#art imitating life
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thegodemperorsmycopilot · 6 months ago
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icallhimjoey · 9 months ago
If I had a nickel for every time a cast member of Joe has worn his character's clothes in one or several scenes.... I would have three nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened three times
oh my god you're right
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flammabel · 1 year ago
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I loved the left image Cameron posted on his Instagram. It reminded me so much of Jedi Survivor's photo mode that I just *had* to try and recreate it using in game mechanics only.
I did a lot of hunting to try and find places to get the red lighting close. Had some friends pick the ones I did they thought were closest.
So happy with how it came out... Cal style.
Here's Cam 🪞 Cal
Left photo credit : Cameron Monaghan's instagram
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thatsmybook · 6 months ago
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Chappel Roan, Simon Eriksson would love you speaking up for him like this.
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thecoffeelorian · 3 months ago
Writing Test Run...
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//...I would like, if possible, to get a slight peek into others' interests and preferences when writing a short story about vampires/Midwestern Gothic/minor pandemic horror, so.
Here is one rough draft of my short story's introduction, of which I hope you will rate in the poll below for my research purposes.
Thank you.//
Okay, first things first—I’m not gonna bite anybody as soon as I meet them. Not only is that the calling card of the Old Carpathians, but I also don’t share their ideology thanks to my beliefs being a lot more complex than mere “vamp supremacy”. So, if you can remember to keep from putting my name into any sentences with those nutjobs as the subject, I’d really appreciate it. Especially in the days to come. Second, by now, you’ve probably heard all of the stories about recent events, both the ones containing cold hard facts and the ones more along the lines of anti-social media rants. As I don’t exactly host my own conspiracy-theory laden podcast or support a single person who does, I’m not gonna give a shred of legitimacy to the stories that sound a lot more like tabloid fodder, let alone a lot less than actual news bulletins. Those are total bunk no matter what those Mortals insist upon, so I won’t think about them one moment longer. What I will do, however, is recall as many facts as I can so that others don’t have a problem figuring out what’s true and what’s false... so here goes. Yes, there was a virus that affected the clotting factor of the average person’s bloodstream, because not only is that same virus still ongoing as I write this, but I was also one of those previously infected. I can also say that yes, a high percentage of the global population—namely, an estimated 66.7% of all humans from 0-99 years of age—passed away from it before any significant research about treatments or cures could begin. We will mourn their loss, but not without celebrating their lives. For the ones still alive, however, I have this to say—no, not only are the Vampires among us NOT spreading this virus by feeding on the human race, but as of this day forward, any and all members of the First Communal Hall are hereby off limits to any dumbass looking to make a name for himself by trying to hunt them down. I say this because we’re currently working on vaccine development in a few secured locations in order to stop this thing in its tracks, so if you don’t want a front-row seat to the collapse of society, please remain calm, keep your weapons in storage, and kindly allow us to do our jobs. If you’re going to keep on being foolish, on the other hand, and have already decided to stir up a little trouble for whatever reason you've cooked up in your brain—let me say this. I’ve just learned how to defend myself, as well as my immediate social circle. I’ve also just learned how another person can be found dead in an alley with what will easily be written off as “normal animal bites” as their official cause of death. And if it ever comes down to having to act as a piece of toothy life insurance against anybody who comes after me and mine, please be warned in advance: You try to sink any of your teeth into me, be they long or short, I will not hesitate to do the same to you. After all, once a certain handful Vampires decided to band together and use a little of their own blood as an experimental treatment against this virus...something really interesting happened to me. I became one.
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tilbageidanmark · 2 months ago
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parasafterdark · 3 months ago
Me, looking at Unused Words: Wow, they could fix so many terrible hurtful things if they just communicated clearly!
Also me, entirely unable to communicate honestly with people close to me: This is fine! The damage is just part of life :)
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camelcasebestcase · 2 years ago
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Ok, so other fans have pointed out way before me that Mon Mothma really has that generic ‘powerful female politician’ haircut going on that makes it so IRL politicians often look like they all have the same hairdresser. But what I have not seen people talk about is this remarkable resemblance:
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For those not clued in to German politics: The person on the bottom is Alice Weidel. I highly doubt ANYONE working on Andor had her in mind while working on Dedra’s look because honestly how many people outside Germany even know about her but I’m losing my fucking mind it’s so fucking funny.
I see Dedra, I think ‘space Alice Weidel’. Like Dedra in the show is a woman who experiences sexism but is more importantly a fascist, Weidel is a woman and a lesbian and experiences both sexism and homophobia but who is more importantly a fascist the parallels are there in more than just appearance!
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rafiknytvphotoandfilm · 2 years ago
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They Live. One of the dopest films ever made.
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taylorrepdetective · 2 years ago
Titan of playing the 5th billed boring guy in movies where he’ll be outshone by his actress costars every time.
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thecoffeelorian · 3 months ago
decisions, decisions...
//I want to start tossing in some Midwestern Gothic elements such as abandoned farms and spooky owl gangs, but I'm afraid it might take too much away from my original, bare bones draft...what to do??
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jurijurijurious · 4 months ago
What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.
--Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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nightbug08 · 1 year ago
This sort of thing is why I enjoy Tumblr so much
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u can lift it bunny
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eightspringdays · 4 months ago
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Never forget the fact that, because he was roleplaying as his nonexistent lil sister, his twitter account got banned for a while and had to scream publicity he was, in fact, Tatsuki Fujimoto roleplaying as his nonexistent lil sister.
And no one believed him at first.
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thund3randrain · 2 months ago
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I could not have posted this at a funnier time
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ihavedeclaredwaronthemoonxx · 11 months ago
people are talking about the fact that kristen still has tracker’s name tattooed on her neck but i’ve never seen anyone mention that fact that ally also has the name of their ex girlfriend tattooed on their neck
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