflights · 10 months
next career fair someone has to prompt/write/draw artist harry and art patron draco. like OTT medici-style with sex and jewels and a lush malfoy family summer palace setting. thank you
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